#my mom never asks for help even though she’s working herself to death
vydumaj · 1 year
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
sorry if you’ve already done this 😭😭😭 but could you do Avery and Gigi headcanons!! Like when they meet and become friends ((((:
avery and gigi head canons
OMG YES! i honestly didn't think of making head canons for those two, but now that you mention it, i'm extremely intrigued. might not be as good as my other posts considering we don't know a whole bunch about gigi but i'll do my best. i've also been working on requests/posts for literal hours so my brain might be out of head canon making power. hope you like them though <3.
gigi is always asking questions about avery's childhood bc avery has the weirdest stories ever bc of the way she grew up.
avery taught her self-defense after some guy tried to come after her. gigi is now better than avery and will most definitely end you if you try to hurt her (she may or may not have also learned self-defense in order to kill duncan)
gigi loves talking to avery bc she doesn't really talk often which allows gigi to spill her guts out. she always has so many different stories to share and stuff, but most people don't spare the time to listen to her.
gigi forces avery to do tiktoks with her (dances, grwms, etc) bc avery looks so awkward and uncomfortable, and it makes her laugh.
she will steal avery's coffee bc no one allows her to have any. avery knows she steals it but doesn't say shit.
gigi forced avery to talk about sheffield and what he did to her. gigi now despises (but still sort of loves him cause he's her father) her father. she didn't think he had it in him to do smth like that to a literal child.
she encourages avery to talk about her emotions and let everything out. gigi is like the mental health advocate (for everyone but herself)
gigi loves ice skating and wanted to bring avery to the ice rink with her. avery didn't know how to ice skate though so gigi taught her how to (their lessons involved a lot of falling, near death experiences, concussions, etc)
avery is like an overprotective mom. if gigi is getting bullied or smth, she heads to that person's house/school or whtv and beats the crap out of them (verbally). they always run away in fear and never bother gigi again.
gigi buys avery clothes all the time. she thinks avery is really pretty and likes dressing her up.
avery gives gigi her credit card and tells her to spend money on whatever she wants (gigi calls avery her sugar mommy)
for some reason, avery is a really good twerker (is that even a word) and gigi forced her to teach her how to shake ass.
gigi feels comfortable enough to open up to avery and ask for advice/vent. she finds avery to be really non judgmental and straight forward which she appreciates.
avery and gigi will constantly gang up on grayson and pull pranks n him (they once replaced all of his expensive skincare with cheap shitty drugstore skincare and he actually screamed)
avery helps gigi with her homework when she's struggling. gigi is convinced avery is a saint bc she always explains the stuff to her better than her actual teachers.
gigi is bi (at least in my head), and avery was the first person she came out to.
they both talk about how much of a fucking coward grayson is when it comes to his feelings for lyra(?). they'll be watching grayson and lyra and they'll be saying things like 'omg how fucking dense can a man be, like, just fucking confess', and gigi will be like 'i fucking hate men'
avery bought her a cat (idk if its been mentioned in tbh if gigi actually has cats or if she just likes them, but if she does own cats, just pretend avery bought her another one)
they go out together and buy her cat(s?) cute little outfits (tutus, gucci coats, bows etc).
gigi has (not anymore though) a tinder account, and avery found out about it. she absolutely freaked and deleted the account telling gigi that it was dangerous and that she'd find a man for her if she was that desperate.
avery never got to experience things that most kids got to experience (she grew up too fast/didn't have the opportunity), and gigi finds it sad, so, she brings her out to like trampoline parks and stuff. it makes gigi happy seeing how happy avery is.
avery is always apologizing to gigi about her father. she blames herself and thinks she should've found another way to escape (when she was kidnapped). gigi reassures her by telling her that there was no other way and that, after everything her father did, he sort of deserved to die.
they shit talk men. they fucking hate them.
in my gigi and grayson post, i mentioned gigi loves knitting. avery knows this and buys her yarn all the time. when she's out with max (or alone or with gigi), she goes to stores that sell yarn and looks for smth cool for gigi.
gigi and her family don't have much money after what happened in tbh. avery gave them all a huge amount of money. acacia feels bad, but avery insisted. when gigi found out, she was so fucking happy she literally knelt on the floor telling avery she was a literal god. she then cried in her arms.
gigi gets her to dress up in the most scandolous shit ever. she somehow found out avery's bra size/underwear size and buys her lingerie whenever she goes out. avery secretly loves it but pretends to be scandalized.
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yannaryartside · 9 months
Okay. I have doubts and theories.
On Sydney's health issues theory.
So, the spoon theory, the 3 swords heart tattoo, the cabinet full of medicines, the fact that her mom died of lupus, which is a condition that has no cure, you can live with it if managed with medication but makes you more in danger of infections, so you have to live with a certain self-restraint. There may be clues on the show about Sydney dealing with something very serious.
In this scene, in 2x10, many of us thought Sydney was actually reflecting on her fluctuating health. I agree with all of the possible evidence of a serious health issue, but I would like to present my doubts on some parts of that narrative, presented in this scene.
Gifs by riickgrimes.
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The first time I saw this scene I thought, "OK, she is saying this because she has never found a boost in the industry, and took a solo adventure and failed, so she wonders if she is even made for all of this. She thinks that the Bear, it's people, and Carmy, is the only environment where she can show what she is made of, and, in her own words, "make a difference." So she is willing to go all or nothing in this one. That is an option for thinking outside the aforementioned context.
Now, if this was a scene about a daughter confessing to his father how she thinks about her mortality because she is sick, it doesn't feel right. Foreshadowing can give clues, but the scenes those clues take place still have to make scenes within a context we may not know about. When we figure out the truth in the future, this scene has to make sense looking back.
So, why is Emmanuel not extremely shaken by his daughter's comment? this is a man who also lost his wife to illness, why doesn't he jump off his chair and hug her and say "Don't worry about it darling, it won't happen, the doctor said..." Sydney (in the way we are interpreting the scene) may have as well said, "Yes Dad, I know I could die tomorrow," and that is quite a statement, as I said, people can live long lives with lupus, so why is she assuming that's not her case? that is a particularly terrifying thought.
So if she is dealing with something that she is afraid will kill her tomorrow, and is talking to her dad about it, I really doubt any father would have reacted in such a nonchalant way, he is calm, and we don't see the concern in his face, or a shadow of restrain because he doesn't want to look worried or afraid. There is a possibility of this scene being incomplete, and editing was done to hide Emmanuel's true reactions from the audience, but I think is unlikely.
Won't Emmanuel be understanding of this tendency of "making everything the thing" if is because of a dangerous illness? I don't think he would even dare to question it. I know at the beginning we see him worried about her overworking, but she has described to him her poor eating habits, and explained why she needed to work so hard. Won't he be more firm about asking her to take her of herself if her heath was that fragile?
So, I would like to present some alternative theories, even though some of them are keep me up at night:
She is sick, but she hasn't told anybody, not even her dad. It may be lupus or another thing. This one scares me a lot, especially if we consider the fact that Sydney has displayed a tendency of not asking for help and running away from forms of affection.
The spoon theory may apply to executive dysfunction related to trauma: we don't know what happened to her, so I would like to keep this option open.
She doesn't know that she is sick: she says "I don't know if I could do another one" in the sense of not making it in the industry, but this is actually a foreshadowing of not knowing her time is running short (please no). I definitely believe that she will give us a scare, some issue that makes her go close to death, she pulls through it, of course, but I see it coming. If it happens right after Carmy and Sydney have "the fight" omg...
She may have survived an accident: I like this one because it could explain the cabinet full of meds, maybe she is still recovering from the damage made to her body, muscle pain, heart-related stuff, who knows. But it also explains her being so conscious about how fragile life is even without any dangerous health issues. She lives all day like it's a gift, not a guarantee, this could explain her "sense of urgency" presented since season 1 (she is anxious to make it on the menu, etc.). This is not a healthy mindset, of course, it's a response to trauma, hence his father not pressing about the comment too much. I also like this idea thematically as well, the idea that a person who thinks life is too fragile will find a partner in a man who lost his brother to suicide, and is probably suicidal himself ("You should be dead", echoing in Carmy's flashbacks, we his chef didn't say that, that's all in Carmy's head). It's like they will be screaming to each other, "Please hold on, to life, to me," Carmy will work on his issues because he wants a life with Sydney and their restaurant's family, and Sydney has found in Carmy's company a new direction in her life, and partnership.
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recluselecter · 3 months
Be Hers.
Joel Miller x Surrogate kid! Reader
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Summery: After Joel and Ellie fight, Ellie's sibling felt that they needed to explain some things to Joel. Warnings: Angst, Joel cries, entirely self indulgent, Ellie's older sibling! reader, mother death mention
“Ellie’s not the only one who’d be scared.” I said quietly. Joel turned toward me, startled at the realization of my presence. His eyes held genuine despair at the sight of me. The door to the room had been closed by my sister after she left, and Joel looked like he’d have run by now if it wasn’t. I leaned against the wardrobe filled with moth-eaten scraps of children’s coats. 
“It’s true, you know.” I sighed. “Everyone has died or left us.” Joel’s eyes scathed the floors. “Except you, Joel.” He nodded and scoffed. 
“Don’t put on your bullshit stone-cold bitch face, Miller.” My voice cracked even though I had prayed it wouldn’t. “You don’t know what it’s like, man.” Pacing, I began to ramble to the older man. “You don’t know what it’s like to be fucking abandoned by the father that forced you to raise your little sister. You don’t know what it’s like to watch your mother get eaten alive by Infected. You don’t know what it’s like for the one person you have to get bit, and suddenly survive. Ellie is all I have, Joel. She didn’t have parents. I did.” His blue eyes watched me carefully. “And Joel, that man hated me. He blamed me when Ellie cried, or threw up, or slept at the wrong time. When he left, all I could feel was relief. Until my mom got ripped apart. Limb from fucking limb. I had to carry a crying baby through Clickers until the Fireflies found us. I thought they’d help us, but once Ellie got bit and proved herself useful, we were screwed. They beat her, Joel. They beat me.”
Joel flinched. “I’m sorry.”
I ignored him. “But I stood vigilant. I kept her alive as best I could. I took her beatings. I gave her my food. I even killed those fuckers for her.” I paused, taking a deep breath. “Marlene found us and brought us to you. You are the only one to survive our attachment. You know how Ellie sees you. She never had that, and you gave her a taste, so don’t you dare take it away from her. You can hate me all you like, sell me off to some pervert, I don’t care. All I ask is that you save her. No matter what happens. You save her Joel Miller, because if you don’t, I will never forgive you. And neither would Sarah.”
The man I’d come to see as a father looked at me with tears soaking his face, drops of the salty liquid darkening his blue flannel. “I’m not your little girl. And you ain’t my dad.” I felt my own tears fall. “But I need you to be hers.” Joel nodded, wiping his face and sniffing. 
“Joel!” Tommy burst into the room with Ellie, swinging the door shut behind them. “We got company.” Joel nodded and snatched his rifle from his bag, while I grabbed my pistol. When I checked my ammo, I realized I only had about five shots left. I had to make them work.
Time to get home.
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meadowfairiess · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x Witch Reader Headcannons
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warnings: bad writing, i wrote this at 3am...
word count: 621
shout out to all my fellow witches out there! <3
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• Wednesday isn’t a stranger to the ins and out of witchcraft
• I mean, her mother literally has alters all over their family home
• And she has heard about it plenty from you
• But there are some things she hasn’t really taken the time to learn about
• She’s a curious cat, she likes to learn
• She would take the time of you teaching her about your practice very seriously, and as much as she would deny it, she likes that she can bond with you over it
• It’s become a bit of a routine for you to just barge into her shared dorm with Enid and just cleanse everywhere
• She isn’t the biggest fan of sage because she says it “stinks” but she can tolerate incense sticks
• Her bookcase, her desk, her bed, even Enid’s things will get cleansed
• Enid is appreciative and so is Wednesday to a certain extent
• But she does like the idea of spirits roaming around, particularly the bad ones
• She’s weird like that
• Now that she has a phone she would quickly get used to your facetime calls, showing her all the witchy things you just bought for your room/ alter
• As I said before, she’s a bit of a curious meow meow, so she does enjoy it when you read about something and just rant about it
• Her face doesn't exactly tell you that she is enjoying the ranting but you know her well enough to know that she actually is (again she would never admit that)
• She didn’t really know that coloured candles could have their own meanings, or what their purposes were
• But once you told her about them and how you would use them, she would find herself lighting specific candles for specific things she was doing
• Walking into her dorm and found an orange candle on her desk while she was writing for her “creativity” as you told her
• Good to know she is taking your advice on board
• Also buying her plenty of black candles with protection sigils carved into them, for yk protection
• She finds that silly, asking, "Why would I ever need these?”
• “Do you actually know how many near-death situations you have been in? Or how many things or people have tried to get to you?”
• She definitely needs it and of course, because it’s black, she would have them lit most of the time
• She likes to watch you make your little spell jars
• And hearing you talk about what the spell jar is for and what exactly you are putting in there and why
• She sometimes will get out of the shower and think someone or something is in the mirror but nope, it’s just a sigil you left there
• She does in fact like to hear about which deities you are working with and about the deities themselves
• Which in turn helps you remember and learn more about them
• It’s a win-win situation
• If she walks into a store and finds any kind of stone/crystal or shell that she thinks you would like, she would definitely buy you them
• She wouldn’t give you it though, just leave it on the end of your bed for you to find
• Wednesday is constantly the victim of your tarot card readings, warning her about things is pointless because if it's dangerous you already know she’s going to do it anyway
• Enid however will take everything you say very seriously, it's appreciated
• Making Wednesday little prosperity jars and her keeping them beside her bed, it’s adorable
• ONE OF THE CUTEST THINGS THOUGH is her mom buying you witchy books all of the time for you to read
• She definitely sees you as one of her own, it’s ADORABLE!
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taglist: @mel-13-29​ @prettyboywands​ @rainbow-love4ever​ @animealways​ @lovelyy-moonlight​ @looseheartedlady​ @idkbubs​ @gay-vet-student @dreifhraniquo29​​ | click HERE to be added to the taglist <3
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one-vivid-judgment · 29 days
Hello. Could I please request some comfort headcanons with Joon-gi, Seonhee, Zhao and Tesso with a verbally domestically abused s/o? Tbh your headcanons and just any random post are kinda soul healing and even therapeutic. They give me strength to mentally deal with any unpleasant situation. So, um, thank you.
I'm so glad my posts give you strength, anon! Tbh I picked up writing myself for therapeutic purposes, so it's good to know someone else is getting something out of this as well! I genuinely wish you the best!
Joongi Han
He can relate, actually. He didn’t exactly have a normal childhood: mom passed away when he was still too young to know any better, and his dad who was already abusive before, turned to drinking and his behavior only got worse. He wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy, much less someone he loves as much as you.
Thankfully, he is no longer in that stage where he will get queasy talking about the subject because the wound is still too fresh. He would have probably had a breakdown if you had brought up the subject a few years earlier, but now he’s... grown used to it. Any pain is dulled out by now, so you can freely talk to him about your situation. He knows you need someone to turn to, and if he is not that person for you, what kind of boyfriend would that make him?
Will hold you silently and just let you talk, hands running up and down your back. He’ll suggest using the Geomijul surveillance system to keep you safe—even if you say no, he will probably go through with it anyway because he can’t stand seeing you like that. If not the entire Geomijul, just himself is enough. He can free up hours of his schedule to watch over you; Seonhee will understand. It will also be her who suggests he brings you over to the Geomijul to stay for good. They have enough bowguns left and are still a threatening enough presence around Ijincho to know no one would dare mess with them.
Unlike Joongi, she hasn’t gone through abuse herself. She’s heard the horror stories from Yeonsu though, so she has some idea of just how bad it can get. Enough to be absolutely fucking fumming by the time you are done telling her about your situation. You can be sure she will take matters into her own hands, even if you try to stop her.
Don’t worry, it won’t be anything like straight up murdering your abuser (though, why lie, she really wants to, and the Geomijul has the means to do that; she can ask Zhao for help disposing of the body, too. Meat bun filling). She will, however, make sure there is always someone watching over you. Most likely Joongi, but if he is out of comission, then it will be anyone else. If it gets too bad, she will do the watching herself. And if it gets real bad? Seonhee is outright snatching you away. She can make extra room for you in the Geomijul HQ, to make sure that person is too scared to come get you.
Not a day goes by where she doesn’t ask you how you are holding up. She’s seen what abuse can do to a person (see, Yeonsu, and to an extent, Zhao), and she has learned the importance of asking those questions. You can come to her with whatever is troubling you, you know that, but she still makes sure to remind you.
Zhao Tianyou
It will take you some time to convince him not to do anything that could potentially land him in jail. You’ve never seen Zhao so mad in your life, and he doesn’t usually yell for no good reason, but man, does he want to kill the bastard that’s putting you through all this. But he also knows it wouldn’t be useful (albeit pretty satisfactory) to get thrown in the slammer and leave you alone.
You Tian is your new home. You can stay for as long as you want: hours, days if you want to. Anything that doesn’t involve you going home to your abuser sounds great in his book. His Liumang loyalists are now basically your full time bodyguards, and if that doesn’t work to intimidate the asshole in question, he’ll have to give them a very stern talking-to. Full of death threats and intimidation tactics. It will prove hard to not take his saber with him though.
He makes sure to be extra sweet to you. Always cooking your favorite dishes, always making sure you are feeling okay. He’ll introduce you to Kasuga and the others if you are up for it, and they’ll quickly become your biggest and best support network. To be honest, Zhao may have grown a little paranoid after the whole ordeal and might need to have you within eyeshot to make sure you are safe. He knows, he knows. But he won’t let it go too far to the point it gets unhealthy.
Honestly, he wants to get angry. Hell, he should get angry! But all he can muster is hug you.  He is at the verge of crying when he does. He’s a sensitive man, these things affect him, and the fact that you are going through that when you don’t deserve it at all? Well, you bet your ass it upsets him.
It’s not professional of him, but he’ll admit he sometimes skips Liumang work to go check on you. Like Zhao, he might get a little paranoid about what happens to you when you are out of his sight. He might have hired Tsukumo and Sugiura (Yagami too, if he happens to be in Yokohama) to keep an eye on you; as far as he’s concerned, that’s money well spent. He wishes he could do more—he’ll suggest you run away and stay at his apartment in Restaurant Row. It’s deep enough in Liumang turf that it’s pretty much guarateed your abuser won’t chase after you, if they have half a brain.
His hugs are therapy in and of itself. Helps that he’s a cuddler and pretty much can’t sleep if he isn’t hugging you. Now that he knows what you’ve had to go through, he has all the more reason to do that. He can’t help the smile when he wakes up and sees that you are by his side and not back at that shitty home you grew up in.
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half-oz-eddie · 5 months
My OC! Nero Castiel Ramsay
TW for graphic depictions of violence, death, mass murder, suicidal thoughts (and angst!)
For context, the military has seized control of his country, killing, weaponizing and experimenting on people with abilities. After causing a horrific accident with his fire ability, he eventually meets a girl who went AWOL from the military, who took her away from her father as a child so they could use her as a weapon. The two team up to find out where their abilities came from and what the government has planned.
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His full backstory is below the cut!
"My story? Well..." My name is Nero Castiel Ramsay. I’m 25 years old. I was born July 26th in Shrill City General Hospital. 
When I was born, I nearly blinded the midwife. They had to wrap my hands in foil gloves and give me cold baths. My temperature was nearly 200 degrees. 
My mother said the pregnancy was difficult. She always had hot flashes and indigestion, but at least labor and delivery was easy, right? 
When I was brought to NICU-II, my father had my files deleted and destroyed, which is an easy task when you're the hospital director.
None of the nurses really wanted to take care of me, let alone touch me, except Evander. It was a blessing to have an older brother that was a nurse. 
It was a blessing to have siblings that loved me the way they did...
When I was brought home, my family wasn’t nearly as ready as they thought they were. 
I was burning through mattresses in my sleep for the first 2 years of my life, until the fire was a bit more under control. It wasn’t as explosive anymore. 
For awhile, my family thought maybe...it went away. Until I would throw a tantrum and set my high chair ablaze. 
I was only a toddler, and yet, I still remember the horrified look on my mother’s face. 
After that, she was always dumping me on my father and my siblings. I hardly saw much of her. She’d peek into my room, say good morning or good night, and keep walking past.
Physical contact was never really happening before anyway. Vega used to put foil around her hands and arms to give me hugs or head pats, but I was a really unstable kid. 
I was constantly uneasy and had anxiety. If I was really upset, I’d burn through the foil too.
Vega was covered in burns from always trying to interact with me. She’d hold my hand when I was scared, until her hand was blistered. 
When I got a bit older, I convinced her to stop coddling me and just help me become stronger. 
She was 12 when I was 7, so she was teaching me whatever she was learning in school. My mother hardly did any homeschooling with me. I’m surprised I’m not stupid. 
Vega studied a lot of pyrotechnics. She told me to try lotion on my hands and body to keep it slick so I wouldn’t set anything on fire. The lotion worked a bit, but then my hands were still too warm to touch. 
So then, we tried gloves. I’d burn through them within a week or so, and then need replacements. 
Then...finally...we tried both. Vega kept a “burn chart” for me. And as long as I kept my hands lotioned every 3 hours and kept my gloves on, I was able to manage for an entire month without setting a single thing on fire. 
My body was still too warm, though. I tried going outside on the front porch, instead of just staying in the yard like always. 
I saw a baby, and I ran inside and had a panic attack. 
I imagined accidentally setting the baby on fire and I lost it. 
“I’m too dangerous.” I cried. 
Vega held me and tried her best to calm me down. She held and squeezed until it was too warm, too hot, burning. I burned her clothes onto her body. She was in so much pain. 
Luckily it wasn’t as bad as i thought it was. Mom, being a retired nurse herself, was able to tend to her wounds. 
“I told you, don’t touch Nero. I’m tired of seeing you covered in burns. What if he burns your face next? People will start asking questions!”
“I don’t care about questions! I care about my little brother. He’s 13 years old, and he has no friends. You won’t even let him go to church!”
“If I take him to church, everyone will just think he’s the devil.” My mother snapped. 
I overheard everything from the doorway. I ran out into the yard and climbed the big oak tree. It was at least 20 feet tall. 
I looked up at the moon, then down at the grass. I was getting ready to jump from the highest branch and kill myself. 
I heard Evander slide the back door open. “Nero, you out here? You want some pizza? I’m buying...Nero? Yo!”
I didn’t reply. I wanted him to go away so I could finally die. 
“Please don’t look up, Please don’t look up.” I told myself. 
He took out his phone, turned on the flashlight, and looked up.
“Hey, get down! That’s dangerous.”
“I know. I was...just trying to get a view of the city.” I came up with a quick lie. 
“I told you, if you’re willing to take some pills, I’ll drive you around. Your fire seems to be triggered by your anxiety. And since we can’t take you to the doctors, I’ll get you a script for something.”
“I...I don’t know if that’ll work. I don’t know if anything will work...”
“Wait...are you trying to kill yourself?”
“No, it's just..I um...”
“Idiot. I’m coming up.”
Evander scaled the tree like a superhero and sat next to me. 
“This is really high up, Nero. You actually can see the city from here.”
I shrugged. “I’m not supposed to be alive. What if I really am the devil like mom said?”
“She said that?!”
I answered with an embarrassed nod.
“Nero. I’m so sorry, kid. I know that hurts, but I think you were born this way for a reason. You have to discover that reason. You won’t get answers from death.”
“You can get pizza though, and extra cheese if you get down.”
My brother always knew what to say. 
I decided to keep on living, and keep trying to be better. 
Vega convinced me to try finger painting to calm myself. 
I spent a lot of time in the backyard painting, imagining what the rest of the world was like. 
My father started taking some of my paintings around and sold them. He put money in a trust fund for me, so one day I could have a life of my own. 
Lots of people around the city wanted to meet me, but my father would lie and say I had a very serious autoimmune disease and couldn’t be around others. 
Really...I was the disease. 
“As the years had gone by, I was trying to get better, but I was just fucking up everyone’s life, honestly.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” His friend said comfortingly. 
“To me it was...”
Vega had declined a full ride scholarship to the top university in the country because she didn’t want to leave me. 
Evander was putting his life on hold. He was working per diem hours making below his salary because he considered me a priority. 
My mother just seemed pale and miserable. Our relationship was strained for such a long time, until I turned 17. 
I found it helpful to intentionally let out a little fire every once in awhile. I’d burn wood in the fire pit, and then started finger painting with soot. 
One day, my mom asked me to paint her. When I was finished, she smiled, then pulled a piece of foil out of her pocket, placed it on my forehead and kissed me over the foil. 
I cried a bit, after she took the canvas inside. Then, it started raining. I’ll never forget that day. It was one of the few good days of my life. 
I felt like things were going to start getting better.
I started going out front again. The neighbors wouldn’t stand too close, since they thought I was so susceptible to germs. But, they’d say hello. They were kind. 
I started painting out front. About a week in to my porch painting, I noticed a new family was moving into the house across the street. 
It was an older looking couple, older than my parents, a son around Vega’s age and a daughter around my age. 
God...she was beautiful. Short with long hair, a cute voice, even cuter laugh, warm green eyes. I wanted to...
“Fuck her?” His friend interrupted. 
Nero narrowed his eyes. “Paint her. I wanted to...paint her...and I did. A lot.”
When she made eye contact with me as she headed into their new house, I felt my heart skip a beat. 
Later that day, my family was heading over to do their neighborly welcoming committee bullshit...and of course, I stayed behind. 
I was staring at that girl through the window. 
“Want me to ask her name for you?” Vega said, startling me. 
“What? Are you fuckin crazy? I can’t talk to no girl.”
“Sure you can. You haven’t hurt me any more than I’ve let you. You can at least make a friend.”
I watched my family head over with a casserole and the father welcomed them into the house. 
They were in there for hours. I guess they were really nice. 
Later that evening, Vega came rushing into the house first. I was sitting at the table eating the food my mother cooked.
“Her name is Corinne. She asked about you. She wanted to know about ‘the boy whose eyes look like sunlight that was sitting on the porch.’ So I told her a million great things about you.” She smiled at me. 
I felt like I was going to be sick.
“Oooh you’re blushing!” She gushed. “So her name is Corinne Baker. She’s your age. She wants to be a veterinarian, she likes to sing, she was a Girl Scout, and her family moved here from Senkil because her father got some fancy schmancy corporate job offer.”
“She uh...sounds nice.”
“Her whole family is really nice. The brother seems pretty shifty, though. Call it my gut.”
I shrugged off what Vega was talking about. I knew getting close to anybody was a terrible idea. 
The next day, I was back to my front yard painting, when Corinne came outside. I tried to stay hyper focused on my newest piece, but I noticed out the corner of my eye, she was coming closer. 
“Hello!” She called out from the driveway. “I’m Corinne. You’re Nero, right?”
“Uh...yeah. Nice to...meet you.” I hoped she wouldn’t come closer.
She didn’t. She’d come back everyday, stand in the driveway, and ask about my paintings. We’d exchange idle small talk. She’d tell me about something funny at school, or her homework. I liked seeing her every afternoon after school, and in the mid-morning on weekends. 
One day, she decided to ask vague questions about my health. 
“I’m not contagious, you know. Is that why you stand so far away?”
“N-no! I didn’t think that...I just...was worried I could get you sick. I-I go to school a-and I-I—“
I laughed. “I’m just messing with you.” 
I started getting comfortable with her.
“You can come a little bit closer. You know. So you can see what I’m painting.”
She slowly ascended the steps, and stayed a few feet away from me. My heart was fluttering. 
“It smells like smoke.”
“I paint with soot, that’s why.” 
I smelled like soot, and she smelled like flowers. We were like life and death. 
One day, she came by during a thunderstorm. I wasn’t expecting to see her. I wasn’t even painting that day. I just liked rain. It was the only time I could be comfortable outside. 
“Why’d you come today? It’s pouring!”
“I come see you everyday!”
I sat in the grass, and she plopped down near me. 
“You’re gonna get dirty. You’re...too pretty to be covered in dirt.”
“I love the rain.”
“Me too.”
We sat a few feet apart, and she revealed something really personal to me.
“Really? What’d she say?”
“I’m omitting that part.”
“What?! Why?”
“I’d never tell another woman’s business. What kinda man do you think I am? Anyway...”
I asked her if I could paint her. I worked on it for months. I never let her peek, no matter how many times she came back. 
I finished it toward the end of the school year.
“It's so, so beautiful! Can I take it with me? To college, I mean.”
“Oh...you’re going away to college?”
“Yeah, but I’ll come home for breaks. And we can video chat. Do you...have a phone?”
“Please get one!” She begged with her eyes sparkling. 
I knew damn well I couldn’t have a phone. It would fucking explode in my hand. 
But, of course, Vega had a plan.
“Here.” She said as she plopped a tablet onto my nightstand. “You can video call with Corinne. And it’s voice activated, so you don’t have to worry about blowing the shit to bits.”
“Um...thank you.”
Once Corinne was at university, she’d video call me all the time. 
To tell you the truth, I found it weird. I didn’t understand why she wanted to talk to me so much. She told her friends about me and everything. I guess it didn’t really occur to me that she liked me too. 
Over the years, she’d gotten a few inches closer to me whenever we sat together on the porch. 
I was getting older and controlling my fire much better than before. 
I was able to hug my sister and only feel a little warm. I couldn’t stop the fire from coming out of my hands, though. So I had to keep up my lotion and glove regimen. 
Fast forward to two years ago...
I was going out more often. I had even gotten a job at the mall kiosk. 
My boss was a good friend of my dad’s. So he told him I needed these bathroom breaks every 3 hours because of my condition. It worked. I was able to lotion my hands during my breaks and keep interacting with the customers.
Life was fantastic for once. 
6 months in to my job and nearly normal life, Corinne had moved back home for good. She was a college graduate and a veterinarian. 
“So, you seem to be doing better now. Can I...have a hug yet?”
I didn’t want to lose her. 
“Let’s...work up to that.”
She sat inches away from me. “Fair enough.”
We went to parks and beaches together all the time. One day, we went to a restaurant. 
“Is this a...date?”
“I...think so? I do like you. B-but it doesn’t have to be a date.”
“I want it to be a date.”
I liked Corinne so much, but I was so scared. What if I had to tell her about my abilities one day?
I walked her to her door, and said goodnight. 
“Nero! I don’t get a hug at least?”
“Uh...well. I’m really old fashioned. I don’t want to make any physical contact too soon. It uh...gives us time to work on the bond.”
She looked at me like I was a dumbass, but she went along with it...
For about 2 weeks.
One night, she video called me. 
“Nero. I have feelings for you. Deep feelings. I want to hold hands and kiss you. I know maybe you’re worried about your illness, but I promise I’m healthy, and your parents say you’ve gotten better. You haven’t been sick at all lately, right?”
“Uh...well I ha—“
“So, tomorrow! After you get off work. Meet me at the park across the street from the mall. I want to kiss you.”
“Nero! We’re not kids anymore. I have needs too.”
“Yeah, like closeness. Physical touch...maybe...more?”
When she said more, I got nervous. The last time I thought about sex, I set my bed on fire—again. I tried to stay focused.
“Uh...okay. Let’s meet tomorrow.”
The next day, I went to work, nervous and uneasy. I didn’t know what would happen if I kissed her. 
To make my day even more stressful, my boss’s son was filling in for him. He wasn’t as understanding about my breaks. I asked to take my first one, and he groaned about how much I was needed since we were 1 person short. 
I was feeling the warmth underneath my gloves, between that and the thought of kissing Corinne, or seeing her naked...I felt nauseous. I wanted to touch her, but I didn’t want to hurt her.
I asked for my second break. Still a no. 
Now I was getting scared. I felt it coming. I knew if I set that kiosk on fire I was gonna GET fired. And have to lock myself in my house again. 
I asked for my third break...I fucking implored. 
“Please wait 20 more minutes Nero? Regular break time is around then. I really need you out here.”
I couldn’t think straight.
My gloves were getting hot.
I was supposed to kiss Corinne today.
My gloves were hot.
Corinne’s lips. 
I waited 10 more minutes, then asked if I could go home early. 
“Seriously, Nero? Just wait 10 damn minutes. I promise you can take an hour break, okay?”
My face was covered in sweat. The thoughts swarmed back again. The customers came in droves. My hands were shaking and I was breathing heavily. 
I tried to calm myself with happy thoughts of painting once my shift was over. Then, I started thinking of excuses to not kiss Corinne, and the customers were crowding and making so much noise, and my gloves were starting to burn.
Suddenly, I lost control. Flames flew from both of my hands and body at an unbelievable degree, charring through people and stores. I heard agonizing screams and saw people turning to ash, begging for mercy as their skin melted from them within moments. 
I heard brief shrieks as the flame ate away at them. 
I was horrified as I watched everything burn. It felt like hours but...it was probably 2 or 3 minutes. And for some disgusting reason, I was the only survivor. 
I ran like hell from the rubble...and kept running, and running...and running. I had no intention of seeing my family, or Corinne ever again.
I knew my family would resent me, and I knew I was too much of a monster for Corinne. I hid in an alley for 2 days until there was a thunderstorm. That was my sign that it was time to say goodbye forever.
“Then, I met Yuka in the Obsidian Forest and killed more people, this time soldiers, and this time on purpose. Then...wound up here.” Nero shrugged. “Your turn.”
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nanamismoonchild · 11 months
hi i would like to request something 😄 could you write about the reader having toxic parents so jimin comforts her like he’s always holding her hand or caressing her cheek and he speaks to her very softly oh and also gentle kisses? and one day the members asks him why he’s acting this way towards her and you can imagine the rest<33
pairing: bf!jimin x gf!reader (established relationship au)
wc: 1.2k
warnings: being parentified, ungrateful sister and parents, basically the family ain't and will never be shit (maybe), cursing
a/n: im gonna ignore that this is all the way from february, and simply present this and run away. please enjoy :D
Jimin was heated. He had watched you have a full on argument with your parents about whether or not you needed to pay rent for an apartment your little sister was on the verge of getting kicked out of. 
Their logic was: 
Your boyfriend was mega rich.  
That was it.  That was all they had to say.  It didn’t matter how many times you told them that you were responsible for yourself and rarely asked Jimin for any help. It didn’t matter how many times you told them that you were already paying for college and all the expenses that came with that. Your only saving grace was living with Jimin that helped alleviate your own burdens.  
Nothing mattered except your sister’s rent which she was already four months behind on. Why the landlord let her stay there for that long is beyond both you and Jimin. That was almost two thousand dollars they wanted from you, and you had no plans on giving it. 
You had already paid the time and patience when you were younger, having to hustle to pay the light bill and buy groceries so you and she wouldn’t starve to death. You had barely managed to go to your prom had it not been for your school librarian taking pity and paying for your dress and dues.
So no, you wouldn’t sacrifice anything now. 
Did it hurt to have to tell your sheltered sister no? Of course.
Tears streamed down your face as you remembered how your sister had practically called you selfish and dishonorable. Refusing to admit she was the one who needed to take responsibility for her own carelessness. 
And that’s why Jimin found himself parking on the side of the road, heaving you over the console, and hugging you until you stopped shaking and hugged him back. Small kisses placed on your cheeks and a few caresses of your back and you were more than okay. 
“Thank you Minnie.”
“____, you don’t need to lend a penny to those people.”
“Those people are my family, Minnie. What else am I supposed to do?”
“Let them deal with it. Your sister dug herself into shit, let her pull herself out. It’s time you stop giving them things when they haven't given you anything. ____, I can’t even remember them actually giving you a gift for Christmas. In fact, I clearly remember last year’s Christmas, and you had to give your mom, sister, and father gift cards all worth two hundred dollars because they stomped all over you. Baby, fuck them.”
Jimin’s words were hitting home and it made you worse. More tears fell as you nodded, agreeing with him. It was time to cut off contact. As much as you hated it. 
Taking a deep breath, you crawled back over to the passenger seat. 
“Ready to get moving again, or do you need a moment?”
“I’m ready Jimin.”
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Meeting with Namjoon and Yoongi had been the plan for today, even though Jimin had wanted to stay home and love on you all day. However, neither of the older men were having it and basically forced him to meet them in Yoongi’s studio. 
“You need to stop being so clingy to ___. Otherwise, she’s going to get uncomfortable,” Yoongi said as he opened an unfinished song that the three of them were working on. 
“I disagree with that, Yoongi. ____ acts the same way. I wonder what Jimin has done to earn that type of love,” Namjoon jokes. 
Jimin rolled his eyes and waved the two of them off. Not his or your fault that you cared deeply for each other. 
“So funny. Anyway, Namjoon, you know a lot about different things. Can you help me with something? I need some advice,” Jimin asked. 
Namjoon turned swiftly away from his computer giving Jimin his attention. “Sure. If I can help, I will.”
“OK. ___ has been having some family trouble for a while. And yesterday was terrible. I told her to move on from her family, but now I’m wondering if that was shitty advice.”
Yoongi spoke up first. “No. If her family ain’t shit, they’re not worth having in her life. Mind telling us what they did.”
“Not really my place. But basically, and ___ has told me this, they’ve parentified her.”
“What’s that?” His older brothers asked at the same time. 
“It’s when a child gets the role of a parent to their siblings or parent. So they have to act as the caregiver at a young age. ___ has been in the parent role for a long time, and they can’t seem to let go of the fact that she’s no longer able to be controlled by them.”
“That sounds like a problem for them. ____ is definitely able to cut ties with them. I think you have her good advice.”
“I agree with Namjoon. Good advice. If she decides to cut ties, and they somehow figure out they were extreme assholes and apologize, it would be up to her to figure out whether or not she wants to repair the ties she cut,” Yoongi cosigned. 
Jimin nodded and made a mental note to tell you that. 
“Anymore questions? I want to get started on recording this song and put the finishing touches if we need any. 
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“_____!” Jimin called out into the apartment. 
“Minnie, I’m here in the kitchen. I got hungry.”
Jimin pouted as he held the bag of fried rice tightly. “But I already picked up food.” He strolled into the kitchen to see you already scarfing down some ramen. 
“I’m always down for fried rice. I’ll eat some after I finish this.”
Jimin pouted more, but poured a few spoonfuls of the rice into a bowl for him and a few for you.
“How’d the recording go?” You asked him taking a spoonful of your rice. 
Jimin groaned and swiped a hand through his hair, “An intern came in to help us add some beats, and then accidentally deleted everything we worked on. We tried to just take it out of the recycle bin, but apparently, things like that, just get straight up deleted. So now we have to start completely over from scratch.” “Aw, I’m sorry Minnie. How’d they even manage to do that?”
“Beats me, baby. How was your day?”
When you didn’t respond right away, he glanced up from his bowl and eyed you. You were suddenly pushing rice around your face, refusing to look at him. 
“____? What’s up?”
“Imayhavewentaheadandpaidformysister’sbullshitrentandthentoldallofthemtokissmyblackass.” You said in a rush. 
If Jimin hadn’t been paying close attention, he might’ve missed everything. 
“You paid?”
You nodded, meeting his eyes.  “And told them that if they wanted anything else from me, they would have to come find me. They humiliated me yesterday. I refuse to take anything else from them. So like I said, they can kiss my black ass.”
Jimin’s eyes were wide as he started clapping for you. Your face heated, but a smile was slowly spreading. 
“You should’ve seen the look on their face, Minnie. Priceless,” you laughed and then gasped as you remembered another detail. “And guess what else I did!”
“Middle finger?” “No, but I should have,” you said. “But I had printed out several companies that were hiring around my sister’s place, put it in an envelope, and chucked it at her face!”
“That’s not as badass as you think it is, love.”
“I will not hesitate to cut you off too, Park Jimin.”
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No One's Coming to Save You
for Angstpril, Day 21: You're on Your Own, Kid
cw: violence, beating, broken bones, death/murder mentions, adult language
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It was his own fault. Telling Uriah to make him useful, asking to be set loose on his other enemies. Unsurprisingly, someone with as much power as Uriah had plenty. Not all of whom needed to be eliminated, but enough to keep Lex busy.
It wasn't that bad. Sometimes he could even pretend it was like the old days. Just another contract, and when he completed it, he'd collect payment and go home. But every shift of his hands, every command Uriah's voice issued from the collar, reminded him of the truth.
Target of the day was someone Fox had been trying to take out for months; a travel agent who helped Redlined under the table. Someone who Lex would've held in high regard, if not for the fact that admiration made it harder to carry out a death sentence. There was nothing he could do but ensure a painless end; better than he'd get if he failed Uriah. What a shame Fiona Verne hadn't been able to hide forever.
He'd staked out the agency she worked at, learning quickly that she liked to stay late, and deciding he'd act after hours. Nothing subtle. He'd smash in windows, break some furniture. 
"But no fire," Uriah had instructed. "I don't want this to be tied to you in any way."
Verne was still at her desk, a single light shining over her, when the sun went down. No headlights in the distance, no record of heroes patrolling this corner of the city at this hour. Time to act.
Lex pulled his mask over his nose and made a dash for the front of the agency, punching through the window with little effort and climbing over the shards. An alarm blared from somewhere inside the building as he stalked towards Verne's desk, but it didn't matter. He'd be quick.
Verne had fallen out of her chair, and was staring up at him with an expression of disbelieving fear as he approached, trying fruitlessly to back away.
Quick and painless. He'd snap her neck, and it would be over, and he could go home and try to sleep.
He reached for her, dust from the window reflecting off his gloves like glitter, and she held up a hand as if to shield herself—
"Mom?" came a voice behind him, young and horrified. "Mom?"
Looking back was instinctive, even though Lex knew he shouldn't. There was a dark haired boy staring up at him through the screen of the monitor, eyes wide.
"Leave her alone!"
"It's oka—it's okay, Sean," Verne's voice came out shaky, and when he glanced back at her, there were tears trailing down her cheeks.
"I won't fight you," she said. "J-just don't hurt my son."
"What's taking so long?" Uriah's voice was in his ear. "There's a hero team inbound. Tick tock."
(Clock, dock, flock, hawk.)
"I'll take care of it," he muttered, but the kid was sobbing now, and Fiona's head was bowed, one hand clamped over her mouth as her shoulders shook.
He should shut off the computer, or just punch through the screen. He should drag her outside and break her neck. He should've never hesitated in the first place, he should—
"Stop where you are!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Oh Alexei, what did I tell you?" Uriah murmured, as Lex slowly turned to face the voice's owner.
It was a Hero team of four, masks and colorful costumes marking them as a more commercialized group. He couldn't remember their name—'Searchlight Squad' or something like that—but he knew they were all on Titanium's payroll. 
"Requesting extraction," Lex whispered. "I know these guys get a lot of publicity."
"Denied," Uriah replied. "You're correct. They have a reality television show. Since you can't kill a single, unpowered woman, try and get back to HQ without being unmasked."
Fiona was on her feet now, sprinting for the door. Lex began to back away from the team, looking for the best place to make his escape. Nothing obvious in the main office, but maybe they had a fire exit in the back…
"If you don't want me unmasked, maybe you should call off your crimefighters," he said, eyes never leaving the group.
Two of them had started to approach; a tall woman with a swirling pattern on her jumpsuit, and a muscular man wearing a huge grin. Lex took another slow step back, wracking his brain as he tried to recall what their powers were. The man clearly possessed super-strength, and he knew one of the team could talk to animals, but he doubted it was the woman.
"Mmm, I don't think so," Uriah said. "You see, you're just another villain right now. You have no significance, and more importantly, no ties to me."
"Unless I tell them."
"Is that a threat, Alexei?"
Lex grimaced. The pair hadn't lunged yet. As soon as he got to the back wall, he'd make a dash for the break room. There had to be another door, or at least a window.
"Disengage, and report back to Titanium," Uriah continued when he didn't respond. "Or don't, and let them drag you back to prison. No fire." And the comm went dead.
He knew he shouldn't have expected any less. He didn't know why it still hurt.
"Surrender now, and you'll be shown mercy," the woman in the jumpsuit shouted. The duo was closer now, twenty feet away.
Mercy. What a joke. The Tower thought it was merciful for letting him stay alive. Uriah thought he was merciful for making Lex his property.
He took another step, and his back hit the wall. Time to run. 
Lex surged forwards, grabbing a computer monitor and chucking it at the male, dodging the woman's attack—was that an air blast?—at the same time.
Of course, she had aerokinesis. Just like Overkast.
The man took the bait, punching the computer screen out of the air and halting long enough for Lex to reach the door at the back of the office.
But even as he pushed it open—
"Hold it right there!"
A gust of wind threw him backwards, temporarily stealing his breath with its force. Lex rolled as he hit the ground, looking for another opening. The other half of the team was posted outside, but given that neither had come charging in, it was safe to assume their powers weren't combat related. Maybe he could get past them.
He ran at the big man, dodging a punch and kicking off his stomach like a springboard, then tumbling away from another air blast and coming back to his feet in front of the shattered window.
Teams like this were built for flashy confrontation, but he was made for quick strikes and evasion. As he'd suspected, the pair outside looked more ready to flee than try and stop him, one of them diving aside as he leapt through the window, throwing up an arm to shield his face from the jagged glass.
He was a second too late to realize she wasn't dodging. She was getting a better angle. A shining purple net flew from her fingertips, wrapping around him, tangling around his legs and sending him crashing to the ground.
Lex tried to feel for the edge of the net and yank it off, but his metal fingers were made for function, not touch, and it was hopeless. He tried gripping it tightly and tearing it apart, but the thing didn't seem to be made out of regular rope.
Shit, shit, shit.
Uriah had said no fire, but maybe he could use it to get away, maybe—
A boot collided with his chest, knocking the wind out of him. He fought past the discomfort, rolling into his side, trying to regain his footing through the tangle of net—
Another blow caught him across the face and he fell, spitting blood.
"Another one for the books," said a voice above him, the jumpsuit woman. The finality in her tone, the air of command, reminded him oddly of his mother. "Good work, Weaver. How 'bout you make us a pair of handcuffs?"
The edge of the net tickled Lex's nose, and he grabbed for it, holding on as he dodged another blow and stood, pulling the net off and turning to run.
He heard the air blast coming, but wasn't quick enough to dodge; it sent him airborne, and he hit the ground hard, landing in the alley across from the travel agency. He was on his feet again in an instant, but the team was already on him, blocking his path.
Dead end behind him, Heroes in front. Onwards and upwards.
He kicked off the wall, catching a blow to the ribs as he caught hold of a window ledge and hefted himself up, towards the roof.
"He's getting away! Crash—!"
"I got him."
Lex took off sprinting across the rooftop, trying to outrun the thudding footsteps behind him, making a beeline for the edge, preparing to jump—
—And being struck from behind, the wind knocked out of him as he was tackled to the ground.
The big guy was on top of him, aiming heavy blows at the side of his head. Lex got his arms under him and pushed up, managing to unbalance the man just enough to pull himself out from under, but the guy closed a hand around his ankle, dragging him back.
It was all he could do to flip himself over and get his arms up to protect his head before he was pinned again, the big guy raining frustrated punches down on him.
"You shoulda— stayed down— the first time—!"
A punch grazed Lex's jaw. Another caught him in the temple, spiking his vision with white, but the big guy didn't stop. 
Eventually, he felt the pressure let up from his chest. He squinted through the blood flowing from a cut on his forehead to see the other man standing up. Lex tried to roll over, tried to crawl away, but his movements were slow, and his efforts were rewarded with a flurry of kicks.
A knee pushed into his back, right between his shoulder blades, and he winced as the man grabbed a fistful of hair, jerked his head back, and slammed it into the concrete rooftop, sending an explosion of pain through his skull.
"Stay the fuck down," he said, and as he got up, footsteps moving away, Lex felt very, very tempted to obey. Even just lifting his head hurt. But he knew what was waiting for him if he didn't get moving.
The moment the big guy disappeared over the side of the building, Lex started to push himself up, trying not to let any audible winces escape as he struggled to his feet.
He couldn't wait, couldn't let himself take it easy. There was no time to lose. (Choose, bruise.) He tore off his mask, chucking it onto the next roof over and praying it would be enough to lead the team away, then moving to climb down into the alley below. Just as he was lowering himself, a hand reached up from the side opposite him.
Not seeing another option, Lex let himself drop, the sudden sensation of falling punctuated by the white hot crack of a bone. Fear and adrenaline taking over, he threw himself into a nearby dumpster and pulled the lid closed over him, clamping both hands over his mouth to try and muffle a whimper as the voice of the big guy, two stories above him, began to hurl curses at the sky.
He didn't know how long he lay there; ankle throbbing, the slightest shift of movement sending a ripple of pain through him, blood sticky on his face. He was sure he'd broken a few glass bottles when he'd jumped in, but was afraid to check himself for lacerations. It wasn't like counting his wounds would make them go away.
The world outside was pitch black when the comms finally crackled back to life.
"You've been in one spot for hours, Alexei. Tell me you're still alive."
Lex took a breath before answering, a hopeless effort to steady his voice. "S-still alive."
"Mm. I shouldn't have doubted your tenacity. I want you back at HQ by sunrise."
He hated himself for even asking, but Titanium was miles away, and he knew something in his leg had snapped when he'd hit the ground. "Is someone coming to collect me?"
"Transportation is only provided for successful missions, I'm afraid."
Lex clenched his jaw. Under any other circumstance, he'd find a way to bear it. But with a deadline that couldn't be more than a few hours away... "Please. I-I think I broke something. I don't know if I can make it back by dawn."
Uriah let out a low chuckle. "Then you'd better start walking."
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing
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bigsunflowergang · 11 months
Being Honest (E42 Miles)
You're changing, I can't stand it
My heart can't take this damage
And the way I feel, can't stand it
Mmm, I don't understand this
"Miles what the fuck is your problem?!" [name] shouted out of pure frustration. It had been about 2 months since the death of Mr. Morales and Miles seemed to only be getting worse as time passed.
[name] had been the only one of Miles's friends to actually bond with his dad, so she was almost as hurt as he was, knowing her pain could never match his. Not that she could really let that show as she was too busy trying to make sure Miles didn't crash out.
"Bro just leave me alone right now" he cut his eyes over at her, observing the way she almost exploded at him but calmed herself down.
"Look, Miles, I know you're hurt. I promise I do. But that doesn't mean you can walk around and treat people who're trying to make sure you're okay, like shit!" she huffed, trying her best to get through to him.
His head slowly turned to her and they made intense eye contact before he spoke.
"Nobody asked you to"
[name] looked at him like he had 3 heads before she chuckled.
"Oh okay. Well since you Mr. Big and the fuck Bad, I'll leave you to your business, the fuck" she said, scrunching her face up while gathering her things.
Not a word was said as she walked out of his room.
Lately, I've been feeling' alone
But I'm clutching my chrome
Pray to my mama I'm gon make it home
Twenty missed calls, I ain't answer my phone
Miles watched his phone ring over and over, eventually silencing it, already knowing who it was.
He knew every night when he put that suit on, was another chance of him not making it back home. Not that he much cared about his own safety, he just didn't want to put the loss of both her husband and son on his mom. In the back of his head, he also knew he wouldn't ever want to put [name] through that type of pain.
The night she walked out of his room, he felt like she gave up on him. In his head, he figured it was going to happen, which is why he expected for that to be the case. So when she called him that night, he just stared at his phone.
He stayed by himself most days. He didn't go to school anymore, nor did he barely leave his room whenever he was home. At nights, he pushed all of his thoughts away that didn't correlate with his work.
He was alone. But while he thought it would be best, he caught himself thinking a few times. Thinking about his life before tragedy struck.
When he still had his happiness. His dad. When he had [name].
I got my front, but is you behind me?
Get goofy like Martin and Gina
Or get greedy like Keisha and Tommy
Then get deady like Whitney and Bobby
He missed her. Even though he tried to convince himself he didn't, he knew he did.
At nights, he would sometimes sit on top of a random building and stare into the sky thinking. Memories of him and [name] before invaded his mind. The way they would just sit in his room for hours talking about absolutely nothing. Just basking in each others presence.
He thought about all the times she defended his name both in front of him and behind his back. The way she would randomly get suspended because "some bitch don't know how to keep your name out her mouth".
Thoughts of her smile and laugh filled his mind, causing a small smile to form on his. How she would laugh and smile her way out of any situation always blew his mind. He could daydream about her pearly whites lighting up the sky all day. How laugh she would hard whenever they teamed up to prank his or her parents. Or when he tickled her, he couldn't help but smile at the way she laughed and squirmed to get his hands off of her.
He thought back to the night of the argument. He knew he should've reached out afterwards or at least answered any of her calls. Quite frankly, he was scared. He didn't know what she wanted to talk about, plus he was scared to be vulnerable around anyone. Plus, he was keeping her out of harm's way the further he stayed away from her. In his head, he knew that was some bullshit and just a bunch of stupid excuses he told himself to bury the guilt under.
Whenever he tried to smoke the pain away, it just came back harder. He looked at the Dutch: Dream Fusion wrapper and felt a tug at his heart as he thought of how she specifically always asked for that type of gar. It was something stupid to get emotional at, but he found himself wiping a tear from his eye as he stared at it. He missed how they would get violently high and watch a movie while pigging out on a bunch of snacks.
After a few more thoughts and a decision to go with his impulsive thoughts, he found himself outside of her door.
You're changing, I can't stand it
My heart can't take this damage
And the way I feel, can't stand it
Mmm, I don't understand this
He hesitantly knocked, waiting a few minutes before the door was opened. He made eye contact with the girl he had been longing for for a month. Her eyes watered just like his before she embraced him in a hug.
He finally broke down. Finally allowed his emotions to be on full display as she hurriedly brought him into the house. He sobbed into her arms for what felt like an hour, taken over by the feeling of comforting arms.
"Fuck, [name], I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you out- well I did but I didn't- I don't- fuck I missed you," he sobbed, feeling her hands play with one of his braids as she shushed him quietly.
"It's fine Miles, I understand"
"What's all this noise-," they heard as another light turned on.
They looked up to the voice, seeing [name]'s mother.
"Oh, Miles" she sighed, walking over and pulling the boy into a hug on her own. "We've been so worried about you! [name] said you weren't answering the phone and Rio, poor Rio, she said she barely even sees you." she said, hugging him tighter.
"I'm sorry, ma" he mumbled, squeezing her tighter as well.
"And you know, if you need anything, we're here. You understand?" she asked and he nodded his head.
She walked back to her room, leaving the two teenagers in the living room.
"Don't apologize for taking your space. I understand." she said as his mouth opened to speak.
"I'm not apologizing for taking my space. I'm apologizing for how I acted that night. And for worrying you" he mumbled, making her smile softly.
"Don't. I shouldn't have-"
"You did everything right, pretty, I promise. I just..." he paused and sighed. "I just didn't want pity from anyone else. I was getting it from everyone. But I didn't realize you weren't pitying me, you were just... there for me. So thank you. A lot." he said, looking up at her.
She nodded and sent him a smile. "Don't worry about it. That's what I'm here for" she said, making him smile a bit.
"Yeah yeah" he said, waving her off playfully.
"Soooooo, we good now?" she asked, making him look at her like she was stupid.
"Nigga duh" he chuckled, making her roll her eyes playfully.
"Not too fucking much now"
The end.
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gwenthebard · 7 months
Pathfinder OCs and Fallout OCs. My Pathfinder OCs are primarily based around the Montague family of Ustalav, my Fallout OCs are primarily based around game MCs plus one TTRPG oc
Honestly I've written fan fiction about all of them, but I'm absolutely too terrified to share that
Buckle up y'all
The Montague family are Ustalav nobility, all disappointments to each other and all fucked up in their own and unique ways. I sort of have art for them, but it's just Hero Forge screenshots from them being largely game characters.
In alphabetical order:
Alaela Montague
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 123
Height: 5’4 (163 cm)
Ancestry: Elf
Class: Cleric
Likes: Her kids, Bad Boys, Adventure, Sex, BDSM
Dislikes: Settling Down, Purity Culture, Losing
Fun Facts:
Parents are wealthy merchants in Absalam, but extremely disappointed in their daughter’s life choices and don’t talk to her much.
The collar is not part of her uniform
Alaela's a bad ass Cleric of Calistria who fell in love with her husband after she tried to kill him on a dare and he found it really funny. They got married, but after having the triplets she realized she was missing a life of adventure. She waited until they were 12, said "I'm sure they won't get mommy issues if I leave now" and left.
She still regularly writes her kids letters, somehow knowing where they are even when theyre adventuring. Every year she hosts a family dinner where everyone's invited, but attendance is inconsistent.
Bella Montague
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Pronouns: She/They
Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Cleric
Likes: Helping people out, Howl, meeting new people, Unions
Dislikes: Vegetables, Alcohol, Capitalism
Fun Facts:
Is in horrible need of wearing her glasses, but thinks they make her look like a nerd.
Became a cleric to try and see her mom more (it didn’t work)
Bella's the middle child of the Montague triplets, and was actually the first of them I built. She's very much a jock, terribly built, and is a charismatic herbo who gets by on the fact no one asks her anything too complicated.
She can't hit anything, will eat or drink anything you hand her, and has built a slow resistance to poison from Howl testing his poisons on her since they were kids. They will do literally anything an older woman tells her to, and has accidentally unionized war camps.
Delilah Montague
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Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Witch
Likes: Death, Necromancy, The Eyes That Watch, Salem, Sally
Dislikes: Food, Baths, Bella
Fun Facts:
Uses Embalming fluid as her perfume
Sally is the only one allowed to fix her hair or pick her outfits
I'm actually playing Delilah in an Alkenstar game, and she's probably my favorite. Having suffered from sleep paralysis since she was a kid, on the first birthday after her mom left the creature in the shadows, the Eyes That Watch, sent her a cat as a birthday present. Salem's a talking cat who ambiguously hints he was once human, and is a himbo
She takes terrible care of herself, having not taken a bath or brushed her hair in decades now. Her outfit was white when and blue when she was given it, and she's never purposefully dyed it. Delilah often has to be forced to eat by Salem, though at the same time he eats most of her rations for her.
Howl Montague
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 68
Height: 6’6 (198 cm)
Ancestry: Vampire human
Class: Alchemist
Likes: Fashion, Sewing, Fiber Arts, Bella
Dislikes: Blood, messes, insects
Fun Facts:
Made the main outfits all of the triplets normal wear (armor withstanding)
Bella is the only one who gets to hear about how his experiments are going (she's the test subject)
Howl is the oldest Montague child, and is proud of having the best fashion sense. He wakes up every morning and decides he's the most impressive person in the country. Having trained to be an alchemist since a young kid, he specializes in mutagens and poisons.
Howl is a disaster pansexual and has a habit of falling fast and falling hard for every man and woman he meets. Absolutely has never gotten a date and never will, because he has negative game. Sally tried setting him up once on a blind date and he panicked and poisoned himself to have an excuse to leave early.
Kolro Montague
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Height: 7’5 (226 cm)
Ancestry: Vampire human
Class: Fighter
Likes: Bloodshed and massacre, subjugating the masses, torture, his wife
Dislikes: His kids, his life choices
Fun Facts:
Spends an hour every morning styling his hair and beard
Makes sure to schedule a collective twenty four hours of bonding time with each of his kids each year to seem like he cares
Kolro's family had ruled their territory in Ustalav for some time before he became a vampire. Killing his own father, he took up the titles and has ruled the territory with an iron fist ever since, his cruel exterior only pierced by Alaela.
Kolro has no idea how to raise kids, and literally thinks his kids aren't properly adults until they try to kill him and steal his titles and lands. None of them have tried to do so, and none hold a demeanor close to his, leading to constant disappointment. He's not sure how to interact with his kids in a way that's not encouraging murder or discussing the philosophy of war.
Salem Catenhagen
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Pronouns: He/Him
Age: ???
Height: Cat
Ancestry: Cat
Class: Cat
Likes: String, fish, catnip, women, flare for the dramatic, evil schemes
Dislikes: Water, long walks on the beach, The Eyes That Watch
Fun Facts:
Used to be human before betraying The Eyes That Watch
Considers himself the dad who stepped up to Delilah.
Literally just gonna leave this here, what else needs to be said.
Sally Montague
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Age: 63
Height: 6’3 (190 cm)
Ancestry: Dhampir human
Class: Druid
Likes: Her kids, Delilah, her husbands, nature, animals, flowers, trees, birds, bugs, green, brown, purple, pink, red, white, black (list continues indefinitely)
Dislikes: Fighting, anger, bad vibes
Fun Fact:
Stole her pearl necklace from her dad’s private vault as a memory of home
Is wanted in every country for violent acts of ecoterrorism she refers to as her “fixing the vibes in the room”.
Youngest of the Montague triplets, Sally has always been the silliest of the family. Loving peace, happiness, beauty, she was always considered to be a rebel in her family, something she thought stressful. When she fell in love with a halfling bard at nineteen she panicked at how her family would react and did the logical thing:
She robbed her grandmother's grave and placed the body in her bed, burned down her tower, stole the Montague family pearls, and faked her death for five years while she eloped and had a kid. By the time she returned, everyone was so happy about her being alive they didn't care about her taste in men. She primarily lives in a halfling commune with her three husbands and scores of kids and grandkids, but occasionally goes on trips to perform ecoterrorism.
These have a lot less information, mostly because most of them are my character headcanons and the one TTRPG one I've never gotten a chance to play in a game so it's just for my custom setting
I have a picture of my Sole Survivor OC, literally shitty "took picture of screen" because was playing her recently, but not even Hero Forge art for others so keep that in mine
Nancy Alberts
Origin: Lone Wanderer
Pronouns: She/Her
Nancy's genuinely hopeful and happy, but also very shy and uncertain about herself. Growing up in the vault she was the type to try and making people like her by being funny, but none of her jokes work in the wasteland so she's just nervous.
Ends up becoming really skilled at using automatic rifles and the like. She wears the power armor she's given while out on quests, but otherwise feels a lot of comfort in wearing her old vault suit while around the house.
She started getting a crush on Butch before she left the vault that she fucking hated and suppressed. They became a relationship of "well we know each other and not many other people" after he left the vault himself, and kinda on again off again until they actually started dating after the game.
Origin: The Courier
Pronouns: She/Her
Mouse lost big sections of her memory after getting shot in the head, remembering some vague details but forgetting a lot. Not remembering her actual name, she just remembers people liked to call her Mouse, and she was from farther out west. Wandering back out into the wastes she found herself.
She ends up becoming classic cowboy, using revolvers mostly with occasional non-scoped rifles, wears leathers and coats. She acts cheerful and happy, though is constantly on the verge of an identity crisis and crying regularly as she tries to figure out who she is. Tries staying alone at first, despite meeting few people, but does bring Boone along after helping him out.
Sees Boone as similar sad person for her to relate to, especially since it helps neither talks about their past immediately. Starts to enjoy his company and adds his gifted beret to her normal wardrobe. Starts to get a crush on Boone, but pretty much immediately knows he's never returning that.
Sleeps with Benny planning to kill him and thinking it's the best way to show Boone "not interested", but they end up talking about their feelings and regrets and she forgets to and falls asleep. Wakes up pissed off and tracks him down, ends up letting him go, and gets pissed at herself again and shoots Caesar for the hell of it before leaving. This all makes her realize how desperate she is for someone to talk to, and makes the crush on Boone worse.
Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road happens and she realizes it's not just Boone, she just has the worst taste in men and is touch starved.
She does the Yes Man ending, and tries and help people around her get better as she realizes she's a complete mess. Tries turning herself into a martyr, but friends keep pulling a "I will drag you into loving yourself" point
Julie "Snipes"
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Pronouns: She/Her
Origin: Sole Survivor
Julie grew up in the country and was used to needing to hunt and the like, with her dad being a major doomsday prepper. Gladly settled down and became a suburban housewife after growing up with that, trying to put that behind her. After waking up from being frozen she fell back on a lot of that, while spiraling mentally.
Julie believes completely in customization and sufficiency, though how far she takes it can be concerning. She primarily dresses as above and uses a sniper rifle and pipe pistol for close range. She stopped using her husband's name early on, though didn't feel comfortable taking her maiden name. In the end she ended up getting the nickname Snipes for her preferred method of combat.
She alternates rather regularly between being nice and supportive and wanting to go into the Wasteland and fight everything she sees. Generally tries to help others, but at the same time just feels really lost and unsure of how to act in this new world so she falls back on letting others do most of the charity work.
On top of building settlements and falling back on knowledge she has from her past she customizes everything. Her weapons, her armor, even herself in what ways she can. Julie got really into chems after the apocalypse, often making her own and using them during fights.
Doesn't really get over the death of her husband for a long while, not even removing her wedding ring the whole time or living his behind. Becomes really good friends with Hancock and has brief flings with Piper and Macready, but isn't ready for a full relationship. Does Minuteman ending, after the game she ends up retiring to Diamond City with her robot kid to try focusing on herself again.
Pronouns: She/Her
Origins: Fallout 2d20 (Custom Richmond Setting)
Morgause is a member of "The Kingdom", a group of ren faire descendents who formed a pseudo-medieval civilization. A member of the noble class, Morgause left it behind to seek a life of her own. Now she wanders the wasteland trying to help smaller civilizations, while escaping bounty hunters her family sends trying to bring her back.
Morgause still dresses in the pseudo-medieval fashion of The Kingdom, wearing long dresses and veils even to fights. Primarily using rifles, she likes to keeps her distance if a fight happens and use her charisma first when possible. Her dialogue's still peppered with the dialect of The Kingdom, though she's been trying to hide it as it's a subject of ridicule the farther out one gets from their territories.
Morgause travels alone mostly, though has recently started taking up group jobs in an attempt to socialize. Not really sure how to act outside the specific context of a noble of a single culture though it's been slow and with plenty of blunders. Her one and only attempt to have asked someone on a date having resulted in laughter
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 30: New York Christmas Serenade (3/4)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1825
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32
New York Christmas Serenade (pt. 3 of 4)
CS Genre: Canon Divergence (missing year between 3a and 3b)
“Mom!  Wake up!” Henry said, shaking her shoulder.  “It’s Christmas morning!”
Emma groaned as she woke up.  It was early.  Way too early.  By the look of the sky from her bedroom window, it would still be Christmas morning for another several hours yet.  It could barely even be called dawn.
“Alright, Kid, I’m up,” she said on a yawn, reaching for her robe and slippers.  “I know you’re all about opening the rest of your presents, but you’re going to have to wait for the coffee to brew.  You know I’m not awake before I’ve had my first two cups.”
“Don’t worry about that!” Henry said, “Killian already made coffee.  Now he’s working on breakfast.”
Emma froze.  Killian.  How had she forgotten the handsome stranger was still there?
Not long after Henry opened his gifts, Emma had glanced out the window to see it snowing with a vengeance.  Turning on the TV, she quickly found out why.  They were in the opening stages of a monster blizzard.
Emma shot Killian a concerned look.  “You have a place to stay?” she asked.  “Your home close?”
“I’m afraid not, love,” Killian said.  “I’ve yet to secure lodgings for myself.  It’s no matter, though.  I’ve weathered many a storm.”
The thought of turning him out into the blizzard had seemed beyond heartless.  Who let a guest of theirs go out and freeze to death in a blizzard?  Particularly one her son seemed to have an inexplicable bond with—especially after getting that storybook?  Particularly one she felt such a tie to. 
“Look,” she’d said stiffly.  “It’s nasty out there.  If you want, you can crash on our couch.  Can’t guarantee it’s the most comfortable bed you’ll ever sleep on, but it’s bound to be better than wandering around on the streets of New York in the middle of a blizzard, right?”
His eyes had lit up as though she’d offered him the best gift of his life.  “It would be an honor to sleep on your couch, Swan,” he’d said in wonder.  “You’ve no idea how much it means to me that you’ve offered.”
Now, in the (still barely there) light of day, Emma began to second guess her magnanimous gesture.  What did she even know about this Killian guy really?  What kind of a mother lets a strange guy—who could be a serial killer for all she knew—crash on her couch with her son in the apartment.
You’re safe with him.  He’d never harm you.
Now where had that thought come from?  It made no sense that she’d know that, but somehow she could feel the truth of the statement all the way to her bones.  Killian Jones was no threat to her or to Henry.
(Well…except perhaps to her heart.  Only one night in the man’s company—one very platonic night—and she could already feel herself falling for him.  What was with her?  Emma Swan did not get crushes like that!  She had her heart locked up as tightly as Fort Knox.  No way she lets feelings in!)
Emma took a tentative step from her bedroom and couldn’t help the groan of appreciation that escaped her.  It smelled amazing out there.  Coffee—strong coffee from the scent of it—percolating, bacon sizzling, pancakes on the griddle.  She took it back.  Not only was Killian no threat to her, she may have to just invite him to live with the two of them.
“Morning love,” He called with a cheery smile—how did he look that chipper after only getting a few hours of sleep on a lumpy sofa?  “I trust you slept well?”
“What little amount of time the kid let me sleep,” she said on a yawn.  “He’s lucky it’s Christmas or no way I’d let him get away with waking me up at the butt crack of dawn.”
Killian chuckled.  “No I suppose not.  I know full well a man is taking his life in his hands when he wakes you.  There was one morning on Never…er…I mean…you look like someone who enjoys her sleep.”
“Nice recovery,” Henry said under his breath.  “Making her think you’re crazy is definitely not how you make headway with Operation Captain Swan.”
“Never?  Operation Captain Swan?” Emma asked in bewilderment.  “What are the two of you talking about?  How do you know my sleeping habits?  And when did you and Henry suddenly become best friends? ”
“Not to worry, Swan,” Killian said, scratching away at that spot on his neck again.  “This morning the lad merely told me that the way to your heart is through your stomach.”
“The way to my…Are you…are you saying you want to get to my heart?” No way she was telling him that very organ was pounding so hard at the very notion she was surprised he couldn’t hear it.
In a blink Killian’s embarrassment faded away to be replaced by pure flirtatious mischief.  “Oh darling.  You have no idea,” he purred.
She held his gaze for as long as she could (which…ended up being less than five seconds), and then she hid behind her favorite defense—sarcasm.  “Yeah, well, you gonna take that bacon out of the pan or just let it burn while you act like an idiot?”
He shot her a wounded look.  “Of course I had no intention of burning your victuals, Swan!  It took me quite some time to determine the proper way to utilize your cooking box, and now that I have, I have no intention of ruining a perfectly good breakfast.”
“It’s called a stove, Hook,” Henry muttered under his breath.
Seriously, when did the two of them become all buddy-buddy?  And where was this guy from that he didn’t even know what a stove was?
She had no further time to ponder the big questions of her life, though, as Killian slid a plate of food and a mug of coffee in her direction.  At the first bite, Emma moaned in ecstasy.  The man could cook.
Looking up, she caught the positively sinful look in Killian’s eye.  “I quite like that sound Darling.  Perhaps I might endeavor to elicit it once more…sometime when we’re alone.”
“La, la, la,” Henry said, sticking his fingers in his ears.  “Kid in the room guys!”
Emma felt her face flame, so she did the only reasonable thing, she turned a withering glare at the idiot in leather currently seated at the head of the table.  “In your dreams Jones.”
“You have no idea.”
Emma glared again, expecting to see the same sinful look in his eyes, but what she found instead floored her.  Pure, unvarnished longing.  It was the look of a man desperately in love.  One who feared he’d never have a chance with the girl of his dreams.
The look called to her, and she suddenly had the insane urge to reach over, grab his hand and reassure him that he would find happiness one day.
Fortunately her hand closest to Killian was currently occupied shoveling as much food as possible into her mouth.
Breakfast was a short affair, eaten hastily.  While Henry was normally a pretty patient kid, waiting to open presents on Christmas morning would test the patience of any kid.
“Why don’t you go get your presents organized,” Emma said, getting to her feet.  “I’ll just take care of these dishes and I’ll be there in a sec.”
“Nonsense, Swan,”  Killian said with a hand to her arm…a soft pat that felt almost like a caress.  “Go have Christmas morning with your son.  I’m perfectly capable of righting the galley.”
“You sure?  I hate to have you cook breakfast and then stick you with dishes too.”
“Aye,” he said with a tender smile.  “Believe me when I say your happiness…yours and your lad’s…ensure my happiness.”
She smiled, impulsively reaching over and squeezing his hand.  “Thanks.”
“You are most welcome.”
The following hour passed in a veritable blur, Henry moving from present to present.  She supposed maybe she spoiled him with all the Christmas gifts she’d gotten him, but he was such a good kid and so genuinely grateful for everything he got.  And then, of course, there was always that little lost girl inside of her that would never forget what it was like to wake up on Christmas morning to a bare tree and a lack of family.  If it made her go a little overboard with her kid…that was just the way it was.
Just as the last gift—a brand new journal and gel pen (the kid liked to write)—was unwrapped, the couch seat beside her sagged, and Emma looked over to see Killian by her side.  Not only by by her side, but close enough she could feel the heat of his body against her.  It was…distracting to say the least.
“Um…” she said, clearing her throat and trying not to sound like a complete fool, “I guess that’s it.  The gifts are all unwrapped.”
“Not quite, Swan,” he said in a low, caressing voice.  “I’ve one yet to bestow on you.”
“Me?” she asked.  “You got me a gift?”
“Aye,” he said with a nod, turning away to rummage through his satchel once again.  I saw this and thought of you.”
“Th…thank you,” she said, taking the long, thin velvet-covered box he held out to her.  Opening it, she found a diamond and opal pendant in the shape of a swan attached to a fine, silver chain.  It was gorgeous.
“I know you don’t remember, love,” he said softly, “but this pendant reminds me of our first adventure…one of the most satisfying adventures of my life, and it belongs with no one but you.”
“The beanstalk!:” Henry said from his place on the floor, still surrounded by his Christmas loot.  “It reminds you of the beanstalk.”
“Aye,” Killian said.  “That it does indeed.”
It should have been completely nonsensical this conversation her son was having with her…pirate (No!  Not her pirate!), but somehow it simply wasn’t.  Something deep within her wanted to nod along and agree with them.
Before she could second guess herself, Emma leaned over and impulsively hugged Killian.  “Thanks!  I love it.  And…I mean, it’s still snowing out there.  If you, you know, want to keep crashing on the couch for the next few days, I’m okay with that.”
Notes:  I wanted to give Emma’s perspective on the things going on, but unfortunately, that didn’t give me an opportunity to show any post-memory gain conversations between Henry and Killian—or explain what Henry meant by “Operation Captain Swan”.  Don’t worry, all will be revealed in the fourth (and last) section of this little story.
–Up next: We learn what kind of plots Emma’s boys have hatched to help her remember—and whether or not they’re successful.  As New Year’s Eve arrives, Henry tells Killian about a certain midnight-on-New-Year’s-Eve tradition in the Land Without Magic.
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lesbianslovebts · 21 days
Negative vent post. Uplifting words welcomed.
My gramma had an open wound on her leg for a while that finally closed. But neither us nor the nurses who regularly came out to the house knew that staph had gotten into her blood. Then it got into her spine, so her back was killing her for several days at home. We had to help her out of bed one day, it was so bad. We got her into her wheelchair, and then she thought she could go to the bathroom by herself. Well, we were stupid to let her try. She fell between the toilet and the tub. 2 EMTs, a cop, and like 6 firefighters came to drag her out of the house and ambulance her down to the hospital. On top of the existing back pain, she had a compression fracture from the fall. We found out about all the other stuff then, too.
She was in the hospital for about 2 weeks getting serious IV antibiotics to clear out the infection in her blood. They put a PICC line in for her to continue receiving intravenous antibiotics for 6 more weeks to clear out the infection from her spine. My mom had to fight the staff on multiple occasions to keep them from sending her home. Finally, they sent her to a transitional care unit where she would continue getting the antibiotics and start physical therapy. Except the TCU fucked up her warfarin dosage and made her INR skyrocket to 12. (Her blood was dangerously thin.) She went back to the hospital according to protocol.
Then Sunday, she fell out of bed at the hospital while trying to sit up. The staff were there and apparently witnessed it. Since it was a "gentle" fall and they did an "assessment," they decided not to do imaging of her back. My mom spoke with several people, all but begging them to do imaging of her broken, infected back to see if more damage had been done. One nurse was an absolute bitch to my mom. So she had her brother call to see if they would listen to a Man's Voice. They agreed to it, but then my gramma refused because it hurts too much to lie flat on her back on the hard MRI table. We tried to talk her into it, saying they could give her extra pain meds before starting, but she refused.
So tomorrow, they're going to send her to another TCU to continue antibiotics and PT. But who the fuck knows what happened to her back! The PT will probably do more damage than help, and that's if she even agrees to do the PT. If she refuses, I'm sure they'll kick her out. But we can't take care of her at home with this level of serious injury. My mom and I both work full time to keep the bills paid. My brother is on disability. My gramma has no money. We'd have to send her to a hellhole of a home, and if that happens, she'll resent us to death. Literally, she will just stop caring and die. And I wouldn't blame her! I can't even imagine her pain right now! Mental and physical!
On top of that, our house is falling apart because we are all multiply disabled. I'm immunocompromised and suffering from a severe cold that I picked up from my nephew despite being masked around him at all times. With my immune system, I could get lucky and be better in 1-2 weeks, or it could be 6-8 weeks. I only have 1 day left of PTO, which I have to save for a True Emergency, as if none of this is an emergency. Thankfully, my PTO renews on June 1st, but I have to make it through 7 more days of work like this.
I can't even begin to get into the household dynamics right now, but my mom has ruined her own health and aged 10 years in the past 1.5 years since my brother moved in. She will do anything for him if he asks, no matter how it destroys her. But if I ask for something, she is no longer there for me like she used to be. She racked up credit card debt for my brother and his lawyer for the divorce. She lets his kid come over every weekend, never mind the migraines, meltdowns, and illnesses it has caused me, and she will continue to do so. Even though I no longer have meltdowns and have grown fond of the little guy, he is a danger to my health. (It's not his fault! He's gonna get sick like all kids do, and his mom is an anti-vaxxer.)
I can't move out. I can't afford it, and even though my mom isn't able to be there for me like she used to, she still helps me with some things. (I am autistic and need support.) I love my mom. I resent her for her choices. I fear losing her above all else. She's my best friend. I am angry that she won't take care of herself. I watch her age and decline in health and burst into tears. We've made it through so much together. And somehow, we'll get through this, too, but I am so scared and tired.
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complexicn · 29 days
my name is [ KITTY WILLIAMS ] … and i am from [ HELLTOWN, OHIO ] and i’m a [ CLEANER AT THE HELLTOWN MOTEL ]. i lived in helltown for [ 27 YEARS ] because [ I NEVER LEFT, AND MY DAD NEEDED HELP ]. i am [ 27 ] my pronouns are [ SHE / HER ] and i am [ SYMPATHETIC, LOYAL, CURIOUS ] though some may say i’m [ ALOOF, SHORTSIGHTED, FRAUDULENT ]. i also hear i look a lot like [ TAYLOR RUSSELL ] but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because [ I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER ] but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
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FULL NAME: kathryn "kitty" williams FACECLAIM: taylor russell (bones & all micro fringe) PLACE OF BIRTH: helltown, ohio DATE OF BIRTH: november 30th ZODIAC: sagittarius GENDER: cis woman SEXUALITY: bisexual OCCUPATION: cleaner at helltown motel FACECLAIM: taylor russell (bones & all micro fringe) HEIGHT: 5'5" EYE COLOUR: dark brown HAIR COLOUR: dark brown PIERCINGS: ear lobes, belly button (long gone) TATTOOS: n/a, but only because she's never been able to afford one MBTI: ISFJ ALIGNMENT: true neutral FATHER: joshua williams MOTHER: olivia williams (nee, tbd, could be relative of yours!, deceased) OLDER BROTHER: devin williams (worked at the bowling alley [redacted redacted], missing)
her father (a certain joshua williams of kingston, jamaica) had met her mother (olivia tbd, helltown resident and supposed fortune teller) and the rest had been history — though love rarely touched anyone in such a pure stroke of luck, joshua and olivia had bargained to start a life together. he had wished to return to his family, but she had presented an ultimatum to remain at helltown for some reason or another, her excuse flimsy at best but who was joshua to deny the yearn of his greatest love? moving their belongings into the small place they could afford during the upheaval of a sudden, wanted pregnancy. their son and kitty’s beloved big brother, devin, was born… but by his astrology chart his mother had become obsessed with the idea that he was doomed for an unruly fate. still, not even the shadow that loomed above their heads like an emerging thunderstorm could’ve prevented their second child, kitty herself, her own chart coloured with strong faith and sparks of anarchy. though they lived from paycheck to paycheck with the constant bouts of mental health, they had been happy for a time, though kitty had only ever been too young to really remember those years. olivia, if you were to ask her parents and friends, had always held a penchant for waiting for the future rather than enjoying the present; alongside such a view on the world, she had also been a sloppy driver as soon as she had received her licence — as such, joshua had always warned her to be careful, to take a second before making a brash decision. it was also one of the reasons why it was normally her dad who drove the family anywhere. alas, some things are meant to be, with their dad late to pick them up from a birthday party a few blocks over, their mom had taken over, on her way there by the happenstance of one mistake after another, olivia’s car had crashed horrendously into a large truck, killing her on impact. the loss of olivia had been far too grand for joshua to understand, and by the yearning of his broken heart he had aimed to take his children back to jamaica in order to escape the unlucky stance of helltown… and they had, for a while, with the sun and sea a tonic to the incoming bubble of depression that lingered after the death of olivia. devin had been four years old, kitty just two, for it was olivia’s parents who asked joshua to return to the town with the children in tow, if only to silence their own heartbreak. having always been a kind, sympathetic man, joshua gave in after little restraint, but to return to the place where he had been the most happy was almost too much, and by lack of effort and motivation, joshua lost his job and relied on the state and olivia’s family for hand-outs. slowly the williams had repaired themselves from the inside out, devin had grown up to become an astute academic with a part-time job at the bowling alley, with the aim to leave town in order to attend college out of state. kitty had remained somewhat fractured, having inherited her mother’s displaced melancholy and suspicion that refused to leave them in peace — joshua called it the helltown curse, much to the rolling of the eyes from his children. but they had seemed to fix the potholes that had presented themselves, as kitty began to work in all corners of the town to help with the bills, her loyalty to her father the only important thing that mattered — for she was happy to play the second fiddle to her older brother. devin had been working at the bowling alley when he had gone missing, little was formally shared of his disappearance other than it was assumed that there had been no foul play. kitty, naturally suspicious, doubted the word from the officials, and from that very day has been searching for evidence of what had happened — dealing with the fallout by putting her concentration on finding out every inch of the story that has been kept from their door. her father? the loss of his son had proven too much, and after a nasty accident he was left paralyzed from the waist down, and as such had grown increasingly dependent on his only child.
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koishua · 2 years
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❍ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | At six years old, Heather Brown finds a friend in Jay Jeongseong Park. At eight years old, she realizes that she found a lifelong partner in him. At eighteen years old, she wishes that she had told him she loved him for the first and last time. She doesn't— couldn't— and it's all because she can't live a life without Daniel Choi.
❍ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | Daniel Yeonjun Choi, the one who leaves. Heather Nabeom Brown, a female original character, the one who follows. Jay Jeongseong Park, the one who is left behind. Additionally, Beomgyu Choi, Sunghoon Park and Heeseung Lee.
❍ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | angst, childhood best friends to almost lovers, drama, hurt/comfort, some minor scenes depicting familial issues.
❍ 𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇 | for the teaser, 0.986k words. full fic estimated to reach 20k-23k words
❍ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | continual mentions of hospitals, diseases and death. proceed with caution. more to add in the full version.
❍ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 | hey folks. i made this teaser post in hopes of it forcing me to finally get around to finishing this fic, which i have been trying to write since last july, might i add. the issue is serious, i need the motivation. send help, im suffering. also make note that although the romance is still there, it's not as prevalent as the pure bond between the three protagonists. jay x heather yes, but also the golden trio shiz we love to see hehe
❍ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | please send an ask if you desire to be tagged once the full version is up!
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. . . teaser.
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“Daniel?” The older boy hummed, looking up from his extremely important job that was meticulously peeling bananas to make them smoothies. She settled herself on the tall leather bar stools to watch as the fifteen year old threw in a handful of frozen strawberries from the large freezer inside the sturdy blender with a splash of milk to add to the silky smooth texture of the cold drink.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” The solemn look on her face forced him to turn the machine off for a moment. He examined the way the edges of her eyes seemed to redden by the second, glazing over to signify the oncoming wave of salty tears.
Yeonjun sighed, making his way to her side to cradle her in his arms, leaning her head against his chest to run his hands through her hair. He didn’t say anything even if he heard the muted sniffles or the thick in her voice.
"You know what 영원한 means?" She shook her head, "Well, flower, it means eternally— forever. I promise you— cross my heart and hope to die— that I will be with you until the end of time, okay?"
Her mother was leaving, but at least Daniel was staying. She wouldn't know what to do if he left, too.
Daniel was funny. He was always the one that had pretended to be an ox to chase her around the empty complex when her father was glued to his chair in his office at the top floor and her mother was occupied by her endless meetings that she never understood what the need was for.
She knew him ever since she could think back in her memories, maybe he was secretly her brother. That would make a lot of sense, wouldn't it? Or better yet, maybe he was her dad— or her mom. He felt like one anyways, he was always the one that took care of her.
Eleven year old Heather knew that he couldn't be her parent, he was extremely young to be so, so maybe he was either her long lost brother— she didn't understand why her parents never told her, though. That is, if he was actually her older sibling hidden away— or an angel disguised as a fifteen year old middle schooler who liked to teach her to be nice to other kids.
Daniel was nice, he got that from his mother who was working as her own family's cook for the past ten years. Mrs. Choi was always smiling and she never scolded her whenever she snuck into the kitchen to steal all of the freshly baked cookies one by one.
In all honesty, ten year old Heather really did think that she was the stealthiest living being while crawling her way towards the kitchen island. The woman had always managed to find her slipping away through the sliding doors with a half munched cookie in her hand, melted chocolate smeared all over her lips.
Why did she never get angry? She always gave her a small plate of them after wiping away at her messy face, she always had the kindest eyes as well. Why?
She supposed that was why Daniel was so patient. He was the nicest person Heather knew and she would forever stand by the fact that Daniel Choi would be the most perfect person in all of mankind.
He was nice.
Her mother was leaving, leaving her to her father— was he even her real father? Heather didn't think that she had a single ounce of similarity to him in herself. He had the yellowest hair she had ever seen. Even the pale kid from her old fourth grade didn't have hair as saturated as his.
Heather had smooth brown hair, she was a brunette, and yet he had the curliest of blond hair ever. Her mom, on the other hand, had the silkiest of rich black hair. How did biology work again? What if she wasn't related to any one of them? She had eyes that looked like her mother's milky coffee, very light brown— Mrs. Choi always said that her mother never knew what actual coffee tasted like, always mixing it with soy milk to the point where it was more of a coffee flavoured milk.
Her dad had blue eyes, they were pretty— not to say that her mother's dark eyes were not, but eleven year old Heather was just saying. What if she was adopted? She really needed to pay attention to her biology classes. The short quiz about how genes work was closing up on both Jay and her, but her best friend didn't have anything to worry about anyway.
He had always been smarter than her, but that was fine. She could always be the brawn of the duo— or the cutest one that got all of the attention of the adults to distract them while he slid out of the room to buy a pack of Mentos candy from the nearest vending machine— it was always ten stories below his father's office, but that was fine. Jay was fast— so that they could try to make a bottle of Coke explode out in the garden.
Her thoughts were muddled up yet again, mind running at incredible speeds, remaining unexhausted from hopping on one train to the other. Where was she again?
Ah, yes, Heather wiped her tears away with the back of her sleeves, noting the way Daniel looked much older than before as he looked down at her with a concerned frown.
She wanted a cat.
“Yes, flower?”
“Do you think mother is leaving because she doesn’t like dad anymore?”
“I don’t know, flower. Maybe.”
“Will you ever decide to leave if you don’t like me anymore?”
“Never. I will die before that could ever happen.”
“Okay, Danny. I believe you.”
“Good. Now, let’s drink our smoothies before they get warm.”
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imlearningtudraw · 2 years
Episode 11 of Under The Queen's Umbrella
This show is about a mother's love for her child(ren) and all of the ways it can go right and wrong. Like with Consort Ko and Simso's storyline from last week. Consort Tae and Bogeum's storyline showed a different kind of fallout that can happen when you recklessly try to achieve your dreams without thinking about safety and what other people's agendas may be. Queen Dowager used Consort Tae and Bogeum for her own goal and then tosed them aside once they were no longer useful to her and unfortunately Consort Tae didn't have the foresight to see that coming or to even consider it a possibility of happening.
I loved that Queen Hwaryeong was there to comfort both Consort Tae and Bogeum. Telling Bogeum that it's okay to acknowledge your sadness and to openly show it that way people can know and help and be there for you. And telling Consort Tae that her drive to support Bogeum in reaching his goals put him in danger and was detrimental to his wellbeing and safety.
I loved the scene of Consort Tae apologising to Bogeum and him openly crying and having this mother hug and comfort him. He needed it and I'm glad that she was there to give him the love and support that he wanted and needed.
Also love that Hwaryeong asked Bogeum to support Seongnam as a trusted advisor. Love that she sees his smarts and supports him and she's absolutely right to. Better to have as many smart people around Seongnam as possible so that they can all work together to lead and care of the kingdom.
I'm glad they did the paternity. Good luck to Consort Hwang and her dad because now Queen Dowager knows that Uiseong isn't King Leeho's son ..... Yikes.
Also Seongnam was conceived before the period of mourning of the late King's death so he wasn't born out of sin or whatever 💀💀 I'm glad that's ironed out. Also I'm happy that Seongnam now knows why he grew up outside of the palace and I'm glad that he was understanding of his mom. Again it's very clear that these two love eachother to deepest degree. He's a mama's boy - all of the sons are - and hopefully they'll become more affectionate and even softer with one another now! Also love that he acknowledged and knows that she never forgot about him from her constantly visiting him and sending older brother/crown prince (rip) to see him and teach him things. She did what she could with what little power she had and I'm glad that he realises it!
There are theories going around that Physician Kwon is ex-Queen Yoon's son, Uiseong's father and isn't actually in-love with Consort Hwang and is just playing her as part of the plan for rebellion. I believe the first two but I don't know if he actually loves her or not. That I am stumped on. If he is Uiseong's dad and he is ex-Queen Yoon's son then it would be a case of rightful heir vs rightful heir with Uiseong and Seongnam. But Uiseong is a not suitable for the throne with him having killed that man during the crown prince contest and all, so we shall see how they'll handle this storyline.
It broke my heart when Hwaryeong said that it did make her sad when she realised that Leeho was frequenting her chambers to see then Lady Maid Tae and not her. Hwaryeong really has loved that man from the beginning. I think that she liked him first but Leeho was in his baby boy/playa playa era and so she slowly lost faith in him romantically and then just resigned herself to being his Queen and friend but at the same time his romantic love grew more and more for her. He's disappointed her countless times I'm sure - his number of concubines is exhibit 1 and her telling Chowol to not depend on a nobleman is exhibit B (that was definitely experience talking) - but I still feel like she loves him and he clearly loves her. They have great chemistry though so despite the tidbits of their history we've learnt I'm still rooting for her 💀🥴 please people have shipped worse couplings!
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