#masquerade gala
midnightmah07 · 2 months
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Whatever technically it's Ruggie's birthday in Japan so IM POSTING THIS NOW!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE HYENA BOY I LOVE YOU!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙
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Hello, I'm not sure if you've explained it or not but going in the depths of Malleus and Leona's character relationship? Like explaining their interactions and how they actually think of one another
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Many fan works tend to depict Leona and Malleus as extremely antagonistic toward one another. However, the truth is that their relationship is more like a one sided dislike or annoyance (on Leona’s part). It’s not uncommon for them to bicker or have some tension in their conversations even when they have the same goal in mind such as protecting a harp (Beans Day) or wooing a ghost (although Malleus is not participating for the latter, Leona still insists the ghost would prefer him to Malleus to get that dig in). They’re definitely still on bad terms), but Malleus is generally pretty neutral with Leona unless he is provoked.
Leona’s beef with Malleus is story relevant and makes itself known in book 2. He appears to primarily dislike Malleus because it is thanks to his sheer power that Diasomnia crushes Savanaclaw every inter-dorm tournament, essentially dashing Savanaclaw students’ hopes of being scouted and going pro. Buuut it seems like from the way Leona speaks about his rival, he has long since held these feelings and they aren’t linked to a single inciting incident.
Part of why Leona dislikes Malleus in general seems to be Malleus’s attitude. Leona describes his fellow prince as “pretentious”, “high and mighty”, and acting in ways that show disrespect to him (like in Malleus’s Dorm Uniform vignettes, when he casted a spell meant for objects on Leona). He may also take issue with Malleus’s “incomprehensible fae humor”, which Leona references both during Halloween and in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes. Additionally, Leona outright states that he hates people who refuse to listen (Silver) and just march to the beat of their own drum (Rook), which are traits you can argue also fits Malleus (since Malleus didn’t really listen to the upset dorm leaders in his Dorm Uniform vignettes). Leona appears to prefer dealing with Malleus to Silver though, as he says that Malleus’s ears aren’t just “for show”. Interestingly, Leona might dislike Malleus less than Rook; Leona is wary of so much as wishing Rook a happy birthday and refuses to dine next to Rook… yet Leona does sit next to Malleus at the end of Terror is Trending.
Leona is one of the few students who isn’t afraid of Malleus and has the gall to openly insult him (or is rude) on more than one occasion. He doesn’t really show any remorse or intent to apologize. In fact, Leona understands very well what bothers Malleus and often acts on those points of weakness to goad him, whereas it is very rare for Malleus to start the fights. For example, Leona tells Malleus in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes, “You thinkin’ you’re gonna get it next time? Well, sorry to break it to you, but no one’s ever gonna invite you,” and, “You’re never gonna have a chance to wear those robes, so put’em away for good already.” This, of course, angers Malleus and leads into the two insulting one another’s physical features and exchanging threats (removing horns, declawing, calling each other animals or implying a lack of humanity, etc.). They similarly insult one another in Terror is Trending (again, Leona instigates: “Hmph, look at Mr. High-Horse over here. Were you flattered to be asked [to have your picture taken]?”) and again in Fairy Gala (Leona again: “Ever consider gettin’ off your tail and cleanin’ up your fellow fae’s mess?”). I’m sure there are tons of other instances you could come up with; these are just the immediate ones that come to my mind. Funnily enough, Lilia and Silver see these heated conversations as proof of Malleus and Leona’s friendship. I feel like this could also, in part, feed into Leona’s dislike of Malleus, as people having the wrong idea about your relationship can be irritating.
Now, Malleus does appear to care about maintaining amicable relations with representatives of other countries. Often it is he who instructs Sebek to apologize to Leona for being rude—two major instances of this occur in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes and during Vargas Camp. He even personally (and happily) welcomes Leona to Diasomnia in his Ceremonial Robes vignettes, viewing Leona as no different than any other guest.
This goes into the realm of speculation (so please bear with me!!) but it could be said that Malleus has a very… unique view of friendship? So Lilia and Silver may not be too far off when they say that Leona and Malleus are chums in their own weird way. In Glorious Masquerade, Rollo poses a real threat to Malleus and to his people—yet when Malleus experiences genuine fear for the first time, he seems more excited at the novel feeling rather than cower as a result of it. Following the climax, Malleus still presents the song he had prepared as a gift of good will for NBC. He also proceeds to play with Rollo’s guilt to get him to agree to sharing a dance. And THEN Malleus says he looks forward to being invited again????? These are all quite friendly gestures for someone who put you and all your people in danger, my guy… 😂 So perhaps Malleus just gas a very different way of approaching friendships? Hard to say, but that’s some food for thought!
Leona and Malleus have had moments of amicability, so it’s totally possible for them to get along. This happens primarily in Leona’s Union Jacket vignettes; in them, Malleus gifts the birthday boy an antique book in an ancient language (Leona’s best subject). The two then talk about enjoying the freedom of walking around town without an attendant or some servants trailing after them. Being of a similar social status, they are able to understand one another to some extent.
This is going into another point of speculation, but I wonder if Leona and Malleus recognize their similarities beyond this interview. I certainly have; they’re both arrogant princes that deeply desire what the other prince has, and I feel that their animosity, in part, comes from this realization (whether conscious or unconscious). I certainly get the sense that some of Leona’s hatred of Malleus comes from seeing his own desires manifested in him—of being that coveted prince praised for his power, his people lavishing him with affirmations, a crown… All the things Leona doesn’t have.
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ddeltacrane · 8 months
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Fairy Gala and Masquerade for Halloween.
(Sorry if I dont draw your favs good enough).
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pcktknife · 5 months
the gala gear is so cute too bad all we wear in this game is streetwear 💀
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babylemonart · 1 year
New Merch Drop!
*Sharing much appreciated* You can preorder Hello Idy & friend teacup charms, as well as Event and OTP (Malleleo, Malleide, Leoide, OT3) charms in my shop now. Buyers from Germany pls dm me for shipping options 😊  There’s also a bunch of stuff restocked, so have a look~
Get your merch here
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pebblyrock · 1 year
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ART COMPILATION OF YUU Fanart for the fanfic : Yuu and The Power of Magic on AO3 by writtingerror
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splitsterextra · 1 year
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i saw @post-it-notes7's masquerade gala and was possessed to draw it real quick
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haredjarris · 1 year
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BREAKING: Red Death has fallen down the stairs at the Met Gala 2023!
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Florrickology, Part 4.5: "Lady Mizora" really could have fucked
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I made this point in Florrickology Part 4, laying out the various simple ways that Larian could have contextualized Florrick confronting Wyll in Act 3 in a way that was a) not stupid and shitty and b) faithful to her characterization, but I've been thinking more about it and holy fuck does it suck that they didn't just capitalize on "Lady Mizora."
Because Ulder threw Wyll away for cavorting a devil, right?
That's unacceptable; there's never an excuse for something so selfish, reckless, and just plain stupid. His son may have been his pride and joy up to that moment, but how could he possibly forgive Wyll? How could he possibly trust him again?
But what if Florrick, his trusted advisor, closest confidant, greatest champion, fondest friend, the person who supported him more than his own family, did almost the same exact thing?
He could blame Wyll. His son should have known better. He raised Wyll better than that.
But... how could he possibly blame Florrick? He knows she's not selfish, reckless, or stupid. He couldn't not forgive Florrick. He couldn't not trust her again.
And... he doesn't look at Florrick and see himself. His hopes and dreams. His triumphs and failures. His beloved wife. He doesn't see a little boy who got misty-eyed over mermaids and loved to go fishing outside of Wyrm's Rock. There are none of those big, gooey feelings that hard-ass leader dad duke guys aren't the best at synthesizing and expressing.
In Florrick, he sees a friend and equal. A paragon of the best of the city. A public servant of the finest mettle.
She was a victim, no doubt about it. Anyone can be a victim, he knows that, no matter how powerful or intelligent or virtuous they are.
But, isn't that unfair? Why is Wyll culpable but Florrick innocent? He'd have to reconcile that. He'd have to look inside himself and understand the real reasons he cast will out, and with that understanding, seek Wyll's forgiveness.
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pieceofourworld · 1 year
I know everyone loves Ghost Bride Ace with Starsending Deuce (for good reason, I love them too), but may I ask you to consider:
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Fairy Gala Ace with Glorious Masquerade Deuce?
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dracarialove · 3 months
Shadouge Fever
March: Mardi Gras Masquerade Dance
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Shadow and Rouge share a twirl on the dancefloor of a colorful masked gala, participating in a vibrant and indulgent celebration! 🖤🤍
(Alternate Prompt: Saint Patrick's Day Celebration)
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midnightmah07 · 8 months
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Well, this definitely took longer than expected
Perse's GM card
Jeanne's GM card
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Hiii I’ve been following the Malleus talk for some time now and wanted to ask what things you do like about him or good traits you think he has. I ask because when you explained that why you don’t like Vil you also said what you liked about him. That he works hard and is confident. So I’m wondering if you have some of those for Malleus!
[Referencing this post and this post!]
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Aaaaaah, I tried my best to come up with things I like about Malleus but fair warning that it’s not a lot and I had to pick really specific instances rather than general characteristics 💦 I hope that’s okay!!
His mom is hot--
There are times when he acts appropriately neutral, wise, and dignified, as a crown prince and future king should be. I like these moments and want more of them over him being pouty or lashing out. A few examples of this include Fairy Gala (he knows there are tensions between nocturnal and diurnal fae and rightfully stays out of it), Ghost Marriage (he cannot thoughtlessly propose to Eliza but does support Riddle and Lilia in their preparations), and Vargas Camp (when he instructs Sebek to apologize to Leona, who still counts as a fellow prince).
His patience with Sebek. Early on in the fandom I think there was this expectation that Malleus would find Sebek annoying? But it’s refreshing to see that he isn’t usually bothered by Sebek’s presence and handles interactions in a level-headed and blunt manner. He doesn’t discourage Sebek and his special interests either; Malleus tends to entertain them (like the time he sat still and had the royal painter do a portrait of Malleus for Sebek’s birthday gift) or it otherwise pretty indifferent about it, though of course he still corrects Sebek when he steps out of line or intrudes on others.
Malleus’s love and care for the gargoyles of the City of Flowers/Fleur City. His friendship with that one gargoyle was just so adorable!! Short it may have been, but it was still very genuine.
His parallels with Leona. A crown prince with few close friends or family… versus a prince who will never have the crown but is surrounded by loving people… They want what the other has so badly, and I think there’s such a tragic irony about that.
The one time Malleus truly felt fear (thanks to Rollo). Listen, LISTEN 😭 This was legitimately so cool????? To think that it would be Rollo lighting a fire under Malleus’s tail, forcing this overpowered fairy to experience that same feeling others may have when he unleashes his power on them… Oh, how the tables turn. It’s interesting that Malleus reacts as if he’s amused by the sensation of fear and welcomes the challenge; it sort of implies he was growing bored of the same old routine and is actually showing some strange respect to Rollo by deeming him a worthy opponent. This being one of the few times Malleus shows vulnerability instead of dominating the battle, of course I’d love it 😂
But most importantly…. Malleus’s best trait is—
***Late book 7 spoilers below the cut!!!***
He was once a cute lil’ baby dragon that makes silly lizard sounds 🐉 (alas, he is no longer one… 😔) And again, he has a hot mom—
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meganechan05 · 1 day
Bread and Butterflies doodles
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Finally got to figuring out Rita's thief design even if it's just chibi form. In other doodles, their left earcuff is replaced with two hoop cuffs and I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them wear an earring on their right ear as well. Since they wear that outfit primarily at night, it's hard for Himeno to notice the purple accents.
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kierancaz · 8 months
A little annoyed bc google sucks. I’m trying to find the twst events that I missed (and there is a lot of them) bc I was wondering which ones have actually come to the english server, which ones we could expect to eventually be in english, and if there’s any we just won’t be getting. Also if there’s a timeline for the events that go on in relation to the main story but the only thing I could find was a Reddit thread where they only covered certain events like beanfest, fairy gala, and wish upon a star.
Are all the events on a yearly rotation with new events added in as they go ?? Also are the events that do happen more than once the same story and stuff but just with different featured character cards ??
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valy-gc · 8 months
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The differents costumes of Nanaya (Magical Boy) as the Twst MC.
-Bean day -Fairy gala -Glorious masquerade -Merman potion incident -Yasamina silk (based on Link's guerudo clothes) -Halloween (incubus) -Tamashina Mina (engagment outfit) -Cheerleader club (based on Tabitha's fanfic ^^)
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