#roman sanders deserves better
royall-ass · 20 days
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au art where season two roman is happy
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
sanders aside spoilers
the fact that janus was being so mean to roman and patton/logan didn’t even blink an eye or give a shit. not one word to defend roman.
the way that roman just crumpled apart the second janus spoke. and nobody noticed or cared. the way he looked immediately defeated.
and not a single person stood up for him.
but y’all ain’t ready to have that conversation.
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
I have been thinking about what i would like to see in the next sanders sides episode. And a part of me really wants the sides to work things out in a civil way.
But also, it would be hilarious if the next sanders sides episode ended like this but with Roman and Janus:
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I can hear Patton screaming "Roman No!" While Virgil is like "Beat his fucking ass Roman he fucking deserves that shit!"
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selfdestructivecat · 1 year
Do you know what time it is?
That’s right, folks! It’s time for…
Another! Random! Theory!
(Featuring our favorite sassy Dark Sides: Virgil and Janus!)
So, the story of Sanders Sides. We love it, right? The slowly escalating drama, the growing tension between all of the Sides, the breaking point looming on the horizon like the consequences of every bad decision we’ve ever made…
The story also has the added complexity of doubling as a metaphor for our own personal inner turmoils. That’s what the show is about, after all, right? That courtroom battle between Patton and Janus wasn’t just two characters fighting for the moral high ground; it represented a very relatable dilemma, where someone was placed in a difficult situation where they would have to choose between opportunity and the supposed “right thing to do”. Logan and Virgil’s debate wasn’t just two characters arguing; it represented how anxiety can impact our ability to reach logical conclusions.
And while not all of the analogies are perfect (and we can’t expect them to be), the way the Sides interact with each other has always had that fascinating double meaning that has provoked interesting reflections and discussions.
However, one point that I’ve seen being made by some people, and one that I happen to agree with, is that one dynamic doesn’t quite fit with the others. While it is certainly interesting from a story and character perspective, it doesn’t make much sense given the context of the Sanders Sides universe. These two characters, due to their aspects, don’t seem to have much of a reason to harbor bad blood. And yet, these two loathe each other, arguably more than any other pairing in the entire series.
Of course, I am talking about Virgil and Janus.
Now, this hatred between the characters is interesting and, well, confusing, for two main reasons. First, this hatred seems to stem from something we, as the viewers, don’t know about yet. From their very first interaction on-screen, they are immediately trading insults.
“And Virgil, I adore the more intense eyeshadow, it totally doesn’t make you look like a raccoon.”
“Nice gloves. Did you just finish washing some dishes?”
(Janus and Virgil, “Can Lying Be Good”)
Not only are these insults the first things they say to each other, but there is also a familiarity to this back-and-forth. Virgil was ready with a retort, like he expected Janus’ insult and was prepared to fight back. This animosity between them isn’t anything new.
However, it is never explained. And given how this is the first time c!Thomas has seen the two interact (as well as, obviously, the first time he’s seen Deceit period), their distain for each other stems from something Thomas isn’t aware of.
And this leads us to our second reason why this dynamic doesn’t quite fit in the context of the show: it doesn’t appear to stem from an internal conflict from Thomas. At least, not one we are aware of. Otherwise, it would have been a video, or at least mentioned in passing.
The show has set a precedent towards explaining why certain characters don’t get along. Roman and Virgil were notoriously antagonistic toward each other in season 1, to the point where Roman basically declared Virgil his enemy. And they very clearly explained this: Roman puts Thomas in danger by ignoring Virgil’s warnings, and Virgil prevents Thomas from achieving Roman’s dreams by weighing him down with fear. Their dislike for one another made sense.
Currently, Logan and Remus don’t get along. Remus is, by his very definition, illogical. His demands make absolutely no sense. Why would Thomas kill his brother? What purpose would he have to jump out of a moving car? Of course Logan would be frustrated with him! And Logan has also proven to be a source of frustration for Remus, as he repeatedly hindered Remus’ schemes in WTIT. Their aspects directly contradict each other, and even hinder each other. Logan’s logic is the greatest weapon against intrusive thoughts, and Remus’ distressing brand of “creativity” is strong enough to pull Thomas away from Logan’s logical reassurances and routine.
Hell, even Roman and Janus’ hatred for each other makes sense. While their goals aligned at first with the callback, Roman ultimately decided that, as Thomas’ drive and desire, he wanted Thomas to be a good person more than he wanted that callback. And even now, after SvSR, he still wants Thomas to be a good person! That’s why he had such a prominent role in SvSR, even though it was primarily a debate between Patton (morality) and Janus (selfishness). Roman wanted that callback desperately. So why was he still engaging in this discussion? Why wasn’t he just siding with Janus? Because he wanted Patton to prove that he made the right choice. He wanted his desires to be justified. Even after all this time, he wanted Thomas to be a good person more than he wanted that callback. And in that moment, Janus was fighting against that desire. Janus was his enemy.
But what about Janus and Virgil? Where does their relationship fit into all of this? How are their aspects in conflict?
Because looking at it at face value, it doesn’t make any sense.
Why do we lie? Well, in most cases, it’s because we fear consequences for something we did and are trying to escape them. We lie because we are scared. We lie to protect ourselves.
Well, that’s odd. It seems like, not only do Virgil and Janus seem to be working towards the same thing, but that they often work together hand in hand. Think about “Can Lying Be Good”. In every scenario acted out, Thomas lied because he was afraid of the consequences of telling the truth. He will get fired from his job, he will hurt a friend in mourning, he will traumatize a young child. Yes, there were definitely other factors contributing to his choice to lie in each scenario, but I think we can probably all agree that there was strong, underlying fear motivating these lies. Virgil (and, of course, Janus) was trying to protect Thomas through these lies.
So if there doesn’t seem to be any conflict of interest, then why the hell do Virgil and Janus hate each other so much?
Well, one possible reason (and one of the most commonly accepted headcanons I’ve seen) is that they had a falling out in their past, possibly driven by Virgil leaving the other Dark Sides. And yeah, this is very juicy drama that adds some interesting character depth to both of these Sides, but in terms of how the show has dealt with all of the characters and how they interact with each other as aspects of a personality, it’s a bit… disappointing, for a lack of a better word. What are we supposed to learn from this conflict? How can we, as viewers, compare this bitterness between Virgil and Janus to strife between our own anxiety and our tendency to lie?
So I’m going to propose another possibility for this conflict, one that may be slightly less interesting than the mostly-accepted headcanon, but is much more satisfying in my opinion.
So, Anxiety and Deceit… how can these two contradict each other? Well, to narrow things a bit, I will declare right out of the gate that Janus’ role as self-preservation doesn’t fight against Virgil’s role at all. While anxiety can lead someone to make decisions that can harm more than help (such as freezing rather than acting or running away in a dangerous situation), anxiety’s ultimate purpose is to protect. Fear is self-preservation at its core.
So instead, let’s focus on the facet of deceit. As we’ve previously established, most lies are told out of fear. So this would suggest that these two can’t contradict each other, right? Well, no. While we lie mostly out of fear, the act of lying can be very anxiety-inducing. In fact, I’d say that’s a pretty common fear a lot of people have.
Especially, say, if someone was terrified of being a bad person, and was convinced that the act of lying contributed to a lack of morality.
This is HUGE in the context of season 2! The pivotal conflict of this season is Thomas trying to figure out what makes someone a good person. He wants to be a good person so badly that he is terrified of the idea that he may not be one. Patton’s entire driving force behind fighting so hard to prove that he’s right, that Thomas is good in both SvS and SvSR, is because he wants to reassure Thomas. Because he loves Thomas so much that he can’t stand to see him look so scared.
“I don’t want to be a bad person…”
“…Ok. Then I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you’re not.”
(Thomas and Patton, “Selfishness v. Selflessness”)
“Like I told you before, sometimes I don’t know the way. But when I told you that, you were so scared. I couldn’t bear it. So I said to myself: ‘Alright, Patton. Thomas needs you. You’re responsible for his morality. You can never not have an answer for him.’ And then I promised you that I would keep fighting.”
(Patton, “Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux”)
Virgil wasn’t present at all during the redux, and he had a very minimal role in the original court trial. So one would think that anxiety plays a very minor role in this conflict. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Fear is at the very center of it all. Thomas wants to be a good person because he is terrified of the alternative. He’s so terrified of this possibility that he spirals, arguing with himself and desperately trying to justify his feelings of frustration after the wedding, grasping for an answer that would make him feel justified in his anger without jeopardizing his integrity.
But that answer doesn’t exist. And it terrifies him. It terrifies Virgil.
Janus’ proposal, that Thomas should act more selfishly and prioritize himself more, challenges everything Thomas believes in. Based on the rules previously established, rules Patton had repeatedly endorsed, doing what Janus says would make Thomas a bad person, something Thomas fears. And finally, we reach our point of conflict between the two main subjects of this discussion.
Virgil wants Thomas to be a good person because they both fear the alternative. Listening to Janus would mean allowing the terrifying possibility of becoming a bad person. And Virgil doesn’t want that.
And you know what? That also explains another strange character dynamic that emerged following SvSR! This explains why Virgil is so mad at Patton!
Because sure, the idea that Virgil is upset that Patton hurt his bff Roman is absolutely adorable, but is that really all there is to it? It’s a very drastic change in attitude, especially considering that Patton and Virgil were incredibly close before the whole wedding fiasco (and I would go so far as to say that Patton was the person Virgil trusted more than anyone. He was the first to fully accept Virgil, after all.)
But if Patton started to act in a way that went against Virgil’s aspect, like if he started making decisions (or letting someone else make decisions) that added a lot of fear and uncertainty into Thomas’ life, then suddenly Virgil’s icy demeanor towards the fatherly Side makes a lot more sense. Patton’s choice to start trusting Janus and to allow Thomas to make more selfish decisions wasn’t just a betrayal to Roman and his decision to forgo the callback, it was also a betrayal to Virgil and the security Patton had previously given him. It’s like if your parents had made the decision to suddenly move your family to a different place without your approval, completely uprooting your life and sense of security and thrusting you into a different, uncertain, and scary environment.
And it’s been repeatedly established, in both season 1 and season 2, that Virgil despises change! Routine is safe. Familiarity is safe. Change is bad. Janus is proposing, and Patton is supporting, a HUGE change in the way Thomas should approach his life and the decisions he makes from here on out! Of course Virgil would be mad!
So I have a feeling that Virgil’s role in this entire situation is far from over. And we’ve got FOUR entire parts planned for the season finale, suggesting that we have a lot of ground to cover. I would be very surprised if Virgil didn’t have a few choice words for Janus and Patton, and I for one can’t wait to see where everyone stands when the dust finally settles.
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beauty-and-passion · 7 months
Selfishness v. Selflessness: Deceit’s reasons
And then, we finally reached the last episode of Sanders Sides.
Or what was the last official episode, until recently Mr. Sanders finally realized that hey, the Asides are following the main plot, maybe it’s time to consider them official episodes and not Asides.
And so, he changed the titles. If you check FWSA and DWIT now, you will find that their names are not followed by the title “Sanders Asides” anymore, but “Sanders Sides”.
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While the infamous plushie episode which angered everyone because it was nothing more than an ad, magically became and Aside episode:
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What can I say? Better late than ever, Mr. Sanders. This wouldn’t have happened at all if you planned everything from the start, you know that, right?
Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed: maybe you should also take FWSA and DWIT away from the Sanders Asides playlist. You know, just to keep it organized.
But let’s come back to Selfishness v. Selflessness: this was the first episode I ever wrote about - even if at the time it wasn’t a full analysis, but rather just some random, scattered thoughts. And they weren’t enough, because there is still a lot of stuff to talk about! Hence why, this post was needed.
This post will clarify a couple things I previously talked about, starting from the whole Wroammin thing which (sadly) turned out to be wrong. It can even be considered part of a triptych: THIS is the first part, THIS is the second one and the post you’re reading is the third and final part. Hope you will enjoy it and, as always, if you have anything else to add feel free to do it.
Why did Deceit appear?
[Logan]: -pops up- Eh... Speaking for someone is a disagreeable practice, Patton. If Thomas would rather go to the wedding, then I, the brilliant Logan, think we should hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Thomas, the floor is yours. Wedding or callback?
My gosh, this man isn’t even trying. First, he drops a character lie (“I, the brilliant Logan”) which is the exact same kind of lie he used the first time. Then he uses two idioms in a row. And scolds Patton in the meantime (“Speaking for someone is a disagreeable practice, Patton”).
I suppose he just wanted to appear, but he couldn’t do it without being ✨ dramatique ✨
But now your question could be: why did he appear? Well, as I anticipated in the analysis of CLBG, Mr. Sanders explained in a tweet that Character!Thomas’ relationship with Lee and Mary Lee is as strong as the one with Joan. Once again, a very strong relationship is at risk. And, this time, there’s also an event that might bring a major change in Thomas’ life. Everything basically requested Deceit’s presence.
The dark sides are all anime tsundere girls
[Deceit]: Virgil's very right. You can't trust me! It's not like I'm trying to look out for you or anything.
[Anxiety]: He thinks he’s so great. Well, he is not! Look, I’m just trying to look out for him. (Taking on ANXIETY)
Okay, jeez, fine, you definitely don’t know each other and you’re definitely not father and son. That’s all a huge coincidence, I surely believe that.
Now I can’t wait to see Orange saying: “it’s not like I’m looking out for you, baka!” to Thomas, then I can close everything and disappear forever 😂
“He's against Nazis”
[Thomas]: ... Alright, he can stay. [Patton]: Hm? [Roman]: -incredulous laughter- Ah, wait, seriously? [Thomas]: Sounds like he's against Nazis, so... Why not hear him out? You know? [Virgil]: That... cannot be where the bar is!
I just love this part too much and it cracks me up everything. Remember, kids: you can be a snek, but if you’re against nazis, then everything is okay. I can’t wait for the moment Thomas will try to send Remus and Orange away, only for them to reply that, hey, they’re against Nazis too, so they deserve to stay! And Thomas will let them stay.
And then we will reach the lowest bar in the world and everything will be perfect.
“Social engagement”
[Deceit]: Well, the bar for skipping an important opportunity should be higher than a... social engagement. [Patton]: Come on, a wedding is more than just a social engagement! [Virgil]: He knows that.
Of course he knows that, he bears the name of a god who presides over weddings. Which yes, it’s hilarious and I love it.
Same area of expertise
[Patton]: What is this wacky talk? I- You don't mean any of this. I'm your morality, I wouldn't be here if you did! [Thomas]: Right, right. Yeah, you're right. I- I don't mean that. [Patton]: And Roman, I thought you fought for honor! Why are you pushing Thomas to be dishonest? 
Deceit knows what Thomas truly wants and it’s to go to the wedding. However, two sentences from Patton were enough to make him understand that:
Patton is the one who is truly in charge
Patton’s ideas are strong enough to influence Thomas
Thomas could change his mind because of them
Roman desperately wants to go to the wedding
Roman could change his mind because of Patton
And so, Deceit intervenes and makes Patton aware of something: sure his presence means Thomas still thinks about his morals… but he’s not the only one here:
[Deceit]: Do you know who else is here? Me! So perhaps, Thomas... isn't so innocent. [Patton]: Well... Nobody's perfect... Except for Thomas! He loves his friends! [Deceit]: You can defend him all you like... But you can't change the facts. Is Thomas an innocent little lamb? Let's let them be the judge of that.
And with this, Deceit:
proved he’s Thomas’ Side and not a random guy. He is a Side, just like all of them and he won’t go anywhere.
brought up the problem that will be solved in POF - i.e. Patton’s view of Thomas as a perfect, innocent boy.
moved the entire problem to a higher, moral level. This isn’t just a “choosing wedding or callback” problem anymore: this is Deceit’s way to prove Thomas’ fallibility and humanity.
And he wants to prove it to Patton. And if Thomas is confused about all of this, Patton is not:
[Thomas]: Um, I'm a little confused as to what this is all about. [Patton]: Basically, Deceit is trying to prove that you care more about yourself than your friends, but don't worry, kiddo, we'll show him.
Again: the supposedly stupid guy immediately understood what Deceit was trying to prove and followed him in his reasoning. Because, in case it wasn’t clear enough, these two work in the same area of expertise.
And if you need another confirmation that these two are a lot more similar than it seems:
[Deceit]: He's clearly manipulating the witness into doing what he thinks is best. Wait a minute. Who was it that was called a Scooby-Doo villain for doing the exact same thing? Oh, yeah! It was me... disguised as Patton. 
So not only Deceit confirmed Patton isn’t perfect, but they are similar enough, he can do what Patton does and there would be no difference.
These two work in the same field and they’ve been hinting it here all the time, before clearly stating it in POF.
Multiple arms
I forgot about this detail and thought that the multiple arms thing Remus brought up was a metaphor. Well… maybe it wasn’t. Maybe the noodle snek really has six arms.
This goddamn man, he really has one arm for each Side. And he probably uses them to smack the Sides in the head/stop them from doing something stupid. I love him.
An attempt at maturity
[Thomas]: And that's what you stand for. Truth. [Patton]: But I don't know what's true at this point. I just know what I want to be true. I want to believe you're an honest person... but... Deceit's right! He's here... and that means something. [Thomas]: Are you serious? I- I've been following your lead this whole time. I'm in the dark here, Patton, and I need something to light my way! [Patton]: I'm sorry... b-but... I don't know the way. [Thomas]: I don't want to be a bad person. [Patton]: Okay, then I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're not.
Do you know what is this? This is the moment that led to POF.
Patton was getting Deceit’s message. He was starting to understand Thomas isn’t perfect. He even admitted he didn’t know the answer.
But Thomas was too scared, too afraid of being seen as a bad person. And so, Patton had a choice: to side with Deceit, accept that his morals have been too extreme and guide Thomas by giving him a more mature, multifaceted understanding… or doing POF:
[Patton]: Like I told you before, sometimes... I don't know the way. But... When I told you that, you were so scared. I couldn't bear it. So I said to myself... "Alright, Patton. Thomas needs you. You're responsible for his morality. You can never not have an answer for him." And then I promised you I'd keep fighting. Unfortunately... I learned the hard way that... giving too simple of answers to complicated questions... can do more harm than good.
Virgil’s interrogation
[Deceit]: -chuckles- Very well. As Thomas' anxiety, do you have any relevant information about his norepinephrine levels in regards to these two conflicting commitments?
I’m pretty sure someone already said something about this hormone back when the episode came out, but I don’t remember - also, I found this very interesting paragraph from Wikipedia I would like to share:
“The general function of norepinephrine is to mobilize the brain and body for action. Norepinephrine release is lowest during sleep, rises during wakefulness, and reaches much higher levels during situations of stress or danger, in the so-called fight-or-flight response. In the brain, norepinephrine increases arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhances formation and retrieval of memory, and focuses attention; it also increases restlessness and anxiety.”
As you can see, Virgil’s two main functions are both involved in this hormone. And norepinephrine has a spike during stressful situations - like, you know, choosing between a callback or a wedding.
But the mention of this particular hormone implies something else. Something very important, that will connect with the second part of this conversation.
Deceit mentioned an incredibly specific hormone and, by doing that, he proved how well he knows Virgil. He doesn’t know just his roles, but even the effects he has on a chemical level. It’s a bit like the difference between knowing your colleague from their job and knowing how many miles they can run on the weekends. It implies a much closer relationship.
Also, since he asked how high the levels of norepinephrine are, that means he knows Virgil is stressed. He knows this situation makes him more anxious and, with his questions, he wants to prove to Virgil (and to everyone else) that he is anxious because he knows what Thomas wants: to skip the wedding and go to the callback.
[Virgil]: I think it's ridiculous that anyone is entertaining any of this. Guys, he's a liar. You literally know him as Deceit. [Deceit]: Glass houses, Virgil. You yourself said that you are not a beacon of truth.
The famous “You literally know him as Deceit” line is a clear reply to Deceit’s question about norepinephrine. It’s Virgil’s way to say that yes, he knows him extremely well too. The others “know him as Deceit”, but he knows Deceit for who he is.
And, okay, now that’s probably me looking too much into things again, but the way Deceit replied by saying that he’s not always right and shaking his finger… it’s almost like a warning. A (maybe unconscious) way to say to Virgil to not reveal more, because he’s not always right.
And to further prove his point, he proceeds with a subtle threat:
[Deceit]: Oh, so you've never been reluctant to share anything with the group, then? [Virgil]: Don't. [Deceit]: What? I just meant your name. [Virgil]: Don't! [Deceit]: Maybe that's why it's so easy for you to recognize me for what I am. Like I said before... it takes a liar to know a liar.
And with that, Deceit proved to Virgil that:
He knows what he’s hiding from the group (i.e. that he was one of the Others)
He knows him extremely well, because he knows Virgil doesn’t want to talk about it yet
He has the upper hand, because if Virgil says something, he can immediately drop his secret and screw Virgil’s position in Thomas’ eyes.
An unexpected help
So, after threatening his son and showing how much of a villain Deceit can be, what does Patton do?
He pushes him to show his soft side, by forcing him to reveal his agenda.
[Patton]: You... always seem to have some... bigger plan. Some... agenda. [Deceit]: Doesn't everyone? [Patton]: Well, not everyone is so secretive... about theirs. [Deceit]: Everything has a purpose, and sometimes fulfilling your purpose requires keeping things close to the chest. [Patton]: Well, you're under oath, which I think means you gotta tell us. Why the courtroom scenario? Why pick a setting where... uh, the truth comes to hang out?
As soon as Patton had the chance to ask him a question, he immediately ignored the wedding/callback thing and went straight to the point. And it makes sense, because the point of their conversation is a bit more important than a single choice.
Patton wants to know what this Side is trying to do. And when Deceit brought the conversation to a higher level by talking about society, Patton brought him back to the main topic: Thomas. What does Deceit want to do with Thomas?
And by forcing him to be a little more honest, Patton helped him. He helped Deceit to drop some of his convoluted plans, to clearly say he cares about Thomas.
[Patton]: Okay... What does any of this have to do with Thomas? [Deceit]: I don't want Thomas to be disadvantaged in a world where you can die for not following the laws made in the name of a lie.
That’s why I always say Patton is incredibly mature. He’s working against Deceit, they are literally against each other in this courtroom scenario… and yet, he helped him. He gave him a chance to show his soft side, to prove he’s not a bad guy. And to tell how useful he can be! A bit like “an inner coach that acts with the intention of self-preservation”, as Patton said in CLBG.
Always and forever on Thomas' side
[Deceit]: Look, the point is, Thomas is an unconscious egoist and this dilemma is actually between something that serves him versus something else that serves him. Between looking and feeling like a good friend and a dream come true. If Thomas wanted to be seen as a good friend more than he wanted the role of a lifetime, well then I'm all for that. But I just don't buy it.
This part is extremely interesting, because Deceit said both choices are something Thomas wants. From one side, there’s personal gratification (Thomas wanting to be a good friend), from the other there’s personal fulfillment (Thomas doing something he loves). They are both selfish wants, in a way. So, if all Deceit cared about were selfish wants, he would have no problem with them. This whole courtroom scenario wouldn’t take place at all.
Be he has a problem because he wants what Thomas wants. And since Thomas is denying his want to do a different thing… well, that required Deceit’s intervention. As he said: if Thomas wanted to go to the wedding, he would’ve accepted that choice. He doesn’t care about Lee’s feelings, just like he didn’t care about Joan’s feelings in CLBG. The only feelings that matter for Deceit are Thomas’.
And only when Thomas finally admits his want, Deceit is satisfied.
[Thomas]: Fine! I want to go to the callback! I was planning on playing Word Crush on my phone during the wedding ceremony to keep my mind off the fact that I'm single. I don't want to go! I'm afraid to go. And on top of that, a dream come true fell into my lap scheduled on the same day. Anyone would want to go to the callback! So, yeah. I tried to force myself to forget about the wedding, and now I want to lie to my friends, so they don't hate me for not supporting them. I'm a liar. I'm a liar.
Deceit put on a whole courtroom, just to force Thomas to be more honest. This alone would be enough to prove he’s not just the embodiment of lies, but I suppose the correlation “snek = liar” was stronger than 200 proofs, so Roman did the wrong thing and made a choice no one wanted.
A mature Side
[Roman]: It's my sworn duty to help Thomas achieve his hopes and dreams. But Thomas wouldn't dream of attaining his hopes through deceitful means. [Deceit]: But that's not true! [Virgil]: And you're a beacon of truth? [Deceit]: Oh, did I say that? I missed the part where I said that.
Please let’s focus on Deceit’s words because they are very, very interesting.
1) Deceit openly admitted his means weren’t deceitful. Just like when he asked Thomas, during the courtroom if he was “the snake come to trick you into sinning, or have you had your mind made up since the moment you received the news about the callback?”. Deceit had no intention of deceiving Thomas, from the first moment he appeared.
2) Deceit is a very mature Side. I talked about it during my POF analysis part 3, when he openly recognized his own mistakes. Here he openly admits what Thomas is having trouble admitting: that he’s not perfect. He never said he was. He never pretended to carry the truth. Even if he’s 100% right here, he still admits he’s flawed. He and Patton are truly the most mature Sides here.
Caring and criminal
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During the episode, he said that “fulfilling your purpose requires keeping things close to the chest”. And where did he keep his logo? On his chest. Even better, on his heart. What else does he have to do, to prove how deeply he loves and cares about Thomas? This man is the most caring Side.
[Deceit]: I'm not going anywhere. And there are smarter ways to get people to do what you want, anyway.
Uh, so “smarter ways to get people to do what you want” means “let’s release Remus”?
You know what? That really was a smarter way. With one decision, he introduced Remus, proved he’s harmless and even useful, showed Thomas that ignoring his needs leads to an increment of his intrusive thoughts and confirmed that he was right and Thomas should’ve listened to him.
This man is a criminal and I love him.
Why Logan can’t work in the moral area
[Logan]: It's still difficult to believe that my participation was as restricted as it was. It was Deceit's doing, I'm sure. I would have been a more than worthy foil. Unlike him, I'm skeptical about whether a society could function without some sort of system of laws by which all of its citizens abide.
Oh Logan, you huge nerd. I love you, but this is why you don’t work in Deceit’s and Patton’s same area of expertise.
Deceit’s whole monologue about society wasn’t practical, but moral. He didn’t say “we should surrender to anarchy”, nor presented a point about why rules are bad: he said society is a concept and we all collectively choose to believe this concept was true. He talked about how scary the concept of society is. And he clearly saw it on a moral level, not a practical one.
And yes, we can add this to the list of reasons why Logan was pushed in the back: just imagine if, instead of talking with Patton, the other moral side, who was incredibly quick to get his points and ask him about his agenda, we got Logan: a neutral Side, more interested to practical things than metaphorical/moral ones. Deceit would’ve spent most of the time rephrasing everything and the conversation would’ve been just about this choice, rather than a multilayered conversation about selfishness, selflessness, Thomas’ fallibility, and choices in general.
Deceit needed Patton as interlocutor and he needed to remove the cold, straight logic from a conversation that was mostly about morals and emotions: two areas Logan is not an expert about - as he will admit in POF.
[Logan]: Well, determining what feels right or wrong for you isn't really my area of expertise.
Truly taking care aka the wedding from Lee and Mary Lee’s perspective
[Patton]: Well, here's the thing, kiddo. People hurt all the time. By going to the wedding, you're making sure that two of your friends aren't hurt by the absence of someone they really care about.
Okay, time to put the most cynical part of me here.
Patton’s words are cute and nice and everything… but seriously. Come on.
Just imagine being the bride or the groom: you spent the previous days, weeks and months organizing for this event. Locations, entertainment, ceremony and everything. Then the day comes and you want to be 200% sure everything goes as smoothly as planned. You have people coming to ask you about this or that detail. You have to be sure your dress/make-up is okay, your best men/bridesmaids are okay, the photograph is here, the meal is good, the place is ready, the staff is preparared.
And, when it’s time, you have the ceremony, the people to greet, photos to take, meals, events, dances and so on.
Do you really, REALLY think that Lee and Mary Lee would be so devastated by Thomas’ absence? I’ve never been married, but I really doubt that one missing guest (and not a best man or a bridesmaid or another important guest: just a guest) would have made them feel so devastated. Weddings are huge, stressful events, a ton of things happen and the newlyweds barely have time to eat, let alone feel devastated by a missing guest.
And I would like to repeat that: a guest. Thomas didn’t play any important role. He wasn’t supposed to be Lee’s best man or anything else. He was just a guest.
Do you know what it would’ve happened, if Thomas skipped the wedding? That Lee and Mary Lee would’ve thought “Oh, Thomas didn’t come”, to completely forget about it two seconds later, because someone else would’ve called them to do something else.
And no, going anyway isn’t a question of empathy, but of naiveness - and egoism too. Thomas himself proved it in POF, when he showed his frustration, because he wanted a little more than a “hello”. He literally wanted them to throw him a party, just for coming! Who would ever think the newlyweds would give a damn about them, on such a huge day? No one, except for a very egoistical, naive person: egoistical enough to think they are the only one who matters, naive enough to think the bride and the groom have time to do a party for them. That’s childish, immature and very selfish, not empathetic.
Do you want to know what Character!Thomas could’ve done, if he wanted to show some empathy? Skip the wedding.
Think about it. What would’ve been better? Thomas moping around and not enjoying himself, thus ruining the party for everyone else… or Thomas not appearing at all and letting everyone enjoy the party? Which choice is the most empathetic? Call me a bad person, but I think the second one would’ve been a better way to care about other people’s feelings.
Also because Lee and Mary Lee noticed it:
[Lee]: Really? 'Cause you're sitting alone at the reception.
And, at least to me, that’s way worse than not attending it at all. Thomas was such a buzz kill, he ruined the party for the bridal couple too. That’s literally the most selfish, bad thing he could’ve done. And only because he didn’t want to listen to the snake boy.
This event deserved to leave strong consequences. And POF is proof of how huge the impact was on Thomas’ life and how deeply things will change from now on.
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@royalprinceroman @reesiereads @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow  @effortiswhatmatters  @atlasistryingherbest @bella-in-a-bag  @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @mishanthropist​ @payte​ @mcang3l  @geekyapollokid @hypnossanders​  @idontreallyknow24​  @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical​ @patton-cake​  @hereissananxiousmess​  @purplebronzeandblue​  @cynicalandsarcastic​  @empressserelene​  @dubstepbranch  @lost-in-thought-20​ @andtheyreonfire​
@riseofthewerewolf​ @frog-candy-bee @bosspotato01  @rosesandlove44​ @sololad​ @chewy-rubies @groaaaaan  @croftergamer​ @thedevilseyes​  @arya-skywalker​  @csi-baker-street-babes​ @queen-of-all-things-snuggly
@virgildarknessdementiaravenway​ @mishanthropist​  @dracayd-universe​  @unknown-artworks​   @lonelyfangirl453​  @starlightnyx​ @stubbornness-and-spite​ @averykedavra  @iloveeverytjing123 @bookedforevermore @joyrose-fandomer @anachronismes @mihaela-tbg @igonnatalknothing
@thatoneloudowl​  @grayson-22​  @softangryfuckingdepressed​ @theotherella  @boopypastaissalty @nevenastark @varthandiveturinn @floofyconfusednerd @nothing-worth-mentioning @mikalya12 @roses-bubbles @cuter-on-the-inside  @coldbookworm  @snixxxsmythe @alexowlndra  @fadingbagelbananapatrol  @our-bloody-mari666  @riverraysong @sanity-whosshe-neverheardofher  @charmingcritter  @analogical-mess @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @selfdestructivecat
@willpowerwisps @royalprinceroman @reesiereads @mudpuddlenl @shelby-711 @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @sweetkirbi @whatishappeningrightnow  @effortiswhatmatters  @atlasistryingherbest @bella-in-a-bag  @doydoune  @miasheer  @forever-third-wheeling @mishanthropist  @corndot @payte @mcang3l  @geekyapollokid  @kawaiipotatuh  @hypnossanders  @idontreallyknow24  @imcrushedbyarainbow  @simplyapannightmare  @patton-cake  @hereissananxiousmess  @purplebronzeandblue  @cynicalandsarcastic  @empressserelene  @dubstepbranch  @chara-073  @lost-in-thought-20  @arobohamster @book-limerence  @andtheyreonfire  @ironic-is-a-bastard
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@virgildarknessdementiaravenway​ @mishanthropist​  @dracayd-universe​  @unknown-artworks​   @lonelyfangirl453​  @starlightnyx​ @alienvamp-hesitantflowerface​ @stubbornness-and-spite​  @alittletoo-extra​@averykedavra  @iloveeverytjing123 @bookedforevermore @joyrose-fandomer @anachronismes @the-cloud-14  @mihaela-tbg @igonnatalknothing
@thatoneloudowl​  @grayson-22​  @softangryfuckingdepressed​ @theotherella​  @boopypasta​@nevenastark​ @varthandi @floofyconfusednerd @nothing-worth-mentioning @mikalya12 @roses-bubbles @cuter-on-the-inside  @coldbookworm  @orchidstanslogan  @snixxxsmythe  @frog-candy-bee  @holleratyour-buoyancy @alexowlndra  @fadingbagelbananapatrol  @our-bloody-mari666  @cxsmospooks  @riverraysong @sanity-whosshe-neverheardofher  @charmingcritter  @analogical-mess @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @selfdestructivecat
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pureleafpeachtea · 5 months
Im gonna say something about sanders sides.
Because here's the thing. I love sanders sides. I grew up alongside it, i introduced friends to it. But im so, so tired.
Its been what, 3 years since we got an episode? And im not counting the ads, or the most recent aside. 3 years since we got actual content continuing the main storyline.
Its so frustrating. Thomas tells us nothing. No idea what hes working on, no timelines to expect, nothing. We're working with crumbs here.
He keeps putting out ads and i used to be excited about them, because who doesnt love merch for your favourite show? Especially a niche one. Official merch, supporting the creator you love, etc. All great things. But when hes posting ads but no actual content, it becomes less exciting and more... sketchy. Like. I dont like the idea of continuing to sell merch for a show that you havent made in years. It feels cheap.
I have a lot of more articulate thoughts that i will eventually articulate but at this point its just frustration. The show was good, it was really good! It had its flaws but overall its a good show. Loveable characters. Compelling plotlines. At this point i dont think we'll ever see the resolution of romans plot.
I thought they were finally gonna address it, it felt like they were building to it, but then they switched to pattons control issues, logans anger issues, virgils (for lack of a better word) anxiety. And while i like those plotlines, it feels like he got swept to the side, a bit. And Roman was never my favourite character but seeing the way hes treated in the show makes me kinda sad. Like theres so much potential. And if the season finale resolves the orange side and logans anger issues and virgils stuff and then after that we can focus on roman a bit? Then great. But when will that be? 2030?
I loved sanders sides. I still do. But the humour is getting dated, and my goodwill is running out. I dont watch any other thomas sanders content. I dont really care about it, tbh. And im getting tired of waiting for another episode of the sides.
I just wish he would say something. Give us some sort of information about whats going on and what to expect instead of serving us ads and filler and in-character livestreams
Idk. Im just so tired. This story and the fandom deserves better
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thatonelesbianfander · 3 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Chapter 7
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Death mention, Suicide mention, Crying, Shouting, Swearing
Word count// 2884
Description// Janus is one of the many grim reapers whose job it is to reap the souls of the dead and help them ascend to the afterlife. After one assignment, the spirit they reaped, a 23-year-old nonbinary person named Remus, refused to ascend. Now, Janus is stuck with them following it around wherever they go.
Characters// Remus Sanders, Roman Sanders, C!Thomas Sanders
Pairings// Slight Karrot Kings mention
AUs// Found/chosen family Creativitwins & C!Thomas, human!sides, they/them Remus, it/they Janus, he/she Roman
Author’s note// This chapter is also less tense and more fluffy compared to the last few chapters. Enjoy!
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Remus backed up a little, shocked at they saw their sibling looking directly at them.
”Y-You can see m-” Remus started before being cut off by their sibling clinging onto them, sobbing. Tears filled Remus’s eye as they hugged their sibling back.
”I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean all those horrible things I said to you! I…” Roman sobbed, holding his sibling tightly.
”It’s okay, Roman… I’m alright…” Remus said, comforting their sibling.
”It’s not okay, though! I shouldn’t have said all those horrible things to you… You deserve so much better than me…” Roman replied, hiding his face in Remus’s chest.
”Ro…” Remus said. Roman held Remus close, afraid to let go. Remus hugged Roman back, the two not daring to move.
”I missed you so much…” Roman said. Remus smiled at their sibling.
”I love you, Roman,” Remus said.
”I love you too…” Roman replied. The two stayed in each other’s arms for a little while longer before Roman broke away. The two stood up, smiling at each other.
”We got to get you home! Pa would love to see you again!” Roman said.
”I…” Remus started before being dragged away by Roman. Remus looked around the graveyard, seeing Janus staring at them, a sad expression on its face. Remus awkwardly smiled back at them, giving them a thumbs up before running off with Roman. The two ran through the neighborhood, crossing the street and arriving at Thomas’s house. The two burst through the door, Roman closing it behind them.
”Pa! Come downstairs! I’ve got something to show you!” Roman said, calling up to his father.
”Alright, just give me a moment!” Thomas shouted back. Remus nervously stood next to Roman, still holding his hand.
”I’m nervous, Ro… What if Pa doesn’t take it that well…” Remus said.
”Don’t worry, Rem. It’ll be okay,” Roman replied.
”What’s up, Ro-” Thomas said, walking down the stairs before coming to a stop at the bottom.
”Hey, Pa…” Remus said, smiling nervously.
”Remus…” Thomas said, putting a hand to his mouth as tears filled his eyes. Thomas walked over to Remus, putting a hand to their face and holding their cheek.
”Is that really you…” Thomas asked, tears streaming down his face. Remus nodded, smiling at their father. Thomas wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling them into a hug as he sobbed into their shoulder.
”Oh my god, my baby!” Thomas cried. Remus smiled, hugging Thomas back as he cried. The two stood in each other’s arms for a while, Roman sitting on the couch as the two hugged each other.
”You’re back…” Thomas said.
”I never really left…” Remus replied, smiling. Thomas smiled back, letting go of Remus.
”You need to tell us about what you were doing these past few months!” Thomas said, walking over to the couch with Remus. Remus walked over to their chair, sitting down.
”Well, after I died, I was reaped by this grim reaper named Janus so I just decided to follow them around. We had a bunch of adventures together going around their district and visiting the people who died. Oh! Once there was this one guy Janus was reaping and he thought that Janus was Jesus Christ! That was hilarious! We also visited Junior’s after it was abandoned and played some arcade games together during one of Janus’s off days!” Remus said.
”Wow! You were busy it seems,” Thomas replied.
”Kind of, yeah, but I also made sure to make time to visit you two as well,” Remus said, smiling. Thomas smiled back.
”So, you’ve been listening to One Rat Band?” Remus asked.
”How did you know?” Thomas replied, smiling.
”I heard you listening to it when I visited you and Roman during your Mulan movie night. You know, that night with the big storm?” Remus said.
”You were with us during movie night?” Roman asked.
”Hell yeah! You really think I would miss out on movie night just because I died? No chance!” Remus responded.
”Well, it sounds like you were having a really good time in the afterlife,” Thomas said.
”Yeah, it was pretty nice,” Remus replied, smiling. Thomas smiled back.
”Okay, well, I have to go to the store. We’re out of bread, and I was about to go to the store to get some more so I can make dinner,” Thomas said, standing up, “Are you two going to be okay staying here on your own?”
”Yeah, we’ll be fine!” Remus replied.
”Alright, I’ll be right back. Love you two,” Thomas said, turning around and heading to the door.
”Love you too, Pa!” Remus said. Thomas opened the door, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.
The twins went upstairs to Roman’s room, Roman going over and sitting on his bed.
”I couldn’t really tell you this before, but I love how you decorated your room, Roman!” Remus said, looking around.
”Thanks…” Roman replied, looking down. Remus looked at their sibling, frowning.
”Ro… Is everything alright?” Remus asked.
”Yeah, everything’s fine, I just…” Roman started. He sighed, looking down at the ground.
”I just wish I never said all those horrible things to you in the first place. If I just kept my mouth shut that day, maybe you would still be alive…” Roman said, looking down. Remus frowned.
”Ro… You know I don’t care about what you said anymore, right?” Remus said.
”You don’t?” Roman asked.
”No, I don’t. I don’t care that you called me annoying or a freak, or said that you hate me, or said that you wished you weren’t my sibling. All I care about is if you are safe and happy,” Remus said, walking over to Roman and sitting down next to her.
”But, all those horrible things I said to you! I told you that you were useless, that you were a waste of air, that I wished you weren’t in my life. I said all these horrible things to you and it lead to your death! I-” Roman said.
”Hey, we both said nasty things to each other that day,” Remus cut Roman off, Roman looking at Remus, “But that day is in the past. What matters now is how we move on from that stuff and heal. So, let me ask you this… Are you safe?”
”Yes?” Roman replied.
”And are you happy?” Remus asked. Roman smiled at them, hugging them tightly.
”I am now,” Roman said. Remus smiled, hugging their sibling back. The two pulled away from each other, sitting next to each other.
”You know… Yesterday, when you were about to kill yourself, I was terrified… I didn’t want you to end up like me… I sobbed after getting back to Janus’s apartment after I got Pa to save you… I saw how you spiraled after my death, and it was the most terrifying thing ever…” Remus said. Roman frowned, looking at their sibling.
”Remus… I…” Roman said.
”Roman… Can you promise me one thing?” Remus asked.
”Anything,” Roman replied.
”If we ever have to be separated again, and you end up losing me… Promise me you’ll stay strong for me and move on… I’m not saying you have to forget me… but at least don’t destroy yourself for me, okay?” Remus asked. Roman smiled, nodding.
”Anything for you,” Roman said, Remus smiling at her. Remus laid their head on Roman’s shoulder, closing their eyes.
”Thank you,” Remus said. Roman smiled.
”Now, you have to tell me more about these adventures!” Roman said, Remus sitting up.
”Oh, okay! Well…” Remus started, Roman smiling at them as Remus talked. The two continued to talk together, enjoying being in each other’s company again after being apart for so long. Roman smiled at Remus as he listened to Remus talk. The two laid back on Roman’s bed, laughing and talking before Thomas interrupted them.
”Kids! I’m home! I’m going to start dinner, I’ll call you two when it’s ready, okay?” Thomas shouted up to them.
”Okay, Pa!” Roman shouted back down. Roman turned back to Remus.
”Continue,” Roman said. Remus smiled at her, starting to talk again.
The two talked for what seemed like hours until they were interrupted by Thomas calling them from downstairs again.
”Roman! Remus! Dinner!” Thomas shouted up to them.
”Be there in a minute, Pa!” Roman shouted back. Roman stood up, turning to Remus.
”You coming?” Roman asked.
”Yeah, I can’t eat, but I’ll be glad to just hang out with you and Pa. You go ahead of me and tell Pa I’ll be down in a minute,” Remus replied.
”Alright,” Roman said, leaving the room and running downstairs. Remus pulled out their phone, texting Janus.
”Hey, Jan! I’m gonna stay at my family’s house for the night! I’ll see you tomorrow though! Have a good night!” Remus texted. They put their phone down on Roman’s nightstand, running downstairs to the dining room where their father and sibling sat around the table.
”Oh, Remus! You’re here! Come on, sit!” Thomas said, patting the seat next to him. Remus smiled, sitting down next to Thomas.
”So, what are you having?” Remus asked.
”Oh, I just made us some sandwiches, it’s nothing really special…” Thomas said, taking a bite of his food.
”Cool! Now, Pa. I saw you had a new date! Wanna tell me about that?” Remus asked. Thomas chuckled, looking over to Remus.
”Well, his name’s Nico. He’s a music writer and he actually wrote some of the songs for One Rat Band,” Thomas replied.
”That’s really cool!” Remus said.
”Yeah! I met him today since he came over for a little this morning. He’s really nice!” Roman said.
”I can’t believe you got to meet one of the creators of One Rat Band!” Remus said, Thomas smiling.
”Yeah, it’s cool,” Thomas replied. The three smiled together, talking as Roman and Thomas finished their dinners.
”And then Janus socked him in the face!” Remus said.
”Woah!” Roman replied.
”I wish I was there with you. I would have socked that guy in the face with them!” Thomas said, standing up. Remus giggled.
”Pa! We all know you’re not a fighter!” Remus said.
”Still, I would have!” Thomas said, grabbing Roman’s plate off the table with his. Thomas carried the plates to the kitchen, putting them into the sink and going back to the table. Thomas sat back down at the table, Remus grabbing his hand and holding it. Thomas smiled at them.
”Hey, buddy,” Thomas said.
”Hi, Pa!” Remus replied, smiling.
”You know. I’m really glad you’re back. It’s nice to see you again, even if it’s like this,” Thomas said.
”I’m glad I’m back as well,” Remus replied.
”Well, what do you two want to do now?” Thomas asked.
”Ooo! Can we have a family movie night? There’s a new movie that I really wanted to see and I think Remus would like it too!” Roman suggested.
”Ooo! Yes!” Remus said, standing up.
”Alright, then. I’ll clean up the dishes, you two get the movie ready,” Thomas said, standing up and walking to the kitchen. Remus started to float, looking over at Roman.
”Race ya!” Remus said, floating over to the living room.
”Oh, you motherfucker-” Roman started, chasing after Remus as Remus laughed. Remus picked up the remote, floating above Roman so he couldn’t grab it.
”You motherfucking cheater! Give me the remote!” Roman said, jumping up and trying to grab the remote.
”Never!” Remus said, laughing. Roman grabbed Remus’s legs, pulling them down and grabbing the remote from their hands.
”Hey! That’s not fair!” Remus said, laughing.
”Too bad, so sad,” Roman said, smiling. Remus tackled Roman, the two laughing together as they fought for the remote.
”Okay, you two, break it up,” Thomas said, grabbing the remote from the two. Thomas sat on the couch, Roman sitting next to him and Remus sitting on their chair. Thomas turned on the TV, giving the remote to Roman who put the movie on.
The three sat in the living room together, watching the movie.
”Ugh, Valentino’s such a fucking bastard. Reminds me of Janus’s stupid manager,” Remus said.
”I’m guessing you don’t like him that much?” Roman asked.
”Nope, they’re both fucking assholes,” Remus said, rolling their eye.
”Hey, at least the side character’s are likable?” Roman said.
”Yeah, I guess,” Remus said, shrugging.
”I honestly thought this movie would be better than it is… All the trailers looked really good,” Roman said, leaning back on the couch.
”I mean, the movie’s fine, but it could be better,” Remus said.
”Yeah, I agree,” Thomas replied. Remus thought for a little, Thomas and Roman continuing to watch the movie.
”Hey, Pa, Ro?” Remus said, getting the two’s attention.
”What’s up, Remus?” Thomas asked, pausing the movie.
”I was just wondering… If Janus lets me… Could I move back in with you guys?” Remus asked.
”Of course, Remus! Why would you think you couldn’t?” Thomas replied.
”I mean… It’s kind of a big hassle for you… I mean, I kind of guessed you just got used to having to care for one person… I didn’t want to overload you with another…” Remus replied.
”Remus, buddy… You wouldn’t be overloading me… Besides, this is your home too. You grew up here. You’re welcome to come and go as you please, alright?” Thomas said. Remus smiled, looking at their father.
”Thanks, Pa,” Remus said.
”Come here, buddy,” Thomas said, reaching his arms out to Remus. Remus floated over to Thomas, laying down in his arms as Thomas held him. Roman unpaused the movie, the three watching the movie together. Roman leaned his head on Thomas’s shoulder, Thomas putting his arm around Roman’s shoulder. Thomas held his two kids close as the three continued to watch the movie.
”Ha! Yes! Valentino died!” Remus said, pointing at the TV while smiling.
”Good! I hated him so much!” Roman replied.
”I mean, his actor was kind of hot, though,” Thomas said.
”Pa!” Remus said, pushing Thomas back as Thomas laughed.
”I’m joking! I’m joking!” Thomas said, laughing. Remus hugged Thomas, Thomas hugging Remus back.
”Ooo! I like the new main character this movie’s following for the second half!” Roman said.
”Hopefully he’s not a giant bastard like Valentino,” Remus said.
”You really didn’t like Valentino, huh?” Thomas asked.
”He was so annoying! Like, can it! No one wants to hear about your failed love life!” Remus said, Thomas laughing. Roman yawned a little, leaning his head on Thomas’s shoulder again.
”You good, buddy?” Thomas asked.
”Yeah… just a little tired,” Roman replied.
”I would bet… Today was a long day for you,” Thomas said.
”It was a long day for all of us,” Remus said.
”Tell me about it,” Roman replied.
”Alright, you fall asleep for a little while. I’ll pause the movie,” Thomas said, grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. Roman leaned his head on Thomas’s shoulder, closing his eyes and falling asleep as Thomas held him close. Remus sat with Thomas, zoning out.
”Remus, buddy,” Thomas said, tapping Remus’s shoulder. Remus jumped a little, looking over to Thomas.
”What’s up, Pa?” Remus asked.
”Are you okay? You seem tense…” Thomas asked.
”I’m fine… I’m just thinking about something Janus said…” Remus replied.
”What did Janus say?” Thomas asked, concerned.
”Well, earlier today, they had a meeting with their manager. During this meeting, their manager said that the Antichrist was on the rise and if one more timeline break happened, all hell would break lose… I’m scared that I fucked up and that me being here is letting the Antichrist rise… Or worse that it will turn out that I’m the Antichrist all along… I don’t want to be evil, Pa…” Remus said, tears starting to form in their eye.
”Buddy… You’re not going to be evil… I know you’ve had this fear for a while, and I just want you to know everything’s going to be fine. You know why?” Thomas replied.
”Why?” Remus asked, wiping the tears from their eye.
”Because I’m with you… I’m not going anywhere. As long as you exist on this Earth, I will always be with you. I promise,” Thomas said, brushing Remus’s hair from their face. Remus smiled, hugging Thomas.
”Thanks, Pa,” Remus said. Thomas hugged Remus back.
”Now, you get some rest as well. You’ve had a long day,” Thomas said. Remus smiled, laying their head down on Thomas’s shoulder and falling asleep. Thomas put the recliner on the couch back, laying down with his kids as he fell asleep. They finally had each other again, and that’s all they needed for right now.
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 1 year
These are my stories I've written in the past several years. A bunch of them I kinda ditched mid-story because I got bored, but if anyone really wanted me to continue them I might do it. I also take requests :)
To Mars and Back 1/2/3/4/5/6
Criminal Minds g/t. The BAU makes an interesting discovery in their current case. Her name is Mars and she's a borrower. (More content to be found under the tag #oc: mars)
To Help or To Hunt 1/2
DSMP g/t. In a world where tinies are considered pests and are hunted for sport by the rich, can Tommy survive meeting Wilbur? And can Wilbur's noncaring attitude survive meeting Tommy? (tagged #thoth)
Horoscopes and Human-isms
OC g/t. Kay (a sizeshifter) introduces her friend Scarlett (a borrower) to the human concept of astrology.
I Deserve Better
Black Friday g/t. Borrower!Lex Foster starts to get sick of her mom’s bullshit.
OC g/t. Chrissy, stranded in the middle of nowhere, explores an old abandoned lab.
Of Magic and Mistakes 1/2
Sanders Sides g/t. In proving Virgil wrong, Logan ends up in another universe. In Patton's universe to be precise. So how does Logan get home, and why is he a giant here?
Every Warrior Needs a Hand
Sanders Sides g/t. Borrower Roman, the self-proclaimed protector of the bean’s house, goes up against a rat.
My A03 account can be found here
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royall-ass · 17 days
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happy callback/wedding/just svs redux day take some roman art thats rushed <33
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prodigal-explorer · 2 months
something that makes me so angry is that when janus fully admitted to roman that he used and manipulated him and that he’s only kind to roman when he’s using him, NOBODY CARED. patton still was jumping at the opportunity to be janus’ friend, even though janus just blatantly admitted to essentially ruining roman’s life for his own gain. like yes janus was the one who did the bad thing so he’s the main one at fault but i just can’t get over how patton didn’t give a FUCK.
it really shows how much patton cares about roman (barely at all whatsoever). janus said it right in front of patton and patton saw roman’s reaction and still didn’t care. what kind of friend just ignores such a horrible thing??
i get that maybe patton just wanted janus to feel accepted but that’s not an excuse. he literally didn’t acknowledge roman’s situation. he didn’t care at all, not even a little bit, that roman had been suffering. and it’s so uneven because roman sacrificed his entire livelihood for patton’s sake. roman constantly has to deal with giving up what he wants so patton gets what he wants. patton guilt trips roman and treats him like he’s some spoiled and bratty child and roman just takes it because he loves patton. clearly, patton doesn’t seem to love him as much back.
sorry guys patton is a shitty friend. i said it. and you can disagree if you want it’s totally okay to be wrong.
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undeadsides · 10 months
Divider credit: BenKeiBear and Anlain-Aishang
Note: my sides used to have older names, based off of how I used to hoard names. I used to hoard only names that started with "M"s, so I thought it'd be fun to give all my sides "M" names. I changed them so they could be different and because I do not hoard only "M" names anymore, but you might still see their old names floating around. My sides also use different pronouns, because I use many, many pronouns.
The name "Undead Sides" is a play on "Sanders Sides". However, I don't want to reveal my last name, so instead I used my common username on most socials: IncrediblyUndead.
Undercut are my sides, some information on their relationships, and other silly facts.
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(Through out this, I will be referring to myself in 3rd person & using random neopronouns)
EGOTISM — Memphis, he/she
[Plain text: egotism in all caps in pink]
Logo: a hand-held mirror. It's a charm on Memphis' phone.
Memphis represents Revenge's egotism, confidence, (maybe unhealthy amounts of) self-love, and selfishness. She only cares about himself (& Revy) and is willing to do anything to get what Revenge deserves— whether that be through normal conversation or manipulation (... it's usually manipulation). He has a very black and white way of thinking, viewing Revenge and herself as better than those around them, along with thinking they can do no bad or make mistakes.
(Imagine a fusion of Roman and Janus, but if they were much more extreme in their self-confidence and selfishness, & you've got yourself a Memphis)
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IMPULSE — Maddox (Madds), it/its
[Plain text: impulse in all caps in red]
Logo: an explosion (similar to the 💥 emoji), placed on both sides of its combat boots.
Maddox represents Revy's impulsivity, controlling a lot of xyr anger issues and violent thoughts. It makes quick judgements, before hearing the full story, and will hold grudges til the ends of the earth. It also represents a lot of Revenge’s self-perseverance, thinking that its actions are helping protect ore. Despite its aggressive and unsympathetic nature, Madds cares heavily for those it finds pleasant (or "not as annoying as everyone else", as it puts it) and will jump in harms way to protect them.
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PARANOIA — Payne, xe/xyr/xyrs
[Plain text: paranoia in all caps in orange]
(Used to be: Mercury/Mercs) (also pretend thats yellow and not orange)
Logo: a weird wiggly swirl on xyrs choker.
Payne represents Revenge's paranoia, fear, and overall distrust of others. Xe controls a lot of Revy’s schizophrenic symptoms and intrusive thoughts, but does NOT represent pups schizophrenia. In a case of “ducking out” (something that is impossible in FMP), Payne’s removal would not get rid of Revy’s schizophrenia, but rather cool down a lot of Revy's fear. Payne has a lot of the same goals as Maddox, wanting to protect Revenge, but rather than wanting to beat the shit out of everything, xe would rather run away to get to safety. Payne also has very black and white thinking. Xe holds people xe finds dear as close as possible, while pushing anyone else as far as possible.
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COMPASSION — Finnick, he/him
[Plain text: compassion in all caps in green]
(Used to be: Melvin)
Logo: clasped hands as a patch, over his heart, on his battle jacket.
Finnick represents Revy's compassion and care for everyone and the planet earth, along with xyrs low/no empathy. He tends to be objective, wanting to hear everyone’s side of the story and be fair, even when the situation doesn’t call for it. Despite looking unemotionless and sounding monotone, he is often referred to the “nicest” side out of the bunch. He can be overbearing at times with his care and tends to focus in the solution part of a problem, rather than the emotional part.
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CREATIVITY — Wentz, or Xx_w3ntzz_xX, he + any neopronouns
[Plain text: creativity in all caps in light blue]
(Used to be: Medusa)
Logo: N/A, as a perler bead necklace.
Wentz represents Revy’s creativity, (potentional) logic, and love for horror, morbid topics, and sexual topics. Nya controls a lot of Revy’s infodumping and hyperfixations and love for research. He doesn’t recognise how his actions or interests can affect others, being loud and annoying and overtalking about not-so-acceptable topics, like what decomposing does to the human body or fetishes; though, nya doesn’t mean any harm. Woof tends to be sensitive to rejection, or what woof assumes to be rejection.
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FATIGUE — Nyx, ey/em/eir
[Plain text: fatigue in all caps in purple]
(Used to be: Maven, they/them)
Logo: multiple Zs (similar to the 💤 emoji) as a pin on eirs beanie.
Nyx represents Revenge's fatigue and apathy, controlling a lot of xyr executive dysfunction and general tiredness, however, Nyx does NOT represent Revy's CFS/ME (in the same way Payne does not represent schizophrenia). Nyx tends to be disinterested in everything around em, more focused on emself. Opposite of Memphis though, who’s focused on herself due to viewing himself as inherently Better, Nyx is focused on emself because ey have no energy to care for other people.
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My sides are all based on the colour of the rainbow, just like the Sanders Sides are. I do not have an indigo side (which is plot relevant in Flush My Psyche) and I/my self-inserts am the "orange" one.
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Some tidbits:
All the sides, minus for Nyx, use canes that are decorated to fit themselves. Memphis' is focused on design and how it looks, rather than usability; Maddox's is falling apart, due to how often it hits things with it; Wentz's cane is decorated in stickers and charms; Finnick's cane has spikes near the bottom and a few political stickers; and Payne's cane has the occassional band sticker.
Nyx uses a wheelchair and occassionally crutches.
The concept of "dark sides" and "light sides" do not exist, as I never viewed any part of me as inherently evil or bad and wasn't raised catholic. (In fact, I'm actually an atheistic satanist so... there would be no way.)
Maddox and Payne could be viewed as on other sides of the same spectrum, both wanting to protect Revenge, but having different ideas on how to do that. They could also represent Fight or Flight: Maddox being fight, Payne being flight.
Maddox and Payne also have similar goals in mind: protect Revenge, any means necessary. Madds and Payne get along better than any of the sides.
Madds and Finnick tend to butt heads a lot— Madds wants to spring into action (usually, a violent action), while Finnick would rather wait until all facts and feelings are known and then make a judgement about action. They argue a lot about what's the best option in any scenario.
(Despite arguing, they will still drop everything for each other, even if they won't admit that outloud. Or know it, themselves.)
Despite Memphis', Nyx's, and Madd's standoffish behavior, the other sides still treat them with respect and care— often to their dislike (or indifference, in Nyx's case).
Nyx falls asleep anywhere and everywhere. It is no surprise to see the sides standing around em, like a shield, as ey sleep in public.
Wentz likes to type, and speak, in "scene speak". How co speaks in it is unknown. But co does it!
Wentz loves to gift people things! ... usually they're realistic and detailed paintings of Their Death. (In FMP, Wentz paints one of these gifts for c!Thomas... He doesn't appreciate it much.)
Wentz is an early 2000s scenester, Payne is a stereotypical myspace emo, and Finnick is a cripplepunk.
(They are these things because I am a cripplepunk scenemo)
Nyx dresses is comfy clothes and usually with lots and lots of layers, as ey has a hard time regulating eir body tempature. Plus, since ey is sleeping everywhere, it's important ey feels comfortable enough to sleep.
Memphis wears ""skimpy"" clothing, often with crop-tops and even smaller miniskirts. Her signature outfit is a tight, bright pink miniskirt, bright pink bra, a neon pink fluffy oversized coat, and fluffy pink knee-high platforms. He loves to go all out and be the center of attention.
Madds wears, like, the "mean, emo big brother" in any disney movie outfits. It especially enjoys wearing shorts that reaches its knees and a hoodie, because there is something desperately wrong with it. (Joke)
Memphis is the tallest side, Wentz is the shortest.
Wentz was the most recent side created! The other sides were made back in middle school or my freshman year of high school, while Wentz was made late 2019 - early 2020.
The sides used to have different traits, before I decided on their current ones:
Anxiety -> Delusion -> Paranoia
Morality -> Compassion
Logic -> Fatigue
Confidence -> Egotism
Violent Thoughts -> Impulse
Payne, Finnick, & Nyx used to be my only sides as I was trying to match the sides' traits in Sanders Sides, but later realised they're my sides and can be whatever I want.
None of my sides represent any of my disabilities or neurodivergencies, because I am uncomfortable with the concept of them "ducking out" & therefore removing my symptoms and traits. (Which is why Payne and Nyx do not represent schizophrenia or CFS/ME, respectively, but rather "control" them— in the same way Remus does not represent Intrusive Thoughts, but Creativity, and simply controls c!Thomas' intrusive thoughts)
(Using Remus is a bad example, as his character jumps around a lot.)
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selfdestructivecat · 1 year
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I posted 8,005 times in 2022
112 posts created (1%)
7,893 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,731 of my posts in 2022
#toh spoilers - 160 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 157 posts
#save - 97 posts
#myasks - 65 posts
#my ramblings - 64 posts
#ask game - 55 posts
#sanders sides - 40 posts
#sanders sides disney trivia saga - 37 posts
#fanart - 36 posts
#ts spoilers - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i guess where it falls apart is that i think it would be strange to have another side that’s a ‘dark’ version of roman
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Part one of “Prinxiety AUs based on games by Greg Lobanov because all of his games are incredible.”
Wandersong is such a special game to me. The story is so moving, and the characters are all so fun! Would 100% recommend! If anyone wants to know more about this game, I’d be happy to share! Like I said, this game means a lot to me, and it would mean the world if I could inspire someone else to pick it up.
I know that the Bard isn’t a perfect fit for Roman, being a pacifist who prefers to avoid fighting at all costs. In all honesty, I can see Audrey being a much better fit for him. But Miriam was literally SCREAMING Virgil, both personality wise and aesthetically, and I thought the idea of a little charismatic Bard, someone who moves people with their songs and wants to be a hero, was also a good fit for our favorite Creative Side.
(And I wanted it to be Prinxiety so badly so shhhhhh)
209 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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(Click for better quality!)
I had the incredible honor of collaborating with @wistful-wish in this year’s @sandersidesbigbang ! You know I can’t resist a good Prinxiety fic. And set in a fantasy AU with half the cast as fae? Virgil as an all-powerful fae prince? Roman as the himbo human prince that Virgil can’t help but fall for? The choice literally made itself for me lol
Go check out Tessa’s fic! She worked SO hard on it and it’s AMAZING!!! Also, go check out the incredible art @briandthemoon did for the fic! It was so cool working alongside such a talented artist, and their art for the fic is absolutely gorgeous!
213 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
100 Kisses
A/N: My first fic for this fandom! Of course it had to be Prinxiety because the brainrot is real lol
HUGE thanks to @lovelivingmydreams for reading over it for me! Romance is really hard for me to write (despite how much I love it), so her help was very much appreciated! Thank you so much!
I hope you guys enjoy!
Words: 3023
Rating: T
Genre: Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Pairings: Roman/Virgil (Prinxiety)
Warnings/Triggers: Lots of kissing. I mean, LOTS of kissing. Otherwise, nothing I can think of. This is just pure fluff ^.^
Summary: Roman makes a silly request, not expecting Virgil to agree. Virgil surprises him.
It’s a quiet day in the Mindscape. For once, Thomas is right on schedule, much to Logan’s delight, and he has no appointments to attend or projects to complete for a while. As such, the Sides were all in agreement that Thomas deserves a day or two to himself filled with junk food and mindless television.
Roman usually despises silence. His flavor of creativity is loud, all bright colors and toe-tapping lyrics intended to capture an audience’s attention. He is most confident with a song on his lips, lyrics weaving around him like silk ribbons. He feels strongest with a sword in his hands and a dragon’s roar thrumming in his eardrums, his own battle cry rising to meet it. He is bold with his movements, headstrong in his opinions, and passionate in his actions. He is Prince Roman, brash and striking and loud. And he loves being loud.
But sometimes, he can appreciate the beauty in silence. He can recall an early morning when he had woken up before anyone else, a curious occurrence for a prince who preferred to sleep in. The common room had been drenched in cool tones, the last dregs of night barely clinging on. He had been pouring himself a bowl of cereal, whistling to himself to fill the suffocating stillness, when a soft beam of gold had pierced the darkness like an arrow to a monster’s heart. The tune Roman had been whistling was suddenly caught in his throat as he beheld the most gorgeous sunrise he had ever seen. Suddenly, the silence had presence, as if it were lifting the sun into the sky. Roman couldn’t breathe for a few seconds, afraid that the sound of his breaths would tear into this gorgeous image and send the sun cascading back down to earth.
See the full post
278 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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(Click for Better Quality!)
Hello I’d like to report an attempted murder? Yeah this dress tried to kill me. This DRESS, with its INTRICATE PATTERNS AND LAYERS, nearly KILLED ME.
(But damn if it isn’t a look.)
Despite the complexity of the outfit, I HAD to do @hyperfixated-homo ‘s DTIYS! It was just too good!
Congratulations again for 100 followers, Shadow! You absolutely deserve them and more!
295 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about how in the new video Virgil explicitly said how he wasn’t “on Patton’s side” and how they simply were supporting the same thing.
Brb gonna cry now.
408 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tommyssupercoolblog · 5 months
10 characters 10 fandoms - tagged by @kiki-strike
this is rlly hard actually oof help me,,, some of these aren't gonna be actual fandoms just things I like because I NEED TO HAVE TEN. No particular order. 1 - Jackieboyman from ALTRVERSE because he's so blorbo LOOK AT HIM GOOOOO also he reminds me of me and also he reminds me of Seán and also he reminds me of spiderman and I like all of those things. He's so silly too!!! silly little man!!! silly littyle guy!!!!!
2 -Zim from invader zim :p funny little guy yells a lot. also though so fucked up mentally like oh my god. something is so wrong with him /pos
3 - Pomni from the Amazing Digital Circus because she's so panicy and blorbo and I want to help her and give her a hug. She's so wet dog you know? She's so big sad eyed. She's so.... just..... *sqeezes her like a stress toy and hugs her and does a little spin going "wheeeee" and wraps her in a towl because she's sopping wet* you knOW??????!!!!
4 - AUDIE FROM ANIMAL CROSSING. SHE'S AN ICON SHE'S A LEGEND SHE'S A BADASS SHE'S A GIRLBOSS SHE'S A POPSTAR SHE'S A TAX FRAUD COMMITING QUEEN WITH A QURKY PERSONALITY AND SHE'S MY BESTIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! we commit crimes together we slay together we're so alike and we're so in sync and we're ready to rule the fucking world and do a million concerts forever
5. Karkat from homestuck because he's angey and his name rhymes with kitkat- I can't eat kitkats because of allergies so I live vicariously through his name. and I like his hair and his overal design. Also I like how he's actually v supportive of his friends and smart. short king
6. Rarity from My Little Pony because while Pinkie Pie is defenitely who I'd pick if I was choosing who like, represents me or who I gell with, or maybe rainbow dash & fluttershy for the gelling with/getting along thing (stares at Seán <3), I also rlly appreciate rarity's drama and her artistry and how she's glamorous. I guess there's just a lot of media demonizing femininity and as much as she comes off as prissy to people I've grown to realize that a lot of that is just that she's easily frustrated/upset/angered and also like cares about her appearance, neither of which is like evil or anything. She's actually reminds me of me in that way because I have a short fuse both for crying and deciding to like bite people so like. same girl. She gets a bad rep and I don't think she deserves it. we stan her for that reason. support ur local diva
7. Fizarolli from Helluva Boss because he's the next thing came to my head. don't interact with the fandom at all actually!!! but we watch the show and Fizz is like, pretty pog. he's poggers. I like his design and I like that he's blorbo.
8. Bocchi from bocchi the rock. MECOREMECOREMECORE because of the spiraling and "the world is ending" but then SEÁNCORE SEÁNCORE SO HIMCORE because she's socially anxious and can't talk to people. Both of us see her and go "wow me". our shared kin if we had a kinlist. Holding hands over her.
9. Yui from K-ON. Listen to me listen to me shakes you by the shoulders LISTEN. Literally me. me. ME.
10. OH MY GOD VIRGIL??? ANXIETY???? FROM SANDERS SIDES???? He reminds me of Seán and also he has so much character growth and development over time and I just rlly feel like we as an audience get to know and understand him better than anyone else really so it creates a sense of closeness with the character that like. Of course he's the fan favourite!! not just because he's edgy but also because he's someone people know and can understand as a character really well, can write fics well and make comics well, can see themselves talking to or hanging out with. or arguing with if they wouldn't get along IRL. It's a stacked deck right now I feel like. although,,, roman is so close in that #2 spot so he might just overtake asuming he can both get an actual episode where he breaks down finally and also that I don't end up still picking virgil because "my husband is an anxious emo boy too omg!!!"
yeah um. um. anyway tags are hard and I don't wanna annoy anyone so um I will jus end here :3 but if you WANT to do it and no one's tagged you just say I tagged you and do it, I'll help u out girliepop bestie pogchamp slay king
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dear-fictionkin · 11 months
(Sanders Sides)
hey roman,
I know you're not having the best time right now bud, and I know you're not very happy with the others right now. What happened was very shitty and you deserve better. I'm not very good at this cheesy shit, so i just want you to know i'm here for you.
hate you (affectionate),
[postage date: Feb. 20]
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sander-sides-writing · 11 months
Sander Sides x Percy Jackson 2
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My body hit the floor, smashing Logan's toes in the process. "Do I weigh a lot?" I asked. "Yes," he replied, almost wincing from the pain and readjusting his glasses. "But it is also the weighted blanket you own." I looked down at the blanket that was on top of my body. I nodded and said, "Fair. Now what did you wake me up for?" "Do you about the 'quest' I had to save two demigods?" Logan asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Logan dug in his pocket, and took out a very familiar- almost burnt- photo. It was Roman's photo. "Roman left with Remus to New York yesterday." Then it clicked. "Logan, did they?-" I couldn't even say it. "That's why I want you to come with me," Logan told me, almost waving off my question. "Okay, can you just let me get dressed first?" "Of course."
Roman and Remus were laying on the beds in the infirmary, and Janus was sitting on the much more comfortable couch near the door. Patton was pacing around the room with his head down. The twins looked okay enough, Roman was muttering, "Take that Dragon Which!" in his sleep, so he at least felt fine. The one that scared me more was Remus. His eyes were covered in bandages, and a blood soaked bandage where his arm should be.
"Patton!" He turned around, his face turned from dark to warm and sunny. "Yeah kiddo?" "Are they okay?" Logan asked. Patton slumped sacks of papers into Logan's arms. "Bring this to the Forge," Patton told him, "it's arm measurements for Remus."
I was sitting in our cabin at lunch, when I heard a knock on the door. "I'm coming! Don't break in this time!" I pulled on my favorite black and purple hoodie (you don't want to know how cold it gets over here), and was met with my best prince. His smile was warm, but every bit of me could feel him judging me asking, "Why didn't you talk to me? You left me alone for months. You never deserved me." Then, it build up, till I couldn't hold it anymore.
I leaped in for a hug, and Roman somehow took it. I pressed the photo into his now open hand. Roman smiled, and slowly moved my body on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed that no one owned the top to. We had a fun night.
(I'm sorry this was so short! I wanted to finish this off, but felt very not in it, I promise the next one will be better.)
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greenninjagal-blog · 2 years
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Sometimes you just have to draw for an au you haven’t touched in six months.
((Shameless promotion: Check out this sanders sides avengers au here! ;D))
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