#ngnl stephanie dola
serexvu · 3 months
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stephanie dola from no game no life
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ne0ndraws · 1 year
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NGNL doodles because I am in hyperfixation hell…season 2 when kadokawa we are all on our knees
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Sora: Steph, can you do me a favor?
Stephanie: I'd willingly die for you, but go on.
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addictofanimation · 4 years
I'm a Little Sad...
Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I'm just in NGNL Hell. While I didn't like how fanservice-y it was, I did genuinely like the characters. Sora was an inspirational pervert (who would sometimes go too far), Shiro was an adorable child genius (it was fanservice of her that I hated the most - she's eleven), Steph was an idiot (but still likable), Jibril scared me and made me uncomfortable at first (then made me laugh my butt off), Izuna did something to my heart (probably helped that she was cute) and Tet became my favorite character even though he got very little screen time (he was also the cutest in my opinion).
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I'm sure it's going to break my heart.
There is little to no fanfiction of this show on the internet and I don't have the money for the books nor can I find or read them online. There were under twenty stories on AO3 (most were crossovers of shows I hadn't watched), Wattpad had only Character x OC or Character x Reader (which doesn't help my new Tet x Shiro craving), and there was practically nothing on FanFiction.net (the only one I liked being the Tet x Shiro one).
I'm suffering. 😅
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kittyp333 · 3 years
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𝚃𝚎𝚊 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎!!
~𝚗𝚘 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
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k1tt1xruby · 3 years
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Bunny Stephanie Dola!
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qvalcuno · 4 years
Stephanie: How do people stay in the house all day?
Shiro: All my stuff is there and I don't like people. They're stupid.
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okkqtsu · 4 years
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- no game no life icons
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-𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒)
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dabombbarbie · 4 years
No Game No Life...is offensive
Since everyone is allowed to have their opinions, I'm going to give mine about the anime, No Game No Life. Trust me I was trying to be open minded when I started to watch, but there was just some things in there I just couldn't sit through, nor let slide.
First off I would like to say that, I don't really have a problem with fanservice...to a certain extent. I just don't really understand it, like I get that it pulls in viewers, but I just don't get people that turn to non-pornographic anime shows to get them off?
Like why can't you just go to hentai haven or something to get turned on? It makes more sense.
Anyway, my main biggest issue with the anime is how they present the main female protagonist, Shiro. I feel like you have to be fucking blind to not see that she's being sexualized, but they're trying to be kinda sneaky with it.
I feel like if you can ignore or let the fact that they're sexualizing an 11 year old girl slide something is wrong with you. I felt a bit uncomfortable that they basically showed her naked body. Excuseee me but I don't want to see someone that young, without clothes on.
"Yeah but they didn't show her nipples" is not an excuse. They shouldn't even be showing or exposing a bit of her naked body. She's an 11 year old, cased closed.
Also, I've never met anyone or experienced separation anxiety myself, and if I did it was with my mom when I was like 5, but I just find their relationship still very weird. Like if I was to not know they were siblings I would've thought they were boyfriend/girlfriend, and that's also disturbing because, like we all know, she's only 11.
Secondly, Stephanie is literally the most unbearable bitch there is and I hate how they created her. She's just the epitome of sexism, and is basically used as a sex toy throughout a good course of the show.
At least with characters like Erza Scarlet, she's not just "appealing to fanservice" she's also a fucking badass. Stephanie is just one of those cliche anime girls that just squeals, and cries, and drops to her fucking knees. I felt like the only reason she was created was to be sexualized and to be constantly half naked.
Such a waste of potential honestly.
Harem animes just piss me off in general, that's why I stay clear of them for that purpose. I just don't like the idea of a bunch of brainless sex doll bitches hounding after one guy, it's literally every nerdy virgins fantasy. If you can name me one anime where it's the guys chasing the girl I would honestly be surprised because that's definitely not the majority.
Yeah that's pretty much it, I mean if you like it you like it, but I just personally find it offensive, to me and my eyeballs. With all the bright ass colors and the oversaturation I was genuinely surprised that I didn't get a seizure.
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maidoftheday · 5 years
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Stephanie Dola from No Game No Life
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A temporary defeat is nothing if it leads to ultimate victory!
Stephanie Dola
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amekkusuu · 5 years
shiro w/ her first period headcanons
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shiro is freaking out.
is she okay!!? what’s going on!?? can she still play games!?? is she dying!??
sora is also freaking out because she goes to him for help first. and then they go to stephanie and she freaks out because they’re freaking out until she realizes why they’re freaking out and she promptly drags shiro away.
a long lesson on the female body and its functions.
shiro comes out mostly okay, if only a little horrified.
she hates her period, but, well, since when has anyone not?
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sora will still be freaking out because he doesn’t understand??? and he’s worried but he also really doesn’t want to know what’s going on
it looks pretty gross to him tbh (it is) and he wants nothing to do with it even if its happening to his beloved younger sister
yay for supportive older brothers
it’s uncomfortable. she’s trying to play a game with her brother and oh wow now there’s blood all over her fucking chair! yes, great, amazing! now she has to postpone her game and wash everything! woooo!
she has trouble falling asleep because she thinks she can feel blood everywhere, and she ends up staining her bed and staying up all night.
idk if they have womanly products where shiro is now but hopefully. it’d suck even more if they didn’t.
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so. her first period.
well. she just. really hates it.
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okamarinosuzoki · 3 years
Don’t show her (Sora x Steph)
also available on ao3 :)
Steph looked Sora and Shiro opening their gift. Today marked the third year of their arrival in this world and she had thought that giving them something to show her gratitude could be nice after everything they had done for her – even if they always humiliated her as much as they helped her.
“It's a new game. It's really popular in town.” She explained when Shiro frowned.
“We didn't ask for this.” The young girl muttered.
“I know you didn't ask for this...” She sighed. After all, what they had asked was that she took pictures of herself – naked pictures – with one of their strange devices they had.
Shiro pouted and got up from her brother's laps to go to their bedroom, probably to try this new game. Sora watched her go before turning to grin at Steph. She flinched under his gaze. The fact that he had not spoken a word until now didn't reassure her and she could feel her hands beginning to shake. Timidly, she took an envelope from behind her back to hold it to him, her eyes not meeting his and her cheeks completely red.
“Please don't show her.” She whispered.
She held her breath when he caressed her hand, taking slowly the envelope with his phone inside. With his other hand he put two fingers under her chin and raised her head, enjoying her shy eyes and the flush on her face. She was so embarrassed to know that in a few minutes he would be watching all the pictures she took of herself, even though he had seen her naked body more times than she could remember.
“You know I don't keep secrets from Shiro.”
He ran away before Steph could catch him and smash his phone – and his head – on the floor.
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wakanawill · 6 years
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I’m reading No Game No Life Light Novel and I’m so happy that I bought that pink ink *^*
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qvalcuno · 4 years
Stephanie: You give me butterflies, Sora.
Sora: I don'r remember giving anything to you.
Stephanie: I mean I have butterflies in my stomach.
Sora, taking a step back in horror: You ate them?
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originalsinshiro · 7 years
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