#nat said 👁👄👁
Spooftober Shenanigans
!Disclaimer: This picture does not belong to me it belongs to @adi06lena! Again it belongs to @adi06lena not me. Plz for the love of god DO NOT send my sis hate!
Tony: there's been a security breach. Run away dildo in the laundry room
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Nat: wtf??
Kate: who's is it?
Yelena: not mine Wanda: I thought that's what I saw when I walked past🤣🤣 Pepper: that's gross asf yall need a room. that's what bedrooms are for Nat: lol *lowkey snickering on whoever left the dildo in the laundry room* Kate: I had to take a double take on it lol Steve: Someone please take their sex toy. some of us have had enough of seeing it Tony: so you admit you enjoy seeing it Steve: that's not what I said Tony: guys cap says it's his Y/n: we go away for a few days and you have a sex party I wasn't invited to??? Nat: *sitting next to y/n and hits her in the back of the head* Y/n: ow! jeez no need to be that possessive Y/n:...besides you did stick on there after you fucked me before I left😏 Tony and pepper: 👁👄👁 Steve: Language! Also Steve: done with life Yelena: *silently eating while watching the aftermath unfold on the couch*
tags: @adi06lena @mrscromanoff
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evansbby · 2 years
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When she said “Thor loved it ” my spider senses started ringing * what if he starts lusting over me Natasha ? *
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I am immuned to it by now i guess....by the way both is the best option 🥂
Kajsjjsudhsb each time you post something i go feral damn girl i said damn you're so perfect in the way you write
Also poor Bucky 💔 mf deserves it tbh but yeah
AHHH thank you!!! and omg I didn’t even think about Thor lusting after reader, I think he’s very much in love with Nat! But that doesn’t mean the other alphas at the part didn’t. Lmao I can imagine poyt!Bucky was standing there watching Steve get omega off in the secluded corner all like 👁👄👁
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
I thought the pain of Natasha's death on Endgame was something I would never have to watch again. And then... well... savage americancowgirl appears with a new chapter and seriously I should have seen it coming wink, wink. You killed me... And It Was Awesome ASDFGHJKLÑ
I just saw the pics of Nat and T'Challa and I was like.. naaah, she wouldn't.... wouldn't she???? 👁👄👁
The rhythm of your story is so sooooo hyping!! Did I just read a wink to a certain series? In the part when reader is trying to anger Killmonger??? ASDFGHJKLÑ
When T'Challa said he was gonna win, I just looked at a point in my room and stared like I was in The Office cause no, motherfucker, you won't.
T'Challa: I will win.
Narrator: He did not win, he died, actually.
Now I'm gonna go lay back for a while an cry meanwhile I wait for the next chapter.
Thank you for sharing your work!!!! ASDFGHJKLÑ 🥰🥰✨✨🫶🏻
Omg! Killing Nat killed me! I didn’t want too but I have to admit I love bringing chaos and heartbreak 😈😈🤣🤣
I’m really glad you picked up on references and are enjoying this! I’m working on the next part now! There’s hell to pay for sure…
I literally did the same thing as you when I had T’Challa say that line knowing that he wasn’t going to win. I just stared off and smirked knowing everyone would see what was about to happen.
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Marvel characters with s/o who has gen z humour !
warnings : swearing, jokes about serious matters, concerned avengers LMAO, fem reader in mind
characters included : tony, nat, thor, steve, wanda, pietro, vision, bucky
tony stank stark —
cue bug eyed expression
tbh he will probably make similar jokes but coming out of your mouth, the person he cares most about
he almost has a— i was gonna say heart attack but he ain’t got one 😟 you get the gist
when you reassure him it was a joke he just barely calms down
clings to your side for a bit after said concerning joke
if asked he won’t admit that he was scared shitless
eventually gets used to it tho
and even agrees sometimes
people are so concerned for the both of you they just watch your interactions like 😮
‘these hoes fr?’
he doesn’t really find your especially concerning jokes amusing per say but he won’t almost faint with worry for you
moral of the story is give the poor man a warning
so he doesn’t almost channel his endgame self bc of you.
natasha romanoff —
she’s like : 😶😮😦
“don’t say that.”
cue concerned pouting
and you’re like issa joke bby
but she ain’t convinced
from that day forth she officially declared PDA her thing and was all for it, just to show you how much she loves you
she’ll grow used to it
apologies to other concerned and bewildered people on your behalf
a lot of tired sighs
some hidden laughter
but she’s mostly concerned 😭
don’t get me wrong, bae has a great sense of humour but the gen z level humour is a whole other level
won’t really join in on the joking, she’s gotten used to ignoring it at this point
it’s normal for her after a while so she forgets that others are concerned
but hey? your sense ‘a humour is a part of you so she loves it... kinda.
thor odinson —
imagine the most horrified, appalled, shocked facial expression
that’s his reaction
exactly that.
“lady y/n why would you ever say such a thing?”
you have to sit him down and explain that it’s just how you speak, you don’t mean it.
... most the time anyway 😁
he’ll tilt his head confusedly
“why would talk of your demise be humorous to any sane creature?”
bitch i can’t he’s so cute
he’s like a concerned mom 😭
while always frown at the comments
so you lay off on them as much as you can, not liking the unhappy expressions he makes
the rest of the team find his reactions absolutely adorable tho they won’t say that
but also annoying cuz in the middle of full on blood guts and gory fights he’ll come over and hug you and check you ain’t feeling like throwing yourself in front of one of whatever it is you’re fighting
it’s cute but like-
miss ma’am we’re in the midst of a battle
anyway he’s the sweetest<3
steve rogers —
my guy would be FLABBERGASTED
and really sad :(((
he sketched out your whole lives together you couldn’t just leave him now
“what’s wrong? are you okay? did i do something- i’m so sorry if i did-“
and you’re like “no, no, sweetheart it was a joke.”
but he just frowns
“well it wasn’t a funny one.”
rude 🙄
we could say the same about your bland white boy 40s humour but we don’t do we
this humour and him don’t really mix well LMAO
but, for you, he’ll try and come to terms with it bc he would never want to change anything about you
and everyone around you is wondering how this relationship dynamic works
bc for shit half as worse as the stuff you say, steve reprimands other people
but with you
it’s just like a free pass
and everyone else’s like 👁👄👁
and you’re just like 😁👍
you’ve got the man whipped so he don’t do or say shit
not in public at least
wanda maximoff —
my baby is the cutest of them all :(
i love her so much
the first time you make the joke she knows you don’t mean it bc she can literally be your mind
but she still gives you a slightly frown-y look like ‘stop please’
and idk bout youse lot but i’d melt at that look
you smile at her in reply
and she gently grabs your hand and kisses your palm affectionately
sorry that was me malfunctioning
:) moving on
i feel like she might even laugh at some of your jokes because she knows you don’t mean them in a serious way
and she gets more clarity from seeing in your mind that it’s literally just how you joke
you & pietro would be besties
and wanda would be the tired but slightly amused mom
she gives you warning looks when you say things death related in public and she can FEEL the shock from other people
hand squeezes in warning
thigh squeezes, too
basically wanda is just my favourite. :)
pietro maximoff —
i feel like he would have the same ish sense of humour
he’d laugh at every single one of your jokes.. just cuz he’s a simp
and he’ll join in with the same energy
the two of you are in your own little bubble of gen z humour
and everyone not in said bubble is so concerned 😭
“hey piet what do you think about speeding the both of us off this cliff and ending my suffering?”
“only if as my dying wish i get a cheek kiss, princesa.”
“done deal.”
everyone is is like ‘uhhh guys..’
steve’s sneakily pulling out his written and rehearsed speech about mental health awareness
straight up cackles are always heard from the two of you when you’re around each other
cuz you just get each other’s humour
oh, and you’re around each other all the time
so the non stop laughing drives the team absolutely up the wall
vision —
please my mans would give you the number of a suicide hotline
and you’re laughing like —“it was a joke vision.”
his poor android self don’t understand
and probably will proceed not to understand 😭
you have to thoroughly explain your humour to him for him to like 🤔😯🙂 ‘i understand now’
still tempted to give you the suicide hotline number ngl
it would be okay-ish if the jokes were once in a whole bit it’s like multiple times per day
can you hear his electric brain frying ?
you confuse him a lot
like a lot a lot
but he knows he loves you
and will continue to do so
despite your confusing sense of humour
bucky barnes —
JAMES the love of my life
the last he remembers of society, it was still a majorly sexist time and the girls he knew certainly did not act like the girls now
especially the humour
so this fine ass man is SHOOK
bae fully freezes and is like - 😲
he just looks at you in stunned silence
and you’re like 🤨”what?”
“you- yo- are you okay?”
and you realise what’s the matter and it’s hard not cackle but you plaster a smile on your face and push down the laughter
“yeah, yeah i’m fine, that was a joke.”
“that’s how people joke now?”
you just explain to him it’s your sense of humour and his still in disbelief
will call steve later on that day on the device he doesn’t understand and inform him
the sexc grandpa duo share their shock
never gets used to the jokes
he doesn’t comment tho
he just shakes his head with a small smile
because even tho he doesn’t understand your humour or why you even find what you do funny, he genuinely thinks you’re perfect the way you are
plus if he understood everything about you and you were just normal it would be boring, he’ll admit.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
i can imagine wanda and nat taking bambi out for shopping. they all went to a mall, then nat and wanda planned to take bambi to a lingerie store 👁👄👁 bambi is all confused bcs she doesn't know what a lingerie is??? why is it so small and showing too much skin? she then saw a lingerie that kinda resemble what she wore at the jungle hgghgfghj 🥺 she's still confused and she asked nat, and nat said "steve will be so happy if he sees you wear one of this. esepecially the one with red and blue." and then she goes all wide eyed and excited bcs if she wore it she will make steve happy!! "oh! steve like? he likes i wear this? can we buy? please, want to make him happy. me his good girl!" 🥺😣😔
and when they all went home steve is in a meeting with fury and bambi met sam and bucky. sam asked is she having a good day with the girls? and she said "i buy something steve like! oh what is name? linge-lingery-lingeri? nat said it will make steve happy!" bucky hearing you ramble about your lingerie like 👁👄👁😳 "oh-okay" meanwhile sam formulating 101 ways to tease steve about it skshdjkdkd
so, yeah 😶✋
sorry for bad english! not my first language
this will be a blurb one day👁👁
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veeples-archive · 3 years
hullo 👁👄👁
🎁 📎
👁👅👁 hullo
🎁 - what kind of gift giver are they?
Fiona is someone who listens to what people offhandedly mention “I’d like this thing” and writes it down and gets it for them for that ~perfect~ gift giving moment. Even if it means she might spend way too much money and sometimes the person buys the thing themself! She absolutely loves watching that look on someone’s face when they get something they want and they realized it’s because she listened to them.
Charlie is a very practical gift giver. For instance, if someone had say like, a dice collection, they’d get a pretty nice looking dice organizer or something of the sort. Or if she really is at a loss, she’ll get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant with the encouragement that they treat themselves. Or she’ll just ask very bluntly what they would like.
Lu is someone who really wants heartfelt gifts. For instance, he would give Felix a nice scrapbook since he noticed Felix took an interest in taking pictures and includes tickets to like, a movie or something he wants to experience together with him. He’s also the person who buys Hallmark cards and then writes a small essay in the card about his feelings but he needs that jumping off point lol.
Faustus is the type to splurge big on gift, but with the detective’s salary, it’s usually just the one. He doesn’t really do heart felt gifts, he doesn’t like that kind of emotional confrontation, but he’ll buy someone a nice cologne/perfume or something because, like Nat, he is a big believer in enjoying very nice things even if they are pricey. For very special people, if he feels they’re open to it, he might write a song just for them and then perform it. This is just for his serious lovers though.
📎 - how organized is your oc?
Fiona has a bullet journal she keeps up with r e l i g i o u s l y and that she spends a good amount of time making look cute! That being said, she spends so much time looking cute she sometimes forgets certain appointments and dates. Her desk area is pretty neat though with lots of cute office supplies and coordinating stickers/colors. It’s not something she’s naturally good at and it has taken her time to develop a system that works for her.
Charlie is the most organized of the four. She doesn’t waste time with paper organizers. She’s entirely digital and sets alarms for things. The first thing she does is check her calendar and things that may be due (bills, projects, etc) when she gets up in the morning and makes a sub-to do list for the day. She definitely likes taking advantage of technology and apps to help her! Her desk is very neat and organized and she gets actively flustered/annoyed when things pile up and disrupt her neatness.
Lu is pretty average. He has a desk calendar where he writes dates for meetings and such, but doesn’t think to have something similar for that to carry on him and he is easily distracted with conversation with Tina & Verde, so if he doesn’t write it down, he will forget it. His desk is a mess but he swears he knows exactly where everything is! He doesn’t like it if people try to organize it for him.
Faustus is not organized in the slightest. I did write something that touches on that that’s a look at his personal desk in his Warehouse room. It’s littered with scraps of paper and notes. He will not claim he knows where things are but can at least sort of point in the general direction. His memory is pretty sharp so he relies on that (a bit too much) to slide on by for most things. And when that fails, well, he can find a way to charm his way to a softer punishment or talking to. He just wants to go with the flow!
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yelenasdog · 3 years
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