#so expect short hair Daniel eventually!
kr-yoongi · 1 year
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Stargate SG-1 S02E13ㅣSpirits
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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Shoulder to cry on— Daniel Ricciardo x Platonic reader
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @67-angelofthelordme-67 @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @vivwritesfics @lightdragonrayne @hrts4scarr @hollie911 @vellicora @venusisnothere @toasttt11 @purplephantomwolf
Anxiety is an ugly thing that seals up on you when you least expect it: the pounding of the heart, the cold clammy hands, the pain in your chest, the shortness of breath and the uncontrollable urge to cry. Anxiety came with the job every one either loved you or hated you that came with being a female F1 driver and it sucked. No one really paid attention to you except for Daniel who knew and saw the signs of your anxiety. Daniel was like an older brother to you he always knew how to help
The urge to cry only grew as Daniel sat next to you, a hand resting on your shoulder. He didn't say a word, just sat with you and that's all you needed.
Eventually it passed the tightness, the pain, the feeling that this was the end. Daniel was still there, his arm draped around you.
“It’s okay you can cry you know” Daniel says
Tears stream down your face as the anxiety eases up.
You are so grateful that Daniel is there because a panic attack is an awful thing to go through alone.
He holds you tightly and doesn't let go he's always happy and cheery but when it comes to situations like these he knows what to do as you finally begin to calm down.
He lets you rest your head on his shoulder and strokes your hair gently. You feel a wave of calm wash over you and you breathe deeply.
Daniel takes out an old handkerchief from his pocket, wipes your tears and holds you tightly.
He whispers comforting words in your ear as you cling onto him for dear life.
His voice is like a balm and soothes the anxious storm in you.
"I'm really glad I could be here for you. No one should go through a panic attack alone it really sucks" Daniel replies honestly
He knows a bit about what a panic attack is like to go through.
He gently rubs your hand
"I'm here if you need me"
"Thank you Daniel" you reply
The panic attack had been a particularly bad one. It wasn't your first and you didn't know if it would be your last.
You wrap your arms around him tightly
"I won't forget this thanks for being my shoulder to cry on"
"No worries mate I'm happy to help" he replies
He strokes your hair and continues whispering to you
"There's no need to thank me I'd do it for anyone in a heartbeat, I hate seeing people like this"
"If you don't mind, can we just sit like this for a while... I feel really safe like this" you reply softly
Being inDaniels arms makes you feel safe and warm.
You press your head onto him as you feel a wave of calm ease your racing heartbeat and he continues stroking your hair in soothing circles letting you relax.
"Of course"
Daniel replies
You stay in that position, the comforting embrace of Daniel making you feel like everything is going to be okay. You press your head into his shoulder, your eyes slowly closing as you let yourself relax into his arms.
A:n— my anxiety is going through the roof right now and I don’t know what triggered it
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
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Word count: 5.7k+
Pairing: Daniel x Female Reader
Warnings: Drinking, Language, Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Attending a wedding alone can be kind of a drag, especially when you show up late and sit next to a stranger. Right?
A/N: This idea was born from the recent photos of Daniel attending a wedding looking extra delicious in his Burgundy suit. I hope you enjoy.
You pick up your phone on the bathroom vanity to check the time again. 4:24.
Why is it taking so long for this curling iron to heat up?
You run back into the main room to grab your phone charger out of your bag and quickly pad back into the brightly light hotel bathroom to plug your phone in, hoping that it will gain enough of a charge to last you through the night. Your flight arrived 2 hours ago, and it was questionable if you were even going to get on it to begin with.
You and Briley were great friends in college, but your communication dropped off after graduation. You were still friends, but not like you used to be. So when you received the invitation to her wedding you were a bit shocked. You immediately told yourself you weren't going but, over the next few weeks you wondered what it would be like if you did go. You wondered if you would see anyone else you knew from college, and you needed a little vacation. So you decided to go.
That is until yesterday. As you tore apart your closet looking for a dress, you were coming up empty. ‘What exactly is Nashville Formal?’ you thought to yourself. The invitation left nearly everything open to interpretation. You would find out later, exactly what that meant, but in the moment you were lost. You eventually decided on an emerald green chiffon spaghetti strap dress with a scooping neckline. Classy but still sexy. It hit about mid calf, and had a slit up the front, showing a little bit of leg. Now, typically you look for any excuse to dress up and go out, but this time you were dreading it. You knew you would more than likely not know anyone else at this wedding and the thought of socializing already had you sweating. Not to mention it would be half of the Nashville music scene in attendance thanks to Marcus. So when the time came to board the plane, you almost made a run for it, back to the safety of your apartment. 
Ultimately you did board the plane, taking the short flight into BNA, giving you roughly two hours to get checked in, and get ready for the wedding. That's where you find yourself now, curling your hair as quickly as possible, and touching up your makeup. You slide on the dress, and fasten the straps on your heels, praying your feet will last the night in these things. 
You pull your phone from the charger in the bathroom, giving yourself one last spritz of perfume, and shoving your phone into your clutch as you head out the door, hearing it slam shut behind you. You call an Uber and see that you will arrive within 5 minutes of when the ceremony is supposed to start. You’ve never really been great with being on time.
As the Uber pulls up outside of the Symphony Hall, you follow the signs and the smell of florals to find people gathering waiting for the ceremony to begin. You quickly rush into the doors and scan the crowd for an open seat. You see a few open seats towards the front, but you are more of a middle, or back type of gal. Needing to make a decision quickly you spot an open chair near the middle, next to a guy in a burgundy suit. 
“Hi, is this seat taken?” you ask in a hushed tone, hearing music beginning to play. 
His eyes flick up to yours, covered by a pair of amber lenses, “No, it's all yours.” he smiles.
You quickly sit as the music gets louder, and groomsmen begin to enter. You look around the room and have yet to see a face that you recognize, as expected. As you turn back to face forward you catch the scent of the cologne the man sitting next to you is wearing, as he continues to peer down the aisle. 
Well that is…a nice smell.
You turn to look at him briefly, and then look to the other guests in the row behind you, that you saw him chatting with when you walked in. One of the girls flashes you a quick side smile before you both turn your attention back to the doors shutting, indicating that the bride is coming. 
You all stand and turn towards the doors as Briley makes her grand entrance. She is even more beautiful than you remember. Of course she is. She was the crush of every guy on campus back then, but she finally found her prince. Her 'King' if you will.
As her father walks her down the aisle past you, you hear clicking behind you and turn to see a tall guy in a red suit snapping photos on his vintage camera. He makes eye contact with you through his sunglasses, ‘did I miss the sunglasses memo?’ and flashes you a toothy grin as you all take your seats. The man next to you turns to whisper something to another guy behind you and you put the pieces together that this must be his group of friends. You try not to eavesdrop but you can't help it when you are sitting directly next to them. 
“Did you see Josh?” the man says.
“Yeah, he was in the middle, they both were.” the man behind you answers. 
“Okay, good.” the man replies. 
You turn your attention back to the front and watch as Briley and Marcus commit themselves to each other for life in a beautiful ceremony. As Marcus reads his vows to Briley you find yourself starting to feel choked up, a small sniffle leaving your nose. But to be fair, you weren’t the only one. 
The man next to you leans over and pulls something out of his pocket, holding it up slightly to you in question, as you try to dry your eyes with the side of your finger. 
He leans to you and offers you a white handkerchief, and you accept with a gracious tight lipped smile. Your fingers brush his hand and a swirl of something flutters through your chest, you think he must have felt it too by the way his eyebrows raised subconsciously. 
You take it from his hand and notice the embroidered initials adorning the corner in beautiful navy blue letters.
Fancy… Who is this guy?
You quickly dab the white linen at your waterline, collecting your tears and clutching it back in your grip, hoping you wont need it again. As the ceremony concludes you feel his eyes boring into the side of your head. 
Gosh he probably thinks I am some emotional nut case…
The officiant has everyone stand as they have their first kiss and everyone cheers in congratulations. As they make their way back down the aisle as everyone claps, the guys behind you hooting and hollering for their friend. A smile crosses your face as you make eye contact with Briley, and you can tell she is glad you came. 
They walk out the double doors and the officiant invites everyone to join cocktail hour in the great hall. 
As you gather your clutch from under the seat you turn back to the guy next to you and wait for him to finish his conversation. He stops when he sees you waiting. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but thanks for letting me borrow this, I was not expecting to cry.” you giggle.
He takes off his sunglasses and folds them up, sliding them into his pocket, and it's only then that you get a good look at his deep chocolate brown eyes that practically suck you into them. Your eyes glance up to the tendrils of curls hanging loosely around his face, the rest of his clearly long and curly locks, pulled tightly into a claw clip. You find your eyes diverting down to his lips as he responds.
“Hey, it happens to the best of us, why do you think I had it?” he says with a wink.
You can feel the crimson blush washing over your face.
Why are you blushing, you don’t even know this man…
“You are very kind.” you say handing him the monogrammed square of fabric. 
He grabs it from your hand and pushes it into his coat pocket. You nod your head and go to turn away, when his hand stops you by resting on your bicep.
“Are you here alone?” he asks.
You turn to face him as guests begin to file out of the space.
“Yeah, I am. I knew Briley in college and decided at the last minute to come. I don’t think I know anyone else here. I was actually planning my escape during the ceremony.” you laugh.
He flashes you a quick smile, as he responds. “Well, I’m Daniel and now you know me. Don’t leave just yet. Come hang out with us, we don't really know anyone here either. Plus I’m the only one in my group without a date, so we can be stag together if you want. I hear it's an open bar...” he says with a laugh.
You bite your lips inwardly, as you turn to look at his group, each one of them with a date, just like he said. You purse your lips and squint your eyes, “Okay… I’ll stay a little longer, but only because I feel bad that you are the only one without a date.” you say playfully.
He shrugs his shoulders and nods his head as it's your turn to exit the seating area. He places his hand on your lower back, the warmth from his large hand radiating up your spine as he guides you out of the row and into the aisle.
You don’t hate this…
He follows behind you and stops you as you wait for the rest of his friends to join you.
He points everyone out, to give you a quick introduction before actually meeting them.
“Red suit is Sam, his girlfriend Hannah in the green dress. Jake, in black, his girlfriend Jita in Blue. I’m Daniel, obviously, and….. Josh…. Is around here somewhere. We will find him later.” he says.
“I think I may remember that, but don’t quiz me later.” you laugh. You quickly tell him your name, just as the group approaches. 
You all make your way to Cocktail Hour and the drinks are already flowing. You all gather around a tall table and the guys decide to go grab drinks.
“What would you like?” Daniel asks you.
“Mmmm maybe a red wine? I’m not picky, whatever they have.” you reply.
“You got it.” he says with a smile.
You and the girls chat at the table as the guys get the drinks. They introduce themselves and ask you how you know the bride. You give them the quick run down on your history with Briley and they tell you theirs. Apparently you are hanging out with a band? Just as you find that out, the guys are returning with drinks. 
“They had Burgundy and Merlot, and to be honest I don’t know the difference. I picked Burgundy.” he says nervously, handing you the glass.
“Seems you have an affinity for Burgundy.” you say pointing at his suit up and down.
“Seems I do.” he says with a smirk, sipping his cocktail.
You all begin to chat with the group, introducing yourself to the rest of the guys and meeting the mysterious Josh they kept mentioning.
Turns out he and Jake are twins, Sam is their younger brother and Daniel is their best friend. They are all in a band together and apparently Daniel is a drummer?
You aren't sure if it's the wine, but your head is spinning with new information. 
“You want another?” he asks, taking your empty glass.
“I don’t know if I should. I do have to make my escape…” you tease.
He slides his hand across your lower back, “You can't leave me yet…” he whispers as he walks away to the bar, shooting you a look over his shoulder. You shake your head and smirk.
How has this man convinced you to stay at this wedding?
A few minutes later he is returning with fresh drinks, and you accept with a whispered thanks.
“Daniel, are we going to see you on the dance floor this evening?” Sam laughs.
“Depends on if I have a good partner…” he says, and all eyes shoot to you.
“Ohhhh, no… no no. I do not dance.” you says waving your hands in front of you.
“Everyone dances if they have had enough to drink.” Jake jokes, and everyone laughs as a small smirk crosses his face.
“I’d have to switch to the hard stuff for that to happen.” you say.
“Can be arranged.” Sam says.
You shake your head and let Josh steer the conversation in a different direction.
Daniel leans over to whisper in your ear, “Sit at our table.” his hand finding its place on your lower back. 
“We have assigned seats…” you whisper back. 
“I know, but when I RSVP’d I had a plus one, the seat was accounted for. Now… it's an empty seat, and I have a new date.” he says, his velvety voice traveling the length of your spine. 
“Is that so…” you reply.
“Sit with me.” he says again, eyes peering into yours. 
You nod slowly, and he bites the inside of his cheek, hoping to stifle the smile that wants to spread across his face.
Forgetting where you two were, you both look back to see the group staring at you suspiciously. 
You both laugh and are perfectly interrupted from an explanation, by the doors to the reception space opening. The space is beautifully lit in pink and green tones, large tables with flowers line the length of the grand ballroom. 
“I think we are up front.” he says, leading you to the table. You are near the dance floor, the looming thought of yourself dancing in the back of your mind sends a shiver through your body.
As you all take your seats you gush over how beautiful the venue is and the choice in colors and design of everything. It’s perfectly Briley and you expected nothing less. She always did love to be vibrant in every aspect of her life. 
A waiter comes by your table, depositing plates of food at each place setting, and taking drink orders. 
As he returns the drinks are served in plastic cups with a caricature of Briley and Marcus, and you know you have to take one of these home. You have switched to vodka tonic and you already know you’ll be at this wedding longer than you ever intended thanks to the beautiful man in the burgundy suit sitting next to you.
The group is fun, someone is always cracking a joke, or telling a funny story. You have been in stitches for over an hour. You make a mental note to look up their band when you get home and see what they sound like. 
The bride and groom enter and immediately go into their first dance, and again there isn’t a dry eye around. Daniel notices your tears and chuckles, shaking his head. Both of you laughing at your emotional state. He places his hand on your thigh, a soothing gesture, but one that heats your body from the inside out. You bite your lip and glance at him, his eyes locking with yours. He looks down to his hand, watching his fingers rub small circles into the soft skin, before he looks back to you and then back to the dance floor. You don’t want his hand to ever leave that spot, but inevitably the dance ends and everyone claps, Daniel included. 
You are having a way better time than you expected and a few drinks later you do find yourself on the dance floor. The glow sticks have been passed out and everyone has had way too much to drink. It is rowdy on the dance floor and you see Josh across the way absolutely tearing it up with strangers. Everyone around him, joining in on his fun. Just from your 10 minutes of conversation with him, you are pretty sure he has never met a stranger in his life. He is a ball of sunshine and everyone around him feels his warmth. 
You turn back to see Daniel approaching you, sliding his hand over your waist and pulling you into him as a slow song begins to play. 
“Oh are we slow dancing Daniel?” you ask playfully.
“Call me Danny, and yes, if you want to that is.” he answers. 
“I do.” you answer.
He smiles, “I think that's the bride's line.” he winks.
You smack his chest playfully and lace your fingers around his neck, letting him lead. 
“I’m glad you don’t have a date.” you say, into his shoulder nervously.
“What do you mean? I have the prettiest date here.” he smiles, sweeping the hair off of your neck.  
You slide your hands under his suit jacket and feel his torso through his black shirt, before running them down his abs and sliding them back up around his neck. 
“You’re warm, you should take the jacket off.” you say playfully.
“Already trying to get me undressed… tsk tsk tsk.” he says jokingly, shaking his head.
“Maybe I am.” you say looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Careful what you wish for.” he says, tongue darting out over his bottom lip.
“Are you a genie? Do I need to rub your magic lamp three times?” you reply.
“Not the lamp, baby...” he says, as he pulls away and heads back to the table, smirking at you over his shoulder.
You find yourself wanting to follow after him, but deciding to keep a bit of distance, mingle a little, get another drink… Make him wait.
As you approach the bar you order yourself a new drink, and make conversation with the people next to you. You are approached by a striking looking blonde man in a black suit. You can tell he is looking to get lucky tonight by his approach.
“What are ya drinkin’” he asks.
You casually look him up and down before answering, “Vodka Tonic” you say.
“Need a new one?” he asks.
“Nah, just got one.” you answer, grabbing a cocktail napkin. 
“Friends with the bride?” he asks, leaning on his elbow.
“Yep, college friends. What about you?” you ask.
“I work with Marcus. Well with his management company.” he answers smugly.
“Oh so you’re a suit.” you reply.
He reaches his hand out and places it on your arm, his ice cold hand sending a shiver through you. “You could say I know people.” 
Okay, what a prick…
A voice comes up behind you, and a hand slides around your waist. “You good, baby? You get your drink?” Danny says, marking his territory. 
“Yeah, I did. Thanks babe.” you say playing into it. His grip on your waist tightening. 
He liked that.
“You trying to steal my girl John?” he playfully asks the other guy.
“My bad dude, didn’t know she was with you.” he replies.
He knows him?
“All good, but yeah, she's with me.” he says, placing a kiss on your cheek.
They shake hands, his other hand never leaving your waist, as John walks away.
He releases you, and you spin to face him. “You know him?” you ask.
“Oh yeah, everyone knows him. He’s kind of a douche.” he says, raising his eyebrows.
“I kinda noticed, thanks for rescuing me.” you say flirty.
“You don't strike me as the kind of girl who needs rescuing. I bet you could have handled him all on your own. However, I couldn’t watch him continue to touch all over my girl.” he says, tracing his pointer finger down the length of your jaw.
“Your girl, huh?” you ask, seductively. 
“Definitely.” he replies in your ear.
You lace your fingers with his and pull him behind you back to the dance floor. They are passing out hats and you both get one, yours reading “This Wedding Sucks” and his reading “Shitty Advice for $1”. You both laugh hysterically at all the funny hats and begin to dance to the music playing. His hands are all over you, and yours all over his. After a few minutes you face him and pull him closer to you, feeling him pressing up against the thin material of your dress. His lips graze the side of your neck, and you lean into it. 
You pull back but lean into his ear, “Wanna go get some air?” you say with a devilish look.
“I thought you’d never ask.” he says, guiding you off the dance floor and through the crowd. You see Sam on the way out, and Danny stops to tell him something, before rejoining you.
You look at him with a smirk.
“Just told him we are stepping outside to get some air…” he says playfully.
You walk out of the ballroom and into the beautiful corridor from earlier. He pulls your hand to the side and you follow after him, walking down a long winding hallway that's dimly lit and practically a ghost town. 
“I found this earlier while looking for the bathroom.” he says, backing you up against a large wooden door. His hands have caged in your head, and you slide your hands around his waist, locking your fingers through the belt loops of his Burgundy suit pants.
His eyes search yours for a few seconds before you answer by pressing your lips to his, feeling all of the pent up tension from the night releasing from you. His hands come down to cup your face as he kisses you again, this time running his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for permission. You open your lips allowing him to slide in. Your tongues dance together in a way that you could never replicate on a real dance floor. You can taste the alcohol on his tongue, and you are sliding your hand up and onto the back of his neck, pulling him in closer to you. As your lips continue to explore each other your other hand wanders down his waist, gliding gently over his belt buckle and resting on the hardened bulge pressing against you. A groan falls from his lips into your mouth and you swallow it down like fine wine. 
He pulls away from you, a whimper leaving your lips at the loss of contact. He looks at you, and looks both ways down the hallway before twisting the door handle.
The door opens behind you and he pushes you in, closing it quickly behind you, twisting the lock and flicking the light switch. 
It's a very small room, just a chair, a small table and a piano. You look around the room puzzled, as Danny smiles and answers your silent question.
“It’s a practice room. This hallway is lined with them. I told you I couldn’t find the bathroom.” he laughs.
You slide his coat over his arms and he throws it onto the chair. He takes the clip out of his hair, and lets his curls hang freely on his shoulders.
Holy shit, he is hot.
He pulls his black turtleneck over his head, revealing his chiseled tan torso. Your hands instantly reach out to touch his skin, hot and flushed. His hands reach for your face, pulling you up to meet his lips as he kisses you over and over. 
Your hands reach his belt buckle and begin to unfasten the metal and leather. Your fingers shakily unbutton the buttons on his slacks and glide the zipper down. Your hand slides into the front of his pants over his boxers and you can feel the magnitude of what he was hiding under the pants. 
He slides his hands over your shoulders pushing the thin green straps over the curve of your shoulders letting them fall to your arms. His finger traces the dipping neckline of the dress, leaving a trail of goosebumps across your chest. 
“So responsive…” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to your collarbone.
You reach behind you and pull the zipper down on your dress, letting it fall around your ankles, leaving you in just your thong. You feel his rough fingers come up to meet your hardened nipple and roll it beneath his thumb and forefinger. 
You hook your fingers into his boxers and tug downward, pushing them and his pants down his legs, letting his dick spring free. You place a kiss on his collarbone, just like he did to you, but you don’t stop there, you continue down his chest, placing soft kisses as you make your descent. 
“Now what was it about my wishes?” you ask in a flirty tone.
When you reach his groin you push him backwards to sit in the club chair. Crawling up to meet him, you take his length into your hand and a groan leaves his lips. You look directly into his eyes as you lick from his base to the tip, his hands clawing into the leather chair.
“Don’t you rub the magic lamp three times to get your wish?” you say, pressing a kiss to his tip.
You take him into your mouth and begin to bob your head slowly up and down his length until you have worked him up to a good speed. You know you have hit that point when he is unable to stop the string of groans and curses falling from his mouth. He refocuses and looks at you, grabbing your head and pressing you closer to him and further down your throat. You moan around him as he grazes the back of your throat. 
“Fuck…” he says, releasing his grip on your hair, and letting you pull back and releasing him from your lips.
“Keep going, do it harder.” you say, placing your mouth back around him.
“You sure?” he asks.
You nod in response. You begin to suck him back into your mouth and he replaces his hand on your head, this time forcing himself further down your throat with a little more pressure. As he hits the back of your throat repeatedly, you suppress the gag by gripping your hand into his legs. 
“God you’re so gorgeous…fuck me…” he says, in a breathy pant.
The wet noises coming from your throat are obviously doing something for him as you feel his dick begin to twitch in your mouth. Tears are pooling in your eyes slowly leaking out of the corners. 
Swirling your tongue as you work his tip, he starts to thrust his hips into your mouth. 
“I’m close baby, do you want to…” he starts before you pull away and cut him off.
“In my mouth.” you say and he groans. 
With a few more thrusts into the back of your mouth you feel him tense up and the warm rush of his release spills down the back of your throat. You swallow him down and pull off of him with a kiss above his base, watching him as he quickly grabs his coat from behind him, pulling out his handkerchief from earlier.
“How many times are you going to cry tonight, baby?” he says, wiping the tears from your face, and the spit from your lips. “The only thing I want you to cry, is my name.”
You stand up and push him back in the chair. You make a show out of sliding your panties down your legs and crawling onto his lap. Straddling his still hard length, you press a kiss to his lips. His fingers run slowly through your folds, collecting the wetness on his fingertips.
“Oh, you’re ready aren’t you baby... I think you earned your wish.” he says, grabbing his dick and lining it up with your center.
He places his hands on your hips and you slowly sink down onto him, with a groan. You wrap your hands around his neck and lean forward to kiss him, his tongue swirling with yours. You lift your hips off of him slowly before crashing back down into him. A moan leaves his chest as you clench around him at the sound. 
“Oh you feel so good, so tight… Jesus…” he pants.
His hands are guiding your hips up and down his length, and you are enjoying the constant pressure on your g spot. His mouth connects with your nipple, his tongue swirling around the tight flesh. You start to roll your hips in a wave pattern as he groans into your chest. He pulls back from you and locks eyes with you.
“Stand up.” he demands.
You slide off of his lap and stand, he stands to meet you and pulls the chair from behind him.
“Lean over the back.” he says, and you follow his instruction.
He positions himself behind you and grabs both of your hips in his hands, guiding you to meet his length. He presses into you at a new angle and you both cry out at the feeling.
He begins to furiously pound into you, hitting that sensitive bundle of nerves in just the right way, that you can feel the tension growing in your stomach.
The sounds of your skin slapping together so loud, you are positive anyone who walks by will know exactly what is happening. 
“Say it. Say my name baby. Tell me who is making you feel good.” he says punctuating each sentence with a deep thrust.
“Daniel! Fuck, you are. You make me feel so good Danny. Keep going.” you cry out.
“That’s right.” he grunts into you. “You’re my girl. I make my girl fucking feel good.” he says, twitching inside of you.
“Danny please…” you beg.
“I’m gonna cum baby, I need you to cum with me.” he says, reaching around the front of your hips, and placing his fingers on your clit. 
You moan at the sensation, as he swirls perfectly in rhythm with his thrusts.
“I’m there Danny, I’m there, fucking cum…” you beg him.
“God damn….” he says, with one final thrust, both of you reaching your release simultaneously, his hot ropes of cum painting your insides. You’re glad the chair is supporting your weight because you would have surely collapsed with the sheer force of the orgasm washing over you. 
As he pulls out of you, his release threatens to spill down your thigh.
You feel the soft familiar feeling of the handkerchief begin to wipe away the evidence. Danny cleaning you up the best he could with the small piece of fabric.
You stand back up and turn to face him, his free arm snaking around your waist and pulling you into him for a desperate and passionate kiss. Your hands find his curls, and scratch against his scalp as the kiss grows deeper. You feel his hands gripping to your back like life or death and you still don't feel close enough.  
He pulls away quickly, scooping up your panties and handing them to you. You smile and slide them back on, before stepping back into your dress. You know the party is winding down and you have to get back before anyone gets suspicious. Danny quickly redresses himself and fixes his hair the best he can without a mirror. He slides his coat back on, shoving the soiled handkerchief into his pocket with a smirk.
He is so gorgeous...
He zips the back of your dress and places a soft kiss on the back of your neck, before spreading your hair over your shoulders.
“Beautiful.” he whispers, looking at you before unlocking the door. 
He pokes his head out to see if there is anyone coming, and he quickly rushes both of you out, turning off the light and quietly shutting the door. 
“I should stop by the bathroom….” you say.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re gonna keep that right where I left it. I am going to check on it later.” he says with a kiss on your shoulder. Your face flames bright red at the thought of a repeat later.
As you walk back into the ballroom you search for the group and find them all sitting at the table, talking and being rowdy.
“Daniel! You have returned brother!” Sam says playfully in his drunken state.
“Yeah where have you been Daniel?” Jake asks with a smug look.
“We were just getting some air....” he says with a smile.
Jake turns to his girlfriend, “Remember when we got air at your cousin's wedding?” he says with a devilish laugh.
The table erupts with laughter and you both know your cover is blown. 
“Jake!” she says smacking his arm. She turns to you and apologizes, “I’m sorry, he has clearly had too much to drink.” she laughs.
You grab your trucker hats from the table and put them on, to fit in with everyone else proudly displaying theirs. 
You both sit down and talk for a little bit longer until the Newlyweds decide to make their grand exit. The reception was fantastic and you couldn’t imagine this night without Daniel. You are so glad you chose to stay. 
As you make your way out of the reception hall, you are arm in arm with Daniel. He has invited you to come with him to the after party and you have graciously accepted. You walk through the front door of the Symphony Hall, and around the side of the building, he stops you and spins you around, dipping you down dramatically for a kiss. He pulls you back up and places his hand on your cheek.
Looking at his hat again you quickly dig a dollar bill out of your clutch and extend it to him.
“What's this?” he asks.
“Your hat. It says shitty advice for $1… but how about you give me good advice instead.” you say leaning into him.
“Hmmm… good advice?” he asks, as you continue the walk to his car.
“Mhmm…” you say, stepping into the car, as he closes the door behind you. 
He slides into the driver's seat, and starts the car. He turns to face you, and places his hand on your thigh.
He smirks and laughs to himself before he finally says, “My grandpa always told me, 'never leave home without a handkerchief'. Now I know why.”
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xxtaneria · 3 months
Boyfriend headcanons | seleccion sub-17
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summary: just them being cute asf
warnings: fluff, headcanons
(here are some headcanons of them to kill u with cuteness :) )
- raul jimenez
─ whenever he holds you in his arms, and you trace the tattoos on his arm, he constantly get the the thought to get your name tatted on him
- hector fort
─ when he plays video games, and like, a cute thing comes up, hector always thinks of you
- daniel munoz
─ one thing about him, whenever you go shopping, he always insists on carrying your stuff for you, like  he won't let you carry ANYTHING around him, even the smallest things
- jon martin
─ he kind of gets scared and isn't sure if he wanted to get a tattoo or not. so he asks you if he should but you have to go with him to prove it
- pau cubarsi
─ pau takes notes on his phone on what your favorite things are so, next time if he goes anywhere, he can look at it so he won't forget anything about you
pau prim
─ if you ever prank pau or like do something he thinks is pretty childish, he know how to get his way. he either pranks you back, or just smothers you with kisses until you say not to prank him again
- pablo lopez
─ he really hates being called 'pablito' by other people, because it makes him feel small . but, he only likes it when you call him 'pablito', like you're the only one who's allowed to call him that
- roberto martin
─ whenever you tease him or make him feel flustered, he waits when you least expect it, only to tease you back
- marc guiu
─ whenever marc goes to play for his national team, he gets extremely nervous, because he doesn't want his team to get eliminated out of any tournament their in . you always reassure him that he can get far and he's super happy about that
- juan hernandez
─ he sometimes gets made fun of for being short and you really don't like it when someone does that . so you're around him like all the time so you can make sure he won't be called 'short' . but, he's extremely grateful for you being with him
peio huestamendia
─ when you guys cuddle, peio really likes to be the little spoon . I mean, he doesn't really mind being the big spoon, but he likes your arms around him
- igor oyono
─ if igor sometimes makes you kinda mad at him, he regrets it almost every time . he will even cry just for you to forgive him, but you do eventually
fran arbol
─ sometimes you go to his matches and admire his goalkeeper skills . sometimes he struggles and asks you if he needs any improvement, you always tell him that's it's okay, and he sometimes does improve though
- izan merino
─ if you ever come to his city to play against whatever team you're going against, he always comes in your jersey, just to show a little support
- andres cuenca
─ the first time he lifted up his hair, you told him that his face is fine and he's beautiful, bangs or no bangs . because he always had an insecurity that he had a big forehead, so he often just tied his hair into a small ponytail when he sees you
- marc bernal
─ when he wakes up first, he tries to wake you up and you always tell him "5 more minutes Marc.." . so he always mentions that he made your favorite breakfast just to wake you up . sometimes he did, sometimes, he did.. not
- oscar mesa
─ oscar is most of the time a cold-blooded person and doesn't show much emotion to things . but when you come to madrid for your el clasico match, he cries . he was the definition of 'crybaby', and he treats you like he hadn't seen you in years . it was shocking, but you love it
- quim junyent
─ on the other hand, quim really likes it when you ruffle his hair, it's very soft and fluffy and it makes him feel special
- daniel yanez
─ sometimes he stresses out because apparently his shirts go 'missing' . but when daniel realized that you keep some of them, he didn't ask for them back, he lets you keep them
- paulo iago
─ whenever he sees you play against his female team of real madrid, he wants to support you by wearing your jersey, but he's afraid that he'll be a traitor to his team . so like, whenever he doesn't go out, he wears it, when nobody's looking
- marcos gonzalez
─ he's the type of person to get really scared whenever you aren't around him . so that's why, whenever you two are in the same bed, he uses hand to to search around for your body and pull you close to him
(their instas just incase: rauljimenezz, hctorfortt, danielmunoznavas_, jonmartin.4, paucubarsi, pauprim_06, ppabblo_, robertomartin_10, marcguiu9, juanht10, peiohuesta_, igoroyono_, fran_arbol, izan4_mr, andres_cuenca4, marcbernal_, oscarmesap17, quimjunyent, danielyb7, paulo.iago10, marcglezz_)
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
one of my melatonin ideas lol I hope its good lmao my asks have been so full of pregnant Daniel recently that this was clearly the next step on forward.
Dewis Hidden Pregnancy 1400wrds part 2
cw: omegaverse, mpreg, so if you're not into that sorry.
Lewis walked into the paddock in Albert Park. Past the Melbourne walk and through the wall of photographers waiting for his entrance. The alpha took a left by the FIA building and stopped up short at the crowd in front of him.
There were drivers and media handlers surrounding someone and he could smell the excitement of the group. He slowed down, trying to see what was causing the large crowd when he heard a sound he hadn't heard in person in a while. Daniel's laugh.
Daniel was back?
Lewis thought back to the last time he'd seen the omega, back in Silverstone last year. They'd gone on a date after the race. It had been a lovely time, Lewis had thought. Daniel had done the test for Red Bull the following week and then he’d gone back to Australia after and kinda stayed off the grid. 
Lewis hadn't heard from him at all, he'd hoped to invite Daniel out on another date and maybe another after that. Hoped to eventually be able to call the omega his. But Daniel hadn't returned any of his calls or texts until Lewis just stopped.
He'd asked around if anyone had heard from him but people weren't very forthcoming. Lewis had been hurt, but he'd let it go as best he could. He hadn't expected Daniel to ghost him, but there was nothing he could do about it except accept that it was a problem with Daniel and not with him.
The crowd dispersed a little and Lewis was able to see just what drew everyone together. Daniel looked good, he wore a creme sweater and his usual skinny jeans. His hair had grown out a little, looking more like his Renault days than anything. 
Daniel bent over a bassinet and Lewis watched with wide eyes as he lifted out a small baby, bouncing the bundle and making shushing noises. Daniel looked over at Lewis and froze, the alpha felt sick at the fear that enveloped his normally sweet scent. His eyes were wide.
Lewis prided himself in being quick on the uptake, but he honestly felt like his thoughts were swimming through sludge right now. A pudgy brown hand with a tiny golden bracelet patted Daniel's lips, gripping at his nose. 
Daniel had a baby. 
Daniel had a baby with darker skin.
Lewis always figured he was good at math and equations. He knew that Silverstone was roughly nine months ago give or take a week or two. 
Daniel had a baby.
“Hi.” Daniel placed the small bundle back in the bassinet, making more shushing noises when the baby started to fuss again. “Uhm, we should talk I guess?” Daniel's voice was soft, timid. Lewis had never heard it that way before.
Lewis took a deep breath. There was a benefit to being stunned silent, he had additional time to collect himself and assess the situation. They were still very much in public, he couldn't afford any amount of reaction right now. 
The alpha nodded, “ok.”
Daniel led them into a small office with curtains on the windows and locked the door behind them. Lewis stared at the covered bassinet, he couldn't see the baby inside but he could hear and smell them. Daniel started wringing his hands together, the odor of his nerves was pungent in the room.
“I'm sorry.” Daniel whispered.
“You were pregnant?” Lewis looked between the bassinet and Daniel's nervous face again. The omega nodded jerkily and Lewis felt his chest seize. “It's mine?”
Daniel uncovered the basket with shaky hands and lifted his little girl out of the soft interior. Her little beanie fell off leaving her soft curls to spring free. Her caramel colored skin was darker than Daniel's but lighter than his own– a perfect blend of both of them.
“I have a daughter?” Lewis' voice cracked and Daniel looked painfully contrite. “Why?” 
Lewis locked eyes with Daniel's wet ones.
“I was scared. You– I–we'd only been on one date and I didn't know how…serious you wanted to be. I was afraid that you'd react badly– I hadn't known what I wanted to do if I wanted to keep it so I went home to try and figure it out. Then I got offered the Alpha Tauri drive and–and I would have had to- to get rid of her and I hadn't wanted to.”
“You didn't tell me?” Lewis accused.
“You didn't sign up for this, I didn't wanna like burden you.”
“That wasn't your decision?!” Lewis raised his voice before biting back his reaction. He had a daughter. He was a father. He didn't even know Daniel was pregnant. “So you were just going to hide her from me forever?” 
Lewis looked at him betrayed when Daniel stayed silent for longer than a moment. “You were!”
“... Not forever.” Daniel whispered, clutching the baby close.
“Why..?” Lewis felt like the bottom of his stomach dropped out. The room stunk of upset alpha. 
“Please don't take her from me…” Daniel pleaded and Lewis' eyes widened as if the omega had hit him. 
He left the room quickly, shutting the door behind him firmly while walking down the corridor to get some air. He had a daughter. He had a daughter and he didn't know. All this time Daniel had been pregnant and hadn't told him. Daniel was afraid of him.
Lewis' chest hurt. He never thought Daniel could think that of him. He'd never claim to understand the mind of a pregnant or nesting omega but he and Daniel had known each other for long enough that the alpha was sure Daniel knew his character.
Or at least he thought he did.
He paced the empty space for a while, taking deep breaths and trying to get control of himself again. He looked back down the empty corridor before taking another deep breath, in for seven out for ten. 
He had a daughter. He had a daughter that he hadn't known about. Daniel had been pregnant and had been alone. Lewis was going to meet his daughter and he needed to fix things with his omega. 
Because Daniel was his omega, that had always been the plan. Underneath everything, the hurt and upset and general shock, he knew it to still be true. He wanted Daniel and he wanted his family. They would figure this out.
He walked back to the room and paused at the door, listening to the sounds inside. Their daughter was crying and Daniel was attempting to quiet her, Daniel’s voice was raspy too as if he’d been crying.
Lewis pushed open the door.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry. I messed up but I’ll figure it out with your Daddy, I’ll make it right. I’m so sorry my love.” Daniel was stooped on the floor in the further corner of the room, rocking their small bundle to his chest.  He fingered a chubby cheek, trying to smooth out the sharp shape of her frown. “My bad decisions won’t ruin your life, I promise baby girl.”
“Is that why you came? To tell me?” Lewis asked quietly. Daniel’s eyes snapped up to look at him, he stood quickly and flashed away his tears with his palm.
“You deserved to know. To like be in her life if you wanted…” His voice cracked but he powered through.
“What if I want to be in your life too?” Lewis asked softly and Daniel sniffled.
“You’d– you’d want that? After what I did?”
Lewis took a moment to answer, to think about how to explain it. “Yes.” He settled on. “I don’t trust you, and I’m very hurt and I feel betrayed…. But I want to work past that.”
Daniel’s scent soured, no doubt hating himself for what he’s done. But he nodded and stepped forward slowly, meeting Lewis in the middle of the room. He offered the now quiet baby to the alpha who looked down at her bright dark brown eyes with his own wide ones.
“Her name’s Ava. She’s two months old.”
Lewis smiled when Ava smiled up at him, reaching a chubby hand towards his face. “Hi Ava, it’s lovely to meet you.” 
To Daniel he said, “we’ll figure this out. No more secrets.”
Daniel nodded, “no more secrets.” 
“Good.” Lewis grabbed his hand.
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Friends | Surprise
Sam and Tucker were acting weird. They hadn’t had any arguments about animals, or meat, or who’s turn it was to have the Doom controller… nothing.
It was suspicious.
And yeah, okay, they were all 16 now, so they could maybe just be getting more mature. Danny, himself, had stopped being a gremlin to Vlad, which after two years had actually messed with the guy more than anything Danny had done, so that was a plus! The Fruitloop had spent the last few months constantly on guard, expecting some prank to befall him. It was fantastic!
But back to Danny’s dilemma.
His friends were acting weird, and Danny couldn’t help but think it was because of the Big Reveal.
No, not Danny telling his parents about Phantom. That had gone well enough, as by then they’d realized that Phantom was helping and sentient, not just a pile of malicious ectoplasm.
No, the Big Reveal had been from Danny parents, who after hearing Danny’s confession has given one of their own:
Danny was adopted. In itself, not a big deal. They were still his family, they all still loved one another, it didn’t really change anything.
No, the Big part of the Reveal had been the fact that his birth father was none other than Bruce Wayne. The Bruce Wayne.
Apparently, as a just-legal adult he’d had a pretty serious thing going on with a woman named Selina Kyle, but she left him at the alter when they were both 20, only for her to discover her pregnancy. By then, Bruce had taken in an orphaned Dick Grayson, and Selina had decided that she didn’t want to overwhelm him with a newborn on top of a nine-year-old. But she also didn’t think she’d make a good parent, but wanted to be sure the baby would be safe and loved and cared for, and so decided to look for a family herself.
Eventually, she’d come across the Fenton’s file on her advocate’s desk, saw that they were rejected due to their ‘line of work’, and decided to check them out.
Anyway, long story short, she liked them, they loved him, Selina used some of her ‘contacts’ to get the paperwork sorted and legalized, and Bam! New baby Daniel Thomas Fenton, ready for action!
… Yeah, Danny thinks Selina was probably into some stuff, and left Bruce because of a scam gone wrong or something.
But again, he’s waaay off topic. His friends are being weird, he’s like 87% positive it’s about his birth parents, and now they’re both obsessively checking their phones like—
“Oh, sorry about that, we must have missed one when we were disabling them. Please, come in!”
Aaaand now there’s apparently people over? From the noise, it’s like five people or so, though they all walk so quietly on the carpeting it’s hard to tell, even with Danny’s enhanced hearing. He turns to ask his friends if they remembered his parents saying something about guests, only to see two identical grins.
‘Uh oh. Those looks combined usually mean bad news for me. Maybe I should take off while I’ve got the chance?’
Unfortunately, his friends knew him too well, and they both instantly blackmailed him with embarrassing Phantom PhailsTM videos.
So stayed he did, and down he went, once his mom called for them. The entire way down the stairs, his friends are grinning and smothering laughs and just generally acting like elementary school all over again.
Taking one, bracing breath, Danny prepares to see whatever the h*ll kind of prank his ‘besties’ have set up for him, and turns the corner into the living room.
…’Is that Bruce f*cking Wayne on our couch?!’
Indeed. Indeed it is, along with Dick Grayson, who grins and ruffles his hair; Jason Todd, who offers an eye roll and a fist bump (and hoo-boy, that’s some very corrupted ecto in there, Danny’d better check that later); Tim Drake, who very distractedly shakes his hand before diving back into a conversation with Mom about their security system; and Damien Wayne, who gives him the stink-eye and only very grudgingly shakes Danny’s hand as well after Bruce nudges him into it.
So. That’s a thing, now. Meeting his super-famous estranged family members because his friends thought it’d be good both as a ‘parents-blew-themselves-up-and-Danny’s-not-a-legal-adult’ back-up plan (which, Danny can admit, is necessary, after he’d already had to put out several fires down there this month), and of course, a great prank to play. No doubt Tucker has several videos of Danny’s gaping.
After the awkward introductions comes an even more awkward dinner, though thankfully the atmosphere is due to all around lack of conversation skills and not a re-run of Night of the Living Food. (Thought Danny’s pretty sure he saw the meatballs wiggle a bit)
Eventually, everyone winds up at the front door, with yet even more awkward goodbyes and see-you-laters and a few, yes, awkward hand shakes.
By the time they door closes behind them, with a promise to join Danny and his friends at the mall tomorrow, he has decided one thing, for absolute certain:
‘I am soooo getting them back for this! Watch out for your own surprises, friends.’
In case you’re curious:
Bruce- 36
Dick/Barbara- 25
Jason/Jazz- 18
Tim/Steph/Team Phantom- 16
Duke- 14
Damien- 12
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keep-the-wolves-close · 4 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 8: The Hand That Feeds
Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M? (Still figuring out the rating system) (might eventually be M anyhow)
* Warnings: language, some brief violence between Rip and Kayce, I think this chapter is pretty tame?
* Word count: 3,498ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y’all 💛.
Author's note: I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! 💛🤓
The morning was cold. Fog stretched across the pastures and mountains in every direction as far as the eye could see. It was very early and Stella had just gotten to the ranch. She wanted to start her day out with Abigail. It was easy like Sunday morning with her girl. They would go out riding around and when the sun came up a little bit higher, she would come back and actually start her day job. ‘Whatever it is now.’ She sighed and shook her head.
She shivered from the cold as she walked out of the refuge the barn offered. She zipped her dark green jacket up as high as it would go. Hearing footsteps not far away, she fixed her glasses and gazed around trying to find who else was getting an early start.
Stella was pleasantly surprised when she saw that the person the footsteps belonged to was Kayce. He had his head tucked down against his chest, shielding himself from the cold, his hands buried in his pockets.
Stella greeted him softly while fixing her ball cap backwards. “Hi you.”
Kayce’s head shot up. He didn't expect there to be anyone out here yet. He wanted to clear his head from the disagreement between him and Monica last night. Seeing Stella made him relax. He knew there wouldn’t be many questions, there wouldn’t be judgment. If there was, she always asked for clarification before making any final decisions. If it would have been any of the men, he would have thought twice. They could be worse at gossiping. Like a bunch of old ladies at the hair salon on Main Street.
He stopped just before her. “Hey.” He took a beat. “What’re you doin’?”
“I was gonna go on a ride before I started my actual work day.” Stella smiled. “What’re you doin’? I thought you would have been back at the cabin.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, yeah. Just wanted to clear my head this morning.”
“Oh,” she dragged the syllable out. “So how did the lover’s getaway go?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him with a smirk.
“More like a break for the parents.”
Stella nodded. “Well I mean fair. You both have had a lot happen in a short amount of time. You are more than deserving of a break.”
The silence became heavy. Stella checked her saddle, and side-eyed Kayce. “Why were you comin’ up here instead of spending the mornin’ in bed with your wife?” She faced him and leaned against Abigail. The mare shifted onto the leg closest to Stella and caused her to stumble forward. She caught herself and stood up fully again and side-eyed her horse. Abigail let out a low neigh that sounded like she was chuckling. Stella glared at her for a second before looking back to Kayce. “I know you didn’t come here to see lil’ ol’ clumsy me.”
He laughed quietly and challenged her. “Who says I didn’t?”
They made eye contact. Stella immediately looked away. “Kayce, you and I both know that ain’t true.”
“Okay, fine, you got me. I was comin’ down to take Tank out. See how he does outside of the ring, but also clear my head.”
“Do you want me to wait for ya?”
“Nah you go. You’ve got actual work to get to after.”
Stella ignored the small pang of disappointment and covered it with humor. “Well, some of us do have to work around here. But if I see ya, I’ll see ya.” She stepped up into her saddle. Abigail shifted forward ready to go. “Be safe okay?”
Kayce bobbed his head. “I should be saying that to you.”
“Oh pfft, I’m not the one that could find trouble in a paper bag.”
“No, you’d just be the one tagging along with the one who found it.” Kayce meant himself.
Stella belly laughed. “Alright, cowboy. I’ll see ya later.”
Abigail and Stella free galloped along for a good while. The sun was finally up and the cold didn’t bite as badly now. She let out a long sigh and sat back in her saddle as they came to a stop. There was something about the quiet out here that gave her peace.
She thought back to how Kayce sounded when he mentioned him and Monica. Yes, they needed a break. However, there was an underlying tone of annoyance. That couldn’t be good. She hoped that he had taken her advice and talked to Monica.
There were hoofbeats coming up behind her that broke her out of her thoughts. She legged Abigail to make her turn around to face the oncoming intruder of the peace.
Stella smiled fondly. “Well would ya look at what the cat dragged in.”
Rip laughed as he trotted up beside her. “Oh you can go straight to hell, Miss Stella-belle.”
“You love me, good sir, and you know it.” Stella shoved his arm playfully.
“Is that right now?”
“Mmhmm. Yes sir it is. I dare anyone to prove me different.”
Rip questioned her. “What’re you doin’ all the way out here?”
“Clearing my head before my day starts. What are you doin’?”
Rip glanced around at the surrounding tree line. “Lookin’ for a bear that your brother and Jimmy said they saw nearby.”
“These bears are gettin’ big in their britches, ain’t they?”
“Uncomfortably so.”
“You think it’s from redirecting that river?” She asked.
Rip paused and observed her. “You knew about that?”
Stella made a face at the foreman. “How could I not?”
“You weren’t home then. You were at Grand Springs at the time.”
“You think I don’t hear things? Especially after everything that’s happened around me hearing things in the last week?” She raised her eyebrows. In realness, she and Jimmy had spoken about it. She wasn’t going to throw him to the wolf of the Yellowstone known as Rip Wheeler, though.
Stella threw in a defense for the newest ranch member. “Speaking of Jimmy, y’all have got to give him a break. He’s tryin’.”
“Not hard enough.”
“Rip…,” Stella let the syllable drag out. “He got thrown into the lion’s den. With no one to care or help. Y’all just expect him to know these things, but he’s never lived this before. Lloyd has faith in him, so I do too.”
“You got a thing for our resident dipshit?”
“What? Good lord, no. There’s just something endearing about him.” Abigail turned herself around, unprompted. “Uh okay, we’re facing this way now.” Stella frowned at the motion because normally Abigail didn’t shift much, that big of a shift anyhow. Stella fixed her glasses on her nose as she examined the mare’s body language.
The bay roan’s ears were perked forward in the direction of the stream that ran through the one side of the pasture they were in. Abigail’s nostrils flared as she smelled the wind which caused her to snort loudly when she let the breath out. She danced on her hooves and Stella could swear she heard a horse neigh in distress.
Stella legged Abigail forward to the top of the small hill. Rip slowly trotted behind. She spotted Kayce, horseless, and waving his hat. He yelled and tried to make himself look big. Her eyes darted to the trees where he was facing and she detected the bear making its way downtown hot and fast to Kayce. She heard Kayce yell and kicked Abigail into action. “Damn it all to hell!” She cussed to herself.
Rip sighed. “Found that bear.” He grabbed his shotgun out of its holster, and kicked his horse into gear.
Stella pushed Abigail to gallop as fast as she could. She kept an eye on the bear, and it was closer than she was. “Fuck!” She kicked Abigail again in a plea to open her legs up and fly. She adjusted her glasses again before she would lose her chance and her glasses.
As soon as she was within ear shot, she hollered. “Kayce! On your left!” His head snapped to her and he reached out in her direction. She rushed up on his side, braced herself in her saddle, and shot her right arm out for him. Their arms slammed against one other. With Abigail’s momentum, and Stella’s pull, Kayce swung himself up onto the mare’s hind end. Abigail quickly turned them away from the bear and they heard the gunshot from Rip.
Kayce slammed against her back as he landed fully on Abigail’s hind end. Stella let out an oomf and lurched forward. They galloped back to where Rip stood, and Stella brought Abigail to a stop. Kayce hopped off and Rip started to give him a hard time.
“You could get in trouble in a church.” He taunted Kayce and trotted up to him standing on the ground. “You stood your ground, though. For once.”
“I ain't used to seeing you off my dad's leash.” Stella’s eyebrows raised at Kayce’s comment.
“Guys, not today, please?” Stella tried to steer away the fight she could see brewing.
Rip ignored Stella and dared Kayce to say it again. “What's that?”
Kayce panted, trying to catch his breath. “I didn't stutter.”
Rip hopped off his horse and charged at Kayce. “Go ahead. Come on. Go ahead.” He challenged him. They traded blows fast and Rip was able to get the upper hand.
Stella jumped off Abigail and hurried to put herself in the middle of the men. There had always been animosity between them, and it had only come to blows a time or two. She grappled her way in between them. Kayce’s arm made her hat fly off her head. “Hey hey! Knock it the hell off! Put your dicks away!” Rip’s fist grazed by her face unintentionally, and she jerked her head back to avoid the blow.
Kayce tugged Stella back farther and threw one last solid punch to Rip’s face. “Watch your fuckin’ hands!”
Stella pushed the men apart as hard as she could. “Knock it off!” She stood there and panted. “Y’all are being absolutely ridiculous!” She pushed her eyewear up her nose. Bending down, Stella snatched her hat aggressively off the ground.
“You still can't take a punch, though.” Rip goaded as he got up on his horse. “She would’ve taken it better than you did.”
Kayce asked him. “Where the fuck you going?”
“Ah, there's work to be done. You know what work is, don't you?” Rip turned his horse, which Stella could tell the horse sensed the agitation. “Course you don't. You got your wife for that.” He placed the rifle back in its holster. “By the way, welcome home.” Galloping off left the pair standing there still trying to catch their breath.
“Good lord, Kayce. What’s the deal?”
“You know what the deal is.”
“With the hostility between y’all? Yes.” She walked over to Abigail, surprised she was still here, and grabbed her split reins. “But you knowingly responded with fightin’ words instead of saying thank you, you ass.”
“If I say thank you to anyone, it would be you. You got me away from the bear.”
Stella tapped Abigail to walk toward him so she didn’t have to shout. “Yeah, but he got the bear away from us. For the second time in our lives.”
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” He admitted sourly.
She held her hand out to him and took her one foot out of its stirrup so he had a leg up. “Well c’mon. Hop up. Let’s see if we can find your horse. I doubt Rip is gonna try.”
He climbed up and settled onto Abigail, just behind the saddle. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but he could make it work. Stella stiffened her back and tried to lean forward as far as possible. She didn’t want to be all up in Kayce’s face. Although, if he wanted to stay on using more than just his legs, he had to put his hands on her waist. She took a deep breath to clear the fog that draped itself over her.
Kayce leaned forward a bit. “Is that okay?” He didn’t want to be in the way of her range of movement.
She shook her head. “Yeah, that’s fine. If I need you to move, I’ll let ya know.” Sighing, she nudged Abigail into a trot. With every bump her stomach hit the horn of her saddle. She groaned every so often and Kayce caught onto her discomfort.
“Stella, why are you so far forward?”
“Because I don’t want to be in your face?” She questioned like it was obvious.
Kayce placed himself directly against her back, and leaned forward. There were confused noises that came from Stella. She struggled to get out her question. “Kayce what the hell are you doing?!” His arms grabbed her hands that held the reins and pulled the mare to a halt.
“That’s what I’m doin’.” He tapped the bill of her backwards ball cap and sat back up straight. She turned her head as far as she could to look at him.
“Do you want down or something?”
“No. I want you to sit in your seat.” His voice reminded her of when he was teaching her some maneuver when they were younger. It was just deeper now. “You’re the one controlling the horse, not me. Since when have you ever worried about personal space with me?” He paused for a few seconds. “Ever?”
Stella let out a heavy huff. She leaned back to sit naturally. Feeling Kayce’s chest meet her mid back made her tense up again. He gripped her waist and forced her to sit deep in her saddle.
“You’re fine Stella. Let’s get a move on.” His voice echoed behind her ear. It caused goosebumps to bloom on her arms. She blamed it on the cold.
She shook her head and cleared the cobwebs. Nudging Abigail again, she and Kayce settled into her floaty lope. That mustang was probably halfway to Wyoming at this point. Stella would have believed that, but she spotted Rip leaning against a tree with Tank next to him.
“Well I’ll be damned…,” she trailed off quietly. In shock that Rip actually caught the mustang for them at all.
Kayce slid off Stella’s horse quickly. “Wanna go again? Let's go.”
Stella and Rip started to speak at the same time.
“Oh my fucking god Kayce —,”
“— No, no, no. I think we got it out of our system. For now.” Rip stopped Stella from scolding them.
Stella condescended both of the men, pissed she’d been ignored this whole time. “Did you really? You fuckin’ twelve year olds?”
Rip left her condescension unnoticed. “My job is to protect this family, and you are the worst thing for it.” He pointed at Stella. “For her.”
He walked up to Kayce and got in his face. “You made your choice, Kayce. Now you stand by it. Don't come back now. You wanna do something for your father? For Stella? You do that.”
He passed Kayce and Stella by, and got on his horse again. “'Cause I'll be honest with you, I'm getting tired of burying your secrets.”
He pinned Stella with his gaze. “And I’m tired of pulling you outta the shit he puts you in. I don’t want you to be the thing I have to bury next.”
Stella screwed up her face at Rip’s admission. ‘What the hell is he talking about?’
Stella questioned him angrily. “What the fuck does that even mean? Bury next?” She looked to Kayce as if he had an answer, but then fixed her ire on Rip. “Are you trying to say you think I make bad decisions, or are you threatening me?” She would be damned if she’d let him do that. “You know I’ve always had his back! And yours!”
Rip fired back. “I’m not threatening you, but stop and look at all the bullshit you’ve gotten into by being near him!”
“What? A couple of scars, and a place of my own? I fail to see how that’s bad!” She volleyed back.
Rip rolled his eyes at her behind his sunglasses. He knew her blindness to Kayce was detrimental and it would be like arguing with a wall. Especially if her mind was made up. And in the case of Kayce, it always was. He readjusted in his saddle with a groan. “Okay, Stella.” He sucked his teeth. “I want you to truly think about that. You’ll see.” Rip took off without leaving any more room for argument.
Stella watched Kayce pull what appeared to be a blue folder out of the shovel handle of the shovel that Rip had stabbed in the ground and open it. She stood there looking at the ground as she tried to figure out just what the hell Rip meant. She stepped up into her saddle. When Kayce heard Stella and Abigail come up behind him, he folded it and shoved it in his pocket.
“What was that?”
He said harshly. “You don’t need to know.” Rips words echoed loudly in his mind. ‘You're the worst thing for this family. For her.’
She frowned at the unexpected attitude. ‘It was just a question. Damn.’
She sassed back. “Okay then. I’m gonna go.” She exhaled loudly. “Don’t try to fight anymore bears, I guess.”
Not waiting for him to answer, Stella made Abigail transition from trot to canter quickly. She felt bad for leaving him there, but he had his horse again. He would be fine. He obviously didn’t want her there, so she would go find something to do with the wranglers.
The second Ryan saw Stella coming down the hill on Abigail, he could feel in his bones that something was wrong. He tapped Colby on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back,” he told him as he trotted to meet Stella off to the side.
She came to a slow stop as her brother came up to her. They made eye contact, but then Stella looked off to her left in Rip’s direction. She rolled her eyes and Ryan motioned for her to follow him.
They trotted around to the side of the barn where her car was parked near the bunkhouse. “So what’s going on? What happened with Rip?” He pulled the bandaid off and asked.
The words tumbled out of Stella’s mouth. “I had gone out by myself for my normal morning ride. I came across Rip, then he and I ran into Kayce about to be eaten by a bear, probably that bear you and Jimmy saw. I went to save Kayce and Rip scared it away. The guys ended up getting into it, and then Rip said something about how it was his job to protect the family and Kayce was the worst thing for it and for me. How he was tired of burying Kayce’s secrets and pulling me outta the bullshit Kayce drags me into and I should choose better to not stand by him.”
“Woah slow down. What bullshit has Kayce gotten you into now?”
“None! I don’t even know what Rip meant!” Stella shouted. “I’ve always backed Kayce. Everyone knows that!”
“We all know you’re both a package deal. I think Rip is just in a sour mood. Whatever fight they got in, I don’t think you had anything to do with it. You just got caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Yeah well it’s really irritating to be told I shouldn’t be friends with my best friend.” She huffed harshly, annoyed that sounded like a child. “That I make bad decisions.”
“Don’t let him get to you —,” Ryan would have finished his sentence, but the siblings saw Kayce race from the cabin up to his father’s house on Tank.
Stella and Ryan shared a quick look. He waved her on. She hurried Abigail to catch up. The wind whipped through the hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.
“Kayce! What’s wrong?!”
“Monica’s hurt! I gotta go!”
“Shit!” She followed him up to the house with lightning speed. He immediately slid off Tank and ran inside to find his dad.
Stella hopped down from Abigail. Tank chuffed when Stella’s hand touched his side. “Hey, buddy. It’s just me. We’re gonna go back to the barn okay?” Her head snapped up when the two men raced out of the house.
Kayce started to say, “Stella will you —,” but she interrupted.
“— I’ll take care of him. Let me know if you need anything okay?” Kayce nodded his thanks and hopped in the truck.
John called out to her. “Stella?”
“I wanna speak with you when I get back, so stick around.” He spoke quickly as he jumped in the driver's seat. The truck took off without giving her time to answer. Stella breathed out heavily and turned to find both horses staring at her.
“What? I’m not in trouble this time.” She hopped up on Abigail and grabbed Tank's reins with her right hand. “At least I don’t think I am.”
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marrecarandgi · 7 months
Some thoughts (and prayers) after the episode:
Everyone keep suggesting that Troy should just live in the hotel - is he Your Neighbor Troy? A Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Troy? Why do they all think that Troy living a short walk and swim away is a good idea? The only thing protecting Padre is that Troy doesn’t know where it is, and he will eventually find out, if he’s in the area. Which kinda adds to the problem of the show feeling small.
It’s also seen when Tracy and Victor jump out of the boat in some random place and just walks up to Madison in the middle of nowhere as if everything is a short walk away and Madison is known for living under that tree. And Troy supposedly killed Alicia somewhere in the area too? Tracy sends a message and Luciana rolls up seconds after? How small is this world?!
However, somehow no one ever heard about ‘Alicias’. Apparently Alicia is this legendary figure, who went on every side quest imaginable, and these girls get mistaken for her a lot, but no one who actually knows Alicia ever learned that she was alive and active for a while or mistook rumors about these women for Alicia still being out there? Everything about this fanclub is silly.
I liked that Tracy was a little bitch, even with bad dialogue and questionable acting she was kinda amusing to watch. Also not this 8yo girl with bound hands out-swimming Victor. Probably gets it from her father. Speaking about getting things from Troy, he and her mother both had great hair, so, poor kid really got screwed with that cut.
Also, I’m really not sure how Madison immediately knew that Tracy’s mom isn’t Alicia. I’m sorry, but that face is beyond screwed at this point, so, how can she tell? And why is she missing an arm? Not saying that it is Alicia, but it’s so contrived.
Speaking of the mom (will the writers even bother to give her a name?), it’s wild that Troy left his wife to wonder around in that horde, when he uses the idea of this being Alicia’s fate to screw with Madison. I guess it can have similar logic to Tracy leading Madison to her - using the mom’s state to punish Madison… But, come on, burry this poor woman! And this definitely won’t happen now. Nor will she be a part of the final horde, she was just left to rot there…
Madison ‘killing’ the mom with the idea is also some melodramatic silliness, I was expecting it to be a Padre related incident. But what bothers me more is that the mom supposedly was a fan of Alicia and Madison? How does that work alongside being the wife of a man, who almost got killed by Madison? And she would’ve known Troy and his story before she ever heard about Savior Alicia and her Holy Mother, and she was still a fan of these people? The math isn’t mathing.
And I’m not sure what’s so great about Madison. I never cared about that character, so, I was cringing when Alicias were gushing about meeting her. Madison is discussing killing a child in front of them, but they’re not bothered by it at all. Also, I’m not sure why I should root for these people. Madison and Daniel not even having the guts to quickly kill Tracy and instead doing that whole tying her to a tree and trying to have a walker bite her? And they act like this is comparable to Tracy ‘using’ her mom to protect her? Strand kidnapping a kid and then his annoying husband being all righteous and completely missing the part where immediately returning Tracy would’ve prevented this mess... None of them are sympathetic and I’m only rooting for Troy.
And how did the Germans even find Tracy before Troy? She was near the hotel minutes before the tank blew up, then Strand went back to Padre and made the Germans go back there to find her… All while Troy and his men were searching the area? Why the girl didn’t immediately go back to the hotel? And how did anyone find her, if she was running in some random direction instead? Why is the plot so bad?
Love not seeing the shoot out between Troy and whatever the other group should even be called. Who wants action in their zombie shows? Also love that no named character got hurt or killed. I suppose they were just having a little break while nonames were killing each other?
Also also loved Sherry doing a little cunty walk before bothering to take her gun out in the middle of a standoff and Luciana’s little ‘call the ambulance but not for me’ moment especially contrasted with her group being slaughtered in the aftermath. I know that she said that Troy lost most his men…except that all his men are seen in the preview for the next episode. I guess they’ll respawn by that point.
This episode had criminally few Troy scenes, and it’s great that the next one seemingly has more of him. However, I’m so tired of Madison trying to hammer Troy. I could never like her character because the show always bends backwards to make her seem cool, and that includes the second time this half season when her chronically ill geriatric ass will somehow overpower a younger, stronger, taller man.
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ziltoidcoffee · 2 years
I bet the first time lawrusso has sex Daniel just wears Johnny out because Johnny never had gay sex before and Daniel is a little bottom mENACE
(A Lawrusso ask! Omg, yes! Thank you, anon. I love this concept. We love a good slutty Daniel and fucked out Johnny. Here's some quick headcanons. Warning that it’s nsfw! 😘 Let's pretend this is divorced CK Daniel and these old men have a short refractory period.)
Once Daniel and Johnny get together, they have a lot of time to make up for after hating each other for years. But they're busy running their co-dojo and parenting (eventually co-parenting) This doesn't stop Daniel though. He can't seem to get enough of Johnny.
At first, this isn't a problem. Johnny's eager to finally get his hands on his former rival too. He just didn't expect Daniel to have such a crazy libido. His mornings go from waking up hungover up an empty bed to a wet, hot mouth on his cock or his dick balls deep in Daniel’s lubed-up and prepped ass. Sometimes Johnny is already halfway to orgasm before he even opens his eyes. 
His breakfast has completely changed too. He usually grabbed a cup of coffee or a stale bowl of cereal, but after Daniel’s cleaned up and made Johnny come once or twice, he’s in the kitchen cooking them a hearty meal. If he’s in a particularly naughty mood, Daniel will be wearing nothing but an apron. Then he feeds Johnny bacon and eggs while he sits in his lap, and they’re going for round three or sometimes four.
If they haven’t showered already, Daniel drags a half-awake Johnny into the tub. On weekends, they will often take a bath to soak their sore bodies, and on those days, Daniel will gently wash Johnny’s hair, give him a massage, and then ride him in the water. Johnny loves those days. But he doesn’t mind a quick fuck, which usually entails throwing Daniel against the wall or eating his newly cleaned hole from the tile floor.
Then it’s time for classes or training depending on whether the kids are in school. While Johnny still prefers to wear jeans, Daniel often wears his gi or athletic pants for practicing karate. Of course, he doesn’t mind as that means easy access. After Daniel forces him to do some kata, they start getting the dojo ready, but Johnny is usually pulled back inside and thrown down onto the mat. Then there’s nimble fingers tearing at his pants, getting the zipper down, and pulling his cock out, and Daniel is riding him with his pants slipped down to his thighs. They’re usually in a rush, waiting for their students to show up, but sometimes Daniel tests their luck. He keeps grabbing the base of Johnny's cock, not letting him come until there’s a rumble of cars pulling into the driveway. It’s exciting but a little rough on his heart.
Daniel doesn’t usually do much while there’s students around. He at least has some boundaries, but there are days Johnny swears his co-sensei is trying to turn him on. He’ll bend over slowly to pick something up, rub his ass against him while he passes, or Daniel will grab onto Johnny to “show him how to do a move.” 
It’s all a tease to get Johnny wound up. He knows this by now. Then as soon as the kids are gone, Daniel is stripped of his clothes and railed until he’s screaming. Johnny is usually so pent up by then that he comes pretty fast. But he doesn’t mind flipping Daniel onto his knees and eating his ass while he winks at Mr. Miyagi’s photo on the wall.
But perhaps Johnny’s favorite part of the day is at night when Daniel is tired and fucked out. He can fuck him nice and slow, and right before Daniel comes, Johnny whisper, “I love you,” which sometimes leads to another round.
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visualskirt · 2 years
So, its apparently butch appreciation day so can I just talk about how trans butches constantly have people attempting to forcibly remove them from butchness instead of appreciating us?
Like, from what I’ve read and seen from transmasc butches, they’re typically assumed to be trans men - especially those who chose to use T and/or have top surgery. They’re actively having their identity erased by other people to better fit their narrow worldview, even by other trans people! Not to diminish the solidarity that can, should, and does exist between butches and trans men but they are not interchangeable categories.
And on the other side of the coin, I feel like butch trans women are often forced into a non-binary identity which I know probably sounds insane to those who are aware of the “amab enby” conundrum.
For those of you who aren’t, there’s very much this phenomenon where all people who were diagnosed with dick at birth will be lumped in with and assumed to be trans women leading to the seeming lack of “amab enbies”. As a trans woman, I’ve seen this happen in real time to my friends and it’s very much a real thing. I am not, and will never, argue that this isn’t a real problem.
However, I am almost constantly bombarded with attempts to push me into a non-binary identity. I’m constantly called non-binary by several of my friends (some of whom are non-binary themselves!) and have they/them pronouns applied to me despite never using those pronouns. In fact, they/them has always been the pronoun that I am the least attracted to using. Not to mention the shortening of my name, Danielle, to Dani which is a gender neutral form of my name I despise and I have repeatedly said as much.
Like, I am a trans woman who is openly butch. I have very short hair, dress in the same clothes I always have, use pronouns outside of the big three, and bind my chest (at least until I can hopefully eventually get top surgery). Despite those differences from what is expected by society for my gender presentation, my gender identity at its most basic un-nuanced level is still woman in the same way as it for my most femme sisters. I am a woman. Plain and simple.
I don’t know if this is something that is unique to me or not, but I hate that it’s happening at all. Like, as trans/nby people shouldn’t we of all people know not to do this type of identity erasure?
It’s just a painful experience that I think comes of a desire for more diverse nby representation, but there are so many actual nby people that y’all should be listening to instead of trying to force me into that identity because I don’t fit your stereotypical expectations of a trans woman.
(other trans butches please feel free to chime in if you see this - especially transmasc butches as I’d love to read firsthand perspectives!)
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Enemies to Friends to Lovers (2) Masterlist
part one
and we're out here in plain sight (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil's an optimistic author whose science fiction novel is well on its way to becoming a film. Dan's an actor whose cynism toward love is nothing short of infuriating. It takes a while, but they find something to agree on.
Baby, I'm a Star (ao3) - cactusgal
Summary: Phil is a lighting designer. Bored with the community concert gigs he has worked for a couple years, he applies at a touring company. He is assigned to a popular band, the dreamx, to cover a world tour. Getting paid to work on nearly every continent: how rad is that? Phil's excited until the first day of rehearsal when he learns something vital: the lead singer is a complete twat. Will Phil quit his job? Will Daniel, the lead singer, realize how much of a dick he's being? Will they eventually forget their differences and become friends? Who knows. Only time will tell.
Balancing With A Diving Heart (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: Phil runs away from the Circus in search for a more exciting and fulfilling life than the one that is reserved for him in his family's cabinet making business.
The Circus is alive and buzzing the second he arrives, with smiling, welcoming faces- save for the one that belongs to the tall boy across the way glaring daggers at him.
beloved (ao3) - peaxhmei
Summary: be·lov·ed
1. dearly loved
2. a much loved person
the one where Dan Howell hates Phil Lester, and Phil Lester hates Dan Howell
Demons and Diners (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night?
Demons in My Head (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: An unconscious demon mysteriously shows up on Dan's property, and Dan heals it, promising he'll send it back to where it came from as soon as he finds out why it's there. Finding the will to banish a charming demon is harder than he thought.
Drink Up Your Movements (Still I Can't Get Enough) (ao3) - obsessive-fics (xoPrincessKayxo)
Summary: All Dan, an extremely skilled ballet dancer, wants to do is make it through the next dance competition. So extra rehearsals with Izzy, a ballerina he’s known forever, are just another step towards the win. What he doesn’t expect, is the constant, extremely distracting presence of Izzy’s older brother, Phil
Flore Luna (ao3) - strawberrysunflower
Summary: It’s been eighteen months since Dan returned to the Wizarding world, and he’s making real strides. He’s living in his own tiny studio flat. He has a job in a failing bookshop. He’s relearning spells that kids as young as eleven have already mastered.
And he’s developed an unhealthy grudge on the irritating, black-haired florist across the alley.
Hate Me Closer (ao3) - MySecretsX
Summary: Two boys, Dan and Phil, are both from reasonably different backgrounds. Dan's an English scholar from a lower-class family, whereas Phil's parents paid his way into the school with no trouble. But, they'd probably find they weren't so different if they gave each other a chance.
Auburn Independent School for Boys has eight houses, totalling 128 students per year. It's not an easy life for Dan or Phil, but sometimes there's fortune even in the worst of events. It just takes some wits to see it, and maybe a love interest or two.
i wanna fall so in love (with you and no one else) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: after so many failed attempts at romance, phil’s ready to just quit and become a spinster. enter dan howell, a sarcastic and crude editor that may or may not be flirting with an oblivious dumbass...
it's too easy to hate you (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan doesn't like phil. in fact, he hates phil. he does not like phil at all. never. (so why does dan's heart malfunction when phil is around?)
...okay, he might like phil a little.
an enemies-to-lovers teacher au with a twist.
kamikaze (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: For most pirates, the Isle of Riches would sound very appealing. Not for Dan, who got too close to it and witnessed its secrets. Months later, he gets himself taken prisoner aboard Phil’s ship. He’s obnoxious, flirty, and generally a pain in the ass to all on board. But when he gets injured and is forced to let his guard down, Phil finds that Dan isn’t all that he makes himself out to be.
le tour de ton coeur (ao3) - Iittlesparkle
Summary: The bus was about to kick off when Phil saw a lanky man running alongside of it. His curly hair was sweaty, sticking up to his forehead, and his face red. Phil thought it was weird for someone about to do le tour de France. He could hear the guy mumbling from the open window next to him, but he was probably French as Phil couldn’t understand what he was saying.
“Putain de bus ! Arrête toi bordel !’’
or the Tour de France AU you didn't know you needed
(Letting You) Sink In (ao3) - obsessive-fics (xoPrincessKayxo)
Summary: When Dan finds himself hostage on a rival pirate ship, it seems like the perfect opportunity to move up the ranks and become captain. What he doesn't expect, however, is the bond he forms with the crew's current captain, Phil.
Lonely in Conflict, Cast as a Convict (ao3) - andthenshesaid-write (ladyknight1512)
Summary: Dan is a vampire who can’t remember how it feels not to be lonely. Phil is a vampire hunter living in his brother’s shadow.
When they meet, they find acceptance in each other that they don’t find anywhere else, but there are secrets and other forces at play trying to keep them apart.
love is in the air (ao3) - dakogutin
Summary: "Amortentia has a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen and its steam rises in characteristic spirals. It’s supposed to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us.”
Phil learns about the most powerful love potion in the world in the most embarrassing way possible.
My Heart's On Fire (how about yours?) (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: The entire team that works on “Romeo and James”, a retold version of Shakespeare’s masterpiece “Romeo and Juliet” is full of lovely, funny and kind people that Dan actually enjoys spending time with. But evil takes human form in Philip Michael Lester, the only person on planet earth that Dan would very gladly gift a one-way ticket to Mars, so that he shall never return. (Phil, and Donald Trump perhaps.)
Or: The one where usually, people don’t fall in love with the person that caused their life to fall apart, unless they’re in a cheesy rom-com. Then again, usually people aren’t Dan Howell.
Operation Cupid (ao3) - nebulous_frog
Summary: Dan and Phil are rival camp counsellors- Dan leads an aesthetic cabin and Phil’s cabin is just a mess of arts and crafts supplies and glitter. Maybe their campers can finally make them see how good they are together through a cunning plan they like to call “Operation Cupid”.
Our Flaws Are Aligned (ao3) - phantasizeit
Summary: Dan and Phil are YouTubers, but they hate each other. Phil is reminded of this when he’s forced to interact with him at the Spain Creator’s Summit. Their situation isn’t helped by their complicated past when their firecracker relationship crashed and burned. When Stop, Speak, Support contacts Phil to be a headlining speaker in their tour across schools in the UK, he is more than excited, until he finds out he’ll working next to his YouTube enemy. Phil doesn’t expect their time planning the tour together to rekindle old feelings he thought he’d long since buried.
Renewable Energy (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: Dan and Phil hated working with each other since a bad business venture, now they are forced to do so again in America. They will need to team up and work together to beat the competition, but can they stop bickering long enough to do so?
santa pally (santa baby) (ao3) - huphilpuffs
Summary: Phil grabs the first name off the top and hands the pot over. His hands are shaking when he unfolds it and– well fuck.
There, in Mr. Fowler’s familiar print, is written: Dan Howell.
scratch bark bite (oh, love me, i lied) (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Music & Drama teacher Dan Howell has a well-known rivalry with his coworker, English teacher Phil Lester.
An unforeseen event flips everything Dan thought he knew about Phil and himself on its head. Slowly but surely, the grudge withers, and the two of them cross the line between enemy and friend. But what will happen when their true intents and feelings get revealed? And was what they had ever really a rivalry? Was it even mutual?
The Meeting Place (It's a Pastel/Punk Thing) (ao3) - AnotherPhanficWriter
Summary: Pretty boy Dan is a little pastel wearing homosexual (out and proud) and can't wait to go to university in the next few months, while his punk bad ass neighbor and classmate, Phil, wants nothing more than to cause havoc, ruin plans, party and smoke. Dan and Phil go on a school trip and on the way back are in the St Pancras train station next to The Meeting Place statue, this is where the two boys are placed under a spell. The two wake up the next day to find that they've switched bodies.
The Night of Christmas Eve (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: “I know we hate each other but it’s Christmas Eve and your flight was cancelled, please come outside.”
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paigelts05 · 2 years
FNAF Renegade AU designs: RD robotics
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Published: Dec 20, 2020
So, I designed some of the charaters from the FNAF AR emails a while ago, but I missed a bunch that seemed like they weren't from the same company. Looks like it's design time. For Nora and Tristan, I knew what I wanted: angry tiny woman shin breaker and tall lanky string bean who wants the earth to swallow him whole. I had to rush Tristan's colour scheme, and yes I've been working on this since a bit before October, so made him Daniel Rocha's brother and worked his colour palette from there. As for Nora, well, as of October 7th, I decided the hair colour to be green. She's the green one of this bunch. Izzy was a bit harder to design, but I settled on a kind and soft woman. Charles was a pain in the neck, and it took me ages to figure out a hair style, but I had his motives set down to a T- that being someone whose just there to make money because he's broke af and bearly scraping by, and animatronics was where the money was at - from the get go. As for colours, I already kind of knew what Izzy was going to be from the get go, but Charles? No clue. I eventually managed to figure something out though. °•:*:•°•:*:•°•:*:•=°•.🌹.•°=•:*:•°•:*:•°•:*:•° This group makes up R&D robotics. They work closer with Fazbear Entertainment, recreating the machines from the 80's and 90's and bringing them to life in the modern world. When they took the contract, they weren't initially aware of the danger they were in. As it's a small company, no-ones role - aside from Charles's - is usually set in stone, so one day, someone could be the whole compliance team, and the next, they're on circuit board installation duty, teh next, who knows. On the plus side, they've all become firm friends. Sometimes, emails aimed at Fazbear Entertainment's research and development divison mistakenly make their way to them, but they're still expected to handle it. Tristan: He's the backbone of this place. Whilst he usually works with Nora, making the animatronics, he's the guy who goes around making sure everyone takes breaks and doesn't do anything stupid - likely because he suffers from having so much empathy that second hand embarrassment could easily be the death of him. He's self-conscious about his height, and really dislikes the fact he has an inignorable presence. Whilst making machines is his main job, he also distributes notifications within the firm and sometimes to other firms that they're working alongside if applicable if Izzy is busy. Nora: She only looks short because she's always compared to Tristan. This results in people low-balling her age by between fifteen.and twenty years, dispite standing at five foot seven and a half inches; eye to eye with many normal people. Being 32, she finds this low-balling of her age very insulting, especially since she's Tristan's senior by three years. Likely because of this, she's a seething ball of rage who acts fast no matter how loud the result would be. When she's not angry, it's hard to tell, as she's loud anyway, but those who know her can tell. Also, she works on building animatronics, rotating between casing construction, endo skeleton creation, and other tasks as needed. Charles: The owner of R&D robotics. Handles the business and finance side. He may seem cold, but he's just always exhausted from putting 120% into his job to try and make ends meet - not just for himself, but for his workers too. He sometimes ignores his gut instincts if doing so would help him make ends meet. He frequently gets reminded by Tristan to take a break and that what he does for everyone is appreciated. Charles, in return, reminds Tristan that he needs to take a break too. Izzy: She is a gentle soul. Izzy mainly deals with correspondence and customers. She's usually the first to know everything, but as she's always busy with another customer, she usually relays what she needs to tell everyone to Tristan in order for him to tell everyone. Whilst correspondence is her main job, she usually winds up helping out Nora and Tristan if the emails stop flooding in. °•:*:•°•:*:•°•:*:•=°•.🌹.•°=•:*:•°•:*:•°•:*:•°
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uselessdevice · 5 months
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Melissa Scattergood came from a heavily religious family, an environment of total control that dictated everything in her life from how she dressed to who she spoke to. TV and music were banned in their house, and the smallest ‘sins’ were punished with a beating and an expectation to pray. Melissa felt more suffocated the older she got, knowing that her parents had plans in motion for her to marry regardless of her wishes. Jesus was no comfort. 
At 18, she one day missed her bus home from the grocery store. In distress, she accepted the kind invitation from a stranger to drive her home, and he seemed charming and kind, completely unlike anyone Melissa communicated with. Not only that, but he was the polar opposite of what her parents would have accepted, with his long hair and his ear ring, rock music playing on the radio. It was the first song she’d really listened to other than hymns and she was entranced, excited by the insanely rebellious act of getting into a mans car. He even dropped her off around the corner, so her parents wouldn’t see.
Melissa ran away with Daniel after three more secret meetings, dazzled by his plans for life, his desires to create a better world and a free community, where everyone could do what they wanted and be themselves. She wasn’t the only naive young woman to fall victim to Daniel’s charms. She spent years in his commune, which he built from the ground up, but in time realised that the man she’d followed so blindly just wanted to control her- exactly like her parents. 
With a new name, Saffron, she left at 25 with a handful of other women, starting her own commune. A place that could really bring freedom for women, where nobody dictated who they married or slept with. 
As Saffron’s commune grew, there was a heavy emphasis on the importance of woman in society, on femininity and superiority to men. Women were life givers. They were the world. With a combination of religious vigor and new age ideas, Saffron cultivated a loyal following with her beliefs. Men were not allowed in the commune without express permission from Saffron herself, and these visits were strictly regulated and short. Using men for sex was not frowned upon, in fact it was encouraged, but these ‘seeders’ were to be discarded as soon as they’d served their purpose.
As time went on, Saffron’s teachings became staunchly anti technology and anti capitalism. They devolved into a belief in the divine and celestial, including alien beings who would one day heal the earth, whose technology is so superior that to use human tech was to damage the body and soul. Because of this, no TV was allowed at the commune, an echo of Saffron’s past, but she did allow a radio. This allowed her to support her claims that men were destroying the earth with their greed.
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She was their Mother now. She had taken them in and given them real freedom in a world ruled by men. There was no judgement in the commune, whether that be towards promiscuity or killing. Saros had other siblings who were claimed to be Star Children, and only Saffron could communicate and procreate with these ‘celestials’. They were as revered as their birth mother.
When the FBI eventually tore the commune apart, the children were scattered to the wind in the foster care system. Saros moved from place to place, losing the only home she’d ever known and incredibly distrusting of a world dictated by the whims of men. 
Her Mother was tried and sent to a hospital for the criminally insane.
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99liv3s · 2 years
The Baby Challenge
Note: I wrote this entire story using my phone, so any formatting issues are a result of this!
20 year old Lizzie Walker reached for her glass and sipped her tea, her green eyes still focused on her book, reading about fantasy worlds, magic, and heroes, through her small oval glasses.  Holding her novel in her left hand, she replaced her tea onto the table nearby and ran her hand through the bangs of her light brown hair, absentmindedly playing with her low pigtails as she continued to read, relaxing at her little outdoor table at the local coffee shop.  So engrossed in her book, she did not realize that someone was watching her from across the street, until he finally crossed over and came up to her table. 
The individual was a male, with short black hair and dressed in a blue shirt, jeans, and a gray jacket, and carrying what looked like a small briefcase.  He was barely taller than Lizzie, who was not very tall herself, and he also wore glasses, behind which were dark but seemingly kind eyes.   "Hi," he said to her as she looked him over.  He was kind of cute, but seemed quite average in appearance.  "My name is Daniel and I'm happy to meet you!" He introduced himself.  Lizzie smiled back politely, wondering why he had made the effort of speaking to her; very few people even bothered.  "Lizzie Walker," she responded tentatively, to which Daniel nodded.  "I know," he said.  "I've been studying you and your information for a while now!"  Lizzie glared at him suspiciously, but Daniel simply smiled wider in response.  "Don't worry, as weird as that sounds, I actually do have a reason."  As he said this, Daniel sat his briefcase down, opened it, and pulled out a folder which looked to contain medical files as well as other printouts.  He then took a seat at Lizzie's table across from her and placed the files on the table.   From what she could see, the files were all about her, but there was a paper on top which caught her interest: "Baby Challenge Experiment" was written at the top of it.  "I'm a scientist, see," Daniel began in explanation, "and you've been chosen for a very special experience, should you choose to accept!"  He motioned to the paper.  "You've played the computer game Sims, correct?"  Lizzie nodded.  "You've heard of the 100 baby challenge for that game??" Daniel asked.  Lizzie nodded at this too.  She had heard of it, but never tried it herself.  Apparently, the gist of the challenge was for the player to create a female Sim in game, and have that sim give birth to and raise 100 babies eventually.   There was more to it than that, but Lizzie only knew the basics.  "Well, some colleagues and I have proposed a kind of real life 100 Baby Challenge," Daniel continued.  Lizzie nodded again.  She had heard rumors of this, but knew very little about it, for information on it seemed scarce.  "It's a kind of experiment, and I've chosen you to be part of that experiment," Daniel said, smiling warmly to her.  Lizzie stared at him, processing this.  She had a lot of questions, but the first one she blurted out was: "Me?? Why me?? I'm like... a nobody!!"   Daniel smiled reassuringly at her.  "Well, in addition to having the right body for our needs, for you are a young healthy woman of childbearing age, we also were looking for someone open-minded and curious," Daniel answered.  Lizzie mulled this over; it was true that she was mostly curious and intrigued about this experiment, which helped to diminish her nervousness about this proposal.  As if he had read her mind, Daniel continued, "I should tell you that you're not expected to have 100 babies yourself... that's impossible."  "You'd be only a small but significant part of the project."  "Since real life obviously has more limits than Sims do, of course we had to change up some things."   "After brainstorming on this for months, we developed the experiment in its current form: You'll be one of a handful of women that have been recruited to participate!"  "I can tell you more, but it's under the condition that you accept my offer."  "It's completely voluntary, and if you refuse, you'll never hear from us again."  Lizzie thought for a moment.  It sounded dangerous and intimidating, but also interesting and a potentially unique experience.  In addition, she was more or less alone; her friends were all distant, she had a part-time job she only took to pay the bills, and she had not been in a relationship in a long time.  Today was no exception, and only recently had she been convinced that she would never have kids.   This experience Daniel proposed sounded life changing for the better, and Lizzie could not think of any reason to refuse.  The more she thought about it, the better it sounded.  "Um, ok, I accept!!" Lizzie responded.  "What do I have to do??" Daniel seemed to swell with happiness.  Smiling, he reached into his briefcase and took out another folder.  "Excellent!" he said, as he opened the folder and pulled out a pen.  "Once you're ready, you'll be taken to the facilities in the mountains where we have set up the project!"  "I'm going to live there?" Lizzie asked.  "Of course," Daniel responded.   "You'll live with some of the other girls of the experiment, and we'll provide for all your needs!"  "But, first," he tapped the papers in the new folder he had produced, "You must sign our contract!"  Lizzie hesitated a bit, feeling nervous.  The prospect of signing a contract hit home how life changing this experience was going to be.  Daniel passed the contract over to Lizzie, who read it silently: "This contract is a binding agreement that the signee is taking part in the proposed experiment known as the 100 Baby Experiment!  The girl that signs this contract gives consent for the use of her body for the experiment.  She will be expected to live in the experiment's facility along with other girls that have also signed and her general needs will be attended to.  Upon agreeing to take part, the signee is expected to successfully give birth to 5 healthy babies before being allowed to leave the facility.  The signee must maintain secrecy about this project at all times during and after the experiment.  The signee must also agree that she gives up each of her babies to the experiment caretakers (though, the ability to track and monitor the children's lives, and even visits to them later can be arranged).  Failure to comply with the agreed terms of this contract will result in major penalties to the signee." Lizzie took the pen from Daniel and signed her full name on the line at the bottom.  With a nod, Daniel packed the pen and all of the papers back into his briefcase.  Lizzie stood up as Daniel closed and locked it.  "Alright," Daniel said happily, as an SUV drove up to where they stood.  "We'll be ready to take you to the facility soon."   "You have time to return home and take care of any personal business you need to take care of!"  "A vehicle will be by in a few hours to transport you to the facility!"  "Next time we meet, it will be during the experiment!"  "Congratulations, and welcome to the 100 Baby Challenge Project!"  With that, Daniel climbed into the SUV and it drove off, leaving Lizzie standing beside her table, somewhat shocked in what she had just agreed to.
Lizzie had returned home and immediately called to quit her job.   Afterward, she had begun to pack a few clothes and other provisions, managing to fit everything into just one piece of luggage.  She looked around the house one last time, ensuring that she had taken care of everything, and also somewhat wondering when she would see it again.  A little over two hours later, a large van with no windows in the back, drove up to her house and stopped.  As Lizzie headed outside with her bag in tow, a young man exited the vehicle and smiled at her.  "Lizzie Walker, I'm here to take you to the facility for the Baby Challenge." He said, in a kind voice.  "Here, let me help you with that."  He reached around her for her luggage, and Lizzie let him take it.  "And don't worry about your house," the driver said to her, as he loaded Lizzie's bag into the van, "We have people that will take care of it while you are at the facility."  The driver then opened a back door and motioned for Lizzie to enter.  Lizzie climbed in, thinking to herself that she had just climbed into her new life, and that there was no going back now, and the driver shut the door behind her. As Lizzie had observed from the outside,  there were no windows.  A small light shined overhead as she climbed into a large seat and buckled a seat belt. She seemed to be alone, though there were other unoccupied seats, one to her right, and two behind her.  She looked ahead and saw that a barrier separated her section of the van from the driver's seat, and attached to this barrier was a tv screen.  Lizzie felt the van start to move and a few seconds after this, the screen came on, showing her a video.   "Welcome to the 100 Baby Challenge Experiment," a woman's voice said, narrating the video.  "You have joined an incredible passion project of our four founders, something unique that has never been attempted before!"  As Lizzie watched, some individuals began being shown on the screen.  "This project's idea was conceived by four prosperous and resourceful friends," the voice continued, and Lizzie immediately recognized the first person to appear.  "Daniel Jones, the inventor of the experimental and somewhat controversial Fast Pregnancy serum," a young woman in a black shirt and jeans with short auburn hair appeared on the screen.  "His wife, Rena Jones," "Harry Davis, inheritor of the renowned SouthStar software company," a tall young man with brown hair appeared after Rena, followed by a fourth male with blonde hair and blue eyes, "And Quinn Hayes, owner of a vast construction company."  "The four of them wished to use their resources and riches on  something new that had never been attempted before, and were inspired by the baby challenge of the same name from the Sims game."  "They decided to proceed with a real life version of said challenge, as it would be something unique, and would also be an excellent way to test the latest version of Daniel's serum, and additionally provide children for adoption to families that could not have children of their own."   "Realizing very early that there was only one female among them, and that it would be impossible for her to give birth to a hundred babies alone, the four of them began to revise the proposed project, until they came up with its current form; for genetic versatility, safety of the individuals in the project, and efficiency, it was decided that the founders would seek out nineteen other young women to join Rena in becoming the bearers of the babies, concluding that each of them could give birth to five babies healthily, totaling a hundred babies."  "And so, the search through internet and medical records for these young women began, as Quinn's construction company began construction of a semi-secret facility inside one of the nearby mountains, in which this experiment would occur."  The scenes on the video changed to view the mountains and several shots of underground rooms in various stages of construction.  "After many months, construction of the facilities is finally complete and recruitment of all of the child-bearers, scientists, and caretakers is underway."  "Congratulations, you have been chosen to be one of those child-bearers, contributing to the success of the project."  Lizzie watched, interested, as the video scenes changed again, showing her flashes and moving views of various rooms.  "It was decided that for further efficiency and comfort that the twenty child-bearers be split into four groups of 5, with each group living in a separate section of the facility, and the girls of each group being assigned a specific seeder, one of the 3 male founders or a fourth recruited male, who will provide the sperm for impregnation."   "You are assigned to Section C, and will live with four other girls also assigned to that section, until the conclusion of the project. "  "All your needs will be taken care of and the five of you will have freedom of movement in your section of the facility, where various provisions will be provided: A gym, a library, a general entertainment room, dining area, and personal bedrooms for each of you." "Daniel's serum is the key," the narration continued, as the screen changed to show a vial of liquid.  "Though controversial due to its potential risks, the Fast Pregnancy serum is used sporadically in various medical facilities and private hospitals to help accelerate pregnancy for medical reasons."  "A new, more controlled and stable variant of the serum will be used to help accelerate all pregnancies in the project to ensure the progress of the challenge."  "Once everyone has arrived at the facility, and the project begins, one random girl from each section will be called each week to report to the lab to be impregnated with their first child, until all child-bearers give birth to their babies, in which case the process is re-randomized and repeated again until each girl has given birth to five babies."  "Each baby born will be taken to our caretakers in a different part of the facility, where they will be cared for as they await adoption at the end of the experiment."  "Each pregnancy is expected to last 3 months, with weekly checkups being provided to all bearers in the experiment to ensure the health of each mother and child."  "Births will take place in the company of the other girls living in your section."  "Therefore, please acquaint yourself with your fellow child-bearers in your section, for you will live with them and you can provide support to each other during your pregnancies and births."  Lizzie felt the van begin to slow down as the images on the screen disappeared.  "You are now arriving at the facility, and will be escorted to your section by your driver," the narrator concluded.  "Your belongings will be taken to your personal room by our staff."  "Again, congratulations, and welcome to the 100 Baby Challenge."
Lizzie exited the vehicle and found herself in what looked like a parking structure.  Similar vans and other vehicles were parked here and though there were lights along the walls, Lizzie could see a bit of sunlight from a slit that seemed to run around the entire structure.   The sounds echoed as the driver shut the door of the van and the two of them walked to a door in a corner of the structure.  After watching that video, Lizzie had to admit to herself that she was more that a little nervous now, but her curiosity seemed to  overwhelm her nervousness, and so she steadied herself as they entered through the door.  This led them into a quieter, low lit, carpeted lobby-like room with a small fountain playing in the center, and various art decorations on the walls.  The driver motioned for Lizzie to follow him over to an elevator on the left wall.  As the two of them approached it, Lizzie saw that at the far end of the same wall was another elevator, and behind her, two more elevators were lined in the same positions on the opposite wall.   Lizzie read a letter C at the top of this elevator, as the driver typed in a code on a nearby panel, and the doors opened.  "Go on in," he told her, motioning to the elevator car inside.  "It will take you to your section of the facility, where everything should be all set for you!"   Slightly reluctantly, Lizzie stepped into the elevator.  The door shut behind her and she immediately began moving down. After a few seconds, the door opened again, inviting Lizzie into a wide open area.   The first thing she laid eyes on was a smiling girl that looked as if she had stopped mid-walk while passing the elevator, and was now standing directly in front of it.  This girl was taller than Lizzie, with tanned skin that looked as if she had spent a lot of time outdoors, long wavy black hair, brown eyes, and freckles, and she was dressed in a white shirt and cute denim overalls.  "Hi," she said brightly, as Lizzie stepped slowly out of the elevator.  "I'm Kaylyn!!"  "You're here for the project, like me!!"  Lizzie nodded, smiling shyly, seemingly infected with Kaylyn's excited energy.  "Lizzie Walker," Lizzie said, and was surprised when Kaylyn hugged her immediately, giggling.  "Sorry, I'm just so excited," Kaylyn said upon releasing Lizzie, who continued to smile.  "It's ok," Lizzie responded, as she began to look around, fully taking in the area she had stepped in for the first time with wonder.  "Wow!"  To the left and right of her were metal walkways that seemed to follow along the walls; Lizzie could see doors on these walls in both directions.  Directly in front of her, a ramp led down into a large open area that, at Lizzie's first glance, looked to be outdoors, and she had to remind herself that she was underground.  Though she could not see everything, it was clear that an artificial sun shined overhead, and there was grass and even a few various flowers surrounding a glass structure in the center of the room.  "I KNOW, right?" Kaylyn exclaimed, watching Lizzie take in her surroundings.  "Come on, let me show you around!"  Kaylyn led them down the ramp into the wide open space, where Lizzie took in more of the outdoor like area, noticing that she could hear outdoor sounds of birds and insects, thought she realized that they were no doubt artificial sounds.  Entering this open foyer, she immediately saw more of the glass structure in its center, as well as make out what she saw through the glass.  It looked like an exam room, for inside it, there looked to be an exam bed, a yoga ball, and a table.  "It's the birthing suite," Kaylyn said, catching Lizzie looking at the structure.  "This is where we'll have our babies when it's time!"  Lizzie looked closely and saw that, though the room inside was dark, because it was not yet in  use, she could see that an overhead light connected to a long arm and stirrups were attached to the bed.   "Isn't it exciting??" Kaylyn said brightly.  "I... I don't know..." Lizzie muttered, nervousness rising to the surface again.  "But, didn't you volunteer for this?" Kaylyn asked, not unkindly.  Lizzie looked back at the central structure, thinking.  "I was curious," she answered, looking back into Kaylyn's eyes.  "I've never had kids and figured I never would unless I did this, and it sounded very interesting..." Lizzie trailed off, thinking that she sounded quite out of her mind.   However, Kaylyn smiled kindly at her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.  "Hey, you'll do great," she said consolingly, rubbing Lizzie's arm.  "It's fine to be nervous, but it's all gonna be ok!"   "You're part of our little group now, and we're here for each other, right?"  Lizzie nodded.  Partly to take her mind off her nervousness, she asked, "So, why are you here, Kaylyn?? You don't seem nervous..."   This question seemed to bring back Kaylyn's excitement and she smiled wider.  "I've been here for a while," Kaylyn answered, and the two of them began walking again as they talked, making their way to the right of the birthing suite.  Lizzie could see a small pool a few feet behind it, and a wall at the end of the room, where two glass doors were positioned, one close to each end, but at this distance, Lizzie could not see through them.  "They approached me almost a month ago for this experiment, and I happily volunteered." Kaylyn continued, as they strolled through the foyer toward the wall and doors.  "I can't wait to get pregnant!!"  "Why?" Lizzie asked her, half amused, half alarmed.   Kaylyn laughed.  "I've been fascinated by pregnancy and birth since I was a kid," she answered.  "I grew up on a farm and watched a lot of the farm animals give birth!"  "Ever since I saw the first one, I've always been interested, wondering what being pregnant and giving birth would feel like, but I don't actually want a kid!"  "I don't really want to become a mom, and I was thinking about volunteering to become a surrogate when I was approached for this project."  "It seemed perfect!"  Lizzie considered this for a moment, then nodded, concluding that Kaylyn's reasons for being here were not so strange, and were just as reasonable as Lizzie's own curiosity leading her into this.   They stopped in front of the glass door at the far right of the wall, where Lizzie could see a sign over the door reading "Library".  "Here's the library," Kaylyn said, opening the door.  They stepped in, and Lizzie could see that they were in a moderately small but cozy room, though, she guessed, the room probably seemed smaller because of the bookcases that were positioned around the room.  Toward the back, there were a couple of  computers with desk chairs behind them, a few armchairs had been placed in the room, and Lizzie noticed that as soon as the door had shut behind them, most of the sounds from the foyer were muffled.   Lizzie smiled in spite of herself, thinking that this was likely the room she would be most comfortable in.  "The computers are all connected to the internet, so you can research anything!" Kaylyn explained.  "And as you noticed, this is the quietest room in the facility, so if you want to settle down with some quiet reading, this is the place to go!"   "Yeah, I love this room," Lizzie responded, her nervousness ebbing away again.  Kaylyn giggled, then motioned for Lizzie to follow her out.  The two of them turned to the left, toward a wide open doorway and walked through it, into a living room of sorts.  It was brightly lit via lamps and some overhead lights that, Lizzie saw, were controlled by a panel on the wall.  Two sofas and a rocking chair sat facing a large flat-screen television, and a few feet behind them, on the other side of the room, were a Foosball table and a ping-pong table.  On the wall opposite the doorway, a stereo was positioned.  "The general living area," Kaylyn said, gesturing around the room.  "Anytime we just want to relax, hangout, or have some fun together, we can come here."  "The TV has a lot of pre-programmed movies and shows, and the stereo the same with music."  As the two of them turned and walked back out into the foyer, Lizzie asked, "How do you know all of this?"  Kaylyn giggled and, as the two of them headed to the other glass door on the opposite side of the wall where the library entrance was, she responded, "When I said they recruited me about a month ago, it also means I was the first one to arrive here to this section!"  "It gave me a lot of time to explore everything!"  Lizzie nodded in understanding, as Kaylyn opened the glass door, which was marked "Gym" and the two girls entered. Lizzie looked around and saw that, although the room looked about as small as the library, there was an impressive amount of gym equipment in here: Two treadmills were positioned to the right of the door, facing that same wall the door was in.  On the wall in front of these treadmills were two more tv screens.  In the far right corner was a punching bag.   There were mirrors lining the back wall, and on the left side of the room were several weight machines, of which Lizzie, with her limited experience of being in a gym, could not fully identify.  There were also padded benches along the left side of the wall, beside the door.   Taking in the full appearance of the gym, Lizzie noticed that they were not alone.  A girl, who looked slightly younger than Lizzie, stood with one leg perched on one of the padded benches, tying her shoe.  She had light skin and dirty blonde hair in a long braid down part of her back, with bright blue eyes.  She wore a striped blue and white t-shirt and a short skirt, though Lizzie saw lying next to her on the bench was an athletic outfit that she had likely changed out of before they had arrived.  The girl looked up and made eye contact with first Kaylyn, then Lizzie, and smiled warmly.  "Summer, meet Lizzie Walker, the newest member of our little family," Kaylyn introduced.  "She just got here a few minutes ago and I've been showing here around."  Summer shook Lizzie's hand happily, looking her over.  "Glad to meet you, Lizzie," she said brightly.  "We're gonna have so much fun together!"  Lizzie noticed that Summer was covered in sweat as she beamed at the two of them.  "I can't wait to hear your story, but I need a shower first," Summer said, causing Kaylyn to chuckle softly.  "Let's get together later and talk!!"  "Kaylyn, I have a lot to tell you too!!"  "I heard rumors of..." "Shower first," Kaylyn said, still laughing softly.  "I think our new friend Lizzie would appreciate that!"  Summer grinned and nodded.  "Yeah, ok! See you girls later!" She responded, and with that, grabbed her gym clothes and walked out the door. "What's so funny?" Lizzie asked, as the two of them exited the gym and turned right, where there was another wide doorway directly opposite from the one leading to the living room and the two of them headed toward it.   Kaylyn giggled again and said, "It's no surprise that we found Summer in the gym!"  "She likes to stay active, and you'll soon realize that she spends most of her time in there!"  Lizzie nodded.  "She seemed really nice!" She said, and saw Kaylyn nod in agreement.  "She is very nice, cheerful, outgoing... in all the time she's been here, I don't think I've ever seen her upset by anything," Kaylyn said.  "She's really young," Lizzie thought, but as the two if them entered through the doorway, Lizzie was distracted by what she saw.  They had walked into a large dining area that looked to be about the same size as the living room.  A table was positioned in the center of the room, with five chairs around it.  Along the walls of the room were counters and kitchen appliances: a microwave, stove, refrigerator, blender, sink, and against the wall to the right, was what looked like a vending machine of some sort.  Sitting in one of the chairs, reading a book with her leg propped up on one end of the table was another young woman.  She had red hair and wore a casual shirt and jeans, similar to what Lizzie herself was wearing.  Upon hearing Lizzie and Kaylyn enter, the girl turned to look at them.  "Hi Kay..." she started, before her eyes fell on Lizzie. "Oh? Someone new?"  She gave a little wave toward Lizzie.  "Tina Crane," she said, introducing herself.  "Tina, this is Lizzie Walker," Kaylyn said.  "Yes, she's our newest roomie!"  Tina narrowed her eyes at Lizzie, who noticed they were bright blue.  "So, that makes four... we're waiting for one more."  "Yes, yes we are!" Kaylyn responded, seeming to regain some of her excitement again.  "It's gonna be great..."  "This is serious," Tina said sternly.  "Don't freak out our new friend with your crazy excitement."  With that, Tina turned back to her book, as Kaylyn stuck out her tongue at her.  "Come on," Kaylyn said, grabbing Lizzie's hand and leading her back out into the foyer. "Don't mind Tina," Kaylyn said, as the two of them made their way back to the wall where the elevator and the other doors were.  "She really is nice, but she's a more serious and less playful person than Summer and me."   "She's right, though... you're the fourth one to join us, so that means one more person will be here soon, then everything will begin!"  Kaylyn skipped excitedly as the two of them reached the ramp leading up to the elevator.  "Ok, I have two more things to show you and then we'll check out your room," she said.  She pointed right, toward a pair of white double doors at the end of the metal walkway on that side, somewhat to the left of the doorway leading into the dining area, though on a much closer wall.  A large sign said "Staff" above it.  "We can't go in there," Kaylyn said, "Or in there."  She then pointed to a similar set of doors to their left, positioned to the right of the doorway leading into the living room, though again on a closer wall.  Lizzie saw that, unlike the staff doors, these doors were windowed, and she could see a vast metallic hallway stretch beyond it, leading to who knew where.  A sign that read "Labs" was above it.  "Pretty sure those are the labs we go to get impregnated in," Kaylyn said, and turned to look at the staff room doors.  "And those are where the staff of this place comes from, you know, the janitors, cooks, repairmen..."  Kaylyn seemed to notice something suddenly.  "OOH, I forgot about this!" She exclaimed and led Lizzie over to the staff doors, where she noticed beside them, on the wall, a little intercom panel with a speaker and two buttons, one blue and one red.  "All of us can use that," Kaylyn told her.  "If we need anything, one of us can hit that blue button and call a staff member to come clean something, bring us a food item, fix something broken, you name it."  "Don't worry, they do also come around from time to time to check on us, so we don't have to rely on that."  Lizzie stored this information into her mind for later, where it joined all the other bits of information she had learned in such a short time.  She felt she was becoming overwhelmed, and something of this must have shown on her face, because Kaylyn gave her a concerned look, and said, "Ok, your room now, finally!"  "I think you could use some rest after such an eventful day."  Lizzie nodded, and the two of them walked back through the metal walkways.  Lizzie saw that the doors on the same wall as the elevator were all single, blank doors, three to the right of the elevator, and two to the left.  Written on the front of each door, toward the top, was a name, and before they had reached where the elevator was, they had passed Tina's room, then Summer's, and finally Kaylyn's.  "Ah, here we are," Kaylyn said, pointing to the first door to the left of the elevator, where Lizzie could see her own name written on it.  Looking at the only other door on her side of the metal walkways, she saw that it had no name on it, at least not yet.  "All the rooms are more or less the same," Kaylyn stated.  "They're small, but pretty comfortable!"   "Outside of sleeping, you probably won't spend much time in here anyway!"  "Your stuff should already have been brought here, so I'll leave you to it!"  "Come find me later if you want to talk more!"   Kaylyn grabbed Lizzie's shoulder lightly and smiled at her, before turning around and heading towards the dining area.  Lizzie watched her go for a few seconds, then opened the door to her bedroom and stepped inside. This was easily the smallest room she had seen so far.  A plain, single bed was positioned in the center of this room, and against the wall, almost right in front of the door was a wooden wardrobe.  Other than a table with a lamp on it in the far corner and a door on the wall to her left which, she discovered, led to a similarly sized bathroom, consisting of a toilet, sink, and shower, the room was quite plain.  Noting that her bag of luggage was sitting in the floor neatly on the right side of her bed, Lizzie collapsed backwards onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, her mind racing.  It would take her a while to get used to this experience, living in this facility.  Though, her mind had already been put at ease by the girls she had met, that she would be sharing at least the next few months of her life with.  She was especially grateful to Kaylyn, who had already made her feel welcome.  As crazy as this project was doubtless going to be, at the very least, Lizzie had made new friends that would be experiencing it with her, and that made her very happy.  She smiled and closed her eyes.
As the days passed, Lizzie began to get used to her new life at the facility.  It did not take her long to grow accustomed to living in her new surroundings, and she found that she had already established a general routine.  As she suspected, she loved the library the most; browsing books and researching various topics on the internet.   Occasionally, she would also join the others in the living area for a movie, a game or two of ping-pong, or just to hang out and talk.  She rarely frequented the gym or the pool, as she was not very athletic, but she found she enjoyed the company of one of her new friends whenever they decided to take a swim, during which she would settle on the grass beside the pool with a book or just to listen to the outdoor sounds, even if they and the sun overhead were artificial.  For mealtimes, it seemed that the girls had all agreed to each take turns cooking for the day; Ingredients and produce could be obtained from the vending machine thing in the dining area. Four days in, Lizzie had given her turn a try and found that she had enjoyed it, and had not done a bad job either. Lizzie had also learned much more about the other girls that she was already thinking of as her new family.  Living closely with three new friends had broken her shyness, and she happily joined in whenever the four girls began discussing each other and telling her their stories.  Lizzie learned that Summer was 18 years old, reaching 19 in only a few months, and that after she had been approached to join the experiment, she did not decide right away, and had told her close friends about the offer afterward.  Not fully realizing what she was getting into, she had made a bet with them, the losing condition being that she had to join the project.  It was still all a game to her, it seemed, but Summer had also confessed that she was happy to do it if it meant a family would finally be able to have a child. Tina, Lizzie had learned, was the same age as she was, and turned out to be quite nice, but was the most stern of the group.  The redhead had grown up in poverty, and only until she had reached her teens was she finally able to turn that around and at least make a comfortable life for herself, which explained her seriousness and lack of playfulness.  Her reason for joining the project, she told Lizzie, was because the founders offered to pay her family a life-changing amount of money if she did.  She loved her family very much, and considered a few months giving birth to a few babies a small price to pay to get them out of poverty.  This information gave Lizzie a newfound respect for Tina. Lizzie had already, in the short time she had known her, begun to think of Kaylyn as her best friend.  She had already told Lizzie much of her story the day they had met, but Lizzie did learn a few more things.  Kaylyn was the oldest of the four of them, at 24 years old, and she was indeed the first of their section to arrive at the facility, possibly even one of the first girls to join the project altogether.  As she had previously told Lizzie, her interest in pregnancy and birth started when she witnessed a cow giving birth on the farm in which she had lived, one day when she was very young.  Fascinated, she had spent her time growing up learning all she could about the subject, including witnessing and even assisting in other births from the animals on the farm.  When she turned 20, she had moved into the city to attend college, but after a few years, she realized that no career would satisfy her interest, almost obsession at this point, in pregnancy and birth, and had dropped out to consider other options.  She had been in the process of deciding either to return to the farm or become a surrogate carrier when she was approached for the project, and had accepted on the spot. Lizzie also quickly learned that it was normal for the girls to exchange rumors they had heard about the project and what was happening in the other sections; apparently the other girls would occasionally overhear the staff gossip about the project during the various times they would show up to work in this section.  The day after Lizzie had arrived, Summer had told the rest of them that she had heard a rumor that there was a fairy girl and a mermaid that was part of the project in another section.  This had sparked up a conversation about weather or not they all thought the rumor was true, with Kaylyn even mentioning that she had once heard a story about a girl named Hannah giving birth to a mermaid, in an effort to prove why she thought the rumor was indeed true.  Tina, of course, did not believe it, citing all of it as mere fantasy. Lizzie found that her natural curiosity was piqued from some of these rumors, even if she had no way of knowing if any of them were true.  Only one of them was she able to confirm: After a discussion among the girls about the Fast Pregnancy serum that was supposedly going to be used in the challenge, Lizzie had taken to the internet to research it, and had learned that, in a few years, if research and testing was successful, a more effective variant of the serum would be considered for an "Instant Pregnancy Experience" attraction that was planned for the future.   Lizzie was skeptical about the success of this, for she did not think that would take off, since there probably were not many people like Kaylyn out in the world. About eight days after Lizzie had arrived at the facility, the girls had just finished having a meal in the dining area together before going off to do their own separate things.  Lizzie's hand was on the push bar of the library door when she heard a ding from behind her.  She turned around to see the elevator doors open, and out stepped a pale-skinned young woman with black hair cut very short, looking around nervously and in awe.  Lizzie looked around, realizing who this person must be, but saw that they were alone in the foyer; Summer was in the gym, Kaylyn the bathroom, and Tina was still in the dining area, cleaning up from dinner.  Remembering how nervous she had been when she arrived, and how helpful it had been for Kaylyn to greet her, Lizzie walked over to the newcomer, whose brown eyes locked onto hers immediately.  "H...hi," the girl said uncertainly, as Lizzie closed the distance between them.  "Hi back," Lizzie responded, giving her a reassuring smile.  "I'm Lizzie!"  "What's your name??"  "Crystal," the newcomer replied, "Crystal Fuller!"  Lizzie held out her hand to her.  "Welcome, Crystal!"  "It's good to meet y..."   "OH MY GOSH!" A voice rang out from their right, as Kaylyn ran excitedly up to them.  "OH MY GOSH!!"  "Welcome!!"  "Welcome, new friend!"   "You're here!!"  "It's so exciting!"  Crystal gaped at Kaylyn, clearly taken aback by her rambling.  She looked at Lizzie, who smiled and said, "It's ok," to her reassuringly.  Kaylyn tried to calm herself, as Tina came into the foyer, clearly wondering what all the commotion was about.  "This is Crystal Fuller," Lizzie said to the two of them.  Tina waved, and Kaylyn embraced Crystal into a tight hug that Lizzie remembered all too well, making her grin even wider.  "Welcome!" Kaylyn said.  "I'm Kaylyn and that over there is Tina."  "Kaylyn, would you please calm down?" Tina said, as Kaylyn bounced on the ball of her feet.  "You're clearly freaking her out!"  Lizzie laughed, not being able to help it, and that seemed to calm Crystal, who smiled slightly as well.  "I've gotta give you the tour," Kaylyn blurted out.  "There's so much to show you!!"  "I want to do it," Lizzie found herself saying.  It seemed only fair and fitting for her to do so, since she was the last to arrive before Crystal and was also the first person Crystal had met.  Kaylyn nodded, still full of excited and happy energy.  "Yes, do it Lizzie!" She said.  "I can come with, to help, or... OH, you gotta meet Summer!!"  "I'll get Summer!!" And she dashed off toward the gym, leaving the three girls to stare after her.  The three of them burst out laughing, even Tina, who shook her head in exasperation. Hours later, Lizzie had completed showing Crystal around, with Kaylyn's help, of course, and she had met Summer.  The five girls had then convened in the dining area to exchange stories with their new friend over a shared meal.  Lizzie, and the rest of them, learned that Crystal was 21 years old and had a tattoo of a rose on her back, near her left shoulder.  She had recently gotten out of a bad relationship, which also had ended badly, and that she had been depressed and looking for new meaning to her life ever since.  When she was approached to join the experiment, Crystal had accepted, thinking that it would give her life new purpose. The four girls welcomed her with open arms and all shared their stories with her in turn, as well as answered her questions as best they could.  This seemed to make Crystal feel better and she admitted that she was happy to feel accepted and even loved again. The talk at the table had just turned to discussing rumors again when suddenly, the five girls heard what sounded like an intercom activate and a male voice began speaking: "Attention, members of section C, preparations are finally complete!" The voice was coming from the foyer, and so the five girls got to their feet in unison and left the dining area.  Standing in front of the doorway, they heard the voice speak again.  Lizzie thought that it sounded familiar.  "Everyone is now finally at the facility and the 100 baby challenge project is now officially beginning!"  "Each week, one of you will be randomly chosen to be impregnated, until all five of you are carrying your first babies!"  "The second group of babies will not begin to be conceived until every child of the first group has been born."  "When your name is given, please proceed through the lab doors, which will be unlocked for you, and make your way to your section's laboratory!"  "Do not worry, it will be easy to find!"  There was a pause, and then the voice finished with, "Tina Crane!"  All of the girls looked at Tina, who in turn stared at all of them.  After a few seconds, she nodded, her face set, and as Lizzie and the others watched, she walked slowly and calmly to the lab doors and entered them.
About 45 minutes after Tina had entered the lab area, she emerged from it, her expression unreadable.  The other four girls immediately crowded around her, and she stopped, with all of them standing in the foyer between the birthing suite and the doorway leading into the living area.  "I'm pregnant," Tina said, nonchalantly.  The others gasped, and Kaylyn cried, "What happened??"  "What was it like??"  "I can't tell you everything," Tina said seriously, before falling silent.  Kaylyn made an impatient noise, and Tina said, "Alright, I'll tell you what I can, but let's go get comfortable first!" The girls made their way into the living area and all took seats on the sofas, except Tina, who sat in the rocking chair.  All eyes were on her, and as Tina began to describe what had happened, the others hung onto her every word.  "Well, there really wasn't much to it," she explained.  "The scientist told me to get naked and he gave me a checkup."  "He then pulled out this large syringe full of stuff and injected it into my vagina!"  "After that, I put my clothes back on, and then he did another test, to confirm it worked I think, and then explained some stuff to me afterward!"  As she listened to this, Lizzie felt a bit of relief.  She was unsure exactly how the impregnation process was going to work, and had not been keen on possibly having to have sex with a random guy each time.  "What did he explain?" Kaylyn asked.  Tina thought for a bit, then responded, "Basically, that I'd be pregnant for about three months, that each trimester would last a month, and that starting next week, a scientist would give me weekly checkups in the birthing suite, to make sure everything was going well."  The rest of the girls all nodded and murmured.  "So, what does it feel like?" Kaylyn asked excitedly.  Tina rocked for a second and said, "It doesn't feel any different yet, really!"  "I'm sure that will come later!"  "The only thing I do feel at the moment..." Tina trailed off, looking pale, then she immediately jumped up and dashed out of the room.  "What..." Kaylyn began, before they all heard the unmistakable sound of vomiting.  "Oh..." Kaylyn finished with a rueful smile, understanding at once. After the shock and excitement about one of their number finally getting pregnant had worn off, the rest of the week seemed to pass by normally.  Tina did not seem all that different, other that a few more bouts of morning sickness, and Lizzie was also convinced that Tina's breasts had already grown slightly.  However, Tina was not yet showing, and so it was relatively easy to forget she was pregnant unless someone brought up the subject.  The one thing Lizzie did notice was a general feeling of anticipation; as the days grew closer to the next week, everyone was wondering nervously and excitedly about who the next one to be called to the labs would be.  Lizzie felt this too, and had buried herself in a book series she had found in the library in an attempt to take her mind off of it.  This had helped a bit, except that Kaylyn continued to bring up the topic in every conversation, and constantly interrogated Tina about the experience, to the point where Tina finally blew up in frustration, telling her, "For the love of everything, Kaylyn, leave me alone... you'll know soon enough!!"  Lizzie could not fault Kaylyn for this, as she seemed to be the most anxious of all of them, and also did not have a coping mechanism to take her mind off it, unlike Lizzie with her books, Summer with the gym, or Crystal watching romantic comedy movies.  Additionally, Lizzie suspected that Tina's frustration was made worse due to pregnancy mood swings, as she had noticed that, at times, Tina seemed more testy than usual. After a week had passed, Lizzie had come out of her room to see something new. The normally dark birthing suite in the center of the foyer was lit, and a female scientist was standing inside, using a stethoscope on Tina, who was sitting on the bed inside.  Lizzie watched interested for a few minutes, before the scientist pulled a curtain around where Tina was seated, temporarily blocking them from view.  Lizzie made her way to the dining area, where it was her turn to cook, and found the other three girls seated around the table.  "What is...?" Lizzie began, pointing behind her toward the suite.  "Weekly checkup," Kaylyn responded, as she set the table with plates.  "It's to make sure everything is going well."   "I don't know how they're gonna keep them up when all five of us are pregnant."  Lizzie nodded in understanding, and made her way to the stove.  "Wonder what happens if something does go wrong?" Crystal asked.  Kaylyn shrugged.  "They didn't say," she answered.  "I guess they're hoping they won't have to think about it unless it happens."  "Surely, that possibility came up when they were discussing this project," Summer said.  "I mean, there's 20 girls here, so there's a good chance something might happen."  Lizzie listened to the conversation as she cooked, thinking to herself.  It took her about 15 minutes to finish the meal, and was just wondering how long Tina would be having her checkup when her question was answered by Tina walking into the room.  "All done," she announced to them.  "Everything is going as it should!"  "I'm starving!!" That evening, Lizzie joined Kaylyn in a game of Foosball, with Crystal sitting in the rocking chair, reading a book.   Summer had decided she wanted to take a swim, and Tina was taking a shower in her bathroom.  The two girls were about to start on an epic tiebreaker when the voice came over the intercom again, and everyone in the room fell completely silent in anticipation.  "Attention, the labs have been prepared once again, and we are ready for the next candidate," it said.  After a few seconds pause, the voice announced, "Crystal Fuller!!"  Crystal jerked her head toward Lizzie and Kaylyn in shock.   Kaylyn gave her a reassuring little nod, then Crystal got out of her chair and walked out of the room.  Kaylyn stared into Lizzie's eyes, clearly a lot of thoughts running through her mind.  Lizzie could tell she was slightly disappointed that it was not her that was chosen next, but still clearly excited for Crystal.  As a result of Kaylyn now being quite distracted, Lizzie beat her in Foosball easily. By the time Crystal emerged from the labs, all the girls were now aware that she had been called in, and they crowded around her, to ask questions and, in the case of Tina, to wish her luck and encouragement.  Crystal seemed quite happy about the situation and gladly answered questions about her time in the lab.  Her story, Lizzie noted, was almost identical to Tina's, and she reassured them that the process was quite easy.  After an hour of talking, Crystal was no more successful at dealing with the nausea than Tina had been, and the girls had gone back to their normal routine, now aware that there were two pregnant among them. Upon reaching the third week since the project began, the tension and excitement began to build up again over who would be chosen next.   Lizzie had watched that morning as Tina had returned to the birthing suite for another checkup, and after it was over, the same female scientist had called out for Crystal to come to have her first.  Both girls reported afterward that they were doing great so far, and that no problems were anticipated.  Though still in her first trimester, Tina's stomach already seemed to be harder, and her boobs had noticeably grown a bit, and they all suspected that she would have a baby bump very soon. Restless, Kaylyn had taken to walking around all over the facility, in an attempt to calm her nerves.  Lizzie noticed that, even during mealtimes, Kaylyn was anxious, eating very little and seemingly unable to sit still. That evening, Lizzie found Kaylyn making laps around the birthing suite, wringing her hands as she paced silently.   Lizzie fell into step along with her and tried to strike up a conversation that she hoped would distract Kaylyn.  It was a mark of how tight their friendship was that Kaylyn seemed to visibly relax a bit just from Lizzie's presence.  "So, Kay, what's the latest you've heard??" Lizzie asked as they walked.  "Kaylyn thought for a moment, then said, "Well, I heard a weird rumor that one of the girls in another section was pregnant already when she came here, and that it was some sort of egg that was in her."  Lizzie's eyebrows raised as she stared at Kaylyn in surprise.  "Do you believe it's true?" She asked.  Kaylyn shook her head.  "Even with all the weird stories I've heard over the years, I don't believe this," she responded.  "The people behind the project would have done their homework and not let someone already pregnant in."  "They had all our latest medical files and stuff."  "But, what if even she didn't know?" Lizzie argued, and Kaylyn stopped.  "You bring up a good point," she said.  "It's possible, but I still don't believe it."  "They were very meticulous about who they chose for this!"  Lizzie nodded, but before she could say anything else, Kaylyn blurted out, "Thank you!"  "For what?" Lizzie asked, and Kaylyn grinned at her seriously.  "I know what you're trying to do, to get my mind off of it," she responded.  "You are such a good friend, Liz!"  "I want you to know that!"  Kaylyn put her hand on Lizzie's shoulder and rubbed it gently. "You know, because I was so weird with my pregnancy obsession all my life, I never really had many true friends until coming here."  Lizzie swallowed, sensing that a very deep moment was taking place right now; Kaylyn was being serious and sincere and that was quite unlike her.   "Well, you deserve it," Lizzie said, finding her voice.  "From the second I arrived here, you've been nothing but kind and welcoming to me, and that helped me settle in more than you realize."  "You're a very unique and kind person, Kay, and I'm happy to call you my best friend!" The two girls smiled at each other, each looking into the other's twinkling eyes.  Lizzie thought she saw a tear forming in her friend's brown eyes when her thoughts were interrupted by the intercom beep.   "Attention, the labs are ready once again, and we will be receiving our next candidate!" The voice said.  There was a pause, followed by, "Kaylyn Burke!"  Both girls gasped, then Kaylyn screamed!  "YES!!" she yelled in elation, jumping up and punching the air, laughing!  "YEESS!!"  "It's MY TURN!!"  "I'm GONNA GET PREGNANT!"  Kaylyn looked toward the lab doors and started panting profusely.  As Lizzie watched, Kaylyn was clearly showing signs of building up to an orgasm.  "Kay, go!" Lizzie encouraged, beaming at her.  At these words, Kaylyn almost ran to the lab door and passed beyond them excitedly.  "Good luck, Kaylyn," Lizzie said silently, smiling, as she turned and headed for the library.
Kaylyn was ecstatic about finally being pregnant, and as the week passed, it seemed that nothing could remove the smile on her face.   Knowing how much this meant to her, Lizzie was happy for her best friend, and was there to help her through the process, from the bouts of morning sickness to the other general changes her body was going through.  Lizzie had suspected that Tina's and Crystal's breasts had slightly grown at the end of their first weeks; there was no doubt about Kaylyn's!  Toward the final day of the week, Kaylyn's had tripled in size, which was somewhat surprising.  Kaylyn, however, laughed it off as just another way she was weird.  "Quite fitting," she had joked, "That the one who had the greatest pregnancy fetish should have the biggest breasts!" On the first day of the fourth week of the experiment, Lizzie had gotten up early to hold Kaylyn's hair back while she vomited again, and noticed that the female scientist had returned once again to the birthing suite, no doubt waiting to give checkups to the now three pregnant girls in Section C.  Tina was first, and as she lifted her shirt for the examination, Lizzie caught sight of a tiny bump forming, before the curtain was pulled around again.  Crystal had informed Lizzie, after having her checkup last week, that the curtain was for privacy while the scientist performed a vaginal examination, which made sense.  Crystal had also been told that once all the girls were pregnant, the scientist would probably stop using the curtain, and that each birth would definitely be open, and she had relayed this information to Lizzie and the others.  After Tina emerged from the birthing suite, Crystal entered for her examination, and then 16 minutes later, Kaylyn went in, for her first examination.  Kaylyn's seemed to take a bit longer, but once she had emerged, the five young women gathered in the dining area for lunch.  Kaylyn told them that the scientist was a bit surprised by how much more her body was changing compared to everyone else's, but had assured all three girls that everything seemed to still be progressing smoothly. That evening, Lizzie had dressed in her usual shirt and jeans, and had settled down into the grass on the far side of the foyer with a new book in hand, ready for a night of relaxing reading.  Kaylyn was lying face up in the pool, soaking contentedly.  Lizzie had just finished a few games of ping pong with Summer, who had retired to her bedroom, while Crystal was in the library using a computer, and Tina was in the gym on a treadmill.   Lizzie had just reached the end of a particularly interesting chapter of her book, when the familiar beep of the intercom sounded.  Kaylyn sat up at once and looked around at Lizzie in surprise, as the voice spoke, "Attention, section C, the labs are prepared and we are ready to receive the fourth candidate!" There was the usual pause, then, "Lizzie Walker!"  Lizzie felt her stomach drop, weather from excitement or nervousness, she did not know.  Kaylyn mouthed, "Yaass!" And gave Lizzie the thumbs up.  Reassured, Lizzie smiled at her and got to her feet.   Shaking slightly, she made her was slowly to the lab doors she had seen the others enter during their turns, and, swallowing her nerves, she pushed them open and stepped through. Lizzie found herself in a metallic hallway illuminated by lights running down the walls on each side.  It was completely at odds with the homey feel of the foyer and the rest of the section of the facility she lived in.  She timidly walked forward, listening to the sounds of her own footsteps echoing off the tiled floor.  As she reached the midway point of the hallway, she saw another hallway to the left.  Looking ahead to the other end of her hallway, she saw another set of glass door, which looked to lead to another foyer beyond them.  To the right of the meeting point where the left hallway connected to the one she was currently in, a single door with a C written on it stood on the wall.  Lizzie could see that further down her hallway was another door, and beside it, another hallway leading to the left.  As Lizzie approached the door with the C on it, she heard the door on the other side open and a short girl with braided brunette hair and olive skin stepped out and looked in Lizzie's direction.  The girl smiled, and Lizzie smiled back, seeming to steel herself.  As the girl turned and slowly made her way toward the doors at the far end of the hall, Lizzie opened the door she was standing in front of and entered it. She had entered what looked like a small exam room.  A hospital bed stood in the center of the room, and there was a counter along the wall with a sink built into it and a number of instruments, along with phials and beakers of liquid, sat on this counter.  Standing between the counter and the exam bed was a familiar face.  "Daniel?" Lizzie exclaimed, her anxiety melting away at the sight of him.  Daniel smiled as he motioned for Lizzie to sit on the bed.  "I told you we would meet again during the project." He said.  He looked just as Lizzie remembered: Kinda cute, but a bit on the short side, and average in appearance.  This time, instead of the grey jacket, he was wearing a white lab coat.  "So, as you probably guessed, I'm the seeder for your section," he said to her, and she stared at him, processing this.  "Yeah, it's my sperm that's being used to impregnate you and your fellow bearers!"  "It's you who keeps coming over the intercom, telling us who's been chosen," Lizzie said, to which Daniel nodded.  "I knew the voice sounded familiar."  "That's right," he confirmed, as he wrote something on a clipboard nearby.  "So, I'll need you to take everything off, and lay them on that chair over there," he motioned to a chair nearby that Lizzie had not at first seen, for he had been blocking it when she first arrived.  "And don't worry, I'm a scientist, and I've already done this same procedure on three other girls in your section, so I'm not going to see anything I haven't seen a hundred times before."  Lizzie nodded and proceeded to take all of her clothes off.  After she had done so, she sat on the bed, completely naked other than her bra, feeling a bit chilly and nervousness coming back again.  As much as she trusted Daniel, she was in an unorthodox position now, and the reality of what was about to happen to her began to set in.  Casting her mind around for a topic to take her mind off of this, she was suddenly reminded of a question she wanted to ask, as her eyes took in Daniel and a golden ring he wore on his finger.  "Can I ask you something?" She began reluctantly, and Daniel smiled warmly.  "Of course," he responded kindly.  "Well," Lizzie struggled, wishing not to sound accusing or judging, "You are married, right?"  "To one of the other founders of this project?"  "I saw it on that video when I was being brought here." Daniel nodded.  "Rena, yes, she's my wife." He said.  Lizzie looked into his eyes.  "Well, isn't Rena also one of the girls in the experiment??"  Lizzie asked, reluctantly.  Daniel continued to smile, as he motioned for Lizzie to lay back onto the bed.  "I see you've done your homework," Daniel said, amused.  "Yes, she is one of the girls in the project."  "She's in section A."  As Daniel began performing routine examinations on her, Lizzie asked, "So, doesn't that mean she's getting pregnant from someone other than you?"  Daniel turned to make more notes on his clipboard, and as he did so, responded, "You're asking if it bothers me that she's going to be carrying another man's babies for a while?"  "We discussed this at length, and in our eyes, it's not much different than Rena acting as a surrogate carrier for another family out there."  "That's how we're treating it, because basically it's true."   "It just happens to benefit the experiment in the process."  Lizzie mulled this over, as Daniel finished up his examinations.  The explanation, while a bit strange, did make sense to her.  In any case, if Daniel and Rena seemed happy with this arrangement, then who was she to judge? Daniel had instructed Lizzie to spread her legs, and after she did so, she watched as he filled a syringe with several different colored liquids, each from a different vial or beaker.  "This won't hurt a bit," Daniel reassured her.  He knelt between her legs and inserted the syringe into her vagina.  She took a sharp intake of breath as she felt the injection enter her, then Daniel stood back up and said, "That's it, you can put your clothes back on now."  Lizzie did so immediately and then sat back on the table, as Daniel began performing tests again.  This time, he used some sort of electronic object that seemed to be a scanner, waving it over Lizzie's body.  After doing this a few times, Daniel nodded in satisfaction and the made a final note on his clipboard.  "Ok, some final information, though you've probably heard this by now from some of the other girls," he said to her, and then he explained to Lizzie about how she would be pregnant for only 3 months, with each trimester lasting only a month, due to the test of the Fast Pregnancy serum, and that each week, she must report to the scientist for a weekly checkup.  Lizzie nodded her understanding of all this information as he presented it, then Daniel smiled again at her and said, "Well, you can return to your section's area!"  "Congratulations, you're now pregnant!!"
Lizzie felt a bit strange that she was now pregnant like the others, though admittedly, when she had emerged from the lab and the other girls had gathered around her, it was more for congratulations and encouragement, rather than curious questions.  This made sense, for everyone other than Summer was already pregnant themselves, and Summer had heard about the procedure three times already, and was therefore no longer as curious.  Kaylyn had pulled Lizzie into a happy hug, clearly excited that both she and her best friend was now pregnant, and it was clear that the other girls were just as supportive of her as they had all been of each other beforehand. Lizzie had experienced some morning sickness, but it did not seem as bad as most of the other girls had had it.  As the week passed, Lizzie had begun to do research on the pregnancy process, both online and from books she found in the library. She was unsure what had made her start this now, rather than the earlier weeks living in the facility before getting pregnant.  Perhaps now, with the reality of it settling in, she was more curious, or perhaps something in her brain had been triggered by the pregnancy itself.  In any case, she had learned quite a bit, and she and Kaylyn often shared information, for Kaylyn was generally knowledgeable about pregnancy, having done her own research over the years.  Once the week had passed, Lizzie had joined the other three girls in getting a checkup in the birthing suite, being the last to go in after Kaylyn.  As this was her first, Lizzie was somewhat more nervous about this than the others, but the scientist was incredibly kind and supportive, and it felt just like any other simple doctor visit, other than the vaginal examination.  The scientist assured her, as she had apparently done the others, that everything was proceeding normally and well.  That evening, Summer had been called to the labs, and after she had emerged, the five girls shared a special meal, Kaylyn's idea of course, that celebrated the fact that all five of them were now pregnant. Over the next few weeks, all of them began to notice the changes in their bodies.  The week after Summer had been impregnated, Tina had entered her second trimester, and was sporting a baby bump.  Kaylyn had squealed at this, and had insisted upon touching it, much to Tina's somewhat impatience.   However, Lizzie had noticed that Kaylyn's belly was not much smaller than Tina's, Kaylyn still only being in her first trimester.  The atmosphere among all five girls had become excited and anxious again; it was the first time any of them had gotten pregnant in their lives, and they were enjoying the process of experiencing it.  Each girl in turn began showing as time passed and all of their pregnancies progressed.   Lizzie noticed that each of their pregnancies seemed very unique: Kaylyn had the biggest belly of them all and even in her second trimester, looked to be in her third.  Kaylyn had found this very amusing and was quite happy about it.  She had joked that it seemed like her body was the one most willing to accept being pregnant, but Lizzie thought there might be some truth to this, with Kaylyn's belly and boobs much larger that anyone else's, despite being the third to get pregnant.  Tina, in her third trimester, seemed to personify the typical pregnant woman; rapid mood swings, protruding but not overly large belly, and a firm desire for the process to be over.  Crystal was showing as well, but as her body was a bit smaller and more petite than Tina's or Kaylyn's, her bump was slightly smaller than theirs.  Summer, as the last to get pregnant, started showing later that the other girls, but earlier than expected.  She continued to spend as much time in the gym as she could before her pregnancy made it difficult, and as a result was the most fit of the five of them. Lizzie, now late in her second trimester, had a noticeable, but small baby bump.  She had not begun to show until the second trimester had started, and Lizzie found that she could not stop touching or rubbing her own belly now that it was starting to become more orb-like.  She had been startled the first time she felt the baby inside her move, and the sensation had made her smile, despite hammering home the fact that she was pregnant.  She had remembered Kaylyn's squeal of delight when she had first felt hers move, and the two of them had spent a memorable night feeling each other's bellies.   Kaylyn's movement had been more pronounced; Lizzie could feel it even through her overalls, which somehow fit Kaylyn even with her large torpedo-like belly protruding out.  Kaylyn had also commented on how cute Lizzie's bump was, even if it was quite small. Though she was delighted and amazed with her pregnancy so far, Lizzie found that, even with one more trimester to go, she was already becoming anxious about the birth.  Talking to Kaylyn did not help with this, for Kaylyn was anticipating her own labor and delivery with great interest.   Therefore, Lizzie had taken to browsing the internet in an effort to research this topic, often spending many late nights alone in the library, rubbing her belly gently as she studied.  She had watched a number of birth videos and read a few articles about what to expect from labor and birth, though she knew that obviously this would be quite different from the actual experience.  Her curiosity leading her down the "giving birth" rabbit hole and her desire to consider all possibilities led her into researching strange rumors and stories about pregnancy and birth.  She had come across the article that Kaylyn had mentioned, talking about the girl named Hannah who claimed that she gave birth to a mermaid, and Lizzie's thoughts strayed around again to the rumor that there was a mermaid with them somewhere in the facility.   Continuing her research, among the various rumors of alien abductions and impregnations, she came across an article written by a teenager that claimed she had been a fairy in a past life before she had been "reborn" by her mother, a story that claimed that a mysterious game almost made a girl give birth in her early teens, and an article claiming that a woman had continuously given birth to herself for years, claiming a kind of immortality as a result.  Lizzie found all of these stories interesting, but was skeptical on weather or not any of these were true.  In any case, reading them had taken her nervousness about her own upcoming birth away, and she bookmarked the articles for later, thinking that Kaylyn would no doubt find them all interesting. Almost three months had passed, and all five girls were unmistakably pregnant now.  A checkup for each of them at the beginning of each week had become part of their normal routine, and all of them had become very exciting and anxious about giving birth soon.  They had started a sort of unofficial routine each morning of all of them feeling each other's bellies until they felt kicks, discussing their pregnancies, and comparing their bumps; Kaylyn's was the biggest, followed by Tina's, then Summer's, despite her being the last to get pregnant, followed by Crystal's.  Lizzie's bump was the smallest, though not by much, and Lizzie had long assumed that it was because she was such a small, thin person herself.  All five girls noted that, though there was a noticeable difference in the size of each other's bellies, the sizes were very close together.  As time of the girls' due dates approached, the scientist had told all of them that if assistance was needed because one of them was in labor, any of them could hit the red button on the intercom to summon her to the birthing suite, and also explained that each of them could choose what position they preferred to give birth in, when the time came.  Lizzie had gotten so used to both her new life in the facility and being pregnant that she could hardly believe three months had already passed, and she could tell that the other girls felt the same way.  Shortly in the final week of the third month, however, the passage of time immediately hit home; Tina, normally one of the first girls to wake up in the morning, waddled out of her room long after the other girls had started their day, and announced, "I... think I'm in labor!"
Lizzie and the other three girls waddled up to Tina and surrounded her as she clutched her belly with one hand, grimacing.  "How is it?" Kaylyn asked, holding her own torpedo sized belly, "How does it feel??"  Tina stood, breathing and grasping her belly for a few seconds, eyes closed.  Then, she nodded and said, "It does hurt, but it's ok!"  The girls murmured among themselves as Tina continued to rub her belly, her contractions seeming to subside for a time.  Lizzie's mind was racing, and she wondered if the serum that accelerated all their pregnancies would have any effect on the births as well.  Summer had moved forward to help Tina, but Tina waved her away.  "I'm alright, I think," she assured them.  "I don't think we should panic!"  "My water hasn't even broken yet!"
For several hours, the girls went back to somewhat their normal routine, though all of them decided to stay close to Tina, in case she needed help.  Tina spend most of her time doing her general activities: reading, cleaning, and organizing, although she was panting during most of them.  Occasionally, she would pause and grimace as the pain seemed to worsen, but overall she seemed to be taking her entire labor well.
Four hours later, however, Tina's panting  had gotten more intense, and was joined by slight moans.  Tina had dropped herself down into the rocking chair in the living room, rubbing her belly profusely and grimacing in pain, panting and moaning nonstop.  It was at this point that the other girls decided it was time to call the scientist in, and Crystal had hit the red button on the intercom.  The scientist arrived almost 10 minutes later, and told the girls to help Tina get to the birthing suite.  Lizzie and Crystal got on either side of Tina, lifted her gently by each arm, and slowly walked her to the center of the foyer, into the birthing suite, as Kaylyn walked behind her, rubbing her back, and Summer led the way, making sure the girls did not trip.  As soon as they all arrived, the girls helped Tina undress, and get situated in her preferred birthing position: standing while leaning onto the side of the bed.  The scientist began to examine her, as the other girls watched, each holding their belly silently.  As Tina's moans seemed to increase in pitch, her water broke, and the scientist declared that she was fully dilated and instructed her to push. 
Tina pushed, grunting and yelling out, more in effort than in pain.  Lizzie saw that Tina seemed to have a fair amount of pain tolerance, which was strained to its limit at the moment.  Tina pushed several more times, gripping the side of the bed tightly, with the other girls calling out encouragement to her, and then they all saw something peek out of her vagina.  Tina cried out and bent her knees slightly, still holding the bed for support as she pushed, and the girls watched the head slowly drop out of her, gravity seeming to help speed up the process.  With a mighty grunt, Tina gave one final push, and the scientist caught the baby as it was born.  The girls all cheered as the baby cried and Tina exhaled in exhaustion.  She had given birth to a healthy baby boy with dark hair, and once Tina had climbed into the bed, the scientist handed him to her as she cut the cord.  Tina smiled at the child as it wriggled in her arms, then allowed each of the other girls to hold him in turn. Kaylyn was beaming, the rest were smiling, and even Lizzie found herself grinning happily as she took the baby in her arms, holding it over her own ball-shaped belly.
Eventually, the scientist took the baby and informed Tina that she was taking him to the caretakers, and that, thanks to the fast pregnancy serum, Tina would recover from the trauma of childbirth in less than 24 hours, which amazed all the girls.  They stayed with Tina for the next hour, asking her questions about how the process of birth felt; most of these asked by Kaylyn of course.  Eventually, they all left the birthing suite, to allow Tina to get some rest.  Lizzie made her way to the library, to lose herself in a book, but found her mind wandering too much to be able to do this.  She absentmindedly rubbed her belly as she sat in one of the recliners in the Library, her thoughts replaying Tina's delivery over and over.  Lizzie had just witnessed her first live birth, excluding those she had seen in online videos, and to her, it did not seem too bad.
Because Crystal had been impregnated a week after Tina had been, all of the girls assumed Crystal would have her baby a week after Tina's baby had been born.  However, 3 days later, when the girls had noticed that Crystal had not left her room all morning, Lizzie had been sent in to find Crystal thrashing around in her bed, crying.  "I'm in so much pain," Crystal said upon catching sight of Lizzie.  "Oooh, it hurts!"   Lizzie called the other girls in, and Tina and Kaylyn helped Crystal waddle slowly out of her room and into the foyer, tears falling down her face as she moaned painfully.  "Ooohh, fuuuuck," Crystal trilled, as they walked toward the birthing suite.  "How long were you in labor?" Tina asked her.  "Were you not going to tell us?"  "I c.....couldn't m...move," Crystal breathed out between moans, "I...it hurt t..too BAAAAA!!" Crystal let out a cry of agony as her pain worsened.  Once the girls reached the birthing suite, Crystal began begging, "Sc...scientist!" "Call the... the scientist!"  "Please!"  As she cried and moaned again, her face buried in the birthing bed's pillow, Summer hit the red button on the intercom, she being the one closest to it. About 10 minutes later, while Crystal cried and moaned, the scientist came out of the staff door and made her way to the birthing suite.  Once she entered, the other four girls followed her inside and gathered around the laboring girl.  "Well, apparently it's time," the scientist said to Crystal cheerfully, to which Crystal replied with a loud cry.  The scientist, with the girls' help, undressed Crystal and got her positioned to check her dilation.  Lizzie was sure, based on Crystal's reactions, that she had to be fully dilated.  However, the scientist shook her head at all of them and said to Crystal, "Honey, you're still only about six centimeters!" "Ooooww!" "Ooohhh!" Crystal cried, "Oh this really hurts!"  Crystal looked into the scientist's eyes pleadingly.  "I...I want an epidural!" Please give me an epidural!"  The scientist shook her head, feeling for the young girl.  "I can't," she responded, "It is incompatible with the fast pregnancy serum, and could cause harm to the baby if I did."  "PLEASE!" Crystal begged, holding her belly and crying.  "Please, it hurts!"  "Please make it stop!" This continued for another hour; Crystal crying, moaning, and begging as the rest of the girls tried to console her, and the scientist continued to check her dilation every few minutes.  Crystal kept repositioning herself on the bed, trying anything for relief, but none came.  The scientist suggested that walking around might help, so the girls helped Crystal to her feet and they all began walking a lap around the birthing suite.  A few minutes into the walk, Crystal's moans sharpened and she began hysterically crying out, "AAAAHHH!" "P..PRESSURE!!"  "I NEED TO PUSH!"  But, as the scientist had just checked her dilation, and she was only eight centimeters, she forbade Crystal to push and told her to continue to walk.  Crystal and the rest finished their lap around the suite, Crystal continuously crying and begging to let her push.  They had all just returned inside the birthing suite when Crystal's water finally broke, and they helped her back over to the bed. It did not take long after that for Crystal to start screaming, her labor clearly in full force now.  The scientist instructed her to push as Crystal's legs trembled and she cried out, "AAAAAHHH!!" "OOOH FUCK!"   Crystal shook uncontrollably as she pushed, screaming at the top of her lungs.  Lizzie continued to watch, somewhat disturbed, before looking around at the others.  Kaylyn was laser focused on the birth, drinking in the entire moment with clear fascination.  Tina was situated nearby, giving out words of encouragement to Crystal, having gone through labor herself already.  Lizzie then looked over at Summer, to see that she was white as a sheet, clearly freaked out over what she was watching, her mouth slightly open in shock.  As she held her own belly with one hand, she trembled slightly, and though it looked like she wanted to take her eyes off Crystal, she could or would not, and Lizzie had to remind herself that Summer was the youngest one here, and barely out of her teens. "AAAAHHHH.... F...FUUUUUCCKK!" Crystal shouted, "OOOHH SHIT!"  The scientist held her legs open as Crystal screamed.  "GET IT OUT!! I WANT IT OUT!!"  "You can do it," Tina said to her, and was echoed by Kaylyn, "You got this, Crystal!"  Lizzie called out her own encouragement to Crystal, though noticing that Summer stayed silent.   Crystal cried out again, as the scientist continued to instruct, then suggested that Crystal change birthing positions.  Tina and the scientist helped her off the bed, and Crystal slumped to the floor, on all fours, screaming.  "AAAHHHHHH! PLEASE GET IT OUT!" she howled, before Lizzie saw a bulge in her vagina.  "You're getting it out," the scientist said to her.  "We see the head, right girls?"  They began to murmur in the affirmative, but then they were all drowned out by an even more shrill scream from Crystal.  "EEEEAAAAHHHH!!"  "IT BURNS!" "IT'S BURNING!!"  "Yes, that's normal," the scientist encouraged.  "Push through it, Crystal, you're almost done!"  Crystal howled as she pushed, her belly and head hanging down, and the head emerged, poking out of Crystal like an egg.  "AAHHHH!" "PULL IT OUT! PULL IT OUT! PULL IT OUUUUTT!" Crystal pleaded.  "One more push," the scientist responded.   Crying out in pain, Crystal pushed, her eyes squeezed shut and tilting her head back, until the baby fell out of her and into the scientist's arms. It was a boy, with black hair and a pale complexion, just like Crystal.  She was crying in relief as Tina helped her up slowly onto the bed.  Lizzie watched Kaylyn move forward smiling wide as the scientist handed the newborn to Crystal, but noticed that Summer had left the suite.  Lizzie went looking for her and found her in the living area, sitting on a sofa staring ahead at the blank television.  As Lizzie took a seat beside her, Summer's head snapped around to look straight into her eyes.  "Th... that was.. so intense," Summer squeaked out, still flushed.  "It was... so bad!"  Lizzie put a hand on Summer's shoulder.  "Did... did you see how much pain Crystal was in, Lizzie?" Summer asked, almost pleadingly.  Lizzie nodded, and Summer trembled.   "What if... is that how it's going to be??"  "I'm scared, Lizzie!!"   Lizzie pulled Summer into a comforting hug, as much as she could get away with, considering both of their large bellies.  "I don't know if I can do this," Summer blurted out fearfully.  "Hey, it's ok," Lizzie comforted her.  "You can do it."  "Just think of Tina's birth... she got through it just fine."  "But, that's Tina," Summer responded.   "Crystal's younger than her, and I'm the youngest!"  "It's gonna be horrible, I just know it!"  Lizzie grabbed Summer gently and looked into her eyes.  "Look, it's true that it might be rough and painful," Lizzie started, "and not all births are the same!"  "But, you're strong and healthy, and I know you can do it!"  Lizzie placed a hand on Summer's belly, and at the same time, took Summer's hand and placed it on her own belly.  "I'll be going before you, so just watch what I do," Lizzie continued.  "And don't worry, when the time comes, we'll all be with you the entire time."  Summer seemed to steel herself, encouraged by Lizzie's words.  "Ok, I'll try," she said, nodding firmly.  "I hope what we just saw was the worst of it!"
A full week passed since Tina and Crystal had given birth, and the two of them had recovered very quickly, even gaining very little post-pregnancy weight.  They had settled back into their normal routines, happy that they had carried their first babies to term and delivered them already.  Despite the pain of the births, the two of them admitted that they were ready to do it again soon, though they knew it would not happen until the others gave birth, and were perfectly fine with waiting.   Kaylyn was becoming quite anxious again, knowing that her time to give birth was coming soon, and she was very excited about it.  Kaylyn had finally switched her normal attire to a loose fitting pink nightgown, her overalls now no longer able to contain her huge protruding torpedo of a belly.  The full week after Crystal's baby had been born, Lizzie had sat down with Kaylyn alone in the living area and told her best friend all about Summer's fear and anticipation about giving birth, feeling that if there was one person in the facility that could truly help Summer, it was Kaylyn, the girl who was excited about the process, rather than afraid.  "Crystal's labor really freaked her out," Lizzie said, as she sat on one end of the sofa, rubbing her belly softly.  "She's worried it's gonna hurt too bad for her to handle!"   "I've tried talking to her, but...,"  Kaylyn nodded, rubbing her hands over her belly lovingly.  "I'll try to help her," she responded.   "Frankly, I'm jealous... I'd be over the moon about watching everyone else give birth before doing it myself!"  "Oh, shut up," Lizzie said, smiling, and Kaylyn chuckled!  "So, how are you feeling?" Lizzie asked, glancing at Kaylyn's huge bump, which she was still rubbing.   "Wonderful!" Kaylyn responded, sighing.  "Even better than usual today, which I didn't think was possible!"  Kaylyn leaned back, spreading her legs and closed her eyes, panting seeming in pleasure!  Lizzie watched as Kaylyn's belly seemed to pulsate slightly, and realization hit her.   "KAY, you're not in labor are you??" She asked loudly, to which Kaylyn simply nodded. "Damn it, Kaylyn, why did you not tell us?" Tina exclaimed.  Lizzie had helped Kaylyn to the birthing suite and then called all the other girls, letting them know what was happening.  The entire walk to the suite, Kaylyn was giggling and rubbing her belly, and upon arriving, she had settled on the birthing ball, rocking on it, holding her bump and smiling.  "Doesn't it hurt?" Lizzie asked, watching her friend bounce on the ball.  Kaylyn grimaced a bit but kept smiling.  "Yeah, it does, but it feels great!" She responded.  Crystal gaped at her in disbelief, Lizzie shook her head, and Tina almost shouted, "You are so weird, Kaylyn," with a slight laugh, seemingly both angry and amused.  Summer was hanging back, watching nervously from a distance.   "Should we call the scientist?" Tina asked, staring at Kaylyn.  Kaylyn panted for a few seconds, then responded, "I guess... I'm doing fine right now!" Kaylyn shrugged, still panting softly, though in pain or pleasure, Lizzie was not sure.  Perhaps it was both! A few hours later, Kaylyn had to admit that labor was getting quite painful now, but her spirits seemed to continue to be high.  Tina had asked again if they should call the scientist, but Kaylyn shook her head, telling her that it still was not too bad so far.  Her only request was that Lizzie stay with her.  "I'm not going anywhere," Lizzie had responded to this, smiling at her.  Tina had therefore returned to the dining area, to cook up dinner.  Summer continued to watch from the background, strolling around nervously.  Crystal sat on the bed and watched, as Lizzie knelt down as much as her own belly would allow, beside Kaylyn and held her hand.  Kaylyn's smile faded slightly as she grimaced and let out a moan.  "Ooh, that was a big one," she breathed, as Lizzie looked at her with concern.  Crystal stared at Kaylyn's huge belly and said softly to Lizzie, " The size of her belly... there has to be quite a big baby in there!"  "Oh, I really hope so," Kaylyn exclaimed, before crying out loudly, gripping Lizzie's hand tightly.  "Ok, that's it, we're calling the scientist," Crystal said, dropping off the bed.  Kaylyn tried to protest, but she was too busy panting, and Crystal had already sprinted out of the birthing suite. In the 20 minutes it took for the scientist to arrive, Kaylyn had begun to pant harder and moan more from pain than pleasure.  She was squeezing Lizzie's hand so hard, Lizzie lost feeling in it, but refused to let go.  Kaylyn's smile had disappeared, to be replaced with a painful expression as the contractions grew closer together, as well as worse.  The scientist immediately moved Kaylyn over to the bed and helped her undress, to check her dilation.  "Oh, wow, you're already dilated!" She said to Kaylyn in surprise, "You can pu..."  "Aaaaggghhhh!" Kaylyn yelled, pushing.  "Oooohhh God!"  Kaylyn let out a slight laugh as the contraction subsided, and she maneuvered to get off the bed.  "I want... I want to do this squatting..." Kaylyn said.  "Feels like I'm taking a sh...UUUGGHHH!" Kaylyn cried out again, squatting down, and Lizzie immediately saw a dark haired head poking out of Kaylyn's vagina.   "Hahh, hhaaahhh!" Kaylyn panted as the head began to drop out of her.   "It's coming very fast," the scientist said calmly, holding Kaylyn steady as she pushed.  "I KNOWWW!" Kaylyn screamed, and bore down again.  The baby dropped so fast, Lizzie barely had time to catch it. As Lizzie held the crying newborn girl, letting the scientist cut the cord, Kaylyn held onto the bed behind her, still panting.  The scientist, noticing something amiss, examined Kaylyn for a minute, then locked eyes with her.  "There's another one," she said.  "You were carrying twins!!"  Kaylyn simply burst out laughing, as the rest of the girls gasped and murmured in shock.  "Twins?" Lizzie squeaked, still holding Kaylyn's baby.  As Kaylyn began to squat and push again, Tina rushed forward and took the baby from Lizzie's arms, as Kaylyn quickly grabbed her hand again.  "Oooowwwwwaaahhhh!" Kaylyn bellowed as a second head appeared between her legs.  Summer had approached timidly to see what was happening, and watched as Kaylyn delivered the twin.  Lizzie could not read her expression, and therefore did not know if she was reassured or made even more terrified by Kaylyn's labor.  Kaylyn grunted and howled as the head popped out and hung out of her.  She steeled herself and with one final push, delivered the twin baby into the scientist's hands. "So, what happens if one of us has twins??" Crystal asked the scientist, as Kaylyn panted in relief, bent over the foot of the bed, catching her breath.  Lizzie held one of the twin girls, while the scientist held the other.  Both twins had been passed around for all the girls to hold, and the scientist was positioning her arms to allow her to carry both babies at the same time to the caretakers.  "It means that Kaylyn has already had two of her five, and therefore will only be required to have 3 more!" She responded, shifting her weight and taking the baby from Lizzie in her free arm.  "I'll have to speak with the others about this, but it technically means that during all of your final pregnancies, Kaylyn will probably be free to leave!"  "She won't like that," Lizzie thought to herself, smiling slightly.   The scientist left with the babies, and the girls all returned to the birthing suite, talking among themselves as Kaylyn lay in the bed, resting.  She protested immediately when Lizzie told her what the scientist had said about she possibly being free to leave early.  "If you think I would leave this facility while the four of you are still pregnant with your final babies, you're crazy," she said sternly.  "Even if they don't impregnate me the 5th time because I had twins, I'm still here to support all of you!"  Lizzie smiled at her, and watched as the others grinned as well.  Knowing Kaylyn, she would no doubt request to have a sixth baby even though it was not required.   Lizzie was standing next to Kaylyn's bed, and Kaylyn reached out a hand to touch Lizzie's protruding belly.  "You're next, you know," she said, smiling up at Lizzie.  "You'll do great!"  Lizzie nodded and smiled back at her, knowing what she said was true and feeling both excited and nervous. 
As the week following Kaylyn's twins' birth passed, Lizzie, knowing it would be her turn anytime now, began to feel very nervous and anxious.   Kaylyn recovered the day after her birth, and after getting back into her overalls, began to stay around Lizzie almost constantly, the two of them anticipating Lizzie going into labor any moment.  As if the baby inside her could also feel that time was growing close, it had been more active as of late: kicking inside her so much, it felt as though the baby was using her bladder as a soccer ball.  This, of course, kept Lizzie hovering in and around the bathroom even more than normal as of late, with the constant feeling of needing to pee now never-ending. The baby also seemed to feel much heavier to Lizzie, causing pressure on her back and pelvis.  She had taken to soaking in the pool on occasion, to deal with the discomfort.  Kaylyn told Lizzie that her cute baby bump seemed to be lower, but other than the added discomfort, Lizzie felt nothing else to indicate that she was in labor.  Kaylyn, bless her, was trying to talk to Lizzie to help take her mind off her displeasure and anxiety, but Kaylyn loved reliving her own birth, describing it in loving detail, and could scarcely talk of nothing else.  Also aware that Lizzie's time was close at hand, Tina and Crystal had offered words of encouragement to her as well, saying that if they could do it, then Lizzie could.  Summer tried to help too, but conversations with her usually just turned into hugging sessions, as the two of them were both equally nervous. Finally, after about 9 days had passed since Kaylyn had given birth, Lizzie was awoken by what was unmistakably a contraction, as well as painful pressure on her hips.  She reached over for her glasses and put them on, then rubbed her belly in an attempt to relieve it, crying out in a low moan.  Once the pain subsided enough that she felt like she could move, Lizzie got out of bed and waddled slowly to the door. Kaylyn was waiting for her outside her room, as she had been doing every morning since she herself had given birth.   Upon seeing the painful expression on Lizzie's face, as well as hearing her pants and soft moans, Kaylyn rushed forward to help her.  "It's happening??" She asked, staring at Lizzie as she slowly guided her down the steps.  Lizzie nodded, whimpering a bit.  "Y...yes," she squeaked out between pants.  "I... I definitely th..think I'm in.. l..labor!"   "GIRLS, IT'S TIME!" Kaylyn yelled out, as she guided Lizzie toward the birthing suite.  Each step was agony, for it seemed as if gravity was acting on the baby, pulling it down lower and lower.  A few times, Lizzie cried out loudly as the pain and pressure peaked, while Kaylyn held her steady, rubbing Lizzie's belly gently. By the time they got to the birthing suite, Lizzie was moaning loudly, feeling like a huge weight had settled into her pelvis.  With Kaylyn and Tina's help, she undressed from her shirt and loose jeans and crawled into the bed, as Crystal ran to call the scientist.  Summer hung back again, but Lizzie vaguely noticed that she was standing closer than she had been when Kaylyn was birthing.  Lizzie grimaced as a powerful contraction hit her, and Kaylyn offered her hand, which Lizzie gripped tightly.  The pain brought with it an increase to the pressure, and an urge to push!   "I gotta push," Lizzie squeaked out to Kaylyn, who shook her head.  "Not yet, wait until the scientist can check your dilation first!" She responded. "You're seven centimeters," the scientist declared 20 minutes later, after checking Lizzie's dilation.  Groaning and crying in pain, Lizzie writhed on the bed, feeling as though she was about to pass a bowling ball through her.  "Oooohh... I neeeeddd to push," she trilled.  Kaylyn suggested that using the birthing ball might help, and when Lizzie nodded her agreement, the girls helped her transition over to it.  Lizzie rocked and rolled slowly on the ball, letting out moans, pants, and cries of pain as the pressure held steady on her hips.  Her back ached severely, and she simultaneously felt as if she needed to pee and defecate all at once.  "Ooohhh... my back," Lizzie groaned, and Kaylyn immediately began to rub it, giving her some relief.   For another hour, Lizzie continued to moan and cry as she labored on the ball.  Just when she thought it could not get any worse, her water broke, and after it did, the urge to push increased ten-fold.  "OOOH, I GOTTA PUSH I GOTTA PUSH I GOTTA PUSH," Lizzie chanted, as the scientist ran over to check her.  "Ok, it's time, you're at full dilation," she announced over Lizzie's screams.  Kaylyn and Tina helped Lizzie back over to the bed and, with her request, positioned her legs into the stirrups.  "Aaaahhhh!" Lizzie cried out, feeling the pressure slam into her birth canal.  She pushed instinctively, gripping Kaylyn's hand and groaning.  As the contraction subsided, Lizzie slumped backward onto the pillow, crying in pain.  "You're doing so good, Liz," Kaylyn said happily to her.  Lizzie felt like her back was on fire, and her legs shook in the stirrups as she readied herself for another push.   "Uuuugghhh!! AAAHHHHH!!" She screamed, feeling the baby move down, stretching her cervix wide.  "You got this," Tina encouraged, standing beside Crystal at the foot of the bed.  "You so got this," Crystal echoed.  Kaylyn was directly behind Lizzie now, holding her arms back and wiping her hair and sweat off of her face, but this left Lizzie with nothing to hold onto for support.  "I got you," Kaylyn said over Lizzie's cries, but then she felt someone grip her hand, and turned to look into Summer's eyes.  Her left hand on her belly, and her right hand in Lizzie's, Summer nodded down at her.  Somehow, this gave Lizzie all the encouragement she needed. "The head is right there," the scientist announced, as Tina and Crystal cheered upon seeing it.  Lizzie howled in pain as she felt a burning sensation in her vagina.  As she bore down, she could feel herself opening and the baby's head passing through.  "It's crowning," the scientist said, wiping around the head with a cloth, which caused Lizzie to whimper as it touched her stretched sensitive pussy around the head.  "It's sunny side up!"  "One more push," the scientist called out, and all the other girls began cheering, "GO LIZZIE GO!"  Even Summer, who looked like she was going to be physically sick, cheered Lizzie on, and did not let go of her hand.   "Ready?" Kaylyn asked happily, and Lizzie barely had time to nod before yelling out in pain as she pushed, and the baby ejected from her with a pop and a gush of fluid. Lizzie lay panting on the bed in relief, her legs still in the stirrups, as her baby's cord was cut and the newborn was passed around for each of the girls to hold.  It was a girl, with sandy brown hair identical to Lizzie's, and once Lizzie was finally able to hold this child that had come out of her, she felt as though she was in love.  However, she then remembered the contract she signed, and how she would have to give up this child to the caretakers. Deciding then and there that she would definitely make arrangements to track and even visit her daughter whenever she could, Lizzie smiled down at the baby girl happily as it wriggled in her arms.  Kaylyn put an arm around her best friend as she cooed and talked cheerfully and playfully to Lizzie's baby.  Summer had left as soon as she had held the baby for a bit, and Lizzie suspected that she had likely gone to vomit, her body finally coming to terms with her nervousness.  "You did great," Crystal said to Lizzie, beaming, as Tina smiled at them from just outside the birthing suite, where she was talking to the scientist.  "You made that look so easy," she continued.  "That looked easy?" Lizzie asked with a snort of laughter.  "I was yelling my head off!"  "Yeah, and so was I, remember?" Crystal reminded her.  "But, I didn't hear you beg to stop the pain or get it out!"  "Hey, we all deal with pain in our own way," Kaylyn reassured her.  "Oh yeah, you're one to talk, miss "Oh, the pain feels so good!" even when you're having TWINS!" Crystal said to her.   Kaylyn grinned.  "Hey, I'm weird, remember??" She responded happily.   Lizzie smiled as she held her child up to breastfeed.  "I love you guys," she said weakly, which instantly shut them all up.
Perhaps it was because Summer was barely out of her teens, but almost two days later, after Lizzie had recovered, Summer had already gone into labor.  She waddled out of her room, looking shaken and holding her belly with one hand.  "I'm hurting!!" She said to the girls as they approached her.  Kaylyn put her hand on Summer's belly as she moaned out softly.  "Are you sure it's just not late pregnancy pains?" Tina asked.  "We all had them leading up to our times!"  "It's not," Kaylyn announced.  "She's having contractions!"  It was at that moment that her water broke, and a puddle formed at Summer's feet! Kaylyn and Lizzie guided the panting and moaning young mother to the birthing suite as Crystal attempted to prepare the room.  Tina, meanwhile, called the scientist, and as they all waited, Summer rocked on the birthing ball, low moaning to herself.  "You're doing great," Kaylyn reassured her.   "It hurts!" Summer breathed between moans, holding her belly.  Lizzie watched her and noted again how fit Summer was, due to all the time she had spent in the gym.  "If anyone could get through childbirth without too much trouble, it has to be Summer," she thought.  "Are you ok?" Kaylyn asked Summer, who panted for a bit, then said, seemingly surprised, "It hurts, but it... it's not too bad!"  Kaylyn nodded and gave Lizzie a small smile, which she returned.  Summer had been the girl most dreading her birth, to the point of sheer panic, but it was reassuring to see that Summer had seemed to worry too much about it. When the scientist arrived, she asked Summer to lay on the bed and spread her legs, so she could check her dilation.  Panting slightly, Summer complied, and the scientist declared that she was already 7 centimeters dilated.  "Wow, you're taking it like a champ," Kaylyn said to Summer after this examination, giving her a reassuring smile.  Summer smiled back slightly, panting softly.  "I... think I'd like to walk..." She said, getting up out of the bed. Summer had done more than walk. After 10 minutes of walking around, Summer found herself unfulfilled and so, in typical Summer fashion, she had made her way into the gym and got on the treadmill.  The other girls could not really hide their amusement over this, and so they all laughed and chatted with Summer as she dealt with her labor by jogging slightly on the treadmill.  Lizzie was amazed by Summer's stamina; while she had been pregnant, and especially in labor, Lizzie could barely walk, and certainly would not be able to jog on the treadmill. After about 30 minutes of this, Summer stopped the treadmill suddenly and slumped over the front of it, crying out loudly.  "Aaahhh, it hurts bad!!" She exclaimed, and Lizzie moved forward to rub her back.  At the same time, Kaylyn and Crystal hoisted Summer off the treadmill and began guiding her back to the birthing suite.  "No, I can't," she said panicked after she took two steps, "It's coming right now!! Aaaahhhh!!" Summer doubled over and spread her legs slightly.  "Uuuggghh, ooooohhhh!!" "Ooh, it feels like it's coming down right now!!"  Apparently, Summer's workout on the treadmill had worked too well, and labor was progressing fast.  Lizzie was just thinking how ironically fitting it would be for Summer to deliver here in the gym when Kaylyn spoke up, "I have an idea, but all of you will need to help!" The four girls had lifted Summer up off her feet completely, and together they had carried her all the way to the birthing suite.  Summer was howling the entire time, and as they lowered her gently onto the bed, her legs thrashed as she screamed.   "I...I'M PUSHING! AAAHHH, IT CAN'T WAIT!!" Summer bellowed.  The scientist checked her and nodded, astonished.  "Yeah, not only are you fully dilated, but the baby's already moving down!" She said.  "What did you do??"  Summer responded by screaming again, as a bulge popped up in her vagina.  "Summer, there's the head," Crystal called out over her moans.  As it emerged, Lizzie could see a tuft of blonde hair similar in color to Summer's. Screaming again, and spreading her legs wide, Summer pushed and the head moved a few more inches out.  "AAAAHH, IT BURNS!!" Summer yelled, thrashing around on the bed.  Kaylyn, Tina, and Lizzie all moved forward to hold her as the scientist said, "You're crowning!"  "GO Summer, you're almost there!!" Crystal cheered, and her encouragement was echoed by the others as Summer gathered her strength and pushed, her face screwed up in pain, crying out loudly.  After an entire 30 seconds of pushing, the baby slipped out of Summer, crying loudly. Summer had given birth to a girl, and as Lizzie had seen earlier, the baby had lots of blonde hair the same color as Summer's hair.  The scientist, as per their unofficial tradition, passed the baby around to let each girl hold her before giving her to Summer.  "You did it," Crystal said cheerfully to Summer, who was laughing softly as she held her daughter.  "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Kaylyn said, causing all the girls to giggle.  "You really did so great," Lizzie said to Summer, putting a hand gently on her shoulder.  "I know you were scared!"  "I was," Summer said, as she looked down at her baby, "But it was worth it!"  "I could do it again!"  "Me too!" Kaylyn said immediately, to no one's surprise.  Lizzie nodded, feeling at that moment that she too was quite willing to carry and give birth again.   This was what she signed up for, after all.  The scientist came in and took the baby after a final goodbye from Summer, and then left, leaving the girls alone and all non-pregnant for the first time in months. Over the next several days, Summer had recovered, and the five girls had gone back to their lives in the facility, feeling quite fulfilled and happy.  The knowledge that they had all successfully given birth to their babies and that those babies would be adopted by families that would love them soon, filled all the girls with great happiness.  Using the library computer, Lizzie had already found a website established for the experiment.  It was very secretive, at least on the surface, but there was also a very secure login screen.  Lizzie had been quite surprised when she entered her name and social security number as requested by the page, and she had been given access.  Apparently, all the girls involved in the experiment had been given access to the site, just by putting in their information.  Lizzie scrolled a bit to what she was looking for: tracking.  Here, she found her own picture and a list of how many babies she had delivered.  Obviously, there was only one entry on the list, and so she clicked it, and was treated with pictures, information, and even a running video of the caretaker in charge of taking care of the daughter Lizzie had birthed.  The caretaker was a young girl, barely older than Lizzie, with long blonde hair and light skin, whose name was Rose.  Lizzie found a live video of Rose breastfeeding Lizzie's unnamed baby, and watched it for a while, smiling happily.  Her heart swelled at the sight of her daughter being taken care of so well, and hoped she would bring joy to whoever ended up with her.  Bookmarking the site before closing it, Lizzie had just stood up from behind the computer and stretched when she heard a tone from the intercom in the foyer.  "Attention, all members of the project," a voice said, and Lizzie recognized it as Daniel's.  She quickly rushed outside, to see that the other girls had done the same.  "We are happy to announce that phase one of the challenge is complete and that 22 healthy babies have been born!" Daniel's voice continued.  "A week will pass, for general recovery and preparation, and then phase two will begin!"  "The names of all birthers will be randomized by our computer again, and the we will call the name of the first candidate from each section!"  There was a pause, then Daniel said, "I wish to congratulate all 20 birthers for your success in carrying and delivering the first babies for our little project!!"  "Here's hoping you will continue to be successful in your efforts!"  As the announcement ended, Lizzie turned to see smiles on all the other girls' faces, mirroring her own.  "So, wonder what's gonna happen next?" Kaylyn asked, brightly.
As announced, after a week passed by, the experiment started up again for phase two, with a newly randomized list.  Lizzie was the first to get pregnant this time, followed by Crystal, then Tina, then Summer, and finally Kaylyn last.  Lizzie was not sure if Kaylyn being last was because she had had twins previously, or if it was just a coincidence.   As the months passed, Lizzie had continued to use the facility's site to monitor her child, as well as learn more about the experiment itself.   During the week between the phases of the experiment, Lizzie learned that she could look up a list of all the girls in the experiment, and call up a list of their babies, as she had done hers.  Doing so, she discovered that, in addition to Kaylyn, a girl named Nikki in Section B was the other person to give birth to twins during phase one.  Lizzie also had entertained herself slightly by finding the babies of all of her new friends, to see how well they were being taken care of, and she was pleased to find that the caretakers were just as loving and caring to them as they had been to her own child. During the next few months, the girls had slipped back into a routine similar to the one they had enjoyed during their first pregnancies, with everything seeming to go smoothly.  Lizzie eventually gave birth to a boy this time, that was, in her opinion, a spitting image of Daniel.  Being the first to deliver meant that she spend the next couple of weeks effectively as midwife, as Crystal brought forth her next son, Tina a daughter, and Summer and Kaylyn both having boys as well.  Lizzie noted that the births in the second phase were not much more or less intense as those in the first, but with each girl having already gone through the process once before, they were more experienced and prepared this time around. Lizzie eventually spent almost two years total living in the facility as the experiment continued.  During that time, she had given birth to three more girls, which joined her first daughter and son with the caretakers, allowing her to meet her quota of five babies.  The other girls eventually also had given birth to their five babies, and as predicted, the facility staff had offered to let Kaylyn leave before phase 5 started, as thanks to her twins, she had already had her five babies, but she flat out refused, choosing to stay and support her friends in their final pregnancies and births.  Thankfully, there had been no other complications, other than Tina's third birth being breech, and close to the end of the 4th phase, an announcement had come over the entire facility saying that there would be slight delays, because someone in the facility was having triplets!  Lizzie had learned, via using the facility's site, that it had been Daniel's wife, Rena, who had birthed the triplets, inadvertently bringing her baby count to six! A week after Lizzie and her section had birthed their final babies, Daniel had announced to the entire facility that the 100 baby challenge was a success, with 104 successful babies born.  All the birthers had fulfilled their contracts, and were now free to leave, and Daniel informed everyone in that same announcement that in a few days, vehicles would be prepared for whoever needed them, to transport them back to their former lives.  After two years in the facility, Lizzie felt that it would now be a surreal, strange experience to go back to her former life, but she knew two things for certain: She would continue to keep in touch with her fellow birthers, who had become her newest family, and she would continue to track and even eventually make arrangements to visit all of the children she had birthed, wherever they would eventually end up. The day after the announcement, the five girls got a personal visit from the four founders of the facility!  They were going around to each section, thanking all of the birthers personally for their help in making the challenge a reality and success, and also asking each of the girls where they wanted to go from here, so they could be transported later.  Lizzie was happy to meet the other founders of the project, as the only one she had ever interacted with was Daniel, and she was slightly surprised when she noticed that Rena had a small baby bump as she stood next to her husband.  "Haven't you had enough?" Lizzie asked loudly with a laugh as she indicated Rena's belly, remembering that Rena had already given birth to six children during the project.  Rena smiled, but Daniel immediately put his arm around his wife and said happily to Lizzie, "This one is not for the experiment, this baby is ours!!"  Rena nodded, as Daniel kissed her cheek. As preparations to leave got underway, Lizzie found that emotions among the girls were running high, seeing as the five of them had spent almost two years together, during which time they had supported each others' pregnancies and births.  As a result of this, they had all grown super close, and the farewells they exchanged were tearful ones, despite all of them promising each other that they would stay in touch.  Lizzie learned that Tina and Summer were returning to their old lives, their reasons for joining the experiment now fulfilled.  Crystal was unsure where to go from here, but the two years seemed to have been therapeutic for her, and she was now open to new hope and possibilities moving forward.  As Lizzie spend her last day in the facility with her best friend, Kaylyn informed her that she had chosen not to return to her old life.  Kaylyn had spoken with Daniel during the founders' personal visit, and had agreed to stay and work with him to continue to perfect the Fast Pregnancy serum, acting, of course, as a test subject.  "Why am I not surprised?" Lizzie had responded, and the two girls laughed.   But, when Kaylyn asked Lizzie what her plans were upon leaving the facility, she could not answer.  Lizzie had no idea what to do now, for nothing in her life could possibly compare to this experience. After a final emotional farewell to the rest of the girls, Lizzie stepped into the elevator and returned to the lobby she had first laid eyes upon at the beginning of the experiment, two years ago.  When she was escorted out to the parking garage, she received one final surprise: Daniel was waiting there, to personally drive her back to her home.  As Daniel had been the one who had recruited her in the first place, it seemed to Lizzie that it was only fitting for everything to come full circle. During the drive home, where Lizzie sat in the front seat of Daniel's car, rather than the windowless back of the van that had first brought her to the mountain, the two of them spoke in length about the project's success.  "So, how do you feel??" Daniel asked her with a curious and yet concerned expression.  Lizzie thought for a moment, and smiled.  "I feel wonderful," she responded, and knew in her heart that it was true.  The project had been an amazing experience that had given her new friends, and the happy feeling that she had given five barren families somewhere out there, the joys of having children.   Daniel smiled.  "I'm happy to hear you say that," he stated.  "I've heard much the same from all the girls that took part in the project."   "Now that it's over, and successful, we plan to publicly announce our success soon."  "Given our plans for the future, as well as the sheer number of people involved with the project, it's doubtful we could keep it secret anymore in any event."  Lizzie nodded as she processed this information.  "Don't worry," Daniel added, "Other than to the families that will be adopting your babies, of course, we will keep you and all the other birthers anonymous when we go public."  "I know that would be an awkward way to get famous!"  Lizzie smiled, but then her mind went into overdrive, still wondering what her future plans were, and an idea formed.  Seeing Kaylyn in her mind's eye, Lizzie asked, "What if I didn't mind?"  Daniel, pulling into the driveway of Lizzie's house, turned to look at her, confused.  "I think... I would like to do some writing," she continued.  "Perhaps write a book about... all of this!"   "The experience of being in the project, and meeting new friends, and the pains and joys of having our babies..." She trailed off, watching Daniel's expression carefully.  "Would that be ok, since, well, the project is... was... your baby... no pun intended... and I know you want to be careful going public..."  Lizzie closed her mouth to stop her stammering.  "What is wrong with me?" She thought.  However, she saw Daniel give her a warm smile.  "Well, as we're planning to go public soon, I hereby declare the contract fulfilled, which means you are no longer sworn to secrecy," he said, grinning.  "You can do, and write, whatever you want!"  "In fact," he continued as he reached over and opened her door, "If that is your plan, then what if you and your book WAS how we went public??"  Lizzie gaped at him in surprise, and then, as she climbed out of his car, her face beamed happily, and she leaned in and said, "Where do I sign up??" End
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
The money thing (part 1/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
It's always the little things, isn't it? The smallest stupidest things make almost no difference and then make all the difference in the world. They make everything special, but they also have the power to tear everything appart.
You and Daniel fight about money for the thousand time and he's had enough of it.
Warnings: super angst, but with a happy ending :)
Guys, this turned out WAY BIGGER than I expected, so I'm just gonna do a part 2, okay? Okay, thanks for understanding!
Song that inspired me: A list by HVOB
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You and Daniel had been dating for a couple months now, having met through a common friend and hitting off almost instantly. You lived in Amsterdam and he, well he lived all over the world really, but his "time off" (meaning not racing) was spent between Monaco and London (for work), and Amsterdam now too, of course.
The changes were small and subtle at the beginning, like your weekends being spent traveling to meet him wherever in the world he was and consequently spending almost all your savings on plane tickets. You never complained to him (you planned on spending the money traveling anyway, so you didn't see the point), but didn't accept when he offered to buy your tickets, either. There's been some awkwardness around the subject but it usually died on its own.
*beginning of flashback*
"You’d have gotten here in time if you'd gotten the early flight like I told you" you remembered him saying that time you got in the paddock after the qualifying session had begun and couldn’t kiss him good luck.
"Baby, I told you. It was crazy expensive! Absurd even!"
"(y/n) for god's sake! What are we saving money for? I told you, you have my credit card number, I've offered to get you one, this is ridiculous, I can't believe I literally earn millions and my girlfriend wasn't there with me because the ticket was too expensive! I'll fucking fly you private if I have to!" he was almost yelling in his driver's room. You could only stare from the corner.
He took a deep breath running his hands through his hair. "Sorry. It's just... it was crap out there. I needed you" you grimaced at his words.
"Sorry. I really am..." you tried to approach him. "I'm here now?" you touched his arm. "It can't have been that bad, you're still on the top 10 and we both know what you can do from the 8th car..." you smiled at him.
*end of flashback*
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
The thing is, you always had trouble dealing with money. Sure, you liked to pay for your own stuff so as to not owe anything to anyone (especially boys), but it was so much deeper than that. Ever since a kid, you hated asking for money from your parents, and sometimes even the thought of buying stuff that was a bit more expensive made you sick. You couldn't explain why, you just felt guilty having so much and knowing that most people have never even seen that amount. It's not that you didn't want to spend it and save for the sake of it, you just didn't handle the idea of money very well. Needless to say, dating a millionnaire was bound to cause trouble in the relationship for you.
You were currently at his place in Monaco. It was the summer break and you had decided to spend some days just chilling at home, just the two of you - which you were glad since going out means hair, makeup, clothes, accessories, shoes... and, let's be honest, the kind of places he usually took you is not the kind of places you just throw something together last minute (the Instagram models and other driver's girlfriends looking you up and down were enough to make you think about spending money you did not have to hire a stylist or something like that). The whole situation was really stressing you out and you knew you would have to be honest with him eventually, instead of only dodging the subject and refusing most of his offers to pay. You tried to. You kind of tried. You suggested staying at home, in bed, most of the time, and he gladly agreed, but that strategy wasn't gonna work forever. You had to be honest with him. But at the same time, you knew what he was going to say and do, and the thought of him spending money on you, even if just by handling the restaurant bill, wasn't something you were much more comfortable with. Besides, it was only a matter of time before the "gold-digger" term starts to fly around in the small world that was the F1's.
You were laying on his couch, the Olympics playing on the TV but you were too busy overthinking the money thing to pay attention. Daniel was laying with his head on your lap, absently caressing your thigh and watching the TV. His phone went off and he moved to pick it up.
"Hello?" you watched as he answered the phone. "Hey mate, how's it going? Uh nothing, we're just chilling at home. Getting some rest... Yeah, I'm getting rested, you dirty-minded son of a bitch" you rolled your eyes while he laughed out loud on the line with someone. "Yeah, I know... the 19th is it? No, it's fine. Yeah, yeah. I'll be there. Alright, mate. Thanks for calling. Have a good one! Bye!" he hanged up and leaned in to peck you on the lips.
"Good news?" you asked him.
"Not really. Just wanted to kiss you" he shrugged, smiling. You smiled back and hugged him, pulling him in for another kiss. He was always so caring with you, always finding an excuse to kiss or touch you. You knew some people didn't like it, but you loved it. Physical touch was definitely one of your love languages.
"What's happening on the 19th then?" you asked him once you guys set apart from the kiss.
"Gotta be in London. Gonna run some testings and other boring race stuff..."
"Hum..." you hummed in understanding.
"You know what would make it less boring though?" he asked and you just looked at him, you already knew what he was going to ask you and it wasn't that you didn't want to spend every minute of the day with him, but you simply couldn't afford any more traveling, especially not in such short notice. "If you came with me. Huh? What do you say? A week in the Queen's land? Then we can fly together to Spa and after the race, I can go with you to Amsterdam. The next one it's the Dutch GP anyway, I'll just get there sooner" he laughed. It was crushing you, the man of your dreams was literally beaming at making plans with you, talking about spending the next few weeks glued together and you couldn't say yes.
"Dan, I have to work" you smiled sadly.
"Can't you work from distance? Or, I don't know, I mean... I know it's tiring, but you could come to London and fly home a bit early, then just meet me in Belgium?" great, his solution includes even more flying. And the thing is, you really didn't mind the flying. You always slept during the whole thing anyway, so you never got tired and the jetlag was minimal. You could work from distance, sure. Your boss wouldn't mind, as long as you got there eventually to check in on everything. But the whole logistics were just too expensive. There was no way you could afford it.
"I... sorry, I don't think I can" you said sadly and watched as his face dropped.
"That's fine, baby. I get it. I'm asking too much, all this traveling... don't worry about it" he tried to mask his emotions but you knew better. He knew you could in fact work from distance, so he was probably thinking the reason you couldn't do it was because you didn't want to.
He got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but bury your face in your palms. This was so frustrating!
"You wanna go for a run or something? Maybe get something to eat?" he called from the kitchen, already moving on from the subject. You knew this whole thing was only gonna keep build up till he got tired of your excuses or you blowing up, probably the former, but you just keep going.
"Yeah, sure" you answered, getting up from the couch.
You and Daniel were both very active so going for a run, hiking, riding bikes, or whatever in the middle of the day was really routine for you. The Monaco summer weather was as beautiful as always and the sun was shining bright. You enjoyed the rest of your afternoon racing each other, kissing in the harbor, and just taking in the views, spending quality time together. Money wasn't even a thing in your bubble for a while.
"I'm getting hungry" he said on the way back home.
"Me too, and I'm super hot. I could go for a juice or something right now" you were all sweaty from the running, but you didn't care, he was too.
"You're always hot baby, I don't think juice gonna help with that" he grinned at you and you just rolled your eyes at him.
You passed by one of his favorite spots for food, nearby his place and he suggested getting some take-out, to which you agreed.
"Green juice, and a chicken wrap?" you tried to decide while the both of you waited in line.
"I'll never understand how you drink that"
"I've seen you drink that too, it's actually very refreshing"
"Because I'm forced to, I'm a high-performance athlete baby. But I'm on a break, so I'll have a coke, thank you very much" you laughed at him. He was holding your hand and tried to kiss you, wrapping his arm around you, you didn't dodge his kiss, you would never, but still laughed at the fact he wanted to kiss the sweaty mess you were right now.
"I'm gross, only you" you laughed.
"That's my baby, with no makeup she a ten" he rapped shrugging and grinning.
"Alright Lil Wayne, I know that one, don't even finish the verse" you laughed at him, making him laugh out loud, getting everyone's in the restaurant's attention.
"It's true, though"
"Sure..." You just shook your head smiling. Then you heard someone call his name.
"Hey! Daniel!" you both turned around to see Charles and Charlotte sitting in a corner, him waving at you two. You had met Charles a couple of times before but never spoke too much to him. They seemed to be leaving anyway, so they walked towards you guys, instead of towards the door.
"Hey mate, how's it going?" Daniel greeted him with a handshake. "Hey, Charlotte! You know (y/n) yet?"
"Hi! I don't think so, hi! How are you?" she greeted you smiling.
"Hi! Nice to meet you. Hi, Charles!" you said.
"Hey, (y/n). You're keeping him in line during the break? Char won't let me cheat my diet either" he laughed.
"Oh, that ship has sailed long ago! Daniel will just roll into the paddock if it's up to him" you laughed back.
"Hey! I think I've earned the right to some extra calories, we've been working out extra hard lately" Daniel said waving his eyebrows suggestively, making Charlotte giggle, Charles rolls his eyes and you go even redder than you were from the actual workout, while he just laughed out loud.
"I don't even want to know" Charles said. "Always great running into you mate" he was getting ready to say goodbye.
"Are we seeing you guys tomorrow?" Charlotte asked you.
"Tomorrow?" you asked her.
"Stefano's birthday" she said like it was obvious. Stefano Domenicali was the President and CEO of Formula 1, but you didn't know that yet - still, her tone made it seems like it was someone Daniel knew, so you just looked at him. He just rubbed his neck, looking a little embarrassed. "Oh, wait. Please tell me I didn't just said something I shouldn't" she looked at Charles.
"No, no. He invited me. Us, actually" Daniel reassured her. "I don't think we're going though, forgot to mention to you" he said looking at you.
"Uh mate, I wouldn't skip that if I were you. He didn't even invite all the drivers I heard" Charles said. "Maybe just stop by to say hello?"
"Stop by... a yacht... at the sea?" Charlotte said grinning at him. Daniel looked at you.
"You feel like going? It should be fun" he asked you.
"Sounds fancy... I mean, I don't mind if you go" you said.
"Common... I’m not going alone" he nudged you.
"I don't even have anything to wear, Dan" you told him.
"Oh! We can go shopping together!" Charlotte said and you had almost forgotten they were still there.
"Perfect!" Daniel answered for you. You could only imagine the types of stores she shopped.
"Tomorrow morning, then? Daniel can text your address to Charles for me? I'll pick you up!" she was being really nice about it.
"I thought you wanted to go today?" Charles said.
"That's when I thought I would have to go shopping with you, so I could use the extra time since you're the worst shopping partner ever!" she laughed at him.
"Burn!" Daniel laughed.
"His fashion taste is not the most reliable, let's face it" she laughed and kissed his cheek. "It's a date then (y/n)?" she looked expectantly at you. You didn't want to let her down, it was so hard to make friends with the girlfriends of other drivers, they were usually so... not nice. You could always just help her and find something to wear in your own stuff later.
"Yeah, sure! See you tomorrow, at 10?" you said simply.
"Perfect!" she beamed.
>>> end of part 1 <<<
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the-hidden-pages · 3 years
Let Me Worship You: Part 1 - Zemo x Fem!Reader
The fact that this man is the one who dragged me out of my refusing-to-write-fanfiction grave and let me post old work while working on new stuff is...Impressive. Damn you Daniel Bruhl.
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Synopsis: With all the horrible things you had heard of Baron Helmut Zemo, you hadn't anticipated just how badly he wished to win you over. To a further extent, you certainly hadn't anticipated how tempting it would be to give in.
No bad NSFW this chapter - this is the lead up to the main course.
You were not an Avenger.
Unsurprising, really, given what you perceived to be your lack of talent and marketable super-heroine prowess, and so when Bucky called you up asking for a favour, you were pleasantly surprised.
You had only met Bucky on the rare occasion he let you help him, often expressing that he viewed you as a worrywart, a particularly bad day of his leading to him accusing you of trying to be his mother. He later apologized, hearing your explanation that you wanted to help in any way you could, and since you didn't have a superhero serum or fancy suit or arm, you relied on what you could - your mind and your giving nature.
He must have remembered this conversation, because he brought you with him and Sam to what appeared to be an underground parking garage.
"What're you talking about, you wanna break Zemo out of jail? Where the hell are we Buck? Have you lost your mind?!" Sam was raving as you followed behind the two men, silent as you stew over what Bucky had told you.
Babysitting duty.
You were effectively on glorified babysitting duty of an incredibly dangerous criminal.
"James..." you hesitated when he discussed this with you, how could you not? "I don't know how useful I'll be here."
"Very," he countered, his voice dull while his eyes were pleading. "Sam’s an Avenger, I have the serum. But you, you're just a person. Zemo will be less likely to hurt and immediately betray you because of that fact alone."
"He's killed people who've been in his way before. Normal people."
"He won't kill you. I'll make sure of that."
A heavy sigh escapes you as Sam and Bucky continue to bicker about the logistics of breaking Zemo out.
"I don't like how casual you're being about this, it's unnatural - and - where are we man?"
"I wouldn't mind an answer to that too," you supply, but any answer is interrupted by the sound of a door unlocking.
The three of you turn to approaching footsteps, and find no one other than Helmut Zemo striding towards you, dressed in a prison guard's uniform.
Sam responds immediately, arguing to throw him back in jail, while Bucky tries to calm him down. But you can't help but stare at the man before you as he removes the cap on his head, arms raised in an attempt to calm the men down.
"If I may" his voice rasped, but he was stopped short by Sam and Bucky in unison.
Zemo nodded, looking away almost sheepishly. "Apologies," came the quiet response.
If it were any other situation, you would have laughed - those two had the dynamics of a married couple and they couldn't stand each other. And for them to completely shut down the killer in front of them was...incredibly funny.
But you had a job to do.
As the boys continued to bicker, you took slow steps forward towards the man now looking you up and down, trying to place your part in all of this.
"Don't mind them," you spoke quietly, not wanting to distract Sam and Bucky, but still intending to speak with the criminal. "They're having some troubles in paradise. You must be Zemo."
His eyes take you in, a small smirk beginning to form. "So I must. May I have the pleasure of your name, Liebling?"
You offer your name hesitantly, and he repeats it back to you, as though he were sampling what it might taste like.
"Beautiful name, thank you." He turns to face the two men still arguing, not noticing your introductions. "I really think I'm invaluable..."
"Shut up..." Sam warned, before turning back to Bucky, looking between him and you.
You nod reassuringly to him - this is necessary, if the super soldiers are to be dealt with.
A sharp sigh leaves Sam. "Okay. If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission. And she is watching you every step of the way."
Bucky interjects. "And if anything happens to her, you're going to wish we left you in that cell."
Zemo nods, looking to you once again. "Fair."
You tilt your head slightly, unable to read his eyes as they examine you. You brush it off, chalking it up to him appreciating not being thrown back into a cell immediately. "Okay Zemo. Where do we start?"
Zemo wasn't sure of what to make of you, he realized as you were on the jet to Riga.
You weren't an Avenger, you weren't a soldier, super or otherwise. You seemed to just be a person, one constantly offering her help where she could, even when it was to her own detriment.
He also took note of how rarely your help was appreciated or reciprocated.
You would offer help any moment you could, carrying supplies, offering to fetch food, simply offering and ear to listen. You were quick to attempt to smooth over Sam and Bucky's disputes, and you would play along with the role Zemo would assign you without much question - anything to help, you would say.
You were kind, he noticed as well. Smart, and shrewd, and clearly with trust issues, but you were kind and polite. You spoke with him as much as you might Sam or Bucky, you offered him your trust under the promise he would aide you find the super soldier serum. With your kindness, he thought it might be easy to manipulate you, to slip away from the group, maybe even to ask you to join him.
But there was an issue with his theory, he quickly noticed - any attempt to woo you, attract you, win you...didn't seem to work.
He hadn't been at the task long, mind you, but he had hoped you would be impressed with the jacket, the Baron title, the jet, the offer of wine. Instead, you simply seemed uncomfortable. Come Madripoor, you were happy to play the part of eye candy to escape much attention, yet when he offered you to keep the stunning dress, shoes, and jewelry ensemble you simply waved it off, claiming that you'd reimburse him if he insisted on you keeping it. You were happy to dance near him, unable to hide your laughter at his moves, yet he offered you a drink and you promptly declined, claiming it unnecessary.
Zemo's brow furrows as he observes you, awake and quietly reading as Sam and Bucky both sleep on the flight.
"What's your motive, Liebling?" he questions, and you glance up from your page.
"Don't tell me the criminal doesn't trust me," you respond wryly, turning your gaze back.
"No, I don't mean like that," he shifts, leaning forward to continue to observe the woman that was his guard. "I wonder what keeps you going. Some are motivated by riches, and dreams. Others from spite and anger. What do you want from life, my dear? What causes you to wake up in the morning?"
You pause, looking up to search his eyes to see where this question was coming from. You weren't sure what game he was playing, and you weren't sure how to answer him either. You eventually look back down to your book, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Nothing wakes me up in the morning, given I rarely get to sleep most nights."
His brows furrowed as she goes back to her pages, eager for the conversation to end. Her difficulty doesn't seem to be that he's a criminal - she's spoken plenty freely to him, she agrees to his plans...
The difficulty, he begins to realize with a smile. Maybe he's beginning to see what the difficulty is after all.
You weren't sure what to make of Zemo, you think as you lie awake at night in the Riga safe house.
This criminal coming out of nowhere, apparently being rich as hell, so far doing nothing to cause you to believe he would betray you (yes, Sam and Bucky were shocked by his killing of Nagel, but really? You weren't shocked) ...but what shocked you the most was how badly he seemed to want to win you over.
You could justify it, sure. You're supposed to be his guard, he's likely trying to get you to let your guard down so he can escape. Yet when he's so charismatic, the way he holds himself, that voice...
Your eyes snap open sharply.
You were attracted to Zemo.
The man you're meant to be watching.
No, you told yourself. You're just lonely, and he's the first man offering you attention in a long time. It doesn't matter that his eyes examining you makes you blush, that you want to run your fingers through his hair, that a quiet voice your head wished that he would kiss you when he pulled you aside with one arm, other hand aiming at a pipe in Madripoor to blow up some poor saps...
It's the heat of the situation, you told yourself. Your options are Sam, Bucky, and Zemo...
Trust you to pick the worst option.
But how could you not, your mind whispers. When he danced like a goofball in a club your heart warmed. When he sat, filled with confidence and righteousness in the jet, legs splayed enough that you could perch on your knees in front of him, worship him, pleasure him. When he left the bathroom this morning in that damned robe, the deep V drawing your eyes down his chest before you could help himself.
You groaned. Of all the thoughts to keep you awake, why did it have to be your assignment on your mind?
It was too hot, your mind was swimming, you knew sleep wouldn't come soon.
And so, you stood, wrapping your arms around your book and padding downstairs in a loose t-shirt and shorts. Zemo had said that you were welcome to whatever resided within the safe house, and you were ready to take up his offer and steal a cup of tea.
You weren't expecting to find anyone else still awake. And yet, you weren't fully surprised to find Zemo sitting in the kitchen, bottle of whiskey at his side, a glass in his hand. He looks up at the sound of your footsteps, a soft smile on his face.
"Good evening, Liebling."
"Zemo. Can't sleep?"
"Unfortunately, not." He leans backwards slightly, examining you. "Another sleepless night for you as well."
"So it would seem."
You take a seat across the counter from him, not wanting to sit too closely to the man you were just fantasizing about. You were good at keeping a straight face, but you wondered if you got too close if he'd somehow be able to smell it on you.
He pushed his bottle forward, cocking an eyebrow at you.
Your finger caresses the binding of your book as you hesitate to find the words.
"Actually, I had come down to make myself a cup of tea, if you don't mind."
Zemo's eyes lit up slightly, and he stood, motioning for you to stay where you were. "Allow me."
"You don't have to-" you begin to protest, but he's quick to cut you off.
"Please, Liebling, let me spoil you."
The heat that washes over you is clearly visible, if his chuckle is any indicator.
Silence falls and you quietly open your book as Zemo busies himself over the tea. In mere minutes a steeping mug is delicately placed in front of you. You smile graciously and nod, though you falter slightly as he doesn't return to the other end of the counter - rather, sitting on a stool right beside you, inquisitive eyes not leaving your face.
"Can I help you with something, Baron?" you question, taking the tea and blowing on it to cool it down somewhat. His eyes follow your movements, before travelling to meet yours again.
You could drown in those eyes -
"Day after day you offer your help, sarcastically or not," he begins, leaning forward slightly as he rests his chin on his hand, examining you. "Who offers help to the helper?"
You take a sip of your tea, tilting you head. "I don't know what you mean."
"Your refusal of my gifts, your reluctance to let me even make you a cup of tea - at first I wondered if it was in distrust of me, Liebling -"
"Well, you have killed people."
He quirks an eyebrow, and you motion for him to finish.
"I realize now it's because you're uncomfortable being cared for. You spend so much time looking after everyone else, you give no one the opportunity to worship you as you deserve."
You choked a bit on your tea at that.
"I don't know that I deserve to be worshiped, I just...exist. And do what I can to help others."
Zemo leaned forward further, slowly, so as to not push you away in result. "We haven't been acquainted for long, my dear, but from all I've seen from you with Sam, with James, and with an undeserving man such as myself...the strength in your soul and the empathy in your heart...It alone rises you so far above the men and women placed on pedestals because of their supernatural abilities."
You lean forward to match, but your eyes have steeled over. "Your sweet words won't make me let you go, Zemo. I won't betray Sam and Bucky."
He didn't miss a beat. "I should be so lucky to be held captive by you for eternity, Liebling. I don't ask you to betray your friends on my behalf."
"Then what do you want from me, exactly?"
You should be very afraid. The man who singlehandedly tore apart the Avengers is staring at you as if you were a last meal, his knees touching yours, his hand finding its way to lightly perch on your arm.
You should be afraid.
Yet despite your better judgement, you aren't.
"I want you to tell me every one of your desires, so I might fulfill them. I want to see you stand tall in the finest clothes money can buy, to whisk you away to Paris, Vienna, Rome, every beautiful local this world has to offer, local that pale in comparison to the beauty in front of me. I want you to let me bring you tea, wine, food, chocolates, and anything else that might please you. I want you to relax against me, to feel the tension you've had all mission to wash away in the most luxurious bath of your life, while I wash your beautiful hair, while I taste every inch of you."
His voice had dropped to nearly a whisper, and you couldn't stop yourself from leaning forward more to hang off his every word. "I'm not a stupid man. I know it's only a matter of time before I'm back in a prison cell of some kind. And even if I weren't, you may not believe the sincerity of my words. But tonight, little bird, I want you to let me worship you."
Your eyes fluttered as his hand reached forward to cup your cheek, thumb caressing over your bottom lip. You had the strength to look him dead in the eye with one final warning.
"If this is a trick of any kind, Zemo, I won't hesitate to let Bucky rip you to shreds."
The laughter that leaves him fans over your face, drawing your eyes to his lips.
"I'd expect nothing less, Liebling."
His eyes still search your face. A gentleman, you realize. He's waiting for permission.
You lean forward to close the gap, slowly letting your mouth brush over his, tasting him for the first time, as your hand raises to card through the locks of hair in his face. Your body thrums with anticipation of what's to come, with the anxiety that this may be a dangerous move, with pure, undiluted arousal from his words.
Yet you break away gently, both hands cupping his face now as he looks at you, curious as to why you stopped, pleased that his initial seduction worked.
Your hands slowly travel down to his own, and you stand, backing towards the way you came when you first gave up on sleep for the night.
"Come on then. You want to show me what being spoiled is like?"
A grin curls its way onto his face as he spins you in his arms, twirling you so that your back is against his front, his arms around you, his breath hot in your ear.
"Little bird, I'll give you everything you crave and more."
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