#mr nasty is a menace and in this essay i will
deadpuppetboi · 11 months
I like to imagine if there was a Manhunt 3 then the promotion would just be Mr. Nasty making cryptic messages online on the Rockstar website or via the marketing team.
Kind of like an arg but the more you look into it the more it feels illegal lmao.
I wouldn't be shocked if Mr. Nasty sent emails with links that send you to like a shock website in the Manhunt universe.
Omg, that man probably did the whole ‘send this email to 10 of your friends or else a ghost will get you’ bullshit that would scare kids to do exactly what it says lmao.
He probably (absolutely) did the same to the FIB just to mess with them.
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justanothr · 7 years
Spider sleuth and the case of a missing MJ part 2
FANFIC: PETER X MICHELLE Alright guys, there will have to be a part 3. The story gets a little cheesy and angsty over here. Fair warning. Special shoutout to: @tomhollandisdaddy2003  ! You have motivated me to write the next part of this story! Thank you! :* Quick recap of part 1: Spidey falls out of a tree right in front of Michelle's front door. For more part 1 read: https://justanotherfangirlpassingthrough.tumblr.com/post/163860253638/spider-sleuth-and-the-case-of-a-missing-mj
PART 2: Peter hadn't planned on starting a conversation with MJ! He had to say something now, though. It would be super awkward otherwise. "H-hey, Mich- uhm, miss! How are you doing on a fine day like this! " Peter tried and failed, to make his voice sound as deep as possible. This was going to end well. "Hey spider dude." Said Michelle. She'd lost her composure for only about a second. Now she was leaning coolly against the doorframe. "It's spiderman!" Peter corrected. "Yeah, whatever, I don't care." She was eyeing him with those striking eyes of hers, looking as bored and uninterested as ever. She still had unmistakable marks of bruising on her cheek. She also had crazy dark circles, making her look like she hadn't slept for weeks. He slowly let go of the web string and landed lightly on to the ground. God, how he hoped that he looked cooler than he felt. "So are you here looking for a bad guy in my frontyard? Because if you are, there's this really nasty racoon that's been terrorising my cat for the past week. It might be worth looking into as well." "Uh ma'am, I was just passing through! But you can count on your friendly neighborhood spiderman to get rid of the racoon menace for you!" Peter did a sort of salute and started to turn around, desperate for an escape. "Yo, hold up just a second, spider thing! " "It's spiderman" Peter groaned under his breath as he turned back around to face her. She rummaged through her hoodie pocket, took out a Rubik's cube and started fidgeting with it with quick flicks of her fingers. Not even looking up from the cube, she said, " I was just wondering about what you were doing in DC that day. The day the Washington monument blew up." She looked up at him with a slight smile. Ok, this was getting bad. He had to leave NOW. But something kept him rooted to the ground. "Uh, it was a lucky coincidence, really!" He said, sort of lamely. " Uh-uh" she said, continuing to flick her Rubik's cube around. " A local New York vigilante, spotted almost everyday on the streets of Queens, decides to visit Washington on the very day the monument blows up?" Damn, this girl ain't easy to convince! " Well, to tell you the truth, It was a tip off that led me to the bomb. There were a lot of things going on at the time... " Peter improvised. He tried to run his hand through his hair but then realized he had the mask on and awkwardly lowered it. "Sure, sure..." She was concentrating on the cube now. "You know, there's this loser named peter parker in my decathlon team. He says he knows you. He was supposed to be at the Washington monument with us that day, but he wasn't. Do you know where he disappears off to? " She tossed the Rubik's cube upwards and caught it. It was fully solved. Holy mother of spiders. " I know Peter , he's a good kid! But I cannot stay here and answer your questions all day, ma'am. I have a city to watch over! So see you around! " "Alright, spider dude! " "Just don't get into any trouble" he said, gesturing at his cheek. She raised her middle finger at him. "Fuck off, spiderman!" "Now she gets my name right." He muttered, as he turned around and swung away. ------------------------- "So you were stalking her." " Don't call it that, Ned!" Peter groaned. He was lying on his bed with his face buried in his pillow while Ned sat at the table, trying to finish an essay which was due the next day. " What else would you call following someone to their house without their permission?" Peter sat up. " look, I'm sure Michelle probably just ran into someone's extended fist and got bruised. But if there was even the slightest chance that she was in some sort of trouble, and I was sitting right there not doing anything, I'd feel terrible. I mean, what's the point of being a superhero if you can't even look out for your friends!" " I get your point. We are probably the closest things to 'friends' that she has." "Exactly! And she was right there and I couldn't help myself. " Peter sighed. " Anyway, I didn't really have to worry. I just got owned by her." " Yup. She wiped the floor with you." Said Ned, nodding. Peter threw the pillow at him. " MJ suspects that I'm spiderman. This is the last thing I needed right now." " Well, you can worry about that later. You have three essays to finish by tomorrow." ------------------------- MJ was a no show to school the next day too. Peter was returning home after running a couple of errands for May that evening. As he reached the seventh floor, he heard voices issuing from outside old Mrs Anna's house from across the hallway. Mrs Anna was this lovely old lady who always offered sweet treats to Peter when he was little. "Now don't get too stressed out, Michelle dear." She was saying. " You and your sister need plenty of sleep. Make sure you get it, won't you? " " don't worry about it, aunt Anna!" It was MJ's voice. Peter instinctively hid around a corner in the hallway, listening. He didn't want to have any awkward encounters. Not two days in a row. "Ohh, I won't. Take care now, both of you! And give Madeline my best!" " We will aunt Anna!" Came a second girl's voice. The sister? There were footsteps coming his way as the two girls approached the lift. They passed Peter in his hiding place and as they did, he could make out MJ's face. She had a swollen lip today and more bruises. Peter stifled a gasp. Who did this to her!? Face timing Ned later that day, Peter told him about everything he'd seen and heard. "Do you think she's being bullied? " Peter asked apprehensively. "Naah, she's too intimidating for that. She'd be the bully!" "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. If there's anything being spiderman has taught me, it's that. " Peter scratched his chin thoughfully. " I could ask Mrs Anna about it. She has always been nice to me." --------------------- Unable to shake the vision of the state of MJ's face last night from his brain, Peter decided to risk being called a nosy prat and pay Mrs Anna a visit. Mrs Anna loved having guests. She was especially delighted to have Peter over. After being offered coffee and a bunch of other snacks and trying his best to engage in small talk, Peter finally managed to get to the point. " So uh- Michelle Jones goes to my school, and I couldn't help but notice that you had her over yesterday!" "Oh you know dear Michelle, do you? What a small world! Her mother Madeline was the only one I was close to in the family. Having her children over is such a joy, seeing how I don't have any of my own!" She chuckled fondly. Peter went on tentatively. " She hasn't been coming to school much these days. I was just wondering if something's going on..." Mrs Anna's face grew somber. " She has been through a lot, Michelle. But she's a strong girl. She always has been. Never had many friends. Kids her age always think of her as weird, that's what she'd tell me. She has grown used to being alone. " Mrs Anna took a sip of her coffee, frowning. " But everyone needs friends at some point, Peter. No matter how strong they are. And that's why it's so great to see that she has someone like you asking after her, it really is. But it's not my place to tell you what she is going through, you'll have to ask her that yourself." She finished, with a sad smile on her face. ----------------------- You do not always need a fancy suit or a mask to help people. Sometimes, all you've got to be is yourself. Peter figured that Michelle didn't need Spiderman's help, she needed Peter Parker's. It was really chilly outside. Peter wore a jacket over his hoodie as he left the house that evening. He'd decided to go right up to MJ's front door and talk to her. Mrs Anna was right. No one can get through life without friends. He had Ned and that made life so much better. MJ shouldn't have to deal with whatever she was going through alone. She would have him if she needed him. part 3:
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atiyasworld · 5 years
Summary: This is a story about a teenager whose life was as bright as night time. Bullied by her ex best friend, Sara Wilson thinks that she will never find happiness in her life. But when a new girl came into her class and defended her against her bullies, Sara is shocked to the core. Will she finally have a friends that she can rely on?
It was a bright sunny morning in Birmingham, England. Sara Wilson sat on her dining room chair. She picked up her breakfast from the glass plate. Sara sank her teeth into the sandwich. It was her favourite. Chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise. Her mother had also prepared Guacamole before leaving for work, but, in Sara’s opinion, it did not look at all appetizing. Guacamole was not one of Sara’s favourite food. Still chewing on her sandwich, she started the morning newspaper. It was about the persecution of a criminal that the police were after for weeks. Not really interested, she folded the newspaper and proceeded to eat her sandwich.
Sara Wilson is your ordinary 13- year-old- girl. She goes to High School, she has nice loving parents, anything you would expect from an average girl. But, on the inside of this 13-year-old, she was as broken as a china plate after dropping it. Sara Wilson cries herself to sleep every night. She secretly flinches whenever someone talks to her. All of this is the cause of one girl in her high School. Jessica Smith, her ex-best-friend.
Finishing her sandwich, Sara strode out of the dining room and went to her room to get her school bag. Sara’s room was type of room you would expect from a girl who cares deeply for her education and adores animals. There were many brochures about school clubs taped neatly to the wall, there was a large school calendar stuck on her wooden door, and there were various pictures of animals on the wall. Sara’s favourite was the picture of the black jaguar running in a forest. Sara adores her room. Her room also had many quotes, most of which inspired Sara.
There were many clay sculptures that looked like it was made by a very skilled person, placed at a table near her window, Sara was very fond of her artworks. Sara’s parents bought her anything that she wanted, but she was not the kind that took advantage of it. The most astonishing part of her room was the rather large collection of books. The bookshelf went all the way to the ceiling, and it was filled with numerous books, there was no empty places.
Getting her school bag from her unwrinkled, spotlessly made bed, she jogged out of the room to catch the school bus. Sara was not going to be late on a Monday.
When Sara arrived at school, she was eight minutes early. She took advantage of that time and went to the school library. Sara simply loves books, fictions, romance in particular, was her favourite. She went through the romance section and found the book she was looking for. It was the third book from the Where Have You Been series.
Going into the seating area, which was near the nonfiction books, Sara sat down at a table and opened her book that was screaming at her to be read.
“…Why can’t we get that nerd, Wilson, to do this stupid essay? Honestly that girl is such a scaredy cat that she will do anything for us.”
Sara’s blood went cold. That voice only belonged to Courtney Chambers, Jessica’s side kick. Sara stood up from her chair, not even looking back to push her chair in. She tried to manoeuvre through the book shelves, so she wouldn’t get caught by Courtney and Jessica. But, luck was not on her side today.
“Hey, Sara! I do not know why I am surprised to see you here. Your nose is always shoved in a book.” Courtney and Jessica guffawed. Sara slowly turned around and came face to face with Courtney Chambers and Jessica Smith, her old best-friend and her now bully.
Courtney and Jessica almost looked identical, they had the same light green eyes and raven-black hair. Both had sadistic, cruel smirks on their face, ruining their beautiful faces.
“We were just talking about you, nerd.” Courtney began, still smirking. “We were just wondering if we could ‘burrow’ your English essay.”
Sara said nothing. Courtney strutted up to her. “What’s the matter, huh? Surely you could write another essay. You have plenty of knowledge in that giant head of yours,” Courtney sneered. Sara wanted nothing more than the bell to ring. Courtney grasped Sara’s shoulder, her sharp nails digging in. “Don’t you dare deny us. We will destroy you.”
Sara was terrified. This was not the first time Cortney had physically abused her. Jessica normally just threw insult at her, but never physically done anything, she watched Courtney do it, emotionless, making no judgement. All the memories of Jessica and Cortney bullying her flashed in front of her eyes. She had done nothing to stop them. The terror that she felt lessened, replaced by anger and disgust. Sara shook her shoulders out of Courtney’s grasp. “You don’t scare me, Courtney. You are just a dog that has no life.” Sara wish she could swallow back the words.
Courtney looked shocked to the core. She blinked once, then her features all distorted to anger. “Why you little bi-” She got cut off by the bell ringing, much to her annoyance and Sara’s relief.
“Don’t think I am done with you, Wilson. You better watch your back.”
 Sara sat in her normal spot at the front in mathematic class. This was one of the five classes that she shared with Jessica and Courtney. Sara looked behind her. Courtney was looking at her worksheet like it was from another planet; Sara saw her get a calculator from her bag. A fool could guess that she was terrible at maths. Jessica, however, was speeding through the worksheet.
Jessica was once Sara’s best friend. They started being best friends since Kindergarten. Jessica used to be one of the most generous person Sara had ever met. She was a best friend that anyone could ask for; she came into you house when you needed something, she would be on your side no matter what, and every other thing that you can ask in a friend. Then, at the start of year seven, Jessica started to distance herself from Sara, and started to hang out with Courtney and other popular girls. That was when the bullying started, Jessica, along with Courtney, started to pick on her. Sara never knew, and still doesn’t know why Jessica became like this.
Sara turned her attention back to Mrs William. “…You all must always be on your best behaviour; the school inspector will pop into every class to see how the school is run. Please do no embarrass me. Oh, and remember that the all the year nines will be getting an injection next week - No, don’t even think about skipping school, Dylan, you will have to do it the next day - Our country’s government wants all the children to be healthy and without any illnesses.”
The home-time bell rang. All the students rushed out of the classroom. Mrs William made a disapproving noise and began collecting all the worksheets. Sara began packing her bag, neatly putting her books in the right places. “Bye, Mrs William.” Sara said politely on her way out.
“Bye, love.”
It was 6:00 PM. Sara was laying in her bed. Her homework was already finished, as was her chores. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and turned it on. She had new notification from the news app; apparently a man’s parachute had ripped halfway thought his 500 feet jump from an airplane. And he unfortunately didn’t survive his fall. Sara shut her phone, she already had enough misery in her life, she didn’t want to hear anyone else’s.
Deciding to go to bed early, Sara put her phone in charge. She lifted her blanket on top of her head. Deciding not to fall into thought, she shut her eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
The next morning at school, her class had a new student. It was a kind-looking girl, with dimples and the sweetest smile. Her name was Isabella Smart. Sara wants to be her friend.
An annoying laugh reached Sara’s ears. “What do you think you’re staring at? You think she’s going to be your friend? Pah-leese.” Sara turned to Courtney. She couldn’t find anything to say. Surprisingly Jessica didn’t join Courtney at laughing at her speechlessness. She just looked distant and emotionless. An angelic laugh came from right behind her. It was Isabella.
“Of course she can be my friend. I would be honoured to be her friend.” Isabella said, smiling, putting her hand on Sara’s shoulder. Sara suddenly felt warm and fuzzy inside.
Jessica stared at Sara with a weird expression, while an ugly grimace appeared on Courtney’s face. “Why on Earth would you want to be her friend? She’s just a phony.”
But Isabella was unyielding. “I believe you should say that to yourself.” Courtney’s sneer grew more menacing. “Did you know that sneering decreases the elasticity of your skin? Do you want to borrow a cream that I have got? It works so well on skin like yours, people should advertise it. Courtney knew that Isabella was mocking her, but it bothered her that Isabelle was making it sound nice at the same time.
Sara was astonished. No one had ever defended her against Courtney or Jessica before. Sara looked at Courtney’ face. She was staring at Isabella as if she was dog poop stuck at the bottom of her shoe. Jessica was looking at Sara with an expression that was close to wistful. Jessica opened her mouth as if to say something, but she closed her mouth. Jessica had been acting very peculiar these last few days. She barely made any nasty comments, which was very unlike her. Whatever Jessica was goig to say, Sara does not care.
For the rest of English class, neither Courtney nor Jessica talked. Isabella smiled reassuringly every now and then to her. This was the best day of Sara’s life. How can a sweet looking girl like Isabella have some spunk and fire in her? It’s true what they say, don’t judge a book by its cover. The rest of English rolled by peacefully.
At lunch time, Sara saw Isabella walking up to her, under the tree in which she always sat by herself. Isabella sat on the grass in front of her and put her lunchbox down. “Hey,” she said, smiling.
“Hey.” Sara took a deep breath. “I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me at English.”
Sara smiled again. “You shouldn’t let them treat you like that. Hey, um, I know this is very early and alI, but I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to come to the local library with me after school? The library has lots of new acquisition. And it will be fun to have a friend with me.”
Sara was astonished. She couldn’t believe she had someone invite her to go out. Sara knew her parents will be bustling with joy if they found out. “I will be honoured to.” For the first time in a long time, Sara smiled.
The study date with Isabella went amazing yesterday. They both helped each other and suggested books to each other. Isabella turned out to be the most humorous, entertaining and funniest human being Sara ever had the pleasure to meet.
For the whole school day, Isabella and Sara spent time together. Not once did they separate. Courtney tried to kill the mood a couple of times, but Isabella was always sharp as a knife. Sara showed Isabella a tour of the school and told her the teachers names. That day was the best school day in Sara’s life. Isabella and Sara were quickly becoming the best friends.
At the end of school, Sara was going through her locker to take her books home with her. Just when she was about to close her locker, Sara heard her name and someone running towards her. It was Jessica. All good thought blew out of her mind, replaced by irritation and anger. “What do you want?” Sara demanded, her voice icy cold.
“Sara.” Tears filled Jessica’s emerald eyes. “I-I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Courtney told me to, and I had stuff going on.” A tear rolled down her porcelain-smooth cheek, her bottom lip trembled. “P-please say you forgive me and that we will be friends again.”
Sara glared at her. “I will only forgive you when you prove to me to me that your apology is sincere. Until then, do not come near me. Don’t think that you will be forgiven just because you said sorry. I have put up with your snide remarks and bullying for a year, a year! I don’t want to be your friend or you enemy, I don’t want to be your anything!” Sara slammed her locker shut, startling Jessica. Swinging her bag on her shoulder, she glared at Jessica. “Stay away from me.”
Sara felt a huge satisfaction. This was not a fairy-tale, where when someone apologises, everything is all forgiven and everything is all cupcakes and rainbows. The only friend that she wanted was Isabella. She did not want Jessica back. To hell with her and her fake apology and tears. Sara knew that Jessica could act. Even if her tears were real, let her go through the pain that Sara did. Sara was going to call Isabella straight after she gets home to tell her about this. A person can forgive and forget, but Sara would not forgive or forget. Ever.
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deadpuppetboi · 9 months
I'm willing to bet Mr. Nasty goes after those who give him the slightest inconvenience.
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
Hi, this is me thinking too deeply about Manhunt for the umpteenth time and I'm going to share it with all of YOU!!!
Some of the gang members who have families spend a lot of time thinking to themselves about their line of ‘work.’ They fear that one day Starkweather may threaten the innocent lives of their families if they ever so stepped out of line. Many of them cry out of stress when they’re alone, thinking of the worst when all the money they've provided for their family is blood money. Many more hug their family tight before the manhunt begins, never knowing if that may be the last time they’ll ever see them again.
The Smileys have their moments where they grow lucid. They realize something about their past, they grow disgusted about the blood on them, and they struggle to comprehend what is real and what is not. But nothing is worse than what Barry has to go through. When, even for a moment, he grows lucid he cries out in agony over what he had done to his family. To his wife, to his two beautiful daughters, and how they screamed for him to stop when he kept swinging the crowbar.
Plenty of The Innocentz have estranged relationships with their families. Whether that be by their beliefs, the fact they were in a gang, or that they were discovered to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It didn't matter, they couldn't go back and act like everything is okay when it was not. Few of The Skullyz express their guilt of not being invited to parties or get-togethers to see their favorite family members. Few Babyfaces complain about the strict laws placed on their heads to not go near certain people while the rest cry over not seeing their mothers again.
Many gang members drink the night away to forget about the manhunts or just the disgusting acts they’ve committed on others. They try to think that they’re doing the world a favor by killing off death-row inmates but sometimes there's this unlucky fellow thrown into the mix. Some poor family man tricked into thinking that he’ll earn a few extra bucks to support his family only to get mutilated for the sick pleasure of sick people all over the world. The wallets contain smiling pictures of strangers which makes the members drink heavily afterward.
They can try to escape but the pay is too good to go live a different life in a different state or a different country at all. Mr. Nasty always has his ways to find them and frag them back to where they’re supposed to be. Walking around, weapon in hand, mind set on murder, and an audience eager to see some bloodshed. They can't escape, unless, if Death is merciful, it could let them rest in a place where they know they’ll burn for the crimes they’ve committed.
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
I honestly think it's so funny that Mr. Nasty has his signed name like this (forgive the quality, its bad)
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Like, this man can do the most disgusting and disturbing thing known to man and he’ll just write his name like ✨Mr. Nasty xoxoxoxo✨
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
I speak the truth-
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
That awkward moment when you buy that tape from some weird guy in a trench coat late into the night thinking it was a raunchy film only to see a snuff film about your bio dad who you thought was dead but was actually alive and forced to make said snuff film for the sick and twisted pleasure of the very people who made it happen:
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
I honestly feel like Mr. Nasty has a MySpace account-
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
New chapter!!!
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Mr. Nasty uses the trope ‘there’s one bed and two of us’ on Ramirez and was swiftly thrown out the window-
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
You know I gotta ask, what’s Gary up to while Mr. Nasty-pants is wreaking chaos? We know this boy is not trusting that suspicious new guidance counsellor.
The fact that there's an adult who cares about the mental health of the students of Bullworth is already a red flag in Gary’s eyes.
He knew something was up with this guidance counselor the second he was introduced at a rally. He looked to be the most normal as normal gets, boring even, he looked like the kind of guy who adopts senior animals out of pity.
There was no way in Hell that this man would survive in Bullworth Academy. Yet, as the weeks passed, Mr.Newman seemed to do pretty well for himself.
There hardly had to be any complaint, from the teachers at least, they all seemed to appreciate Newman’s work over the students. Seemed like an impossible task to tame the Jocks yet somehow Newman did it and that caught everyone’s attention.
Gary was amused yet he wasn't convinced, he needed to learn more about this man. Learn more about what made this man so confident that what he was doing was changing anything.
And honestly, if anyone was going to take over this pathetic excuse of a school, it wouldn't be this sad chump.
So when Gary finally met up with the man himself, carelessly sitting back in a chair seemingly smaller than his own, he could care less. He's manipulative, sure, but he’d make sure just to mess with the guy like he's done to countless other people in the past.
The room was decorated rather lively, colorful yet coated with a sense of calmness. The man himself was dressed like how the room was, normal apart from the muscles that seemed to outline his entire body. A peachy work shirt, a coral sweater vest, a rosebud tie, khakis, and brown dress shoes complete the look.
He is a clean-shaven man with a reasonable job, fresh attire, and an overall great build.
That alone was the reason why the girls preferred to be with this man. And even Pete would have to agree from Gary’s standpoint as Pete himself would deny the claims with a noticeable blush on his face. Once again, poor old Pete is under the boot of Gary’s claims.
“So-uh-Mr. Smith, was it? How are you today?
The guidance counselor fixed his glasses, and his brown eyes looked over at his computer before looking down at Gary. Who sunk so deep into the cushions of his small seat that it seemed like he was stuck.
“Fine, and you?”
The man smiled and replied with a “just fine” before clicking on his mouse to look over what Gary presumed was his file.
“So, Mr.Smith-”
“Gary is fine.”
“Ah-well-forgive me, Gary. I just wanted to call you in today to talk to you and get to know you personally. I've done it with the other students and with how successful they've been I considered continuing it!”
Gary fought not to roll his eyes, choosing instead to clutch his hands into a tight fist before letting go. He wasn't sure if Newman saw it or not but he did see the corner of his mouth twitch yet stay with that plastic smile of his.
“Well, congratulations on that, sir, but I don't think you can get anything out of me.”
“This isn't an interrogation, Gary, I just want to get to know you.”
“Then read my records.”
Newman pointed at the computer with an amused look on his face.
“What? This? Oh, no, that's nothing! You see, Gary, I don't like to read up on people by paper alone to get to know them. I want to see them face to face, I want to know them personally, see what makes them them!”
He turned over on his chair, a single finger pointing out every picture he had on the wall.
“See that? That's me going all over meeting people face to face! It was wonderful; new places, new lands, amazing cultures all around, and so much more! I loved it, I still do, I look back on it with a smile, see?”
Gary gave a small huff of amusement, eyes looking over at the pictures that were hung up on the wall. They did depict Newman with numerous different people, from what Gary could make out it seemed that Japan was his favored destination. Many men in suits all gathered with drinks in their hands with Newman, all with a smile so wide it might as well take over their entire faces.
It all just seemed too good to be true.
“So, with that in mind, how about I say something I like to do then you say the same, and so on?”
Gary eyed Newman before repositioning himself on the cushioned chair with that sly smirk of his.
“Alright, deal.”
“Alright, that's great, awesome! So, what I like to do is make home movies. You?”
There's more to this man than meets the eye, Gary knew that from inside and out. And he was going to find out whether Newman liked it or not.
“I like to ride horses.”
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deadpuppetboi · 7 months
Goretober Day 29: Nest
It was a wild night.
Music blasted from every corner, men and women danced from every corner, drinks were drunk every second, and various drugs were either ingested or shot up to experience the perfect high.
Nights like these were common for the man who overlooked them all.
Tonight, he wore a different suit, unlike the one he had worn many times before. He wore latex arm sleeves that reached over to his hands and acted like gloves, and latex pants that reached down to connect to his black heels. In his hand, he held a drink mixed with whatever he felt could entertain him the most for the night.
In the other, a big, red button.
He stood on top of a platform that oversaw the party from below, watching many people seem to enjoy their night in any way they could. There were no rules in this club other than to ‘have fun’ and that ‘nothing was off limits.’ A perfect way to reach the younger demographic, college-aged students and stressed middle-aged parents partied until they dropped.
Of course, this is what they were led to believe.
Above the platform, Mr. Nasty stood on, he saw various men and women dressed in clean attire and wearing various masks. Some animals, strange copies of famous people of the past, or even one similar to what Mr. Nasty wore himself from this very night. Whatever the case, none of them knew the other and they all preferred that, as the show that was about to happen was all they were eager for.
They all paid their dues and with what power they had left in their extravagant lives, all they needed now was the thrill.
So, Mr. Nasty gave them that trill by the press of a red button.
The lights were then cut off as well as the music, the drinks, and even the drugs supplied to the people below. The fear hadn't settled as much as it should have, rather it was accompanied by the angry rants of the people below. A red light then folded the room, the people cheering on as they believed that the club had gathered a better time to continue with the night.
Before something had fallen from the ceiling above.
It felt like pinpricks of water, dripping over every soul at the bottom as they cried out in dismay and rushed to dry themselves. The taste of the liquid confused them, it was like it was a bit of lemon mixed in with some lime. Some even looked up at the lights blocking their vision, preventing them from seeing the nest of other items that were set to fall on them any second.
One person was anxious to leave, trying to shove their way out before something was stabbed into his shoulder.
He cried out and held onto his injury, looking at his wound, he saw something shine and reflect the red lights from above. He tore out the piece of glass, looking at it with a confused expression before another sharp pain coursed onto his head. Then his hand, then his thigh, then his stomach, and then his eye.
Everyone screamed as broken glass flew down and landed on their skin, piercing their pale and delicate skin like scissors cut through paper.
The liquid spilled onto them before it had drenched their wounds, causing the pain to go tenfold. The people, in their drunken and drugged-infused haze, all ran in different directions. Crawling or beating each other on a whim to see who could get to the exit first only to see that the doors had been locked from the outside.
They all had cried, many being trampled by others, their beaten skin torn to the point where they couldn't be recognizable.
Mr. Nasty laughed, overlooking the carnage, watching how his customers enjoyed the experience from the beginning, middle, and end. He could hear their laughter over the pain from the people below, their agony fueling their sadistic desires for more. And, of course, not willing to disappoint them, the man himself pressed the button once again, letting another round of objects be dropped in from the ceiling above.
Small cylinders were connected, each of them familiar to the victims as they watched them land on their bleeding skin.
Because of the red lights, no one understood what had been thrown at them until they heard the dreadful sound of crackling from above. Mr. Nasty had held up firecrackers within his hand, each part bursting in his gloved hand, he threw it onto the rushing crowd, watching in delight as they all rushed to avoid the pain that would come thereafter.
Fireworks were always fun to play with.
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
*throws this at you* Here, have this-
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
Finally finished my version of Mr.Nasty after a long week of wasting my time drawing the littlest of details.
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
Normally, Jimmy wouldn't pay much attention to rumors circling around Bullworth, let alone the ones that would come from those he fought. But this one rumor wouldn't leave him alone, no matter how much he tried to dismiss it.
It's said that a figure was selling so-called 'banned tapes’ over at The Tenements or even near it.
The teenager half-heartingly expected to get jumped by The Townies or even The Greasers late into the night. Perhaps it was a tactic made by The Prefects to catch any misbehaving students who snuck out of school to cause trouble. Then again, all they ever do is walk around and act like they're all that when they weren't.
Whatever it was, Jimmy was prepared for it, it wasn't like he hasn't done this before. Sure, he was practically risking his dignity as well as his sleep just to see if this rumor was true or not, but his curiosity got the better of him. Besides, it was better to keep his mind occupied than nothing at all.
The town was silent late into the night, the lights being as helpful as the starless sky above. If anything, it seemed that even the universe was telling Jimmy to turn back, that what he was doing was going to give him more trouble than anything he was in.
What did the rumors say? Wait out by three? Two in the morning? Midnight?
Whatever it was, Jimmy walked on into the night, scratching the back of his neck as he walked another block to nothing. He figured right then and there that he was wasting his time and he should get back to his dorm room by now.
He was only stopped when he felt the air get thicker when he passed by an alleyway. He stopped, stepping a few steps back before looking into the darkness where the light seemed to dissipate.
Jimmy didn't seem to see him at first, at least, until a shadow of a figure seemed to appear out of thin air. The dim light from the far left picked up the lining of a man, he was tall, and yet his smile was what shined brighter than ever.
“Hey, “he said with a chuckle, “you want some tapes?”
Jimmy paused, eyeing the man up and down to get a clearer picture of him. The light didn't help but he could tell he was wearing a trenchcoat, he wore boots lined with red, and the gloves matched the color as well.
It was his face that didn't make sense to the teenager.
He couldn't make it out for the life of him or even if he wore a mask or not. It was just pitch black and all he had going for him was his voice. He sounded carefree yet on edge if that made sense.
“Sure, whatchu got?”
The man leaned his hand over and opened his coat, his body wasn't visible (Jimmy hoped that he was wearing clothes underneath) but the tapes were. They were all labeled differently, if not having the strangest names known to man.
‘Piggsy’s Greatest Hits. White Trash. View Of Innocence. Hittin’ The Skinz. Who Let The Wardogs Out?’
Jimmy wouldn't be surprised if they were made out of the blue with how weird they were worded. Then again, those weren't sold anywhere so they could be named like that just to avoid being caught by the law.
“I got them all. I got tapes no red-light district would touch, games the media thrives to blame society’s problems on, and even DVDs of horror movies with no restrictions whatsoever. Pick any and we’ll talk price.”
Jimmy looked over the tapes, mind running on whatever one would be considered useful to watch. He opened his mouth on his decision before the man covered the tapes and raised a finger in the air.
“Wait, wait, wait, “he chimed, his smile growing from ear to ear, “I got a tape just for you.”
Jimmy eyed the man.
“For me?”
“Yeah, consider it a-uh-gift since this is your first time paying, I assume. It's not every night I get to see the youth go out of their way to make a deal with me, you know. Usually, they’d go running the second they see me or even what I sell, but not you, no, never you.”
Jimmy gave out a huff.
“Well, consider me a liability then.”
The man laughed, waving his hand as he picked out a specific tape from within his coat. He pulled it out, leaning his long arm over into the light where Jimmy could see his glove. Once again, it was black lined with red yet the tips were as sharp as knives.
Jimmy grabbed at the tape, careful with the supposed claws the man had on himself. He eyed it, the back was blank yet the front was covered with some weird purple alien with a chef’s hat on his head. The title was what Jimmy doubt the product again: Born Again.
“I know, it's a lot to take it, but I assure you, it's the right tape for a young man like you.”
“What’s it about?”
The clawed hand made a slight turn to the side, as to reflect the dealer’s carefree nature.
“It's everything a growing boy would need in a film like that. No restrictions whatsoever. It's all on tape, bare skin and all.”
“Exactly, “the man chuckled, closing his coat as he did so, “now if that's all you want, that’ll be 10 bucks, 15 if you want another tape, I’m nice like that.”
The deal paused before adding to the deal.
“I guarantee absolute satisfaction - 100% of the time.”
Jimmy looked at the tape, then at the man, then at the tape again. He clicked his tongue before digging his free hand to get his wallet. He knew not to keep his eyes off the man so he did it as quickly as he could.
He gave the ten-dollar bill to the dealer who took it with as much pride and joy over making a deal with a literal child. He made his way back into the shadows where Jimmy made his way back to his school, confident that he was done for the night.
“Pleasure doing business with you, James.”
Jimmy stopped in his tracks, quickly turning over to the alleyway in shock.
“How’d chu know my-” the darkness was all that greeted the teenager, not a man in sight as well as any sound of boots crunching the gravel below, “-name...”
Jimmy looked around, with no soul in sight, he quickly made his way back, hiding the tape from within his jacket. Despite the air being as thick as the season, his body was chilled to the bone.
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