#okuyasu deserves more love
tubbypeddle · 12 days
Jojo part 2, 3, and 4 matchup for my sibling!!
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my sibling wanted jojo matchups, and i couldn't explain it verbally, so i wrote it down to explain it better
so just know that this is dedicated to my sibling 🫂🫂 (who doesn't have a tumblr LMAO)
i match you up with....
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you love the pillar men, first of all. second of all, he finds your dumbassery highly entertaining. he doesn't usually like humans enough to court them, but he only made an exception for you because you genuinely didn't mind that he followed Kars' plan to destroy humanity.
you hate humanity just as much as Kars, honestly.
and you definitely dont mind a big fucking man strong enough to actually lift you. and he could do it too. it'd be like him holding a hamburger.
the only reason i didnt pair you with Kars was because one, he sees himself as above humanity. Two, he wouldn't take too well to you humbling his ego. And three, he'd think your hatred for humanity could never compare to his own. which would absolutely infuriate you.
Whammu, though, is kinder than Kars. He thinks it's fascinating that a human could hate humanity. And from that curiosity blooms infatuation.
honorable mentions from part 2!!
Joseph Joestar!
he finds your antics hilarious, and the fact that you probably wouldn't even blink at his "Your next line is!" bit is curious.
he's very curious about how humanity has progressed during his slumber in the pillar, and while you're definitely not the best example of humanity, he still has his eye on you anyway.
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both of you have the same sense of humor, i fear. completely deadpan and said with no ounce of joking in your tone whatsoever. it's very often that whenever you're joking, people think you're being serious.
and also, you understand his quiet personality more than he expected, mostly because you're the same way. he kinda needs someone like you in his life, because we've seen what happens when nobody understands why he does what he does. all it does is get people hurt.
the fact that you need your alone time doesn't bother him. just make sure to remind yourself that he's your boyfriend, because he'll give you all the space, and never push for you to come back to him. if you leave his side to recover your social battery, just remember to come back to him.
honorable part 3 mentions!!
he loves your humor, just like jotaro does. your humor is his favorite feature of yours.
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not just because i believe they deserve someone whos as kind and loving as him, but also because he could definitely handle all that is Connor.
you have a habit of pushing yourself away from people, and Josuke wouldn't let that deter him from getting to know you. Once he's decided that he wants to be your friend, you're going to be his friend.
also, your first date choice just fits him perfectly. he'd love to just go to the movies or an amusement park and make memories with you. and even dates after that, the two of you would just sit and play video games together. you're not so much competitive as you just enjoy playing around, and he thinks that's hilarious as hell.
(Like when we're playing cart ride around nothing on roblox)
i think he'd also enjoy having nap dates with you, bed rotter. the two of u just lay down and sleep for hours.
honorable mentions from part 4!!
he adores the way you hold yourself! and also the fact that you just turn off your brain. makes him feel a bit better about his own "stupidity".
he finds you charming. like a big lazy dog. he knows you're much smarter than you let on, and he appreciates that. you also indulge in his questions on humanity without judgement, which is refreshing.
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dragkbluire · 1 month
It is I! the Wizard!
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In Araki Highschool, there was a huge opportunity for extra credit that posted around the school for all students. Didn't matterr if you were 'normal' (if there ever was such a thing), had a disability of any kind, a foreign exchange student, or an honor student. As long as you didn't have over two suspensions or 5 detentions, you could go. It was a five day summer camp event, where students would go out and stay in a summer camp for five days, competing or enjoying the outdoors. But no one cared about the school credits. all they wanted was to skip out on school for five days.
"Man!" Narancia groaned, a freshman sitting with his friends, "I can't go! I can't afford to miss anymore classes. . ." he groaned, shoving a pretzel stick into his mouth. Fugo, a senior who was only 16 (and Narancia's tutor), patted his back.
"Don't worry. I can make some work packets for you so you can work during the trip." Fugo said. Narancia gasped and hugged Fugo. "Thank you thank you thank!"
Bruno, a senior in honor society, chuckled, sitting next to Abbacchio, a senior with plans on the police academy. "I'm glad you have a friend like Fugo."
"Honestly, Narancia and I wouldn't be as good in school without ya Fugo!" Mista said, grinning, patting Fugo's shoulder. Fugo blushed in embarrassment. Trish and Giorno, both freshmen, smiled.
"Well, mi Padres allowed me to go, so I am more than happy to 'help' you with your school work, Narancia." Giorno said, with his golden smile. "You deserve a break from all this."
"Yea!" Narancia exclaimed with pride. Trish snorted, typing on her phone. Fugo sighed and shook his head.
The bell for lunch rang, and the group stood, leaving to their classes. . .
»»————- ★ ————-««
The travel bus was full of suitcases on the bottom of the bus, secured in the compartments below. A bus full of teenagers was loud. The teacher, Speedwagon, stood, clearing his throat. Everyone shut up, Speedwagon was one of the most loved teachers in the school. He grinned ans his British voice spoke. "Well! I am pleased so many came for the extra credit!" He said, laughing knowing no one came for the credit. "Now, I hope you all with medications or eppipens brought your needed items, as we will be quite far from a hospital if something happens! I'm going to call names and if you're here, say your name!"
Jonathan, the history teacher, handed Speedwagon a clipboard, and he began reading names off. After ensuring all people were here, he sat down, and they were off. . .
Giorno layed back, relaxing as the bus started to roll out when Joseph's head appeared over him, a Junior in highschool and one of the favored rugby players. "Giooorno! I cannot believe we are actually going! haha! I'll finally be able to show you that I can know more about animals and plants than you!"
"Oh please!" Joylne, a Sophmore, appeared infront of Giorno's seat. "You can't even name all 50 states."
"Name all European countries!" Jospeh exclaimed. Ceaser appeared besides him, a fellow Italian man, and pulled Joseph down. "Sit down, fool!"
Joylne laughed, sitting down herself next to Hermes. Josuke suddenly poked his head from across the isle, sitting next to an equally excited Okuyasu. "Oh Giorno! what ate you excited to see?!"
Giorno hummed, thinking as Joseph exclaimed "Ladies!" Giorno turned to see him.
"Aren't you with Susie Q?" Joylne asked. Joseph huffed, puffing his chest out. "Hey! Susie is just as excited to see some ladies as I! Remember she is bisexual and I, for one, am fully supportive of her!"
"I'd say, I want to see how many different frogs I can see." Giorno said, Joseph groaned. "Oh you're boring!"
Giorno chuckled, relaxing again. Kakyoin walked passed Giorno holding Dolphin gummies- most likely for Jotaro- and waved as he passed, his back brace clicking as he walked.
Girono had a good feeling about this trip. . .
»»————- ★ ————-««
The sun fell and rose again, and at 9 am, the students almost pooled out off the bus. There, at the wooden archway in the forest, stood over 10 camp councilors and the owner of the camp, a cheery lady who reminded everyone of a ranch owner. "Hello there! glad to see you're all up and about!"
"Hello Mrs Malon! Lovely seeing you! I am so happy you allowed us to do this school trip!" Speedwagon said, smiling and shaking her hand. She chuckled. "The pleasure is all mine! I was so estatic about the news of young ones exploring my forests!"
Speedwagon chuckled, and moved aside as Jonathan helped remove all the Luggage in the bus, Josuke and Giorno helping, as well as some others like Bruno, Hot Pants, Mr. Avdol, and Miss. Lisa Lisa.
The camp counsilers all stood behind Malon. Malon spoke. "Well, welcome to the camp, I'm Malon, I own this place with my husband. And behind me are all our counsilers, but we treat em like our own. Go on and introduce yourselves, and your helping hands."
The first one with just as heavy a southern accent of Malon stepped forward, a small kid with a blond bowl cut following him. "I'm Twilight and this is Colin. Pleasure to be meeting you all."
The one with a long blue scarf and Kakhi pants almost pushed Twilight away. "I'm Warriors, and this is my helper, Artemis." He said, gesturing to the woman with long blond hair and wearing archery gear.
"I'm Legend, and this is Ravio-" The one with pink and blond hair said, fingers covered with rings, but got pushed away by a boy with black hair and green eyes and a blue bird. "I'm Ravio! I sell snacks and sodas! we are open for business-". "No one wants your over priced shi- Stuff!" Legend barked at him.
The shirtest one laughed, wearing mainly green but had hints of red, blue, and purple on his outfit. "I'm Four. I've got three other brothers around here somewhere, they'll look like me but in different colors. Pleased to meet you all."
"I'm Wind!" A young boy who seemed to be no older than 14 cheered, dressed like a pirate sailer almost. "I've here with Hyrule!" The boy with fluffy brown hair waved behind him, a nervous smile on his face.
A girl with Brown hair and a Witch's hair jumped up and down, throwing confetti and leaves. "It is I! the Wizard! I am here with my Brother, Bloomy!" She cheered, standing infront of a very tall person wearing a skull and a cloak, seeming extremely ominus compared to his short cheery sister.
"I am Wild." A boy who was also wearing a cloak with king blond hair said. "I'm here with my Service fog, Wolfe. Please do nor touch him. While he is an extremely good boy, I ask you please don't touch him or distract him as he is working." He said, the large fluffy good boy laying between his legs, a vest on him.
A boy with earings looked half asleep standing with a bright girl in a dark pink dress. She was literal sunshine, and she happily greeted them all. "Hello! I'm Sun, and this sleepy head is Sky! We are so happy you're here today!"
Malon smiled and turned back to the students and teachers. "Well, my husband is out somewhere in the woods, so try not to spook him if ya find him. Now! I'm sure your teachers will sort you into groups, you get two leader per group. and remember, disrespect any of em and you'll be kicked out into the woods!" She said, suddenly serious.
The teachers began sorting everyone. Giorno was put In a group with Eight others. He was in the Fairy group, with Bruno, Narancia, Abbacchio, Joylne, Hermes, Kakyoin, and Jotaro. So they stood with The 'Wizard' ans Bloomy. Wizard held a microphone, as they began walking. "This is your captain speaking, gotta say, welcome to Lon Lon camp, honored to meet all of you. I'm am the Wizard, and Bloomy is my brother. We are going to take a boat ride down the river because we stole a boat from Warriors because he wears socks and sandles, a crime I'd say."
They made it to a boat you'd see on a water ride with a roof and seat. Wizard jumped in, her brother hopping in after. Everyone was seats and Bloomy started the boat. I connected the microphone to the boat.
"Welcome to the siblings awesome ocean ride~" Wizard says close to the mic. "I want to start off with if ANY of you start talking on stage and start with 'good morning- oh come one we can doe better than that, GOOD MORNING' I automatically do not like you." Wizard says, causing Kakyoin and Narancia to laugh.
"Welcome to Lon Lon camp, and I am so happy to have new people here, it is so boring during the winter. I will start off by saying that Bloomy is single, so ladies or men- I don't judge here~ Bidding for a date with this handsome man thing starts at 5 dollars. Come on guys, he's a real catch-"
"Wizard, I swear to God deja de intentar conseguirme una cita-" Bloomy started, only for Bruno to Raise Abbacchio's hand. Wizard cheers, Bloomy putting his face in his hand, blushing in embarrassment.
"Haha! we are gonna get you a lover, brother!" Wizard says, overjoyed. "Now, if you're not into men, I'm also single!" Wizard laughed, getting slapped over the head by her brother.
The ride was peaceful the rest of the way, though the siblings did bicker a bit.
But reaching the cabins, the students put their bags away, Joylne helping Giorno put his hair up, as it was sticking to the back of his neck. "Wacky, aren't they?" Joylne asked with a grin. Abbacchio nodded, still upset about Bruno making Abbacchio raise his hand on the boat.
"They aren't that bad." Narancia said happily. "I like the Wizard! she seems fun!"
"Bloomy reminds me of Jotaro." Kakyoin said, fixing his back brace, Jotaro glaring at his boyfriend in response. With a gruff growl, he spoke: "I'm not like that emo man."
"You both wear black and are brooding." Kakyoin said, laughing slightly. "Dark and mysterious. I'd say you're both pretty similar."
Jotaro huffed, muttering "Yare are Daze" under his breath. Hermes laughed at this.
"As exciting as the offers are, I've got all I need right here." Hermes said, throwing an arm around Joylne. Joylne blushed, and muttered "Yare yare dawa. . . " Giorno chuckled, thinking to himself. . .
Bloomy stuck his head through the door. "Be quick, We are going to start building a bondfire." He said before his head vanished again. The group looked at one another, before putting on bug spray.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The fire was big and hot, and many were laughing with one another, Ravio trying to sell snacks, only to get dragged away by Legend, Joseph flirting with Artimis only to get told off by the lady herself, and Johnny and Gyro speaking to twilight about horse care and such.
Bruno sat, roasting a hot dog, when he heard a famel voice say "Nice weiner." behind him. he turned with a look of disappointment and annoyance, seeing Wizard, giggling like a mad man. Narancia, sitting next to him, turned, a huge smile on his face. "Oh! it's you!"
She grins "It is I!"
"I'm Narancia! Narancia Ghirga!" Orange boy said, holding out his fist, Wizard bumping it with her own. "I am the Wizard!" She says, sitting down. "So, ready for the events tomorrow?" She asked them both. Narancia nodded, and Bruno nodded as well. Wizard grins, "Lovely! Cause the lake is gonna be nice a lukewarm for once! Yall are kayaking. It's a teamwork thing or whatever." Wizard says, Bloomy sitting next to her.
[Ran out of time to write this, I do hope you enjoy lolol]
I DID enjoy so much that I couldn't stop my hand from drawing some of my favourite scenes. This idea is so funny and has so much potential xDXD
Prepare for the drawing waterfall!!!
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For the ones I did drawing you I used as reference the picrew you tagged me!
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amberswords · 2 years
MINORS DNI. Explicit sexual content under the cut.
CWs: DADDY KINK. AFAB, feminine reader (feminine nicknames all around), implied plus sized/fat reader, AGED UP OKUYASU. Reader gets eaten out.
You consider how wonderful your life has become, and then express to your partner that you really want to get some special attention.
As you rest on the wide expanse of your plush bed, you start to wonder how the hell did you manage to get so lucky.
This is your life now— Comfortable, creating the sort of art that you adore and that helps and lights up people's lives; surrounded by warmth and the people you've chosen, those you know would never fail you or leave you alone, and… Okuyasu, your partner of 6 years and counting, your lighthouse and the most important thing you've ever had.
How'd you ever get so lucky?
Despite the different hours you both work, your positions have allowed you enough free hours to enjoy together throughout the weeks, enjoying the peace and quiet of your home while sticking to the other in gentle, passing touches.
You adore him. His goofy, boisterous laughter and the way his hands curl around your waist when you both lay down to rest; how he hangs onto every word you say with the most sincere of joys, and how his lips mold against yours like there's no other place where he'd rather be.
God. You love him, you love him.
Right now, he sits on the desk by the side of your king bed, his broad back turned to you as his fingers type away on the keyboard, very likely keeping up a lively conversation with Josuke, or catching up with Koichi after a couple of months. You wonder if one day he will get more comfortable doing phonecalls, but you know that he really enjoys being able to leave the texts there for his friends to check and keep for whenever they want to answer.
Memories, you both have learned, are something to keep close to your heart whenever you can. Texting makes remembering easier. 
You sigh softly, rolling to the edge of the bed closest to him with a slow rustle of the blankets. He sits up on a straighter back, as if to acknowledge the noise you are making, but doesn't turn around.
You smile at his back, feeling your whole face softening up in that giddy delight.
"Hm, Okuyasu…" You drag out, resting your cheek on a fluffy pillow.
"Yeah, princess?"
"Are you bu~sy?" 
"I'm talkin' to Josuke," He hums, a smile in his voice. "He's just got a promotion— again, can you believe him?"
"He deserves it," You agree easily, chuckling. "But I don't wanna talk about Josuke, now"
"No?" There's more typing, the keyboard clicking loudly. "What d'ya wanna talk about, babe?"
You wiggle your hips to the side, trusting your balance on your upper body so you can reach one leg out and press your toes against his waist from the side of the chest. He jumps a little, breaking into an easy laugh.
"Want attention," You pout. He reaches a hand down so he can rub at your ankle, finally turning away from the computer so he can face you, careful with not hurting your leg. "It's been such a long day…"
You are grateful for the life you have. You also have a bit of a needy streak.
He pets your shin gently, pressing his thumbs into the muscle of your calf until you shiver, feeling the pressure easing off the tension you keep accumulating before you notice.
"Aw, baby. Have I been too distracted?" He meets your eye with a gentle expression, an intensity in them that you know intimately. "Didn't wanna make you feel lonely, cutie."
You breathe out through your nose, watching him roll his chair closer to the bed as you let your legs fall open by the sides of his thighs, slowly baring yourself in front of him. 
You are comfortably resting in your underwear and his shirt, snug and refreshed in the nicest of ways. It is a wonderful contrast to the nervous, excited feeling in the pit of your stomach, warming up your whole body.
"Are you going to give me attention now, daddy?" You bite at your bottom lip, feeling your ears burning up as shivers run down your skin.
You feel Okuyasu sigh deeply as he lifts up your leg, leaning down to kiss the side of your knee as he massages your ankle. The sound of it is heavy, like the name lights something inside of him that is too big for him to control. It makes you feel weak and helpless in the nicest of ways.
"Anythin' for my good girl," He breathes out against your skin, running the flat of his tongue down your thigh until you quiver and your muscles jump under his mouth. "You've been waitin' so nicely for daddy, haven't ya? I will give ya what you want, princess. Anythin'"
You are so in love.
He peppers kisses down the wide expanse of your thighs, getting closer and closer with the chair until his knees press against the mattress, and he only has to lean down to touch his nose to your stomach.
He rests his palms against your legs and pushes down and down, until the apex of your thighs starts to burn— You don't need to ask him to stop, he knows, and he kisses the pudgy skin of your lower stomach, calming you down.
"Please, Daddy," You sigh, reaching out your hands to bury your fingers into his hair, messing up his bun almost instantly. "Please"
"What d'ya want daddy to do, baby?"
His breath hits directly against your clothed crotch, and you shake under his hands as you tighten your grip slightly in his hair, letting your eyes fall closed.
"Want you to… make me feel nice, daddy"
"D'ya want daddy to lick your cunny, doll?"
You moan, feeling a trickle of slick dripping out of your hole, leaving you to imagine the mess you are likely making of your cute little panties.
"Please, Daddy—"
"Good. Good girl, dolly. Good girl"
His hot tongue draws a stripe from your hole to your stiff little clit over your underwear, darkening the fabric and plastering it to your labia. Your hips twitch up and against his mouth, whining loudly through your sensitivity even with such light contact.
Okuyasu takes his time to savour you before finishing undressing you, sucking your lips over the soft cotton and rubbing his tongue in rough swipes over your clit, moaning against you the more you try to grind against his face, helpless in his grasp.
"C'mon, Daddy, daddy…" You beg breathlessly, shaking your head against the blankets as you pull him closer to your cunt by his hair. "Take 'em off, pretty please"
He laughs through a groan, following your hands as you pull him to ease off of the slight pain, even as it causes his dick to twitch inside his pants.
He hooks a thumb under the side of your underwear, pushing it up and away to free your sopping cunny to his hungry eyes. You are so flustered, twitching and trembling and it's all because of him, because of your darling daddy.
Okuyasu looks up from between your legs, meeting your hazy, clouded eyes, and shooting a lopsided smile your way.
"Are ya going to be a good girl and get real loud for Daddy now, princess?"
You open your mouth to reply, and he leans down to wrap his lips against your clit, rubbing the tip of his tongue against the head of it.
That's okay. You weren't planning on replying with something smart, anyway.
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soupbabe · 2 years
Hello, may I request a headcanons list for Josuke and Okuyasu with a Himbo boyfriend? Imo, they're all himbos, so adding another one to the bunch would so chaotic and wholesome!
This is my first time requesting something, but I've practically read every Jojo post youve made and I love your blog in general.
Poly! Josuyasu x Himbo! Male! Reader Headcanons
Shsbsj thank you!! I constantly see you in my notes and I'm v appreciative n flattered <33
- I'd love to think the crushing stage between you three was the stupidest thing ever /pos
- Like!! Okuyasu is definitely more vocal about his admiration for you and Josuke is left silently agreeing with a blush on his cheeks!!
- Everyone is so obvious but also everyone is like "omg what if he doesn't like me" or conflicted over having feelings over crushing on more than one person
- Josuke was the one to confess to you and Okuyasu
- At the same time
- It was just something that was gnawing at him and he felt as if both of his friends deserved to know
- Tbh it was a bit more confusing when everyone started talking about how they like each other until you spoke up
- "What if we all just dated each other at the same time?" "...is that legal?"
- Everyone shows off everyone it's so goofy /pos
- Like!! Breaking the news to the rest of your friends was just you babbling to them while your boyfriends were stuck in a bone crushing embrace
- Koichi thinks it's sweet while Rohan is left to wonder if your stupidity combined means the downfall of man /hj
- Y'all hype up each other so much!!
- Imagine working out with each other !! Sometimes it's hard to focus whenever someone shouts a "way to go babe!" towards someone
- Okuyasu would be such a dork omg
- 100% would ask if you could carry him
- and you can
- He gets so giddy, expect a kiss or two
- Y'all are the loudest boyfriends ever
- Anyone who walks by y'all will hear nothing but dumb one off convos and laughter
- Josuke is definitely someone who balances the energy out, but when he's around you and Okuyasu it's hard not to smile and giggle at the dumbassery between you two <33
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leucoratia · 2 years
My take on Jojo characters’ sexuality (Part 2)
See part 1 here. I had to make a part 2 because I couln’t fit in all of my tags.
-From part 4 to 5 because I haven’t seen Stone Ocean and the rest yet. But there’s a lotta characters in part 4 and 5 so ey
Tw: mentions of sex, not proofred we die like men.
Josule Higashikata: bisexual demiromantic
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Idk. Not really sure about that one so up to be debated. I feel josuke would fuck anyone but romance? Nah you gotta go 45-steps with this man. Takes slowburn to a whole other level.
Okuyasu Nijimura: pure bisexual
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Yea he’s bi. Gay for Josuke but bi still. He will za hando and za finger probably anyone. The one and only true bisexual. 
Gets no bitches tho sorry Okuyasu you deserved better but you have no game
Koichi, Kira and Yukako: extremely straight
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Like have you seen their vibes they’re straight as hell. As for Kira I raise: he literally simps for the Mona Lisa and collects female hands don’t tell me there’s repressed homosexuality here my man is so unhinged if he was gay he would make himself a realistic dildo collection by collecting mumified penises. Kira is STRAIGHT.
(Sorry David Bowie you deserved so much better you queer icon)
Kishibe Rohan: aromantic pansexual
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Rohan fucks SEVERELY. At least in theory because we know he got no game  he’s 10000% a virgin. Like. Every gender gets our man going in bed but he’s got 0 action bcs have you seen him he might be extremely hot but he’s so damn awkward. His vibes are all over the place. He would probably eat one of your toenails for “art and accuracy”. Hence no one wants to get within a 20-foot radius of Rohan Kishibe. I’d let him hit tho. Then he’ll finally know what sex is like.
Aromantic. Got no time for all that “romance” bs. Literally cringes watching romcoms and seeing couples in the street. People may think it’s because he’s jaleous (no game, remember?) but really he’s just grossed out.
Giorno Giovana: aro-ace king
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Our King is declared ARO/ACE. Giorno knows what sex is but doesn’t fuck. He got more important things to deal with, like idk running the fucking italian mafia. His one true love is justice and equality makes him hard. He’s too pure for all of you wretched souls out there. He’d be happy to bromance you though.
Bruno Bucciarati: bi
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My sweet prince is also cursed with bisexuality but contrary to other bis such as Polnareff he FUCKS. His tongue game is too insane for him to get no bitches I’m sorry (when did this become a “who has game” tierlist-). Anyways yes Certified Freak Bruno likes everyone his heart and legs are open for all. I don’t feel like he would have a preference for a particular gender but feel free to argue with me in the comments. I wish I had more to write about my blorbo but. Well. No thoughts head empty rn.
Leone Abbacchio: omni
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Our man is a proud omnisexual/omniromantic! Plus the flag fits his aesthetic very well so slay king for having the sexuality that goes with your vibe. Honestly yes this label fits. He’s omni. He’s too dead inside to care about gender but keeps it in the back of his mind. 
Married to Bruno (canon doesn’t exist sorry) and will def gossip about other ppl with his husband.
Guido Mista: female-leaning bisexual
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Tbh Mista doesn’t seem to be the type of person to bother with labels. He just fucks. So here have bisexuality. He would be more into women because of his tendency to bromance every male he encouters but he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to explore the matters of the flesh with other guys. Slay.
Panacotta Fugo: aro-ace
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Our favourite calm and collected guyTM is certified aroace! I have absolutely NO DOUBTS. HE IS AROACE. (sex-repulsed also bcs well trauma and he also legit thinks it’s a disgusting waste of time). May he and Giogio create the perfect aroace mafioso team. Cleanse Italy from all of the wretched and perverted souls like Diavolo and Bucciarati children, gooo.
Narancia Ghirga: polyamorous
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I have murdered my brain and soul trying to find a queer orientation for our soft bean Narancia and tbh only polyamorous seems to fit. He want to share the love yk. About his gender preferences? I gave up. I simply cannot concieve Narancia being in a relationship/having sex. No. Too young. Too pure. What do you mean he’s 17 hence older than Fugo/Giorno as well as only two years younger than me? Nope. He’s 12. I don’t give a shit. I will not think about Narancia’s private business ever. He’s just poly take it or leave it.
Diavolo/Doppio: pan
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Male Thot Enemy of the State Diavolo and Unhinged Pure Bean Doppio are both PAN! Difference being Diavolo fucks while Doppio gets fucked. Diavolo my blorbo is kind of Dio-like in his attraction. Because he’s a hot dilf he always gets what he wants. Doppio would be more reserved tbh.
Diavolo is secretly a huge sub tho. I rest my case the evidence is in the show.
Trish Una: Lesbian
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Bro it’s soooo obvious she’s literally gay as hell I have nothing more to say except that Trish likes GIRLS.
Risotto Nero and Melone: pan as well
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Many pansexuals out there and these two are going on the team. Melone in a unhinged way specifically. Risotto wouln’t necessarly label himself, he’d probably be down for everything. Also is there a freak-ass bitch flag? Because these two need it fr. Melone probably has a Christian Grey lookin ass sex dungeon for sure. Melone is a playful switch. Ris a soft switch who secretly likes to bottom. I rest my case once again.
Ghiaccio: gay
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Had to make a separate one for Ghiaccio because I cannot imagine this man being into women and generaly female-passing mfs. He’s soooo into men. Extremely homosexual.
I won’t be making headcanons for everyone in La Squadra because I simply do not give a fuck about most of them.
Loving how there is not a single heterosexual in Golden wind. Perfect. Truly the best Jojo part.
Part 3 of this post coming whenever I’ll get up to date on Stone Ocean/SBR/Jojolion Ig. Ask box open as always kids. Please send me headcanons or prompts I’m so fucking bored-
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signanothername · 3 months
josuke + 3 + 22
Oooh let’s see
3-Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Tbh I can’t think of anything when it comes down to Josuke himself, i do sometimes dislike how canon handles some things when it comes to Josuke’s relationships tho, like the fact Ryohei was killed in episode 2, i kinda wished i’d see more scenes with Josuke and his grandpa :’)
When it comes to Josuke himself tho, I can’t really think of anything, I really love all his character traits, both positive and negative, he’s honestly such an amazing character
22-If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Starting with what i like, literally any fic that focuses on Josuke’s relationship with his mom has a special place in my heart, regardless of what the story is about, as long as it focuses on these two I’m immediately reading that story hdhxhxh
Another thing i like are when fics focus on Josuke’s familial relationships when it comes to his father’s side, LET THE BOI MEET HIS ENTIRE FAM HE DESERVES TO HAVE A BIG SUPPORT SYSTEM!!!!
Also fics that focus on Josuke’s and Jotaro’s relationship, or have them bonding are really heartwarming i love them <3333
Or fics that have Josuke and his friends getting themselves in trouble as per usual
And obviously fics that are the aftermath of Kira are always a nice read, i love me fics that show Josuke’s hospitalization and the mess that comes with it and the recovery after
As for what i dislike, it may come as a surprise, but fics that focus on dates/confessions when it comes to Josuyasu, like don’t get me wrong, i love the ship, literally one of the best ships ever, but as a platonic relationships enjoyer and as a Josuke and Okuyasu are besties truther these kinda fics don’t interest me
Like I’m fine with fics that has Josuyasu, but not the ones that has their romantic relationship as the spotlight of the fic
The problem tho? These are like 85% of fics that focuses on Josuke, so I’m here starving for fics that don’t focus on the ship, i just want Josuke and okuyasu to have wacky adventures together, or fics where their relationship can be read as romantic or platonic, hell fics that have them as an established relationship already and the fic actually focuses on adventures they have or them playing video games or going to Tonio’s or even messing with Rohan, rather than them confessing to each other or going on dates plz I’m fucking starving over here
Other than that, fics that are too occ aren’t my thing, I’m fine with a lil bit occ as I can’t realistically expect a person other than Araki himself to be able to truly write Josuke completely in character, and I humbly think nobody truly can, that includes me, it’s just a matter of can this writer get Josuke to be in character the best they can (which mostly they can actually and they do an amazing job at it <333)
Character ask game
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namimikan · 20 days
i think it’s to it’s credit but just as easily works against jjba part 4 that the animanga introduces a bunch of characters and then doesn’t actually do a lot with them.
because i think it really helps that small town feel?
yes, tonio the italian chef kinda becomes irrelevant after his introduction episode, but he sticks around in background shots, you’ll hear okuyasu and josuke talk about going there again. yukako probably deserves better than to have episodes focused on her love life in drastic ways but she’ll be there sitting in the cafe with josuke&okuyasu&koichi&rohan. strictly speaking, i’d probably like a few episodes for josuke and okuyasu to become fast friends instead of them being enemies in one episode and then besties by the next. the same could be said of rohan tbh with koichi. i think you could have had more joestar fam hangouts, with josuke getting to know joseph and jotaro more.
but i like it bc it feels like you’re at a window looking in, these collection of people dipping in and out of the story, and they change from time to time but such is the nature of snapshots of the story.
and it’s just… it’s a vibe. and while i can see the flaw in it, i am charmed instead.
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mysteriousdragon2 · 1 year
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Nijimura Brothers!! This drawing is dedicated to Keicho, who recently made an appearance in All Star Battle R! Little bro Okuyasu is cheering on him, like he is looking up to him as he naturally does haha. Honestly, always was curious how Keicho would play out, knowing his Stand, Bad Company...and it works like a charm in this game! Love how this game in general references a lot of what the anime/manga has to offer- and Keicho’s GHA attack is radical to see! The camera work is fantastic! And he interacts with a fair bit of characters as well, some actually surprised me- like Stroheim! (Which I’ll be doodling something between him and Keicho very shorly...) Enjoy! And congrats to making it in, Keicho! Always loved him as a minor villain in Part 4- deserves more attention frankly.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
HELLO I LOVE YOUR ECHOES ACT 4 AU. Can you tell me some details abt it :)?
Rohan immediately starts trying to get Koichi to his house because. Well 1) there is the chance this could be a trick from the Bad Alley and 2) it’s safer at Rohan’s place and he’s honestly terrified of Koichi dying a second time
But they find out an issue :)
Because Koichi was just turned into a Stand, he doesn’t have a very good handle on his powers or state of being :)))
So Koichi, filled to the bring with anxiety, terror, and trauma from literally dying, is stuck in a Fight/Flight Anxiety Screaming mentality, he’s now stuck in a coin toss between not even being able to touch physical objects or accidentally using one of Echoes’s abilities on it
As one might guess, accidentally hurting your friend when in the middle of a breakdown is Not Ideal for one’s mental health
But eventually they’re able to figure something out. Koichi ends up floating a few feet and Rohan uses Heaven’s Door to gently nudge him in the direction they need to go. It’s slow, tedious, and Koichi almost Act 3 Super Speeds his way into several buildings, but they’re able to get to Rohan’s place without any more injuries.
And upon arrival, Rohan IMMEDIATELY calls Jotaro and Josuke.
Jotaro because he’s the resident Stand Bullshit Knowledge Guy. Josuke because….. well, Rohan may despise him, but Rohan is willing to swallow his pride just this since because…. Koichi needs help. Emotional help. And Rohan isn’t good with that. He doesn’t want to risk messing things up further, and Josuke and Okuyasu were really close with Koichi.
Plus, they deserved to know their friend might not be as dead as they thought.
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jojolovenotes · 1 year
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Hey babe, 
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m super excited to spend this special day with you. I mean every day with you is special, but a day to celebrate love with the one I love most just makes it even more special. I know it’s kind of just this holiday to spend more money and gifts or whatever, but I still think it’s important to celebrate a special love! I think it should be celebrated every day, but if I’ve got an excuse to be extra loving to you.
 I wanna spoil you so much babe! You deserve to be pampered extra today... I know you’ve been stressed out lately so I just want to take care of you and help you relax. I wanna give you like a personal spa day! I looked up some stuff on how do a spa day at home so I really hope you enjoy it. I even bought some scents that should be relaxing to you and some face masks we can do together. As for dinner I wanna try and make you something, so you can just relax and let me do all the work today. I love you so much babe, and I want to show you just how lucky I feel to be able to call you mine.
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outpost-31 · 2 years
[Not Spoiler Free. Long Post, Under the Cut]
First Impression: LOVED HIM THE FIRST SECOND I SAW HIM. HE IS LEGIT SUCH A FUN GUY EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM MAKES ME SPIN IN CIRCLES. It's a genuine shame he's a side character because he's almost wasted with how little he's utilized in episodes and I want answers to all the mysteries surrounding him. His personality captivates me. I love his design. What's not to adore?? Every moment with him is hilarious but beautiful and so so interesting at the same time. I want more of him. I wish there was more to talk about but he's shown so little..
Impression Now: See above. He's one of the characters I've always loved
Favourite Moment: THE SCENE IN HIS INTRODUCTION EPISODE WHEN HE OFFERED JOSUKE AND OKUYASU ICE CREAM. THE MOMENT WHERE JOSUKE WAS TRYING TO GET HIM TO BECOME DICE. It's all really adorable I love him sm his character is literally the best. But also his selflessness during the Super Fly fight was really badass I love love love him.
Idea for a Story: Anything!! i would sacrifice life and limb for literally ANY elaboration on him he makes me so happy.
Unpopular Opinion: Ok I do think he is, infact, actually an alien. Not exactly a hot take alot of people believe it but is there really much to be controversial about with a guy like him?
It isn't farfetched with all the other. bizarre. things in jojo tbh. If there are vampires and zombies and ghosts and the EXISTENCE OF STANDS AND HAMON and the rod cryptids from part 6, the rock humans from part 8 (though another universe)?? we deserve an alien.
+ not being able to see stands despite his ability, that whole thing with the being allergic to sirens (listen I understand and have sensory issues but also he broke out into HIVES that's not typical).
[but also alot of his behavior could totally be autism too. why not both. personally i think he can be autistic AND an alien. who's gonna stop me]
Favourite Relationship: Unfortunately as a minor character he didn't get alot of screentime with which to show or develop relationships, as is the case for alot of characters, but what we did see was pretty silly I love it. All the episodes involving him were fantastic and every interaction involving him is amazing because of his personality. I think he and Josuke are bffs
As for ships?? I don't exactly have one but I do think the concept I've seen of him and Toyohiro's kindof cute. They were clearly atleast friends bc the ending clips show him hanging out with him on his tower watching the town and it could be fun. But also I'm a bit iffy about it bc?? I dont know neither of their ' real' ages are known so I'm hesitant. The concept of them being good pals makes me happy too.
Favourite Headcanon: Constantly hanging out in populated places of Morioh like the library or shops/parks (usually with Josuke) under the guise of learning more about people. And while he does love to extend his knowledge [will randomly stop in the middle of conversation to regale you with a long random " fun fact! " about something he read] its also just because he loves being around people and it gives him a way to be with friends frequently.
Leads to him hanging out around the lonelier people (Toyohiro, has probably encountered Terunosuke atleast once in the library, Tonio, etc etc) and making odd friends because he too is just an odd guy.
Also that theory about him being as the same planet as the comet(?) the stand arrow came from because.. Godd fuck I dont know its such a cool concept. Even if there isn't too much to support it. Its just such a fun idea it would explain how he has his powers without being able to see stands and [froths].
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
whats your opinion on the pink haired characters in jojo?
Okay so. I haven't watched the new batch of Stone Ocean yet (waiting for a friend to catch up and then we're going to watch them weekly to replicate JoJo Fridays :]) and I'm an anime-only, but just based off my impressions, Hot Pants and Yasuho are lovely and deserve the world, and Anasui is terrible but also pathetic and honestly? I kind of love that
Anyhow. For the ones I do know.
Reimi is a sweetheart and she deserved more screentime. That moment at the end of DIU where she basically sends Kira to Hand Hell? Excellent. Immaculate. I also really wish they would've explored her relationship with Rohan more, especially since she knew him as a kid (and seemingly before he became Like That). I've seen people toss around some headcanons about her being friends with Tomoko/Aya/Shinobu before her death. Idk she had a lot of missed potential (like most JoJo women :/), but I do like her a lot!!
Trish <333 Best girl pre-SO. Pinkest girl ever. The only woman in Italy. Again, I wish she had more development in the series proper, and I don't like that she's pretty much a Macguffin for half of VA, but I love that she eventually becomes an active player and serves as a sort of contrast against the rest of the Fucked Up main cast. At the end of the day, she's not like the rest of them - she's a normal girl that's been thrust into this situation - but the fact that she hasn't been hardened and disillusioned through years of violence is a strength, and that's sick as hell. I think she's an interesting parallel to Giorno, in that he actively shuts out "soft" things (ie emotions and feelings) with this stoic, somewhat distant demeanor - and so does Trish, at first. And while Giorno doesn't really grow much as a character in VA (which is. a topic for another day), Trish does; it's once she puts away the aloof primadonna façade and embraces the things that make her her that she truly becomes strong. Anyhow I think that's neat.
Doppio is. Fine. I guess. Idk I don't think about him much, he's funny and fucked up and the fight with him and Risotto was sick. The fandom does him really dirty. I just. Uh. Have no deep thoughts about him. Shrugs.
Diavolo I do have some thoughts on. People have written thought-provoking essays about morality in VA that convey my thoughts better than I could, but to me, unlike other JoJo villain fates, nothing about his felt cathartic? And that's because imo, he's not a very well-developed or good villain. Obviously some of this just comes by virtue of him not existing on screen until the final act (and then spending most of that as a spirit in other people's bodies), but like. he never feels truly threatening, because all his Evil Acts are pretty much off-screen, or committed while he's nothing more than a shrouded, vague concept. Like, we're told he sells drugs, and That's The Worst Thing Ever because Giorno and Bucciarati think it is. He tortures and kills Sorbet and Gelato, but... the main cast does the same thing. Constantly. Like, I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that Giorno and Narancia have some of the highest kill counts in the series (for protagonists at least), Mista is seemingly well-practiced in some fucked up torture methods, and. I mean. Look at what Giorno does to Diavolo at the end of the part. Diavolo tries to kill Trish, donuts Bucciarati, and kills Abbacchio while he's not even visible and we don't have any tangible character to tie the concept of the Boss to, and Narancia's death happens completely off-screen, making him feel less involved with these events, I guess - especially compared to, say, Dio making Jonathan's life hell and personally gutting Kakyoin, Kira carrying around the evidence of his murders and killing Shigechi/nearly killing Okuyasu on-screen, etc. Resisting my urge to rant about Giorno again, but I think part of it has to do with the fact that the protagonist he's up against has had very little struggle against any opponent, and the suspension of disbelief isn't enough for me to think that, hm, maybe Giorno won't kick his ass immediately (which. he does.) It just makes his fate feel disproportionate and his role as a villain kinda ineffective. Idk. That probably makes no sense but I have a lot of. Thoughts. About VA's writing. And Diavolo is a major part of it.
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kakyoinryoko · 1 year
hermes deserves to win and i say that as someone who subjectively likes okuyasu more she is objectively the better character and jobro
yeah the thing about okuyasu is that he is a very nice and charming and fun boy and i love him. but he is not hermes costello
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rainsoms · 1 year
34. A character you wish you got to see more of
this one's kind of difficult to answer because there are SO MANY underutilized characters in this show :((((
a lot of the jobros (like okuyasu and kakyoin) deserved a lot more stand/character growth and a ton of side characters like tizzano and squalo and keicho nijimura would've been so cool if they had more screen time!
and i know phantom blood is short but i would KILL to see more development for characters like will zeppeli (why is he. like that.) and speedwagon (my love i want to sit down with you and talk about your backstory.)
also part 1 dio. seeing more interactions between him and jonathan during the timeskip would be really awesome i think :)
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foxounderscorecube · 1 year
uhhh kakyoin and okuyasu for bingo!
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For Kakyoin, fairly little on this one. I do like him, though! His design is lovely (he is borderline gender envy, but compared to other JoJo characters available, he isn't who would come to mind for that) and he is so so SO autistic-coded and I do really relate to his isolation and subsequent joy upon meeting others like him.
I like when he's a little bit of a bastard (or a lot of a bastard, in the case of Mannish Boy - that was fucked up but I can't say I blame him entirely) so he definitely deserves to bite and kill and maim a little bit. Just as a treat.
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Okuyasu is so precious... he deserves so much more than he wants and I love that he's a dumbass. I think he's far less stupid than he thinks he is, though. He's so full of love and has been trodded on his whole life and it's so sweet to see him make friends and be accepted. I really resent Keicho for his treatment of Okuyasu, to be honest, even if I know he had his own issues going on. I feel very protective over Okuyasu: I know he can hold his own but he is like a younger brother to me.
Also, he's got dollar and yen symbols on his clothes and cool face scars. Hell yeah
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
100 follower celebration part 2!!
Manifest (Okuyasu x fem!reader)
I’m so sorry for not filling out requests as fast, but I really wanted to finish these for everybody! Hope you guys like this one, too!!
Fic under cut again for length, totally SFW.
Summary: Okuyasu is over the moon as you are finally able to take your newborn daughter home with the two of you; but it brings out all the concerns he’s been silently agonizing over, too. Luckily, he’s got you.
   “Oh, baby no!” You exclaimed.
   The literal baby in your arms, your daughter who was nearly two weeks old, wasn’t disturbed at all by your cries as she reached into the bag you were carrying slung over your arm. There were a myriad of things she could probably grab a hold of that might hurt her - your keys, your wallet, lipstick, jewelry - and you adjusted the baby in your arms once again to try and keep her away. Babies were supposed to be timid when they were finally brought home, but your daughter seemed to already be taking directly after her father, active and unable to sit still.
   Perhaps you were overacting just a bit, but who would blame you? You were newly a mother, after all. The thought of anything happening to your baby frightened you. Could lipstick really hurt a baby? Probably not, but you weren’t interested in taking that chance. You could try holding her without the arm the bag was on; if you were crazy enough to entertain the idea of carrying your daughter with only one hand!
   “[Y/N]! What is it?!” The voice of the other most important person in your life rang out from the other side of the car, and you sighed, but couldn’t help the smile that appeared. If you were overreacting, then you couldn’t even imagine what they’d call his reactions over your newborn daughter. Okuyasu appeared from around the trunk of the car, where he was unloading more things to be brought inside for her. There was a big box lifted over one shoulder, and a high chair looped on his other arm. The sight of it made your heart melt as the sight of him usually did, but you also berated yourself for the umpteenth time that you had overlooked buying a high chair for her in the months leading up to her birth.
   “Nothing, Oku,” you replied, adjusting the baby in your arms once more. “She just keeps reaching for the bag. I don’t know what to do-“
   Before you could even finish explaining, Okuyasu had yanked the bag off your arm and added it to his load. “I got it!”
   “Wait, why don’t you have Josuke carry something, I don’t want you to get hurt!”
   But you watched with indignation as he merrily carried everything into your home by himself.
   “He never learns, eh?” The aforementioned, best friend of your husband, Josuke, said as he came around from the trunk, also carrying a box over his shoulder but admittedly much smaller than the one Okuyasu had taken.
   “Why didn’t you offer to take the bag?” You were half-teasing, but also you kind of weren’t.
   “Are you kidding? Okuyasu would kill me if I offered you any help. He’s been that way since you two started dating. You know this.”
   The way he smiled at you, well, you could never stay mad at either of the two of them. They were practically attached at the hip, the two of them. You’d gotten used to seeing Josuke around fairly quickly. And he was there for every part of your relationship with Okuyasu; he’d been the one to encourage Okuyasu to ask you out, helped him when you two fought, and was the first one to know even before family when you found out you were having a baby. And as soon as he met her, your daughter had wrapped up her uncle around her fingers just as easily as she had her father.
   You held the door for him as you and Josuke made your way inside your house, where Okuyasu was waiting, beaming, and luckily nothing broken as far as you could tell. As soon as you crossed the threshold of the door he’d plucked the baby out of your arms and slid the bag back onto your arm, leaving you speechless for a moment before mockingly putting your hands on your hips. As soon as her father had her in his arms, your daughter lit up, smiling and giggling and moving her arms around as he kissed her beautiful little forehead.
   “I knew this would happen!” You feigned frustration. “He’d forget about me as soon as we brought her home!”
   Josuke chuckled. “You three make quite the little family. Well, I’ll help take this stuff to her nursery, and then I’ll call Koichi and Yukako to see when they’re going to get here.”
   You thanked him and watched Josuke carry - safely - one box at a time, before your attention went back over to the love of your life and the precious bundle he was cooing at. The sight of it sent an electric warmth surging through your body, and you felt yourself tearing up; it was everything you could have ever asked for. Finally, you approached him and put your arms around Okuyasu’s torso, catching his attention just long enough to plant a kiss on him.
   “She’s home. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”
   “Yes, yes of course,” he said a bit oddly, drawing an eye raise from you.
   “It sounds like there’s a but at the end of that?”
   ��No there isn’t! I don’t regret a single thing!” He exclaimed, a little too forcefully for your liking.
   “Okuyasu!” You snapped his full name, something that you only did when upset with him. “Tell me what’s wrong!”
   The thought had never crossed your mind before, but was it possible he could have gotten cold feet? He was there for you, every step of the way through your pregnancy. You thought your daughter had charmed her father completely. Had you read it all wrong?
   Okuyasu sighed, his shoulders slumping forward. “I’m really not all that smart, you know that, [Y/N]? You’re the smart one.”
   This self-deprecation of his was commonplace, and you felt as though you knew what would be coming next. You slid your hand over his back, anything to assure him you were there and you were listening. Just as always. He said he was the stupid one, but how could you be so dumb to jump to such radical conclusions?
   “What if... if I’m a terrible father?” He said finally, sitting down on the chair behind the three of you. You could see as his grip tightened around the swaddled baby in his arms. Not tight enough to bother her, but tight enough for you to visibly see the tension that was in his body.
   “Oku, you won’t be a terrible father,” you replied gently.
   “How do you know that? I’m not smart at all, and I barely remember my mom, and the only things I remember about my dad’s parenting is how much he used to hit me. Keicho raised me since I was five and well, you know how that went.”
   His expression had completely fallen by now, from how bright his eyes had lit up when holding your daughter. You could feel your heart sink a little in your chest for him. Okuyasu, who was never afraid of anything, was very scared at failing as a father.
   “I’m not perfect,” you started slowly, raising a hand to brush over his cheek soothingly. “I’m only human. I’m going to make mistakes as a mother too. But we’ll have each other, Oku, the whole way.”
   “What if she develops a Stand?” He asked, suddenly looking you directly in the eyes. You could tell the thought had been tormenting him; he had just been really good at hiding it. “That will obviously be my fault. How will I be able to protect her if that happens?”
   You brushed your fingers slowly over his shoulder and along the back of his neck, a small smirk playing on your face. “Well, her daddy’s the strongest Stand user I know.”
   You pridefully beamed when you saw a blush making its way onto Okuyasu’s face. He adorably bit his lip in defiance. “I don’t think that’s true.”
   “Well I suppose then her Uncle Josuke isn’t bad either,” you added, poking him in the side. “We’ll figure it out, together. You don’t have to worry, Okuyasu, because you’ll never have to do these things alone. It won’t be easy, raising our daughter, but I promise you that I’ll be there to support you every step of the way, okay?”
   You leaned over to give him another, very gentle kiss as the bundle in his arms cooed softly, as if knowing her parents were stressing over her. In response, Okuyasu’s arm wrapped around you and he pulled you in a little closer, comforted more by your presence than by your words. You knew it, because you knew him. It seemed to have worked though, as his shoulders relaxed, tension in his muscles slowly melting away under your touch.
   “All right you two,” Josuke’s voice interrupted the very intimate moment between the three of you. “Enough fooling around. You’ll get all the time you want together later, after I leave, so I was expecting some help while I’m moving your things-“
   You looked up to see Josuke turning the corner with more boxes in his hand for just a moment, before he tripped on something underfoot and immediately fell on his ass and the things in his hand went flying.
   Okuyasu’s arm around your waist tightened instinctively, and you watched as the expression on his face became blank, but focused. You couldn’t see The Hand - you couldn’t see Stands at all, only knew they were there - but knew in the way his face changed, and the way the boxes suddenly flew toward the two of you and gently floated to the ground, that he had summoned his Stand. You let out a sigh of relief as you stood up and went over to Josuke to make sure he was okay, helping him to his feet as you laughed.
   “Nice reaction on that one, Okuyasu,” Josuke chuckled, but looked over toward his best friend when he didn’t reply. “Okuyasu?”
   You followed his gaze over toward him, where Okuyasu was still holding your daughter. His face was trained on hers, while her tiny face was staring at the boxes. More accurately, at the shimmering presence that was above them.
   “She’s staring directly at The Hand,” Josuke told you. “She can see his Stand.”
   “Only Stand users can see another Stand,” Okuyasu repeated reflexively, like it was something he was programmed to say.
   You looked between the two stunned Stand users and your daughter, who’s gentle expression showed she wasn’t frightened of The Hand at all. Of course she wouldn’t be; it was the manifestation of her father’s soul. It was a part of Okuyasu.
   “Well, that’s one question answered, I suppose,” you couldn’t help but laugh a little, and your laughter eased the tension that had built up in the room. “Looks like you boys’ll be busy when her Stand manifests.”
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