#season 11 meta
coldflasher · 3 months
was rewatching the pilot again yesterday for fic reasons and thinking again about the sherlock-style screen annotations they had when barry was doing CSI work that they literally only did in the first ep and then never revisited again, presumably because they realized it'd be far too much effort to work out the details on such a precise level
and thinking about like. that barry allen with the hyper-precise exact measurements that he did by eye (with joe shaking his head in awe so you know that he's a CSI supergenius) vs. the leonard snart who timed his heists to the exact nanosecond (which again, presuming they ditched because it's a logistical nightmare to write dialogue that nitpicky and obsessive, and would be such a fucking pain to do on a week-to-week basis). like. yet another reason they are soulmates tbh. is audhd4autistic a thing the same way t4t is a thing? if it isn't then i'm making it a thing
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ughhhdavid · 11 months
So in 3x01 we have this:
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So in the context of the show,crying is established to be a good thing. Rebecca didn't cry towards the end of her marriege to Rupert, and from what we know, that was a really low point of her life.
Then, in 3x11, we have this:
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Again using this metaphor. So if crying is an orgasm, and depression is impotence, crying is feeling your feelings intensely, and depression is being dead inside, unable to get yourself to feel anything, to spark any strong emotion, what does that mean for someone to not be able to cry?
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To mean?
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How are we supposed to take Ted not crying once in the finale as anything other than depression? Not crying when he reunites with his son, or when he thinks back on Richmond, and not crying in several emotional scenes where other characters were? It seems suspicious that while Beard, a rather unexpressive character, is crying, or while Nate is bawling his eyes out, or when Rebecca is pouring her heart out in the stands and then can't stop crying at the airport, Ted doesn't shed a tear?
What does it mean for him to have all these emotional people around him, while he can't bring himself to express anything at all?
And moreover, how are we supposed to believe that Ted, a character that uses his positivity to repress all negative feelings, who is afraid of being vulnerable and keeps people at a distance, who needs a code word to express what he really thinks, who keeps all his problems to himself, especially because he doesn't want to burden people or accept help, has completed his arc? That he's just healed now?
Sure, he's just as repressed as ever, he still didn't let people in, he made jokes about "soccer moms", and the "laugh police", and "Michael Flatley on St. Patrick's Day", and played a slideshow, instead of saying anything that was actually real. But, hey, he learned to calm himself down when he has panic attacks and he lives in the same town as his son now, so mental illness over, right?
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orchidbreezefc · 5 months
edgar woe.begone: low empathy, high masking
THESIS: my reading of edgar woe.begone is that he's a low empathy autistic who has no innate intuition for social cues and has had to teach himself everything about social interaction from scratch, which is an interpretation that i think explains a lot about him.
now, i am very critical of edgar as a person. i think he's a less than good person and a bad boyfriend. but let me be VERY clear right off the bat: these symptoms don't make anyone a bad person. these symptoms aren't even bad per se. theyre all disabling symptoms that make social interaction more difficult for the person who has them. like any symptom, they have to be managed and compensated for.
some people under the neurodivergent/mentally ill umbrella, as with any group of people, are bad people. being a bad person flavors one's approach to their mental illness, and mental illness in turn flavors the manner in which they're a bad person. the mental illness isn't what makes you bad, but it does affect how your shittiness manifests.
disclaimers done, a good place to start is the way edgar speaks, especially with jeremy's performance. edgar always sounds very reasonable, approachable, and agreeable, and there is never an ounce of genuine emotion in his voice. he talks like an autistic person with zero innate intuition for social interaction who has taught himself to speak in the way that he's learned will get the best response.
edgar's customer service voice is the only one we hear and likely the only one he uses if he can help it. we know edgar's a tactician, a persuader. why use any other voice than the one he's carefully fine-tuned to make people like him and be receptive to what he's saying? this isn't even necessarily cynical: what do you want him to do, talk in a more uncontrolled, emotional way--that he's not used to managing--that will make people like him less?? what good would that do?
edgar likes control. he's more comfortable when things are in his hands, and only his. propagation definitely factors in here--if [link: my theory] that propagation is what solidified the certainty of edgar's death is true, it's no wonder he wants to control and limit the spread of information. edgar prefers to be in charge of making the plans, ideally alone.
this is part of why mike is perpetually out of the loop, even regarding decisions that concern him--which is pretty damn paternalistic. but there's a more wholesome aspect as well: edgar genuinely thinks he's doing mike a favor.
edgar knows mike has undergone and is undergoing a lot, and that he's terrible with plans and a major blabbermouth. if edgar can take care of a problem without mike having to worry his pretty head and perfect eyebrows about what to do, without knowing it ever existed, isn't that so much better? that's edgar being a good boyfriend, actually. he's helping!
it probably doesn't even occur to edgar how much this limits mike's agency, how much it hurts mike that edgar refuses to let him in, how this puts them on unequal footing, how fucking patronizing it is to not let your boyfriend make his own decisions about his own life. oh, how the tables have tabled since him originally telling mike that keeping the story of woe.begone from him didn't protect him, it impeded his ability to make informed choices.
here's where the low empathy creates problems--edgar doesn't have that innate intuition for how mike's feeling, and he doesn't (effectively) manage or compensate for it, and he definitely doesn't communicate with mike enough to know how he's affected by this shit (avoiding too much information sharing is good, remember?)
and mike certainly isn't going to tell him! mike is a goddamn simp. he's not going to establish boundaries. he's not going to put his foot down and demand better treatment. as if he fucking deserves that in the first place, pshaw. the only time he pushes back is in season 10 when he doesn't remember their relationship, and edgar is deeply shaken.
edgar is devastated to learn he hurt mikey, because he does genuinely adore that man. he would get lasso lessons from michael and rope him the moon if he could. his low empathy and efforts to manage everything himself keep him from realizing that mikey, a hyperempathetic mess who gets sentimental about pens, seriously suffers from being shut out like this.
edgar's thought process must be equally inscrutable to mikey, who just figures it would be asking too much to be an active and equal participant in his own relationship and life. edgar's perfect and great, so if mikey deserved that, he would already be giving it to him. if mikey's unhappy with any part of their relationship, no he isn't. he's lucky he has edgar at all. he's lucky he has anyone.
recall michael's agonized admission that "everything is about rugby, dammit" 10(++++) years and edgar's literal death later. we can only guess at how bad his rugby was, but we do know michael never talked it through with edgar. he tells mike this was him 'letting it go' actually, when the fact that theyre having this conversation at all is proof that he extremely hasn't. this is what 'letting it go' looks like to michael: burying an issue forever and giving up on ever getting closure.
so yes, edgar does authentically deeply love his mikey-bear. unfortunately, if you never establish the communication to bridge the differences between your own methods of operating and that of your partner, love will only get you so far. and the first time around, where it got them was michael fighting back tears in an apartment in latvia over a wound from edgar that he suffered in silence until the day he died.
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smellypire · 7 months
Why is no one talking about the ending 😭 Wtf is that ending, what is that thing attacking Akutagawa and Atsushi? Why does Akutagawa look like that? I have so many questions..
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television-overload · 8 months
Tiva thought of the day:
We've explored what Ziva's reaction might have been to find out she's pregnant after 11x02, but let's imagine, for a second, that she never went to Israel, never talked to Deena, never had a major shift in self-esteem and happiness.
Forget the fact that she and Tony would probably still have been playing will-they-won't-they if all that hadn't happened. Imagine for a second that they still got together, maybe still in a moment of distress with Parsons out to get the whole team. I just think that this Ziva....
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....who is still part of the world, would have a wildly different reaction to getting pregnant. At least some part of her would have been so happy, she still lived in the U.S., the baby's father is close by, her best friend. She has a job, she hasn't distanced herself yet, she still had people to lean on, so I just feel like that would be such an interesting reaction to see. That Ziva had grown so much, you could tell she had almost found peace with herself, and then immediately afterward all that was blown to bits. She would have been freaking out, of course, but I think she'd have a more measured, calculating reaction to it. Like, okay, this is happening. What do I do about it. And of course she'd tell Tony.
But this Ziva....
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....she's in denial. She's keeping it all bottled up. She's not letting herself be happy. She's in disbelief, feels like the world is playing a cruel joke on her. She'll love Tali more than anything in the world, but she won't forgive herself. Not yet.
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ananke-xiii · 3 months
People: Supernatural is all about subtext!
Meanwhile the text in Supernatural:
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
the shameless fandom from the eyes of m4ndysk4nkovich:
debbie haters: waa waa… fuck debbie. she’s such a bitch. bitch. cunt. bitch. she hurt my precious baby girl fiona’s feelings when she was like 13. bitch. (continues to belittle and destroy her ENTIRE character, refuses to discuss her growth and development, acts like they don’t know why she’s like this as if it wasn’t a major plot-point in general/in season 11)
me: i didn’t really like lip in season 11. the way he treated debbie was preposterous and cruel and i was definitely on debbie’s si-
those same haters: *sends an entire essay about how i don’t understand shameless at all because of my opinion and continues to overanalyze lip/fiona’s entire characters, because for some reason every other character’s character arc matters, including kevin’s, just not debbie’s*
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theghostofashton · 3 months
rewatched 1x09 and one of the things that hit hardest for me was owen and tk's conversation, with the added context of 3x16. because we now know that owen was talking about not having left physically, the way his dad did, while tk was talking about owen leaving emotionally, choosing the family he rebuilt at the 252 over gwyn and tk. and i think what gets me about this is the 3x16 of it all, the way owen was determined not to repeat his dad's mistakes, but how he inadvertently did (for reasons mostly beyond his control). the way we can accidentally hurt our loved ones without meaning to, the way that hurt isn't intentional and isn't malicious but is painful, nonetheless. owen didn't set out to leave but tk felt like he grew up without a dad. owen did the best he could but tk still has to deal with the ramifications. it's so incredibly human and one of the things this show does really well, imo, how complicated and messy relationships often are. people not realizing, not knowing, causing pain nonetheless, but it never being out of a lack of love.
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mickey constantly wanting to be ians coworker sooooo bad his first legal job was at the kash n grab, he would go to the club just to watch ian at work, constantly did scams with him, begged that warehouse guy to let him do the same job as ian, and then he eventually started a business with him
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Supernatural Seasons 11 and 14
So, I know the later seasons don’t really measure up to the earlier ones, especially Kripke era, but I actually really like Seasons 11 and 14. However, I like them for the brotherness much more than for the plot.
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Season 11 is beautiful for how Sam and Dean are finally on the same page and just vibing with each other. Still codependent (especially Dean) but they’ve come to terms with it. All it took was Sam being willing to stop at nothing, not even at releasing a potentially world ending force, to save Dean for them to get there. I love how Dean doesn’t blame Sam for this once because my guy was secretly happy Sam did it and proved his devotion. Psychos 😊 , the both of them.
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On the other hand, I don’t really care for how the whole Amara thing was executed, but you can’t have everything, especially in later seasons. I also don’t care about what the angels are doing. Like ever. At least, after Season 8.
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Season 14 is also great in terms of Sam and Dean brothering. They are now in the “I’m just chilling with my platonic life parter and I’m good” stage. I also like that this season makes it very clear that Sam and Dean are each others’ number one. Sam is the one who gets through to Dean when Michael has him locked up inside his own head, and Sam is the only person who can talk Dean out of locking literally himself up and giving him hope. Sam is willing to back Dean up even if it means locking Jack away, someone he considers like his kid. Is this all healthy? No. Not really, but I like it anyway. Sam and Dean are determined to be codependent, so let them, I say. Unfortunately, the downsides to this season are … ugh.
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The Nick storyline is utter trash and the character outstayed his welcome and then some. I don’t need whole episodes that focus mostly on Jack, and I honestly don’t really buy Dean caring about Jack on the level of him being like his kid, so their bonding scenes are a little meh for me (not a Dean criticism); I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. And when did Cass become Mr. Feelings? He’s a bloody Angel, people! He has no business coaching Jack on how to … soul. He doesn’t even have one himself. This character is practically unrecognizable from Seasons 4-6 Cass, and not in a good way. He becomes a glorified, nurtured house pet and nanny.
Anyway, I guess my point boils down to that, for me, if Sam and Dean are good or having good bonding time, are peaking as codependent brothers, than I can forgive a season a lot of issues. This is what the skip/fast forward button is for, after all. And Seasons 11 snd 14 give me lots of good brother (and Winchester Family) content, so they still have something to offer in my opinion. It’s just too bad that they have to pad the seasons with clumsy plots or pointless characters.
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Seasons 13 snd 15 are a bit of a different matter 😞.
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khruschevshoe · 3 months
My Hot-Take/Controversial Ranking of Doctor Who Seasons (excluding specials bc my special order is really unhinged)
3 > 1 > 10 > 4 > 5 > 8 > 11 > 12 > 9 > 7b > 2 > 6 > 13 = 7a
Disclaimer: I have favorite episodes that come from every single season on this list, including 7a. For example, even though Season 6 is low on the list, the God Complex, Almost People/Rebel Flesh, and Impossible Astronaut are some of my favorite of the show. I do really love the Power of Three. These are based on season arc/average feeling per episode/rewatchability on a subjective level.
#doctor who#listen seasons 1 and three are basically perfect television for me#season 10 is one of the most fun of the show and bill is my second favorite companion and I love the twelve/missy arc#season 4 is full of banger after banger and journey's end slaps it just doesn't quite hit for me personally like seasons 1 3 and 10 do#season 5 has some episodes i don't like (victory of the daleks for example) but the fairytale vibes/beast below/amy's choice/big bang SLAP#Season 8 has some great episodes/good arc but i just really don't vibe with how cruel the Doctor is sometimes/Danny deserved better#Season 11 (other than fucking kerblam) i really enjoy! it has some weak writing in places but i love graham&ryan's arc & the smaller vibes#Season 12 is objectively better than season 11 but has weaker character arcs and some weaker episodes so eh#season 9 has one of the best finales in the show/some fun two-parters (i adore under the lake/before the flood) but the arcs feel off#7b is...fun & i like a lot of the episodes but i don't like the name/day/time of the doctor & it drags it down + clara's not fleshed out#season 2 is so good in places (cybermen 2-parter/school reunion/new earth) but has so many weak episodes & not as much character developmen#season 6...I love some episodes but I DESPISE the pregnancy arc/let's kill hitler/wedding of river song & how little agency Amy & river hav#season 13 is just...FINE. I enjoy some of the side characters (vinder bel karvanista) but the flux itself felt weirdly...boring? no emotion#(Jodie was SO GOOD in this season though btw)#and season 7a...asylum of the daleks dinosaurs on a spaceship & angels take manhattan are on my least favorite episodes list. like bottom 1#and I'm sorry but a town called mercy and power of three can't save that#amy and rory should have left with the god complex/christmas special and popped back like martha did in season 4#i said what i said#wow i really went off in the tags on this one#meta#rankings
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poetry-my-lord · 1 year
Merlin / Gilli 
There is a reason why Merlin is so repressed with his magic more than before, and maybe even more than he will be in any next episode. This episode is directly after the one he was accused of using magic and sentenced to death (3x10). Nothing new, he went to prison before. Being accused of magic is not new either (Aredian, 2x07). But always someone (Gaius, Arthur) pulled the strings to get him out because he's Merlin. In that episode (3x10), he wasn't Merlin and he almost burned. Remember how devastated Arthur was when he was arresting Merlin for magic? Remember the same for the old man? No. The cold look of Arthur's eyes and being too close to death did it. The trauma remained, and then, some village boy playing with magic entered the kingdom and challenged those whose one word would have him killed - sounds familiar, doesn't it?
The boys are a wonderful opposition to what Merlin has been thinking of magic, and it's already been said before (Gilli = Merlin EP 1-2), but I just wanted to emphasise why.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
some one day later little things I feel + @mauvecardigans​ the stuff you wrote on the other post reblog 🥺 all of it made me have an emotion. which is rude, I’m already feeling at least one emotion off the back of yesterday, I’m not ready for more. I haven’t understood the first one yet (we’re as far as “I... sad”)
1. Potter just really had the feeling of a man saying goodbye to his kids – the amount he called Klinger “son,” just over and over again, and he was his best man! The way he teared up over Margaret (I hc she’s his secret favourite, not that the others aren’t great, and he loves them, but Margaret is such an over-eager try-hard perfectionist, and he’s met her father and she imprinted on Potter like a baby duckling who’s excellent at scheduling). The earnest way that Charles speaks of wishing to be able to emulate him, which I didn’t expect to hear him say at all. The salutes!!! -- which in tandem with rewatching s4 again, in the first episode of which he’s not sure about Klinger’s dresses and Klinger generally and Hawkeye talks him over, and he doesn’t want Hawkeye’s antics, but then very quickly becomes intensely charmed and understands almost immediately why the jokes are what they are, and those early episodes of everyone trying to impress him, etc. Especially to Margaret and Charles there was a feeling of how he was a better dad to them than their fathers could ever have been 
(Radar is just upsetting because his original father died when he was a baby and then Henry of course… and then his uncle before he comes home... it’s funny because I very much did think Radar left when he should have -- maybe even a little later than he should have, considering how he didn’t get much focus + was simplified a bit in his later seasons, but not having him here saying goodbye did somehow feel like there was someone missing -- and I do think Potter also filled some kind of a space for him that he’s had many mixed versions of at this point.)
2. I called this show Potter’s coda (from the perspective of how much life he’s already led) and since then it’s felt like I’m a dog that’s caught a scent or something. feels right. and the way he rides off one last time on Sophie. 
3. thinking once again about Hawkeye and Margaret’s goodbye. thinking eternally about their goodbye. it’s just... the journey those two have been on together and the deep, deep love and crucially respect that has come out of this experience for them. I do think those two are my favourite dynamic, and I’m glad to have gotten this after the later seasons didn’t show them as much together
4. mauvecardigans: “There’s something so chilling about knowing this entire group - a group of people that have meant so much to each other and been so integral to each other’s wellbeing - will never be together again, not really. Reunions will happen, but for one reason or another, the entire group will never be together.”
circling back, I think that may be what struck me about Radar not being there. it was like “oh they’re all saying goodbye, but wait, you all need to say goodbye!” (I feel that way more strongly with Radar than with Henry or Trapper I think because of distance and because Henry did say goodbye to everyone, while Trapper left suddenly of his own volition, rather than wait for Hawkeye -- I say “own volition” I get that the internal feelings of it, the fear that it might not be real or may be revoked, even leaving a kiss to Hawkeye, those are all things to think about, but like... he left as he left, and that was ultimately his choice, much like BJ TRIED TO DO THE SAME FUCKNDKFGKJLDSD
5. I AM STILL THINKING ABOUT BJ DOING THAT! It may seem like I’m yelling in anger, but no, I am yelling in narrative parallels and symbolic resonance and character study! I said that Hawkeye says “I’m never gonna shake you” (words to that effect, I’m still too afraid to actually watch the scene again) and they immediately went “I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU!!!!”
6. mauvecardigans: “Sidney, love him to pieces, is an omen, a guide - his presence indicates an invisible pain, his exit reminds us healing, in spite of everything, is possible” yeah, yeah! love to see him arrive, need to see him go. I actually was reminded that I wrote something about Sidney back when I was watching s6 and I think a lot of it still fits, even as he didn’t have more POV episodes later on (and I think that was a good choice, leave him a little bit symbolic in his presence)
7. also I love that several people have told me that DOS left loretta his phone nr after years of her asking for it, in the front of the elizabeth barrett browning book, and I do choose to give that to charles as something he does for margaret (a sort of charles way of saying “stay in touch, despite the way I act like a feral stray cat sometimes”)
8. tragedy is still... something I’m sitting with. it takes a long time to percolate inside of me before words about tragic narratives can properly form
9. mauvecardigans “And yet they can never go home, either. A part of them will always be gathered at that spot in Korea, running litters and doing surgery until the end of the world” -- I know, I know, it’s a show, it’s fiction, and it’s there to be watched at whatever time one comes into it, but there’s something about how it’s so far behind these actors (and most of them have died) and how they’re such a big part of engaging with the show, even if so much of that is long in the past as well... as well as the feeling about the characters themselves as constantly restarting the process, as if by watching it again I’m winding them up again or something, rather than letting them rest... I feel far too involved in the narrative in some, strange way. 
never had that quite like this with anything, and you would’ve thought being raised on star trek and doctor who and tons of books written by authors who would go on to die as I harboured dreams of meeting them (sigh, I’m sure many of us have had that experience) I’d be less... idk. sensitive. to the past. but I’m really not. 
the older something is, the more it fundamentally changed something in the telling of stories, the more it feels very alive. can’t read myths without feeling like I’m talking to gods. but again, the difference is, these are all things I’ve known since I was a kid, so they were already in my bones. this is something I’m putting in there now and the process has me -- as I said right at the top of the post -- feeling at least one emotion
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eliza1911o1 · 1 year
Din and droids s3
Bringing back Din’s relationship with droids this season feels like a really interesting choice. (If it was an actual, thoughtful choice...)
Though there hasn’t much inclination towards the character in the promotions, episode 1 placed a lot of emphasis on the droid. The recap began with him, he was phrased as a hero, and he was the topic that had the most time spent solely on him. Then, at the end, instead of immediately trying to get the part for IG-11, Din visits Bo-Katan for a conversation that does not seem to pertain to the droid.
Also, unless Disney is majorly screwing with us (which is highly plausible) IG-11 is not the droid that brings Din and Grogu to Mandalore. There are multiple instances from the trailer showing the droid being an R5-series (my guess) astromech, most likely installed by Peli. 
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Either way, it feels odd that they would place so much significance on the droid and his sacrifice in episode 1, only to replace him soon after. I don’t getting to Mandalore will be the main conflict of this season, so we can assume the journey happens relatively quickly and a droid (not IG-11) will be necessary. This, hopefully, means that Din’s insistence on IG-11 is not so much about IG-11 as it is Din’s residual discomfort towards droids. 
We know throughout season 1 that Din had a lot of trauma and hatred towards droids which was somewhat reversed after IG-11's sacrifice. In season 2, we even see him being pretty comfortable around them in Peli's workshop, but trauma, especially deep-seeded childhood trauma, doesn't go away that easy.  Though Din’s adjustment to droids was not necessarily quick, it would make sense if he had new hesitancy towards them following the events of S2 and TBoBF, where droids (the dark troopers and scorpion droids) threatened his and Grogu’s safety as well as countless others. 
Trying to revive IG-11 might not be a cheap trick but an indication of Din’s mental state, especially in relation to his childhood and in the wake of accepting his role as a father. For many trauma survivors, it is a lot easier to prove a singular person is safe and rely on them rather than taking chances with others. In response to Din’s stubbornness, even Greef Karga is taken aback, making it seem all the more plausible that the familiar character is being used as more than just a plot device
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smellypire · 7 months
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Dazai has a brace/cast on his leg, from falling down the elevator (and breaking his legs). My question is, when did he put in on? Did it like magically appear? Who put it on? Chuuya? Or did he put it on himself? Like the time in which all of this happens is kinda confusing, I can't get over how all of this happened in the span of 30 minutes. Like did Dazai get shot like 5 minutes ago and in that timespan the strap magically appeared? And wasn't his foot broken too, why is it just over his leg and not his foot too? Why is it only one of his legs? Also, he got shot multiple times on the shoulder and stuff, why isn't there any gunshot wounds? So many questions..
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cutemeat · 2 years
the whole debate the gang has in Goes to Hell abt the noise level of modern ships is all abt audience feedback i rlly think so… cuz charlie takes a very isolated stance on it, which reflects what he said on the podcast.. etc
#tbh i think thats what the whole ep is abt#like. its meta abt sorta… how weve been shown these terrible ppl the past 11 seasons. now either they continue to be shit or get redeemed#this is brought full circle in the s15 finale i think#its like a game yknow? also how they talk abt it in Bi Mo#big mo#cuz in the end the gang gets ‘redeemed’ or given a chance to either redeem themselves or sink deeper in denial#which i think… den is thenone they chose to develop cuz he flips the coin like they talk abt in Chardee Macdennis#n mac was supposed to be in denial w the rest of em#but then . yknow what happened with even MORE audience feedback lol#the benefits of it u see#yea sorry this is nonsense i know lol#its still never gonna be ‘redemption’ cuz i hope they realize thatd just. suck ass or look rlly stupid LOL#but yknow. u can change w/o redemption n all that#they will still always be motivated by their own self-interest n theres obv a way to hav both#dennis could never possibly be redeemed in a traditional sense n tbh i think hes also aware of that lol#thats the whole thing of s13. he is admitting defeat w/o outright Saying it#it just shows in the fact he still retreats to the gang and to Mac#he knows it will never work for him in the real world but in the . world at the bar. he can at the very least Survive it#his ego just gets wounded out there cuz ppl see right thru him lol#at the very least the gang doesn’t question the narrative dennis gives them cuz they dont rlly care or ask questions#except for mac….. 😗😗 mhm
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