#like I feel bad for him but also like yikes ya know
doverstar · 21 days
THERE WAS NO OTHER ENDING FOR ROSE and ya know what, I like to think the doctor thinks so too
I think he does too! I’m gonna talk about it, are you ready for me to talk about it? Are you ready for an essay-
I think the Doctor would agree that the ending Rose got—the one with Tentoo on Pete’s World—was the best possible fate for her. I’ll explain why, because I feel like it. First I’ll break down Rose’s most popular alternative-endings. Let’s start with Rose-stays-with-him-until-she-dies. That’s the one Rose decided on long before Canary Wharf. She planned on staying with the Time Lord until she physically couldn’t anymore. Forever.
First of all, that would be painful for the Doctor. He already said it. Watching Rose get shot, drowned, stabbed, sucked into a black hole, sacrificed for a remote planet’s civilization, poisoned, pulled into a void, atomized, eaten, possessed, run over, diseased, or ripped apart would be traumatic and terrible for the Doctor.
Watching Rose grow old and tired and then die would also be incredibly painful. He might try to prolong her life in alien ways, even in medical ways, but then she’s subjected to an unnatural, un-human existence until death claims her. Making a naturally-decaying body stick around and eke out another year, another hour, another century while he watches, exactly the same as ever. Yikes. Not fun for either of them. No thank you. He was against that ending with good reason.
Now, this ending where Rose stays with him until she dies? It is no less an emotional commitment to make than the one every married couple on Earth, every affectionate relationship on Earth, makes. Friends, family, spouses. You will lose them. You have to decide to love them knowing that.
The Doctor does love Rose, but he can’t tell her or admit it aloud because to do that would be facing a reality he’s not willing to face: he loves something he will inevitably lose. The old coward will not do it.
I believe that if Rose wanted to stay with him until she died, knowing she has a shorter lifespan but committing to holding his hand until she could not hold it anymore because he needs that and she can give it to him, and she knows he loves her back—100% yes girl, go for it. That is good and right and fine and she should be allowed to make that commitment. That’s love. That’s literal marriage vows. That’s unconditional, unwavering, and Rose is the first companion in 60 years of TARDIS passengers to love him like that. And he knows it. And it’s scary. But. Even in marriage, that is a commitment that has to be agreed upon by both parties. And the Doctor did not agree. The Doctor, selfish old man, is too afraid. He doesn’t want to watch Rose die, and he tried to explain that to her without confessing anything, and she heard him and tried to explain to him that she decided he would always have her if she had anything to say about it, not for her sake, but for his. (“Who’s gonna hold his hand now?” “I made my choice a long time ago and I’m never gonna leave you.” “Forever.”)
Now. That’s the first option for an alternate ending for Rose. She stays with him as a mortal and he has to watch her die, and they either dance around expressing their love in an unspoken, inexplicit way until he loses her and it’s agony, or they jump in with both feet and enjoy the time they have left, however many days Rose has before death, with the knowledge and understanding that he will outlive her, which is agony but with kissing. Still not 100% happy because one of them is, well, in agony. With a significantly long life stretched out ahead of him to spend as a widower. And it would fundamentally change the nature of a 60-year-old television show, but that’s another Ask for another time. Next is the Immortal!Rose AU, or the Bad Wolf AU. Personally, I don’t care for this AU (though I get the appeal and I do sometimes wish it could be that way). I used to think it was a good idea, and sometimes it's still sweet and I can see it, but the older I got, the more I disagreed with it. Because really, it doesn’t work. The AU’s idea—or its most popular explanation—is that Rose, by absorbing the Time Vortex and looking into the heart of the TARDIS in The Parting of the Ways, retained one slice of her godlike powers: she became immortal. Even after the Doctor kissed her and took the Vortex away to save her. The most-used version of this is that neither Rose nor the Doctor are aware that Rose was left with immortality until Tentoo ages and she doesn’t, or her family ages and she doesn’t.
The reason why I don’t think the Doctor would ultimately want this ending for Rose? The Doctor himself would not recommend immortality. He knows it’s ultimately a devastating existence. He himself has a ridiculously-long lifespan. Time Lords are supposed to only have a certain number of regenerations, but each regeneration, if left to age naturally, lives a long freaking time. (With the new Timeless Child nonsense, who knows, apparently the Doctor exclusively is immortal? I pretend I do not see it.) And then if they should die of old age, they regenerate and another chapter of life begins. So the Doctor knows what it’s like to essentially be immortal. And he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like watching his friends die around him. He doesn’t like knowing he will outlive the people and places he cares about. He hates it. “Immortality is everybody else dying.” “In the end you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing everyone that matters to you, tired of watching everything turn to dust.” That last line, the Lazarus speech, sounds familiar because it’s something similar, interestingly, to what Rose said when she was the Bad Wolf. “Everything comes to dust.” Immortality is not a blessing. Immortality is absolutely a curse, and the show treats it like a curse. It’s not just never dying. Immortality is being alone and being unnatural. It’s bad. It’s not a good thing. If you were a 100% perfect person with a 100% perfect memory, it might be doable, but it’s not an easy existence. It sounds awful actually. We saw it with Ashildr (terrible idea). She’s miserable. She never really stops being miserable. Think about this: the Doctor is (kind of) immortal. He never stays in one place for too long, and he is careful to bring along far more mortal traveling companions wherever he goes. The Doctor once told Amy that he brought her with him because he can’t “see it” anymore (meaning the universe and its value), but he brings Amy and others with him because they can see it. “And when you see it, I see it.” What is everyone always telling him? Don’t travel alone. Not because he’s lonely—even though he totally is. It’s because when he is alone, the Doctor becomes a hazard, not a help. He starts to feel like he can do whatever he wants. I mean, think about it. He starts to feel like his judgement is infallible, because he’s basically a god, isn’t he? But no one should have that much power. It takes a lot to kill him, he’s a genius, and he has a time-and-space machine. What can’t he do? After a long, long, long time of living and being alone, essentially in an echo chamber with himself, the Doctor would lose empathy and compassion and humility just like anyone else. Because he’s not perfect. But he brings friends along to remind him he can stop now. To remind him we don’t walk away. To remind him that the universe has life in it that is worth saving, and that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that he is not God, and that there is no such thing as little people. 900 years of time and space and he’s never met anybody who wasn’t important before. He needs his friends to hold him to the mark.
So—the Doctor knows that being immortal basically means that in the end you’ll see everything come to dust. If you’re not careful, you won’t be you anymore. And nothing and no one else will be themselves to you, either. You will lose the people/places you care about, and you will be alone, and you will stop caring. And then not only will you be wretched, you’ll be dangerous. Someone who doesn’t care is dangerous. It’s Ted Bundy. It’s evil. But it’s okay, I hear you saying. If they had each other, he would always have someone to hold him to the mark! Well - yes and then no - Think about Rose. Rose Tyler is a young human woman with so much empathy and sympathy. She is “so human”, in the Doctor’s own words. She is imperfect, and selfish, and petty, and easily angry and easily jealous. She is also impossibly compassionate, even towards the most ruthless murderous species. She’s kind and generous and brave and has a strong sense of justice. She’s often very selfless and very loving. Especially toward the Doctor. She values doing the right thing. A lot of those traits are found in the Doctor’s other friends (he chooses them with great care). But Rose is different. The Doctor is in love with Rose. And Rose is a lot of ‘firsts’ for Doctor Who. She’s the first companion to inspire change in a Dalek. She’s the first companion to tell him she’s in love with him. (Jo loved him, Sarah Jane loved him, Grace loved him, yes I know there were others.) She’s the first companion to be a real, proper onscreen equal to the Doctor, and not in a She’s Basically the Doctor But A Girl way, like Clara Oswald tried to be. She is not his assistant, his carer, his associate, his sidekick, his adoptive daughter, adoptive little sister, biological granddaughter, or his partner. Not to be Emily Bronte, but these two characters have the same heart. Like recognized like and fell in love. Perfect complementation. That is also another Ask for another time –
RTD said that Rose “humans [the Doctor] and he Time Lords her”. He brings out the courage and confidence in her that makes her so exceptional as a human, things that turn her into a hero, things she already had in her that the Doctor pulled forward. In turn, she brings out the compassion and humility in him that makes him a hero instead of a villain, things he always had in him that she pulled forward, adding humanity which would otherwise be easy for him to cast off.
But she can’t human him if she isn’t human anymore.
The things that make Rose an exceptional mortal would no longer be exceptional if she were immortal. The good traits would be a duty to retain, and the bad traits would be a poison to keep at bay. Because Rose is on a different level when it comes to her relationship with the Doctor, she could, for a time, help hold him to the mark. They would be exactly as we saw them in the show—passing by, helping out, saving the day, loving one another, making one another better. And then after eons go by, they would be each other’s echo chamber. Rose is the Doctor’s equal? Given eternity to stagnate in, what was once a strength would quickly become a weakness. Rose is not perfect and the Doctor is not perfect. Rose would not always be able to “see it” anymore either, even with the Doctor there. Same goes for him. They might be together forever, but Rose would be watching her mother, father, brother, friends, and family all age and die. She would hate that. But it would be okay because she has the Doctor, right? I agree with that. They have one another. So they’re never alone. That’s good. But Rose would not be a Time Lord. She’d be an immortal human. Ashildr 2.0, finite memory in an infinite body. She’d become detached, unable to appreciate the universe, and she’d stop investing in mortal relationships because they all end eventually. All she’d have would be the Doctor—and that’s wonderful, but after a while it would stop being a special thing that they have one another. Don’t look at me like that; it would. Okay, no – no - even if the Bad Wolf powers allowed Rose to have an infinite memory to go with her infinite body, fine, let’s say they did, she and the Doctor would still end up with “a backyard” as Eleven called it.
And eventually they would both think that the two of them, together, have the best judgement in the universe and should be treated as gods, and they will stop caring (except about each other, which doesn’t sound good for all the little people who are not part of that relationship, can you say unhealthy?). Or else they will become enemies, the way the Master and the Doctor became enemies. Or they won’t be able to travel with one another indefinitely, the way Ashildr, the Rani, River, Clara, and Romana can’t travel with the Doctor indefinitely. Because it would become toxic for everyone. And they would be back to being miserable, wouldn’t they?
(And – again -  let me finish beating this tiny horse here: if you think Rose Tyler would heal fairly quickly - say, ten centuries in - and warm up to the reality that she has outlived other humans because she is really no longer human, we aren’t thinking of the same Rose Tyler.)
The Doctor would not wish the curse of the Time Lords on anybody, especially not the woman he loves. He would not agree that immortality is the happiest ending for Rose, or even for himself and Rose. There’s a very real chance that immortality would ruin Rose. He wouldn’t do that to her. He loves her.
And here we go, here’s my freaking point - The Doctor loves Rose. So he would give her what she wants, even if it means sacrificing what he wants. Putting her needs before his own. That’s love. She knows that; she was trying to do that for him the whole time!
But what does Rose want? Adventure in the great wide somewhere? No. Rose wants love. Rose wants the assurance of real, true love. Rose wants to love and be loved. And when she finds that, she is darn good at it, and she will do her best to keep it. AND THAT IS ANOTHER ASK FOR ANOTHER TIME, HOOOO BOY DON’T POKE ME- The Doctor cannot give Rose what she wants using himself, or even the thing that will make him happy too, for a time—because to outlive her would be absolutely terrible, and they both know it, and because he will not put her through the curse of immortality. (She doesn’t want to live forever anyway.)
But he can give her what she wants in the form of Tentoo. Are you kidding me? A 100% exact copy of the Doctor? The same face, same mannerisms, same hair? All the memories of loving her and longing for her in his head? And he only has one heart? He’ll grow old at the same time as Rose does? Plus, hi, he actually was born in mini wartime and needs the very influence Rose provided for his ninth self? Come on. What else was he going to do? Of course the Doctor and Tentoo gave her this chance. When Rose asks him “What was the last thing you said to me?” The Doctor could have said “I love you”. He was going to say it. It is canon that he was going to say that he loved her if the connection hadn’t been severed the first time. And for him to say it then, they both knew, would have been all Rose needed to hear. She would have gone with him and Donna and died. Or gone with him and Donna and become immortal somehow, hey I hear there are these random Mire repair kits kicking around out there in the universe, they make people immortal, funny we never saw them before now, I hate you Moffat- But he didn’t say it. He said “I said ‘Rose Tyler’.” And she gives him one more chance to say it. “How was that sentence gonna end?” “Does it need saying?” Well, no, it doesn’t. We’re not asking you to confirm it. She’s not asking you to confirm it. It never needed saying. You both knew it was love. We knew it was love. A hundred times over, it was love on display.
But she is asking him to make a choice—and he chooses to let her go because he loves her.
It’s not a question of love. They give each other a chance, both of them. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Rose had no choice. She asked both of those Doctors to tell her they loved her, and she chose the one that said it out loud, after learning her options. She learned one of them would grow old and was offering to spend forever with her if she wanted. She learned that one of them was genuinely choosing not to say he loved her on purpose.  She made an informed decision. (Yes, she ran after the TARDIS when it left. Wouldn’t you?) The Doctor would agree that Tentoo is the best ending for Rose. Tentoo would agree (because he is the Doctor, and bonus, he gets to have Rose Tyler). Because this, this ending where she gets Tentoo, which is our fancy term for differentiating between two versions of exactly the same man, don’t go there with me-
This ending where she gets Tentoo is genuinely what she always wanted. She didn’t want to live forever. She didn’t want a boring life, but she didn’t desperately want adventure over all else. She wanted love. That’s an adventure anyway. Love. And she loved the Doctor. And she got to have the Doctor, and not lose him, or watch him lose her. And the Doctor, our full Time Lord Doctor, had the assurance of knowing that he did the best he could do for the woman he loved.
(Plus, because yes please, in an official deleted scene which has been confirmed to be intended as canon, Tentoo and Rose have a chunk of TARDIS coral and are growing their own, so they get to see the universe too, so you can’t even complain that all is not as it should be in that sense.) It is sad, because the full Time Lord has to carry on without her (that’s how the story always goes for him, and it should be because without loving and losing, an immortal alien will not have the periodic wake-up call he needs to remember that there is value in people and in relationships and in caring), and it’s sad because Rose won’t see him again, and it’s sad because we won’t really see Rose again. But for her, it is the best ending. It is the kindest, fairest ending. And I think the Doctor would agree.
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Super new here so I hope this is ok to ask, but I was wondering how you think Hades would act at get togethers in either a hades/persephone relationship or a hades/anon relationship like with his brothers + other dieties. Stumbled on your page with your earlier hades/reader textposts and became OBSESSED so yeah :)
Hi!!! Omg you’re totally fine!!!
I’m so sorry this took me forever to answer lol! 😅
I can totally do headcanons for Hades x reader / s/o and Hades x Persephone lol! Honestly, pretty much all of the x reader headcanons will apply to the Hades x Persephone headcanons, so I’ll try not to double up on headcanons lol.
But I’m assuming you mean headcanons for how Hades reacts at parties with his brothers and other gods when he’s with his s/o? Hope I’m not misinterpreting that lmao. I’ve honestly never gotten a request before lol! This is my first one so thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you like my x reader headcanons!!! 🥰
Anyways, here ya go! Headcanons are under the cut (just so the post doesn’t get too long lol)! 😁
Hades x Reader at Deity Parties (Headcanons)
Hades loves parties! Too bad he doesn’t get invited to many these days.
He loves parties even more when he’s with you!
He will fight for you to get into the party if you’re a mortal or demigod.
If they refuse you then he just leaves with you to do something else.
“Forget about it, babe. Those losers don’t know how to party anyways. It’s probably a total snooze fest in there. Let’s just crash some Grecian festival, huh? Most the mortals down there know how to party better than the gods do up here.”
But if you guys do get in then he spends most of the time chatting and schmoozing with the other gods (or at least trying to anyways, they don’t really wanna talk to him). He may even try to scheme his way into getting something he wants from another god while he’s there.
If he’s not chatting with the other gods then he’s usually chatting with you.
Hades is a total gossip so he’s gonna dish the juicy deets and all the tea to you.
“Did you hear about Iris’ run in with some satyrs a couple months ago? Yeah, I heard she tried to crash their bacchanal or something and a big fight broke out. Crazy stuff.”
He also just loves to watch the other gods at the party with you and comment on what’s going on.
“Look, I think Apollo’s gonna make a move on one of the muses….oof! Shot down like Achilles in the Trojan war. Yikes.”
If you’re more of the shy type then Hades doesn’t mind you sticking around him the whole time and he won’t try to force you to talk to anyone. He’ll pretty much do all the talking for you lol.
If you do decide to chat with someone (whether you’re shy or not) while he’s around, he refuses to let anyone interrupt you when you’re talking.
He’s also gonna be listening and taking in every word you say when you talk because this god is just so enamored by you. He could listen to you talk for hours.
Hates when his brothers talk to you. It’s nothing against you. He just hates his brothers lol.
It drives Hades crazy when his brothers tell embarrassing stories about him to you. He thinks they do that deliberately to make you leave him and/or think poorly of him.
Absolutely 100% gets jealous if he thinks someone is trying to flirt with you, even if the other person is in a relationship already. Cue Hades getting all handsy with you and making snarky and passive aggressive comments towards the other deity “flirting” with you.
Also, whether Hades is jealous or not, he loves PDA and will love on you and kiss you during the whole party (as long as you’re okay with that, of course).
If you ever get uncomfortable at a party for any reason he’ll find any way for you to make you feel more at ease.
If you end up wanting to leave a party early, then he’s cool with that.
But Hades will stay as long as you want at the parties. Even if you’re nearly the last two left, he’ll stay until you’re ready to go.
Hades x Persephone at Deity Parties (Headcanons)
The only reason Hades is invited to parties nowadays is mainly because of Persephone.
The other gods can’t stand Hades, but they love Persephone and don’t want her to feel left out. They also know how much the two love each other and how inseparable they are, so they’re pretty much a dual package.
The other gods are pretty much forced to “play nice” with Hades since Persephone’s there lol.
Hades also has to “play nice” with his brothers and the gods he doesn’t like (which is most of them) for the sake of Persephone.
Hades isn’t usually much of a problem at the parties than he used to be since Persephone is there to sorta rein him in so he doesn’t cause trouble or mischief.
Persephone usually tries to talk to the deities she’s used to talking to (like her mother, Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, etc.).
She also tries to stick with Hades the whole time at parties just because she feels awkward when she ends up standing alone.
If Persephone ever gets stuck talking to someone she doesn’t want to talk to or just in an awkward situation, Hades (being the smooth talker he is) will always swoop in to “save the day” whether that’s redirecting the conversation or just pulling her away from whoever she’s talking to.
Hades LOVES to brag about his wife and the fact that he’s married to Persephone to EVERYONE lol. Like, it was kinda cute when they first got married, but now everyone’s just like “Yeah, we get it, Hades. You’re crazy in love with your wife. We can see that.”
They’ll both constantly try to avoid their relatives because their family drives them crazy (unless Hades’ mom is at the party lol, she’s the only family member he can stand).
Hades is constantly kissing and loving on his wife during parties. She gets all flustered about it, but she loves it.
Takes any chance he can get to call Persephone his wife because he’s so freaking proud and lucky to have her. Like, he just wants to show her off to everyone.
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torturedblue · 10 months
All my thoughts and theories of this adorable clip:
Guys the soundtrack in the background sounds so good and epic, and I’m so loving the use of hip hop and rap in every trailer. You forget how effective black music is for action movies too considering how little it’s used comparatively. And it’s another thing about this movie that gives off Spider-verse vibes 👏🏽
Oml guys MM Leo is just like 2012 he’s such a dork and he gets all pouty all the time and the way Raph trolls him about it is just like the 2012 duo 🥹
I’m sorry the way Leo smiles so much while reciting that horrible speech??? 😂 like it doesn’t matter what Splinter tells them it is gold that he will gobble up even if it is objectively prejudice
Speaking of which, “I know that’s objectively prejudice but it’s what Dad taught us” line is so relatable to most kids today like yikes what a motto of the 21st century
But it really makes me wonder what Splinter’s backstory is going to be in this iteration considering no other version has hated or had a gripe with the human race as far as I’ve seen. I assumed he was going to be formerly human too, although this clip makes it seem that might not be the case, but if he still is I think that makes his speech to the kids much more interesting and honestly hilarious because if any of us were in his position would we tell them much differently? I mean come on that “they lust to murder that which is different from them” is so spot on. And honestly we already teach kids everything else he said too when it comes to strangers 😂 humans are bad, don’t say hi, humans are everything wrong with this planet, do not interact or you will die 👍🏽
“We wouldn’t have K-Pop without humans!” Wtf he’s so pure ugh
“I’d love to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady” OMG GUYS HE’S JUST SO PROPER AND DORKY AGH
“Drake! That guy is the GOAT of all time.” I’m sorry did I hear that right 😂 sweet simple Raph ya gotta know what the terms mean if you’re gonna use modern slang
“Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang” ooooh continuing with the Mikey is the cook character trope maybe?
I really think this whole bit here is an interesting way of setting up the mutants vs human premise of the movie with the turtles in the middle of it all. Especially the way Leo recites that anti-human speech so whole-heartedly but also still acknowledges that they all disagree with Splinter about how cool humans are. Especially since they likely keep their own beliefs about it from their Dad, which again, so relatable to kids of old-fashioned parents today
“oOh i’M tHe lEaDeR. You sound like you have bronchitis!” They way they mock and roast him is just too much and too accurate 😂 also I just love their overlapping conversational moments
Other thoughts:
Also I gotta say in these released clips Leo is pouting or anxious half of the time while his bros are always having fun and I just gotta see how much that’s amplified in the entirety of the movie… Like it makes it seems like he must feel some kind of rift between him and his brothers sometimes and I want to see if that’s true
These kids are truly on their own… They at least start off keeping their fondness of humans from Splinter, they still can’t interact with humans either way, they find a group of mutants like them and seem to hit it off at first but then it just turns a whole fiasco where they have to defend humans from them, and at some later point we know when they do interact with/are exposed to humans it does not go well. I’m so excited to see how they tackle that post-climactic depressive section of the movie where the boys are really feeling the weight of all of it. Like, not too many clips have been released and there’s already so much isolation on their end. I’m glad April will at least be one positive outlet for them
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imsparky2002 · 1 month
Barbie in the Nutcracker: First Thoughts
The following is my thoughts while watching this for the first time.
Credits look awful. Still, it’s 2001 and this is the first installment so I’ll give it a pass.
Only know the basic Nutcracker song and theme but nice that it uses an orchestra
Barbie herself doesn’t look too bad but her little sis… yikes.
Kinda weird to see these dolls moving like mocap performers.
Heh! Barbie’s voice actor has the same name as her little sister.
Kelly very clearly sounds like an adult woman trying to do a kiddish voice.
Lipsyncing is odd, looks more like generic flapping.
Surprisingly decent snow effects.
I’m assuming Clara’s parents are either dead or abandoned them. Or they could also just be on vacation.
Is it wrong that I find Grandpa cute? Gives off a very distinguished vibe. Especially that voice.
They call gingerbread houses “christmas boxes”? That’s… interesting.
Kinda wish they gave Clara a different voice from Barbie, or at the very least a different hairstyle.
The lighting is actually pretty good! Nice warm hues, makes me feel like I’m at a cozy inn.
Her little brother looks like the kids who played Fortnite and would tease me in high school. Of course his name is fuckin’ Tommy.
This CGI is reminding me of early PS2 cutscenes.
Aunt Drosselmayer’s got that 90’s Leo DiCaprio/Hugh Grant parting in her hair. Bleh.
Why is Clara the only blonde in the family?
Ooh! We’ve got some family drama between Auntie and Grandpa. This is getting juicy.
Elizabeth is giving me confident bisexual vibes with the voice and manner of movement. Bet you that’s why Grandpa doesn’t trust her.
Looking at the wiki I just found out that Trixie’s VA voices the Aunt, Starlight’s VA is Barbie and Cadence’s VA is one of the kids! Must be a Canadian production.
I will never not find the word “nutcracker” to be hilarious.
Clara, why tf are you fighting over a toy with your lil brother? You’re like… 17? 18? I dunno but it’s way too old.
Seriously they gave Tommy the most punchable face ever. Not that I’d ever punch a kid but I can see why other kids his age would deck him.
Magic shenanigans are ensuing.
I like the medeival look of the rats. The CGI actually fits them well.
Clara wakes up to see an anthropomorphic warrior rat right next to her eating something and is just like “goddamn it, git ya varmint!” I love it.
Oh, she thinks she’s dreaming. That makes sense to why she’s so calm.
Hmm… I feel like the Rat King should look a bit more evil, and larger as well. Still, TIM CURRY! I’m gonna LOVE this.
Woah! We’re getting a fight scene! A swordfighting scene to be exact!
Oooh the Rat King’s magic and can shapeshift his weapon. That’s metal AF.
Tim Curry putting everything into his performance as usual.
I’m kinda surprised we’re already getting a Nutcracker-Rat King battle. I’d have thought they’d save that sorta thing until the third act.
Did they really have to change it to Sugarplum Princess? Fairy just sounds more powerful.
Wow! This snowy cave is beautiful! Something out of a classic painting.
Did this nutfucker not realize that an icy fortress would have ice for the walls?
The fairies doing ballet looks weird because they have nothing to stand on.
Please don’t tell me the small fairy is staying, I hate her.
Dance is currently reminding me of Fantasia.
“The fairies probably went off to make a blizzard somewhere”. The way he said that nonchalantly had me cackling.
The effect of Clara’s footsteps turning into flowers is beautiful.
Pimm sounds like he’s an absolute troll online. Also gives me Psychicpebbles vibes (though I know it’s not him).
Wow the Rat King is a straight up genocider.
Why do all the kids look like Kelly?
Wait Prince Eric? Are they legally allowed to call him that? We all know how much Disney loves copyrights.
Man these kids are little shits and their outfits are gagworthy.
Major Mint definitely got a big personality, and the voice actor does a good job with it.
Ok Mint is hilarious and is so far the best part of the movie.
Nice to see some Asian rep with Captain Candy.
Wow, Rat King turns his failed employees into stone. Dark!
The zoom in on the Rat King as he says “that’s it?” made me giggle.
Thomas Astruc looked at the Rock Golem and got his first idea for an akuma.
Wait how the hell does Clara know that the Nutcracker is Prince Eric? I mean I already assumed because of the plot of the original ballet, but how does she know?!
The bridge scene gives me the willies, since I’m afraid of heights.
Wow this flower fairy is the only kid-looking character that has a decent design.
Didn’t expect a song to be interrupted by an enemy.
Lol, the Major’s monocle falls off as he sees the giant.
Glad to see the fairies serve a purpose other than dancing. Kick that giant’s ass!
Captain Candy’s a better man than Mint, as he actually makes sure that he gets saved.
Once again, the island is beautiful! Reminds me of Oz with the colored roads.
Ooh clever! At first I thought the castle’s backdrop looked really fake but I just factored it was because it’s 2001 CGI. But it was actually a trap!
Nice we see a test of Clara’s character that she passed.
The invisble hand touching Clara’s hand is actually making me feel kinda teary-eyed internally.
The Rat King definitely has a Napoleon complex.
Loving the character arc for Nutcracker with his final duel.
Ah! So now the Rat King is growing. Fits for the climax.
Huh… Prince Eric looks more like Jimmy Pesto than a prince.
Lol Major Mint realizes he’s been shittalking the prince.
Huh, so Clara’s the princess? I guess it sorta makes sense since it’s her dream.
For those princes out there who are hated by the public, all ya gotta do is fight a giant mouse.
Mint and Candy got the moves! Best dancers of the entire movie.
The final dance between Eric and Clara is absolutely gorgeous.
The villain was taken down by a snowball… I love it.
God Kelly Sheridan and Kirby Morrow really put everything into the scene where Clara disappears.
Lol Kelly’s Canana accent shows up when she says “It’s not a story”.
“What’s all this foolishness about mice kings and bats, Clara? Enough of your womenly hysteria! Time for a lobotomy!” Grandpa, basically.
Actually now that he’s in a suit, Eric looks a lot hotter.
I’m surprised Barbie’s little sister had the attention span to listen to a 1 hour story.
I'll be making a full review of the film soon. Let me know thoughts in the comments and reblogs. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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tvshowspoilers · 6 months
OFMD episode 7 thoughts
Already know I want that robe Ed has! Dude it’s beautiful and I love the blue
Ed getting the breakfast ready is the cutest thing ever
I’m forever going to be crying that we didn’t see them cuddle! DAVID WHY
Also Ed’s little hum as he’s going down the stairs is precious
Aww Stede being so sweet about the twine on the tray when Ed is so nervous about it (you can hear it in his shudder breath when he says he panicked) (Taika why are you so good at making me feel emotions lol)
“you know that night that I died?” ED. BABY YES HE KNOWS
Still dying about Izzy coming in while they are in dead and his fucking smirk and AGH And Ed is just like, yep saw that coming
AND I AM NEVER GOING TO FORGET THIS LINE “ it’s good to see that it’s not just a ship that’s been good and truly….docked”
Oh yes on second viewing that clock is fucking sus….Zheng Noooo
I actually love Auntie
Ed’s reaction the the letters “I love that you did that” awww…I hope he finds them! And Stede’s little self deprecating laugh, aw he needed Ed to say that
Dude you can totally tell Ed has never been skipped over…look at the little scoff he does and disbelief
I love love goofy Ed and Stede so much
Also this (Ed’s little speech about drinks tattoos and paps) is something I could totally see Taika saying to a newly famous person??
The revenge boys!!! I love it and Jackie’s little “the Swede will be happy to see ya!” Hehe
Ed’s so nervous for Stede like Stede was for Ed
So Ed’s soft look (outside) was him looking at the fish basket and thinking of a simpler life…so at this point he was already thinking about leaving and Stede and stuff? Expecially after the convo with Izzy? Cause his eyes get really sad.
I still don’t know how to process the fight with Zheng…just that I agree that he was double upset about loosing his found family
I know the little moment of Stede saying “you don’t sound that happy” hurt me cause Ed’s face is like nope and flashbacks to “what makes Ed happy is you” OOF
But, I don’t think it was a full breakup…but it was a discussion that was bound to happen at some point and I’m proud of Ed for explaining he and Stede went over the boundaries he tried to set, for realizing he wasn’t ready for this relationship yet and that he doesn’t know what he is……And that Stede was open to their relationship being “whatever” until Ed is ready
But god I’m still upset about his word choice and it’s been almost 24 hours since this episode dropped “last night was a mistake” still hurts very bad cause like I said…pipeline in Stede’s head to “I was a mistake”
I think it was an alright conversation until Ed said he was leaving (leaving Stede first so he doesn’t get hurt which is what I expected in s1 but figured would happen this season…tho not like this and this close to the season finale…yikes)
And Stede’s reaction about the fish, damn Ed was so proud of that fish…but my two cents, he wasn’t being malicious I think he was just saying one fish does not make one a fisherman
Oh but the “fishermen and pirates are nothing alike like” damn
Steak Knife is lovely
I think laughing at the guy was part drunk Stede and also him covering up the pain of his other kill…idk how to explain
Also we can still hear the ROP screams and stuff during the first part of the credits
Once again, love freaking fang and that roach made mud baths a thing
So yeah, rewatching this episode…it was alright and then got painful toward the middle and definitely second hand embarrassment worthy at the end but I thought it was a decent episode. Of course it had pacing issues but that’s MAX’s fault, not David’s
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cookinguptales · 1 year
I often wonder what nandermo's trajectory would have looked like had nandor's depression not been accelerated by his big bang crisis or Guillermo had been there for it to encourage him away from spiraling. He seemed really set on making Guillermo feel more equal until he got completely distracted by his own inadequacy and then, ya know, all the rest happened.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, anon. Things have been busy for me this month, work-wise, and I wanted to have time to think about it.
Yeah, I feel like a lot of the fic I've written that's s3-era has this question in mind. I feel like Nandor was sort of spiraling for the entire season (frankly, I think you could probably trace it all the way back to season 1, if you wanted to) but things really started getting bad after Gail and his existential crisis in The Casino. It's when the ravages of time really seemed to start getting to him.
Like, I think learning about the fall of Al Qolnidar and seeing the death of his descendant kind of sparked that fixation with time? But Gail leaving him (again) and him realizing the cosmos was not how he imagined it turned all that into a full-blown crisis.
I think, though... I think Guillermo is actually part of the crisis. I think a lot of what started Nandor's downhill slide is this sense that he's not in control anymore. He's not in control of his past (Al Qolnidar is gone, he's forgotten his language, he's lost track of his descendants, etc.) he's not in control of his present (his shitty love life, his existential confusion, the council is not nearly as fun as he thought it would be) and the future is just stretching on and on and on. Like -- he can't even handle his now, and he's supposed to do this forever? Yikes.
And then there's Guillermo. Guillermo is paradoxically both Nandor's rock and the absolute epitome of how much control he's lost. He depends on Guillermo, but Guillermo isn't what he thought he was at all. He loves Guillermo, but he's having to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't know him. Guillermo's got this whole second life that Nandor doesn't have access to, and that makes him itchy. I think that's why we start seeing him ask Guillermo real questions in s3 and trying to get to know him. I think it's why he wants to go on this world trip with him. I think it's why he tests him.
(I think it's why we start to see him develop an interest in Guillermo's family in s4, and why Nandor ended up being so fucking weird about Freddie...)
Also, like... as much as Guillermo is good at comforting Nandor, he's also very good at enabling him. Like, Guillermo knows Nandor's in crisis in s3. I suspect he probably knows about the whole Big Bang thing in detail, especially because it was basically the first thing Nandor said to him when he came back to the US. But Guillermo isn't actually that good at defusing situations with Nandor, if we're being real with each other. He kind of goes along with his insanity sometimes, only stopping him when things have gone way too far.
Some of that is probably habit (he's so used to being subservient) and some of that is like... I mean, he likes Nandor. He wants to help him. He's desperate to be needed. But he's also willing to help Nandor in Nandor's way when he should be helping him in Guillermo's way. Like... sometimes you need to go along with a whole citizenship farce, but sometimes you need to yell at him and snap him out of it. Sometimes you gotta slap the vampire!
But Guillermo still doesn't do that very often in s3, though he's clearly more comfortable with it in s4. (Though... he does still do the familiar fights...)
But yeah, I'd go so far as to say that a lot of Nandor's crises are actually specifically spurred on by Guillermo trying to "help" and just making things weirder and more dangerous.
So... could he have averted all the bullshit in late s3 if he'd tried?
....probably not.
I think things were doomed to blow up one way or another, and Nandor's bad choices (along with some simple bad luck) just picked the way it happened. That said, I do definitely think that things could have gone very differently for nandermo if a few key events hadn't happened in s3 -- imo, the cult and the box.
Nandor was desperately reaching out for ways to find meaning in his life, and the first time, when he went to live with Jan, he left Guillermo to do it. The second time he threatened to do the same, but I think he'd learned his lesson. He was going to bring Guillermo with him on his trip.
And then he wasn't able to.
This trip was supposed to be his way of righting his life. Finding meaning. Clawing back control. He didn't want to think about mortality (see: Colin Robinson) or abandonment (see: Laszlo and Nadja) or existentialism (see: Jan). He wanted to go on a fun trip with the only person who made him feel safe anymore and figure things out.
But we all know how that went...
Like. Yes, obviously things would be different if not for those two events. But I do think that their relationship would have spiraled out of control anyway just because Nandor still has that root control problem with Guillermo. He's still picking away at him, trying to figure out what's real between them now and what's not. Trying to figure out who Guillermo really is and how much he can still trust him -- or, frankly, if he should be trusting him more.
There's a sort of manic edge to Nandor's interactions with Guillermo in s4, and I think it's the continued manifestation of that tension in him. He wants to pull Guillermo closer, he wants to figure him out, he practically wants to crawl inside his skin -- but Guillermo is starting to pull away. And that just makes him even more fucking unhinged about him. He can't handle going on another trip alone, y'know? He really does depend on Guillermo to make him feel safe, emotionally as well as physically.
He just... hasn't really figured any of that out yet, imo. He doesn't get why he does a lot of what he does, or how it all seems to come back to keeping Guillermo close to him and eradicating all the parts of Guillermo's life that he's not allowed to share.
He's so fucking stupid. :')
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mcl38 · 28 days
they haven't quite turned on vcarb the way they did mclaren but from what i've read that seems to be bc daniel keeps saying "it's not the same problem as mclaren" when like idk dude if the only time you've finished a race ahead of yuki was bc you got put on softs at the end of the race it is smelling very shades of mexico '22 to me. just without the having to make up a time penalty bc u punted yuki off the track.
i can say yuki is already getting the lando treatment though. "hOW MANY RACES HAS HE WON AND YOU DARE SAY HES PERFORMING BETTER THAN AN 8 TIME GP WINNER?" (ya i'll go to the top floor of my apartment and shout it into the void through a megaphone too what are you going to do about it) only this time there's a heavy dose of racism added in. the amount of people i have seen calling yuki a "pokémon" derogatorily and refusing to admit the racist connotations there are wild. not to mention the ableist terms i've seen be used to refer to his height. it's all very gross and yet again daniel says nothing to even try to prevent it. it's wild how someone always has to get harassed by his fans regardless of if he fails or succeeds.
ok so like first of all yikes. i rly rate yuki but im v selective w my online (especially my tumblr)
experience so i rly almost never venture out of my mclaren-centred bubble, which means i never rly see what ppl say abt him. 'pokemon' is actually vile like thats so clearly racist bc its not even a pun of his name at all or any sort of reference to his personality?? AND the fact that its a cartoon w the infantilising implications of that... ku's essay on the infantilisation of east asian drivers u will always be famous.... like u guys ever noticed how nyck is also rly short and has a youthful face and nobody ever talked abt him in the way they talk abt yuki? much to think abt
now. permission to be mean here but even if its 'not the same problem as mclaren' is the problem not STILL the fact that daniel in his 10+ year career hasnt bothered to understand the way the engineering of f1 cars works in like any material way and thats the reason he always struggles to identify his driving issues / has a disconnect with his chassis unless its tailored exactly to what he already likes and knows how to drive? i saw that bit from newey's book about how max and checo give rly good feedback and so did webber and vettel and it was kind of subtly implying that during the bit in between (the daniel era) he designed less effective cars be he wasnt getting enough precise feedback.... i genuinely havent been able to sleep at night since. like it felt like smth slotted in my head like aaaah this has been the problem all along. if only daniel wasnt so busy going on podcasts making fun of the idea of women in motorsport and actually spent some time to do some way overdue physics homework... lol. Imao even
the truth of the situation is yuki is in the best form of his career and also wiping the floor w daniel. like factually so. EVEN with team orders favouring daniel so his fans cant say its bc of that like they did with mclaren. i genuinely think its quite sad the amount of personal stock daniel fans have clearly invested in this mans career and how much it bothers them when he doesnt perform to their expectations - like he's ur driver, swallow it and accept it, because thats what he's been doing to try to move on. doing all this intense online hate bullshit only makes him look bad bc it highlights how badly and for how long he rly has been embarrassingly underperforming. but by this point it feels like they WANT him to underperform bc they crave that martyr underdog victimised figure to root for and fight for - which is why ur totally right anon, that someone always inevitably gets harrassed regardless of if daniel is failing or succeeding. 
i will say one thing which is that i rly dont think daniel is at all aware of whatever the fuck his fans do on twitter and instagram (and deffo not tumblr lmao). so i dont think this is an issue of like him telling his fans to chill out - and it doesnt work anyways, bc lando literally has made talking abt how much cyberbullying sucks a part of his personality and theres still some rly mean and hateful lando fans (not in a fun way like me<3 lol) (i hate on my own blog and in discord groupchats). so like thats not necessarily on him, its more on netflix for making him the lowest common denominator guy to like, ykwim? also the unfortunate reality is that despite the tshirts and the kneeling (or no kneeling) no one rly seems to stand up to defend the drivers of colour who literally constantly get SUCH vitriol thrown towards them w any occasion. im not expecting daniel of all ppl to say anything abt it ngl
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tojikai · 9 months
Yoooo, first of all, memaw Gojo better stop writing them checks her ass can’t cash. She needs to straight up die! And low and behold, wouldn’t u know it, it turns out she’s a hoe too. I feel like she’s projecting her whore mentality onto reader fr. Pawpaw Gojo don’t want shit to do with her hoe ass 😭
Anyway, I actually feel bad for Satoru now. Yikes, he’s not doing too good. (Also, now I see what u meant about writing scenes with Gojo and Naomi. I literally gagged when she went down on him and tried to baby trap him). I have ZERO sympathy for Naomi. She gets on my eff’ing nerves tbh. She’s becoming a desperate hoe atp and I think her n memaw are about to do some scheming.
Also, am I reading correctly that Naomi was “hired” to help Gojo get his shit together with reader?!?! If so, then she’s a MEGA scheming hoe. Reminds me of the movie first wives club where Diane Keaton’s characters marriage and self esteem therapist wound up getting together with her husband. There’s a special place in hell for bitches like that.
Anyway, I loved every moment of the new chapter! I can’t wait for more. You have a gift of making me feel like I’m having an aortic dissection when reading your stories 😩 almost threw my damn phone twice and I woke my poor dog up shouting “WHAT?!?” and “Nah, helll no!” at my phone 🤣
But seriously, I’ll b happy regardless of who reader chooses. I just want her and baby Yui happy! Here’s to the next chapter and heartbreak 🥴
the first part is so funny PLSSS the "needs to straight up die" part is 😭😭😭😭😭 and yas, it's tough for satoru esp. with a man his age, having a mother who's always trying to pry can feel very restricting. as for naomi, no she wasn't hired to help satoru, she was working for his dad, they already know each other before he even separated from yn but it was nothing between them, he just sees her when he visits his dad's office. and then when he and yn broke up, his mother formally introduced naomi to him, they became close and she was with him during those times :'') anw thanks so much, im happy that u enjoyed it 💕 i hope you're doing well~
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lastoneout · 9 months
Hey there! Sorry it's kind of late, but I just remembered I said I'd send you a follow up ask about your dislike for the monster mom from Undertale when you had more time. But if you still don't have the time or just aren't feeling up to it, absolutely no worries! Hope you have a nice Friday!
But yeah I really don't like her at all and it's maybe bcs I'm projecting some baggage onto her or smthn, but basically I went into Undertale completely blind bcs my friend told me I should experience it as fresh as possible, the only hint I got was "try not to kill anyone", so from my perspective here's what the beginning of the game was like(also forgive me if anything is out of order plot wise, I've only played the game once and it was seven years ago):
- Okay, the main character I'm playing as has clearly fallen into some sort of fantasy world, alright, games probably gonna be about us finding our way home then, cool!
- Oh, there's a goat lady?? Who's....acting like she's my mom??? Weird, I don't know her at all, and I super don't trust her bcs in fantasy stories like this you gotta watch out for characters who seem super nice but secretly want to keep you trapped "for your own good". It's a classic trope, so I'm :/ about her.
- Oh god she's being so overbearing and way too nice ugh I already don't like pushy tutorial npcs and she's def giving me bad vibes now, she's probably going to try to trap me here. All of this nice stuff feels culty and dangerous and weird, and there's this creeping dread, eugh...
- I hate butterscotch. I told her I preferred cinnamon bcs I don't like butterscotch, but now I have to eat it anyway, so she's not listening to me. So she's acting like my mom while creating an environment where my desires and preferences are not prioritized. This sucks.
- There were other kids down here maybe? What happened to them? Hmmm I think I'm in Danger.
- Eh, her house is nice but it's so empty...I don't like it here. She's refusing to talk to me about where I am or tell me how to leave, and she's kinda like demanding I just give up and live here with her and absolutely acting like she's my mom now, so yeah def trying to trap me here, I guess I'm a kidnapping victim. We gotta figure out a way to get the fuck out of here this place is culty and weird and too happy and I hate it.
- And she's trying to stop us! I knew it.
- And now she's kinda guilt tripping me! Wow yeah we REALLY need to leave.
- Fight time, but I'm not supposed to kill so I guess we just push forward? Eugh she's trying to make me feel bad for her but I don't. I just want to leave!
- Oh okay the fight is over? And she's telling me...that I can never come back?? This lady full on kidnapped me and started acting like my mom and now she's ditching me?? Bcs SHE'S too sad?? Oh my god, that's so fucking mean! I'm not even allowed to call her? Not that I wanted to, but she's just full on cutting me off?? Listen you either want to be my mom or you don't, if you're gonna commit, then fucking commit! You don't get to just act like you love me and then rip it all away! Jesus, this sucks. Okay, well fuck you too lady, I'm leaving, see ya never I hope!
And then I got really emotionally invested in everyone else and especially Asgore bcs I love a tragic king who is trying to do what's right even if it involves horrible things and losing every thing and everyone he loves, but hey at least he's being up front about it! And not lying to me or anything! I appreciate the honesty.
But then she showed up at the end of the game and I was just like oh god she's back fucking yikes. And she's acting like she's better than Asgore?? And he's listening?? Damn also she's totally okay with murder since she just told him he could have taken one human soul and crossed the barrier, so she doesn't even have the moral high ground on that, so she's a coward and so fake wtf, oh god now she's acting like my mom again, fucking great. I'm running as soon as the credits roll.
So yeah....I was VERY surprised when I went online and saw how everyone loved her so much, cuz to me she's just a rude weird control freak lady who tried to trap me in purgatory alone with her forever and then acted like I was the bad guy for asking to leave before Completely Abandoning me. And maybe it's due to some trauma I've been through or smthn, I think it probably is tbh, but I just cannot bring myself to see her as anything but a weirdo who pretended to love me and then abandoned me the second I asserted a single boundary.
And that's why I don't like Toriel.
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ecemichi · 1 year
Ring.A.Bell Epilogue
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Time: (A few days after the PV shoot.)
Midori: Eeeh… That’s a bit embarrassing. Isn’t there a more light-felt wording…?
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Mao: (Man, how far did I get in this series...? Up to volume five, I think?)
... Mm? Huh?! A zashiki-warashi?! ...Ah, no, it's just Takamine. You really scared me, man~.
What're you doing crawling around between the bookshelves like that?
Midori: I-Isara-senpai!? N-nothing in particular, really…!
Mao: Ohhh? You're actin' pretty sus right now, Takamine... What's that behind your back, then~?
Midori: I’m not hiding anything…! D- don’t come over here…!
Mao: What's wrong~? You don't gotta hide anything from me, y'know? We're in the same club together, so lemme take a peek.
Midori: That’s no different than being a total stranger…! Don’t come any closer!
Mao: Aww, don't be so cold~. Fufufu, c'mon now~.
Midori: Uwaaa!
Leo: Shut your traps! You're stoppin' the birth of a new masterpiece!
Midori: Hiiek!? Eh, Tsukinaga-senpai? I didn’t even realize you were here…
Leo: What the hell's wrong with you two? All your noise is throwin' off my groove! I looked allllll over for a quiet place to compose! You'd better say your prayers, 'cause I'm ready to kill anyone who messes with my process!
Mao: Yikes, sorry... It's not like we disturbed you on purpose. We didn't even know you were here.
Leo: Oh yeah? What're you two doin' here anyway?
Mao: I usually come here to check out manga... but then Takamine started acting all suspicious, so I thought I'd mess with him a bit and we ended up gettin' carried away, ahaha...
Midori: I’m not acting sus or whatever… Really. Not at all.
Leo: Mm~? You're lookin' away... That is pretty fishy, huh~? What're ya hidin' from us!
Midori: Uwaaa!!? S-stop…!
Mao: What'd you drop... an envelope?
Leo: O~ho? It's got "To my older brother" on it.
Midori: Fuck… Yeah, that’s right. I was writing my brother a letter here. There are other people lurking around in the dorm rooms, so it felt hard to write with all those eyes all over me.
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Leo: Jeez, that’s all? What were you hidin' it for, huh? There's nothin' wrong with writing your bro a letter! What's it about anyway?
Midori: Well… Up to now I only thought about myself; pouted to my brother leaving home without hesitation and all but…
When we were doing that job, It’s like I understood a part of what my brother was feeling…
My brother must’ve also had so many worries and so much to think of, but he still decided to get married and stuff.
Even after all he’s done, having a brother who won't give him his blessings must’ve hurt a little… That’s why I thought I should finally stop throwing a tantrum like a little kid
But saying that stuff to his face is a bit embarrassing… So I thought, “Hey, why not say congratulations in a letter?”.
Mao: Aww, that's great! Hurry up and finish it, then. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to get it.
Midori: I was planning on finishing it quickly, but then my senpais got in my way a little, you know…?
Mao: Sorry, my bad. I never thought you'd be writing a letter though~.
Leo: Wahahah! ☆ I'm sorry for troublin' you too!
Midori: Sigh… It’s fine, whatever.
It’s kind of relieving to have been found out. Writing a letter while trying to hide it from everyone was hard.
Mao: Man... So your brother's ceremony's coming up soon?
Midori: Yes. The official day isn’t planned yet though.
Mao: Gotcha, gotcha... So~, Takamine, are ya gonna cry at the wedding~?
Midori: …
… There’s no way I’ll cry though?
Mao: Really~? But the way you hesitated was pre~tty suspicious...♪
Leo: Wahaha! This guy's definitely gonna cry!
Midori: …Grrr. You both tease me like this, but your sisters will someday be brides, y’know? Don’t come crying rivers to me then.
Mao: Well... I guess I've never thought about it before, actually~. How about you, Tsukinaga-senpai?
Leo: (Gross sobbing) Ru... Ruka-tan... gettin' married?! Of course I'd cry! Waaahaahaaaaaaaa!
Mao: Yikes, he's already bawling! C'mon, it's just a thought, don't cry at your own imagination!
Midori: You were both teasing me so I wanted to get back at you but… Now it feels like I made you cry on purpose…
Umm. I’m sorry for making you cry…?
Leo: Ha! There it is, there it is! It's swelling up within me! In-spi-ra-tiooooon!
I'll call it "Congrats, Big Bro"!
Midori: Eh…? The hell is that…?
Leo: Just gimme five mins! I'll have it done in a flash!
Midori: Five minutes… What are you, instant ramen? But who’d want a cheap instant song like that…?
Leo: Wahaha! ☆ It's fine, don't worry~! I'm a genius, after all! It'll be the best song in the world because it'll be done in five minutes!
Mao: Ahaha, that's nice, huh? How about we all get together and surprise him with a song? ♪
Midori: Eeeh~...?
Well, fine… This kind of gift is only possible because I’m an idol here, after all.
With that, I’ll have my brother be proud of having me as his little brother…♪
Mao Leo Eichi and Arashi tl: Peace
Midori and Keito tl: me
JP proof: Mika Enstars
ENG proof:ryuseipuka
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mahuhumaling · 9 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
made by the one and only deepa. thank you for tagging me! i'm not really sure how the format of this tag game works haha but i'll do my best. ):) @fiercynn
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
heyo! i'm atria (pronounced ey-tri-ya), 21, and a college senior struggling studying creative writing in the philippines. i use she/her pronouns and i'm very much sapphic thank you.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
december 14, 2021, when i decided to binge what my twitter mutuals have been hyping about on my tl for weeks.
i had been on a hiatus prior to that, having just been suffering from julie and the phantoms brainrot, that it surprised me that my old fandom mutuals were moving on collectively to another show. so many tweets analyzing and raving about the show caught my attention because i'm all about those, those are my cup of tea, especially the night of episode 5 airing. i watched a clip of the rooftop scene and i wanted to know why they were crying and why one of them walked away, so i had it on my watchlist. i was still busy with schoolwork though so i didn't get to actually start watching until two weeks later, four days after episode 7 aired (hence 12/14/21) at 10 PM with my sheets pulled up. it was me and my phone against the world.
yes i made it worse because that week was my finals—but to my defense, to my defense, i had already finished half of it and was close in finishing the other half of my exams.
joined the fandom like not even an hour later after i binged 1-7 because i came on twitter and was met with a warm welcome.
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa. i have my fair share of liking rare pairs (clary and izzy from shadowhunters tv, riley and farkle from girl meets world, quinn and rachel from glee) but for shows like these, nah. haha the main pairs really do it for me.
favorite character(s)
pat - mans was so relatable. sexually fluid, thought he had a crush on his different-gendered friend but turned out to be in love with someone who is of the same gender who was right in front of him the whole time. became closer to different-gendered friend after confessing to them i'm totally not projecting haha what do you man
ink - ah, ink nolastname my beloved. introduced as a red herring but ended up having her own sapphic love story?? no other girl in a bl could ever.
junior - i thought he'd just be a one-episode side character but him serving the story in multiple ways got to me. he felt like patpran's child which is so cute, but also a representation of the freedom patpran's own kid selves could have had.
favorite episode(s)
3 - falls under the romcom formula of pat just following pran around like a dumb oblivious puppy and while we the audience are attuned to pran's perspective, once you rewatch episode 3, you realize how much pat has not been lying about how he feels for both pran and ink and that his behavior says it all.
5 - do you even need to ask. i'm pat-biased so him speedrunning his sexuality was so funny and so devastating at the same time.
10 - some people have said that i'm a masochist for this one. but in all seriousness when i first watched it (which was via iWant and not YouTube, so i had no interruptions of 4 parts and got to watch all four parts immediately and earlier than everyone else because if you didn't know back when it was airing, the premiering of the parts would have an interval of around 5-15 minutes each) it felt so long and advanced the plot the most. it had all: inkpa getting together, patpran being adorable annoying bfs, and learning about their generational trauma. yikes! i loved the angst of it all.
favorite scene(s)
*cracks knuckles* oh boy, do i have a series of textposts for you. i made commentary post thingies for them detailing the reason why! it was so fun to do.
designing bus stop 2.0
fight in the dorm's ground floor
pran singing the unfinished version of "our song"
inkpa in the darkroom
ming putting the letters in the siridechawat mailbox
one thing you would change about the show if you could
just one??? i mean haha sure...
the whole plot of wai getting mad at pran and how they resolved it. like come on man, the best friend hates when one lies to the other trope is so lame and overused. it's not just pat getting shot, it was the whole thing of the archi gang being unfairly mad without bothering to learn about why he lied. if they didn't feel like side characters then who are just there to put external conflict and less like actual friends who got hurt from the secret, they certainly acted most like it in episode 9.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
i made a fanfic recommendation thread and i have a couple of bbs edits saved in all of tiktok, instagram, and twitter, but if i had to really narrow it down, that'd be tough. hmm.
gif - i search @pranpats' pat breaking silently post every few months to make myself cry whenever i need a good one. my baby boy my baby boy i love him so much. i tuck him in bed and give him nong nao. btw the sharpening of this gif made pat's tears so much clearer and i want to hurl myself off of a balcony thanks.
fic - from the tide by fruti2flutie is a popular fanfic but it deserves the hype. i was blown away by its character dynamics and style of writing that i wrote an original story inspired from its worldbuilding/power system for my fiction workshop class. the river can't go back by unsungyellowraincoat is poetic heaven.
art - last one to propose loses by cubedmango + rooftop wedding by @thatgothsamurai = my our skyy actually.
animatic - Ur SOUL Ur BodY by RENii•EXE has so many shots that made me question my entire existence, namely pran pressing pat's hand into the bedsheets (0:41). it's so good. 10/10.
animation - I am not your ocean anymore by @architectxengineer is incredible. watching this broke my heart in the best possible way. the visual of how pran and pat stumble into their room in episode 11 is such a cute scene to fill the gap of.
edit - mae's safety net is a personal favorite because it was first uploaded on my birthday, i could never get tired of it as i kept watching it for months on end, and then there was that time it was archived on mae's instagram but she was kind enough to unarchive it for me (alongside her other incredible bbs edits!) huhu ily. and then another objectively well-made one is 7 things by mic that is deservedly popular on twitter, not to mention the very intentional use of colors from all of pran's markers/color pencils! HOW. COOL. IS. THAT.
text - In Fair Verona by @shortpplfedup is an analysis/commentary scenepost series that i fell in love with and tuned into as the episodes aired. it details the main romeo and juliet allegory as well as points out its differences. it's so so pretty and insightful and a delight to read. read all of it, guys. please.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
visual edit - among all my photo edits, my untranslatable words one almost made it here but i gotta hand it to my bad idea storyboard. if i could only draw, i would have animated the shit out of this tbh.
video edit - all the stars kind of flopped in reception which was a bummer considering no one knows i spent an embarrassingly long time working on it (...9 hours) but now you do haha.
fanfic - the rest are drabbles anyway so i don't even think this can count as a favorite if it's only one lmao but it's my Teen Wolf AU anamnesis (28k, 4 chapters, fin). really enjoyed the season 6 binge for educational purposes :DD and writing pranink, pranpa, patink, and the jindapat siblings was one of the best parts. my true ot4.
other - i wrote something about patpran that was not prose. it's post velum (which is latin for behind the curtain, the name of the novel) and it's poetry about each episode of bad buddy + our skyy. oh and my patpran as percabeth series that i mostly only did for like,, two people.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
a taylor swift song feels like cheating because every ship can be associated to a taylor swift song but still. daylight is perfect. i once believed love would be burning red? pre-relationship patpran. the rivalry is so fiery that they thought they wouldn't have the space to be soft. but it's golden. established relationship patpran. they are the healthiest teenaged boyfriends ever. their relationship endures for years and glows.
watch this edit, see what i mean.
idk anything else you want us to know?
i don't really agree with thinking bad buddy is the perfect show and that it had the perfect ending. i still understand the direction and the decision to go with those and other more questionable choices, but i like recognizing the show's flaws. tons and tons of it. from the technicalities of production to the actual writing. especially knowing the show's behind the scenes and what happened from the mock trailer's official announcement and the gp's initial (horrible) reception, to this show finally airing and its first four episodes being in the trenches when it comes to ratings (haha the bbs nugu era), to the ending of episode 5 breaking the internet to the point of being recognized in the following gmmtv 2022 presscon, then to the steep rise to the peak.
...especially knowing those made me love the show more inside out. tldr; i'm a "bad buddy is a very flawed show and i love it" type of person.
tagging bbs tumblr mutuals who might be interested in playing but no pressure though! @dravbn @lurkingteapot @seoperior @pransobrave @rhvmaresh @patpranism @zetteceniza
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sophieswundergarten · 7 months
Chapter 20 of S.O.S.
I don't even know anymore
@nobodysdaydreams Here ya go
First off, love the title, and it’s making me a little nervous because now I’m thinking about Chapter 1 being titled “The Price of Admission”
Oh dear. The way you describe the feeling and emotions and just overall sensations of what Constance is experiencing is already punching me in the heart
(Though the intro bit with Jeffer was quite funny)
You added to it. He hasn’t forgotten that Nathaniel is hurting people, he just thinks that he finally got through to him. Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( 
“The whole world felt so sunny. So vibrant. So full of humor and amusement. Had it always been this whimsically delightful? It must have been, but Nicholas felt as if he was seeing it for the first time. There was beauty everywhere. There was happiness everywhere. Nothing was too loud, nothing was too overwhelming, nothing was too anxiety provoking. For the first time in Nicholas’ life, everything in the world felt “just right”, and it was completely effortless.”
“His friends might have left him, but he finally had his brother back. Perhaps they really could work together like they used to. It had been so long.”
And you’re still calling him “Curtain”. He’s still calling himself “Curtain”. He doesn’t think he (deserves) is that name anymore. And yet he calls himself “Nathaniel” in Chapter 1. Hmmmmm
Also. Calling the fact that he “allows” Nicholas to call him his given name as a “luxury” is hysterical and very on-point. You are so, so good at writing Curtain :) 
And then also Curtain continuing to not get it. Good gravy, man. PLEASE remember how to be a human being soon. You are hurting yourself so much :( 
(And. Also. Like. Several thousand people, not least your own brother. But, still.)
Oh heavens. I feel very bad for her. But she did escape! (Kinda)
And then Milligan. I want to give him a hug.
“for some reason Milligan took personal offense at the implication that educators were incapable, though he could not explain why”
She really is ready to be part of the team
(Why is one of the bars you have to pass, like, Neutral Good committing of crimes??? Ajsdkjds)
Marlon /derogatory
“I don’t see the problem” And Marlon just decides that it’s fine. I Do Not Like Him
“Someone’s finally at the wheel and all you can do is naysay,” the officer observed, “You sound like a person who, frankly, would benefit from time in Dr. Curtain’s program. Compulsory or not.”
Oh yikes. There’s the wheel motif again, and also that sounds incredibly threatening. YOU WOULD THINK THIS WOULD TIP HER OFF TO GET OUT OF THERE
There’s something so sad about Rhonda being terrified when Number Two missed the check in and now she’s trying to call Rhonda and no one’s there :( 
Miss Perumal trying to corral the children on the farm is a really entertaining mental image
“You have reached the Two residence. We’re busy and aren’t available now or ever. Don’t expect an answer to your messages and don’t come to our house. We don’t want to buy anything, and we don’t want to meet any new people. Heaven knows you’d only abandon us just like everybody else and would probably try to steal from us too no doubt.” 
“This answering machine is full. Please call back later.”
Yikes. Ajkdfjdsfjkdsf The Two family has some issues
(But very nice job on writing that. It’s incredible)
“Milligan heroically threw his helmet and jacket into the motorbike.”
Akjfhjkdfkjds Very good choice of word! It just makes me think of how overdramatic the cinematography got whenever it was focussed on Milligan
Milligan is amazing
I love our sad little guy
Oh no. Oh no. Nicholas’ thoughts are fascinating and you write them really really well but also it always makes me legitimately want to cry
Oh. And Number Two’s all alone now. I know she isn’t really his daughter in the Show, but, still. To be abandoned in such a scary situation…
“He was using addict speech. Saying “I need to stay in my brother’s evil cult, not because of the addictive happiness he gave me, but because it’s crucial to our mission” was just another form of “I need to drink, not because I’m addicted, but because it helps my anxiety and is really better for me if you think about it.” There’s always a justification for anything, so long as your brain is smart enough to think of it and clever enough to trick yourself into believing it. And unfortunately, Number Two knew from experience that Mr. Benedict was very smart and very clever indeed.”
Yeah!! And we get to see another bit of Bods’ psychology brain! I’ve been waiting to see what you had to say about this. So, so many thoughts
And the little snips of what’s going on with Jackson and Jillson. It keeps building in increments, and I really have no idea what it’s going to build to with your writing but I have no doubt it’ll be spectacular
Poor Jeffers adsfjsdjk
He’s trying his best
I’m glad that the coaches appreciate her, but also understand that she’s working through a whole lot
(If only they knew how much…)
Ah, yes. Stealing, bribery, breaking and entering, fraud, all of those things are totally fine. Underage driving, however? Unacceptable
Garrison is trying her very best. (Unfortunately for her, that’s not good enough for Constance adjsd)
Somehow that’s really sweet because she does care enough to notice things, but also SHE’S A TINY CHILD. IT’S NOT HER FAULT
Oh. Even without her snark, she wouldn’t be comforted by a lot of toys because of the bad memories she has attached to them. She doesn’t trust them :( 
(I bet her family gives her a lot of unusual toys and puzzles, so she can view it as a challenge instead of being uncomfortable)
Oh good gravy. MILLIGAN.
The lot of them need to stop taking all the guilt in the world onto themselves. They are all so ridiculous
(Although I’d hazard a guess that her discomfort was seriously exacerbated after SQ’s parents died…)
“You need to choose better friends,” Constance suggested.”
“Garrison frowned again. Kidnapping aside, there was no need for this child to be so rude.”
Garrison. You really would benefit from talking to another human being now and again (Or not have wiped your best years of social interactions from your brain)
““The ghost in the windmill. The dancer in the dark. You found a flaw,” said Garrison, spitting out the word “flaw” like it was filled with poison. “One that has kept me up every single night since and one that I can’t seem to replicate.””
Someone give her a hug
Oh, oh PLEASE let Number Two get in a fight with Marlon. She’d beat him so hard. And he’d deserve it
“Everyone barged into his office sooner or later to demand an explanation for things, and even if Curtain had not gotten better and better at correctly estimating one’s breaking point, the security cameras he installed around the compound certainly helped.”
SDFKJDjkdsfkjdj BODS
Also, Curtain, buddy, if you’re the common denominator in all these instances of people bursting into your office then maybe you might be the problem
“By “thing” you mean relieving him of the constant grip of existential angst?” Oh yeah, I would fall for this whole cult thing so very fast. I’m already a goner
She’s so incredibly angry and scared and hurting and just  a tornado of emotions
And then Curtain’s just kinda. Sitting there. Placidly. (I would have snapped and punched him by now)
Good job. Steal his plates. He deserves it. (Maybe go after his floorboards next…)
Is… Is Auguste okay? He didn’t ever freeze on-screen, but I am quite concerned about him…
Oh no….
The panic and turmoil and poor Nicholas is caught in the middle. He’d feel bad even normally, but now everything’s all confused too
“Here, Nicholas wasn’t a burden to his friends”
(I’ll sanitise the remains after, I promise)
And poor Jackson and Jillson are getting a lot more scared…
“He was also very agitated at the idea that Dr. Curtain’s happiness was the cause of this, not only because it put his position in jeopardy, but also because Marlon himself had taken the happiness. Obviously, he wasn’t in danger of succumbing to anything like this (he wasn’t nearly as mentally weak as Sebastian or Paula), but the implication that something like this even could happen to him was a prospect that Marlon found insulting.”
He just keeps getting worse and worse. I am so upset with him. I can’t even like that he’s an intriguing antagonist, he’s just awful. (Although I will concede that you write him incredibly well and I am quite appreciative of how much you make me hate him)
“I hope y'all are ready”???
“I hope y'all are ready”????????
READY FOR WHAT??????? Oh my goodness. I— I just— I have no words. I am screeching. Bods, there are so, so many things that happened in this chapter. I am so shaken up. I feel like my insides were in a blender. It’s so exciting to see all of these plot points and hints and through lines and motifs that you’ve been laying out and I am just over the moon about everything. You have created  a  n o v e l, and it’s gorgeous. I am disintegrating. I can feel my molecules breaking up. I read a book once where a lady cried acidic material and when she started sobbing she just sunk into a hole in the floor and that’s what I’m feeling right now.
I think I need a nap. I don’t have any idea how to articulate this. Just know that you’ve done amazingly. Just. You are absolutely incredible, my friend. I can feel these characters living and breathing in the letterings and you somehow make it new and fresh material every time, no matter the fact that I’ve seen the show or how often I’ve reread your work. Each of the characters takes on such a vibrancy of life and independence under your guidance, and I adore getting to “meet” them and learn how they work in your narrative. Just stupendous
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gimmethatagustd · 24 days
Just read Sunday Smut Bookclub! I loved it so much!! As someone who is still a virgin at almost 30 and is trying to parse out whether that’s due to being asexual or demisexual or something like that or if it’s the body insecurity and anxiety, I literally cried. Like if I could trust someone to treat me like Namjoon treats Yoongi to help me figure that all out ????? Or if I felt confident enough to just ask for what I want and need straight out like Yoongi did in this???
The line “Yoongi loves fics like those. They feel how Namjoon’s hands feel when he holds the small of Yoongi’s back and cradles the side of his face when he pulls him into a kiss” took me all the way out!!! Really the whole paragraph before about the way reading fic can make you feel comforted in general I related to and then that transfer of that comfort to this sexual situation!!!! Yo, like… 🥹🥹🥹🥹
But this fic definitely made me laugh too! Literally laughed out loud reading “Can I eat you out” “Oh, uh, ya.”
And the meta-ness was really fun! I didn’t read the authors note going in so I was surprised at BTS showing up and vocal line being members. I also write fic (though I haven’t published anything yet, I might sometime, but right now it’s just getting my thoughts and ideas out and most of my stories don’t have endings lol), and also (like Yoongj described) kind if stop at that moment before smut happens or gloss over it. Like I have one really great Namjoon reader insert scene that I love but that’s the only one I’ve been able to do with any sort of satisfaction and idk how I got in the mindspace to do it lol. So I related so hard in so many ways!!!
Bc I didn’t read the author’s note I dove into it thinking it’d be a nice lunch break smut reading sesh but was pleasantly surprised with how else it impacted me! Thanks so much for writing and sharing this!!!!
hi friend, sorry it has taken me a while to respond to your ask. i read it and immediately gushed to my partner about it (i talked to them about that fic cuz it holds a lot of my personal feelings about physical intimacy in it), and i wanted to kind of sit with it until i felt like i could give you a proper response and not just the unhinged shit i normally respond to feedback with
i'm so happy that it left an impact on you! normally i write fics just cuz i love writing silly little stories (i'm sure you understand since you said you write too!) BUT with this fic i genuinely thought as i was writing, "i really hope people appreciate this" - not because i wanted praise or anything, but an appreciation for being able to either 1) relate to the content or 2) open their eyes to a new way of looking at smut in fanfic and also just simply a sexual orientation that we honestly ignore in the fanfic community imo. i rarely see asexual representation, and so much of fanfic is about smut
like no shade !! most of my fics include smut, and pretty graphic smut, but it's exhausting to write as someone on the ace spectrum, and i think a lot of readers don't realize that. it genuinely takes a lot of effort, and not just cuz we want to write it well, but just... the whole thing is not what we're used to (and also as a virgin i'm sure it's an even more complicated thing to work through). add in some good ole gender dysphoria and YIKES what an experience
like, i haven't had sex with a cis man since 2019 kshdfkjs and yet here i am, dick-in-pussy'ing all over tumblr.com
ANYWAY thank you for sharing this. i hope you're able to work through how you feel with your sexuality. it's def a journey. and also it's important to know that 1) sexuality is a spectrum and 2) if you never have sex or have sex but are never truly into it like most people are, that's ok too! i wrote namjoon as this soft, accepting guy cuz i didn't want yoongi to suddenly like sex just cuz he hooked up with a hot guy. he walked away still unwilling to have sex in the future, and namjoon is cool with that. no one should ever make you feel bad for not wanting to have sex
but also, i would do anything kim taehyung asked me to do, so, sometimes there can be exceptions jdhfkjs 🤪
if you ever post your fic, i'd love to read it! and if you ever need help writing smut, i'm happy to talk to you about it 💜
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fangirlforlife97 · 1 year
I finally finished Succession and OMG IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! The twist at the end of s3 had me shooketh haha, I literally gasped and had my mouth hanging open in shock. Shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Shiv, Roman, and Kendell were done so dirty and by both of their parents, yikes. I loved it, I love the show, it made me laugh and cry/tear up, etc and I need a s4 asap!! Does anyone know when s4 is coming out?? I tried looking it up before and wasn't really given a specific date so Im not sure. I hope it's soon though!!?!!
I really hope the show makes Tom and Greg's dynamic/relationship romantic. Sure their dynamic hasn't always been the greatest in a way but I love them, TomGreg was the reason I wanted to watch the show in general. I watched for them but then loved the show and watched because of that as well. I love shows like that where you can enjoy the ship and the show. I think it would be a hugely missed opportunity if they don't go a romantic route with them though. Not to mention the chemistry is amazing and it'd be hella great to see everyone react when and if Tom gets with cousin Greg haha. Plus like I've said, Tom is the most queer coded character I have ever seen. Why have him be portrayed that way unless he's gay or bi!!?? Fingers crossed for canon Tomgreg. Also I would love to see more of a Connor, Tom, and Greg Trio friendship. We got a little bit of it during Tom's bachelor party under the tunnel near the rat (I believe) and think it would just be comedic gold to have those three interact more. I doubt we'll get it after Tom's betrayal but one can hope! Also since I'm speaking of Connor, I feel bad for him cause of the whole Willa situation. Like at times I feel like maybe she does like or love him but then other times it feels like she's using him or whatnot and so I feel bad for him.
When I first started watching the show my favorite characters were Kendall, Tom, Greg, and Frank, even though we didn't get much of him. He just seemed so likable or had a likable face. I feel like in some ways he kind of reminded me of Bill from Killing Eve. Frank I feel like is the "Bill" of Succession. I also liked Connor, I thought he seemed the most mellow and mature but boy was I wrong haha. He's great though. I wasn't too fond of Roman and Shiv at first, especially with how Roman treated and taunted that kid during the first episode at the baseball game. And Shiv because of the whole situation with Greg and his $20, and how she treats Tom. As time went on though I ended up slightly disliking Kendall and liking the others more, but ya now I pretty much like all of them. Logan's a prick but I even like him cause he adds extra tension and drama to the series.
Am I the only one hoping in the next coming season or couple seasons that we get flashbacks of Shiv, Roman, Conner and Kendall when they were kids?! And a prequel series of Logan and his family and upbringing!!!???? I'm so intrigued and would like to see both of these things happen in some aspect.
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jackienautism · 9 months
Charlie is so shitty to Erin - his fucking attitude to her in Abysmal - like treating her like she’s his fucking assistant when she’s not and there’s a decision later on where Erin can make a choice that kills him and people are like she is THE WORST and it’s like she’s bad for?? Having feelings about someone whose done shitty things to her and makes a choice that like when you play - it’s like you get why she would think the way she does - it’s like when Ashley snaps and closes the door on Chris kinda deal ya know ? I’m so sorry for ranting I fucking hate him and like people who hate Erin are his number 1 stans
OH SHIT is that so? i had literally no idea 😭😭 i havent seen anyone hate on either so that's very interesting to me.... but then again i havent rly engaged w/ the fandom having not played the game yet. but . yeah. yikes. the most i know about TDIM is that ? there's photography involved? i think? and there's a serial killer trying to kill their little group? but other than that.... i know Nothin
i had no idea that charlie was shitty to erin ): and it SUUUUCKS that of course the same thing happens to her that happened to ashley in terms of snapping... after you know... chris basically attempted to kill her Twice... i dont necessarily think abt those moments w/ ash and chris very much if im being honest but YEAH . i think she has every right to do what she did. plus, to me, its funny as hell. yeah its fucked up, but its hilarious. SO YEAH i had no idea theres a similar situation w/ erin and charlie. if charlie is as shitty to erin as you say he is, then YEAH i dont blame erin for potentially making a choice that gets him killed lmao. esp if he's been nothing but crappy to her. she has every right to be upset and also snap
its funny how i hear NOTHING abt the guys doing shitty things. actually no its not. like. all ive ever seen for this this game is that theyre a little fucked up found family. but is that really true? esp if charlie treats erin like shit? how does erin even view charlie? does she express disdain for him over how he treats her? or is she one of those ppl who like just let ppl walk all over her? bc shes just too Kind to actually stand up for herself and overall just avoids confrontation? IDK MAN!!!!! having thoughts right now
DONT APOLOGIZE!!!!!! i very much appreciate you telling me this, in fact, it gets me to want to play the game even more so i can not wait to see what happens in general
still know nothing abt erin but jamie and i shall be her number one defenders!!!!!!! and mark and kate too if they wanna join (i know nothing abt their dynamics)
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uglypastels · 10 months
(i literally typed this into my notes so i could keep going back to the chapter to make sure i didn’t forget anything and i still feel like i’m forgetting smth and i think it pasted weird so. my bad)
okay so first things first, comments on ch. 7
-amazing. amazing. amazing. amazing. wtf. this fic is like crack and i’m abt to change my address to the inside of your walls
-omg the dream with munson being a total sweetheart!!
-the kiss then slap then second kiss!!?!! (also OH MY GOD THEY FINALLY KISSED)
-and he knew she was going through his shit and reading his letter and even tho he was mad he held it back to first make sure she was okay
-and while they were arguing he still was trying to look out for her and *literally* catching her fall and holding her up (i could die).
-i love him being a little bossy bitch and the slight manhandling like😳😏😔😩 don’t get me wrong i love bossy/dom!eddie fics but they don’t hit as hard if he’s not got a brat to tame…so this is like perfect. (and if u felt so inclined to include even a little more manhandling going forward, i personally would melt this fic down and shoot it into my veins. if not, that’s okay too!)
now some lingering questions that are eating me alive that i’m SO looking forward to getting answers to
-what the fuck did munson give harrington a choice on if not ignore her or die?? what tf did eddie even say to him!!?
-reader wasn’t supposed to be on the ship!?
-reader’s crew did something horrible, possibly to munson and his crew??
also 👉👈 i saw u answered an ask that there could be a nsfw scene and i am begging with my whole heart🥺
peeps, dont read this ask if you havent caught up on Not Wholly Evil
i dont think the walls in my house are big enough but hey, you do you <3 you would mostly get to experience me sitting at my computer for 5 hours straight, constantly getting distracted and then annoyed that I'm not making any progress in the story haha
he is a sweetheaart, deep deep down, but ya know, it's hard to show that when the lady kinda hates your guts
im sorry but idk what she was thinking, it wasn't slick lol, and it is his ship so he knows everything that happens around.
im such a whore for manhandling and i had originally included more of it in the fic but i also don't want to make it like too aggressive because don't want it to get too dark (you should have seen my original draft. she went fucking through it yikes) but yeah i mean stuff might happen who knows (i don't. the planning for this fic is abysmal) and the same goes for the smut.
see the thing i think happened (i say as if im an oracle writing down these events and not making it fucking up in my own head dafuq) but ok- so the thing with Eddie is, he's a bit of a maniac, and i feel like he thinks he gave steve a choice, which was probably consisting of mainly threats, but it was technically a choice + i steve absolutely knew what eddie was up to so he just let it slide because fuck ok, get yo girl i guess.
hey, i said it from the very first chapter! its all in their baby
and about that last question... you'll have to wait and see
ok, so, this was such a treat to wake up to!!! thank you so much for the asks you do not understand how much i love answering these
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