#live and die in the life [ sol | musings ]
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As of May 2024 The Huntsville Community Collective (HCC) is officially an organization openly working in Huntsville...
Though this has been in the works since the first meeting was held, since then Sol has found a group of people to form an official resistance party in Huntsville. Above are their demands and beliefs which are now public. See under the cut for more information...
The founding members include: Ames Shehadi Delphi Tremaine Dorian Blackwell Floyd Blackward Lola Silvia Torres Louis Ryan Prudence Wheaton Samuel Ahn Sol Rowe Important to note: While Sol got the HCC off the ground he vehemently opposes that any hierarchy be put on the founding members of the group. They all do their part. That said, some may not have shared their involvement that's up to the mun/character. Sol is one of the vocal members and can easily be contacted/makes himself available. Does going to the meetings make me a member? Nop! You can be as involved as you'd like or just come for the free food and conversation. Sol makes himself available for anonymous requests and concerns as well (I'm sure they have a place for people to 'write-in' anonymously at the library/around town too). It is expected that you volunteer some time with them if you decide to be an actual member but everyones unique skills are valued and how you volunteer is up to you. What does the HCC do? Throw community pot lucks/meals, host community meetings, tutoring, organize food/clothing/supplies donation drop-offs, help with the maintenance/beautification of Huntsville, plan and discuss the logistics of the upcoming election, and otherwise makes moves towards the desired improvements of Huntsville's social health, well-being, and overall functioning that people have brought forward to them. What's been happening since the last meeting? -They been out and around hosting more community meetings and helping with the clean up from the plot drop. -They also are probably asking around and garnering interest in an election and who people in town trust/would be happy to have represent them. Not just for Mayor, but for the community leaders as well. -After Maverick gave him the idea, Sol is starting the process of getting a mural going someone on Main. If your character owns a business and you would be down with having some cool art on the side of it hit me up! -I'm also sure Sol has been trying to set up a meeting with the Mayor, who knows how that's going. I'm going to assume not well. While I don't think Sol has pulled out his megaphone yet, Mayor Haversham better answer his letters or he will be in front of town hall making a lot of noise!!!
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elena-oc-blog · 1 year
Okay my brain has chilled out again and I'm no longer suffering
But I did lose my train of thought about OCs :(
Maybe some oc asks could get them back on track? I was specifically trying to figure out my deities so maybe some questions about them?
Link to my deity OCs;
The major deities (that I have so far) are under the cut because this turned out longer than expected
Aster: Protects the earth from space projectiles and causes harmless meteor showers for people to wish upon. He also is able to fulfill these wishes. Chooses to reside in the mortal realm and travels around the globe.
Astron: The universe itself. The creator of all stars and planets and gods. Very loving, very pacifistic and also very very busy. Doesn't tend to interact with mortals personally much though he does love them.
Dimitri: God of nature, harvest, fertility and life. Resides in a sacred forest in the mortal realm. Sometimes blesses mortals if they approach him with offerings and treat nature with respect.
Felicity: Goddess of Luck/Fortune and The Arts! She can fill mortals with inspiration, hope and happiness and cause good things to happen to them. She is the muse of many artists, being worshipped by them. She is very hyperactive, zipping from place to place. She can't stay in one place, and is always fleeting. But she also doesn't stay away long.
Kronos: God of Time/time itself. Makes sure time flows the way it's supposed to and that everything happens when it should. Also works with warden, telling him when each mortal should die. He normally doesn't interfere with mortals unless the world is in danger because of their actions. Sometimes blesses mortals with future sight if he feels generous though this blessing is fickle and takes skill to master.
Lune: god of the moon, the night, constellations, sleep, dreams, guardian of night time travelers, keeper of stories, water and peace. A peaceful and mellow god with a real liking for mortals. He doesn't like to see them suffer and watches over them the best he can. Can sometimes be interacted with in dreams but you probably will not remember it.
Sol: God of the sun, fire, war and volcanoes/magma/the core of the earth as well as earthquakes. He has a temper as well as pride. Can be very destructive, but also provides light and warmth for live to be able to grow and thrive. He isn't merciless by any means, even in war, one must have respect for their opponent
Warden: god and judge of the dead. He sends out reapers to fetch and guide mortal souls when it's their time and judges them to see to which afterlife they will go. If a mortal is judged to be true neutral, they are asked if they want to join his workforce as a reaper. If they do not want this, they are sent along to Morgan to live their afterlife in peace
Morgan: God of the afterlife and caretaker of souls. He makes sure every mortal soul is able to have a peaceful and loving afterlife, being able to reunite with fellow passed loved ones and do all the things they still wanted to do back on earth. He also allows mortals to undergo permanent death if they so wish at any point where their energy will be absorbed back into Astron to be turned into something or someone new.
Beelzeboss: Self proclaimed god of justice and order, god of wrath and repercussions. A god that was not meant to be created but Astron does not like to destroy his creations even if there was a glitch. He wants to see all mortals burn for even the smallest of sins. However only the very worst are sent to his realm which he isn't really happy about.
Aurora before the fall: goddess of magic, spirits, the tundra and the northern lights. While most gods have magic limited to their role, Aurora pretty much was magic itself. She blessed the world with magic, created spirits to inhabit and watch over the world and help out her fellow deities. She even had her own people she made before the fateful incident..
Aurora post fall: Goddess of Chaos, Fear, Discourse and Dark Magic. Mother of Demons and Monsters. She is much weaker now, and mostly stuck in her realm within the mortal realm. But she won't let herself be stopped that easily.
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mxldito · 1 year
── top 5 song associations, share the top songs in your playlist that most inspire / represent your muses the most. bonus points if you include lyrics to go along with it.
tagged by: @notfrsale (Thank ya :3)
tagging: @mythopoetica @drkroots @lovecursd @cainiine​ @stagebystage @savagc​ @feveredbcnes​
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Feels Like Tijuana - Tropa Magica
“Cuándo tú me hablas Nadie te entiende nada Con una mirada les mi mente [. . .] Es cierto que te vas La luz se esconderá Es sombra lo que soy Cómo el día sin el sol”
Cease to Exist - Rob Zombie 
“Die to live The grand illusion Step into The mass delusion Creep inside And crawl around it The one within The one who found it”
Death’s Door - Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats
“I don't know what I hold in my hand, could it be that I'm evil? Plunder on there's no law in this land, the horror guides me through Masterer and subjector of pain, I'm the Guider of worms Devil's Legion controls the insane, you'll see it when I'm through”
Lullaby - The Cure
“On candy-stripe legs the spiderman comes Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Looking for the victim shivering in bed Searching out fear in the gathering gloom And suddenly a movement in the corner of the room
And there is nothing I can do when I realise with fright That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight”
Keep Your Eyes Peeled - Queens of the Stone Age
“Well, I know you'll never believe I play as though I'm alright If life is but a dream Then wake me up [. . .] Big smile, really a show of teeth Without a care in a world, no fear Lonely, you don't know how I feel Praise God, nothing is as it seems”
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
musings while watching the pilot of supernatural for the elevnty-billionth time, but the first time after watching 15.20...
15.20 would’ve served as a decent finale to like... s2. Sam and Dean finally unified in working together, John’s original revenge quest against the thing that killed Mary laid to rest with John and Mary happily in Heaven together, none of the other problematic shit like angels and Dean and Sam having been to Hell, having suffered more losses but also saved the universe too many times to count, having started dreaming of a future out past the obligate hunting and settling down with specific people who they knew loved them in return. Plus, Harvelle’s in Heaven? El Sol being declared “terrible?” That’s s2 shit. Those are the dreams of s2 Dean, before 13 years of personal growth. Same with Sam. Running away from the life, from his family’s true legacy, and pretending to be normal while hiding the Impala and metaphorically his entire life up to that point under a tarp in the garage, where he goes out to have a good cry once in a while remembering that his life used to have a purpose outside of his Brother Replacement Child. And I of course became irate travelling down this line of thought, because honestly... >.>
All because Sam’s 1.01 motives match up with what he got in the finale-- a “safe” (read: specifically not NORMAL, he corrected Dean’s assessment of what he wanted from NORMAL to SAFE. He thought he would be SAFE living a life away from hunting) life, without Dean there to drag him back into it. Jess, in this case, could be just as blank a slate as Blurry Wife could be. It was never her specifically that Sam was in love with, just the idea that she was “safe,” because he’d kept her untainted by the Supernatural and never intended to tell her anything about it, until she was literally dragged into it by her death.
It also feels reasonable to assume that John harbored deep suspicions about Sam, about what we know he learned about the demon blood and the events of that night in 1983 later on. But even in this episode, John walking in to find Sam in his crib with Mary pinned to the ceiling above, and zero evidence that anyone else had been involved in that scene... I just imagine he HAD to have at least wondered if Sam himself played any role in her death more directly...
We saw in later episodes that Sam had been sheltered from the Supernatural as long as possible (didn’t even discover the truth about what John and Dean knew until he was EIGHT), and then was relegated to research or other side-roles until he finally left hunting behind. Even in 15.16 flashbacks, to 1993 when Sam was nearly 10, it was framed as his “first hunt” of sorts, despite the fact he didn’t actually do any of the “hunting.” It makes me think that Sam’s first ACTUAL hunt where he was given a more active role was the woman in white.
Plus, we know that's one of mary's fears later on, terrified that Sam would hate her because of what her deal did to him most directly, but it's never actually addressed with john. Which... makes it impossible to see 15.20 as even remotely plausible out past 2.22 for me. It could’ve worked before we learned anything more about the cosmic manipulations of their entire lives out beyond Sam’s Special Child status, but beyond there it begins to completely fall apart.
One final thought, since the finale centered Sam as The Main Hero of the series and relegated Dean to Accessory Brother Who Dragged Sam Into The Story:
I don't know how they thought the audience would identify with Sam as the Main Protagonist, when the premise of the show was "welcome to this shady underbelly of a world filled with monsters, and here is Dean, your competent and engaging tour guide." Maybe before they started actually writing this series, it seemed a solid choice to assume the audience would identify more with the kid who wanted a normal life in the suburbs with a blonde nurse-fantasy wife... but we weren’t here for a legal/family drama, we were here for the Supernatural. Like... how did that framing even last beyond the first episode?
If they’d actually shot Kripke’s first draft of the Harrison Brothers learning about the Supernatural together after a lifetime being raised in the ‘burbs, then maybe that Sam=Luke, Dean= Han framing would’ve held up, but... it absolutely does not in the story Kripke actually laid out for us over the first few seasons.
And again, Dean needing to die so Sam could be “safe,” so he could have a life free of the Supernatural, doesn’t really hold up out beyond Dean’s literal self-sacrifice to give him that chance in 2.22, and Bobby’s tearful reprimand about Dean having that low an opinion of himself to throw his life away so Sam could live... it’s just... not plausible as an ending after that point. Even out past Cas, and “what’s the matter, you don’t think you deserve to be saved?” It makes zero sense. It’s the ending Chuck would’ve written in a bland world before the apocalypse. If Sam and Dean had been allowed to just... die... rather than being resurrected over and over just to tell another version of his eternal ego-soothing, self-congratulatory story of doomed siblings and manpain.
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deerixiie · 4 years
u n e x p e c t e d g u e s t
ep 12: questions
previous / next (ep 13) / series masterlist
a/n: i was too lazy to edit or have someone beta so if you see a grammar mistake,,, no you don’t. 
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Kenma watched you.
He watched as you slowly set your phone down with a quiet sigh. He watched as you picked up Ankha gently in your hands and began to stroke her fur. He watched as you looked out into the distance, your eyes unfocused, your mouth curved slightly into a small frown.
Kenma found himself frowning, too. He didn’t like seeing you this worried. A simple appearance in the background of a livestream had turned your life on its axis, and it was taking a toll on your mental health, as well.
What should he do? He was the one you turned too, after all. But he was terrible with words—if saying his order at a restaurant was difficult, how could he even imagine comforting you?
His eyes dropped to the console resting a foot away from him, and he let out a tiny sigh. He wasn’t good with words, but he was good at video games.
Kenma extended the Switch to you with a soft smile. “Do you want to play?”
You played Smash this time, something that you picked up surprisingly easily. Kenma, however, wasn’t paying attention to the game. His eyes kept drifting back to you. You seemed more relaxed now that you were playing, but every so often your smile would drop and your eyes would unfocus.
Kenma frowned again.
Come to think of it, you only knew him for about a week—or maybe less? Why were you coming to him when it was obvious he couldn’t do much to comfort you? Didn’t you have other friends? There was Kuroo, the one who had introduced you two. (Though, now that he thought about it, Kuroo wouldn’t be much help.) Then what about your brother and his friend?
Kenma glanced over to you for what had to be the umpteenth time. He paused, considering his words, and then put down his controls. “Do you have any other friends that live around here?”
You didn’t seem as uncomfortable with the question as Kenma was, even offering a smile smile. “Apart from you, Kuroo, Hajime and Oikawa? No, not really. Why?”
“No reason.”
You shrugged. “Now that I think about it, it’s kind of weird, y’know? As a kid I basically clung to Hajime, meaning I was friends with Oikawa too. I haven’t really been the type for friends, per se?” You frowned. “Does that make sense?”
“No, I understand.” It was like that with him too—apart from you, Kenma’s closest friends were probably only Kuroo and Hinata. Everyone else was a mutual friend or an acquaintance.
“And whenever I need something, I would turn to Oikawa or Hajime. It’s actually weird for me to be coming here now. But,—” your voice became more solemn, “the thought of being in the house with Hajime and Oikawa just felt… suffocating. Being around you calms me down, I guess?” Your eyes widened at that statement, as if you didn’t mean to say it aloud.
Kenma ducked his head, wishing his hair was down so it would hide his blush.
You felt comfortable with him—and Kenma did too. Whereas talking to others gave him anxiety, he found himself easily being able to talk to you. (It was ironic, how easy it was for Kenma to talk to you but still not able to comfort you.)
His mind floated back to the conversation he had with Hinata. Kenma’s eyebrows furrowed. Did Hinata ever ask you about him? He glanced over to his phone, only to remember as he reached for it that you were still sitting there.
“Can you give me a second, Y/n?” Kenma asked, swiftly tucking his phone in his hoodie’s pocket.
You looked up with him with startled eyes. “Uh, sure! Go ahead.”
Kenma ducked into the hallway, pulling out his phone. Sure enough, a text from Hinata glowed on the screen.
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Kenma sighed and slipped back into the living room. Your expression was thoughtful, although unfocused. You continued to stroke Ankha’s fur, but more aimlessly this time.
You didn’t move an inch.
“Y/n.” Kenma’s voice was louder. He took a few cautious steps toward you, saying your name a third time. You blinked and turned to face him, giving him a startled smile. “Oh, uh, did I drift off there?”
“Yeah.” Kenma sat down and picked up the controls. He paused and turned to you again, his expression full of concern. “Are you... okay?”
“Oh.” You gave a small shrug. “I’m doing better than before.”
“You kept drifting off.”
“Oh! I’m uh, I’m thinking.” You looked away from him, rubbing circles into Ankha’s fur. “I think I want to start all over again.”
“Start…” Did you mean your art blog or something else?
You leaned your head back. “Yeah, like, start my entire life with a clean slate. New blog, new twitter, new hobbies—” e/c eyes flicked to him, only for the briefest of seconds—“new apartment, new roommates.”
Kenma played with the controls, avoiding eye contact with you. “Do what makes you happy.”
“Yeah.” Kenma’s gaze snapped back to you. You had a wistful, almost dreamy expression in your eyes, a soft smile gracing your lips. “What makes me happy.” You looked back at Kenma and the expression dropped, a sheepish smile taking its place. “Ah, whatever, lets just go back to playing!”
Kenma frowned but picked up his controls anyway, sparing you one last glance before focusing on the screen.
Two hours passed rather quickly. You played Smash for another half-hour or so before switching back to Animal Crossing. Conversation was light, comfortable, and Kenma found himself easing back into that odd familiarity he had with you. You seemed to be doing the same, but every so often you’d look over to him as if to ask something and then back out of it, turning back to your Switch. It frustrated him at first—what weren’t you asking him?—but the hypocrisy of the situation humbled him. He couldn’t ask you a simple question either.
(But then again, there was a heavy weight over his question. Six simple words-will you go out with me?—carried much more meaning than six simple words normally did. What if Hinata read the situation wrong, and you only saw him as a friend? What if you said no? What if you exited his life almost as quickly as you came?)
Eventually you set the console down with a heavy sigh and stretched your arms above your head. (Kenma glanced over at the exposed skin before he could stop himself.)
“It’s already two,” you remarked, glancing down at your phone. “Are you hungry?”
“Not really.”
“Onigiri or inari sushi?” you continued, disregarding his response. “Do you still have some leftover rice from last time?”
“I’m not-” Kenma shook his head, letting his protests die away. “Yeah.”
You gave him a small, smug smile and walked over to the kitchen, humming to yourself. The sounds of cluttering pots and pans that Kenma oftentimes forgot existed followed.
She knows me better than myself, he mused. It’s been barely a week and you were such a strong presence in his life—was it because you watched his streams? Your friendship with Kuroo? You were popping up in the most unexpected places, first behind the counter at the flower shop, now at his front doorstep meekly asking if you could stay for a while. You chose him, even when there were so many others out there.
“You’re getting soft, Kenma.” Kuroo had said that to him last night after you went home, a smirk playing on his face. Kenma had shot the dark-haired boy an annoyed glance and a bitter retort, but he saw the truth in the statement now.
Kenma let out a quiet, defeated sigh. You were doing so much for him and yet he had nothing to offer.
He had to change that.
“Hm?” You turned around to him, expectant, and Kenma realized with a sickening churn of his stomach the reality of what he was about to do.
“Is there something on your mind?”
He couldn’t even ask the real question.
Your face falls. “Yeah, there’s a lot.” You glanced away from him, rubbing the back of your neck. “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question, actually.”
Kenma held his breath.
“Can I move in with you?”
The response flew out of Kenma’s mouth before he had time to consider it—something that shocked him, because he always was careful of his words.
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previous / next (ep 13) / series masterlist
❍ im so excited for what’s happening next hehe
fun facts:
❍ punchy was napping under a couch so y/n couldn’t pet him :(
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taglist (open, send an ask!):
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@rhaynedaze @1tsnoya @hnpriscilla @chaelysian @deimmortales99 @pantasticalcat @goosyy @loxbbg @officiallykuute @handsoffmyfriends @flrtykawas @kenmashoe @kingkagss @sempiternal-amour @sol-demure @bbecc-a @ggukiefrappe @ashleydaowo @space-flamingo @finnydraws @bakibakini i @satorispup @erininium @creativedogs @johnnysactualgf @bethbat @prcttylittlcthing @rachelexe @vanilla-beanzz @saccharine-sunflower-seeds @icaruskenma @aikochan4859 @knmsapplepi @h0ngh0ngh0ng @shhhspect @vicassa @crykv @a-applepi @beanst0ck @ephemeralninon @pocket-of-anxiety @kozumesupremacy @air-wreckaaaa @kageyamasbabygorl @kjalidd @lostmarimoismyhubby @oikawasphlatass @punicorn999 @sugawater @yn-tingz @memorableminds @mirikusashes @jiminifiess @semiis @elianetsantana@bwoodybwood @chaseyui (continued in replies!)
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antinous-posts · 3 years
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Early life
According to Apollodorus and a fragment of Pindar, Orpheus' father was Oeagrus, a Thracian king, or, according to another version of the story, the god Apollo. His mother was (1) the muse Calliope, (2) her sister Polymnia, (3) a daughter of Pierus, son of Makednos or (4) lastly of Menippe, daughter of Thamyris. According to Tzetzes, he was from Bisaltia. His birthplace and place of residence was Pimpleia close to the Olympus. Strabo mentions that he lived in Pimpleia. According to the epic poem Argonautica, Pimpleia was the location of Oeagrus' and Calliope's wedding. While living with his mother and her eight beautiful sisters in Parnassus, he met Apollo, who was courting the laughing muse Thalia. Apollo, as the god of music, gave Orpheus a golden lyre and taught him to play it. Orpheus' mother taught him to make verses for singing. He is also said to have studied in Egypt.
Orpheus is said to have established the worship of Hecate in Aegina. In Laconia Orpheus is said to have brought the worship of Demeter Chthonia and that of the Κόρες Σωτείρας (Kóres Sōteíras; 'Saviour Maidens'). Also in Taygetos a wooden image of Orpheus was said to have been kept by Pelasgians in the sanctuary of the Eleusinian Demeter.
According to Diodorus Siculus, Musaeus of Athens was the son of Orpheus.
Adventure as an Argonaut
Main article: Argonautica
The Argonautica (Ἀργοναυτικά) is a Greek epic poem written by Apollonius Rhodius in the 3rd century BC. Orpheus took part in this adventure and used his skills to aid his companions. Chiron told Jason that without the aid of Orpheus, the Argonauts would never be able to pass the Sirens—the same Sirens encountered by Odysseus in Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. The Sirens lived on three small, rocky islands called Sirenum scopuli and sang beautiful songs that enticed sailors to come to them, which resulted in the crashing of their ships into the islands. When Orpheus heard their voices, he drew his lyre and played music that was louder and more beautiful, drowning out the Sirens' bewitching songs. According to 3rd century BC Hellenistic elegiac poet Phanocles, Orpheus loved the young Argonaut Calais, "the son of Boreas, with all his heart, and went often in shaded groves still singing of his desire, nor was his heart at rest. But always, sleepless cares wasted his spirits as he looked at fresh Calais."
Death of Eurydice
The most famous story in which Orpheus figures is that of his wife Eurydice (sometimes referred to as Euridice and also known as Argiope). While walking among her people, the Cicones, in tall grass at her wedding, Eurydice was set upon by a satyr. In her efforts to escape the satyr, Eurydice fell into a nest of vipers and suffered a fatal bite on her heel. Her body was discovered by Orpheus who, overcome with grief, played such sad and mournful songs that all the nymphs and gods wept. On their advice, Orpheus traveled to the underworld. His music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone, who agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth on one condition: he should walk in front of her and not look back until they both had reached the upper world. Orpheus set off with Eurydice following; however, as soon as he had reached the upper world, he immediately turned to look at her, forgetting in his eagerness that both of them needed to be in the upper world for the condition to be met. As Eurydice had not yet crossed into the upper world, she vanished for the second time, this time forever.
The story in this form belongs to the time of Virgil, who first introduces the name of Aristaeus (by the time of Virgil's Georgics, the myth has Aristaeus chasing Eurydice when she was bitten by a serpent) and the tragic outcome. Other ancient writers, however, speak of Orpheus' visit to the underworld in a more negative light; according to Phaedrus in Plato's Symposium, the infernal gods only "presented an apparition" of Eurydice to him. In fact, Plato's representation of Orpheus is that of a coward, as instead of choosing to die in order to be with the one he loved, he instead mocked the gods by trying to go to Hades to bring her back alive. Since his love was not "true"—he did not want to die for love—he was actually punished by the gods, first by giving him only the apparition of his former wife in the underworld, and then by being killed by women. In Ovid's account, however, Eurydice's death by a snake bite is incurred while she was dancing with naiads on her wedding day.
Virgil wrote in his poem that Dryads wept from Epirus and Hebrus up to the land of the Getae (north east Danube valley) and even describes him wandering into Hyperborea and Tanais (ancient Greek city in the Don river delta) due to his grief.
The story of Eurydice may actually be a late addition to the Orpheus myths. In particular, the name Eurudike ("she whose justice extends widely") recalls cult-titles attached to Persephone. According to the theories of poet Robert Graves, the myth may have been derived from another Orpheus legend, in which he travels to Tartarus and charms the goddess Hecate.
The myth theme of not looking back, an essential precaution in Jason's raising of chthonic Brimo Hekate under Medea's guidance, is reflected in the Biblical story of Lot's wife when escaping from Sodom. More directly, the story of Orpheus is similar to the ancient Greek tales of Persephone captured by Hades and similar stories of Adonis captive in the underworld. However, the developed form of the Orpheus myth was entwined with the Orphic mystery cults and, later in Rome, with the development of Mithraism and the cult of Sol Invictus.
According to a Late Antique summary of Aeschylus' lost play Bassarids, Orpheus, towards the end of his life, disdained the worship of all gods except the sun, whom he called Apollo. One early morning he went to the oracle of Dionysus at Mount Pangaion to salute his god at dawn, but was ripped to shreds by Thracian Maenads for not honoring his previous patron (Dionysus) and was buried in Pieria. Here his death is analogous with that of Pentheus, who was also torn to pieces by Maenads; and it has been speculated that the Orphic mystery cult regarded Orpheus as a parallel figure to or even an incarnation of Dionysus. Both made similar journeys into Hades, and Dionysus-Zagreus suffered an identical death. Pausanias writes that Orpheus was buried in Dion and that he met his death there. He writes that the river Helicon sank underground when the women that killed Orpheus tried to wash off their blood-stained hands in its waters. Other legends claim that Orpheus became a follower of Dionysus and spread his cult across the land. In this version of the legend, it is said that Orpheus was torn to shreds by the women of Thrace for his inattention.
Ovid recounts that Orpheus ...
had abstained from the love of women, either because things ended badly for him, or because he had sworn to do so. Yet, many felt a desire to be joined with the poet, and many grieved at rejection. Indeed, he was the first of the Thracian people to transfer his affection to young boys and enjoy their brief springtime, and early flowering this side of manhood.
— Ovid. trans. A. S. Kline, Ovid: The Metamorphoses, Book X
Feeling spurned by Orpheus for taking only male lovers (eromenoi), the Ciconian women, followers of Dionysus, first threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him. Enraged, the women tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgies. In Albrecht Dürer's drawing of Orpheus' death, based on an original, now lost, by Andrea Mantegna, a ribbon high in the tree above him is lettered Orfeus der erst puseran ("Orpheus, the first pederast").
His head and lyre, still singing mournful songs, floated down the River Hebrus into the sea, after which the winds and waves carried them to the island of Lesbos, at the city of Methymna; there, the inhabitants buried his head and a shrine was built in his honour near Antissa; there his oracle prophesied, until it was silenced by Apollo. In addition to the people of Lesbos, Greeks from Ionia and Aetolia consulted the oracle, and his reputation spread as far as Babylon.
Cave of Orpheus' oracle in Antissa, Lesbos
Orpheus' lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses, and was placed among the stars. The Muses also gathered up the fragments of his body and buried them at Leibethra below Mount Olympus, where the nightingales sang over his grave. After the river Sys flooded
Leibethra, the Macedonians took his bones to Dion. Orpheus' soul returned to the underworld, to the fields of the Blessed, where he was reunited at last with his beloved Eurydice.
Another legend places his tomb at Dion, near Pydna in Macedon. In another version of the myth, Orpheus travels to Aornum in Thesprotia, Epirus to an old oracle for the dead. In the end Orpheus commits suicide from his grief unable to find Eurydice.
"Others said that he was the victim of a thunderbolt."
From Wikipedia
Orpheus the musician & beast tamer.
Art by Brittany Beverung @artistfuly
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alchemic-elric · 3 years
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Scare My Muse || Accepting
Anonymous asked:
Death is never happy being cheated, little moon. Whether it be via philosopher's stone or trading away bits of your own life; Death will always come to collect, and it will be particularly vicious to those who have escaped its grasp before.
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He doesn’t understand why everyone is always talking about cheating death or escaping death to him. He doesn’t understand because it’s not like he’s ever died.  That would be impossible.  Dead people don’t come back to life. Not now; not ever.   If he’d DIED before then he wouldn’t be ALIVE. Someone would have had to bring him back with Human Transmutation and THAT is impossible too. 
But there’s something to consider when he thinks about it. Cheating? Oh yes. He’s cheated but he’s never died. He used his own life to cheat in Baschool. He escaped by the sound of a gunshot when Mustang saved him from Scar.  He narrowly slipped by when his brother rushed him to the Rockbell’s house to prevent him from bleeding out on their basement floor.  Oh yes. He’s CHEATED but other than that it’s just been close calls. 
He doesn’t know what happened in the forest. He doesn’t remember. He doesn’t know how he got the bullet out of his chest, he can only assume Grandma took it out,  but he wasn’t awake for the surgery so he can’t be for sure. It’s the only logical explanation though.  He can only remember waking up with his hand tightly clenched in his father’s. He can’t remember anything else. 
He can’t say what happened in the hospital if only because most of the time he was there, he slept. If he can only remember one thing from the hospital it was a single phrase.  
“New orders for you, Edward,  They come straight from me, no one else. You listening?  Don’t die.” 
And he obeyed.  He OBEYED dammit so WHY are these voices coming at him like he didn’t?!   
He’s under orders dammit. He’s under orders. He STILL under orders. His father has yet to release him from that command. He CAN’T die because he’s been ordered not to and he HASN’T.  
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“Little Moon....”  
The voice creeps into his mind. It infects his person and all he can see are glowing white eyes staring back at him. Staring through him, into him.  He can’t escape them. They’re peering straight into his soul and he wants to run but those eyes have his feet anchored to the floor. His body starts shaking as heavy quick breaths are pulled into his lungs and then released just as fast; as frantic.  
                   “......Whether it be via philosopher's stone or trading away bits of your own life.”
How do they know? How do they know?  How do they know he’s burned his own soul?!  He’s never told anyone but Verna - no that’s not true but it took him forever to finally fess up to his father. How do they know?! It’s not common knowledge. It’s not public.   How do they know?! How do they KNOW?! 
He obeyed. He obeyed dammit. He obeyed his orders at any cost.  He might die later but he didn’t die NOW. 
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Why does his stomach twist when that voice calls him Little Moon?  Why does it make him feel paralyzed?  He can’t deal with this. He doesn’t want to deal with this. He couldn’t have died. If he did then Al and - Sol and - he would have - he would have - but they’re still here and they’re FINE. 
He’s the one with issues.  He’s the one with issues because he got shot not because he died. 
He didn’t kill his brother or his sun. He didn’t. He DIDN’T.  
He couldn’t live with himself if he did.   
He knows the burning sensation when his chest sets on fire. He knows the tight constrictive feeling when he can feel the air being stripped from his lungs and the hoarse scratch that runs up the back of his throat when coughing wracks his frame and he starts of suffocate. He knows the ripping feeling that burns up his esophagus right before blood splatters against the floor when he can’t do anything but fight for air in his lungs.   He knows. He knows what his attacks feel like; punishment for getting too riled up or pushing himself too hard. He knows. 
Death can toy with him all it wants. Twist his chest and scrape his lungs.  It can choke him out until there’s nothing left of him to play with. Tear him apart. He’s cheated enough to earn such a punishment. Death can play with him for the rest of his days. 
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                                      Just please God don’t touch THEM. 
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p3ach3snplums · 3 years
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                     A Logan Hamilton and Neeja Anand Mix
Listen ( x )
@thcdarkling​ envio ♪ para un pequeño mix de nuestras muses
Perfect Symphony by Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you're holding mine Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Take Me Dancing by The Maine
Give me thunder, give me lightning, and I will give you every part of me Take me dancing, get me fucked up. Play that old guitar an we will sing.
As Long As You´re Mine by Wicked Original Broadway Cast
Kiss me too fiercely Hold me too tight I need help believing You're with me tonight My wildest dreamings Could not foresee Lying beside you With you wanting me And just for this moment As long as you're mine I've lost all resistance And crossed some border line And if it turns out It's over too fast I'll make every last moment last As long as you're mine Maybe I'm brainless Maybe I'm wise But you've got me seeing Through different eyes Somehow I've fallen Under your spell And somehow I'm feeling It's up that I fell Every moment As long as you're mine I'll wake up my body And make up for lost time
Six Feet Under The Stars (Acoustic) by All Time Low
Meet me on Thames Street, I'll take you out Though I'm hardly worth your time In the cold you look so fierce But I'm warming up because the tension's like a fire We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes And like a bad movie I'll drop a line Fall in the grave I've been digging myself But there's room for two, six feet under the stars
Porfa No Te Vayas by Beret & Morat
Recuerdo aquel verano que pasé contigo Y cada beso que nunca pasó Se viste de fantasma cuando estoy dormido Pasamos de repente del calor al frío Y tu recuerdo no se congeló Hoy no puedo creer que estés al lado mío Porque solo tú sabes Que se quedaron tantos besos al aire Solo tú sabes No sé vivir, que yo sin ti no soy nadie Porfa, no te vayas cuando salga el sol Cuando algún error me haga pasar por imprudente Los nervio' de bailar contigo juegan conmigo Porfa, no te vayas cuando intente hablar Y al tartamudear, na-na-na-nada te cuente Los nervios de bailar contigo juegan conmigo Porfa, no te vayas Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Porfa, no te vayas Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Primer Avión by Matisse & Camilo
Solo sé bailar si tu bailas conmigo Todo está tan mal si yo no estoy contigo, contigo ¿Por qué no vuelves hoy? Toma el primer avión No sabes como estoy Muriéndome de amor ¿Por qué no vuelves hoy? (¿Por qué no vuelves hoy?) Toma el primer avión (Toma el primer avión) No sabes como estoy Muriéndome de amor
No Hay Nadie Más by Sebastián Yatra
Recuerdo aquel día Como si fuera hoy No hay nada como ella Ni siquiera Me encontró Recuerdo, todavía La vez que la besé Fue mi primer amor Y ahora escribo su canción Hay algo más Inexplicable como su mirada Inigualable como la manera en que me cela Y trata de disimular que no está mal Voy a cuidarte por las noches Voy a amarte sin reproches Te voy a extrañar en la tempestad Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar No hay nadie más No hay nadie más
Forever and Ever by He is We
You're my air, when I feel I can't breathe. Catching me, when I'm tripping over my feet. We'll get through this together. You're my smile, when I just want to cry. Make it all better as you kiss my sad eyes. I'm giving you my forever and ever.
On My Love by We The Kings
And I'll never break your heart on my love Follow you through the dark on my love Even if I do, I don't Even if I could, I won't Let you lose who you are Won't let you fall apart on my love And even if the years turn old and grey Even if your legs don't work the same And even if your mind forgets my name And even if the worst takes us through hell Even if you lose what you once held Even if you wait but there's no help And I'll be here, all for you And I'll be here, all for you
Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer
Kiss me, out of the bearded barley Nightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, (swing, swing) swing the spinning step You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress Oh, kiss me, beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moon's sparkling So kiss me
Adore You by Harry Styles
Honey (ah) I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you Oh, honey (ah) I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you Like it's the only thing I'll ever do Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Why by Sabrina Carpenter
Tell me how we're not alike But we work so well and we don't even know why Funny how the stars crossed right 'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why You can call it fire and ice But we work so well and we don't even know why We don't even know why, no no We don't even know why, no no no
When You Look Me In The Eyes by The Jonas Brothers
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven I find my paradise When you look me in the eyes
Something I Need by One Republic
And if you only die once, I wanna die withYou got something I need In this world full of people, there's one killing me And if we only die once (hey), I wanna die with you (You, you, you) You got something I need In this world full of people, there's one killing me And if we only die once (hey), I wanna die with you (You, you) 
 Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chit chat Take me to your love shack Mama's always gotta back track When everybody talks back
Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon
Oh don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me I said you're holding back She said shut up and dance with me This woman is my destiny She said oh oh oh Shut up and dance with me We were victims of the night The chemical, physical, kryptonite Helpless to the bass and the fading light Oh we were bound to get together Bound to get together She took my arm I don't know how it happened We took the floor and she said
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie
Love of mine Someday you will die But I'll be close behind I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light Or tunnels, to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight Waiting for the hint of a sparkIf Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
Say It First by Sam Smith
Come on baby, say it first I need to hear you say those words If I'm all that you desire, I promise there'll be fire I need to hear you say it first Come on baby, do your worst I know you'll take me higher So come on darling If you love me, say it first Say it, say it, say it Won't you say it to me? Say it, say it, say it Won't you say it to me?
Kiss The Girl by Ashley Tisdale
There you see her Sitting there across the way She don't got a lot to say But there's something about her And you don't know why But you're dying to try You wanna kiss girl Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do It's possible she wants you too There's one way to ask her It don't take a word, not a single word Go on and kiss the girl (kiss the girl) Sha-la-la-la-la-la My, oh my Looks like the boy's too shy Ain't gonna kiss the girl Sha-la-la-la-la-la Ain't that sad It's such a shame, too bad You're gonna miss the girl Go on and kiss the girl (kiss the girl)
Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls & Taylor Swift
I remember what you wore on the first day You came into my life and I thought, hey You know this could be something 'Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away And now I'm left with nothing So maybe it's true That I can't live without you And maybe two is better than one But there's so much time To figure out the rest of my life And you've already got me coming undone And I'm thinking two is better than one
Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls
Four letter word But I don't have the guts to say it Smile til it hurts Lets not make it complicated We've got a story But I'm about to change the ending You're perfect for me You're more than just a friend so we can just stop pretending now I gotta let you know somehowI'll be your shelter I'll be your storm I'll make you shiver I'll keep you warm Whatever weather Baby I'm yours I'll be your forever, be your fling Baby I will be your everything
Más by Diego Boneta
Todo cambio cuando te vi Jamas imagine que habria Un corazón fuera de mi Sintiendo lo que yo sentia Fue tu voz tus labios tal vez Tu forma de ser de niña y mujer Tan solo se que hoy te quiero. Más te quiero mas de lo que quiero a la vida, Más si no te tengo a ti de que serviria, Más de que podria ya servir la respiración Muerto el corazón.
She Is by The Fray
She is everything I need That I never knew I wanted She is everything I want That I never knew I needed She is everything I need That I never knew I wanted She is everything I want That I never knew I needed
I Know Places by Taylor Swift
Baby, I know places we won't be found and They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down 'Cause I, I, I, I know places we can hide I know places I know places
Little Things by One Direction
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me But bear this mind, it was meant to be And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks And it all makes sense to me I know you've never loved The crinkles by your eyes when you smile You've never loved your stomach or your thighs The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine But I'll love them endlessly I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth But if I do, it's you Oh, it's you, they add up to I'm in love with you And all these little things
You And Me by Lifehouse
'Cause it's you and me And all of the people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me And all of the people And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you What are the things that I want to say Just aren't coming out right? I'm tripping on words You got my head spinning I don't know where to go from here
La Correcta by Nabález & Morat
No pienso dar ni un paso atrás En el camino que me lleve hacia tus besos No pienso en eso, se los confieso Hoy me arriesgo a todo sin mirar atrás Si tú te vas, ya volverás Porque el destino sabe bien qué es lo correcto Y no habrá pretextos de espacio ni tiempo Solo formas nuevas de poder amar Te cuento que me encuentro ilusionado Y no puedo olvidarme ya de ella Te cuento que pasé mi vida entera Buscando lo que por fin he encontrado Sé que con otras yo me he equivocado Sé que he dado contra el mundo y he perdido la esperanza Porque aunque llevo cargas del pasado Cuando ella está a mi lado se equilibra la balanza Y nada me cansa
I Don´t Care by Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
'Cause I don't care when I'm with my baby, yeah All the bad things disappear And you're making me feel like maybe I am somebody I can deal with the bad nights When I'm with my baby, yeah Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh 'Cause I don't care as long as you just hold me near You can take me anywhere And you're making me feel like I'm loved by somebody I can deal with the bad nights When I'm with my baby, yeah Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
If I Can´t Have You by Shawn Mendes
I can't write one song that's not about you Can't drink without thinkin' about you Is it too late to tell you that Everything means nothing if I can't have you? I'm in Toronto and I got this view But I might as well be in a hotel room, yeah It doesn't matter 'cause I'm so consumed Spending all my nights reading texts from you Oh, I'm good at keepin' my distance I know that you're the feelin' I'm missing You know that I hate to admit it But everything means nothin' if I can't have you
Hearts Don´t Break Around Here by Ed Sheeran
She is the sweetest thing that I know Should see the way she holds me when the lights go low Shakes my soul like a pothole every time Took my heart upon a one way trip Guess she went wandering off with it And unlike most women I know This one will bring it back whole Daisies, daisies perched upon your forehead Oh my baby, lately I know That every night I'll kiss you, you'll say in my ear "Oh, we're in love, aren't we?" Hands in your hair Fingers and thumbs, baby I feel safe when you're holding me near Love the way that you conquer your fear You know hearts don't break around here Oh yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
So honey now Take me into your loving arms Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars Place your head on my beating heart I'm thinking out loud Maybe we found love right where we are
Tu Refugio by Pablo Alborán
Soy desordenado cuando quiero No recogeré los besos que dejé anoche en tu cuello Somos un desastre pero es cierto, nos queremos Si pasas por mi lado, aún se congela el tiempo ¿Quién me iba a decir a mí que todo esto existiría? Déjame ser tu refugio, déjame que yo te ayudo Aguantémonos la vida, te recuerdo si lo olvidas Que hemos crecido peleando y sin quererlo nos gustamos ¡Cuántas cosas han pasado! Y ya no hay miedo de decir Te amo Te amo
Conexión by Lola Club
Hay una fuerza en ti que no me deja ir y me quiero quedar Sin destino, otro momento, me quedo mil vidas más Y es que no, no logro entender Que siento conocerte cada día más Es como si algo de adentro me quisiera abandonar Conexión tan rara y mística, quédate ya
Love is Easy by McFly
If this is love, then love is easy It's the easiest thing to do If this is love, then love completes me Cause it feels like I've been missing you A simple equation With no complications to leave you confused If this is love, love, love Oh it's the easiest thing to do
Quiero Decirte by Sebastián Yatra
Quiero decirte que te amo y que este amor es verdadero Quiero decirte tantas cosas y al final no diré nada Lo que yo quiero estará escrito en mi mirada Y te amo más que a nada Y te amo más que a nada Perdido solo, tanto frió en el amanecer Mi vida estaba en un vacío pero tú llegaste Porque tú llegaste Convertiremos en mañanas cada anochecer Y ya no siento ese vacío porque tú llegaste Porque tú llegaste Y es que hoy quiero aceptar No tuve nada y me lograste completar Desde hoy voy a jurar Lo que no puedo con palabras explicar
Cursi by División Minúscula
Acaso es mucho pedirte una razón Cuando sabes que eres tú La que tiene mi corazón Explícame por que no puedo ni hablar Y me pones a temblar Cada vez que estás cerca de m­i No lo puedo resistir Mira lo que me haces escribir Y no se que decir Y no se que hacer Para que te puedas dar cuenta de que yo Estoy frente a ti Acaso es mucho escribirte esta canción Pues para m­i no es tan común Estar en esta situación Si tan solo no fueras tan especial Y yo no tan informal Tal vez me acercara a ti Yo me siento tan cursi Mira lo que me haces escribir
Say It Now by We The Kings
And tired eyes just lay your head on me, And I'll be here until you fall asleep. The storm is getting closer, I won't leave. All the words I sing are whispers in your dreams. When I said I wanted it all, I wanted it all. It hurts more than ever, I won't give up now. And all that you are, is all that I need, I promised forever. So tell me it hurts, tell it burns, Tell me it's love and that you're ready to fall Into my arms or into the ground, It's lost or it's found, Whatever you need to say, say it now.
Presiento by Morat & Aitana
Yo te miro y todo me da vueltas, vueltas Y aunque admito que quiero volverte a ver Presiento que tú siempre vas y vienes Que nunca tienes nada que perder Rompiendo corazones te entretienes Y cuando das el tuyo es de papel Presiento que serás de esos errores De esos que estoy dispuesto a cometer Presiento que te vas y ya no vienes Yo olvido mis presentimientos Solo por volverte a ver Solo por volverte a ver Solo por volverte a ver Y aunque no entienda la razón No puedo ocultar que te quiero No puedo ocultar que te quiero Y sé que para mí es un obsesión Pero para ti es solo un juego Pero para ti es solo un juego
Fireproof by One Direction
I think I'm gonna lose my mind Something deep inside me, I can't give up I think I'm gonna lose my mind I roll, and I roll 'til I'm out of luck Yeah, I roll, and I roll 'til I'm out of luck I'm feeling something deep inside Hotter than a jet stream burning up I got a feeling deep inside It's taking, it's taking all I've got Yeah, it's taking, it's taking all I've got
A Daydream Away by All Time Low
We would go out on the weekend To escape our busy lives And we'd laugh at all the douche bag guys Chasing down their desperate wives I would drink a little too much You'd offer me a ride And I would offer you a t-shirt And you would stay another night
Fiesta para Dos by Lola Club
Y si esto se descontrola Se descontrola contigo Y si tú quieres tocarme Mi vida, te doy permiso Puedes hacer lo que quieras Aquí estamos solos Tú y yo Recuerda que pa' una fiesta chiquitita Nomás se necesitan dos
You and Only You by We The Kings
You and only you You make my heart feel like you're pulling every string You and only you You make me drop down to my knees and give this ring My everything Baby, once upon a time There was a million stars up high Now you're the only light I see And I don't care which way we go Teach me everything you know Everything a love should be So baby, just believe
How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding
How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to Wash upon the sand How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far
She (A Capella Mix) by We The Kings
She, when she cries Can the whole world fill the rain When we could lie Hell and heaven come to play She is the first and the last for me She is the everything between She is the darkness She is the daylight She is the calm She is the storm She is the moment The endless and only She is my all She is the one She is She, when she falls I will kiss her until she's clean She, when she breaks It's a gift she gives to me
Superstar by Taylor Swift
This is wrong, but I can't help but feel likeThere ain't nothing more right, babe Misty morning comes again and I can't Help but wish I could see your face I knew from the first note played I'd be breaking all my rules to see you You smile that beautiful smile And all the girls in the front row scream your name So dim that spotlight, tell me things like "I can't take my eyes off of you" I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl Who's desperately in love with you Give me a photograph to hang on my wall Superstar 
 Gold Rush by Taylor Swift
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominos I see me padding 'cross your wooden floors With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door At dinner parties I call you out on your contrarian shit And the coastal town We wandered 'round had never Seen a love as pure as it And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea 'Cause you know it could never be
Cowboy Like Me by Taylor Swift
And you asked me to dance But I said, "Dancing is a dangerous game" Oh, I thought This is gonna be one of those things Now I know I'm never gonna love again
April 7th by The Maine
And I said When I'm with you, well, it's just like it's the first time Never thought that you would turn into my best life Before the blur, well, there you were Under the lights And I said When I'm with you, well, it's just like it's the first time I see you when I close my eyes I see you like I did that night Now underneath the hi-lo lights I see you there, I see you there I see you when I close my eyes I see you like I did that night Now underneath the hi-lo lights I see you there, I see you there And I said When I'm with you, well, it's just like it's the first time April 7th never meant as much as that night Before the blur, well, there you were Under the lights...  Even when my heart stops beating Even when my eyes go blind All I need is your heartbeat beating Next to mine, next to mine, next to mine
Everything I Ask For by The Maine
It's always something But I can't get over it She thinks it's nothing Because she's Everything I ask for Everything I ask for And just a little bit more Everything I ask for
I Only Wanna Talk To You by The Maine
The only thing I'm really sure of I'm unsure of almost everything But I'm looking up and looking forward There's nothing back there for you or me So you say you are Broken, beaten Used and mistreated Tired, shattered Bruised and battered The only thing I'm really sure of I'm unsure of almost everything But I know, I know, I I only wanna talk to you
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deservedboth · 4 years
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     uploading  data  …  ⟳  𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴  !
* ;  ─  the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of JEON JUNGKOOK  -  but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of GOING UNDER TREATMENT strikes you.  perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself  -  you’re HAROLD “HARRY” OSBORN,  a TWENTY YEAR OLD UNIVERSITY STUDENT whose virtue lies in your + REVERENCE & + GENEROSITY, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite - STUBBORN & - UNCERTAIN,  and you’re associated with UNANSWERED CALLS, ECHOING HALLWAYS, COFFEE-STAINED PAPERS by those around you.  suddenly,  however,  you’ve found YOUR JOURNAL on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse,  memories from your life in MARVEL COMICS / SPIDERMAN PS4 have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you.  you can almost hear CRYSTALISED by THE XX following in your wake. ( he/him / they/them &  nonbinary masc )
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            tws:  death,  abandonment,  chronic  /  terminal  illness
ALUCARD  ----  long since abandoning his deadname,  harry has been known as harry for as long as he remembers,  or chooses to remember at least.  he’s lived in alucard all his life,  having been born  &  raised in a happy home up until he was eighteen before staying in the dorms for college.  he’s pursuing a degree in environmental law and has plans to become an environmental attorney.
harry is nonbinary masc  !  please don’t misgender him.  in every thread;  i’ll tag his pronouns appropriately.  please use them.
harry is bisexual.
wanted connection  ?  click the source  !
CANON  ----  harry grew up in an initially loving household.  his mother with her teaching him how to bake and explaining her passion for environmental responsibility.  his father teaching him how to ride a bike and telling him how one day,  oscorp would be his to rule.  a mother who would live until she didn’t,  becoming something other than living,  alive in nothing but memories.  a  father  absent from chosen isolation,  after that.  a father with a cold stare and cold words.  he had grown up impossibly lonely with only impossible wealth to keep him company aside from his two best friends.  he did his best to be the good,  generous person that his mom raised him to be,  but he was never quite the same after her death.  a rare hereditary illness,  oshtoran syndrome,  that took away his mother in everything including physical, an illness that took away his father in everything but physical.  he went to university for environmental law,  graduated and went into getting an mba.  he tried to continue his mother’s legacy in environmental law,  her research stations,  but he had fallen sick. desperate for a chance to live,  lying to those he cared for to avoid them having to watch him die,  he went under an experimental cure.  the venom symbiote.
ii.  and i earned it back  /  abt.   about.
ii.  not completely helpless  /  beg.   starter .
ii.  free as a bird  /  vis.   visuals.
ii.  for the bonus round  /  ism.   musings.
ii.  how spectacular a move  /  int.   interactions.
ii.  i’ve got this on my own  /  aes.   aesthetics.
ii.  not knowing who you are  /  sol.   solos.
ii.  i know my way out  /  ask.   ask responses.
ii.  sins of the father  /  dyn.   harry osborn  &  his complicated emotions regarding norman osborn.
ii.  i won’t forget my family  /  dyn.   blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,  all of the people harry considers family.
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🗳️ - vote for, vote against, run against. (sol - mayor nat, floyd, ..... zach)
Vote for - Zach (For the gag, and because Sol was hoping for no mayor at all and Zach seems like a step closer to anarchy and/or could be convinced that this position need not exist.)
Run Against - Floyd (Nothing adversarial here, as of right now Sol knows/thinks Floyd would be a fine candidate. Also, let me be very clear, Sol will never run for government, he’s big on the whole bo hierarchy at all thing.)
Vote against - Mayor Nat (And water is wet.)
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
Thank you so much for the CFS reaction! I got one last ask before I quit bugging you (I'm greedy, I know). How bout companions in an Art vs Art situation, but it's synth, and human Sol? How would they identify the real Sole, and what do thet do with the synth? Thanks for all this, it means a lot to me! xx
You’re not bugging me in the slightest; I love writing reactions! I always get excited when i get a new request—the more, the merrier! Please enjoy!😊
oh yeah side note: i usually like to make “silent soles” so you can lut yourself in their shoes, but i kinda had to give Sole dialogue in this one.
FO4 Companions React: Real Sole vs Synth Sole
Sole and their companion were leaving Walden Pond when they noticed a person nearby. A person who looked identical to Sole. The pair approached the individual, and the two Soles began bickering about who the “real [name]” was:
“I’m too sober to deal with this right now,” Hancock stated, “I’m just gonna hit some Daddy-O real quick
“Take your time,” Sole 1 stated.
“Don’t you dare, Hancock,” Sole 2 warned, “You know how you get with that Daddy-O shit.”
Hancock immediately took out his knife and stabbed Sole 1. He approached Sole 2, the real Sole.
“Can’t have two of you running around. I can barely manage one,” Hancock teased. “Imagine all the trouble two of you would cause…I’m glad you don’t have a twin!”
“Oh jeez. Why do these kinda things always have to happen to us?” Piper complained. She thought for a moment and then had an idea. “Hey! The real [name] would know the special nickname I gave them. What is it?”
Sole 1 blinked. “Uh…buddy?”
Sole 2 smirked, “Blue. Because I lived in Vault 111.”
Piper beamed. “Ding ding! We have winner,” she exclaimed. She looked at synth Sole.
“So you’re the synth, huh? You got nowhere to go?” Piper thought for a moment. “I would let you crash at my place in Diamond City, but if word gets out that you’re a synth…I don’t even want to think about it.”
Sole 1 frowned.
“How about you come with us for now, okay? We’ll get you situated.” Piper promised.
“Oh damn. Oh shit. I‘m no good at these find the difference games,” Gage panicked. He then had an idea. He quickly adjusted his fingers and threw his hands in the air.
“What’s going on?” Sole 1 asked.
Sole 2 did another hand motion and Gage smiled. He looked at the fake Sole.
“Gang signs, ya poser.” Gage explained just before gunning down Sole 1.
Gage then shifted his attention to Sole 2, “And ya said these signs were stupid. I sure showed ya, didn’t I?
Danse looked back and forth between the two Soles. “I’ll return momentarily,” the Paladin began, “I’m going to find Cutler
and get his opinion. He has a good eye for these kinds of situations.”
“Should I wait here, or do you want me to come with you?” Sole 1 inquired.
“Isn’t Cutler…” Sole 2 hesitated, mindful of their companion’s PTSD, “…not…not alive right now?”
Danse whipped out his laser rifle and vaporized Sole 1. The real Sole smiled and approached the Paladin.
“I knew you would catch on, soldier.” Danse commented, “You’re much sharper than that synthetic vermin.”
“This is tough…you both look the same,” Preston hesitated, “But I need to pick the right one. Marshal, can you help me out?”
“No problem Preston,” Sole 1 began, “I have been there for you and the Minutemen through thick and thin. Always fighting for the people. It would be a shame if you lost all of that by shooting me instead of that imposter over there.”
“Marshal?” Sole 2 asked, “Did I get a promotion?”
Preston immediately stared at Sole 1. “You’re the imposter,” Preston said, “Now what?”
He thought for a moment and then nodded. “Would you like to join the Minutemen?” He asked the synth. Sole 1 nodded. “Excellent. You can follow us back to Sanctuary Hills and we’ll get you acquainted with everyone over there.”
“Alright, synth. Let’s see how sly you really are,” Nick challenged, “Give this old detective a run for his money.”
Nick approached the two Soles and scanned them. After about two minutes of careful examination, the detective walked up to the synth Sole.
“You’re the synth,” He stated plainly, “You have one of two options: live an honest life and don’t cause trouble for the sake of my friend here, or die right here, right now.”
Sole 1 shuttered, “The first option. I won’t cause any problems—I promise!”
Nick solemnly nodded, “Then you’re free to go.”
The panicked synth swiftly ran off into the distance.
Sole stared at Nick in disbelief and the detective chuckled.
“The Institute sure is good at making carbon copies of people‘s physical appearance. Fortunately, they haven’t quite nailed replicating idiosyncrasies yet,” Nick smirked, “I know you never take that wedding ring off. Your clone over there didn’t get the memo, apparently.”
“God dammit, these synths are sneaky little rats, aren’t they?” Cait studied the two Soles and scratched her head, “I can’t deal with this shite right now. I’m goin to take a hit of psycho.”
“Wait, Cait! Hold on,” Sole 1 pleaded. “This doesn’t have to be hard. I swear, I’m the real [name]!”
“Why?” Sole cried in frustration, “We just busted our asses getting you cleaned up in Vault 95 and you’re just going to throw it all away?”
Cait took put her shot gun and shot Sole 2. She approached the real Sole, who now looked distraught. She looked at them sympathetically.
“I would never, darlin. It was just a test. And you passed,” she reassured, “I’m sorry for hurtin ye like that.”
“Two [names], huh? This is gonna be fun,” MacCready smirked and held out his hand, “My most prized possession. Give it to me.”
Sole 1 scratched their head as Sole 2 promptly placed a toy soldier in MacCready’s hand.
“Thank you, friend,” MacCready beamed, looking at Sole 2. He then whipped out his gun, “And goodnight imposter,” he stated, sniping Sole 1 in the forehead.
He walked over to the real Sole and smiled, “I hope you didn’t think I wouldn’t be able to tell the two of you apart. I could’ve figured it out even without the soldier.”
X6 looked at Sole 1, then at Sole 2.
Sole 1 immediately collapsed, and Sole whipped their head to look at their companion.
X6 approached them. “I’m a professional Courser, [sir/ma’am]. You don’t have to worry about rouge synths fooling me.”
“Two’s a crowd!” Deacon exclaimed, “Guess it’s time for comedy hour!” He dramatically cleared his throat: “Two Brotherhood of Steel soldiers are sitting in a tank,” he began.
Sole 1 looked interested in the joke, while Sole 2 rolled their eyes.
“One soldier tells the other: BLUB BLUB GLUB BLUB GLUB. The other soldier drowns.”
Sole 1 immediately started laughing while Sole 2 shots daggers at Deacon.
Deacon knew instantly who was whom. He pulled out his gun and aimed at Sole 1, “Sayonara!” He shouted.
Sole 1 braced for impact, but nothing happened. They looked at Deacon.
“I’m just messin with ya,” he began, “As long as you promise not to go screwing up my pal’s reputation, I don’t have any reason to kill you. In fact, you could probably be a valuable member of the Railroad if you wanted to join our cause.”
Sole 1 nodded and Deacon grinned.
“Great! Why don’t you start heading down to the Old North Church then. There should be a secret door and the password is Railroad. Let them know Deacon sent ya.”
As soon as Sole 1 left, Deacon looked at the real Sole with a goofy smiled plastered across his face. “Now back to what we were talkin about before…I know you’re a huge fan of my jokes. Wanna hear another one?”
“Why two human?” Strong asked, scratching his head. “Was only one this morning.”
“That’s because they're a faker.” Sole 1 said, pointing an accusing finger at Sole 2.
“Shut up. No you’re not. I am!” Sole 1 retorted.
“Human fight with clone. Yes. Interesting.” Strong commented, “But Strong want to smash clone.”
The Sole’s were silent for a moment before Strong spoke again.
“Human know this. Who Strong’s favorite au-thor?”
“You don’t read…do you?” Sole 1 asked.
“William Shakespeare.” Sole 2 answered confidently.
“That real human,” Strong said, pointing at Sole 2. “Goodnight, clone,” Strong stated as he bashed the synth with his super sledge.
“Oh my…” Curie mused, looking back and forth between the two Soles, “I…I don’t know who’s who!”
“I’m the real [name]!” Sole 1 pressed, “How can you not tell the two of us apart? We’re best friends”
“[He/She]’s lying!” Sole 2 swore, “I’m the real one!”
Curie frantically looked back and forth between the two Soles when she suddenly had an idea.
“Both of you turn around and lift up your shirt.”
The two Sole’s obeyed and Curie examined their backs. Sole 1’s back was smooth, but covered with a few cuts and bruises. Sole 2’s back was also slightly bruised and cut, but unlike Sole 1, they had a large, stitched up laceration that ran from one rib to the other. It was an injury they had received upon fighting a Mirelurk King with Curie.
She approached Sole 2. “You, you’re the real [name]! I’m so glad I was able to tell.” She then looked at Sole 1. “It must be fun looking like one of the most fascinating people in the Commonwealth.” Curie remarked. “But we can’t have you running around and pretending to be [name]. I’m so sorry…”
“Wait,” Sole 1 pled, “I won’t cause any problems. You have my word.”
Curie smiled. “Well, I’m glad! If you promise you won’t do evil, you are free to go!”
Sole 1 thanked Curie and Sole for sparing them as they rushed away.
“I am one confused sea cucumber right now,” Longfellow stated, scratching his head, “I’m too old for this shit. Dammit, [name], why would you do this to a senile old man?”
The two Sole’s stared at Longfellow.
“Only one way to find out who the real deal is,” Longfellow pulled a fiddle out from seemingly nowhere and began to sing:
“Oooooh-! What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor?
What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor?
What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor…?”
Sole one raised an eyebrow while Sole 2 beamed.
“Early in the morning!” The latter finished.
Longfellow smiled and shot the synth Sole to the ground. He then approached his real companion.
“I know that’s your favorite sea shanty, [lad/lassy]!” He exclaimed, “My pleasure to have rid the world of your evil clone.”
“The two of you look identical. It’s going to be hard to tell who the imposter is, but I have an idea.” Ada declared. She suddenly lit up and projected an image onto the ground. It appeared to be an empty checkbox with the words I am not a robot written next to it.
“This high-tech projection is touch-sensitive,” Ada explained, “So who is going to try to check the box first?”
Sole 1 stepped forward. They tapped the box with their foot and nothing happened. They then tried again with their hand. They then stomped on it, and jumped on it. The box would not check.
“This stupid thing isn’t a touch screen!” Sole 1 complained, “Don’t lie!”
Just then Sole 2 stepped up. They lightly tapped the box and a check appeared.
“That answers our question, then.” Ada declared. “It looks like she is the real human being. I am sorry.”
Sole 1 slumped a bit, “Now what?”
Ada thought for a moment. “Well, I think I know someone who could use some company. Her name is Isabel Cruz. She should be located at the Robotics Technology Facility in East Boston.”
“Thank you,” Sole 1 stated, as they turned and ran away.
“Oh bother…” Codsworth mumbled, looking back and forth between the two Soles, “you both look completely identical.”
“It’s me, I’m the real [name]!” Sole 1 shouted.
“No, I am!” Sole 2 hollered back.
The two continued to bicker until Codsworth spoke again, “Only the real [name] would know the answer to this question!”
The two Soles perked up.
“What name did the [hubby/wife] insist on giving me before you settled on Codsworth?”
Sole 2 immediately answered, rolling her eyes at the memory “Mr. BB-8 But Floating and British.”
“Correct!” Codsworth cheered. He then turned to Sole 1. “I’m not going to harm you, [sir/ma’am] so long as you do not cause any trouble in [name]’s body.
The synth hastily nodded and ran away.
Codsworth then floated over to the real Sole. “You know, I never really did have the chance to properly thank you for changing my…unique name,” he stayed, shuttering, “So thank you. I am very grateful.”
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definedwrath · 4 years
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      uploading  data  …  ⟳  𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴  !
*  ;  —  welcome  ,  HAROLD  “  HARRY  ”  OSBORN  .  a  long  way  from  spiderman  ps4  +  marvel  comics  ,  huh  ?  hm  …  a  twenty  year  old  environmental  law  student  who  looks  like  JEON  JEONGGUK  —  could  be  worse  .  i  heard  you  were  at  PIZZA  PLANET  when  we  un  -  glitched  ,  &  you  (  started  crying  ]  .  still  the  giving  &  self  -  destructive  type  ,  that’s  why  [  stifiling  silence  in  an  empty  house  ,  steady  beeping  of  an  iv  monitor  ,  &  shadows  casted  in  a  quiet  room  ]’s  totally  your  vibe  .  the  memory  of  GOING  UNDER  AN  EXPERIMENTAL  CURE  is  hazy  ,  but  maybe  the  (  leather  -  bound  journal  &  a  laptop  full  of  your  research  stations’  data  )  waiting  for  you  at  the  pawn  shop’ll  bring  clarity  .  +  human  /  venom  host  ,  nonbinary  masc  [  he/they  ]  ,  bisexual  .
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             tws  :  death  ,  abandonment  ,  chronic  /  terminal  illness
BEGINNING  —  harry  doesn’t  like  to  remember  his  dead  name  .  the  name  he  chose  is  harold  osborn  ,  going  by  harry  for  everything  besides  standardised  test  taking  and  legal  documents  .  compromised  with  his  dad  and  earned  theopolis  as  his  middle  name  .  he  grew  up  in  an  initially  loving  household  .  his  mother  with  her  teaching  him  how  to  bake  and  explaining  her  passion  for  environmental  responsibility  .  his  father  teaching  him  how  to  ride  a  bike  and  telling  him  how  one  day  ,  oscorp  would  be  his  to  rule  .  a  mother  who  would  live  until  she  didn’t  ,  becoming  something  other  than  living  ,  alive  in  nothing  but  memories  .  a  father  absent  from  chosen  isolation  ,  after  that  .  a  father  with  a  cold  stare  and  cold  words  .  he  had  grown  up  impossibly  lonely  with  only  impossible  wealth  to  keep  him  company  aside  from  his  two  best  friends  .  he  did  his  best  to  be  the  good  ,  generous  person  that  his  mom  raised  him  to  be  ,  but  he  was  never  quite  the  same  after  her  death  .  a  rare  hereditary  illness  ,  oshtoran  syndrome  ,  that  took  away  his  mother  in  everything  including  physical  ,  an  illness  that  took  away  his  father  in  everything  but  physical  .  he  went  to  university  for  environmental  law  ,  graduated  and  went  into  getting  an  mba  .  he  tried  to  continue  his  mother’s  legacy  in  environmental  law  ,  her  research stations  ,  but  he  had  fallen  sick  .  desperate  for  a  chance  to  live  ,  lying  to  those  he  cared  for  to  avoid  them  having  to  watch  him  die  ,  he  went  under  an  experimental  cure  .  the  venom  symbiote  .  
MIDDLE  —  long  since  ditched  his  dead  name  for  a  different  name  .  the  full  name  attached  to  him  in  the  orphanage  was  harold  lyman  ,  continuing on  to  use  harry  as  a  preferred  reference  .  he  lived  here  his  whole  life  ,  having  went  to  the  high  school  and  was  accepted  to  blackwell  university  as  he  does  post  -  baccalaureate  research  in  environmental  science  and  finished  his  degree  in  environmental  law  .  
END  —  when  harry  un  -  glitched  and  got  half  of  his  memories  back  ,  he  understandably  freaked  out  .  he  doesn’t  remember  everything  ,  but  he  does  remember  the  basic  gist  of  what  his  life  was  like  .  he  broke  out  in  tears  at  the  realisation  that  he  hadn’t  just  been  abandoned  by  his  birth  parents  ,  but  that  in  his  real  life  ...  at  one  point  ,  they  were  a  happy  family  .  he  doesn't  quite  know  if  he  prefers  the  clean  cut  ties  of  a  full  abandonment  in  this  life  or  if  the  desire  for  even  a  semblance  of  what  a  family  was  like  in  his  original  life  would  have  been  enough  for  him  to  be  happy  because  he  doesn’t  remember  being  happy  with  that  .  he  fully  remembers  his  oshtoran  syndrome  ,  but  he  doesn’t  remember  the  venom  symbiote  .  as  far  as  he  knows  ,  they  were  still  using  gr  -  27  ,  aka  devil’s  breath  ,  as  the  main  cure  to  his  illness  .  he  does  not  know  that  he  is  currently  hosting  the  venom  symbiote  or  a  synthesised  version  of  it  .  of  course  ,  there  are  still  plenty  of  things  that  remain  foggy  to  him  .  he  no  longer  remembers  what  his  mother’s  face  looks  like  nor  does  he  have  any  positive  connections  or  memories  surrounding  his  father  .  as  far  as  he  knows  ,  they  aren’t  his  family  .  a  family  can’t  be  a  family  if  part  of  the  family  is  gone  ,  dead  ,  forgotten  ,  or  a  mix  of  the  three  .  
adopted  parents  /  siblings  ;  a  two  for  one  because  they’re  kinda  related  !  if  any  of  you  want  an  adopted  child  or  sibling  ,  harry’s  here  if  you'd  like  a  well  -  meaning  and  well  -  behaved  familial  tie  who’s  just  trying  to  do  their  best .
friends  ;  whether  it  be  childhood  friends  ,  family  friends  ,  good  /  bad  influences  ,  confidants  ,  casual  friends  ,  best  friends  ,  etc  !  give  this  lovely  one  some  friends  ,  he  will  absolutely  spoil  you  in  words  of  affirmation  constantly  . 
crushes  ;  (  m/f/nb  )  ,  past  crushes  ,  mutual  crushes  ,  fleeting  crushes  or  unrequited  ones  !  it's  unrealistic  for  harry  to  not  have  had  someone  in  his  life  he  either  had  a  crush  on  or  had  a  crush  on  him  .
exes  ;  (  m/f/nb  )  ,  previous  relationships  that  ended  amicably  or  horribly  ,  it’s  entirely  up  to  you  .  whether  because  they  fell  out  of  love  ,  weren’t  in  love  enough  ,  or  even  something  about  them  as  people  just  didn’t  match  .  
classmates  ;  people  that  harry  has  gone  to  school  with  ,  is  seeing  at  blackwell  university  ,  etc  .  this  one’s  general  on  purpose  !  they  could  have  been  lab  mates  ,  study  partners  ,  seatmates  stuck  in  a  general  ed  ,  so  on  .
ii.   and  i  earned  it  back   /   abt.     about  . ii.   not  completely  helpless   /   beg.     starters  . ii.   free  as  a  bird   /   vis.     visuals  . ii.   for  the  bonus  round   /   ism.     musings  . ii.   how  spectacular  a  move   /   int.     interactions  . ii.   i've  got  this  on  my  own   /   aes.     aesthetics  . ii.   not  knowing  who  you  are   /   sol.     solos  . ii.   i  know  my  way  out   /   ask.     ask  responses  . ii.   sins  of  the  father   /   dyn.     harry  osborn  &  his  complicated  emotions  regarding  norman  osborn  . ii.   i  won't  forget  my  family   /   dyn.     blood  of  the  covenant  is  thicker  than  the  water  of  the  womb  ,  all  of  the  people  harry  considers  family  .
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luvneedsnosyt · 4 years
My Favorite Albums of 2020 So Far
Here is my list of my favorite albums half-way through 2020
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2019 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2019 here
My Monthly top albums lists from 2020: January, February, March, April, May
Keep in mind I didn’t include albums released after June 12th on this list
Honorable Mention:
Blanche - EMPIRE Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Empire / Till We Collide
Caroline Rose - Superstar Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Nothing’s Impossible / Someone New
Deante’ Hitchcock - BETTER Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: I Remember / I Got Money Now (Feat. J.I.D.)
dvsn - A Muse In Her Feelings Genre: R&B / neo-Soul
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Proof: Dangerous City (Feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Buju Banton) / A Muse
Grimes - Miss Anthropocene Genre: Synth Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Violence (w/ i_o) / idoru // Bonus: We Appreciate Power (BloodPop Remix) Feat. HANA
Halsey - Manic Genre: alt-R&B / Pop
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Proof: You should be sad / Without Me // Bonus: Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind / You should be sad (Tiësto Remix) / Graveyard (Axwell Remix) / Without Me (ILLENIUM Remix)
Illenium - ASCEND (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Good Things Fall Apart (3LAU Remix) w/ Jon Bellion / In Your Arms (Alan Walker Remix) w/ X Ambassadors
Jason Ross - 1000 Faces //   1000 Faces (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: One That Got Away (w/ Dabin & Dylan Matthew) / 1000 Faces (w/ Dia Frampton) //  Known You Before (Trivecta Remix) Feat. Emilie Brandt / Shelter (No Mana Remix) Feat. Melanie Fontana
KAYTRANADA - BUBBA Genre: alt-R&B / House
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Proof: 10% (Feat. Kali Uchis) / Need It (Feat. Masego)
Lady Gaga - Chromatica Genre: Pop / Dance
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Proof: Stupid Love / Replay
Låpsley - Through Water Genre: Indie Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Ligne 3 / Womxn
Loote - heart eyes EP Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: This is How U Feel / All The Fucking Time // Bonus: teamwork., Loote & John K - Wasted Summer
Matoma - RYTME EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Don’t Stop The Rhythm (Feat. Bryn Christopher) / Beside You (w/ Captain Cuts Feat. Georgia Ku) // Bonus: The Bender (The Him Remix) (w/ Brando) / Time To Go
Seven Lions - Find Another Way EP Genre: Electronic / Dance / Trance
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Proof: Only Now (Feat. Tyler Graves) / Another Way (w/ April Bender) // Bonus: 3LAU - Tokyo (Seven Lions Remix) Feat. XIRA / Abaxis , Dimibo & Seven Lions - Half Of It
The Strokes - The New Abnormal Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus / Not The Same Anymore
Tchami - Born Again / Buenos Aires EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Buenos Aires / Proud (Feat. Daecolm) // Bonus: Proud (Steffan City Remix) Feat. Daecolm / Ghosts (Vowed Remix) Feat. Hana
We Are The City - RIP Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Killer B-Side Music / Saint Peter
The List:
15. Alina Baraz - It Was Divine Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Morocco (Feat. 6LACK) / Endlessly / Off The Grid (Feat. Khalid) / More Than Enough
14. Harry Styles - Fine Line Genre: Alternative / Indie Pop
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Proof: Watermelon Sugar / Adore You / Lights Up / Fine Line
13. Krewella - zer0 // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 1) EP // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 2) EP Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance
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Proof: Good On You (Feat. Nucleya) / Anxiety (Feat. Arrested Youth) / Ghost / Greenlights // Good On You (MOTi Remix) Feat. Nucleya / Greenlights (MADGRRL Remix) // Anxiety (Prince Fox Remix) Feat. Arrested Youth / Like We (BEAUZ Remix) Feat. Yung Baby & Alaya
12. iamnotshane - iamnotshane EP Genre: alt-R&B / Electronic
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Proof: Afterlife / Security / Perfect / Right Now // Bonus: Afterlife (Michael Calfan Remix) / Perfect (Thomas Gold Remix) / Right Now (jackLNDN Remix)
11. Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing Genre: R&B / Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Time / Return Them To The One / Better / Circles
10. Charli XCX - how i’m feeling now Genre: Synth Pop / Dance
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Proof: forever / enemy / i finally understand / anthems // Bonus: claws (Whethan Remix)
9. Buscabulla - Regresa Genre: Latin / Pop / Dance
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Proof: Vàmono / El Aproeto / Mío / NTE
8. Purity Ring - WOMB Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: pink lightening / i like the devil / vehemence / stardew
7. Run The Jewels - RTJ4 Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: yankee and the brave (ep. 4) / JU$T (Feat. Pharrell WIlliams & Zach de la Rocha) / the ground below / a few words from the firing squad (radiation)
6. Shallou - Magical Thinking Genre: Electronic / Future Bass
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Proof: Forget / Mutual Love (Feat. Zachary Knowles) / Older (Feat. Daya) / Good Together (Feat. Ashe) // Bonus: Older (Felix Cartel Remix) Feat. Daya / I Leave Again (w/ Petit Biscuit) / Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - you were good to me (Shallou Remix)
5. The Weeknd - After Hours //  After Hours (Remixes) EP Genre: alt-R&B
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Proof: Heartless / Blinding Lights / In Your Eyes / After Hours // Blinding Lights (Chromatics Remix) Feat. Johnny Jewel / After Hours (The Blaze Remix) // Bonus: Blinding Lights (Major Lazer Remix)
4. Jonah Mutono - GERG Genre: alt-R&B / Soul
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Proof: Shoulders / If You Mean It / The Low / Circulation
3. Phantogram - Ceremony Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Dear God / In A Spiral / Pedestal / Let Me Down
2. Childish Gambino - 3.15.20 Genre: Hip Hop / alt-R&B
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Proof: Alogrhythm / Time (Feat. Ariana Grande) / 19.10 / 42.26
1. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush Genre: Synth-Pop / Alternative
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Proof: Borderline / Breathe Deeper / Lost in Yesterday / It Might Be Time // Bonus: It Might Be Time (Louis The Child Bootleg)
Good: A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Artist 2.0, AceMoMa - A New Dawn [HOA007], Ada Lea - woman, here EP, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaeed Muhammad - Jazz Is Dead 001, Active Child - In Another Life, Aesop Rock - Freedom Finger [Music from the Game], Agnes Obel - Myopia, Alec Benjamin - These Two Windows, Alexandra Savior - The Archer, Allan Kingdom - Iddtfm EP, Allan Rayman - Christian, Allie X - Cape God, ALMA - Have You Seen Her?, Amber Liu - Rogue Rogue EP, Amber Liu - X EP, Andy Shauf - The Neon Skyline, Anna Burch - If You’re Dreaming, Anna Calvi - Hunted EP, Ant Saunders - BUBBLE EP, April - New Conditions EP, Ari Lennox - Shea Butter Baby (Remix EP), Arin Ray - Phases II EP, Atmosphere - Whenever, Audrey Mika - 5 A.M. EP, AWOLNATION - Angel Miners & the Lightning Riders, Bad Bunny - LAS QUE NO IBAN A SALIR, Baril - One More Rush EP, Baths - Pop Music / False B-Sides II, Banoffee - Look at Us Now Dad, Beach Bunny - Honeymoon, Becca Stevens - Wonderbloom, Best Coast - Always Tomorrow, Big Gigantic - Free Your Mind, Bishop Nehru - Nehruvian Tuesdays: Vol, 1, Bombay Bicycle Club - Everything Else Has Gone Wrong, Bongeziwe Mabandla - iimini, Boniface - Boniface, BOSCO - Some Day This Will All Make Sense EP, Brandon Banks - STATIC EP, Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World, Bring Me the Horizon - Music to Listen to~Dance to~Blaze to~Pray to~Feed to~Sleep to~Talk to~Grind to~Trip to~Breathe to~Help to~Hurt to~Scroll to~Roll to~Love to~Hate to~Learn Too~Plot to~Play to~Be to~Feel to~Breed to~Sweat to~Dream to~Hide to~Live to~Die to~Go To EP, Buddy & Kent Jamz - Janktape Vol. 1, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 1 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 2 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 3 EP, Calvin Harris & Eli Brown - Moving EP, Cam’ron - Purple Haze 2, Caribou - Suddenly, Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Side B, Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open, Charlotte de Witte - Return to Nowhere EP, Chelsea Cutler - How To Be Human, Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour, Christian Paul - Christian Paul EP, Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova EP, Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova EP, Clap! Clap! - Liquid Portraits, Cleo Sol - Rose in the Dark, Conor Matthews - Balloons EP, D Smoke - Bad Habits, DaBaby - BLAME IT ON BABY, Daecolm - Figur£$, Dan Deacon - Mystic Familiar, Day Wave - Crush EP, Delacey - Black Coffee, Delta Heavy - Only in Dreams (Remixes), Denzel Curry - UNLOCKED [Mixtape], Destroyer - How We Met, Diana Gordon - Wasted Youth, Dijon - How Do You Feel About Getting Married? EP, Diplo - Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley Chapter 1: Snake Oil, Dirty Projectors - Windows Open EP, Disclosure - Ecstasy EP, DJ BORING - Like Water EP, dj poolboi - it’s good to hear your voice, DJ Snake - Carte Blanche (Deluxe), Drake - Dark Lane Demo Tapes, DRAMA - Dance Without Me, Dreamville - Revenge of the Dreamers III : Director’s Cut, Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia, Dua Saleh - Rosetta EP, Duke Dumont - Duality, Ebenezer - Bad Romantic II EP, Echosmith - Lonely Generation, EDEN - no future, Ekali - A World Away, Elah Hale - Room 206 EP, Ellie Winter - Yeah, No. EP, Empress Of - I’m Your Empress Of, Eric Bellinger - Hor D’oeuvres, Ethan Gruska - En Garde, Everything Is Recorded - FRIDAY FOREVER, Example - Some Nights Last For Days, Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters, Flatbush Zombies - now, more than ever EP, flora cash - Baby, It’s Okay, Four Tet - Sixteen Oceans, Fractures - EP III, Fred again.. - Actual Life EP, Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist - Alfredo, Free Nationals - Free Nationals, Gabrielle Aplin - Dear Happy, Galantis - Church, Gengahr - Sanctuary, Georgia - Seeking Thrills, Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven - We’re New Again: A Reimagine by Makaya McCraven, Giveon - TAKE TIME, The Glitch Mob - Chemicals EP, GRiZ - bangers[5].zip EP, Grouplove - The Healer, GUM - Out In The World, Half Waif - The Caretaker, Hailee Steinfeld - Half Written Story EP, HAWA - the ONE, Hayley Kiyoko - I’m Too Sensitive For This Shit EP, Hayley Williams - Petals for Armor, Hayley Williams - Petals For Armor I EP, Hinds - The Prettiest Curse, HMLTD - West of Eden, Icarus - Unfold, Incubus - Trust Falls (Side B) EP, i_o - NRG 444 EP, Isaia Huron - Libbie, iyla - OTHER WAYS TO VENT, J Balvin - Colores, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 1) EP, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 2) EP,  JACKBOYS & Travis Scott - JACKBOYS EP, Jacob Latimore - C3, Jadakiss - Ignatius, Jade Novah - Stages, James Smith - An EP, Japan, Man - Cautious EP, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Reunions, Jauz - Dangerous Waters EP, Jay Electronica - A Written Testimony, Jeremy Zucker - love is not dying, Jessie Reyez - BEFORE LOVE CAME TO KILL US, Jhené Aiko - Chilombo, Jody Wisteernoff - Story of Light EP, JoJo - good to know, Joyner Lucas - ADHD, JOYRYDE - Brave, JP Saxe - Hold It Together EP, Justin Bieber - Changes, Kali Uchis - TO FEEL ALIVE EP, Kamaiyah - Got It Made, Kaskade - Redux 004 EP, Katie Gately - Loom, K CAMP - Kiss 5, Kehlani - It Was Good Until It Wasn’t, Kevin Ross - Audacity, Vol 1 EP, Kiana Ledé - KIKI, Kid Krow - Conan Gray, King Princess - Cheap Queen (Deluxe), Khushi - Strange Seasons, Khruangbin & Leon Bridges - Texas Sun EP, KIRBY - Sis. EP, K. Michelle - All Monsters Are Human, Knxwledge - 1998, Kodaline - One Day at a Time, Kygo - Golden Hour, Lane 8 - Brightest Lights, LA Priest - GENE, La Roux - Supervision, Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter, Lauren Auder - two caves in EP, Lauv - ~how i’m feeling~, Lil Wayne - Funeral, Little Dragon - New Me, Same Us, Little Simz - Drop 6 EP, LL Cool J - Authentic, Long Beach Dub Allstars - Long Beach Dub Allstars, Lonr. - Land of Nothing Real, LOONY - JOYRiDE EP, Loud Luxury - Nights Like This EP, Louis Tomlinson - Walls, Lucky Daye - Painted (Deluxe Edition), Luke James - to feel love/d, Lupe Fiasco - Chill Spotlight EP, Mac Miller - Circles, Mahalia - Isolation Tapes EP, MAITA - Best Wishes, Major Lazer - Soca Storm EP, Mala Rodriguez - MALA, Manatee Commune - Crescent Lake EP, Mason Maynard - Lookin’ At Me EP, Medasin - RIPPLS, Megan Thee Stallion - Suga, Mick Jenkins - The Circus EP, Midwife - Forever, Mija - Desert Trash, MILCK - Into Gold EP, Moaning - Uneasy Laughter, Model Man - Beta Songs EP, Moses Sumner - græ, Mourning [A] BLKstar - The Cycle, Mura Masa - R.Y.C., mxmtoon - dawn, Nada Surf - Never Not Together, Naeem - Startisha,  Nap Eyes - Snapshot of a Beginner, Nathaniel Rateliff - And It’s Still Alright, NNAMDÏ - BRAT, Noah Cyrus - THE END OF EVERYTHING EP, No Mana - Secret Level, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Blue Moon Rising EP, Norah Jones - Pick Me Up off the Floor, Ohmme - Fantasize Your Ghost, Oh Wonder - No One Else Can Wear The Crown, Okay Kaya - Watch This Liquid Pour Itself, Omar S - You Want, Orion Sun - Hold Space For Me, The Overcoats - The Fight, PARTYNEXTDOOR - PARTYMOBILE, Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, Pet Shop Boys - Hotspot, Photay - Waking Hours, Pictish Trail - Thumb World, POLIÇA - When We Stay Alive, Poppy - I Disagree, Poolside - Low Season, Porches - Ricky Music, Post Animal - Forward Motion Godyssey, The Professionals (Madlib & Oh No) - The Professionals, Princess Nokia - Everything Is Beautiful, Princess Nokia - Everything Sucks, Pure X - Pure X, RAC - BOY, Ratboys - Printer’s Devil, Raveena - Moonstone EP, Real Estate - The Main Thing, Recondite - Dwell, renforshort - teenage angst EP, Ric Wilson & Terrace Martin - They Call Me Disco EP, Rileyy Lanez - Beautiful Mistakes EP, Rina Sawayama - SAWAYAMA, Riz Ahmed - The Long Goodbye, RJD2 - The Fun Ones, Robinson - Watching You EP, Ro James - MANTIC, Royce da 5’9” - The Allegory, Roy Woods - Dem Times EP, rum.gold - aiMless EP, Russ - SHAKE THE SNOW GLOBE, Ryan Beatty - Dreaming of David, Sam Lee - Oh Wow, San Fermin - The Cormorant I & II, SAYGRACE - The Defining Moments of SAYGRACE: Girlhood, Fuckboys & Situationlists, Sea Wolf - Through A Dark Wood, Selena Gomez - Rare, Sérgio Mendez - In the Key of Joy, Shabazz Palaces - The Don of Diamond Dreams, Shakey Graves - Look Alive EP, Ship Wrek - Mirror Mirror EP, Shoffy - Flash, Shopping - All or Nothing, Sleepy Hallow - Sleepy Hallow Presents: Sleepy For President, Slowly Slowly - Race Car Blues, Smino - She Already Decided [Mixtape], Soccer Mommy - Color Theory, Son Little - Aloha, Sorry - 925, Spacey Jane - Sunlight, Spencer Brown - Stream of Consciousness, Steve Aoki - Neon Future IV, Steve Spacek - House, Stormzy - Heavy Is The Head, STRFKR - Future Past Life, Striking Matches - Night EP, Subtronics - Scream Saver EP, Surfaces - Horizons, $uicideboy$ - Stop Staring at the Shadows, Sweaton Klank - Good Days, Sweet Whirl - How Much Works, Swing Ting - 100 Dances, Tank - While You Wait EP, Tate McRae - all the things i never said EP, TOKiMONSTA - Oasis Nocturno, Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - What Kinda Music, TOPS - I Feel Alive, TORRES - Silver Tongue, Tory Lanez - The New Toronto 3, TeaMarr - Before I Spill Myself, Tech N9ne - Enterfear, Tech N9ne - ENTERFEAR Level 2 EP, Tennis - Swimmer, Tiësto - The London Sessions, Tink - Hopeless Romantic, Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Temple, The-Dream - SXTPA, Theophilus London - Bebay, Thundercat - It Is What It Is, Tokio Myers - BLACK DAWN EP , Tourist - Wild (Remixes) EP, Trivecta - Everyday EP, T.R.U. & 2 Chainz - No Face No Chase, Two Feet - Pink, Tycho - Simulcast, T3 - Mr. Fantastic EP, Various Artists - Bad Boys For Life Soundtrack, Various Artists - Birds is Pray: The Album, Various Artists - Ophelia Presents: Advent Volume 1, Various Artists - The Turning (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Varsity - Fine Forever, Vistas - Everything Changes in the End, Vundabar - Either Light, Vybz Kartel - To Tanesha, Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud, WENS - Lemoncholy EP, William Black - Pages (The Remixes), Wiz Khalifa - The Saga of Wiz Khalifa, Wolf Parade - Thin Mind, X Ambassador - Belong EP, xylø - The Ganglands of My Heart EP, Yaeji - WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던, Yellow Claw - Never Dies, Yo Gotti - Untrapped, Youngr - Memories, Yumi Zouma - Truth or Consequences, Yves Tumor - Heaven To a Tortured Mind, Zeds Dead - We Are Deadbeats (Vol. 4), Zsela - Ache of Victory EP, 070 Shake - Modus Vivendi, The 1975 - Notes On A Conditional Form, 5 Seconds of Summer - CALM
Meh: ARTHUR - Hair of the Dog, The Black Lips - Sing in a World That’s Falling Apart,  Bruno Major - To Let A Good Thing Die, Don Toliver - Heaven Or Hell, Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By, Frances Quinlan - Likewise, Future - High On Life, iann dior - I’m Gone, Jaunt - All In One, Jeezy - Twenty/20 Pyrex Vision EP, Lil Baby - My Turn, Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake, Lil Uzi Vert - LUV vs. The World 2, Liquid Stranger - Ascension EP, Masiwei & Higher Brothers - Prince Charming, MHYSA - Navaeh, Nicolas Jaar - Cenizas, Rich The Kid - BOSS MAN, Social Club Misfits - MOOD // DOOM
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][Love-ly headcanons for Wulf][ 💔 || 💌 || 😍 || 💋 || 💏 || 💍
💔: talk about a time your muse's heart was broken. what happened, and how well have they bounced back?
Wulf had been dating this boy in his teens (aka around 68) and had even planned on giving him an apple themed dessert (I imagine you give apple flavoured things as a way of asking big stuff where you give an actual apple for something like engagement). But then the boy had broken up with him and a week later Wulf found out that his boyfriend had been cheating on him with the pottery maker's daughter.
It took some time, but he eventually got back from it well enough. Though Wulf still and probably always will have a harder time passing the shop or seeing his ex's face every now and again.
💌: if your muse could write a love letter to mine, what would they say?
I have taken the liberty of finding someone to transcribe my message for you in brail. Partly because I want you to have this message at your reach for any time you may need it. And partly because I would not be able to survive the ordeal of reading my heartfelt words out to you in such a manner. You deserve to have sweet and tender words at your disposal, when I am incapable of saying it or disposed at the time being. You deserve to have a part of me with you at all times, no matter if the distance between us equals to being across a room or being across a realm.
Because this is what my letter equates to you. Rhys, you are blessed with the looks worthy of Mani the moon god, with all the bite and passion of Sol the sun goddess and the wolves of Ragnarok. Your grace and charm are stronger than Alfheim and yet when you smile and say something witty, it feels as if I am at war with the trickster god of the giants himself. My love for you would survive anything and I would take a plunge into Helheim if that would make you smile, if I could be granted one last sight of your face and give you the realm you deserve to own.
It makes me weep at times to know of your hard way of life, the fools who have perceived you to be lesser, simply for the gifts Odin has bestowed upon your essence. You've lived a life worthy and harder than the dwarfs of Svartalfheim and one day shall be willing to fall upon my knees and beg the king and queen for a chance to grant you your rightful place among the gods. For now, I shall devote myself to you and stay by your side until the bifrost itself tears me away from the bright beauty that you hold with such a sensual vigor.
Yours entirely and forevermore,
Wulfsige Björnsson.
😍: have they ever been head-over-heels for someone? how do they react when they are in the presence of someone they adore?
Wulf tends to be a bit head over heels for anyone he begins to date if I'm honest. Rhys in particular makes Wulf float his hair up more to look nicer, even if Rhys can't see it. He also definitely starts subconsciously using his powers to make himself lighter so that Rhys is able to drag him into a hug and to physical stuff much easier.
Wulf saves the best food for Rhys when he comes and will often let Rhys have some of his ale as well as hair clasps from Asgard that are probably worth a grand in Midgard. Wulf does not react with anything but sweetness if Rhys sputters over the fact that Wulf has just given him a comb with real gold and actual emeralds implanted. There's also the fact that Wulf absolutely spoutes the sweetest poetry and gives Rhys thicker clothing in the winter. He tends to be a bit much honestly.
💋: tell me about your muse's most memorable kiss. who was it with, why was it memorable?
It was with the lead of the battle guards just after Wulf had finished his trials and finally been accepted into them. They were warriors who were destined to fight in the war of Ragnarok and it had been the night he was accepted that the leading guard had walked up to Wulf and tilted his chin up before capturing him into a heated kiss.
It was the same night of the orgy but it was kiss that made Wulf feel special. It was someone who he admired for such a long time finally noticing him, welcoming him into a family of men who were one day willing to die for their fellow warriors. Other men and women who were so willing to give up their lives for the good of the realms one day and that kiss was the tilting moment of it all. Wulf still kinda does have a crush on the now-war general of Asgard. Better not tell Rhys!! Or maybe do >:3.
💏: what is your muse's ideal partner like?
They have to be free spirited and willing to go with any wild breeze that can turn something into a different direction, yet know when to keep a hold on good morals. It's a conflicting ideal of strong solid Asgardian wants and Wulf's own wants as a wind rider. Though after coming to Midgard Wulf tends to jerk his head at Rhys and settle for saying, "hnnh" when asked about it because his real power is being a giant cheese.
💍: how would your muse propose?
He would take Rhys out on a horse ride, leading him to a giant field with plenty of shade provided by the trees as well as snacks and alcohol because he knows Rhys wants the treats. Then, Wulf would give a sappy speech about Rhys and their time together before getting down on his knee with the ring as well as giving Rhys a pendent and I'm torn at a silver or golden apple because I don't know whether it would be better for Rhys to have an engagement apple and save the real deal for the wedding or not.
But yeah and then Wulf absolutely makes sweet love to Rhys under the summer shade, spends every moment worshipping the body of his soon to be husband. He'd repeat the act of kissing every part of Rhys's body as he helps him get dressed and he's already babbling about telling the horses and his family with a beaming face and the face that now they're welcoming a new Old God into their world and he's one Wulf wants to worship every day of his life.
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alchemic-elric · 3 years
Well, we tried to do something about your... circumstances Edward. Plenty of us did infact. Funnily enough though, it's like trying to stop a train in its tracks. Even if we do succeed, and mind you even as a child you are so, so stubborn, you would not feel the effects. The realities where we did save your ass just branches off into a different one as it naturally does. This version of you is hopeless from what we can tell, Edward. You only have what is infront of you, nothing more. ✖
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. Include ✘ with the asks! 5/10
Alternate realities... that explained Sol. That explained a lot actually. Stubborn, yeah he could admit to that. So there are realities where the Edward of that world isn’t suffering? Maybe he hasn’t lost his arm and leg. Maybe Alphonse is okay too. Maybe they saved Mom. Maybe Hohenheim never left. Maybe they were actually a family. 
Maybe he had a normal life in Resembool where he could practice alchemy with his brother and father and make as many flowers for his mother as she wanted. Maybe in those lives all of his friends didn’t die.  
✦✦ Hughes, Nina, Armony, Mom.  
Maybe he didn’t lose them then. Maybe he got to be normal. 
Lives where he was saved. Lives where he was spared. 
He couldn’t imagine. 
But he was right. His inner voices were always right. 
He did this to himself. 
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“I see.” 
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cvrsedsouls · 5 years
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◟ * ◊ ─  abigail cowen + cis female + she/her » * believe it or not luna caliente is working for the lothario family. they are twenty-one years of age and are known to usually spend their time around victoria court. the spy, who has been a part of the alliance for 1 month, has been living in victoria for 1 month. the people closest to them describe the bisexual + scorpio to be +flirtatious and +jovial as well as -hot-headed and - dastardly » ◦ °◝ 
here i come with a third muse that you can learn all about under the cut !!
alright, i’m going to link lorena’s intro because she did a great job at it and they basically have the same background and do a run down here..
luna and her twin were born november 11th in bilbao, spain.
they didn’t have the easiest childhood, loosing their mother at 3 years old being left with a father who because of his addictions left them financially challenged.
at age 5 her father had lost custody of both girls and they when to live with their aunt, basically the only motherly figure she ever had.
her aunt didn’t have the most healthy love life, she never had a stable relationship and that molded luna’s idea of love, she didn’t really believe in it. 
that was one of the things she learned from her aunt another was the hatred for her father and the blame on her mother’s life, she thought he was idiot for being caught that easily, for loosing all their money and letting their mother die.
luna is a extremely intelligent, she always had the highest scores through high school and when she graduated she moved to madrid, like her sister, to attend college. she always had a dream to going into health care, so she started her pre-med studies.
in the middle of college luna wanted to make money, she took a different path from her sister, though she also had considered becoming a sugar baby, she chose drug dealing. she wanted to prove herself, that she was better than her father. 
in all the time she dealed she never used any of the drugs, she wanted to feel in control and be better and didn’t want to toy with the addiction that could drive her business to the ground.
she is cunning and calculating and she makes sure everything in her life is going according to her plan.
luna had many failed relationships, if you could call it that, with both men and women. the longest one being with a married woman, that took her to all around europe telling her husband they were just friends and she wanted to teach the young girl about the world.
she was torn when her sister asked her to go to the states with her, she was still on the middle of her course but to her family, most of all her sister, means everything to her so she decided to drop what she had in spain and go with sol, they had enough money and they cherished.
luna always wanted to have that power that came with the money and she finally had it.
moving to victoria, they opened their store and moved into the west side. the crimes that keep happening on the town are a little amusing to her. 
she is a spy for the lothario and she is going to do her best to make it up the ladder.
personality wise, she is extremely flirty, will flirt her way out of anything and into anything. she is very athletic and loves to keep her body moving. 
she isn’t the most outgoing of all but she puts herself out there to make sure she’s on top of anything.
she has a little sun tattooed on her right wrist for her sister. her mother’s initials on her forearm and a star to represent her aunt on the back of her ear.
i think that’s about it!! as always if you like this i’ll come to you for plots!!
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