#pennywise the dancing clown smut
alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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neg4tivecre3p · 10 months
Suggestive content ahead?
Been busy and tired with work lol that pennywise of the haunted house is not gonna play itself (no but seriously that's my work for now)
Have this I almost forgot to upload. Based on this precious fic ✨ I thought this part was funny he's such a brat.
@dollfxcx thank you sm and also sorry
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janicekao · 29 days
Pairing: Pennywise/Bill Skarsgard x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Going after his next victim: a little boy named Booker Jones, Pennywise the clown becomes intrigued by his older sister instead, and no... what he is hungry for is not her fear. Warnings: Horror, violence, entity, monster, monster s3x, rough s3x, dub!con, cnc, age gap, dark romance, smut, tummy bulge k!nk, dom&femsub cr3am pie, etc. 7130 words Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 ----------------------------------
Rumors have begun to spread that Pennywise the clown has returned back to Derry.
But who would believe the rumors being that they were coming from kids? Being gossiped around Elementary and Middle schools.
As children started to disappear again, the adults of Derry have also picked up on believing in this rumor, but luckily most of them have common sense.
Although this myth of a supernatural clown has been told in Derry for hundreds of years, the adults have been in contact with the police thinking that instead of something as crazy as a fictitious clown, some insane Pennywise fanatic has entered the town and is preying on children to keep the fable alive.
"He lives in the sewers."
"He can reach you through the drains of your house."
"He can make you hallucinate and you will see awful things to frighten you."
"He survives off of fear."
Sadly, the children are more than right.
Worst of all, they are going unheard. Parents are ignoring them as they search for what makes the most sense to them, a psychotic murderous pedophile on the loose.
And as the adults of Derry waste their time not believing in the supernatural, Pennywise is preparing to strike again.
Booker Jones, an eight year old boy is Pennywise's next victim.
Pennywise has been stalking his dreams, showing up each day at the boy's school, and whispering through the drains of his home.
Pennywise is infatuated with Booker's fear. Each time he plays with the young child's mind, his mouth waters with excitement to devour the boy and absorb his fear to keep him alive.
It's almost time now.
Booker has told his friends and family... But no one believes him. His parents tell him to stop listening to the gossip of the town because of how bad he's getting nightmares now. Little do they know, Pennywise is sizing him and getting his levels of fear exactly where he wants them to be.
Sunday nights are usually Booker's bath nights. Finally ready for Pennywise's taking, the clown plans on slithering inhumanely through the drain and drag Booker to his death into the sewers where Pennywise will consume his fear and let his decaying body be found in the streams that lead out of the tunnels of Derry.
As Pennywise listens into the pipes of the Jones' house, at eight-pm he finally hears the bath running... he knows that his time to feast, is now.
Pennywise slithers quietly through the pipes, opening his eyes in the sudsy lukewarm water as he expects to see the tiny feet and draggable legs of an eight year old boy...
The clown nearly gasps, almost choking on water as the gaze of his eyes latch onto the spread legs of a young woman...
Confusion takes over his mind, never once has he ever had to take a pause during one of his killings.
Still watching from the impossibly deep pits of the filled tub, Pennywise watches long brown legs soak in the sweetly fragrant bath. The girl's toes are painted a light pink and she taps her feet lightly to what seems to be music coming from her headphones.
What disgruntles Pennywise the most is the powers coming from between her thighs... he even momentarily begins to think that maybe, just maybe, she could be a supernatural herself.
Pennywise is hungry... Usually for fear, but this time, for a taste of the soft flesh between her legs.
Peaking out of the water for just a moment, he craves to see the face of the enchanting creature.
The girl nods her head to the rhythm of the music, luckily eyes closed as she relaxes... Because if they opened, they'd view upon the gray crumbling skin, patchy red hair, and demonic yellow eyes of Pennywise, and surely would die of a heart attack on the spot.
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Pennywise is puzzled by her beauty...
Full dark brown curls drenching at the ends as she soaks in the water, face red and blushing due to the humidity of the bathroom, full lips, long eyelashes, and breasts large... nipples upturned and beaming with water droplets...
Fucking hell...
She isn't a child... no, she isn't a child at all.
What Pennywise didn't realize about Booker Jones, is that he has a sister. Quinn Jones, an older sister, age twenty, and home from college for Summer Break.
Tonight won't be the night for feeding after all... However, Pennywise can't leave without a taste, of something.
Seeping back into the drain, the clown's unbelievably long snake-like tongue slithers between Quinn's legs, swiping a powerful lick that goes from the crack of her bottom, through her folds, and to the delicious flesh of her clit.
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She immediately gasps. Breath hitched in her throat as her eyes dart open. She flips her headphones from off of the top of her head and frantically kicks her legs, searching for what violated her in such way... however, the bath is empty.
As Pennywise ventures back into the sewers, the taste of Quinn stays on his tongue... a taste that he will forever crave until his dying day.
Pennywise paces the sewers, mind full of thoughts about the girl.
He isn't used to this feeling... and being an evil entity born Before Christ, he doesn't understand why after all these years, obstacles are now getting into his way?
He hears the snickering of preteens walking through the sewers with flashlights, probably dared by each other to see who is the bravest to meet the myth of Pennywise...
Sadly for the youngins, there is fear that Pennywise needs to feast upon, and once they lay eyes upon his stature of eight-feet tall, his dingy and torn clown costume, and his shards of glass like teeth, fear is exactly what they will have plenty of.
Pennywise tears them to shreds, consuming each drop of their fear. Finally becoming full and energized, he can prepare to tackle the obstacle known as Quinn Jones.
For the first time ever, Pennywise doesn't want to cause fright. He is so curious about the beauty that he just wants to be around her, to know her... However, if push comes to shove, killing her works just as well.
But to get close to the girl without her fleeing from him, he can not appear to her as a clown...
He once would appear human at times around the town of Derry, in his opinion his human form is a handsome man...
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But being that the last time he tried this appearance was nearly sixty years ago, it's probably best to appear as something the girl could be attracted to nowadays.
He will have to appear as young as she is. In his twenties, charming, handsome, less forehead, less evil grin, and just more modern all together.
Contorting his appearance into what he needs to be, he finally becomes satisfied with his look as he stares at his reflection in the shard of a broken mirror, dumped in the sewers like the rest of the trash around him.
"This'll do." He finally agrees with what he sees. "This'll do just fine."
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Before being able to show himself, Pennywise wants to be familiar with the girl he plans on meeting.
What does a clown who only knows of murder know about charming a girl?
For weeks of the summer, Pennywise quietly stalks Quinn until he knows her every detail.
Quinn even begins to think that her little brother's irrational fear of Pennywise the clown is rubbing off on her, ever since she's been home she sees the clown in her dreams...
He fills her every thought and at night as she sleeps, Quinn even feels him in the corner of her room.
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She thinks that she's just going crazy, but she is far from crazy. Pennywise is using his abilities to infiltrate Quinn's mind, as he does his victims. But instead of frightening her, he just wants her to know of his existence.
Finally mustering up the courage to meet Quinn, things go surprisingly smoother than Pennywise could ever have expected.
In his new appearance, Pennywise purposely runs into her as she grocery shops dinner for her family. He compliments her, asks about the music she is listening to in her headphones, and lies that they are too his favorite band.
He enjoys speaking with her for the very first time... It is like a breath of fresh air.
Pennywise introduces himself to the girl as "Bill", a twenty-seven year old accountant who is interested in taking her out on a date.
Impressed by the man's charm and their almost impossible similarities, Quinn quickly accepts.
Over weeks of hanging out with each other daily, a bond has began to grow. They trust each other and Pennywise enjoys hearing her talk for as long as she wants to.
Each day that he picks her up from the Jones' residence, Quinn's blushing cheeks proves each time that his plan is working, it proves that the girl is crushing on him as much as Pennywise is crushing on her.
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A month of knowing each other passes quickly being that the two have become immediately infatuated with each other.
Today, to celebrate a month together, Pennywise has planned a night at a drive in movie theater... a perfect place for romance, and to also scope out the scenery for potential children he can feasts upon when he's ready to.
Wearing a brown mesh dress that fits her body to perfection and compliments her mahogany skin beautifully, Quinn answers Pennywise's knock to her front door.
Pennywise can barely speak... Awed by her beauty, he can barely breathe.
She smiles. "Do I look okay?"
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Voice sweet as candy, his heart begins to melt.
"Yes Quinn." He gulps. "More than okay, absolutely perfect."
She blushes. Quinn reaches up on the tips of her heels to place a kiss on the cheek of his handsome face.
She accepts his flowers. "Happy one month, Bill."
As Pennywise discretely digs through the wallets of his previous victims, he also drives a stolen car.
He impresses the girl with his willingness to care for her, to pay for all of their dates... although nothing that he has belongs to him, not even his own appearance.
Parked in front of the large movie screen, the two share a bucket of popcorn.
Pennywise listens to Quinn as she talks about her last year of college coming up in August. She'll then graduate and become a local Elementary School Teacher here in Derry.
As if she were made just for him. Pennywise's lips nearly begin to drool. Oh what perfect career for her... this way they'll never be apart, she can bring him the kids, and he absorbs their fear.
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Curious with her thoughts on the rumored clown of Derry, Pennywise brings it up in conversation, wondering will he forever have to keep up with this appearance around her, or if one day she can accept him as he is.
"Like most adults, I don't believe in entities and things that just don't make practical sense." She shrugs. "But ever since I've been home in Derry, I too have had many thoughts of this clown... it started with my little brother's nightmares, he was sure this evil clown was out to get him... So as a big sister would, I comforted him, calmed his nerves, and reminded him that everything would be okay. But recently, something tells me that the myth of the clown may be true. It's like I can feel him, like he's always near to me... Like I know him personally."
Quinn smiles, shrugging off the goosebumps caused by just the thought of Pennywise the clown. "But honestly there is something else I'd rather talk to you about..."
Chomping on a hand full of popcorn, Pennywise agrees. "Sure, go ahead."
"Bill..." She gulps. "We've been seeing each other for a month now, and I'm a bit confused on where we stand... I go back to school in a month, I'd just like to know if I'm going back single, or is this something... more?"
Pennywise frowns.
Has he not been clear?
"You're mine." The only words he can conjure up at the thought of Quinn seeing anyone else.
Blush heating her cheeks, she accepts his answer with the prettiest smile. "I can be yours."
He nods. "Good."
Taking the popcorn to the floor of the car, Quinn reaches over to kiss Pennywise. Their lips meet, and their affection and adoration for each other melts into each of their breaths.
Although they have taken things very slow over summer, they still have had a few gentle kisses every now and then. But Pennywise realizes that this kiss is a bit different...
Quinn moans into his full lips, body closing in on him in the driver seat of the car as she clearly hungers for more.
His heart begins to beat out of his chest and his human form suffers with keeping up with the seducing kiss.
Pulling away from her, Pennywise watches her almost startled, confused by the bite she has to her full bottom lip yet his pants grow as she squirms in needy arousal.
He gulps. "Quinn, the movie?"
"I'd rather watch you." Her voice drips with seduction as her hand unzips the front of his pants.
Quinn calms his worry as her other hand caresses the back of his neck gently. "If I'm yours, let me take care of you Bill."
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He watches puzzled, with a racing heartbeat, however he allows Quinn to do whatever she wants with him.
Quinn gracefully tucks her full mane of curls onto the other side of her shoulder as she bows into his lap.
Her lips line with his up-turned erection as she sweetly kisses the tip of his cock, staining it with her pink strawberry flavored lipgloss.
Staring down at his handsomely perfect member, thoughts of having him inside her chokes her mind. The best looking cock she's ever seen in her life, for now she'll satisfy her hunger with just his taste.
Hallowing out her cheeks, Quinn takes him fully into her mouth. Slowly wetting his cock with her spit as she gently tugs his shaft lubed with her drool.
Breaths caught in Pennywise's throat as he watches his sweetheart take him completely in her throat. Her delicious moans and sweetly scented perfume plagues his mind, he can't control the groans coming from the depths of his stomach.
She feels fucking perfect to him. Willing to choke herself to tears for his pleasure, he knows that he absolutely loves the girl.
As Quinn continues to slurp, stroke, and suck, Pennywise can't control the bucking of his hips. Gently fucking into her throat at the rhythm that he needs.
Quinn opens her eyes, peering up at him with her innocent doll like eyes as she slaps his cock on her drooling wet tongue.
His eyes roll back into his skull.. "Quinn.." He gulps. "Honey I—"
Forcing him deeper into her throat, Quinn inhales his balls along with the entirety of his cock.
Coughing and dripping mascara as her only care is to bring him to a pleasured finish
Fucking hell... he can't take it. Never having this sense of pleasure in his impossibly long lifetime, he feels the need to explode.
Noticing her deep arch in the passenger seat of the car, Pennywise can't help but to run his hand onto her firm backside, slapping her ass as she sucks his cock with absolute perfection.
His mouth hangs ajar as the pressure to cum continues to build. Stomach tightened as he listens to her intoxicating chokes and moans, he can't hold out any longer.
Quinn takes him into her throat once more as he blows his load.
He shouts a pleasured groan as the cum bursts streams into her mouth and down her pretty chin.
The pleasure is too much for him to handle, Pennywise loses focus on his appearance... and absolutely drops it.
He watches Quinn's satisfied smile turn into eyes of fear as he begins to reveal his truest form.
"P-Pennywise.." The shock causes her face to whiten into a pale fright.
He smiles, the jingle of his bells chiming out of thin air. "Pennywise, The Dancing Clown!"
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Thrashing around in the arms of the clown, Pennywise leaves the car for the nearest city drain.
Crying and shouting to be let go, he doesn't listen to her once.
"Close your eyes." He calmly demands. "It'll hurt a lot less."
Fearing for her life. Quinn tightens her eyes closed as she notices them slipping into the sewer drain.
She knows it's impossible for them to fit and expects to be squashed to death... But underestimating the powers of Pennywise, gets her nowhere. As she opens her eyes, she's surprisingly unharmed and in the sewer tunnels of Derry.
As she's being carried, she notices her dangling legs nowhere near the ground being that her date has grown into a whopping eight feet tall.
As she cries and continues to lash out, Pennywise isn't phased or harmed by her gentle fists. However, he doesn't know how to calm her...
When he's killing for the absorption of fear, he would have snapped his victim's neck by now, but not wanting to hurt Quinn... he's at a loss for a next step.
Taking her to the driest and deepest part of the sewers, he leaves Quinn by herself beside a pile of his victim's belongings.
She becomes a mess of frightened tears as she looks up at the massive pile, noticing the floating children in Pennywise's possession, decaying and have been hanging there for many, many years.
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As hours pass, and night darkens.
Pennywise decides to revisit Quinn. He finds her exhausted from tears and asleep in a dirty corner, however he's glad that she is calm.
He never wanted this to happen, but now that he's infatuated with her he can't let her go.
Waking up from her stressful nap, Quinn is startled by his quiet watching in the pipes of the sewer.
Balling herself up into bended knees, she refuses to even look at him.
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He jumps down, creating a cloud of dust around him as he lands right in front of her.
"Open your eyes." He demands. "See me as I am."
"As what?" She argues. "Accept that you're Pennywise the clown? Or accept that you're a liar?"
Her smart tongue aggravates him as he forces her into his strict yellow gaze. "Everything I've said, I've meant."
"You're a murderer." Tears of sadness wet her cheeks.
"Don't bring up what you don't understand." He denies being called such things.
"You were after my brother weren't you?" She continues. "You wanted to kill him! Turn him into the children above-"
"But I didn't." He interrupts. "And I won't."
She scoffs. "You have been an entirely different man since I've known you, how am I ever to believe a word that you say!"
"Because you'll just have to trust me." His voice although sensitive to her fear, he is clearly demanding and intimidating. "Do it, because you don't have any other choice to."
Rolling her eyes, clearly heartbroken and confused, Quinn attempts to leave.
Stretching his arm like taffy, Pennywise pulls her back to him from many feet away.
Can't she see that he's inhuman? Whatever she does he can correct without even dropping a bead of sweat.
She can't win, and she never will.
Pennywise softens his stare into something less threatening... He slowly bends to the crook of Quinn's neck, placing gentle kisses on her skin. "I am still me."
Uncomfortable with his caress, Quinn begins to frown.
He continues to press his lips to her body and Quinn quickly realizes that she isn't uncomfortable with his kiss at all, she's uncomfortable with enjoying it... Uncomfortable with still feeling safe with a creature that shouldn't even exist.
Pennywise pulls from his kiss and watches her quiet expression... he feels hopeful, now that she's trembling less and her eyes have softened.
He wants to tell her that he loves her, but it just isn't in his character to say something so forward.
"Do I still call you Bill?"Her voice meek and sweet makes his heart beat loudly.
"Pennywise." He responds.
"Will you take me home Penny?"Pennywise shuts his eyes, soul melting at the cute nickname she has quickly came up for him.
Pennywise becomes hungry, wanting to give her what he received in the car.
"Yes Quinn, you'll go home." He whispers sweetly pressed against her face. "Right after I return the favor."
Tearing the panties from her body, Pennywise pins her wrists above her head.
She gasps, squirming in refusal. "No! Please Pennywise, I don't want that!"
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Widening her legs her dripping cunt says otherwise.
Pennywise's insanely long tongue swipes between her thighs as he did the first time he met her.
She gasps, body arching in pleasure... Quinn remembers that feeling immediately. "It was you, i-in the bathtub."
Grinning deviously he nods. "Of course, who else could give you a kiss below like that?"
His mouth returns to her sweet succulent flesh. He's wanted badly to feast on this pussy for so many days now.
Hands forcing her dress above her chest, his eyes widen at her perky breasts... nipples hardened and painfully aroused.
Biting a glove off of his hand, he bites his lip as he enjoys the skin to skin contact of caressing her full bust.
Covering her face, Quinn becomes embarrassed. She tries to cover the moans from her tongue, but Pennywise hears them, Pennywise loves them.
Rolling the bud between his fingers with sudden gentle pinches, Pennywise dives back into her cunt.
His mouth is too good for her, she can't keep still.
He grips her ankles folding her legs to her chest to refuse her from moving his mouth from her pussy.
He circles his tongue around her swollen clit, nipping it to watch her body jolt. He slurps on her every drop of pleasure, swallowing it as if his thirst could never be quenched.
His tongue plows into her pussy, bringing shameful squeals through her begging lips. Tongue long enough to fuck her like a cock, he pushes it in and out of her hole and brings her to tears.
His monstrous cock aches, forced against his tight clown costume, and ready to burst from her taste and squeals alone.
Pennywise's face dug deeply between her thighs, his nose and mouth slide vengefully prodding inside the slick folds of her smooth cunt, forcing her to quake as she pulls on the red strands of his hair.
The clown's eyes shutter closed, rolling back into his skull in pure satisfaction. Mouth usually dripping with blood however tonight dripping with Quinn's sweet nectar.
"Please Pennywise..." Her sweet voice stabs at him. "Will you kill me too?"
"You hush now Quinn, you'll be back in your bed, sleeping the best that you've ever had." Breathless and eager to make her orgasm, Pennywise continues.
She moans... pleasure becoming far too painful for her. "When?!"
"Don't act as if you want me to rush, I can feel how much you're enjoying this Quinn." Nearly offended, he shuts her up with a deep tongue plow against her cervix.
She shouts in pleasure... Ashamed of knowing how incredible his tongue feels, and feeling like an absolute little slut for an evil clown.
However soon he answers her anyway. "You'll go home when I get you to that point , when you realize that I won't stop seeking after you, and when you realize that with me— you'll never want to be sought after by anyone else again."
"Do you understand Quinn?" His question is threatening.
She nods. "Yes."
"Good girl." He grins. "Now release for me... release for me, and you will be home sweet girl. You'll just have to do it, right here on my tongue."
Lying on his belly, face devouring Quinn's pussy as he grips the thick indents of her hips, Quinn begins to buck her hips... fucking his face until the tightened spring in her stomach releases.
Tears dropping from her eyes as she shouts out from a mind blowing orgasm, Quinn's vision fades into a bright light.
Seeing only white and hearing a ringing similar to after a bomb, she fades into an unexpected slumber, waking up peacefully tucked into her bed back at her home...
Days pass and Quinn still doesn't understand what has happened to her this summer.
She's painfully alone with this knowledge, knowing that no one would ever believe her about Pennywise, nevertheless believe that she's been intimate with him.
Her thoughts of the night with Pennywise in the sewer plagues her mind... the memories make her drip with desire and because of it, she feels embarrassed.
What's even more embarrassing, is that she can't help but wonder why he hasn't made contact with her again...
Tempted to visit him in the tunnels, she doesn't want to seem desperate. Her mental health fights with her, filling her with shame knowing that longing for this creature is extremely wrong.
As the weekend draws closer, it'll be a week since they've seen each other. Quinn has gotten to the point of believing that maybe she's just going crazy, maybe she dreamt all of this!
She forces herself to drop him from her thoughts so she can prepare herself for the school year, and get back to everyday life.
Quinn showers in her parents' bathroom, refusing to bathe in the hall bathroom being that was where she first encountered the clown.
As she dresses for bed in a black silk night gown, she brushes her wet curls and brushes her teeth in the mirror of the hall bathroom.
As she spits the toothpaste out, she hears the calling of the clown.
"Oh Quuuiiinnn.."Pennywise nearly sings for her as he calls her name, echoing throughout the bathroom's pipes.
She gulps, realizing that everything that happened between them is absolutely true.
His voice taunts with seduction. "I've missed you honey..."
Cutting off the bathroom light, she decides to ignore the noise and leave.
"Don't you dare leave this bathroom."His threat startles her. "Come here Quinn."
She rolls her eyes, kneeling to the tub as she begins to whisper aggressively at the tub's drain, looking like a psychopath if anyone were to catch her. "What do you want from me? It's been a week, I thought I was free of you."
"Never." He chuckles. "It seems that you've been counting our days apart... if I'm correct, you've missed me just as much?"
"I waited for your bath." Pennywise causes Quinn to blush in embarrassment. "You never came."
"Showered in my parents' bathroom." She shrugs stubbornly. "Felt safer."
Pennywise laughs. "Then we'll just have to have our fun now."
Pennywise's gloved hand reaches through the drain...
"Take the glove off." He demands. "Then sit on it."
Quinn trembles as she pulls the clown's white glove from his hand.
His hand is revealed, gray, monstrous, with talon like nails.
She flinches at the thought of being fingered by that. "Put that away!" Quinn complains. "I will not do anything with that."
He sighs. "Fine."
Pulling his hand back into the drain, he soon brings it back up... handsome, soft, human, with enticingly long digits...
"Now." Compromising with the girl, Pennywise sighs. "Be a good girl, and come sit on this hand Quinn."
She licks her lips, becoming convinced to find pleasure on the handsome hand.
But she refuses... "No!" She snaps. "Pennywise, I won't! I'm going to bed!"
"So help me god Quinn." The threatening tone of his voice stops her dead in her tracks. "If you don't sit on this hand, I will come through this drain and fuck you to absolute pieces."
She wishes that his demanding threat didn't make her melt between her thighs... but interestingly enough, it does.
Quinn enters the tub. Hiking up her silk nightgown, she kneels to the floor of the tub, taking a seat on the warm hand coming from the drain.
His deep baritoned chuckle echoes through the steel pipes. "You know what to do."
And that she does.
Quinn begins to buck her hips... fucking the hand with slow trembled breaths.
Pennywise massages her clit with his thumb, making her slick and preparing her for his probing fingers.
Quinn continues to soak his hand, sticky webbed dripping from her needy little cunt oozing down Pennywise's wrist.
He places two of his longest fingers inside of her, bending at the knuckle to caress her g-spot each time they thrust into her. Quinn closes her eyes and enjoys the pleasure of each bounce onto the hand, a moan escapes her tongue as a broad thumb seeps into her asshole.
He's marked her as his own. Having the girl obsessed with the many ways he can fill her.
Quinn gyrates the lacy dress past her shoulders, her hands begin to toy at her now revealed sensitive breasts as she reaches closer to her cum.
Drawing the faint taste of blood from her full bottom lip, she bites down hard enough to silence her need to squeal.
"I have such the surprise for you.."Mysterious temptation clouds over Pennywise's voice. "Tomorrow, I'll come get you. Be ready for me, be ready for your gift."
"W-What is it?" Quinn's breath hitches in her throat, being choked by a moan.
"Be patient little lamb." He chuckles. "You will see."
Quinn clinches around Pennywise's fingers, nearing her finish. "Cum for me." A sweet command from Pennywise, sends Quinn into hysterics. She jolts, body quaking as she releases for him, soaking and pruning his fingertips.
Panting for breath after her climax, she watches the wet hand slide back down the drain... Quinn listens into the drain, hearing the sudden lapping of his tongue over his fingers, obsessed and constantly thirsty for her taste.
Realizing how much he craves for her, Quinn's crush grows larger. She's utterly fixated on her new lover.
"My glove?" Pennywise waits calmly for her to send it down the drain, but she refuses.
She gulps. "Tomorrow."
"You want to keep it?" You can nearly hear the joyful smile in Pennywise's voice.
"Yes." She admits.
He accepts it. "Fine, as long as you sleep with it pressed against your chest, or even better, between your legs."
"Quinn?" He calls once more. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, sleep well sweet girl."
Quinn gets dressed early today not knowing which time to expect Pennywise.
Her knee shakes nervously as she waits all day on the edge of her bed, wondering if she should warn her family to not expect her home tonight... Hell, dealing with an evil entity, she even thought to warn them that she may never be back.
But the clown asked for her trust... so trust is what she has to give.
If he were to kill her, she's sure that he would have done it by now.
As the evening darkens, a nervous Quinn refuses to eat any meals... Her stomach is too anxious to accept any food to eat.
Quinn's eyes become tired, she accidentally begins to fall over into her pillows as sleep takes over her...
Before her head hits the pillow, the side of Quinn's face is carefully placed into the wide palm of Pennywise's hand.
She notices the feel of his skin instead of the pillow on her cheek, not once caring to ask how did he get inside of her room.
"You're late." Quinn's voice so very quiet and sleepy, plays gently on his heart strings.
Pennywise leans into the girl, wearing his human appearance as he softly kisses his tired love.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." He coos, taking his borrowed glove from her bedside table. "Just needed time to get things perfect for you."
As Quinn blinks her heavy eyelids open, she watches Pennywise puff on a cigarette. "So now you smoke?"
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He shrugs. "Thought I'd see what's the hype around it to you humans."
Quinn disapproves, up from lying on her bed, she takes the cigarette from his lips and tosses it out of the opened bedroom window. "There is no hype to it, it's bad for you."
Amused with her sexy authoritative side, he wraps his arm around her body. His hand graces the small of her back gently as he lifts her to his kiss.
The tender kiss, mind blowing for them both as Quinn enjoys finally seeing his presence again, and Pennywise enjoys her beauty. Long brown legs in a pair of light blue denim short-shorts, dirty red converse tied in a bow on each of her feet, and braless in a nearly see through white summer tank top.
She's so gorgeous, it physically pains him.
Enjoying every detail of grace and beauty on her face, he pauses momentarily as he takes her image in. "Close your eyes."
Expecting to be transported somewhere, Quinn does just that. She closes her eyes, grasping onto his broad shoulders as she trusts him to take her wherever he wants.
Feeling ground beneath her feet, Quinn soon opens her eyes. She notices her house a few feet away as her and Pennywise walk hand in hand into the woods of her backyard.
She frowns in confusion. "The woods? Why?"
"So you can see how to get to me, and where to find me, whenever you need me." The calm comfort in his voice takes her worries away. She agrees with a nod, tightening her hand around his.
As the two walk together in the woods for a few short minutes, Pennywise follows a stream that leads them to the canals.
He makes sure that she's paying attention as he watches down upon her, she nods, memorizing the path of how to get to him.
They cross the dense rocks surrounded by water as they head towards the sewer. An older gentleman packed up from late night fishing stops them in their path.
Quinn instantly worries about how Pennywise will react... If she is to spend time with him, she never, ever, wants to see him kill.
"Penny, don't." Her voice a quiet plead for him to behave.
The man shines his flashlight into their direction, and Pennywise can hardly decide to kill him or not as he watches  the man shine the bright light into his eyes.
"Hey kiddos! You shouldn't be out this late, especially around these parts. Haven't you all heard about the bodies being found around here? Apparently a murderer is on the loose, some even say an evil clown who lives in the sewers... although that's just a fable." The man chuckles.
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"Can't say we're ones to believe in the clown." Pennywise laughs. "Like you said, it's just a fable, right?Have a good night sir!"
Quinn finally breathes again, glad that Pennywise never lost his cool.
He sighs. "The things I do for you."
Together they make their way into the sewers, sloshing through the mucky waters until they've reached the dry area of the tunnels.
Quinn notices how different it looks from the last time she was here...
Cleaned out, floating bodies taken elsewhere, and no pile of his victims belongings.
Even a bedroom is built...
Candles lit around the two of them for romance, and to mask the horrid smells of the sewer.
She begins to chuckle, impressed with the effort he put into making her feel comfortable with where he hides out at...
She walks around the bedroom touching the furniture and the decorations he put together to feel like a home.
Quinn knows the stuff is stolen, but it is the thought that counts.
"Too much?" Nervous and nearly sweating, Pennywise can't get a good read on her expression. "I over did it, huh?"
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"I think it's beautiful." She admits. "The reason you went missing for a week?"
He shrugs. "I didn't like you being on the floor, you deserve better... A bed, a place to stay whenever you want to free yourself from the outside world."
Quinn's cheeks blush, clearly falling in love with the clown.
"The bed is awfully big..." Kicking off her shoes, Quinn lays back onto the pillows. "Should I expect to share it?"
Pennywise chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully however noticeably infatuated with the girl.
"Quinn?" He curiously asks. "Do you only like me like this? Does the clown frighten you?"
She smiles. "I like you for the man that I got to know over summer, regardless of how he appears to me. Penny, I like you, for you."
Pennywise gazes into his reflection of the bedroom's mirror with guilt... suddenly becoming unsure of which version that he even likes, himself...
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He chuckles dryly. "So I'll change it up, keep things interesting with my different appearances."
She agrees with him, yet begins to sigh. "I'm sorry that I can't do the same."
Her feelings of not being enough for him snaps Pennywise out of his gaze.
"Don't ever say that again." He quickly leaves the mirror, joining her as he sits on the edge of the bed. "You don't need multiple appearances. I love just the one that you have, I'll never want for anything else."
"You love my appearance?" She asks. "Or you love me?"
He gulps, finally admitting the truth. "Quinn, I love you."
Feeling relief as he finally gets those three meaningful words off of his chest, he doesn't even care to hear her say it back... for he is sure that the day will come.
The two share a longing kiss.
A tongue kiss that heats into their clothes being stripped off of each other.
As he pulls the daisy dukes along with her panties off of her body, he bites his lip as he watches her lift enough to slide them off of her legs... just as impatient and horny as he is.
Pennywise watches Quinn tremble with excitement, as she glistens between her thighs, ready for his taking.
Lying on her back, Quinn nearly begs for missionary sex. The type of sex where the wider she spreads, the more she can feel him dig into her.
"Are you sure?" Surprisingly gentle, Pennywise asks for her reassurance.
Biting her lip and already panting, she nods.
He doesn't think twice.
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Lying over her gorgeously nude body, Pennywise begins to place slow, bruising kisses along her skin. Sucking the flesh of her chin, neck, and breasts... Marking her with his affection.
Accepting another of his tongue kisses, Quinn moans into his mouth as he loses himself down her throat.
Pennywise begins to slowly lube his cock, thrusting slowly through her slickness until he's covered in her nectar. Just the gliding of his cock through her folds causes her body to arch, pleading aimlessly to be fucked into.
Pussy slapping her with the tip of his weighty cock, he grins deviously as he watches her body jolt each time it smacks her on her throbbing clit.
Toyed with enough, already to the point of soaking his brand new sheets, he gains momentum to seep into her entry.
Slowly thrusting his tip into her, Pennywise holds her hips down as she attempts to run from the pleasure.
His plows deepen..
He watches Quinn take half, then all of his cock as he stretches her to her max. Watching his cock spread her wide is the prettiest thing he's ever seen, his groans tremble as he watches each time he slides out, and rams back into her.
Quinn grips the sheets as Pennywise kisses her salty tears away.
"So pretty.." He coos. "And such a good listener. Quinn, baby, are you with me?"
The girl nods, body blushing red as she endures his brutal fucking, however enjoying the restraint on her breathing from his crushingly heavy body and the fullness of his veiny erection.
Catching a bouncing breast into his mouth, Pennywise's tongue laps teasing circles around her hardened nipple.
Picking up speed and listening to the wet fapping of their bodies and the squeaking bed frame, Pennywise is determined to bottom completely out into her.
Finally doing it, pushing his cock in to the base of his happy trail, Quinn presses her hand against his chest, begging for mercy. "Please—" she pants. "Penny, I-I can't!"
Taking the hand from his chest, Pennywise kisses the girl's palm gently before placing it above her head. Holding her wrists back from interrupting his heavy bucking. "You can baby, you can."
Taking his free hand to her fleshy clit, he massages her in a way that makes her squirm underneath him.
Finishing his handsy caress with a sharp slap onto her pussy, he sends her into oblivion.
Quinn's body begins to quake, squealing inaudibly as the orgasm melts her into the mattress.
Wanting that same incredible finish, Pennywise's speed picks up, aiming for his cum. Her orgasm spasming around his cock as he grunts, mercilessly fucking into the girl.
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"Fuck!" He shouts as he nears his finish.
Pussy quivering around his erection, already doused in his sticky precum, his sweetheart lays tiredly beneath him...
Sweated out, dumbly drooling, and looking so beautiful half-lidded and absolutely slutty for only him.
To bring him to his climax, he begs to hear her perfect little voice.
"Is this what you want?" He grits through his teeth. "Could we have this for a lifetime?"
Quinn nearly cries, numbly taking the rough fucking like a champ. "Yes Pennywise, God yes— just continue to be good to me, be good to Derry."
He nods, simping immediately to whatever she wants. "Mmm- fuck! This pussy is fucking fantastic. Yes baby.. Haven't killed since we met, I'll do whatever you want."
"Haven't killed since we met..."
"Haven't killed since we met..."
The words replay, strangling his mind.
How hasn't he killed, since they have met?
Pennywise comes to a slow pace, not understanding how he has been surviving if he hasn't fed off of fear?
Or has he been feeding off of it all along?
Quinn, she fears him.
He only has been surviving around her, because she's fucking faking it...
Pennywise believes that Quinn doesn't feel the same about him at all, she loathes him, she's frightened by him and doing whatever she needs to do in hopes of keeping her family and this town safe from him.
He can't hold his appearance any longer, as anger fuels him, Pennywise bursts into full clown...
Eight feet tall, ravenous teeth, hands that tear through his white gloves due to the black talon sized nails, and a monstrous cock that fills Quinn to the absolute brim.
She hisses in immediate pain, "Pennywise it hurts!"
The bed breaks down to the floor now that he's massive and impossibly heavy. However, Quinn's tight little cunt feels sooo very good to him.
"It hurts?"He begins to deviously taunt. "Does it now? I think you can take it Quinn. Be good for me."
She squeals. "Please! You're still inside me, you'll have to go back to your human appearance!"
Becoming familiar again with his evil nature, he refuses. "I think I'll fuck you just like this."
His hands wrap around her entire waist as if she were a can of soda, the clown's form being so large over her petite frame it's like fucking into a Barbie doll.
He huffs, nearing a mountain size amount of cum as he nearly splits Quinn into two.
The clown's mouth begins to drool as he places his hand at her womb, feeling his cock and watching the insane tummy bulge he forces into her guts.
So fucking sexy, he feels his explosion erupting.
Eyes rolling back into his skull, the clown releases to the sweet sounds of her cries.
Muscles tightening as does the vicious grip on her skin as he stills himself inside of her and coats her walls with his hot sticky cum.
"When were you going to stop wasting my fucking time?" Pennywise watches his cum spill out on each side of his cock that still penetrates her. "I can taste the fear on you, so don't dare lie."
Aggravated with her silence, he slams her against the bed. "Faking everything that you've said... Why, because you think it would keep you alive longer?"
He clicks his tongue with taunt. "I'm too old to be made a fool of, but you almost had me Quinn... you really did."
"Penny please!" She begs, although now on soft his giantly inhuman cock continues to sit deeply inside of her. Without barely any movement, she still feels as if she's being fucked due to his size and the pulsing veins of his cock. "I-I can't speak to you like this."
Not being able to catch her breath, and seeming to be seriously ill. Her poor body can't take much more.
She begs tearfully. "It's too much!! S'too full!!"
Pulling himself out of Quinn, she jolts at the lewd pop of the head of his massive cock exiting her.
He watches his cum seep from out of her with more plans of revenge sex and doing this all night to her.
She can finally breathe as her body relaxes, pouring out his messy load into the middle of her trembling thighs.
"Talk!" Pennywise shouts.
"I'm not afraid of you!" She cries.
Pennywise's finger nail sticks uncomfortably into her belly button, with just the slightest drag, Quinn's steaming hot intestines could be lying right in front of her eyes. "Oh Quinn... I've enjoyed every minute with you, but don't think that I won't tear you into fucking shreds if you lie to me again."
"I'm telling you the truth, I don't fear you!" The poor girl, now heartbroken and regretting becoming the lover of a demonic entity continues to weep until she runs out of tears.
"The fear that you are surviving off of is my fear of the future. Fear of our fate together being that we are in an impossible relationship..." Quinn explains herself , unable to even look at him anymore. "A girl and an entity— a fear of the universe pulling us apart when I have too fallen in love with you."
His eyes soften with immense guilt... Finally realizing what he has done...
Looking at his love lying exhausted, half-lidded, and fucked to a pulp, he worries that he has injured her... For the first time feeling fear himself.
What Pennywise failed to realize, is that the girl never feared him at all. What she feared, was losing him.
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sootrootdoot · 3 months
ok so a friend and i got into a call (i dont know how these things start) (i read a pennywise smut, friend does some of pennys lines)
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randomly-a-fan · 11 months
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Imagine him looking like that when going down on you
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clueless-grunt · 2 years
Pennywise fic, part 2, electric boogaloo
The chord rang clear and vibrant as you expelled every last breath through your aching throat.
The sound rose in a steady finale, before spiraling down into silence. You breathed in, listening to the echos of your voice ring outwards through the cavern.
The voices of the lost children slowly can be heard over you once again, their saddened humming rising and falling with your breathing. They spiraled overhead, lazily making their course around the tower of scraps, precariously brushing against it every so often. All of them were in various states, some looked untouched, as if they could be still alive, albeit unconscious or in a state of being where they were
drifting in and out of our world and the spirit world. Others were missing a limb or two, but were otherwise unscathed, and some brought the term 'half eaten' to mind.
You turned your eyes to the thing sitting at the base of the mountain, the silver of the suit it wore was luminous even in the soft gray of the darkness in the basin.
The thing rarely spoke anything other than demands, never addressing you by name, using nicknames instead. If you could call frankly demeaning name-calling 'nicknames'.
The food it gave you was bland and frankly suspicious, the water tasted stale and warm. A filthy blanket from the scrap pile lay limp on the floor of the cage.
The conditions weren't optimal, but it was keeping you rather well fed and watered, it hadn't hurt you despite all its threats of death and suffering, you were kept warm, and had something, human or not, to talk to. You almost thought it cared.
But it has failed to hunt more often, and when it does, it comes with thundering pounds and stone slicing claws, and you are left to bare the burden.
Unfortunately for the both of you, they were unsuccessful again this afternoon.
The mangled groaning from one of the pipes that led to the surface was your first clue.
The next was the approaching clamber of metal, stone, and chitin that angrily stomped its way towards the cavern.
The final warning was the hungered growls and ominous words that pulsed and spilled from the looming tunnel to the left.
A single jagged word sliced its way through your skull.
It sounded pained, and hungry. But it could care for itself. Your main concern was that it sounded furious.
The light from the opening at the tallest point of the cistern did not penetrate this far outwards, but you could still faintly make out the long sharp claws curl around the opening of the pipe. The screech of the sharp nails dragging themselves across the metal pipe pierced you, making you wince against the sound.
A series of gurgles (or was it laughing?) and snarling accompanied a burning pair of burning ombre slits.
The heavy brass bell that sat tied from the top of the cage swung from side to side with the rippling vibrations, flattering and clanging.
You shook the door of the golden cage, hoping the lock would break and you could get away before it came any closer. Your heartbeat echoed the pulses that shook the ground, and your head spun.
You collapsed with a heavy thud against the bottom of the cage in a frail hope to hide yourself. Breathing hurt and tears of fright ran trails through the dust on your cheeks.
Within an instant the shaking of the ground and the punishing thunderclap sound of Its steps stopped, replaced by the feeling of your stomach dropping as the cage was brought to It's eye level.
You hid your head the best you could from Its gaze, instead letting it stare eyes into your back.
A low, horrible chuckle ripped from Its chest, and the groan of the metal bars of your cage bending under Its grasp chilled your spine.
"Nononononononoooo little one, that won't do a thing. Why don't you come over here and save yourself the risk,"
You wanted to move, to run, your legs rushed with a feeling not unlike the one that rushes when the darkness of a long, silent hallway creeps up to whisper in your ears.
You have nowhere to run.
And It knew that, and It used that.
It used you.
"I'm growing impatient, you short timer piece of garbage. COME HERE."
You shook under your arms, covering your head still you peeked at the thing standing behind you. It's eyes were no longer gleamed with mischief, but were now stern, boring into you with malice and venom. It scowled when your eyes met its own, and tapped on the cage with a dirty, sharp claw and a light, almost deceptive tinkling sound.
You lifted yourself up with the finesse and grace of a newborn fawn. You gingerly were pulled toward your captor by Its gaze and the push of your own heartbeat, pushing as if it were trying to escape whatever fate would befall the rest of you for disobeying It in the first place.
A few feet from the cage bars, you stopped. It seemed content with this, and opened the cage door. You walked out and kneeled in front of it.
It fiercely grabbed you by the waist, and your stomach dropped as it hoisted you into the air several feet.
It brought you close to Its face, and it's breath smelled of must and decay and metal. It let a low, animal growl rumble up from somewhere deep in Its chest. It shook your core and rattled the thoughts in your head, spreading out into an echo like ripples in a pond.
You began to breathe at an abnormal rate, and you felt lightheaded.
(ineffable- definitions)
(Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words)
(not to be uttered)
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medusavsviperz · 20 days
Like what if, it was a movie night with Catnap, and in the middle of it, we get bored and start to like, kiss him innocently at first on the cheek and we go down trying to distract him from the movie and such And the fucker tries to keep watching the movie and yadda yadda, and we end up like, cock warming him while at it 🥺👉👈
Movie Night
warnings:smut, cussing, cockwarming
relationships: catnap x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
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"hiya Georgie, im Pennywise the DANCING clown~!" the killer clown mocked. it was your favorite movie, but somehow you were bored, watching horror movies with catnap to pass the time. you slowly turn to look at him, his eyes flicking between the movie. he notices you staring in his peripheral vision, and he turns his head to look at you. you let a coy smirk form on your face, before leaning up and kissing his cheek. he turns his head to meet your lips, giving you a quick peck on your own before turning his head to refocus on the movie that was playing. his hand slowly moves its way under the blanket you were sharing with him, and rests it on your thigh. he gives it a reassuring squeeze.
you scoot closer to him, your thighs now touching his, and continue giving him loving pecks on the cheek. he lets out a sigh of annoyance but decides to let it slide. you continue your assault on his cheek, slowly trailing it down his neck. "you havin fun?" he mutters sarcastically, huffing at you. "nmfg... not yet~.." you giggle and move your own hand to grab at his inner thigh. "fucking hell..." he groans out, squeezing your thigh as a warning. your kisses never cease, kissing and nibbling on his neck and shoulder. He lets out a sigh before turning your way, managing to playfully flick you on the nose. his attention turns back to the movie, in effort to ignore you. oh no he doesnt. you shift out of the blanket, and stand up. he looks at you with a mix of confusion and lust, before shaking his head and flicking his eyes back to the television.
you walk into the kitchen and grab a glass, using the tap to fill it up. standing there, glass in hand, leaning up against the counter, you call his name. he grunts in response, eyes never leaving the TV. "catnapppp~! im bored.. play with me.." you whine, watching as he laughs. you shift off the counter and walk back over to the couch, plopping down next to him once more. "im gonna keep bugging you until you give in." ... "i know." ... "then you might aswell give in now" you say, playfully swatting at his arm. he easily captures your wrist in his hand and kisses you roughly before pulling away. "nah, i like to watch you suffer" he laughs and releases you, ignoring the fact that you fall back onto the couch. you whine in annoyance and sit back up, placing your legs on his lap as he folds his arms over the back of the couch. you wait until the movie is almost finished to crawl ontop of him. you shower him in kisses as he desperately tries to push you off. "f- mwah.. uck-! chill- mwah mwah -out!" you ignore his pleas and continue assaulting him with kisses. once he finally gives in, you shift on his lap. he lets out a silent moan as he feels your crotch rub his growing boner. his large hands land on your hips, the blanket long discarded on the floor.
you continue your grind, kissing and grunting is all that you can hear. it was his turn to suffer. you suddenly climb off of him, watching his flushed face look fucked out. he huffs in annoyance and grabs your legs, forcing you back onto him. he is quick to slide off your shorts, pulling down his sweatpants just enough to free his cock. "ride it."he demands, glaring into your eyes. you whine a bit before rubbing your aching cunt onto his hard erection. your wet folds juicing up his length completely. the slide in was easy, but still stung a bit. you sit on him for a few minutes, watching as he whimpers and groans out, desperately looking into your eyes for a sign of release. "ngh-fuck. move." he commands, thrusting his hips upwards in effort to find a sense of relief. you force your hips down, denying him the right to move. his eyes lace with confusion and lust, hands grabbing your hips to try to bounce you. you let out a short laugh and hold your hips down, before leaning up in his ear and letting out a whisper. "suffer~" he whimpers loudly yet accepts his fate. you sit there a whole other movie. Scream 4 to be exact, before he couldnt handle it anymore. he pushes you off of him and down onto the couch. he stares deep into your eyes, biting your neck. you can feel his warm breath on your neck and ear. his large hands push open your thighs and position himself in between them.
"my turn."
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made by medusavsviperz
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
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spooky-raccoon · 5 years
Years Later (Part 8)
Pennywise x Female Reader
Part 8 to Years later!
Tag List: @trig-loves-clowning-around @rottenhearts-and-sharpteeth @aethersghoulette @sewer-clown-hype @clussysposts @originalclodmakergarden @queendemonfangirl @yeetingful @pennywi-se @wanna-rock-n-roll-in80s @risettochan
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         The next morning, I could hardly tell what was sore and what wasn’t. My whole body ached and when I tried to get up from bed my body caved, making me fall back down.  I groaned out, my throat sore and parched.  I turned my head to the side to find a small note, folded in a triangle, beside a glass of water.  There was even a straw in it.  Odd. I rolled over and managed to get the glass of water and the note.  As I sipped on the water I took to reading the note.  It had Pennywise’s barely eligible handwriting.  I would have thought a being who had all the time in the world would have good penmanship but that wasn’t the case.  At least I could read it.
        ‘My little (Y/N),
Did so well for me last night.  Rest.  Rest the day away.  No need for work today.  Already made arrangements.  Won’t notice you there.  Rest. Drink up and will be back soon. Very soon.
        Word to the wise from Pennywise.’
        There was a smiley face on a balloon next to his little ending signature which made me chuckle.  At least Robert’s handwriting was nicer but Pennywise had the better signature.  I set the note back on the nightstand and finished about half of the water before laying back comfortable in the bed.  I looked to see that the bed was normal.  Not a spot of blood or dried up pool of saliva. Even my wounds were bandaged up. Poorly, but it was better than nothing. I stared up at my ceiling and tried to think of why he would clean up and even patch up my wounds.  He never had in the past.  Before I could think too much on it I was starting to fall back asleep.
27 Years Ago
         Pennywise and I had taken a stroll through the woods by the Barrens. It had been a nice enough day and Pennywise was in a better mood than usual.  I suppose it was from hunting earlier and he had gotten a group of campers who had wondered too close to the sewer entrance.  Or maybe it was the group of kids who had gone into the Neibolt house for a little ‘adventure’ that he made go insane as they tried to traverse the house. Either way, he was a pleased clown so right now he was kinder than usual.  As we walked I listened to him chat about various ways he had caught meals as of recent.  Sure, it made my skin crawl in some of the ways, but I couldn’t help being a little interested.  Just a little curious of this weird being that was Pennywise the Dancing Clown.  
        Along our walk we found a nice flat rock that both of us could sit on that the river moved around.  I laid out on it, stretching some which made my back pop in just a few places.  My hands folded under my head and I looked toward the sky that was painted in hues of orange, purple and blue as the sun was setting.  Stars were starting to show up here and there.  Pennywise laid out beside me, taking up most of the rock.  He copied my position as he too stared up at the sky. For a while we were quiet, and the thought crossed my mind.
         “Pennywise?”  My head tilted toward him to take a look at him.  He let out an inquisitive hum as he looked down to meet my gaze.  “Do you ever miss it up there?  Where you came from?”
          “Not particularly.”  Pennywise shrugged while looking back up to the sky.  “Have food here.  Don’t have to worry about that damn turtle.”  Maturin. Pennywise’s brother.  Pennywise had told me how Maturin coughed up the universe that I live in like a cat with a hairball.  It was almost unbelievable but knowing Pennywise and what he was, I could believe it.  “I have Derry under my thumb along with some other towns.  Why give up food that follows my whim?”
         “Makes sense.”  My gaze followed his back up to the sky.  “Wonder what other universes are like.  How different each one is.”  I was getting lost in my own curious thoughts which made Pennywise chuckle.
        “I can’t remember too much from mine.  Coming here and landing took a lot out of me.”  Pennywise raised a hand and pointed to a star that was brighter than all the rest even with the sun still somewhat out.  “Came from that direction.  Just right through.”
        I looked to the spot he was pointing, and my head tilted to the side as I tried to think of what it must have been like.  Before I could get too lost into thought he rolled over and he was suddenly over me, on his hands and knees with a wide grin.  I yelped and could feel my cheeks blushing brightly.  I hadn’t adjusted yet to the times he wouldn’t scare me, and he had been becoming more affectionate.  It was strange.  At first it was little things like wanting to be closer to me or even sitting with me when I watched movies.  Hell, the other night he had pulled me into his lap during a horror movie we were watching together.  My mind was still reeling at even that.
        “Little (Y/N) is a curious thing.  Wanting to know so much in such their short life.”  His head went from side to side and his bells in his collar jingled.  “Could perhaps help with that.  Yes, yes I could.”
        “I, uh, how could you do that Pennywise?”  My brow raised as I tried to not focus as his face was getting closer to mine.  His lips wet and looking plumper than usual.  No, they were always like that but god he was so close, and thoughts had gotten to my mind about what it would be like to have them against mine.  Just once and I would have been happy.
        “Agree.  Simple. Agree.  Say yes.”  He snickered, his tongue swiping at his lips.  His eyes were starting to change from their baby blue to the golden hue that I was more familiar with.  “Say yesssss to me.”
        My eyes faltered to his lips and that was enough for him for me to agree.  His lips met mine and they were softer than I could have imagined.  I could taste sweetness of cotton candy and a strong taste of iron that I could only be guess from blood.  As the sun was setting as stars started to fill the night sky he was working the clothes off my body, tossing them carelessly to the side of the rock. When I tried to cover myself, he pinned my arms down and growled in my face, reassuring me that no one would see and even if they did that they wouldn’t live to see another day.  I could feel my face was red from embarrassment and he  was eating up every bit of it, mocking me he peeled off the last of my clothes.
        “Little (Y/N) so worried that someone will see her body.  See your curves.  Gaze at your squishy bits that belong to me.  See how you give yourself up to Pennywise.”  He giggled as he started to tear away his own costume.  I had never seen him without it, so I watched with curiosity despite my nerves.  His whole body was pale white like his makeup.  There were even cracks in it like the ones on his face.  Everything seemed almost normal except for where his genitals were.  It looked like a row of sharp teeth that were starting to open up with a sickening wet sound. A thick, black tendril started to emerge from out of it that was riddled with different shapes of bumps and ridges. As it moved through the air, it shifted from red to a deep purple but always back to black.  The head was a bit flared and looked stiffer than the rest of it. A whimper left my throat and he laughed out as he worked on getting himself lined out as it finished emerging from him. “Relax, relax.  Going to give you everything you wanted.  Everything.”  
         I could feel it move along my folds which made me gasp out. It was exploring me as he loomed above me to watch my reactions.  My eye lids fluttered for a moment before he plunged it into me.  I cried out, not expecting for what it would feel like. It felt like heaven.  Every bump.  Every ridge and even the flared head made it feel like pure bliss.  He fucked into me as if he had always been the one to do so. He didn’t need to learn my body. He already knew each spot would make me melt more for him, melt so he could mold me into what he wanted and what he needed.  He played with my body and I was soon crying out his name as orgasm after orgasm rolled off of me.  
        Eventually, we were both collapsed onto the rock and he had me laid out on top of his body.  The sun had already set and there were the sounds of frogs, crickets and other bugs sounding off around us.  Things were still illuminated by the full moon and the stars above us.  Oddly, it was peaceful.  His hands even were running along my back.  The night was strangely soothing, and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep on him.  His question pulled me back just a little bit though.
        “Does little (Y/N) wish to have a family some day?  A little brood of her own?”  I could feel his head moving down to look toward me.
         “One day would be nice.”  I yawned out, not giving his question too much thought.  I knew he would have to go rest at some point and I would go on about my own life.  “Would be nice to settle down, get married, and have some kids before I die.  Maybe see some grandkids while I’m a little old lady on the porch.”  My chuckle was tired, and my eyes were starting to shut.
        “Would you do anything for them?  Whatever it took for them to thrive?”  He was sounding more serious with each question.  All I could do though was nod.  If he was planning on bothering me when he came back and try to go after my kids I would do what I could to protect them if that’s what he meant. Or maybe he would leave them alone because they were mine.  With a lighthearted giggle he patted me on the shoulder, and he was sounding like his clowny self again.  “Good, good little (Y/N).  Always good to hear.  Now rest.”
         Little did I know Pennywise was going to make sure I wouldn’t grow old.  That I wouldn’t find someone to spend the rest of my mortal life with.  At first I had thought he wanted to take away my hopes and dreams from me like he had done before.  Though, in a way I did get my wish.  That the child I would someday carry would be his.  I after all did agree.  At the time I didn’t know what I had agreed to, but I had agreed to be his. No matter what.
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pennybells · 3 years
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Consummation (warning, contains sexual content, occasional bad language)
As you gaze into each others eyes, his arms around your waist, you raise your hand to caress his face. He responds deeply to your touch, and covers your hand with his, closing his eyes. When he opens them again, he kisses your palm tenderly, then places your hand on his chest. His heart is pounding as fast as your own, and you can resist each other no longer. You lean into him, and kiss for the first time. His full red lips are soft and sensuous, and his kiss is intoxicating, flooding your body with raging desire, you have never felt so alive.
When you pull away, you stare into his beautiful face, you can see the lust in his eyes, it matches your own, and in that moment, you realise that you are about to be fucked by a monster. It's all the encouragement you need, and you smash your lips into his. He deepens the kiss and you explore each others mouths with ardour. Without warning, he grabs your hair and pulls your head back exposing your neck. He kisses, licks and gives you a little bite occasionally, and you gasp with pleasure. Lost in your lust, he scoops you up and gently lowers you onto the animal skins and lays down on top of you. He feels so good, and kisses your sweet mouth again, and you run your fingers through his auburn hair, it is so soft, and he seems to like you doing this, moaning into your mouth as he kisses you harder. You wrap your legs around him, and he starts to grind against you. Whatever it is hidden in his pantaloons is huge, hard and screaming to be freed.
As you writhe together in unbridled passion, he traces one gloved hand from your chin to your navel, and slides it under your top, stroking your belly. He grabs the hem with both hands, and you arch your back to allow the garment to slip over your head. For a few seconds he stares at your bra. "This is pretty, cerise coloured lace, it is beautiful against your skin, but now it is coming off."
With the skill of an expert lover, he unhooks the back and slides it down your arms, freeing your breasts. "Oh, what have we here? Toys for Penny to play with!"
He lowers himself onto you and kisses one of your nipples, then suddenly pulls back. He is fascinated that it has hardened because of his kiss. He gives the other nipple the same treatment with a little bite that makes you wince, but sends shock waves to your sex. "Eeee he he he heeee," he giggles like a child, a sound that is music to your ears.
He continues his exploration of your body, placing gentle kisses on your belly whilst you stroke his hair. Your need for him is reaching fever pitch. "Penny, I want you naked, but I need you to show me how to get this costume off."
"All in good time my sweet, I haven't finished undressing you yet."
He sits up and removes your shoes and socks, then tickles your feet, making you cackle like a maniac. This makes him laugh too, and you feel like you are two star crossed lovers.
When he stops tickling you, he pulls down your pants, leaving you naked except for your panties.
"You are beautiful, I have waited so long for you, and I am going to make you mine, forever."
With a Devilish glint in his eyes, he removes your panties and lays down on top of you. The feeling of the silver silk of his costume on your naked skin drives you wild. You wrap your arms and legs around him whilst you kiss passionately.
As you caress his body, he sits up and starts to remove his costume. First he undoes the ruff around his neck, slowly, teasing you. Then he reaches behind his waist where there is a secret fastening to remove his belt. He tickles your nose with the pompom and steals a quick kiss. You can see there are hook fastenings behind the pompoms of his jacket, you reach up to undo them, and he stares into your eyes with raging desire as you unhook each one. He slips the jacket off, which reveals another layer of fabric attached to his pantaloons. There is a zip which starts at his neck and stops where the pantaloons begin. You pull the zip down, and he slides the garment down his arms. To your surprise, he suddenly stands up. He towers above you, and he lets the pantaloons fall to the floor and steps out of them. You can now see just how big the bulge in his pants is, and you know instantly that you are about to be pleasured in a way most women could only dream of.
He drops to his knees, and removes the white silk shirt which is the last piece of clothing on his upper body except his white gloves. Slowly and seductively he peels them off, and you realise just how long his fingers are. He cups your breasts in his hands and you close your eyes, his naked skin against yours is the most beautiful feeling, and as you enjoy his caress setting your body on fire, you feel his lips on yours. You run your hands down his back, pulling him closer. When you reach the waist of his pants, you slide your hands inside over his naked buttocks and he moans into your mouth, kissing you harder, his hands stroking every part of your body he can reach, and then he finally settles on your sex. Gently he strokes your pubic hair, and you close your eyes enjoying the eroticism of the moment, then he slides two fingers inside you.
"Ooooh, you are so wet for ol Pennywise."
"Yes Penny, that's what you do to me."
He slides his fingers in and out, whilst he massages your clitoris with his thumb, and you are so close.
"Please Penny, I need you inside me, I want you so much ."
He slowly withdraws his fingers and sits up, his fiery eyes burn into yours, they seem to see into your soul, and as he holds your gaze, he hastily removes his boots and socks, then his pants.
He stands in front of you in nothing more than a pair of white silk briefs, a wicked glint in his eyes. He laughs with a filthy gutteral laugh and you give him an ear splitting smile.
Slowly he removes his briefs and let's them fall to the ground.
He is a sight to behold, his body is as beautiful as his face. Incredibly tall, lean and perfectly toned, with an erection any mortal man would envy.
You stare at him, drinking in his physical beauty. His skin is flawless, and his erection is huge. Completely humanoid in form, but larger, not only in length, more importantly for you in girth. A light dusting of pubic hair as red as the hair on his head adorns his armpits and testicles, and you so want to bury your face in his testicles and take him in your mouth, but that would be a treat for another night, the first time he must be inside you for you two to become one, giving yourself to him completely.
He walks towards you with purpose and drops to his knees, climbing on top of you. Eyes burning with desire, drool dripping from his mouth onto yours, which you lick off and he smothers your mouth with his, fisting your hair. When he pulls away, he buries his face in your neck and holds you tightly. He doesn't move, it is as though his very existence depends on the warmth of your skin and curves of your body.
After a few minutes he starts to caress you, and you do the same to him, feeling the muscles of his back and arms. You are completely intoxicated, his sweet scent, the romantic setting, the sexual chemistry between you, is like nothing you have experienced before. He looks into your eyes, his erection pressed against your thigh.
"Fuck me Pennywise, fuck me hard."
He smiles at you wickedly, and places his enormous member at your entrance, and slides into you with ease.
"Aaaaaaahhhh," you both cry out in unison, overcome by the sensation. He fits you perfectly, stretching you to the max. You are all sensation, every nerve ending on fire. This entity that everyone calls a monster, in Its favourite form of a beautiful clown, who kills your own kind for sustenance, has chosen you to be his mate. This is real, visceral, dangerous, and you love it, and Him.
He starts to move, and it feels divine. He growls into your neck as he nuzzles you, and your hands begin to explore his wonderful body. He likes this, throwing his head back and his eyes rolling back into his skull, breathing through gritted teeth as he loses himself inside you. He kisses you hard, pinning you to the ground as he thrusts into you harder. His cock is so huge that it is almost painful, but this only intensifies your pleasure.
As he quickens the pace he becomes more animalistic, revealing the beast he truly is. The sounds he makes are inhuman, and every now and again he yips and cackles as he loses himself inside you.
Holding him tightly, you know that you cannot hold on much longer. He kisses, licks and bites your neck, then nibbles your earlobe with his buck teeth, and it is your undoing. You cum, harder than you ever have in your life, crying out his name repeatedly as your entire body goes into spasm. You have never felt pleasure like it, and as you come back down to Earth, He finds His release. Throwing his head back whilst pinning you to the ground, his claws digging into the soft flesh of your buttocks, he shoots load after load of his hot seed inside you. It is all you have ever wanted, and at last you feel complete.
He collapses on top of you, burying his face in your neck and breathing hard in your ear. He is completely spent, and as you stroke his back, he starts to shake uncontrollably.
"Hey Penny, are you OK?"
His eyes meet yours, and you notice that his eyes have turned blue, and are full of genuine warmth. He kisses your mouth clumsily with trembling lips.
"Penny, did I just pop your cherry?"
He looks at you with an expression that you can only describe as coy, and you know that he is desperately trying to guard his ego, because you have discovered his secret. The only things that betrayed him were his shaking, and the fact that he was so fascinated by your nipples turning hard from his kiss. You would never have known otherwise, he was the most incredible lover.
"Oh Penny, how lucky am I."
You kiss his forehead, his cheeks and his mouth, and wrap your arms and legs around his beautiful body, cradling him, and eventually his shaking subsides.
Having calmed him, you notice he starts to breathe deeply, and to your complete surprise, he starts to make a noise that you can only describe as purring. It is the sweetest most adorable sound you have ever heard. This demon who eats children and everyone calls an evil monster, has not only given you the best sex of your life, not that you had been promiscuous, but you had enough experience to know the good, the bad and the completely useless, was an incredible lover, and purrs like a cat whilst asleep. He is adorable to you, and no mortal man could ever compare to him.
As you lay there in your post coital bliss, a thought creeps into your mind. You knew he had lived for eons, but he had been a virgin all that time, never having experienced the joys of the flesh. Sleeping most of the time, and waking only to eat. What a pitiful existence, no wonder he was angry all the time.
The thought is almost too painful to bear, and a silent tear rolls down your cheek onto his hair. You kiss his forehead and hold him tightly, as feelings of love for him wash over you, and in your heart you promise he will never be alone again as long as you have breath in your body.
You listen to his contented purring, and the sound of the water in the cistern. He is so heavy, but you have no intention of moving him, you bear his weight gladly, and as you lie there in your euphoric state, sleep finally overcomes you too.
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blogforhoes · 5 years
I have no words. Just listen closely.
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sootrootdoot · 3 months
ok so ONCE AGAIN a friend and i got into a call (much more intentional this time) (reading some made up pennywise smut, friend does some of pennys lines)
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sejanusbaby · 5 years
Pennywise Watching You Sleep...
A/N: This gif gives me life, so credit to the original creator. The reader in this is at least 18+. Thanks for the request. Love writing for you guys!
Anonymous asked: Could you do a few NSFW penny cannons of him watching you sleep and feeling you up a lil pretty please?🧡
Warnings: This is NSFW, so it contains smut. Probably not too descriptive, but still, not appropriate for minors.
I’d say it’s pretty safe for Pennywise to stay in your house sometimes.
If anybody lives with you, he can easily just disappear or do whatever he wants bc transformy boi.
Let’s start off with the fact that Penny loves to watch you sleep when he can’t sleep.
He just admires you and how you’re his lil’ baby human.
He would probably reach out a couple of times and tuck your hair behind your ears.
He curls himself up around you and purrs, it’s quite comforting for you. It helps you sleep.
Involuntarily just pulls you closer to him during the night, because he protecc.
He nuzzles his face into your neck ans gives you little licks and kisses.
Sometimes he would wake you up when he started purring too loud. But very rarely.
Some nights Penny is soft and sometimes his interests are elsewhere.
He would probably run his large hands down the front of your body, over your chest, and down further.
This would definitely cause you to wake up, sleepily asking,“Penny, what are you doing?”
He growls softly, and attaches his mouth to your neck, just sucking gently, just to hear you moan.
He would pull on your hair a little bit, exposing more of your neck to him.
Penny loves your boobies, no matter what size. They’re soft and squishy and he loves them.
Lots of him whispering in your ears and nibbling on your neck.
He probably would suck on your chest for hours, if you’d let him.
He likes to pull you on top of him so he can look up at you while he’s touching on you.
He’s a freak, oh my God.
He would be all over you, all night probably.
He’s a gentle boy for you sometimes.
It doesn’t even have to be sex, he would just want to see your body and just feel you all over.
“Mine, mine, mine.” He would giggle and his lil’ nose would scrunch up.
Would probably end up with him eating you out until the sun came up.
Then that would probably lead to a long day of just you and Penny and a very broken headboard.
This boy will be the death of me.
He loves touching you, any time of day or night.
This baby is in love with you, tbh.
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myclownjunction · 5 years
The FUNHOUSE! Pennywise x Reader SMUT
*It was damn flickery, like in disco of 80′s but you cared less you were looking for CERTAIN someone
*You had hopes and dreams about a certain clown, yes! Pennywise the dancing clown
*You visited the damn fair all the time with the dull hope that you will meet him and would do things to him
*One day it happened, you were turning glass and mirror corners into the funhouse and was trying to go out of the maze, as you hear a PANG behind you
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* You whipped yourself and saw him...it cannot be... Pennywise was screaming your mind as your panties were damp only when you  came close to the thin glass that separated you, you saw how huge he was
*You whimpered as you let your smaller hands “touch” his larger ones as you suddenly remembered something that happened in this same place
*You bent at his crotch level as you let your tongue slide over the glass and up to him as you slid all the way up at flash he stood there and next moment his famous grin appeared, YUP that fanged grin
*You was so horny for him and you swore he had that hunger in his eyes too, he let himself low as well as he licked the glass separating both of you agonizingly slow as he pulled his tongue in
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*You then bit your lip and moaned turned around and let your back sway at him as mocking him ‘come and get me’ motion, and then when you looked back you knew ......
*He let his head back and launched “BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG BANG, BANG...the glass had cracks all over it your rational mind was screaming ‘RUN!’ but the clownfucker in you said “MORE!”
*Last bang and he launched at  you like man launches to water after being 3 days without it in a dessert, your clothes POOF shredded, he towered over you pressing your naked form into the mirror in front of you as you mewled
*He plunged into you with the same force he was breaking the glass a few moments ago making you lose your mind from the size of him, you were babbling and falling apart mess as he was having his FUN with you
*He was pounding into you forcing you to look at yourself as you were losing your counts of orgasms as he had you there and then and anyone could walk in onto you both they could be traumatized but you didn’t give a damn
*He was enjoying himself as he bit and slammed you into the mirror making it even hotter for you as you felt him shudder and hear his bells jingle as if it was  a warning that he’s close and he was
*He snarled as he bit onto your shoulder emptying himself into your small tired body as he purred and licked the wound nuzzling into you and kissing you deeply
*” I hope Y/N had Fun time with Pennywise, because Pennywise had a fun time with little Y/N, so eager, so naughty, naughty little one!” he let his gloved hand slid to your cheek in most affectionate way “I’ll be seeing you little Y/N, this time in different place we shall have fun, oh yes we will!” he promised as you blacked out
* You found yourself in your bed when you awaken from a deep slumber, ‘Was it a dream’ you thought but the sweet soreness between your legs told you ‘NOPE it was real’, you smiled and blushed as you saw a red balloon as it turned it has a message
“Next time we’ll have even more FUN Y/N” oh you couldn’t wait for it to come!
Welp judge me throw stuff at me but have some hot time here *fans myself* I had a dream about this
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chokemedaddyclown · 5 years
Pennywise x Reader | Smut Request
Anon Request: Yooo I want Pennywise to furiously dry hump me in a secluded off tent at a carnival, with my legs spread wide as I feel his thick tentacle dick viscously rub against my clit through his clown costume. Could you do a one shot about that? Great blog btw I’m in love!
A/N: So, I tried to make this kinda nasty. I definitely have a kink for tentacle dick Penny now.
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The Derry carnival was always your favorite. It was a shame that it was only in town once a year. Tonight was the last night, and you were determined to take in every bit of the atmosphere as you could to hold you over until it came around again. You had already sampled all various foods from vendors, even going on a few rides and getting yourself completely lost in the mirror-house more than a few times. The friends that you had come with had all left out over an hour ago, having had enough of it for the year.
If it was up to you, it'd last all year, but that was just a passing thought. It was getting close to shutting down and only a few people remained around the vicinity as you walked around the place, catching in the last few sights of the bright lights and taking in the cool night air, making the billowy dress that you were wearing flow in the cool autumn air.
As you walked through each of the concessions, some of them already closed, you noticed a tent near the outskirts of the place that you hadn't seen here yet, and you had seen literally everything. Being the ever curious person that you are, headed straight for it. It wasn't a newer looking tent like the rest of them, it was a bit dilapidated to say the least, with a few dimly burning lights inside of it.
You stepped through the flaps of it, trying to keep yourself from sneezing with how dusty they seemed to be as if it was some sort of ancient structure that hadn't been touched in years. You examined the inside of the place, and there were a few stray pictures, a small work desk that had a few items spread across it, and.. Why was everything so damn dusty?
You looked up, eyeing the few pictures that were on the wall. A lot of them pictured a clown, and a man that you could on assume was the clown. They both seemed to have the same sharpened front teeth. One photo showcased what look like a carriage with a huge mural on the side.
"Pennywise The Dancing Clown," you whispered out loud as you read the photo.
You noticed that the carriage had a strong resemblance to the tent that you were standing in now. It was definitely weird to say the least, but you assumed that maybe this was meant to be a small museum of sorts. Perhaps this was a person that had something to do with starting the first carnival in Derry?
Once you had seen just about everything, you started to leave, but before you could, all of the already dim lights in the place burned out at once, leaving you in the complete darkness.
"Shit," you said, having to resort to feeling your way out.
Your hands found the small work desk that you were just looking at, your hands dragged their way across the wood of the table, gathering up plenty of the dust as they did so, until your hands landed in something wet. It was thick to the touch, and you shuddered, letting out a small noise of disgust as you tried to flick whatever it was off of your hands before wiping it down your dress.
"I don't even wanna know," you groaned, still slowly making your way around, trying to find the tent opening.
"You're going the wrong way, y'know," a friendly, but menacing voice called from the darkness.
This made you gasp, your body freezing up instantly as you stood there. You hadn't seen anyone in here when you came in before, nor did anyone speak to you before this. Was it a prank, was it part of the show here?
"Who's that?" You called back, squinting your eyes in the darkness.
Suddenly, you could see a small, yellowing light appear from what looked like a pair of white-gloved hands and it illuminated a large, white face of a clown with a red-tipped nose and two red stripes that went from his red lips up to his eyes. You were more confused than ever as you took a step back from the clown in front of you.
He looked familiar.
"I'm Pennywise The Dancing Clown," the clown said in a cheerful, cracking tone as it's head twitched, making a few unseen bells jingle.
"Oh," you gave a sigh, "Like the pictures. You work here?"
"Nooo," he answered in a sing-song tone.
His eyes began to narrow as if he couldn't focus on any sort of communication. He only stared at you from beneath a prominant brow with piercing blue eyes, and drool gathering on a plump bottom lip.
"Uhh, yeah," you squinted at him. You had this uneasy feeling in your chest as he seemed to stare right through you. You side-stepped, intent on finding the exit. "Well, I'm gonna go, sorry for disturbing you."
"Don't go," a more guttural tone escaped him.
Before you could even begin to find the exit, he was directly in front of you now. How did he even do that? He completely towered over your small frame, even in this complete darkness, that was apparent. One of the small lights in the back of the room began to shed dim light on the back corner of the room again, making it a little more distinguishable to see the place now and to see him. Whatever and whoever he was, was in complete clown attire. Full makeup and a Victorian era-esque silver costume, complete with red trimmings and ruffles.
But that wasn't the focus of your attention for very long. Those piercing blue eyes had turned into a haunting golden color and they were.. glowing? You blinked your eyes hard a few times, trying to make your eyes focus on what you were actually seeing. This all had to be a dream, it just had to be. There was no way there was an almost 7 foot clown standing in front of you with glowing, gold eyes and.. Fangs?!
Your lips parted as you breathed out, watching the clown narrow his eyes at you as he opened his mouth to reveal a row of sharpened fangs in his mouth that were now wet and sloppy with his drool.
"What the fuck," you whispered, backing up as you watched him close the distance between the two of you, a primal growl escaping his throat.
"What's wrong, (Y/N), not having fun with ol' Pennywise?" He growled again, his lips turning upward into a sinister smile.
You could feel your heart race in your chest as your backside his the wooden table again. You breathed heavily as he closed in on you. You were scared, but you felt something else, too. Something that was entirely wrong and immoral as you gazed up as this thing that was clearly not a human-being. You felt an attraction. You bit down into your lip, hoping it'd just get whatever it wanted to do to you out of the way.
He lowered his face to yours, those glowing eyes getting brighter. He opened his mouth wider to only stop midway as his eyes snapped back down to yours as the two of you locked into a fierce staring competition. His eyes narrowed again as he studied you, he seemed to be confused with your demeanor. It was clear that he was very much used to people being in nothing but a sheer panic when they were near him, and rightfully so.
His gloved-hand reached out to wrap around your throat, causing you to yelp as he pushed you back against the table, lowering his head to sniff at you, a few stray drops of cold drool plopping onto your skin made it well up instantly with goosebumps. He growled again as he jerked his head back, putting his face right into yours as you were pulled up onto the table.
You dress rode up further onto your hips, exposing you almost completely. You felt his body and the silky feel of his costume force between your legs as he leaned into you, still staring at you intently.
"You're not afraid" he growled, his lip curling up into that wicked smile again as he gazed at you. He tightened his grip on your throat as he took a breath. "But I can sense something else.."
Truthfully, you weren't afraid now. Especially when he was pressing himself so tightly against your body that your legs were spread wide for him to lean himself against you. You were still trying to decide if it was the best or worst day to not to wear panties with this dress. He was pressed so roughly against you that, whatever was beneath his suit was pressing hard against your sex and every movement sent a jolt of arousal straight to your clit and it made a small moan escape your lips.
You were a complete fucking mess.
"Please," you whined. At this point, you didn't know if you were whining for him to let you go, or if you were whining because you didn't want him to let you go.
He chuckled, pressing his head right up against yours as his tongue slithered from between his lips, dragging it up along your face to leave a trail of saliva in it's wake.
"Desperate and disgusting little human.. I can smell the arousal on you.. I know that you don't want to leave, I know what you crave," he purred in a gravelly tone. "Isn't that right?"
You couldn't speak, you could only look up at him through your lashes, your breathing becoming needy and desperate as you felt the first, shallow roll of his hips against you, making your breath hitch as you felt him hardening under his costume.
"Isn't that right?!" He spat, demanding that you answer his question.
You nodded quickly. "Y-yes."
He growled, snapping his teeth in approval, shaking his head as he slung drool onto your face again, rolling his hips into you again. "Then say IT. Say it for me. Say it for Pennywise. You want to live, don't you? SAY IT."
"I- I am a disgusting human," you croaked out.
If he couldn't bring the fear out of you, he damn sure seemed intent on humiliating you. Which, oddly enough, was also a turn on.
Nothing about you was fearful anymore, in fact, you were almost ashamed at how utterly turned on you were at this point. You could feel just how wet you had become and you already knew that you were leaking onto his costume. You could still feel his length hardening beneath his costume, and it felt huge.
"Good girl," he cooed, thrusting his hips against you a little harder this time.
You moaned, feeling his cock hit your clit again front beneath the suit. It felt as if it was moving beneath the surface, as if it was growing, pulsating, even. It was fairly obvious that that wasn't a human, nor was this a human-like cock, either. God, this whole thing was disgusting, and you knew it was disgusting, but you couldn't help it nor did you care. Here you were getting off inside of an old dank tent to some sort of monster that was set on killing you five minutes ago, and even that turned you on.
It was all wrong on so many levels, but you had never been so fucking turned on in your entire life.
He tightened his grip against your throat, still grinding himself against your sex, making you moan louder and louder with each thrust. He growled in unison with you, his mouth opening to reveal those sharpened fangs again as he lowered his head, biting down into your shoulder as it caused you to scream out in pain. Long, sharp claws wrapped themselves around your waist, digging in as this thing grinded and dry humped against your soaked cunt.
"That's right. Scream for me, pretty little human," he chuckled darkly, slamming his hips into yours. "Beg for me like a good little slut."
You gasped, feeling the pain radiating in your shoulder and your waist, but it only served as fuel for the pleasure that you also felt as this clown rubbed your pussy raw. You had completely soaked through at this point, but what real concern was that anyway?
"Please," you begged, obeying his orders. "Please, don't stop."
He bit down even harder into your shoulder this time, and you screamed again, the tears welling up in eyes as you felt his grip tighten on you again. This was it. You were sure he wasn't going to let you go. He was gonna kill you right here and there.
And the thought of that in itself sent you completely over the edge as you moaned out. One hand reached out to grab as his costume, pulling and ripping at it until you heard something tear off in your hand, and your other hand shot between the two of you as you pressed your fingers into your swollen clit, rubbing feverish circles around it to prolonge the powerful orgasm that washed over your entire body as Pennywise growled and drooled against your skin, still grinding himself against your body.
You breathed hard as your orgasm finally subsided. Pennywise pulled himself away from you, his mouth covered with a mix of saliva and your blood as he met you face-to-face again, his eyes still glowing a wicked golden color as he unhinged his jaw, revealing a whole mouth a throatful of teeth with three distinct lights in the center as he got closer to you. You gasped, closing your eyes to it as you turned your head away, preparing for him to finish you off then and there.
You wait for a few seconds, and a few seconds more. Nothing. Was he fucking with you?
You cracked open one of your eyes, half expecting to see him standing there, still ready to pounce as soon as you let your guard down, but there was no one. You opened them back up to see the room was empty, and all those dim lights from before were finally back on, illuminating the entrance of the tent.
You sighed, but it wasn't necessarily relief . Had you completely fucking lost it? What just happened?
You sat there for a moment, still in shock before you could even begin to move. There was no evidence. The bite marks were gone and all the blood you expected to see turned out to be nothing but red face paint that you had stuck your hand in earlier in the dark.
You gritted your teeth, mildy upset that this had been some sort of hallucination. You sighed again, lowering yourself off of the table. You were so lost in your own head that you hadn't even noticed until then, that you were gripping something extra tightly in your fist. You pulled your hand up to open it, revealing a small bell with red trim around it.
Your eyes widened as you looked at it.
That was on Pennywise's costume.
You looked around the room frantically as you backed out of it, clutching the small bell in your hands. A small smile escaping your lips as you exited the tent, stumbling out of it as you turned to get one last glance inside of it. It had gone pitch black inside of it again, and you could have sworn you saw a faint glow of golden eyes from inside.
You turned on your heel and began to run towards home.
This was one night at the carnival you'd never forget.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
Fade to Black
Fade to Black https://ift.tt/uiBV9S7 by ReelNaturalFreak Years ago Dean's little brother was killed by a creature claiming to be an angel. Years ago Dean and his friends killed the monster that had tormented them and killed countless kids. Or, at least they thought they killed it, but twenty-seven years later Castiel came back. Now it's up to Dean to put down this monster once and for all. Or... That was the plan...   SPN fic inspired by the movie IT where instead of Pennywise, the Dancing Clown you get Castiel, angel of the Lord Words: 8943, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Movie inspired fic, Inspired by IT (1990), Inspired by Stephen King's IT, Creature Castiel (Supernatural), Monster Castiel (Supernatural), It pronouns for Castiel, Cause he's the Pennywise of this fic, Dark Castiel (Supernatural), Dark, Sam Winchester Dies, off screen character death, Mentions tons of characters, Smut, Porn With Plot, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Begging Dean Winchester, Not Happy, No happy endings via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/Tw7BiQC July 26, 2023 at 10:23PM
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