ykks · 4 months
“Would you still love me if I was a tree?” 
Harry had to stop chopping the vegetables for their stew later as Daphne suddenly blurted out that question. 
“What?” he asked, confused and trying to decide whether he heard her wrong. 
Daphne gave him a pout that would have looked cute if Harry wasn’t feeling lost. 
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They were both too young to know how to love.
Of course leave it to Harry Potter to be what drags me back into writing fan fiction. Apologies to people who follow me already since this is pretty different from posts I’ve done in the past, so feel free to ignore. 
I just wanted to try and get some thoughts out about a fanfiction I’m currently writing, specifically the relationship between Harry and Daphne. Or the lack of one right now anyway. ;)
The basic background is that this is a soulmate AU with soulmate marks and empathy/semi-telepathy (I’m not sure what to call it honestly). The three main ships are Dramione, Ransy, and Pottgrass, and it’s a slowburn enemies to lovers starting from Goblet of Fire on. Emphasis on slowburn and enemies considering two of the involved are Draco and Pansy.
Before I started writing again, the only ones of those three I shippped/read fanfiction of were Draco/Hermione and Pansy/Ron. I originally picked Daphne because I’d read fics that had her as a character and liked her in them; after that I read two fanfics that made me really ship them, because the amount of ships I have due to fanart/fanfic is huge. (Previously I was, and actually still am, a Nottgrass shipper because I am a multi-shipper a lot of the time.)
I’m going to put the rest of my rambling under the cut.
So there are a couple different things going on here. The most superficial was that, when I had started writing, I’d been re-watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries so I was a bit influenced by Pride and Prejudice when writing Daphne at first. Specifically the inspiration was Matthew Macfaden’s Darcy from the 2005 movie and Daniel Vincent Gordh’s William Darcy from LBD. (And as an aside Astoria was slightly based on Georgianna from the 2005 movie and Gigi Darcy from LBD.)
The inspiration became less strong the more I wrote, but her being standoffish/cold/rude to non-Slytherins (except Astoria) and the scene where Daphne tries to make a deal with Harry was inspired by Darcy's first, horrible proposal to Elizabeth. But that’s the shallower reason, let’s get into the meat of it, which is background vs appearance. 
Harry Potter was orphaned at the age of one years old, was raised in an abusive family who didn’t even give him a room for ten years, had no friends until he got to Hogwarts, and was lied to by the Dursleys’ about what his parents were actually like. There were no pictures of his parents, he wasn’t told they were a witch and wizard, and he didn’t even know they were murdered. When he is told about his parents, he is given the romanticized view of James and Lily and their relationship. He thinks they were the perfect picture of soulmates, as he hasn’t been told that James was once a jerk that Lily really disliked. His first real experience of familial love was with the Weasleys and thinks of them as the best family in the world. Daphne knows nothing of this aside from the fact that he was raised by muggles; I don’t think she thought much about Harry at all outside of times parts of his adventures were found out by the school. Like the flying car incident. As she said in the fanfic, Harry just sort of existed to Daphne. 
Harry is only fourteen years old at the start of the fic, and has only had a crush on Cho at this point, but he does know that he wants to have the real love and respect his parents had. He wants to have a family of his own that would actually be loving. He doesn’t want his potential future children to grow up without love. And, most importantly, he doesn’t think Daphne is capable of that. 
What Harry knows about Daphne’s background is that she’s part of an old, wealthy pureblood family a la the Malfoys or the Parkinsons. (He wouldn’t know the term Sacred Twenty-Eight.) That’s pretty much it and would be about the amount of knowledge all the students from the other houses would know (except for Astoria, the Ravenclaw little sister, who is just as uncomfortable as Daphne when asked to talk about their parents). Harry is also generally dismissive of Slytherin house as a whole thanks to Draco and his gang; he thought they looked like a “pale and unpleasant lot'' at the Welcome Feast in first year. 
Here’s how Daphne comes across to the kids outside of Slytherin: standoffish; doesn’t seem to talk much outside of class participation, and is often sarcastic when she does; doesn’t seem to have friends outside of Slytherin and the only non-Slytherin she is consistently genuinely affection towards is her little sister, and not everyone sees that; while not a member of Pansy’s gang is still known to be a good friend of Pansy’s, and is also close to Blaise who is seen as equally snobby. 
(Speaking of Blaise, Daphne still wants to know why she’s the only one to get an insulting nickname like Ice Queen when Blaise and Theo are often just as anti-social towards the other houses as she is. In Theo’s case, more so. XD) 
Of course, it’s easy to sympathize with Daphne when you know what her background is really like. Her parents, despite being soulmates, have an absolutely toxic relationship that their daughters had to witness: “Daphne Greengrass hadn’t been a fan of the soulmate concept for years now. She could even pinpoint the exact moment her disillusionment started: the night before her sixth birthday when her father finally told her mother that, soulmates or not, he had never loved her and had only married her out of both obligation to the bond and to the alliance with her family. This had then turned into a screaming match in her father’s study accompanied by the sound of glass being thrown at a wall.” This is just one incident. 
Daphne was so used to her parents arguing (and to be really clear, I’m not talking about normal arguments couples have; I’m talking about full-blown trying to verbally/emotionally hurt the other as possible or just arguing to try and win against the other person) that she was already making it her job to comfort Astoria, who “was still a baby, and upset by it”. Daphne has grown up with a very dim view of romance and romantic love. 
Now, Daphne does know that people can be genuinely in love. For all their many, many faults, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy are devoted to each other. Pansy’s parents aren’t on the same level, but are loving/affectionate enough with each other. However, she doesn’t think love and happiness are guaranteed so it’s better to have something more solid like respect or trust. However, that is hard to get across to Harry because she’s grown up to think being emotional is bad/a weakness and it’s hard for her to open up to people she doesn’t know well. (Pansy was her first friend at five years old and is still her best friend up until this point; it’s also the reason her other friends are the Slytherins she’s known for years at this point. People she’s used to.)
She could have approached Harry differently, flirted, or suggested dating, or tried to be romantic but she would have thought of that as dishonest/manipulative. Because Daphne knows love isn’t guaranteed for soulmates. Because Daphne knows she’s not the most likeable person. Because Daphne isn’t sure she could love Harry and doesn’t want to lie about it. Yes, Slytherins are all about cunning and clever ways to get what they want, but this is one of the areas Daphne would not even consider something like that. For all her issues, Daphne does have some standards. 
Self-control and (just control in general) is something Daphne clings to because her parents were often unpredictable and she had to create a sense of being in control of her life. Her father is not a warm or empathetic person and he looks down on people being too emotional. (Yes, this is supposed to be hypocritical considering he’d get into screaming matches with his wife.) He would be out of the house a lot for both work and to get away from his wife. Her mother was emotionally and mentally in a bad place for a long time and withdrew from her children a bit. She improved by the time Daphne was at school, but her favorite is clearly Astoria for reasons that will be expanded on later. Daphne tells herself she gets it because Astoria is her favorite family member too. (Also I just want to make this clear, Daphne and Astoria are close siblings who genuinely love and care about each other. Daphne is also Astoria’s favorite family member. Their relationship, as I like to see/write it could be another post though so moving on.) 
This need for self-control also was because of the stutter she had growing up. She was already self-conscious about it and she was very aware that her parents (her father in particular) saw it as a problem, which stressed her out more and made her stutter worse. The more emotional she’d get, the more likely she’d stutter. Whereas the more comfortable she was, the less often it happened. Pansy already mentioned in one of her POV’s that she barely heard Daphne stutter around her after a while; not a huge spoiler or surprise, but it was the same with Astoria. One of Daphne’s pre-Hogwarts tutors was essentially a wizard speech therapist, so she had it under control by first year but it was still recent enough at the time that she was pretty afraid of slipping up at school. Also consider the fact that some students (not just Slytherins either, but from all houses) made fun of Quirrell's stutter, and he was a teacher. (Yes he was evil, and only pretending to have one, but they didn’t know that then.) How much worse would the teasing be for a first year student? So as her father told her, sometimes it’s better not to talk at all. 
Harry doesn’t know any of this. 
Before things really started in the fanfic, Harry’s one interaction with Daphne that really stood out to him was that time she was sarcastic to him in first year after his first Quidditch game: “You know my family made the snitches used at Hogwarts. Please try not to choke on another of them next time.” When fourth year started, she ignored him completely in the Great Hall, and didn’t help her friend in a way he didn’t recognize/understand. 
The next day, Daphne sends him a note ordering him to meet her during lunch, after not acknowledging him in public. (As Harry says, she didn’t even write please. It also didn’t ask him for a date and time to talk, just told him to meet her in a specific location.) When he asked if she was proposing to date him, she “made a truly exasperated sounding noise” which definitely hurt his pride a little. She also tried to approach a relationship (not necessarily even a romantic relationship, just in general) with him, someone she has barely spoken to,  like a business deal, which he thinks is a cold way to look at it and he loses his temper. However, it should be noted that she asked him why when he rejected her out of hand and well, don’t ask a question you wouldn’t want an answer to. 
Later on he sees her picking on a second year for seemingly no reason. In reality, this is a girl who did something to her sister and Daphne doesn’t let things like that slide when it comes to people she cares about. 
Now afterwards things get murkier because Daphne is wanting to freeze him out/ignore him, but he is the one to poke at her. The soulmate bond is like an outside force that pushes down on two people to try and force them together, which can be downright unbearable if you really don’t like the other person. Harry finds the pressure it puts on them very hard and is stunned when she acts like she’s not affected at all. (He’d feel better if he knew she was feeling it just as much as him. Sort of like how Hermione and Ron both take comfort in the fact that Draco and Pansy are having as bad a time with the bond as they are.) He’s already under stress from the situation with his scar hurting and Sirius leaving his hideout to come back to England because of it, now add on to that the stress of an outside magical force trying to bond him to a girl he doesn't like and who doesn’t like him. No, he’s not handling it in a great way, but he’s young. 
And Daphne could always try and talk to him about things good (sending him a song through the bond to help him sleep when worry for Sirius was keeping him up) and bad (the incident with the second year), but she doesn’t try. Partly it’s out of pride, but largely it’s because she’s developed unhealthy coping skills that she doesn’t realize are unhealthy.
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nauticalparamour · 4 years
For some, it seems as if destiny is set into motion before they are even born. There is not so much a question for what their path will be. Instead it seems as if everyone already knows what is going to happen. Their life is already charted by some unknown force — perhaps by gods or by some magic.
Harry was one such person.
After his parents had been executed by King Voldemort for trying to overthrow his rule, Harry was trained by their friends, Sirius and Remus. He practiced his skills so that one day he might meet the odious King and kill him, not only to avenge his parents’ deaths, but to lift the yoke of so called pureblood hegemony.
When he was barely in his twentieth year, he was approached by one of Voldemort’s lords. Draco was a turncoat, perhaps seeing the inevitability if Harry’s win, and wanted to be on the winning side of history. Harry wasn’t going to scoff at the unexpected help and gladly accepted Draco’s offer of men and information. 
Voldemort and Harry fought many battles, several ending in the King defeated but escaping narrowly with his life, until the last battle, when he did not. Meeting in a clash of swords, Harry finally had the upper hand and he slew the evil King, putting an end to his tyranny once and for all.
Only, Harry hadn’t really put much thought into what happened after he defeated the last King in battle.
Harry hadn’t planned on living past his battle with Voldemort, let alone planned to marry. He never intended to become King himself, but he knew that a new Voldemort would simply rise up in his place if he did not take the crown.
Draco was there then, quick to offer suggestions of how he could establish himself as the new King. “You really need to marry one of ours,” he insisted fiercely. “Otherwise the people will only see you as an outsider.”
He didn’t want to marry one of the pureblood girls, but he could see Draco’s point. He was tired of fighting and he didn’t want to fight against his own subjects, so he let Draco arrange the match and showed up at the required time for the handfasting.
The woman — Daphne, she was called — did not seem any more enthused than he did for the marriage, but she took his hand in hers and before he knew it, they were handfasted in the tradition of the purebloods. Harry felt a pang of guilt at the thought that he was resigning her to a fate that neither of them had wanted.  She sat next to him at the feast, her long, honey blonde hair filled with flowers and topped with a gold circlet that matched his own. She didn’t try to speak with him, instead keeping her eyes on the dancing.
Harry wanted nothing more than to run away, to leave the party to people who were enjoying it. He stood, ready to slip out before anyone would notice, but then, her hand was catching him around the wrist.
“You should really give a toast before you leave,” she said quietly, so as not to alert everyone around them. “Otherwise it will be seen as a slight to the host. Draco’s already been a traitor once. Do you really want to anger him when your relationship is so fresh?”
Harry felt his cheeks heat. He hadn’t known a toast was customary. “I’m sure they don’t care to hear from me,” he answered his wife. Wife, he had a wife. What a ridiculous idea that was.
“You are their King. So act like it,” she commanded, her light green eyes boring into him. 
He swallowed then, knowing that he wouldn’t argue with Daphne on this one. Lifting his goblet, he steeled himself to address the crowd.
“Er — I want to thank each and every one of you for your support. This is a momentous step forward in creating a new society where no man thinks he is better than any other simply because of his parents,” Harry said, stumbling on his words. The crowd of father faces was staring at him blankly. “We’ve won a great battle, but the hard work remains ahead. I am proud to be your King, to lead you on this journey!” he added, hoping to rouse them to cheers. He held up his goblet in toast, wondering what was wrong with these people. They all still sat still, almost confused.
Daphne stood next to him, looking regal and beautiful, every inch the Queen she now was. “My husband and I would also like to thank Draco, an ever gracious host for organizing this feast,” she said with a serene look on her face, tipping her own glass towards the man who’d helped Harry secure his victory. “And thank all of you for welcoming him into our tradition by witnessing our marriage. Long live the King!”
That had everyone lifting their own glasses, cheering wildly. Harry looked at Daphne in surprise while the assembled men cheered for his continued reign.
She rolled her eyes at him. “That’s how you do it,” she said, sounding snobby. “Merlin, I suppose I’ll just have to teach you everything or the purebloods will be killing you in a fortnight. And now that I am Queen, I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. So you’ll just have to listen to me, Potter.”
Harry swallowed, before nodding profusely. He’d do anything she told him to do.
To be continued...?
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calebski · 4 years
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The Misfits - Phonebooth  FF / AO3
[Harry Potter x Daphne Greengrass]
It had started during a storm with a misdirected owl. Something that seemed too made up to be believed, even in what had become a life that was so messy it was already fabled to some. Harry didn’t hold much stock in prophecy, but he felt a tug of fate with the events of that night. His message that had been intended for Hermione - a short note asking if she had one of his jumpers she was prone to favouring - had come back with a reply that was certainly not from his longtime friend. Curiosity - and maybe, if he was honest, a dash of loneliness - had gotten the better of him, and hadn’t been able to help himself, he’d replied.
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goldenhaphne · 5 years
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they say that paean is a wicked, wicked witch that preys on young men and eats their hearts. harry is only a little disappointed to find out that really, she's just a very spoiled, very lonely girl named daphne greengrass.
aka haphne howl's moving castle au in which daphne is howl, duh.
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I’m Not Ready
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It's the first of September and Hermione is in for more than one surprise as she returns to Hogwarts for her would be seventh year. Written for Strictly Dramione’s return to Hogwarts fest.
Ao3 | FFN
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nyenke · 6 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass Additional Tags: luna appears on the 2nd chapter, shady marriage practices Summary: wait verb [ I ] to allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something.
Also available on ffnet and Wattpad!
happy valentines day, have this thing
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theunrealinsomniac · 7 years
I was hoping you would do a Haphne Drabble where they go from professional hatred a la opposing lawyers to falling in love. k thanks
Yay! A Haphne request! I most definitely can do that yes.
Haphne/Pottgrass - Chambers Part I
Harry shook his head, taking his glasses off to scrub at hiseyes. Why did his opposing counsel on this have to be her? This was meant to be a damnslam dunk of a case.
Ernie MacMillan, a head-up-his-own-arse rich boy had conned thegovernment and customers out of billions of pounds. They had evidence, they hadwitnesses, hell they’d almost even had the cocky son of a bitch admitting it ontape.
And then he pulled strings and called in favours and wham, she wason the docket as the defence attorney. Daphne bloody Greengrass. Of Nott,Turpin and Greengrass. The bane of his goddamn existence.
‘Fuck me sideways,’ Harry growled as he turned through pageafter page of transcripts the police had handed over to him. He’d done this. Hewas a greedy little shit who didn’t care who got hurt as long as he made money.
Harry had spoken to the victims personally. He had promised aconviction. And by sweet merciful Jesus he would get it.
‘I’m sure if you ask her nicely,’ Colin said through the opendoor. ‘C’mon boss, I see the way you two look at each other.’
‘Put my coffee down and get a pen,’ Harry said ignoring thejab. ‘Call your girlfriend and warn her your arse is mine until we putMacMillan behind bars. And close the door.’
Colin nodded, placing both their mugs down on the large desk inHarry’s office. He walked towards the open door with a gleeful smile. ‘Youknow she doesn’t have spies in our chambers right?’
‘Put nothing past her,’ Harry said with a warning, pointingfinger. ‘She’s a damn good lawyer but no one’s that good. She’s got to begetting her information from somewhere.’
‘Or she’s just good at flustering you?’ Colin offered as hepulled forward a folder of evidence of his own. ‘Something definitelyslips when Daphne’s involved.’
‘Rubbish,’ Harry said, underlining something to come back whenhe was preparing his opening statements for court tomorrow. ‘She’s justdamn good at defending scumbags. It’s a shame really.’
‘Rather have her on our side?’ Colin chuckled dirtily. ‘Orrather on your-’
‘Harry?’ Luna’s serene voice came from the intercom on hisphone, interrupting whatever bollocks his junior prosecutor was about tosuggest. ‘Might I offer an opinion?’
‘Certainly Luna,’ Harry said with a smile. ‘Got somethingwe can use in the case?’
‘Oh,’ Luna said. ‘No, I just wanted to remind you that youhave only ever lost consistently to one lawyer in your five years as leadprosecutor. Colin isn’t entirely incorrect in that Daphne flusters you. It’squite sweet actually. Like a schoolboy with a crush that he doesn’t know whatto do with.’
‘Luna,’ Harry said slowly, as he kicked a laughing Colin in theshin. ‘Have you got anything to suggest on my case for fraud againstMiss Greengrass’ client?’
‘I do actually,’ Luna chirped. ‘Wear the black suit, itmakes your eyes stand out quite wonderfully.’
‘Thank you Luna,’ Harry grumbled as he tried to hide the blushcreeping up his neck behind an open folder.
‘You’re wearing the suit,’ Luna said happily as she met himon the steps of the courthouse. ‘Lovely.’
Harry fiddled with his tie and took the files she handedhim. ‘Where’s Colin?’
Because he wasn’t even going to mention that he had only puton this particular suit because it was the one he was going to wear anyway.
‘Hm?’ Luna hummed, her fingers picking off a hair that hadlanded on his chest. ‘Oh he’s inside getting your opening statement ready.Daphne’s already said hello to us. She really is quite polite.’
‘Yeah,’ Harry scoffed as he started walking towards hischambers. Court would be in session in the next half an hour, they didn’t havetime for this. ‘And then she helps pieces of shit like MacMillan abuse thesystem to get away with fraud.’
‘Allegedly Mr Potter,’ his opposing counsel said waspishly. ‘Let’snot go making assumptions about innocent men just because you don’t like them.That’s how I beat you last time.’
Harry stared down at the blonde woman, her smart businesssuit and skirt a weapon to cut down any man who didn’t take her seriously. Hedid not notice that her eyes were as beautiful as ever.
‘Do forgive me Miss Greengrass,’ Harry said, okay more likesnarled. She hadn’t beaten him last time, a witness had been intimidated out oftestifying. That was not a win. ‘You help pieces of shit like MacMillan allegedly abuse the system and get awaywith fraud. Better?’
Daphne gave him a withering look but it was gone the secondshe turned to Luna. ‘It’s nice to see you Luna, do me a favour and keep yourboss from making false accusations again? I’d hate to see him disbarred forignoring proper procedure.’
‘Oh Harry just gets fiery Daphne,’ Luna said, in a tone thatsuggested she hadn’t just watched them throw barbs at each other. ‘He reallywas quite put out when you were put on the docket as the defence. I think hethought he wouldn’t have to try with this one.’
‘Is that so,’ Daphne said, the dagger like smirk she sent hisway reminding him of just how dangerously beautiful she was. ‘Sorry to make youwork for it Mr Potter.’
He glowered. He didn’t have time for this shit. And neitherdid she. ‘We’ll see who’s going to be working for it. Good day Miss Greengrass.Luna.’
‘Coming,’ Luna said as he stormed away, entirely ignoringthat Daphne’s perfume had smelled just as enticing as it always did.
Goddamn it he hated that woman.
Right I’ve decided I’m going to do this little request as a series of drabbles because I have too many ideas to make this a one time thing. So this is part one, I shall endeavour to have part two out soon as i can.
Hope you like where it’s starting!
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sallyjavery · 7 years
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Prince | Chapter 10 - Non Vincor, Vinco
Anything and everything, they have always said, can be bought and sold in the water city - you have simply to name your price.
But some things cost too dear even for the merchant lords, whose pockets are heavy with gold and whose eyes are bright with greed.
Who will buy, if the price of power is freedom?
Who will pay, if the price of peace is a young man’s life?
Read on FFN | AO3
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olivieblake · 7 years
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New Post:
Epilogue: The City [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
"Wait," she gasped, laughing as he nudged her back against the sink. "Wait," she said again, stilling his hand as it slid up the side of her thigh. "I have to ask you something."
"Is it going to be a request not to fuck you in a bathroom?" Draco asked gruffly. "Because sorry, Doc, but no promises."
"No, I just - I wanted to know," Hermione told him, trying to catch her breath. "When did you know it was, you know." She paused, eyeing him. "More than just sex?"
He blinked, staring at her.
"I think," he began, and swallowed, blinking twice more before he continued. "I think I always knew," he confessed, and she exhaled slowly, letting out what she realized, after the fact, had been a captive sigh of relief.
"Good," she whispered, and he picked her up, setting her on the lip of the sink.
"And now," he asked, offering her a formal bow. "May I - "
"Yes," she confirmed, tugging him towards her, and he slipped his hand back under her skirt, murmuring his appreciation in her ear.
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ykks · 4 months
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There's not much to say other than it's an after party. A collection of random shorts which makes no sense like a morning after a night out. Explores the possibilities of life after the party, which is Hogwarts and the war. So, let go of all reasons and expect no rhyme nor reason. This is the afterparty.
“Theo, you messy mother–” Blaise cursed as he adjusted his hold on his drunk friend. Theo was absolutely wasted and walking like a marionette with only one string holding him together. 
Normally, Theo has a good alcohol tolerance, but once he gets in one too many drinks, things start to get messy. 
Harry was holding Theo’s other side to keep him upright. Truth be told, if Daphne hadn’t told him to not drink much, he would probably be in the same situation as Theo. 
“Luv ya guys… you too, Pots.” Theo slurred as Blaise and Harry dragged him away. 
Blaise simply grunted while Harry just chuckled at his confession. 
Read more in AO3 or FFN!
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I completed the fanfic I hadn’t planned on writing; that just sort of took over my muse for weeks. But I did it! And I can go back to writing my other fics. (And probably at least one more that wasn’t planned and yet rudely stole my muse.)
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goldenhaphne · 5 years
au in which harry and daphne are those high school jock sweethearts who have enough money to have a "beaches around the world" honeymoon but aren't assholes about it. also they have a dog and they're very very very in love.
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nyenke · 7 years
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter Characters: Daphne Greengrass, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Emotional Baggage, Light Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 1 of Sugar Summary: Daphne woke up to the smell of coffee, which was unusual, all things considered. Mostly because she didn't drink coffee.
Available on ff.net and Wattpad!
hi fellas guess what’s back and available in wattpad
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theunrealinsomniac · 7 years
HI :) Tedoire & 65. “Hold my hand dammit, we gotta make this look convincing!” Thank youuu
Okay! Finally doing this!
65 - ‘Hold my hand dammit, we gotta make this look convincing!’
Victoire smiled at him fondly as she looked down at his hand and back to his deadly serious face. ‘Are you serious about this Teddy?’
‘Yes,’ he growled. ‘If we don’t walk in like that he’s never going to believe us. He’s all about evidence.’
Victoire rolled her beautiful eyes at him, the smirk still in place. ‘Uncle Harry won’t be that difficult, we didn’t even need to tell ma Mere and Dad, they just knew. He’s probably already been told.’
‘I haven’t told him yet,’ Teddy whispered quickly and cast a glance at the front door of his godfather’s house. The light was on in the living room and spilling out into the hallway. He could see it through the stained window glass he remembered watching Harry put in himself. The dim, welcoming light that signified everything about Harry Potter, husband, father, man, shined through the red and green glass beautifully.
‘So Uncle Harry won’t believe it until you tell him?’ Victoire asked with a more scoffing tone than before, where she was gently teasing. ‘Teddy, I know you share everything with him but he’s not going to ignore something he’s told. Especially not about you.’
… he didn’t really have an argument for that. Because yes, of course Harry had heard, unless everyone else in the Weasley family had decided not to tell him. If they could even manage to keep it from him. Victoire’s cousins Roxanne and Hugo did love to gossip about the massive family’s eventful lives.
But he just knew that until Harry had heard it from him … he wouldn’t believe Teddy and Victoire were a couple. Not fully. ‘Can you just …’ Teddy waggled his hand. ‘Hold my hand dammit, we gotta make this look convincing!’
Victoire took his hand happily, squeezing his fingers as they intertwined with hers. ‘You know we’ve been walking around holding hands since we were old enough to walk right?’
‘Victoire,’ Teddy said with a long suffering sigh. 
‘Ooo, my full name. Check out Edward getting all aggravated.’ She nudged into him playfully as they walked up the pebble path. ‘How about I just snog you when he opens the door? That’ll be plenty convincing.’
Teddy ignored that and carried on, the short distance between the gate they’d lingered in for a good ten minutes and Harry’s front door covered way too quickly.
Now or never he supposed, as he looked up and down the beautifully crafted oak door.
‘Want me to knock babe?’ Victoire murmured as she squeezed his fingers. ‘You know he’s going to be ecstatic right?’
Teddy just nodded. He knew. Of course he knew, Harry had been the one convincing him to ask Victoire out for years. Ever since he’d first got Teddy to admit he fancied his best friend.
But what if?
Teddy screwed up his courage and went to knock on the front door.
The door flew away from his fist and the way into Harry’s hall was revealed to them. 
They shared a look and Victoire shrugged before urging them in and out of the night air.
‘So, Uncle Harry knows we’re here.’ Victoire laughed as she looked around the room. Probably expecting to see Harry or one of the munchkins hiding under the Invisibility Cloak. ‘Let’s play find a Potter?’
‘Living room oooo,’ a ghostly voice instructed … sounding immensely like a certain Mrs Potter. ‘Maybe they’re in the living roooooooooom.’
He didn’t need to turn to know Victoire was swallowing a smirk. She loved Mrs Potter’s sense of humour. It’s why she was the favourite non-blood related auntie.
‘Think Auntie Daphne might be in the living room?’ Victoire asked sarcastically.
‘Speaking about your elders disrespectfully will anger the Potter spirits. Ooooooo,’ Daphne called in her ghostly voice.
‘Come on babe,’ Teddy said with his own smirk. ‘Let’s just tell them we’re dating so they stop messing about.’
‘I fucking knew it!’ Harry’s voice bellowed from behind them, his grinning, stubbly face appearing in thin air from behind the door as both teens leapt in surprise, Teddy gripping at his chest. ‘Babe! I fucking knew it!’
A woman in her forties appeared by his side, her head resting just level with his shoulder and elbowed him in the ribs. ‘Language darling, the children already swear enough as it is.’
Teddy shook his head and ran a hand down his face as the closest thing he had to a father bickered with his wife about how now was one of the few occasions where he should be allowed to swear. As said wife swatted at his waving hands and tried to swallow a laugh every time the excitable Auror gestured approvingly at Teddy and Victoire still holding hands.
Fucking hell his family was weird.
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sallyjavery · 7 years
Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say I loved your fic Prince! I was wondering if you're going to do another Harry and Daphne story? Thank you for your time! 😊
Hi hello heyyyy thank you for this and for reading, I adored writing Prince and I mourn its ending *pause while Sally gazes wistfully into the distance*
Errrr in terms of further PottGrass, the answer is a firm… maybe? Never say never, as I like to say. Nothing lengthy planned, but they may well show up in Sally Drabbles because, you know, I love them.
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