#other mobility aids feel free to tag yours!!!
frankiensteinsmonster · 9 months
When children stare at me and my mobility aid: 🤗🤗🤗🤗😎😎😎😎😎!!!!
When full grown adults stare at me and my mobility aid (absolutely rubbernecking me, not even saying hello or waving or anything-- not even acknowledging me really just Staring at me with their expressionless or disdainful eyes, no sign of whimsy or curiosity. Just staring.):😒😒😒😐😐😐🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🫢🫡🫡🫡😒😒🙄😮‍💨😤😤😤
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dndadscharacterpolls · 8 months
Hello there ! I'm Aether (it/its) ! You can find me on my main, @justablah56 I just thought it'd be fun to have dndads specific polls, so why not do it myself ?
this post will be constantly updating , so if you want to keep up with what's happening make sure to check in here every once in a while !
all current poll information will be above the cut, and then general rules for this account in general will be below :]
the current poll is the dndads biggest saddest eyes poll !
Dood vs Normal Oak
each poll will have 3 days of submissions, and then each round will last a day. then there will be one day of break, and then the next day there'll be another poll to pick the next competition and so on and so forth :3
in general , I try to have the polls start around 3pm MST , and submissions always end at midnight , also MST .
poll submissions are always open , so if at any time you have a poll you'd think would be fun feel free to send it in !
any poll we've done previously is fair game , there are quite literally no limits for what polls you can submit , so send in your ideas !
current poll submissions :
best Daryl fact
best Lincoln fact
best Scary fact
best Taylor fact
best Jodie fact
coolest npc name
favorite s2 episode
favorite song intro
biggest saddest eyes
favorite catch phrase
favorite quote
favorite gender/sexuality headcanon
favorite s1 episode
best Henry Fact (rerun)
best ship name
favorite ship (rerun)
favorite poly ship
favorite crackship
autism swag (rerun)
least favourite unpopular/niche ship
least favorite popular/canon ship
least favorite poly ship
least favorite s1 character
least favorite s2 character
most iconic duo
biggest third wheel
propaganda is 100% welcome ! feel free to send an ask or bribe via art requests, and if you make a post just tag me and I'll reblog it here tagged with " *poll* propaganda" if your propaganda is in a reblog , make sure you write it on the post rather than the tags if you want it reblogged here !
I don't just post polls on this acc ! I also reblog fanart , fandom events , and other polls including dndads characters! for fanart I use the tags "not a poll" and "fanart" , for events I use "fandom events" , and for other polls I use the tag "not my polls" , so if either of those are things you don't want to see , feel free to block those tags :]
Previous polls (as of our come back in February ! )
best Normal Fact : ep29 - he is the most published author in the teen high fanfiction tag on ao3
favorite headcanon : Taylors sword cane is his mobility aid for his balance issues that come and go
best Glenn fact : Glenn still considers himself married to Morgan even though she's dead
best npc : Terry Jr Stampler
best non-song intro: ep27 - Glenn and Ron on shark tank for the elevator button
funniest npc name : Sexcallibur Horsepower
favorite character headcanon: Taylor's sword cane is a mobility aid
best s1 arc : going through Ron's memories/Ron's anchor
favorite niche/unpopular ship : polywagon (Normal x Taylor x Lincoln x Scary)
if you want to know who won what before the hiatus , you can find those here !
if you have any questions about the blog in general or anything else , feel free to send in an ask and I'll do my best to answer it !
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
hello :) can you give advice on how to write a character with rheumatoid arthritis. i'm just not sure where to start.
start by reading about how rheumatoid arthritis works. Read about the symptoms, onset, complications, and possible treatment. Don't assume or guess how something works because medical conditions, especially autoimmune ones, are much more complicated than they might seem. Decide which symptoms apply to your character, how they experience them, to what degree, and how it fluctuates. Think about how they deal with flares or what medications your character has access to. Keep in mind that your character probably won't be the only one in the world with arthritis - do other people with it have access to the same resources? Why, or why not? Is your world accessible? Do people your character meets have any knowledge of this condition? Does your character have a community of people they can relate to on the basis of their disability?
Consider what mobility aids (or lack thereof) would fit their particular needs. I'd recommend this post as it discusses a wide variety of aids. You might want to look through the #mobility aids, #canes, #wheelchairs, or any other related tag for some more resources.
And remember to make them an actual character. Their life should be affected by their disability, but it can't be their whole thing. Give them interests and hobbies and a backstory like you would any other character.
[As our pinned FAQ section says, we don't really answer "how to write a character with X disability" because it's too vague to be actually useful. If you have more specific questions that you can't find answers for on our blog, feel free to send another ask]
Mod Sasza
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proseka-headcanons · 3 months
any disabled hc make me feel warm inside please everyone share yours !!
saki uses mobility aids, rui does as well along with an AAC device on her less speaking days. — 🎈
OH I don’t have that many, but I think Shiho might be hard of hearing because she blasts music/doesn’t wear ear protection during band practices!! then I’ve got a lot of neurodivergent ones
Not necessarily a disability but I can see Ichika having some chronic pain in stars hands from being more reckless when she was younger (not projecting), and you know what. This one is definitely projecting. Allergies to bug bites. Ichika definitely has scars from some ant bites (and also occasional pain flareups (NOT PROJECTING!!!)) -🦈
Other than the entire cast being neurodivergent/hj , Lets see Uhhh carpel tunnel syndrome Ena , sometimes needs a wrist brace if flare-ups are bad enough , Kanade , oh boy where to start with them uhh chronic fatigue and pain for the first part , also there are periods of time where they just go non verbal , usually would just use the notes app or nightcord to communicate there — mod K
^^ what mod k said, ena has carpal tunnel and I also hc BPD! other than that uhh chronic pain + scoliosis Rui due to bad posture because he's so tall that he's working on, chronic fatigue saki (usually she needs canes but sometimes if its bad she uses a wheelchair), npd mizukasa, and system mafuyu !! - mod Ena(? guessing it is but there wasn't a signoff, lyric is there in the tags though)
npd tsukasa carpal tunnel niigo + honami and ptsd kanade - 💎 (more I'm sure I just. can't rember)
also posting this now as it's pretty old in drafts!! other mods feel free to contribute in reblogs etc etc sorry for the wait anon XD
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kyra45 · 11 months
Fake check scam
A fake check scam is when someone asks you if you take checks for donations/payments and will then send you an image of a check and tell you to print it out and take a picture of it using your chosen bank application on your mobile device. However, this is not a real check and cashing it isn’t scamming the scammer because that’s not how it works.
In actuality, cashing the check is going to make you lose money once it’s found out to be a fake check. This means you are going to be out of the money the sender claimed you would get. It’s unfortunately a scam that has started happening on tumblr sent by accounts who browse the mutual aid/GoFundMe tags and messages anyone who has their DMs open.
These accounts will generally be empty, or reblog your post in order to gain your trust or to look legitimate. If someone wants to support you or help you, they will not want to give you a check. This scam does not end with you gaining money. Any money you got from the check will be lost. Never cash checks from suspicious accounts who message you.
Also report any accounts who are trying this scam and warn anyone who may fall for them. The scammers are very numerous and don’t like it when you explain the scam to them because they already know what it is and they’ll insist they aren’t a scammer and deny everything you’ll be explaining to them.
This post is tagged for visibility as scammers are known to browse the tags for people to message. Feel free to share this post if you’d like or check my pinned post for other scam explanations!
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crippleprophet · 8 months
hi, i just ordered my first cane n wanted to ask some questions about how to. idk not be too self-conscious about it/handle people asking about it (esp older folks)?
ik the main thing is to just. ignore people but i struggle with not paying attention to ppl who wanna be weird/intrusive
congrats on your first cane!! i hope it’s helpful for you & you have as easy an adjustment as possible 💖 i’ve answered some similar asks in my cane user & faq tags so you might find some other relevant info there :)
there are a few things that were helpful for me when i was adjusting to new mobility aids & the ableism people often meet that with –
planning my response ahead of time. i’d often feel bad about myself for not defending myself or whatever when people asked invasive questions, but if i had a plan like “okay i’m gonna just be like ‘oh yeah i have knee problems, it’s been super helpful!’ & disengage as quickly as possible” then i didn’t feel bad about not directly addressing their ableism or whatever bc i’d already decided it wasn’t worth my time
surrounding myself with as many other mobility aid users as possible, on social media & in art & in the theory i read &, when i was able to, in person. knowing that other people are going through the same thing (& talking shit whenever possible) really helped me feel less alone
if academic writing is accessible to you, rosemarie garland-thompson’s staring: how we look is a great starting point for disability theory around this topic imo! there’s also a lot of community knowledge + theory around (hyper)visibilized disability, which has only grown more robust in the wake of ableist responses to wearing masks
in this kind of situation i firmly believe that whatever response best helps you survive in an ableist society is the right one. whether that’s cursing somebody out or pretending you didn’t hear them or pacifying them with as polite a response as possible depends on the circumstances & the people involved, & all of them have different risks. in my experience it gets easier over time to get a feel for weighing those decisions
self-care afterwards in whatever way(s) you prefer. my senior year of undergrad my go-to after an obscenely ableist class was taking my mobility scooter on a fast ride through the park next to campus, blasting an angry playlist; the best response for somebody else might be a bubble bath or getting high or gay sex or listening to a disability podcast or all of the above or something else entirely – whatever makes you feel like you have a right to exist.
i also started a (18+) bitter cripple discord server when i was overwhelmed by the ableism i was experiencing a few years ago, which @cane-you-dig-it & @autismnep now moderate, so if you or somebody reading this want to join that just shoot one of us a dm!
i hope some of that was helpful, i’m wishing you the absolute best of luck & feel free to lmk if you have any other questions! 🖤🖤
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disabled-dragoon · 10 months
hi! feel free to ignore this but ive been confused about this for a while and i dont really know what other blogs i could ask: for hypermobility, would mobility aids such as forarm crutches, canes, etc. be actually good for the chronic pain that comes with it? ive asked my mother for crutches before but she was super skeptical and and asked a doctor (not sure what they specialized in) and apparently they said that crutches arent really good for hypermobility? but then i see a lot of other hypermobile people on here who do have crutches? im just confused, thank you for answering if you do!
Okay so first of all, if you think an aid will help then it's never a bad idea to look into one and I'll link some stuff at the bottom of this that might help you. And a second opinion from doctors/physiotherapists can't hurt, especially if you didn't know the first one. They should at least tell you what will help, rather than what doesn't.
Secondly, I was going to say that I don't know much about hypermobility so I don't know how much help I can be, but then I found this. That link will take you to a post by hypermobility.org that deals with pain management and goes into a bit of detail about different aids that can help different parts of the body. It's not brilliant, but it might give you a good idea about other things to look into.
Now, I'm not going to say if mobility aids are a viable option for you because, again, I'm not a doctor and I don't know enough to pass that judgement. However! I'm going to list some good resources that will detail the pros and cons of certain aids (canes, crutches, walkers etc.), that should hopefully help ease your confusion, and might give you some things to discuss if you decide to go to a doctor about this:
Hypermobility and Mobility Aids- I was looking through the hypermobility tag and came across this. It's a small post but the notes have some excellent advice about what aids and features to look into when you have hypermobility.
Mobility aid rundown- a basic yet detailed rundown of different mobility aids, when and how you might use them, and a few pros and cons for each
Personal aid rundown- This is is an ask I answered a while ago about hip pain, but I went into some detail about mobility aids, focusing on different crutch types in particular.
Leg pain aids- Again, one from a while ago but people added some excellent advice in the notes which may be of use.
I'm sorry if I can't be of much help to you anon but I did my best. I hope you can find something that works for you!
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nineinchclaws · 10 months
🦇⠀ash williams & reader with POTS
fandom⠀evil dead
characters⠀ash williams (army of darkness)
warning(s)⠀some sexually explicit content towards the end, very brief mention of alcohol
tags⠀gender neutral reader, established relationship
note(s)⠀getting kind of self indulgent with this one fellas!!! so this is just mainly going off of my own experience and things i do. also sorry if ash is ooc, i'm not really used to writing him yet and am still trying to figure out how to <//3
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*⠀ash had never heard of POTS before he met you, so naturally, he was quite curious about it and asked you questions when he could.
*⠀he knew to be respectful and not push boundaries with asking these questions. in fact, he was a little bashful about it because of how much he liked you, just wanting to be careful as to not make you uncomfortable. any answers you gave, he'd listen closely and do his best to remember.
*⠀when you two got closer and he found his feelings for you growing, his main way to educate himself outside of asking you was by reading, so he'd pick up any books or magazines that he could and payed quite close attention to them.
*⠀being physically disabled himself, he knows how frustrating and upsetting it can be at times, and especially with ignorant people.
*⠀if you use a mobility aid and he sees people badgering you about it and making inappropriate comments, or touching it without permission, he has no problem getting them to back off, if you want help. will probably throw a few punches if he really has to.
*⠀he trusts you to be able to take care of yourself, but will still occasionally ask you things like if you have a salty snack and a drink with you whenever you go out. also always makes sure that your pantry is stocked with salty foods, and has no problem paying for these things if he goes grocery shopping alone.
*⠀also makes sure that you have painkillers for the headaches.
*⠀very willing to go on last minute shopping trips if you find you're all out of any of these things.
*⠀all in all, he's aware of and respectful of the fact that you can still be independent and are capable of doing things on your own, perhaps some more than others. but if you ever need a hand with anything, just call for him and he'll be there.
*⠀if you're part of the percentage of people that experience syncope, ash makes sure he knows the warning signs and will always try to be there when you faint to catch you and have you sit or lay down somewhere. he'll stay by your side until you wake up and he knows you're alright.
*⠀very patient when it comes to your brain fog. however, the first few times he noticed you pausing for longer than someone else might, he tended to try and help by trying to finish your sentence for you. of course, this often didn't help as much as he thought it would and you just ended up losing your train of thought completely.
*⠀he did eventually stop doing that when you told him, because he'd probably just continue to do it without piecing things together on his own if you didn't.
*⠀after this, though, he is patient. he doesn't mind waiting for something to click in your brain or for you to collect your thoughts or remember what you were saying. he'll also reassure you that you did, in fact, turn off the oven or lock the door.
*⠀has no problem attending your hospital/doctor appointments if you want him to come, and if he's free. he'll help you deal with asshole doctors if you're not able to on your own. he's always sticking up for you.
*⠀if you go somewhere and it isn't wheelchair accessible, and especially when it is described as such, he is pissed. unfortunately, due to this being the '80s and accessibility not being law until 1990 in michigan, there isn't much you guys can legally do about it. he might chew out whoever's in charge of the place, but if you don't want him to, he'll keep quiet. for your sake, he won't complain about it to you, but you can tell he's annoyed. though, he's much more concerned about you than himself.
*⠀ash will absolutely listen to you complain about anything, not just your chronic illness, and he always shows you sympathy.
*⠀he'll help you to decide on a design for your compression socks/stockings if you ask him to.
*⠀encourages you not to stay in bed too much so things don't worsen, but doesn't push you. if you can exercise, he does it with you. he also makes sure to go on a walk with you as often as possible, and brings along your wheelchair or carries you back home if you're not able to continue walking.
*⠀ash loves going on these walks. he finds it relaxing being able to go out and enjoy nature with the person he loves.
*⠀obviously he loves to flirt with you and tease you. making you flustered is one of his favourite things, and obviously, this gets your heart pumping faster and faster and one time, it's so bad you almost faint. he helps steady you if he notices you swaying and helps you to sit or lay down. he feels bad, but he can't help but let out a little laugh as he teases one last time,
*⠀"you really like me that much, baby?"
*⠀you shoot him a playful glare and he stops, still smiling a little as he sees what else he can do to make things easier for you.
*⠀makes sure that your apartment isn't too warm or too cold, as he knows how sensitive you are to temperature and that hot environments can make your symptoms flare up. he'll buy you a handheld fan for when it's hot outside, too.
*⠀will hold your hands to try and warm them up.
*⠀he has to get used to you sighing heavily and sometimes multiple times when you're dealing with air hunger. at the beginning of your relationship, he thinks you're angry at him or about something and will ask you if something's wrong, but of course, usually things are alright and you're just battling with your lungs. he does eventually learn.
*⠀at times, cuddling with him can be either heaven or hell: heaven, because he's practically a heater and keeps you warm, and hell, because sometimes you get too warm, and you end up burning up.
*⠀he ends up becoming very familiar with the signs that you're not doing good: breathing heavily and/or slowly or your eyes fluttering or when you get quiet when you're feeling nauseous, dizzy, or lightheaded, when you sway in place, or when you rest your head on something and close your eyes to try and deal with certain symptoms.
*⠀if you aren't able to work, ash doesn't judge at all, and if he's around when anyone gives you shit for it and you can't defend yourself, he'll jump in to get the person to stop being an asshole.
*⠀doesn't mind carrying you if you ever need him to. he loves getting to have you in his arms and holding you close to him, so any chance he gets, he'll take it.
*⠀never gets angry with you if you need to cancel plans. sure, he'll be a little disappointed, but he's much more concerned for you and wants you to be alright.
*⠀likes to decorate any mobility aids you have (cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair, etc.) with you, mainly by putting stickers or ribbons on them. however, ash isn't really the best when it comes to decorating, so some recommendations he gives you either look ridiculous or clash with your mobility aid and/or any other decorations it has. he does try his best.
*⠀any days that you're stuck in bed or on the couch, ash will gladly spend them with you and do anything he can to make things easier for you. ask him to do a chore that desperately needs doing? he's on it. need him to run to the store? he's already grabbing his keys, but won't leave without giving you a kiss somewhere on your face. just want a shoulder to cry on or you want a hug? come straight to ash.
*⠀as much as he loves alcohol, he may urge you to be careful with it and steer clear of it, if it triggers your symptoms. the same goes for caffeine.
*⠀he really loves to shower and take baths with you, for some reasons more obvious than others, but he also really just likes getting to help you get clean. if you need him to help you bathe, he'll do so with enthusiasm.
*⠀he loves hot baths, but he's willing to sacrifice them when you join him if they make you dizzy or nauseous.
*⠀if you guys have a sexual relationship, he makes sure to be careful with you. he won't water down the things he usually does in bed (not if you don't need him to) and he checks up on you as frequently as he would with anyone, but he does keep a little bit of a closer eye on you to make sure you're still doing okay and that you're not about to pass out.
*⠀if you do, he'll stop what he's doing and, depending on where you are and what position you're in, he'll lay you down somewhere and prop your feet up with a pillow and get you something to drink - either water or a sports drink - and something salty to eat, or even some ice if that helps, for when you wake up again. he also has no issue waiting for you to be able to continue or completely ending it there if you can't or don't want to go on.
*⠀one of ash's favourite positions is doggy, but if you aren't able to do that for very long or at all, he can definitely settle for another position. another of his favourites is pronebone, which should be much easier for you to handle, given that all you need to do is lay on your stomach.
*⠀having your ankles over his shoulders is also pretty good, one of the reasons being that having your feet up helps circulate your blood better, and you could definitely use that during something that gets your heart beating fast, such as this.
*⠀when it comes to aftercare, he wasn't too good at the start, having not known too much about your specific needs. but the longer you're together, the more he gets used to what you need and want. he'll let you rest while he cleans up, then lays with you and props your feet up with a pillow. he'll cuddle you while asking how you're doing and getting you a drink or food to help you feel a little better if your symptoms are flaring up. and if you're feeling well enough, he'll get a bath started for you.
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mrsjellymunson · 5 months
WIP tag game ✍️ 📝
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @jamdoughnutmagician (TYSM 🙏❤️) and I’ve enjoyed reading other people’s (e.g. @bettyfrommars & other people I can’t remember now 🤦‍♀️) so am giving it a go! Fair warning, this list is loooong! 😆 🙈 I’m actually sneakily hoping that this might help me figure out what to work on next. I can hope, right? 😂
3 Holes…
The Biology Tutor 3
TBT - Extra Credits
Bad Neighbours
‘Til Next Time
Cirque/Carnivale des Morts
The Mobility Aide
Leaving Hawkins? Come Again Soon!
Be My Dungeon Master
MILF + DILF filth
The Shirt Off His Back
Hey Boss/Howdy Friends
Ladies’ Night: Quatre Femmes/Deux Garçons/Ménage à Six
Radio Waves
Counting Crows (prompt: ‘matching’)
If Music Be The Food Of Love (a.k.a. Two Worlds Collided)
Across The Hall
Yes, Ma’am
Drabs & HCs, incl: Physical Preferences, Laundry Day, Boots
IDK whether it’s a new writer thing or an ADD thing to have so many ideas on the go, maybe a combination?, but I’m okay with it. Totally fine. Yep. Not freaked out at all. Also, I doubt I have enough followers to make this interesting, so if you see this please feel free to send me an ask, and help me feel important… 🥹😆
I’m not tagging that many people but will add a few faves and moots (as always with no pressure): @msgexymunson @lesservillain @raccoonboywrites @apomaro-mellow @wynnyfryd @joejoequinnquinn @eddies-house @bramble-berries
If you want to join in, please do! Tag me (bc I’m a nosey bstd and) so I can send you an ask! 😃
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disabledidols · 1 year
Disability pride month edit prompts
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Info + rules:
I have tried to be as vague as possible as to include all disabilities and edit types, feel free to change or edit any prompts you want to fit your edits or disabilities
Please only partake if you consider yourself disabled (you can and should participate if you aren't diagnosed, questioning having a disorder, ect. This event includes ALL types of disabilities)
I don't want 'whump' blogs to partake unless the mod is disabled
If there are any prompts worded badly politely let me know, I am disabled but I do not have or know about every disability ever.
If can't do the whole month that is perfectly okay! Feel free to pick and choose prompts, complete it in your own time, or just share.
Also feel free to tag me in any edits you make (this is not a requirement)
Just have fun!
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The prompts are under the cut!
Your favorite canonically disabled character
Edit of a character who helped with acceptance of your own disability
A chanter who has (canon or headcanon) a physical disability
[Disability]4[Disability] couple (includes platonic and otherwise not romantic couples)
An edit revolving around a character with aspecific symptom (ie fainting, chronic pain, low mood, ect) that could indicate a disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a learning disability
An edit based around a character who is implied to have a disability but it is not canon
A character with traits you relate to your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) an intellectual disability
A non-human character with a disability
Favorite disabled headcanon
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a hearing impairment
A character who you wish was disabled in canon
A character canonically with or headcanoned with a disability you don't have
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a vision impairment
Make an edit with the awareness color of your disability (ie MS is orange, autism is rainbow, paralysis if cream- for a list see here)
An edit for a song that is about (or that you link to) your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a developmental disability
An edit relating to a ‘good’ disability day (ie how it feels, activities they/you can do, ect)
Make a disability edit linking to a character you like but haven’t edited for until this point in the challenge
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a mental health issue
An edit of or based around items or people that help a character on a bad disability day
An edit reflecting what being disabled feels like to you (can be positive, negative, or anything else)
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a genetic disorder
An edit in or with the disabled flag (or any other disability flag) colors
Edit of your favorite character with your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a neurological disorder
Edit a something linking to a mobility/sensory/communication/ect aid(s) that a character (or yourself) may use
Make an edit based around a group of disabled characters (they could be friends, lovers, family, ect)
A character who has (canon or headcanon) your disability
Free day!
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Hi so I don’t know if you really take asks but I would like some assistance here. I am a teenager who was diagnosed with POTS a little under a year ago and I’m starting to think I may need a mobility aid. I have never fainted or actually fallen due to my disorder but some days I get worryingly close and I need to sit down quite often after short periods of time out of my bed.
I have brought up the idea of a cane or something along those lines to assist with balance when needed (I don’t leave the house often and when I do it tends to just be on days when I’m not having those walking issues), but my idea was turned down due to the possibility of my body not being able to build up strength and becoming reliant on the aid (mind you I’m already leaning on walls quite a bit and am terrified of going down the stairs without a death grip being had on the rail).
Any information you’d be willing to give would be helpful, especially around if my pots is at a point where mobility aids wouldn’t be a longtime detriment (obviously all in your opinion. I haven’t been able to talk to my doctor yet)
I'm glad to hear you've gotten a diagnosis so you can at least know why you're feeling so crappy, but I'm also sorry you have to deal with POTS. I know from firsthand experience how much it can interfere with your life, way more than people can see from the outside.
I am 100% on board with you getting a cane, especially since it sounds like you need and would really benefit from one. My POTS is the reason I use mine. It was really shocking at first how much using it reduced my fatigue and dizziness when walking, just by pawning some of the weight off on the cane.
I know how awkward it is to navigate the mobility aid talk with family, friends, and even doctors, especially if a doctor didn't recommend it necessarily. But you know your body best, you can do what's right for you, and ultimately (unless you need financial/practical help from parents to buy one) the choice is all up to you. It is uncomfortable socially at first but the benefit FAR outweighs the drawbacks in my opinion. I think a lot of people on POTS/chronic illness/spoonie tumblr (search those tags for more info!) would agree that mobility aids are a huge help in their lives, and I honestly haven't heard a lot of stories where doctors have been the one to bring it up.
The fear about you getting weaker is kinda bullshit tbh. You're already (probably) getting weaker from POTS; the worse you feel from it the more you have to sit/lie down and rest. If walking feels better because a cane helps, you're actually more likely to walk more.
(also, if you can see a cardiologist, mine have recommended salt either in diet or tablet form, a medicine called midodrine [didn't work for me personally], and a beta blocker [has made a huge difference for me personally. i've found no one else really knows much about dealing with POTS, doctor wise.)
You are doing a great job advocating for yourself and seeking out information, so keep doing that. I believe in you and I hope you feel better soon. Feel free to follow up and let me know if you get a cane how it goes!
<3 Jenna
(other potsies, feel free to add advice in the comments! multiple opinions are better than one!)
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lovesick-level-up · 11 months
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Disability Pride Month 12 Day Edit Challenge!
hey, everyone! happy disability pride month!
for anyone who doesn't know, we are disabled, both due to our mental illnesses, but also due to chronic pain and hypermobility.
so, we decided we wanted to do an edit challenge for this month! but we couldn't find one we liked that wasn't either uninteresting or too long for our tired selves, so we thought, hey. let's make our own.
in terms of rules, we would prefer if you were disabled to do this challenge. doesn't matter what kind, if you are self diagnosed or not, etc. and please do research throughout this so as to not be inacurate or offensive.
other than that, tag us in any edits you make for this! we'd love to see yall's work.
other than that, have fun! you can skip days, do a bunch of edits for one day, its all up to you.
this idea was inspired by (and encouraged by) @disabledidols so, shout out to them! and if you want to try a longer challenge, check out their edit prompt list for this month!
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for most of these prompts, don't worry about picking only canon characters! disability representation is hard to find, but do feel free to include any of them that fit the prompts.
oh, and you can also make any kinds of edits for these. we're personally going to be doing icons for most of these, but its up to you what you do!
we couldn't include every single disability specifically, but we think we did a decent job picking prompts that are a wide enough range. please do tell us if we said anything wrong in this, got a definition wrong, used an outdated term, missed out something we shouldn't've, etc.
day 1: character(s) with a mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc)
day 2: character(s) that are vision impared or hard of hearing (blind, deaf, etc)
day 3: character(s) who are neurodivergent (autism, adhd, dyslexia, tourettes, etc)
day 4: character(s) who use mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, braces, crutches, prosthetics, etc (scoliosis, cerebral palsy, amputee, mobility impearement, etc)
day 5: character(s) who have a personality disorder (aspd, bpd, ocd, etc)
day 6: character(s) who experience chronic pain or fatigue (fibromayalgia, ehlers danlos, hypermobility, etc)
day 7: character(s) with a disassociative disorder (did, osdd, depersonalisation/derealisation, etc)
day 8: character(s) with a canon (or implied) physical disability
day 9: character(s) with a canon (or implied) psychological disability
day 10: a couple or group of friends who are all disabled
day 11: character(s) with your disabilit(y/ies)
day 12: free day!
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objectumbeasts · 12 days
This is an objectum and posic focused side bloggg- we are a system so there will be many people posting here 👍👍
We will not be solely a sfw blog, and will tag the nsfw, if you don't want to see it then feel free to block that tag and related tags or go to a different blog
We as a whole have some crushes on various things, including a BUUUUNCH of Minecraft blocks, weapons, and objects!!! We are a Minecraft lover <3. We also love CAROUSELS!!!! OWVEKFHFKDB they're a fave they're so pretty,,,, but YEAH lol :3. You'll see a lot of the stuff we like on here :3.
Flag in our header
Mr. Goodtimes WithScar ;; hx/boom/blood/vex - neutral terms – oti — @mr-goodtimes × is in a poly relationship with other alters in our system and has a crush on a couple theme park rides as well as some mobility aids :3!!! ×× [📜] Scar
Beau Beatrix ;; it/he/goop/per/cos/they - neu and masc terms – oti — @beatrixlebeau × is in a relationship with its vacpack from his source !!! They are married :3 ×× [🪐] Beau
Scott Smajor ;; he/wave/teal/reef/fog/fin/rain/shell/shx/she/🫧/♥️💛💚 - any terms – oti — @theoceanswife × is dating the ocean!! They like ships too :D!! Pirate ass sailing ships, wtv those are called, Scott would know but I'm not wave so ×× [🪸] Scott
Eric Cartman ;; he/it/ae/they/bone/burn/mrrp/slash/yearn/crunch/yippee - any terms – iwcare — @ericmfcartman × poly and dating his object partner Vod <3 ×× [🟥] Eric
Eddie Munson ;; he/it/vamp/bite/fang/flap/🎸 - masc terms – oti — @theofficialmasterofpuppets × poly and in love with his guitar from his source :D!!! ×× [🦇] Munson
Flowey Flower ;; it/they/he/prick/bleed - neutral terms - iwc × classic tech lover, in love with the piece of tech it had in its source ×× [🌻] Flowey
Our Tags
🔱!! objectumbeasts
Our posts
🥀.. dsi
Posts related to / talking about our beloved dsi <3
🟫.. minecraft
Minecraftum related posts
🌀.. sculk
Sculkceptum related posts
💻.. tech
Techum related posts
🌊.. the ocean
Oceanum related posts
⚓.. ships
Posts related to our love of nautical ships
🦽.. mobility aids
Posts related to our love of mobility aids
basic dni criteria
"rad" anything
^^ that includes gross ass transid mfs, trans ids will never be trans and you will never be your ids <3
endogenic, willowgenic, non traumagenic, non disordered (ect ect they're all the same) "systems"
pro contact, complex contact, neutral contact paras
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excadrill · 11 months
tagged by @yj-98 ilyyy 🫶🫶🤍
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
tag as many people as their are wips.. eep.. sorry i'd put this under a cut but it's not working on mobile 😭
ankhgiveaway.sai [i held an art giveaway in february and havent finished the prizes even tho i keep looking at them and going 'i need to and Want to finish this..']
yuukigiveaway.sai [same as above but the person who requested this one deactivated so i. don't know if i'm still gonna finish it]
sonomomo.sai [my current priority 'For Me' wip.. ive shared this wip w some people but ive never done a proper piece for the 'cycle of life and death' thing for them so that's what this one is..💙❤️]
exozinewip5.sai [pokemon zine oc piece, not supposed to share zine wips so idk if i should say more but it's of my beloved gymsona.. this zine will be free + digital and i'll ofc be promoting it more when it's done but it's soooo cute keep your eyes out for this one :3c '5' not bc im contributing multiple pieces but bc this piece is big and slightly intimidating for me so i keep saving different versions when i do major merges]
pocketzine-nymble.sai [another pokemon zine piece, so i can't really say more But it's not the only thing im contributing to this zine, ive just finished all my other stuff already]
oczine-thumbs.sai [thumbs for an oc zine i signed up for that i'll probably drop out of bc im not feeling like a vibe w everyone else there >w>;;; ]
philip.sai [philip piece ive had sitting around basically since i finished W.. about a year ago now i think ? but i transferred it to my '23 wips folder bc i still wanna finish it..it was supposed to be a 'this one will be quick and easy so i'll have smthn i Finished this month outside of zine stuff' but. zine stuff took up all my time and energy oops]
mrtourism.sai [this one's a silly post-canon kirihiko art i've Also had sitting around for like a year. i chip away at this one sometimes but then keep restarting bc im unsatisfied with the lines i wish i could just sit down and finish it bc i Love Him]
platform.sai [ummm silly ryotaro thing i drew after watching the den-o final stage ^__^ not a high priority one but it's cute so like. maybe one day]
punkjackhelmet.sai [file name was bc i was originally doing helmet studies before it turned into a full sketch. punkjack with the beat buckle bc i was doing this right after his special came out 🎃🫶]
colourwheel.sai [ummm well. yeah im not good at finishing art memes when theyre still on trend. i did all the sketches for these but i probably won't finish at this point..]
poppyangel.sai [poppy ex-aid i sketched as a break between big stuff the other day that i like a lot so. maybe will finish but might just post unfinished if i cant find the energy to get to this one sooner. feel bad that i like ex-aid so much but don't have any clean art done for it..]
millirider.sai [toku oc planning :3 i was saying last night i finally figured the helmet out which ive been struggling with for ages so hopefullyyyy i get around to doing a proper ref sheet]
im not at my laptop rn so im doing this off the top of my head but i THINK that's everything.. tagging umm @ankhisms @heartvisor @madaraki @circeancity @horrorcomedies @yu3s @pleuvoire @kosukeiichi @danothan @seashrine @asticassia @eclipse-song @kirider only if you guys wanna 🤍🤍
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kink-queerious · 1 year
a lil bit about your resident boytoy sea creature:
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call me shark, pet, toy, or some other thing you feel like if were mutuals (if it's ableist/transphobic that's a direct pass to block city)
-> baby shark is reserved for my partner unless given explicit permission otherwise
they/faer/it pronouns, if you're trans/enby/gnc then whatever you feel like as long as it's not she/he
trans/enby/fag and generally queer as fuck
disabled/mobility aid user ✨
top surgery 2021 💖
heavy sub-leaning switch
kink heavy blog
I really want to get back into making content again so keep an eye out for that
my current casual content is tagged #baby shark
closed poly relationship
if you're ever wondering the 🥺💀 tag is for my partner
this blog vs @k1nk-qu33rious
this blog is my main and where i follow/interact from
this blog will be a mix of content (original and reblogged, we don't do stolen content here), horny text posts, and general personal text posts/thoughts
my other blog will be content only and less kink-heavy (but there will still be kink there just not as extreme)
will there be content reblogged to both accounts? yes, that will be most posts because i'm indecisive and creators are out here making amazing content so they deserve double reblogs
*DNIs: minors/ageless blogs, cishets, transphobes, ableists, racists, radfems, terfs, swerfs, i.e. human rights aren't up for debate or a "difference in political opinion"
just remember: punch n@zis, acab, and eat the rich!
this is a kink-heavy blog with a lot of kinks that can be triggering, here's a list of things that you might see/what i try to tag posts as:
knives, knife play, blood, blood play, breath play, cnc, mild cnc, public, semi-public, group use, edge play, somno, mild somno, hypnosis, free use
if i miss something please let me know
sometimes i might miss things so please proceed with caution if you're not okay with any of these
feel free to send recs for other creators: I'm always looking for more queer, trans, disabled content creators to follow
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crippleprophet · 1 year
since you're an ambulatory wheelchair user and have used different mobility aids, would it be alright to ask the ones you currently use and in what situations you use them for your AS, such as walking in a large multifloored building
the current answer is that i’m Super Homebound lol but i used to be more mobile so i will mostly answer based on that! i’ve used a cane, axillary crutches, Smart Crutches (a brand of forearm crutches), a forearm rollator (the Gemino 30), and a mobility scooter (Pride GoGo Sport 3-wheel) for long periods of time and a standard rollator, manual transfer wheelchair, powerchair, and 4-wheel mobility scooter for shorter periods such as pre-pandemic vacations and conferences.
some stuff will differ depending on your particular pain, symptoms, etc! a big thing is in the past year and a half i’ve developed a lot more hand, wrist, elbow, and arm muscle pain, which makes using any non-motorized aids a very day-to-day or even moment-to-moment decision depending on what hurts. other than that my main AS-specific tip is stretch. stretch a lot. i have an additional sacroiliac cushion on my mobility scooter & take breaks every so often to stand and stretch my back/trunk, and while seated i stretch my neck really frequently.
for your large multifloored building example, i’d currently take my mobility scooter & would’ve taken my forearm rollator before i had that. for these i’m making the assumption that i’m being driven by someone i know or taking public transportation; if i’m taking a lyft/uber i would usually opt for smart crutches or a cane unless i would be walking too much for those at the destination because sometimes the car/trunk won’t fit my forearm rollator or disassembled scooter, and it’s a lot harder for me to lift those on my own now.
around the apartment - usually a cane, recently my smart crutches sometimes as i’ve been having more balance issues
doctor’s office - usually a cane, sometimes smart crutches
around a building (for example, i’ve been dropped off from a car and don’t have to travel between buildings) - forearm rollator
going to a store where i’ll be shopping for a relatively longer time or buying many items, going between multiple buildings, etc - mobility scooter
going to a store just to grab a couple things - forearm rollator
for somewhere with one or two stairs, i’ll take my forearm rollator and lift it or have someone lift it for me; more stairs than that, smart crutches
somewhere involving a line or a lot of standing - forearm rollator or mobility scooter so i can sit
gravel - forearm crutches
grass - anything but the rollator
steep hills - mobility scooter (note that uphill will drain the battery much faster)
i hope that helps! there are other potentially relevant posts in my “mobility aids” and “faq” tags, & feel free to lmk if there’s anything else / specific that you want to know :)
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