#post-Roe angst
I’m blogging...OUTSIDE. The weather here has been bearable, even though snow is scheduled for Tuesday. I’m sitting in this chair outside the Honors College that has “fuck you” faintly carved into one of the armrests. There’s a name also craved underneath, but it’s too hard to make out. An extremely yellow leaf just blew off the tree a few feet away from me and smacked me in the face. It’s quite a rainbow looking at all the nature around here. They don’t call it Tree City for no reason, unless they decide to make everything Esplanade flat and perfectly mowed and boring.
Taylor Hall is a glance away. I was sitting on Blanket Hill facing the old victory bell a few minutes ago, but I couldn’t concentrate on blogging just sitting on the ground. Quite a few people have been walking by looking at the unfinished memorial and the May 4 informational signs today. It’s pretty much always older people, no matter which side of Taylor you’re facing.
I think about that a lot, and the more I see how this campus functions, the more I feel that urge to enact some change. Things feel frozen in time here, and to be frank, it’s not in a good way. The weather might be okay for a cardigan, but I feel like too many people here are frozen in ice cube trays of apathy and acceptance. When people are encouraged to take action, they rarely do. On a general level, depending on the world view of whoever you’re asking, the only way to make change is to either vote for someone who doesn’t truly represent you or risk your life marching in the street and relying on buzzwords. They rarely tell you that there’s room for sneaky introverts in that process. And that sneaky, introverted work, the subversive work, the work that fits my style the most, is often the hardest.
Hell, half of the time the people who are rallying the most for change seem dismissive of the prospect of change actually occurring. There’s an exhibition of letterpress prints in Taylor right now, and some of them are truly amazing. There’s something so satisfying about a good letterpress design, with the jumbled remixed letters and strong colors. There’s just nothing better. But when I was walking through the exhibit the other day, one of the posters on display, frankly, made me angry. It was very post-Roe hopeless. All the text was about how women have the “freedom” to die of an ectopic pregnancy and be incubators and the like, topped off by the declaration, “so much freedom!” Like I’m going to let anyone tell me what I can do with my body. You make change by just not letting people do nefarious things to you. Or, alternatively, you make it by letting yourself do the things that you know are the best, even if they are unpopular. Both of these types of defiance can be very hard, especially the last one, and neither get you many political brownie points. You get those points by beginning and ending at complaining. That changes nothing. Speaking, writing, creating art and music, holding events, educating others, proving other people wrong is how you change things. You have to show that you own them when they try to own you.
With this in mind, no matter how hard it is to accomplish, I’m really hoping to skew the ratio.
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emjayewrites · 7 days
Private Landing (Lewis Hamilton Fanfic)(6/15)
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SUMMARY: In the high-speed world of Formula One, Lewis Hamilton subtly introduces a mysterious partner via Instagram after a slight mishap during an interview. Sparking media intrigue, everyone wants to know: who is the enigmatic figure that calls herself Mrs. Hamilton?
INSPO: this post
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Aurora "Rorie" Phillips-Hamilton (faceclaim is Justine Skye)
WARNINGS: drama, angst, sexual content, formula one b.s., pre-established relationship (with flashbacks). RATED M (18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @mitruscity @burberryfilms @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @motheroffae @hrlzy @eugene-emt-roe @perfecttrashface
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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Flashback to October 2018, Manhattan
A few days had passed since that fateful encounter at the SoHo House bar, but Rorie hadn't been able to get the devilishly handsome Brit out of her mind. His cockiness should have been an instant turn-off, and yet… there was an undeniable allure to Lewis Hamilton that she couldn't quite shake.
Perhaps that's why, despite her better judgment, she had agreed to meet him again - this time at a trendy ice cream parlor in the Village. Rorie settled into a corner booth, idly scrolling through her phone as she awaited his arrival. She had to admit, she was more than a little curious about what Lewis did for a living beyond his coy "I work with cars" admission.
The tinkling of the shop's front bell announced his entrance. Rorie glanced up to find Lewis cutting an effortlessly stylish figure in a fitted shirt and smoldering gaze that zeroed in on her instantly. A shiver of awareness danced down her spine as he approached with that trademark confident swagger.
"You're looking lovely today, Rorie," Lewis said with an easy grin as he slid into the booth across from her.
Rorie fought back an eyeroll at his obvious attempt to flatter her. "Charming as ever, I see," she drawled.
Lewis simply chuckled, undeterred. "I'm just being honest. That color really suits you."
"If you say so." Rorie shrugged one shoulder dismissively, determined not to let his flirtatious remarks get under her skin. Though she had to admit, he did cut an unfairly attractive form.
As the waitress came to take their order, Lewis made sure to give Rorie an exaggerated once-over. "I'll have whatever she's having," he purred with a wink.
Rorie's perfectly arched brows drew together in a frown. "Down, boy," she chided, though the corners of her mouth twitched with laughter she refused to let escape.
Once the waitress departed, their conversation flowed and she finally got around to asking about the mysteriousness he had around his job. For this, Lewis leaned in slightly. "You know, I actually race cars for a living. Formula One, to be exact." He said it casually, but his gaze never left hers, gauging her reaction.
To his surprise, Rorie didn't look overly impressed. "Is that so? Well, aren't you just a big deal then?"
Lewis grinned at her dry sarcasm. Most women would be fawning all over him by now, but not this one. He had to respect her unaffected air. "The biggest," he boasted with a wink.
Rorie simply rolled her eyes, though he didn't miss the subtle curl of her lips that betrayed her amusement.
Undaunted, Lewis pressed on. "You know, I've got a big race coming up in Austin this weekend. You should come as my guest - let me show you how I handle the car."
The blatant innuendo finally succeeded in cracking Rorie's aloof facade as a laugh bubbled up. "Is that what you wanna play it?"
Lewis held her laughing gaze as a slow, wicked grin curved his mouth. "Among other things. So what do you say? Care to join me?"
For a long moment, Rorie simply studied him appraisingly, then she finally opened her mouth: "I suppose I could clear my schedule..."
Lewis's grin widened with satisfaction. He would tear down those defensive walls yet.
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Rorie's phone was a frenzy of buzzing notifications, the barrage of calls and texts showing no signs of letting up. Her vision blurred as she stared at the damning Sun headline again, those horrible words screaming back at her like a vicious slap.
Invasion of privacy. Defamation. Lawyers were already strategizing, determined to make the trashy tabloid pay for their unforgivable breach. But in that moment, Rorie could scarcely focus on legal retaliation.
All she wanted was to go home, to shut out the world and its cruelties. To curl up in bed with her precious son and lose herself in the sweet innocence of his tiny embraces, his babbling laugh that made everything else seem so utterly insignificant.
But Rorie knew she couldn't wallow, as tempting as it was. She was stronger than that - she had to be, for Lyric's sake. For Lewis. For their little family that some vile human had seen fit to violate in the most horrific way.
While the internet descended into a frenzy of unsolicited opinions and absurd conspiracy theories about the meaning behind their son's name, Rorie knew she couldn't afford to get mired in such distractions.
She had too much to focus on - an upcoming cover for L'Officiel Italia, fittings, and events around Paris Fashion Week, not to mention the looming legal battle against The Sun.
The shrill ringing of her phone cut through the cacophony of buzzes and chimes. Rorie's breath caught when she saw the caller ID - it was Lewis, calling from Singapore where he was preparing for that Grand Prix race weekend.
In the chaos of getting their lawyers mobilized with the assistance of Penni and Yael, they hadn't properly spoken in days, yet the second she heard that deep, familiar timbre of "Hey baby..." a wave of relief washed over Rorie.
"Hey yourself," she replied, sinking onto the hotel sofa as the tension bled from her shoulders. "God, it's so good to hear your voice."
A low chuckle filtered through the line. "Miss me already, love? Can't say I blame you."
Rorie rolled her eyes at his playful arrogance, yet couldn't quite suppress her grin. "You wish. We've just been...preoccupied is all."
"I know, I know." His tone sobered somewhat. "But you know me - I've got this handled, Rorie. We're going to make them pay for what they did."
"I have no doubt," she said softly. "If anyone can take down a media empire, it's you and your crazy squad of lawyers and fixers."
"Damn right." The cocky bravado returned. "I figure maybe a couple mill ought to shut them up, yeah?"
Rorie couldn't help but laugh at that, the first genuine sound of mirth she'd experienced in days. "You're terrible, you know that?"
"Maybe so," Lewis agreed easily. "But I also know the sound of your laugh is the best music these ears could ask for."
A warm flush crept into Rorie's cheeks at his words. "You've got a way with words, Mr. Hamilton, I'll give you that."
"Just one of my many talents, Mrs. Hamilton." His voice had dropped an octave, taking on that silky, suggestive tone he knew drove her wild.
Rorie bit her lip, feeling desire start to unfurl low in her belly. "Is that so? Do go on then..."
The heated moment was interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. Rorie sighed. "That'll be my makeup team. Raincheck on playing 'show and tell', hmm?"
Lewis chuckled richly. "You're an absolute menace, you know that? But you've got a deal, my love. I'll leave you to prepare for your princessly duties."
"Duty always calls. And Lewis?" Rorie paused, feeling a sudden upwelling of emotion. "Thank you...for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," he stated simply. "That's a promise."
As Rorie disconnected the call, she pushed back the tears that stung her eyes and began mentally cataloging her next steps. She would get to the bottom of this disgusting leak, no matter what it took. And she would make the perpetrators pay with every last weapon in her arsenal.
Exhaling a shuddering breath, Rorie lifted her chin with grim determination. They had poked a lioness - and by god, were they going to feel her claws.
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After an emotionally charged few days in New York dealing with the fallout from The Sun's despicable article, Rorie was relieved to be reunited with her son Lyric in Paris. As she prepared for her whirlwind of fashion week commitments, she savored every moment with her happy, energetic little boy.
"Mama's got to go work now, my love," Rorie murmured, pressing a lingering kiss to Lyric's downy curls as the nanny waited nearby. "But I'll be back before you know it, okay?"
"Ma Ma," Lyric whined, pudgy hands grasping at Rorie's face as if to keep her there.
She chuckled, peppering his chubby cheeks with more kisses until he was a squealing bundle of giggles. "Be good for Nina. I love you."
With one last nuzzle, Rorie tore herself away and headed for the door of her luxurious Ritz Carlton suite. Taking a fortifying breath, she signaled to her bodyguard that she was ready.
The instant she stepped outside, a barrage of flashing bulbs assaulted her. Rorie kept her chin high as she strode forward, bodyguards forming a protective phalanx around her as the paparazzi shouted question after insistent question.
"Mrs. Hamilton, is it true your son was born via surrogate?" "What about the claims he's not Lewis' child?" "Are you worried Lewis will leave you for a newer model?"
Rorie said nothing, keeping her gaze ahead and jaw clenched until they reached the waiting car. Only when the tinted windows shielded her from the frenzy did she allow herself to exhale shakily.
This was her life now, it seemed - a constant gauntlet of salacious rumors and vicious lies. But she wouldn't be cowed, not when she had truth and love on her side.
Rorie soon arrived at the posh Le Costes restaurant. She was immediately pulled into a warm embrace by her dear friend Law Roach.
"There she is, my vision!" he crowed, pecking air kisses to both her cheeks. "Are you ready for the lions' den, mama?"
Rorie laughed as more of their glamorous friend group swarmed her - Zendaya, Hailey Bieber, Lucien Laviscount, Taylor Russell and Lori Harvey. She found herself engulfed in a mass hug, lifting her spirits immeasurably.
"If anyone can handle it, it's our Rorie," Hailey said with a wink as they settled into their plush semi-circular booth.
Zendaya's doe eyes were serious. "But for real, you good? Cuz that Sun shit was foul."
Rorie waved a hand. "I'll be even better once we bury those bastards in legal fees and public humiliation." She smirked. "Did you see the latest? Apparently, I'm about to reveal Lyric's secret father."
A raucous burst of laughter went around the table, Lucien nearly choking on his wine.
"As if anyone doesn't already know that that's Lewis' twin!" Taylor gasped through her giggles.
"That's what I'm saying. I was simply a vessel for Lyric and they gonna have the balls to ask me if he's Lewis' child. Kindly, go to hell."
The group howled with renewed mirth at that. Lori clutched a stitch in her side as she laughed, "Rorie, you're absolutely foul!"
"What can I say?" Rorie smirked unrepentantly. "My husband loves me just the way I am - wicked tongue and all." She punctuated the suggestive statement with a salacious wink.
As the laughter finally subsided to sporadic chuckles, Rorie pulled up photos and videos of Lyric on her phone. Her face was alight with maternal adoration as she eagerly shared the latest glimpses into her son's life - chubby fists swinging as he "walked", joyful shrieks as he played chase with their bulldog Roscoe.
"He's getting so big," Lori cooed in awe. "And absolutely gorgeous, just like his mama."
"You know you're going to have your hands full keeping the girls away in another few years," Hailey joked.
Eventually the conversation turned to lighter topics - upcoming projects and events, the fashion buzz rippling through Paris. Rorie basked in the lively energy of her friends, her worries momentarily forgotten.
The following morning, she strode the white carpet outside the Acne Studios show. Blinding flashes from photographers' cameras sparked as she posed in the plunging tailored suit. Despite the sea of shouted questions, she kept her composure with a serene smile.
Up next was an exclusive event hosted by Lancome, one of the brands she represented as an ambassador. Rorie hurried back to her hotel suite to get ready, finding an exquisite jewelry case waiting for her.
"Something special from Mr. Hamilton, madam," the handler stated, handing it over with great ceremony.
Nestled inside was a breathtaking diamond necklace - a scattered array of brilliant white and rosy pink stones. Rorie's fingers trembled as she lifted it from its nest of silk. "This man…" she murmured, a soft smile blooming.
The Lancome x Louvre event was pure decadence - champagne flowing, candles glittering from every surface within the iconic museum's gilded halls. Rorie worked the room like the pro she was, greeting fellow ambassadors and brand reps with warm hugs and air kisses.
"This necklace is heavenly," gushed Sabrina Carpenter, admiring the delicate sparkle at Rorie's throat.
"Isn't it though?" Rorie agreed fondly. "I got it this afternoon from Lewis."
As magical as the evening was, Rorie found herself increasingly eager to get back to her precious boy, to scoop him up and drink in his sweet baby scent. She was just gathering her things when her phone pinged with a new message - from an unknown number.
The hairs prickled on the back of her neck as she read the ominous words:
I hope this lawsuit is worth it because the truth always comes out eventually. I already have someone ready to reveal the identity of your biological father.
For a beat, Rorie could only stare at the screen, icy tendrils of dread licking through her veins. Then a blaze of fury ignited within her core. How dare they try to rattle her with such empty, pathetic threats? Didn't they realize by now that she was utterly unshakable when it came to protecting her family?
With a few deft taps, Rorie fired off a text to her lead attorney, Julian Pierce:
They're getting bolder, which means it's time we go for the jugular. Take down the whole fucking company if you have to - I want The Sun left as ashes and rubble when we're through.
The reply was almost instantaneous: I'll have my team trace the number and investigate. In the meantime, we need to push forward aggressively. They awoke the lioness, and we're going to ensure they'll never make that mistake again.
Shoving her phone back into her purse, Rorie lifted her chin and strode out into the Parisian night, radiating confidence and poise. If these fools thought they could make her fear the truth, they were dreadfully mistaken.
Now they were going to taste her wrath in all its untamed, merciless glory.
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The anticipation of reuniting with Lewis in Japan made Rorie's heart flutter. Despite the challenges of traveling with a rambunctious 14-month-old, she couldn't wait to be back in her husband's arms after the tumultuous events stirred by The Sun's scathing article.
The red-eye flight from Paris to Tokyo was a test of endurance. Lyric, their energetic son, seemed determined to showcase his vocal prowess to the entire cabin. Rorie did her best to soothe him, but the combination of jet lag and confinement proved too much for the little one's patience.
"Shh, little one, it's sleepy time," Rorie cooed, rocking him gently as he let out another ear-piercing shriek. She shot an apologetic look at the passengers nearby.
An elderly woman smiled kindly. "Don't fret, dear. We've all been there."
As the hours ticked by, Rorie tried every trick in the book - walking the aisles, reading stories, offering snacks. Finally, just as the first rays of dawn peeked through the windows, Lyric drifted off to sleep, his tiny rosebud mouth parted.
Rorie stroked his braids, relieved yet utterly drained. But the thought of reuniting with Lewis gave her a surge of energy.
As they disembarked at Narita Airport, Rorie felt a wave of relief wash over her. Lewis was waiting for them, his eyes lighting up the moment he spotted his family. He scooped Lyric into his arms, peppering the giggling boy with kisses, before enveloping Rorie in a tender embrace.
"I've missed you both so much," Lewis murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Rorie melted into his embrace, savoring the familiar warmth and strength of his arms. "We've missed you too," she whispered, her worries momentarily dissipating.
That evening, Lewis had arranged for an intimate dinner with his closest friends – Miles, Spinz, Timmy, and Andrew. The group had been through thick and thin together, and their bond was unbreakable. The private dining room at Kozue, one of Tokyo's most exclusive restaurants, exuded a warm, inviting ambiance. Rich wood tones and soft lighting created an intimate atmosphere as the group settled around the circular table.
Rorie felt at ease among these men who had become like brothers to Lewis. They treated her with affection and respect, welcoming her into their tight-knit circle without hesitation.
"This place is incredible," Andrew remarked, running an appreciative hand along the handcrafted furniture. "You really went all out, Lewis."
Lewis grinned. "Only the best for my crew."
Lyric immediately charmed the group, babbling happily and waving his chubby little hands.
"There's my favorite little guy!" Spinz cooed, scooping up Lyric and playfully tossing him in the air, eliciting a squeal of delight. "Look at you, growing like a weed!"
Timmy grinned, offering Lyric an origami crane he had deftly folded. "Here you go, little man."
Lyric grasped it delightedly, immediately trying to cram it into his mouth. The group chuckled affectionately.
"Uh oh, better watch out," Andrew teased. "That kid's trying to eat your handiwork, man."
As the sushi preparation began, a reverent hush fell over the room, broken only by the deft slicing of the blade against the wood cutting board. Each nigiri was a delicate, artful creation placed before them.
Between savored bites, Miles raised his sake cup. "To family - the most priceless victory of all."
They murmured in agreement, clinking their cups together as Lyric giggled merrily, blissfully unaware of the profound sentiment behind the toast.
After dinner, Lewis surprised them all with plans to visit the renowned Team Labs exhibition, an immersive digital art experience that had captivated audiences worldwide. As they wandered through the mesmerizing installations, Rorie marveled at the seamless blend of technology and creativity, her hand intertwined with Lewis's, oohing and ahhing like awestruck children.
"This is incredible," Spinz murmured.
"Babe, we need to get one of these for the house," Rorie murmured, reaching out to seemingly disrupt a swirling vortex of light.
"Anything for you, my love," he replied, pulling her close for a lingering kiss.
Andrew made a show of covering Lyric's eyes. "Keep it PG, you two!"
"Mind your business, man," Lewis murmured against Rorie's lips, causing a soft giggle to escape her. Emboldened, he kissed her more fiercely this time.
"C'mon now, before you guys traumatize my poor nephew," Miles chuckled, scooping up the giggling toddler. "You guys gonna mess around and make another one."
"That's kinda the point, Miles," Lewis clarified with a sly grin, wrapping a protective arm around his wife.
The group's jaws dropped in unison, eyes widening comically.
"Oh, so it's like that then?" Miles sputtered. "Baby LH-squared, huh?"
Lewis's grin stretched wider as he gazed at Rorie adoringly. "Trying to be," he confirmed with a wink. "But people doing wack shit are trying to fuck up our plans."
Rorie squeezed his hand reassuringly. "That's why we're suing, Pookie. And burning them to the ground."
"Damn straight," Lewis agreed, a newfound fierceness flashing in his eyes. "No one messes with our family."
An awed hush fell over the group, their usual jovial banter momentarily stunned into silence by the steely determination radiating from the couple.
Finally, Spinz let out a low whistle. "Well, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that lawsuit..."
The tension broke as they all dissolved into laughter once more, rallying around Lewis and Rorie's unshakable united front. The detractors didn't stand a chance against their bond.
As they settled back into their hotel room, Lyric was already fast asleep. Lewis gently lifted the drowsy toddler from Rorie's arms and placed him in the plush crib, tucking him in securely.
Turning back to his wife, Lewis pulled Rorie close, his eyes shining with fierce determination. "Tomorrow, I race for you and our family," he vowed, his voice thick with conviction.
Rorie smiled up at him, her heart swelling with pride and love for this man who was her partner, her soul mate, her everything. She traced the contours of his chiseled jawline tenderly. "And we'll be right there cheering you on, baby. Like always."
Lewis covered her hand with his, turning to press his lips to her palm in a gesture of devotion. "With you two in my corner, I'm unstoppable."
No words were needed as their lips met in a searing kiss, a promise to face whatever storm awaited shoulder-to-shoulder. The vile tabloid articles, the hurtful rumors - none of it could touch the sanctity of their family united.
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The dim lighting of the seedy bar cast furtive shadows across their corner table, providing a veil of secrecy for their clandestine meeting. A world away from the bright lights of Japan, this dingy New York establishment was the perfect den of deception.
"This is all I could get my hands on," the hooded woman whispered, sliding a manila envelope across the table. "I'm lucky Rorie hasn't suspected me yet."
Alexander pursed his lips, rifling through the documents with a measured gaze. "And you're sure this information is legitimate?"
She nodded curtly. "I may have been cut off, but I still have my sources."
Arching a brow, Alexander fixed her with an appraising look. "I have to ask...why are you doing this? Surely your friendship with Rorie meant something once."
The woman's laugh was brittle, laced with bitterness. "That's just it - it meant everything to me. Until she threw me away like yesterday's garbage." Her eyes hardened to flints of obsidian. "I can't let her get away with that."
Alexander said nothing, simply pocketing the envelope with a calculating nod. Betrayal came in many shades, but few burned quite as bright as the scorching flame of a fallen friendship.
Send me some asks!!
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elihashadenough · 3 months
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Pairing: max verstappen x male reader (could be read by masc presenting people)
Summary: sometimes things go right in the moment but will they always be right? can they survive through the hardships of love? can their love hold the test of a treacherous path of love?
a/n: part 6 is here, sorry if the upload was later then i usually post and if its shorter then usual, i've been a little busy with some things but here it is now. I hope this makes up for the last two angst posts :)
-> do not repost, copy or translate my works nor post them anywhere else. Read at your own risk. Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated.
[series masterlist]
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(a little snippet)
Max walked into the living room, the soft sound of music filled the apartment. His eyes landed on Y/N, who was moving gracefully to the rhythm, lost in his own world. He spun around, his laughter echoing through the room as he danced while cleaning up the living room, to max, y/n’s moves were a beautiful blend of elegance and playfulness.
A smile tugged at the corners of Max's lips as he watched Y/N, captivated by his now relaxed carefree spirit. He couldn't help but admire the way y/n moved, the way his eyes shown with joy.
"You are staring!" Y/N's voice broke through his thoughts, y/n’s cheeks were flushed. Max chuckled, stepping closer to y/n who placed the throw blanket on the arm of the couch. "I like seeing you happy, love," he said softly, there was a hidden message behind those words. Max said he didn’t like how everything went down the past week what had hurt the most was seeing how y/n had been, max had made a promise to never hurt y/n but he did, with his words and so now seeing y/n have fun in his presence was something that had just captivated max.
His heart swelling with affection as he reached out to join them in their impromptu dance, their laughter mingling with the music, filling the room with warmth and love.
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i haven't proof read this so if there were any mistakes, i'm sorry. But i hope you all enjoyed this. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night ❤️
tagging: @leosxrealm, @miloformula123fan, @woozarts @eugene-emt-roe
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she-wolf09231982 · 4 months
Chapter 5- Just You
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Summary:  An unexpected resistance to a German attack causes Liebgott an injury. The experience brings emotions to head between you and Liebgott.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Descriptive Wounds/Injuries, Blood/Gore, Smoking, Angst, Banter, Pining, Consensual Physical Contact/PDA, FOREVER FLUFF 💚
Chapter takes place 1x5 Crossroads 
*I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. There is no room in my body for anything but you. * -The Princess Bride, William Goldman
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1944 
Easy Company set up in an abandoned barn as a headquarters and aid station in Schoonderlogt, Holland. Most of Easy Company had been inside awaiting the return of the reconnaissance patrol that left at sunset to see if any Germans were near the village. Liebgott leading the mission had been gone for several hours. 
Eugene insisted you get some sleep, but you only sat in the bunk, your mind too busy to even close your eyes. Talbert with his newfound companion, Trigger (a German Shepard ironically), was a nice distraction while Joe was gone. As you were petting the dog, the barn door burst open alarming everyone and bringing everyone to their feet. 
“Penetration!” one of the soldiers called out carrying another soldier injured. 
“It’s Alley!” Talbert yelled. 
“Alley’s hurt!” Liebgott shouted. 
“Boyle, get Doc.” Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, “Where?” 
“Crossroads.” Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck. 
“Liebgott-” you called to him, but another soldier interrupted you. 
“Well, if it wasn’t for your loud mouth-” he started to accuse Joe. 
You tried again but louder, “Lieb-” 
“-Hey, you know what? Back off!” Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle. 
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“Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur...” Doc directed. 
“JOE!” You barked over the commotion.  
“Goddam it, WHAT?” He snarled back at you with a heavy look of annoyance. 
“Get over here and let me look at your neck.” you directed sternly. 
“It’s just a scratch.” He dismissed. 
You huff audibly, losing your patience and giving him a side glance. 
“Joe, let her take a look. We got this over here.” Doc insisted. 
Liebgott sighed reluctantly rolling his eyes and made his way to you. 
He stood tall in front you, refusing to look you in the eyes as you gently directed his head by the chin to his left to expose the injured site where he still held the dressing. You know he was trying to hide how bad it really was, so you decided to kill him with kindness to get him to do what you needed to do to help him. 
Your voice sweet and subtle, “Joe...” 
He hummed in response. 
“Move your hand. Please?”  
He quickly looked down at you, no smile or any real sign of emotion, just searching your eyes for something unknown to you. You feel your eyes widen as this unexpected attention from Joe unnerved you. It’s not a look that you experienced from him before. He almost looked like a ravenous animal. 
You stood your ground, staring back at him expectantly waiting for him to remove his hand from his neck. 
His hand slowly dropped without breaking eye contact. 
You make your hands busy with the messy dressing on his neck and see an angry laceration, but not deep enough to make it life threating. You were less worried, but it still needed attention. 
“You’re lucky.” You stated. 
“Am I?” he replied curtly. 
You ignored his cold response. 
“It wasn’t deep enough to affect the artery, so you won’t bleed out, but I’m still going to dress it right so you don’t get an infection.” you explained. 
“Great.” his tone unenthusiastic and sarcastic. Again, you chose to remain silent. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction by taking his bait to argue. 
“Ok, Joe, you’re good.” you tell him, running your thumb affectionately along his jawline. 
He felt goosebumps rise on his skin from your soft touch and shot you a look of confusion. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly open, you thought he was going to say something. He thought he was going to say something too, but he stood there gaping at you, breathing heavy again searching your face for something unknown to either of you. You meet his perplexed look with one of your own and squint your eyes at him wondering what it was you did wrong to earn such a response from him.  
His jaw tightened as he closed his mouth and softened his eyes. No smile, no sign of affection, he nods to you then turned on his heel to collect his gear when Winters announced they were heading to the crossroads to re-engage with the Germans there to gain control of that position. 
You were utterly dumbfounded by how Joe treated you. You know he can get moody and explosive when his adrenaline races like that. He had a deep-rooted hatred for the Germans and was probably pissed he got nicked by one of them in the field, and now he was out for revenge. His anger clouded his judgement, and you suffered the blunt end of his attitude even though you had nothing to do with it. 
And it had nothing to do with you. He felt terrible for not at least saying ‘thank you’ before he left. He turned his back on you after you cared for his wound so gently and attentively, and he hated himself for it after walking out of that barn. He had hurtling thoughts of doubt, regret...sentiment. He couldn’t turn back now, though. He was on his way to deal with the Krauts that had the audacity to attack him and his team that day.  
Easy Company took victory at the crossroads the following morning. The Germans fled leaving dozens of their comrades killed or seriously wounded. Eleven of them are captured. The Americans on their side count one dead and 22 wounded. 
Winters approaches an angry Liebgott taking potshots at the still-living Germans crawling over the bodies of their dead comrades, trying to escape the field.  
Liebgott continued to pick off Germans like a turkey shoot.    “-Joe, knock it off!” Winters ordered 
“Goddam it, what?” Liebgott barked back. 
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Winters noticed his neck bandages were saturated with his own blood. 
“You’re bleeding.” Winters identified. 
“Ah, it's nothin', Cap.” Liebgott replied bluntly. 
“Take these prisoners to CP and get cleaned up.” Winters instructed. 
Liebgott looked a little too eager, “Yes, sir. Come on, Kraut boys.” 
Believing that a furious Liebgott can't be trusted, Winters orders him to drop all his ammo and removes all but one round from Joe's rifle telling him that killing one prisoner will prompt the others to attack and possibly kill him and escape.  
“I want all prisoners alive.” Winters reminded. 
Joe paused before replying, “Yes sir,” resentfully. 
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Liebgott burst through the barn door, obviously still fuming he had to babysit German prisoners and not get any extra hits in. It was more than they deserved even if they did surrender. 
You were finishing up some wound care on another soldier when Joe had come in. Even in his intimidating state, you were exhilarated to see him alive. You rush over to him and notice his neck bandages saturated in red. Your joy quickly turned to panic as you went to touch his arm. 
He turned around viscously shrugging your hand off him and met your stare with horror after he realized he had almost hurt you. His chest heaving, and eyes wild, it took him a few seconds to regain his bearings. 
You were actually frightened at first but didn’t back away too much from him since he still needed medical attention. 
“Joe?” you ask cautiously. 
He swallowed hard then softened his stance, “I was told to get this fixed up.” He replied as he gestured to his neck. 
You nod, “Ok, Lieb, over here.”  
You lead him over to a more secluded space in another part of the barn that you used to triage patients. After his little ‘floor show’ you decided he needed a safe space to decompress. He slumped down on the cot in the room with a huff and stared at his boots. 
You went to the shelves with the supplies you needed, grabbing clean dressings, gauze, and peroxide. You sat yourself next to Joe and prepared everything to tend to his neck. He winced when you pulled the partially blood encrusted wrapping. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. He only side eyed you as a response. 
You soaked the gauze with the antiseptic, then pressed it to his wound. He hissed from the sting. 
“Sorry, Joe. I have to make sure it’s clean.” you explained. 
“Mmhm.” He hummed, “Just do it.” he added in a low voice. 
You continued working on him quietly. The air was heavy in the room. You hoped he would open up to you. It was clear he had been bottling something up. He won’t even offer a glance to acknowledge you. 
You unravel the new dressing placing the padded part to his wound, then lean in closer to loop the ends around his neck like a scarf to secure it in place. As you repeat this action, you were required to keep nearing his face with yours. Still refusing to look at you, he remained looking at his boots and you admired how long his lashes were as he looked down. You finish the wrap tucking the end in, and you couldn’t stop yourself, 
“Joe, look at me.” you requested. 
He sighs irritably, rolling his eyes and meets your concerned gaze. 
You study his face, bringing your hand to his forehead to gently sweep away his hair. He looked you up and down skeptically, unsure what was happening. A new concoction of emotions simmered inside him when he felt your fingers combing his hair back out of his face.  
Angst...elation...hunger...want...need...He had no idea what was happening with him. And it seemed to intensify while he was sitting there with you. Even in the midst of combat he doesn’t feel this level of fight or flight response. His breath hastened as his heart rate accelerated. He straightened up and faced you, bringing his hand to yours, softly grabs your wrist pulling it away from his hair not taking his eyes away from your face. 
Your breath hitched in your chest as your heart pounded so hard you were sure he could hear it as well. Your eyes widened seeing his eyes dark and blown out from something deep beneath the surface unknown. The small space between you is intense and unnerving.  
Joe’s POV 
*“Look at her... Even after how I’ve treated her, she’s still being so good to me. I don’t deserve this...I don’t deserve her. Every time she touches me it's like electrical currents shocking my entire body. How does she do it? What I wouldn’t do for her to just grab my face and just lay one on me and never pull away. Jesus Christ get it together, Liebgott, she probably hates you now. But if I leave now, anything could happen and neither of us would know...anything. I won’t leave her until I know.”* 
“Joe?” you wave your free hand he wasn’t holding in front of his face. He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. 
“You’re all cleaned up now. You can go back to the guys or take a few minutes and stay to regroup.” you suggest. 
You stand to leave but Joe doesn’t release your hand. You furrow your brows confused. 
“You need something else?” you ask. 
Joe stood gripping your shoulders to face you square with him. His mouth curled into a slight grin. With intent behind his eyes and urgency in his touch, he finally speaks directly to you. 
“Just you.” he purrs. 
Your jaw slacked from shock. You look up at him through your lashes, your iris's doe-like and glistening. Words as well as breath failed to leave your mouth. You felt dizzy and faint, your entire sternum burning like you had just taken a swig of Vat 69. You feel Joe steady you as you slightly sway backward. He kneaded your arms affectionately making you a melting mess in his strong slender hands. 
“-me?” you choked as you placed your hand over where your heart was ready to explode from. 
He nodded deliberately and slowly, “-only you.”  
Your skin and insides tingled causing you to tremble. You take a deep breath trying to regain your composure. 
“Where is this coming from, Joe?” you finally ask. 
He shrugged, “It’s always been there. Buried deep down and just grew bigger every day. I just can’t keep it down anymore, you know?” he explained. 
You beam at him, partially lost in your own thoughts calculating the situation you found yourself in with him at that moment. You avert your eyes downward releasing a soft chuckle. You shake your head, 
“Joe, I-” 
“-Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same, Y/N.” he dared. 
You meet his eager stare, “Of course I do, Joe,” you respond in a desperate breathy voice, “I have spent this past year worrying myself sick about you, and at first, I couldn’t figure out why! I have been fighting it every single day and I am exhausted from it. I lose sleep when you’re on patrol without me, and the few hours I can get, I have night terrors that you return to me maimed and bloody, scaring me wide awake! I swear I have more gray hair from this.”  
You went off on this tangent, pacing back and forth in the small room not realizing how much you just confessed, but Joe once again remained silent just mesmerized by you absorbing every word you say. 
“So, you do feel the same.” he confirmed standing taller with a gratifying smirk. 
You turn to him, your eyes beginning to gloss over with tears, “Joe, *I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. It goes on and on, Joe. There is no room in my body for anything but you. *” 
Each of you standing opposite the other, you're practically panting from the overwhelming flow of emotions and lack of breath you forgot to take. You await the next venture to unfold. 
Without a word, Joe swiftly closed the gap between you, and before you could even gasp, he pulled you in by the back of your head locking his lips onto yours.  
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bloodstainedsaint · 7 months
hello, welcome to my blog! i write for the characters of band of brothers! i go by saint, bluebonnet, or nurse! below the read more includes my masterlist, to-write list, who i write for, request status and rules, and a little about me!
♤FIC HIGHLIGHT: louder than bombs (george luz x medic! reader angst)
♠️: for #bobcollab, i'm open to doing edits, moodboards, and fics!
things better left unsaid. (dick winters x nurse! reader angst)
noises in the bedroom with dick winters (smut hcs)
of sweet teeth and indulgence (dick winters x reader)
rumors and gossip (ronald speirs x nurse! reader smut)
sticky fingers (ronald speirs x reader smut)
loose lips sink ships (lewis nixon x medic! reader)
gene (platonic)
eugene roe x best friend + medic! reader (hcs)
the sniper (joseph liebgott x sniper! reader)
when worlds collide (joseph liebgott x air force! reader)
noises in the bedroom with ron, lew, lieb, luz, and shifty (smut hcs)
to-write list
nothing yet!
i write for:
dick winters
ronald speirs
lewis nixon
joe liebgott
eugene roe (in a platonic capacity)
george luz
shifty powers
babe heffron
+ anyone else platonically (if i'm familiar enough with them — ex: bull, my bbygirl)
requests: CLOSED
as of right now, requests are not open since i want to get through some original ideas (+ i haven't made request rules yet)
about me
link to my original (unedited) post
+ if you couldn't tell, i am an absolute sucker for nurse/medic reader 😭😭
my thoughts on show vs real life
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daiseukiis · 1 year
╰ ⋆ 𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 ଓ.° ╮
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001 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐈 𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 ❛ 𝐌𝐀𝐄 ❜ has recently transferred to japan university from california ; given a dance scholarship to help their struggling dance team make it to nationals. this year she is appointed as captain with that exact goal. everything is all fine until she meets a certain german striker from her university's football team.
FEAT. michael kaiser x oc
CONTENTS. smau! dancer!oc, college au, crack, squint to find that fluff maybe and angst. REFERENCES FROM MULTIPLE SPORTS SERIES. suggestive theme, 18+ behaviour, explicit and mature topics ( not too often but warnings will be posted )
A/N. despite it x oc it’s basically also x fem!reader. the love song playlist smau series happens in the same universe, names are given for each love story so it doesn't get confusing. FOLLOW MY TIKTOK FOR THE MEMES. if you would like to join the tag list please fill out THIS FORM
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𓄹 ⌗ 001. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀no bitches? 𓄹 ⌗ 002. ⠀⠀⠀⠀the dance team is ass 𓄹 ⌗ 003. ⠀⠀⠀⠀i'm busy oliver 𓄹 ⌗ 004. ⠀⠀⠀⠀🗣 B O O 🗣 𓄹 ⌗ 005. ⠀⠀⠀⠀take the l bitch 𓄹 ⌗ 006. ⠀⠀⠀⠀i'll go 𓄹 ⌗ 007. ⠀⠀⠀⠀we ain’t the akinator 𓄹 ⌗ 008. ⠀⠀⠀⠀violence isn’t cute comin’ from you
𓄹 ⌗ 009. ⠀⠀⠀⠀DATE ???? 𓄹 ⌗ 010. ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀MORNING MAE 🥰 𓄹 ⌗ 011. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀do i know you 𓄹 ⌗ 012. ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀it's her hobby 𓄹 ⌗ 013. ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀should we kiss? 𓄹 ⌗ 014. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀BEWARE 𓄹 ⌗ 015. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀one and only 𓄹 ⌗ 016. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀shitty taste in men 𓄹 ⌗ 017. ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀kens to earth 𓄹 ⌗ 018. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀the moon looks beautiful tonight 𓄹 ⌗ 019. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀be scared 𓄹 ⌗ 020. ⠀⠀⠀⠀rip maedays 😔💔
𓄹 ⌗ 021. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀did kaiser just kiss you 𓄹 ⌗ 022. ⠀⠀⠀⠀pass 𓄹 ⌗ 023. ⠀⠀⠀⠀how civil are we talking 𓄹 ⌗ 024. ⠀⠀⠀⠀suck ass michael kaiser 𓄹 ⌗ 025. ⠀⠀⠀⠀moment of weakness 𓄹 ⌗ 026. ⠀⠀⠀⠀is this rejection 𓄹 ⌗ 027. ⠀⠀⠀⠀WTAF IS THAT 😭 𓄹 ⌗ 028. ⠀⠀⠀⠀are you wearing my hoodie 𓄹 ⌗029. ⠀⠀⠀⠀cry your heart
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𓄹 ⌗ova 001. ⠀⠀⠀⠀retail therapy 𓄹 ⌗ova 002. ⠀⠀⠀⠀passenger princess
extra & asks
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SPONSERS ( OPEN ) ,,, @okkotsuus @yuyan @ryuverse @renjiishot @aoshei @heartyouwon @roe-sinning @vvasant @eishtar @kakujis
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© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
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randaccidents · 2 months
Anyways this is me pushing my personal headcanon that HMS know morse code instead of sign language onto Heartless. Yknow. For both the sillies and the angst?
Silles: pre roe Soul spamming the word RUN on the walls because he's got the zoomies, pre roe Mind who learnt it first using it as a harmless way to swear at Heart until Heart picked it up too then it became open swearing, post recovery Heart slamming on the door with his crutch the word FOOD because he doesnt feel like getting up today thank you, post recovery them talking through the walls using morse admitting that today is a sleep together day please come over
Angst: Heart in Apathy quietly tapping out SOS over and over on dirt floors, Perseverance and Penitence having to communicate in taps for a few days after the Oath because of neck bruising, Perseverance and Penitence having non-verbal days and communicating by tapping on each others arms, Heart upon intial awakenings being so unwilling to face them as he relapses that he faces the wall and taps out LEAVE over and over again
Look at all the POSSIBILITIES
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teacuptoast · 2 years
Dead or Alive or Neither
Relation: Young Justice x platonic! gn! reader
Warnings: angst (when do I ever post something happy?) to fluff ig, dark, the reader is not live, laugh, loving.
Words: 0.8k
Summary: "Some days I don’t know if I’m alive or dead amongst the living."
A/N: Another short little blurb that kinda took a dark turn and then took a light turn. Anyway schools kicking my ass right now so it's hard to find motivation. Let me know if you want a part 2 because I've got some ideas. Anyway, Enjoy!!!
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There are so many more people than you think. They’re everywhere. On every park bench in the city and drifting past you on the street. 
Some of them are old, some of them young, and the tragic ones are little. They’re pale and dim and with a strong gust of wind, you think they’d blow away. Most of them smile at me but are scared once I smile back. They spiral into confusion as they try to speak. Though I pretend to look past them because there are just so many.
The rare ones that aren't fooled easily follow me around. Samuel, from the bakery down the street, likes to critique my pastries while Debbie, an English teacher, looks over my job application essays. More times than not this older version of me welcomes the help.
I remember being young. Other kids were outside, running down the streets playing tag or at the naborhood pool. My delicate mind was found in the backyard forest. I’d play with the white birds, pale squirrels and misty foxes till nightfall. Dancing around me would be generations of forestlife, all celebrating, living through my own spirit. 
Although when I left the forest, there were no more foxes or squirrels or birds. There were people everywhere. There was now the old lady from down the street drifting around the neighborhood. Or there was the man who didn’t have a face or the woman with holes in her stomach. They were on every corner, in every building, and behind me at every second. I was scared, I was seven.
Now I'm twenty one. Just a normal person with a normal life, a normal family, a normal school and a not so normal team of superheroes. They just thought I was a good fighter, and had an intuition that could tell them what's around every corner. My ‘intuition’ was really just the old soul, who would tell me what would come of our actions.
It was truly a ‘fake till you make it’ situation. Fake being perfect. Fake being happy. Fake being a hero. I was fake, H/N wasn't real and I'm just a shell of a person.
I don’t take my mask off around them, not because I care about my identity, but I can’t let them see the person I am. Some days I don’t know if I’m alive or dead amongst the living.
“Thank you for coming to this service, now you may give your goodbye.”
Almost simultaneously, we all stood up once the mic settled. Rowes upon rows of people all here to grieve the loss of a friend, family member, or lover. Roes in our hands, I had to make sure Dick didn’t pick the petals off during the ceremony. He was anxious and nervous. Though there was nothing I could do to soothe the teens' suffering.
Silent sobs were heard from my teammates, as most of them rarely had encounters with the dead. I tried to cry, I really did, but I couldn’t seem to sympathize.
One by one more people kept walking towards the casket, starting with his own family, followed by members of the league. We began to file out of the row into the aisle. First was Nightwing followed by Conner, next was a broken Martian and Atlatian. Lastly was Artamis.
Over her lover's empty casket she cried and tried to steal any last moment she could with him. Though after a long time, she walked away and joined the others in a warm embrace.
Taking a few steps upward I stopped before the wood. A small grin rested on my face, waiting to drop my flower on top of the casket. Slowly I read the name on the casket.
“I’ve got to ask,” I questioned in a whispered voice, “What's it like showing up to your own funeral, Wallece?” Looking up I meet the eyes of a familiar ghostly redhead. He looked a little stunned at first, confused as if I was really talking to him. Scrambling he tried to talk, but couldn’t seem to find the words.
Smiling, I continued, “Yes I can see you, no need to choke up,” Dropping my flower onto the wood I asked again, “Speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
“Artemis, please take care of her.” He stumbled out in a hurry, but I cut him off before he could finnish.
“Of course Wally,” I responded in hopes of soothing him, but I quickly cut to the chase, “I know you want to stay here, watch over us, but you have to move one. You don’t get too long to decide and I highly suggest you take your ticket upstairs.”
Silence now covered us as he quietly spoke, “I will just…promise you’ll keep her safe.”
“With my life,” I added, “Now rest Wally. It’s time to go home.” With my final words to him I gave him one last somber smile before walking off to the others. 
Maybe I’m just dead or alive or neither.
A/N: How was the story? Got some feedback? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon
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footprintsinthesxnd · 6 months
Schedule for this week
So I had an ask about what I’ll be posting before Christmas as I know a few of you are waiting on some of my wips so I thought I’d make a little plan so you guys know what is in stores for this week. Let me know if you want to be tagged in any of these.
Monday 18th: the much awaiting Kinky Ron fic for @ronsparky this is sort of a part 1 so if anyone does want a part one let me know
Tuesday 19th: Chapter one of ‘Loving her was Red’ where you will all finally meet Lois Drake the SOE who steals Dick Winters heart. This one is for @malarkgirlypop who I think has been fantasising over Lois for weeks
Wednesday 20th/ Thursday 21st/ Friday 22nd: currently don’t have a plan so if anyone wants the next part of ‘Young Love and Old Money’ or would like to meet my other OC Florence from ‘A Larks Song’ who David Webster takes a liking to. Or I have also written a very sad angst Skip Muck fic so it depends what sort of vibe you’d like to go for right before Christmas. If not I had a Eugene Roe fic that was requested. Let me know what you’d like posted on any of these days or if you have any other ideas of request let know.
Saturday 23rd: I’ll be posting my very next friend @georgieluz Christmas fic. He’s had a tough few weeks so I’m hoping some Christmas cheer will make things a little better. Love you Jules 💕
Sunday 24th: I’ll be posting my Secret Santa fic for @hbowardaily secret Santa
Tagging a few of my mutuals @georgieluz @malarkgirlypop @sweetxvanixlla @xxluckystrike @whollyjoly @samwinchesterslostshoe @iceman-kazansky @lena-basilone @bucky32557038ww2 @coco-bean-1218 @next-autopsy @mads-weasley @holdingforgeneralhugs
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
new chapter of the moon will sing is going to be posted today or tomorrow, and then maroon's next chapter is getting some revamping. thank you miss swift for all the angst potential i have now <3
until then me and roe are gonna be streaming tonight and heading into the UNDERDARK it's just a matter of me getting my lazy ass ready
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band-of-bros · 3 months
lover, please stay
Pairing: Edward "Babe" Heffron/Eugene Roe Rating: Teen and Up Key Tags: Post-War, Established Relationship, Angst, Song: "Lover, Please Stay" by Nothing But Thieves Word Count: 3,558 Read on AO3
Overseas, Babe was enough, because it was temporary. It was supposed to be easier when they got home. Eugene wasn't supposed to be slipping away from him. His grief wasn't supposed to be a thick, cloying thing that Babe's hands can't reach through.
The low hum of the refrigerator is the only noise Babe can hear in the house, shoddy generator in the other room not reaching the kitchen with its noise or its heat.  His ass is getting numb from the hard tile floor, but it's nothing he hasn't experienced before.  It, like the shiver that comes from sitting on a cold surface in the middle of winter, is familiar in a way that is sometimes easier to handle than the soft bed he shares with Eugene or the heat of their bare skin touching, no need for layers upon layers of clothing in a house in Philadelphia instead of a foxhole in Bastogne.
He releases a long, slow breath and closes his eyes, head tipping back against the cupboard that holds their mixing bowls.  He has to resist the urge to wrench them back open again, keeping watch over a house that doesn't need it, not like that.  There are no Germans here, hiding amongst splintered trees and crumbling buildings.  There's just the silhouettes of the chairs around their rickety little kitchen table, shadows dancing unnaturally and transforming into impossible images.  There's no gunshots or whistling of mortars, just that refrigerator humming and Babe's own breathing in the stillness.
"Edward?" someone calls, voice muffled by walls and carpets and doors.  He sighs, linking his fingers together behind his head, bending until his forehead touches his knees.
"In the kitchen," he calls nonetheless.  Eugene's footsteps are near-silent, never taking up more attention than necessary, but Babe's skin prickles with awareness as he rounds the corner, no doubt standing in the doorway to survey the scene, conducting triage.
He wasn't sure if he would wake up.  Babe is the lighter sleeper of the two now, wandering the halls of their house at all hours, unable to shake the phantom feeling of his rifle in his hands, the niggling feeling that something will go terribly, horribly wrong if he doesn't keep watch.
It's so fucking stupid.  Oversees, it was easy to fall asleep when he was allowed to, passing out on the floor of a crumbling house or sitting upright in a foxhole.  Here, he chases it futilely for hours every night.
He feels Eugene sit down next to him, close like they're back in that godforsaken forest, huddled together out of a naive hope to stay alive another night rather than freeze to death.  Their shoulders are pressed together, and although Eugene is wearing long sleeves, Babe can feel his body heat against his bare shoulder.  A shiver tremors through him.
"Edward," Eugene repeats, pressing closer.  "Are you cold?"
It's laughable, really.  He knows that he is, but he can't bring himself to say it, not when he knows how much worse it could be.  Not when he's in a comfortable house instead of an icy wasteland.  Not when he knows what it feels like to have fingers that won't work due to the cold, unable to feel anything not covered by multiple layers, feeling frozen through in a way he thought he would never be able to undo.
"Yeah," he forces out eventually.  "A little."
He finally lifts his head, blinking out at the shadows ahead of him instead of turning to the dark, shapeless form of Eugene by his side.  He feels like they haven't seen each other in years, even though they share the same kitchen, the same bathroom, the same bed.  Eugene works early every day at a construction site and comes home exhausted, dark circles under his eyes better than they were in the war, but not by much.  Babe spends his days listlessly circling job postings in the newspaper and trying to figure out what to do with himself.  Somehow, they keep missing each other, meals taken at asynchronous times and drifting off to sleep without touching.
Babe misses him so bad he aches with it, even with him next to him now.
"What's wrong?" Eugene asks.  Babe swallows.
They're done.  They're here.  Babe made it back home unscathed, and he knows that he's less alone than most of the other guys.  He has Eugene, who left his family in Louisiana to come with him to Pennsylvania instead.  He has Bill, who is in this same city and alive and who understands most of it, who also watched people die and even got his fucking leg blown off.  He has letters in the drawer of his bedside table that he still needs to reply to from the guys.  He has his family a few blocks away, close enough for his mother to invite him to dinner and press the leftovers into his hands because she's worried that he's not eating enough, still not back at his proper weight even though he was never starving, not like the prisoners that they saw in Landsberg.
So why can't he fucking handle it?   Why isn't it easy?  How is he supposed to explain that sitting here with cold from the uncomfortable tile seeping through his sleep pants to turn his ass numb, goosebumps decorating his arms from the chill, is the most comfortable he has felt since coming home?  How is he supposed to describe how sometimes, even though he hates himself for it and doesn't understand it and wants to throw up at the thought, he wishes he was back in that forest?
Eugene sighs, something soft that he doesn't mean for Babe to hear.  It makes his guts twist painfully in his stomach.
Eugene shouldn't have to take care of him still, not when that's all he did during the war.  Babe did his best to reciprocate, but he was better at it, over there.  He knew what Eugene needed: food, water, rest, someone to crack a joke so he smiles, someone who treated him like another one of the guys rather than the company medic.  Here, he doesn't know what he needs.
He still calls Babe Edward most of the time, like they still need that distance.  Like he's still expecting someone to leave.
"Can you--" he starts, throat dry.  He clears it clumsily, too loud.  He tenses, expecting someone to chastise him about sound restrictions, but there's no one else here.  It's just them.
"Can I what?" Eugene asks in his slow drawl.  Babe wants to wear his accent like a blanket.
"Can you stay?"
Eugene doesn't freeze, but he doesn't move, either, still blending into the stillness of the night.
"Of course," he says eventually.  "I'm not going anywhere, Edward."
Babe's exhale shakes on the way out, chest constricting.
"Are you sure?" he asks.  He finally turns his head towards him, just enough to see the small furrow between Eugene's eyebrows, that same lost expression that he saw so often in the woods.  Babe fucking hates that look.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Eugene asks eventually.
Babe returns his gaze forward, resting his chin on his knees.  He tries to sort through his thoughts, keeping his mouth firmly shut in case he starts babbling nonsense instead, needing to figure out how best to tell Eugene that his sadness is palpable, that Babe doesn't fucking know what he needs, that Babe will give him anything but Eugene needs to ask, and even then there's no guarantee that Babe will actually be able to.  Overseas, Babe was enough, because it was temporary.  It was supposed to be easier when they got home.  Eugene wasn't supposed to be slipping away from him.  His grief wasn't supposed to be a thick, cloying thing that Babe's hands can't reach through.
Sometimes Babe wishes that he had gone to Louisiana, rather than Gene coming here.  That way, if something goes wrong, Babe will be the one leaving, not the one being left.  So many people have slipped through his hands, and if Eugene becomes one of them…
"You're pulling away, Gene," he says eventually, voice small.  It sounds defeated, like he fought his way across Europe only to surrender here in Philly.  "You don't---I want to help you, but you never ask for anything.  I don't know what you need."
Eugene inhales.  It’s not a gasp, not even close, but it’s something pained nonetheless.
“I don’t need anything,” he says.  Babe is already shaking his head before he finishes the sentence.
“Bullshit,” he says.  “That’s bullshit, Gene.”
The refrigerator hums, deafening in the quiet.
Eugene has never been one for words, but Babe used to be able to coax them out of him, back in the woods and then beyond, through Germany and Austria.  He wonders sometimes if Gene left his voice back there, in the sunny days of Zell am See where Babe first heard Gene let out a loud, genuine laugh.
“You never talk to me anymore,” Babe says eventually, whispering like they’re worried about being caught.  There were so many instances overseas where they would have both been given a blue discharge if someone had walked in on the wrong time, hands on the wrong side of familiar and words too saturated in affection.  There were a million stolen moments that they shared that could’ve been the end, a million bullets that never managed to hit them.
Now that they’re safe, shouldn’t things be better?  Is Babe only worthwhile with a gun in his hands?
“I just wish…” he starts, not knowing how the sentence ends.
“Babe,” Eugene murmurs, shifting to face him.  One hand wraps around Babe’s bicep, as cold as fresh white snow.  Babe’s face tips toward him, like orbiting Gene is hardwired into him as much as shooting a rifle.
“What am I supposed to do?” Babe asks, voice breaking.  “Just tell me what you need me to do.  I’ll do it.  Godamnit, Gene, I promise I will.”
“Come here,” Eugene says, tugging him forward until Babe’s face meets the spot where Eugene’s shoulder meets his neck, the collar of his shirt frayed and stretched out.
It’s the easiest order Babe has ever had to follow.  He reaches for Eugene and finds him there, only a breath away.  His hands flutter by Eugene’s waist, circling around to his back.  Eugene pulls him closer, one hand coming up to cup the back of Babe’s head, fingers scratching lightly through his hair.  Babe shudders, the air in his lungs shaky and unsettled.
He doesn’t cry.  He doesn’t remember how to.  Instead, they sit there on the floor for what feels like hours, Babe clinging and Eugene doing his best to gently soothe.  He smells familiar, not like blood and sulfa and soft cotton like he did all throughout the war, but the underlying warm scent of skin and gentle tang of sweat is the same.  It’s been a while since Babe has been pressed close enough to smell it.  He lets out a shaky breath at the realization.
“It’s okay,” Gene murmurs, voice low and steady.  “You’re okay, Babe.”
But he doesn’t feel okay.  Not like he was before the war.  Gene didn’t know him then, so he doesn’t know where the differences lie, just like Babe is clueless on what Eugene needs on this side of the Atlantic.
Maybe the war changed them too much for peacetime at home.  Maybe it changed them too much for each other, only if that’s true then Babe’s completely fucked.  If Eugene leaves–
“Babe, breathe,” Eugene says in the same commanding tone he used to use with men whose guts were on the wrong side of their skin, staining Eugene’s hands red.  His lungs constrict, but he forces himself to inhale.  He takes another breath before the words come out.
“I’m okay,” Babe says.  “I’m okay.”
He pulls away, pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes briefly despite the lack of moisture.  Eugene’s hands hang suspended by his shoulders helplessly, no longer touching.
Babe doesn’t want to look at him.  He doesn’t want to see the dark circles around his eyes or the furrow between his brows.  He doesn’t want to see whether his shaky breaths have forced Eugene to transform back into the empty, stoic medic that he turned his back on or the lost, helpless lover.  He doesn’t know which one would be worse.
“I’m sorry, Gene,” he sighs.  “I’m okay.”
Eugene’s hands drop down to his lap.  Outside, a lone car passes by.  Babe wonders where they’re going at this time of night, whether they’re headed towards someone or away.  The faint rumble of the engine fades out of his ears, and they’re left in silence once again.
The refrigerator hums.
“No,” Eugene says.  His voice startles Babe enough that he looks up without thinking, bringing him face to face with Gene’s clenched jaw and shining eyes.  He’s still cast in shadow, but Babe’s eyes have adjusted since Eugene joined him on the floor, allowing him to see the tightness in the corners of his mouth and the tension in his shoulders.  It’s the most on edge that Babe has seen him since he met him at the train station to bring him home for the first time.
“What?” he asks.
“No, Edward.  You’re not.”
Babe’s heart drops.
“I swear I am,” he protests, adrenaline shooting through his system.  He hears the whistle of German artillery singing in his ears.  He reaches for Eugene and for a moment sees Julian staring back at him with wide, scared eyes, then the red patch of snow that still held a vague impression of Bill and Joe when Babe ventured out of his foxhole to see the proof for himself.
“You’re not,” Eugene repeats, catching his hands and running his thumbs over the backs.  His hands aren’t as cold as they usually are, but maybe Babe is just freezing in comparison.  He feels like all of the warmth has been forced from his body, everything icy and desolate if Eugene leaves.
“I don’t think any man who saw what we did came back okay, not if he didn’t leave his soul over there, too.”
All of the fight leaves Babe as quickly as it came, tension falling out of him like a marionette whose strings were suddenly cut and leaving only exhaustion in its wake.  Eugene doesn’t say anything, just blinks at him with sad understanding.
“Thought you didn’t need anything,” Babe says after a few moments.  Eugene sighs, shoulders drooping and grip on Babe’s hands going slack.  Babe adjusts his own hold to keep them tethered together, not letting him pull away.
“Maybe,” Eugene starts slowly, every word always carefully chosen, “saying that was easier than admitting that I don’t know what I need.”
Babe exhales.
That’s it, then.  Knowing what Eugene needs is supposed to be Babe’s job, and he’s failed at it.  Eugene will either stay or he’ll go, and there’s nothing that Babe can do about it either way.
“I don’t know either, Gene,” he says quietly.  “I’m sorry.”
Eugene shakes his head, one of his hands moving to cup the back of Babe’s neck.  Babe relaxes into it, the way that the calluses and lines of his palm are as familiar as Babe’s own.
“That’s not your job, Babe,” Eugene says gently.  Babe shakes his head vehemently, but Eugene squeezes and continues talking before Babe can find his words.  “It’s not.  I know you think it is, and you take care of me better than anyone else, but it’s not your job.  Not when you should be taken care of, too, and I can’t anymore.”
“Yes you can,” Babe says, desperation leaking into his words.  “You do.  I’m not bleeding out here, Gene, I just need–”
I just need you to look at me like you love me.  To laugh at my jokes again, even the bad ones.  To cook me dinner sometimes and sit down to eat it with me.  To call me Babe like it tastes sweet in your mouth.   To keep pressing your cold toes against mine in bed and kiss me on my forehead when you wake up, even if I’m not awake to witness it.  To come home to me every night and ask how my day was.  To love me.
Except that’s too much when Babe can’t reciprocate.  It’s too much when Babe can barely look at Gene these days without feeling like crying.  When he hasn’t told a joke in weeks, if not months.  When they’re never home for dinner at the same time and Babe has no appetite, anyway.  When they don’t talk enough to speak each other’s names frequently.  When Eugene hates the cold with a fiery vengeance and has been wearing socks to bed to battle the east coast winter.  When Babe doesn’t know if Eugene kisses him on the forehead when he wakes, because Babe stays up half the night jumping at shadows and then sleeps through Eugene leaving in the morning.  When Babe isn’t always home when Gene comes back.  When Babe loves Eugene with his whole being, but if he loved him a little better he’d know what he needs and be able to fix this.
“What do you need, Babe?” Eugene asks, leaning towards him, brow furrowed.  “Tell me.”
“Stay,” he begs.  “Just stay, Gene.”
Eugene's voice is rough when he answers, tugging Babe forward until he has to squeeze his eyes shut, too close for comfort after feeling so far away.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he says, squeezing the back of Babe’s neck.  “I love you.”
He feels Eugene’s dry, chapped lips against his forehead and releases a shaky breath.  When Eugene’s lips meet his, they’re the warmest thing he’s felt since the sunshine in Austria.  Babe presses against him, bringing his hands up to Eugene’s shoulders.  Eugene’s hand at the back of his neck holds him in place, the other gripping his bicep and tugging Babe ever closer.  Babe follows easily, trying to instill everything he can’t bring himself to say in the movement of their lips against each other.  They learned how to speak like this in Europe, and maybe they still know the language.  Everything has changed, but this part of them is familiar even if the taste is distant.  Most of it is the same right down to the ache in Babe’s joints and the hint of stubble around Eugene’s mouth.
Eugene breathes against him, warm and present and real.  Something inside Babe unthaws.  He doesn’t want to be cold anymore.
“Babe,” Eugene murmurs, turning his name into a prayer.  He pulls away just far enough to run his thumbs under Babe’s eyes, catching the tears that have appeared there, water dripping from melting ice.
“I love you,” Babe says thickly.  Eugene smiles in that sad way he does, eyes softening while his mouth stays downturned.  Babe thinks he can hear everything Babe can’t say.
“I love you, too.”
Babe swallows.  He’s never wanted to believe something as much as this.
“What do you need?” he asks while Eugene wipes away more of his tears.
“Come back to bed,” Eugene says.  “You’re freezing, Babe.”
Babe swallows and nods.  Eugene helps him stand, and before they leave the kitchen Babe wraps him in his arms, pulling Eugene flush against him and leaching his warmth.  Eugene makes a soft noise in the back of his throat and encircles Babe in his arms, like nothing bad can happen to them if they keep holding on.  When Eugene exhales, Babe can feel him relax against him, muscles in his back unclenching under Babe’s hands.
He’s going to hug him more, in the future.  He’ll be there for Eugene.  He’s not going to let him pull away.
“Come on,” Eugene murmurs when Babe feels steady enough to loosen his grip.  He leads him to their bedroom, pulling the covers back for Babe and following him under them.  Babe isn’t sure what to do with his body, but Eugene pulls them together, wrapping them in each other until Babe can feel his skin burning everywhere.  When Babe looks up, Eugene is already gazing at him, eyes dark and endless.
“I still don’t know how to fix it,” Babe confesses.  Eugene exhales, breaking their staring contest.
“We’ll figure it out,” he says quietly.  “Ain't no guidebook to this, Babe, but we’ve made it through worse.”
Eugene pulls the quilt tighter around them, cocooning them in warmth.  He brushes his hand down Babe’s back, leaving a trail of heat in his wake, and tethers them securely together again when he settles.  His body is heavy and relaxed, already beginning to drift off to sleep again.  Babe shifts to make them both more comfortable, and more of the tension leaks out of Eugene’s face.
He works early.  Babe should give him all the sleep he can.
“Yeah,” Babe says into the silence.  “We’ve survived worse.”
Eugene replies only with a hum, more of an exhale than an affirmation.  Babe closes his eyes and tries to match their breathing, letting the gentle rhythm of Eugene’s lungs fill him instead of memories.  If he focuses on their bodies fighting to keep them alive and the soft covers surrounding them rather than snow and ice, maybe he can convince himself that they’ll be okay.
Eugene is here.  His arms are around Babe, his body heat keeping him warm like it did so often in the forest, his socked feet entangled with Babe’s own.
He’s staying, and for now that has to be enough.
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midnightfictionlibrary · 10 months
alright so I think the WIPS will be posted as follows
•Jamie Tartt 1 year anniversary request from anon
•Doc Roe angst
•Roy Kent and sick reader anon request
•Dick Winters angst/fluff
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satashiiwrites · 5 months
snippet sunday
i’m not going to make posting this by midnight so it’ll be yeeted probably sometime the first week of 2024. Got held hostage by the family for family time and didn’t have time to write the 4K to finish out this chapter….
Tagged by @rosieposiepuddingnpie for a snippet sunday, so have some unfiltered, unbeta’d, Grammarly untouched sentences. Tagging with no pressure: @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter @elisela @whimsyswastry @missanniewhimsy @westernlarch @quietborderline @monsterrae1 and anyone else who wants to participate!
Snippet Sunday banner by radio chatter.
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From: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 12: Operation Rescue, Buck POV
Fandom: 911, H50, SWAT
Pairings: Buddie, McDanno, platonic Hondo/Deacon (although I’ve decided they are going to get their own sequel piece and Annie is going to baby trap Hondo from the grave)
Tags/warnings: NavySeal!Buck, angst. Post tsunami/divorce era. First draft territory warnings.
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Outwardly, Buck is calm under the plain black ball cap he’s wearing to hide his blonde hair, a pair of tactical glasses hiding his anxious eyes.  He’s strapped for the apocalypse as is Steve, Danny and Chin.  The heavy, immovable weight of the bullet proof vest is tight around his torso even though the straps have some elasticity to allow him to breathe, the mic at his throat a persistent reminder every time he swallows spit and the hiss of a comm in his ear as Chin checks that they’re online. 
Both of his thighs are wrapped with holsters, a 9mm on the right, a string of extra ammunition clips on the left. Buck’s got fistful of flash bangs, a half dozen grenades and ammo clips in every pocket and then some, ready to start a war if needed, or rescue one stubborn Texan who managed to get nabbed in broad daylight in the middle of LA instead of halfway around the world. 
Buck’s HK416 hangs across his chest from it’s strap, an old and comforting friend in situations like these and a k-Bar snug in its sheath at his back, ready to silence any sentry he comes across. They’ve already discussed ROE but Buck doesn’t care.  He’s got one goal and he has pretty brown eyes, a beauty mark on one cheek and a tattoo on his arm that reminds him to keep going.
Fortalecer la mente y superar el cuerpo. 
Rubbing his face, he takes the proffered water bottle when Danny hands him one.  Based on the limited intel, they’ve narrowed down where Wo Fat might be holding Eddie and Kono.  It can’t be in any of the more populated areas as something would have been noticed so they know they’ll be going away from the shoreline.  The North Shore actually encompasses most of northern Oahu. There’s a lot of dense forest and even farms up here with only one resort, Turtle Bay. 
Somehow, Buck doubts Eddie’s being kept captive on a golf course but there’s a first time for everything. 
Eddie doesn’t even like golf.  He’s complained on more than one occasion that it’s like watching paint dry to watch and the only point of playing is going to the clubhouse for overpriced beers afterwards. Buck knows most of this is from the one summer that Eddie’s mom made him get a job at the local country club as a caddy instead of playing baseball like he had the summer before.  The lack of baseball playing had turned Eddie against golf and lugging around heavy bags had increased the aversion along with the paltry tips and wandering hands of the cougars who’d seen Eddie’s fresh-faced teenage self as fresh meat. 
Buck knows all about country clubs.  He’s worked at them too and doesn’t blame Eddie for his aversion. Too much old money hiding bad habits and terrible treatment of anyone not born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Buck’s parents belonged to the local one in Hershey which was telling in and of itself. 
They’re all idle, waiting on a phone call.  Raissa—Sang Min’s ex-wife—had given Danny an unlabeled map for them to plan with but she hadn’t given them coordinates or an address.  That would come from Sang Min. 
So they wait. 
All dressed up, and ready to party as Freddie would have said. Just waiting on their dance partner. 
“We look like walking Guns & Ammo advertisements,” Danny says, breaking the silence. 
“Nah,” Steve replies, tone bland as he adjusts his thigh holsters so they’re not riding up into his groin.  “We don’t have nearly enough grenades.”
“We don’t need any grenades,” Danny argues.  “I’ve got half of your favorite army surplus store hanging off me.”
“It’s a good look on you,” Buck teases as Steve automatically argues, “We’re Navy, Danno.”
“Don’t Danno me,” Danny grumbles as they all freeze at the sound of Danny’s phone buzzing in his pocket from a received message. 
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she-wolf09231982 · 24 days
Joe Liebgott
“You Nervous?”
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Summary: You thought your relationship with Liebgott was complicated…until it wasn’t and it led to an unexpected evening of overwhelming emotions and sexual tension.
A/N: One shot, Mature audience, JoeLoebgottx!FemMedic, WW2, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO Band of Brothers References, Mentions/Descriptions of Injuries, Weaponry, Smoking. Angst/Conflict, Smut, FOREVER FLUFF
This piece was at the request of @awaterfalls ❤️ hope you like it Nat!
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real Marines the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
You weren’t the type to take being treated like a doormat. You were raised to find your place amongst others regardless of gender. You earned your respect because you did your job and you did it well, not because you were pretty and the guys wanted to bed you.
It was heavily frowned upon that women be on the front lines alongside men, but when nurses and medics started to get caught in the crossfire, they resorted to allowing females to do just about everything men did to fill the gaps. You had been assigned to Easy Company right after Toccoa, and most of them were less than receptive to say the least.
Eugene Roe was grateful to have an extra set of hands. Don Malarkey, Skip Muck, and George Luz were very taken with your sense of humor so they warmed up to you rather quickly. Joe Toye, Bill Guarnere, and Babe Roe took some time, but when you tackled Bill to avoid getting blown up by enemy artillery, their demeanor towards you made a complete 360.
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Easy accepted you as one of their own…except for one: Joseph Liebgott. He was the most ornery son of a bitch you ever met. He always found a reason to trash talk you, or find fault in anything you did. All because you were a ‘broad,’ as he referred to you. The guys tried to defend you but his opinion never changed about you.
You learned to just avoid him unless he needed medical attention. He did alright not getting hurt up until you guys posted in Schoonderlogt, Holland in October 1944. He had been on patrol late one night and returned with an angry gash on the right side of his neck. One of the other patrolmen they brought back, Alley, had been hit by German gunfire and needed immediate attention.
They set Alley onto a table for when Doc got there
"Boyle, get Doc." Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, "Where?"
"Crossroads." Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck.
"Well, if it wasn't for your loud mouth-" he started to accuse Joe.
"-Hey, you know what? Back off!" Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle.
"Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur... Doc directed but noticed Joe’s neck.
“Lieb, go see Y/L/N and get that checked out.” Doc added.
“Yeah, no thanks, Doc, I’m good.” Liebgott said all too quickly with disdain.
“Joe, I wasn’t askin’ ya. It needs to be cleaned and dressed properly, it can get infected then you’ll have a bigger problem to deal with that will take you off the line. Go. I ain’t got enough hands to help ya.” Doc said sternly.
Liebgott released an irritable huff before pushing through the group to find where you were.
You had already grabbed gauze, dressings and sanitizing fluid when you heard Doc scold Joe about getting his neck looked at. He sat on a bale of straw waiting for you to tend to him. You spread out the supplies and examine his neck wound. You reach out to gently move his head to the left to get more light on it and he dodged your touch.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” He asked harshly.
“I was moving your head where I had more light on the wound. Why are you so squirrely?” You ask.
“Oh, I don’t know, because I just got shot at by a bunch of fuckin’ Krauts!” He replied sarcastically as he glared at you.
“Ok well then let’s get this fixed, shall we?” You returned with as much calmness in your voice as you could muster.
You press the cloth with the antiseptic onto his laceration and he pulled back upon feeling the sting.
“Ack! THAT HURT!” He barked.
“If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much!!”You bit back.
You over his childish behavior towards you.
“Just get it over with.” He grumbled, finally maintaining his composure.
You made your hands busy on his neck, wrapping the dressing like a scarf around his neck after you cleaned it. Thank goodness you didn’t need to stitch it, that would’ve been hell for both of you with his attitude.
“There. You’re good.”
“Fantastic.” He replied without a thank you.
He stood up and trudged off to join the rest of Easy for the return to Crossroads to reclaim the position. The patrol had been gone all night into the following morning, but they had eventually took victory. That evening, Winters allowed the men an evening of enjoyment at a local pub in the town to boost morale.
The men had worn their dress uniforms, each looking handsome and ready to mingle with the local women and vice versa. You hadn’t dressed up since graduating Toccoa and even then, you hadn’t been with Easy Company then, so this would be Theo first time they ever saw you in dress uniform,
“Hey! Get a load of this!” Toye called out to the guys when you breezed through the front door.
Liebgott standing at the bar looked over his shoulder upon feeling the cold air on the back of his next. His jaw dropped when his eyes landed on you. He scanned your figure from head to toe.
Hair clean and perfumed pulled back into a neat fashionable bun and a face with fresh make-up and painted lips. And those gams (legs) emerging from the pencil skirt and heels and of course a clean white medic brassard displaying the Red Cross around the left bicep. You almost had the entire room at a complete standstill when you walked in.
“…Woah.” Joe whispered to himself, unaware that Talbert was near by.
“Not bad, eh, Lieb?” Tab teased.
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He grimaced at Floyd and turned back to the bar to drink his beer.
The night was filled with laughter, darts, dancing, and liquor. Most of Easy had at least one dance around the room with you to favorites like Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, and The Andrew Sisters. You had just finished a dance with Toye sometime around midnight when a soldier from Dog Company had approached you.
“May I have this dance?” He asked politely with a slight bow.
Joe, standing with Buck, Luz, Babe, and Toye, watched with intensity from the dart boards.
“Maybe the next song.” You reply kindly, having just sat down for the first time in an hour.
“Come on, doll, no time like the present, right?” He insisted ya king you be the arm to the dance floor.
Liebgott’s clenched jaw and furrowed eye brows caught the attention of Toye.
“Hey, uh, you ok there, Lieb?”
Joe looked at Toye inquisitively.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, you look a little…pissed.” Toye said plainly.
“Well, I ain’t.” Joe retorted.
He looked back at the dance floor to see where you were but was suddenly concerned he couldn’t find you right away. He saw the unknown soldier had taken you to the bar to get you a drink.
He handed you a pint and insisted you drink the whole thing.
“You said you could drink me under the table, so prove it!” He said.
“Fine, just this once.” You accepted.
You started to chug the pint, but when you started to lower the glass before it was empty, the soldier tilted the bottom up so you’d keep drinking. You finished and propped the glass open side down on the surface of the bar.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to my-“ you started before the soldier grabbed your upper arm.
“Oh we ain’t done here, honey.” He declared.
You tried to pull yourself out of his grasp but he pulled you in by the waist to hold you close.
“Get your meat hooks off of me.” You warned through clenched teeth.
“Or what?” He mocked.
“Or you’ll have half of Easy raining down on you.”
You hear a gravelly voice behind the brute soldier. He turned and there stood Joe Liebgott squatting up to him. Behind him Toye, Malarkey, Guarnere, and Luz.
“Come on, guys, there’s enough ladies here to go around, why can’t I have a little fun with this one?”
“Because she don’t wanna have fun with you.” Joe shot back, “Let her go.”
The soldier released your arm, as Liebgott gently tugged you behind him by your wrist.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Liebgott said to him as they all walked with you to the dart boards.
Suddenly you feel Joe’s hand on the small of your back, guiding you to a more secluded spot in the back of the pub.
“What the fuck is the matter with you??” He sneered at you, positioning you against the wall to talk to you.
“Excuse me?”
“You fuckin’ heard me. Why would you put yourself in a position like that? That could’ve walked out with you easily with as much as you drank tonight.” He lectured.
“How do you know how much I’ve been drinking? And what business is it of yours who I’m interacting with anyway?” You returned crossing your arms.
Joe took in a deep breath through his nose as his anger stated to elevate in his chest.
“If I wasn’t watching out for you, you would’ve gotten yourself into some real shit.”
He leaned in placing a hand against the wall you leaned on. His face hovering centimeters from your own. You feel his breath on your face, and notice his pupils blown out from what you thought was hate and detestation for you.
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His eyes undressed you from your red lips down to your fitted blouse then looked into your eyes. Your breathe started to hasten, causing your chest to heave.
“You nervous?” Joe questioned.
Your breathe caught in your throat.
“-no.” You breathed.
He moved closer to you, pinning you against the wall as your chests touched. Your arms relaxed to your sides as your nails dug into the brick behind you. You were, indeed, very nervous. And he knew it.
The scowl Joe had slowly curled into a mischievous grin.
“I think you are.” He whispered confidently as his hand cupped your cheek.
Your eyelashes fluttered, “Wh-what are you doing?” You managed to ask.
His thumb stroked your cheek, “Admiring the view.”
You released an exhale after holding your breath for almost 5 minutes.
“I thought you hated me?”
He brushed his nose against yours, “No. As a matter of fact, I always liked ya.”
“Then why-“
Before you could finish your sentence, he closed the gap between you, locking onto your lips like it was his dying wish.
You snake your arms carefully around his neck as he pulled you into him by your waist. You slack you jaw open to allow his tongue to run along your lips. You nip his bottom lip playfully causing his hips to thrust into you.
You yanked at his jacket, pulling him into you again to feel his hard on against you. He groaned into your mouth.
“What are you doin’ doll?” He asked with a devilish grin.
“I really don’t know but-“ you pull him in again, bringing his ear gently between your teeth then whisper, “we can’t stop now.”
“Let get outta here.” Joe suggested ushering you out the back door.
You snuck off to one of the abandoned homes down the street from where you were and barely got through the door before you were undoing his belt. Kicked of your shoes into darkness then made your way up a flight of stairs leaving pieces of your uniforms trailing the steps as you ascended.
When you were down to your slip and him down to his briefs, you scamper off to an open bedroom hoping he’d chase you…which he did. You kneeled on the bed waiting for him to come to you. He approached standing at the bedside.
You seductively crawled over to the edge of them bed and suckled a trail of kisses from his collar bone all the way down the waistband of his underwear. Joe inhaled deeply through is nostrils as he closed his eye in ecstasy. You nip and licked at the sensitive area above his pubic line.
“Quit teasin’.” Joe purred.
“Or what?” You ask looking up at him through your lashes.
A joker like grin appeared across his face as he swiftly pushed you onto you back then crawled over you, caging you between his arms.
“You asked for it, sweeheart.” He proclaimed before locking onto your mouth again.
His hardened cock grinding into you, you wrap your legs around his waist to feel as much of his friction as possible. He pulls back and began pulling your slip over your head the sat back on his heels to remove his underwear.
He gaped at you laying in front of him. He ran his hand from your stomach up to one breast, groping it then repeating on the other. He hovered over you, enveloping one of your peaked nipples in his mouth. His tongue swirling over the tip while sucking had you writing beneath him. Sensing your pleasure he switched to the other, taking the tip between his teeth.
“Please, Lieb.” You beg.
“Joe.” He corrected.
You look at him.
“I want to hear you say my name a hundred times before the end of the night.” He growled.
You beam at him, “Please, Joe.”
He palmed himself, pumping a few times before he lined himself up with your drenched opening. He glazed his tip with your wetness, groaning at the amount of saturation.
“I really did a number on you, didn’t I?” He goaded.
All you could do was smile coyly.
He pushed into you deliciously slow. You whimper, both of you feeling every bit of your tightness around him. He embraced you instinctively until he bottomed out. He pulled back gradually, then snapped his hips forward against you with a grunt.
“Jesus Christ, Y/F/N.”
“Please, Joe.” You implore quietly in his ear.
This triggers him as he begins spearing into you roughly. He sits up, propping your legs up where he can hold you around the thighs as he drives into, hitting that perfect spot so deep inside. You push against the headboard to steady yourself onto his dick, feeling that tightening feeling in your stomach as he chased your orgasm.
He watched your face expressions purposefully, feeding off how they changed as he switched up his pace.
“Joe…” you’d moan, spurring him on to go harder.
“Yeah, sweetheart, say it again.”
“My God, Joe…”
He brought his fingers to your clit, using your slick to vigorously rub the vulnerable bud as he continued to plunge in and out of you. He loved watching you get overstimulated as you try to paw at him to pull him back into kiss.
“Right there, Joe…keep goin’.” You lament.
“Yeah? Let it go, baby.” He leered as he railed into you at a heart stopping rate.
“Oh…my GOD, JOE!” You wailed as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
He kept his pace, making sure you ride out your high until the guttural noises that emitted from him as his hips started to stutter and his load coated your insides.
He remained on top of you and inside of you, holding you like a life line with sweat dripping from everywhere. Both of your breathing in sync, each of you trying to steady your heart rates.
After a moment, you decided to break the silence.
“That was…wow.”
Joe chuckled then rolled off of you as he positioned your head on his chest.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, sweetheart.”
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monster-energies · 2 years
i’ve gotta get better, and maybe we’ll work it out
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
pairing: severus snape/reader
summary:   with severus snape taking full force of harry potter's occulmency lessons, he wished he was anywhere except near the boy who lived, but when a heated lesson forces old memories back into severus' mind, he doesn't seem to take them well. will he let you in with open arms ?
warnings: HEAVY ANGST !! self harm, self doubt, lots of hurt/comfort, this includes references to snape’s worst memory from order of the phoenix, very anti-marauders/anti-james potter so don’t start making arguments about my fic please.
rating: mature
ʚ♡ɞ please click here if you would like to be apart of my taglist
ʚ♡ɞ taglist: @insomniacaesthetic @eternal-silvertongued-prince @sevsssnape  @mirarenwick @diamondbitch116​ @mamawolfsmith16​ @nickangel13​ @a-queen-and-her-throne​ @deepperplexity​​ @amazingzou​​ @yan-senna​ @yellowbadgermole​​​
word count:   6067
this oneshot can be found on archive of our own
author’s note: title's namesake is lyrics from the song meet me in the hallway by harry styles.
so....im back....again 🕺🏼✨
okay hi long time no see. university had me at the throat and i had zero motivation to write zero fiction. thats literally the reason why there's been a huge gap in my fanfics, nothing whacky like the typical ao3 author. just uni.
i didn't want to write something half arsed and post it, especially when i have this long ass break so i will be living and laughing and luvvin xx or whatever. 
this includes references to snape’s worst memory from order of the phoenix, very anti-marauders/anti-james potter so don’t start making arguments about my fic please.
in light of america overturning roe v wade and the uk making attempts to reform the human rights act, i will be linking resources for both these things. ABORTION RESOURCES https://www.ineedana.com/ https://www.plancpills.org/ https://digitaldefensefund.org/ https://abortionfunds.org/ https://www.change.org/p/defend-roe-pass-legislation-to-protect-abortion-access https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/Rz9pIXDqUk-c0wl1RoiKrA2?sourceid=1010856 https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/protect-roe-v-wade-save-reproductive-rights?source=twitter HUMAN RIGHTS RESOURCES https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/607712 https://www.change.org/p/justice-secretary-dominic-raab-human-rights-act-reform-must-be-stopped-now https://action.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/page/100020/petition/1?locale=en-GB https://www.amnesty.org/en/get-involved/take-action/ once again, please support these causes and sign petitions !!
i hope you enjoy this oneshot, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated 💕💕
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
no one ever really saw the true severus.
there was never a chance for him to show how he truly felt about things, which was until he met you. you had been nothing short of an acquaintance to him, someone who worked with him. how he met you was like any other person, you had taken up the defence against the dark arts post, a job he had always been rejected of by dumbledore. but you seemed to be much different, you looked as if you knew what you were doing as you continued to teach at hogwarts.
you seemed to be a natural at teaching such an extreme subject. but once everything unravelled, how your parents used to be death eaters, you had no choice but to protect yourselves from them. you were quite closed off at first, but meeting severus changed you also, making you just a bit kinder in life.
after he had finally brought the courage to confess his true feelings to you, you admitted to liking him back and exchanging some of your own feelings to him. severus only wanted nothing but to make you happy, and happiness you brought him.
he was on cloud nine whenever he was around you, even at the slight mention of you from his students or colleagues would bring his attention in an instant. he truly was lucky upon meeting you, through the confides of his own chambers he was safer with you.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
he never entirely considered sharing his private quarters with someone, but now that you were with him, and rightfully you weren’t going anywhere, there was no point staying apart for this long.
severus decided he was going to ask you today, but at what time? should he wear a new suit? that would be ridiculous, he didn’t have the time to do so.
he had been lingering around in the hallways, waiting for your class to end. he heard the scraping of chairs and the chatter amongst students, he managed to catch a glimpse of some of his seventh-year potions students, who for some had been quite fortunate to have advanced classes from him which made him smirk to himself. he was to have that advanced potion class at the very end of his schedule.
he then made his way into your classroom, sneaking up on you before he found way to you, wrapping his long cloak around your body, placing small kisses on your face.
“hello, their professor, what may i do for you?” you asked, a smile beaming on your face as you turned to him returned his kisses, placing yourself at the edge of your desk.
“your hands.” you pointed out. his brows raised slightly, the moment he looked to his fingertips severus had noticed there had been a light tremble to them. you took his hands and squeezed them slightly.
“you have no need to be scared around me anymore.” you reassured; severus’ lips twitched slightly. oh he was very lucky alright.
“i understand that y/n...i happen to not be so on edge whenever you’re near.” severus said, his thumb stroking your knuckles, that resplendent smile of yours yet to fade away.
“actually, i have a question to ask you.” he said. you perked slightly as your hands were still woven with his.
“you do? what do you have to ask me sev?” you asked.
severus simply couldn’t forget the question, the most important question to him (other than a marriage proposal of course.)
“well, we’ve been…together for some time. and i...i just. would you like to move into my quarters?” severus blurted.
you blinked slightly. severus’ brows furrowed, his expression saddening as you had yet to say a single thing.
he had willingly prepared himself for you to say no, but once he looked up and saw that loving smile of yours, relief washed over him.
“you know i’ve been waiting for you to ask me for months, of course i will.” you replied, getting off the ledge of the table, reaching to your tiptoes to press a soft kiss.
severus’ hands cupped your cheek and your neck as your kiss lasted perhaps a little more than five seconds.
“you weren’t going to say no?” severus asked.
“why would i ever decline such a thing my dear. i’d be more than happy to move into your chambers tonight, tomorrow…but don’t count on me waking up early.” you answered.
he had felt a weight being lifted upon asking you that, and he couldn’t wait to have you around his quarters.
“gather your things, you can move in tonight.” severus said, his fingers dwindling at your hair as he looked at your beaming face, you pulled yourself into severus’ arms as you were excited beyond belief at his answer.
letting go from his grasp, you both stood there for a while admiring one another, both your thoughts pondering at how fortunate you were to have one another.
he stared intently at your eyes, how they wavered in varying directions as you gazed lovingly at him.
“you have a class soon sev.” you pointed out to him before he quickly snapped out of it and was about to leave to continue his lessons that were planned for the day. but you were quick to grab his hand and press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“i love you. i’ll see you tonight.” you spoke.
“i love you, my dear y/n.” severus said, before the let go of your hands and left your class.
with his cloak billowing behind him as he made his way back to the realms of his potions class, a small smirk appeared to his face. he truly hadn’t been this lucky in years, it was as if every thought he had of the past had disappeared and whilst he never revealed his emotions, he truly was on cloud nine.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
the night was upon you both, you and severus had finished classes for the day. a spring in your step occurred as you almost sprinted to your quarters to gather all your things from your chambers in boxes. you heard a knock on your door, you rushed to open it and there he was.
he peered over your shoulder to see you had already packed everything. “sometimes y/n you forget you are a wizard.” severus said, waving his wand and in an instant all your things had disappeared.
“they would have transported to my quarters by now.” he said.
“okay okay, no need to show off.” you teased playfully slapping his chest as you took his hand made your way down to the spiral stairs to his quarters.
you opened the door and to no surprise, your belongings had arrived right in front of you both. “merlin how many clothes does one need?” severus asked completely taken aback at the mound of clothes you had owned.
it seemed as if you had something for every occasion you picked up some of the boxes and unpacked some of your clothes. you went into his bedroom and had noticed that even severus did his part in settling you in his chambers. you arranged your clothes in the wardrobes and drawers he had prepared, then you put your shoes next to his own pairs. once the clothes were organized, you saw severus had arranged your belongings all around his. your work next to his and all your prized possessions around the chambers.
“you seem to know your way around making a room look very cosy.” you said, it looked like he knew your vision and it felt right for the both of you.
knowing severus never felt like home with his own family, he did everything he could in order to make his chambers look like a place that his teenage self would love to be in.
“did you manage to settle into the bedroom?” he asked. you nodded, you lead him into the bedroom and had saw all your clothes and your personal belongings right there.
“i think we deserve a little bit of rest don’t you think?” you suggested,  sitting at the edge of the bed. severus followed suit and sat beside you, he shifted around slightly looking over at his night shirt that had been hanging inside the wardrobe.
“oh, you want to get changed. i’m sorry about keeping you from doing that hold on.” you said, getting a hold of severus’ night shirt and handing it to him before you left and shut the door on him.
severus hadn’t ever met anyone that respected his boundaries or his limits, the fact that you put him first was something he was beyond fortunate for.
he hadn’t ever been fond of getting changed in front of anyone or revealing his body of any sorts. not since the day that wretched james potter and his little clique bullied him relentlessly in losing his one friend he had when he was at school. that didn’t matter anymore, why on earth would that memory resurface now? when he seemed to be at a position where he was most content with himself?
once severus finally got changed, he opened the door as an indication for you to finally come inside. you went inside and got into the bed with severus, laying down together severus had found himself staring at the ceiling, deep in thought as he finally let you into his quarters.
“it’s saturday tomorrow, am i mistaken?” he asked.
you peered over your watch and looked at the small calendar that sat on your bedside table. “yes, it will be.” you spoke.
severus only hummed, shifting himself to the other side of the bed. his eyes glaring at the door, but his gaze was soon averted to you as you peppered kisses all over his cheek and his neck left somewhat bare. you could only see a smirk on his face as he pulled you into his arms and you laid on his chest, his heart softly beating against your ear.
“would you care to do something you enjoy tomorrow, my dear?” he offered. you nodded with a grin to your face.
“what would you like to do sev?” you asked.
“my darling y/n i insist you pick what we do tomorrow.” he said. you couldn’t but giggle and kiss your lover.
your lips lingered on for just a while longer, severus’ scent clung onto you as both gazed into each other’s eyes once you pulled away.
“how about we go to that little pond you showed me? then we do little to nothing of importance and just read to one another, how does that sound?” you suggested.
“that seems like the perfect plan y/n.” severus answered.
you smiled more at his response, nuzzling your head into his chest and a deep chuckle emerged from his lips, kissing the top of your head.
“you’re perfect y/n. my angel.” he murmured under his breath.
you were nothing but perfect to him.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“can we just rest? we’ve been at it for hours!” the young boy harry potter exclaimed at severus, trying to make his way to the door to hurry out.
severus had no choice but to teach harry potter the art of occlumency, lord voldemort had returned and had to do all he can to protect the boy, despite his intense grudge.
“the dark lord isn’t…resting.” severus said, taking a glimpse into his eyes, grimacing instantly at how potter menacingly looks familiar to his bully. unfortunately, the bully just so happened to be his father.
“you and black you’re two of a kind, sentimental children. forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. well, it may have escaped your noticed, but life isn’t fair. your blessed father knew that, in fact he frequently sought to it.” severus said.
“my father was a great man!” harry defended.
“your father was a swine!” severus exclaimed.
grabbed a hold of his jacket, almost flinging him onto the other side of the classroom but before he could continue with his lesson, he saw harry had taken out his wand.
it had all happened so quickly and yet it was all too late for severus snape, his past slowly unravelling in front of the boy who lived.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
the art of legilimency and occlumency is unlike any other type of magic. it was nothing like looking at memories through a pensive, where you can see the whole story.
it can only let you see the snippets of a person’s timeline. who they were before the moment, why they had become the human they were today? unfortunately for severus snape, every day seemed to be a horrible memory for him.
nothing ever seemed to go correctly for the poor boy and even when he was in the place where he should have escaped from reality, not even that seemed to heal him from all the torment he had to go through.
but nothing could ever leave his mind, that was his worst memory.
unravelled at the seams.
“come on, moony, padfoot. expelliarmus!”
his memories unleashed, he saw his wand being flung 12 feet in the air and falling on the grass. the marauders and a few students giggling at this interaction mocking him relentlessly. severus always felt on edge, he felt defenceless against them, and it was all because of a friendship he had.
the only friendship he had.
“nice one, james.” sirius cheered.
after countless incantations of hexes from james, severus found himself flipped upside down, struggling to keep himself composed in this moment.
severus had the constant urge to spit out varying hexes at james but theres was certainly nothing he could do about it, especially when he was upside down.
severus heard but he couldn’t do anything as pink soapy bubbles streamed from snape's mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him. the chemical bubbles drooling out of his mouth, he had been suffocating physically and emotionally.
“leave him alone!”
“take the curse off him!”
he could recognize that voice anywhere, that was lily evans. he had heard james sighing deeply and muttering the counter curses, letting him go of the magical hostage he was put under.
“you're lucky evans was here, snivellus-” james sneered.
“i don't need help from filthy little mudbloods like her!” severus snapped, but his eyes instantly widened, instant regret washed over his face as he turned to lily who was too stunned to speak.
“fine.” she said. “i won't bother in future. and i'd wash your pants if i were you, snivellus.”
“apologise to evans!” james screeched, his wand pointed directed to his neck.
“i don't want you to make him apologise.” lily shouted, approaching james as she looked to the two boys, fighting like 2 toddlers. “you're as bad as he is.” said she, rolling her eyes and glaring darts at severus.
“i could never call you a you-know-what!” james had admitted, however severus couldn’t seem to read his tone, he didn’t know if this was complete sarcasm or whether he was being genuine with his words. only one thing for certain was that james potter was a menace and a bully, and he would have done it again had opportunity knocked.
after being scalded by the young girly, she turned on her heel and hurried away.
a silence occurred in the field, severus’ guilt more unbearable than ever but james simply couldn’t care less as he reverted all his hexes and spells back onto the slytherin boy.
“right. who wants to see me take off snivelly's trousers?” james suggested, the smirk on his face never leaving.
he heard the chants and cheers of the students around him, snivellus greasy.
that was all he heard.
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
“snivellus greasy.”
 ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“enough…enough!” severus yelled, his voice deepening by the second. harry taken aback at the thoughts he had seen.
harry had shifted around to see whether he was left back into reality, but once he turned to the front, he saw severus right in front of him, jolting slightly in his steps and almost knocking a few of his vials over, one empty vial however had smashed right onto severus’ hand as he went to grab the boy, his hand bleeding over the shards of glass that stuck to his hand.
it really was something out of a horror movie and harry had no words to describe the moment.
“having fun?” severus’ voice growled, before grabbing a harsh hold of his shirt.
“you’ve been enjoying yourself…haven’t you?” severus sneered, his teeth grinding on every word.
“i haven’t-”
“amusing man your father was.” severus sneered, before flinging the boy who lived onto the ground.
“you will not tell a single soul what you saw.” severus demanded harshly.
“i wasn’t going-”
“and your lessons are at an end.” severus monotonously added.
“get. out.” severus said. but harry had been frozen this entire time.
severus turn, his cloak swiftly following after, but it wasn’t as smooth or blissful like his demeanour, his brows furrowed with rage as he grabbed the boy, bashing his head to the wall.
“i don’t want to see you in this office, again! now. leave!” severus exclaimed.
letting go of the boy, harry had rushed out, shaken up by the encounter that he had with severus.
severus leaned to the shelf, his bloody hand drying up slowly as more blood trailed all over his hands.
tears swelled in his eyes, glaring at the table riddled with vials and cauldrons. by now they had been nothing but a blur, grabbing his wand and waving multiple silencing charms, his arms swiped the whole desk empty as screams of trauma left his voice. his cloak and frock coat torn to tiny pieces that matched the varying shards that flew all over the room.
severus’ eyes darted towards every shelf and took down everything on there in fury, with his sobs morphing into screams he felt powerless in his own life, not even he could control the fate that had remained of him.
his childhood filled with nothing but hatred from his father, whilst his mother sat there helpless, and all bruised up and not able to feed him. his father being nothing short of a monster. he remembered lily; she was so happy with him.
telling her that she was a wizard and they promised that they were going to be the best of friends.
at hogwarts.
that was supposed to be a place that he could get away from, but even then, hogwarts managed to haunt him every day he was there.
no matter where he went, he always got the short end of the stick, he always had a dark cloud raining all over him and it drained him constantly.
this was the last straw for severus snape.
his screams were deafening in the potions class, his pained voice rang throughout the entire room as the tears soon flooded his entire uniform.
severus reached for his sleeves, tearing them up more than it already was and grabbed his wand, pointing to his arm.
“sectum….sempra!” he hissed out, waving his wand in the directions he wanted, his arms filled with fresh scars, dripping all over the concrete ground. he chanted his own spell once more at his arms, and more blood appeared on his arms where the dark mark was.
he swore to himself he was never going to return to that time in his life, his worst moment and he still failed horribly.
he failed.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“oh harry! there you are. have you seen professor snape anywhere?” you asked
“yes, i think he’s…in his class.” harry gulped.
you took a closer look at the young boy, he had been sweating bullets, and looked almost dehydrated.
“harry, are you okay? don’t tell me you and professor snape had another argument again.” you said.
“no! what makes you think that? i’m fine professor l/n!” he said in a hushed manner and hurriedly walked away.
that was very odd of him. no doubt harry would have come out of severus’ classes quite heated and angry from whatever argument he would have from the potions master, but this was odd. you continued to walk in the direction of severus’ class. but the sounds of glass muffled in the distance.
your eyes widened as you sprinted towards the door.
panic written all over your face.
once you opened the door, you saw the state of the potions classroom and there stood severus, hunched over at his desk, trembling at the seams.
“severus…” you called softly, his face twisted towards your direction, you feared what he had done or what was he going to do.
“you shouldn’t be…here. leave! leave now!” severus screamed his voice getting louder at every word.
manically throwing anything within his proximity, turmoil of emotions rushed into the man as he approached you, pointing his wand at your neck but you couldn’t do anything as you had backed up against the wall, his hands gripping at the fabric of your clothing as the tip of his wand poked at your neck and yet all you could do was panic.
“severus what are you doing? please stop!” you exclaimed.
“you cannot be here, get out now!” he shouted.
“severus it’s me! sev…don’t! it’s me, y/n.” you shrieked in an instant. severus paused for a moment, he took a glimpse in your worried eyes as he dropped his wand down.
a long tense silence commenced between you two, severus slowly walked toward his desk and slumped himself on his chair, completely drained.
you frowned, but the second you took a glimpse of all of his injuries you didn’t hesitate to help him instantly. you looked into his cupboard and there you saw a muggle first aid kit; you couldn’t help but think of how severus said it would be silly to have such a thing. you had magic, why would you need some silly muggle hospitality?
you picked up a nearby bowl, filling it up with water. you sat by severus and saw how much you would have to take care of.
but it didn’t bother you in the slightest.
you had cleaned up every wound he had on his arms, which made severus wince at how harsh the pain was. he tried so hard not to show you how hurt he was, but you could see through it, and it saddened you.
“it’s okay sev, i’ll be done soon.” you comforted him as you continued to treat his fresh scars. you then bandaged his arms and made sure the bandages weren’t too tight for him.
you perked up at severus’ voice.
“why do you insist on helping me?” severus croaked.
it almost shocked you that severus would ask such a question.
can a man that has done so much, a man that has the world on his shoulders not be helped?
did he really think he was not loved?
it made you laugh slightly, which made severus perplexed. and yet he was so certain you were laughing at him.
“i just want to help you.” you answered.
severus eyes spoke a million words, insisting you continue.
“you always help me in everything that i’ve done here. you know how to pick me up when i’m sad or i’m not in the most…charitable of moods. it’s only fair that i do the same with you severus.” you spoke.
“please…look at me.” you pleaded.
severus looked into your eyes, as they filled with small tears.
“there is always someone who will cherish you and care for you, no matter what the situation. that just so happened to be me. how long have we been together, and you always cheer me up? hm? you are simply the highlight of my day, waking up in your arms, being given affection from you and all the kind things that you do for me is more than enough. i’m certain that all that you do is going to be for a good cause. and i hope you know how much you mean to me, severus.” you spoke.
your hand was cupped at his cheek, you pressed a kiss to his forehead as you then let go of him slowly
“please take care of yourself my dear. i’ll be in our quarters when you’re ready.” you said.
severus enjoyed those two words together.
our chambers.
yes, it felt just right.
“i will.” he muttered to himself, sympathetically you smiled at him before you left to go to the private quarters.
severus grabbed his wand and reversed all the mess that was made. he looked to his torn clothes, and the bandages that you did. his mind instantly screamed for you, waiting for you to come back.
you were what he needed, you helped him let go of his past and he yearned for you always.
severus’ tears occurred once more, the one person he loved dearly still stood by him. once the mess had been completely reversed, he left his classroom to go to his chambers.
he saw you idly reading a book, he approached you and took a hold of your hand lifting you into a warm and tight hug.
“thank you...” severus mumbled.
you only smiled and hugged him even tighter.
“you’re welcome severus.” you replied.
never had he felt so understood and respected more than he did now, you trusted him more than he could ever comprehend.
and that was the key to severus’ heart, right there.
it was you.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
you had been waiting for severus for quite some time, you wanted to unwind a little bit with him and what better way than to relax by your favourite pond with him.
you had been reading one of severus’ favourite book to keep you company, knowing him you knew he liked to take his time with his appearance. doing each button one by one, on each sleeve that he had on his clothes.
it had been quite warm in the recent days so you sported one of your summer dresses. your eyes lifted themselves from your book and there you saw severus, approaching you slowly as his cloak followed him.
“there you are! i was worried you’d couldn’t find our pond.” you said smiling blissfully at severus.
“i’m severus snape. i never get lost.” he said, with a tinge of pride in his tone.
you couldn’t help but giggle slightly. you’ve always seen severus to the likes of mister darcy.
pride and prejudice had always been one of yours and severus’ favourite books.
even as a child, all the way through to current time, it was a book you simply couldn’t put down. whether it be jane austen’s writing style or your hypnotising hyper fixation on fitzwilliam darcy, you always found the opportunity to read such a book.
severus had shared such similarities to mister darcy, both are unconventionally attractive. while some may not be considered beautiful in today’s society, you found them beautiful on the inside and that was what mattered to you. in fact, both were deemed morally grey (or ambiguous), well severus’ intentions would always be made clear in the end. however, mister darcy’s intentions were never entirely revealed to the poor bennet girl, who believed was being led astray.
both were very much mysterious, but then again you always followed the leads of man with very little to know about. somehow both severus and darcy seemed to see you as nothing more than an acquaintance, however you knew that your version of pride and prejudice, neither of you saw one another as true enemies, nothing short of a friendly rivalry between the pair of and it was all in good spirits.
you had slowly begun to snap out of your comparisons between your lover and fitzwilliam darcy, your hand slowly grasping at the woven basket.
“i made you your favourite.” you said, opening it to reveal cupcakes.
“i knew you had a sweet tooth, and dark chocolate just so happens to be your favourite.” you revealed.
severus would never in a million years  admit to anyone that he enjoyed something sweet here and there, but dark chocolate happened to be his favourite. something in its taste felt just right, it wasn’t too sweet nor was it too bitter, the sight of the cupcakes you made was enough to make his mouth water.
taking a small bite of the cupcake he had taken from your grasp, he felt calm. for once he felt certain of himself.
you scooted closer to him and found yourself resting on severus’ arm. he winced harshly which made you instantly get up.
“i didn’t hurt you did i?” you asked worriedly. “oh god i must have, i’m so sorry!” you apologized in a panic.
“y/n, no no! you don’t need to be sorry. it just so happens to be the aftermath of the events last night.” severus replied.
then you slowly realized.
you didn’t check up on severus this morning, before you went and prepared for this little day out you planned.
“how are they?” you asked.
severus’ serene and calm feelings sunk slowly.
“your injuries…i brought some spare bandages in case i needed to re-do them.” you spoke.
you took a hold of his hands and stroked them ever so gently in your grasp.
“its okay. you’re safe here.” you reassured.
severus only sighed, rolling up his sleeves and the bandages revealed themselves. you undid them and there you saw his scars. they had begun to heal ever so slowly.
“the healing spell could have finished this easily.” severus mumbled.
“well…we were tight on time and emotions were quite high.” you admitted.
once you had put the new bandages over severus’ injuries, severus was quick to roll his sleeves down. severus did nothing but worry over the last 24 hours, he hadn’t felt this anxious in years.
you could see the worry in his eyes, to say it concerned you was an understatement. you took a hold of his scraped hands, stroking them softly with your thumb.
“you needn’t worry about your scars. they shape you and show how far you’ve come and how much you have left to give.” you reassured him
severus’ tense body slowly relaxed within your grasp. he truly was grateful for you, his hands slowly let go of yours and cupped your cheek.
he kissed your forehead.
then his lips trailed to the bridge of your nose.
next was your cheek, which made way for him to kiss your jaw.
and finally…your lips.
you both exchanged slow and tender kisses. savouring every single moment with your lips. the bitterness on severus’ lips capsulated you and moved yourself further as you both wanted to share such an intimate moment with one another.
his other hand slowly slithered to your waist, caressing it gently with his fingers which left you yearning for more.
his thumb slowly stroked your bottom lip, you knew severus was always one to tease but it was one of those moments you would cherish.
you then brought the cupcakes and the book you had been reading a little closer, so that they were in severus’ proximity.
“reading pride and prejudice, again my sweet girl?” severus asked.
your smile grew wider upon mentioning of the book. “i just can’t seem to put it down.” you admitted.
you handed the book to severus, flipping to the page you had been reading.
“and this just so happens to be your favourite page.” severus said.
you rested your head on severus’ chest, his voice sending shivers down your spine listening to him read.
“in vain i have struggled. it will not do. my feelings will not be repressed. you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.” severus read.
then there was silence between the pair of you. nothing but the birds tweeting, the sound of the pond’s water flowing slower than a turtle, the quiet breeze that your hair shortly followed.
“you really like that line, don’t you?” he said.
“it just truly captures mister darcy at his finest.” you said before taking a bite out of one of the cupcakes you picked up.
“you haven’t touched your cupcake.” you noted, severus looked down to find his cupcake only having one bite.
he then picked it up and slowly bit into the sweet delicacy, he had been filled with warmth the more bites he took. he truly was at a loss at how fortunate he was to have you; it was truly what he needed after the hectic events of last night.
“hey…sev?” you called to him softly.
he looked down to you as you brought his attention to you, “what are you thinking about?” you asked.
“you.” was all he said.
“who else would i be thinking about? i often feel as if i don’t voice my appreciation for you.” he admitted.
whilst he was a person who was never on top of the social pyramid, some of the things you had done for and with him would have him speechless, severus couldn’t find the words to tell you how much you had meant to him, so he was often left quiet and unable to voice his true feelings.
but whether he had been silent as a rabbit or as loud as a falcon, you loved him for who he was.
“the things you do for me…you are selfless. so selfless, putting myself first before you. and merlin…you are so perfect. so perfect, you still stay with me after all this time.” severus said.
it flattered you greatly, but you had yourself frowning at his doubt.
“you really are something off a classic book. with the way you speak and how beautiful you are to me.” you said as you giggled softly.
“of course, i stay with you always. you really are the one i love. you do so much for me. but you don’t see it sometimes. but here i am…to let you know of that. you, my sweetheart are everything and more. you are so deserving of love severus. i hope you know that i’ll be there to remind you of such. everyday.” you said.
severus’ eyes had been screaming of love, as your expressions filled with bliss and happiness made him feel content.
his hands were placed at your waist as he pulled you closer, hugging you tightly. you did nothing but smile more and more, his bitter scent was so appealing to you as you rested your weary head on severus’ chest.
“oh…is my poor dove tired?” severus asked.
you only nodded, feeling the weight of your eyelids droop heavier. you could do with a nap, after singlehandedly teaching all those students of yours. sometimes you didn’t realize how much hogwarts had required of you.
his fingers made small circles at your back as you didn’t move from the position you were in. severus smiled, for once. not a small smirk, but a smile that beamed ever so blissfully.
“come on y/n, i think you should rest somewhere more comfortable. can you stand for me princess?” he asked.
you only mumbled something that had seemed reminiscent of the word ‘yes’ so you slowly got up as severus put everything in the basket and lifted you in his arms and using his wandless magic to send the basket to the quarters.
“you might need to hold on tight my dear.” he spoke.
you had both apparated to the chambers you shared, he had placed you in the bed and tucked you in, he had slowly followed suit.
“is it naptime?” you mumbled.
severus chuckled deeply; you were perfect for him. “yes, now close your eyes sweetheart. i’ll be here once you wake up.” severus answered.
you buried your head into his chest as he then kissed the top of your head. his mind pondering about you, you were the true gift for him.
he wanted to cherish you if he could, and if you were happy being with him then he didn’t object.
you really did love him.
“rest well, my y/n. i love you.”
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randaccidents · 2 months
Heartless Masterpost
Because god knows we need it XD I have been writing events out of order so far.
Finally, a Heartless Masterpost! This is more so to put all the fics and important details in one place for people to find, and will be updated weekly on weekends.
Before anything else, a PSA for Heartless AU (I am concerned for your mental wellbeing)
Triggers involved in this AU
Self harm
Suicide (and metaphors for it)
HEAVY guilt
Death metaphors
Main tags for the AU
#Heartless AU is used for LITERALLY EVERYTHING complete wasteland of a tag scroll at your own risk
#Heartless story is for important lore tidbits sorta sorta (I cant change it easily anymore qwq)
#Heartless timeline is for story important events, and will almost entirely be the fics for this AU
#Heartless fanart is the tag for all the lovely lovely fanart I've been getting <3
#rand.ref has all the Heartless character references! (proceeds to link them here anyways, messily)
Summary in brief
Heart gets an extended stay in the Apathy Hole, and that betrayal from Soul combined with Mind insulting him leads him reject his role as the Emotional Side and essentially kill half of himself so that all he is is the muscle known as the heart.
Mind and Soul eventually discover his condition and try to wake him up and get him back. When they do they have to deal with the consequences of what they pushed him to do, because until they do Heart will fight them to return to emptiness, where he didnt have to feel hurt and betrayed and cold. (Heart’s physical condition is directly tied to his function, so until hes willing to accept being the Emotional Side again he backslides rapidly at all times, and Mind and Soul are selfish)
Character References
Heart: Pre-Apathy / Post-Apathy / Recovery / Lost in a Dream RP (Recovery)
Mind/Perseverance: Pre-Apathy / Post-Oath / Recovery
Soul/Penitence: Pre-Apathy / Post-Oath/ Recovery
Whole (Canaan): Base design
Story in phases
Fics in chronological order here!
-2: Cacophony
Juno Incident (art, fic unposted)
-1: Apathy
Currently empty
0: Rot
Currently empty
1: Desperation
Medical Observations (part of the Heart ref, link)
Nightmares and Dreams (link)
2: Guilt
Currently empty
3: Hope
Currently empty
4: Relapse
Chicken plush (link)
5: Recovery
Fashion Choice (link)
Old shirts (link)
Random important information (may be deleted as story is posted and information is used)
IMPORTANT explanation about how HMS work in Heartless
IMPORTANT HMS greatest fears
Heart's black limbs post-recovery (they stay)
Perseverance's personality change in relapse
Relapse plans (evil)
Blood colour
How Heart wakes the first time + angst
Friendship bracelets and bead animals
First aid skills
Perseverance's self harm
Pentience's self harm
Penitence's self harm scars
Recovery sleeping headcanons + morse code usage (1, 2)
Recovery Heart getting mobility aids
Me writing Whole out of existence /silly
What Recovery is about
Sibling relationships are weird
Why does the AU starts at ROE instead of later in the loop
Active and Passive agressors
Lack of physical violence does not mean lack of hurt (1, 2)
What happened to Heart's wings?
HMS nicknames
Heartless is a loop-ender scenario. They are never looping again
Last words from Heart to Mind and Soul (outdated for Mind)
OMG its the og ask and summary for Heartless (surprisingly up to date)
Song playlists
First Draft playlist (link)
Milgram playlist (link)
Evil Dead Ends Corner
Empty for now >:3
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