#now that he doesn't drive anymore I'm the one who has to play mind games to figure out which church we can visit on the way to smth else
handern · 9 months
since some of you find these endearing, have some dad update :
he made me stand by the porch of a random countryside church some 4 years ago so he could estimate the height and width of said porch and with that he came to the conclusion that the porch was a later addition
he only now managed to find proof of that through the description of the porch he found in an architecture book from the late 19th century that said that one of the windows is early gothic even though when we were there it was OBVIOUSLY gothic imitation you know
so now he managed to not only track back when that porch was destroyed (after the publication of that book) he identified who was in charge of rebuilding it through a publication in a very local savants' newspaper from the early 20th century that he managed to unearth despite the fact that the article was about another church and only mentioned the one he was interested in in passing (he knew the names of all the local church architects already as you do, and knew that other church had been repaired in the same time period he guesstimated for the one he was interested in)
he is in the process of making a whole multi layer map with the dimensions of the church through time
it can't be used in wikipedia bc it's research and wikipedia only allows solid sources, personal works are forbidden and he refuses to share his work w the local savant society bc they're not academics and "run by some holy water font frogs" so he's just doing that for fun now
he swore for 6 months he wouldn't work as hard on the inside of that church's description as he did on the outside bc the vocabulary is a lot more specific. He of course failed this and I have received multiple texts and emails that mention how much he hates architecture
also he has an architecture expert nemesis now, a guy nobody heard about who died 80 years ago
all this was caused bc I wanted to visit the bat museum near that church 4 years ago
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
Hello I've now played Pikmin 3 and I'm beside myself with how Nintendo keeps doing Olimar like this.
After Olimar pays off President's whole debt (and then some) in Pikmin 2 he is... back on PNF-404 in Pikmin 3. Immediately. Like immediately. Because the President lost all their money again and he's sent Olimar and Louie back to PNF-404 again exactly the same as happens to Olimar in Pikmin 2 and this time there is absolutely an undercurrent of violence in Olimar's vlogs and logs. He WANTS bad things to happen to his boss.
But he's too polite and too composed so he's just keeping his cortisol levels down with elaborate fantasies of class revolution, and the mental countdown of how many days until he can get the FUCK off this planet and get home to his family for real. He was ship-wrecked and left for dead for 30 days in Pikmin 1 and fought and bled and killed for his own survival to make it back to his planet only to then IMMEDIATELY be sent back by his shitty awful boss to the planet for another ~30 days in Pikmin 2 (he hasn't seen his family yet) and then IMMEDIATELY is sent back in Pikmin 3 and he wants to go home. He wants to go home. His daughter sends him a message asking if he even lives with them anymore. I'm fucking beside myself.
THIS would all be... okay, at least, if Olimar actually got to go home. But No The Fuck He Doesn't. Because at the end of his mission he's kidnapped by concentrated pikmin nightmare fuel in the form of the game's final boss. Some non-corporeal omnipresent monstrosity which has kidnapped Olimar as a keepsake. A pet. A toy? Which allows Olimar just the chance to attempt an escape day after day before snatching him back and dragging him back to his eternal jail cell. The man who was just about to go home and finally see his family after 3 games.
You find his logs and he's just losing his mind, slowly. He knows he's never escaping. He's losing his will to try. He has nightmares of the pikmin turning on him. Louie's not coming back for him and the President isn't coming back for him.
Pikmin 1 is horror as Olimar is stranded alone with no one but himself to save him. His life support is damaged and he has only 30 days to repair his ship to get home, lest he die in the poisonous atmosphere of this planet. And it's horrifying but at least. At least. He had his own power to save himself. He makes progress steadily over the month. He has reason to keep his hope alive.
Pikmin 3 robs him of that. There is nothing under his own power he can do to escape the Plasm Wraith. His pikmin have all been killed. He's in an unwinnable Saw trap. And this time his life support system isn't damaged. It's the only thing worse than damaged - it's completely functional.
Given that, playing as the Koppaite trio, there is no time limit to save Olimar, I can only conclude Olimar's suit is fully functional this time. He has no food, no water, no chance to ever change out of his suit, but it keeps him alive. He's the Plasm Wraith's prisoner for as long as that suit will keep him alive. Indefinitely, maybe. Unless he could work up the nerve to remove his helmet himself and just end it...
But he doesn't. Day after day he tries to escape until he doesn't have the strength anymore. His suit forces him to sleep more and more, against his will, as a life preservation method. So he's forced to fade in and out of consciousness as this thing's prisoner. And this is forever. Until he dies.
The Koppaite trio rescuing him is pure coincidence. They were on PNF-404 for reasons completely divorced from Olimar. They should never have cared who he was or where he was. Olimar just happened to come across their warp drive key when they crashed, and he picked it up, right before the Plasm Wraith took him. They find him for the warp drive key. The Koppaite trio weren't supposed to save Olimar. No one was supposed to save Olimar.
And how. Awful. Because this time people KNOW Olimar is on PNF-404. President is back home on Hocotate and knows he's lost contact with Louie and Olimar. He could send help but he doesn't. He could COME to help but he doesn't. Olimar isn't waywardly alone this time. He's abandoned. And abandoned by the man who forced him into this danger.
And depending how well you play, and how many fruits you get as the Koppaite trio, a normal run is probably 20-30 days for them BEFORE you rescue Olimar. He was taken soon after they landed. So a month. Another month. Of Olimar stranded on this planet. Worse than ever before, as he's nothing but the mouse being played with by this world's cruelest cat. He hasn't been allowed to take off his space suit for a month... After ~30 days of Pikmin 1 and ~30 of Pikmin 2 and now ~30 of Pikmin 3. His daugher thinks he doesn't live with them anymore...
And then... okay and then... the Koppaite trio rescue him... They offer to bring him home. And Olimar's beside himself because he never thought he was getting off this planet. Someone's shown kindness to him for the first time in 3 games and it takes him by absolute surprise.
He and Louie get home.
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jessadamsdraws · 1 year
Some headcannon/ ideas for a Luigis mansion movie.
(Many of these ideas I'm planning to use for my luigis mansion fic once I'm done playing the 1st game)
In the beginning we will see luigi living / adjusting to the mushroom kingdom with mario. The events will kinda be like how he's in the mario and luigi games. The toads / Citizens of the kingdom treating luigi as non important. The only exception is our toad (the one with the backpack) who treats him with respect. After all that's his best friends brother after.
I'd imagine luigi is a booksmart kind of person while Mario is streetsmart. So it makes sense that luigi would do a bunch of research on this new world they now live in. His big thing being the power-ups. I'd imagine that he would cling on to them cause of his Insecurities about his abilities. I mean did you see him with that star power-up. It was amazing.
The turning point will be Mario gets summoned to a meeting by princess peach's order by a toad guard however that toad guard will be like "she only summoned Mario not you greenie" which Mario does get upset about but luigi being luigi says he doesn't mind saying back saying he's got stuff to do.
This will be when he gets the letter about the mansion. He dismisses it cause it's kinda sus.
At the meeting peach is confused as why luigi isn't there. Trues out its a misunderstanding. She ment for both to come but the toad though she ment only mario.
At the meeting she talks bout king boo taking over more land ever since bowser was Defeated. I also like to imagine Mario can't help but laughing after hearing king boo's name. Like he can't take the name boo seriously while all the toad and the peach are scared.
Cutting back to luigi he goes into town and buys things they need and over hears a conversation and causes luigis self confidence to Plummet.
The toads saying that Mario is stuck with a weak brother like him. That they feel sorry for mario.
But the gut punch is that they say that marios a hero and so may see that he doesn't need luigi anymore.
This cause luigi to act on Impulse. Because usually luigi is a planner however the conversation he heard made him spiral. So, he packs a bunch of powers-ups into a bag and graps the map and sets out.
Mario will just miss his bro leaving and sees the letter saying luigi won a mansion and he sees how sent it. King boo Territory. Mario leaves the house in a Frantic state knowing his brother is walking into a trap.
Here's the twist though. Luigi is not good with maps. This is why in the 1st movie Mario is driving cause luigi has a poor sense of direction. So luigi gets lost on the way to the warp pipe that will lead To the Mansion.
This is to explain why Mario gets to the mansion 1st and not luigi. It will also explain why he passes professor e gadd Without stopping to say hello.
There is more but this is the idea so far
May do a part 2
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plazmafields · 7 months
It's ramble time because I started another playthrough of cyberpunk and have some Thoughts.
(Spoilers probably)
So I said in a previous post that I don't think Kerry is dating V just because Johnny's in his head, and I still believe that. However, I was also under the impression Johnny was a womanizer and way straight. However, now that they've fixed it so that what Johnny says is effected by your approval with him, Johnny's said some ... things. Things that make me think:
He's jealous of Kerry and V's relationship.
If you have high approval when Johnny gives you the quest Holdin' On, you can ask him why he and Kerry were always at odds. Johnny says something to the effect of: "Kerry could never decide if he wanted to fuck me or kick me out of the band. Problem was he has a dick, so I wasn't interested."
Now in my last 2.0 playthrough, my choices at the end of Phantom Liberty locked me into a low approval with Johnny that I couldn't come back from. With low approval, if you ask him in V's apartment if he's ok with you sleeping with Kerry, Johnny says (paraphrasing): "Sleeping with? He fucked you once. Don't get used to it."
However, with high approval he says: "Yeah. Kind of ironic, Kerry was always trying to get into bed with me and I guess he finally got what he wanted thanks to you."
V responds to this with: "You know, it's not always about you. Thought ever cross your mind?" And Johnny gives a snarky remark.
With low approval, Johnny is very defensive about Kerry sleeping with V. He and Kerry were friends, good friends, but even Johnny admits (while at his grave) that he never let anyone get too close to him. Kerry probably knew him second best after Alt, but how much of that was Johnny truly opening up, verses forced proximity? I really don't feel like Johnny is the type to be all "what are your intentions with my boy?" any time Kerry got a new boyfriend.
With high approval, Johnny still manages to make it about himself (as always), but for some reason his tone of voice sounds like he's not joking, he's genuinely thinking about whether this counts as him having fucked Kerry.
Now this leads me to ask: was it Johnny who had the crush on Kerry, and not the other way around? He brings it up all the time while you're doing Kerry's missions, but after Rebel Rebel, Kerry doesn't talk about Johnny unless you ask. None of the options when you talk to him at home mention Johnny, on the boat when he talks about Samurai, he doesn't bring up Johnny, and when he talks about starting a new chapter in his life you can ask "does this have anything to do with Johnny?" he says No very confidently, then takes a second to think and realize that none of this "rebirth" would have happened without V and Johnny. But (at least to me) he doesn't seem to consider Johnny part of his life anymore.
I think Johnny HATES that. I think Johnny always saw himself as hot shit and the most desirable man on the planet, and the idea that a gay man didn't want him drives him crazy. If Kerry were straight then of course he wouldn't fall victim to Johnny's charms.
If Kerry were bi (see my previous post if you wanna know my feelings on Kerry's sexuality in game vs in lore) then Johnny would have been able to convince himself Kerry just liked women more than men.
But he's not. Kerry's gay and somehow didn't want to ride Johnny seven ways to Sunday.
I don't know if that makes Johnny bi or not, but I really feel that Kerry wasn't the one who wanted to get into bed with Johnny, it was always the other way around.
I'm not convinced by this next part, but here's some tentative evidence to the contrary, if you wanna play devil's advocate:
In Kerry's sex scene, we see he likes something a little rough, and in some texts he mentions that he gets turned on when V is short with him (mainly thinking of the text convo you get if you start Phantom Liberty already dating Kerry).
Maybe Kerry likes when people play hard-to-get and ignore him, maybe he's got a bit of a humiliation kink going on, and maybe he got turned on by the way Johnny was always mean to him.
I feel like that's stretching things tho, we don't have a lot of evidence for that, just a text that was added after the initial release of the game, and a single slap in a cut scene.
Another thing to mention because I feel like I can't NOT mention it: why the fuck does Kerry look DIRECTLY into Johnny's eyes as he gets head from a fan on the stairs??? That kinda throws a curve ball into all of this and I'm not sure what to make of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sucantslay · 3 months
Little Kanata analysis! Puka Pukaaa
HAHihOhUHI, i'm back at it again!!!
Just kidding, I read like, the first half of the Meteor Impact and am mentally on the edge of insane.
But...ignore it for now...
I wanna talk about our little god Kanata today!!!
Is our boy Kanata silly? Yes!
Is he also smart as hell? Yes!
Is he strong? YES 👏 HE 👏 IS 👏
I think a-lot of people misunderstood Kanata characteristics.
He's not just a happy, friendly-looking, puka puka water god! He's more than that!
I know you're all thinking that, because he has been seen as a god for all his childhood and still slowly making progress about learning the world around him, that means he must be just one kind and cute little fish right?
Clearly, that was never the case...
He's smart from the very beginning, and the things he doesn't know or can't understand don't mean he's completely stupid at it.
Kanata can sense things, and sense people's emotions, he's not a god who brought wishes to his people in all though years for nothing!
When Kanata meets Chiaki for the first time, he can sense something wrong with him.
And the next time they meet, Kanata also able to sense it very well!
Chiaki in the old time, once wish Kuro ( who was being beat up badly most of the time when they got a chance to face each other ) to be better. He wish all the one that bullied Kuro to be "serve by justice".
It didn't take Kanata long to find out about it. Heck! He doesn't even need a word from Chiaki to understand Chiaki's wishes.
Did I mention that Kanata at that time was really bad at communicating? He did not know much and only when you speak slowly and use easy words will he be able to talk back.
And yet! He was able to detect Chiaki wishes and did it in under one day!
Chiaki was dumbfounded when Kuro tell him that all the one that hate him is now being beat up so badly, they get scared and apologizes Kuro. ( boy did predict that on time... )
Also, Kanata is really smart, he didn't understand much but that didn't mean he couldn't do a thing with the knowledge he already had in hand.
There were many time when Kanata use the word "God" to describe other things.
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And just like Kanata, we'll do the same!
People's brains tend to use the old things, the stuff they already knew to help make up meaning for new things.
With that being said, Kanata is not used to the outside world, so it is normal for him to keep using the word "God" as a base/standard of view.
Later on, his view of mind is a little more open, going as far as taking advantage of his position as a "God" to help Chiaki track down Rinne and Niki.
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Rinne is also a smart-ass, but he himself has to admit that Kanata would use a move that he never be able to predicted.
Also, Kanata is really strong:
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If you already read the main story, then you'll have to remember the part when Kanata carried both Rinne and Niki in his arms, getting from some ramen shop a far whatsoever place to the DreamFes! WITH JUST HIS TWO ARMS!
Chiaki was with Kanata, yes, but he's busy with driving them from the shop to DreamFes.
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In both "Intersecting MotorShow" and "Leap into the Future"
We can see how Kanata was successful capture our Hero Chiaki and corner him right away.
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Kanata knew Chiaki well, and by that, he was helping the RYUSEITAI to grow.
Kanata wasn't just a little fish god, he was Chiaki biggest emotional support and the helping hand of RYUSEITAI.
If not for him, Chiaki wouldn't have a chance to dance with RYUSEITAI in the "Intersecting MotorShow"
If not for him, we didn't be able to have the 5* Chiaki card in the "Leap into the Future" event
Because when Chiaki decided to leave Tetora and hoped that Tetora would be able to grow as how he did.
Kanata said that this is not that of a "dark era" anymore, the kids need you.
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So Chiaki got on with that advice, joining Tetora and the others to play game, helping Tetora to get some time to relax.
Ah...I think that all is for today.
I'm tired, but I hope that this analysis will help you to understand Kanata more.
I love Kanata a lot, and so does the love for Chiaki, and RYUSEITAI !
Thank you for take for time to read this, hope you'll have a good day.
Send a thank you to @collectorcookie for giving me the inspiration to make this whole-ass post.
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bengiyo · 7 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Khai began his long recovery from his motorcycle crash. Charlie is destroyed and in the shop, and Khai has severe injuries. He refused Third's help because he's as embarrassed at first and his wounds weren't healing. Eventually, Third needed to step in and help him. The gangstas also broke into Third's messages to see how close he was with Un, which was not cool. Meanwhile, Two is sorta dating Lynn even if he's also jealous of Un hanging out with other people or being interested in Third. Bone is trying to be brave about his crush on Paan. We left at Khai punching Un out at a party and confessing his feelings for Third, and I know they better apologize to Un or I'm gonna need to see another ass whooping.
These dudes always start beef with Un. He has had any number of reasons to be rude to them and instead he helps them, tutors, them, drives them to hospitals, and provides opportunities for them. Now he's being punched out at a party and being yelled at because he kissed a girl while Khai is jealous. Like, we can talk about how Khai's reputation as a womanizer informed how people treated him, but GODDAMN why do they treat Un like this??
I'm feeling especially salty about Khai wailing on Un because of the discourse this year about male anger.
No one apologized to Un or asked if he was okay before the credits? We just applaud Khai saying how he feels about Third and disperse? I'm gonna need all y'all to line up so I can whip all y'all asses.
Ep.10 Begin Again
Un is better than me. I would not be this chill.
"I don't want to hurt anymore." I'm back on my Third bullshit!! Do not let your guard down, Third! You know this man plays games!
Khai is giving "But I'm here now" energy that is personally upsetting for me. It's not his fault he didn't know that Third was carrying a flame for him for years, but he is responsible for how callously he treated Third. He's used to playing up his neediness and Third responding to it, but that era is over.
Why is he so mean? Look, y'all, Third has always been a little mean. He's mean to girls who hit on him, and he's kinda mean to y'all for always being annoyed when y'all go out.
It's notable how not-cute Third is most of the time. He's extremely prickly and doesn't say thanks that much to people he's close to.
I tell you. The rituals around peeling shrimp was one of the first things I picked up on as specific to Thai courtship gestures.
I don't mind them using the group chat as a distancing mechanism to tease and encourage their homies. Seeing it written down and being able to look back at it later can be encouraging.
That's right, Third. Don't give it up after one date.
I feel like we were unnecessarily harsh about this kiss in 2019. I think this is actually pretty good.
I really am such a sucker for long-term pining.
Lynn doesn't deserve this!
Sending a messenger with files is also real. A lot of folks don't have the data structure to handle large transfers.
Oh ho. A little lie. That's how it starts. Khai wasn't wrong for giving this girl a lift after possibly bumping her with his bike, nor was he wrong when she flirted with him and he sent her on the way. Still, he knows now that Third resented all the girls and he's always avoided confrontation.
I recognize the song she's singing, but I can't place it.
🎶 Hey, Jealousy. Hey, Jealousy. 🎶
Seems like Paan is maybe not that excited about this wedding and knows ole boy is cheating.
Oh don't go into a kiss as you're crying, Paan.
Oh lord it's one of these ads.
Drama next episode!
I'm a bit out of step with the Un, Two, and Lynn plotline. I hope I have interesting commentary for them about long term pining when it completes. Bone and Paan have some flavor, but I get squicked out when teachers get down with their students. I like the way they used Ching Ching this episode with Third's jealousy because he's got so many reasons to be leery of Khai even if Khai is trying to change. Looking forward to that blow up.
As always, this rewatch is sponsored by @lurkingshan, with support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm. Tagging @twig-tea by request.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
hello hello!! i just randomly thought of this one while spaced out in class LMAO- could i have kaede, kazuichi and chiaki (separately) meeting someone who has the same talent as them? tysm, stay safe and have a great day!!
Kaede Akamatsu, Kazuichi Souda, and Chiaki Nanami falling for someone who has the same talent as them
I hope you have a good day too lovie
I'm writing this instead of working on my d&d campaign because I'm a procasinator and next session is going to be so mathematical I want to die
currently watching: Gen Z Childhood Trauma Iceberg THE COMPLETE SAGA
-Mod Souda
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Kaede Akamatsu
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✯ She is a tiny bit competitive. She's not used to people being on her level, or anywhere near it, as she's always blown the roof off. Initially, she doesn't know how to prove herself beyond trying to put emotional passion into her pieces and even writing a bunch of her own. When she first found out you existed, she spent a bunch of hours of her life researching you and watching your videos (you know what's even worse about you? You're hot. It's sick, makes her sick to her stomach, how could you be so perfect?).
✯ Once it came to her trying to pull you, she was so optimistic about it. Originally it was like keep your friends close and your enemies closer until boom, she wanted you to be closer to her than both her friends and her enemies. She knew that the two of you were like no one in the world so she immediately tried to convey her interest through pieces. She would chose romance-based ones. To a Wild Rose for small things like playing at restaurants while you two have a meal together (but isn't it a bit melancholic? She's pining, that song is what it feels like to her). She could play Chopin but that would only end in the two of you giggling together.
She breathed deeply, trying to steady herself. Why is she nervous? She does this sort of stuff all the time! Well, no, that's not true... competitions is not something she does that often. Her body trembled from a combination of anticipation and anxiety. Using her foot, she elongated notes as well as softening them. She played the music in which way the audience feels rather than in whatever way she felt. She needed to win - she needed to find something that can assure the world that even though you are out there, she is not going anywhere. Her confidence was unwavering. She was nervous because you are in the audience. In a more literal sense, you were her competitor. Did she want to impress you, or was she scared of losing to you? She let the melody stain the piano keys like rain to asphalt. She then put you, note by note, into the front of her mind until she discovered that it was your smile she was imagining - and it wasn't you smiling to the audience, but you smiling to her.
✯ Whose sheet music is whose? You guys don't know, you've only just now started to sign the top corner of them so you could keep track.
✯ She's used to being the one that soothes everybody but now gosh it's amazing to know that there's somebody out there who's capable of soothing her back.
✯ Throughout the day, she will grab your hand and dance with you and make you spin as if there is music playing.
Kazuichi Souda
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✯ Mans awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. His self-confidence is going haywire at the notice of you. There's no way he can even consider himself one-of-a-kind anymore but when he actually meets you, he tries to play it off as if he is unbothered which is mainly because with all the stories he's heard about you, he didn't expect you to be as attractive as you are. That conversation had a lot of "uh, yeah"'s. After meeting you, he's going to be kicking his feet doodling in his diary about you.
Driving home, he was grumbling under his breath. He's driving a stupid car that works stupidly better than it did when he was stupidly working on it. He considers himself skilled at what he does but of course, he has his flaws. You always manage to size him up around his flaws (but he can do the same to you, so it's fair game, he's still sensitive though). Around him the city is dying down as the sun starts to drop, people shuffling into karaoke bars and ice cream places makes him hum. He thinks, we should do that together. His cheeks go pink. It still surprises him how much the little things remind him of you. After closing the front door he kicks off his shoes and shuffles out of his jacket to the sound of you filling the air with your joyous exclamation of his name [he can almost hear the xoxo in your voice].
✯ The thing that makes him want to scream and cry the most is how when somebody tosses a mechanical instrument at him most of the time he won't notice and just gets hit in the head... but when he tosses one at you you just catch it! How dare you - he can't stand it.
✯ He will be on the verge of making out with you whenever you come out from under a car and you got the mucky hands and the sweat around your body.
✯ He can just talk... naturally to you about stuff and not worry about you not knowing what he's talking about.
Chiaki Nanami
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✯ You have the same interest as her? That's awesome. She is so excited to have somebody to talk to (especially about all the niche things she's into). You can impress her by knowing the shit she's talking about, and it's mainly because she's used to keeping a lot of this information in her head so she doesn't infodump on random people (and when she's talking to you, it's not infodumping but instead an two-sided conversation). Hanging out with you means that she can have a calming silence as she games with you by her side.
It is now that Chiaki takes her butt over to your house. She walked the way with her nose in her game, almost missing the train and then her stop too. The adventure gave her four wins (technically five if you count seeing you). You are surprised when she knocks and you are more surprised when she speaks before you can even say anything. "I didn't tell you that I was coming, huh?..." She trails off, her voice dreamy as she continues to game even on your doorstep. It makes you wonder why you even paused your game to answer the door when you could have just brought it with you. You laugh an airy laugh, "That's alright. I'm happy to see you." She smiles before slipping by you into your house. You look her up and down affectionately before welcoming her in. You have of course had her just walk in before, and you've also experienced her just being in your living room playing your games. She's so comfortable around you that she doesn't put much thought into social awareness (and she knows you'll continue liking her no matter how many times she walks through your front door while you're busy gaming upstairs).
✯ Ahh the two of you can have matching consoles, and since the two of you are so popular, the consoles will literally be made for you both.
✯ Omg and in game couples being based on you two. They'd have kissing animations
✯ She doesn't feel threatened by your presence at all - she is just so grateful you exist. She feels hearddddd like no tomorrow.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
so i know i've been doing fuck all for a while
i've had a lot of work to do and i've not been the wellest of people
and like i have other anime i need to talk about first but errr
i just finished watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and errr i don't know whatt o make of it
it was like fine for the first 7 episodes, hell even good
but then it throw me a massive curve ball, tolerated it. watched the the next couple episodes. and err let me tell you thoes curve balls just kept on coming and just kept on getting worse.
now did i enjoy the final episode. well kinda. ignoing the first errr 6 minuets it was fiiiiiiiiine. but holy shit
and like they're not really curve balls in terms of plot exatly. they impact it of course but like it's more how they chose to drive the plot thats bugging me
some spoilers by the way
claire, who's the love interet looses her maid whos been with her for ages. fine plot point. WHY SHE LEAVES. ERMM!!!! lets just say forbidden love in the forgers christmas ad variety
ha ha ha i'm in so much pain
then we get some one who tests rae and claires love (rae loves claire but claire hasn't realised that she loves rae yet basically)
i need ceral break one sec
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okay i have food to get me through this trying time.
it's so yummy
so err yea character who turns up to shake up the relationship
me: okay show whos this person
show: claire's first love
me; okay like a kid next door kinda thing
show; her sisterrrrrrrr
me: say sike rn
show: hahaha yea that's not her sister
me: oh thank god, weird that she calls her that but i guess if its a they were really close as kid but driftedf apart or what ever that's tolerable. as long as their not related i can tolerate-
show: sheeeeeee her cuuuuuuuuuuuz
me: kill me now
so like you might be wondering why i stared watchging
i'd like to nkow the answer myself
i think i reached a level of dispar that destoryed me mind body and soul that i had to know if it got worse
it did
cat break
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aaah that cat doesn't have a care in the world
no work, no school just moew moew
okay is everyone refreshed
good back tot he shit show
now the show does a bait and switch but not really , i think
the concept of claire's cuz (i cannot fucking spell her name and i don't want to) is that in the game (yes this is a reincarnated into a video games one, i had some idea of the quality i was getting into but geez) she's one of the only ally characters to the protagonist (rae) to hepl her get with one of the love interest that she likes. now in the game you can only pick from one of the three princes but rae is going after the villainess (hence the title) so she doesn't know whoch side she'll be on.
now to save everyone some trouble, claire's cuz was deliberatly playing the "bad guy who gets in the way of their relationship to make it deeper" cos claire still haddn't realised her feelings for rae really (it is a bit odd tho cos claire's cuz also just says she was actuaslly trying to get with rae at one point and i wanna die)
god call me errr junko what ever the fuck her surname is cos that despare vortex has be by the fucking neck
okay back to it. the way. THE WAY in which claire's cousin goes about her fucking plan, her fucking deal is the worse. she flerts with claire infront of rae to deliberatly provoke her into a fight. this dosn't work so she just straight up chalengers rae and almost FUCKING KILLS HER. so i was like "ah shown your true colores now, this was the plan, no one will like you anymore and you'll leave."
rae lost the bet so she had to quit being clair's maid beacvuse thoes there the tems and conditions tehy came up with for the fight in essence.
tells rae that she dosn't really care for clair cos she gave up. rae states that like by law they can't be together and also claire dosn't like her back. manaria (i fucking learned her name for this, are you happy now. it's claire's cuz i didn't know if that was👍🏽errr) talks about how she had a love who she didn't wanna say anything and then ended up hurting her. sounds like weirdly placed moral support considering you caused this to happen and knew rae couldn't win against you in the fight but okay i guess
the thing that manaria did (well "did" cos idk if she was just bullshitting to get them to get back together or, as she states later, just wanted to see rae mad cos she thinks that's cute) is not nothing you lie about if she did lie. AND DEFINATLY NOT SOMETHING TO LIKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON HURTING THE PERSON YOU LOVE. because rae just quit her job. manaria did something incredibly horrific. and i'm moving on cos i don't wanna talk about this part anymore
look another emotional support cat
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ain't he just a darling
that's a good cat right there
you can tell i'm coping hard
yea so erm fuck
ultimatly love wins. rae and claire end up together, yay/ manaria goes home, thank fuck. and all the side characters are happy (that deserve happiness). cool is that the end of the show now. can i go home. they semi set up a season two
ooooh they semi set up a season two
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yea idk man like the first 7 episodes get a 7/10 and idk what the fuck the rest of it gets. it broke my scale
don't wantch it, but like if you want to just watch the first 7 episodes and you have a decent enough ending. don't watch the next time.
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mxddyhero · 2 years
character relationship rambling ask game:
Banri and juza
you saw this coming 🤷‍♀️ hdhhdnd have a good day/night!
YURA YOU'RE SO SWEET TY,, I hope you have a lovely day/night too aaa !! ;w;
Teehee,, you got me twirling my hair kicking my feet rn fr <3 Juban my beloveds let's go. (I love love love both romantic and platonic Juban so read either way!!)
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
They are bitter rivals, they know each other more intimately than anyone else ever could. They would kill each other, they would kill for each other. They drive each other crazy but they are best friends, confidantes, silly rabbits. They fight, they break up, they kiss, they make up, as Katy Perry once said. I reeeeaaally like their canon dynamic, I'm not gonna lie-
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
My ideal version would be a lil less cruel, ESPECIALLY post year 1. Sometimes it feels like the animosity between them is kinda played up just for the bit, and I think by now at this point, they understand the boundaries they shouldn't cross and what insults are off-limits. I just think Banri would be more accommodating and remorseful after seeing Juza's portrait, even if he still has some bite to him for making him feel inferior, yk? Like man, sometimes it was just cheap shots for the sake of it and it's like c'mooon, this isn't it my guy...
As for alternate versions, Lucilan is my shit fr <3 I love that gay gangster couple soo much. You understand.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
God there's just something about them that scratches the itch in my brain. Rivals to reluctant troupe mates to whatever the hell they are now is just so good because there's no genuine ill-will there, not anymore. Like, yeah at first Banri wanted to beat him up, but it was for a thrill to prove he could and once he was taken down a peg, he met Juza on his level to try to best him at acting instead since he wouldn't actually fight him. That was something no one had done for Juza before (granted, his previous challengers probably just wanted status and clout anyways), and it let him pursue something he truly always wanted to do while developing his skills at it and having someone keeping him in check, yk? They both have this insatiable need to keep going, and they motivate each other in a way only they can. They drive each other crazy, and that's a huge reason each of them are where they are rn.
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
I think for Juza, it's super refreshing to have someone who understands him and knows him so well, but still isn't afraid to tip-toe around him. Banri is brash and unapologetically speaks his mind, which Juza appreciates, especially when it's regarding something like how he can make his performance better. Sure, sometimes he could be less of an asshole about it, but Banri always makes sure to tell him when he's done good too, and Juza knows Banri respects him as an actor, even if he doesn't say it often. It's not like Juza doesn't tease Banri back either, and the banter between them now is less hostility, almost like a comfortable routine they've fallen into.
For Banri, we know Juza is the one to have given him ambition and goals and I think that's still a huge thing for him. Regardless of his development, it was a pivotal moment for him to find something he was truly passionate about, even if his motives at first weren't the best yk? But Juza understood and even encouraged that after Banri walked out on them and came back, and that probably meant a lot to the guy who was usually just written off because he could do almost anything. Like, it would've been simple enough to audition and be told he was the best of the group (excluding maybe Sakyo, but he's had years of experience), but he actively stayed and I think that showed he wanted something more and as Juza keeps progressing, he wants to keep growing alongside him too!
Ultimately, they challenge each other in the best ways, even if their methods are a lil unorthodox. ESPECIALLY because of that actually, because they've both gone their whole lives being treated differently, so they offer each other a new perspective on how to develop as both actors and people. They have their moments of true sincerity, but it's ultimately mutual (albeit reluctant) admiration for each other that makes their foundation and that's sooo neat to me.
favorite interaction they have in canon
Literally sooo many. Gonna be totally fucking cliché here but ofc it has to be the moment after their final performance of Picturesque and the lil high five ue ue ue
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THEY just both look so proud and at peace and aaaaaaa- they should be, they earned it but it just makes me so emotional shsgdjsv,,
I also love the scene where right before closing night, Banri knows Juza is awake because he isn't snoring and bares his soul to the guy before realising he fell asleep AVCSHDVJ,, I don't have the screenshots for that one unfortunately BUT ITS SO FUNNY. And on a similar note, every time they renew their promise to beat each other like this is so fruity...
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Like lmao imagine dedicating your life to besting a guy in something he made you passionate about and it shaping your whole life and career for the foreseeable future... 🤨 OK then
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
Aside from batmankai au, I think a bodyswap could be fucking hilarious, and given the Mankai urban legends, I think it's entirely possible. I just wanna see that initial confusion, dismay and chaos, if I'm being completely honest with you. Like, imagine Banri getting over the shock and realising he's basically a tank and can beat Hyodo now, trying to challenge him and Juza just being like, "...You realise this's your body, right? If we switch back, you're gonna regret it."
BUT ALSO, do they tell the troupe? The company? Are they scheduled to perform and get benched? Or do they try to convince everyone that they're each other? Either way, it's comedy fucking gold. Like imagine Banri just walks in to their room to see himself scarfing down pastries and sweets and he's just like, "Oi! You're gonna wreck my physique if you keep this up! Don't be eatin' that shit when you're in my body, asshole, we're s'posed to be keepin' a low profile!" and Juza just says, "'s why I came back to the room" and keeps eating hudgsadfs-
Foams at the mouth they just drive me insane and i love them as friends, rivals, lovers, AND as individual characters in their own right they're so dear to me, even if I clown on banri. Places them on the shelf....
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
Have you ever been on a laptop inside a vehicle? >> On trains and maybe a bus. Not a car. While on the road, do you play any road games? >> When I was a child I played the license plate game with myself. I'd have a sheet of paper and write down the names of other states and then put a tally mark every time I saw a plate from that state.
Do you have a button up shirt? >> I had one to go with my suit but it doesn't fit anymore, so I have none now. Has there been a word you thought you were spelling correctly but then you find out that it isn’t? What was the word? >> I don't think so.
Do you have a garden in your backyard/front yard? >> The backyard could be turned into a garden but right now it's just wild.
What color is your water tower in your city/town? >> I have no idea.
Have you ever picked apples before? >> I have, I enjoy it. Mostly I enjoy eating the fresh apples. Are you scared of semi-trucks? Especially when you’re driving next to one? >> I am not. I'm also not a driver, so. Have you accidentally put lipgloss/lipstick on your teeth before? >> I haven't. If you wear chapstick, do you have any special flavors or just the regular kind? >> I got so fed up with all the random ingredients in lip balms that I stopped bothering and now I just use Palmer's cocoa butter. And frankly, it's been doing an excellent job. I barely even have to apply it most days (which is crazy when I think about how often I used to have to apply lip balm, probably because some other random ingredient in it was actually an irritant), it just works.
Do you think little babies look cute in overalls? >> I don't think about it at all.
Have you ever been to the site www.someecards.com ? >> A long time ago.
Have you ever tried Crystal Lite? If so, what’s your favorite? >> A long time ago.
Have you ever had a dream that your teeth were falling out? >> I have not.
Have you ever went on www.dreammoods.com to interpret your dreams? >> I have not. I don't trust anyone's dream interpretations but my own; I am the only one who has enough knowledge of my personal associations and dream patterns to even have an inkling of what's going on.
Do you own any pajama bottoms with a design on them? Explain what it is [or you can post a picture up if your heart desires to.] >> All my lounge pants and pj pants are patterned.
Do you sometimes wonder how surveys were created in the first place? Was someone just so bored that they decided to ask someone random questions? >> I do sometimes wonder that.
Do you like eating shrimp? >> Sure.
Ever heard of Rochester, NY? >> Sure. Do you have a fence? >> Along two sides of the house/yard, yes.
Do you have any signs on your bedroom door? >> I do not. If you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice? .
Does your head hurt when you cry?: >> This happens fairly often, and it's so painful. I don't know what makes it happen but I wish I did so I could avoid it.
Who was the last person to comfort you?: >> Can Calah, as usual.
Are you currently wearing any socks?: >> I am not. What’s the closest thing to your right hand?: >> Aside from the laptop it's resting on, a pillow. When was the last time you made a wish?: .
Have you ever watched a foreign film with English subtitles?: >> Sure, many times. I also watch English films with English subtitles. When was the last time you wore athletic shorts?: .
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place?: >> I think that eventually the mind will construct a satisfying narrative (either a positive one or a negative one). What’s the closest transparent object to you?: >> Some plastic bags.
What was the last thing you swallowed?: >> Tea. Do you like mayonnaise?: >> I don't use it.
Anyways… When was the last time you went out in the rain?: .
Have you ever seen a Tim Burton movie, like Coraline, 9, etc.?: >> Neither of those are Tim Burton movies -- people mistakenly attribute Coraline to him because he's the only stop-motion director they know of (it's actually Henry Selick. you'll notice this also happens with Nightmare Before Christmas) and Burton is one of 9's producers but not its director (this is also part of the confusion with NBC, also because it was mostly Burton's brainchild and we tend to associate that with a directorial role). I did see both of them and I have seen multiple actually-directed-by-Burton films as well. Do you keep 3D glasses after you’ve left the movie theatre?: >> I don't.
When was the last time you heard a British accent in person?: .
Who was the last person to unsurprisingly disappoint you?: .
Do you know what FTW stands for?: >> It can stand for multiple things but I can usually figure out what depending on the context.
When was the last time you went bowling?: .
Do you like cats?: >> Not particularly.
Do you use aerosol hairspray? It’s bad for the environment, you know…: >> I don’t use hairspray at all.
What was the last food you choked on?: .
Who was the last person you disappointed?: .
Do you really miss someone right now?: >> I do not.
Do you think anyone can really reach “Nirvana” at some point?: >> Who am I to say? I imagine it’s possible, at least. And even if it’s not, it’s worth a shot, if it matters to you. Either way, you’ll learn something.
What’s the capital of the state you reside in?: >> Lansing. What is the last advice you gave someone?: .
Do you ever dip your fingers in wet candle wax?: >> I don't.
When was the last time you sweated really bad?: .
Do you write it, alot or a lot?: >> I write “a lot”. Does it annoy you when people are always smiling and happy all the time?: >> I just find it a bit strange, is all. But, you know, you do you.
What was the last rule you broke?: . Have you ever hazed someone or been hazed?: >> I have not.
Miley Cyrus rings your door bell, and asks for some shelter. You say..?: .
What would you say if someone called you at 3 am to have a casual convo?: >> Nothing. I wouldn't get the call because my phone is eternally on Do Not Disturb.
Have you ever made a SERIOUS typo, and couldnt go back and change it?: .
Have you ever yelled at an authority figure?: .
When was the last time you had to pee really badly?: >> Early this morning, and I was annoyed about it because I just wanted to go back to sleep.
What was the last thing you regretted eating?: .
Have you ever met anyone famous?: >> Sure.
Do you like screamo music?: >> Some. Do you know anyone with some serious talent?: >> Sure, I know skilled people. When was the last time you made fun of someone?: .
What was the last thing you yelled?: .
Whose bed did you wake up in this morning?: >> Mine.
Are you in a relationship?: >> Sure.
Have you ever skinny-dipped?: >> I have not.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleeping?: >> Around four, four and a half days. Do you make a wish at 11:11?: >> I do not. What’s the worst thing someone could ask you?: .
What did your last text message say?: .
Who was it from?: .
Is there someone who you can be your complete self around?: . On a scale of one to ten how much do looks matter to you?: .
What are you listening to?: .
What is the relationship between you and the person you last kissed?: .
What’s your favorite day of the week? Why?: . Who did you last talk to?: >> Sparrow, yesterday. What did you last put in your mouth?: >> Tea.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?: >> I imagine so.
What’s the closest pink object to you?: >> I am under a pink weighted blanket.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms?: >> Not at all. I love them immensely. if you could change your name what would you change it to?: >> Third time's the charm, I'm done changing my legal name now.
Do you know if anyone likes you?: .
What are your plans for tomorrow?: >> I haven't made any plans for tomorrow.
How could someone lose your trust?: . Who did you last say ” i love you" to?: .
Do you like surprises?: >> Not all the time. Sometimes they’re fun. How I react to a surprise depends on a variety of factors.
What inspires you?: >> Ain't that always the question.
If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?: .
Are you proud of the person you’ve become?: >> One could say that. I’m quite fond of the person I currently am, I have great affection for the people I’ve been, and I’m sure I’ll be fond of the people I become in the future.
Have you ever tried weed?: >> LOL. Yes.
How important is music to you?: >> Music is a very important element of life to me. I would be greatly deprived without it. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?: .
Do you care what other people think of you?: >> Sure, I care. Knowing how I'm perceived by a person is a convenient way to determine whether I want that person in my life or not (and how much access I want them to have to me, if so). What’s your biggest fear?: .
When was the last time you recieved a compliment?: .
What was that last thing you said out loud?: >> I don't remember, that was yesterday.
Do you have any regrets?: .
Where were you at noon today?: >> I was either taking this survey or looking for a survey to take.
Do you think someone’s thinking about you right now?: >> It’s possible, I guess. What’s on your mind right now?: >> Finishing this survey.
How has your week been?: >> It's been a bit of a roller coaster.
Have you ever thrown up becaue you were crying too much?: >> I have not.
How much effort did you put into your last relationship?: .
Last thing to really piss you off?: . Are you a patient person?: >> Patience is a trait I can exhibit when necessary, yes. Do you know anyone who’s taking drugs?: >> I mean, yeah, lol. Do you face your problems or run away from them?: >> I have a variety of responses to problems.
What would you do if someone grabbed your ass?: >> Kill them.
Do you have impulse control?: >> Sure.
Do you have a reason to smile right now?: >> I mean, I’m sure I could find something to smile about if I tried.
Are you gonna get married soon?: >> I am not, particularly seeing as polygamy is illegal in this country.
Would you ever get a significant other’s name tattooed on yourslef?: >> I doubt it.
Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like?: .
What’s it like where you’re from?: .
Do you remember your dreams?: >> Sometimes. It comes and goes.
Are you happier now, or 3 months ago?: >> Hm.
Do you play video games?: >> I sure do. is there a song that when you hear it, it takes you back to a certain time?: >> Music does that a lot, yeah. Most of my more vivid memories are vivid because there’s a song association that ties the other elements of the memory together and keeps them from fragmenting.
What’s your favorite movie?: >> The Fountain.
is there someone of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?: .
Would you do anything on a dare?: >> I am not fazed by dares. Like, if a friend and I are messing around and they're like "I dare you to put twenty marshmallows in your mouth" or something stupid like that, sure, I might do it because it's funny. But if it's not something I want to do, then I'm not doing it.
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how do you start a hobby like the one you do? I'm scared to try something like that and mess it all up...
If this is more like psychological fear, I'd say just take it slow... Like my first one I've ever done was really rough. (It was a seahorse who's body portions weren't right... He was huge compared to the piece of aida I was working on. I was suppose to have room for 3. >.> he was a big boy. There wasn't room for three. lol) I think when you try something new, and your learning a new skill, it's better to just do the activity as a journey/experience rather than trying to focus on it looking "perfect". Like think about a MMO or something were your doing a quest, your new to the game. The experience is finding the item the npc requested, it doesn't matter how you go to it or how long it took you to find the item, you return the quest & You had the experience that makes you wanna keep playing. Crafts to me are similar, only you have no npc on the other end waiting. It's easy to criticize what your doing, or even become paralyzed with fear and not try it because your worried about it not looking right. But I think sometimes reframing the thought as rather then this is a artsy- craftsy, I gotta be good at this sorta thought. Just think of it as this is just an experience, and I wanna see where it goes. My first project as I mentioned was pretty rough, but I really liked cross stitch. (I love looking at peoples finished works) and cause I have some experience doing other crafts (drawing, painting) I do try to use the thing I mentioned before which is try to recognize when I'm new to something, I'm *new*, so I try to remind myself I'm not going to be as good as someone who's been doing cross stitch for 10 years, or someone who was taught as a wee one & there now a fully grown adult in whatever stage of life. Its not fair to compare myself or hold myself to those standards. I'm also not actually comparing myself properly cause I can't see there original (first) works. Why compare myself to someone who's mastered something - and me someone whos a novice. Thats not fair to either party & it also puts unnecessary stress no one else is applying to me. What I do instead is pick out aspects I like about cross stitch & try to notice when I feel confident/happy. I also find noticing how cross stitch makes me feel (the activity) really makes it more benfictional compared to just being 'oh i'm sorta better at it now". & what I mean by feel is I mean like, for me cross stitch helps me tap into that mindful/relaxed feeling. I find it enjoyable, even the ripping up stitches aspect. (meaning I don't view this as a 'ugh. *hates this aspect of the craft so much I'll abandon it*' aspect.) I also like that its a hobby I can pick up a lot and keep adding too it, compared to like drawing where there's a point when you feel like you gotta stop, or in water color, a point to where the paper is like 'no more water please!' 'Oi! I don't think you heard me, anymore water and i'm about to no longer be paper!' xD Sorry I started rambling. I'd say if your nervous, just try it, you can find really easy (small) freebies online, DMC, kofi, there's designers who will offer out freebies for different holidays. (Shannon Christines does really nice easy looking freebies for holidays. Just the pattern, you have to get the supplies yourself.) Viewing stuff as an experience or journey has helped me a lot more, rather then tips like: trying to ignore my feelings/attempt to push thru them. Cause it can affirm your fears or hesitant if you do "mess" up or you are unhappy with how you finished. If I can pick and pull apart aspects I like even if my first project wasn't the "best", and that leaves me feeling satisfied or even better it helps me create a goal, or drives my interest to keep trying. I like that a lot more. :3
0 notes
Hi slug! I love all your answers to the weird asks. They always make me smile. With that being said, I've come up with one of my own that hopefully has not been asked before. I don't know if you play many video games, but what do you think the favorite video game of each of the characters would be? If you can't think of a specific game, genres (rpg, fps, sandbox, etc.) also work!
I do play a fair variety of video games, so I've given this some thought.
Ichirou - I'm of two minds here. Since Ichirou is a big fan of isekai and other fantasy style manga and anime, I imagine he would also be into JRPGs. He probably also enjoys anime action games, such as the DBZ fighting games. We've also seen him play rhythm and gacha games (ARB) on his phone in the manga. That's mind one. Mind two says that the minute he turned 18, he nipped on down to Akihabara to acquire certain games featuring his top waifus that he would never show to Jirou and Saburou. If anyone on this list would play eroges, well... it'd be Ichirou.
Jirou - I think Jirou would play whatever Ichirou recommends, but he'd probably also enjoy sports games like FIFA. Jirou likes hanging out with people, so I doubt he'd play many single player games.
Saburou - In addition to playing chess with people online, as he does in the anime, Saburou probably enjoys strategy games like Total War or real-time strategy games like Starcraft II.
Samatoki - Samatoki doesn't seem like he'd be a big gamer, but I bet he has an old bright-pink DS with a copy of Nintendogs. Ostensibly, it was once Nemu's, but now he plays it religiously to take care of a toy poodle named Fang or something appropriately edgy.
Juuto - Judging by how he drives, Juuto seems like he'd enjoy racing games or Rocket League. Mad Trigger Crew tried playing Mario Kart once, and the resulting argument after Juuto beat Samatoki in Rainbow Road nearly went to blows before Riou broke it up.
Riou - Riou would enjoy the hell out of survival games, especially ones in which resource management is vital. He would also be enamored with Cooking Mama.
Ramuda - Ramuda probably knows how to play Dance Dance Revolution like an absolute fiend. In private, he works off his aggression with fighting games or shooters.
Gentarou - Gentarou plays games for the story, so he probably enjoys JRPGs and artsy-fartsy indie games. He also secretly plays gacha games, perhaps even ARB for the meta factor.
Dice - Dice seems like he'd play whatever you put in front of him provided the game is fast-paced enough. He would also be into playing poker online.
Jakurai - Ichirou tried showing Trauma Center to Jakurai once, but the lack of medical accuracy simply baffled Jakurai. Then Ichirou gave him a fishing simulator, and Jakurai took off. I could definitely see him having a World of Warcraft membership simply so he could sit in WoW and fish. I hear it's calming to do this.
Hifumi - Hifumi would enjoy party games and two-player games to try with Doppo. Between the two of them, I could see them enjoying a wide variety of genres.
Doppo - Doppo doesn't seem like he has the time for games anymore, but when he was younger, he probably enjoyed playing all sorts of things with or without Hifumi. I can picture them as teenagers bawling as the credits roll after a long, emotional RPG.
Sasara - Sasara doesn't seem like a big gaming type, as his interest lies more in TV and films. He might enjoy casual mobile games to pass the time between acts in his show.
Roshou - Roshou is into TV and sports nowadays, but I could see him enjoying video games more when he was younger. As he was kind of a rebel, he probably tried to play shooters and the like. Nowadays, he keeps them around just to threaten turning his skills on the unrepentant bastards who keep breaking into his house.
Rei - Is Rei a gamer? I can't picture that myself, but I can picture him being part of developing an addictive mobile game with predatory payment plans.
Kuukou - Kuukou seems like he'd enjoy video games. Action horror seems like right up his alley, along with the weirdest shit he can manage to find on the Playstation store. You know those games that have names like Fart Simulator or whatever? That's what I'm talking about.
Juushi - Juushi would like Castlevania for the aesthetic. He would definitely try to play Resident Evil with Kuukou but would be horrified by all the blood immediately.
Hitoya - Hitoya doesn't seem like much of a gamer either. However, Juushi might suggest one day that they play Ace Attorney. Hitoya would refuse at first but would finally be wheedled into it. "This is bullshit," he'd say, approximately two minutes in and every ten minutes or so afterward. But then later, he'd ask Juushi and Kuukou, "So when are you going to make me play that stupid game with the dumbass lawyer who looks like a hedgehog?" In this manner, they've worked their way through most of the series. He likes Miles Edgeworth as a character but refuses to admit it. He also complains about the helpers (Maya, Pearl, Kay, etc.) and says they remind him of Kuukou and Juushi. Naturally, this is because he adores all of them, but he refuses to admit that too.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
"eyes up here, holland" | t.h.
tom holland x osterfield!reader
warnings: swearing and suggestiveness
summary: you're harrison's little sister and to say your relationship with tom was complicated would be a major understatement. when you stumble upon him, your wit and sarcasm comes out to play.
wc: 1.1k
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"I'm heading to the store. Do you need anything?" your brother popped his head into your room.
You looked up from your phone screen, "Pineapples?"
"There's pineapples in the fridge. I'll be back in a bit. Be nice to Tom." he pointed a warning finger at you making you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah," you waved him off, "Don't hurt the prick's ginormous ego. Leave, please."
After Harrison had left the house, you spent a few minutes debating. Was leaving the comfort of your room and risking the possibility of seeing Tom really worth a few pieces of pineapple?
Yes, yes it was.
Making your way into the kitchen, you opened the fridge only to find it pineapple free.
What the fuck, Harrison?
You searched the whole space for any sign of the yellow fruit, but came up empty. Letting out a frustrated groan, you settled on the tub of strawberries. The figure standing in the doorway caused you to let out a short yelp until you made out the features of your brother's best mate.
You placed the fruit on the counter, "Why are you shirtless?" you noticed his bare torso was on full display.
He shrugged and sat on a stool at the kitchen island, "Because it's hot." he eyed your tank top and plaid pyjama shorts, "Feel free to join me." he smirked.
It was a September Sunday in London. It was anything but hot.
You chuckled and turned around to grab your snack, "I think I'm okay."
As you began to walk out of the kitchen, his voice pulled you back, "You're single."
You stopped with your back to him, "Thanks for the reminder. Nearly forgot."
"Why is that?"
His words caused you to turn over your shoulder, "Why is what?"
"Why are you single? I'm surprised you haven't professed your love for me already." his ego came out to play.
You let out a dry chuckle before walking back to face him across the kitchen island, "Well, aren't you just full of yourself?"
He shrugged, "I know the thought has crossed your mind." his confidence irked you.
You leaned over with your forearms against the cold marble, "Actually, it hasn't."
You lied. The amount of times that you've considered having feelings for Tom would be too many to count. The thoughts of him between your legs as you dug your nails into his back outweighed any others.
"Is that was this is all about?" a smirk pulled at your lips, "You have every girl in the world wrapped around your finger except me and it drives you crazy, doesn't it?"
He chuckled, "Who's full of themselves now?" his eyes drifted to your chest.
You took your hand and lifted his chin up with a single finger, "Eyes up here, Holland." you whispered.
You watched his throat bob up and down as he swallowed thickly, "You should put a jumper on, love." his voice dropped significantly lower.
Your smirk only grew, "You shouldn't be looking at your best mate's sister like that, love." you withdrew your hand and pushed yourself off the counter. "Besides, it's hot, isn't it?" your eyes scanned him up and down.
Starting at his floppy, brown curls leading down to his chocolate eyes, the little pout of his lips, sidetracking to his defined jawline. The veins in his neck were prominent before your eyes diverted to his pecs. Leading you down to the smooth skin that housed the carved out abs of his until they reached his notable v-line. The rest of him was covered by grey joggers that had a noticeable outline in the one place your eyes should never wander.
"Checking me out, are you?" a cocky smirk rested on his pink lips.
You shrugged before meeting his eyes, an equally sly grin on your face, "Just returning the favour."
"You didn't answer my question."
You grabbed a strawberry, "What was your question again?" you wrapped your lips around the fruit before sinking your teeth into it.
Tom watched your every move with his undivided attention, "W-why are you single?"
You noticed a pink tint rising from his neck to his cheeks. You knew exactly what you were doing and to say you that you didn't find his reaction incredibly amusing would be a blantant lie.
To everyone else, your relationship with Tom came off as bickering and insulting one another back and forth. To you and Tom, it was a game. A test to see who would break first. Neither of you knew what the prize was or how the rules were set up, but you both enjoyed it immensely.
"Excellent question." you licked your lips and tilted your head, "Because no guy has wanted to be with me." you shrugged.
Tom scoffed, "I thought we could be truthful with one another, darling."
You bit your bottom lip and noticed how Tom's eyes immediately honed in on the action.
"Why are you single?" you threw the question back at him.
He smirked, "Because no girl has wanted to be with me." he threw your response right back at you.
"Understandable." you joked and noticed strawberry juice on your index finger.
You wrapped your lips around your finger and licked it off, holding eye contact with Tom. His breath hitched as his deep brown eyes stayed locked on your seemingly innocent action that held such a deeper suggestion. You watched him tuck his bottom lip underneath his teeth before you released your finger from your lips and returned the sly smirk to your face.
"You look a little flustered there, Holland. Everything all right?" you asked with an innocent head tilt.
Tom swallowed again, his eyes flicking from your eyes to your lips, "You're killing me here, Osterfield."
Your confidence spiked at the sheer amount of power you had over him, "I try my best."
Tom opened his mouth to reply, but his words got cut off by the sound of jingling keys and his best mate walking into the room. Two grocery bags in hands.
His eyes flitted back and forth from you to Tom before he spoke, "Please don't tell me you were arguing again."
You shook your head and stepped away from Tom, "Nope. Bonding time, right, Tom?" the use of his first name caught both of the boys off guard.
Tom nodded, "Yeah, just getting to know one another. No arguing between me and Y/N anymore."
Harrison eyed you both with doubt before a wide smile took over his face, "Finally! My best mate and my little sister are getting along!" he clapped his hands together like a toddler who just got gifted candy.
Tom couldn't suppress his smirk, "Mhm, we're getting along just fine."
You walked towards him and rested a hand on his shoulder, "Swimmingly." you gave him a quick wink before starting your walk back to your room.
"Hey! Did you eat all the pineapples?" Harrison called out to you.
You continued to walk while replying, "There was no pineapples to begin with, liar."
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Not As It Seems 1/2 (Vincenzo)
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Summary: Y/N and Vincenzo grew up in the Mafia. You owed him for saving your ass on a mission gone wrong. It's always been that way between you two. You save his hide, he saves yours. He wants you to stay undercover and find your way into Babel Pharmaceuticals as an extra pair of eyes to find out who the CEO of Babel was. But as normal, mission does not go as planned.
Pairings: Vincenzo x reader (platonic), Joon woo (romantic)
Given, you Vincenzo did save your ass big time the last mission you were on but the magnitude of this favor was worth three small ones. Regardless, you are a woman of my word. You were about a month in you cover when you caught the eye of Jang Han seo.
You started as a tech at his floor but once he found out that you loved to play ice hockey and spicy foods, he fell head first in love with you. It did not take much for him to fall for you, which was actually heart breaking. You treated him with respect and kindness, something that he wasn't used to by anyone.
The first date was at a spicy ramen shop where you talked all night until the shop was closed. The second date was at his condo where we watched the live ice hockey game while you ate spicy kimchi. By the third date, you were comfortable being around one another. You ended the date with a long, much needed hug.
In the Mafia, you weren't used to affection and Jang Han seok was verbally and physically abused by his mother and brother. You held each other for at least a minute straight. You can still remember him burying his face into your neck as you wrap your arms around his medium build.
His hands rested respectfully on your upper back and shoulder blades. When you finally pulled away, you both bowed and said thank you. You bowed at the same time, hitting each other in the head.
You chuckle in rememberance of that date. Jang Han seo was truly a good guy. He wasn't capable of doing the horrific things Cassano was telling me about. He didn't have the heart for it, so there has to be someone else calling the shots. Someone close enough to be whispering commands into Han seo's ear. You just have to figure out who.
You knock on the door and wait for a while, winging you purse side to side as you waited. You furrowed your brows when you Han seo doesn't open the door. "Han seo?" You call from outside and still no answer. It wasn't until you heard a gun shot that you kicked the door down and tumbled inside.
You take out your knife and round the corner until you saw Han seo crouching down on the floor in front of his gun. You look around for the threat but didnt see any. "Han seo?" You say, tucking away your knife. You kneel down next to him and his body jolts upwards. "What!" "Honey, what happened?"
"I ca- I can't tell you." "Why not?" "Because I can't! You're an outsider and he'll kill me." "Who?" "He ruins everything he touches." He says, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry, but we can't see each other anymore. " "What? What is this about? Who says we can't be together?"
"Me, I say I can't. Just go!" He yells, making you wince. His eyes were red and puffy, he's clearly been cryibg. You hold his face in your hands and press a warm kiss to his forehead. "You know where to find me." You say before silently stand up and leaving. Closing the door, you let out a shaky breath.
You knew this was bound to happen but you got too caught up in the moments with Han seo. But at least now you can distance yourself and find a different approach on finding who the real CEO is. You walk towards your car and say to yourself to keep it together but as you as you hop in, tears fell on your cheeks.
"Damn it, Y/N. Pull yourself together." You say between sobs. You turn on the car and throw it into drive before pulling out of his driveway. You always made fun of those who fell in love while they were undercover, and now you feel like a hipocrite. You pull into your driveway to see Joon woo with a crate of rice wine.
You roll your eyes and tried your best to dry your tears but your eyes still gave it away. "How did you hear so fast?" You ask, getting out of your car. "My brother and I are close, and he really cared about you." "Well he sure has a way of showing it," you say, wiping away more tears.
"Come on, let's drink away our sorrows." He says and you genty take the crate into your hands. "Awe, where's yours?" You tease. He chuckles whole heatedly and says, "That's cute." "You can wait in the living room. I have to take a shower first." "Sure thing,"
Later that week, Joon woo has been stopping over your house every Friday night to check in on you. You were actually starting to get used to it. Today was Friday and he didn't come. You waited until 11 pm to go over his house and check in on him. You knock on the door and Joon woo opens it with a towel wrapped around his waist.
You fix your eyes on his face but there was a deep temptation to look elsewhere. "Y/N, hi," "Have you no manners? If you make plans with someone and can't make it, you can at least call." "I didn't know that it would urk you this bad. I'm sorry." You cross your arms and roll your eyes. "I was in the middle of shower, did you want to join me?"
"Excuse me?" "You seem a little tense." He leans his body arm against the door frame and his towel dips a little. "What if I am?" "Oh, I have a few things in mind." He says, his eyes slowly scanning your body. He leans forward and lift your chin up to plant a firm, possessive kiss on your lips.
You collapse onto his chest and he pulls you inside his loft. He closes the door before pushing you against it, his hands attached to your waist as he kisses your neck. Leaning you head against the door, he dips his head into your breasts and slides his hand into your shorts.
You gasp softly as he curls his fingers into your folds. Slowly pumping his fingers, you can feel his gaze on you. "Such a pretty girl. Can't wait for feel you clenching around my dick." He says, making you whimper.
"Move faster, please." You beg and it took him less than a second to speed up his movements. You dig your nails into his back and you spread you legs to give him more access.
He pulls his fingers out and sucks some of your juices off. "What happened?" You say breathlessly. "You're not loud enough." He kneels down on the ground and pulls down you shorts to your ankles.
You step out of them and he says, "Look at that beautiful pussy of yours, baby." You two lock eyes as he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and slowly licks the stripe.
Your hands find his hair and tug on it softly as he sinks his tongue and pumps it in out of your pussy. You moan loudly when he pumps two fingers in you and applies pressure to your clit with his tongue.
The more he rolls his tongue, the stronger the build up in your stomach was. Your clit grew sensitive under his touch and your tried to pull away from him.
He scratch your thighs harshly and you yelp out. His fingers curl into a g spot and you slam your hand against the door. "Oh God," you chant until your felt apart under his tongue. He continued to lick and suck at your sensitive clit, making your breaths turn heavy.
"Joon, please! I'm so close!" You yell out. He rolls tongue against you and softly sucked repeatedly. Soon after, you fell apart again and you legs bucked. You fell to the ground and he catches your abdomen. He cups your cheeks and pressed a firm kiss on your lips. Your juices rubbed from his lips to yours as he invades your mouth.
You were breathless as he pulls away from your lips. He lifts you into his arms and stands up effortlessly. He lips were attached to yours the entire trip up the stairs and to his bedroom. You pull away to take off your shirt and unclip your bra.
You hear his towel drop and you buck your hips in anticipation. He lowers your body and slowly pushes his member into you.
You throw you head back and he sucks on the base of your neck. He bucks his hips and your wraps your legs around his waist to pulls him further into you. Rolling your hips to match his thrusts, he says, "Fuck, Y/N." Still buried inside of you, he lays you on the bed. He brings your legs over his shoulder and yells escape your lips with his heavy thrusts.
He lifts his hand and you links your fingers with his as he rails you into the bed. Your eyes are snapped shut as your walls flutter around his member. You bury you face into his shoulder as your rub your throat raw from yelling. "Look at me, " he commands.
You pull away from his shoulder and look into his eyes. "There's my pretty girl." He leans his forehead against yours as he slows his thrusts to chase his euphoria. You reach yours soon after and he pulls out of you. "Top me," "What?" You look at him through hooded eyes.
"I want you to see how beautiful you look on top," "I don't have enough strength for that, Joon." "Yes you do. Just one more time and I'll let you rest for the rest of the night." He lays on his back and you instruct him to sit up against the bed frame. He does so and doesn't break eye contact.
You softly pump his member in your hand until he's fully erected and sink yourself on him. You plant your foot on either side of his lap and rock your hips back and forth. His moans makes your pussy wet and sink further on him. You lean forward and bite on his lower lip. "Fuck, you keep doing that and I'll have my way with you for the entire night."
He arches his back as you scratch up his back. You roll your hips a little faster and his body goes rigid as his second wave of euphoria washed over him. You slide off of his lap and lay down on your stomach. You tuck your arms under the pillow as you lay on it. Joon lays on his side and draws circles on your back.
He waits until you were asleep but you were quite unconscious when he says, "I knew it was the right call to make Han seo break up with you."
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ping-ping-ying · 4 years
ATEEZ as Yanderes! PT. 1/11
⚠️WARNING⚠️ : toxic relationships, mental, physical, and emotional abuse, mentions of death/murder, descriptive violence, kidnapping,
⚠️Disclaimer⚠️ : these are ALL FICTIONAL, and my OWN personal opinions and perceptions on the boys. Yanderes are NOT to be taken lightly or romanticized, these types of people are REAL and are/can be very dangerous. These kinds of stories are ONLY for entertainment. If you know anyone like this in real life, please get help!
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Worship Yandere
"I'll do anything for you! I'll even kill for you! Please use me however you want!"
Hongjoong DEFINITELY strikes me as the worship yandere
Stalking would be highly likely
So he can know exactly what you like and don't like
Whether it be clothes, movies, your favorite historical event, it didn't natter
He took EXTREME action into knowing everything about you before he actually confronted you
When he first met you, he didn't just fall in love with your personality, but EVERYTHING about you
You didn't know but he was basically putty in your hands
Not that you would ever know
At first you were weirded out by him, due to him being so quiet, and his wandering eyes always staring at you
If you are upset, he will do ANYTHING to make you feel better
Someone at work/school made you upset?
You heard the news of that persons death the following week
You wanted a new pair of shoes that you couldn't afford?
Expect to have a whole closet filled with new shoes
No matter what you do, HE WILL NEVER hurt you
Like- ever
You could betray him, from the point of no return and he'd still worship you
Hongjoong doesn't care if you don't love him, he will still aim to please you at all times
He doesn't like killing people, he will only kill if they seem like a threat to you or your happiness
Doesn't realize he's being too clingy and possessive
But you say nothing in fear of hurting him
Hongjoong isn't that big of a softie once you get to know him
His cute, shy, and introvert persona would fade gradually over time
It was actually unnoticeable since the shift in character was cleverly planned out
Eventually you caught him in the act of beating up one of your friends because he was jealous that you were spending more time with them than with him
You called off your relationship immediately
He wouldn't fight you on the matter
But that won't stop him from secretly buying you things or taking care of your "problems"
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Sadistic Yandere
"It hurts? That's your fault! Next time learn your lesson and stop looking at other men!"
I know exactly what you're thinking
I have thought about it, and to me Seonghwa strikes me as this type of Yandere the most
Seonghwa was also HIGHLY intelligent
He knew EXACTLY how to make you fall for him
It didn't matter how long it took
You were going to be his
Made sure to be your typical Wattpad fan fiction boy, whether you wanted him to be that "bad boy" or "good boy"
In the end he decided to try the good boy persona
When he met you, everything had to be perfect
He rehearsed lines ahead of time, and practiced until he had the courage to face you
It was at a summer carnival event, he helped you win a prize at the strength game
From the moment you looked into his eyes, you were putty in his hands
After almost a year of knowing each other, and a couple months of dating, things were going great
That was, until you decided to hang out with your old friends from high school
You invited Seonghwa to be your date to the gathering, and it was hell for him
The way you completely disobeyed his unspoken rules of talking to other men that wasnt him
The final straw that made him break his character was when it was time to leave and you have your male friend a big hug while giving him that smile that makes Seonghwas heart melt
When you got home he grabbed and dragged you to the bedroom
"Seonghwa what are you-"
He smacked you a couple more times before he pushed you on the bed and decided you needed a lesson
Would torture you, sexually or plain physically
Don't scream or beg, it only fuels his drive to punish you
Will not stop until HE beileves you learned your lesson
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Self-Harm Yandere
"Hey... look at me... look at me... look, there's so much blood coming out..."
Through your relationship, Yunho was pretty normal
Until you accidentally forgot to give him his goodnight kiss and hug
It was ONE night, because you were so exhausted from working/school and you passed out on the couch
In his mind, that one mistake told him that you didn't love him anymore
This Yandere has two sub units
One where they start harming themselves in private, and the second one, harming themselves openly
Yunho started off doing it privately
He planned this strategically
When you noticed cuts and bruises on his wrist the next day, you questioned him frantically
To which he nonchalantly explained that he hurt himself at the gym
But you weren't an idoit
You KNEW these particular kinds of injuries were caused by self harming
But you didn't press the issue because you assumed it was a sensitive topic for him, and didn't want to trigger him
Yunho began to lose trust in you
He was scared you would end up leaving him one day
All because of that ONE night
Even though after that one night, the normal goodnight kisses and hugs continued
But to Yunho it wasn't the same
So when you came home one day later in the evening, you and Yunho got into an argument
A very HEATED argument
It ended up with you saying his WORST FEAR
"If you don't stop this right now, we are over !"
That's when he snapped
"You're breaking up with me?!"
"If you don't stop acting like a selfish jackass then yes!"
Honey that's all he needed to hear to send him into a frenzy
He started punching himself in the face, to the point where his mouth started bleeding
He ignored you and then grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen and sliced all over his arms, legs, torso, and face
You began to cry, and fear for your life
You backed up and was about to dial 911 when he yelled out,
You acted quickly and raced over to him cautiously trying to get him to stop
"Yunho baby I'm not leaving you!"
"Honey I didn't mean what I said! We were arguing and I just said something cruel but please know that I won't leave you ever! I love you."
"I promise now stop hurting yourself please!"
Yunho did what you asked and then started to break down and cry
You engulfed him in a big hug and whispered sweet nothings into his ear
All the while, Yunho smirked, and smiled wickedly while crying
His plan worked
There was no way you were ever going to leave him now
Or so he thought........
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Stalker Yandere
"Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?"
Yeosang is a man who likes to live off the radar
No one really seems him or acknowledges his existence unless he makes himself known
So stalking you everyday was no problem
You were oblivious to the fact he stalked you day and night
But that doesn't mean you didn't have any strange feelings
For the past three years you always had this sense of uneasiness
You didn't know how to explain it exactly
But you felt that you were always on the defense
Ready for something unexpected to happen to you
And not in a good way
Whenever you confessed these feelings, people would laugh and say that you're paranoid
And yes you were paranoid, because your psyche never lies, it's there for a reason
"I'm serious! Maybe I'm being stalked or something."
"Who would want to stalk you? You don't do anything."
A brutal attack, but the statement was true nonetheless
But that never set your psyche at ease
And the most fucked up thing about your whole "paranoia" was that Yeosang was in your life
He was your neighbor
And the two of you were quite acquainted
Granted Yeosang didn't exactly LIVE in that house down the street, but you'd never know
He would take run around the neighborhood for exercise and would stop to talk to you if he saw you
He played the role of the normal neighbor a little TOO well
Stalking Yanderes CAN be violent, but Yeosang wasn't
It would ruin his ability to stalk you in peace
He never hurt your, or the people around you
One day he told you a riddle that had you stumped completely
You loved when he told you riddles because it was like a little traditional thing whenever you two say each other
"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it."
This riddle had you stumped for days, and you didn't want to cheat by looking it up online
So by magic chance two days later, at night when you were laying in bed in the dark trying to sleep, the answer hit you
Instead of getting giddy with excitement that you fianlly figured out his riddles like you usually did, it made you feel, puzzled
The way his voice sounded as he told you the riddle
The smile that was staining his face as he did, had your psyche going crazy
You needed to calm yourself, because it was just a riddle, nothing more, and nothing less
So you drifted off into sleep and mumbled the words,
"A shadow."
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Training Yandere
"Say you love me... SAY IT, SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME! SAY IT!"
This is why I didn't label San as the sadistic Yandere
Even though he could have easily slipped into that category
But not with this one chile
Unlike the Sadistic Yandere, San doesn't like causing you pain, it hurts him deeply to see you in pain
A lot of Atinys (myself included) are so used to San being labeled as "the demon" or "possessed" when it comes to his stage presence or when it comes to NSFW AUs
But you need to remember that San is actually a bubbly, clingy little cupcake off stage
So that's why I stuck him with the Training Yandere
But you need to be trained, so he has no choice but to hurt you
He easily kidnapped you after breaking into your home and drugging your food.
You didn't know who San was, never saw him a day in your life
But San was convinced that you'd known each other for years
(I can also sense a tiny bit of the Delusional Yandere in this one, but like I said A TINY bit)
In the basement you were, chained to a chair like an animal
He came skipping down the stairs happily and had a plate of food for you
"Now you can eat if you say the magic words."
San chuckled at your response
In normal situations yes that is the magic word, but San said "words" not "word".
"No that's not it."
"Well then what it is?"
"You know what it is silly."
The confused look on your face made San beileve you were lying, and that you were just being a brat
He hated brats
"Alright I see you're still going with this-"
He brought out his bag filled with torture equipment
And that's when you lost all sense of reality
You kept telling yourself that you were dreaming
It was the only logical explanation for this situation
"Awe don't cry, just say the magic words and you can be free of your restraints."
"The magic words are "I love you".
(Y/N why couldn't you just play along tsk tsk)
"Oh boy, I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this."
The first tool he got out was a hammer, a big, hammer
And he released one of your hands only to hold it down on the table next to him
"You have ten fingers, let's see if you can say the words before we get to ten."
He aimed for your pointer finger and slammed the hammer down on it with all his might
You screamed bloody murder as you felt the pain shoot through your body
But you still didn't say anything
He slammed the hammer on your middle finger
You still didn't say anything, how could you with all the pain you're in
The next finger
No response
The next finger
No response
San was getting frustrated, but didn't show it
He eventually broke all ten of your fingers, and was amazed at your strength of not giving in
But that's just the more violent he had to be
Next on the list, was your face
He slapped and punched you repeatedly, blood getting everywhere and your vision becoming blurry
But you STILL didn't give in
San had enough
He grabbed a knife from his bag and held it at your feet
This was also the final straw for you
You can live with broken fingers, but not feet
"I'm sorry for being a brat, please forgive me! I love you!"
"Oh darling! I knew it!"
Of course you were lying, but he didn't know that
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 05 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
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Next part (06)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Would You Believe Me?
“When are you planning to tell me about this Billy?” Diane stands by the kitchen door frame, an eyebrow raised at you.
Taking another bite of your apple, you roll your eyes. “He's just a friend. I have nothing to say.”
“I know you, (Y/N). And I know you've been hanging out with him.” She comes to sit across from you at the table, and you feel like a child under her stare. Diane has always been your best adviser, the one you tell everything since you can remember. But you couldn't bring yourself to tell her about Billy yet. With Monica, you don't have a choice since you work with her, and she has been around when some stuff happened. But with Diane... You feel like it'll make things real.
You're just about to deny everything again when you remember how confused you are, how there's always a fight inside of you, between two different lines of thought, and suddenly you need Diane's opinion on it. “Billy is a friend.” It's different now, you're admitting it. “He... He offered me a ride home when my car wouldn't start and we stopped to eat tacos. A couple of days after he stopped by this snack bar I was with Monica's friends and... Well, he punched David in the face because he called me dumb.” The memory brings a smile to your lips.
“What?” My aunt smiles too. “I heard some kids talking about David being beat up but I'd never guess that. What else?”
“Uhm... He said he likes me that day.”
“Oh...” She mumbles, furrowing her eyebrows. “So Billy is interested in you.”
Shaking your head slightly, you look down. “He's as interested as he would be in any other girl, right?” Your voice is lower now. “Aunt, Billy is the perfect bad boy. He has the looks, the attitudes, the pretty face, the breathtaking body, and the long list of heartbroken girls.”
“Honey, haven't you heard?” Diane keeps her voice light, taking your hand over the table. “They say the perfect bad boy is bad with everyone except to his girl.”
“Well, I'm not his girl,” you mutter, not sure why saying this makes you feel sad. You shouldn't be so sad about something that's true, something that you made up your mind about. “We're bound to break apart.”
“(Y/N), you're a smart woman. You can read the signs and I trust you to choose what's best for you, as you always have. Even when it meant to leave New York behind and come to such a strange place.” Her eyes are like beacons, reassuring you. You wish she was your mother instead of Kate. “You'll know if you're meant to be with Billy or not. I trust you enough for that, as should you.”
“I love you, aunt.” You breathe out, standing up and hugging her. “Thank you... And not only for this, but for everything. For taking me in and for moving here with me.”
“It was a pleasure, honey. Both to come back to my hometown and to be with you.” Diane never had kids, and her husband died eight years ago. She's still young though, and you hope she finds someone. But until then, you're ok with being somehow her kid. “Now I gotta go. Have a nice day at work.”
“You too.”
Half an hour later you're at the pool, on your chair, eyes scanning the sea of people. The sun is shining bright, and the kids seem especially electrified today. Despite having a lot of people to watch over, you're getting bored by the second, finally understanding why Monica sometimes complains so much about this job.
Billy, as usual, keeps shooting you glances every now and then, winking and smiling when you look his way. After rolling your eyes at him for the hundredth time this morning, you turn your gaze at Monica, who has a meaningful smile on her lips. You get the feeling she'll never stop teasing you about it. Well, she will have to one day. 'We're bound to break', the sentence comes to your mind again, and you decide to let the hot wind blow it away. Mon has a weird expression on her face, which makes you furrow my eyebrows at her.
She then gestures at her eyes. 'Look', you read the word on her lips, just before she gestures at Billy.
That again. You don't want to stare at him. You know he's hot, you don't need to be constantly reminded of that. Running a hand through your hair, you force yourself to focus on the activity that gives you some money at the end of the month. You're not bored anymore, you're thankful you have something to keep your mind off things you certainly shouldn't be thinking about.
When your lunch break finally comes, you jump from your chair to the ground, making the way over Monica, touching her leg. “Hey, you. Lunch, c'mon. I'm starving.”
“I'm a good friend.” She simply says, not even bothering to look at you. Monica can be a freaking interrogation sign sometimes, and you're about to ask her what she means when you notice Billy, standing a few feet away. “I switched my lunch breaks with him.” She looks down, taking her sunglasses off. “You're welcome.”
“I hate you, Mon,” you mumble, sighing at the laugh that leaves her lips.
You have no choice but to walk towards Billy, trying to keep your eyes on his face. But you use the distance to take a quick look, just so you can tell Mon you did it and she'll stop bugging you about it. He's tall, obviously, way taller than you. So you have to look up not to have your eyes glued on his chest. The guy works out. A damn lot, you're sure, and his tan is perfect. It makes you wonder if he even tries because it doesn't seem like he does. Billy doesn't have to act, he just is who he is. No doubt why he had no trouble carrying that heavy backpack during the trail, his muscles look like stone, iron. Even though the small distance you can see how his chest moves when he breathes, and the well-defined muscles of his bare arms. But you're getting close now, so you avert your eyes.
“Was it your idea or hers?” You inquire as soon as you're walking side by side to the cafeteria.
“Mine. I asked her this morning and she accepted.” As you walk, you notice all the heads turning.
The boys look with either anger or envy, and the girls keep checking him out shamelessly. Even the married ladies don't seem to hide the lust in their eyes. You feel a little weird, suddenly so small and out of place. But you can't blame them. Billy is a hell of a view. “You ok?” He suddenly asks. “You tuned out for a moment.”
“Just thinking.” You reach the cafeteria and you get your lunch from the fridge, moving to the microwave.
“About what?”
“The stares you were getting while we walked over here.” It comes out abruptly, and you realize you're angry. Why are you angry? You can't be mad because people are staring, he's not yours.
“People always stare.” He says, coming to seat with you on the table next to the microwave. “But today is for a different reason.”
“Oh, of course.” You avoid his eyes, letting your hair down from the ponytail and detangling it with your fingers, just so you have something to do.
“You only notice half of what's going on around you.” You mumble as a response, not sure if there's anything else you can say. “I never spent this much time without going on dates, and I never spent this much time hanging out with the same girl.” Billy's lower voice slowly makes you raise your eyes, meeting his. “People are impressed. I am impressed.”
“Yeah. It's been a while and I still want to be around you, to get to know you.” As he speaks, you look at the door, because you don't want anyone listening. It's bad enough that you'll end up telling Monica, which only makes you even more confused. You don't need someone else adding up to the mix.
'We're bound to break'. It comes to your head again. “How long do you think it'll last? You know you'll get tired of this little game you're playing, Billy.”
“From the bottom of my heart... I don't think I could ever get tired of you.”
The sudden beeps of the microwave make you jump up, thankful for it breaking through the atmosphere. You get your food and hand Billy his since he shoved it into the microwave with yours.
“Every time I see you it's like the first damn time. It took me by surprise too, believe me.”
“Just eat, Billy. Or it'll get cold.” A stupid thing to say since there's smoke coming from both your meals.
“If I find a way to prove you I'm not joking, that I mean every word I say when I say you're nothing like the other girls, that I'm being serious this time... Would you believe me?”
Holy shit, you need to get the hell out of this cafeteria. You don't want to listen, you want to be left alone until whatever is driving you towards Billy disappears. But can you do that? Stand up and walk away when you're right here with him, nobody else around... You don't think so. “I'd like to see what you would come up with.”
He takes a deep breath, resting his back against the chair. You can only watch as he takes one of his earrings off, doing the same with his necklace. “The hell are you doing, Hargrove?” You mumble, crossing your arms.
He gives a quick glance before focusing on whatever he's doing. He removes the pendant of the necklace, throwing it on the trash next to the fridge. You raise an eyebrow, your hunger momentarily put aside. Billy passes the silver chain through the tiny hoop of his earring, making a whole new necklace. The earring is kinda nice, and it looks badass on him. It has four black little stones and a metal piece at the end, which reminds you a claw.
Your eyes follow him as he stands up, walking around the table to stand behind you. You were just about to ask what he's doing when he puts the necklace around your neck. “Move your hair up, please.”
With wide eyes fixed on the light green wall across the cafeteria, you do as he says, feeling the cold metal against your skin. You're even more confused now. “Wear this every day, and I'll wear mine every day too.”
“Is it... Is it supposed to make people think I belong to you or something?” You burst out, still a little shocked, a little perplexed, trying to control the butterflies on your stomach.
“Then they'll think I belong to you too.”
“Just-just eat, Billy. Please.” You stutter, looking down at your food as your heart drums on your ears.
“And I making you nervous?”
Biting back a smile, you don't answer. You quickly search through your mind for anything else, just so you can change the subject. “I heard you study at Indianapolis University. The same I happen to have transferred to. Which course do you take?” That's good. You got your mind to function.
“Mechanical engineering.” He shrugs his shoulders when you raise your eyebrows. “I always liked cars, so it wasn't a difficult choice. What about you?”
“Biomedicine. I'm planning on specializing in Hematology and get a job on Hawkins National Hematology Lab.”
“So you plan on staying here?”
“Yes. I came to stay.”
There's a change in his expression, as it softens like he just realized something new about himself. A small, genuine smile breaks into his lips, beautiful lips. You were just about to ask what's on his mind when James, another lifeguard comes into the cafeteria and you decide to keep your mouth shut.
When you walk out of the bathroom, still drying your hair with a towel, your eyes fall on the necklace lying on the nightstand, near your telephone. Sitting on the bed, you touch the earring, wondering if Billy is wearing his now. “What's happening to me?” You breathe out, throwing yourself down on the bed.
Your phone starts ringing, but you don't pick up. You know Diane will answer it downstairs. You hear her low voice coming from the living room, your eyes on the ceiling, and your thoughts revolving around him again.
You don't even need a name, he's the only guy you think about.
“Honey! It's Monica!” Your aunt yells.
“I'll pick up!” You shout back, moving up just to pick up the phone before lying down again. “Hi, Mom.” You hear the sound of the downstairs phone being put down as you speak.
“So. How was it?”
“Uhm... It was a lunch break. We had our breaks together and we had lunch.”
“Seriously? That was it? Don't you think I noticed something very unusual around your neck when you came out?”
Sighing, you let out a humorless laugh. Monica is very perceptive, the reason why she's coursing psychology. She's always paying attention to everything. “Mon...” It's almost like a cry.
“Talk to me, (Y/N).”
“I can't keep doing this.” You cover your eyes with one hand, and the image that immediately comes to my mind is him. “I'm... Scared.”
“What happened in the lunch break?”
“Billy said stuff, you know... That he won't get tired of me, that still wants to be around me...” Tossing around, you hug a pillow. “He took one of his earrings and made it into a necklace... He gave me and told me to wear it every day because he will wear it too.”
“(Y/N), I think Billy is falling in love with you.”
“No, Mon, I–”
“I've seen how he treats girls, (Y/N). He never acted like that. All day long I see them walking around the pool in the tiniest bikinis they have, but he never looks. He used to devour them with his eyes, but since that Monday, when you started working... His eyes are on you, on such a... Kind way. It's like he's someone else entirely.”
“I want to believe you,” you whisper, eyes focusing on the necklace. “What if we're bound to break?”
“Give yourself time, then. And give you both a chance. (Y/N), you need to stop overthinking and enjoy your summer. If you're bound to break, you'll know. But for now, enjoy the attention he's giving you. And if it doesn't work, at least you would have enjoyed it... I mean, you like being around him, don't you?”
“Way more than I should.”
“Then try living in the moment for a while. When it's time to think and make big decisions, you will make them.”
Nodding to yourself, you know she's right. If you keep overthinking, maybe you'll be the one to ruin everything. “You're right...”
“Now, you can either stay there or come with me, Chris and Jason to the mall. What will it be?”
Smiling, you stand up, already moving to chose what to wear.
An hour later you're at Starcourt Mall, completely reformed about a year ago, Monica tells you, after it was destroyed by an explosion. The place is very modern, but it's still very different from those in New York. But you like it, how lit up it is, and crowded. Families, teenagers, and kids, who pass by, running. You take in the lights, the laughers. Monica laughs at something Christopher says, his arms around her shoulders. Jason had to bring his two toddler siblings, so he's walking a few feets away, carrying the two years old Michael on his arms and holding Melanie's hand, who's the five years old.
“Hey. Have you crossed paths with David? After he had his ass kicked?” Chris asks.
“No. And I hope it remains that way.”
“It's a small town, you'll bump into him eventually. But I think he won't bother you anymore.” He says and Monica nods.
“You and Billy dating yet?” Jason asks, making it clear he was paying attention.
“Not yet,” Monica answers before you can say anything. Rolling your eyes, you decide not to say argue.
Blushing a little, you touch Billy's earring around your neck. A smile comes to your lips, and you hope he'll be wearing his tomorrow... It's stupid, but it kinda makes you feel closer to him, even though he's not here.
You decide to follow Monica's advice, but you'll still be careful. You can do both.
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens
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