#radical feminsm
elfyprincess · 3 months
Hey gyns. 💕
I made this & I had a lot of fun with it. Maybe use it the next time you’re dealing with someone annoying ? Might make it a bit more fun tee hee. Or just reblog it & laugh at it. I think it’s pretty accurate.
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(Please don’t let this post flop.)
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wyvern-of-the-evening · 2 months
Rules of Misogyny in action:
1, 11, 14, 16
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I would even argue maybe 3 and 7 a little bit as well.
Women are kept in cages, starved, beaten, molested, and raped, but that’s just not as bad as men exploiting other men’s perversion and objectification of women!
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blonkk · 1 month
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i’m getting so close to fucking up my life and posting this on insta. like a lot of people i know are normal but a LOT are trans rights activists, a few are “trans” and one of my jobs is super gendie. like i’m the only one there who refuses to state my pronouns and i can feel the air get heavy and awkward lol…and obv my friends /coworkers and even the owner follows me so like.
like i’m being so serious though there is an actual calculated massacre of palestinians happening. as it has been for decades. no i’m not gonna call it genocide just yet because as i have seen repeatedly using words incorrectly totally erases their meaning. like the trans community! how do you seriously justify using that word to describe what you believe is your experience of oppression? NO ONE is targeting trans people. no one. you have the lowest murder rates. you co opt every single social group and movement and reorient it around yourself and ostracize/vilify those who refuse to comply. not even just those who openly oppose you, but those who won’t follow along.
we see this ongoing brutalization of real actual people who don’t have a strong/effective governing body by a world superpower with military allies and funding around the globe. THAT’s violence. that’s oppression. not being told you’re actually not at the centre of everything that’s ever happened in the world
i really am gonna out myself publicly soon idk idc i can’t take this anymore the silence is actually physically hurting me. i just know i’m gonna lose so many friends even those who don’t gaf about trans shit because they’re scared.
but enough is enough. it’s the most privileged thing in the world to be able to dominate every single issue comfortably from twitter and your crumb filled polycule in your cozy safe western home. i don’t give a fuck about perceived threats to you especially if you’re a tim; no one is hurting you people, it’s actually the other way around. and you’re demonstrating your male socialization and entitlement by making sure that as the world witnesses the devastation of more lives from that same tired region of the world once again, you’re the ones in danger.
shut up about holocaust denial. you have no idea what the holocaust was. you have no idea what it’s actually like to be targeted and persecuted because of how you are born, who you are culturally. jews and cross dressers and disabled people and actual gay people from that time do know. and we all know, as clearly stated in the third reich, that the holocaust was instituted to remove undesirables from society, NAMELY jews.
jk rowling is pointing out that you can’t position trans people at the centre of the holocaust. AND that the concept of “trans” then was not what it is now — people (mostly males) were gay and due to rigid gender roles they may have cross dressed or called themselves some version of a man-lady etc. and that many of the doctors being credited for trans research actually engaged in uhhhh mutilation human experimentation and eugenics. not quite the same as critical life saving research fuckfaces
even by admission from historians touting “queer” theory, trans people did not suffer tremendously at the hands of nazis. please look at the death tolls of the actual persecuted parties. please consider how vain and evil and corrupt it is to rewrite history and appropriate unimaginable suffering for attention and sympathy, to further your own selfish and ill founded agenda.
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idk why the link won’t work but please for the love of christ. good god. read something real for once. not pseudo history
& once again i implore you to really think bout what you’re doing to get another woman with the tits to not comply. look what you did to sinead o’connor and amber heard and brittany spears and all the women in the world who didn’t behave . cowards
like what you’ve done to women; erased our history, erased our experiences and are erasing our right to say who and what we are . a trans woman threw the first stone at stonewall! wrong. that was a gay cross dressing man. you are shitting all over him and his life for taking his right to say who he was from him. trans women are breaking boundaries — woman of the year! fastest swimmer in the world! heavy weight champion! youth basketball prodigy! wrong. you’re excusing male entitlement and theft of womens spaces and accomplishments. you’re celebrating the rollback of sex based rights. you’re dismissing the experiences and dreams and goals and hard work and basic rights to acknowledgement and respect of females.
trans women have no representation! wrong. every where you go, everything i watch i’m bombarded with trans women being forced in, added like they’re an organic part of social groups, particularly female ones. i remember back in 2020 watching euphoria and realizing that schaeffer has a duck and my initial disgust and discomfort that it had been so sneakily spring on me; it’s so innocent, two sad lonely teen girls lying in bed, harmless. and then you’re supposed to not react when you see this grotesque bulge in pink frilly girl panties. you’re supposed to not show revulsion at that. or wonder why a young lesbian girl is shown to be attracted to a male. shown to not have any problem with a penis. even if rue was straight it would be disturbing and inappropriate. stop trying to force your dicks into everything. shock people into submission. fucking freaks
jk rowling will not stop and no amount of this dishonesty and bandwagoning will make her. i honestly don’t know if people will feel shame for doing this to her, i have my doubts seeing how things have gone. but this is wrong over right that’s happening right now, and everyone too stupid and cowardly to realize it or say something is complicit. congrats! you’re a woman hating, woman fearing witch hunter
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arctic-hands · 2 years
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[Image Description: a Facebook comment section between Red M and Blue K. Red M's initial comment says "If testosterone does not give an unfair advantage against women why do we separate sports?" The comment has four likes and hearts. Blue K replied "you're absolutely right! Sports should ["should" in all caps] be gender desegregated!" This comment has two likes. Red M: "Then women in high levels of sport will no longer exist. Go compare the top males and top females. Women will never be able to compete against men." This comment has a laugh reaction by yours truly. Blue K: "anyone else remember when feminism was all about how women are just as good as men?" End I.D.]
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impawsterette · 2 years
how can u be gender critical but unironically id as female. which is a gender. make it make sense
sure. female = the female sex. i don't 'id' as female, i simply am female. it is a state of being. i'm critical of gender because it is an oppressive social construct imposed on females. it's quite simple.
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daughterearth · 2 years
If your feminism does not include women who are partnered or experience attraction towards men, it is not feminism. As much as it is inconvenient, as much as it is ugly- hetro women specially feminist have, are and have always been shamed for experiencing attraction towards men leading them to hide their relationships. Yes, 99.9% men aren't worth our time but do not leave out women, who are.
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fionaappleenjoyer · 5 months
Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother's fate.
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ive7 · 3 months
“Dropping out is not the answer; fucking-up is.”
The SCUM Manifesto, Valerie Solanas
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commajade · 1 year
that last post you reblogged by medicalmisogyny is a TERF post. i mean lookupmedicalmisogyny is a terf anyway, you can check her blog she has "not a TERF" pinned but also "heavily believes in radical feminsm" and reblogs terf shit all the time.
deleted, thanks for letting me know!
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blonkk · 3 months
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these people have no idea what human rights are.
this entire movement is made up of predatory and/or misinformed adults and brainwashed children.
like you are actually out of touch with reality if you read this and think it’s a violation of rights. the only thing that would pose a threat to children is potentially outing them to their parents, which would obviously put them in danger.
but it’s incredibly overblown — the majority of parents wouldn’t abuse or abandon their kids, they might refuse to accept them and/or seek out therapy or treatment for them, but that’s not the same thing. i’m not saying kids should be forced to live with parents who don’t accept them but sadly that’s life; there’s a clear line between life-threatening / traumatic abuse and discomfort.
for example i grew up in a mildly religious/cultural family and had many uncomfortable times as a teenager knowing my parents weren’t happy with my values. even as an adult who’s been out of my family home for years i still live with the knowledge that my mom doesn’t agree with my lifestyle (not saying being gay is a choice/lifestyle). but if i was trans and tried to get the woman who literally carried me and gave birth to me to refer to me as a male i know she wouldn’t go along with it. maybe it’s a false equivalence, but she knows i don’t believe in god /islam yet she always mentions how she prays for me and sends me verses/blessings in the muslim way. i don’t get anything from it, and sometimes i roll my eyes but it’s not hurting me in any way. she’s doing what she thinks is best, yes sometimes it may seem like she’s ignoring my beliefs, but that’s fucking life. she loves me and i love her and we won’t ever come to a harmonious agreement here.
anyways. this movement is dangerous and insidious. conflating trans skepticism with being a republican/conservative is a great way to scare people who care into submission.
reminder: concern for children is the most important thing and if you feel like something is off don’t repress that feeling to placate these pedophilic and opportunistic freaks.
being gay/bi/lesbian is not the same as being trans. this “queer” umbrella doesn’t exist. the lgb movement is being co-opted by homophobes and pervs who use a slur to move their agenda forward.
children should not be brainwashed in schools to “present” as a certain gender, that certain interests and hobbies make them more of another gender.
children should not be put on life-altering medication which can do irreversible change/damage to their bodies and minds (despite what trans activists say. they claim to support the community yet silence and ignore science and detransitioners).
parental consent is required for any medication children may need/want. that’s not a violation of their rights. children are vulnerable and incredibly susceptible to social pressure — we don’t allow them to vote or operate vehicles or drink etc, yet they should be able to make decisions that have a high likelihood of being regretted and harming them?!
children should not be told if they can’t access these “rights” their families will reject them and they’ll be compelled to kill themselves. they shouldn’t be encouraged to leave families to “safe, caring adults” — this is literally grooming. it’s cult practise.
children shouldn’t be taught that if they’re a little different and don’t conform to rigid gender stereotypes they are fundamentally wrong and should undergo endless medical procedures to “fix” themselves. if being “yourself” requires you to change natural aspects about yourself, it’s not genuine.
males shouldn’t be in female sports/spaces, full stop. females safety and comfort comes before validating males in every situation. the claim that “this decision has drawn criticism from national sports organizations” is a blatant lie — sports orgs have been going along but thanks to the work of mostly female athletes and sports advocates as well as international sports orgs males are being rightfully kept out and separate categories are being implemented in some situations for those who wish to self identify.
this “movement” is an erratically thrown together puzzle made up of the work and rights of other actually oppressed groups. they steal from lgb advocacy, co-opt rhetoric from blm and use colonialism and victims of racism by repurposing it to falsely fit they’re narrative. they are not only dangerous and manipulative, they are grossly self-centered and narcissistic.
fascism defined: characterized by doctoral leadership, centralized autocracy, forcible suppression of opposition.
this movement claims that any criticism is fascist, yet refuses to entertain any of it. they’re answers to any questioning consists of thought-terminating cliches and religious mantras. “trans rights are human rights.” “trans women are women”. etc.
they are being accommodated in our society with little to no opposition and any fair scrutiny is vilified as fascist. actually, forcing people to accept your religious-like devotion to the trans creedo and socially punishing them via doxxing, cancelling or slander seems more fascist. trying to repress the truth and silencing detransitioners and critics is fascist. luring vulnerable young people into your cultish echo chamber is fascist. you are suppressing free thought, making people distrust and question their inherent instinct and punishing dissent.
people need to wake up and see this for what it really is; a male rights movement that centres the needs of predators, child groomers, and bio males over women and children. it boosts the pharmaceutical industry’s power over people and makes them millions of dollars. it actively undoes work done to protect and uplift women, children and racial minorities.
via sarworthman on instagram
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autolenaphilia · 2 years
Radical feminism was always transmisogynistic
(note that I’m not interested in arguing with full-on terfs, because I’m not interested in arguing my right to exist or my experiences of misogyny. This post is aimed more at people who believe a trans-inclusive radical feminism can exist).
The problem with the idea of reclaiming radical feminsm and creating a trans-friendly version of it is that it’s inherently transmisogynistic. This has to do with how radfems define womanhood and explain patriarchy. In Radfem theory, women are oppressed because of biology, because of reproduction. Shulamith Firestone’s foundational radfem text The Dialectic of Sex summed it up as “Nature produced the fundamental inequality: half the human race must bear and rear the children of all of them – which was later consolidated, institutionalized in the interests of men”. Firestone didn’t publicly talk about trans women, but this kind of gender-biological essentialism and its erasure of trans experiences, which is fundamental to radfem ideology leads naturally to terfism.
So for radfems, it’s cis women’s biology which defines their womanhood, and their oppression by patriarchy and misogyny. Trans women become male interlopers at best, who are not truly oppressed by misogyny and not really women because they don’t have wombs. Radfems might acknowledge trans women being oppressed but in their theory it’s because they are gender-non-conforming males.
This theory gives really no room to acknowledge trans women as women or as victims of misogyny, because those are again defined by cis women’s biology. At best it centers cis women’s experiences at the expense of trans women, and at worst it’s just bigotry. It utterly ignores the statistical material evidence that shows how trans women are more oppressed than cis women because of their experiencing an intersection of misogyny and transphobia. Look for example at wage statistics and violence statistics.
And of course it often centers a particular cis woman’s experience. Radfem theory and groups are infamous for implicitly centering not just cis women’s perspectives, but specifically middle-class white cis women’s perspectives. The reason for that is that while they technically acknowledge racism and economic class as grounds for oppression, they believe patriarchy and male supremacy is the “primary oppression”, the one that came first and led to all the others which are thus secondary, see for example Firestone’s aforementioned book for a detailed explanation of that aspect of radfem thinking. I’m white, so I won’t expound on this at length, but many black feminists such as bell hooks have written about how racism was and still is rife in the white-dominant feminist movement.
The middle-class perspective of radfems also lead to SWERF bullshit. It privileges abstract concerns of how “prostitution reduces women’s bodies to a commercial object which contributes to misogyny” trumps actual sex worker’s lived experience. Radfems champion “the nordic model” where sex workers themselves are technically not criminalized, but their clients are. But this still pushes sex work into a criminal underworld, where sex workers are at much greater risk for violence.
Radical feminism did try to address genuine issues women face in a patriarchal society, but in practice it was always a way of furthering and defending cis women’s privileges. There is really no dividing line between “fighting for women’s rights” and cis women’s privileges. In fact they become one and the same in radfem practice. Because the rights radfems fight for are reserved for cis women only, they are nothing more than a fight for more privileges in our patriarchal society.
Radfem practice naturally turned to activism aimed not at increasing rights for anyone, but removing rights from trans people and sex workers. It’s thinly disguised as a rights struggle in itself, “defending women’s sex-based rights”.
Radical feminism in its homeland of the US slowly died as its contradictions and chronic inability to build meaningful coalitions slowly choked any momentum it had. It fully discredited itself by the 1980s by allying itself with the new religious right in crusades against trans rights, porn and sex work. What exists is a remnant, often in cooperation and funded by the right-wing to justify transphobic politics via faux-leftist feminism.
In Sweden Radfems are still powerful, but that’s because they have become the state’s feminist alibi. The “women’s organisations” here have mainly turned into a lobbying organisation creating faux-feminist justifications for the state’s violence against sex workers and trans people. Their main purpose is to spew virulent TERF and SWERF ideology at the merest suggestion that we should improve conditions for trans people or truly decriminalize sex work. And then the Swedish government will listen only to them, change nothing and claim it’s feminist.
Radical feminism had some good points about patriarchy, but its theoretical and practical basis was deeply flawed from the start. It was cis-centric at best and more often deeply transmisogynistic. People have tried to creative a trans-inclusive radical feminism, but it never works out. The theoretical basis of radfem ideology, that biology is the sole source of women’s oppression is at best an erasure of transmisogyny. It almost always lead to the virulent transmisogyny of full-on terfism, as denial and erasure of trans women’s experiences with oppression naturally leads to that.
There are a few “Trans inclusive radical feminists” around, often cis feminist “allies” but their trans-friendliness is invariably unsteady, due to radfem ideology being inherently cis-centric. On tumblr they often follow and reblog from terf blogs, as they claim the TERF feminist analysis of non-trans related issues still has validity. And of course they are still often SWERFs, so they still perpetuate the ancient traditions of radfem bullshit even if they don’t do (explicit) TERF shit.
And eventually the contradictions between the taproots of their ideology and their claimed allyship to trans people become too great, they must choose between them. They must ask themselves: is womanhood defined by oppression due to biology in which case trans women are not women, or is it not? Choosing the latter option you cease being a radfem. And because cis feminists nearly always value their cis privileges over trans people, they nearly always jettison trans people and fully terf-out. Of course this assumes they were truly were not terfs from the start. I suspect at least some “TIRF” blogs on terfs are crypto-terfs trying to whitewash radfem ideology by claiming to be trans-friendly, and the terf-transformation is just them dropping the mask.
But there are probably some sincere believers in reclaiming radical feminism from the terfs, and I hope this post dissuades them. Radical feminism was always transmisogynistic.
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Crying cause all this time I've been tagging "radical feminsm" rather than "radical feminism" rip
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