#nursing curse
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gilly-moon · 1 year
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I was thinking of the bird form in Howl’s Moving Castle and became possesed by the idea of an AU for these two:
Jack left home looking for adventure, but stumbled into the wrong place at the wrong time and became cursed with frost that creeps along his skin, slowly freezing him to death.
Pitch is an ancient wizard of sorts, with his own curse - the more power he uses, the more monstrous he becomes. He was banished for using dark magic on people, and now resides in a winding maze of underground caverns.
Knowing only that Pitch used to be one of the most powerful magic-users around, Jack seeks him out in hopes the ancient wizard can reverse the spell on him before it’s too late
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mspaint-flower · 7 months
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your honour she looks awful
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algrenion · 9 months
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i think she is perfect. i did not want to make her feel sad.
i love her.
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sovesnox · 5 months
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Eve Best as Eleanor O’hara in Nurse Jackie
part 2/2 gag reel comp
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winepresswrath · 8 months
I never really got leather pants draco until Ianthe but now I understand that it is actually so important for blonde people to care too much about fashion and lounge dramatically while monologuing about their daddy issues.
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redrobin-detective · 5 months
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artlyloser · 7 months
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honestly they are some of my favorite NPCs
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Kento Nanami x Reader
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Kento Nanami:
You love hard working men, your favorite thing in the world is bread and you would love to take a relaxing vacation trip if you had some time off.
First Date:
You exited the bakery, holding a fresh sandwich in your hand. You found a bench to sit down on and then nibbled some of the bread. You then began to notice some birds near you. "Hey little guys. I bet you're hungry." You broke off a piece of your sandwich. "Here. Take some." They happily chirped back, thankful for some crumbs. Everything was going fine until you noticed a young boy coming towards your way.
He was holding something. Some sort of stick maybe? He then began to try and swat the birds. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? STOP IT!" He continued to slash, smiling while doing so. Before you could do anything, someone had stopped him. It was a large blonde man. You couldn't help but blush from how attractive he was. 'He's more packed then the bakery...'
You then stopped your drooling as you noticed that he was yelling. "-and if you think about trying this again then I'll make sure to not only to inform you parents, but the police as well!" He then let go of the child and they dropped to the ground and scrambled off. "Pardon me, I didn't mean for you to see that. If you'll just excuse me." You grab his hand. "Wait! I'd like to ask you something actually. What do you think of meeting up at the bakery next time? Let me pay as thanks for saving those birds!"
You then learned the man was named Kento Nanami. You grew closer over the next few months and began to learn more about each other. He had left his previous job to start teaching. Adorable. Despite being stoic he was really just a big softie. You thought it was sweet that he cared for his students as they were his own.
One day you received the worst call imaginable. It was your boyfriend. All you knew was that there was a fire and that he was in critical condition. You made it to the hospital as fast as you could. He was in stable condition but his body had been badly burnt on one side and he had lost partial vision. The nurse then left the two of you alone. You would ask why she had stitches on her forehead but you were far more concerned about the man laying next to you.
You went to the untouched part of his face and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry. We'll get through this, I swear! I promise that we'll both go to Malaysia once you're in better condition!" Once he was stable enough, the two of you talked with some investigators. It turns out the arsonist was well known to the police but they had no leads on him yet. They showed you a photograph and asked if you recognized him. Nope. You would definitely notice someone if they went around looking like Frankenstein.
It was now six months later and Nanami was ready to be discharged. You helped push his wheelchair, understanding that this new way of life would not be an easy adjustment. You looked down at his face. "I'll always love you." He shed a few tears and you brushed them aside. You were definitely booking tickets to a five star hotel in Malaysia tonight.
Just as the two of you were crossing the road, a large vehicle came heading your way. "TRUCK KUUUUUUUN!!!" the driver shouted. Wait a minute. You recognized this guy. This was the asshole that did this to your boyfriend! He then began to sing. "GAS, GAS, GAS, I'M GONNA STEP ON THE GAS!"
You tried to react but it was now too late. Nanami pushed you out of the way, sacrificing himself. You survived but at what cost? You looked back in horror, only seeing Kento's lower remains and you began to sob. The man got out of the truck and looked directly at the reader. "I guess he's half the man he used to be! That's all folks!"
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voxxxel · 3 months
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fem bunny girl geto
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milksockets · 1 year
ancient, excavated
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nightmaresyrup · 1 year
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You will need this much scalpels to where you're going. Sanitation is optional.
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starryyskies · 20 hours
HAAAAAA YOU'D ... YOU'D .... YOU'D .... YOU'D ....
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This is basically our dynamic duo now amirite
Can't wait to feed you more pooks ❤️
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cinnamart · 3 months
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i've passed 20k words in my tsbk doc i'm p sure this is a new record for me :)
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sleep-nurse · 9 months
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random fit i had this morning for School i liked it so much that i decided to draw it while i'm almost falling aslee
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lunarian2001 · 10 months
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Doctor LuvBug (probably not even an actual doctor...)
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