bearholdingashark · 2 months
Out of Context WIPs
I was tagged by @goatsandgangsters and thank you for that because this is such a fun idea!
RULES: summarise your WIPs badly and let people vote on they'd most like to read! (No min number of WIPs, I'm doing this many because I have too many ideas and tumblr wouldn't let me do any more choices 😅)
(Not an official rule, but stealing from @goatsandgangsters: I'll do a sprinto for the winning fic!)
I tag @midwinterspringwrites @scrapbirdy @fiora-miriel @eighteenqs @ahopelessromanticwritersworld (but only if you want to!) and anyone else who wants to!! (and tag me if you make posts because I wanna see what your options are and vote!)
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st-rarepairbang · 6 months
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Dry Bones and Bleeding Hearts
Author: BriarLily Artist: RoxyMoronDraws Beta reader: midwinterspring Characters: Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson Relationship: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson Rating: Explicit Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Post-Canon, Tags Contain Spoilers, Vampires, Human/Vampire Relationship, Vampire Sex, Vampire Eddie Munson, Blood and Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst and Porn, Shameless Smut Warnings: violence, blood Word count: 16,119
Chrissy is making it in the world on her own, and it's going just fine, definitely. Anything's better than being stuck in Hawkins. She doesn't get out much anymore, but she hears a familiar band is playing in town, and she knows she has to go. Surely nothing much has changed since she saw them last.
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darklinaserver · 1 year
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Darklina Hidden Gems Week: Day 1 Roundup (Shiny and New)
Hidden Gems is a scavenger hunt! While the theme & main “quest” will change each day, every recommendation must meet the following: be MORE than 30 days old from first posting PLUS meet one of the following conditions: fewer than 15 comments/reblogs for a one-shot / fewer than 30 comments for a multi-chapter fic OR fewer than 150 kudos/likes OR fewer than 450 total shares/notes/likes for visual creations. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up on the HUGE number of stories and visual creations that have been posted!
For Day 1, we’re looking for anything posted after season 2 aired on March 16th, 2023. Here’s the rec list roundup!
she's the Villain now(and she's brought Liberation) by AliceHatter
Alina and her cat, Darkles by wildestfire2
It Makes Us Weak by just_another_fantasy
Glory and Gore by Jo (winterchild49)
Kitten Boots! by Lady Darludalina (Ladylrbloom)
The Time-Traveller (And The Immortal). by LizzieBowen18
You Don’t Own Me by Spacecadet72
Kindness by at_the_edges_of_print
No beds, just tables by Maggi8noodlesalfredo2lasagne
seasick by thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily)
Perihelion by two_night_stand
But of old stones (the evening under starlight) by midwinterspring
my sun, my peace by calliopes
Merzost art by @cilyra
Darklina || Buy the Stars (Shadow & Bone + S2) vid by Lyn Lyn
Shadow and Bone - No Time To Die vid by Kelo Katt
Artwork of Alina summoning light by @croissntsblog
5.08 gifset by @penelope97
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busdriver-55 · 2 years
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Queer head-canon
Making this list was/is a very self indulgent activity for me. I came out fairly recently and this us kinda my fun passion project atm as far as rec lists go. I wanted to put together a list of all the queer reylo fics I've read (am reading atm) - I know there's the "Queerly Beloved Reylo" collection on Ao3, which has WAY MORE fics on there, but like I said I'm basically making this list for myself first and I'm gonna be updating it as often as possible. I really don't care if no one likes this list since it's something I'm making for myself. Buuut hopefully people can get some great fics off here!! 😌💖🏳️‍🌈
If you lead me from the shore by @howls-immobile-bungalow: The seas run rampant with pirates. Islanders live in fear of the sight of the Jolly Roger. To escape an arranged marriage, Rebecca Palpatine, also known as ‘Rey’, disguises as a man and enlists on a ship, which leads to being under command of the dreaded and fearsome pirate, Captain Kylo Ren. Through living under disguise, and getting dangerously close to the Captain, Rey will explore and discover his identity as a trans man, and his understanding of his place in the world will change forever.
How to Be a Heartbreaker by @littlestarlost: Rey is a black widow. Ben is her new husband. Things aren't quite going to plan.
Thanks for the feedback by antlersantlers: Name? Age? Is this the first time you fucked Ben? Did you cum? Would you fuck Ben again? Are you a… top / switch / bottom? What is your gender identity? What is your sexual orientation? Please rate your overall satisfaction 1-10. Please write any additional feedback on the opposite side.
Hold Me Up (In The Palm Of Your Hand) by violethoure666 -> @multishiptrashh: Rey is sent to live with her aunt and uncle at eleven after the unexpected death of her father Luke. Thank god for her cousin Ben. A slow burn, no age gap, coming of age story following Ben and Rey from eleven to nineteen.
You're Not Alone by @howls-immobile-bungalow: Not your everyday College/Coffee Shop AU. Ben Solo is a creative writing major (stage name Kylo Ren), has a rock band called the Knights of Ren, and he's a trans guy out and proud since childhood. Rey Jakku is a mechanical engineering major and a trans girl still in the closet. But that's about to change for her when she meets a hot barista attending the same school as her.
The Villain I Appear to Be by Leo_Rosa: When the young idealist Sociology major Rey Johnson and the jaded and cynical Political Sciences postdoctoral fellow Ben Solo met, it was hate at first sight. But grief and desire connect them in a twisted, powerful, and secret bond, showing them just how much two lonely souls have in common, in spite of all differences that divide them. When Professor Snoke, Ben's mentor, decides to ruin Rey's life and her career, their relationship is tested – as well as their beliefs.
meet me in the aftergloom by @diesirate: Weddings are supposed to be beginnings. But not to Rey. They're endings. This one is, anyway. Or, one winter night that changes Rey Niima's life. And Ben Solo's too.
To Love Shadows and Marvels by midwinterspring: A modern startup AU with Lovecraftian elements.
Lots More by MissCoppelia: Rey and Ben are ready for another year of sexy fun at their famous annual Purim party. This year they've been planning for an orgy, which Ben is looking forward to, but does Rey feel the same?
The Dinner Party by DarkKnightDarkSide: It's Rey's 30th birthday, and her husband Ben wants to give her the most unforgettable evening. All she wants, though, is a low key night in with some good friends. Some very good friends.
the eye has to travel by @secretreylotrash: Kylo Ren is the head of the Costume Department for the Star Alliance Opera. Rey is his beleaguered assistant. It’s hell. She’s slowly crumbling under endless hours of work and impossible standards. Being a broke post-grad, their most recent argument is fought over the condition of Rey’s personal wardrobe and her inability to find anything appropriate for the Opening Night Gala this season. Kylo insists he’s handled the problem by making her dress himself, but has he? It just seems like he's making Rey stay late after work out of spite, for hours of fittings, alone with him.
Checklists and Promises by @crossingwinter: Rey's new to being a Domme, and when she comes across Kylo's sub profile, she worries she doesn't have enough experience for him. Kylo has ten years of experience subbing, after all. Soon enough, though, it's clear that even if she's something Kylo wants, she might also be someone that he needs.
(this will definitely be updated so stay tuned)
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sassinake · 10 months
Chapters: 2/6 Fandom: multifandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Meta, Fandom issues, Artificial Intelligence, transformative fanworks, Fandom, Plagiarism, Fandom etiquette, fandom writers, fandom artists, fan fiction, Fan Art, Current Events, create don't scrape, Anticapitalism, fandom wank Summary:
Welcome to #FandomVsAI. We are saving what we love and protesting the use of transformative works in training generative AI.
Where a bunch of Fanartists express our concerns and hopes for the future of human art where fandom intersects with AI tech.
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politicalmamaduck · 3 years
old gods still walk in these thickets
Written for midwinterspring! Their prompts were: "an intricate ritual", "old gods still walk in these thickets" (based on this Dappermouth art piece) and/or "incunabula" (the beginning of something).
Read it on AO3 here.
Alina walked, and walked. How far she walked, she could not say. Nothing around her changed; the sky was grey, and mist and fog trailed her steps. She saw and heard no one or nothing besides herself. 
Still, she continued to walk, her long black cloak brushing against the ground. She would not allow herself to become nervous. 
She had come so far, farther than she ever would have dared not so long ago. Or perhaps it was so long ago. Time seemed to move differently for her, now. 
She rubbed her palm as she walked, as if the scar he now bore were her own. The wounds they bore each other were now nothing more than that--scars they both shared, between body, mind, and soul. 
Old gods still walk in these thickets, he told her. Alina possessed no conception of those who were worshipped before the Saints. They too were before Aleksander’s time, but there were still echoes of them resonating from the Making at the Heart of the World. 
Their world was still broken and needed to be healed. It would be an intricate ritual, ancient and incomprehensible, but it was a price Alina was willing to pay. 
No more innocents would die for their Grisha blood.
She felt Morozova’s stag glowing within her, as if encouraging her onward, guiding her true north, even though she walked south, deep into the Sikurzoi. 
Finally, the scenery changed, and the mountains loomed ahead. She continued to climb higher still, despite the temperature falling. She was grateful for her heavy cloak and its fur collar. Despite walking for what must have been hours past Dva Stolba, past Keramzin, Alina felt neither tired nor hungry. She was sustained by something else, a primeval power living inside her. 
She would not allow herself to wish that Aleksander walked beside her. She could not betray her own heart by thinking the sentiment. This, she would do alone. She would not sacrifice him or his love, though she knew he would see it as a betrayal when she left him alone in Os Alta. 
Better to betray him once again than to betray her own heart. 
She would not think about the way his body entwined with hers the night prior, the way the sheets tangled around their legs in the night, the warmth of him curled around her. 
She pressed a gentle kiss to his head this morning, then pulled the blankets up, memorizing the way his chest rose and fell with his breathing. He looked so peaceful asleep, at ease. She would not break the spell of the moment by saying goodbye. 
The Darkling kept the best horses in Ravka, but even they would not have been enough to catch her by the time he learned what she had done. 
Alina approached the firebird, that most ancient and majestic of beings. The firebird reared before her, spreading her wings for flight, and nearly knocked Alina off her feet. Despite the grey mist in the mountains, her wings reflected gold in their red feathers, a striking contrast to the dull earth tones surrounding them.
Unlike the first time they met, this time the firebird knew Alina was not there to claim her as an amplifier, and soon quieted.  Alina knelt before her majesty, bowed her head, displaying the reverence she should have as a younger woman. 
“I need your help,” she said, knowing somehow that the firebird would understand her. 
The thickets burned so easily. The blaze of the sacred flames was hotter than anything Alina had ever experienced, but she did not dare remove her cloak. It protected her skin, still so vulnerable despite her power. 
Ancient magic, she thought. Not merzost. Not the Small Science. 
She circled the fire and recited words in a language no longer spoken, uncertain if she were pronouncing them correctly, but feeling them sit right on her tongue. 
She would not allow herself to be distracted by thinking of her tongue in Aleksander’s mouth, his tongue inside her the night before.
The firebird flapped her wings and blew the flames even hotter. Alina knelt and waited. 
Eventually, the firebird approached her and brushed a wing over her back. Alina removed a feather from her hair, the firebird’s gift for the ritual. Removing a piece of thorn wood from her pocket, she pressed into her palm, smeared her blood on the thorn and the feather. She cast them into the flames, wondering if it would become her own funeral pyre. 
She waited. 
Eventually, a shape emerged from the mist in the mountains and stepped through the flames. Alina knew better than to meet its eyes without permission. 
“You have come a long way, Alina Starkov,” the old god said. The voice was ancient, powerful, terrible, somehow sounding like all people and none at all. She supposed such human concerns as gender did not matter to a being behind the Making at the Heart of the World. 
“I come to bargain,” she said. “If you will listen.” She kept her eyes trained on the ground. Next to her, the firebird shrieked. 
“What could you possibly have to offer me, Alina Starkov?” 
Alina knew the being would ask the question. She spoke with practiced words. 
“I have much to offer,” she replied. “I have to offer myself, a living Saint, a holy sacrifice at your altar.” She gestured to the fire. “You may claim my life or use my body for your own, should you wish to walk among mortals once again. I have to offer worship, a remembrance of who and what you once were, altars throughout Ravka, eternal flames dedicated to your memory. I have to offer treasure, riches, the fruit of the earth and the product of human ingenuity. I have to offer my immortal soul,” she added, the most precious thing she had to offer according to the church. Though the words hurt her, she continued. “You may claim my Grisha power or the immortality it grants me, should you find those useful.” She swallowed. Before she could continue, the being--god--spoke once more. 
“Do you think you are the first to offer me such things?”
“No,” she replied. “If I was, there would not have been a way to find you, a way for me to conduct this ritual.” 
She still did not look fully up, but she could see that the being leaned the shape of its head back and laughed. 
“Why do you care to bargain, Alina Starkov? Why not live your immortal life with all that power flowing through your veins? Why disturb the Making at the Heart of the World?”
“Because I can’t save them all,” she replied, her voice breaking, her eyes filling with tears. “I cannot live for eternity knowing I could have done more to protect my people.”
Too many Grisha, dead at the Fjerdan border. Too many Ravkan children, dead in their beds.
Aleksander tried for centuries, and still failed. The Fold was healed, Ravka became whole once more, but still, their people suffered. If the Fold were born of his anger and pain, using merzost, and her love allowed it to be healed, perhaps whatever Alina did here would be born of love and sacrifice, instead.
She had to try.
The old god laughed once more. 
“Incunabula,” they said. “Let this be the beginning of something, Alina Starkov. Do you believe that you were born into this world to suffer and die, as the Apparat teaches?”
“No,” she replied. “If I did, would I be here?”
“Indeed,” the being said. “As I thought. Pain will still be a part of life, and the world may be cruel, but the Making at the Heart of the World was never intended to be so.”
Alina nodded, still not looking up. 
“I will take a shape more comfortable for you,” the god said. 
Before her eyes, the shadowy outline of a human body against the flames became a great boar, like Morozova’s stag. It pawed the ground, and she looked up into its depthless eyes, white and unblinking against the blackest of night fur. 
Next to her, the firebird cawed and flapped her wings once more. 
“I cannot control the free will of humans. None of us can. Your pain, devastation, endless war result from these.”
“I know,” Alina replied. “But is there nothing you can do to help? Can you not sway the heart of the Fjerdan king or the Shu queen?” 
“You are stubborn, Alina Starkov,” the old god said. “Did you consider that perhaps I would be unable to help, rather than unwilling to bargain?”
She had not allowed herself to consider that possibility. She swallowed and tried a different tactic. 
“If you cannot help me save my people from needless death and destruction, what can you do? What did you do when you were worshipped?”
The old god paused: considering, remembering. The flames crackled behind it. Its boar form pawed the ground once more. 
“Perhaps there is something I can do for you, Alina Starkov. I will do this. I will grant you a boon.”
“You will?” she dared ask. Still wary, before the old god could answer or change its mind, she continued “And what form shall your boon take?”
Still in its boar form, it snorted, which Alina took for a laugh. “Wise and wary beyond your years as well as stubborn, I see. Very well, Alina Starkov. While I cannot change humanity’s hearts, or protect them unto a natural death, I can do this. I can grant you the strength and bravery of my boar form, that you may face your eternity knowing that you can and will survive it and all its losses. You will have this strength for all the days ahead, the courage to continue fighting, the bravery to look death in its face and know that you are not alone, that you will mark your losses on your heart but survive them.”
Alina nodded, and stood. She steeled her spine, ready to face whatever laid ahead for her. The boar’s strength would bear her alongside her own inner strength. “I thank you,” she replied. “I am grateful for your boon. I release you back into the Making at the Heart of the World, Boar God.” She was uncertain what else to call it. 
“Use my strength well, Alina Starkov,” it said. “May we meet again, at the Making at the Heart of the World.” The boar shape dissipated into shadows and stars and spun back into the fire, trailing smoke and shadow. 
The firebird flew into the flames, soaking them up as if an ordinary bird in a bath outside a wealthy merchant’s home. 
“Thank you,” she said to the firebird, who squawked her agreement. 
Alina turned and began her descent down the mountain. 
Alina was unsurprised to find that she did not, in fact, have to obtain horses in Dva Stolba to ride all the way back to Os Alta. She was uncertain if days or hours had passed while she bargained with the old god, but regardless, her husband had followed her. 
She found him in the market, her body stiff from the heat, kneeling, walking. 
“Alina,” he said, the desperation and relief evident in his voice and the way he swept her into his arms despite the fact that there were others around to witness. 
“I thought--” he started, and she shook her head. 
“It didn’t work,” she said. “We have to try something else.”
He nodded, put his arm around her back, and led her to the finest room the inns in the valley had to offer. 
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said, after kissing her as if his life depended upon it. 
“I had to try,” she answered, his fingers tracing her lips. 
“We will find a way,” he replied, his eyes darkening. “Together.” Even if Alina wanted to discuss it further, she could not, for he claimed her mouth with his own and her thoughts were claimed by the feeling of his body against hers, the sensations he was creating as he kissed her, caressed her, undressed her.
She was cold without her clothing, still adjusting from facing a sacred blaze for so long, but her husband made her warm once more. She became the blaze, her wet center radiating heat outwards. He worked his way down from her lips, kissing every inch of her, letting his fingers trail his lips, causing breathy sighs and moans to escape her lips. 
She found herself guided backwards to the bed, their clothes scattered all over the floor, her fingers in his hair. 
Once she was settled amongst the pillows, he murmured, “I love you, Alina,” before his hands gripped her hips and his tongue delved inside her, leaving her unable to properly respond save a heady moan. 
She supposed he took it as response enough as he drank his fill of her, leaving her breathless and tingling all over until he added a finger and she cried out, desperate for more, desperate for release, desperate for him. 
He continued to caress her with his tongue until she was trembling with pleasure and his beard was soaked. Only then did he scoop her into his arms, holding her to him as if he would never let her go, and then entered her. 
She was filled with him, simultaneously sated with pleasure and dying for more. 
“I love you, Aleksander,” she managed to breathe, moving her hips in sync with his. She traced a finger down his cheek and smiled, meeting his dark eyes and falling in love with him all over again as he smiled too. 
They kissed and caressed and held each other all night. In the darkness, before the haze of early morning light, Alina listened to her husband’s breathing, his heartbeat, and thought that perhaps the old god’s blessing had been for them both.
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ellediablo98 · 7 years
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Happy Friday, here are pics of me in the sun looking cool (and freezing in the wind) from Thursday in a low-key Waldo look. #ElleDlooks #midwinterspring #dreadhairdontcare #toocoolforschool ##sunglasses
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artofcrumbs · 3 years
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"May I?" she asks, her hand poised near his. The distance is so slight, and as long as the road between here and Os Alta.
💛Before A Day’s Deliverance by @midwinterspring on AO3
A Darklina Endgame fic. The amplifier link works both ways, and Alina has another chance to change her future.
Patreon art request by midwinterspring 🥰 Thank youuu so much!!! 💖
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Coming soon to Now part of the Reylo Fanfiction Anthology:
Stranger Than You Dreamt It, a Phantom of the Opera piece by midwinterspring.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
I don't have Tumblr but I have to say I would be here for Dunelina! -Ari (midwinterspring on AO3)
Well, now that there are at least TWO people who would be interested, I'll probably write some Dunelina fic when I'm on vacation for the holidays-- it'll be quite intriguing to figure out how to crossover these two worlds...
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Authors are revealed, and I can share my fics for this year’s @reylofanfictionanthology exchange!
My gift for midwinterspring
Rating: E Chapters: 3/3 Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Senator Kylo Ren, Monster Rey, Dark Rey, kind of, it's complicated, Planet Jakku, Sith Magic & Rituals, Space Politics, Regrowth, Plants, Desert, Memories, Established Relationship, Power Couple, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Play, Sex Magic, Inappropriate Use of Lightsabers, Human Sacrifice, only a little though, and it's not anyone important so it's fine right, Switch Ben Solo, Switch Rey (Star Wars), Restraints, Plants as bondage, Porn With Plot, Body Calligraphy, Happy Ending
Summary: Kylo Ren, the mysterious senator who appeared from out of the deserts of Jakku and somehow brought them back to life, has spent a long and unproductive session on Hosnian Prime. Now, it's time to go home. After all, there's someone waiting for him and so much for them to do together.
(The ancient Sith had some interesting rituals.)
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darklinaserver · 6 months
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Secret Sankta Countdown: Day 5
Of Clockwork and Sunlight, or Aleksander Morozova's Surprise Encounter by @midwinterspringwrites
“Of Clockwork and Sunlight, or Aleksander Morozova’s Surprise Encounter” by midwinterspring is an entry from last year that serves steampunk AU vibes in a Ravka that is Victorian inspired, with Grisha powers and a Grisha-run country. 
So when Aleksander, grandson of tsar Ilya, needs his camera repaired, he stumbles upon the Starkov’s shop and hopes to be helped. And here he not only discovers that they can indeed help him, but also something more than he expected!
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xbluexskiesx · 7 years
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Long weekend to clear away the cobwebs ☀️🌄🏞️ But not this one. This one can stay. #Backyard #MidwinterSpring #RibbleValley #Lancashire
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politicalmamaduck · 3 years
For prompts: "an intricate ritual", "old gods still walk in these thickets" and/or "incunabula". Darklina, any AU, please. Cheers, midwinterspring (I don't have a tumblr)
Thank you so much for coming here to prompt me even without a Tumblr! I used all 3 of your prompts, and I hope you will like the result! You can read it here on AO3 and here on Tumblr.
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darklinaserver · 1 year
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Darklina Hidden Gems Week: Day 7 Roundup (Darklina Server Anniversary)
Hidden Gems is a scavenger hunt! While the theme & main “quest” will change each day, every recommendation must meet the following: be MORE than 30 days old from first posting PLUS meet one of the following conditions: fewer than 15 comments/reblogs for a one-shot / fewer than 30 comments for a multi-chapter fic OR fewer than 150 kudos/likes OR fewer than 450 total shares/notes/likes for visual creations. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up on the HUGE number of stories and visual creations that have been posted!
Happy anniversary, Darklina server! For Day 7, we’re looking for anything created for a server event over the past two years. Here’s the roundup:
the place where the sun rests by midwinterspring
Me and the Devil by esssteee
All good things. by Caffeine_faerie
Welch ein fest by Silberias
meow tsar by inkbug
Dream of Better Lives by Silberias
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darklinaserver · 2 years
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Darklina Hidden Gems Week: Day 1 Roundup (Time, Time, Time) 
Hidden Gems is a scavenger hunt! While the theme & main "quest" will change each day, every recommendation must meet the following: be MORE than 30 days old from first posting PLUS meet one of the following conditions: fewer than 25 comments/reblogs OR fewer than 50 kudos/likes OR fewer than 1000 total hits. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up on the HUGE number of stories and visual creations that have been posted both before and after the show came out!
For Day 1, we time-traveled to look for any fics or visual creations (art, gifs, fanvids, moodboards, etc) that were published/posted/last updated MORE than 6 months ago. Here’s the rec list roundup!
bring your own sun by midwinterspring
The Tale of Tsar Anastas and the Black Heretic by Silberias
like a thread of scarlet by SimplexityJane
We should just kiss like real people do by Silberias
Dazed by a Pounding Roar by Lalaith_Yamainu
The Debate of Villainy by TwilightToMidnight
A-Tisket, A-Tasket, He Took My Yellow Basket by Starless_Sasha
5 times Aleksander had to deal with young Grisha and 1 time Alina did it for him by Sharraus
let's break the internet by kylomalfoys
Heart of Darkness by Weisse_Rose
The Greatest Thing (You'll Ever Learn) by Jubilee44
for the cosmos to know itself by midwinterspring
The Oprichnik by YuuriQueen
His Naughty Girl by SundayWolfSong
The unendurable is the beginning of the curve of joy by middlemarch
Eighteen Pins by firelord65
Let Me Love The Lonely Out Of You by Spacecadet72
Let Yourself Relax by goatsandgangsters
art by nulliphy
Stay, Stay by firelord65
Oprichniki Surprise by Maggi8noodlesalfredo2lasagne
She Wears a Collar (With My Name) by Ceris_Malfoy
Shadow Puppies by madcase
The Wolf of Chernast by manico_del_lume
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