#sascha says shit
saschagemruler · 2 months
30 minutes into Nimona and I already want to cry bc I've heard everything Ballister is saying. "Dial it back, it'd be easier as a girl, not everyone is accepting as me" everything I've heard before as a neurodivergent transsexual.
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quickhacked · 9 months
if i were to start posting my other writing here (dnd / fc5 / whatever else my brain decides to latch onto) would anyone be interested
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ace-culture-is · 2 years
Thank y’all for being patient and understanding with me <3
More info about my situation in the tags if you want to know but just know that I’m honored y’all are sticking with me even when I’m not frequently posting
Also it devolved into a rant, apologies
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Today is the day of Ostara, the day the Kaedostranian order has replaced with "Easter". Accept the love and light of the Pleadian order, blessed be, Sascha Lieberstein, high preistess of the Atlantean order.
Oh good, I have a name to put to your dipshittery now.
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umbramemeblog · 16 days
reminders for new black butler fans
I am terrified that new fans are gonna come in (especially from twitter...shudders) and start screaming the same thing's we've been hearing since forever, so let me reiterate some things for you guys
we love sebaciel
most of the anime is CANON.
be weird about every character
say that you "want maurice cole to die" or "wish he had alois' trauma"
the public school arc is a glorified version of harry potter. knock it off.
for the love of GOD do give gregory the virgil sanders treatment i am begging on my hands and knees he is just shy and artistic and your little storm cloud
black butler is a very dark and triggering story. there are a lot of triggering themes within the manga (moreso the anime I have to be honest). if these themes upset you, then it may be for you.
okay now for some general reminders
if someone ships something you don't like. who cares. if you don't like it, then don't interact with it. simple as that!
this goes for people who ship minors and adults you guys are fucking awesome.
you don't have to like someone else's au. again, don't like, don't interact. it's easy
what sexuality / gender / race someone headcanons another character as is none of your business
uhh i dont remember who is sascha
you don't have to accept the fanon (or canon really lol, that's why au's exist), there is no obligation
if someone says that bb is their special interest or hyperfixation your first instinct should not be to shit on them for it
don't harass the play actors either now that I'm here
like and reblog art, leave comments and kudos on fanfics
be a freak for the love of god. don't harass people.
okay that's it! byeeeee
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goosemixtapes · 7 months
max's favorite short stories & articles!
to be updated as i read new things! "articles" could be anything from political points to philosophical musings to fascinating stories. obligatory statement that i don't necessarily agree with everything in every one of these stories/articles, but i think about them a lot and want to share :)
short stories
Avi Cantor Has Six Months To Live by Sacha Lamb (@kuttithevangu) (novella) (so says the writing on the bathroom mirror. of gender & judaism & magic and t4t trans guys. cw for suicidal ideation and bullying)
Epistolary by Sascha Lamb ("The [stuffed] frog you are selling on your blog is MINE and he is NOT HAUNTED and his name is MOSHE not BILLY HOPPER.")
Chokechain by Andrew Joseph White (a trans man discovers his parents have replaced him with a robot version of his pretransition self. cw for transphobia and violence)
Sandrine by Alexandra Munck (the tagline for this one is "I dated a sun god in college" but that doesn't do justice to the sheer concept here please read this)
The Traveler Wife by yves. @yvesdot (an astronaut writes to the wife she left back home)
You Wouldn't Have Known About Me by Calvin Gimpelevich (set in a hospital ward where patients are recovering from gender-confirming surgery)
No Flight Without the Shatter by Brooke Bolander (novella) ("After the world’s end, the last young human learns a final lesson from Earth’s remaining animals." cw for climate change/extinction)
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead by Brooke Bolander (what if you had to death-match-fight a virtual version of yourself at your meanest made by your boyfriend whose life you're trying to save would that be fucked up or what. cws for guns and violence)
Hell is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang (stories that clock you in the fucking teeth in the religious trauma.)
A Serpent for Each Year by Tamara Jerée (microfiction) ("Our relationship is almost a year old when I ask Nal why she is covered in snakes." cw for animal death)
The Front Line by W.C. Dunlap (microfiction) (cited as one of the world's finest attention-grabber openings. cws for police brutality, racism, and SA)
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience by Rebecca Roanhorse (step into the simulation and gain an authentic experience! cws for anti-Native racism and alcohol)
articles & essays
Lockhart's Lament (on how math is taught in schools. that is, badly. one of the most cathartic essays i've ever read on education)
Against Cop Shit by Jeffrey Moro (on adversarial education)
I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out. by Jennifer Coates (do you have to be out to be a woman? cw for transphobia, homophobia, and eating disorders)
Debunking "Trans Women Are Not Women" Arguments by Julia Serano (comprehensive, well-written, good to have as a reference point)
On Liking Women by Andrea Long Chu (and on the politics of desire)
Turning a Unicorn Into a Bat by Josh and Lolly Weed (on Mormonism, love, and whether a gay man and a straight woman can marry happily. cw for homophobia)
Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price (musings on motivation from a social psychologist and professor)
How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Peterson (how come everything happens so much?)
White Women Drive Me Crazy by Aisha Mirza (on the harm caused by white women. cw for racism)
Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong by Michael Hobbes (should be required reading for everyone at this point. cw for fatphobia and eating disorders)
Becoming Anne Frank by Dara Horn (on the cultural fascination with Anne Frank. cw for antisemitism)
The Ecstasy of Influence by Jonathan Lethem ([on/a] plagiarism)
On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People by Patricia Taxxon (video essay) (ostensibly what the title says, but actually a detailed musing on the essential properties of furry media and the freedom of dehumanization; changed my life a bit)
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pop-roxs · 1 year
Types of candy the Shinigami Dispatch likes :3
Grell Sutcliff -She likes many kinds of candy, but chocolate is her favorite by a long shot.
-Ferrero Rocher is her favorite brand. Though, she's always up for trying new things. Lindor is also another favorite of hers.
-She'll buy kinder eggs just to eat the chocolate and give the toy to Ronald.
-But nothing bitter. Ew.
Ronald Knox
-He's a gummy type of guy.
-Gummy worms, bears, as long as it's a sweet gummy, he'll take it.
-He could settle for fruit snacks, but they don't hit like gummies. Nothing does.
William T. Spears
-The kind that makes you wanna curl up and cry.
-He gets the dark chocolate that's so raw that you couldn't even lick the bar before scrunching up your face in pure agony and disgust.
-He doesn't understand why everyone thinks it's so bad.
-Sour. Everything fucking sour.
-He eats warheads like they're nothing.
-Hell, he'll even eat pure citric acid.
-If you asked why or how he even eats that kinda shit, he'll either respond with "I like how it makes my mouth bleed" or "How can I not?"
-He likes peeps.
-Marshmallow-y stuff.
-He says he doesn't like hard candies because he's afraid it'll "break his teeth"
Eric Slingby/Alan Humphries
-These two like candy covered/coated fruits.
-Chocolate covered strawberries and candy apples really hit the spot.
-They'll visit places that provide fruits with a chocolate fountain only to smother all the restaurant's fruits with the chocolate and run away without paying.
-Hard candy. But mainly lollipops.
-Sascha likes the ones with gum in the middle.
-Sascha likes those big flashy cartoony lollipops while Ludger would just settle with your average Dum Dum.
i came up with these hcs with @jhillybean 😋
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robotslenderman · 3 months
Aside from Sullivan, are any of your other vampires from the Sabbat/Formerly Sabbat?
Introducing: Grigori Verenich. As a Russian scholar in Oxford he was Embraced by Sascha Vykos for his research skills, and discarded when no longer useful. Needless to say, he was one of the lucky ones, but his experiences with them fucked him up nonetheless. He poured his time into learning blood magic and was often mistaken for Tremere, which he delighted in because he knew it'd piss off Sascha, but also not enough for them to actually destroy him over it.
I don't know much about his time between then and meeting Norman, but he met Norm in the roaring twenties in Boston. Norm was almost ready to graduate medical school to become a doctor, and he was also a boxer. When Grigori Embraced him Norm took one look at the Sabbat and went "holy shit fuck THIS" and noped out. Grigori stalked him for a few decades because he didn't really know what else to do with this kid that actually has morals, and their relationship was pretty tense. Norm basically divorced himself as much from his Tzimisce heritage as he could. Much like how Grisha was frequently mistaken for Tremere, Norm was usually assumed to be a Gangrel.
Their relationship was healed by having a baby, believe it or not -- in 1980s New York City Grigori met Anastasia Petrova Sokolova, who was an exceptional artist and sculptor at an art school. Grigori went to Norm "hey, you're a good anatomist but you're shit at Vicissitude, check out who I met who'd be awesome at it" and introduced them. Norm quickly realised that no matter what his opinion was over the matter that Grisha was going to Embrace her, so he agreed to stick around to watch over her, at least for a while, and ended up agreeing to do the deed himself.
Nastasya ended up being the counterbalance in the relationship and Norm and Grigori got along a lot better with her influence. She was, however, largely sheltered from the majority of the Sabbat, and is shit at playing politics. They do take her to Sabbat events but keep her away from the edgelordy stuff; Grisha knows that Norm wouldn't stand for it, and thinks they're a bunch of tryhards anyway.
The three of them lived together long after Nastasya was supposed to be released. They do not have a vinculum, but do not need to. They mostly see themselves as Noddists who are "true Sabbat" and haven't lost sight of the underlying founding principles of the Sabbat that eventually got taken over by edgelords and sadists -- they adhere to the main beliefs of being anti-establishment and anti-Antediluvians, and also varying levels of vampire supremacy.
These nights they live in Staten Island in New York City. They mostly ignored the Battle of New York (though Grisha did participate a bit). They have a treaty with the local Camarilla (which Hellene would sooner die than admit the existence of) and a good relationship with the local Anarchs, too. In exchange for certain stipulations, including Nastasya's services as a Vicissitudist, the Camarilla don't kick them out of NYC. The Anarchs also leave them alone because Grisha has played the three of them up as being the only thing holding the Camarilla back, and absolutely leans hard on the "childe of Vykos" thing, using his blood magic skills and Nastasya's Vicissitude to give the three of them a far more terrifying reputation than they deserve. They had no idea Callihan was blood bound, but when he gets replaced by someone who seems to have the exact same ideas they definitely do get suspicious about it...
Despite their reputation, these nights the three of them are super chill and laid back and tend to just fuck around in their house leeching off Nastasya, lmao. Grigori breaks into the Tremere Chantry for fun to borrow their books (it's not stealing if he gives them back), which drives Aisling Sturbridge apeshit. Norm, on the other hand, spends most of his time in his Gangrel identity hanging out with Anarchs. Nastasya is the only one of the three of them who is actually actively working, lmao. Norm and Grigori just stuck their money in investments decades ago; the three of them are "don't have to keep track of how much money I have" kind of wealthy. They have friends in all sects. After a while, post-Dracon, Sascha even starts mentoring Nastasya in Vicissitude.
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milfhandholder · 1 year
Random Grell thingz I've accumulated in my head bcs I'm delusional but without context bcs I am going to write a legit novel abt this woman one day
Idc what anyone says, I am an avid believer of the fact that Grell has always been considered beautiful by her peers even in her human life
She's so beautiful that the Victorians could've started kpop PC first bcs of her and trade them like actual kpoppers
Grell always knew about her being queer (minus actual label bcs Victorian era duh) but not about her gender
"Wait so you people don't fantasize about having boobs? Not at all? No?"
It was maybe 6 years into her reaper life when she finally got the memo that "hey girlie, you're actually a girl"
Her crisis went a bit like this: straight man -> gay man?? -> 'oh no I like girls too' bi man -> died LMAO -> 'I hate everyone and I hate my gender' questioning -> 'maybe I have no gender at all. I like girls though' (she was exclusive to girls only so I guess??lesbian?? Who cheered) -> transwoman questioning -> !! transwoman bi !!
Was in a 'lavender marriage' with a closeted lesbian for maybe 2 - 3 years before her suicide. Grell sort of fell in love with her but understandably never confessed. Fast forward to present time AND GRELL IS HITTING THE FLOOR, SCREAMING, CRYING
She had a lot of rage as a young reaper because she never really got over 'my parents suck' mindset that stood by her as she died
HATED WILLIAM. As much as I love the OVA, I will stand by my words that it would’ve been so much more interesting if Grell buried / was embarassed about her crush and acted like a dick towards him BECAUSE WHY, OF ALL THE MEN IN DISPATCH, DID IT HAVE TO BE WILLIAM T SPEARS
Mellowed out eventually and cool character development happened
Has more experience with and confidence in dating girls, she's very anxious (and perhaps frightful) about men reciprocating her advances
Being made "an experience" does that to you
Fun fact: she's the first and only woman William ever had a crush on. Good taste dude
She was projecting her ex wife A LOT onto Madam but it's ok bcs it was vice versa you see, Madam projected too BUT THEN THESE BITCHES TALKED IT OUT and everything is all ok and cool and OH GOD GRELL NOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭
Speaks German and French, is the go to translator for German Dispatch businesses until Ludger (and eventually Sascha joined in as a bonus and a translator) was forced to sharpen his English
Now for the E discourse.... someone made a typo one day and she went with it
Grell: You see, when you go to France, they make you get a name in French. That's why I can go by Grell Sutcliff or Grelle Sutcliffe
Ron, an idiot who has never been anywhere except his hometown: oh shit fr??
Eric's her first ACTUAL reaper friend which is sad ngl LMAOOO
Firm believer that the reapers have mentorships for gifted students that started in Ron's year and that Grell was her mentor READ MY RON FIC, IM OBSESSED WITH THEM
Mentoring Ron (aka a few years before Jack the Ripper) was the moment where she was the healthiest, mentally
Then she divorced Madam, had a falling out with William and oops she regressed el em ao. Don't tell any of her friends though, they'd start annoying her to get better
People older and the same age as her are wildly terrified of her. This is in contrast to (most) juniors who are so in love with the idea of her
Harbors a lot of guilt, grief, rage, anger, jealousy, insecurity, narcissism, etc. She's just a good actress
Her butler persona was her mocking three people at once: her father's (brunette) appearance, her mother's wish for Grell to be more obedient, and Grell's old self that let people walk all over her for the sake of maintaining her family name
Her family is rich rich though she can't remember for what. She doesn't really care eitherway so
Can be very insensitive!! It doesn't help that she's friends with people who'd give the same energy back (Eric and Othello) or people who just don't care enough (William)
She learned how to hold her tongue when she realized Ron was genuinely upset with her rude comments. Ironically, Ron learned how to have thicker skin because of said comments
Likes dogs, sorry Sebastian
Good at fencing! Not much else in other sports!!
She hates sports sm, they make her sweat and they are tedious and they're exhausting and THEY'RE BORING
The only ranged weapon she'd try out is a gun.
She's no wuss
Yeah that's all that I can think of lmao
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sunburnacoustic · 10 months
Muse - Planet Muse
Author: Sascha Krüger from VISIONS No. 161
Dom sometime during the Black Holes era, looking back on Absolution and Muse's Glastonbury 2004 highlight. Archived: Wayback Machine, translated from German.
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Dominic – the now-adult
Originally we didn't want it, but then it happened like this: We ended up touring with "Absolution" for two years, with many good but also difficult moments. Especially for me because my father died at the same time, almost exactly in the middle of that time. As a result, I went back and forth between the extremes – from pure joy and lightheartedness about what happened to us, to moments of deepest sadness and acute crises of meaning. The day of his death alone is exemplary: After a really overwhelming gig, I come off the stage and get the terrible news. Surreal, there is no other way to describe this emotional fair. The good thing was that I really got to know my friends – it was amazing how many of my so-called friends didn't even know how to respond to this tragedy. Chris was a special support during this time – he lost his father when he was 17, so he knew there was nothing to say – it's enough to have someone there to give you a hug when you need it. And in a curious way, this death has made me feel more confident – because when you lose someone so close to you, you learn to appreciate what you have all the more.
But other things were tough too. There were many injuries on this tour; for example, Matt cut his lip halfway on the first gig of the first US tour in five years [Atlanta 2004 show], so we had to cancel a few gigs. It got us so down - we honestly thought it was a sign that we should hook America. Just a few weeks later, Chris broke his wrist and we had to deal with a backup bassist. It was awful – and we were headlining V Festival. We sounded like a piece of shit*. And when Matt delusionally gave me a few cuts in the face with his guitar neck during a gig, we thought for a moment: Okay, we should stop touring for real. It was all very tragic for the band.
*NME didn't think so.
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saschagemruler · 4 months
In case anyone is wondering if the Starbucks boycott is working...
It is. I work at Starbucks and so far they have decided to do bogos (buy one get one free) on BOTH Saturday and Sunday.
They are getting desperate.
We had to switch to cheaper milks, so many deals are being pushed- keep up the fight.
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bowenandjohnson · 2 years
having now finished druck s8, I’m incredibly saddened at how this season has gone, considering it’s the end of the second generation, and it’s unlikely that we will see any of these characters again. after 10 weeks, mailin is still a cipher—she had no internal struggles; her flaws were left unaddressed from previous seasons. there was no growth. overall, this season felt incredibly pointed towards silencing BIPOC members of this cast—particularly ish, which isn’t surprising given her comments. every episode, repeatedly, had ava and fatou either comforting or praising mailin for her “feminism,” her “girlbossing,” when it’s clear in seasons produced by q3/jünglinge that ava, in particular, would not say these things. for a season where finn was the LI, we learned nothing more about him or his family, besides that they run a furniture business impacted by the pandemic. yara was given a romance plotline with zoe, but that was entirely offscreen until the last two episodes. kieu my was only allowed to criticize the action mailin and zoe engaged with once, and it was apparently because nhungi and the others intervened on set. season 8 was also a season pointed towards conservatism—nora upheld purity culture in her final clip before departing for three weeks, and essentially shamed mailin, one of her best friends, for taking pictures of herself. in one of their fights, finn also did the same to mailin. zoe and mailin’s activist action with the destroying of books was essentially a parody of Teenage Activism™️, while in earlier seasons, activism was treated as something worthwhile, something important to engage with and discuss.
but the thing is, it just wasn’t season 8 of druck. season 7 had much of the same issues. the instas and sascha were static. the season, while hinting at the ideas of toxic friendship, did not touch on that internal struggle within isi from season 6, choosing to instead show the topic of gender dysphoria. while this topic is incredibly important, the new writers and SM team did not remember how isi was the one who introduced kieu my to the LGBTQ+ community, queer terms and language, and how she already was following drag queens and non-binary people on IG, and would have had some inkling into what was happening with themselves. the writers chose an easy route instead of building on the nuances already in the character. lou’s actions from s7 with the tampons could also be seen as a parody of true activism, and she also may have been a character created to fight back against the “isi is fatphobic!” allegations—but he was. that four minute clip in which he apologizes to ava for the bullying, and then it is never addressed again confirms it. the LGBTQ+ youth group & david could have been incredibly important for isi, but they were only shown in two clips; same with the turkish community, where they made a nameless neighbor into a bigot and homophobic and transphobic, rather than addressing the issues where consti essentially assaulted isi and made terrible comments towards her head-on. sascha, much like finn, didn’t have a personality beyond plant boy and LI either, and isi treated him like shit in his shoe until a bogus apology in ep 9. screentime was taken from BIPOC members of the cast and given largely to two white newcomers. eren had to fight for the pronoun scene, but also mentioned the efforts of the team/castmates to help them in that fight.
it’s sad to see the parallels between s5/s6 and how s7/s8 turned out. this last clip really showed me how much this cast had to fight tooth and nail to try and protect these characters who they loved. the cashqueens memory scenes consisted of s5/s6 references; as did the montage in between the cast speaking, again primarily about the early generation 2 seasons. overall, i wish the cast the best, i wish jünglinge & q3 the best. their talent is stunning, and i can’t wait to see what they do next. thank you, mina, sira, eren, frida, ish, zethphan, nhungi, madeleine, elena, anh, casper, paul, and paula. thank you for these characters. they will always have a place in my heart, even if the writing doesn’t. rant over!!
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bravenew-what · 1 year
Anecdotes from Helloween’s show
Y’all. When I say I’m a changed person because of this show, it’s because I fucking am.
The first of them I saw was Sascha, I mean we were DIRECTLY in front of him. He’s giant. A literal giant.
Skyfall was pure chaos. So much was happening at once and I had no idea where to look so I just screamed the words.
I stuck my tongue out at markus and he did it back!!
Kai was all over the stage all night, he was a total flirt with EVERYONE
I headbanged so hard during Future World at the right moment and it cracked my neck for me
The guitarists and Markus were all in sync with the way they danced around during future world AND IT WAS SO CUTE
Weiki and I made funny faces at each other and I know he saw me cause he exaggerated the same face when I made it back at him
Kai chucked the fucking mic stand to the groundjust before his medley
Weiki had guitar trouble TWICE and I felt bad for him
I would later make a lot more eye contact with Andi, like I swear he got a bit of a power trip from it and I was completely under his spell for it. Not even remotely joking
Weiki just being…… Weiki. His stank faces and wizard-like hand movements just make his playing that much better.
Sascha being so fucking sweaty that he could stick a pick right to his forehead without having to lick it or something (though I would have paid money to see that alone)
Sascha’s solo. That’s it.
Sascha actually had guitar trouble during his solo too
Michi pretending to use the stools he and Andi were sitting on as crutches during forever and one
Andi also made some very LEWD gestures during Dr. Stein that I refuse to describe because I have it on video 🤣🤣
Sascha flipped his hair out of his face AND MARKUS LEANED OVER HIM AND BLEW IT RIGHT BACK WHERE IT WAS
Andi and I sang our hearts out to each other during How Many Tears and I honestly thought I was gonna cry 🥹🥹
Sascha bent down and frantically waved and smiled like a total geek at this teenage girl while she was filming and I can just tell it made her whole year!
And oh my god, during Perfect Gentleman. Andi pointed at markus and went “AND SHEEEEEE IS”
Andi and I singing the last chorus of Perfect Gentleman together
Hearing Sascha sing the outro of keepers and then do the guitar melody tol the end was fucking beautiful and he has the voice of a literal Angel
Okay so the moment I had with Andi that I will not shut up about: I had my camera on through all of Keeper of the Seven Keys and I called to Andi after they hit the last note and Andi slowly turned and when he realized it was me he winked and stuck his tongue out just a little like a fucking flirt and I swear I swooned harder than I ever have in my life AND I HAVE THAT MOMENT ON VIDEO SO I CAN HOLD ONTO IT 😭😭😭
Kai calling Weiki a “fucking weirdo”
Dani was a fucking machine all night long, and when he finally came out from behind his kit, the crowd lost their shit for him
Michi popped one of the balloons during I Want Out and tried to run away from it
There were multiple crowd surfers all night, two came directly over us and me and the girl next to me had to duck below the barrier and out of the way so the guys could get them over
I only got bashful one time from the eye contact from the band!!
​Helloween also drink their respect women juice every day cause every single one of them were good with all of the girls in the crowd. End of story.
That was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I feel like a whole new person because of it.
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
No I don't learn, I had to take a break from the episode because I couldn't stop laughing.
Basira: "What's the name of that helper of yours?"
Jon, softly, neutrally: "Martin."
Basira: "No, no, the hot one, the one with scars like yours but who kind of manages to pull them off-"
Jon, with the disdain unmatched by the warden describing the inmates as 'monsters': "TIM."
aksjfdhgkdfgkdf I feel like Jon has already decided who the murderer is, which is hilarious given he found Not-Sascha up to incredibly spooky shit last episode and has made no further comment on that.
Unless Jon's disdain for Tim is currently entirely based on the fact that Tim thinks Jon and Basira are dating? In which case-
Oh Jon, you petty, petty victim of office drama. Please never change.
Also Basira thinks Tim is hot and you have to admit, that would be an absolute power couple I'm just saying
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ryttu3k · 6 months
sascha: i am your father!
anthea: what
sascha: i mean. i’m pregnant and you’re the father
anthea: what
sascha: i mean. YOURE pregnant and IM THE BABY (vicissitudes her a uterus and implants themselves inside it)
anthea: whaaaat
(sidenote why is there so much pregnancy in the dracons bloodline)
I wish I could say this surprised me and yet.
The Dracon's legacy: weird pregnancy shit.
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myimaginarywonderland · 10 months
This is going to be negative but here we go:
Genuinely hated everything about this race. Have barely ever said this about FE but this race actually had me angry and just complelty uninterested in anything that was happening.
Horrible camera perspective, weird graphics and just a general sense of no idea what was going on because of a poor broadcast.
Nico's genuinely fucking terrifying accident being just brushed off. The unnecessary long safety car period that should have been a red flag. Complete chaos because somehow cars just overtook each other but we weren't told why. It took years to get to even a decision to do something about a fucking car on track.
Once again the fucking awful thing of this stupid lead switch. I hate it this season because that just ruins any fun in having someone lead knowing that's just going to be passed around until like the last 3 laps. It is not some fun unpredictable factor because it just is such an uncessary thing. It makes basically anything before the last 3 laps uninteresting because there isn't a battle and there isn't even watching someone lead. There's just constant annoying switching that makes you think something happened when it actually was just another switch. This applies to other positions as well. 90% of the time it's just this stupid passing around where you can't even enjoy a driver making up positions because you know they will drop back soon.
Genuinely just chaos in the worst way. No idea how anyone got where they are because nothing was shown, no idea of what happened to anyone because there were no mentions. Hell, the only reason I even knew about Nico's accident was because of my commentator (Daniel) talking about safety. No sense of overtaking, no idea who was supposed to end up were. Not unpredictable just straight up confusion in the worst way possible.
The race direction giving penalty to Nico? But never showing one for Sascha?
Seeing cars drop without any acknowledgment why?
The race was rushed without genuinely any feel as a race. I did not realise how many laps were added, when it was supposed to end until we were mentioned to be on the last lap just shows there's something seriously wrong.
If you showed this to me before I was a fan I would probably not have looked into the sport. As someone watching a broadcast you are supposed to have a sense of the race which I rarely had at any race this season fully but this was by far the worst ever. Genuinely did not feel like I was watching a race because the coverage did not even try to give me a feel for it.
The entire track and new Gen are just annoying to watch for a fan. The overtaking would be cool maybe if it were actually for positions which it rarely is. It's mostly just this stupid switch tactic to preserve energy which is not entertaining to watch.
Nothing not even seeing one of my liked/faves drivers do well made this race in any way enjoyable.
This was a train wreck in the worst way and I genuinely hope we don't return or if we do changes are made because this was a fucking shit show.
It hurts to say but this season has truly just not been enjoyable many times to me. This by far being a fucking low point.
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