plaidbooks · 3 years
Fluff #11 with Mike please and thanks 💖
You always went for a morning jog in the little park by your place. You normally saw the same people every morning, give or take--the two women with strollers, the man walking his dog, the three kids walking to school. But there was also one man that stood out in your mind. He was fit, jogging the same path as you. He normally sped up when you both merged, so that he was in front of you, but you didn’t mind--he had a great butt.
One morning, you greeted him, learned his name was Mike. He was sweet, and you instantly had a crush on him after a few words. He was there almost every day, and you started talking more and more.
“Why would you speed up when you’d see me before? I thought you didn’t want to talk to me,” you asked one day.
Mike smiled sheepishly. “I know most women don’t want a stranger, especially a guy, jogging with them or behind them. I figured in front of you would be safer.”
“That’s...shockingly sweet. I never even thought about it like that.... Though, I’m glad you were in front--I had a nice view.”
Mike barked out a laugh, his ears turning a shade of pink that had nothing to do with the jog. “Well, I like making people feel comfortable. Plus, it’d be awkward if you called the cops on me, since I’m a sergeant.”
You smiled at the casual flex of his job. “Yeah, I guess it would be. Does that mean you work today?”
“Actually, it’s my day off.”
Now or never. “Wanna grab lunch?”
“Wait...are you flirting with me?” he asked, slowing down and eventually stopping.
“You finally noticed? I mean, I told you that I liked your butt 20 seconds ago. Do you know what flirting is?” you teased, stopping next to him.
Mike chuckled, shaking his head. “I guess I’ve been out of the game for a while now. Yes, I’d love to get lunch with you.”
You smiled at him, and he returned it, before you continued your jog, making plans on where to meet up and exchanging phone numbers.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Enemies to lovers xx
Ooooh...I’ve got like three answers. If we’re going x reader, I’m thinking either Jay Halstead or Kelly Severide for OneChicago. For SUV it’s DEFINITELY Nick Amaro. The man doesn’t know how to deal with having a crush on a coworker so decides to hate you on principle, so you sass back and become enemies until tension boils over and OOPS.
If we’re going for canon couples though, I can completely see that for Burzek, cause that’s technically what happened/is happening right now? Except there’s feelings there even with the distrust.
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glimmerglittergirl · 5 years
Happy Birthday, darling! 💕💕
Thank you, sweetie! 😘
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pagesofivy · 6 years
The Downfall of Thought
Warnings: Angst, panic attacks, dark thoughts
Prompt: Fluffy supportive Loki. Body positive, mental health support
Commission by @redlipstickandplaid
Summary: You’re battling a silent battle with anxiety and depression, and finally hitting rock bottom is the wake-up call you need.
Beta: @winchester-with-wings
A/N: This one was something I felt I needed to tackle, and it just sort of grew around itself. It isn’t shameful to be hurting, and it isn’t shameful to ask for help. I’ve slowly learned that, still struggle with it, and feel like it’s an important lesson for many people.
W.C. 2461
Tags are at the bottom!
You stare down at your phone and chew your lip as you deliberate what you’re going to do about the text on the screen:
“Hey, are you coming out with us tonight?”
Your fingers mindlessly tap the edges of the screen, not actually typing your answer. Are you going? Can you handle going? Can you get away with not going? Do you have an excuse that’s believable? Maybe. Here goes nothing.
“Sorry, I can’t tonight, work has me swamped.”
It’s a lame excuse, but nobody ever questions it, you don’t use the work excuse often. A few “take care!” and “We miss you!” texts come through the group thread and you feel grateful they’re so understanding, but at the same time, there’s that whisper of doubt: They’re tired of you never being around. They see through your excuses and they’re going to stop asking you to hang out. And then you’ll lose them for good. And you know Loki will follow. And then work.
Work. Oh shit. Sure, you usually work from home, but you haven’t sat down and actually done work in quite a while now; you’re too far behind on your responsibilities. Pulling out your laptop from its bag, you open your email inbox and stare in blank panic at the increasingly threatening subject lines from your boss:
“New Assignment” “Progress Check” “Due ASAP” “Due TODAY” “PAST DUE” “Meeting Needed” “CALL ME”
You can’t catch your breath, feel simultaneously like the walls are falling in and like you’re drowning, flailing and getting nowhere, pushed further down by the weight of responsibility you can’t handle anymore, and the voice is back:
Lost your friends, lost your job, just wait until you lose Loki! It won’t be long until you’re alone and have to admit to your parents you fucked up your life and have to move in with them. What a failure, you really screwed up this time!
“Stop!” The word is shrieked out loud and then the world is quiet, the voice silent. You open the emails, scan them for important details and quell your panic, shutting it in an emotional box for later. You reply to the last email, give a long explanation that’s half a lie, and shut the computer, taking multiple deep breaths and trying to strengthen your mental walls to be able to handle the stress you’re drowning in. You grab your anxiety pills and take one, then open a notebook and start a to-do list, feeling like maybe this time you’ll get your shit together and be a successful adult. The list fills up the whole page, but it’s mostly baby steps or basics that need accomplished, things like “Do the dishes. Shower. Order dinner. Read the first chapter of the story (to be edited).”
You stare at the list, trying to decide what to do first and finally land on ordering pizza. It’s an easy task, considering the shop has an app, so the task is done in seconds, and you scratch it off with a sense of relief. Deciding you can tackle something a little more, you start the dishes, filling up the sink with water and soap and placing some plates and silverware in to soak, but then Loki comes in using the key you had given him, and everything is forgotten. “Loki!” You exclaim, drying your hands and throwing your arms around him as he steps up to you and kisses your forehead.
“Hello there my love. How was your day? I hope it’s okay I stopped by?” He looks at you with his signature playful grin and you can’t help but smile back, nodding enthusiastically.
“It’s always okay when you stop by, Loki. Having you around is a blessing.” You wince at how needy that sounds, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Instead, his eyes lock on the pill bottle and concern paints his face.
“How are you feeling, (Y/N)?” He asks cautiously, and you flush, embarrassed knowing he caught sight of your meds.
“I-I’m fine, Loki. I had a moment, but I’m good now.” You give him a tumultuous smile, lying through your teeth because you’re still shaky on the inside, and he smiles softly at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead and giving your waist a squeeze.
“If you need me, you can always call, you know that,” Loki murmurs, and you nod, even though you have your doubts. If you called him as often as you needed him to calm you down or give reassurances, you’d be calling him nearly every day, if not more frequently, and you know that’s something you can’t do, not without being seen as too fragile and weak, so it won’t happen. You can’t look weak.
Someone knocks on the door and you extract yourself from Loki’s hold, grabbing your wallet and sending him a guilty smile. “I got a pizza , I was hungry. You’re welcome to some if you want!” You offer before opening the door and exchanging the money for the food, your stomach growling as the delicious smell wafts under your nose.  
You then shut the door and return to the couch, setting the pizza box on the coffee table in front of you. Loki grabs a slice out and picks up the television remote, queueing up your regular show on Netflix. He settles in, smiling as you relax with your own slice and cuddle up to him.
A few weeks pass, and your mental health has only gotten worse.
Your apartment has become a mess with laundry, trash, and dishes piled everywhere. You rarely leave unless absolutely necessary; and you haven’t been in touch with much of anyone lately. You’ve texted Loki a few times, and your friends even less, leaving them all worried about you. Loki has fielded concerns and complaints from your friends, and he knows your behavior isn’t healthy, knows that it’s time to confront you.
Knocking on you door, he waits patiently, but there’s no answer. He knocks again, waits again, and finally, after ten minutes of waiting, lets himself in, picking his way through the mess on the floor to you, who is sitting in a chair in the kitchen, staring at the blank computer in front of you, not seeing a thing.
“(Y/N)? Princess? What’s going on?” He asks quietly, kneeling down beside you, and it takes you a few moments to acknowledge him, turning your head towards him, your red-rimmed eyes meeting his.
“I… I just had a bad day, that’s all.” Your voice is hoarse, cried-out and rusty from days of non-use. Loki, frowning, takes your hands in his firmly, pulling you from your seat and over onto the couch. You can feel the nerves and panic churn in your belly, feel your palms start to sweat; this is definitely about to be a serious talk. Dread mixes with the concoction of fear already there, and you fight down the panic attack as Loki begins to talk.
“(Y/N), sweetheart, you’ve been having a lot of really bad days lately, and… Well, I think you need to get some professional help, go see a therapist. Me and your friends, we love you and we want to help you, but…” he lifts your hands and presses a gentle kiss to them, “there’s only so much we can do, so much we can shoulder, and we’re reaching our limit. It hurts me to do this, to say this, but you need to hear it. I… I really hope it’s the wake-up call you need.”
When Loki looks up at you, tears are in your eyes, as they are in his, and he has to look away, the pain from seeing you hurting too strong for him to face. The saying goes that the truth hurts, but hurting you is the last thing he ever wanted to do. However, you’re hurting far too much, and like he had said, you need more help than he and your friends can offer. Confronting you like this was a good decision, one that will hopefully benefit everyone.
“Oh Loki, I… I’m so sorry!” You sob out the words, and it cracks Loki’s heart to hear, but he doesn’t say anything, staying quiet to let you continue. “I’ll try to better, I really will! I’ll go see a therapist, talk to someone. I’ll do whatever it takes, so long as you don’t abandon me.” The idea wracks your body with another round of shuddering sobs, and Loki pulls you to him, holding you tightly.
“I couldn’t abandon you, my love. I promise,” he murmurs as you cry, your body shaking. Absently he marks surprise that you’re still producing tears, but he banishes that thought almost immediately, rubbing slow circles across your back in an attempt to comfort you.
When your crying slows to a stop and you compose yourself, you pull away from him and grab your laptop. “Will you help me look for a good therapist?” You ask hesitantly, and he agrees without a thought, settling in for a long night of research.
The therapist you find has some unconventional ideas and ‘treatments,’ but they actually help, according to reviews, at least a little. And she has an emergency 24-hour line that you can call if things get really bad. Loki even comes with you as encouragement when you go in for a meeting, to see if she’s someone you’d want to work with in the future. You aren’t sure at first if you can regularly go, if you want to admit to yourself that you need to go, but one night it feels like rock bottom and you know it’s time to start doing something about your mental health.
Staring at the mirror, mascara streaked down your face, you sit by an inbox full of unopened emails and a phone full of unanswered texts, knowing you can’t go on like this. You feel so alone, so abandoned, so lied to. Loki said he’d never leave, never abandon you, but he’s gone, off on some Asgardian responsibility trip, and you can’t bother him, not with this, not now. Your friends? Gone, stopped talking to you what feels like a long time ago, unable to handle the dramatic failure you are becoming, so you can’t turn to any of them now. There was only so much they could do to help, that’s what Loki had said. It seems like they’ve given up on you. Scrolling through your phone, your eyes land on the emergency number for a therapist you’ve visited and talked to only once, and in a desperate attempt for some connection, some acknowledgment, you call.
The conversation is nothing short of hysteria on your part, full of pain and little hope, and it’s a complete blur in your mind, the words lost in the haze of panic and despair that had taken over before you had called.
It’s been a few weeks since you had called the therapist, Dr. Engleton, and things are looking up, thanks to weekly meetings with the doctor.  As prescribed, you take your meds and constantly stick Post-It notes everywhere in the house with messages like “It’s just one day, you can do it” and “Life is too short to spend another day at war with yourself,” sayings that are meant to encourage and strengthen, especially when you’re struggling. Your life is by no means perfect, you are by no means perfect, but life feels more manageable, and you’re slowly mending your life and relationships.
The first person you apologize to is Loki. Meeting him in a coffee shop once he’s back from Asgard, you hand over a letter you wrote, a plea for forgiveness, an admission of guilt and weakness and fear that you feel covers only a fraction of what he deserves. He forgives you immediately, saying he’s just glad you’re finally getting the help you need. The two of you return to your house, where you pull him to the couch for your own serious talk.
“Loki, I need your help. Again. I will need you to keep me accountable, keep me going to sessions and doing the work Dr. Engleton has me doing. Right now though, mostly, I need you to help me be strong enough to write these apologies, explain what happened and what is happening.” You take a deep, shaky breath, and look him in the eyes. “I need people to know that I’m struggling, that I’m thankful for all they’ve done, and that I am working on getting better.” Loki’s smile is wide and he nods enthusiastically, committing himself to you all over again.
“Of course I’ll help sweetheart. Anything you need,” he promises, and you both let out nervous chuckles when your stomach growls. “Maybe my first contribution will be pizza.” He jokes, but then pulls out his phone and places your usual order anyway, before you can really protest.  Order placed, Loki stands and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’m going to get the food, get us some drinks, and grab some snacks for later. If you feel like it, go ahead and start writing, but if you can’t, don’t force yourself. I’ll be back soon. I love you. And maybe when I’m back, you can explain the sticky notes around the house.” He grins and points at a few of the aforementioned sticky notes, presses another kiss to your forehead, then walks out the door, leaving you to face down your fears as you pull out blank sheets of paper to start apologizing to everyone you’ve hurt.
You stare long and hard at the piece of paper in front of you, debating on what to say, then get to work, writing out your apology:
“To everyone I’ve hurt, to everyone who’s stuck beside me even when I’ve disappeared:
I’m sorry.
The good news is, I’m getting help. I’m going to therapy. I’m working towards getting better. It’s not complete, it’s not perfect, and I’ll never truly be okay, but that’s okay. I’m never going to stop getting panic attacks, or going through depressive, isolating periods, but I will know how to deal with them, how to let someone know I’m struggling, and I’m even starting medication that is supposed to help…”
The letter continues and once it’s done, you set it aside and look over at Loki, who has just walked in with the pizza. He smiles at you and you return the smile, then hold up the papers before you, indicating you started writing the letters. You glance at the sticky notes stuck around the room, knowing there are more throughout the rest of the apartment, and a fond smile flits across your face.
Things aren’t perfect, but they’re getting better, and that’s what matters.
@calmjoon @quilliamfears @winchester-with-wings @mrswhozeewhatsis @myfand0msandm0re @feelmyroarrrr @danijimenezv @mogaruke @aikibriarrose @sea040561 @becs-bunker @meganwinchester1999 @letsdisneythings @gone-to-fight-the-fairies @autoblocked @ashengem @mysticalhood-main @haven-in-writing @emoryhemsworth @sassy-losechester @enthusiastic-french-toast @nochillphd
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thefanficfaerie · 5 years
Hey! First of all, congratulations on 3000 followers! Can I please have Song 5 with our favourite smol grumpy lawyer man?
THANK YOU!!! And yes you may have number 5 with Smol Grumpy Lawyer. LOL!! 
Disney Quote Challenge
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❝🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨❞
Thank you so, so much, you’re so sweet! 💛💛💛
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captainevans · 6 years
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is as lovely as you! xx
i don’t know about the me being lovely part but thank you! ♥
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honey-bee-holly · 6 years
❝🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨❞
Thank you Annie, that’s so sweet 💕😘
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@redlipstickandplaid replied to your post “That’s me done with uni for summer! Bring on the smuuuuuuuuut!”
Ayyyy I cannot fucking wait!
Me neither!
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plaidbooks · 3 years
#5 random with Mike please <3
I changed the quote slightly
It had been a few long days; you were at work more than not and time, as well as days, started blending together. You no longer had a sleep schedule, and you only ate when you were about to drop from lack of nutrients. The rest of the department was also on their last legs working, taking turns to nap in the on-call room.
You all took turns to pick up food, as well--a “break” to get fresh air as well as not work for a moment. At first, you were mad about having to stop working. But as the days started to stack up, you started looking forward to it, stepping outside and taking a lungful of air that wasn’t filled with coffee particles, sweat, and adrenaline.
Your stomach started growling, and you glanced at the time--it was 7am. You had worked through the night. You tried to remember the last time you ate, but came up blank. Glancing around at the other detectives, you were about to ask whose turn it was to fetch food when Mike showed up, takeout bags in his hands.
He read the paper stapled on the bag before dropping your food on your desk, then moving on. Raising an eyebrow, you glanced at the paper--it was your go-to order from the breakfast restaurant down the street. But you didn’t remember Mike asking for your order. Pulling out your phone, you looked through the group chat--strictly orders for food--and saw everyone’s order from an hour ago but yours.
You glanced back at the bag in front of you and you heard Mike chuckle.
“It’s not poisoned, I swear,” he said, grinning a tired grin.
You pulled the bag open, pulling out the food before muttering out, “how’d you know my order? I’ve never told you it before.”
Mike shrugged, sitting at his desk to dig into his own breakfast. “You always order it--I may have never gotten the breakfast before, but I pay attention sometimes,” he teased.
You gave him one last, incredulous look before opening the takeout container and diving in.
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jayankles · 7 years
Pairing: Tony x Reader Word Count: 963 Request: @redlipstickandplaid - For the Celebration thingy: Tony and prompt no. 2 - Hope you're having a lovely day xx Prompts: 2) 'You need to wake up because I can't do this without you.'
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Bucky and Steve were in the quinjet, you and Rhodey flying behind it and Tony trailing behind you.
This had to be the most terrifying fight of your life. All of your friends and even some people you had just met were fighting against each other. For what, the Sokovian Accords.
Truly, you didn't believe that Bucky had planted that bomb in Vienna but the responsibly held over the Avengers was becoming to much to bare. It was time to hand over the authority to someone else, to the government.
It wouldn't be on your heads, the blood spilled - accidental or not - they won't be held accountable.
You looked back over your shoulder to see Sam chasing the three of you guys on team Iron Man.
What you didn't anticipate was the laser that Vision had shot from his infinity stone. Aiming for the Falcon, Sam tucked in his legs and drifted away from the danger zone where the lazer beam was headed.
Assessing your surroundings you noticed that Rhodey was directly in the line where the lazer would contact. Without thinking to save your friend, you flew over and pushed him away from the precipice.
'RHODEY!' You pushed him out of the way just in time but as a consequence got yourself injured. You where falling to the floor at terminal velocity. Falling, your vision was blurring, you thought that this was it. This is how you were going to go, your friends were fighting against each other and if you didn't make it, what legacy would you be leaving behind.
Voice drowning, your mouth was wide open, your screams dilated until there was nothing left. The ground was getting closer and closer, and you could hear Tony's voice in your ear just before it cut off.
'(Y/N), hang on, we're gonna get you, just hold o-'
Tony and Rhodey flew down to the ground were (Y/N) had landed harshly. The latter ripped off her mask and found her covered in scratches, those oozing with blood as it dropped down her face.
Sam had steadied himself after he manoeuvred to the grass. He stood there, shocked, with his hand over his mouth momentarily, then apologized.
'I'm sorry.'
He didn't get much of a chance to explain his actions much further, Tony had used his gaunlet to blast Sam backwards, the beam thrusting into his chest.
'FRIDAY. Check vitals, NOW!' Tony held (Y/N)'s figure close to him, his eyes glistening and his voice cracking. He couldn't lose you, not after what you had been through together. How you helped each other through difficulties and then build up the beautiful friendship that developed into something much more.
The A.I implanted in the suit quickly scanned her body, 'heartbeat detected.'
'You need to wake up because I can't do this without you.' The tears were falling freely, silently. He was broken and it was all due to this civil war between the family he loved, even if he didn't care to admit it. They were all he needed and he didn't see it until it was too late.
'We need to get her to a hospital, Tony.' Rhodey was blaming himself, he should've taken the hit but (Y/N) saw the danger and pushed him away, but what she got in return was a near death experience. That was all on him, he thought.
Vision floated down, and was none too pleased with himself.
'What the hell happened?'
The android glanced away from the piercing gazes from his team mates, 'I became distracted.'
'How is that even possible? You know what, never mind because now my fiance is fighting for he life in there. You were caring for someone else that wasn't our priority. You cost me Rogers and Barnes but worst of all you almost cost me the love of my life.' He was seething but a sudden action from the bed halted the rest of his tirade.
You woke up with heavy limbs and a dry throat. The only part of your body that cooperated with you was the movement of your eyes. Looking from side to side, you could feel the poignant headache that had already started forming. When your eyes landed on the door, you could see Tony and Vision in a heated argument but you still couldn't hear what they were talking about.
The feeling in your body started to, slowly but surely, come back. Discomfort ran through your figure and you moved around in the bed, settling on your elbows and pushing your dense physique. Trying your best, you made a copious amount of clamorous commotion, causing Tony to run into the room and help you up, leaning your back against the rough headrest at the top of the hospital bed.
You smiled gracefully at him and pointed to your throat knowing it was what you would be needing water if you were going to speak to him. He caught onto what you were implying, filling up a small cup of water from the jug next to your bed.
'Small sips now, you took a pretty hard hit.' You swallowed the liquid gratefully, relishing in the comfort it magically brought you. 'Rhodes owes you his life but how could you have been so reckless.'
'I'm only reckless when I need to be, Tony. James is your friend and you need each other, I couldn't let anything happen to him if I could have done something. Isn't that what heroes do? Save each others, risking our own lives to protect theirs. I knew that Rhodey was going to get hurt if I didn't do anything, I didn't think I just did it.' You shrugged, earning a awestruck gaze fixated on you.
'God, I love you so much.'
Wanna be untagged? Added to a new list? Shoot me an ask. They are always open.
Tagging:  @aubzylynn @bovaria @baileylaureng @princesshopemmikaelson @beautifulbri26 @sebstan01  @shamvictoria11 @shifutheshihtzu @winterboobaer @winter-in-wakanda @kurosaki224-new-blog @niamhlincoln @whatsbetterthanfantasy @gingerrootknits @bucky-on-a-bike @themcuhasruinedme @randomnessrules33 @buckysberrie  @cojootromuelle @caplanbuckybarnes @xenaathena @re2d2 @cumonbucky @avengerofyourheart @bionic-buckyb @buckyywiththegoodhair @capnbbarnes @capsbuchanan @carabarnes13 @crazybarnes @etherealbarnes @hymnofthevalkyries @imaginingbucky @jarnesbrnes @mangosoldier @marvel-ash @marvelingatthewonder @pleasecallmecaptain @rogersxbarnesx @romanovoff @totheendofthelinepal @wakandasoldier @wholockiand @writingbarnes @writingruna
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altsvu · 3 years
wet dream
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pairing: sonny carisi x ada!female!reader
requested by @storiesofsvu: 15 from the smut prompts with sonny?
wc: 731
tw: a bit of swearing, FILTHY, FILTHY SMUT
a/n: this is the filthiest smut i’ve ever written and i’m proud of it! i hope you like it hun!!
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
Sonny opened his eyes fiercely from his deep sleep. He was breathing hard and he felt sweat on his face. He blinked a few times to make he was in reality and still not in that steamy moment with you. He had the sudden urge to reach down and release himself of whatever tingles and pleasures he was feeling. Moving to his back, Sonny felt his growing erection getting worse.
“Fuck,” he whispered, looking under the covers to see his boxers damp with pre-cum.
He wiped off some of the sweat beads on his forehead with the back of his arm and slowly pulled off his boxers, revealing his very hard cock with pre-cum sitting on his beautiful pink tip.
He sat up, adjusting his pillows and leaning against the headboard. His hand slowly slid down his lean body with his fingers curling around his cock, slowly stroking.
He imagines you sitting on the couch in your office in the DA’s, wearing a blouse that only revealed so much and your favorite mini skirt.
Your beautiful eyes gazes into Sonny’s curious blue eyes as he goes over to you, guiding you to sit on his lap like a good girl. Your lace thong would be revealed as Sonny pushes up your skirt, then your pussy as he pulls off your soaked thong hungrily.
He imagines you undoing Sonny’s pants, further revealing the growing bulge, then pulling off his underwear, taking in his length with your hands. Sonny smiles in pleasure as he lays you down on the couch and gets on top of you, removing your blouse as well as his own shirt. He strokes faster at the thought of you whimpering as his fingers pushes inside you, stimulating and warming you up.
“You take my fingers so well, don’t you?” he growls and all you can do is whimper a yes. He then goes inside of you and he groans at the thought of you screaming and moaning his name as he thrusts faster and faster.
You’re gripping onto Sonny’s wrist, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you’re growing an orgasm, and then another one, and then 2 more. You melt in Sonny’s arms as he whispers things like “You’re so beautiful” and “Is that how you like it, doll?” and “Scream my name louder like a good girl”. Your nipples get sensitive as he runs his hand over them, but he still kisses it as well as nibbles the soft skin around it.
“Oh fuck” escapes Sonny’s lips as he imagines you breathing hard as you get through your last orgasm, her hips thrusting forward in response. Sonny pulls out in confidence knowing that he did everything right.
Sonny pulls up the damp underwear and covers his tip, which turned a shade of red. He moans and breathes hard as he comes hard, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as he continues to think about his second wet dream.
When he finally finishes, he slowly pulls off his boxers, all the way this time. Jesus, this time was very messy, he thinks. He turns on his side over to his nightstand to check his phone. 4:03 am. He had to be up in less than 4 hours to see you for what you had planned. In person, not just in his head. He groans and gets off the bed, the soaked boxers in his hand, and grabs his towel.
Sonny was the type of person who enjoyed walking around naked. In private of course. He believed that it helped with confidence, and he could definitely attest to that, as he was admiring his naked body at this very moment.
He ran the water under the sink to wash off everything from his boxers before tossing them in the washer. Running the water in the shower, he went to the washer and tossed his laundry along with the boxers. When he came back, he stepped in the shower and let the warm water run down his body, washing away any traces of his release.
By the time Sonny finished in the shower, it was around 5 am. He decided to do some of the work he had to do for law school, trying to get his mind off of having to see you after just dreaming about having the most amazing sex with you.
taglist: @detective-giggles , @lapaquerette , @itsjustmyfantasyroom , @ssaic-jareau , @averyhotchner , @blackbeautifulqueen , @redlipstickandplaid
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pagesofivy · 5 years
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
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Olivia Benson x fem!reader Warnings: Language, smut, slight Dom/sub play
Olivia chuckled darkly at the shuddering gasp escaping your lips as she rubbed at you through the fabric of your panties, teeth nipping their way down your neck. She’d barely gotten you undressed and you were already a whimpering shaking mess underneath her.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive…” You merely whined in response, hands grasping in at attempt to move her lips back to yours in a searing kiss. Her tongue invaded your mouth, unable to get enough of the taste of you, savouring the moans and groans leaving your lips, captured against her own. Eager fingers slid your underwear to the side, finally bare against your heat, your hips bucked at the featherlight tough, dragging through your folds, gathering the juices easily. “You like that baby girl?” She murmured, you nodded ferociously, begging for more.
Olivia’s lips kissed down your neck, seeking purpose in leaving a deep mark against the soft skin, making sure everyone knew you belonged to her. She slowly rolled your clit between her fingers, relishing in the noises you made in response, you could barely handle it anymore, the carnal desire for her was the only thing racing through your head.
“Suppose you want me to fuck you, don’t you princess?”
“Please…” She stopped her movement, slapping your clit,
“You can do better than that.” Panting with desire you managed to string together the words,
“Fuck me…please fuck me ‘Livia…”
“Good girl.” She lay a gentle kiss on your lips, plunging a skilled finger into your heat with ease, “You’re fucking soaking…” It only took a few pumps before she was very able to add a second finger, your hips rolling in time with her thrusts. Your hands grasped at her back, nails digging in lightly as you tried to pull her impossibly close to you, moaning at the feel of her skin burning against yours. Her fingers deftly plunged in and out of your fluttering walls, twisting and curling, dragging against your sensitive spongey parts, your breath only coming out in pants, eyes screwed shut in the ultimate pleasure.
Her thumb flicked at your clit, your hand dug into her arm at the contact, squeezing tight as she began to circle your clit in timing with her thrusting fingers. She could feel you shaking beneath her, thighs trembling, clenching around her body. “Be good and cum for me baby girl…” Her voice husked against the shell of your ear, biting at your earlobe, the praise simply too much for you. You felt the coil tightening, flames overtaking your body as it burst, walls clenching around her fingers, body thrashing against hers, a string of swears and whimpers breaking free of your lips. Olivia cooed gentle praise at you, stroking your cheek as you came down from your heavenly high, laying gentle kisses along your jawline, softly meeting your lips.
“Feel better now baby?” You nodded, accepting her kiss, humming in satisfaction.
“Thank you.” You murmured, snuggling against her body, curling into her neck. You felt her lips meet your hair in a loving kiss before you fell into a blissful sleep.
______ Taglist: @charab @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @stardustkenobii @ineedafinghug @billiedeannovak@stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @thatesqcrush @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @mrspaulson-hargitay @whispered-tear-drops @redlipstickandplaid @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @infiniteoddball @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @oliviaswifey
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Hey! I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your blog. I‘m currently revising 24/7 and your blog is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane. Your writing is so brilliant and witty and you are literally the loveliest person! Thank you for being so kind to everyone who sends in requests and for all the fucking incredible headcanons. I hope you have a bloody amazing week! P.S.: You fucking rock! xx
Thank you so much, I am beyond glad that you’re able to find so much joy in my silly little writings. It really means the world to me.
You, rock, too! And thank you for your kind words!
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
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All fics are reader insert unless otherwise denoted & you should assume all are NSFW.
Voire Dire, Part 3 (Barba)
Ivy & the Ink (Nevada Ramirez)
Fall From Grace, Pt. 11: Case of the Ex (Kneef)
Drinks & Theories (Barson)
The Nanny (Kneef)
Retrouvaille (Barba)
Time of the Month (Kevin Mulrooney)
Just Relax (Chilton)
Jealous (Barba)
Peaches N Cream (Barba)
Green Eyes (Barba)
Not So Blind (Amaro)
Since You Left (Barba)
Goodbye (Amaro)
Forever More (Chilton)
Ivory Dress (Amaro)
A Mature Date (Jackson Neill)
Sweet Serendipity (Barba)
Wages (Nevada Ramirez)
No Judgment (Dennis DiPalma)
Purple Love (Rafael Barba)
Via Email (Bryan Kneef)
Friendly Gossip (Barba)
Use to It (Amaro)
Understudy (Carisi)
Sweet Touch (Chilton)
Finally (Barba)
Drunk Love (Barba)
Light in Your Eyes (Amaro)
Le Vice Anglais (Barba)
Handcuffs and Tea (Amaro)
Nevada & the Good Girl: Into the Dark (Nevada Ramirez)
Nevada & the Good Girl: Put on a Show (Nevada Ramirez)
Dinner to Go: Part 1, Part 2 (Nick Amaro, reader, Alex Cabot)
Summoned, Pt. 4 (Chilton)
Going Public (Kneef)
Nothing Sweet (Kneef)
Fine Wine (Barba)
Broken (Cabot)
Feelings (Rollins)
My Heart Says Cupcake (Amaro)
Love Me Like You Do (moodboard)
Valentine’s Game (Calhoun, Barba)
You Can & You Will (Calhoun)
Found Family (Benson)
Put On a Show (Bryan Kneef)
Put On a Show (Part 2) (Bryan Kneef)
Snail Mail (Casey Novak)
Island Interlude (Casey Novak)
Uncoordinated (Mini Dodds)
Hidden Love (Alex Cabot)
First Date Blunders (Carisi)
Platonic Valentine (Kat Tamin)
What You’re Waiting For (Carisi)
Delectable (Rita Calhoun)
Bruised Ego (Barba)
Power Play (Kneef)
You Never Knew? (Carisi)
Forget You (Alex Cabot)
February Phone Call (Barba)
Not So Blind Date (Alex Cabot)
Negotiations (Barba)
Exam Prep Destress (Harvard!Barba)
Post-It (Carisi)
Goodbye, My Love (Mini Dodds)
PDA (Mini Dodds)
Move In With Me (Jackson Neill)
Oils & Marks (Mini Dodds)
Oral Sex (NSFW) - Harvard!Rafael Barba x reader
Candy and Flowers - Sonny Carisi 
First Date - Sonny Carisi 
Public Sex / Public Display of Affection (NSFW)
Aftercare - Nick Amaro
Love Me Like You Do - Mike Dodds 
Catchin’ Feelings - Bryan Kneef 
Glimpses (A Glimpse of the Future, Part 5.5) (Carisi)
Morals (Nevada Ramirez)
Out Like a Flame (Amaro)
The Tum (Barba)
My Beautiful Rose (Carisi)
Homemade Valentines (Olivia)
Take It Out On Me (Amaro)
Make It Up (Carisi)
A New Muse, Part 2 (Barba)
100% Certain (Carisi)
The Choices We Make (Barba)
Moving On (Jackson Neill)
Sister Troubles (Amaro)
Bella’s Wedding (Carisi)
Trying New Things (Barba)
Bar Games (Amaro)
24 Hour Flu (Carisi)
Dinner, Dancing & Doting (Mini Dodds)
Trying to Change (Amaro)
Study Buddy (Carisi)
Study Buddy, Pt. 2 (Carisi)
Catching Feelings (Barba)
Claimed As His (Barba)
Subtle (Amaro)
Lack of Communication (Carisi)
Time Tears us Apart, but Also Brings us Back (Barba)
I Believe You (Part 2) (Bryan Kneef)
I Believe You (Part 3) (Bryan Kneef)
On The Plus Side (Chilton)
It’s a Love/Hate Thing (Barba)
Almost Perfect (Chilton) 
Playing Matchmaker (Barba)
An Exile of Our Own Making (Barba)
We’ve Got Tonight (Barba)
Saved Sauce (Calhoun, Fin)
Hobby (Barisi)
Secret Love (Barisi)
Forgotten Love (Barisi)
Sit, Drink, Smile (Barba)
Blind Date (Barba)
I Hope He’ll be a Beautiful Fool... (Sonny Carisi/reader, past!Rafael Barba/reader)
Cuddling (Amaro)
Memory of a Love (Carisi)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Kneef, Ch.11 (Kneef)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Kneef, Ch.12 (Kneef)
Crying in the Shower (Barba)
Lucky (Casey Novak)
Love You Like I Do (mood-board ft. Barba)
Fade Into You (Nick Amaro)
Sneaky on the 8th Floor (Carisi)
Surprise, Lets Be Valentines (Barba)
Terrible, Horrible (No Good, Very Bad Date) (Barba)
Exile, Pt. 1 (Barba)
Exile, Pt. 2 (Barba)
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