#mercanary reader
Hello, I would like to make an order so it is not a bother.
I wish it was tim drake x male reader.
I would like the reader to be the son of deathstroke and for the two to be in a relationship, but for none of the members of the batfamily to know about the relationship (for obvious reasons)
I would like the batfam to be on a mission and for the reader to be seriously injured and for tim to care about him without caring that others find out about their relationship.
If you could do some scenes of how they met, along with some "fluff" scenes (either in some flashback or during the reader's recovery from his injuries) and the reactions of the members of the batfam (maybe slade as well, rose or respawn) would be awesome.
Also, if you want to make it inspired by a comic or that the reader has some power, no problem.
I hope I have not bothered you.
First love to change the world (Tim Drake x M!Reader)
whoo requests are back!
Am I super proud of this? not really but it's cute and it was hella fun to write anyways.
Also it took me forever to come up with a name for the reader's villain persona that matched Deathstroke so yall better enjoy it/j
Word count: 2.8k
Main Masterlist
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The first time you met Tim Drake was when he was going by Red Robin. You'd met a few times and he'd been the bane of your existence. You were just trying to live your life, even if that life was as a mercenary and gun for hire.
Tim had tried to stop you from completing your job a few times, sometimes he succeeded, mostly he didn't.
It was on a quiet night in paris- one of the times he hadn't managed to stop you from getting to your target- that he sat down on the roof from which you sniped down someone's former employee. You tried not to ask too many questions about your targets. It made the job easier.
"Why do you do it? What did that man do that he deserved to die?" He asked and you shrugged as you slung your rifle over your back.
"I don't ask. I wouldn't be a good killer if I let my heart stop me from doing jobs" You told him quietly and he looked at you almost pitifully.
"You're not like him. You don't enjoy hurting people, so why do you do it?" He asked and you stared him down.
"Like who?" You ask even though you knew exactly who Tim was referring to.
"You're not like Deathstroke" He said as he stood up to block your way and you laughed.
"And you're not like Batman. If he was here I'd be in handcuffs already" You said, sarcasm dripping from your voice. You lowered your voice as you walked past him.
"You're weak." You said and he grabbed your wrist.
"Why did you kill that man?" He asked you and you pulled your wrist free.
"It's what some rich asshole paid me to do, why do you care? If you're not going to try and arrest me leave me alone." You told him but before you could leave he grabbed your shoulder.
"You don't have to waste your life killing people" He said, trying to convince you but you shrugged his hand off.
"Not many places will have the wanted son of the most renowned mercenary in the underworld, but thanks for the life advice Tim" You said and jumped to the next rooftop.
He looked at you bewildered and you smirked.
You'd run into Tim a few times after that, slowly things became more and more civil- even friendly between the two of you.
You never told anyone, not that you had many friends or family to tell and your father would have had your head for your growing friendship and feelings for Tim.
Tim did the same, none of his brothers or friends knew about his friendship or growing feelings for you. For all his flaws Tim was very good at keeping secrets.
The two of you knew how to keep secrets and communicated in ways that couldn't be tracked by your families: burner phones, secret non regular meeting spots, and flirty bickering when you met on the field. No one suspected a thing.
But all good things had to come to an end.
It wasn't often that you helped your father on missions but when he needed a second man for a job in Gotham you saw no reason not to go. Everything went according to plan until the bats showed up. Batman and Nightwing immediately went after Slade while you intercepted Damian.
You unsheathed your swords and went on the offensive.
"Surrender Deathblade, you don't stand a chance!" Damian said as he blocked with his own sword.
"Against what? The Baby Robin?" You scoffed and continued your offensive.
"I don't think so baby face" You told him before throwing him off his balance and into and alley.
You were about to go help Slade when Nightwing split from his fight with him to stop you.
"You should've stayed home kid" He said as his escrima sticks collided with your swords.
"Nah, but it's- Dad behind you!" You screamed and Slade moved out of the way just in time to avoid Tim's Bo staff.
Dick took the chance to kick you off your balance and you tumbled back and over the ledge of the roof. You quickly pulled yourself up.
"Oh you're gonna pay for that" You said as you wiped blood from your nose away. One of the blood vessels must have ruptured in your tumble along with the bruised rib you felt as you stood back up. You've fought with worse so you simply kept going, racing back to confront Dick again when gunshots rang out and you noticed a nearby window was broken.
"Deathblade, the job's done! We're leaving!" Deathstroke called out to you and you changed course, running in the direction of your father.
He was still fighting Batman when a another shot rang out and you fell to your knees, grasping your side. You recognised the pain immediately but didn't understand where it came from. You saw Slade shoot at Batman- it took you a moment to realize the shot must have ricocheted. You held your side as the pain expanded and you heaved, looking at your father for help. He was still occupied with Batman but Tim- who had been trying to keep up with his mentor and Slade ran over to you.
"Deathblade!" He yelled as he came to your side.
You pushed him away.
"What are you doing?!" You tried to say, though it sounded more like a groan of pain. What was he doing? Both of your covers were about to be blown!
You tried to push him away but he wasn't having it.
"Y/N let me help you, please" He tried to tell you even as he fought your extended arms.
Tim's soft tone caught both Slade and Bruce's attention and you hissed in pain when he finally got you to lay down.
"They're gonna-" You tried to tell Tim but he cut you off.
"I don't care" Tim said and you didn't fail to notice the glare your father sent your way. Your rouse was up and you knew there was no going back when he used the opportunity to escape.
You cursed under your breath as you were left with Tim and the Bats.
Tim was soft in his actions, he took gauze from his utility belt and wrapped your chest as well as he could on the field. You felt the gazes of the rest of the bats as your boyfriend took such gentle care of you and you wished he hadn't done anything. You wished things could have stayed the same but you knew they were about to change drastically.
The judgemental silence was broken when Tim picked you up bridal style and you knew there was no arguing with him.
"Red Robin, what are you doing?" Batman asked him in the gravelly voice he probably used for interrogating criminals or scolding his robins as it seemed.
"I'm taking him to the cave. He needs medical attention" Tim told him confidently and you wanted to hide your head in the crook of your boyfriend's neck. The entire situation was making you the most uncomfortable you've ever felt.
"Absolutely not! Father Deathblade is a criminal!" Damian said and you groaned.
"A criminal who should have cut your tongue off when he had the chance you little twerp" You said smirking at Damian's enraged appearance.
It was getting harder to focus, you heard more talking but your brain couldn't interpret what they said over the pain in your chest. Tim's arms were so welcoming and you had to fight everything in you just to stay awake.
Soon you felt Tim start moving. You noticed Tim placing you in a car and covering your eyes but you couldn't focus on anything else. You felt Tim's gloved hands run through your hair and you thought you heard him telling you to rest but you weren't sure.
The next thing you know you're laying down on something soft. You could feel the pinch of a needle on your arm and the sound of overlapping voices hitting your ears.
"I'm not going to apologize! He's a good person and he needs our help" You heard Tim's voice say.
"He's a criminal Tim" You heard another voice, one you didn't recognize, respond.
"That's never stopped you" Tim replied and you heard another voice interrupted.
"He's Deathstroke's son" It said.
"I'd suggest you take it easy Mr. Wilson" an older man said. He spoke with a british accent and you had to squint to make out his face.
"L/N." You corrected.
"My name is Y/N L/N- not Wilson" You told him and he nodded, helping you sit up and handing you a cup of water.
"Well then Mr. L/N, you should take it easy. That bullet punctured your lung and you had multiple bruised ribs." He said as he helped you keep the cup to your lips.
"Where am I? Who are you?" You asked and the man- who wore an incredibly fancy black suit sat beside you.
"I am Alfred Pennyworth and at the moment you are in the Batcave" He explained.
"Master Timothy brought you here after you were shot" Alfred continued and you immediately realized what happened.
"I need to go" You said and did your best to get out of bed, you collapsed as soon as you tried to stand on your own. Alfred steadied you.
"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that at the moment" He said but you tried anyway.
You noticed most of your suit has been cut off and you were left in only your pants as you limped towards where you saw Tim was with his family.
"Deathstroke shot him." Tim said and you heard another voice tut in annoyance as you got closer.
"How long has this been going on?" A voice you assumed belonged to Batman asked and Tim sighed.
"Six months" He said before he strengthened his resolve.
"But he's not like his father. I've seen it. He's just never known anything else from this" Tim said and you cleared your throat.
"He's also right here" you said and Tim's eyes widened as he ran to help you.
"What are you doing?" He asked and you smiled.
"I believe Mr. L/N said he needed to go" Alfred said from behind you.
"Though where you could go with a punctured lung and bruised ribs I wouldn't know" He said and you had to admit that this Alfred was really getting on your nerves.
You coughed as Tim tried to keep you from leaving.
"Tracker-" You said and coughed again.
"In my neck" You breathed out, even with increased healing your body wasn't ready for the amount of energy it would take to simply walk.
"He's gonna- he's gonna come here" You told Tim and he helped you sit down.
"I told you! He's going to lead Deathstroke right to us!" Damian exclaimed but Tim glared at him.
"Shut up Damian, he just warned us. Now go with Alfred and get a med kit" He told his brother before turning his attention back to you.
"Don't worry, we'll get it out" He told you and you sighed.
"You shouldn't have brought me here" You told Tim and he shushed you. "I wasn't going to leave you to bleed on that roof" He said and you smiled. "You're too good to me."
"You're important to me, I love you" He said and you chuckled. That was the first time he told you that. The first time anyone told you that they loved you, and in that moment you realized you would do anything for Tim.
"I love you too Bird boy" You said as you pulled him into a soft kiss.
You could feel the uncomfortable gazes and unsaid judgments from Tim's family but you couldn't care less. After all, Tim just saved you.
Alfred came back with the med kit and went to work with your instruction on removing the tracker.
"Why should we trust you?" Batman asked you and you could feel Tim tense beside you.
"Because my father just left me to die. If I had any loyalty to Slade Wilson I wouldn't have told you about the tracker" You told Batman and he nodded.
"I still don't like this, Slade's kids have made a habit of stabbing us in the back" Nightwing said and you scoffed.
"You mean the ones he cares about? Because Slade has about five kids from four different moms and he isn't shy about who his favorites are." Dick stared you down waiting for you to continue and you used all your strength to stand up and face him.
"He doesn't give half a shit about me if that's what you're worried about Grayson." You told him and you saw him flinch at the use of his name. He looked at Tim who shook his head. You'd known Dick's identity long before you and Tim got together.
"How do you know that name?" He asked and Tim helped you sit back down.
"Because my father hates you. Just like I know Damian's name. Or Jason's. You aren't particularly good at hiding your connection. The second someone knows one of you they'll know all of you" You told them and met Batman's eyes through his cowl.
"Either way your secret's safe with me. I don't have any interest in ousting my boyfriend's family as vigilantes" You told them.
Bruce took Tim aside to talk and left you with Dick. He took his mask off and sat down in front of you.
"If you don't like Deathstroke why do you work for him?" He asked and you scowled.
"With him." You corrected.
"I work with him occasionally because we're in the same business. I don't have any loyalty to him because he's a conceited asshole who doesn't care about me" You explained.
Dick took a moment to think.
"Tim said you only kill because you don't know anything else, is that true?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.
"Is this your version of the shovel talk?" You asked and you could see Dick was losing his patience.
"He's my brother and I can see he's happy with you but I still don't trust you." He said and he continued.
"Why do you kill people?" He asked and you took a moment to think. When you answered him your voice was even.
"I wasn't always like this. I used to take protection jobs mostly, bodyguard positions" You explained. "But I couldn't outrun his influence or reputation. Slade is- well his is a big shadow and no matter how much I wish it wasn't the case I'm his son." You explained and pointed to a small faded scar on your side.
"This was from my first job when I was 12, a bullet graze. He taught me hand to hand combat, blades, guns- anything I'd need to follow in his footsteps." You took a pause as you tried to keep your breathing even.
"I've never known anything but this." You told him and met his eyes.
"Tim saw the real me. For the first time in my life someone loves me because they see who I am beyond my family and my abilities and I would do anything for him." You told Dick and held his gaze until he finally responded.
He nodded and stood up.
"I'll help you back to your cot, I'm sure Tim and Bruce will be back soon"
You spent the next few days resting in the batcave. Bruce was adamant about you not entering the manor and you had no problem staying in the cave. Tim was by your side practically 24/7 and you had to admit that you appreciated the quality time with him.
With your enhanced healing factor your wounds healed quickly and within a few days you were almost fully healed.
You pulled on one of Tim's hoodies.
"You know you don't have to go yet, we could set up a guest room in the manor- or one of the safe houses in the city" Tim said and you smiled kissing his cheek.
"That's sweet of you Bird boy but I have to deal with this sooner rather than later" You told him.
"Comm me if things go wrong" He told you and you chuckled.
"Rose'll be with me so I think I'll be fine but I promise if something does go wrong you'll hear about it" You promised and pulled on a motorcycle jacket over the hoodie.
"This isn't the end love, I'll be back and we'll figure things out" You told Tim and he smiled, pulling you into a final goodbye kiss.
"See you soon Bird boy" You said as you got on the bike and sped out of the cave.
What Tim did on that rooftop changed your life forever but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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For the ask game: Vigilant and Nightingale. I was particularly interested in hearing about Chantilly Leice and Melka, but feel free to switch around to other characters if you prefer!
WHOOO YEAH I get to talk about Melka! I like their story cause it's somethin different than what I normally write. Vigilant will be under the cut.
Also ignore why the pics are blue, it was to help me find it easier in the massive sea that is my phone album roll. The letter was to also help me and the reader see each different letter is a different conversation.
Nightingale-If the player wasn't the DB, what would they be doing?
CL would be doing what she's trying to do now, put the DragonBorn legacy behind her, focus on her family (hubby, 3 adopted kids and her 3 dogs), keeping them safe and go about her typical business like DBH contracts, being the Listener, Nightingale and Guild Master, building connections for the Theives Guild and occasional jobs for the Companions and EETC. She does it all. She is also the Arch-Mage so she does the rare jobs for them like killing the anomalies or dealing with some rogue wacko wizard (based on cut content I found on UESP). She also does the occasional odd mercanary job for the Bard's College (I expanded upon it on her story and added a new NPC/someone who had a past with her). She takes up odd jobs as well as our player does in game. Currently her goal is to explore every Nordic ruin, every dank dungeon on both Skyrim and Solstheim. She dislikes the Dwemee ruins due to how loud they are (her Lycan senses amplify sounds).
Melka would be doing what they were before they found out they were the DragonBorn, mostly work for the Companions and helping Kodlak find a cure for the Beast Blood. Melka's story is that they aren't from Skyrim, they're from some other unnamed land where humans had to live underground cause above ground had too many dangerous monsters, along with dwindling resources. They eventually leave that place and travel around until finding Skyrim. They love the cold weather and eventually found themself in the company of the Companions. Most of the other ingame guilds aren't their jam nor do they have any interest in them. When Melka finds out some of the Circle are werewolves, they refuse the Blood. In Melka's land, 'transformation magic' is an evil corruptive magic that permanently turns the human it 'infected' into a monster after some time. It's given by a being of higher power (read, NOT a god, not Aedra or even Daedra), and at first it seems good. It gives the human strength, power, all the things they need to survive. But beings of higher power have no interest in bettering humans. The 'boon' uses the humans body as a host, and eventually the 'monster that was always inside claws its way out'. At that point the human isn't human anymore, it's a monster and must be killed like one. Skyrim challenges alot of Melka's previous opinions and views on various subjects, one being transformation magic, aka the Beast Blood. When Kodlak confides in Melka that he along with Vilkas and Farkas want a cure, somethin impossible where Melka is from, they offer their help in any way they can.
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Vigilant-Do your characters follow any religion, deity, do any worship?
CL is very clear in that she does not worship any being, no Aedra, Daedric Princes, beings of higher power like Sithis, ect... However that doesn't change her situation. She is still the Listener, killing souls for Sithis, she's still a werewolf that chooses to keep the blood even after knowing there's a cure, she's still done favours and has various boons from Aedra and Daedric Princes like Mara, Dibella, Kyne, Sheogorath, Sanguine, Meridia and Hermaeus Mora. She's aware doing acts for them is still doing what they want, but she does it 'out of necessity'.
She will place no offerings at alters or shrines, she will not spread the word or teachings of someone, will not bear their symbol, doesn't invoke the name of someone for power, follows no religion, does no prayers. She also doesn't like Akatosh cause she hates being the DragonBorn, so she has a bone to pick with him.
Melka is from a land where there are no gods. Gods are simply faceless beings from a child's bedtime story, they were never real and still aren't. Even coming to Skyrim Melka still doesn't believe gods are real, and, you can't really blame them. Their world was ravaged by monsters, yet these gods of Skyrim have done things to help their followers? Where were the gods in Melka's land? What have the humans done to never be allowed help from these 'so called gods' of Skyrim, or Tamriel, or anywhere? Why did no gods look upon these humans, clearly struggling to survive, their population becoming increasingly low, near extinction levels and never offer them help or made themself known? So Melka is a bit spiteful against gods. For a while they don't believe in Daedric Princes either. But here's the thing about Daedric Princes, they actively make themself known to mortals. They wander among them in disguise, they speak to their followers, they show them their domain and give them power. Sure you could argue some Aedra do the same things, but they certainly don't do it on the same level as Daedric Princes.
Even when told about the Beast Blood, Melka thinks Hircine is nothing more than a being of higher power giving mortals transformation magic and corrupting them. Fighting feral savages doesn't help, it further proves to them the Beast Blood is a curse and that everyone who has it, Kodlak, Farkas and Vilkas included will all fall victim to it. One day they won't be able to turn back, they will be a monster forever.
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ironeaterfinya · 2 years
Final Fantasy XIV: Penniless Peril
or: Can you beat FFXIV without spending any Currency? Part 2 - Travel Pains
After the last episode and discovering that we are able to glamour things I immediately decided to do the worst thing possible and get to the Hall of the Novice and use all the gear I got to make a Glamour plate. This was done purely because I am unable to repair things. Repairing costs gil, even when you have a crafter levelled, albeit less. This is due to Dark Matter being unavailable to get for free. I could technically ask another person to repair things for me, but lets be honest here: It goes against the spirit of the challenge as everything is possible to do "for free" by just piggybacking off of other players.
In the meantime I have progressed through the story, going through some rather wild quests that provide us with more questions than answers. Tho at the beginning we learn that Brass Blades are literally just hired mercanaries that also work as the police force of Ul’dah. I am sure there is some social commentary in here. Other than that we also managed to get roped into helping retrieve the sultana’s crown.
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“Have you read the letter?” “Nooooo....???” “But you do know the crown has been stolen?”
What a dumbass.
What happens next is the first fight against an Ascien, even if it is a lesser one and after its defeat, thanks to Thancred as well, the next cutscene gives us this:
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The dude dies and leaves a crystal. I don’t actually remember how often this happens in the story but I believe this was also meant as a counterpart to you getting a light crystal with the Ascians having a Shadowcrystal. We haven’t seen Minfilias Powerpoint Presentation yet so I can only speculate.
After being invited to the banquet and subsequently passing out in front of Raubahn we are tasked to go meet every leader of each state and give them a letter.
The Quest “The Ul’dahn Envoy” is probably the most important quest to set up to the rest of the game. During the quest we are tasked to g-
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Thank you Aegis but I feel your effort were wasted on me.
Anyway: During the quest we are tasked to go to every city state via airship and deliver a letter to everyone. Traveling via Airship during this quest is free, tho only once. You see, Eorzea consists of two parts: The mainland and Vylbrand, the island Limsa Lominsa is located on.
Because of Limsa being on an Island, we can only travel there either by boat or by airship, both of which cost money. Tho I am going to set up my return point in Limsa Lominsa. The reason for this is that the quest also unlocks another key part to our travels:
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What could the Gold Saucer possibly offer us? Well, We can’t use any of their services. MGP counts as a currency, so thats out of question. We can’t even play Triple Triad and do Minigames as they cost a few MGP to enter. However there are two important things that we can do here.
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Number 1: Traveling to the Gold Saucer is free from any of the three city states.
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Number 2: Traveling to Ul’dah from the Gold Saucer is also free.
This way we have a One-Way travel opportunity from Vylbrand to the mainland. But why did we do it if we already have a free teleport? We could have setup a teleport on the mainland and the return in Limsa? Well my dear reader
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Now that we have setup everything we finally have the ability to do dungeons! Finally some real adventuring. Now comes another big part of what it means to not being able to repair things. Aquiring gear is my utmost priority and I have only two ways of doing this which is either dungeons or quest rewards. Buying stuff of a vendor is obviously not possible.
Running dungeons, atleast for now allows us to get items easily, even some fairly obscure items one might not really think about. The reason for this is that your normal dungeon run with random people usually just blitzes through everything, disregarding any optional path the dungeon might have. Outside of a few exceptions old ARR dungeons are full of optional paths. However we first have to get there. The quest tells us to meet V’mellpa and take the ferry to Aleport in Western La Noscea. However...
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Walking there and picking up all the Aetherytes along the way took me about 6 minutes. This is one of the shorter walks and some of you may remember the areas we have to walk through for certain quests.
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I am sure these people are never going to be relevant again.
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Unlike these folks which are much more relevant.
Sastasha was as uneventful as one knows it. However I could acquire some gear pieces that made life a little bit easier for me. Here is a fun fact: Did you know that of all the non combat player NPCs all of them are either Lalafell or Miqo’te women in an almost equal ratio. There is exactly one more Lala in there.
Returning to Balderon made me realise something important. Dungeon number two is Tam-Tara, In Gridania. Thankfully my early trip to Camp Drybone will take away a little bit of travel time, however there are still two zones to go through.
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I swear it is always raining at Camp Drybone.
After some consideration I decided to move my free teleport to Gridania. This way I can reach every city state quite easily.
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Have you ever thoughtt about the fact that Gridania is full of these huge trees? I wonder how big they are but sadly my ruler does not reach that high.
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More irrelevant NPCs
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And more relevant ones. Welp, off to Tam-Tara!
After Tam-tara and acquiring one (1) whole gear piece, we are about to travel to Ul’dah again and tackle the Copperbell Mines. And with that we have now access to our surprise tool!
Instead of walking all the way there I can just air travel for free!
The mines have provided me with the last gear piece of the starter set as leveling dungeons are guaranteed one gear piece one does not have.
After a rather uneventful dungeon and the realisation that the area has changed quite a bit after its overhaul I travelled back to Ul’dah to rest at the inn for now. It sure has been an eventful day so far.
Thanks for sticking around today and see you around next time!
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 5 years
Lazy sunday afternoon - with a little action - part 2 (still working title)
Summary: Peter and you decided to stay in bed, and Wade came back from a mission finding you both naked. The second part includes a lot of kissing, touching, etc.
Characters: Spideypool x female!reader
Warnings: well, smut :)
Part 1
Part 3
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„Don't stop, please, I want this, keep going,“ you encouraged your boyfriends.
You didn't need to tell them twice, because the second the words slipped out of your mouth Wade's fingers find the way between your legs. Your mouth escaped a squeak. His fingertips circled slowly around your little bundle of nerves and it sent waves of pleasure through your body.
Peter continued with massaging your upper body and your lips found his again. You shared a loving kiss, slow and sweet. But Wade was needy, too, because his lips attacked your throat and left there a few hickeys. You broke the kiss with Peter and turned your head to Wade. He immediately kissed you passionately.
Right between your boys was like heaven for you. Their hands were roaming your body and all you could was moaning. But you wanted to give them the same pleasure as they gave you. You needed to touch them, feel them.
„You are wearing too much, darling,“ you heard Peter mumble from behind and you lost contact with Wade.
Everyone had another nickname. Wade usually called you 'baby girl' and Peter 'baby boy'. That was really sweet, probably it came from the fact he was older than the both of you. You on the other side loved to name them 'sweetheart' or 'handsome', and Peter liked to call Wade 'darling' and for you were reserved 'honey' or 'sweety'.
Wade felt adressed and grinned at you both as he stood up and his boxers fell to the floor. You watched him in all his glory and reached out with your hand for him.
He took it and you pulled him on your shared bed. It was exciting and your heart was beating loud and fast in your chest. You were gonna have sex with your boyfriends for the first time. Of course, you were a little scared, because it would be your first time at all. But you loved these boys and you trusted them absolutely.
„How we gonna do this, baby girl? What do you desire?“ Wade whispered seductively in your ear as he pressed his chest to your back. His teeths gazed over your earlope and bit down. His low voice and his hand that was reaching for your left breast, while the other went back to your core, rubbing you harsh and faster this time, drove you crazy. Your mouth escaped a high pitched scream and melted immediately in his arms.
„Doesn't she look gorgeous, Petey?“ Wade asked the brunette boy and Peter rised to kneel in front of you. He looked nervous as well and you understood that he was overwhelmed, because you two didn't get this far in your relationship. Peter and you were together for one month more than the three of you. You always cuddled, kissed each other and a little petting.
You shoved Wade's hand away from between your legs and Wade stiffened behind you. „Baby girl, what...,“ he asked confused, but you gave him a kiss to soothe him.
„I think we're all a little unsure what to do,“ you explained and your attention was back on Peter.
„Okay, I am sure to go all the way, but what about you? Is this okay with you?“
This question was for Peter, but you glanced at the mercanary, too.
Peter furrowed, but nodded slowly. Your heart skipped a beat, but you didn't know yet how to start.
You felt bad, because you thought you excluded Peter the last minutes of your lovegame with Wade. And like Wade probably could reading your minds he took the initiative.
„Maybe we should approach this otherwise. I think you two should sleep together first. I know this is your first time and maybe it's easier for you,“ Wade suggested with a smile, but you raised an eyebrow.
„And what about you? I want this experience with the both of you, Wade,“ you protested. Sometimes Wade has weird ideas.
„I am here, baby girl. I will help that it's gonna be a memorable moment.“
His words were finally and he jostled you in Peter's direction. Peter grabbed you by the waist and your face were buried in his neck. You raised your head and you were lost in Peter's brown eyes.
Your breath hitched as Peter pulled you closer and gave you a lovingly smile. Your reconnected in a tender kiss, his tongue was slowly tracing your upper lip asking for entrance. No one was dominating the kiss, you enjoyed both the closeness of your bodies. You were straddeling his lap and felt immadiately his erection. You slowly began to move your pelvis on his hardning cock and he moaned in the kiss as the pleasure run through his body.
Peter's hands were resting on your shoulder blades, then you felt another pair of hands touching your hips. Of course it was Wade, and he began to kiss your shoulder and wandered to your neck. You broke the kiss and lay the head in the neck. That was so good, you thought happily, and moaned loudly as both of your boys sucked on your sensitive skin.
It wasn't the first time that they left hickeys on your body, but today it felt different, more intensive.
Peter knew how he could make you feel the most pleasure, but he was also corious to explore your body.
So he bent his head down and his lips wrapped around your erect nipple. You gasped at the sudden feeling and your fingers tangled in Peter's hair.
„Oh, you both me make feel so good,“ you praised your boys.
„What do you want, baby girl?“ Wade asked with a raspy voice and his right hand was kneeding your breast.
You weren't sure what Wade meant. They gave you pleasure with only kissing your neck and breast. What could feel better than this right know?
„I... I don't know, Wade.“
Meanwhile Peter was kissing upwards your body and captured you in another siering kiss.
„Well, I have an idea how we can continue. But it depends if Peter is up to this,“ Wade suggested and you parted with Peter.
Peter looked confused at Wade, but he only grinned. Wade leaned forward to whisper something in Peter's ear. You watched Peter's eyes widing at Wade's words and you asked yourself what will happen.
Peter swallowed hard and his eyes flickered to you. „I am not sure how to do it,“ Peter confessed, but Wade only smiled.
„Don't worry, Petey, I'll gonna show you.“
Suddenly Wade lifted you off Peter's lap and laying you down on your back. You scrunched your brows. You really wanted to know what Wade had in his mind. Would anyone ask you if you are okay with the up coming?
The next move from Wade was placing his hands on your knees and wanted to push them apart.
„Wade, what are you doing?“ you protested and you had his attention immadiately.
„Sorry, sweetcheeks, my plan is... well, do you trust me?“ He watched you with little worry in his eyes.
„Of course I do,“ you replied.
„Okay,“ he nodded. „Please, open your legs for me, you gonna like it.“
You did as Wade asked. Your eyes landed on Peter, he watched all of this with nervousness in his gaze.
„Peter, you okay?“ you asked concerned.
„Ehm yeah... yeah, just nervous,“ he mumbled and wrenched his hands. It must scared Peter what Wade told him.
„This is not working if Peter is feeling uncomfortable,“ you remarked.
Wade noticed that his boyfriend seemed a little lost. Again he whispered something in Peter's ear and in the next moment their lips met in a passionate kiss. Like always it was extremely hot watching them making out. You got turned on and let out a moan. Wade heard it and smirked at you after letting go of Peter.
„See, our princess loves all what we do,“ Wade assured him. Peter nodded, now more relaxed.
Wade was happy that he could continue with his actual plan. He rubbed his hand in excitement and layed flat on his stomach. He grabbed your thighs and pulled you close to his face.
Slowly it began dawn on you what he wanted to do, but before you could protest Wade licked a long stripe from your entrance to your clit. Your mouth escaped a shaky moan.
With the tip of his tongue he drawed little circles around your clit, switching between light and hard preasure.
You watched him and you were suprised that he seemed to enjoy it, because his eyes were closed and he hummed happily as you moaned again, this time much loader. He sucked your clit between his lips and a wave of pleasure let you arch your back. Wade really knew what he was doing.
You've never felt so aroused as in this moment and you were sure if he wouldn't stop you would come within the next seconds.
„Wade,“ you whispered his name from time to time and all he did was to continue eating you out. He wandered down with his tongue and snaked it inside your hole. You tried to close your legs, because you didn't approach this sudden move of him. But he pinned your thighs down and fucked you fast with tongue. His thumb found the way to your clit and rubbed it in the same pace.
You couldn't believe this was actual happening. You throw your head in the neck and your breath went faster, your heart pounded in your chest and your hands grabbed the sheets tightly.
„Wade... please...“ Your mouth couldn't form words anymore. All you was aware of was the imense pleasure Wade gave you.
„Are you there, baby girl?“ Wade asked you as he pulled away from your throbbing core for a moment.
„I... oh Wade... don't stop,“ you shouted and Wade did as he was told.
Nearly one minute later you were panting and couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure was growing with every passing second. And then his mouth was back on your clit and you felt his theeths scratching over it, before he bit down on you.
You screamed his name as your orgasm hit like a train. Wade's tongue massaged your folds and this made your climax last much longer. It felt amazing that Wade could cause something like this only with his mouth.
Wade licked the rest of your juices away and carressed your thigh tenderly. You catched your breath slowly and looked down. A big grin was plastered on his face and you saw your wetness on the lower half of his face.
„You taste so good, princess,“ he said seductively and kissed your knee.
„Oh my god, now I definitely know why you are called the merc with a mouth,“ you chuckled and Wade grinned even bigger.
Wade turned around to look at Peter and your gaze landed on him too. Peter's face was red and his breath went shallow.
„Are you okay, baby boy?“ Wade asked concerned and then he noticed Peter's hand on his own dick.
„Oh, watching us turned you on?“ Wade said with a low voice and let go of you. He took Peter's face in his hands and kissed him deeply. He shoved his tongue in Peter's mouth and you could hear your younger boyfriend moan, and you blushed because Peter definitely tasted you on Wade's lips.
Wade's left hand wandered down, shoved Peter's hand away and began to stroke the hard member. Peter arched his body towards Wade and you admired how unbelievable hot your boyfriends looked.
“How are feeling, Peter?” Wade asked with tender in his voice and didn't stop to massage him.
“That's so good,” Peter managed to say and his hand grabbed Wade's biceps.
“What turned you on the most? Y/N's moans? The sight of getting her off?” Wade asked him curiously. Wade was desperate to know if his plan to bring his loved one the most pleasure was working.
“I imagined what your mouth would feel on me…”
His last words got lost in a moan when Wade squeezed his cock a little harder, because he was surprised that Peter was thinking about him instead of you.
“And what about our girl?”
“She looked so beautiful when she came and I thought about what pleasure your tongue gave her.”
Wade looked at you with a mishevious grin.
“Okay, plans changed.”
You raised an eyebrow at him and got very curious. You lay on your side and supported your weight on your lower arm.
“Go ahead,” you laughed. Wade didn't let him tell a second time and in the next second he picked Peter up.
“What are you doing?” Peter yelped surprised, but the only answer he got was open-mouthed kisses from his collarbone to his hip.
“Wade, what you gonna do? Wade, oh…”
He couldn't form words, because his lips formed an o-shape as his cock was engulfed by Wade's warm and wet mouth.
Peter's hand were placed on Wade's head, but just to rest there while Wade brought him within seconds to the edge of an orgasm.
“Please, Wade, please,” Peter shouted as Wade cupped his balls with one hand.
Peter felt like he was in heaven. The whole time in their relationship he secretly waited for the moment he finally got a blowjob and he imagined it would feel good, but it was so much better.
Wade sucked gently on the tip and Peter meant that it made him only harder.
“So good, your mouth feels so good,” Peter praised him and that encouraged Wade to give maximal effort in his actions.
Peter grabbed the sheets so hard that his knuckles were white. His head was thrown back and his breath went shallow.
You knew he was about to come. His back arched and Wade hold him down in a firm grip on his hip.
“Please Wade,” Peter begged. “I'm gonna come. Please, let me come.”
Peter had the feeling he couldn't breathe. Every lick of Wade's tongue sent another wave of arousal through his body, his skin was on fire and only Wade had the possibilities in the moment to bring him salvation.
Wade pulled back with deep level of suction and repeated this a few times while Peter whined louder with every move.
“Oh god, I can't… Wa-Wade. Please… it's too much.” Petter begged literally that Wade would let him come. Wade looked up at Peter through his lashes and savoured Peter's sight.
Peter's body was covered in sweat and his skin was tinted in a deep blush.
Wade would of course didn't deny Peter's first orgasm from giving head. His hands wandered up Peter's thighs and cupped his butt cheeks, just to squeeze them and encouraging Peter to move his hips and took what he needed.
All this was to much for Peter, the feelings were overwhelming and Wade's firm grip gave him the rest. He felt how his balls tighten and he came hard with a scream of Wade's name and bucking his hips into Wade's mouth.
Wade tasted Peter's cum on his tongue and immadiately swallowed, giving Peter a longer lasting climax.
When Peter came down from his high, he opened his eyes lazily and watched Wade licking him clean.
Wade sucked slightly on his tip at the end and Peter gasped from the overwhelming feeling. He was so sensitive after this orgasm.
“Fuck… that was awesome, baby boy,” Wade exclaimed and plastered a few kisses on Peter's stomach and chest.
“We definitely gonna do this again. Maybw next time Y/N gonna try it, if she wants to.”
You nodded slowly with shy smile and Wade winked at you.
“How was it Peter?” you asked curiously.
“Mindblowing. I can't move,” Peter sighed contented and smiled lazily with closed eyes.
“What's about the main event, Petey?” Wade pouted.
“That was my main event,” Peter responded.
“Well, he's exhausted. Maybe we should delay our plans, but first I'll help you out, sweetheart.”
You approached Wade and touched his shoulder, his attention was on you now and he smiled lovingly.
“Oh, that's sweet of you, baby girl, but you don't have to. This was all about the both of you. And I see you're pleased, so no need to push yourself in an uncomfortable situation.”
You raised an eyebrow at his words.
“I can assure you that I feel comfortable. I really enjoyed what you did earlier and you can't tell me that you don't want some pleasure,” you explained and kissed Wade's cheek. “Maybe I can convince you otherwise.”
You touched his chin with your fingertips and turned his head far enough to lock lips with him. Your left hand caressed his chest and abs. You smirked as you placed your hand on his unnoticeable bulge.
You wanted Wade so bad, you didn't know how much pleasure his mouth could bring you. Now you were very curious what pleasure his cock could give you.
“Do you want this?” you whispered on his lips and he cupped your hand with his much larger one. He pulled away, but only to remove his boxer, then he guided both of your hands to cover his hard manhood. The skin was scarred like the rest of his
Wade moved your hands together slowly while he kissed you tenderly. “You feel how much I want it. You don't know how much I want to feel…”
His mouth wandered to your ear.
“I want to feel your tight little pussy clenching around my cock, pounding hard into you and make you screaming my name.”
Your whole body shivered from this low, hoarse voice and you felt instantly your lower parts getting wetter.
“Yes, please, touch me…,” you begged Wade and he obliged your wishes.
His hand disappeared from yours and his fingertips nudged between your folds. You gasped as he rubbed your clit, it still felt sensitive from earlier.
“But first we wait a little until Pete here recovers and then he brings you pleasure first,” Wade clarified and you looked at Peter with hooded eyes.
“Oh, don't worry about me… you can have fun. I'm done for the rest of the day,” Peter answered weary.
“Are you sure, baby boy? I thought you wanted to have your first time sex together,” Wade said confused and looked a little concerned.
“Well, we were each other's first kiss. It's okay for me, if it's okay for Peter.”
Wade and you looked at your boyfriend and Peter just smiled at you. “I'm not mad, I'm pretty happy and statisfied.”
That was all Wade needed to hear. He picked you up like you weighted nothing. You wrapped your legs around his waist and giggled as he laid properly down with you.
“Oh Y/N, I'm gonna make you feel so good,” he whispered against your lips and you couldn't wait that it'll finally happen.
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writingformeandyou · 5 years
This request is an Aranea x reader where the reader and Aranea were married but then the relationship was ended and the reader ends up passing away but not without leaving a note of two requests and a confession. These three tidbits will be made quite noticeable in the writing ahead and this was requested by @melzymelzy along with variations for the Chocobros. I will work on the boys’ and I hope to post that soon. Now onto the writing!
~mod Amic
P.S.: I’m getting my arse to bed, it is 1:15. Night guys!
-Aranea leans against the wall as her ex-S/O packs their bags and prepares to leave.
- “Goodbye Aranea.”
- You say before leaving your once shared home without another word.
- Aranea remains quiet for a few moments before tears slowly make their way down her cheeks as she slides down the wall and hides her face in her hands while crying.
——- Time skip (unspecific)
- Aranea approaches her once beloved home, weary from her work as a mercanary and grabs the mail from the mailbox.
- “Bills... bills... a summon from Noctis. That can wait... a letter... from (Y/N)?”
- Aranea is unsure of how to feel as she opens the envelope and begins to read.
- ‘Dear Aranea’
- Aranea stops reading to rub her burning eyes knowing all too well that she is on the brink of tears.
- Though she tried (emphasis on tried) to get over you she still misses you and also struggles with not understanding why you left her without a reason.
- Knowing that you wouldn’t send her a letter without reason Aranea returns to reading it.
- ‘Aranea I understand if you don’t want reasons or to help me with a favor but please hear me out. I’m sorry Aranea. I’m so so sorry. You might not know this but you are my one and only.’
- Aranea has tears streaming down her cheeks, something she swore would never happen again but can’t help it.
- “What did I do to push you away? Was I working too much? What was it?”
- Aranea wonders aloud before wiping her tears and beginning to read again.
- “You never did a single thing wrong. You were the best wife a person could ever have... Aranea it was... it was me. I thought it would be best to leave you out of all of this but in these moments I know that I’m wrong. Aranea I’m dying. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. Six I’m so sorry Aranea. Please make sure that I’m buried with my wedding ring and wedding (dress/suit) because the wedding was one of the best days of my life along with the day the two of us somehow planned to propose on the same day. I’m sorry but I have to stop writing so that I can take my medicine. I love you so much Aranea. There should be my address and anything I deem to be needed written towards the bottom of the paper. Thank you for everything and thank you in advance if you complete my final requests.’
- Aranea covers her eyes as the tears become heavy.
- Aranea is both relieved and weighed down with a new sadness.
- Aranea is happy knowing that she is loved but is also stricken by the fact that it doesn’t matter... you are more than likely gone.
- Aranea would work to compose herself before grabbing the letter and rushing out of your once shared home to help you with your final requests.
- the dreaded day has come.
- Aranea walked into the funeral parlor quietly.
- she did not talk to anyone, she only came to say her final goodbyes.
- “(Handsome/Gorgeous) I would have been there for every single minute that you would have wanted me and even the ones that you wouldn’t have wanted me. I love you forever and always.”
- Aranea says as tears run down her cheeks before she opens her purse and pulls out a chain with two wedding rings on it.
- “They did not understand when I requested that you wear your ring but I have other plans.
- Aranea tells you as she removes a ring from the chain and lifts your left hand to place your ring onto its place on your ring finger remembering the day that the both of you perfectly lined up your proposals for the same date.
- “I will be wearing my ring too though it will be on a chain so that it will be close to my heart. It will take time but I’m never going to forget you (Y/N) (L/N)-Highwind. I’ll be ok so don’t worry and I’ll be there to cause trouble with you again someday. Please wait for me.”
- Aranea says as she lays your left hand over your heart, takes her leave after stroking your cheek one final time, and freezes in her spot when she sees you standing by the door gesturing playfully for her to come over there.
- “Thank you so much for everything. For this, for loving me, I wouldn’t ask for anyone else.”
- (Y/N) says before placing a kiss on Aranea’s forehead and vanishing resulting in tears gathering in Aranea’s eyes.
- Aranea rushes to her car and takes deep breaths while trying to fight back the tears before accepting that she can’t fight it.
-“I’ll be fine.”
- Aranea breathes.
- “I’ll live on for you (Handsome/Gorgeous). I’ll live whatever remains of my life and will not allow myself to regret anything.”
- After Aranea calms herself down she turns on her car and drives to her home to think about the memories that the two of you made and grieve in private.
- Aranea also does just as she said that she would. She lived her life in full and without regrets.
~mod Amic
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colinupton · 5 years
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This is a book illustration I did recently for THE JOHN MARIUS BEDSIDE READER written by Jamie Mason. John Marius is a fictional ex-Canadian army veteran and this collects his adventures as a mercanary. I haven't read the story but I was working from a short description of the scene and earlier illustrations of the character (not by me). For this illustration I had to draw a highway sign copied from a web site of Isreali signs that includes Hebrew and Arabic. I apologise to any Hevbrew or Arabic readers if I got something terribly wrong.
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