#like wtf is anyone supposed to feel then haha
drawnaghht · 8 months
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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lullabyes22-blog · 5 months
Snippet - Everybody Wants To Be My Enem(ies to Lovers)y - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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They are flirting, your honor.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
u know, there's a lot of ways to make bread.
Chaff, hull, bran.
Wtf does this mean?
The crow flies at midnight.
What are you even saying?
ur supposed to be smart.
figure it out.
I can't believe you made me wait all night for this.
u waited.
i shoulda brought PuffPuff♥
First waiting games.
Then cryptic messages.
Now threats.
You're just like Silco.
u afraid?
end of message
i'm not making threats.
i'm giving u a freebie.
u want bread.
u keep whining about it.
so i'm giving u some.
all u have to do is GO.
and it's yours.
Not a freebie.
A trap.
How dumb do you think I am?
pretty dumb.
u know what is coming.
u can't do anything to stop it.
we have the ammo.
we have the city.
u are powerless.
u are nothing.
so take ur bread.
and leave Zaun.
You think threatening me is enough?
You think you can make me go away?
but i know something else.
u care.
that's ur problem.
u try to fix everything.
u try to save everyone.
it's not gonna happen.
and the longer u try, the more will die.
Is that another threat?
i don't threaten ppl.
i kill them.
don't push me.
I know what you're capable of.
I'm not afraid.
then u should be.
u wanna try to save Zaun?
Zaun's already saved.
it's ours.
we got our freedom.
just like we wanted.
i'm not letting u ruin that.
so leave.
while u still can.
There's still good people here.
People who aren't you.
You'll hurt them. Silco will.
It's only a matter of time.
and u?
how will u help the goody goodies?
by trying to force-feed them ur ideas?
it's not gonna happen so shut up.
the crow flies at midnight.
fifty crates.
harbor patrol changes shifts at twelve.
u want ur bread?
it's there.
take it.
i'll say no more.
Are you serious?
You're going to leave crates of bread where anyone can take them?
And you think we'll fall for that?
not we.
it's not a trap.
it's a trade.
i'm not feeding ur people.
that's not my job.
this is my city now.
and if u won't go, i'll make u go.
u can't beat us.
so don't bother trying.
it will only get ppl killed.
So, you'll just give me the bread?
Because you don't want any more fighting?
That's not you.
maybe ur right.
maybe i am a liar.
maybe this is all a trap.
i don't care.
i'm tired of talking.
take ur bread.
or i'll come.
i'll take everything.
just like he did.
This doesn't feel like a choice.
ur out of choices.
make the right one.
I want a meeting.
We've been doing this for months.
We need to talk face to face.
what u want to meet for?
so u can lecture me?
or shoot me?
Because the only way out of this is to work together.
work together.
on what?
we're not a team.
we're E-N-E-M-I-E-S.
You're my enemy, but Zaun's still my city.
And I'm not leaving.
it's OUR city.
i won it.
for everyone.
u don't get to claim it.
take ur damn bread and leave.
This is a chance.
For you, too.
Take it.
and if u try this again, ur a dead man walking.
leave before u end up like the rest.
are u fucking with me?
end of message
Meet me.
Come unarmed.
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thedoover-if · 10 months
Wtf is this ‘humans make mistake’ bs??? The ex is a pos and you’re absolutely glorifying abusive relationships and it’s weirdo behaviour🙄 get help
ive been contemplating on whether to just block this anon or to respond, but here i am haha
i would like to reiterate that if people dont feel comfortable playing 'the ex' route then PLEASE, when the time comes, dont. im not forcing anyone to do this, and while there are only 2 other ros, ill still do my best to make them satisfying routes
now onto this message, i did expect some kind of pushback on this ro but i will not change them, please respect that. this route isnt supposed to be a smooth sailing!!! just like life, therell be ups and downs and yeah... people do fucked up shit, but this is a 'slice-of-life'
i know cheating is very troublesome and thats exactly why im NOT going to let the ro just weasel their way back into the MCs life in a 'kiss and makeup' way, as that would be ridiculous. the ro isnt perfect and theyve made mistakes in life, but whats important to me is that they regret their actions, feel guilty, and are ready to put in the groundwork to rebuild the relationship in a healthy way.
is the way theyre going about things right now bad? yes, but that will be addressed.
at the end of the day everyones entitled to their opinion, but theres no need to be rude. im a human being who will have to eventually read your asks, so please be mindful of that!!
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pendragaryen · 1 year
The 100 rewatch 2023 S1 E4
Episode “Murphy’s Law”
Let’s start with live blogging the first of my all time fave episodes of season 1! Here i go!
Clarke mourning Wells’ death. I am not ok. Finn (of course...) appears randomly with a pencil for her that he found somewhere. He wants to cheer her up. The pencil reminds her of the better days on the ark when Wells did a similar thing for her... ouch... Nice try, Finn.
Clarke’s still heavily struggling with the fact that her MOM (of all people) basically KILLED her father. Oh look, Finn’s out of words for once. Who would’ve thought. Clarke want’s to contact her mom “to tell her, that she KNOWS - to make her feel it”... She’s upset. And she’s having an idea...
On the ark Abby suddenly has to witness Clarke’s vital sign disappear... She’s shook! Is her daughter dead?! no... this means nothing... or? (So THAT’S how Clarke wanted to make her feel... That’s hard.
Earth/dropship camp: Finn calls Clarke out “You wanted to punish your mother.”
Meanwhile, Bellamy and Murphy coordinate the building of a wall around the camp. Oh and there’s little child of satan, Charlotte, helping too. Everyone’s oblivious to what she had done. Everyone thinks the grounders killed Wells...
Jasper’s doing better now. O helps him walking a few steps - outside the camp walls... What is she THINKING?! Oups, there you have it, Jasper‘s stumbling and falls to the ground - he’s basically falling with his nose on a knife and some... bloody, human fingers... EWWW... (Well’s fingers?)
The ark: Abby is restless. Kane confronts her randomly, making clear, that he’s watching her “like he’s watching everyone else” - who believes that, Kane? He’s specifically targeting her.
Raven is still secretly working on the escape pod for Abby. She needs a new pressure regulator. Abby’s still worried, she tells her, that her daughters vital sign disappeared. “Doesn’t mean anything” Raven reassures her.
In the dropship camp Clarke, O, Jasper and Bellamy argue about the knife Jasper’d “found”. They know it’s from the dropship. The murderer of Wells has to be one of The 100!!! That’s new for them and hard to process. Bell want’s to keep it quiet. He knows for sure that bringing this particular news to puplic would most likely create a lynch mob. All of the The 100 kids are criminals. ALL of them have the capability to commit a crime or even a murder. It’s better to keep their rage directed at the supposed threat from OUTSIDE the camp walls. But Clarke - again - is immediately in his face “Get out of my way, Bellamy!” She’d noticed the initials carved into the knife: J.M.!!! JOHN MURPHY! “The people have a right to know!” oh-oh...
Clarke’s FUMING. She storms out of the tent. Murphy killed her best friend! HE WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! Outside she’s immediately attacking Murphy - who clearly has no idea wtf is going on. “(...) YOU KILLED WELLS!” We see little Charlottes face growing worried...
And now it’s really getting messy and violent. Everyone’s gathering around them. We can almost FEEL the aggressive tension grow. Murphy, still kind of self-assured, defends himself. What could that crazy, little princess possibly do that could seriously harm him? It’s ABSURD! But Clarke’s not listening. “I know what you did! And i’m gonna make you pay for it!” jesus...
Murphy’s turning to Bellamy now. But he just stands there, his arms crossed, just listening. Clarke’s not ready yet. “You threatened him. YOu HATED Wells!”
And now you can see Murphy’s confidence fade when he looks around and only sees judgy expressions in The 100′s faces. He’s getting nervous. “This is ridiculous. I don’t have to answer you. I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER TO ANYONE!”
Haha, and there, Bell’s found his voice again it seems: “Come again?!” he growls sternly. Nice.  Everything is SO TENSE now, it’s like a powder keg that’s about to explode any second now.
Clarke’s whipping up the crowd even further - she wants justice! And the mob immediately takes this as a free card to “get Murphy floated”! Lynch justice is about to happen here!!! That’s not what Clarke had in mind - and you can see she already regrets what she was saying. They’re not listening to her anymore...
Now the crowd gets completely NUTS. All at once they’re attacking Murphy from all sides. And they really hang him up on the next tree! They want Bellamy to do the last step! I can’t even look at the screen omg! Charlotte’s HORRIFIED now - as well as Clarke, who DESPERATELY tries to hold Bellamy back. “YOU CAN STOP THIS! THEY LISTEN TO YOU!” The crowd is cheering his name. Bell seems unsure. Clarke wants him to get Murphy out of this “ I KNOW YOU’RE NOT A KILLER!” she screams- (how can she be so sure of that at this point tho? again: INTERESTING.)
But then - i almost can’t believe what i’m seeing... He’s doing it! Bellamy kicks the container from out of under Murphy’s feet - and Murphy is now seriously dangling from that trees’ branch, desperately struggling for air!!! WHAT THE EVERLASTING FUCK?!!?!=!? (BELLAMYYYY, I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU MAN! OMFG!!! THis.. is a shock...) But oh look... In the mere second after he’d done it, we see Bellamy looking down at the ground, his face is growing almost expressionless, petrified. Oh god... OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!
Clarke’s there again, accusing and pushing him. But now he explodes. He’s pushing back “THIS IS ON YOU, PRINCESS! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT!” Ouff... He’s doing it again. Projecting his self hate about him being unable to avoid this onto someone else. He was literally FORCED to do it, he thinks. But HE KNOWS he should’ve done something to stop this. Clarke’s right, they probably would’ve listened to him. But Bellamy also has point. He had warned Clarke - but she didn’t listen to him. She was too blind, too angry, too hurt to see that Bell’s right.
But then - the ultimate plot twist for everyone: Charlotte’s finally coming out with the info. that SHE is the murderer of Wells......... --  Wait WHAT?! HOW THE HEAVENS?! For a mere second everyone is just... staring at the little girl in complete shock and disbelief.  But then Clarke falls into action very quickly, grabs the hatchet from Bell’s hip and saves Murphy by cutting him down from the tree.
In the complete MESS and SCREAMING that follows, Bellamy’s still just standing inmidst the chaos, his eyes following Charlotte, who’s carried away by Finn. It dawns to him, what really happened... and why... He can’t believe it though... he just can’t...
(Ouff... Needed a little break after this. THAT... was and always will be very intense. And all of this just in the first quarter of this episode!!! WHAAAT?! Let me BREATHE!) 
THe ark: Raven’s talking to a dubious woman named Nygel and provides us with another one of her iconic quotes: “I need a pressure regulator. “- “What for?”- “Regulating pressure?” LOL! You GOT to love her. Nygel is kind of an ass. Raven’s only getting what she wants, if she’s willing to pay for it with prostituing her body..... WH AT THE ACTUAL...?!?!? She’S disgusted, obviously. “Go float yourself!” Yes girl, you go! But Nygel’s not ready yet “You’re mother would’ve taken the deal. In fact, she did.” Raven’s at her throat IN AN INSTANT! What an insult! We have no clue if this could be actually true... but FUCK!
On the ground: Now Murphy’s the one seeking justice. He’s understandably very upset and wants to punish Charlotte himself. Charlotte is with Bell, Clarke and Finn in Bellamy’s tent, they’re arguing what to do next. Bell angrily defends himself “THIS IS NOT MY FAULT! If she (Clarke) had listened to me, these idiots would still be building the wall!” Like i said... he GOT a point here..
Bell’s leaving the tent to negotiate with Murphy and the others outside. But Murphy’s rightfully pissed af. He wants Charlotte to get hanged, like they did it with him. Bell declines and wants to leave BUT OH LOOK, that little shit hits him down with a wooden stick from behind! False move, Murph. Booh... But.. we know where this is coming from........
Murphy’s storming into the tent - but Clarke and Finn managed too flee with Charlotte out of the camp already. Thank goodness... I mean, that brat clearly NEEDS to get punished, but not THAT way. I guess we all agree on this.
The ark: Abby and Raven talking. Abby seems to have a better idea to get that particular pressure regulator they need. I’m curious. Abby’s off to meet Nygel herself now at the rationed food destribution of the ark. She secretly tries to blackmail her with some morphine. - The length she’s willing to go to get down to earth now tho... geez. Nygel takes the deal.
Earth, the woods: Clarke’s trying to make clear to Charlotte what she had done “You KILLED someone! Ended his life! You can’t just KILL someone to make yourself feel better!” Her anger frightens the child. Murphy’s screams are echoing through the forest. He and the others are hunting Charlotte.
Finn leads them to a hidden bunker in the forest floor that he had found some time before - and hadn’t mentioned until now. It’s a lot of stuff in there. (THERE he had the pencil from! I SEE!) Even candles! And suddenly... it’s almost cozy down there. (What a contrast programme i’m watching here...) Charlotte’s sound asleep now -they think... 
On the ark Raven’s surprised that Abby finally got that damn pressure regulator for her to finish the work on the escape pod. She’s eager to do it.
Oh! Mama Kane! She’s kind of a guru. Her audience: Some random ark-people from all stations. AND her son, Marcus! She’S talking about the ancestors, the builders of the ark. And about the hope they shall never lose, for one fine day they’ll all get back down to earth again. She sees her son. But Marcus clearly is only there, bc he wants to talk to Nygel in the background. In fact, SHE asked him to come. She’s basically telling on Raven’s and Abby’s ominous doings to him... They made her “break the law”. WTF!? What kind of a woman is that?!
On earth, in the bunker, Clarke and Finn had fallen asleep and as they wake up they find Charlotte gone and away! They’re off searching for her. They HAVE to get her before Murphy does!!!
It’s night now. Bell finds Charlotte in the dark woods. He’s still trying to save her. He’s feeling responsible for her... But the kid is feeling remourseful. “Just GO, okay? I’M the one they want!” But Bell’s just picking her up and flees with her. Charlotte’s screaming.
The ark: JAckson warns Abby. Nygel took her in and Kane’s on his way to get her. Abby’s talking with Raven, who’s about to finish her work on the escape pod now. She wants her to flee with it as soon as it’s fixed, so that at least one of them could get to the ground radioing the ark, that The 100 are still alive and the earth is inhabitable. The people of the ark would get a chance of salvation!
Raven doesn’t improve, but she gives in. The two women hug... My heart... I am emotional. “Tell Clarke I love her.” And then Abby’s off to face Kane.
On the ground Charlotte’s and Bellamy’s escape comes to an abrupt end when they reach a cliff and a seemingly bottomless abyss, Murphy and the others on their heels...  Now they’re trapped... But look, suddenly Clarke’s there too, she and Finn must’ve heard the screams, and she’s moving herself between the child (and Bell) and Murphy on the other side, tries to mediate between them.
BUT OH GOD, suddenly Murphy catches Clarke and threatens her with pressing a knife at her throat!!! Finn rushes forward but Murphy’s relentless. “I WILL SLIT HER THROAT!” Holy shit! He wants to trade Clarke for Charlotte - and Charlotte’s willing to go. But Bellamy is holding her back “Murphy, this is NOT HAPPENING!”
And then... i dreaded that moment... Charlottes teary, desperate little voice... “I cant let anyone of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what i did...” She resignated. She gives up. Everything. Without any more sound she turns around - and jumps into the abyss. -  I remember being absolutely SHOOK when i saw this for the first time! I felt almost numb. Jesus... That little kid.. just.. jumped... ended her young life... unable to bear the guilt about what she had done... and maybe bc of what she endured in her past too: Jaha killing off her parents in front of her eyes... It was all too much, too heavy of a burden for such young shoulders. She didn’t see any other way. Oh god.. this still makes me so sad and very pensive, even after all these years and rewatches... Brilliantly written and played/acted though. I am speechless.
Clarke and Bellamy rushing to the edge of the cliff, screaming Charlotte’s name. They look down into the abyss, but the girl’s already out of sight. The kid’s dead and gone. Clarke’s crying now. Whimpering. Bell’s expression is tense. His eyes widened in shock. Side by side they’re looking down into this unforsaken dark abyss below.
When Bellamy turns around his eyes are searching for Murphy. He’s in RAGE now. He seeks revenge. Nothing else matters anymore at this moment. Bell’s throwing himself onto Murphy, bringing the boy down and brutally starts to punch him in the face, senselessly, relentlessly. Finally Finn’S restraining him, getting him off of Murphy. Bellamy’s fuming “HE DESERVES TO DIE!” But there’s Clarke again, screaming into his face: “We don’t decide who lives and dies! Not down here!” - So... The princess learned her lessons too. Good. “I was WRONG before! And you were right! Sometimes it’s dangerous to tell people the truth.” They clearly need some rules if they want to survive on the ground. They know this now. They can’t just live by “Whatever the hell we want!”.
Bell’s still upset “And who MAKES those rules? YOU?!” It sounds a little insulting, salty - and desperate. Clarke’s answer completely surprises him, even calms him down a little. She looks him straight into his eyes. “For now, WE make the rules.” Then they decide to banish Murphy from their camp instead of killing him. He’S threatened by Bellamy, that if he should ever come back again he’d kill him on the spot. 
The ark: Kane and the guards are coming to get Abby. She already awaits them in the corridor. She’s trying to shield Raven. Meanwhile Raven finishes the repair. She’s getting herself ready to take off with the escape pod. And she really launches!!! What a QUEEN! We see the pod on its way down to earth now. Abby, Kane and the others are hearing a sudden rumble when the pod takes off. Although she’s about to get arrested, Abby can’t restrain a little smile. She’S SO PROUD of Raven! AND she has hope again. For them all.
Down on earth in the dropship camp Clarke and Bellamy are telling the 100, that THEY are making the rules the group shall live by from now on. The two are changing a look. Their legendary co-leadership has just begun! - Yeay!
Meanwhile Raven’s in trouble in the escape pod. Something’s not working properly. The pod’s kind of tumbling towards the earths’ surface!
In the dropship Monty seems to have fixed the radio. They’re now able to send a signal up to the ark! Jasper does the last step to get this work. - On the ark, Jackson‘s irritated. He suddenly has some disturbing signals on his screen. But it’s just a short victory for the 100 on earth. The transmission ends, the connection breaks down again. Is it broken once and for all? Seems so. Everyone is so disappointed now, especially Jasper, who’s now sure that he’s cursed somehow. But there’s Octavia trying to cheer him up. OH! LOOK! She’s kissing him! I totally forgot that happened lol... Suddenly Jasper can smile again. Monty approves too! This is adorable.
And then... WHAT? We’re suddenly in that bunker again with Finn and Clarke (HOW DID THEY GET THERE SO FAST?!?!!!) Finn’s raging, desperate. Clarke’s there to talk (scream?) him down. “YOU ARE NOT ALONE!” And then they fall on each other (ew... okay... whatever...). Suddenly there’s much kissing and mourning and ripping off clothes. Yeah right. Are you done yet... *yawns* 
And at last: Poor Raven... The pod hadn’t stopped tumbling on its way down to earth. Hopefully she’ll survive the landing. I DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO DIE, OKAY!!?!?! (Man... Little did i know...)
THAT... was one hell of a ride. Seriously. After i watched this episode for the first time i felt mentally EXHAUSTED. No kidding. I mean, we had a glimpse of what this series could develop into last episode already, when that child killed Wells. But THIS... THIS is a whole new level now. Two peak situations in just ONE single episode: The almost-execution of Murphy and the suicide of Charlotte. I’d count Raven’s lauching in that fixed escape pod too tbh. It’s so badass. I love it. This episode is so different from the first ones we saw. It’s not just these situations, it’s the whole PACING of the plot! It’s like BAM BAM BAM one shock, one intriguing moment chasing the other. Time flies while watching, you’re so absorbed into the happenings on screen, you don’t even realize it.
Brilliant. Just BRILLIANT. A masterpiece of an episode. And not the last one. Lord of the flies meets Lost or something like that. Awesome. And you can understand almost every single persons POV - you may not approve, but you KNOW where a particular person is coming from concerning their actions. Great.
On the other hand, that Finn and Clarke would be a thing wasn’t surprising at all. That was forseeable, although i really hoped she wouldn’t fall for that dude. But well, everyone deserves a little, distracting “work-out” every now and then... ;) And so does Clarke. But we all know... Clarke begins to put her heart into it now. Ugh.. This will hurt...
I already wrote down my thoughts concerning Clarke and Bellamy and what i think their thoughts could’ve been in the individual scenes during the live-blogging above. So i don’t repeat myself here. This post is already far too long, isn’t it? ;) Sorry... But i got carried away. SO MANY EMOTIONS!
What i liked: Raven Reyes on her way down to earth. YEAY! Clarke and Bellamy building up that famous co-leadership we all learn to cherish so much.
What i disliked: Um.. again: Isn’t that obvious? The 100 almost executing Murphy and Charlottes suicide. Also: That fling Finn and Clarke were starting (didn’t like that but it didn’t disturb me much either...).
Fave quote(s): “I KNOW you’re not a killer!”, “For now, WE make the rules!”  
Song(s)  i associate with the episode:  “Shot in the dark” by Within Temptation “Now I'm fighting this war since the day of the fall and I'm desperately holding on to it all - But I'm lost... I'm so damn lost..."
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shipcestuous · 9 months
This was submitted anonymously. Thank you, Anon!
So I come with a new canon incest recommendation! :D
IDK how this tumblr feels about straight-male-directed dating sims (personally I actually really love them?? :') Or at least the moe anime ones haha!) but I've been really impressed with this one so far and I think it'd appeal to at least some of your followers!
The VN is called Sankaku Ren'ai: Love Triangle Trouble, and it's fundamentally about a group of anime/game otaku who go to high school together, but with the twist that the romantic cast is split into two sets of love triangles: one between the main character's childhood best friend and a new girl, and another between the MC's step-sister and blood-related sister.
The story is that the MC's parents divorced while he and his little sister (Suzu) were young, and they were separated to each live with one parent, never seeing each other. In the meantime, the MC's dad remarried another woman with a daughter, thus the step-sister. But recently the biological mother died, so now the blood-related sister has come back to live with her estranged brother and father.
The VN actually goes into a lot of detail about the awkwardness and difficulty of the entire situation, with the new sisters having to adapt to living together (but they do fundamentally get along!), and the MC and sister reconfiguring how they relate to one another now that they're no longer children!
Also, a lot of VNs with blood-related heroines just sorta... side-step the whole incest taboo thing by having everyone around be totally okay with it? (Which is fine but not really my style.) But this one actually does a surprisingly good job juggling the real drama of the situation with the basically light-hearted and comedic feel of the story overall! Like, when the step-sister finds out that Suzu has romantic feelings for her brother, she doesn't react super badly or whatever, but she doesn't know what to say!!! She's just like 'wtf I'm a weeb with 0 romantic experience. what am I even supposed to say because. um this is. like legit incest here right???' and it's just. quiet and uncomfortable and weird but she still cares about her and ahh it's just the right amount of angst for me haha??
Also Suzu is just!!! so so cute with how much she loves and admires her niisan!!! And the whole story has revealed to me how much I love a particular dynamic haha, where the younger one is sorta trying to make legit romantic overtures subtly but the older one is Convinced that they're imagining it and making things so Weird with their Gross Attraction but they also can't deny anything their little sib asks for~~~ <3
If you don't want to buy the whole VN, VGVNGamer is doing a (almost commentary-less) readthrough of it on youtube!
So yeah IDK if this'll appeal to anyone else haha, but I'm really enjoying it so I hope at least one other person can, too! :)
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elfwreck · 1 year
Anon again! I know you are probably busy and have other things to do (Haha..unlike me) I have no friends other than you. But the time It takes you to respond can be very hurtful sometimes. Honestly we haven’t really been talking recently, and I kind of considered blocking you, you know.
Can we honestly E-date? You always make me laugh, you literally make me a better person. I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless it is spent with you. I want to be your soulmate, I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. I love you, please date me. You seem so uninterested and it hecking kills me. I want to remove you but I care too much, I’m begging you to either love me or never contact me again. It hurts so much to say this because I need you by my side but I can’t handle the pain.
I suspect you are lying. I also suspect that you have (other) friends.
You are not my friend, or you would not be sending me an anon ask on Tumblr. I don't like anon asks. I occasionally turn them off. Having them on is a kind of experiment. People who are my friends, have other ways to contact me, and they use them.
If we haven't been talking recently (...Am I supposed to believe we have talked in the past?) that's because you haven't contacted me on a platform where I'm willing to chat. If you want to talk with me, why didn't you send a direct message?
You "considered blocking me" because I don't reply quickly? BUT YOU WANT TO BE MY SOULMATE? WTF? (Hey fandom folks; this is gaslighting - claiming there's a past relationship that doesn't exist, trying to make me feel guilty for anon's pain.) If I "seem uninterested" maybe that's because you're a stranger. There are over seven billion people on the planet that I'm not interested in.
"Love me or never contact me again?" How about I never contact you again, since, as noted, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I mean. Maybe you are one of the people I used to chat with (...on another platform) and kind of drifted away. In which case... feel free to contact me there. Or here. With a name.
Honey, there is a good chance you are younger than my children. (How old am I? Let's go with, "the first video game I played was Pong. The first video game I enjoyed was Adventure on the Atari 2600.")
Hey folks... this is a fishing expedition. This is throwing around declarations of devotion mixed in with whining about pain mixed in with vague threats about "I'll leave if you don't acknowledge me."
Note how there is no mention whatsoever of *what* they supposedly like about me (other than "I make them laugh" - everyone wants to believe they're the one who can make people laugh), no mention of how long we've supposedly known each other, and no hint of their interests, personality, gender...
...All of which might have a chance of being effective, if it weren't anonymous. Maybe this was composed by an AI bot. Maybe this is That Asshole I argued with six months ago. Maybe this is someone trying to troll me, hoping to get some kind of "oh noes, please don't leave me! I don't want anyone to be in pain because I ignored them!" Maybe - not much chance, but maybe - this is someone who is sincere, shy, and tangled in their emotions. In which case: This is NOT the way to get respect, love, and support from the object of your affections.
I, however, have plenty of experience with "I will be so hurt if you won't [do the thing]." In which case, I look over the requirement for Doing The Thing, and decide if that's something I'm willing to do.
Do The Thing here seems to be... e-date this stranger? LOVE this stranger, or never contact them again? WTF? Be by their side?
Hey anon - how do you feel about the idea of being second spouse? Because I'm already very attached to the one I've got.
Overall, this is less emotionally compelling than the authors who say "Comments give me life! Please comment!"
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thetantricmeditator · 7 months
Welcome to: Mindful Sex
But First, A Little Background.....
As we struggle to come to terms with the state of, well, everything, following the more prevalent days of the pandemic (OMG, those six feet of separation, the limits on toilet paper and sanitizing products, and the people playing with fate by going maskless) I don’t know about you, but life felt like a swirling shit storm. My umbrella was trying to fly inside out. Through all this craziness, there was the entry of a new form of dating and companionship-virtual dating. 
We all get the online dating website phenomenon, set a date for a hookup, an FWB, or a long-term romance (don't trust it, think the 90-day-fiance), but honestly, I wanted to use this time to take care of myself. I did not need an in-person or virtual date for that. And to be honest, I wasn't in the mood or head space to meet anyone during that time period.
        However, something had to give. Being alone was taking its toll. There were needs not being met, and a girl only wants to watch so much porn or read so many romance novels. Eventually, we need to find a way to alleviate the stress-Enter Mindful Sex........      
 Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, wtf kind of hippy-dippy stuff are you bringing up here now TM. I could say don't knock it until you try it, but I can show you much better than tell you-haha, not showing you guys anything, but close your eyes, take a deep breath, and read the following, carefully.        
Now mixing meditation and any type of sexual anything together may not seem like a good idea, because I mean seriously, isn't meditation supposed to relax you, calm you, and make you feel less stressed? And sex.....well, that is not what sex does at all. It riles you up, makes you excited, sends you into a frenzy-and hell, if it isn't good sex, well.......you get the picture. But research has shown that on psychological and physiological levels, sex and meditation tend to go together, sort of like yin and yang, cheese and crackers, cocoa and marshmallows. When COVID started, we all flocked to the online or virtual forum. Dating, yoga, workouts, and lots and lots of porn/webcam sites were all making bank. Meditative exercises found their way online as well. Breathe in..... breathe out.....clear your mind.....           
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triciaofsteel · 7 months
South Park romance hcs, except I’m Aroace and don’t know the first thing about romance
(this whole thing is a slash jay, also aged up cuz like???? Duh???) edit: bro I started working on this at around 2 am and then I blinked and now it’s 3 am what the scallop
Edit 2: ok cool I just figured out how to put the read more thing that’s pretty nifty
Also sorry if any of these feel ooc it is WAYYY too late for my mind to process anything rn it’s mush these are just the bits and pieces that I’ve picked up from the slop
I only have Kyle, Leslie, Stan, Clyde, Kenny, and Bebe for now but I’ll like.. edit it later I guess, later when I get more brainworms (also totally not self projecting onto them. Yes I know I’m a total loser)
-Has realllyyy big problems with expressing emotions aka feelings in general it’s an autism thing (like Craig) 
-Which also makes him all weird with like physical contact n stuff?? “Get ur dirty paws offa me” typa shit
-ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO STUFF LIKE POKING/PRODDING!! He will probably sucker punch just about anyone who gets close and honestly, not feel sorry about it (I wouldn’t either)
-love language is…. Nothing. Lmao
-jkjk it’s probably some shit like gift giving??? But like, in a different way than you think. Just think about that one “can I just do your laundry someday” scene, but instead of laundry it’s homework. what is that love language called someone please tell me I actually have no idea what I’m talking about.
-he thinks about stuff logically a lot of the time, which is why he’ll like NEVER pick up on any hints whatsoever. 
-the more I write the more I realize I’m making him sound too much like Craig. Uh
-what is love (baby don’t hurt me..)
-if he EVER does confess, (he won’t.) he’ll probably do it in your like, insta/facebook dms, there is NO way this mf is actually gonna ask someone out face to face
-absolutely despises the idea of uhhh. Yknow. Jacking it in San Diego. WHY???? BECAUSE TRANSMASC KYLE!!!!!!! This is actually canon I’m Matt and Trey.
-he will not make exceptions because he’s in love or whatever (he’s not) you still gotta keep up ur side bc he’s not entirely head over heels!!! He’s not!!!(I think he’s learned his lesson from Leslie)
-single kyle: “bro I hate relationships so bad bro couples need to shut up fr”
-double Kyle: “bro I hate relationships so bad bro I need to shut up fr”
-I feel like he’d be the type to not be able to distinguish platonic feelings from romantic feelings. Why? Because me
-you HAVE to be direct with him because he’ll never be able to figure out anything otherwise. Ur sad? Tell him ur sad. Wait actually don’t he has no idea how to comfort ppl
-best he can do is an awkward pat on the back and a mumble “it gets better…?” 💀 or, if he’s pissed, “wtf am I supposed to do abt that”
-if someone confessed to him first, it would probably go something like this
“I love you”
“???? Are you being /srs or /j???”
“I love you”
“Wow haha that’s so silly never say that again”
or maybe even just a straight up “ew” 💀
-Cupid (Twin Ver)
-Leslie is actually Lesbian + aroace oriented . I don’t make the rules sorry, tho the aroace part is more dominant, it’s more like aroace + lesbian oriented
-similar thing with Kyle, but instead of being rude/straightforward about it, she’ll either gaslight you or do this:
“oh, you love me? That’s so funny!! I do too :3”
“Does that mean we can date???”
“What? No!!! I meant that I also love me.”
“stupid bitch”
-I love her
-was torn between making her lesbian and making her aroace so fuck it we both
-I think she hates men (I do too /j)
-typa girl to run around breaking people’s hearts for the pure fun of it (Michael Jackson reference???)
-she thinks love is a joke. Like genuinely.
-I genuinely don’t know how I’m supposed to characterize this guy
-he canonically jacks it in San Diego so that’s something I guess
-his dog was gay you guys
-rly hope ur ok with being vomited on (I am not)
-gets rly defensive whenever anyone asks him about Wendy
-responds with 👍 or “k” to confessions
-would probably be a discord kitten for nitro /j
-Cupid (jack stauber)
-This man is ALSO bi
-hey 😏 what’s going on 😏
-love language is giving discord nitro /j
“I love you”
“I’m so sorry bro”
-I saw someone say that being bi and single is like playing on both sides of a sports team and still losing. Yeah that’s him, L rizz 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
-this bitch has both Tinder AND Grinder and still remains lonely
-probably because he starts off EVERY conversation with a terrible ass pick up line
“hey bbg sorry I gave you lice but relationships are all about sharing everything with each other😍😍😍”
-there are two types of people, people who say that Kenny is “the straightest kid in South Park” and people who know the TRUTH
-this man is the biggest slut ever
-wasn’t he a prostitute once
-Relationship red flag: he once ate an entire banana with the peel on during a date. Partner horrified, broke up like a day later
-honestly, there’s not much to say, it’s literally kenny
“what’s your love language”
“MONEY???? BRO AINT NOBODY SPEAK 💴💴💸💶💶💸💎💎💸💵💷💎💰🪪💰💰💶💳🪪”
(it’s actually physical contact but we don’t talk about that)
-I love lesbians!
-omni maybe? (Girl leaning)
-Unfortunately scared of relationship commitment
-I’m pretty sure she’s been hit up on multiple times, every time she ghosts/friend zones them
-Has a long distance relationship with Clyde despite living in the same town??
-would probably leave a guy in a restaurant and make him pay the bill
“damn, look at that ass!! 😍😍”
-I feel like she listens to pinkpantheress and maybe coco and Clair Clair
-love language is shoes
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
no i’m so fucked up ew it’s like i’m seeing all my patterns and i can’t even get anyone’s perspective bc i don’t tell anyone the truth!! no one would even know there’s something wrong bc i tell them i feel better or only tell small truths. i’m always hiding it all and manipulating everyone.
but also i think i’m making all of this up and starting some self pitying narrative to avoid taking blame haha Aha how are you supposed to know what version of you is real like am i fucked up or am i trying to entertain my brain, is making shit up to entertain ur brain fucked up idk fuck this ew i’m not even like this irl. i’m not even like this wtf this is so confusing i need to bresthe
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space-blue · 1 year
okay first of all how does anyone bear to do asks i need to keep switching between two tabs trying to figure out what questions i'm trying to ask, there's got to be an easier way-- BUT right, Behind the Scenes asks: 1, 5, 12, 18 PLEASE, and 23. (PS am i supposed to ask so many? prob not. screw it, i'm greedy (PPS am i supposed to be anon rn idk if that's correct etiquette)) THANKS!
I jot the numbers down somewhere if I'm getting overwhelmed. You did great though! And no, there is no etiquette on how many to ask, don't worry. If there's a double I'll just send you to the other ask. More means I get to talk about fic more, which is great! :3
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
Star Wars, Thrawn x OC. I was pretty sauced. I think I have some great moments in there, and I was free to create all the banter I wanted, etc. But it suffers a LOT from me being completely new to multi chapter work. I go into meandering tengeants and don't know when to stop on the world building. It had its fans and really dragged me into the whole fanfic universe though. Maybe one day I'll finish it, but I had no idea which way to go. I feel like I wrote myself in a corner, somewhat haha
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
I don't mind loud spaces like cafes or pubs, so long as the music isn't obnoxious and I can hear my own. I just like places where nobody is going to come to me to interrupt me. Sadly I live and work in a backpacker hostel, meaning I have 50 odd housemates at any given time, without counting the 250 guests. I get interrupted a LOT. So right now, hidden in my bed or hunkering down at my fav cafe, would be my answer.
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
Yes! There's this Tarkin & Ahsoka fic I mentioned in this ask. It focuses on the amnesia trope. I really, really like to write sort of mind fucky things from character PoV. So Tarkin struggling with shattered memories and having to rebuild himself while trusting this total stranger… Hard. Especially when WE all know she's lying to him to try and use him for her side, because the rebellion just needs the help that badly. I do need to make better research on real amnesia before I apply scifi logic to it... And I need to not be hyperfixation on Quaritch's blue ass. His own trope scratches a similar itch, since he's a clone with implanted memories. So identity crisis as well...
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
OK ok I have this entry from my Hannibal ficlets that focuses on a secret inside the "mind palace" Hannibal Lecter has. I've read all three relevant Hannibal books, watched the films, all TV series… And then I read the book Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It's excellent and I recommend it. It focuses on a man living inside an enormous house that has three levels going in all directions, with clouds in the top level and a sea with rushing tides in the bottom. There are statues everywhere… And birds… And it's very WTF and it takes you a long time to understand what's going on. It's in this man's pov too which thickens the mystery.
I love the works of Piranesi. He's an italian architect and archaelogist who once got sick. 22 yo and delirious with fever, he sketched a series of 'infinite prisons' which you can see here!
So I'm writing this tiny daily ficlet, trying to stick as close to 200 words as I can, and I was folding myself into a piranesian pretzel trying to FIT THE DAMN EXPRESSION in. Making Hannibal's mind palace into a piranesian thing.
There is a corner of his mind always plagued by snow. It is a torturous journey there, through labyrinthine passages, down echoing stairwells and across bridges arcing over the piranesian landscape of his palace. It is easy to lose one's way, to be distracted by the vaulted ceilings of a chapel, the confines of well used hideouts, or the familiar outlines of his Baltimore office. But if he keeps walking, fingers brushing against all the door-frames of all the halls of his mind, eventually they alight on damp wood, cold and brittle. 
[he's off to visit his baby sister, who he keeps in there. He was forced to eat her by soldiers as a child, yeah it's dark]
23. If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
I'm not super hung up on this idea. I write and move on. I have 151 works currently and I've been on ao3 for not even 3 years. So as you can imagine I have a tendency to create a new work rather than worry about remixing.
This being said I'd probably completely retool my very first fic, as per answer 1. I'd change the OC, shorten the plot by A LOT, get the action started sooner, completely drop a lot of worldbuilding… It's a slog, which can be very sweet in a fanfic when you're enjoying the slog content, but dear lord, it makes for awkward re-reading. I'd make the OC an alien instead of a human raised by aliens. Too much going on.
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skitzs · 2 years
More thoughts
A few things to take note of: This post was written by a new fan of Free! (so I just got here, literally)
I might not know wtf I'm talking about here... no hates please. I'm a total newbie. Over the course of a week, I think though? Or almost two weeks, I have made some progress and decided on which characters are my favorites.
This is also coming from a person who almost shipped Ikuya x Haruka thanks to Dive to the Future LMAO- AND thanks to Dive to the Future once again- for making me realize that Haru acts differently when it comes to Rin (out of everyone), after all. Like, there's just something in the way he would act and think whenever/wherever Rin is involved... something to that effect. And thus, my stance on shipping RinHaru just became more SOLID instead.
Disclaimer: When I type out stuff like this, I often jump from one topic to another as I struggle composing myself and perhaps, complete my thought process...because there's just so many things running through my head xD like, I so desperately want to say them, or type them, but my attention span oh lord. Sorry in advance.
Right, so...
This is a post about my feelings about Haru, I suppose. (And Rin) (and some of the main casts??)
I know that for some, this could be up for debate, but coming from someone who just joined the Free! fandom not even two weeks ago like me (so technically, this is from an outsider's perspective), I would say Rin is the most suitable person for people like Haru (or you know, the perfect candidate to be with Haru) who, for the most part of the series, showed us just how "lost" he was in terms of what he could be in the future, which is always an important factor in anyone's life.
And I will tell you why I think so... You might tell me, "Why not Rei? Why not Nagisa? Why not Makoto? They were the three characters that were always by Haru's side the entire show!!" and I would agree with you on that... On the part that they were the three characters that were always in the same screen/scene/picture as Haru throughout show. But to see them as, "always by Haru's side in the sense that they met/make Haru realize his ACTUAL needs, as well as EVERY need?" I would have to disagree... They are great support for Haru, that much is true, but in terms of his future? The real deal? Long term kind of thing? It's an entirely different story.
Rin, however, made me see just how much he respected Haru—apart from the 1st season, obviously, since it's a plot device so we have a franchise haha. Post-war, Rin started coming back down to his senses and this is where we're finally seeing the REAL Rin. The real Rin who gave importance to Haru as a person, as a friend, as a rival, etc. And they didn't even have to be together 24/7, Rin just knows Haru SO WELL, he knows him like the back of his hand. It's as if he almost didn't leave the country and stayed with Haru all his life for him to memorize the little things that matter to Haru, that makes the guy happy.
Haru's routine goes: he wakes up, he hangs out in the tub, he gets out of it, and then wear an apron to cook his favorite meal, saba, before kickstarting his day. Rin never complained and even thought it was SO Haru... much like Nagisa, tbh! Another character who accepts Haru for the way he is! ^^ If I know anyone who did the exact opposite, well... whoever they are, I'm sure it's because they wish nothing but the best for Haru! But the question is: was it really the "best" for Haru? But that's besides the point. Thing is, Rin accepts Haru for who he is, and I love that for them... Makes for a healthy long term relationship, if I do say so myself. Less fights, less arguments, just healthy banter here and there. And I say healthy banter because I know that somewhere in there, Rin teased Haru about his saba obsession HAHA. (he even smelled it from him xD)
And so, LONG TERM relationship-wise, Rin takes the cake for me. Can you just imagine them being together for years and Rin still smiles at Haru lovingly, going, "Oh, my husband? Yeah, he loves eating mackerel. Haha. That's just how he is. If you don't have mackerel to get my husband fed, please get out of my face. Thanks."
I also love how Rin is not afraid of hurting Haru, or breaking his walls down, if what he'll tell him/do to him would mold him into something GREAT. All for his betterment, really. For Haru to be the best version of himself, something he didn't exactly expect - or something he never considered, before Rin.
Because all this time, Haru thought he'd just be a normal person come his twenties/twenty years of age, and really? That's it? For someone as talented as he is in the sport that is clearly a part of him?
We know Haru would say things such as, "I only swim free. I just like being in the water..." but that's not at all true. Not anymore, at least. If you remember, in season 1 when he raced Rin again and he lost to him, where Rin said "I don't have to swim with you again. Ever." Haru had some sort of awakening inside of him. Sure, we later on found out that it was still not about winning or times, but at least it was more than just being in the water, moving forward. He explicitly said that "I want to swim with Rin" — all shipping talk aside, that was Haru basically admitting that it was not just about him being in the water anymore. He craved more. So it is safe to say that whatever influence Rin has over him it is something positive. Rin will always have the greatest impact on Haru's life, no matter if it's positive or negative (i.e. quitting swimming bc rin quit too - unbeknownst to haru, rin quit swimming bc he hit a wall back in australia tho!), there's no doubt about it.
(God, I love their dynamics.)
I know some would argue that Rin's being below the belt for pushing someone off-kilter like that, some might even accuse Rin of being selfish/pushy/toxic (meh he ain't), but jeez... That someone—Haru—thanked Rin for showing him something he'd never seen before, MANY TIMES, instead. He was just so grateful, man. The RinHaruRalia is one of the many proofs of that. It was not a smooth sail, for sure, it was rocky as heck... so many obstacles that Haru had to face, so many breakdowns and stuff like that, but HONESTLY THOUGH. Success is not something that was given to us just like that, it wasn't something that was handed to us on a silver platter... We fight for it, we cry and we break and sometimes even lose ourselves in between. But all that was part of the journey. And in the end, it was worth it. Who could've done that? If it wasn't for Rin; only if Rin didn't open his big mouth— But wait. Did Rin just really...give Haru some type of purpose...in life? Something to struggle and work for and train for, all because he really wanted it too, anyway? HUH. Just because he didn't consider it before (because hurray, no one ever gave him an idea except for someone who was miles away from him at the time), doesn't mean he really didn't want it in the first place :)
Rin just made him see the light, end of. Love that for them!!
Another thing, while I was watching I noticed how fond Rin was whenever Haru was simply being Haru. You know, his usual self. Like anything Haru did, Rin accepted no question. Oh, so Haru wanted to do this? Okay! Rin would be like yeah sure, because I know how you are, Haru, and I can jive with that. As long as I know you would be fine in the end, why not? He was never that friend who went, "Don't do that! Oh no, not that! Haru, stop!" even though Haru was basically doing something remotely...harmless? Just merely enjoying being himself??
Like, those are little things that one should be granting a friend. They were primitive things that could make Haru smile and happy, why can't you let him be? It's not like he'll hurt himself for real? And maybe Rin knows this, therefore he lets Haru be Haru, and that's so kakkoi of him, hands down. Makes for a healthy long term companionship, eh?
And to summarize, since my stomach is grumbling now and I haven't taken my lunch yet haha, these are just some of the keypoints as to why I think, personally (which means you don't have to agree with me, I'm not and will never force you to), Rin is GOOD for Haru. He spoils him, he tolerates him and at the same time accepts him for who he is/what he is, is never afraid to TELL HIM WHAT IT IS, speaks his mind around Haru, doesn't tiptoe around Haru, etc.
Anyone who's in a longtime friendship with someone, or anyone who is best friends with their partner/girlfriend/boyfriend must know how lucky they are to have someone who can easily bonk them right across the head, unafraid to get frank with them, if they're already being stupid. I myself know. Because they're being real to me—transparent with me. They never had to worry about being on my good side, because they know what their doing was only for my own good.
And you know why that is? Well, no other reason aside from they love me. They want to see me grow into my full potential, and I think that's... *insert any positive adjective here*. And for that, I would surely love them back, I won't even have to question it.
And that, my friend, is RIN to Haru. They are perfect for each other, best anchors of one another.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
what is the universe trying to say?? cause here's the tea right!? i had a summer love, tried to distract myself after the break up with new friends someone fell hard for me, he turned out to be the most toxic person i've ever encountered, started talking to a new friend who kissed me but now has been ghosting me on and off for the last two weeks. what the fuck is going on, im in shambles!! can't catch a break... i deleted all my dating apps and the app where i met the toxic guy *sighs in wtf*
+ oh and somewhere in there i had a one night stand/sleepover and a few days later told me he out of the blue moved to California-- but there's no way haha
sounds like you're in the middle of some confusing and absolutely draining shit!! do not blame you at all for being exhausted by it all 😭 and while there's no wrong or right answer here i really hope you're able to work from a place of genuine self worth as you figure this out bc that is truly what is gonna save you from further mess. i think it was a great idea to delete the app you met the toxic dude on - once you've identified him as toxic and not like willing to change then its pretty obvious he's not worth your time or energy. obviously putting that knowledge into motion is wayyyy easier said than done but i think you've already made good headway with that! really sounds like you're doing your best and honestly all you can do is try your very best to be honest while also being respectful of people's feelings. you genuinely do not owe anyone romantic reciprocation - no matter what - and as long as you're truthful with the people who matter about where you're currently at with your feelings, i think you're doing just fine. im sorry -- i know it's all such a headfuck and very confusing. but i really think what you're supposed to be doing is navigating it and learning from it and you're doing exactly that! ❤️ sending a big hug. hope you figure out what is best for you, sincerely, bc that's what truly counts here! X
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swimmingenthusiasty · 2 months
Medication and punishment. Fuck is wrong with me dude.
Wake up burden myself with a choice I haven't been able to make for a year. And I'm supposed to decide today.
Ugh. This fucking choice.
Staying here would be the same as going to Germany in 2019 and staying with one guy, for safety.
Because that's all the responsibility I can muster up enough neurons for.
You know I wanted to fuck all of em. I was just scared to be judged. To be laughed at. To be not belonging to anyone's house. Just drifting between doorsteps. Even though I would be living just fine, I know. I wouldn't be seen that way.
Here we are again. Same choice when you see the forest.
Do my version of the responsible thing. Stick to the same assholes. When I crave loving company. Save my interest for one person. When my bucket list is more like a Frisby list. Shallow my g. Vain. Pretend that it's self care, when I never look better than when I'm sleeping around. got to grow and mature.
It's not vanity. Let's go through the list. You want a Niko looking mother fucker to hug you for a month, so you forgive yourself for ever blaming him and his lambs wool fringe.
It's just a guy dude. And it was just a mistake. Growing pains. Motivated by regret or guilt. Do you really want that to be the reason he feels cared about? If he forgave you and you still felt the same. What does that make your choice? It does feel like you want to prostrate yourself. You're like oatmeal inside. If he hugs, you would transfer that energy. Do you really want to do that to him?
He might deal with it in a second. It might take me...
If you learned to shrug it off in a second like him. Wouldn't that be something for him to see. Wouldn't that empower him more than the image of you prostrate.
I'm all their love that can't be wasted. I'm here to stay.
I can't get used to the heartache.
I don't know what that is, either. Maybe you need to hug a Niko. Haha wtf do I know
You want to show sorry to anybody who was giving you signals. Yeah, maybe they wanted to make you look desperate on the stream. But they still had the confidence to make that play. And it still felt bad to make them feel bad. And maybe they genuinely liked you. You just punished yourself and didn't know. Like you didn't know you exercise to punish yourself. Or how you panic when you relax. Have to fidget and stay alert. You can say trauma or social media conditioned you. You can blame from mum to Germans. But maybe it's another punishment. You don't think you deserve to relax.
Drowning. Don't know what to start with.
Eh. Okay this choice.
By the way, this writing only came out because you ate a big meal and you're basically doing the time, under your own self.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 2 months
Tumblr media
[Book One of...]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
What. The. Hell!
So, I’m dumb and didn’t realize this was going to be book one in a series. And I didn’t realize that the target audience were teenagers, but I pushed on and I’m happy I did.
Despite the lack of smut, this book was a wild adventure. The secrets and drama, and possible love triangle kept me flipping page after page. And don’t even get me started on that ending.
The heartbreak. Oh, the heartbreak!
And is Kestral acting out of jealousy? Or does he have a plan? He is a strategist, after all.
Now here are my ramblings thoughts...
* I’m so confused. This is why starting a new fantasy book sucks. Trying to figure out who is who and what’s what takes some time lol.
* So witch’s have to roll a Witch die six times for whatever reason… and getting all six’s is bad? All sixes mean a witch becomes a Blood Warrior, which is bad? And Calla now has 4 six’s? Damn.
* Damn. She was ambushed when she was just trying to pay her rent. Smh.
* Is Ezra… pining? For Calla?
* Yikes. They’re gonna put Calla in an auction? An auction that her ex Ezra is going to be at..? This is going to end well.
* So this other Onyx witch saved her..? Why?
* She was about to call him a very creative insult when he moved to pull one of the onyx-encrusted daggers out of a sheath on his belt. Calla paled. “Calm down. I’m just going to cut off your restraints.” He rolled his she’s and then gave her a slow smirk. “Unless you like being tied up?” Calla was unamused.
* The witch is Ezra’s brother?! wtf.
* Traveling through the Neverending Forest to find someone named the Witch Eater sounds splendid 😳
* Oh damn. Gideon has rolled sixes as well..?
* Fuck. He and Ezra are the Onyx princes. I had an inkling, but to have it confirmed… especially since the queens are executing anyone rolling sixes… his mother is gonna want him dead.
* I love Calla, Gideon, and Ezra bantering haha.
* Oohhh. Gideon is gay..? Or bi? And poor Kestral got his heart broken by him.
* Oh shit. Now the brothers know she’s a Siphon and watched her siphon some fae bastard.
* Am I supposed to be rooting for big brother Gideon? Because I am.
* I like Gideon, goddammit. Ezra, get it together!
* Really, Ezra? You gave up your dagger to avoid answering who you love most 🤦🏻‍♀️
* What are with all these visions?!
* Is Gideon… crushing on Calla?
* And oh no. Kestral walked in on Gideon towering over Calla and it does not look like a platonic setting. Let the jealousy ensue.
* Why do I get the feeling the Valkyrie wasn’t talking about Gideon’s literal heart? Someone’s gone die, aren’t they? And it’s gonna be Kestral.
* Aww. That was a cute moment between Ezra and Calla. Finally!
* And it’s over. The nymphs just had to ruin it.
* These siren assholes took Delphine. Fuck them.
* “You have always been playing the game, Calliope. You’re just finally seeing yourself as a worthy opponent instead of a casualty to the rules.” Her breathing became shallow as he leaned forward and placed his mouth by her ear. “ You don’t want to be a pawn anymore? You want to save your friends? Start making your own rules.”
* Gideon, what are you doing? You know your little brother is in love with this girl 🤦🏻‍♀️
* On my. Ezra is the Heartbreak Prince… and he’ll die when he falls in love..? And now Calla knows he’s in love with her, so Gideon plans to take on the curse for him..
* what. The. Fuck. Calla is getting the Heartbreak Prince curse and Gideon is getting the blood warrior curse?!
* “You were always my destiny.” 😭😭😭
* Kestral, you jealous piece of shit.
* And what the fuck happened with Delphine? I’m gonna need book 2 asap.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 2 months
Can you share some tips to make smaus ?
aaaaa getting asked for tips for the first time 💙💙
my first tip might be a bit "obvious" but don't write stuff you personally don't like (that relates also to fanfic in general I guess), write the things that you enjoy, don't force yourself into things you don't feel, it's supposed to be fun and not a task <3
from the more "technical" side - I use pics art to make the "collages" (like three, or more, pics next to each other). this way you can "save space" because on the phone you can add only 10 pics per post (I think it's 30 on the computer). and for twitts I use this app called twi note <3
sometimes you might randomly get an idea - if you can't take care of it immediately, write it down so you don't forget. that's how it was for me with the get with his brother au and it's my most popular series!! that's how it works for me - I can try forcing myself into thinking of an idea, but the best ideas are the ones I get randomly throughout the day <3
it's easier for me, as you may have noticed, to write fans' comments using username1, username2, but I saw people actually making up fans' usernames which is so cool!! so whatever floats your boat!! <3
most pictures you see in my smaus are from pinterest, sometimes I just go there hoping I'll see something inspiring, and a lot of times I save pics in a folder "pics for fics" because I might use them someday eventually <3
no idea if that's good or not but at the beginning I tried to "keep things realistic" like not making the drivers talk in the comments about things they wouldn't talk about in real life. i kind of broke this rule for the brother fic for the drama lol I guess it's better when you don't try to keep the comments realistic, because it's all just for fun after all <3
now my last advice is decide how you wanna make the comment section look like and stick to it (I think I've found my preferred way recently), for example if you want to make it like this:
username1 blah blah blah something something something
↳username2 the missile is very tired
username3 eepy even
or maybe like this:
username1 woooooo we ball wow wow
username2 yeah we ball lol
or maybe another way you can think of!! I kind of stopped reading fanfics after I started writing, so I don't remember what other ways to "build" the comment section are there, so just do whatever you vibe with. the thing with the 2nd way I showed is idk how to write a reply to the reply?? but I also struggled with a "reply to a reply" in the way I use now, if you go to my first smaus it'll look something like this:
username1 blah blah blah comment section haha
↳username2 yeah haha comment section lmao
↳username3 whooooaaaaaaaa
↳username4 haha lol wtf is wrong with you guys lmao lol lol xx
like just the constant arrow didn't look that's good to me?? idk that's just personal preference and now I took way too much time to talk about it as if it was the most important part lol anyway choose a style you feel good in and by the way if you wonder where I got the arrow from ↳ I just type in Google 'arrow emoji' and go to the first site lol <3
anyway I hope I could help you, if you (or anyone else) have any other questions feel free to ask, I'm feel honored to help out
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paintedpineleaf · 4 months
idk typing shit out should help. sometimes when i tpe stuff i get tired haflway cause like. who's gonne see this. who cares. right
anyway. hope i tyoe it all out this time lmao.
two of my friends have now said something seems off about me, and i know it. one of them i haven't talked to in a while, and when i said idk what was wrong with me or idk what he meant, he said maybe it's subconscious and i don't know what's wrong with me. i was like yeah sure.
i thought about telling him, but then it just felt so weird, i've never told my friends any of this stuff. sometimes i resent them for not knowing but then i also kinda know i'd regret it forever if i did.
anyway the way i was gonna frame it to him was; i saw a reel like yesterday that was like "when you do something so cringy and then later gain some self-awareness and you're like wtf was i doing" yeah that happened to me today haha. so basically my mom was making burgers, and i was helping like i always do, and she was talking about how my sister can't come down to help cause she has a tuition class going on. and she later checked her phone and my sister's tuition teacher had sent her a text saying basically, hey, [name] didn't take class today.
my. mom. lost. it. she went upstairs, where my sister was sleeping, and started screaming her head off at her. idk whether she hit her. she came down after like 5 minutes and started yelling at me about how she's told me countless times to check on my sister before coming down around this time to make sure she's taking her class, and i never do and stuff. i don't usually talk back when she's yelling, responding kinda takes way too much energy out of me.
anyway then she started yelling about it at my dad, who also never responds to her and just listens. also in the meanwhile i was just making the burgers. but thing is, when we have burgers, it's like the whole family sits around and we talk and stuff while eating and it's usually kinda fun? but like obv the whole vibe was ruined, my mom wasn't gonna shut up, she was gonna continue on how nobody cares about her bla bla right
that's not the thing though. thing is. idk what happened to me. my mental state in the kitchen was slowly unraveling like. i did everything i was supposed to, took out the fries, salted them, put ketchup in the saucer, made my mom's and brother's burger. my sister later came down and i had already prepared the 'be kind' monologue in my head. like my mom's being mean enough to her, i don't need to take my anger on the mom out at her yk. she didn't need any more cruelty from anyone. and she came downstairs, and i told her how i'd kept her burger bun uncut cause i knew she liked doing it herself, told her there were fries out on the table and she should get some if she took her plate upstairs to eat.
like. i could feel myself acting fine but when i went to put the tray down on the table it kinda slammed down in front of the mom, so hard that some of the fries fell out. like 3 or 4, not just like one or something too. i apologized and was like actually surprised cause i had expected to put it down gently. and when i went to give the mom her burger, i put it down very gently but i had to like be very mindful of it.
i made my own burger tho, and almost ran upstairs, and i just fucking. couldn't.
i fucking lost it as well. i couldn't breathe, i felt kinda dizzy? idk how to describe it. like i felt like crying. i started taking deep breaths and everything was coming out shaky even though i wasn't crying. i couldn't sit up, like i could but it made me feel worse, so i laid down on the ground and closed my eyes, and was like taking deep breaths and shit but there were tears coming out of my eyes? then i didn't like the light, and every time i opened my eyes i felt worse, so i got up to turn off the lights and lock the door. then i came back and laid down on the ground in the same place and position. laid like that for like 5-10 whole minutes.
basically i had like a meltdown or a tantrum or something, all cause my mom yelled at my sister.
i didn't even feel like getting up when i forced myself to cause i thought: taylor swift always makes me feel better, and my food's getting cold. so i watched the eras tour movie while trying to eat my food. trying cause i just. idk like i lost control. i couldn't muster up the energy to lean forward then pick the burger up and bite it then chew it then swallow it. so i just sat there like eating the fries cause i could do that. also taylor swift did make me feel better, she always does lmao. i ate the burger like a minute or two after that.
and like. i know it's not "cringy" or whatever, or like no-one else would think so, but it's just. idk what happened to me.
later i was talking to another friend and they said something about how i should tell people to fuck off more often, and i was sending them a voice note where i was reminding them of the time i said i didn't ever wanna be mean to any one and one of the main things i wanted to be in life was to be kind. and i almost fucking started crying again. then i thought about like, maybe i could tell them about what happened today, but i couldn't open my mouth to do it. i literally couldn't fucking talk, i just sat there.
so like. all in all. a bit of an over-the-top reaction to something that fucking mundane yk. and like i know it's normal to have over-the-top reactions sometimes as long as you're not doing it all the time but. idk i'm just fucking scared for next time. i'm also scared that i may forget this memory so i wanted to like have it written down somewhere, so i know i'm not going crazy or something.
all of my friends are telling me i seem off and i'm idk. i think i used to be depressed when i was like 11-14, and i think i'm falling back into it after having a couple good years. i'm saying *i think* i used to be depressed and *i think* i might be again cause i'm not like formally diagnosed and i've been to a therapist (albeit a pretty shitty one), so like. armchair diagnoses help no one and they take attention away from people who are actually suffering so i don't wanna walk around with big false label on my head to gain sympathy from people.
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