#problematic bl manhwas
lovefrombegonia · 2 months
My complicated feelings towards a post I once read: "Painter of the Night is more problematic than Killing Stalking"
You know I have been thinking about this one post I saw either in Tumblr or Twitter or maybe even Somerton dude said that on his POTN video. In short, I don't remember where...but the thought kinda keeps popping up. The post said that POTN is actually more problematic than Killing Stalking because POTN romanticizes abuse and rape by making the characters actually fall in love while KS didn't do that. In the latter both the leads die but in the former, they fall in love and live happily ever after.
Now, my initial thoughts were...anger. LOL I hated this take because...well, I LOVE painter of the night. I have read it so many times. I can't comment on KS because I never finished it. I hated Sangwoo from the beginning. And Yoon Bum was just annoying tf outta me. But now that I let the post marinate in my brain juices....I actually...kinda agree (???) with this post....I think?? When you really think about it, even though I haven't finished KS, I do KNOW the characters die. Like, objectively that's a way less problematic message. Yeah, if you fall for a serial killer, you die. But also...I don't think POTN can be one-to-one compared to KS. They fall under the same umbrella term. I get why one would compare. The characters have similar structural design (although I never thought of comparing), both the MLs were violent and sexually abusive to the MCs, and the MCs were basically kidnapped and held captive by the MLs. But the way the story progressed in very different imo. KS leans more into criminal, serial killer aspect, more psychological while POTN is more...idk I would say personal drama, classism, forbidden love. They are very different stories and so, to me, one should expect very different endings to them. KS is more realistic and despairing while POTN is more dark fairy tale-ish, more romantic, more character driven rather than plot driven. A way darker version of beauty and the beast kind of storyline.
Regardless, I guess, you can still say POTN is more problematic than KS in the pov of how the story could influence its readers. I...I still grapple with the idea tho. I don't think I agree...but I get it. My own bias contributes greatly to it, no doubt. I still think it's an interesting idea. But still....as I said, I haven't read KS completely (no plans to do so too), so, I can't say much on how SW and YB relationship is. I know enough about KS to see why the og poster would think the way they do.
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chocodoughnuts · 7 months
maybe since im not that active in fandom spaces/follow that many fandom bloggers anymore but it surprises me seeing the lack of callouts toward jinx like we did with killing stalking. i havent caught up with jinx or remember the bit i read of ks, but they are both ~problematic~
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not-poignant · 4 months
@morbidlizard replied to your post “Can I ask, why do you love BL romance better than...”:
I mean it's unfortunate but asian BL is just hands down better than western for so many reasons <: / I've been reading asian BL for literal decades now (AHHH) and I can maybe count on one hand the western series I've enjoyed that had some sort of queer romance that had all I wanted or at least a part of the tropes I like...And even then, it's usually F/F relationships 9_9 (and when I say asian, I mean japanese, korean, chinese, some indonesian too! etc etc...)
​Actually yeah this is also really where it's at
I think a lot about how we're still getting extremely like... milquetoast wholesome queer narratives (most of the time) in western m/m romance media (I have nothing against Heartstopper, but it's extremely 'all queer people are pure wholesome need-to-be-protected jellybeans' and like, cool, but I want more than that as well - like give me 20 shows that are 'all queer people' in 20 different genres, thanks. BL will give me that - BL will pay people to give me that.
The only way I can get that from western media is fanfiction, and sometimes - kind of - from published m/m, when it's not paint-by-numbers rapid release that isn't about telling stories from the heart and it's about telling stories from the bank account instead (which is a valid reason to write, it's just not what I'm looking for as a reader - most readers who end up loving and writing fanfiction aren't looking for this imho)).
Thomas Baudinette is actually doing incredible work in this area of Media Studies, where it's literally a known thing that BL - particularly in countries like Korea, Thailand and Taiwan - is actually taking huge strides ahead in the genre, comparatively, especially when up against western BL.
It almost feels like we're on a giant lag, buffering behind them, and about the only place we aren't is in fanfiction, which makes sense, because the cross-pollination between fandom and south-east Asian BL is incredible (literally, they got omegaverse and guide-verse from western fanfiction and western fandom, and imho are doing a lot more with it for money than we are, see: Pit Babe).
I've been reading up pretty heavily into Baudinette's work, and also a lot of the recent and up-to-date work in BL Studies (a thing), and like, it's just kind of fascinating the different interrogations of BL we have going on in different cultures and subcultures, and how different senses of place and culture and ethnicity and minority and belonging can influence our tales, along with many different manifestations of capitalisation, economy, influence etc.
And that isn't to say there aren't huge problematic areas for BL in all countries, not just western, I can critique western BL so easily because I am western, and it's been really interesting reading critiques of BL from academics who live within other countries from their perspectives too. But I do think if I want really great BL romances, turning to fanfiction and then turning to other cultures and what they're doing is often the first thing I do. I just don't have to search as hard to find what I'm looking for. And like, I'm lazy, lol, I don't want to search through 100 published works to find like 1-5 stories I might reread but not over my favourite manhwa or like fanfiction or whatever.
This has been my area of like... personal study for a few months now (literally reading Regimes of Desire: Young Gay Men, Media and Masculinity in Tokyo by Baudinette atm) and I have a lot of thoughts of which this is just a very generalised ramble and not actually anything of great meaning but like sadkljfas TL;DR yeah
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How did I walk into UNTAGGED ABO IRL this hAs to be a first for me.
I mean, I understand they might've not wanted to market it like that to start a drama, or mAybe I'm just plain stupid and this was public knowledge but anyway here are my thOughts
Imma quote my favorite BL of all time and say "It cOuld be Extraordinary" I mean, it really could.
I believe the first episode was just to set the scene for the show, but let's address specific points
1. The ABO
Let's get this out of the way we knOw it's a difficult topic, and my main concern with it was that they would adapt some random ass manga/manhwa just to establish a bullshit dominant vs submissive horny dynamic that ended up in a very polemic mpreg.
But I encountered either a 'hot omega' - 'dorky alpha dynamic' where both have issues with their second sex traits (specially pheromones) or an alpha-alpha relationship with the same issues, which could lead to a bUnch of social commentary using the ABO social hierarchy.
Apart from that, I believe using those resources for the first big ABO production might have been a good call to ease the general public into it and not dwelling on the full nesting-marking-knotting and whatnot. I mean, it probably might never reach the full power of the genre, but if it works it might crack the door open for this.
2. The story itself
I had this discussion with my best friend (who has recommended me most of the ABO I've read) and we came to the conclusion that this feels like watching something straight out of AO3 fanfiction where the characters are clearly already established (bc the characters come pre built as they're based on ActUaL people) so the point is just telling this story full of made up violence, mafia, infatuation, possessiveness and desire. I kind of love it??? I am obviously not judging it as an ordinary BL, but for what it presented on the first episode it really could be great. I love how we have been introduced to a character like Charlie that will not just be this helpless boy that gets thrown around, he has more agency than we thought.
3 Production and stuff
Oh I love cars and stuff that goes fAst and slicked back hair and blue vs red and ALL the cliches, and I feel like it's done well. We could hate on kinnporsche for many things but it rOse the standards for commercial production. It also has really good actors whose previous work I've seen and liked very much. I also really applaud them for taking this shit seriously, bc many people half ass their acting in strange situation and that shows professionalism.
4. the more I think about it the more I'm excited for the show, and that's bAd because I'm building expectations and that nOt good so here are some point that require attention.
The ABO. This will be an issue until the lAst second of the show, because the way that it is portrayed will be perceived as a direct representation of the whole genre, so they ought to be careful.
The ABO agAin.. what parts are they gonna portray and hOw, because the main couple is not the only one, so I want to know how they will present an (explicitly confirmed) omega and how it will play into the social hierarchy . They already introduced scent and pheromones, and they did it tastefully, so kudos on that.
The ABO.. I'm kidding.
The story, this story might play into some kind of toxic and violent stuff that is becoming a bit problematic for certain audiences, and as I say.. problematic shows and up in problematic situations, so how I want to see how it plays out. But the fact that Charlie is giving 'morally gray that could end up falling' vibes and that gives me hOpe.
The discourse it might start. Oh this world can be a hot mEss and people could start a whole ass battle as this genre that usually was counterculture territory is now brought into this context.
Shit I'm way to nervous about this show... PLEASE IF YOU KNOW MORE let me know, I want to discuss and have a better opinion on it. If you need to call me an idiot in the process I'll take it.
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wordsifelt · 9 months
Thanks for answering my question. Can I ask your best recs for LGBTQ+ media (tv series or books or manga/manhwa)?
I'm from a country that saw LGBTQ+ as something taboo and my family also think it's sinful. So my LGBTQ+ mainly are from BL and GL manga/manhwa (sorry if I'm wrong)...
Thanks if you want to answer me....
Hi again! I know how you feel, my country's also not great with queer issues. I've only recently started exploring outside the BL/GL subgenres so I may not have as varied a selection as I'd have liked to give you.
I've done a similar post recently but this time imma really go all out. I'll categorise them based on the type of media.
Heaven Official's Blessing by MXTX : mlm, Chinese historical fantasy(tw: Violence, gore, death, like A LOT)
Mo Dao Zu Shi by MXTX: mlm, Chinese historical fantasy (tw: death, gore, violence, homophobia)
Peerless/Wushuang by Meng Xi Shi: mlm, historical fiction, murder mystery, enemies to lovers (tw: violence)
(Note: there's a lot more danmei I love but these are the ones I've rated highest, will attempt to make a masterpost or smthg for the rest laster)
Not Me (Thai): mlm, political, secret identity, enemies to lovers (tw: violence)
Bad buddy (Thai): mlm, rivals to lovers, family drama
Peter Darling by Austin Chant : mlm, trans mc, written by a trans author, fantasy, fairytale retelling (tw: severe transphobia, violence and gore, also there may be an age gap but it's not specified)
I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver: Non-binary MC, queer romance, very informative and heart warming (tw: transphobia)
Spell Bound by F. T. Lukens: Non- Binary MC, queer romance, urban fantasy, rivals to lovers (sorta).
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: Queer rep, Poc rep, disability rep, just very good rep in general, fantasy, found family (tw: violence)
Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan: One of the main cast of characters is gender fluid, and is also involved romantically (later on) with the MC, also great representation in general, fantasy, Norse mythological fiction, found family
All For the Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic: mlm, sports, mafia, slowburn, explicit and emphasized consent, enemies to lovers, found family. (tw: violence, PTSD, trauma relating to past SA, etc)
Loveless by Alice Oseman: Aroace MC, university life, queer exploration, found family (tw: aphobia, stereotyping and stigma)
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir: wlw, space, necromancy, cool stuff, enemies to lovers (tw: violence, death)
She Drives me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen: wlw, sports, fake dating, very cliche but I loved it.
Tv Shows
Heartstopper: mlm main couple, also includes a lot of queer representation, found family (tw: homophobic, transphobia)
Good Omens: Genderfluid MCs(altho usually male presenting), slowburn, Christian derivative mythological fiction, very queer, slowburn.
Our Flag Means Death: mlm Main Couple, lots of other queer characters, pirates, found family (tw: gore and violence tho not much)
I've left out anime and manga/manhwa/manhua cause there's a lot of stuff and I'll have to sift through to find the ones which I consider good rep. May make a post on that later. I also sadly have only a few recs for non mlm fiction mostly cause I've only found a few so far I've really liked.
I hope you like some of these if not all of them. If I've made any mistakes or missed out on some problematic stuff pls do tell me so I can learn from it and fix it.
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absolutebl · 9 months
This is BL challenge for you (if you choose to accept them).
1.a) Please write your top 3 or top 5 favorite tropes in BL.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 BL that you love.
(Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them).
2. a) What is the first BL that make you want to know more about and eventually love BL?
b) What is that one BL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
The BL can be in in the form of manga, manhwa, manhua, books, tv series or movies.
Thanks so much if you want to answer this long ask.
1. BL Challenge Accepted!
a) Please write your top 5 favorite tropes in BL
Love Rivals to Lovers
Age Gap hyung romances (the younger character is the seme)
Stepbrothers and/or best friend's brother
Paranormal Take On Fated Mates
Whipping boy (specifically attack dog variant)
Remember: I am trash and I love a problematic trope that adds tension and/or kink to a narrative, especially it it messes with a power dynamic.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 BL that you love.
Love Rivals to Lovers
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Hey Rival I Love You, Vietnam
That's it, that's all I got. There's been some illusions to this with side couples like in Jun & Jun recently, but it's rarely a narrative driver or they copped out (Hidden Agenda).
Age Gap hyung romances (the younger character is the seme)
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Minato's Laundromat
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Old Fashion Cupcake
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Lovely Writer
Also: Oxygen, Private Lessons
Stepbrothers and/or best friend's brother
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Cherry Blossoms After Winter
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HIStory 4: Close 2 You (sides)
Paranormal Take On Fated Mates
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Until We Meet Again
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Color Rush
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La Pluie
Whipping boy (specifically attack dog variant)
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Utsukushii Kare
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Where Your Eyes Linger
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Never Let Me Go
2. a) What is the first BL that make you want to know more about and eventually love BL?
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Love Sick
b) What is that one BL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
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Love By Chance
Post dated September 2023, currently airing BLs not included. Not responsible for hits to this list after this date.
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youngboy18plus · 30 days
Jinx Manhwa Characters Ranked and Season 2 updates
After Jinx Manhwa season 1 has ended, bl fans are patiently waiting for another season. However, we won't be getting that any time soon. You can check out here for more details: Jinx Chapter 54 Release Date: Season 1 ends, and more
Now let's start with my personal basis ranking for the Jinx Manhwa Characters
7. Jeong Yosep
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Jaekyung spars with Yosep, who is also a previous national champion. Not only is he a coach, but he is also the oldest player on Team Black. Despite his reserved demeanor, Yosep is a generous soul who would rather let his deeds speak for themselves. Yosep was there to cheer Jaekyung on as he faced off against one of his most formidable enemies. His maturity and life experience set him apart from many who cower in the face of Jaekyung's wrath, a commendable quality in comparison to many.
6. Oh Daehyun
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During Dan's official introduction to the team as Jaekyung's physical therapist, Daehyun, a member of Team Black, is one of the first individuals we observe being friendly to him. When it comes to Jaekyung, he defends Dan and also shows that he has a protective side toward the other man. Because of his friendship with Dan, he is well-liked by fans and has a magnetic personality that makes him simple to like.
5. Park Namwook
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Team Black's coach and Jaehyung's caring manager is Namwook. He is one of the few individuals who can manage Jaekyung's erratic mood swings, and he also offers Dan guidance and watches out for him at the gym. His family—a wife, a son, and two daughters—and his career are his first priorities, and he goes above and beyond to ensure their happiness. Fans love Coach Namwook for good reason; he's always there to cheer everyone on, from his teammates to Dan, whom he falls in love with right away.
4. Yoon-gu
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Yoon-gu is still attempting to establish himself to his comrades despite being the youngest member of Team Black. Regardless of Jaekyung's sour disposition, he endures taunting with unfaltering trust. Because Yoon-Gu looks up to Jaekyun and wishes he could practice with him, he is initially envious of Dan's time with Jaekyun. After Dan gets him a sparring session with Jaekyung, he befriends Dan.
3. Jaekyung
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Joo Jaekyung has a ways to go before he is seen as likeable or the favorite of the boys, despite being Jinx's love interest and the second main character. He brings the same haughty, cold attitude to the bedroom as he does to his undefeated mixed martial arts career. He proposes to Kim Dan because he is superstitious and believes he will be "jinxed" and lose if he doesn't sleep with someone before a match. When it comes to Dan, he is harsh, and he is unpredictable with everyone else.
2. Choi
Actor Heesung is Jaekyung's colleague at the talent agency. Heesung is an awful lover, even if he's handsome and nice most of the time. When he develops romantic feelings for another man, he often finds that she is more overtly in love than he is, and he rapidly grows bored with her. Since this is the root cause of his troubled romantic history, it becomes problematic when he sets his sights on Dan. The majority of the manhwa is devoted to him pursuing Dan, but he gives up when he sees how helpless he is.
Check out the special Jinx manhwa special chapter of Choi and Potato.
1. Kim Dan
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As a protagonist, Kim Dan is perfect in every way. Despite his hardships, he is kind, selfless, and trying to make ends meet. Dan is practically out of luck when it comes to finding work as a physical therapist due to an incident at his last workplace and an angry supervisor. So, when superstar Joo Jaekyung makes him an enticing offer, Dan has no choice but to take it.
All Pic Source from Lezhin Comics
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monthlymanga · 1 year
manga/manhua/manhwa reads of january 2023
Wonderful Season with you
-Super cute story of two highschoolers with very opposite looks, interests and personalities and falling in love.
-A jock with angst and a nerd basically. It was nice watching them solve problems and being all fluffy and innocent.
-However it was a bit lacking, might have been cuter if it was more drawn out.
-Also the unnecessary sex scene was a disappointing to see at the end, they're minors darling. Let them have their innocent love.
-A decent short read tho.
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Papa wolf and puppy
-Absolutely adorable.
-This alpha wolf, leader of the pack grudgingly protects a tiny puppy.
-Forced adoption? Very Aizawa-core.
-Like it's really entertaining to see the top leader, the man amongst the men, the most feared predator, be brought to his knees by...childcare?
-every character in this is so far adorable and good looking.
- One may mistake the puppy's clinginess to possible BL but fear not, it is not a weirdass romance between the two.
-It's just a wolfman unwillingly becoming a father to a puppyboy
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Shadows House
-A personal favorite to be honest.
-I love the gothic cute designs that can turn so unsettling when done right.
-What I expected to be a slice of life quickly turned into a mystery with a dark secret and I am absolutely eating that shit up.
-All the characters are so so interesting.
-I love how well made it is and how well they bring up the beauty of individuality between the shadows and the dolls.
-A very very well written story.
-Everyone who sees this post must read this one, it is an experience everyone needs to have.
-Also has an anime.
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Phantom tales of the night
-A bit confusing but the artstyle is beautiful and everyone's stories are interesting so I'm very on board.
-Another story where all the characters are interesting and has a lot of twists and turns.
-Like really, everyone is connected with everyone.
-And there is something really satisfying when it clicks to you what's going on.
-The main character is the main antagonist of the story.
-owner of a guesthouse where the payment is a secret of the guest.
-The concept and story is really intriguing.
-perfect for people who enjoy genres which are not exactly horror and not exactly mystery.
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Secret love
-One of the cutest romances I have read EVER.
-Two shy highschoolers who are totally pining for each other but are from different friend groups.
-They are so CUTE.
-Like the plot is them slowly forming a friendship and having the courage to talk to each other more.
-Not that problematic (mildly but it gets solved quickly).
- Perfect casual read once you have read dozens of angst.
-The artstyle is very pretty too. In a comforting way.
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Play it cool, guys
-manga about a bunch of clumsy guys trying to play it off.
-very interesting characters and personalities.
-Also a very not dramatic, calm story.
-All the characters are of different age ranges and they all meet in very amusing and coincidental ways.
-I really like how they show the characters' inner turmoil and how they find a solution.
-But none of their issues are because of how clumsy they are. Clumsiness isn't an issue guys.
A story with good life advice brought in a comedic, slice of life way.
-I think it has an anime too??
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I'll do that marriage
-I haven't read very far with this one yet, but so far it is very entertaining.
-A young girl gets transported to a story where her sister dies bc she is forced to marry a tyrant duke who has insomnia.
-To save her now sister, she goes to the duke in her stead and solves his insomnia.
-They decide to get married, but only for an year per the girl's request (bc the actual female protagonist appears in an year).
-Cue the duke trying to make her fall for him with the help of his staff and citizens.
-Everyone's just happy the duke is being nicer and they are all DESPERATE for him to stay like that.
-It's very entertaining.
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The way to protect the female lead's older brother
-Another story I started towards the end of January and haven't read that far.
-A girl is reincarnated to a story too, but the family she was born into is known for being messed up and crazy harsh on their children.
-Like, the children are only born to be brought up as murderers.
-The actual female protagonist goes through a lot bc of the family but it all starts when they kidnap her older brother.
-So the girl is trying to protect and help the brother escape while making sure none of her family members suspect her at all.
-All the members of her family from what I've seen are...messed up.
-She's also a little bit psychotic, but to survive that family you have to be a little insane ig.
-At least she has some common sense and morals...so far.
-The artstyle is beautiful.
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neversee · 1 year
Dramas I watched in 2022
This year I watched a lot of dramas, I began to watch BL dramas and a watched A LOT, I got addicted, so most of the list will be BLs. It may or may not be in chronological order.
1) My little happiness
It’s an almost enemies to lovers, but the “enemies” part is forgot right in the begining, so it’s an old friends that got apart to lovers. I really enjoyed, the actors are from one of my favorites cdramas “Put your head on my shoulder”, their chemistry is really good and I had fun watching. The 2nd couple is really good too.
Where to watch: Viki.
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2) Semantic Error
Ok, here we start the BL fever. I LOVED Semantic Error. It’s my frist BL, and it’s on my top 3 dramas of the year. It’s fun, heartwarming, the main couple is amazing, their chemistry is great. After I finished the drama, I started reading the manhwa, and I realized that de kdrama is way more soft than the comics.  Anyway It’s great!
Where to watch: Viki.
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3) Be Loved in House: I do.
This one was a recomendation from a friend. I enjoyed, It’s not an amazing drama, but it’s good. The acting is ok, but not great. Its an enemies to lovers, boss/worker relationship, and a sharing house situation, so there’s a lot happening. I iked the main couple, but I don’t really liked the 2nd couple, and to be honest I think they made the wrong choice to dedicate the last episode to this specific character. 
Where to watch: Viki.
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4) When Your Eyes Linger
I don’t really know if I liked this or not. The 2 main characters were friends and one of them is like the body guard of the other or something like that. We have a problematic family here too, so there’s a lot of drama. One of the actor were great and the other not so much, and it was very evident in some scenes.
Where to watch: VIki.
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 5) Cutie Pie
Probably my first thai BL, and man...they don’t joke around. I really enjoyed, It’s a arranjed marrige situation, where the main character loves his fiancé, but the guy doesn’t really look like he wants to marry. And what I like the most is that the main character decides to break his engagement, bringing chaos to his world. It’s really funny, I laughed a lot, the couples are great, and I became a fan of Zee, he’s a great actor.
Where to watch: Viki, Youtube.
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6) HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count
Well, we have here a complicated situation. It’s a high school romance, the nerdy guy and the school’s good-for-nothing. It’s a beautiful romance and everything, but to be honest... I hated the ending. Like, I just hate it so much. Some people might like it, but I’m not one of them. The positive point of the last episode is that the actor that does the main character is AMAZING, his acting is so touching, it made me cry. Another thing that I don’t like, I noticed that it happens a lot in tawainese drama, is the relationship between a teenager and a adult man. “ah, he is in his last year of school bla bla bla”, I don’t care, he’s a teen, and the other guy is like 30-35, it’s not right people. Ah, I amost forgot: the OST is INCREDIBLE, I got addicte to the opening song.
Where to watch: Viki.
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7) Why R U?
I LOVED IT. Tutor and Fight are one of my favorite couples of this list, I loved the plot, even with all the problems. Aparently they were not the main characters, it would be Zon and Saifah, but I saw on internet that the had an issue with the pandemic and they had to change the plot. But it doesn’t matter because I loved all the couples. The story is hillarious, the couples had great chemestry, and I recomend you not to watch on the tv, because there’s a lot of mature scenes. Ah, Zee and Saint are here. 
Where to watch: Viki.
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8) TharnType and TharnType: 7 years of love + TharnType Special
MY FAVORITE DRAMA OF THE YEAR. I love TharnType. I know they have this problematic relationship, and they do a lot of wrong stuff to each other and that they’re not the best couple of the dramaland, but I love the characters, what can I do? I had fun, I laughed, I cried, I got angry, it’s a rollercoast of emotions. I understand who doesn’t like, but I enjoyed a lot. If you want to watch I have to say that the drama has a lot of triggers (ped0f****, h0m0f0bia, abusive relationship, r*p*), and I recomend you to look for it before watching. The first 4 episodes are terrible, they do all the wrong things, but latter it get’s so good. I can’t help it, I liked. Ah, I love the OST, it’s great.
Where to watch: Viki (1st and 2nd season), Bilibili (special).
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9) Love by chance
I watched this drama for 2 reasons: 1) they’re in the same universe of tharntype (the story happens in between the seasons 1 and 2), 2) Saint is the main character. Tbh, I don’t really liked the drama, I thought it was a bit boring. I know there’s a continuation, but I don’t really feel like watching. 
Where to watch: Viki.
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10) Why Women Love
This one is one of favorites of the year. The couple has a great chemestry, I loved how the relationship was developed. It’s a “noona drama” (the woman is older than the man), it’s a boss/worker relationship, but I don’t know if I can classify it like that, because he’s the heir of the company so... I really recomend this drama, the actress is amazing, and the ML is none other than Wang Zi Yi from Nine Percent!! (yes, the bg from idol produce s01).
Where to watch: Viki.
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11)  A Romance of the Little Forest
This drama is 50/50 for me. In a general way, I loved, I loved the main couple, I think they’re great. I am all for cientist that are make up bloggers and their high school crush. But the 2nd couple is horrible. I skipped basically all their scenes. The way their relationship was developed is just wrong in a legal way. Awful.
So this drama is a 5 stars for the main couple, and a 1 star for the 2nd couple.
Where to watch: Viki.
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12)  Mr. Bad
I love the sinopses of this one, It’s about a girl that acidently makes a wish to get a boyfriend, and brings a character of her fanfiction to life. It’s a enemies to friends to lovers. I love the character development that happens here, the way the relationship changes, It’s f*cking great! You know, I literally screamed when they hold hands for the first time, It was that good. Althought the story has this magical setting, this is an office drama, but without all the fighting that we usually get. I liked basically everything but the ending, It was not bad, It’s just I don’t usually like that concept that they used to fix everything.
Where to watch: Viki.
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13) Business Proposal
I think it’s one of the most popular dramas of 2022, It’s a very cliche story, I think everybody knows about it alredy. I liked, I had fun watching, I loved that it was only 12 episodes, I think the ritm was great. The main and 2nd couple were AMAZING, their chemestry was incredible. 
Where to watch: Netflix (Brasil).
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14) My Sweet Dear
A really nice web drama, the episodes had 15 minutes each I think, it’s a cute story about two chiefs that are competing to be the main chief of the restaurant. The OST is GREAT, I got addicted. 
Where to watch: Viki.
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15) Roomates of Poongduck 304
It’s a ok drama, cute, the acting not so great, but a great way to pass time. I heard one of the actors, or both of them, will be on Boys Planet, I hope the do well there.
Where to watch: Viki.
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16) Lovely Writer
Here we get back to the thai BL dramas world, I really enjoyed this drama. I think It’s a really down to earth drama. It’s about this guy that writes BL books, and one of them get to be adapted to tv, and in the casting day he meets this actor that is really atrative and really wants to meet him. 
Where to watch: Youtube.
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17) 2gether/Still 2gether/ 2gether the movie
For like, 2 days I thought this drama would be my favorite drama of the year, but latter I got to watch more dramas and I think 2gether got at least in my top 10. I think this drama is perfect introdution for someone who never watched a BL drama. It’s cute, the actors have a great chemestry, we don’t have mature scenes, it’s a college drama. Ah, and it’s a fake dating! We don’t have a lot of kissing scenes, but I really like this sentimental vibe that the main characters show. I really recomend.
Where to watch: GMMTV Chanell on Youtube.
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18) Star in my mind
I enjoyed, I think it was a little bit overdramatic. It’s a college drama, where the main character was in love for this guy in high school, but he had to study abroad, so in his last day of school he confessed, and was rejected. Now in college, he participates on this talent show and have to share a room with his old crush. Everything in this drama happens because of misunderstandings, and we know this causes chaos.
Where to watch: GMMTV on Youtube.
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19) Sky in your heart
It’s the continuation of Star in My Mind, and we have the older brother of the main character of SIMM as the main character of SIYH. Yes, you have to watch it in order. 
I loved this drama, really, I LOVED. I don’t really liked the brother in SIMM, but here with the ML, he’s great. The story happens in this vila where the MC and his friends go to do voluntier work, there he meets this teacher that gets his attention right when he arrives. I love the chemestry between the couple, it’s soo goooood. It’s a 10/10 for me.
Where to watch: GMMTV on Youtube.
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 20) Fish Upon The Sky
It’s very similar with SIMM, here we have this situation that the main character is in love with someone, but he has to dispute the love of this person with another. Sometimes is very dramatic, but the comedy is really good too. The mc’s brother is so fun, he’s the best in this show.
Where to watch: GMMTV on Youtube.
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21) 1000 Stars
People, you’re not ready for the greatness that this drama is. It’s so emotional, it’s so down to the earth, it’s so amazing and hearwarming. One of my favorites of the year.
The story is about this guy that recives a heart transplant from this teacher, and he decides to fullfill her last wish. So he goes to this village, and becames a teacher. There he learnings a lot of life lessons and etc. I really loved, It was a surprise for me. I loved the main couple, even if I got angry in a lot of scenes. It’s a 10/10.
Where to watch: GMMTV on Youtube.
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22) HIStory 3: Trapped
I was really worried with this one after “make our days count”, but I had a lot of fun. It’s a mafia drama, and yes we have the mafia stuff, but what I liked the most was the comedy, I laughed a lot here. I think the couples were great, even with all the weird moments.
Where to watch: Viki.
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23) Theory of Love
It’s a friends to lovers story, but with a very complicated development. For like 70% of the drama, I hated the ML, but the drama had this very smart idea in the half season that got me to like the couple more. I really liked the other couples, one of them made me really surprised. I recomend this one, but get ready to be angry.
Where to watch: GMMTV on Youtube.
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24) Since I met U
Short c-drama with 16 episodes, each with 30 min, which tells the story of a pastry chef and a blogger who talks about sweets who are forced to take care of a child together. I thought it was ok, it's not a surprising story, it's that show you watch at lunchtime, you know? Lightweight, without many problems. I think it’s kind forgettable too.
Where to watch: Youtube.
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25) En of Love: Love Mechanics
It’s a short drama, with 4/5 episodes I think, about two guys that hate each other, but one day they got drunk and sleep togheter. The problem is that one of them is dating a girl for years, and has no intention to break up with her. I should had watch Tossara first, because this is a continuation BUT the sinopses was so interesting that I couldn’t help. I really liked, we have a lot of problematics stuff, but in the end I enjoyed. After I finished, I found out that this drama has a 12 episode version that released in 2022, so I obviosly watched.
Where to Watch: Viki, Youtube.
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26) Love Mechanics
It’s the longer version of En of Love, I’m so happy that they made this version. It’s really good and they fix a lot of plot holes that we had in the en of love version. I highly recomend you to watch this version if it’s possible. The chemestry of the main couple is 10/10.
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27) My Love Mix Up
It's a really cute Japanese BL, adapted from a manga. This drama is a misunderstanding that became a reality. It's so fun, cute, soft jdrama. I really recommend. 
Where to watch: Viki.
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28) Ghost Host, Ghost House
I thought it would be about a "ghost hunter" blogger or something like that, the main character says he is a ghost hunter, but he's just tells stories about ghosts. And the plot does not even focus on him, it focus on his family. I don't want to give spoilers, but It surprised me a lot. The romance is very nice, but the family part is great.
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Dramas that I have yet to finish: Today’s webtoom, Bad Buddy
Dramas that I gave up watching:  Oh! Boarding House (It’s really bad)
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namhyera · 25 days
I'm basically new here and I'm gonna have a short introducion and a few things abt me :D!
Name(online): Nam Hyera
Hobbies: Reading(sometimes, but I do read bl manhwa), drawing, painting, anything abt art tbh, being creative, writing(when only I have motivation :p), sleeping, play videogames, play instruments
Likes: Games, k-drama, music, sweets, cats, ribbons, cute clothing
Dislikes: Pointing out insecurities, vegetables(a bit), dogs(some of 'em)
Fandoms Im in rn:
Pjsk, Love and Deepspace, Litc
Things I will write:
♡Smut(only LaDS)
Things I will NOT write:
Problematic things
Non-consentual sex
Pjsk and litc smut (they r MINORS)
I would also like some requests!
I'm also finding moots here :)!!
Well thats all!! Bye!!♡
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lovefrombegonia · 4 months
Personal Rambling on BL fandoms and what not (unserious nature)
Watching Seungho stans and Jaekyung Stans on twitter fight each other over who is "better" is INSANELY HILARIOUS 😭😭😭 LIKE WHAT YOU MEEEEEAAANNNNN?!!!!?!!?? We are all going to hell, brothers and sisters and cousins. We already in hell. We roasting in hellfire. We partying with demons 😭😭😭 What do you mean yours or mine is less demonic and therefore more angelic LMAO
Now...I get it tho. I get it. I do hate it when fans compare Seungho to Sangwoo but that's coz I do not like Sangwoo. I couldn't finish KS, so, DO NOT take my dislike as proof of badly written character. My personal preferences don't reflect on the quality of stories. That's not what I am saying. But I am also NOT gonna say Seungho is better option than Sangwoo. Seungho-nim fucking killed a dude on the first chapter over a MINUTE MISUNDERSTANDING. Still, it doesn't change the fact that I find his unhinged-ness interesting so WHAT DO I KNOW. I gues I shouldn't judge those stans for fighting eo too. I might become one of them defending Seungho's demonic ass on my bad day.
NB: I know that KS is not considered BL or atleast that's what I hear the author herself said. I don't have a source of where she says that, so, take that with a grain of salt. I am just saying what I hear others say. I, personally, don't mind calling it BL tho coz BL is more like an umbrella term TO ME, that consists of various genres, be it romance, comedy, sci-fi, horror, or psychological. But if the author really said KS is not BL then it's not BL.
I just find it funny to see the SH and JK stans arguing like that. It shows how we get blinded by our own biases. I definitely do that too sometimes.
I am only recently getting into BL manhwa fandom. I have read POTN (ofc look at my profile pic, I am smitten), Ghost's Nocturne (the art style...MAJESTIC, and the horror elements??? OMG GIVE ME MORE), and Blood Bank (🔥♥️🔥♥️🔥♥️). I like all of them! Still need to get myself updated with Define The Relationship and Wet Sand. Usually, atleast, in twitter danmei fandom sphere, bl manhwa don't have a...I guess the closest terms would be "good image". It is said they only have fucking and sucking. In fact, I only read POTN because of a meme I saw making fun of it and Jinx compared to danmei novels. And my monkey brain went: is it THAT bad?? Hmm... let's verify this claim. Queue, me getting obsessed with Seungkyum 🤡🤡 I think BL manhwas, just like JPN BL mangas, have their charm. You can say one is better if you want I guess but TO ME, it all depends on what I want to read. And my conclusion is: I WANT ALL OF THESE TO EXIST. I want the deep pining and suffering. I want the vivid stories and drama. I want the soft and caring lovers. I want the insanity and problematic favourites. I want the purity. I want the fucking and sucking. I want the "god honoring way" content and the "OMG somebody hose this with holy water" content. Really, I do think it's all dependent on my mood whether I would like this type of content on this day and time. You know, I am slowly discovering that...I might just like TRASH sometimes... Like, now if someone says "you got trash taste", I just go: huh...yeah that tracks. I can now proudly say that one should not take my liking of a piece of media as the proof of its high quality.
Everyday...I get more and more unserious.
PS: I would love some recommendations of your fav BL manhwas tho 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
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inkushel29 · 5 months
my opps (in order)
my art skills
dead ends on flash archiving
Pen Frens
my 5:20 alarm clock every weekday morning
femboys & traps (sorry some of y'all are weird)
twinks (except Orderly)
people who spam my messages with videos (except one mutual because I'm chill w/ them)
getting started on a drawing
bara (male muscle proportions exceeded to inhuman and horrifying standards)
the NSFW art community
Canihavepromo aka Lottie (I hope she gets deplatformed fr)
any problematic interest artist/animator I really don't like
people who perceive lesbians in THAT way (screw y'all)
BL Yaoi Manhwas
proshippers (or comshippers i have no fucking idea)
finding 0 fanart of shit I like (Ballads of Reemus & etc.)
Alphazekko getting cancelled for no reason
my right ear ringing for no reason
MHA fandom
my antisocial ass
my broken bed
scenecore aesthetic and its music
instagram reel comment sections
my autistic ass for making my weirdass posts
Zeebarf for being in the NFT community
down bad mfs in comment sections
tumblr p0rn bots
my goofy ass being scared of showers
Calobi Productions
Alex Emery's Wizard Hunt part 3 not being made
Queers of War for disappointing and traumatizing me
the anime community in general
myself trying to animate on flash cs6 but failing
Spazkid for drawing underage sonic characters and not finishing Nightmare Cops
my chronically online ass
Ipad kids
skibidi toilet (I still meme it)
my forgetful ass
finding out a person I like is an absolute piece of shit
myself again
vent people (sorry)
cutecore aesthetic
Roblox (i still play it tho)
sketchers united/pop jam kids
shitty clickbait youtube thumbnails
youtube kids
rule 34 content on youtube
content farm videos on youtube
Youtube (i still watch it)
myself again for making this list too goddamn long when it didn't need to be
the Pokemon community
people using the Pixar Mom term in the wrong way (a lot)
having to sleep early because my parents tell me to
people who harass others for no reason
Miguel O'Hara stans
myself for forgetting to start/finish shit (not school related)
my fatass self
BookTok/White woman who are obsessed with dark romance books
bad Webtoons
those AI disney mockup posters
MCYT fandom
Countryhumans fandom
TikTok art community
Twitter art community
almost any art community that's shit
l0lic0ns & sh0tac0ns (PLEASE FUCK OFF.)
this list for being too long
Nitrile & his weirdass tr@p obsession (he collaborated with Shadman and drew Mandy from Billy & Mandy as a femboy in a very suggestive way. And sometimes drew femboys that looked like children. So yeah fuck him.)
Zone for ruining The Modifyers and any cartoon in general (they got away with sexualizing minors so idk how y'all looked past that)
my goofy ass for staying up too late
humanizations of non-human characters being skinny white cis young anime boys
my goofy ass for being unoriginal
my goofy ass for still writing on this dang list
Gross people on Spacehey who ruin everything
FNF fandom (kind of)
FNF creepypasta mods (Sonic.exe)
Twitter/X in general
my little brother when he has a tantrum
night terrors
Astrology girls
people who use their autism/disability for a defense mechanism/excuse for when they get called out for something bad they've done
Stamper again (how tf can you be racist and fetishize WOC at the same time nevertheless you're still racist fuck you)
A Small Favor not getting it's chapter 3/final chapter and the story getting reimagined instead of finished
family vlog channels
people who hurt animals for clout
captioning my youtube videos by myself
editing my videos bc its hard
people doing stupid shit for clout in general
MojoMontebon's character Trixie (I don't like her she scares me)
finding out an artist I like is an absolute piece of shit
people who hate selfship/ oc x canon artists (leave em alone theyre just doing what makes them happy)
Your Boyfriend Game
YBG Fandom
the creator of Your Boyfriend Game
redesign vids where the final redesign is actually shit
false allegations
Apphumans community
Fetish artists
ok I think that's it thanks for reading I added WAY too much on this list.
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neonscandal · 5 months
This is BL challenge for you (if you choose to accept them).
1.a) Please write your top 3 or top 5 favorite tropes in BL.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 BL that you love.
(Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them).
2. a) What is the first BL that make you want to know more about and eventually love BL?
b) What is that one BL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
The BL can be in in the form of manga, manhwa, manhua, books, tv series or movies.
Thanks so much if you want to answer this long ask.
Okay, this one feels a bit more like homework. Very minutely in the air of dudebro asking if a girl has ever seen anything other than shojo or something, though I doubt that's where this comes from. Mostly in the sense that I don't think I confidently remember the difference between a trope and a plot device? Let's hope for the best as I certainly never mind length. *gestures vaguely to both solicited and unsolicited rants*
I will include a disclaimer that I don't just read BL? I know that's the subject of the ask and that I definitely pontificate on MLM ships a ton but I won't say that I've read enough stories that didn't, in some way, give me an ick with toxicity, coercion or straight up assault to, in good faith, recommend them. There were probably more tropes I could have listed out but this should suffice. I tried to avoid things I've recommended before but such things can't always be helped.
TROPES (probably?)
Opposites Attract (specifically Sunshine/Grumpy, extrovert/introvert)
Naked Color by Amamiya 🌶️ (manga, complete) - to be fair, considering they are friends with benefits on the front end, it kind of feels more yaoi-territory but at the same time, navigating the awkwardness of a physical relationship when you want more without jeopardizing what you've already got? Valid. There's a few panels that get a bit dicey but, otherwise, you've got self sufficient rich guy x laissez-faire can barely be bothered to care for himself artist.
This Wonderful Season With You by Atsuko Yusen (manga, complete) - wholesome and endearing story of acceptance between a nerd and a former jock with a sprinkle of healing. Love to see it.
Enemies to Lovers (specifically Hero/Villain, Work Adversaries, etc.)
Contradict by Ohshima Kamome 🌶️ (manga, complete) - rivals, seemingly with the same role model, are locked in competition for years and unknowingly making each other better firefighters. Does this sound like anyone else we know? In BL in particular, the way they go from enemies to suddenly sleeping together is always whip lash inducing but here we are.
Ibitsu na Koi no Seesaw Game by Chiaki Kashima 🌶️ (manga, complete) - so this one is on the fence of problematic but, if you commit objectively funny crimes, you should not see jail time. Such is the case in this game of stray cat and mouse between a talented thief and police inspector with a unique arrangement.
Second Chance Romance
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka by Nagisa Furuya (manga, complete) - talk about the long game, this series (and the subsequent continuation) follows two high school students who seemingly share a love of movies. While it creates an impetus to get to know one another, it's not the only thing that bonds them.
There Are Things I Can't Tell You by Edako Mofumofu 🌶️ (manga, complete) - Probably the angstiest piece on the list but overall a tender story of how two childhood friends take the long way round to finally understanding their feelings and one another. Both characters are imperfect despite appearances and I think the care around developing their back stories and the impact it has on their ability to accept love is ultimately what I really like about it. Plus the fact that you can know someone for so long and so intimately and still not understand them.
Stuck Together
Keep Holding On by Kom (manhwa, complete) - okay, kind of a stretch and this more hits unrequited love, friends to lovers, etc. but I suppose when your moms were friends before you were born and you're forced to be friends from toddlers to high school, some aspect of that is "stuck together". One of the characters chalks it up to fate but you can decide.
Fukouchuu no Shiawase by Enzou 🌶️ (manga, complete) - A guy can't be lucky all the time so, when the universe demands balance, it pairs him with the God of Disaster. Somewhat domestic bliss ensues? Honestly, this was just a really funny read. Picture Noragami except Yato's love interest isn't a literal child. Also, take all the angst over his past and identity and shave it down to like.. 1/16th.
Idiot(s) in Love
Kimi ni Koisuru Hazu ga Nai by Shina Suzaka 🌶️ (manga, complete) - Pretty boy otaku with an embarrassing secret gets discovered by a coworker who seemed to be a bit cold toward him initially. Excited to have a friend to share his interest with, he doesn't even see the feelings his new friend so obviously has for him. Or recognize that the shojo romance he's been idealizing is right in front of him.
Sonna Me de Mite Kure by Icchokusen Moukon (manga, complete) - This is what would happen if Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma 1/2 was ever humbled, even once. Popular school president whose inner and outer monologue convinces us he's the shit happens to notice a background character that he becomes increasingly more aware of. Like, it's a BL, sure? But really, it's just silly and a bit over the top which makes it a funny read.
Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen by Dan Ichikawa (manga, complete) - One, this story is funny even though it's not quite a BL? Like, affection is expressed but not acted on and I really like that this is a story about care or intimacy without being entirely centered around confession, angst, sex, etc. It's not a coming out story, it's just about the working relationships between a pod of dudes that have a silly appreciation for one another. Also, I think this has been recently animated which I'll for sure have to check out as I think I'd only gotten to like chapter 12?
Emotional Scars
Banana Fish by Akimi Yoshida (anime, complete) - Immediately, this is not a BL story and the person who tells you it is hates you and wants you to suffer. There's a laundry list of trigger warnings which, going in, if you think it'll be a silly goofy love story, you will be sorely disappointed and probably traumatized. But, even so, the connection that Ash and Eiji have is and will always be love. Soulmates. Despite everything Ash had been through, the sins he burdened himself with, Eiji never shied away from him and welcomed him with open arms. Despite the overall violence of the show, there was never any present between them which is integral to why I will still stand by the pairing. Additionally, in real life, terrible things happen to people that are outside of their control. There should be love stories that heal/forgive that, too.
That's actually pretty recently with the Sasaki to Miyano anime which turned into reading the entire manga and, subsequently, opened the floodgates for other stories.
Honorable Mention: When Yuri on Ice crossed from sports anime to BL. You could definitely argue that that was the spark.
Back during my initial anime era, I think there weren't as many BL or MLM stories that were accessible, although a lot of anime wasn't accessible back then. You still had queer characters with Sailor Moon (main and side characters), Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha (side characters), Ranma 1/2, etc. though I can't say it was always positive. The whole Junjo Romantica universe comes to mind and, I think, was reminiscent of yaoi back then which I wasn't into. BL wasn't really a thing. I think it should also be said that, back then, I also wasn't particularly seeking it out.
Subsequently, I think Sasaki to Miyano has a special place in my heart. Like, the whole conflict of the series is Miyano reconciling his feelings toward a very straightforward Sasaki without the angst of unsupportive or bigoted friends/side characters. Good for them. The whole story was just delicately rendered, I really enjoyed it. I circle back on this idea of engaging with queer content as a means of coming into your own identity (which Sasaki to Miyano demonstrates) because it resonates and the series created the path for that, in a way.
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loafkingdom · 1 year
<BL> 伪装学渣/Fake Slackers
Novel: Completed (Mandarin)
Manhwa: Ongoing
BL audio is available on Maoer/M Station. (Mandarin/Cantonese)
After "The guy inside me" Imma talk about "Fake Slackers" because they are from the same author and both stories happens in the same world.
Main character: He Zhao x Xie Yu
These two are the school famous "problematic teens". Their are very good with academic studies but always pretend like they don't know a thing their teachers are talking about and never turn in homework. Of course, no one know that they are really good academic wise.
Our He Zhao's bottom, Xie Yu, is what the students called the "Boss" of the west part of the school ground. He's good at physical combat, and appears to be cold to people around him. The first fight he did it 1v5, and the gangsters had to call the police. (they are gangsters, but they can't beat a high school kid... wtf)
Police station- Xie Yu: "I didn't do anything." (looking innocent)
He Zhao, the most shameless top in most of the danmei novels. Boss of the south part of the school. He's combat style is a bit different than his partner... He humiliate people the same time he beat them up.
XXX who got beat up: "Please, just kill me." (gradually become a M in the SM standard)
At the same time - He Zhao: I don't like violence, so I usually solve the problem in a peaceful way.
More He Zhao FaMoUs moment: #1 turned in an essay about how handsome his SHADOWS are. #2 plays girl's dress-up game during class.
Not only are they classmates in real life, they are also enemies online. They both play this game but it's basically Olympic style test-preps...
After they started dating, Xie Yu went on google: what do you do when your bf have bad grades at school.
there's so much more I want to share about this novel, but I will leave the rest for you to discover.
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euph0synee · 2 years
okay hear me out !!
why are most of the bls/gls manhwa are nsfw/smut and some are just literal p*rn without an interesting stroy line whereas, it's completely different when it's straight manhwas??? like do ppl prefer the lgbt+ manhwas be smut without actual story line and romance, just to see same gender ppl fuck??
it's so weird how most of the straight manhwas have such cute teeth rotting romance which can give u butterflies without any smut or wtv just wholesome shit but when u go to read bls/gls there's just manhwas filled w literal p*rn and smut???
is it normal?
also why do ppl love to excuse problematic behavior portrayed in these bl manhwas/dramas?
like most of these bl manhwas have r*pey mls who literally force themselves on the mc despite mc not wanting it and there are ppl excusing this behavior and still supporting the ml like "omg he's so hot" "he's a red flag but i want him 😍" like would u want a guy who's a r*pist? it's not a red flag stop saying shit like that. it's not a red flag it's a fucking crime. it's literally like saying "omg that dude r*ped his colleague? damn he's a red flag 😍" HOW IS THIS OKAY AT ALL??? ARE U SICK IN THE HEAD OH MY GOD??
also there's this one bl drama where the guy is married to a woman but then he falls in love with another man or smth like that idk that drama i haven't seen it but did see one of the scenes from the drama and it was like,
the husband (who's basically the main character) was meeting with the guy he fell in love with (the male lead) and they were kissing or something in the husband's house i think and suddenly his wife comes back and catches them together.
now, what do u think? is there something that u find problematic in that? well let me tell u what i found problematic in that it was the fact that the husband was cheating on his wife. idc if he was in love with another with a man or woman, he had an EXTRA MARITAL AFFAIR while being married to that woman. and you know the comment section was filled with ppl who supported the husband and the lover bc obviously they were the main couple of the drama but nobody gave a fuck about how the wife would've felt? if the man was cheating with another woman everyone would've called him out right? but suddenly their feminism dies when it's boy×boy?
the wife had no reason to get hurt and be dragged in all this mess bc of the main couple. The husband was gay, he should've told the wife that he was gay or smth? idk what y'all think but i think extra marital affairs are problematic and should be called out regardless of the genders involved.
i cannot be the only one feeling all this is problematic right? i cannot be the only one thinking this all is just balant fetishization of gay men? please tell me if i am wrong or if I'm missing any point here that i need to be educated about? and i would prefer it more if only the ppl of LGBT+ community give their opinion or argument on this post because i want to know the honest opinion of those who are actually being targeted by all these bls and all i.e, the gay ppl and lgbt ppl rather than a straight person.
also srry for any spelling mistakes or wtv i can't type for shit 😍😍😍😍
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sashimi-time · 2 years
Completed BL Manga/Manhwa/Manhua Recommendations (2)
Hey! Now, I made part 2! I couldn't add images in the other post, so here I am!
Do you have any completed BL that you'd like to suggest? Please let me know!
Love Shuttle (90 chapters; Lezhin)
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Plot (MAL): There’s a late bloomer, and then there’s a late bloomer. Do-Yun may be half Omega, but he certainly doesn’t look it: he’s tall, chiseled... But the worst of it all is that he’s a full-grown adult male who has yet to go into heat. He doesn’t see the problem, and everyone assumes he’s an Alpha, anyway. But when his body finally decides it’s “time,” it just happens to be at the most inopportune moment. He has no-one to turn to but his work rival, Tae-Han – but thankfully, Tae-Han is more than man enough to help him out.
Note: This is another cute omegaverse story! Take note, it's NSFW. I don't think I've read a non-NSFW omegaverse story, to be honest... Anyway! This one is pretty wholesome. I believe that Tae-Han and Do-Yun's relationship is very healthy. <3 The two of them are hella cute. Give it a try if you haven't!
Also, kindly note that I did not read what Side Story 2 is about. I've seen some snippets, and it made me not wanna read it. Lols.
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Blood Link (135 chapters; Lezhin)
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Plot (AP): A human, lycan, or a vampire - what am I?! Completely unaware of the existence of these predators, Hwa Gok goes about his everyday life… That is, until Lee Bin turns his life upside down by biting him on the neck, setting off a whirlwind of events neither of them could foresee.
Note: I absolutely loved this one! I think the story is sweet, and the art is amazing! Both Season 1 and Season 2 were such a blast to read! Please note that there are 2 couples, one for S1 and one for S2, and both seasons are very NSFW. ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)✨ Besides, who wouldn't want to read about vampires, lycans, and humans?! I believe you would most definitely enjoy reading about them. Do give it a read if you haven't yet! The endings are *chefs kiss*
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Insecret (72 Chapters + 30 Side Story; Lezhin)
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Plot (AP): The life of a K-pop star is a hard one, especially if you’re Choi Yuwon. Not only does he have to keep up with the grueling lifestyle of an idol, but he also needs to keep a vigilant eye on the troublemaker of INSECRET, Park Dojin. Dojin acts how he pleases, and Yuwon is the only person in the group who can keep him out of trouble. This arrangement seems to work just fine for the both of them, until one day, Dojin makes a fateful mistake…
Note: Okay, so, to be 100% honest, as much as I loved the story between Dojin and Yuwon, I am mostly recommending this for the second couple (the focus of the side stories). I mean, Dojin and Yuwon's story is cute, and they're adorbs (especially by the ending part!), but some parts of the beginning of their relationship were kinda problematic for me, you know? ANYWAY. I loved reading this one! Other than the interesting story (HALLO, it's a romance between two members of a boy band?!?! With a weird, sort of master/dog thing going on?!), the art is amazing! It's very NSFW though. //・ω・//). ┻┳|
I won't comment much on the side story because I might be spoiling you unintentionally, but please, take my word for it when I say reading their story is very interesting! I love the dynamic between the second couple. The progress in their relationship, in my opinion, is great. It seems very realistic to me, I guess. To be honest, I didn't even expect that they were the second couple lol. But maybe that's just me. HAHA.
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Woof Wolf (55 Chapters + 6 Side Story; Lezhin)
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Plot (AP): Min-woo and Jae-min have been eyeing one another across the classroom for ages, but so far they’ve only gotten hot and steamy together in their imaginations. Just as the sexual tension reaches a boiling point, Jae-min makes a shocking discovery: Min-woo is a werewolf! And this only excites him more! Will Min-woo be a good pup and make Jae-min howl in bed? The fangs and claws will surely come out this semester!
Note: This one is a really cute read! It's short, and the couple was sweet. The art is great, too! Plus! Green flags are waving for both Min-woo and Jae-min! I loved that there were no super huge misunderstandings between the two of them. I think their relationship was very mature.
And hello! WEREWOLVES! Who doesn't like them, amirite? It's NSFW, so please be warned. Ehe.
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Living with Him (10.5 Chapters)
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Plot (BM): Natsukawa Ryouta, a boy with a domestic disposition, is striving to make his college debut. At last, his dream of living alone has come true…!! …or so he'd thought, until it turns out he has to room with his childhood friend, Tanaka Kazuhito, a guy with a sparkling aura?! Their mutually self-conscious, mutual pining love between roommates begins!
Notes: This one is a really short, fluffy, cute read! I loved the relationship between Ryouta and Kazuhito. It's pretty straighforward, and there are no misunderstandings between the two of them. I remember loving how sweet and respectfully Kazuhito is. A total green flag top right there! Ryouta is very cute, too! Most definitely read this if you want something light-hearted and chill.
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