#sanaa writes
ketsuppia · 3 months
Veeti oli jo sopivasti puoli tuntia myöhässä tunnilta. Megaforcen osto lähikaupasta oli tärkeämpää kuin opiskelu tällä hetkellä. Pakko oli kuitenkin paikalle mennä ettei isä taas suuttuisi.
Aina senkin valitusta sai kuunnella, joku oli aina pielessä. Jos jotain teki se tehtiin väärin ja jos jätti tekemättä niin auta armias..
Ei sitä aina jaksa tehdä mitä käskee.
Saisi vain jonkun paperin että pääsis vaikka saikulle taas..
Nyt hän oli ärtynein mielin matkalla luokkaansa hiljaista käytävää pitkin, samalla kun katsoi säröiseltä puhelimen näytöltään TikTokkia. Katsomatta yhtään eteenpäin.
Yhtäkkiä hänen matkansa keskeytyi kun joku käveli häntä päin. Tai pikemminkin hän käveli jotakuta päin.
Veeti horjahti ja läikytti Megiksensä öljystä tahriintuneen hupparinsa päälle, ennenkuin tölkki putosi kolahduksella lattialle ja tyhjeni kokonaan.
"Vitun homo, eksää kattele yhtään minne kävelet??"
Veeti nosti katseensa kohti suoraan sen törmääjän silmiä. Se oli joku nuori mies, viiksivallu. Sitä katsoessa tuli mieleen joku elokuvan sotilas..
"Ai, oho. Oota tuon paperia."
Veeti katsoi kun tämä poika reippaasti käveli sopivasti vieressä olleelle vesipisteelle, otti käsipaperi automaatista muutamia papereita, ja sitten käveli takaisin.
Hän yritti pyyhkiä Veetin hupparia, mutta Veeti punastui kuin tomaatti ja repäisi paperit hänen käsistään pyyhkiäkseen megikset itse.
Toinen poika vain katsoi kummissaan, sitten hymyili.
"No siis.. voin mie siule ostaa uuven juoman tuosta lähikaupasta, jos vuan halluut."
Veeti vilkaisi häntä sivusilmällään ja meni äkkiä työntämään paperit roskiin.
"Mene jo vittuun."
Ja niin tuntematon poika jatkoi rennosti matkaansa, nähtävästi ulos päin. Veeti pudisteli päätänsä ja jatkoi myös kävelyä, miettien miten Wilmassa oli varmasti jo punainen merkintä.
'Ei vois paskemmin päivä mennä' hän ajatteli, kun vihdoin pääsi kotiluokkansa ovelle. Hän koputti oveen ja odotti, hieman ajatuksissaan äskeisestä. Kun ovi aukesi, hän säpsähti ja katsoi edessään seisovaa opettajaa.
"Että sitä ollaan myöhässä taas? Nuori herra Veeti?" Kysyi silmälasipäinen mies, ei yhtään yllättyneenä.
"Minähän se, kuten aina. Ja ei se kello viel nii paljoo hei oo."
"Mikäpä on nuorella herralla myöhästymisen syy?"
"Jäin bussista, piti oottaa seuraavaa. Tiiäthän sä."
"Tiedänkö? Nyt marssippa omalle paikalles, istu, ja kuuntele."
Mies astui sivuun ja Veeti käveli käskystä hiljaa sisälle luokkaan. Hän vilkuili muita luokassa istuvia, nähtävästi tunnille oli lisätty muidenkin alojen opiskelijoita.
Muut opiskelijat hiljaa naureskelivat tälle sisääntulolle, mutteivat siitä tiuskineet.
Hän käveli satunnaisen pulpetin luo ja istahti nopeasti alas. Miesopettaja alkoi selittämään jotain ryhmälle, mutta se meni Veetiltä hieman ohi. Hän ei jostain syystä voinut lopettaa tuon oudon pojan miettimistä. 'oli sillä kyllä saatana otsaa'.
Koulupäivä oli noin puolessa välin.
Veeti ei ollut kuunnellut lauseen lausetta tuntien aikana, muuta kuin että nyt oli aika mennä ruokailuun. Ja sinne hän oli menossa.
Hän muisti hämärästi tutustumis käynniltään missä se oli.
Käytävillä oli paljon ihmisiä, eri näköisiä ja ikäisiä. Hän yritti olla katsomatta kehenkään päin.
Ruokalaan päästessään hän katsoi ymmissään miten täynnä sekin oli. Ei yhden yhtä tyhjää pöytää. Kaipa se oli pakko mennä joidenkin kanssa istumaan.
Veeti meni ruokajonoon ja otti ilmaisruokansa, maittavia raaoiksi jääneitä perunoita ja mautonta kastiketta. Sitten hän katsoi ympärilleen, yrittäen löytää äänen keskeltä jonkin tyhjän paikan.
Hän käveli hitaasti pöytien vieriä pitkin, yrittäen löytää edes yhden tyhjän penkin mikä ei ollut keskellä jotakin porukkaa.
Sitten hän huomasi, kun joku käveli hänen rinnalleen.
"Moro moro nuori herra Veeti. Tuukko istuu meidä pöytää?"
Veeti katsoi viereensä tullutta henkilöä. Hän muisti, että poika oli yksi niistä jotka olivat samassa ryhmässä hänen kanssaan. Hän hymähti tämän kommentille.
"Ois se jees jos istuu pääsis."
"Hyvä. Seuraa ni meikä näyttää tien nuorelle herralle."
Veeti pyöritti silmiään ja seurasi tätä virnuilevaa poikaa.
Poika johdatti heidät ruokalan laidalla olevalle pöydälle ja istui alas. Pöydässä oli muutama muu, joita Veeti ei tunnistanut. Varmaan joiltain muilta aloilta.
"Nii joo, meikä on Topias. Ja sää olit Veeti. Eiks joo?"
"Joo näi se oli." Veeti istui hitaasti tyhjälle paikalle.
"Täs on meikän frendit, Matias, Samuel ja Venla. Mut ei kandee yrittää iskee, se o lepa-"
Topias sai kämmenestä naamaansa.
"Pie poika turpas tukossa ja käytä oikeita ilmaisuja." Venla tokaisi katsomatta tätä päin, saaden muut nauramaan.
Topias nauroi myös ja katsoi Veetiä.
"Näätkö? Ei kannata."
Veeti alkoi syömään perunoitaan ja yritti sulkea äänekkään taustamelun ympäriltään.
Hän näki silmäkulmassaan, kun joku käveli pöytää kohti. Ei hän sen suuremmin katsonut, ajatteli että se on kävelemässä ohi. Mutta katse kuitenkin nousi kun tuo ohimenijä asetti avaamattoman Megaforcen hänen tarjottimelleen.
Taas se sama poika. Hymy huulillaan.
"Tuossa, korvaus. Kato seuraavan kerran mihin oot mänössä eiks vuan?"
Kukaan ei sanonut mitään.
"..kyllä vuan. Törmäillään."
Ja sitten hän käveli pois, jättäen Veetin hieman hämilleen. Myöskin muun pöydässä istuvan porukan. Topias oli ensimmäinen joka kyseenalaisti.
"Öö.. miks see toi sulle ton?"
Veeti vilkaisi Topiasta ja sitten katsoi taas megistä.
"Se öh, törmäs muhu aamulla ja pudotti mu tölkin. Kai tää on anteekspyyntö sit. Ei kyl hajua kuka se o."
Venla nosti äänensä kuuluviin.
"Se on Jonne, se on logistiikalla mun kaa. Se on vissiin töissä jossain siellä kaupungin isolla kone firmalla, tuli tänne täydentää tietojaan."
Veeti katsoi Venlaa ja otti megiksen käteensä.
"Väliä kuka se o. Ny se ei sentää saa turpaa.." Hän avasi tölkin ja otti hörpyn.
"Töissä? Siellä? Miten? Eiks se paikka oo tosi kysytty?" Topias älähti.
"Se on jonku sen sukulaisen omistama vissiin."
"Vittu miten onnekas jätkä.."
Muutama tunti oli taas kulunut. Veeti oli kuunnellut muutamia lauseita sieltä täältä, jotain työturvallisuudesta ja sääntöjen noudattamisesta työmaalla. Ei hän kuullut mitään, mitä ei jo tietäisi.
Mutta vihdoin koitti aika mennä kotiin. Veetiä ei kiinnostanut mennä kotiin raatamaan. Onneksi ei ainakaan tarvinnut kiirehtiä menemisessä, kun opettaja päästi pois vähän etuajassa.
Veeti käveli ulos ammattikoulun lasisista ovista lämpimään ulkoilmaan. Näytti siltä että kohta sataisi.
'Voi vittujen vittu' hän ajatteli, ja veti puhelimensa farkkujen taskusta katsoakseen sääennustuksen. Hän ei ehtinyt edes avata sovellusta, kun ensimmäiset vesisade pisarat osuivat hänen kasvoilleen.
Veetiä kiinnosti vielä vähemmän mennä kotiin sateessa.
No, ei siinä muu auttanut kuin mennä, ei vaihtoehtoja ollut.
Veeti alkoi lampsia eteenpäin, hiljalleen kovenevan sateen alla. Hän veti hupun päähänsä ja katseli jo valmiiksi edessäpäin olevaa kauppaa, joka oli vain toisen sadan metrin päässä. Jos vaikka menisi sinne istumaan ja katsoisi sääennustetta, toivoen että sade olisi vain lyhyt kuuro.
Autoja ajoi ohi ees ja taas hänen ohitseen. Renkaista lentävä sade- ja kuravesi ei auttanut kuivana pysymistä.
Onneksi jo hetkessä hän oli kaupan liukuovista sisällä.
Hän paineli suoraan ostamaan itselleen lisää Megaforcea.
Juomahyllyjen välissä hän kurotteli kylmäkaapin perälle ottaakseen uudemman tölkin. Kun hän nappasi sen, hän näki kun toinen käsi kurotti myös hyllyjen perälle, jotain toista juomaa ottaen.
Veeti pudisti päätään samalla kun veti itsensä pois kylmäkaapista, ja kääntyi kävelemään pois. Ei ollut hänen asiansa kuka lie kurottelija oli. Nyt vain maksamaan tämä ostos.
Ei hän pitkälle päässyt. Heti kääntyessään hän törmäsi johonkin. Johonkuhun.
"Hei, taas sie! Eikö yks tölkki riittänyt? Voin mie toisenki osttaa."
Veeti melkein raivostui tuon äänen kuullessaan. Hän otti nopeasti muutaman askeleen taakse, pois tämän, "Jonnen" alueelta. Oliko se sen nimi?
"Taas sinä! Miks sää seuraat mua?!"
"Seuraan? Enhän mie. Kauppaan vuan tulin ennen kotiin mänöä."
"Seli seli oot koko päivän ollu edessä!"
"Ollaan nähty kahdesti. Tää on kolomas kerta.."
"Ihan vitun sama!"
Hetken oli hiljaista.
He vain tuijottivat toisiaan. Veeti vihaisena ja Jonne hämillään. Kunnes hän taas nosti hymyn huulilleen.
"...jhoo. Kolomas kerta hei toden sannoo, nimi on Jonne. Mikäs siun?"
"Ei kuulu sulle."
"..Selevä. No. Törmäillään!"
"Toivottavasti ei!"
Jonne käveli ulos kaupasta ja korkkasi ee vitosensa hyräillen. Hän huomasi että oli alkanut satamaan. No, onneksi oli Volvo.
Hän kantoi ostoksensa autoon ja hyppäsi kuskin penkille. Ei vain vielä käynnistänyt, vähän aikaa kuunteli pisaroiden ääntä.
Muistutti sitä aikaa, kun oli kotona, rajan pinnassa. Yläkerran peltikattoa vasten kuului aina kauhea ropina sateella.
Ei se kyllä kauhean hyvä muisto ollutkaan. Auto käyntiin.
Onneksi autokin oli nyt oma. Hän sai keväällä myytyä vanhempien antaman auton pois, ja töistä saaduilla, pienillä ylimääräisillä rahoilla osti vähän kalliimman.
Eiku vain radiosta rokki soimaan ja menoksi.
Tai, melkein.
Jonne jäi katsomaan, kun tuo vaaleahiuksinen poika käveli ulos kaupasta. Miten sähköinen tapaus. Parempi oli kai pitää etäisyyttä.
Permatukkapoika vilkuili sateessa ympärilleen ja niin vittuuntuneen näköisenä l��hti kävelemään että Jonnea nauratti.
Kyytiä voisi tarjota, mutta Jonne veikkasi, ettei tuo ollut kiinnostunut moisesta.
Hän lähti ajamaan kohti kotia.
Rivitaloalueen pihalla oli lapsia leikkimässä kuravaatteet päällä. Leluja oli levinnyt pitkin pihaa, muutamille pihoille asti.
Jonne ajoi autonsa oman asuntonta eteen ja astui ulos, ottaen samalla ostoksensa toiselta penkiltä. Pian pihan leikkipaikalta kantautui ääniä.
"Jonne!! Tule katsoo miten syvä kuoppa me kaivettiin, siitä pääsee kohta Kiinaan!!"
"En mie nytten, pitää ostokset laittaa ja syömistä tehä!"
"No höh!!"
Jonne naurahti ja käveli ovelle, käänsi avaimen lukossa ja käveli sisään.
Oli hiljaista. Radio soi hiljaa keittiössä ja kello raksutti seinällä.
Ostokset kaappiin laitettuaan hän meni etsimään kämppäkaveriaan.
"Missäs oot? Jätkä?"
Ei kuulunut äänen ääntä. Ehkä se oli nukkumassa.
"Jätkää? Kis kis kis.."
Sitten makuuhuoneesta kuului muutama naukaisu, ja pian pieni kolmijalkainen yksisilmäinen kissa hyppelehti esiin.
"No siinähän sinä pikku Jätkä.. oliko kiva päivä? Tylsää varmaan.. laitetaan vähän syömistä.."
Jonne otti mustan kissan syliinsä ja rapsutti varovasti sen päätä keittiöön mennessään.
Hän laittoi ruokakuppiin ruokaa ja alkoi sitten tehdä itselleenkin syötävää.
Illan hämärtyessä Jonne katseli televisiota ja leikitytti pientä kissaansa.
Niihin aikoihin kun Jonne oli tänne muuttanut, oli hän löytänyt tämän pienen ja loukkaantuneen kissan ulkoa.
Omistajaa ei löytynyt, joten hän vei sen itse hoitoon ja maksoi kulut.
Hänelle sanottiin, että olisi helpompaa päästää kissa tuskistaan, vaikutti siltä että auto oli törmännyt siihen.
Mutta hän ei luovuttanut. Maksoi kaiken ja teki kaiken. Ja kissa parantui. Hän antoi sille nimeksi Jätkä, koska kissa oli yks helevetin kova jätkä.
Hallaa se teki pankkitilille. Palkka oli kyllä hyvä, mutta ei meinannut silti riittää.
Kaikki kyllä selviäisi vielä.
Ja ehkä tulevaisuudessa, tällä tiedolla ja taidolla hän voisi auttaa jotakuta muutakin, jolla ei ollut enää mahdollisuuksia, joka oli sairas ja loukkaantunut, jonkin sortin törmäyksistä.
Kielikuvat ovat outoja..
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sunsetmoonlight · 2 years
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
Just want you all to give me feedback and nothing else😭
Call me desperate, I don't care😭 but I just want people to give feedback.
I think where the writers’ job finishes, the readers’ job starts and i.e. To give interact and give feedback.
Convo with my bestie @jhmylove 💓
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thebonnetblogger · 2 months
I have a few thoughts about "Love and Basketball"...
Can I cross you over for your heart?
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Have you ever loved a movie so much when you were younger, thought it was simply wonderful and a sheer masterpiece... only to rewatch it again as an adult and realize that it is just BASURA, BABY! Garbage! It stinks!
That is how I felt about the movie, “Love & Basketball” …
… and “Mortal Kombat: Annihilation”, because why in the hell would you kill Johnny Cage two minutes into the sequel?! He defeated Scorpion and Goro, for goodness’ sake! And what is with swapping Sonya and Raidon?! Trash!
For those who are unfamiliar with the 2000 movie, “Love & Basketball” tells the story of Quincy McCall and Monica Wright, two next-door neighbors in Los Angeles, who are pursuing their respective basketball careers before eventually falling for each other. The movie stars Omar Epps and Sanaa Lathan and was written and directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood. 
[Sidenote: Spike Lee produced the movie, and I am like… why?]
Back to my thoughts… the movie basically is a young love story that happens to center around the sport of basketball—because hockey is too bloody and football just doesn’t make one’s heart sing like that.
The movie begins with a young tomboy, Monica approaching young boys playing basketball in a neighborhood that her family just moved into. This is where she meets Quincy, a son of an NBA player (who is played by the All State insurance guy and the same man that Savannah’s mom said was a good man… even though he had a WHOLE WIFE). When the boys agree to let her play, she takes off her hat and reveals that she is indeed a girl because apparently, a hat is the ultimate disguise. She was like Clark Kent. 
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After revealing that she is a girl, the boys show that misogyny has no age, and they question if she can even play. She proves to them she can. Monica is balling and Quincy cannot handle her sauce. Unfortunately, the little boy’s ego is bruised because he sucks and he pushes Monica, and she gets a cut on her face.
Little Boy! It is not her fault that you suck. You should have had your NBA playing daddy practice more with you, but apparently, he was too busy with other things… that we will discuss later.
After Monica gets cleaned up, Quincy comes over to apologize and asks her to be his girlfriend. What in the Blueface/Chrisean is going on here?! You left me with a permanent scar and now you’re trying to be my boo?! Is it crack?
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However, Monica agrees—foolishly, but as you watch the movie further, you see that “foolish” is her middle name. Now, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they go to ride bikes. Quincy says that Monica must ride on the back of his bike because he is her boyfriend now, but Monica is a real a** b***h who doesn’t give an “F” about a ninja, and she says that she would rather ride her own bike. Quincy gets mad, breaks up with her, pushes her AGAIN! Someone needs to get this boy some anger management classes! 
They tussle in the grass and then there is a time lapse.
Now, they are in high school and guess what they are doing…. playing basketball.
Monica is playing on the girls’ basketball team, and it is obvious that she really loves the game. She has a passion for it and gives the sport her all. Quincy, on the other hand, though he loves basketball, I feel like he does it more because he admires his father and wants to be like his dad. He loves the notoriety that comes with it all.
Rewatching the movie, this is when I noticed that Monica was more into Quincy than he was into her. 
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For example, when Quincy is playing, Monica is there to support him and stays for the entirety of the game. However, when Monica plays, Quincy leaves a few minutes in, leaving after Monica gets benched. It wasn’t like she was going to be on the bench forever, Quincy! You could have stayed, you selfish son of a b---.
If I didn’t mention it before, I shall mention it now… Monica and Quincy live next door to one another. Their bedroom windows are literally facing each other, separated by a gate, I think. When Quincy’s parents are arguing, Quincy climbs out of his bedroom and goes into Monica’s to sleep in peace. 
Being a parent of teenager, BARS ON THE WINDOWS! I don’t care how platonic the relationship is… “Relations” are still in the word, but Quincy doesn’t see Monica “like that” even though the audience can see that she likes him. It really took Monica wearing a dress for the dance for him see her as attractive.
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Really? Is that all it took? You saw some ankle and suddenly, your loins get activated and you’re ready to plow?
And plow he did! Because after they leave their dates, he climbs into her bedroom and takes her virginity! Quincy, you dog you.
After doing the nasty, the two lovers and friends embark on their new romantic relationship while going to the same college. And once again… they are both playing basketball (These two are nothing but consistent… and I admire that). It is revealed that Monica is only starting because one of the players got pregnant and apparently, babies and basketball do not mix. 
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Anyways… nothing is more sweet than young love, amirite? It just feels so good… until it doesn’t. And it stopped feeling good when Quincy finds out that his parents were divorcing because his father couldn’t keep it in his pants and managed to get one of these harlots pregnant. 
The news of his parents’ divorce is really taking a toll on Quincy. He and Monica talk about it on campus at night, but Monica remembers that she has a curfew and missing that curfew would get her kicked off the team. Do you think Quincy cares? Hell no! He wants her to stay back and talk with him about how his father is for the streets (he was an NBA player in the late 1970s and early 1980s… are you really surprised?). 
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Monica tells Quincy that she will talk to him tomorrow. For some reason, Quincy took that as she doesn’t care about him, she doesn’t love him…, and she wants an open relationship. 
Wait… what?
They are supposed to go out for lunch… or dinner… or whatever time it was to eat, and Quincy invites another girl with them. Oh, hell no! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree because you’re a douchebag just like your sultry-voiced father. Monica gets angry and leaves the dorm room.
Hours later, Quincy is waiting outside of her dorm for Monica. He says all he did was buy that girl Burger King. 
Did you buy her a meal? Did you make it a large?!
He downplays it as nothing even though he was clearly in the wrong to even suggest it, making it seem as though he wouldn’t have did what he did if Monica was there for him.  SIR, WHAT?! She had a curfew! And this is what made me angry. He always wants her to sacrifice for him! He didn’t care about the fact that she be kicked off the team or get in trouble, everything was about him. Is this the type of movies you are funding, Spike?!
Monica goes to leave, and he grabs her to stop her from walking away… ONLY TO BREAK UP WITH HER! Why did you stop her in the first place? You should have just let her leave! I hate him so much!
[Sidenote: Good riddance, Quincy!]
A few years have passed. Quincy is playing for the Lakers in the NBA and Monica is playing overseas in Barcelona. She comes across another country’s women’s basketball team and see one of her teammates from college—the one that made sure to tell her that she was only starting because another player bust I wide open and got pregnant. They are cool now. She asks Monica how the men are in Spain and Monica is like… men? She doesn’t date. Girl, why?! Because of punk-a** Quincy? 
Monica moves back home. Quincy is engaged (to Tyra Banks) and while playing in a game, he injures his knee. He won’t be able to play anymore. Monica goes to visit him in the hospital and one can tell that she still has feelings for him… and it is the dumbest thing to witness. Girl, why?!
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Monica is working at a bank and after talking with her mother, Camille (Alfred Woodard)—who always had an issue with her love for basketball—still encouraged her daughter to follow her dreams.
I guess to Monica, that meant going after a man in a relationship, because she went to talk to Quincy literally that same night… a few days before his wedding!
Because basketball is a pivotal thing in their relationship, Monica challenges Quincy to a one-on-one game for nothing other… than his heart. Ugh! If she wins, he calls off his wedding. “I want to play you for your heart”. SAY WHET NAH?! Stand up! STAND UP! Those are some high stakes and the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Girl, you don’t have to do this. There are other men out there!
But Quincy agrees. And all I can think is “Poor Tyra” because he must not love her enough if a simple game of basketball is a deciding factor if he will marry her or not. Pathetic.
They are, and I must say… Quincy is giving Monica that work! He is crossing her over, I think there was some fouling, some breaking of the ankles; he is playing like she is Kobe. And he is WINNING! This man is like “Screw your heart! B***h, I came to win! I am a winner!”.
Quincy wins… but because he doesn’t want to lose her (or you just want someone to be obsessed with you), he chooses to be with her. 
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Years later, Monica is playing for the WNBA and Quincy is a stay-at-home dad for their daughter. Cute, right?
WRONG! Quincy didn’t choose her… he settled for her. Though his knee injury was getting better; he wasn’t going to play for the NBA anymore. He didn’t have a backup plan.
And how did that conversation with his fiancée go after that night?
“Hey, baby. I know we were supposed to get married, but I just played a game of basketball with my long-time platonic friend who is also my ex-girlfriend, and I won; therefore, I am going to be with her now. No hard feelings?”
Rage. All I would feel is rage.
I am sorry if this might be some people’s favorite romantic movie, but this is nothing but toxic. Quincy was no prize and displayed a lot of F**k Boy behavior. He was a spoiled jerk who felt like everyone should kiss his butt because he could dribble a ball. Monica always found it hard to move on from him, but he moved freely without a care in the world. This was not love, people! This was some co-dependency BS and I want Monica to know her worth! Where was her mother and father to steer her away from this madness?!
Ladies, do you see everything Monica did? Do the opposite of that!
What are your thoughts?
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communistchilchuck · 24 days
Sujood has reached out to me to boost she and Sanaa’s fundraiser. They’re urgently trying to evacuate their family from Gaza and seek asylum in Belgium. Their previous campaign was suspended, so they have started a new GFM and currently have £1,642 out of their £50,000 goal! Please share if you can’t donate!
From their GFM page:
Dear friends,
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for help. Our names are Sanaa and Sujood, and we find ourselves in an incredibly challenging and dangerous situation.
Unfortunately, our previous attempt to receive donations was unsuccessful due to restrictions on transactions to Gaza. However, the urgency of our circumstances compels us to reach out again, this time with new procedures in place to ensure the secure delivery of your generous contributions. We are launching a new campaign because we cannot afford to wait for a long time for the restrictions on the bank account to be lifted it’s already being two months now. We are unsure if we will be able to access the funds or if they will be returned to the donors. In any case, here in Gaza, we are fighting against time. Every day poses a threat to our safety, and we cannot afford to wait. If, after some time, we are able to retrieve the previous amount, we will use it to rebuild our lives and continue the education of my siblings.
The situation in Gaza has become increasingly unbearable, and we have been left with no choice but to seek assistance from compassionate individuals like you. Your donations can make a significant difference in our lives and help us escape the dire circumstances we currently face.
This is ours story:
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.
My name is Sanaa Odeh, currently in Gaza, occupied Palestine. I am writing this as a plea for survival, for a future for my family and myself.
Our lives are in immediate danger, with non stop explosions everyday and every night, tanks and guns all around us, and fear as a constant companion. It is a non-stop nightmare, every minute of every day, for 6 months. Everyday is a struggle for survival. Lack of food and clean water creating a crisis of death by starvation and dehydration.
Despite the endless nightmare, we are a resilient and strong family. My beautiful parents gave everything to raise us as successful daughters and we are so proud of what we have achieved.
I work as a graphic designer and my sisters: a nurse/educator, small business owner, a medical student, and a field coordinator. Despite being on the path to rich and promising futures, it can all be taken away in any moment. We have already lost several family members, including my uncles and their entire family. There is little hope that the situation will end soon, all of us waiting for our turn next.
We are looking to seek asylum in Belgium. This campaign will help support us in covering the costs to do so, specifically in covering the evacuation costs per person. Your donation will provide us with the chance to escape the endless horror we’ve been facing for the last 6 months and give us a chance to return to a safe, normal life again, where we can once again contribute positively to society.
I understand that this is a challenging time for everyone right now, but please do not underestimate what even £5 can contribute to especially when it all adds up. It really does make a huge difference. No matter how small the contribution it can still change our entire lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, your support means the world to us. Whether it is simply sharing our campaign or donating, it makes all the difference in the world to us. Your act of kindness can bring light to our darkest days and help us build a better future.
Thank you once again for all your support and kindness
With heartfelt gratitude,
Sanaa and Sujood
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“I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.
My name is Sanaa Odeh, currently in Gaza, occupied Palestine. I am writing this as a plea for survival, for a future for my family and myself.
Our lives are in immediate danger, with non stop explosions everyday and every night, tanks and guns all around us, and fear as a constant companion. It is a non-stop nightmare, every minute of every day, for 6 months. Everyday is a struggle for survival. Lack of food and clean water creating a crisis of death by starvation and dehydration.
Despite the endless nightmare, we are a resilient and strong family. My beautiful parents gave everything to raise us as successful daughters and we are so proud of what we have achieved.
I work as a graphic designer and my sisters: a nurse/educator, small business owner, a medical student, and a field coordinator. Despite being on the path to rich and promising futures, it can all be taken away in any moment. We have already lost several family members, including my uncles and their entire family. There is little hope that the situation will end soon, all of us waiting for our turn next.
We are looking to seek asylum in Belgium. This campaign will help support us in covering the costs to do so, specifically in covering the evacuation costs per person. Your donation will provide us with the chance to escape the endless horror we’ve been facing for the last 6 months and give us a chance to return to a safe, normal life again, where we can once again contribute positively to society.
I understand that this is a challenging time for everyone right now, but please do not underestimate what even £5 can contribute to especially when it all adds up. It really does make a huge difference. No matter how small the contribution it can still change our entire lives.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, your support means the world to us. Whether it is simply sharing our campaign or donating, it makes all the difference in the world to us. Your act of kindness can bring light to our darkest days and help us build a better future.
Thank you once again for all your support and kindness
With heartfelt gratitude,
Sanaa and Sujood”
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soon-palestine · 22 days
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Prisoner Walid Abu Daqqa was martyred
When I wrote about Walid, his nick name was Milad, but now he is the father of a little girl named Milad.
Walid, with a difficult struggle, against the occupation , married the activist and journalist Sanaa Salama in 1999. In 2020, his daughter Milad was born through smuggled sperm, after which he began writing about her. From what you can find on the page (Campaign to Release Prisoner Walid Daqqa): One time, after his daughter Milad returned from a trip to the sea, he said to her over the phone,
“Next time, I will take you to the sea. She did not answer me directly, and it took her a few seconds, as if she did not want to actually shock me. She said, “No, you are no, you are not.” You have a door! I was always confused when she would ask me on the phone: Dad, where are you? I do not want to say the word “prison” in front of her so that she does not recognize this word and the negative connotations it means. "
Milad realized through visits that this place meant a prison before she could abstract it with the word prison. It means that there is no door , and that her father is in a place that he cannot leave because there is no door, and if there is no door, then there is no sea or breakfast that he brings her in the morning, and he cannot accompany her to the nursery that she insists on calling it a school, or anything else.”
*Dr. Ahmed Azm
*The painting is by artist Suhad Al-Khatib
The martyrdom of prisoner Walid Daqqa, who has been detained in the occupation prisons since 1986.
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Farewell, noble man.
The Palestinian prisoner, Walid Daqqa, was martyred in the Israeli occupation prisons, after 38 years he spent in captivity. Walid was arrested at the age of twenty-four, on charges of a resistance military organization, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and today he is sixty-two years old! He is among 27 Palestinian prisoners detained by Oslo.
Walid was an educated young man who loved life, an author, a writer, and a man of letters. He was the owner of the most famous wedding in the history of the Palestinian prisoner, when he fell in love with Sanaa Salama, who was an activist who published news about the prisoners. He admired her during a visit to the prison, and years later he married her in 1999, and at that time he forced the Israeli prison administration to marry her. A normal wedding was held, in the presence of the two families and nine of the prisoners close to his friends.
After 21 years of marriage, the couple gave birth to their child, “Milad,” via freed sperm, but he did not see her and said, “Who will take the rest of my life and give me a hug in her little hands?” But he left and did not get that hug!
Prisoner Walid Daqqa was scheduled to be released after evaluating his health condition, due to his advanced cancer, after spending 37 years in prison, but he was sentenced to an additional two years on charges of smuggling mobile phones, so that he was martyred today on the path of the noblest Palestinian struggle in history.
Goodbye, Walid. Goodbye, noble fighting man.
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katyabrinks · 3 months
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𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐘𝐀 𝐃𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒, 𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄. “She knew red was her color. She knew diamonds went with everything. And she knew that all men were the same.”
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What is your full name? — Her full name is Katya Sanaa Primrose-De Santis.
Where and when were you born? — Katya was born in Capri, Italy on August 15th, 1996.
Who are/were your parents? — Her father, Alonzo Primrose, is currently a Hotel & Casino Tycoon/Private Equity Firm Owner ( Retired Kingpin ) & her mother, Camila Primrose-De Santis, is a Stay At Home Wife/Venture Capitalist.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? — Katya has two older siblings that came from a relationship her mother had prior to meeting Katya’s father. Mateo, the oldest, is restaurateur while Lorenzo, the youngest of the pair, is an architect. The two of them also own a trucking company & nightclub together. With their father dying before Katya was born, Katya’s father stepped in & took on the father role for them although they opted to stay in Italy for a few more years after Katya moved to be with their parents. Both of her brothers are still involved in the family business.
Where do you live now, and with whom? — She currently lives in a contemporary mansion with her two year old cane corso named Rocco & a Samoyed puppy named Snow. The home features many amenities including a home theater, a two story closet in the master bedroom, a heated in-ground pool + jacuzzi, a fire pit, & a 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath guest house. She also has a penthouse in Las Vegas since she toggles back & forth between the two cities for work often.
What is your occupation? — Katya is an entrepreneur & real estate broker. She started her first business, Sincerely Beauty Spa, on her 21st birthday after gaining her real estate license. Her first location is located in Las Vegas at The Cosmopolitan which is hotel that is co-owned by her father’s private equity firm. She plans on opening up her second & third location at Hotel Punta Tragara ( a seasonal hotel owned by her grandfather ) in Capri, Italy & at a stand alone location in Beverly Hills later this year. Allure Realty is her second baby which is her real estate brokerage that services California & Nevada. She currently is in the process of gaining her international real estate license with hopes of taking the brokerage international by the end of the year/beginning of next year. She also inherited her grandmother’s luxury handbag resell company, Privé Porter, two years ago after her death.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks. — Katya is of African-American, Dominican, & Italian descent with dark brown hair & dark brown orbs. She stands at 5’2 and weighs 135 pound which explains the reason she’s in heels a majority of the time. Her personal style varies, but for the most part you can always catch her in an all black ensemble & heels. She likes to appear flashy & sexy, yet classy at the same time. She has tattoos & piercings, outside of the ones that are visual, all over her body that she strategically placed in hidden spots to give of the ultimate element of surprise with her partners.
To which social class do you belong? — Katya currently belongs to the upper social class which she has been since birth due her family’s part in the underground world. However, on paper she appeared to be apart of the upper-middle social class until her families money became completely legal.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? — She had a peanut allergy as a child that she out grew. She also has the usual seasonal allergies.
Are you right- or left-handed? — She is right-handed, but she can write with her left hand as well.
What does your voice sound like? — She has a soft-spoken, sultry, raspy voice thats mixed in with a slight Italian/Dominican accent. However, whenever she’s angry whatever language she’s speaking in the accent becomes more prominent.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? — She often says ciao, deveras, whatever, pooh, baby boo, my love, that’s crazy/insane, clock it, cry about it, & too cunt to be crying.
What do you have in your pockets? — Katya doesn’t keep anything in her pockets since she always keeps some type of purse on her. She always keeps her favorite pair of Chanel shades, a Chanel compact mirror, both of her iPhones + portable chargers, a pair of AirPods, whatever lip combo she has on during that day + Dior lip glow oil, her perfume choice of the day, Sol De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream, pink Prada card holder + cash, Touchland berry scented hand sanitizer, some type of candy + a pack of mint gum & a Glock 17 Gen 4.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? — When upset, she often toggles back in worth between English, Italian, & Spanish. She also says like a lot unknowingly.
How would you describe your childhood in general? — Katya’s childhood was much different than others since she was raised by her grandparents in Italy until a few months after her 13th birthday due to her father’s ongoing legal issues. Her grandfather was the head of the Sicilian Mafia which curated a lot of her childhood. She lived a very affluent lifestyle in Italy and attended one of the top catholic schools in the country. When she moved to the states, much didn’t change for her except adjusting to the very different cultures she was exposed to.
How much schooling have you had? — She completed all schooling needed as a child & graduated high school with a 4.0 & was her classes’ valedictorian. She continued with college immediately after graduating & currently has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology & her Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Did you enjoy school? — Yes, she did. She loves education & having the chance to learn new things. She hopes to continue her education in the near future.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? — She learned a majority of her skills & abilities from her grandparents & a hosts of “aunts & uncles”. When she moved to the states & got older, she began to teach her self various skills & abilities that peaked her interest & were deemed of value in her life.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. — Her grandmother & her grandmother’s best friend was her role model for a majority of her life. She loved how they carried themselves & how poise they were, yet they took no shit & always knew what they wanted.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? — She gets along with her family extremely well & has deemed family to be extremely important to her. She did have a rough patch with her parents when she moved to America since she couldn’t comprehend why they left her in Italy, but she learned to get over it as she got older.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? — She wanted to be an Olympic figure skater growing up until she realized she had bigger dreams she wanted to chase & achieve.
As a child, what were your favorite activities? — She was into ice skating, cheerleading, & pageantry. She also played recreational softball & volleyball in high school.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? — She has always displayed signs of being persistent, headstrong, & ingenious. Yet, she also appeared to be an self-centered, capricious, & materialistic. Some of these traits have transferred over into her adulthood.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? — Katya was labeled popular since people were drawn to her due to her moving from Italy to America. She was a social butterfly so despite that labeling she often hung out with whomever she was drawn to.
When and with whom was your first kiss? — She had her first kiss with her first “boyfriend” in 7th grade.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? — She lost her virginity to her first “true love” on her 17th birthday during the beginning of her senior year.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? — One of the most important events would have to be winning Miss Italia 2015, which is a beauty pageant hosted in Italy for young women.
Who has had the most influence on you? — Her family has had the most influence on her today. Their individuality, thrive, & trust inspired her in many ways. A lot of the woman she is today is because of them.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? — Her greatest achievement would have to be making a name for herself in multiple industries.
What is your greatest regret? — Her biggest regret was accepting a marriage proposal in her last relationship when she knew she wasn’t ready. They did end up getting married, but she also ended up divorcing him a year and a half ago on her 26th birthday.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done? — One of the most evil things she’s ever done was attempting to run over one of her exes after finding out about his infidelity. Charges were never pressed & he was able to convince authorities that it was an accident that he caused due to his “love” for her.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? — She does, but with her family’s connections/ties & money they were able to get her records sealed.
When was the time you were the most frightened? — The time she was most frightened was when she was back home in Italy for the summer & was involved in an accident that left her in a coma for a few days.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? — Finding out that her ex had cheated on her which ended in him finding out that he had a child on the way as well.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? — She would changing staying in America after graduating high school & college to be with her grandmother during her final years.
What is your best memory? — Her best memory was having all of her family members see her walk across the stage for all her graduations & seeing her transition into womanhood.
What is your worst memory? — Her worse memory was receiving a phone call that her grandmother wasn’t doing well & to fly back to Italy immediately. Her grandmother ended up passing just about 30 minutes before her plane landed. She often still beats herself up for not being able to say goodbye.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? — She is extremely optimistic.
What is your greatest fear? — Her greatest fear is dying before she’s done all that she’s wanted to be.
What are your religious views? — She is a Christian and identifies as Catholic although she doesn’t often times agree with the ways of the Catholic Church.
What are your political views? — She is registered as independent, but votes for the democrat party during major elections.
What are your views on sex? — Katya is extremely sex positive & loves everything about it.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? — Yes, she is. It doesn’t matter if it’s about her respect or her loved ones.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? — The most evil thing any human being can do is attack someone who can’t defend themselves at all. She also believes that all sex crimes especially against children, woman, & the elderly are extremely sick & all offenders should face the death penalty.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? — She believes in both soulmates & true love. However, she also believes that a soulmate can be both platonic & romantic, but you’ll find your true love in your romantic soul mate.
What do you believe makes a successful life? — She believes that there are many factors that makes a successful life, but being able to do what you want whenever you want is number one on her list.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? — She is very honest with her thoughts & feelings. She doesn’t play the nonchalant role when it comes to herself.
Do you have any biases or prejudices? — No, she doesn’t.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? — She refuses to change any part of herself for anybody due to the fact that she has before & felt like she lost herself when did.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? — She would die for her family & close friends.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? — Katya treats others with respect. She’s sociable, but not that friendly as most of the time when she meets someone new she sees them as a potential client. The closer you are to her the more you’ll see her come out of her shell & her personality really begins to shine.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? — At the moment, her immediate family & friends are the most important people in her life right now. There’s no actually reason as to why since this is how it’s always been for her.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why? — She respects her mother the most although she doesn’t tell her that often. The way her mother carries & pours into herself, but still have the utmost respect for everybody else around her inspires.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. — She is bestfriends with Mariah & Wren, but has a plethora of acquaintances. Katya met Wren during her high school years & the pair instantly click becoming inseparable. Her personality is very strong & vibrant, yet calming and loving. Out of all her friends, Katya often has to watch what she says around Wren because she’s very TTG for her friends. Mariah and Katya have been friends for the longest since their grandfather’s are longtime business partners and their family dealings go way back. She is her most laidback friend and hardest friend to keep up with since she travels a lot more than Katya. When she’s in town, the trio connect and have a girls night which they try to make happen weekly if their schedule allows.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. — She is currently single.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. — After looking back on all her previous relationships, she doesn’t believe she was in love, but she did have love for them. She’s a firm believer that you only fall in love once in your life.
What do you look for in a potential lover? — She looks for someone that is patient, can communicate effectively, demonstrates respect, recognizes & appreciates her imperfections, & has emotional security amongst other things.
How close are you to your family? — Katya is extremely close with her & there isn’t anything that she would do for them.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? — She has not started her own family & doesn’t plan on starting her own family until she’s ready to settle down with the right guy.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? — She would immediately turn to her grandfather or father, but she has a list of people she knows she can call on.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? — She trusts the men in her life to protect her because they’ve displayed time after time that they will do so no matter what & no matter the cost.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you? — Her family & friends would miss her. After her car accident & near death experience, that fact became clear to her.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why? — She doesn’t despise anybody & doesn’t allow anybody to get her out of character like that.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? — She loves to argue for fun, but is currently working on avoiding conflict as it can affect her business & brand.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? — Yes, she does, but it’s out of habit & not by force.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? — She doesn’t mind interacting with a large group of people, but she prefers smaller groups. She believes that people’s truer personality comes out in smaller groups.
Do you care what others think of you? — Yes & no, she only cares about what her family thinks of her.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃: @la-rp
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callsignbaphomet · 5 months
Still got Loke on the brain so here's a random list of faqs of my good boy. Oracle version.
He's left-handed.
Jelani was the first one to call him Lo and Loki. It was when he was first starting to talk and Loke was a bit difficult to pronounce. At first it was kind of a "low-ee" sound that progressed to Loki and then to Loke but the nicknames stuck ever since.
He's genderqueer and uses he/him and they/them. Either is fine with him.
He's queer. He used to use gay but felt it a bit restrictive and not right for him plus his mom uses queer so he went with queer. Men and male presenting are what he's attracted to.
The woman that birthed him tried to drown him when he was a week old. She took him to a river near the village and submerged him but luckily someone had stopped her. She ran away as they desperately tried to get him to start breathing again. He was fine.
Speaking of that woman, as of 2023 she is still alive and has on numerous occasions tried to approach him. She spoke to Sanaa once and asked if she could talk to him but Sanaa said that was Loke's decision. He wants absolutely NOTHING to do with her. Unfortunately he was told she tried to drown him and that caused a ton of drama and a bit of a trauma.
He bled to death once. He was run through with a bastard sword (I'd explain more but it's spoiler for something I'm currently writing).
His favorite animals are birds, foxes, and dogs.
He's afraid of cats. When he was little he used to feed some birds that hung around the village and one day he saw a cat kill and eat one of the birds.
He had a fiancé when he was 39 years old. He was killed during a raid. What no one except for Sanaa knew was that the fiancé was pregnant (trans) when he died. Obviously it was Loke's. That's a secret his mom's gonna take to her grave.
He has hemophilia, asthma, is far sighted, has seasonal allergies and is V E R Y allergic to tree nuts. Like one bite will either land him in the ER or the morgue.
Because of said hemophilia he will get random bruises anywhere in the body, his mouth will sometimes bleed, may cough blood, might bleed into his joints (apparently that's super painful), and yes, has had blood in his urine. All of these are really rare though.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaates using glasses so mostly sticks to using contacts.
I associate him with foxes (sable) and shiba inus.
The element I associate him with is lightning/thunder.
He's a Nordic berserker.
Speaking of, normally berserkers cannot use magic especially while in berserker mode. The only exception to that rule are the Nyota berserkers which are called arcanist berserkers. Sanaa is one of those specific berserkers. Ever since he was like 5 he wanted to learn to use magic like Sanaa does because he wanted to be just like his mom. Sanaa wasn't sure he would be able to learn what she was trying to teach him but she indulged him nonetheless.
It took years but Loke actually managed to learn how to pull off one of the Nyota's signature moves. Enchanting an arrow and firing it directly into the sky and exploding into hundreds or thousands of shards falling into the battlefield. He was also taught how to summon an element which in his case was lightning. He can have lightning wrapped around himself or a weapon. So far he's the only non-arcanist berserker to ever achieve this.
The man is stubborn as fuck all.
His chosen weapons as a berserker are a two headed axe and a bow and arrows (he chose a bow because his mom uses a bow).
During the early 2000s he and his mom enrolled in the same university to study medicine. They both graduated top of their class and did their residency at the same hospital. However, Sanaa got her license and is currently a doctor back home in Norway. Loke finished everything but went back to Oracle. He has that to fall back on whenever he chooses to retire from Oracle. He puts his medical knowledge to good use in the area of operations (the ao) and out of it tho.
Has adult separation anxiety. Technically speaking so does Jelani (only Angelus knows this but the rest suspect Jelani has it too). Neither can be separated for long periods of time. They start panicking when separated from each other for long periods of time.
His body count (like actual body count, not how many men he's had sex with) is disturbingly high. Disturbingly. High. He's very overprotective of the people he loves and will not hesitate to put two bullets into someone's skull and keep going as if nothing happened.
His favorite fruit is the mango. He really loves mangoes.
Favorite food is pizza.
Knows 13 languages: old Norse, Kiswahili, Xhosa, English, Lule Sámi, Norwegian, German, Icelandic, Faroese, Spanish, Setswana, Somali and Manyika. Basically the same languages Jelani knows.
Has a nicotine addiction and smokes. Not as much as he used to but he does.
Normally when berserkers are in berserker mode their irises tend to have a glow. However, Loke's sclera and irises turn red and no, it ain't normal. [No explanation due to spoilers].
He can sing and I do mean sing really good. He and Abigail often sing together by themselves. Abby loves to sing in front of others but Loke's shy about it. Everyone tells him he has a lovely voice though and he shouldn't feel shy about it.
If you wanna get technical about it Sanaa is his stepmother and Jelani is his half brother but he only ever refers to Sanaa as his mom and Jelani as his brother. He leaves out the step and the half. One of the worst ways you could possibly insult him is by calling Sanaa his stepmom and Jelani his half brother. Do that and you're instantly on his shit list forever, unless it wasn't intentional, just make sure you never do it again. Do it again and the ass kicking that follows will make your ancestors bleed.
He's a highly trained counter-sniper. He's also pretty good with a sniper. Trevor trained him. As it stands he's the second best sniper in all of Oracle.
He's extremely effective with any weapon he gets his hands on, he's also very accurate. If he missed it's because he wanted to.
He's ridiculously fast at drawing and firing weapons.
He's basically a human (no, he's not human, you know what I mean) lie detector. He can accurately tell when someone is lying.
He also makes an excellent double agent.
He's the only one who can tell when Jelani is lying.
According to tradition he was the next in line to be jarl. The position usually falls on the oldest child of the jarl's. However, he isn't one for such matters so he gave his position to Jelani who was, in his honest opinion, better suited for the role as he's proven to be a natural leader.
He is a very, very, very heavy sleeper. You literally have to shake him awake. Also it takes him like mere seconds to fall asleep.
He has 10 alarms on his phone cuz he sure as fuck ain't gonna hear the first 5.
He's super lazy.
He is the first and only non-Nyota to be a Warden.
He's 22 years older than Jelani.
He's the same age as his aunt Fae (Sanaa's sister).
When Jelani was born Loke basically turned into a third parent. It wasn't forced, he loved taking care of and looking after his baby brother. It was practically love at first sight.
He loves both of his parents but he's very attached to his mom.
Has three false right bottom molars. Hammer to the face.
Has two pet pigeons (Anga & Mvua) and a German Shepherd (Lyn).
Hates reading. Please don't make him read, it makes his brain cry.
Hates exercising. Has to be dragged to do it.
His ID number is 00-2144.
His favorite season is fall.
Likes the beach but the beach does not like him. He doesn't tan, he burns.
He kinda stopped physically aging. Sanaa noticed this long ago but isn't sure of what's going on so she's kept it to herself just in case.
After a certain event [can't say due to spoilers] Loke can't actually really die. He might die for a few minutes to an hour depending on the severity of the injury but he'll always come back. The only way he'll permanently die is if Jelani dies. [Again, not explaining bc of spoilers]. He'll scar like normal berserkers do though or lose limbs if not careful. No one is aware of this, not even him or Jelani.
During the "God Virus" story when Jelani loses total control because of the virus Loke sort of lost control. Sort of. [Spoilers. Can't explain yet]
He belongs to Uthorim.
Wants to have kids someday.
Is a hugger. He loves to hug. Unless the person isn't comfortable with it. Is also a cuddler when sleeping.
As a sort of "easter egg" all of Loke's au versions have all au versions of Iain try to kill him or manage to injure him in some way.
Is actually really good with kids. He often babysits for others as well as driving down to New York to babysit for his aunt Fae. Yes, it's a 10 hour drive. No, he doesn't give a fuck.
Sleeps with a shirt on. Just a shirt.
Like his brother he's into metal.
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routesyxmedia · 1 year
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routesyxmedia NAACP nominations are out and congratulations to our epic team! From our founder, to the management team and their clients, and our hair, make up, and costume team, you all gave 2022 your all and it shows! Nominations listed below.
Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series • Sarai Sutton – The Bear – “Episode 105”
Outstanding Talk Series • Hart to Heart
Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance (Television) • Chris Bridges – Karma’s World
Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance (Television) • Chris Bridges – Karma’s World
Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance (Television) • Chris Bridges – Karma’s World
Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance (Television) • Chris Bridges – Karma’s World
Outstanding Hairstyling (Television or Film) • Camille Friend – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series • Caleb McLaughlin – Stranger Things
Outstanding Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • The Best Man: The Final Chapters
Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • Morris Chestnut – The Best Man: The Final Chapters
Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • Terrence Howard – The Best Man: The Final Chapters
Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • Regina Hall – The Best Man: The Final Chapters
Outstanding Actress in a Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • Sanaa Lathan – The Best Man: The Final Chapters
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Television Movie, Limited-Series or Dramatic Special • Nia Long – The Best Man: The Final Chapters
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filmseries · 1 year
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The Best Man: The Final Chapters. [12-29-12-30] I started this Thursday night and finished it on Friday. It’s such a great series. It touches on so many topics and the performances and overall production, writing, music, fashion, location are all breathtaking. I enjoyed this so damn much. What a way to end the year off. I will definitely be re-watching this. It’s funny, it dramatic. It’s for grown folk. I love it.
The love that I have for Sanaa Lathan is unhealthy LOL. 
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 6 months
Hello! Saw the hate and just wanted you to know that you dont need to do anything you don't want too! If you are better or prefer to do rough tickles then that's okay! They need to find someone else if they want soft tickles because everyone does things differently and they didn't have to be rude about it in the first place. Please don't let the hate discourage you because I love your content! You're one of my favorite writers on here and I've never said it but you really are! I think your tickle content is so fluffy and wholesome and Idc if it's soft or rough tickles the way you write is js so amazing either way so please know you don't have to do anything you don't want to and you don't need to get better when you're already so great at what you do! Xoxo<3
omg…thank you @kai-lee08 💗💗💗
darlings there’s no need to worry about me…i’m truly fine…🙂
i’m so happy you enjoy the content i create, i spend a lot more time than you think to try and make it on time…
thank you all for the support! love you all…
-sanaa 😊
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skxllbxnny · 11 months
If you have any ocs and you’re comfortable sharing I’d like to hear about them! No pressure!
[tumblr] stop trying to eat my inbox challenge impossible
THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS IN MY HEAD U DONT EVEN GET IT ok maybe u do because i, unfortunately, havent been fixated on my ocs but instead fully on BATIM so oops
anyways ramble under the cut
ok so sanaa, a fennsang- a hybrid between a banded linsang(sort of like a weasel, theyre really cool) and a fennec fox- is like the protag of this world. she was my brainrot for a year but uh i kind of maybe lost that spark
(i cant find any art of her but itd be like really old<///3)
i also had cody, an african wild dog!
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i do not like my old art style but i love my little trans man ghjdbfjejfbr . anyways i also designed Maou/Mawu, an african moon goddess, and tried my best to do research on animals associated with her, as well as the blood moon festival. ofc, i was young and probably missed so many details, so please forgive my ignorance as i know i cant do it justice
i wrote, " in central africa, at the festival of the blood moon. Taking place every 30 years it is celebrated to welcome the Moon goddess, Mawu(Maou), from her 30-year slumber. It lasts the whole night, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. food and drinks are sold at stalls for a certain amount of bugs. Some bugs are more valuable than others." the bug part is my universe thing, obviously, theyre like a type of currency for most critters- another type is kelp or mushrooms, sort of like trading- but ofc its not exactly like real-life currency. another passage on a different page is " the moon parade, also called Mawoo, is a parade/festival celebrated all throughout Central africa, mainly in nigeria, where the canines gathered together to howl to awaken her(Mawu)" obv i put like worldbuilding there but i sort of feel like it isnt,, idk. i dont think i should have based it that closely on a real-life thing idk idk heres an old drawing
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i was so proud at the time but i wanna redraw these goobers fjejbfje. actually brb gonna do tht
hi im back like an hour later with sketches tweehee
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much better i think :)
anywayswhere was i,,,, uh. ok anyways moving on ig? sanaa's parents met at this festival and they were like yea we vibe together. jakob(linsang dad) and feechi(fennec mom) ((can u tell im not good at names fjejfn)) and they settled down in south africa to have a kid and raise it properly kind of thing. sanaa grows up alright, the kind of kid that like,,, wanders around her neighborhood, picking up sticks and rocks, throwing them at the ground from the top of a tree she climbed because you stopped looking at her for 2 seconds
so lne day she meets cody, because she accidentally threw a stick at him she wasnt looking. so they were like. yeah we r friends now :)
they grow up together, get an apartment and are ROOMIE BUDDIES when they turn like 20 cos its fun. insert angst insert angst and suddenly the town is in hysteria and THATS WHERE I STOPPED WRITING NOOOO :(
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hongjoongscafe · 9 months
I have eye flu✌🏼
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romulussy · 2 years
wait. 25?!
yeah! there's a full list here but basically:
Outstanding Drama Series - Succession
Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series - [1] Brian Cox as Logan Roy, [2] Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy.
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series - [1] Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch, [2] Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy. [3] Matthew Macfadyen as Tom Wambsgans. 
Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama Series - [1] J. Smith-Cameron as Gerri Kellman, [2] Sarah Snook as Shiv Roy. 
Outstanding Guest Actor In A Drama Series - [1] Adrien Brody as Josh Aaronson, [2] James Cromwell as Ewan Roy, [3] Arian Moayed as Stewy Hosseini, [4] Alexander Skarsgård as Lukas Matsson. 
Outstanding Guest Actress In A Drama Series - [1] Hope Davis as Sandi Furness, [2] Sanaa Lathan as Lisa Arthur, [3] Harriet Walter as Lady Caroline Collingwood. 
Outstanding Writing For A Drama Series -  All The Bells Say
Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour Or More) - Too Much Birthday 
Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series - Succession 
Outstanding Directing For A Drama Series - [1]  All The Bells Say: Mark Mylod, [2]  The Disruption: Cathy Yan, [3] Too Much Birthday: Lorene Scafaria
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series - [1]  All The Bells Say, [2]  Chiantishire
Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Original Dramatic Score) -  Chiantishire: Nicholas Britell
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (One Hour) - Too Much Birthday
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god-complex-12 · 1 year
Master list
- Emoji anons are welcomed
- I only write for male, gn, or ftm trans readers
- I prefer writing for amab readers
- no incest, ya nasty.
- no pedo shit.
- if I write a character who is a minor, it is strictly platonic.
- I write for platonic fics for characters over the age of 18 to.
- no SH, suicide, rape, SA, no shit like that, please.
- No “yandere” stuff.
- if I ignore your request, I either didn’t see it, didn’t know how to write it, or it just went against one of my rules.
- please, put if you want the reader to be male or gn.
NSFW rules
- non of the sub reader stuff, unless they are at the hands of a power bottom (preferably character)
- I prefer the reader to be penetrating, if there is any.
- preferably amab reader. Y’know, with a pee pee. Or a trans (ftm) reader with surgery.
- I will write for a female bodied reader (ftm) without surgery too, just saying I prefer a wee wee.
Fandoms I write for:
Oscar Isaac characters
Steven Grant (Moon Knight). Marc Spector (Moon Knight). Jake Lockley (Moon Knight). William Tell (The Card Counter). Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier). Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina). Jonathan Levy (Scenes Fromba Marriage). Abel Morales (The Most Violent Year). Will Dempsey (Life Itself). Rydal (The Two Faces of January). Nick Masicsko (Show Me a Hero). Jack (Mojave). Shiv (Pu-239). Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’Hara (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse). Duke Leto (Dune). Kane (Annihilation). Palo “Poe” Dameron (Star Wars). Llewyn Davis (Inside Llewyn Davis). Richard (The Letted Room). Paul Gauguin (At Eternity’s Gate). Cecil (Revenge on Jolly!). Lightening Face (Basil Stitt).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Tasks force 141- Cpt. John Price. John “Soap” MacTavish. Simone “Ghost” Riley. Kyle “Gaz” Garrick.
Las Vaqueros- Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra.
Other- Kate Laswell. Commander Phillip Gaves. “König”.
Richard “Rip”. Joseph “Bear” Graves. Alex Claude. Ricky “Buddha”. Robert Chase III. Dominic Adams.
Rainbow Six Siege
Viperstrike- Nayara “Brava” Cardoso. Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam. Ryad “Jackal” Al-Hassar. Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa. Vicente “Capitão” Souza. Mike “Thatcher” Baker. Elias “Blitz” Kötz. Kana “Alamo” Fujiwara. Adriana “Maestro” Martello. Aria “Alibi” Luca. Masaru “Echo” Enatsu. Mark “Mute” Chandar. Julien “Rook” Nizan. Marius “Jäger” Streicher.
Nighthaven- Charlie Tho “Grim” Keng Boon. Anja “Osa” Janković (platonic). Håvard “Ace” Haugland. Jaimini “Kali” Shah. “Finka”. Monika “IQ” Weiss. Alpha “Aruni” Tawanroong. Ngugi “Wamai” Furaha. Elżbiedts “Ela” Bosak. Elena “Mira” Álvarez. James “Smoke” Porter. Jack “Pulse” Estrada.
Wolfguard- Néon “Sens” Ngoma. Sanaa “Nomad” Maktoub. Olivier “Lion” Flament. Siu “Ying” Lin. Gilles “Montagne” Touré. Emmanuel let “Twitch” Pichon. Mina “Thunderbird” Sky. Thandiwe “Melusi” Ndlovu. Morowa “Clash” Evans. Tina “Frost” Tsang. Miles “Castle” Campbell. Gustave “Doc” Kateb. Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier.
Ghosteyes- Santiago “Flores” Lucero. Samuel “Zero” Fisher. Nienke “Iana” Meijer. “Nøkk”. Erik “Maverick” Thorn. Zofia Bosak. “Glaz”. Ana “Solis” Díaz. Collinn “Warden” McKinley. Max “Mozzie” Goose. Chul “Vigil” Hwa. Liu “Lesion” Long. Taina “Cerveira” Pereira. Meghan “Valkyrie” Castellano.
Redhammer- Azucena “Amaru” Quispe. Tori “Gridlock” Fairous. Craig “Blackbeard” Jenson. Sebastien “Buck” Côté. Seamus “Sledge” Cowden. Eliza “Ash” Cohen. Jordan “Thermite” Trace. “Fuze”. Brianna “Thron” Skehan. Said “Oryx” Hadid. César “Goyo” Herbández. Jalal “Kaid” Fassi. “Tachanka”. “Kapkan”.
Lucifer (Netflix)
Angels- Amenadiel. Lucifer Morningstar.
Demons- Mazikeen.
Detective/or works in that field- Ella Lopez. Dan. Marcus Pierce.
Other- Eve.
Justice League- Clark “Superman” Kent. Bruce “Batman” Wayne. Diana “Wonder Woman” Princess. Barry “The Flash” Allen. Hal “Green Lantern” Jordon. Victor “Cyborg” Stone. Arthur “Aquaman” Curry. Oliver “Green Arrow” Queen.
Bat-fam- Bruce “Batman” Wayne. Dick “Nightwing” Grayson. Jason “Red Hood” Todd. Tim “Red Robin” Drake. Damian “Robin” Wayne. Stephanie “The Spoiler” Brown. Cassandra “Orphan” Cain. Duke “The Signal” Thomas. Kathy “Batwoman” Kane. Barbara “Batgirl” Gordon.
Hero- Kara “Supergirl” Zor-El. Queen “Wonder Woman” Nubia. Donna “Wonder Girl” Troy. Karen “Power Girl” Starr. Raymond “Atom” Palmer. Dinah “Black Carney” Lance. Wally “The Flash” Weat. Jon “Superboy” Kent. Koriand’r “Starfire”. Rachel “Raven” Roth. Garfield “Beast Boy” Logan. Zatanna Zatara. John “Hellblazer” Constantine.
Green lanterns- Hal “Green Lantern” Jordon. John “Green Lantern” Stewart. Kyle “Green Lantern” Rayner.
Villain- Jack “Joker” Naiper. Harlen “Harley Quinn” Quinzel. Edward “The Riddler” Nygma. Selina “Catwoman” Kyle. Pamela “Posion Ivy” Isley. Floyd “Deadshot” Lawton. Jonathan “Scare Crow” Crane. David “Black Manta” Hyde.
Other- Lucifer Morningstar.
Avengers- T’Challa “Black Panther”. Sam “Falcon” Wilson. Steve “Captain America” Rogers. Natalia “Black Widow” Alianovna. Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes. Clint “Hawkeye” Barton. Tony “Iron Man” Stark. Thor Odinson.
Hero’s- Roberta “Captain America” Mendez. Matt “Daredevil” Murrdock. Scott “Ant-Man” Lang. Peter “Star Lord” Quill,
Deadpool- Wanda “Lady Deadpool” Wilson. Wade “Deadpool” Wilson.
MoonKnight- Steven “Mr. Knight” Grant. Marc “MoonKnight” Spector. Khonshu. Jake “Mr. Knight” Lockley.
Spider-men- Cooper “Web-Weaver” Coen. May “Spider-Girl” Parker. Hobie “Spider-Punk” Brown. Ben “Scarlet Spider” Reilly. Kaine “Scarlet Spider” Parker. Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’rara. Anya “Spider-Girl” Corázon. Gwen “Spider-Gwen” Stacy. Miles “Spider-Man” Morales. Cindy “Silk” Moon. Mary “MJ” Jane. Peter “Spider-Man” Parker.
Other- Tony “Taskmaster” Masters. Brock “Crossbones” Rumblow. Joaquín “Falcon” Torres. Yelena “White Widow” Belova. Gwen “Gwenpool” Poole. Kraven “Kraven the Hunter”. Felicia “Black Cat” Hardy. Soel “Luna Snow” Hee. Elektra Natchios. Albert “Spawn” Simmons. Frank “Punisher” Castle. Loki Odinson. Stephen “Doctor Strange” Strange.
Triple Frontier
Francisco Morales. Santiago “Pope” Garcia. Tom “Redfly” Davis.
The Card Counter
William Tell. La Linda. Clirk Rogers.
A Most Violent Years
Abel Morales. Lawrence. Peter Forente..
The Two Faces of January
Chester’s McFarland. Rydal.
Ex Machina
Nathan Bateman.
Scenes From a Marriage
Jonathan Levy.
Life Itself
Will Dempsey.
Show Me a Hero
Nick Wasicsko. Micheal Sussman?
John “Jack” Jackson.
Duke Leto.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Miguel “Spider-Man 2099” O’Hara. Peter “Spider-Man” B. Parker. Jessica “Spider-Woman” Drew. Peter “Spider-Man Noir” Parker.
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Demons- Lucifer. Mammon. Leviathan. Satan. Asmodues. Beelzebub. Belphegor. Diavolo. Barbatos.
Angels- Simeon. Luke (platonically).
Humans- Solomon.
*If the characters are like high schoolers, I will only right with them aged up. However, if the character I’d like 14 and below, I will note write with at all because 15 and above I can get a more accurate less childish personality with them being aged up.
Devil Man Crybaby
Akira Fudo. Ryo Asuka. Miki Makimura. Miki Kurado. Psycho Jenny.
Haikyu!! (Ify about this one)
Kurasuno- Yu Nishinoya. Tobio Kageyama. Kei Tsukishima. Kiyoko Shimizu. Shoto Hinata. Ryūnosuke Tanaka. Koshi Sugawara. Hitoka Yachi. Tadashi Yamaguchi. Keishin Ukai. Daichi Suwamura.
Nekoma- Kenma Kozume. Tetsurō Kuroo. Lev Haiba.
Aoba Johsai- Toru Oikawa. Hajime Iwaizumi.
Fukurōdani- Kōtarō Bokuto. Keiji Akaashi.
Shiratorizawa- Wakatoshi Ushijima. Satori Tendo.
Attack on Titan
Scout Regiment- Armin Arlert. Mikasa Ackerman. Levi Ackerman. Hange Zoë. Sasha Brown. Erwin Smith.
Military Regiment- Hitch Dreyse. Kenny Ackerman.
Warriors- Reiner Braun. Annie Leonhart.
Nobility- Historia Reiss.
Eldia- Ymir Fritz.
Paradise Island- Carla Jeager. Kuchel Ackerman.
Sword Art Online
Kirito. Asuna. Sinon.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas. Escanor. Gowther. Ban. Diane. King.
Hunter x Hunter
Killua Zoldyck (platonic). Gon Freecss (platonic). Kurapika. Chrollo Lucifer. Feitan. Leorio.
Satori Murano. Shinichi Izumi. Kana Kimishima.
Demon Slayer
Ubuyashiki Family- Kagaya Ubuyashiki.
Hashira- Giyu Tomioka. Mitsuri Kanroji. Sanemi Shinazugawa. Gyomei Himejima. Shinobu Kocho.
Former Hashira- Kyojuro Rengoku. Tengen Uzui.
Demon Slayers- Tanjiro Kamado. Zenitsu Agatsuma. Inosuke Hashibira.
Demons- Muzan Kibutsuji. Enmu.
Death Note
Blue Exorcist
Ouran High School Host Club
Soul Eater
Black Butler
Angels of Death
High-rise Invasion
Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
The Way of the House Husband
Kotoro Lives Alone (platonic w/ Kotoro)
Cowboy Bebop
Jujutsu Kaisen
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