#onmyoji headcanons
hokkyokusei · 2 months
Their reaction, if SO deceive them into looking the other way, and then kiss quickly their cheeks.
Susanoo, Susabi, Orochi, Tsukuyomi
Susanoo is pleasantly surprised and, depending on the situation, will prefer to continue the kiss
In fact, Suaabi wouldn't quite understand such a gesture. But he will smile and offer to do something else
He knows that s/o are up to something and will turn around at the very moment when they are about to kiss Orochi
He's just curious about what s/o want to do, and so Tsuku will play along with them a little bit
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Taishakuten Marrying his Childhood Sweetheart Part 1
- Dating Asura Would Include…
- Possessive Asura
- Asura Being Clingy and Touch Starved
- Asura being a Father May Include…
- Asura Proposing to His S/O
- Dating Seimei Would Include
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lotuses-and-snakes · 1 year
Воспоминания «бога» порядка. I. Индра
Это идея для фика. Это огромная, по-настоящему масштабная AU, которая живет в моей голове уже несколько месяцев с тех пор, как я пришла в Onmyoji и прочла ивенты «Корона из лотосов» и особенно «Возвращение Мары».
К сожалению, я очень плохо пишу линейные макси-произведения. И даже если у меня есть несколько отдельных уже написанных сцен, то вряд ли они кого-то заинтересуют в таком разрозненном фрагментарном виде. Но я все равно хочу записать саму идею.
Стоит начать с того, что я хотела найти в мире Onmyoji место для Бога Траястримсы. До сих пор он будто повис в вакууме, потому что, кроме рассказа Тайшакутена, ничего о нем неизвестно. Нетизы в интервью сказали, что селестиалы легко вписываются в общую канву Onmyoji, но пока что у нас всем заправляет Такамагахара и их драма. Опираться на мифологический канон? Все, кто играл в Onmyoji, знают, что это сомнительная затея.
И так я стала очень много фантазировать. Идея постепенно обретала формы, трансформировалась под влиянием новых вышедших сюжетов – в частности, игровой канон Идзанаги заставил меня почти полностью переобосновать изначальную идею, – и дальнейшие сюжеты, я уверена, приведут к такому же результату, однако…
Стоит также предупредить, что, хотя мне интересны все эти буддистские, синтоистские и прочие каноны, в итоге я фантазирую лишь о том, что нравится лично мне.
– в моем фике «Я скучал по тебе, Сусаноо» Орочи на самом деле уже описывал рождение Индры в этой AU (а называть Бога Траястримсы я буду именно так): «Когда-то мир был создан в танце. Небо и земля разделились. И все началось». Мне нравится мифологически-каноничный факт, что Индра – тот, кто разделил небо и землю (хотя по факту «земля» была очень условным названием).
– когда Первоначальный Хаос захотел принять форму, он создал того, кто запустил процесс. В пустоте родилось желание меняться и развиваться, желание породило импульс к действию. Так появился тот самый разум. Так Вселенная породила сама себя, поэтому привилегия принимать безусловные решения, чего-то желать и хотеть – это привилегия самого мира. Индра в ней – это первая осознанная мысль новорожденного мира, он воплотил процесс перехода от хаоса к порядку и стал «физическим» воплощением последнего.
– именно по этой причине Индра всегда был против, когда его называли богом. Боги творят или разрушают, они – это движущая сила. Результат их деяний видим и осязаем. Порядок (как и Хаос) – это состояние. Никто не может управлять Порядком или Хаосом, любые их переходы из одного в другое естественны, предсказуемы и неминуемы. Он никогда не обладал особой чудесной или фантастической силой, кроме возможностей его разума. Индра – непревзойденный мастер иллюзий, и, возможно, его сила на самом деле превосходит любые границы. Но все зависит от точки зрения.
Можно понять, что я очень люблю концепцию порядка, хаоса и энтропии. А также превосходства разума над материальным.
– хотя Индра – первая одушевленная сущность, он последний из древних богов и иных существ, кто принял материальную форму. Сразу после рождения Вселенной он вернулся к бесформенному существованию «здесь и нигде». Вселенная продолжила развиваться впечатляюще быстро: и появились земля в привычном нам понимании, появились горы, реки и звезды, все многообразие природы, растения, животные, боги, люди и т.д. Время, смерть, конечность… и паутина пространства-времени: каждый поступок прокладывал свой путь и порождал свой исход, альтернативные и параллельные реальности множились подобно ветвям деревьев.
– стало само собой разумеющимся иметь материальное воплощение, поэтому некоторые боги в конце концов уговорили Индру принять его. Хотя даже тогда долгое время Индра оставался в животном обличье. Я думаю о нем, как о маленькой белой ласке.
– к тому моменту, когда появились всем известные Аматерасу, Цукиеми и Сусаноо, мир принял уже более привычный нам вид, а среди богов и иных около божественных существ стало обычным делом принимать именно человеческий облик, так им нравились люди (хотя часть богов, самом собой, все равно считала людей значительно ниже себя). И Индру тоже удалось уговорить «стать человеком».
– версия мира, на формирование которой преимущественно оказали влияние Идзанаги и Идзанами – это первый мир, в который пришел Индра после принятия сперва животной, а потом и человеческой форм, поэтому, хотя за всю долгую жизнь Индра посещал бесчисленное множество альтернативных миров (стоит тогда говорить не о Вселенной, а о Мультивселенной?), этот мир имеет для него особую эмоциональную ценность.
– вся дальнейшая история Индры, связанная с Землей (а я буду называть этот конкретный мир, который потом – после кончины – возродил Идзанаги, именно так), и других фигурирующих в этой AU героев (Аматерасу, Орочи, Инари…) – это история, происходящая в первой, изначальной версии Земли.
Когда Его спросили об имени, Он посмотрел на небо:
– О, идет дождь, – капля попала на раскрытую ладонь и скатилась по коже. – Зови меня Индра*.
* одна из теорий этимологии имени «Индра», что оно происходит от корня «ind-u» – «капля дождя».
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ozzgin · 2 months
Do you think I can request headcanons for Nakamaro ?
Like in an alternate route, reader and him (he's in his twenties because... magic ?) are married and reader is pregnant.
But the funny thing is, Nakamaro can't bully the yokais because reader will exorcise him each time he tries.
Aaaaah I finished writing and only afterwards it occurred to me you might've wanted a modern day reader for this. 😭 I imagined the events in his own timeline. Oh well. I think it can work both ways. Just replace the ancient pouch with, I don't know, a visa card that he throws at your parents for wife payment.
Yandere! Onmyōji x Reader
Yokai Harem AU as the wife of Abe no Nakamaro, a legendary sorcerer and collector of yokai. Although you're not quite as powerless as to not keep his cruelty under control.
Content: female reader, arranged marriage, mentions of pregnancy
[Main Story] [Character Guide]
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Your family had vehemently opposed the marriage. To think their one and only daughter would fall into the hands of such a cruel man. The famous Abe no Nakamaro, descendant of Abe no Seimei himself, has quite a contradicting reputation. He has saved many lives, cured countless illnesses, protected villages from monsters and brought peace to the land. Yet many have also witnessed his ruthless nature: the arrogance he has towards humans, the disdain and utter disgust he harbors towards demons. He is quick to punish, rarely forgives, and never forgets. The yokai he’s captured under a binding contract are kept on a leash, like cattle before slaughter.
It is this man who approached your parents one day, when you were still young, demanding your hand. He claimed you had special powers and a lot of potential under the right guidance. Such spiritual prowess would waste away in a family of plebeians. You don’t remember much of the discussion, only the expressions: the man’s mocking grin as he threw a pouch fattened with coins, the frown of your parents who wanted to refuse, the uneasy, grim eyes of the horned demons brought to intimidate. It was clear they were there against their will. One will find just how difficult it is to go against the wishes of the onmyōji, and you happened to be his most ardent desire. Thus, with a heavy heart, you’d been sent away with the stranger who promised you were to live a life of luxury. One your parents could never afford.
True to his word, you have not struggled since. In Akutagawa’s short masterpiece, Hell Screen, artist Yoshihide is wicked and vicious towards everything and everyone except his beloved daughter. Similarly, the sorcerer seems to have a soft spot for you in particular. He often praises your talent, and patiently caters to your whims without complaint. You once inquired about it yourself, as the idea weighed heavily on your mind: why is it that he does not show the same hostility towards you? He stared at you as if you just grew two more heads. "You're my wife. What else is there to question?"
This favoritism, however, is to the benefit of everyone. Especially to the yokai under his command. You've grown rather fond of the demons in your years spent alongside them, and they've quickly learned that your presence means safety from any punishment. Some need reassurance more than others. To these you've even begun to feel like a motherly figure, shielding them from the wrath of an unforgiving master. At last, an authority even Abe no Nakamaro himself can't disobey: the word of his wife.
And soon enough, as if your marriage wasn't already the ultimate argument, you welcome the return of your husband with the news he's always longed for: you are the soon-to-be mother of his child. His name has just been guaranteed to continue its course through time. To say he is elated is an understatement. You've only seen him smile so genuinely once before in your life, on your wedding day.
"Can you imagine the powers this child will command?" He muses, referring most likely to the fact you've both been blessed with an innate, unmatched talent in onmyōdō. You finish rolling the parchment paper and gently tap his head with the scroll in a scolding manner. "You better not burden the kid with your bizarre expectations!" The same man feared throughout the country is chuckling apologetically at your gesture. "As the Mother says."
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otaplover · 1 year
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qingxin-flowers · 1 year
“You or the world?”
Or, what if they had to choose between you or the world?
Featuring: Susanoo, Divine Prophet Susabi, Enmusubi, Miketsu
Warnings: None
Notes: There will be more parts for the other gods coming soon!
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The world
It comes without a doubt that the executioner god should choose the world over a single mortal. After all, he is the one that is meant to quell chaos and keep the peace of the world, let everyone live in peaceful harmony so long as his existence is still around. 
But what about the man who holds the title of executioner god? What about the man named Susanoo who had forsaken his promise to love all humans equally the moment he realized that he had fallen in love with you? 
Protecting the world was a heavy responsibility to shoulder but after meeting and falling in love with you, that burden seemed to be lifted by a considerable amount; after all, you were part of this world so protecting the world also meant protecting you alongside the people that he was already meant to protect. How cruel it was to ask him whether you or the world was more important to him, as if he had a choice to begin with.
"I love you," he whispers into the quiet night, holding you close as if you would slip through his fingers like sand if he held you any less tightly. His gaze is so unbearably soft that even the brightest star seems dull in comparison, shying away as it swore to keep the love between you and him a secret that underneath the night sky.
Alas, when the stars fall and the day reappears, when the sun watches over the world like how Amaterasu used to, he has no choice but to let go of the love in his heart and fulfill his godly duties of loving everyone equally.
Every day, he prays that the world would become a peaceful place that would no longer require his protection, one that would no longer have him choose between it or you. Until then, he finds solace in the night with your body that sleeps next to him, wishing that the day would start just a little later so that he could hold you for a little longer. 
(More below!)
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Divine Prophet Susabi
Fate was a cruel thing, one that had no rights to hold such a tight grasp over anyone like his teacher had taught him– which is why Susabi sincerely believes that he would always choose you over the world. 
For years, he had questioned what fate truly was and when he had finally come across the answer, it only made him more determined to abolish it so every life had the chance to build their lives with the choices they made. He had seen many people fight against fate in order to grasp their future with their own hands and to him, those people were brighter than the stars that lit up the moon sea, sparking a flame of rebellion within him that continued to burn brighter as the world continued to see improvements ever since Orochi went into hiding after the Six Realms Gates opened. 
Before, if you had asked him whether he would choose between you or the world, he would scoff and ask you to ask him better questions. After all, the answer was obvious to the one who had the ability to prophesied the future– if he chose you, you would still perish alongside the world that was about to be destroyed in the near future. Now that that future had been avoided, he could indulge in his selfish desires and say with his full heart that yes, he would choose you over the world, for a world without you would be the same as that prophesied destroyed future.
His fingers brushed over your cheek, a smile appearing on his normally cold face as his heart tickled at the sound of your laughter. Without missing a beat, he picked up your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of your fingers like a knight swearing an oath. 
"I promise to give you the happiness you deserve."
When he looked up and saw you smiling at him as if he had given you the world, he swore that he would pull the stars down from the sky if you asked him to. 
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"Having the goddess of love choose between the one she loves and the world that is filled with love? How absurd!"
She would say with a large pout, offended that you would have the audacity to ask such a thing. After all, all mortal relationships were tied by her and that includes yours. If either you or the world were gone then she wouldn't even exist!
…. Okay, that was an exaggeration. She knew better than anyone that if you were gone, the world would still continue to spin and she would still be tying bonds just like any other day. However, she saw no point in choosing when to her, you were the world itself. You were the one that showed her love and made her hopelessly in love with you, the one that strengthened her determination to continue tying bonds if only to let other people find a love as precious as the one she found. So it came as a no brainer that she would do anything in order to keep you and the world running no matter what, if only to let this little piece of love continue existing for just a little longer. 
She huffed and pointed at you. "Don't you think for even a second that I would ever think of giving you up to anyone or anything! Not. A. Chance!"
For as long as she continued to exist, she would continue to tie and look over everyone's bonds, including yours. 
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The world
As much as she wanted to give you all her love, she knows that the world would always require her assistance more than you. 
Don't take this as an offense– of course she dearly loves you but gods have a duty to help and protect all humans. After all, that is what they were created for and to someone as diligent and hardworking as Miketsu, she will see her duties to the end, even if it means neglecting herself and the people close to her.
However, sometimes, when she has the chance to feel your arms wrapped around her body, a thought comes into her mind. A selfish wish to keep you by her side forever so that no harm would ever come your way, so that she can continue to watch over you even when she has to perform her other duties as the goddess of prosperity. It hurts her heart to imagine that there would be a day when she no longer has the chance to feel your embrace due to your short mortal lifespan and the fact that she is always busy giving prosperity to others doesn't lessen her guilt one bit. 
Before she had time to process her thoughts, words carelessly slipped out her mouth. 
"Have you ever thought of becoming a god?"
The moment she feels you tense up is the moment she knew she messed up. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me! I swear that I never thought about that before and I would never ask you to become one without consulting you first so please don't take my words seriously. If by some chance I had seriously considered it then I wouldn't have asked you so suddenly so please–"
Your attempts to calm her down fall on deaf ears as she becomes too embarrassed to process anything other than what she had asked you. Suddenly, realization dawns on her: If you became a god, doesn't that mean she wouldn't have to choose between you or all the humans in this world?
Suddenly, she meets your eyes with newfound determination. "If by chance, there was a way to make a human become a god, would you like to become one?"
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a-weird-writer · 1 year
Susanoo loves hugs, physical contact is greatly important to men like Susanoo and equally cherished. Like the gold coins in a treasure chest.
Many many years fighting evil gods rendered Susanoo a cold but very lonely individual, shattered his initial innocence and tethered his divine standing. War opens one's eyes to how the world really is in the face of a god. For practically heavy-hearted Susanoo, weighted by a dark curse, to seek humanity and crave sentiment is logical; a fond trance of friendship, of a time long drifted far from home.
Scars litter Susanoo's body. Wounds no mere mortal can suppress; brother to a divine lie, the cursed executioner of Takamagahara, a deep engravement with in his very spirit.
The radiation of battle stubbornly follows Susanoo, in the form of fierce winds and terrible waves. Bellowing in the wet vapor of clouds, shouting voices of booming thunder heard from the other side of the Earth; Seas, fields of devoted spoil's part ways under the weather's calming gaze. The war-torn catalyst overcomes all in his way, as expected from a harbinger of storms grand enough to cause earthquakes. Slayer of gods. Tight, closes in on himself, too bashful for his own good in the modern world; complicated amounts of trauma burden him, plagued by shadows and ghosts. War with no direction is an ugly sight, as is Susanoo most days, the skies will say as much.
No one likes getting hurt, and Susanoo wholly hates the fight; a judge loathing his purpose, but when the role beseeches, the weather's will strike it down. A pawn to fate, solider to destiny. Godly weapon of Amaterasu.
Regardless, he wants no habit of distancing himself, hurting others. His sanity is one of the very few things he has left. As long as he maintains himself and his beloved, his death couldn't feel more peacefully accepted.
How afraid Susanoo is to actually let people in, only a mortal can simply imagine, thrown in a future so vastly different then his last.
An immovable god in the face of evil.
Susanoo's life is bound to be surrounded by calamity; gods of this world often are. This god rushes into battle the moment his people are threatened, a call for help answered with a loud clap of raging thunder, fast as lightening, a fierce strike upon the forces of darkness. A judgement for those who dare harm the weak. He will sacrifice himself to protect those he trusts. That fear of hurt-the pain and loss, hid under a cover of steel-like ambition and warrior spirit.
Clearing the skies of a man like this takes kind patience, Susanoo is an immortal spiral across the overcast, dark and looming. His storms are merciless, fierce, but the rainbows right behind shine such a bright lovely light. There is a strange, phenomenal contrast of balance slowly trailing Susanoo everywhere he flies. Humans and monsters alike fear provocation when he actually isn't a bad person, not easily offendable.
People judge the judge. He has low social skills and is calmly introverted, a tightly wound god.
Hugs heal, a remedy amongst good companions. A friendly gesture so loving in its simplicity, a charming tie of fingers and arms. Interlocking persons, closer than ever before. Lonely people naturally desire personal things, especially lonely humans and gods.
No one-nothing makes Susanoo happier, cleans his wounds faster than a hug from his most beloved one. His arms are primed to the brim of God-like power, the purest source of weather and sky. A surface tension of lightening, thunder and cloud-like flesh.
A hug from Susanoo is guaranteed perfection. Hugs are a physical motion of connection, a bind between to dedicated people. A promise. It descends on you like a forgotten breeze, a motion you longed for since you first heard it sing, saw it linger and hover over your hands and face. You never thought Susanoo, a man of judgement, a powerful god of weather, would look at you like you're at the edge of the Earth.
The corner of Heaven and beyond.
He-your precious Susanoo-doesn't leave without leaving something behind, a happy reminder. Susanoo talks to you in the softest ways, even in silence his heart speaks volumes, damn near vulnerable if gods can be that way. To Susanoo, hugs are another way to feel, to connect. Longing sways in an ancient body, careful calculating movements. Either by brushing a few strands of your hair out of your eyes or a tender knuckle kissing the side of your cheek. A gentle aura of summer solace, a smell of minty mist. The afterglow of heavy rainfall.
It is a living dream, to be cradled softly in his arms, you and Susanoo are dead to the world like this. Quiet and content, moments like this are why people live, die clinging to another. Love is a twisted curse; humans have gone mad and killed for it, but it is addicting. And it is human.
Worth protecting. Burning in his memory for a thousand years and a night more.
Of love, enough to burst his poor heart. You found him, holding so tightly like he will vanish out of thin air, lovely tenderness, a kindness tasted on the tip of his tongue. Gone from the world, away from you. You don't want to let go, nor does he.
(You suppose that means both of you are selfish beings. For you though, to know despite everything, you will still be happy; live a long life, not in pain, but at peace? Susanoo will go as decided, selfish as he needs to be to protect you and that graceful smile, catching the stars in those wonderful lips. A face he grew so content with for so long after eternity long existence-banishment in cruel isolation.
Even after so long, century to century, he forgot not a single detail of yourself. Of your expressions, and certainly never your happiness.)
Pain-any resentment-dies when you hold him, pitifully and without remorse. A child comforting in their favorite teddy bear. To the dusty shelves of his inner mind, alone to wither and die, forbidden merits and shards to time.
None of that is important.
Not as important as returning home to his beloved-slowly eroding to the sands of time, your crescent moons never wavered-the warmth of a familiar light after a long day of hardship.
To that hug-a delicious sentiment, the romantic bind.
Your promise he always misses.
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kokusfluffyhair · 10 months
About 🌙
It's about time that I made one of these "about/hello" posts to pin 😅 My blog has become chaotic and it's in desperate need for organisation 😄
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This blog is multi-fandom, although I've been using it mostly for kny/Demon Slayer so far.
Animes and Characters I will write for:
Demon Slayer: Kokushibou, Muzan, Gyutaro, Douma, Rengoku Kyojuro
Inuyasha: Sesshomaru, Jaken, Rin (platonic only), Inuyasha, Miroku, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna (platonic only), Hakudoshi (platonic only), Byakuya, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu
Dororo: Tahomaru, Hyakkimaru, Daigo Kagemitsu, Jukai, Mutsu, Hyogo
Dr. Stone: Tsukasa, Kinro, Senku, Ryusui
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Ling Yao, Greed, Fuhrer Bradley/Wrath, Selim Bradley/Pride (platonic only)
Black Butler: O!Ciel (platonic only), Sebastian, Viscount Druitt, Soma, Alois (platonic only)
Bungo Stray Dogs: Fyodor, Nikolai, Fitzgerald, Mori
Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin, Sanosuke, Aoshi, Yahiko (platonic only)
Vanitas no Carte: Vanitas, Noe, Jean-Jacques, Mikhail (platonic only)
SpyxFamily: Damian Desmond (platonic only), Anya (platonic only)
Death Note: L, Ryuk
Due to some of the content on my blog, it is 18+. MINORS DNI WITH NSFW CONTENT
English / magyar / Deutsch / română -- I'm most comfortable with English and Hungarian. Please be patient 💜
I'm nb/agender and go by any pronouns. I try to be gender-neutral in my writing, but will write specifically for female or male reader if requested.
Blog rules:
Don't be an asshole or a bigot, have patience with responses/requests
Links to my work:
The Demon Queen (this is a really long fic I wrote that's not on Tumblr. it's on Wattpad right now and I'm in the process of moving it to AO3)
The Perfect Sacrifice (a new "Dororo" fic I am writing. It's also not on Tumblr and can be found on my AO3)
My canon-based rp blogs:
Abe no Seimei
© kokusfluffyhair 2023. Do not copy, paste, plagiarize, repost or steal my work. Do not translate my work without prior permission.
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onmyoji-posting · 1 year
Ahhhh.. just played the War of Mt Oe again and now I extra sad about Yorimitsu/Onikiri (tho Yorimitsu still be a dick)... so can I request yandere!Onikiri falling for yandere!Yorimitsu's darling? Like, Yorimitsu prob bought darling from her family (into marriage or otherwise) and Onikiri fell for his master's wife? And how that pans out after Onikiri finds out about what Yorimitsu did to him? Love <3
I left it half way through for almost a year lmao i finished it before writing the request so i can be more accurate but yeah im with you on this it left me devastated and Yorimitsu makes me want to kick him so bad
I may have gotten a bit carried away when writing this, and to be honest I could write a lengthy fic with this if anyone is interested because I would like to go into even more detail lol
Also the S/O's pronouns are she/her for this one!
Onikiri falling for Yorimitsu's S/O (Yandere)
Ever since her arrival, she looked absolutely miserable. It was clear she did not want to be with Yorimitsu and if it hadn't been for the fact that he bought her, she wouldn't have been here. But unfortunately her fate was to become his wife. And to make matters worse, Yorimitsu was quite possessive over them so much so that he preferred to keep her hidden so no other man would dare to look at his wife except for the instances that it was obligatory for her to be seen in public with Yorimitsu. Except for the exception of Onikiri who had been tasked to watch over her and protect her whenever Yorimitsu was away.
In the beginning he did as he was tasked and barely spoke to his master's wife, but as time passed they both grew closer. So much so that Onikiri became her only friend and confidant. During one of the occasions when Yorimitsu was away, she confided in him that she was absolutely miserable living with Yorimitsu and wished she wasn't his wife. She also told him that he meant a lot to her and he was the only one he trusted in this clan and made her feel safe.
That was when Onikiri's gears started turning, from the moment she had arrived he had seen her as his master's wife and his good friend. But he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he envied his master. Since for the first time Yorimitsu had something he wanted, and what irritates him the most is that he could treat his master's wife better. Though for now he would keep these thoughts to himself.
As time went on, the pair grew closer and she further confided in him that she felt like Yorimitsu was obsessed with her and that she feared him at times. She then added that she wished to experience true and genuine love and that she wished to live far away from the Minamoto clan and to be in peace. She had also jokingly mentioned that if he could go live with her it would be even better.
That's when his feelings intensified, but Onikiri was absolutely mortified since he couldn't bear betraying his master or even worse that due to his selfish feelings, she would end up getting hurt or taken away from him. And he couldn't bear to be separated from her. But for now, he had to keep doing his duties despite many feelings brewing inside of him. In one hand he felt respect, loyalty and gratitude towards Yorimitsu, and in the other his feelings of envy and jealousy were intensifying, as well as new feelings of resentment and helplessness started to manifest since he felt that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place but he deeply wanted to help his beloved to be free as she deserves and to relish that freedom with her.
During the time when the those feelings hit a breaking point was around the same time he regained his memories. Onikiri was in an absolute rage. Though Yorimitsu had already taken preventive measures in terms of keeping his wife "safe". Yorimitsu had already prepared plans in case a situation like this ever happened and had ordered his men to take his wife to an undisclosed location as far away from the clan as possible and to keep her under heavy supervision to ensure that no one dares to take her, especially Onikiri.
Once Onikiri made his way through Yorimitsu's army, his next goal was to take what was rightfully his and take her back to live with him anywhere she chose. Now it was the perfect time to free her, Onikiri thought to himself. It would be a big blow to Yorimitsu's ego and his influence. And as he approached to where Yorimitsu usually kept his S/O hidden he imagined his future with her, as it was now what breathed new hope and life into him. But once he opened the door, he was greeted with an unfamiliar silence, as his beloved was nowhere to be found. Onikiri scoured the entire place and found that most of her belonging were gone, and the remaining things were scattered as if everything was done in a hurry. This infuriated Onikiri even more since Yorimitsu had the audacity of hiding her somewhere else. Then he went though every single building of the clan, searching for her and when he couldn't find her anywhere his rage grew.
But for now he would face Yorimitsu first and then continue searching for her once he is done handling the bastard of a man he once respected and looked up to. The fight between the two was intense, and in the end Yorimitsu still refused to reveal where was keeping her captive. Despite this Onikiri kept demanding for the location, to which Yorimitsu asked about his insistence on finding her.
That's when Onikiri finally allowed himself to accept the intense feeling that were brewing in him, and like a volcano his mouth erupted all that he felt for her and the hatred he felt for Yorimitsu. Onikiri also said to Yorimitsu he would find her regardless and take her away and treat her right and that he would be a far better lover than Yorimitsu ever could. He then remarked that she trusted him more than her husband. At this point Onikiri had the idea that she loved him and not Yorimitsu, but in reality she just wanted to be his friend.
Once he was done with Yorimitsu, Onikiri went to interrogate some of Yorimitsu's servants, demanding them to reveal where she was, and the servants fearing for their lives told him where she was being kept. He didn't even hesitate and went to rescue her. The trip was a long one having been hidden far away from the clan, but with each step his heart filled with even more hope on having a peaceful life with his beloved. He would keep her as far away from anyone, she wouldn't need to rely on anyone but him and they would both be very happy. Thoughts like these kept him going day and night without resting. And once he got there he didn't even break a sweat taking down the countless guards that kept her imprisoned.
Finally, Onikiri felt that he had earned a well deserved reward and now it was time to relish the love she had to offer and once he was face to face with her, Onikiri finally confessed his feelings towards her. Eagerly he waited that she would feel the same way as him, but unfortunately it wasn't the case and Onikiri was devastated. After all he went through, and after all he did for her, the woman he adores didn't feel the same way. But Onikiri wasn't discouraged though, he assumed it was because she was scared that Yorimitsu would somehow hurt Onikiri if she told the truth. He assured her Yorimitsu would never bother her again and that he would keep her safe.
He then carried her in his arms, promising her a new life away from everyone and anyone that could bother them. Though despite her constant protests and claims that she did not love him, Onikiri assured her that she did in fact love him and that she could be honest now that Yorimitsu would not be with her anymore. And now they would start their new life together full of peace and joy like they both wanted.
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hokkyokusei · 4 months
Hello! Can you please do hcs about kidomaru's ideal type? It seems that kidoenmu is quite popular but I don't really see how they would be compatible past being friends. I would like to see what you think. Thank you!
Actually, Kidomaru can fall in love quite quickly, but he is unlikely to realize that this is love. Well, I think it's not worth saying that his love is not like the one that people experience
This guy is more attracted to personality than to a person's appearance
Someone crazy like him, or someone who knows how to cast spells that will restrain his demonic nature
Gentle s/o with good manners
He'll like it if they don't know what fear is at all
Kidomaru will definitely like someone with good taste in clothes
Someone who can become a hunter by becoming a victim
Someone who will always support and never betray
S/o who can become his "family"
An adequate person is unlikely to stay with Kido for a long time, it's okay, you will become great clothes for him
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Asura Who Has a Crush On Taishakuten’s Sibling Reader
- Forbidden romance is the best way to describe this. 
- Taishakuten introduce you to Asura at some point after the men’s friendship is sealed. Asura liked you since day one, you acted as the support for the war. And emotional support for the boys.
- It wouldn’t be long till Asura falls in love with you. But things got complicated when his friendship with your brother took a wrong turn.
- Your relationship with Taishakuten took the wrong turn when he became king. You eventually left cause you couldn’t handle what he had become.
- When Asura return he decided to find you first, when he learn you’ve been living alone he decided to confess. 
-The reunion is pretty bittersweet you revealed what happen to the kingdom and this made Asura furious. He ended up staying for a few days to at least enjoy your company. 
- Asura confesses his feelings and it ended up leading to something else. In the morning Asura was gone leaving behind a branch of sakura flowers and a letter. You had a feeling you may not see him again in a long time.
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lotuses-and-snakes · 1 year
Воспоминания «бога» порядка. IV. Сказка о Змеином Боге
…это была маленькая змея, которая когда-то родилась среди снегов, задрала голову вверх и среди всех своих братьев и сестер, всегда смотрящих только перед собой, первой задала вопрос: «Можно ли съесть звезды?».
Во времена первой эпохи некоторые боги экспериментировали с мирами, галактиками и разным их наполнением. Они могли создавать целые планеты с определенными погодными условиями, заселять их различными существами и смотреть, что из этого получится.
Мир был именно такой. Все еще лихорадочный, сверх меры авантюрный и совсем немного страшный.
И Индра, который как раз тогда принял животную форму, и отправился в свои первые путешествия, посетил многие из этих планет, чтобы посмотреть, что на них происходит. На одной такой планете, где яркая безымянная звезда расположилась очень близко к ее поверхности, но при этом царили холод, лед и снега, белая ласка однажды наткнулась на змею.
Змеи были одним из немногих видов существ, что ради забавы поселили в этом месте любопытные боги. Хотя тогда, разумеется, они тоже не имели никакого названия. И тем более один из немногих видов, который смог выжить в столь суровых условиях и размножиться. Змея была от рождения более умная смышленая, чем ее родственники, но при этом не особо крепкая физически и, увы, не настолько бесстрашная, чтобы справиться со всеми трудностями. Если бы она смогла пережить этап взросления…
Будучи потрепанной другим хищником, она, собственно, была обречена.
Ласка нашла змею интересной и жаждущей жить, поэтому вытащила ее из оврага, где та замерзала, а потом вырыла укрытие под снегом и забралась туда. Индра свернулся вокруг нее, согревая. Снег ведь очень хорошо умеет сохранять тепло. Ласка была очень теплой и пушистой, а змея – очень маленькой. Они провели так несколько дней, почти не разговаривая, пока змея не окрепла, не цапнула ласку за лапу и не удрала прочь, будучи животным благодарным, но недоверчивым.
Индра после этого покинул планету, а через несколько сотен лет змея, которая все-таки выжила, выросла и сама стала поедать всех хищников на планете и других змей (кроме тех, что были к ней добры), развилась дальше, обрела полное сознание и стала Змеиным Богом.
…потом Орочи всегда знал, что Индра не помнит тот день, когда они впервые встретились. Как и все существа, стоящие над миром и способные уместить его в своих ладонях, он имел дурную привычку не обращать внимание на «столь незначительные мелочи». Нет. Не так. В случае Индры стоило все же это утверждение перефразировать: он имел дурную привычку недооценивать свое влияние на чужие судьбы.
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zaruba-needslove · 2 months
Something random just crossed my mind...
Cos recently due to Onmyoji anime, I've been headcanon-ing Seimei and Hiromasa as one of Ace and Keiwa's past incarnations... (and maybe Lady Tsuyuko was somewhat related to Kurama Akari and by rights, Neon) and anyway...
Did a bit of digging on irl Hiromasa and it's said that he's a nobleman and gagaku musician who specialised in some musical instruments, hichiriki being his strongest point. It's also said... that he HATES songs and dance.
So... let's come back to the present and anime geats practically made in canon that Keiwa is good at singing and dancing.
Now... wonder what a certain fox would think once he recalled this particular trivia about Keiwa 😃
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askonmyouji · 2 years
Blog Info
- an omj headcanons/ask blog run by multiple people
- each mod knows a handful of characters best. we coordinate replying depending on asks (not taking mod applications at the moment)
Mod 🐉 Morgana (he/him)
Mod 🦩 Fishy (he/him)
Mod 🐦 Avian (they/he)
Mod 🌙 Astra (she/her)
- taking standard headcanon/short writing prompt requests for onmyoji characters (provided in bullet points or prose text; default is the former), ex. can be gen content, scenarios, x reader with no quality promises, joking or serious. we may reblog writing prompts to choose from! the purpose of this blog is to provide written content in an easy-to-access format and just for the mods to have fun
- reserve the right to reject anything uncomfortable (incest, rape, violence or abuse, etc)
- if something isn’t written within about a week, assume we’re busy, have no ideas, or gave up! or it’s ending up as a longer reply than we planned
- can request a particular mod by emoji :]
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
hi!! not the same anon and i'm also not here to be rude but really what do you like about robin? are there any specific traits about them that you love a lot? be it accurate to the lore things or personal headcanons! i'm genuinely curious about it :)
I guess maybe, just maybe, I see myself in Robin.
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How people see Robin as boring, lazy, lethargic, etc... is how I see myself. That's why I created characters that are capable of literally anything financially and supernaturally to protect and provide for Robin. Remember I said I don't know how to love or be loved? I guess deep down, I just want to be protected, like how Lya and Lyah are so devoted to their Robins.
It's just a "me" thing to care for "less-interested" characters. I'm not saying Robin is not loved by many, but their contents clearly are not as attractive as Kylar's yandere trope or Whitney's tsundere trope. And somehow that is perfect for me. I tend to love characters like that, like Xinyan from Genshin, Totter from Arknight, Shouzu (Onmyoji), etc... I love them with such a motherly love it's almost embarrassing to admit. My friends often call me "mother chicken" every time I introduce my new bias to them.
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And if I remember correctly, I used to play DoL since maybe 2020 or something? I don't know, long before I stepped foot here, and I was so dumb at it my PC at that time was miserable, even more than Lya in her newbie period. I got bored and quit after, maybe, 3 days.
Time skip. 2023. I saw Gulugulu's post about the game and I suddenly remembered it. And the only thing I thought at that moment was that there was a character that was so good to PC, and they were friends, and I was so dumb I couldn't protect that character... bla bla. Ye, long story short, I started playing because of Robin, and now I'm in deep LOL.
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Me: Damn I remember that friend that I love so much is named Robin, I don't know why but I feel like his shyness and gentleness make me think of him as a brown-haired boy who often blushes and often gets injured and needs band-aids 😭 I want to protect this guy so much but I didn't know how to play before and I didn't get very far and I was always being molested by strangers.
Gulu: Robin is so cute indeed, if you romance him and max out his confidence, he's really boyfriend material =)))) But to do so you have to grind to pay for both your and his rent fjvndflvndfl
Me: I remember it, and somehow he still got kidnapped and I was so confused :))) Because money is so hard to get, and I have no hope in saving virginity for him too PC kept getting in trouble
Gulu: I don't know when you started playing, but now the game has updated quite a few things, it's hard to believe but this game has lores =)))))))))))))
So there you have it: I played the game for Robin. But now I'm pretty invested in Ivory and other lore kinds of stuff too, Robin remains a comfort zone for me. I just love drawing corny sweet lovey-dovey couple and expand my delulus to all of you <3
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
Orochi maintains constant eyes on his beloved, hardly ever lets them wander into a realm without some wiggle room. Out of a fierce protectiveness borne out of his possessiveness, to ensure he is prepared if you betray him, and to alert himself should anyone attempt to use you against him, threaten him. Not that he'd ever admit he gives a single shit.
You may find, wherever you sulk, some little slithering vipers a little too keen on keeping eye contact with you. In the darkest, blindest corners of your eyes-to the smallest, tightest broken holes in the walls. Watchful from the highest tree branches in the Forests, heights no mere human dares climb out of fear for a very terrible death. A familiar purple haze oozing out of their eyes, slowly fading away into the air, smoking evil.
And they never stop appearing, you keep finding them in places you were sure you animal-proved, but they somehow always find a way to get inside, sneaked in from right under your nose. Their presence becoming more common each day.
They maybe snakes, but these ones won't bite you.
As long as you have their Lord.
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