#plagg is so proud
fragileizywriting · 1 year
little chat going ham on a steak at the table because Yeah, Sure, Forks And Knives, but Also, Teeth
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edorazzi · 24 days
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Page 14 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix begins to explain the history of the Miraculous, and why his and Adrien's experiences are so different! 📖✍️
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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d011zk1ll · 2 months
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grahamdefamily · 10 months
Shadow Strike 👁️
Chapter 5 — Eye of the Hurricane
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“Might I remind you, we don’t have all the time in the world. This whole situation isn’t your classic Parmigiano-Reggiano, this is more like…brie.”
“What does that even mean?” Adrien mumbled absently, shaking his head.
“Brie has a very short shelf life and so will you if you don’t get moving.”
Please note that this chapter features a character having a panic attack.
If you would like to skip it, you can find a helpful recap in the end notes!
📖 Read Chapter 5!
📚 Read from the beginning!
💡 Check out our Masterpost!
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Blushing, twiddling fingers, "C-could I be your Player 2?", bed full of rose petals, fancy chocolates.
Chat Noir:
Posts a meme in the hero group chat (ladybug doesn't look at his dm's) which is a selfie of himself laying in bed eating a happy meal burger from mcdonalds with the text: "come fuck this nyussy girl" "bottom text". Replies to argos's polite request to please stop with a clown emoji
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dystopiax · 2 years
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plagg hungy 😔 https://youtu.be/V6X9EXWIZJI < video version, @crypticemeralds​ for editing the video!
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februaryberries · 2 years
“plagg would be so proud of me” <- guy who is eating handfuls of shredded cheese straight from the bag
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not-chatnoir · 2 years
So are we just going to ignore the kwagatama hairball that Plagg hacked onto Adrien or
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buggachat · 3 months
no miraculous aged-up AU where Plagg is a shitty stray that Adrien fed at his balcony one too many times and just decided to stay. Marinette is in love with Adrien and was always so charmed about him telling her about the stray cat that he takes care of, but then she goes over and finally meets this absolute Menace of a Feral Cat that attacks and destroys and eats everything it touches and hates Every Human except Adrien. Marinette cries to Alya about how Adrien will never love her if she can't get his cat to approve of her. Cue Marinette agreeing to catsit for him and a series of unfortunate circumstances of Marinette screaming and chasing Plagg around the apartment while he Destroys Everything. Adrien comes back horrified to Marinette bloodied and mauled and scratched all over her body with a big proud smile on her face and Plagg purring in her lap. (it turns out cheese was the answer)
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alexfierroaf · 1 year
Yea, I’m convinced that the Miraculous season finale was unsatisfying on purpose.
The “happy ending” scene at the end had this surrealist lighting and slightly off-putting music in the background. It gives off major false utopia vibes. It actually makes me feel relieved, because there were two things I was worried about for this finale but the way they wrote it resolves those issues a bit.
First, I was worried that they were going to try to wrap up everything perfectly within the span of this two episode special. There was no way they were going to be able to give all the different plot points and character arcs the closure they needed within that time frame. by leaving us with an open ending, It gives itself room to properly develop and deal with the fallout from this mess slowly over time.
And then, arguably the bigger issue, was Miraculous’ future after season 5. I kept thinking to myself, what are they going to have to do to keep Miraculous interesting after this? Sure we’ve got Lila, or Cerise, or whatever her name is, but everything we’ve been following this series for since the beginning was about to be resolved. Monarch gone. The Agreste arc over. Adrienette canon. What is Miraculous’ sense of identity after this? Do they hit the reset button and retell the story Disney sequel style? Do they force a breakup between Adrienette to keep the romance plot alive? What’s the point of this still VERY fresh reveal of senti-Adrien if Gabriel and his influence is nothing but a distant memory?
But because of the way things went down, none of those things we thought would be resolved actually are. Monarch fucking won. He got what he wanted, and now everyone is living in a world of his image. He’s remembered as a goddamn hero, which is fucking infuriating! And Adrien doesn’t know! Doesn’t know that his dad was a supervillain and terrorist, doesn’t know that he’s a sentimonster, doesn’t fully accept that he’s been abused. And Marinette is keeping all that from him! Probably because she doesn’t want to inflict unnecessary pain on him, but when he finds out he’s going to be an absolute MESS.
Which means the Agreste plot, the family drama, the relationship antics that we’ve been following for all these years will continue as a throughline in the show. It means that there are natural reasons to continue existing conflicts and keep the show running without it feeling contrived. Because none of this is ok, and it’s going to take a lot of time to resolve. A lot of pain, a lot of drama, and a lot of conflict. I wouldn’t be surprised if Adrien and Marinette have major relationship problems over the secrets that she’s keeping from him. The Ladynoir angst from season 4 is back at full force. And you KNOW Cerise is going to zero in on that shit like a moth to a flame. Before this I was fearing a ultra-contrived break up to keep the audience invested in their story, but now I would be totally satisfied with a temporary break up as Marinette’s secrets become too much to keep hidden.
So yea, I was angry at the season 5 finale. The Gabriel statue made me gag. And I REALLY wanted to see Adrien stick it to his father. But then again, he did in his own way. He pulled one over his father by tricking him into muting his mics, which gave him a chance to strategize with Plagg. He’s the one who decided to play the long game and wait patiently while Plagg found a new holder to defeat Monarch with -- as opposed to rushing in with brute force, which shows significant character growth for him, by the way. I’m proud of him. And I can’t wait to see where his arc goes from here as he continues to explore his own agency and his relationships with people around him.
As for Marinette, I was very satisfied with her face-off against Monarch/Gabriel. The moment he realized his archnemesis was her was priceless. And that piano? God. That was glorious. She was a total badass. And she demonstrated her growth, too. She acted with a lot more maturity than we’ve seen at other points in her story by putting aside her personal vendetta towards Gabriel and Monarch to focus on creating a peaceful solution -- even if it did come back to bite her in the ass hard.
So the manipulator won. Fitting, because I feel kind of manipulated too. I would’ve never guessed in a million years that Gabriel would actually be able to make his wish in the permanent timeline, or that Miraculous would go down such an unsettling and unsatisfying route (at least in the short term). I’ve gotta respect them for that. All these years we thought we knew how this conflict was going to resolve -- all those dramatic reveals in the Agreste basement, the final battle between Adrien and his piece of shit dad, Adrien breaking out of his control in one decisive and cathartic swoop. Instead, we got something much more sinister, something much more insidious. Whatever is lurking around the corner is bound to have MAJOR repercussions going forward.
So I’m content to wait and see what happens next. There’s no point in complaining about how a story went when it isn’t even resolved yet. Was it perfect? Nope. Will it be done perfectly in the future? Also no. And that’s ok. Because it never will be perfect, and what we saw here made sense. It was impactful. It creates new opportunities for the characters and their story arcs that didn’t exist before this finale. We are in a new era of Miraculous, and I will be waiting on the edge of my seat to find out what the hell this beautifully unpredictable series is going to evolve into next.
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miabrown007 · 9 months
Felonies and Other Love Languages
Adrien Agreste: rich, lonely, freshly aware of the fact that he's expected to take over not a fashion, but a drug empire. Marinette Dupain-Cheng: broke, angry, freshly aware of the fact that bringing down drug empires is a blast. But where would she be without her team, Alya and Nino, and her very good friend, Luka? Not to mention the team’s newest addition, the kind, the funny, the ultra charming Chat Noir. If Marinette likes him, that’s alright, though. It isn’t like she’s dating Adrien Agreste for real. It’s all just part of her ten-step plan to make the Agrestes meet their demise.
Chapter 3 - Pandora’s Box (12,708 words, 3/32 chapters)
Adrien would like to walk along the edge of the curb with his arms outstretched. Like he used to when his mother was there, her palm hovering a breath away from his, ready to catch him anytime.
Instead, he scurries between patches of light on the crushed stone path of Place des Vosges. He doesn't understand why being late fazes him.
He shouldn’t even be here.
He should be up at the office, checking the CCTV footage with Kim to notify the police about the break-in. Or he should be at dinner, informing his father about today’s mishap. He shouldn’t be sneaking out under the disguise of meeting Chloé for drinks. And he definitely shouldn’t, under any circumstances, be searching for Carapace’s hooded figure in the shadows of the park.
In his head, Adrien knows that. But he follows his heart. And his heart rounds a corner with a leap, only to come to a halt in front of a well-lit fountain.
“I thought you wouldn’t come,” Carapace says, his eyes shining brightly over his green facemask. He has his arms crossed over his chest in what seems to be a futile attempt at keeping himself warm in the spring chill, dressed in nothing but a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt.
Adrien doesn’t hold back his grin. With his own mask in place, it’s not like Carapace can see it. “You know what they say about curiosity and the cat.”
It’s a stupid joke, but if he made up a cat-themed persona for himself, he intends to commit to the bit. Plagg would surely be proud of him. (Even if, realistically speaking, Adrien knows that house cats, much like fathers, are never actually proud. Still, he likes to pretend that what they share is special and goes beyond owning a Blue Ribbon pedigree.)
“You expect you’re walking into your doom and still show up? Admirable,” Carapace chuckles, unaware of the truth those words actually hold. “Now come on, the others are waiting for us. I promise we don’t bite.” He starts on one of the paths leading out of the park, muttering under his nose, “Well, most of us.”
Adrien decides he doesn't actually want to know what Carapace means by that. In his hurry to catch up, the gravel almost slips out from under Adrien’s sneakers, but by some miracle—or years and years of athletic training—he keeps himself upright. “What did you say, who are these people we are meeting?”
The light of a street lamp glinting in Carapace’s glasses as he spares Adrien a glance. “I didn’t.”
It’s more than fair to receive the same non-answer to his question as Adrien had given earlier that day. Still, his chuckle is nervous. He fights the fidgety feeling that urges him to double check that the GPS on his phone is switched on.
“Don’t stress about it, they are friends,” Carapace adds in a softer tone as they exit the park on the northern side and stop in the shadow of the arcades. “We’re almost there, so I’ll have to ask you to put this on,” he says, handing Adrien a baby blue knitted scarf.
“There’s a dress code? This place must be really fancy,” Adrien laughs as he takes the piece of fabric and wraps it around his neck.
Carapace blinks at him, twice, before a chuckle leaves him too. “No, it’s— It’s for your eyes, actually. Just a precaution until we know we can trust you.”
Thank god it’s pitch dark and he can’t see the way Adrien flushes.
“Yeah, I— I knew that. Obviously!”
With much more reluctant motions, he re-ties the scarf around his eyes. He had considered swapping his contacts for glasses—for the sake of an even less Adrien Agreste™-looking disguise—but now he’s glad he’d dropped the idea. Blindfolding himself with them on would be a pain. Actually, merely existing with glasses and a facemask on is a pain, as Adrien was forced to discover this afternoon after much experimenting with the concept.
So, contacts, and anxiety over being only fashionably late it was.
“Sorry, it’s part of the protocol. Let me spin you right round here for a second,” Carapace says, his voice lighthearted. He grabs Adrien by the shoulders and turns him around a few times, until he has no idea what is up and what is down. “Thank you for choosing the Rena Rouge entertainment park, we hope you had a good time,” he says, in the worst imitation of a carnival pitchman.
Still, it somewhat eases the knot in Adrien’s stomach that’s as tight as Nathalie’s hairdo on any given day.
“And now, this way. We’re almost there,” Carapace says, grabbing his upper arm and guiding him forward.
The irony of their first meeting going almost exactly like this—only with their roles reversed—isn’t lost on Adrien, but at this point, he just follows the instructions. He's pretty good at that.
Losing his sight serves to draw his attention to his other senses. He’s acutely aware of the silence stretching between them, the noises of cars and buzzing electric advertisements on shops’ façades.
The pavement under his feet takes a sharp turn, and the city’s noises melt into the background, signalling their approaching arrival. Adrien can’t decide if that or his still spinning head is the reason he feels like he’s going to throw up his supper.
“Who is Rena Rouge?” he asks, despite his nausea.
The beam is evident in Carapace’s voice, even over the sound of a door opening and closing behind them. “Oh, Rena Rouge? Just the most amazing, passionate, talented girl in the whole wide world, who, coincidentally, also makes the best colombo.”
"Your girlfriend?" Adrien guesses.
"For the time being," a cheeky voice slices through the vanilla and pastry-flavoured air.
Carapace comes to a sudden halt. "Hey, what‘s that supposed to mean?"
"Well,” presumably-Rena Rouge says, “we are getting married sometime in the future, aren't we?"
"That's like, the worst way to put that, babe," he argues but laughs along nevertheless.
There’s another giggle, one that eases the trembling of Adrien’s stomach. "Um, guys. The plan."
"Right, the plan!" Rena Rouge confirms, as if she has completely forgotten they are, indeed, in the middle of something that is starting to feel suspiciously like a hostage situation.
Adrien, who at this point would really like to see his surroundings, shifts on his feet. "So, what's the plan?"
Suddenly, someone removes his scarf, two bluebell eyes staring into his soul. "You are the plan, Chat Noir!"
[read the whole chapter on AO3]
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lunameimei · 9 months
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Well, considering that I obviously won’t finish this, I think I can post here my work on a small fan comic. The story takes place in an alternate scenario in episode 4x06 ("Furious Fu").
There are quite a few pages, so I'll hide them below. Some of them look very bad, and some of them I am still proud of… In general, for anyone who is interested, read below!
and yes, there was supposed to be bubble-text, but I stopped at the "line"
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as you can see further, halfway through I was tired and we only had a storyboard
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So what happened here?
The scenario is: Ladybug, under pressure from the Grand Master Su-Han and the burden of being a Guardian, chooses to abandon her role and hand over the miraculous box. Because of this, Marinette forgets everything since she became Ladybug.
The comic begins with Adrien stuck on the roof with Marinette, but Marinette has absolutely no memory of him. As a result, the girl contacts her parents and while they are waiting for the family to arrive, Adrien tells Marinette about the heroes of Paris. And also that Marinette most likely lost her memory due to Akuma's attack. At first, Marinette was very wary of Adrien, but in the end she finds him very cute (and that for some reason his photo is on the wallpaper of her phone) and even assumes that he is her boyfriend… but no. (Since the episode was the first of the fourth season, Luka and Marinette are still dating here) In the end, Marinette meets with her parents, and Adrien goes home alone.
This was the first part, which obviously doesn’t tell much and the story moves very slowly
Next, in Part 2, we would get some explanation from Adrien's nightmare/memory of what happened. Before Ladybug and Chat Noir had to give up their miraculous (and Ladybug would forget everything forever), Chat asked them to reveal their identities to each other. Ladybug said that she was giving up her role as a guardian and both teenagers detransformed. Marinette was horrified and shocked, but nothing could be changed; her memories slowly but surely left her head.
Marinette only managed to ask Adrien not to forget her.
Having lost everything at once: Ladybug, Marinette and Plagg, Adrien becomes very depressed. He understands why Ladybug gave the miraculous box in the first place and he cannot afford to drag Marinette into this “heroic nightmare” again by telling her the truth. Meanwhile, at school, people begin to worry why the heroes have not yet appeared and the “miraculous ladybug” has not returned Marinette’s memories. And in general, no one has seen the heroes for a long time (luckily, Hawk Moth hasn't shown himself again yet either).
The rest of the story was not very well thought out and I only had some “outlines”. Because of Hawk Moth’s new attack, Su-Han asks Adrien for help, since finding new heroes is not easy in the modern world, and going to the Temple would be too long and far away (and Hawk Moth likes to attack a lot and often). Adrien would be furious at the Master's behavior, but would agree to become a "temporary hero" (not Chat or Mister Bug) solely for the duration of the attack on Paris. Because, besides Adrien , no one could be entrusted with this (in the finale of the third season, the identities of all the heroes were revealed), and Adrien feels responsible to Ladybug. And of course he wants to protect Marinette.
But of course we wouldn't have any more heroic fun adventure. Adrien would be just depressed, and his "heroic form" would be dry and furrios.
And also Adrien would definitely lost all his shit on Chloe, since he would blame her for everything that happened. (After all, if she had not helped Hawk Moth, he would not have found Master Fu and Ladybug would not have had to become a new Guardian)
In the end Adrien would generally have a whole bunch of guilt and anger and confused thoughts and emotions about the whole situation.
And… that's all I had time to think through :D I started this comic in 2021 and continued it gradually for a whole year. Until I realized halfway through (creating lines in the first chapter) that I don’t really understand what the meaning of everything I’ve drawn is… and where it goes… I love doing detailed and large work too much, which is difficult for a beginner to handle. Maybe it's good that I froze the project. Maybe not very much. But in any case, why not share what I have been collecting dust on my computer for years.
I hope the text was not too complicated (after all, I use Google translator), and the story was not too boring. In any case, thanks to everyone who watched, read or simply paid attention!
P.S. And also a bonus - the very first developments, where I chose what style and color to create the work in order to be as fast as possible. (the 4th option won as you can see) + the final version from the comic itself!
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katnoiretp2 · 11 months
Best part of the Miraculous movie was that it inspired me to rewatch Origins. Give me:
Marinette having such a sappy sweet relationship with her dad. Proud to hand out the macarons he made and him to showcase her designs. Adrien choosing to help an old man without a second’s hesitation even though it means giving up what he wanted to do. Dual scenes of Marinette and Adrien meeting their kwamis. Plagg being a little menace and Marinette flipping out at "bug mouse!". Tikki being considerate and gentle in her approach. LadyNoir meeting in such a chaotic way but it's all just so sweet and I already love them and buy into their dynamic fully. Cat Noir being so understanding and kind directly after she causes both his staff and her yoyo to come down on his head. Ladybug choosing for herself to fight the akuma even though she's afraid. Cat Noir calling for his partner's help. Asking what she thinks they should do. Ladybug coming up with an incredibly convoluted plan that somehow works. Cat Noir being enamored by her for it. A first Pound it where both acknowledge they’re partners. Nino befriending Adrien because he realizes there's more to him than "rich model boy" Marinette not even recognizing Adrien despite Gabriel Agreste being her favorite designer. Marinette becoming Ladybug again to save Alya. Cat Noir's innocent punny flirtations. Cat Noir pep talking Ladybug as her doubt and fear of failure get to her. Giving her the courage to stand up to Hawk Moth. Letting everyone in Paris know that Ladybug and Cat Noir will protect them. Cat Noir looking up at her in awe. Proclaiming he loves that girl behind the mask. Adrien showing Marinette his sincere and kind self. The reason she falls for him. His innocent laugh when the umbrella closes in on her. "She's just a friend" as he's overjoyed by the thought.
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kaalki-cinnamon · 1 year
Plagg showed his ass on the screen to Gabriel, I'm so proud of him
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I'm plagg kinnie, he's my babe
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generalluxun · 11 days
Why do you like Sabrina from mlb she's a minor character what traits did she have that made you have her as your profile picture?
First of all I general like minor characters. I'm a writer and so taking a character and exploring them is a lot of fun!
For Sabrina herself, she's an underdog. She's the girl the credits are talking about. All love to Marinette but Marinette is not a 'normal girl with a normal life.' Even without the miraculous she's a multi-talented prodigy, daughter to one of the top bakers in Paris, moves in famous circles, and even her clumsiness is only for comedy moments. When it comes down to it she's every bit as competent as anyone else physically.
Meanwhile Sabrina's just the daughter of a police officer, dorky, actually kinda clumsy at times, and while she's studious she's not the ultra genius(that's Max). Her most outstanding trait is her loyalty, which I find really endearing. Loyalty can be a double edged sword, and we get to see that in Sabrina! Even her strengths are something that provide challenges in her life.
I decided to write a fic with her in it(The Helpers, see my AO3) and that expanded my thoughts on her as a character. I gave her some further hobbies, but very teen hobbies. She doesn't make furniture like Marinette, instead she collects figurines, she assembles model kits, she pays videogames but she likes single player story-driven games, she plays the ocarina(not very well) because she likes Legend of Zelda, she plays the recorder(better) because it's the quintessential geek-school instrument. (I wrote this years before the movie came out) I found her earnest desire to help, and her being unaccustomed to attention were very endearing. Luka did too. 🤣
Later I wrote a one shot with her and Adrien in it(Puppy Love, on my AO3), just to see how it would go. I loved it! Adribrina are adorable! The way they both listen and go out of their way for each other while expecting nothing in return was so cute. Also, their moments were very teen, not melodramatic. Gentle exploration, a little childish at times, but always sincere and warm. They PUN together!
This led to me writing a longer chapter fic based on the setup in the one shot. (Dog Daze, on my AO3) This fic expanded on the two of them. Amusingly- it was originally intended to end in Adrienette, with Sabrina deciding to play wingman for Marinette's sake. However as it was going along a very real difference came out.
Marinette brings anxiety to Adrien. It's not entirely her fault! Set post-Risk she has a LOT of stress! Even on top of her ADRIEN issues, she's got all of Ladybug's problems. The poor girl is overworked. So whenever she got close to Adrien, she would panic and he would see this. Despite trying to reach out to her (No, he wasn't 'in love' yet but he cared for her) Adrien kept seeing how he seemed to stress her out, and how his life would stress her out even more. (Canon conveniently evaporates his life to cheat around this) Marinette's a ROMANTIC which is fine! but she puts a lot of expectations on love, and on a relationship. It's one-and-done HAPPILY EVER AFTER with pink bubbles and 3 hamsters and 9 kids, etc.
Conversely when Adrien was hanging out with Sabrina it was an island of calm. There were no expecations, no requirements, and it was a lot more of realizing they were *already* a couple late after the fact. Sabrina very much was *not* trying to invade Adrien's life or pin him down to anything, and in S5 territory, that is a blessing. (Gabriel was still a jerk though)
So, yeah. That's some of it? She's fun! Adribrina are my goobers. It's a comfort ship and they make me happy.
They fall asleep in blanket nests. They took turns sliding down his half-pipe in stocking feet. They watch anime. Plagg being so proud the first time Adrien snuck Sabrina into his room (and out the next morning when they fell asleep accidently)
How could you not like her?
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tumblingxelian · 18 days
How to make Hawk Moth Relevent - ML Rewrite:
I Had some ML AU thoughts, specifically on how to have Gabriel keep the Butterfly & feel like a threat & be 'sympathetic' if one wants.
Character wise, its pretty simple, S1/2 era Gabriel. He's proud, stubborn, controlling, & never left the bargaining stage of grief. His decisions are bad, but he either thinks he's doing what's best for Adrien or if he's doing something wrong that he can outsmart the fallout. Also uses kids less in general, but still does it.
He's also learning about his powers the same as the heroes, though some of his weaknesses with it come from struggling with some of the necessary emotional skills. As well as not liking to listen to things that challenge his world view.
IE, "Why did you not tell me this could happen?" - "I tried to tell you it was a danger, you tuned me out!" - "I don't have time for this." - "There you go again! You are so obnoxiously frustrating!"
Finally, he's not using the butterfly right anyway, because doing so would risk his identity. Its meant to make champions, but if he used someone who shared his goals then it'd eventually become obvious who he is. So he has to keep working through bargains and deceptions with people in a manic state. So his defeats are less on him.
Moving on, status quo updates: Introduce some other rogues to pad out the episodes.
A sorcerer who wants Miraculous. A temple monk survivor who wants to get Fu. A left over Nazi who Fu & Marianne defeated; some rogue Miraculous Users & perma-Akuma, IE Imago.
Also have Audrey be there from the start of the season, either she's around to try and cajole Gabriel back into design work, or just splits her time between Paris & New York & introduce some players early.
Specific Story Beat Changes: At the end of Origins show several other soon to be notable figures:
A sorceress pondering their orb, a militant looking bastard smirking, a monk meditating and opening their eyes. Tomoe contacting Kagami & saying they will be moving to Paris. Then cap it off with Lila & Trixx staring open mouthed at a TV, fast food raised halfway to their mouths just staring boggle eyed.
Mentor-Fu Because of these new issues and threats cropping up, Fu is a more active mentor, possibly with Marianne at his side, to serve as foils/counterparts to Marinette & Adrien.
Hawk Moth He makes a strong debut & has some fairly impressive Akuma, but is also clearly experimenting with the power. He also picks several adults like the movie villains. He's also clearly running into walls VS how much he can actually get them to do.
He blames their unhinged state until Antibug when Chloe goes "No U" at the Akuma trying to control her & refuses to un-mask Chat Noir. She wants to prove a point to the heroes not actually help Hawk Moth, & he can't call back the Akuma.
Besides that, the major shifts would be some of his fellow villains compromising his Akuma for their own ends. Him finding out Akuma can become Imago, thanks to Audrey just staying Style Queen. She is having a blast, no one else is.
Lila-Volpina-Chameleon & Trixx She found Tirxx's Miraculous in a second hand shop & since accidentally awakening him the pair have become con artists and mischief makers all over Europe.
They aren't malevolent, but they aren't good either, and Lila goes to Paris in part cos she's being pursued by a sorcerer after Trixx & she wants the others to help protect her.
She's on the team for awhile before losing Trixx in battle and ends up claiming an Akuma to try and get power back. Leaving her straddling a line between humanity & monster-hood.
The Tsurugi's: They have at least two Miraculous, perhaps three, this playing a part in why Fu would even put Tikki & Plagg out there given the risk. The dragon is a must, but beyond that it could range from tiger, to mouse to snake or some combo there-of.
Their goals are enigmatic, with Kagami's stance being that the Kwami are divinity and being their chosen is an honor. While Tomoe is more cold, still respecting the Kwami's power more than the Order, but very pointedly aiming to use said power to benefit her family line.
As a result they are more anti-villain's/antagonists than full on villains.
Audrey & Chloe: Thanks to Audrey being present, the toxic nature of the family is on display from minute one.
With Andre passively rolling with every horrid thing Audrey says or does to Chloe, then using Chloe's rejection to make himself feel big. All while Chloe desperately seeks her mothers affection & allows her fathers self serving idea of 'love' and heeds his terrible advice.
This makes Chloe's redemption arc faster as where she's coming from is obvious from parents day at earliest. Audrey becoming the first on screen Imago helps. No jail time cos no one but Hawk Moth knows at first. She abuses her powers & becomes a key Chloe villain.
Final Note: Awhile ago I realized that one could re-work the Peacock's power into the Butterfly so I'd probably do that too. IE, its power is transmission & transformation.
So in the case of making Sentimonsters it transmits Butterfly energy in to the subject, then the emotions back out of the subject, then transforms them into a 'Familiar'.
This does remove the mind control rings, but there may still be an Akumatized object which can allow a butterfly user easier access to the target, or they are just not a thing.
This also means Gabriel only needs one Miraculous, & Nathalie instead of being Mayura stays on as Catalyst. Letting him make small teams of villains, familiars, or super strong Akuma.
There could still be negative health ramifications from this, either from being constantly Akumatized or from getting powers up to so often. If sympathetic Gabriel is intended, he's the one getting sick.
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