#might make the first one into digital art or color it idk
jazzinartz · 5 months
Pomni post ♥️
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Anyway gonna do an art dump next post
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snailfen · 1 year
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i think the stuff i post abt the dragon tamer in servers makes them look more fearless and tough than they really are
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hopjam · 9 months
valentine's weird shading not-a-tutorial tutorial
let me preface this by saying that i am not very good at tutorials, hence the "not-a-tutorial" in the title. let me continue prefacing this by saying that tumblr's search function is still shit and ass, making me incapable of trying to find the post i wanted to and forcing my hand into making my own instead. if anyone has the link to the post i'm talking about feel free to send it to me or something. anyway let's get into it
so the one thing that helped improve my art's lighting and shading drastically is, instead of thinking shadows being additive, is to think of light being subtractive instead. again emphasis on the words "my art" so this might not work for you personally + this probably also only really works in a digital medium, but like. what do i mean by that?
enlisting the help of that one sketch of ghost/ray i drew once, i've slapped together a few pics that may or may not help make the point i'm trying to make clearer. i dunno, but either way you're gonna want to decide where your light source is coming from first before you start. ok let's go
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anyway, this is what i like to call "shadows being additive" or in layman's terms basically just drawing in your shadows by hand instead. this is probably how you've been taught to shade, and it works fine if you know what you're doing! however, since this pic of ghost just Standing There is pretty simple it makes shading this way relatively easy, but if your composition is more complex, you have a bunch of things blocking the light source, and/or you have weird perspective going on; then it might start getting pretty difficult. it sure as hell did for me in the past anyway
but. what if i told you. that there's a different way to approach shading
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now introducing: "light being subtractive" aka drawing in your lights instead. in the real world, objects are naturally shrouded in darkness until a light source is present. this fact is then reflected in this shading style by having you begin with a layer filled with your shadow color before erasing the areas where your light hits (then refining it later). this style probably works better the more your knowledge of how objects reside within a 3d space is, but either way i personally prefer this shading style bc of how the shadows feel more organic to me + it works fantastic for dramatic lighting as well
honestly your layer mode doesn't even need to be set to multiply either. in a visual novel i released a while ago under a time constraint i chose to shade my sprite using pure black set to normal mode because it was faster to me than actually having to worry about the colors that come with using a multiply layer
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but uhhh yeah either way that's how i got good at shading i guess by changing the way i approached doing it in the first place. hopefully this helps someone out there. idk man i'm not a professional artist or anything i just do this stuff for fun
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xiwi01 · 10 months
Someday I'll understand how art works. For now, I'm enjoying the learning process. I want to leave some register of these because my PC might die soon and I'm a disaster at making back-ups. Here they are in chronological order:
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Yes, I know, I didn't understand positions. Or colors. BUT this was the first serious attempt at drawing since I was 10 years old. And my first attempt at digital art too. So, idk, it could've been much worse.
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And this was me trying to do lineart in paper for the first time.
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I personally like this one. I made it after I read @afterdeck-ace's incredible fic in AO3 (sorry. I posted it like a year and a half late). @deateath made the original art and it's amazing. Go read the fic, you won't regret it!
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A gory Demonio Fleur to try the watercolor markers. I still don't get them. But I had fun nonetheless.
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This is my most recent attempt at drawing. Considering I didn't plan to draw this or color it, I think it turned out well enough.
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biggestqiblifan · 4 months
What the fuck?
You can't even draw.
What on Earth are those things?? Please stop trying.
Your little dragon crossovers are so childish! You just splash some color on and call it a day. Then you COMPLAIN about how HARD it was for you.
Boo hoo.
Grow up.
Ok, first of all fuck you.
Who the hell are you to say those things to me?
Listen ANON you're a coward. You hide behind your screen and anonymity, saying whatever shit you want and not caring, while I am out here just trying my best to not crumple.
You do not know the FIRST thing about me.
But, hey, its your opinion I guess.
Secondly, at least I try.
I am not the best at art, especially digital art. I'm NEW TO IT! I have never even TOUCHED a good art app! I use PAINT! I have to try make the most of it! And for your kind, kind information, I DO put thought into my drawings.
Prepare for a detailed info dump and for having your cowardly ass handed to you.
I think about the characters I'm drawing. They're personality, life, preferences. From there I begin shape.
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Lord Morgarath is a cold character. Most people associate him with like black and purple, the dark spectrum, so I worked those colours into it. But I also tried out the other end because it might make sense for him to be like that.
He didn't necessarily begin as evil.
The wings are a tawny-tanish colour speckled with black to show his corruption (they also look really cool). The horns are high and point up, to me they seem like it gives authority. His scales are intricate, portraying a life of extravagance. The spikes on his back are curved, sharp and cunning. Just like him.
(the golden helmet thingy just seemed like something dragon-him would wear)
All in all, he seems ready for battle.
Also, have you noticed the amount of detail I put in?
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No-one's going to notice that ruby! I don't even know how to draw a gemstone! But I put in the effort and gave it my best shot, because I care about my work.
Now, Halt is a different story.
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He may seem relaxed as shown with the eyes, they are half lidded for tiredness, and he just seems really calm, like he always does in the books. But who would have a deadly tail poised to strike if they were not alert?!
The tail has a stinger because he is deadly.
(The little pendant thingy that is holding his cape seemed like a suitable place for the Oakleaf Symbol of the Rangers)
I chose royal blue for him, because I just think in some messed-up part of my shithole of a mind that it suits him and his royal blood.
His entire body and like shape (idk, think of the head) is robust, sturdy and practical. Nothing fancy. But suited to survive.
I gave him like diamond-shaped shape patterns BECAUSE REASONS! The scale designs aren't very intricate either because he is a sort of simple man.
But yeah, I can't change your opinion, so there you go. Now you know.
I put work and EFFORT into these things! And besides, in what logic do you just smash colours together and get things like this?!
So in conclusion, you failed.
No, I will not stop trying, no I don't care what you say or think you are just one person, and yes, you utterly failed to make me feel bad about myself and ruin my day.
Have the day you deserve.
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queerdraws · 7 months
i love your postcard artwork for the zolu playlist SO much!! the colours are so so good and i love the brushwork! i think my favourites are a tie between the one for chikai and the one for simple song <3 also, I was wondering if you could share what brushes you used + how long they took you! looking at your art makes me want to draw again after not doing it for so long
Thank you!! and wow i think this is the first time someone's asked me for my brushes, this is like a digital artist rite of passage!
Answers n screenshots n stuff under cut (I went a little to ham on this oops)
While we're talking settings I want to give a quick PSA to all digital artists:
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DO NOT DRAW WITH THIS ALL MESSED UP, IT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY. It's probably good to check this after every system update (I don't, but, you know...). Windows likes to mess w your shit when it updates.
If you have a really tiny tablet you might need to trace outside a bottle lid or something.
Okay now on to the meat of the post
-- Brush Stuff --
I use Clip Studio Paint. For my playlist drawings I think I only used these brushes (these are my main 3 in general) (p.s. they're all default brushes! but i've adjusted the settings):
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1) Gouache This is most of what i used for the postcards. I nuked Color Stretch because i hate it (it blends colors together as you're painting, like painting over wet paint. I prefer things to look more crisp)
2) Real G-Pen Used this as little as possible, to keep the painterly effect. My preferred fine-detail pen, has a nice crunch to it. I've fine-tuned my setting further in the thickness dynamics / brush size dynamics settings because I mostly use this brush for linework and wanted it to handle really, really naturally and precisely
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The random box is checked by default, probably to make this brush feel more like handling a real inkdip pen (I don't like that)
3) Mapping Pen Least used. I generally keep this brush at the 50-70px range. It's unpleasant to use for detail work (the taper is really fiddly at my tablet pressure settings) but good at filling in large areas very opaque very quickly, with a crisp edge (Also, doesn't lag as much as the gouache brush at large-ish sizes). Has enough wiggle room that it can be used to approximately fill tighter spaces at large brush sizes. Used for when I needed to quickly color over an area that wasn't working or quickly fill in background color that didn't need paintbrush texture. Did not realized the stabilization was set to 10 until just now. I usually turn that waaay down to prevent lag (my laptop isn't very old but it's a sensitive beast)
Other stuff that'll help:
General pen pressure: (under File -> Pen Pressure Settings)
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tweaking how CSPaint handled my pen pressure helped a lot with making lineart look more natural. It's worth messing around with this and trying out different settings for a while to see how they feel.
-- How Long it Takes 2 Draw --
I don't really keep track of how long art takes me from start to finish, and making the playlist drawings was kinda nonlinear 😅 sorry!
-> I started out sketching really quick composition and color ideas as the songs were playing, limiting myself to just the duration of each song (so like, 5 minutes for this part) -> i did that again at least 2 more times per song -> after that, idk. I would work on one pic then get stuck and move to another. Some I could hammer out in like... 5 hours? Some took me upwards of 20 (30?) hours for no real reason (I have "will graham clock" days, where I'll try to draw a face over and over and it'll look really strange, like will graham's clock drawing every time) (this seems to be either a vitamin deficiency or a brainfog inflammation type thing 4 me 😵‍)
I'll use ur two favorites as specific examples: -> Chikai was one that went pretty quickly (with the exception of their arms and the clothing folds there giving me trouble). Probably took 4-6 hours? -> Simple Song had a couple different versions, partially because I initially had the cards all laid out landscape-style, and I decided I actually wanted them all portrait-style & repainted it after it was already done. That aside, the colors /atmosphere on that one gave me trouble and the general composition / perspective had a lot of tweaks (I was trying to figure out if I wanted it to be a kinda flat stylistic perspective or if I wanted it to make more literal sense, trying to figure out what to do with luffy, trying to make him not look Too baby boy sweetie pie). Probably took 7-10 hours...?
In-progress landscape versions: (varying levels of in-progress)
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Misc in-progress of Chikai and Simple Song:
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Simple song looks kinda sequential like this lmao. Luffy looks like he's A-posing and floating away to the boat and then sitting down pleasantly in it. Wonderful. --
Anway -- hope any of that was helpful!
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marrymeserizawa · 1 year
I really love how you paint with gouache, it looks like it's digital and the colors are so fine like it's a matte sticker, so smooth and soft lol So.... I bought (cheap like $20) gouache like you and omg it's so much fun ahhh 😭😭😭 and it looks so pretty, I was wondering if you had any tips? I've been layering (like stacking) paint but it cracks when it drys... 🧍idk I'm nervous haha, anyway love your art!!!! 💖💖
!! I’m flattered you were inspired enough to pick up a new medium:’0 it’s got it’s fair share of challenges but yes! The colors make it very fun for sure^^
And I am by no means an expert myself haha but I can definitely impart some tips. •Firstly though- The paint I use is acryla gouache which (as the name suggests) has an acrylic binder and cannot be reactivated with water like traditional gouache. I have most experience with acrylic paint myself so this type was a perfect fit for me. Based on the “cracking” you’ve described I suspect the paint you bought is traditional gouache. The trick with that kind is finding the right paint-to-water ratio, if you pick up too much pigment you might get that cake-y texture after drying. When you mix, aim for a ‘creamy’ texture that’s not goopy on your brush when you apply (just start light and paint square or scale exercises until you find the right balance👍 something easy as you get used to this new medium) •The paper you use may also be a factor. I used a sturdy and fairly inexpensive canson mixed media type when I first started(took the paint surprisingly well tbh) and then moved to different watercolor ones (tried pretty expensive types too only to hate em lmao) Cold-press fluid 100 watercolor paper has become my personal favorite. •this last note is not so much a tip but since you like my approach to gouache, maybe it’ll provide some insight? My own notes-to-self when I paint lol:
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But! It’s a pretty versatile medium and it all comes down to your own preferences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s up to you to find out what you like as you experiment- hope you have fun with it!
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toniyx · 2 months
meeyow!!! hello there, I'm Tonix, this is my secondary account lol. I'm mainly an artist, but I may write some headcanons from time to time.
I'm gonna post my lazier stuff, more explicit stuff, & thoughts here so look out for that
- Transformers 👾🚓
- Hazbin Hotel 🌹👁️‍🗨️
- Portal/Half-Life 🧡💙
- The Stanley Parable 〽️🪣
- Ace Attorney ⚖️✒️
- Wolvesville 🐺🏘️
(this list will get updated as time goes on)
stuff I do :
- digital & traditional art
- animation sometimes
- OCs
- roleplay
- sometimes little headcanons and stuff???
- idk there's not much else, if you're a mutual ask for art if you want, usually just gonna be sketches
- I do commissions so if you ever want one of those yeah, reduced price for friends/mutuals
content warnings, DNI, and blog rules below, please read. (separate rules for headcanons/writing requests are here)
- bugs, either talked about or posted about, I love bugs (probably won't TW this past here so, heed my warning)
- violence, guns/knives, potential talk of cannibalism, occasional dark jokes/comedic violence, etc. (text stuff might not be tagged, but gore art will most likely be tagged as #gore art, #robogore and/or #gore)
- possible mention of drugs; all will be censored, won't go into anything crazy
- bright colors/very saturated art (will be tagged & probably put under a cut. block #bright colors and #neon if you don't want to see any of this)
- maybe some NSFT lol (will tag either #suggestive or #nsft)
- I may ramble and get annoying
- under 18, sorry pals. feel free to interact on my main account tho!
- super religious blogs (excluding fandoms obv)
- on that same note, super political blogs
- anyone toxic or looking to start drama
- not really a DNI, but I'm aromantic, keep that in mind while talking to me and don't push your luck
- AI art users
- proshippers
- "don't support X creator"/"did you know that X said Y about Z" fellas, again, no unnecessary drama here please
blog rules:
- don't repost my art anywhere else, even with credit given. ask me directly before using as a PFP/banner/etc., but using as wallpaper is fine so long as you don't share it. (note: sharing a link to one of my posts somewhere is absolutely fine)
- do not use my art for your own OCs; inspiration is totally fine but if you're just snagging my stuff just... no, man, no
- generally don't request art unless you're a mutual, but if you're really polite about it or give an idea that I really like I may draw you something
- asks may be deleted without warning and without telling you. if you did something that upset me I'll try to reach out and tell you the first few times, but past that you're blocked, yada yada yada.
and lastly, this is totally gonna be a repeat, but here's my biggest rule of all: absolutely no drama here. be dramatic about anonymous people all you want, but no-one you could identify by looking them up. this is also not your place to complain/nitpick about something that someone else on here (namely I) might like.
cancel culture is a huge no-no here. people are people; people make mistakes and have shitty opinions. unless they were convicted of a crime, I don't wanna hear about whose content I should/shouldn't enjoy.
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camellia-salazar · 2 years
Here's a new series of colored in digital doodles.
I'm calling them White Sheets (mostly because it's just a white background and nothing more, it's gonna be a series of drawings I'll be drawing and posting, also to organize in the tags and such).
I will also talk about the drawings. It's because a lot of these will be relating to my multifandom story but it could also be random drawings of some random characters I felt like drawing so idk.
I might also post 5 pages at a time (like what I did with my first batch which was just my kin list, that could be the pilot of this series idk).
So here we go.
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Toriel comforting Orel because the thought of his mother not giving him motherly love ached my heart so I drew this (this could happen in the multifandom story).
Also Bluey because she's one of my favorites to draw recently. I've realized (while posting this) that I've drawn her and her sister a lot. Mostly her tho. Idk the show made her animation and design satisfying to watch and look at.
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I wanted to display the brotherly love that Timmy and Poof had (and I love how the characters hug each other in the show so that's also why I drew this).
And I also wanted to see my recent depiction of Moomintroll. He looks alright I hope. Idk I guess he's one of my favorites to draw as well. I draw him when I can't think of any other characters to draw kinda like Popee.
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I couldn't help but draw Murdoc for once. It has been a while since I last doodled him and I wanted to draw him digitally. But I was mostly drawing him because of @imtryingmybestbutimscared . So thanks for the inspiration mate! 👍✨
I've also wanted to see my version of Warren too. Idk if I should like or dislike him. He was.. fine until he got all up on Yellow's business. But he has a worm in his brain (I guess) so who knows with this guy.
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Baldi because I originally wanted to draw a different character from what I usually draw, but then after a while from drawing him and listening to fan songs of the game I became a fan of it again so.. yeah I'll probably draw more characters from the game or something idk.
Bingo and Yellow Guy are here too because I've always thought of them as friends in my multifandom story mostly).
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Nicky because I like him and I wanted to see my version of him in my recent art style I guess (and I'm pretty sure that drawing Yellow Guy keeps making me want to draw him as well, maybe other puppet characters too but mostly Nicky).
And that's me and Ezekiel. I don't usually do self inserts (especially draw them digitally and post them) but it's also for the multifandom story (yes I even get sucked into it). Me and Ezekiel are best friends in this story btw (yeah I know it's "cringe" to some but don't at me ok?).
Edit: I almost forgot to mention that I'm wearing my comfort hoodie in this.
Sorry if you didn't want to read all of this.
Thank you so much if you did read it! 👍💖✨
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello, can i participate your match-ups event? i would like a twisted wonderland matchup please? also congrats to your 100+ (i guess you have 200+?) followers too! 🎉🎉🎉
I'm actually a female btw.
Appearance: I have a black short hair, Brown eyes, fair light skin, my height is 5'7", im quite chubby a bit..my clothing style is like gurenge the way i wear is boyish type with a dark color, sometimes i wear a bit girls clothes and cute clothes (kinda like soft girl aesthetic) if i want to and i wore a glasses, i used it sometimes if i can't see a far.
Personality (+about me):
-Im a (akward) quiet and shy person who have a stoic face, im very bad communicating/interacting with people cuz i have a bad anxiety issues but atleast i try/want to talk people if i want to (but not a lot, its getting tiring when talking to people). -People didn't really know that im a bit  softie person and playful when it comes to my loved ones or friends, i dont easily open up to anyone with my behavior.  -I have a short or maybe quick temper i can pissed so easily and is trying my best to control myself but mostly hard dealing my emotions, if i hurt people's feelings i'll apologise immediately if im calm.  -My friends commented me like im sort of mother/sister figure in our group, the way i act i didn't quite realized my behaviour the way i treat my friends or my little cousins. -Im very insecure person, i been compared with someone who is smart, pretty or etc than i am because i wasnt one of them, it makes me think i wasn't enough. -The way i act is boyish, but im bit act like a girl like im very shy, embarrased or flustered compare to the girls who acts girly. -people was wondering why always stay inside in my room, all i do is study, watching anime, reading manga/fanfics, playing video games with my younger cousin and sleep, but i sometimes go outside when i wanted to buy or walk around. -when it comes to my friends or family, i give them a headpat or hugs, but if i had a s/o, i will give them lot some hugs & kisses, i secretly kinda clingy or likes giving some affections but doesnt want to admit.
Zodiac: Aries
Hobbies: Drawing (digital & traditional), Reading, Playing piano, gaming, babysitting, do martial arts and listening music
Likes: going to quiet place, sweets,(not a lot) , cold drinks, cute things or stuff, bunnies, watching anime & reading manga.
Dislikes: noisy/loud people, spiders or maybe bugs, math
My Love Language is:
Physical Touch: I like hugs/cuddles and kisses this is they way im showing my comfort or affection but im very shy when it comes show or expressed my affections to my s/o, but im very careful that i wont be extra clingy to them so i have to asked them first before showing it.
Quality Time: If i have a free time, i would like to spend time with my s/o, but i'll let them choose they want or plans for spending time with them.
Words of Affirmation: I maybe not good at talking, but i love and try my best give my s/o some compliment, praises and comforting words.
When it comes the partner: I kinda like when my s/o who have same hobbies like me, i would rambled them my likings, also who also very honest and loyal to me, if my s/o is had problems or insecurities i will give them so many hugs, head pats and kisses. lastly, who have patience and accept for who i am.
Fun fact about me: + I maybe wore stoic expression cuz im not that a smiley type but i smile and laugh sometimes but my friends know my weakness which is tickling me this fails me to laugh, they even try to picture me.
+ Im a soft person who loves cute things like wearing cute clothes, plushies, or etc, and i adore cute animals. i hate to get caught if someone knows about my weird habit of mine i might ended up teasing.
Thank you and  i apologise if this is kinda long, also again congrats! have a nice day/night! ✨
Hi, thank you! Yes it’s technically much more than 100+ (I need to do something to celebrate 300 but I’m already close to 400 so idk what to do 😭), but more importantly, your matchup! I think that there’s a lot of characters that could work with you, but the one that would be the best is…
Hey look, your pfp! No but seriously, you guys match so much in vibes it’s so cute!
He’s someone that would prefer someone who understands his nerdiness and who can relate with him so he completely understands you. He’s into anime and manga, so you guys could recommend each other different series to watch or read! I can imagine you guys talking for hours on your favorite shows, or maybe taking forever on anime streaming catalogs to see what to watch next. He also really likes listening to music, so sometimes you guys just vibe next to each other while one of your playlists are playing. He’s always wanted to draw, maybe make his own comic one day, and he admires your skill in drawing so much. Please draw him one day, he’ll absolutely melt! You guys would absolutely love playing video games together. I can see you guys gaming until sunrise sometimes haha.
He’s not the best at doing pda, but he’s probably more clingy than he seems. He’s like you in being shy at first to initiate any kind of physical touch, but once he gets more comfortable around you, he won’t worry about cuddling with you. He’s not going to do any kind of pda, but when you guys are in private he’s totally cool with it (he might want it too honestly).
Speaking of physical touch, give him headpats! He’s been through so much (*cough* chapter 6 *cough*) and he’ll just melt if you give him any kind of soft attention. He’s probably a softie at heart like you are, so you guys match wavelengths so well.
Idia would love to spend as much free time with you as possible, even if that means you guys just hang around in his room or your room. Please just text him if you want to hang out since he’s more than willing to spend time with you. Ortho might ask you if he can join just because, and honestly all three of you might have a vibe going. Also Ortho’s adorable and he loves seeing you guys together so much (probably starts calling you “sis” too).
He will never judge you for what you like, your strengths or weaknesses, or anything else. He loves you for who you are, loves you for being an artist, a plushy lover, and a gamer like him. Know that he’s always going to be by your side and there for you.
Overall you guys match vibes so well, and he just loves being with you so much he could probably cry 😭
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audiovisualrecall · 20 days
Instead of working on anything else or even writing the story, I spent most of the day again just working on the clan allegiances for my warrior cats/marvel AU. It's fun and feels like I'm getting something done, and it is good to know what characters are where, even minor characters to the actual story, bc I need to be able to refer to other cats not just the main ones. But it also feels like a waste of time. and I got to rewrite them multiple times to be as neat and organized as possible which is part of the fun but not necessarily necessary, you know? So part of that is going wait holdup it's 3pm and I've done Nothing else with my day besides helping change some stuff back to non-passover dishes, took out the garbage, and fed the cat (which I did late!).
Like... I might want to do laundry? Or go sit outside and enjoy the warm weather? Or watch the video on transferring indoor seedlings to outdoors and then use the containers I bought ages ago to start that process? Or work on the last 2 linearts for steph's book and maybe start doing the colors? Or work on some other art like a painting? Or try my hand at mermay this year?
But no... i did the allegiances and now it's 3pm and that means I get like 2 hours to do anything else with my day before we have to start planning dinner. And there's too many things I could/should/need/want to do and I don't Want to pick just one. None of them feel like the right choice. Or they'll be too complicated/fussy to setup like for digital art I have to move the whole laptop+tablet setup to the table and futz with all the cords and the easel thing I put the tablet on. Plus if I work on that I won't do Anything Else I won't be able to pause or take a break or I'll take a break and never go back to it. And I'll have to move it all off the table tomorrow or Friday for friday night dinner. And I probably should do laundry but idk if ma has anything she wants to add to whatever load I'll do and she and dad are at the doctor right now and I can't wait and do nothing till they get back but if I start anything without starting laundry first I won't remember to do the laundry/won't want to stop what I'm working on to do it.
Remembered another thing to do which is reply to messages on etsy and make more of some stickers and put things back on stock that have sold out. It should really alert you when stuff goes oos if it's one item in a listing of multiple items, imo. Need to do but also complicated and need the laptop for it which means moving it with the tablet anyway too, and then maneuvering the tablet to be out of the way, bc I don't want to have to unplug it. What I need is an office with a desktop computer, or this laptop set up as one, with the tablet stationed next to that where it can stay permanently, and then a smaller laptop or this one I guess to use for non-specifically-art stuff that I can sit wherever with it. But that's not achievable right now despite having the extra room, bc idk how to make the space work. There's a lot of stuff in there, and I want everything in one place but I also like to work at the table sometimes too, and I have some art stuff in my room and idk if it should stay there or what, and idk what I need the desk in my room for when I don't use it and dont want to for the most part. I like my room to be for displaying my collections, for keeping my books in my bookcase, for clothing obvs, and for sleeping/relaxing in bed. And for some storage I guess. Idefk. Would I even use the office if I made the other room into one? I want to set up 2 desks into an L shaped one facing the door to the bedroom, I want better lighting, I want a space for my easel/for painting, and storage for artwork and supplies, and a place for etsy related stuff, and I also have craft stuff, and bookbinding stuff, and my b+w laser printer for fanbook printing......... anyway I can't do anything about it right now, I would need like a full day just to try tackling that, possibly a few days. Let alone touching on the mess that is my room at the moment, or the crawl space situation which is a mess...
I also need to take some books out of the new bookcase and put in the last (moveable) shelf. Dad gave it to me ages ago and idk if I can find the right pegs for the shelf anymore oops. I didn't do it then bc I'd put my books in it temporarily. Idk there's just So Much and some of it is entangled in or complicated by something else that needs to be done and it's frustrating.
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sitron-sunni · 1 month
a get to know you better meme
tagged by @dummerjan, tysm!<33
do you make your bed? no.
what's your favourite number? Four! No reason behind it, I've just always really liked four.
what is your job? don't have one
If you could go back to school, would you? I'm in school! I actually had to drop out for several long years due to chronic illness. I had to move to find a school willing to provide accommodations, but I got started again with online classes almost three years ago. Now, I'm finally (finally!!), wrapping up my last subject for upper secondary school, which qualifies me for higher education. I literally sent in my application for art school last night<3 Everything is terrifying but also exciting but also terrifying but also there's no other way but forward, so.
can you parallel park? nope, I can't drive.
a job you had that would surprise people? Have not had any jobs.
do you think aliens are real? Well yes. the universe is infinitely big, I do believe some form of life exists out there, whether single-cell organisms or a more intelligent species. Do I think they came over here and built the pyramids? no. no i do not.
can you drive a manual car? still can't drive...
what's your guilty pleasure? i don't know, do i have one? I like lots of things people might find cringe, like, 80's love ballads or early one direction songs, but I wouldn't say there's anything I think of as a guilty pleasure.
tattoos? can look really cool on other people, though they're not necessarily something I'm inherently attracted to. also, they are not meant for me. I'm too indescisive, too afraid of making a mistake, and too aware of how changeable I am. I hope I keep growing and changing for the rest of my life, and I don't wanna put marks on my body that define me as someone I've moved away from, if that makes sense.
that being said, there are some tattoo artists i follow on instagram whose work i really like. People who do the loveliest watercolour work, people with insane colors, people with gorgeous, folk art-style. If I had to get a tatto, I would go to one of them, and let them dream up something wonderful.
favourite colour? yellow! yellow-y orange! sunlight!<3
favourite type of music? I think spotify usually tells me it's some type of folk indie pop rock-thing, but it's easier to answer the reverse: I don't really listen to opera, screamo/heavy metal or dubstep/edm. Aside from that? I love gathering artists and songs of all different styles from all over the world in all different languages. I'm eclectic at heart.
do you like puzzles? yes, although it's a struggle to do physical puzzles as I can't seem to find a spot with good lighting. But I've done lots of digital puzzles and they're fun.
any phobias? my fear of insects has gotten progressivley worse. specifically the crawling ones. especially if they have lots of legs, and are fast. ughhhh. does it classify as a phobia? idk.
favourite childhood sport? the words 'childhood' and 'sport' in combination are rarely associated with enjoyment for me. idk. we played a game similar to baseball sometimes, that would probably have to be the one but... I've never really been a sports-person...
do you talk to yourself? Hm. rarely out loud, but often in my head.
what movie(s) do you adore? the first lotr movie = ultimate comfort movie. Mamma mia, pretty woman, notting hill, wild child = fond childhood memories w/ my mom. Billy Elliot and the way back are two movies I've watched several times and really really enjoyed, like they just stand out in my mind. Divines, which I stumbled across on netflix, is possibly my fave. If I were to rec someone one movie, it would be that one. I just think it's good. I vibe with it.
coffee or tea? coffee, I cannot stand tea.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? A hairdresser, maybe? and I wanted to be a designer for several years after I read the book threads by sophia bennett, lol. Grew out of that one around 13/14 i think.
tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it!<3
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frogsandfries · 6 months
I feel like I have a lot to say, but also, I'm just tired.
I spent my whole shift picking at the first typewritten Darger notebook; I changed my pen color and tried to make blobs of color with the letters because I was just really tired. I didn't feel like fucking with his handwriting today, though I definitely tried. I think tomorrow, I might try to convert the fifteen-ish pages that I've transcribed and haven't felt like converting yet and then get all that text into the document. Maybe when I've got the first chapter put together like this, I can finally post it. Maybe I'll make an alt, like "The Darger Files" or "Darger_Proxy" idk.
I also made some covers out of his art, although, I only made eight covers and I know that will not be even remotely enough. I have a feeling, based on the word density of these typed pages, especially for volume four, one book is not going to be enough. I wouldn't really want to push something like a TPB much further than five hundred pages.
Again, not that it's going to be much of a typeset, but I am not only posting this on AO3, I'm also going to release my typeset on the Facebook group, as well as to Amazon and maybe B&N or whatever.
This project is not going to be quick. It's not going to be easy. The scans are not all nice and archival and professional. Like I keep saying, I don't know what condition the original books were in when they were captured as microfiche. Also, if someone comes after me and tries to sue me for publishing this to a PoD service, I'm going to fucking scream. I am putting in so much work on this. Work that, as far as I can tell, no one else has ever put in. At the very least, not to this extent. It's not even plagiarism; the box says it's Darger's stuff. I'm just doing the grunt work of converting it to a fully digital, accessible format.
As far as the diamond painting, I want to do something crazy, like pick random squares out of the whole canvas, but I'm worried about crushing the canvas by leaning on it. I did, however, give myself a couple more rows to mess with, and I think just to make it more fun and random, I'm going to do some extra squares and hold back on sharing them so I can shuffle them in later.
I kinda like doing this mystery canvas. It's definitely difficult without the colors of the squares to guide you, and it's also kind of fun and nerve-wracking to see the colors come together even though I'm 99% certain what I'm diamond painting already.
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cdmagic1408 · 2 years
Onward Fan Art Shout Out! Part 1
Quest Masters of Tumblr! I present to thee Onward fanart straight from Instagram that I personally have not seen in a very VERY long time (close to two years it would seem...) that I believe deserve more visibility!
We all know Onward is a film that deserves more attention and we've been fighting for its attention just about every day since COVID came along and screwed things up. But as it turns out, we really aren't the only ones who believe this film needs more and deserves more...
I spent about the last week and a half just going through everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in my Onward album on Instagram from when it first came out to its anniversary last year, and doing that I came across some pieces where I looked at them and realized, "hey I think the only time I've ever seen this artwork was when I first saved it, and yet...it feels like I'm seeing this art for the first time, it's soooooooo amazing!"
And from there I just started going through and picking out art that I really have not seen like EVER and saved the links to each piece in my notes which you could probably imagine got hella long, which it did! And I did that with the intention of making sure these artworks don't stay buried forever
So I figured I'd start this potential series of sharing fan art that just isn't seen a whole lot and share them here. And I want to start it off by sharing art of Ian AND Barley seeing as we're still kinda steaming at the fact that Barley isn't in Mirrorverse with Ian and that the brothers really should be together
And by all means if anyone else wants to do this too, share overlooked fan art, nothing is stopping you! Go for it! There's probably a ton of Onward art I haven't saved and by extent, haven't seen either!
But for now, I hope you enjoy this collection! I figured I'd limit it to 10 pieces at a time since that's tumblr's limit and it's a good number, and hopefully you might like/want to follow some of these artists I picked because some of these pieces come from art accounts so the artists do really awesome art in general anyway!
So yeah, have at it! Btw, all of this art spans from April-September 2020, so yeah, they're that old
And artist credits and additional notes below!
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imyergoldfish - the first old-new post I found in my collection plus rep for G2!
thisiskingscrown - this one screams epic posing!
fahmiall - this piece is also animated and includes really cool special effects so I recommend you check out the whole post!
mrar_artwork - I thrive on colored pencil art! Not everything has to be digital!
superlunchnotes - the story behind this one is so adorable!
reneevianen - Idk why I just really love the simplicity of this one
sarah_j_w00dy - this page is just EVERYTHING
esstherl - I get children's book illustration vibes from this one!
k_801_ - the way Barley hugs Ian here is so wholesome!
eglebartolini - I love how Ian's staff is like a wand!
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parkersloths · 3 years
Hi ^^
First of all – your Art is INCREDIBLE!!!
I especially love your use of colors and textures :) Everything is so bright and colorful, but still cohesive. And your images are so clear without being overly detailed! It’s all literally perfection!!!
I like to draw digitally as well and your art-style is a huge inspiration for me. So I wanted to ask if you have any work in progress videos or pictures? Or if you could explain your process in general? Like, are you using a sketch layer underneath, with how many layers are you normally working, what kind of brushes do you use or any tips overall to improve digital painting?
Of course you don’t have to answer this (kinda a lot of questions, sorry 😅 ). Just know that I adore your art and that you’re helping me on my own art-journey just by sharing your work with the world – so, thank you!!! <3
Hey!! So first of all thank you so much for everthing you said about my art, I really appreciate it! But also omg thank youuu for this amazing ask like this is for real the kind of ask I've always wanted to get, where a total stranger is interested in my process XD So yeah don't worry about asking a lot of questions, they were great and I loved them!
Also I'm super flattered that my art has inspired you in your own digital art journey and I hope the stuff I say here can also help somewhat! This will get pretty long so sorry in advance everyone for making you scroll so much cause for some reason the read more option doesn't work on mobile :/
But anyway to answer your questions!
Sadly I don't have videos but I do have some pics I'll share. This is actually my second attempt at answering this because before I was going to use some WIP pics of the Majid drawing as example but then I didn't want to because it was in black and white and color is kind of one of the main things I like to emphasize in my art so I wanted to talk about it in the example XD Then I started a couple new drawings and was taking pics of those but I got super artblocked, but luckily I just finished one out of the blue that I can use. Okay so... I started answering this, again, and it was getting way too long and rambly so I'm gonna try to keep it simple this time and maybe I can elaborate more another time if you're still interested/ if anyone else wants know X'D
My process in general: I always start by making a simple basic background to work on, just fill it in and add some blotches of color. Then on a new layer I just start painting the subject, no sketch, so again just laying down some colors (I usually take whatever color in the bg is closest to skin tone and adjust the new color from there) and I just start blocking some shapes in aproximately the right places to start defining where things will be and how they fit together and just go from there. It's hard to explain it more cause that's kinda it, I just paint until things look like they're supposed to or at least visually appealing enough XD I add or adjust whatever colors seem necessary along the way (in this particular drawing I left the darker values until way too late which I don't recommend) and just refine and refine and refine things and add as many or as few details as I feel like, working on everything simmultaneously bit by bit.
Layers: like I mentioned before there's no sketch, and I try to use as few layers as possible so usually I'll have about 3-5. One for the basic background, one to three (though sometimes I merge them) additional layers for more background effects/colors/value fixes that I usually add later in the process, and I try to have just one for the subject. Sometimes I have one or two more if I'm feeling too hesitant but I always merge them in the end.
Brushes: I only use one brush at 50% opacity the whole time for everything. It's a squarish/rectangular brush that has some sort of jagged edges and a bit of a watercolory texture.
Tips: so this part is especially hard cause like.. I feel like any tips I could give are only applicable to drawing portraits and even then it'd be for doing it in the particular way that I prefer.. Like for example I could say it's best to work on every area at the same time and never spend too long one thing before moving on to the next but.. some people actually prefer finishing the eyes completely before moving on to the nose for example you know? So honestly the main thing I'll say is kinda to just experiment with a lot of methods and styles and see what works or doesn't work for you. Something that I think always helped me a lot was watching speedpaints of people who were more skilled than me and had a distinct style, just literally watch how they did their thing and every once in a while I might notice something I'd be interested in trying for myself and yeah with practice and experience you just kinda figure out what kind of things you not only like seeing but actually want in your own art. Like years ago I used to sketch but then I saw enough videos of people painting without sketching that I wanted to try it and I realized it's just more fun and makes more sense to me that way. So yeah try lots of different things and see what works for you and what you want to incorporate into your own art style!
Some more standard digital art tips I could give I guess are like.. the thing I said about not spending too much time on just one area (if it applies to your prefered process XD). Flip the drawing every now and then to catch stuff that's off. Stay zoomed out as much as possible and when you do zoom in for details always keep an eye on how the bigger picture's looking. Take your time finding or arranging a good reference pic that really inspires you cause it'll save you time and frustration later. And aaa idk I could say more but I don't think it's that informative or helpful, and all of this is probably really basic obvious stuff anyway and this is long enough as it is so yeah I'll leave it there...
I hope any of this can help in some way or that I've at least answered your questions in a satisfying enough way haha And finally here are some of the WIP pics I took. Where you can see some parts of the process. I did a lot more after that last pic but yeah at that point it's just about fixing little things, refining and adding details, but there you can see the color adjustment thing I usually do as the very last step (though not for this pic). I don't always have to do it, and there are probably times when I shouldn't, but I almost always like to do it anyway and that's why my colors look so exaggerated and bright XD I usually make the midtones more red and/or magenta, the shadows more blue, and the highlights more yellow (and sometimes a bit cyan) but if you wanna try something like that it's definitely fun to experiment with the different color possibilities ;u;
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And yeah that's it for now! I'm sorry this is so long, and this was the short version lol I hope you like the answers at least a fraction of how much I loved the questions X'D
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
Is she...?
I was doing the draw for the OC/Self-Ship collaboration and I was coloring Alex's hair when I noticed-
I mean, that might sound stupid since I've been using this color for, like always bUT I always thought that it wasn't so...
R e d
I mean, my purpose was to make her hair brown-reddish, so more brown than red. But now that I look better at the lights in her hair I thought "wait why is it red??" Cuz y'know, it's not like everytime I go to color her hair I always redo the color, I already have it saved so I just click on it and bam, the color is ready.
But now that I take a good look at the RGB colors and at the color wheel
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This bitch is R E D
Like, we all know that to have the color brown (in digital art) you have to take the orange and make it darker, but the white circle and the color in the rhombus aren't orange as you can see HAHAHAH
Idk what I was thinking when I first took the color and went "mmmh yes this is definitely brown tending to red!" Apparently not, it's just a very dark red XD
Will I change it to a more brownish color? Naah, I like it the way it is 😌 gotta change her bio now tho HAHAHA
SO! where I want to go with this very stupid discover of mine?
Since her hair is red (dark red, but y'know the base color is red) she theoretically is's a red head
Do you know who also is a r e d h e a d?
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