#roman reed
Hunting Cabin 9
CW: EXPLICIT NONCON 18+, beating, whipping, sexist language, GRAPHIC NONCON under the cut
Waynette woke to see Carter leaning over her.  She stayed stock-still as he dabbed at her face with an antibacterial wipe.
    “Easy now.” he said gruffly.  “You took one hell of a beating.”
She tried to even out her breaths, wondering when his touch would turn hard and uncaring.  
    “My eye.” she croaked.  Carter handed her a water bottle and helped her sit up.  With a chill she noticed she was still chained to the bed.  
    “It looks bad.” Carter said, adjusting the dressing on the eye patch.  “I got it best I could.
Neither spoke for several minutes.  “Did you really mean it?” she asked, one eye pleading.  “You- you won’t-”  She took a breath and blinked the brimming tears away.
    “No.” Carter said.  “I won’t, I don’t do that shit, it’s-”  He stood, removing his gloves and packing the medical supplies.  The door opened and Roman walked in accompanied by the two men from before.
    “Carter you’re still here.” he said, derision clear in his voice.  
He stood, casually placing himself between Roman and Waynette.  “You did quite a number on her.” he said, his voice as damnably even as ever.  “I had to do some emergency dressing or risk infection.”
Roman’s eyebrow rose. “Admirable Mister Forge but your skills are no longer necessary.  If needed my personal physician will patch up the whore.”
Carter tilted his head in half-respectful acknowledgement.  “I’ll collect my things and leave.” he said.
Panic rose in Waynette’s chest as Carter left, the two goons following, the door behind them shutting like a tomb.  
She pressed her back against the wall, eye wide in fear.  Roman grabbed her wrists and pulled her to the center of the bed.  He yanked the sheets off and started to grope her bruised breasts.  
    “Please, sto-” she broke off in a whine as Roman pinched one of her nipples, his fingernails digging into her flesh.  
    “Quiet.” he ordered, punctuating it with a slap across the unbandaged side of her face.  Waynette bit back another cry, her heart beating faster and faster.  He was on her a second later, his tongue writhing in her mouth like a slug.  Waynette couldn’t move.  Fear flooded her body with each stroke of his tongue and each shock of pain from his fierce groping.  “When I heard your screams being whipped-” he broke off in a groan, threw his jacket off and tore off his belt.  His lips were back on hers a moment later, “I came harder than I have in years.”  Waynette sobbed around his lips, her breaths growing faster.  He shoved himself off her and yanked her underwear off.  Waynette screamed at the burn and humiliation flooded her as Roman eyed her, the lust and hate in his eyes growing.  “How did you get them to strike?” he asked, the grip on his belt tightening.  “Did you fuck them?” he asked, bringing his belt down across her abdomen.  A scream tore from Waynette’s lips as the metal buckle hit her sore skin.  
Roman panted and wiped sweat from his brow with one toned forearm.  “I bet you did.” he said, bringing his belt down again.  “Bet you were the cannery slut sucking off anyone who’d shove their dick in your face.”  Waynette thrashed, trying to escape the metal bite of the buckle.  “Don’t move!” he brought the belt down once more, the buckle hitting the edge of Waynette’s hip.  She screamed, arching her back painfully.  “Oh that’s perfect.” Roman moaned lewdly.  “Do it again.”  He tried to hit the same spot, only for Waynette to move, pressing herself farther away from him.  He was on her a second later, pinching her cheeks, his other hand pulling her up by her neck.  “You keep disobeying and I’ll make what Carter did to you seem like a field trip.” he hissed.  Waynette winced at the rage rolling off of Roman, her mind a racing jumble, she did the only thing she could think of.
Roman blinked and blinked again.  Waynette would have laughed if she could.  He dropped her onto the bed and she bit back a groan at the impact.  Chuckling, he smirked at her before licking her spit off his lips.  
    “If you’re going to be a bitch;” he said, rocketing a punch into Waynette’s gut, “I’m going to break you like one.” Waynette gasped, dimly aware of the door closing, her good hand held to her gut.  Looking around, she sighed in relief to see Roman gone.  Her heavy breaths, punctuated only by hiccupping sobs were the only sound in the room.  Her eyes caught the blinking light of another camera on the sideboard next to the narrow bed and her heart sank further.  In some way, Roman’s eyes were always on her.
The door burst open and Roman came in, whistling happily, his goons behind him.
    “Animals who spit at their Masters get tied up.” he sneered, holding the moving straps out in front of her.  Waynette’s eyes bulged at the bloodstained straps. “Tie her down.”  The two other men took the moving straps and advanced on her.  She let out a shrill scream as they swarmed her; one throwing a strap across her chest, just under her breasts, while the other secured one over her hips.  “Make it tight.” she heard Roman say.  “I want her still.”  The straps bit down so hard she could swear her hips and ribs were going to shatter.  Waynette managed to kick one of the goons in the face as they came to tie her ankles to the bedposts, receiving a snapped toe for the trouble.  When they were done, they stepped back and left immediately.  
Waynette’s eyes caught Roman’s.  His smile grew as he strode over to the bed, stripping slowly.  She started to shake as he leered over her.  
    “Isn’t this better?” he asked, running a hand between her breasts and down to her waist.     His hand hovering over her clit.
    “You sick fu-” Waynette gagged as Roman stuck his middle and ring finger in her mouth, pinched the underside of her jaw with his thumb and shook her head up and down. 
    “You say ye- Ow! You bitch!” he yelled, yanking his finger from her mouth.   He reached for his belt and hit her across the stomach.  Waynette howled and screamed as the buckle hit her stomach, hips and thighs; unable to do anything but wait for the next hit.
    “Stop!  Stop please!” she sobbed, her forearms flailing, uselessly trying to protect herself.  The hits stopped and Waynette gasped,laying her head back and breathing heavily.  
    “I want to keep you like this forever.” Roman sighed, gently wiping her tears away.  “Your screams-” he grabbed her chin and yanked her head to look down below his waist. “Look what they’ve done to me.”  Her eyes widened and she felt her stomach heave as he shoved his thick, erect cock in her face.  She closed her eyes, only to be slapped on the bandaged side of her face.  Her vision returned in fading white to see Roman straddling her, making a loop with his belt around her neck.  
    “D-” she was choked off as he pulled the belt taught.  Waynette froze, her frenzied eyes locking with his lustful ones.  Roman smiled, the belt loosening ever so slightly as he sheathed himself in Waynette with one push.    
Waynette gasped, all the air driving from her lungs.  He was huge, bigger than anyone else she had had before- and he wasn’t even all the way inside her yet.  
    “You’re tighter than I expected for a two dollar whore.” he grunted.  “Or am I just the biggest you ever had?”  Waynette felt the shame rising in her chest, creeping from the tops of her breasts to her forehead in a scarlet blush.    Roman threw his head back with a laugh.  “I really am; you should enjoy this then.” he smirked as he began to piston his hips with abandon.  She screamed as each thrust ground her harder into the straps and the old spring mattress.  He let go of the belt and braced both his hands on her shoulders.  
Waynette sobs of terror grew as he pulled her into each thrust.
    “God yes.” Roman panted.  He leaned down and kissed her hard, crying out himself as he shoved her down and sank himself deep into her.
Waynette couldn’t scream, she felt Roman filling every inch of her and she couldn’t scream.  
He pulled himself out of her with a groan and cleaned himself off on her thigh.
Waynette ached for something, anything to cover herself with as Roman watched her while he dressed.
“Don’t worry.” he told her, pulling a knife out of his pocket.  “You’ll learn to love it.”  
He shouted for his goons and they burst in leering over her as Roman cut the straps off her.  Wayntte immediately curled in on herself, her mind reeling over the pain that enveloped her entire body.
    “Get her into the bag and onto the back of the ATV.”  Roman said.  “I have some people to introduce her too.”
    “We can’t wait anymore.”  Kamea said, “We have to look for her tonight.”  Ramsay and Ryu nodded in agreement, their faces grim.  “Now, we should start-” the doorbell rang.  The trio paused and slowly stood, Ramsay, beckoning Kamea and Ryu to hide while they opened the door.
They had never met the man in front of them, but they knew who he was.  They remembered how Waynette had sobbed as she described the man that took her.  Carter Forge.
    “What do you want?” They hissed.  Kamea and Ryu peered around the corner, eyes blazing with fury as they took the man in.  
    “She’s here.” Carter said, holding out a GPS tracker.
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artblooger19moon · 19 days
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SCREAM Movie Marathon 👻🔪☎️📱
January 23 2022 - Scream 1996 and Scream 2
January 24 2022 - Scream 3
January 27 2022 - Scream 4
January 28 2022 - Scream 5 [Scream 2022]
March 11 2023 - Scream 6
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Round Two
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Bob Seger and the Sliver Bullet Band 
Defeated opponents: Eric B. & Rakim
Formed in: 1973
Genres: Rock
Lineup: Bob Seger – vocals, guitar
Chris Campbell – bass
Craig Frost – organ, piano
Alto Reed – saxophone
Albums from the 80s:
Against the Wind (1980)
Nine Tonight (1981)
The Distance (1982)
Like a Rock (1986)
The Damned 
Defeated opponents: Great White
Formed in: 1976
Genres: Punk
Lineup: Dave Vanian – lead vocals
Roman Jugg – guitar, keyboards, vocals
Bryn Merrick – bass, backing vocals
Rat Scabies – drums
Albums from the 80s:
The Black Album (1980)
Strawberries (1982)
Phantasmagoria (1985)
Anything (1986)
Propaganda:  The Damned propaganda because goths should fight for their faves to the last drop of blood, there's no other way. First, they have all the types of guy you can imagine, like it's some wild option. Second, Dave Vanian for sure looked good for 131 y.o.
I don’t really know how this propaganda fits in but I think it’s cool
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caseycoopersblog · 11 months
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dreamings-free · 4 months
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birthday wishes 1/2/24
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here’s my bingo predictions for scream 6 uwu. think these are pretty self explanatory except i had a * on sam’s dreams specifically bc of the shots in the trailer where tara and sam are running and sam is behind tara and she hits the wall then it cuts and ghostface hits the wall the same way so. i think that’s her dreaming she’s ghostface is all xoxo
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Barry and Succession: The Nature of Change
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Fyi I’m sure many people have pointed this out before. Also this post is sort of piggybacking off of @childhoodtheme’s post of Jeremy Strong’s Vanity Fair interview.
Watching Succession right after Barry is just heartwrenching. They both deal with such intense themes about change. Each show deals with it differently. With Succession, it goes unsaid. You’re meant to watch the show and see for yourself. With Barry, it’s a very present question throughout the show. There are even moments where the characters put that question directly into words. But they end very similarly.
Starting with Succession- one of the general themes is that life is cyclical. Roman doesn’t recover. He doesn’t go to therapy, he doesn’t become a better person. He doesn’t change, he just accepts who he’s always been. In one of his culminating scenes, he simply says ‘We’re bullshit…we’re nothing.’ He, unlike his siblings, has come to terms with the reality of their situation instead of trying to change it. Shiv and Kendall’s arcs are cyclical in a different way. They do not change, and fail to recognize their situation, so they face the consequences instead. Instead of giving up, and getting out in the hopes of a freer life, Shiv does what she’s always done. She schemes, she manipulates, she ruins peoples lives and her own while she’s at it. She’s still striving for what she’s always wanted, but she’s dead inside. And Kendall? Just like Shiv, he ends up where he’s found himself so many times before. He’s alone. He’s failed AGAIN. After scheming and backstabbing and failing to learn and grow once more. His story ends the way we’ve all known it’s had to end, but the way he could never accept. After this long journey, they’re all right where they’ve started. Alone, bitter, and falling back into the same habits they’ve never been able to let go. And it’s devastating.
As stated before, Barry ends in a similar way. Like Roman, Fuches and Sally’s stories end in being honest with themselves and the people around them. Have they really changed? Not entirely. Are they happy? Not entirely. But they’re free- or as free as they can be. They’ll always be tortured by their situation, and by their character, but they’re out. They’re alive. In the same fashion, Barry and Noho Hank’s stories end in a way that reflects Shiv and Kendall’s. They’ve doomed themselves, by not only failing to change, but failing to accept the reality of their lives and what they’ve done.
So I’m losing my mind a little bit. These themes are incredibly interesting to me, and I’d like to explore these ideas more, but I’m going to stop myself before I fall into a pit of depression :) To conclude, these shows are both absolutely fantastic pieces of art. The writing and acting is phenomenal from both shows, and they’re both among the best shows I’ve ever seen, certainly the best shows on television right now. Hats off to both casts and crews. It’s been a wild couple of months.
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jmiehyter · 10 months
why. why are we calling him "big" bronson reed. what's next? "bearded" tommaso ciampa? "blonde" cody rhodes? "samoan" roman reigns??
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gloomsday · 2 years
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it's been such a weird year for me, but it's been a fabulous year for TV, and i've been beyond grateful for such quality stories to keep me company. sooo i drew my favorite characters from the shows that have graced my screen this year 💖
from top to bottom, left to right:
cristobal sifuentes, noho hank & sally reed (barry); carmen "carmy" berzatto & marcus (the bear); greta gill (a league of their own); romulus "roman" roy (succession); edward teach/blackbeard (our flag means death); irving bailiff (severance)
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WWE celebrates AAPI Heritage Month
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The Mansion
Chapter Two: The Girl in the Walls
CW: past and implied noncon, mentioned eye whump
Waynette sat at the foot of the bed, still naked, her lip between her teeth.  She couldn’t just stay here.  Her door was unlocked, the stairs were right outside; she’d crawl up them if she had to.  But she just couldn’t move.  
Roman’s warning not to leave at night rang in her mind.  Sighing, she looked around the room.   The dresser was empty and there was no towel in the bathroom.  There were no windows either, the only light coming from a lamp tucked on a small nightstand.
    “Fuck it.” she grumbled, pushing herself up with a groan.  Carefully, she eased open the door, then flung it wide.  The room had moved.  When she had come down it was at the end of a hallway.  Now it was along a wall with two other doors facing it.  It could have been the drugs she knew, but a chill settled in her gut nonetheless.  
The hall was illuminated by moonlight from a window that also wasn’t there earlier.  But the stairs were in the same place, a narrow spiral cleverly tucked between two portraits Waynette couldn’t make out.  She took a step forward only for her foot to roll against something cold .  Biting back a yelp, she reached down, her hands closing around a flashlight.  
Deciding to ponder its origins later, she flicked it on.  Nothing.  No Roman jumping from the shadows to punish her for her disobedience, no tricks, just her and the hall.  Cursing her lack of a clock, and clothes, Waynette stepped forward.  The other two rooms were locked tight, so she paid them little mind.  Holding the light between her teeth, she braced both hands against the walls, and climbed the steps.  
When she got to the top, she fell to her knees, clutching her head.  Her stomach rolled as her light caught the walls.  In the dark, the cerulean green walls seemed to call out for her, swirling and eddying in abstract waves.  
No sound existed as she stared, entranced.   The walls began to churn and Waynette thought of the picture in her room.  Sucking in a breath she retracted a hand she didn’t realize she had extended and tore her eye away from the walls.
She continued down the halls trying to get her bearings, but each one blended into the last.  Despite having her arms spread out for balance she stumbled and tripped along; each time hoping that neither Roman or his sister were near.  
The hair on the back of her neck prickled and she turned around, finding a door where there had once been a hallway.
“What the fuck?” she whispered, fear creeping into her.  Reaching out, she touched the door, only to find it solid.  “What the fuck?” she repeated, backing away.  The appearing wall began to swirl.  Waynette ran as silently as she could.  She turned, ran down another, shorter hall, and stopped.  As her panic faded, she placed a hand to her heart.  Her shoulders sagged and her mind reeled.  
“Questions later Waynette, you gotta get out of here.” she muttered to herself.  Taking a look around, she found herself at a ‘T’ junction.  To her left was the hall with the appearing door, while the path on her right ended at another door.  Ahead of her the floor curved; soft moonlight shining beyond its bend.
Heart pounding, she walked forward, and her jaw dropped.  
The hall in front of her was long, with tall ceiling length windows on the right side.  She stumbled forward, catching herself on the long glass panels.  A heavy iron grate covered the windows, slashing across the moonlit shadows like rending claws.  She took a step forward and looked outside.  The bars were twisted, appearing almost woven from the molten metal.  Aside from the moonlight, all that she saw was inky blackness.
Letting her head rest against the cool glass for a beat, she breathed deeply.  Tears pricked at her eyes and she dew up, bringing her hand up to her mouth to stifle her sobs.  
She couldn’t see the stars.  
She was alone in a mansion with her rapist and his sister; both of whom threatened to kill her, and she couldn’t even look at the stars.  
Resolve burned in her chest as memories of Roman’s assaults ran through her head.  She was going to escape, she was.  Roman wouldn’t touch her anymore.  She wasn’t going to be this sick family’s punching bag.  
Flashlight held ahead of her like a sword, she stepped forward.  She hadn’t crossed ten feet when she stopped short.
At the end of the hall, there was a girl.
Waynette bit back a scream, dropping the flashlight.  
When she picked it up, the girl was gone.
Hand over her heart, she stood stock still.  Beyond her, the flashlight shone on where the girl stood.  She moved so fast, Waynette wasn't sure she was there.  
But she was, she had to be.  
Taking a glance behind her, she suppressed a shudder at the thought of the door that appeared behind her.  Looking ahead, she set her jaw, and walked on.
With each step, the hall grew colder.  
Soon, Waynette was shivering, her teeth clacking together raucously.  She was nearing the end of the hallway when the opening ahead of her creaked and sank inwards.  A cold wind hit her with gale force and she stumbled, falling to her knees.  
The wind grew stronger, and colder.  Waynette’s fingers tightened around the window frame she had grabbed.  Her flashlight was gone, the only light in the hall cast from the moon.  
A flash caught her eye.
Looking up, she saw the girl.
Her head was sticking out of the wall, long hair whipping around her face
A thin arm reached across the hallway; beckoning Waynette towards her.
Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it would crack out of her frozen body.  She caught a glimpse of the girl's eyes.  
She stretched out her hand.  
The wind grew and Waynette’s numb fingers slipped off the window frame.  Immediately, she was blown backwards, her body crashing into the wall behind her before she dropped to the ground with a bounce.  Her cry of pain was lost in the howling gale.  Her body ached as she blinked, her vision returning in painful flashes.  From the end of the moonlit hall the wind still howled.  Wincing, Waynette crawled on her belly around the bend in the wall.  
When she dragged herself to the ‘T’ junction, she crawled to the other door, the one she had ignored before.  
The handle didn’t budge.  She looked down the other path.  The one where the door had appeared.  Shaking, she crawled back to her feet and shuffled down the hall, her arms wrapped tight around her.  
The door was still there.  
Waynette never claimed to have much self-preservation, and her partners would swear she didn’t have any.  But every cell in her body warred against opening the door.  She reached out a hand, only to withdraw it.  The instant her hand fell the hall grew colder.  Panic flooding her body, she spun around.  The end of the hall lurched inward. 
She yanked the door open without a second thought.   
Shuddering, Waynette took in the room she walked into.  
    “F-fuck.” she stuttered softly.
She was in a bedroom.  A fire roared at one end, across from a wide bed, covered in a lush, expensive looking duvet.  
A figure stirred on the bed, pushing themselves up with a groan.  
Waynette fell to her knees. “N-n-no.” she whispered.
    “I told you not to leave your room at night.” Roman said.
    “Hey Ramsay?” Ryu asked, walking into their shared office, looking down at his angry, burned flesh.  He looked up and started.  Instead of Ramsay, Kamea sat at the computer, Carter sitting beside her.
    “They left for the library this morning.” Kamea explained.  “We figured that Waynette’s at the Reed’s mansion.” 
Ryu nodded, his eyes flicking to Carter, who was eying his wounded side with a pinched brow.  “I needed my dressings changed.” he said with a wince, gesturing to the exposed wounds.
Kamea cursed under her breath. “I can text them.”
    “I could do it.” Both turned to Carter who shrugged nervously.  “I can fix people up too.  I don’t usually- I could take care of it.”  Ryu thought back to the explosion at the cabin, how Carter patted the flames on his back out and carried him back beyond the treeline.
    “Okay.” he said.
The older man nodded tersely. “My kit’s in my duffel.”  
    “You okay?” Kamea asked after he left the room, silent despite his heavy boots.  
Ryu gave a slight smile. “I kind of wished I put a shirt on.”
Kamea chuckled, the sound drawing a smile across Ryu’s own face. She looked at him, eyes suddenly wide.  
    “When I heard the explosion last night I thought-” she took a breath.  “I thought that was it.”
He sat down in the chair opposite Carter’s and reached forward, taking her hand in his own. “So did I.” he admitted.  “But I’m here, I’m okay.”  He shrugged at her pointed look.  “Mostly okay.”
Heavy footfalls came from the hallway and Carter stepped back in, a weathered canvas army bag in hand.  
    “Let me see  how you’re looking.” he muttered.
    “So.” Ryu said, nodding to the computer.  “What’ve you figured out?”  
Kamea sighed. “Not much.  By all accounts the mansion’s a fortress; Ramsay’s hoping they can find some old building plans in the library archives.”
    “It's a damn creepy place.” Carter said as they gently applied burn ointment to the patchy burns on Ryu’s back and side.  “Made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.”  
    “You’ve been inside?” Ryu asked.
    “Yeah.” Carter scoffed.  “For all the good it did me.  “That place is like a maze.  Then there’s Roman’s sister.” he shuddered.
    “Georgia.” Kamea said.  “She freak you out?”
He finished bandaging Ryu before answering. “Roman may be an asshole and a brute but he’s pissy, easy to upset, impulsive.” he rubbed his chin ruefully.  “Not her though.  She seems more like the type to smile while stabbing you in the back.”
    “And Waynette’s with both of them.” Ryu sighed.  “I’m gonna put a shirt on.” he left the room, leaving Kamea eyeing Carter carefully.  
    “What else?” she asked.  
Carter rubbed his hand on his chin, his dark brown eyes flicking from her face to the wall.
    “That house.” he said, his voice low.  “It’s not… normal.”
    “What’s not normal?” Ryu asked, a baggy t-shirt draped over his body.  Carter watched Kamea’s breath hitch as he walked into the room.  Her shoulders tensed as he sat beside her, immediately inhaling and clutching the loose fabric.  
Damn he was a bastard. “The house.” he repeated.  “It’s like-  I’ve been everywhere, and nothing’s felt like that place.”  He took the fact that they hadn’t laughed him out of the room encouraging.  “The walls look like festering gangrene; I don’t know what it was but it sure as hell wasn’t paint.  If it weren’t for Reed’s mercs I never would have found my way around that place.”
    “Mercs?” Kamea asked.  
Carter shrugged. “Yeah, big guy and a little guy.  Each one probably did a few tours and dropped out for the money.”  
Ryu cursed. “So it’s just Waynette with these four in a creepy mansion.”
He shook his head, the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind ever since he set foot inside that place finally overwhelming him.
    “I only got flashes from the corner of my eyes and a few reflections from mirrors but-”
He paused and looked into their eyes.  
    “There’s somebody else in that house.”
Waynette backed away, her hand clenching the door handle behind her.  It didn’t even jiggle.  Her lips numb, she continued to mutter as Roman approached her.  He wore silk pajamas that clashed with the hardened smirk he wore.  She opened her lips as his fist sank into her stomach.  With a strangled gasp, she fell to the floor, her eyes wide.  
    “Your lips are blue.” he said, fisting a hand into her hair.  
Waynette was still trying to draw breath when his hand tightened and he dragged her across the floor.  He dodged her clumsy attempts to trip him up as he brought her to the massive fireplace.
His hand kept her on her knees. “You should warm up.” he said.  Moving behind her, he shoved her forward till her face and chest were almost touching the searing iron firescreen.  Heat rolled into Waynette and overwhelmed her, her body still shivering even as sweat began to run down her face.  
    “I could always throw you in there.” Roman whispered, licking the shell of her ear.  “Then you’d be nice and toasty.”
    “The sme-smell would b-be awful.” she stammered, craning her face away from the hot iron as much as she could.  
He hummed in agreement and yanked her back onto a bearskin rug.  She tried to cover herself, only for him to prod her onto her back with his foot and place it heavily on her chest.
“Well.” he said, eying the bed.  “There are other ways to-” he looked down at her with a smirk. “generate heat.”
She tried in vain to squirm away as he leaned forward, his foot growing heavier on her chest.  Without warning, he stood, hauling her to her feet again.  He shoved her, sending her tumbling towards the bed.  
    “Get in.” his voice as chilling than the frozen hall she’d just escaped. “Get in or I'll tear out your other eye.”
He was huge and looming over her.  Her mind flashed with images of his brutal assaults.    From his fists to his feet.  Every part of him was tearing her apart.  Shaking, Waynette pulled herself up onto the king size bed.  Roman climbed under the covers and pulled her close, the hair on his chest itching her back.  
    “Relax.” he whispered as he turned off the light.
Ramsay was still cursing under their breath.  They’d spent all day at the library but had nothing to show for it.  As far as the mansion was concerned no public records of its building existed anywhere.  The non-public records would take a little while longer to find, but they’d find them.  They had to.
Rubbing the bridge of their nose with their fingers, they walked in the house to a faint conversation coming from the office.  
    “Who else is in the house?” they asked, stopping only for a moment at seeing Ryu in Waynette’s baggy jersey.  
The three looked at them, wide-eyed until Carter spoke.  
    “In the mansion.  I never saw her, but there’s someone else living there beside the twin and the mercs.”
Ramsay’s brow hardened. “Mercs?”
He nodded. “Lots of wealthy people hire mercs.  They don’t ask questions and tend to have loose morals.”
They nodded thoughtfully. “What are they like?”
    “A big guy and a little guy.  I don’t remember their names, I just called them George and Lenny.”
Ramsay snorted as they sat down. “Anything else about them?”
    “Big guy was Navy, probably a seal, most mercs do at least some spec op work.” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.  “Little guy, I don’t know, if I had to guess-”
    “Guess.” Ryu said.
    “Probably a marine, maybe army ranger judging by his boots.”
Kamea raised an eyebrow. “His boots?”
He shrugged. “It’s a distinctive boot.”
    “What’d you find at the library?” Kamea said, turning to Ramsay.
They sighed and shook their head. “Nothing.  No public records, not even a picture in the paper about it being built.”
    “Which means we have to find some non-public records.” Ryu said with a slight smile.
    “Tomorrow.” Ramsay said. “Now what about this fifth person?”
Carter took a breath. “I don’t know I never even saw her.  I couldn’t even tell you how old she was; I just- she was just there in the background, and at one point-”
    “What?” Kamea urged.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “At one point I swear I saw her leaning out of a wall.”
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domripley · 3 months
Will take requests for the following:
Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Charlie Walker
Kirby Reed
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Chad Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Wayne Bailey
Anika Kayoko
Sidney Prescott
Dewey Riley
Tatum Riley
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Jill Roberts
Roman Bridger
Mickey Altieri
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Okay real question time
I’m so scared
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filmpalette · 2 years
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fragile-snail · 1 year
im not ready to lose my sarahs tonight (snook and goldberg)
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mamamoon92 · 2 years
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