#Daniels had his little haircut
kr-yoongi · 1 year
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Stargate SG-1 S02E13ㅣSpirits
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Half-Ghost Billy Batson
(Inspired by a post that I can’t find😡😤. If you recognize it please let me know! I have searched. Everywhere. I remember it starts off with Billy contemplating how he’s different and his dad didn’t want him, and then Danny shows up.)
Danny Fenton grows up, gets crowned King of the Infinite Realms, and then discovers that time it weird in the Zone if the portal you came through doesn’t stay open. He’s been ruling for over a century, but it’s only been a few years on Earth. Early on he made sure to keep popping in and out to visit family and friends and keep up a human identity, and so was able to age normally too.
By the time he’s 25 (2015), he’s in a serious relationship with a woman named Mary Batson, and has decided to tell her about his other life. Before he can however, he is ‘killed’ in an explosion at his civilian job as an engineer.
He’s fine, but was weakened enough that he reverted to his core, and Clockwork retrieved him and took him to the Realms to heal. He does, goes discreetly looking for Mary, and discovers it been a year and she died in a car accident. Heartbroken, and with no civilian identity anymore, he starts spending all his time in the Zone, only making weekend trips to see family/friends.
Unknown to Danny, Mary was pregnant, gave birth, and little William ‘Billy’ Daniel Batson was saved via emergency C-Section after the accident and placed in foster care, because she had no family and no one looked into the father’s well enough. Mary only survived long enough to name her son and give them Danny’s name.
10 years later, Billy gains the title of Champion of Magic. The influx of so much magic also triggers his… other genes.
As Billy, he is faster and stronger and heals quicker and if he concentrates really hard he can turn invisible and walk through things— at least for a few moments. He also discovers that he’s essentially a cat, since he can hiss and purr and randomly sprout claws.
Billy only uses a mirror if he needs to give himself a haircut, but the next time he looks he notices the tiny little baby fangies. And that his eyes are more teal than blue, his hair has a few white spots in it, and his ears point a little more. No wonder no one’s been bothering him lately.
(He’s basically 75% human and 25% ghost, so unless he gets hosed down with pure ectoplasm and also eats a bunch of the stuff, he’s not going to be able to ‘go ghost’. He’s just hasn’t got enough Phantom in him to manage it.)
As Captain Marvel, the magic of his patrons and the Rock of Eternity kinda work as a counter-measure against the partially-dead thing, as the magic sees it as a threat to the Champion’s health and fights the genes’ effects like it’s a virus. So the magic is basically shutting down all of the actual powers he gets as Billy. But he does get little things that the magic doesn’t care about, like sharp little fangs and pointy ears.
Billy just thinks it’s all side effects of the magic, and uses his new ‘adaptations’ as Billy to survive on the streets.
The Justice League comes knocking about 6 months in, meet this huge chipper dude who can evenly match Superman and uses magic in a way that causes other magic users headaches and rage, and invite him to join.
That’s when they notice that he’s a bit… strange.
Not like, in a bad way! Just, the other day Batman did the ‘appear behind you from nowhere’ thing and when Marvel noticed he full on hissed at him, like a feral cat, before looking sheepish and apologizing.
A few weeks later, they’re rescuing some kidnapped meta kids and they find Marvel sitting cross-legged on the ground, several toddlers draped over him and a very distinct purring noice emanating from his chest.
A week after that, and Superman confides worriedly that sometimes Marvel’s heart will just… stop beating, and/or he’ll stop breathing, and that when his heartbeat is gone there seems to be a strange hum coming from the center of his chest.
Then another 2 weeks later, after a meeting, he and Flash were talking and they both laughed, but when Marvel did he just flashed these very sharp incisors that Flash swears are fangs.
And then one day they call him in to help fight some demons and one growls at him and he freakin growls back, bares his definitely fangs I told you so! And just freakin launches at the thing. They basically roll around like a couple of territorial tomcats, and at first Marvel is throwing punches and lighting but then the demon bites him and Marvel just… bites back.
And then he like… sprouts claws?! And then it really is like a cat fight, with these two just hissing and growling and clawing and biting until Marvel does something and the demon breaks away and flees, whimpering like a kicked dog. Superman has to snag Marvels cape and dodge some claws to keep the guy from chasing after it.
He’s covered in claw marks and scratches and there’s blood like everywhere but once they drag/convince/bully him into going back to the Watchtowers medbay, there’s nothing. The wounds are gone, the blood is fading away, and the suit is repairing itself. Marvel just shrugs and says magic, which, fair enough.
But then they have to have a talk about what the hell that was, and all Marvel can say for his feral-cat behavior is “I just heard him growl and had the uncontrollable urge to bite him. Like, he’s in my territory, and he’s gonna challenge me like that? Heck-no.”
…Territory? Territory?! What does that- does this possibly-immortal being consider all of Earth his territory? Is he secretly a Fae? An eldritch being in less terrifying form? Part demon himself? A cat transformed into a person?
Marvel shrugs.
“I never met my parents, so honestly any of those have a chance of being true.”
Oh No. Oh F*ck. Those were rhetorical!
Meanwhile, Danny is back on Earth and finds out from Tucker that Mary had a kid. They discover this because he was reported missing after he ran away and the cops tried to find out if there was any more family, and do a better job looking this time. Danny is ‘dead’ so they called the Drs Fenton, who told Jazz, who told Tucker, who dug around and realized oh sh*t, Danny has a son.
But they can’t tell Danny this, because some a-hole in a different dimension is trying to invade the Infinite Realms, so Danny has to go kick a**. The time in the other dimension is weird too, so several years pass on Earth by the time he stops the threat, locks away the demon Trigon, and finds a nice home in the Realms for the demon’s half-human orphaned daughter Raven, who fits in very well with the ghosts.
So, Danny’s back and between Tucker and Danny they figure out what city Billy is in, and Danny spends days flying around invisible feeling for any ectoplasm. He finds it, finds Billy facing down some wanna-be teenage gangsters, and watches with growing pride as his son hisses at them with his widdle baby fangs oh my Ancients!
So after the other kids flee from the ‘crazy demon kid’, Danny invisibly follows Billy back to his current hideout in the basement of an abandoned warehouse (only someone Billy-sized or smaller would be able to fit through the window, and then they’d have to do it again to get into his little blocked-off closet. Smart. Very smart. I have such a smart kid, the family will Love him!)
Danny doesn’t want to freak his kid out— strange man+small space=bad no-no— so he just settles himself in front of the exit and starts chirping. Calling.
Billy, who has never heard the sound before, still knows what it means. Can’t resist following it out of his hidey-hole. Sees the man, cross-legged on the ground, sees his blue eyes flash green-green-green and knows.
“Hi, Billy. Is so good to meet you!”
2015: Danny=25
2016: Billy born
2027: Billy=11, Danny=27
Hope you guys like this!
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
who are the 20 f1 meow meows?
max verstappen (fast but an asshole on the track. lives in fear of his cats. winning everything.)
checo perez (might lose his spot. had two separate did not finishes in the same race. kissed another car at the hairpin)
sir lewis hamilton (fashion icon, classiest mother fucker you’ll ever see, knighted, just wants a comeback and to win his 8th world championship)
george russell (walking meme, looks like he belongs in the window of a tommy bahama, says crikey and blimey unironically, the most british person ever)
charles leclerc (the poorest little meow meow, is a millionaire but has a cracked back of his phone, either is fighting for the podium or crashes on the first lap, please dear god let this man win something he has the worst luck i’ve ever seen)
carlos sainz (smooth operator, dunks on everyone’s golf game especially landos, aparently doesn’t eat his pancakes with toppings, drives a volkswagen golf at least sometimes)
lando norris (usually getting told by carlos he sucks at golf, chronically online, has a blanket with george russell’s face on it, gets in trouble for being too sarcastic, please give him a win it’s been 5 years)
oscar piastri (has never once looked like he’s having a good time but almost did once while building a house of cards, hates horoscopes, almost got sued by alpine when he said he wasn’t signing with them after alpine announced he was signing with them, has an iconic mom)
fernando alonso (old man, retired and then came back for some reason, tad villain and he knows it, don’t mention taylor swift around him)
lance stroll (still waiting for his tennis career tbh, his dad bought aston martin to guarantee him a seat, rage monster)
esteban ocon (french, monster of a teammate aparently, once got beat up in the garage by max verstappen, besties with stroll and mick schumacher)
pierre gasley (also french, terrible awful haircut, did i mention he’s french, had his brain chemistry permanently altered by being teammates with yuki, photo dump king)
nico hulkenberg (looks like that one penguin with the weird hair from penguins of madagascar, dad, has raced in over 200 races and never been on the podium)
kevin magnussen (was kicked off haas because they wanted younger drivers only to reappear the next year after they fired one of the drivers for probably funding the russian ukrainian war, once fok smashed a door, has the cutest child)
valtteri bottas (unproblematic king, cyclist, makes his own alcohol, is ass out on netflix and has his own naked calendar called bott ass, mullet mustache man)
zhou guanyu (baby fashion icon, trying his best in a medium shit car, first chinese driver ever in f1)
daniel ricciardo (class clown, made the worst career mistake of leaving red bull and is now trying to get back in, from australia but is a texas cowboy, usually fucking shit up, just wants to tickle his scrotum and touch his nutsack)
yuki tsunoda (wants to chef, was forcibly moved to italy by his team cause he didn’t want to work out with his trainer, short king, usually gets sacrificed to the luck gods, cursed radios)
alex albon (so insanely barbie coded, filmed a cereve commercial in his hotel room with his girlfriend, definitely dyes his own hair with box dye, incredible oldest sibling energy, single-handedly carrying williams)
logan sargeant (what the fuck is a kilometer!!!! only american in f1, usually found in dead last or kissing walls, one of his essential items is heinz burger sauce, says mate with an american accent)
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Slice of Life (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
a six to a nine (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: phil has some doubts about his new haircut but dan helps to reassure him in his own way
all night revival (ao3) - Fictropes
Summary: now there’s half a bottle of gin missing from the shelf.
and my heart's already sinned. (ao3) - gesticulationbubble
Summary: Phil had put the idea in Dan's head. A baking video like never before. He should've known he'd regret it, based on how quickly Dan agreed to it, and the smirk that immediately appeared on his face. But it was too late to back out. Especially now that he was standing in the kitchen, feeling embarrassingly stupid just thinking of Dan all dressed up for him.
This was a bad idea. This was DEFINITELY a bad idea.
(Or, Phil asks Dan to dress as Sister Daniel for their return to Halloween Baking. Chaos ensues. Also Dan has feelings (tm) about his uncloseted freedom and Phil loves him for it.)
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
dan buys a skirt (ao3) - baroquen
Summary: Dan is thinking about buying a skirt. Phil thinks this is a very good idea.
Dan and Phil vs the Pantomime (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Phil surprises Dan with tickets to a Christmas pantomime.
Gentle (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: Phil doesn't really look at photos of their faces that much. Truthfully, there's only so many gifs and videos of people pointing out how utterly hopelessly in love you and your partner look at each other that you can actually absorb into your brain. Phil's brain feels like mush sometimes, with the amount of feeling right there, displayed for the world to see. This livestream was special though - in so many ways, - and he found himself transfixed by the animated images of Dan's gentle touching of his face, feeling some kind of cosmic shift happening on screen, the realization on the tip of his tongue. Just a fluffy thinkpiece on their current content, and all the little moments they decided to share with their audience these past few months.
happy twink death (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil celebrates his 37th birthday.
I'd like to hang out with you (for my whole life) (ao3) - bunnyslipper
Summary: Mornings in the forever home (featuring the golden pig)
In Case I Never Said (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: “I think you’re my soulmate too by the way”
it's amazing that you care (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: phil is having one of his dizzy spells whilst dan is on tour in america
late night talking (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: it surely wasn’t the weirdest thing phil had caught dan doing in their thirteen years of knowing each other, but it was up there.
or it's the summer before dan's tour and they talk on the floor of their office.
mischief in our eyes (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Random scenes throughout the filming of the 2023 Halloween baking video.
Naughty! Do Not Eat (ao3) - talentisntgenius
Summary: Why Dan Had To Call an Ambulance but it's parent!DnP
pancakes + syrup (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: “Are my nostrils deceiving me?” Phil asks, still out of Dan’s line of sight.
Dan blinks, looks down at the pancakes, now almost ready to be flipped, and then back at the Phil-less space. “No?”
pyjama week (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil enjoy a relaxing day during their annual Pyjama Week.
The Re-Birth of Gamingmas (ao3) - Ippyhaj
Summary: Dan and Phil go out for coffee and Phil convinces Dan to re-open the Gaming Channel.
They fade to nothing when I look at him (ao3) - phasamtasie
Summary: Arriving in the kitchen Phil made himself his one cup of coffee he allowed himself on weekend days and stared out the window lost in thought, so it took him a few seconds to register why the light had seemed so much brighter than usual at 8am. With childish delight he saw that it had snowed overnight, and not just the usual UK dusting where one could still see the grass underneath but a proper snow, coating everything outside in a bright white.
Dan and Phil go sledging.
to be known so deeply (ao3) - kissthemisfits
Summary: Seasons change, summer ends.
too soft for all of it (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: phil loves dan, and he loves dan's hair.
loosely based on phil's tweet on 26 march 2023.
We balance each other out on the seesaw of life (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil had dragged Dan to Isle of Man after his return home from tour. The sea air would do him good (even if it gave him hobbit hair) and he could be surrounded by Phil's family (who were his family too). He hadn’t actively planned to drag him onto a seesaw on a playground but it turned out to be a precious moment all the same.
we never change (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: different decade same laundry problems
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes home from tour and stumbles right into Phil’s arms. He is more touch starved than he’d realised.
What are the odds? (ao3) - spacedaisjes
Summary: What are the odds that youtuber-duo Dan and Phil choose the same restaurant as you, at a table close to yours, on the exact day you decide to go out for dinner instead of bringing takeaway to your hotel room like you had done the previous nights. I'm guessing the odds are slim, but they surely aren't zero, regardless of how much I suck at maths.
However, what I do know is this; Odds are that Autumn indeed did book a flight to London in early March. They could've gone to Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, somewhere she had not been before, but fact is that they chose London. And they are grateful that they did.
when... (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: A fic about hypothetical future dogs.
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prienova · 2 years
I showed my friend, who knows almost nothing about f1 and has absolutely no filter, photos of each driver on the 2022 grid and made her name and give me her first impressions on them and 😭. She just said whatever came into her head at the time, none of this was really thought over :). Everything is under the cut since this is such a long post!
Max Verstappen: William Osbourne
italian or spanish vibes
slightly dark and broody vibes
takes racing very seriously
“He is either super nice or an absolute asshole, or maybe he’s both who knows.”
Sergio Perez: Kristopher
A little lost but everyone loves it
100% has compilations on youtube that are like “kristopher being kristopher for 8 minutes and 23 seconds”
Has spent so long in f1 that everyone is telling him to quit
Very enthusiastic and his fans are very loyal
Charles Leclerc: Alexio 
“Damn he’s fine as hell!”
Hot, sexy, and hardworking
Has so many smutty fanfics written about him but he doesn’t know that they exist
Famous for his dimples and general smolder
Carlos Sainz: Akaash
“Oh my god, is he indian? YES DESI REP!” (She was so exited, I felt bad telling her he is spanish)
Could act in a movie as a fuckboy
Nice enough but might break your heart
Hard to approach but well liked by others
Lewis Hamilton: Joseph (but goes by Joe)
“Why are these guys so hot?”
Very wholesome and doing his best
“He looks like a good driver, I’d let him grip my steering wheel” ;)
Probably posts thirst traps after workouts
George Russell: George (she got one!)
Smiles and laughs but is secretly sad inside
“Is he gay? He feels gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I am too and my senses are tingling.”
Solid driver
After seeing him in his williams era: “Awww, look at his hair, what a gem :)”
Fernando Alonso: Alec La Chance
Old man, people are begging him to retire but he stays out of spite
Has a questionable hairstyle
Can come off as rude and scary but he is just blunt
Has probably hazed the new drivers each year
Esteban Ocon: David
Sweet guy, seems very bubbly and fun to be around, has a cute face
Would hype you up if you were feeling down
“He's that one cousin who you see at family gatherings every 4 years that you get along with super well but never talk to outside of those gatherings as neither of you can seem to make the effort to reach out.” (yes, this is her exact wording 😭)
“Is his hair wet or is that just an unholy amout of hair gel?”
Daniel Ricciardo: Arnesto
Very popular among the guys and gals ;)
Very chill and well liked
“He’s so smiley, I love his teeth!”
Looks like he belongs in FIFA
Lando Norris: Theodore
“How old is this guy? I thought you said they had to be 18 to drive or something.”
Has an “I’m not like other boys” mentality
Probably reads those romance webnovels that all have the exact same plot and cries when he finishes them because he wants to be loved
Says “pog” and “sus” unironically
Valterri Bottas: Scott
“He’s giving me australian vibes.”
Has a nice smile, seems chill and relaxed, very reliable
Not a fan of publicity but deals with it only because he has to
Comes off as tough and intense but is actually a total sweetheart, gives off major dad energy
Zhou Guanyu: Andrew
“Ooooh, I like him. He would bump into me on the way to work, spill my drink, and buy me coffee as an apology.”
A solid dude and a good friend
Seems like a good sport
She spent almost ten minutes drooling over his modeling pictures 💀
Kevin Magnussen: Gordon Ramsay
Has strong father vibes but is unhinged
Head empty, only cars
Has questionable morals but everyone loves him
Stoner energy
“He looks like if someone tried to copy Gordon Ramsay but changed it up a bit so it wasn’t obvious.”
Mick Schumacher: Brad
Very charismatic
“What happened to his hair? Why would he cut it like that?” (I showed her before and after photos of that one haircut)
Very sweet but is also a menace to society
Looks like he would enjoy cherry flavored cough medicine
Pierre Gasly: Chadwick
Very cool and suave, flirts a lot, secretly sad inside
Throws parties often
Would have went into finance if f1 didn’t work out
Has a small but devoted fanbase, extremely underrated driver
“I can’t tell if I would trust him or not.”
Yuki Tsunoda: Benjamin
Very nice, another solid guy
“He has the same hair my brother did when he was 12.”
Can drive an f1 car well but gets too nervous to drive on regular streets because he doesn’t trust himself to not start speeding
“He’s cute, I’d date him.”
Sebastian Vettel: Gandalf
Very nice and wise, pleasant to talk to
Wins a lot, has many fans that thirst over him and his scruffy hair
Could have been a footballer but chose to go into f1 instead
“He has fun uncle energy, I want to smoke a joint with him.”
Lance Stroll: Jacob from Twilight
When he got rid of his old hair, his passion for the sport left with it
Sometimes gets intimidated by some of the intense racers
“Someone please tell him to grow his hair back out, it looked so good.”
Alex Albon: Jughead from Archie
Has a good portion of haters for no reason
A bit awkward but very sweet
Pulls off the red hair VERY well
“I want to be his bottle of hairdye.”
Nicholas Latifi: Santander
Is either the best driver currently or very bad
Looks very intuitive and thoughtful
Seems handy and domestically skilled
“I like his hands, do you think he moisturizes?”
I honestly can’t tell which one is my favorite 😭
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scarydeadlavender · 10 months
꧁༺ 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓶𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻 ༻꧂
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Request of : @thedogisontopofthecarmom
I hope you like it and I hope I managed to write your idea haha
Resume : Can you do one where the reader and Daniel are together and aged up and one day the golden trio come to Hogwarts for something and the see Daniel and they think he’s Snape ( for this can we pretend that Snape had a wife) and they think you are snapes wife and they ask if we know who they are we say no and they go and show you there portraits and it’s like looking in a mirror ( and Daniel and us are the potion and Herbology professors)
Harry got off the train and arrived on the flowery platform that was familiar to him. He stretched and put his glasses back in place, feeling very nostalgic. It had been an eternity since he had been here.
?: Hey Harry!
The man turned around and smiled at the sight of his friends Ron and Hermione. He ran towards them and hugged them tightly. The Golden Trio reunited, and they burst into laughter.
Hermione: It feels strange to be here, don't you think?
Ron sniffed the fresh air before putting his arm around Hermione's waist, a small sparkling ring on her finger.
Ron: Yeah... so much has happened...
The three friends looked in the direction of the famous castle.
Harry: I think... it's time to go home.
Throughout the journey to reach Hogwarts, they recounted their most beautiful memories, such as their encounter with Luna Lovegood or the Quidditch matches, seeing the pitch and its towers in the colors of the different houses, rebuilt after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Once they arrived in front of the grand entrance of Hogwarts, a mix of emotions was present: joy, sadness, nostalgia. So many feelings impossible to express all at once. Harry turned to his friends; they stood a few steps below, looking at the great courtyard that had once been shattered, broken by his battle with Lord Voldemort.
Harry: Guys, I think we should visit our old school. I mean, it's been a long time since we came back here!
Hermione: Harry, you can have good ideas sometimes!!
Hermione ran up the stairs and hopped a little.
Hermione: Let's become Hogwarts students again, at least for a day!
Without further ado, the two boys joined her as in the good old days. In the corridors, many students, all in different colors, looked at them with curious eyes, whispering from time to time when they saw the famous Harry Potter in their midst. After all, it's not every day that they see the famous modern wizard!
Sometimes, a few brave students would approach him and ask for an autograph. After all, it's not every day that you meet the famous wizard of modern times!
The first place they decided to visit was the grand library, where Hermione loved to come. When she entered this familiar place, the smell of books brought back many memories. She smiled softly, seeing her favorite book still there.
Although he was happy to be there, the library was not Harry's favorite place. He wandered through the aisles, looking at the various books present when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone he knew. He quickly put the book he was holding back and went in search of the individual.
But there was no sign of him anymore, disoriented; he didn't notice his two friends approaching him from the side. Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder, seeing his pale face.
Ron: Are you alright, Harry? You look like you've seen a ghost!
Harry: I... I think I saw Snape...
Hermione: Snape? Are you sure? You know he's...
Harry: Dead? Yes, I know... I'm telling you, it was him! Same haircut, same style of clothing!
His two friends looked at him perplexed... Seeing this, Harry changed the subject.
Harry: Nevermind, let's continue our visit!
The second place they visited was the haunted bathrooms with Moaning Myrtle, the same bathrooms where they had discovered the Chamber of Secrets. Surprisingly, the place was cold and filled with dust, no living soul was present, except for the ghostly girl who descended from the large window where she stood. The sun passed through her cold body, and she was surprised to see the famous trio!
Moaning Myrtle: You!
Ron: You!
He shuddered at the memory when she passed through his body. She stood close to them.
Moaning Myrtle: Oh... how I envy you...
Hermione: Come on, Myrtle...
Hermione went to put her hand on the girl's shoulder, but she passed through her.
Moaning Myrtle: I'm both happy to see you again and sad to know that you were able to leave this place... Boohoo...
She started crying harder.
Harry: Come on, come on! Don't cry so much!
Ron: That's right! It's cool to be a ghost!
Moaning Myrtle: Cool? COOL?
Despite several attempts to calm her down, the sound of her crying echoed far enough for a familiar silhouette to appear.
?: What's going on here? Harry, Ron, Hermione!
A laugh they could recognize anywhere resonated.
Hermione: Hagrid!
The trio turned towards Hagrid to give him a hug. Hagrid's large arms embraced them in return.
Hagrid: It's so good to see you again! You haven't changed!
The trio chuckled, digressing on various subjects. However, Harry still seemed troubled by the mysterious encounter. He couldn't remain without an answer.
Harry: Hagrid, do you know if... well, I mean, if Snape's ghost would be present at Hogwarts?
Hagrid narrowed his eyes.
Hagrid: Snape? It's been a long time, Harry. If he had become a ghost, I would have seen him!
?: What ghost? Do we have a new resident?
A mysterious voice was heard.
Hagrid: Ah, Professor!
Hermione: Professor?
Hagrid stepped aside so that the trio could get a closer look at the new person present. He was about 25 years old, wearing green robes with some gold details adorning his sleeves, and on his wizard hat, several flowers were attached around a golden ribbon. In his hand, where a pair of brown gloves protected his fingers, he held a bouquet of flowers and herbs, all different.
Hagrid: Harry, Ron, Hermione, this is the Herbology professor. Professor, this is Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
The professor smiled and took off one of his gloves to shake hands with the trio. Hermione squinted her eyes.
Hermione: Your face looks familiar...
The professor looked puzzled.
Professor: Oh, I have a doubt, haha, I'm sorry, I must leave, I have to go give this to the potion classroom.
Ron: Oh, can we come with you? We'll go there!
The professor smiled and motioned for them to follow him, bidding farewell to their old friends. This time, it was Hermione who seemed lost in thought, reflecting on where she had seen this face that seemed so familiar to her. Harry noticed and approached her while waiting for the stairs that changed positions to come towards them.
Harry: What's going on?
Hermione: His face seems familiar to me; it's getting strange. First, the sudden appearance of Snape, and now this face...
Throughout the rest of the journey, she pondered and didn't notice their arrival in the potion classroom. The classroom hadn't changed, the tables made of white tiles, the various dried flowers, the numerous potions, the large cabinet containing all the most dangerous products, and that unique smell.
The classroom was empty, at least the main classroom. Another person was present, another professor who was manipulating a green potion that he poured into a cauldron.
Professor: Honey, here are the herbs and flowers!
The famous potion professor turned around and looked at the flowers now placed on one of the tables. The professor had medium-length curly hair, a black cape, a white shirt with a vest adorned with golden buttons underneath, and, in his hand, a bouquet of flowers and herbs, all different.
Professor: That will be perfect for the pro...
All eyes turned towards Ron, who had spoken a bit too loudly.
Potion Professor: Uh... I beg your pardon?
Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the two figures side by side.
Hermione: You are Professor Snape, and you are his wife!!
Hermione turned to Harry.
Hermione: Oh, Harry, you were right! Snape is indeed alive!
The trio was overjoyed, yet the couple didn't seem to understand the situation, not knowing how to respond to the many questions from the trio.
Potion Professor: No, we don't know who that is, unfortunately... Can I help?
Hermione passed the book to the potion professor, who flipped through it while looking at the herbology professor.
Potion Professor: Ahh, I see, you're former students...
He smiled sadly.
Potion Professor: Sorry for not being the people you were looking for... but let me introduce ourselves.
He cleared his throat.
Daniel: I'm Daniel Page, Potions Professor, and this is Tp (your last name), Herbology Professor!
Tp: More precisely, Tp (your last name) Page recently!
Daniel smiled at Tp before taking her hand. Time had passed, and several years had elapsed. Now, all their years at Hogwarts were memories that could be sad, boring, angry, but above all, happy.
Their friends had taken different paths, artist, Quidditch player... And they had decided to stay in the academic field, but this time as professors! Daniel had become a Potions professor, and Tp, an Herbology professor... and of course, the two lovers had married each other.
Ron: Oh, congratulations, and sorry for mistaking you for someone else.
Tp smiled sadly and put her hand on the redhead's shoulder.
Tp: We're sorry for not being the people you were looking for... but if you don't mind telling us more about them...
Daniel gestured for the group to sit at one of the tables. They took their seats on the wooden stools.
Hermione: So, you really don't know who they are?
Daniel shook his head again before seeing a small portrait slide towards him. He was shocked himself by the great resemblance. He felt Tp's arms on his shoulder; she rested her head on it to see better.
Tp: It's true that the resemblance is striking!
Daniel: I feel like I'm looking at myself in a mirror!
The Golden Trio laughed, sharing some details about the two lovers.
Harry: Are you sure you don't have any family connections?
Once again, Daniel shook his head negatively.
Daniel: I'm a half-blood; my father is a Muggle.
Tp: Sorry, I don't know, but admit it's quite extraordinary to have such a resemblance! Daniel, admit it! You are actually Snape, but you took a rejuvenation potion!
Tp tugged at Daniel's cheek, who groaned a little at the slight pain.
Daniel: No, no, I was born in London, and I'm definitely a half-blood!
Tp looked at the small clock before noticing that several hours had passed. She got up hastily.
Tp: Excuse me, but my next class is in 20 minutes, and I have to prepare everything!
Hermione: Wait a moment, please!
Tp stopped in her tracks.
Hermione: Do you mind... if I add a photo of you to my album? Just to remember you and... your resemblance to them!
Tp smiled and stood next to Daniel, who entwined his fingers with Tp's, giving her a light kiss on her forehead. They smiled, unable to stop laughing.
Hermione: There you go!
She shook the photo to make it appear more quickly, and once it did, she smiled, giving it to the couple.
Tp: I thought...
Hermione: I made two; accept this one, you both look adorable in it.
When Hermione put the photo she had taken into the photo album, she placed it on the same page as Snape and his wife. What a surprise to see that they were both in the same place, and both couples had their fingers entwined, laughing... She felt like she was seeing two different timelines or even... ❝𝐒𝐞𝐞 ���𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫❞
number of words : 2333
I really like writing this Thanks again for your request! I hope that I have respected it and that you will have liked it
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captainnameless · 6 hours
Hello! I hope you are doing AWESOME!
I just had a small request. It is 89 degrees and sunny where I am and was wondering if we could have a fic where all of the Littles (lando, Oscar, charles, George, and max) having a pool day and some of them struggling with sunscreen (charles dating he doesn't need it and lando just not liking it) and having fun by thr pool. Oh, and maybe george and Max take a snooze while lando and charles run their infinite energy off.
hi! i´m good, thank you. just got back from my vacation so i´m in a sunny mood and this fits it!
Max is knocked out on a sunlounger on his belly. He´s mostly out of the sun but Daniel´s still glad he managed to put a fresh coat of sunscreen on before Max passed out. His thumb is sucked firmly into his mouth and despite Daniel having tried some redirection Leo made his way down to the pool area too, and is squished under Max´s arm.
Charles and Lando are still chasing each other in the water, occasionally getting out to run around the side and getting yelled at by Carlos and Lewis get back in or stop running.
Oscar had been part of the game too until growing tired of it, fitting himself down close next to Daniel who threw a towel over his shoulders and gave him a banana to snack on while Daniel fussed over Max.
“You tired too?” Daniel asks, turning towards Oscar wrapping an arm around his shoulders and using his other hand to brush the wet hair off of his forehead. “You need a haircut.” He adds.
Oscar leans into the touch, swallowing his last bite of banana. “Only a little.” The boy answers, ignoring Daniel’s haircut remark.
“You can have a lie down if you want to, out here or inside. Lewis is putting George down in the bedroom too cause he needs it quiet.”
Oscar shrugs a little, eyes finding Daniel’s. “Wanna stay here.”
“Okay buddy,” Daniel says, not pushing it, Oscar’s usually good with knowing when he needs a nap, and he’ll probably go down anyway once the other boys are too.
“Can you come sit here?” Daniel asks, patting the space in between his legs. “If you’re staying in the sun we’re doing a new layer, okay?”
Oscar makes a face but obeys anyway, moving over and letting Daniel pat him dry with the towel around his shoulders before the lotions being rubbed in.
It seems to remind Carlos too.
“Lando, Charles!” Carlos calls from his spot on his own lounger. “Five more minutes then we’re getting out.”
There’s a chorus of disagreement that comes from the two boys left in the water just as Lewis walks back out. “That sounds promising. Need some help?”
Carlos groans, hand coming up to block the sun and look at Lewis. “In five minutes, yes.”
Lewis laughs. “Who do you need me to take?”
Carlos sits up, squinting. “Whichever one you can capture.”
It pulls a chuckle out of both Lewis and Daniel.
Five minutes later it proves to be the expected struggle, Lewis managing to pull Charles out of the pool and wrestle him into a towel to dry him off, Carlos running after Lando who managed to escape the initial capture.
“I don’t need it!” Charles whines batting at Lewis and the sunscreen bottle now that his hands are free again from being burritoed into the towel. “No, no no!”
Lewis seems to think for a moment before agreeing. “You’re right, you don’t.”
Charles faces is confused for a split second, suspicious as he lowers his arms.
“Because you nap inside, let’s go.”
A new string of disapproval ensues, loud whining quieted down by the threat of consequences if he wakes George up and the promise of a lie down together if he can show he can be a good boy.
Next to Daniel Lando’s thrown unceremoniously onto the lounger, bursting into a fit of giggles when Carlos digs his fingers into Lando’s sides. “Naughty, naughty boy!”
Max stirs, only a little, usually a deep sleeper but Daniel still whacks at Carlos’ leg. “You wake him, you put him back to sleep.”
“Sorry,” Carlos says sheepishly, stopping his attack and pressing a hand onto Lando’s mouth to stifle the noise. “Quiet, amor. Or Danny’s going to put us both in time out.”
Lando’s eyes go big for a second as he quiets down, only for a second before he starts whining at Carlos drying him off, pushing at the soaked trunks. “Off.”
Carlos stops his hands. “You can’t take them off you little nudist.” But Lando’s not convinced so Carlos wraps him up in the towel instead and goes to get him some boxers.
Lando slides off the lounger and fit himself closer to Daniel and Oscar, Oscar mostly relaxed into Daniel’s chest, blinking tired eyes.
“Hi.” Lando grins, and Daniel cannot help the smile.
“Hi, stinker.” He hums, brushing a hand through the curls.
“Oscar’s tired.” Lando says, and Daniel nods, pressing a kiss to the top of Oscar’s head before turning back to Lando. “So are you.”
“Am not.” Lando protests, but his eyes flutter close when Daniel’s thumb presses gently in between his eyebrows.
Lando whines, turns his face away with a pout as Carlos returns with some dry boxers and a cuddle blanket for Lando and Oscar’s giraffe. The latter gets dropped into Daniel’s lap and Oscar snatches it up, cuddles it close before fitting himself more comfortably into Daniel’s chest, eyes closing.
“Thank you.” Daniel mouths, fitting himself a bit more comfortably against the lounger to support himself and Oscar.
Lando’s already dressed himself when Carlos reveals the sunscreen, the younger almost bolting again when Carlos snatches him close to apply a new layer.
Lando protests at first, relaxes only when Carlos starts massaging it into his shoulder, is out cold when he finishes, face streaky and white from where Carlos didn’t finish properly rubbing it in and not willing to risk Lando waking up again.
Lando’s floppy as Carlos brings him into his chest closing his own eyes.
“Pool days, huh?”
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galaxywhump · 1 year
[SV-240 AU Masterlist]
Part two of Berkeley's Revenge AU.
contents: recapture, defiant whumpee, tied to a chair, death threats, past fingore/amputation, traumatic haircut, shock collar.
Berkeley winces, picking up Wren’s severed finger through a tissue, which instantly turns crimson, soaked with blood.
“It could still be attached back,” he sing-songs, smiling at Wren before tossing the tissue into a bin. “Whoops, nevermind.”
Wren barely hears him, his wide unseeing eyes fixed on the ceiling, his breathing ragged, his forehead lined with cold sweat. His finger is gone, it’s been cut off, and its absence, once it finally registers, feels so weird and so wrong. He flinches and gasps when Berkeley grabs his left hand and starts playing with his fingers, smiling to himself.
“I guess when I feel like hearing you scream again, I can just take my pick.” He lets go, circles the table, and gets to cleaning and dressing the wound on Wren’s right hand, chuckling a bit at his instinctual attempt to wrench his hand free. “Try not to get an infection and die, but it should be fine. You'll live. You’re so tough, after all.” He glances at Wren’s face, listening to his frantic breathing. “Why so quiet, Rackham? No more jokes? Figures,” he scoffs, shaking his head. “We both know how pathetic you really are.”
“You cut off my fucking finger,” Wren rasps.
“And I can do it again if you don’t stop swearing.” The terror in Wren’s eyes when his head jerks towards Berkeley makes him smile. “Yep, I think that’s a good idea. Cutting off a finger every time you swear.”
“I’ll let that one slide, though.” He gives Wren a bloody pat on the cheek. “Cause you didn’t know, you poor thing. But from now on you better keep that in mind. Got it?”
Wren hates himself for his immediate feverish nod.
“Good. You have your moments of obedience, don't you? It's a shame Daniel never enforced it more, but now he's gone, you are mine, and I'll change things up a bit. No swearing is a good start." Berkeley cocks his head. “Yeah, feels good to say it. You’re mine, Rackham, and I can do whatever I want to you.”
His words chill Wren to the core more than Daniel’s similar musings ever did. He knew what Daniel wanted, and after a year or so surprises had become scarce. All he knows about Berkeley’s wants is terrifying.
Kill you. More modifications.
And who knows what else.
“Alright, let’s get you off this table for now.”
Wren follows Berkeley with his eyes as he crouches down next to a duffel bag on the floor and rummages through its contents, which Wren would rather not imagine, suspecting he won’t like whatever Berkeley’s about to take out now.
Sure enough, he retrieves a shock collar.
“What the-” He stops himself from finishing at the last possible moment, but fear still sets in and he shivers. It was obvious what he was going to say, and if Berkeley considers it enough to…
“Good, you’re learning.” Berkeley smiles, standing next to the table, right by Wren’s head. “You know what this is, right?” He dangles the collar, made of flexible metallic material with a tiny box attached on one side, in the air. “Daniel had one of these too. Tell me what this is, Rackham. Three.”
“A shock collar,” Wren rushes to answer, not wanting to find out what would happen if Berkeley had counted all the way down.
“Very good!” Berkeley coos and snickers. “So I take it you’ve had to wear it before?”
“Yeah.” It was once or twice, really, but Wren chooses not to specify. He’s already obediently answering Berkeley’s questions way too much for his liking. 
“Not enough, in my opinion, but we’ll fix it.” Without further ado Berkeley treads the collar under Wren’s neck, making him jolt in place when the cold metal touches his skin, then brings it around and tightens it until it fits snugly. “Mhm, much better. You’re a natural. I’m going to untie you now, but you will stay nice and still, cause if you so much as make a move to attack me, I’ll click this little button-” he waves the small remote in the air “-and then cut off a finger or two, unless I come up with something more exciting.”
“Okay,” Wren says, contemplating the ceiling and trying not to cry. The collar doesn’t stay cold for long, but it’s still uncomfortable, and swallowing makes him shudder, and… it's going to stay now, for however long Berkeley wants. 
At least Daniel-
Shut the fuck up.
He can’t completely silence the thoughts, though. At least Daniel never cut off his fingers. At least Daniel didn’t want to collar him for good; the few times he’d done that he almost looked disgusted and made sure to take it off as soon as it was no longer necessary - as if a shock collar was ever necessary for a human being.
He quite literally jolts back to reality when the collar activates, sending a bolt of electricity through his body. It ends as soon as it started, as if it never even happened, and once the initial shock wears off, he remembers Berkeley’s warning and his heartbeat picks up, his blood running cold.
“B-but I-” He looks at Berkeley, who’s watching him with a smirk, his finger resting on the button of the remote. “I didn’t even move!”
He can’t cut my finger off, he can’t, I didn’t do anything wrong, but he can do anything he wants, no, no, no-
“I know, idiot.” The insult sounds almost affectionate. “I wish you could see the look on your face right now, so terrified. But you’re right, you didn’t move. I just wanted to see if the collar works.”
The relief that overwhelms Wren makes it hard to breathe, as if the collar wasn’t making a good enough job of that.
Berkeley struggles with the sturdy knots of the restraints before finally untying them and motioning for Wren to sit up, nice and slow, no sudden movements. He grabs him by the arm and helps him get off the table, and his grip tightens when Wren sways on his feet a little.
Wren’s forced to take a few shaky steps, his legs barely cooperating with him after being immobilized for… however long it had taken him to wake up. With a push he finds himself sitting on a chair, which seems inconspicuous until Berkeley presses a button under it, causing armrests to slide out of the back. When his wrists are grabbed and slammed down on the armrests, it turns out that the chair is also outfitted with metal restraints, which snap closed, bringing Wren’s temporary freedom of movement to an end.
“I’d stay still anyway,” he sneers when Berkeley crouches down to tie his ankles to the legs of the chair, this time with regular rope.
“I know,” Berkeley says as he straightens up and smiles at Wren. “But I just like seeing you like this, and I’m sure you missed being tied up.”
“Not really.” Wren rolls his eyes, but he can’t ignore the sense of familiarity at being restrained like this. A feeling of resignation creeps up on him, but he tries to fight it, push it away, because he’s not resigned.
There’s an unpleasant scraping sound when Berkeley grabs the chair, turns it, and pushes it forward a bit, grimacing with effort.
“Maybe,” Wren says, looking up at him with a mocking smile, “you should’ve put the chair where you wanted it to be before, you know, strapping me to it.”
“Or it should’ve been a hover chair,” Berkeley snorts as he lets go and walks up to the closet in front of them. “But we’d already modified this one, so.” He shrugs, pressing one of the buttons on the side of the closet, causing its door to convert into a mirror, then walking away.
Wren wanted to keep his eyes on Berkeley at all times, but once he sees his reflection, he can’t look away, staring at it with wide eyes, his lips parted a bit, an attempt at another snark shut down in an instant.
The collar around his neck and the bloody carved word on his chest are jarring, mocking him, and his hand… He forces himself to look up from it when nausea creeps up on him. The worst part, though, is his face. His eyes are hollow, with tears glistening in their corners, and his expression is both familiar and new - familiar pained tension, new pure terror caused by the prospect of imminent death.
He never wanted to look like this again.
He closes his eyes only to flinch and open them when he hears a series of sharp sounds. In his reflection he locks eyes with Berkeley, who grins, standing behind him, wielding a pair of scissors.
“What…” Wren trails off, but realization dawns on him and his heart sinks.
“Come on, even you should be able to figure out what I want to do.” He snips the scissors again and can’t stop himself from laughing when Wren shivers. “I’m not gonna lie, I’m pissed that I had to cut my hair off thanks to you, so it’s only fair you get a haircut too.”
Wren tenses up, his heart beating fast, his mind a mess of protests he can’t say out loud.
It’s just hair.
But it’s not, and waiting for the first cut is unbearable.
“You cut your hair yourself on SV-240, didn’t you?” Berkeley runs his fingers through Wren’s hair to untangle any knots, not caring enough to try and avoid pulling. “And then you regretted it.”
“A little bit,” Wren says through gritted teeth, looking down only to wince when his gaze stops at his bandaged hand, he cut off my fucking finger, it’s gone. “It’s just hair.”
“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me.” Wren gasps when Berkeley closes his fist in his hair and wrenches his head back. “I can’t wait to see you cry, Rackham, cause you will cry.”
He swallows, which every single time only serves to remind him about the collar and his throat being squeezed tight, when Berkeley grabs the sides of his head and forces him to look straight ahead. The scissors are freezing against his cheek, but when they disappear, it’s anything but a relief.
“Did you cry?” he asks, trying not to shiver when Berkeley separates a strand of his hair and puts it between the blades of the scissors; before he can brace himself, they close, making him flinch.
It’s just hair. It’s just hair.
“A little bit,” Berkeley sneers, cutting off another lock - not completely short, much to Wren’s confusion. “But I had no choice. With some time it’ll just grow back, right? Of course, you don’t have that kind of time.”
As much as Wren wants to respond, he doesn’t. His impending death is something he’d rather not protest against, not wanting Berkeley to take it as a reason to kill him sooner. He stays silent, doing his best to hide his shivering and forced breathing as brown hairs keep falling to the floor, some clinging to his skin, tickling and annoying him, and he can’t even brush them off.
“I’m afraid it won’t be a flattering look on you.” Berkeley clicks his tongue, not pausing his work for a moment.
“How tragic. Are you telling me you’re not a professional hairdresser?” Wren raises one eyebrow even as he struggles to hold back tears. It’s not just hair, it’s a part of himself that Berkeley is taking away from him with a promise of taking so much more.
“No, but I mostly don’t give a shit whether you’re a pretty corpse or not.”
There it is again, and Wren is sure that the reminders will only get more and more frequent, harder to ignore. Even now he can’t help but imagine the worst-case scenario, someone finding his body, maybe barely recognizing him after Berkeley’s done with him-
Pull yourself together.
I won’t die here.
The scissors keep cutting.
I’m going to escape or be saved, he’s going to get locked up, I’ll… I’ll…
“Alright, let’s see.” 
Berkeley grabs him by the hair and cuts a little bit more off.
Leaving just enough length to be able to get a good grip.
“Perfect.” Berkeley leans down to rest his chin on Wren’s shoulder and smiles. “We’re short-haired buddies now, how cool is that?”
He doesn’t get a verbal reply, but the tears glistening in Wren’s eyes are enough of an answer for him.
“Remember what this means,” he says quietly, laying his hands on Wren’s arms and giving them a light squeeze. “You may have gotten a taste of freedom, but now you’re back where you belong, as someone’s property, tied up and collared, and I can do whatever I want to your body, understand?”
A second’s pause makes it clear he’s expecting an answer, and Wren nods, averting his gaze.
“Ah-ah, look at yourself, Rackham.”
When he obeys, hating himself for it, Berkeley gently wraps his hand around his neck, teasing with his thumb just above the collar, smiling when Wren shudders.
“What do you see?”
When Daniel put him in front of a mirror, he did his best to snark. He was so different back then, scared, but determined, having only experienced being restrained, silenced, and beaten, which now seems like a laughably mild treatment. He’s still determined, he’s still hopeful, the last thing he wants to do is give up, but he recognizes that in his current situation, and with his current captor, following his spark will only lead to retaliation that he might not be able to handle.
And so he lets his despair talk instead, his voice barely audible, giving Berkeley the answer he probably wants more than all the others that come to mind, captive, idiot, pathetic crybaby.
"That's right."
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpvp @wibby-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words @pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @springwhump
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deerabigailhobbs · 1 month
Greetings and salutations good friend; I bring offerings of Adamgail-siblings thoughts!
So I was thinking about Adam going 'fuck this' and bringing Abby back home with him. Does he still live in the same shitty place, or has a boost in the popularity of his photos following his post-trap fame given him enough money to get a better place? Do they bring any of the Hobbs House furniture with them? Orrrrrrrrrr does he live with Lawrence, coming home after being missing for a week with no warning like "Honey I'm home, and guess what I brought back: your future sister-in-law!"
Whatever the case, we see a drastic change in the type of clothes Abby wears after episode one. Going from floaty more casual clothing, to a more compressed(i can't think of a better word) look. So what if after moving in with Adam, she starts to wear a more grungy look; quite a few people dress aggressively to warn away people, so maybe Abby could go for that to get randos to stay back to keep herself safe.
Her and Adam could maybe have a siblings bonding moment of Adam giving her a (probably not great) haircut and dye-job in the bathroom to make her look less like the pictures in the paper!
I like to think of the idea of a while down the line Abby meeting Danny from Saw 2 at a 'Teens who nearly got serial-killed support group' or maybe Adam met Danny at a survivors group and Danny stuck to him because 'wow this guy knows Scott Tibbs lead singer of Wrath of the Gods (the band on his t-shirt)' or at some point Adam was like 'hey I have a sister your age I think you two could be good friends'. or something.
Anyway, the end result would be the two meeting and becoming friends, perhaps bonding over their trauma a little bit. And then mayyyybe joining forces to create an angsty teen band where they sing songs about the fucked up things that happened to them!
Hope you're having a good day!
Hello! Very happy to see you in my inbox again friend! I'm a little sick right now, but happy to ramble about the siblings :D
I LOVE the idea of Abigail, Adam and Lawrence living together. I really think Lawrence would be fond of Abigail. Although Adam wouldn't say exactly why Abigail had come to live with them, he'd know the situation back home is dire. I can imagine him getting the house all ready for their return , asking Adam beforehand what Abigail's interests are. So when Abigail arrives she's greeted with a small bedroom full of art supplies, and a window facing the park nearby the house, which he delightfully explains to Abigail had all sorts of critters roaming around day and night. I'm sure this would not only warm Abigail's heart, but Adam's too. Knowing that his partner would care so much about someone so close to him would make Adam want to propose that very moment.
I like to think when Diana visits, her and Abigail would get on well. Abigail would finally know what it's like to be an older sibling figure. I can imagine her helping Diana with her homework or making food for themselves when Adam and Lawrence decide to go on a date night, which would consist of homemade pizza and ice-cream for dessert.
(now I've got a really cute image of Adam and Lawrence coming back home to a sleeping Abigail and Diana, snuggled up against the couch while The Little Mermaid credits roll <3)
Funnily enough, I'm planning on writing a part of my fic where Adam cuts Abigail's hair, but dyeing it is also a nice thought! I'm sure Abigail would be quite hesitant to trust her brother with scissors and hair dye, but surprisingly he knows his way around a head of hair. And paired with some new clothes Lawrence had bought her (no matter how hard she insisted she didn't need them), consisting of flowy skirts, loose tops, cardigans and jumpers/sweaters for the winter months, she'd really start feeling like her own person, not who someone wanted her to be.
I also love the idea of Abigail and Daniel (Danny) being friends! Especially since the only person we see Abigail interact with her age is Marrisa and her dad's victims. He'd think she'd like so cool with her platinum blonde hair (thinking of that one picture of Kacey rn) and they'd hit it off!!! In my opinion, if they were to start a band, I think Abigail wouldn't want to be front and centre, so I can imagine her taking up the drums, hidden away from everyone yet still soaking up the atmosphere. And of course for their first gig Adam insists on taking pictures for free (much to the jealousy of Scott) and he'd be so proud of her!
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bubblegumflavor · 5 months
Crossover idea: How would Johnny Lawrence and Dallas tell the difference between their two brown eyed boys if they were to have the same hair cut and not speak
For my current crossover AU, I can't tell, because it would be a spoiler but if you read it you'll find out pretty fast how they can be told apart. =) (They're also not twins in that one, I keep that for another AU but yeah, without telling spoilers, Daniel looks a lot like Johnny but is completely different as character.
But in general, I would always go with: Johnny has a scar on his cheek and they don't have the same haircut ever. Johnny's hair is pitch black and heavily greased and Daniel's hair is dark brown and fluffy. But even if not, if they had the exact same hair, dressed exactly the same, Dally could tell who's his Johnnycake in a crowd of a gazillion lookalikes and Johnny Lawrence sensed Daniel across a crowded room behind a door with a tiny round window, he'll know who's his little cocky macho cannoli, he don't need to speak for that. =D <3
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zappedbyzabka · 9 months
so this idea is living rent free in my head so I’m just sharing it around till I get the motivation to draw it;
18-19 y/o Johnny had like decently long hair, somewhat like a mullet but longer (I feel like his hair grows really fast so he frequently has to get it cut) and he’s really shitty at brushing it when it gets too long so he asks Daniel to do it at some point and Daniel gets it even more tangled so Johnny snatches the brush and tries to brush through Daniels hair as payback and it’s somehow the easiest thing to brush through ever and Johnny’s very confused
(Bonus; Johnny’s long hair was somewhat short lived because Daniel liked the reaction he got when he tugged on it so Johnny cut it short to stop him from trying to pull it when he was training)
It was shockingly silky and shiny despite Johnny dropping his hair routine and products long ago (depression does that to ya) and didn’t feel like it was worth the money to get a haircut.
It’s wavy and got a little puffy when he brushed it, not to mention the pain of the brush catching on tangles and making him wince.
He definitely didn’t trust Daniel with brushing his hair simply because he knows he knows less about the technique than him since he barely even brushes his.
Which so annoying to Johnny because why is Daniel’s floof of hair so soft, healthy, and untangled? He knows it’s short but that’s crazy. He can’t say he doesn’t love it though—they’re constantly running their fingers through each other’s hair like birds.
Daniel was sad about Johnny cutting his hair (he can’t yank on it anymore 😔) but he thinks he looks darling either way.
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desertfangs · 10 months
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Hey Pretty - [AO3]
Armand/Daniel - Explicit - 6,341 words
Written for #VCKinkWeek - Day 5: Party Play
Daniel nodded at the group of smokers on the other end of the fire escape. “That guy over there has been staring at us since we walked in.” 
Armand examined the crowd. A new person had joined since they’d come out, a young man in his early twenties with blue streaks in his blond hair. Not someone Armand recognized, probably a friend of one the members of this little troupe. He had a handsome, boyish face and looked a little like Daniel had when he was that age. His hair was longer and shaggier than Daniel’s had ever been except perhaps between haircuts. He shot inquisitive looks in their direction, bashfully turning away when he saw Armand looking at him. 
Armand met Daniel’s violet eyes with a questioning look. He thought the question before he remembered Daniel could not hear his thoughts. “And what would you have us do with him if you weren’t worried about sullying my reputation?” 
Daniel smiled, wide and mischievous. “I don’t know. I was just thinking about the parties we used to go to, and how sometimes I’d end up… you know…” 
“Bedding the unfortunates I seduced,” Armand responded. 
“Don’t quote that book to me, you know Lestat took liberties with my words,” Daniel said, tone slightly edged—that was a fight they’d had more times than Armand could count. He ran his fingers through his ashen hair. “I just thought… I’ve gotten good at the little drink and I know you like to watch.”
Armand’s pulse quickened. He did like to watch Daniel, yes. Watching Daniel kill had been one of the most thrilling aspects of turning him, and watching him with others had always brought Armand a perverse sort of pleasure. 
Armand nodded.
“Is that a yes?” Daniel asked. 
“Yes,” Armand breathed.
Read the whole thing on AO3!
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Max in a suit is delicious and I think Tennis!Dan agrees. Its Prize Giving Season for our Champs
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Part 1 | Part 31 | Part 33
Part 32
Daniel leaned against Max’s shoulder in the car that took them through the Baku city streets. He was a little nervous about going to the FIA Prize Giving Gala. It was about to be a whole night of pomp and circumstance and honestly he expected to be bored out of his mind. Mentally, he was already preparing to deal with the WTA gala the following week.
He glanced over at his boyfriend and a smirk pulled at his lips, he looked amazing. Yummy even, in his tuxedo. He'd flicked Max's floppy bowtie and Max had huffed a laugh at him in return.
Max's hand rested on Daniel's thigh, thumb brushing over the fabric that covered the flower tattoo. He gazed out the window disinterestedly and Daniel couldn't help but stare at his profile that got lit up periodically by streetlights.
“So what can I expect tonight? Sit at the table and look pretty?” Daniel teased. Max snorted and squeezed his thigh.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Max thought for a moment, staring at the roof of the car. “They're gonna have me doing a bunch of interviews and giving trophies to other champions y’know. Of course, it's a lot of boring stuff.”
“It's lot of responsibility being champion.” Daniel laughed when Max scowled at him.
“Obviously I would rather we are at home with the cats. Than doing all of this stupid shit for the fia to feel better about themselves.”
“Well you have the easy job Maxy, you get to talk about racing all night. I have to be interesting to everyone else.”
“You are of course, very interesting Daniel.” Max cupped Daniel's cheek and pecked his lips just as the car rolled to a stop. Daniel gazed adoringly at Max before schooling his expression to something more toned down and not so private when the door opened to the flashes of photographers.
They walked the blue carpet, stopping for each publication before posing at the main backdrop at the top of the path. They made a stunning pair in their sharp tuxes. Daniel's hair was styled perfectly, not a curl out of place, to match the textured waves of Max's haircut.
They were led into the ballroom and shown to their seats before the first PA came and collected Max. Daniel went to the bar, getting a glass of red wine before walking around to look at everything that was on display.
There were some cars, well parts of them, an old McLaren sidepod here, a Sauber front wing there. He stood in front of an older Red Bull that had Max's name printed on the side and sipped from his glass. The placard called it the RB12 from 2016. 
He tried to remember how his own 2016 season went, if there would be anything from that year worth putting on display. Maybe his racquet from Wimbledon? He didn't know, this was a Blake question.
Someone stood beside him, one hand holding a glass of something and the other in the pocket of his trousers. Daniel glanced over and Mark smiled back at him, it was always good to see the other man. 
“What's the significance of this car? I know I'm missing something.” Daniel grinned openly when Mark snorted at him.
“I'm surprised you didn't Google Max or something.”
“I did! Like when we first met.” Daniel laughed and shrugged as if to say that he didn't remember what he read. What did he need to read Max's wiki page for when he could be spending his time basking in his presence?
“This is the car he got his first win in. He'd been called up mid season to replace Daniil and he won the first race he drove for Red Bull.”
“Ah yeah I get it now. He said they're gonna like wheel out Rocky when he collects his trophy. So it'll be kinda like a first win last win sorta uh juxtaposition– is that the right word?”
“Yeah something like that.” Mark confirmed. 
“Oh great, now I gotta call the WTA and have them put out like my socks from my first win or something. Can't have Max show me up at my own prize giving.” 
Mark clapped Daniel on the shoulder as they laughed together before Oscar saddled up and they began chatting about cricket and Aussie rules football.
 A PA came to collect Oscar and then Daniel and Mark separated to find their seats. Daniel was relieved to see Geri sitting beside his assigned seat and he gratefully plopped beside her exaggeratedly.
“Thank God, I thought I was gonna be bored by myself.” He rested his head on Geri's shaking shoulder and she laughingly patted his cheek.
“Don't worry, I'll keep you entertained.” She grinned.
“You look lovely by the way. A vision.” Daniel gushed as he eased up. 
“Thank you darling, you look gorgeous yourself. You clean up nicely when you're not wearing clothes with holes in them.” she teased him back, giggling at his wounded face.
“Ginger! I thought we were friends!” Daniel laughed, unable to keep up the bit. They chattered for a little bit longer, taking selfies together and teasing Christian who had come to sit before the ceremony started. Christian watched them warily, knowing from previous experiences that nothing good came from them teaming up against him.
Daniel smiled when Max crossed the stage, presenting trophies to the various karting champions. He looked sweet, doting on the children. Daniel's phone then vibrated with a new message, only two contacts could breach his DND.
Second floor men's room.
Daniel smirked as he got up, meandering to the back of the ballroom and through one of the exits. He found the bathroom relatively easily and ducked in quickly after making sure the coast was clear. The hallway had been deserted but you never know.
Max engaged the lock behind him and Daniel spun to see his beautiful boyfriend grinning at him.
“Hey Champ.” Daniel teased and Max pressed him against an empty wall. They kissed hungrily, grasping at each other like starving men. As if they hadn't seen or fucked each other for weeks.
Max swallowed Daniel's moan as he pressed his thigh in-between Daniel's. Daniel rutted against the thick muscle, breathing deeply.
“Fuck…” Daniel groaned and Max sank to his knees before him. He watched as his boyfriend made quick work of his zippered fly and swallowed his cock. Holding in his moans became harder. 
Max was insistent, and thorough. He worked Daniel over, licking and groaning as if he was about to win the world championship of dick sucking. Daniel wanted to give him every trophy ever.
He was barely able to keep his hands out of Max's hair, instead clenching the shoulders of Max’s jacket and biting his own fist when that became too much. The heat of sensation zinged up and down his spine and it truly took all of his willpower to not thrust into Max's mouth. Even if he knew the man on his knees would appreciate it.
He came with a long exhale that turned into a wanting groan as he watched Max swallow every drop and then lick him clean. Daniel stood against the wall, dazed, while Max set his clothes to rights. When he stood, Daniel grasped Max's jaw and pulled him closer, kissing his swollen pink smirking lips and licking a smear of his own come off of Max's lip freckle.
“Mmm fuck I should get you a trophy if this is what I get when you're supposed to collect em.” Daniel smiled lazily against Max's lips, feeling his huffing laugh.
“I don't think I told you how incredible you look.” Max offered as an explanation with a shrug.
“You don't look too bad yourself beautiful. especially up there being amazing.”
Max flushed, looking away shyly at the compliment. They lingered in each other's presence for a little longer before deciding to make a quick getaway.
Daniel made it back to his seat without any issues, presenting Geri with a new glass of wine as an excuse for his absence. She smiled and accepted the glass before explaining what he missed.
Red Bull’s trophy was then awarded and both Daniel and Geri stood in applause. Lewis and Sergio collected their trophies afterwards and then Max's award was called. Daniel didn't expect for the backdrop to open up and Max to walk out flanked by Rocky and backlit dramatically. He looked amazing, very powerful and important and Daniel needed him again– now.
He took pictures and mentally undressed Max as he stood there smirking to the crowd, speaking into a mic with his breath smelling like Daniel's dick and come. Daniel couldn't wait to get back to their hotel room.
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albon-o-positive · 2 years
rating the drivers based on their current haircuts
lewis: 100/10. undeniably the best hair on the grid. when he had his hair up in the two little buns(?) near the start of season I damn near became teamlh
george: 6/10. I personally don't think it serves cunt but it gets the job done. preferred his williams haircut but this one does make him look older so
charles: 9/10. to be fair I think any haircut this man could possibly get it'd still look amazing. life is so unfair
carlos: 9/10 also. ferrari should rebrand to the good hair team. mattia is not included because he wears a clown wig constantly
max: meh. 4/10. don't love it. to be fair I feel like I only see his hair when it's really gross and sweaty when he takes his helmet off
checo: 5/10. just a man's hair
daniel: 8/10 for the glow up. because godamn his hair in toro rosso was not serving cunt. it was doing the opposite. removing cunt so to speak
lando: 6/10 I am a lando curl enjoyer who also likes consistency. I have not been receiving either of that from him. to be fair like, he had that r e a l l y bad haircut a while ago which like anything in comparison is better, but max f's brother has not been doing his hair well I'm jusy gonna say it
mick: 6.5/10. he got a haircut recently and I really didn't like it. I can't exactly remember what it looked like before but I want him to go Back. I like it when he is boyfriend shaped
kevin: 6/10. viking hair. I respect it
alex: 8/10 for the red hair. personally I think he should bleach it and then re-dye it red so that him and I can match and also because then it'll show way more. but I think that's just me being selfish
nicky: 4/10. not a fan. can't really remember what it looks like (I'm writing all of these without looking a refrence) but I know I'm not a fan
seb: please don't hate me. please don't hate me. please don't hate me. 2/10. I don't like the long hair I'm so sorry please don't hate me
lance: -100/10. I'm sorry lance but what the fuck. his hair looked way better last season what did he do to it????? just like ferrari I think Aston need to rebrand...
val: 5/10. just a guy's haircut. neither here nor there but it's solid I suppose
guanyu: 9/10. very very very solid hair cut. looks good. accentuates his features. I like your cut g
pierre: 6/10. it's... okay. I really liked the blonde streaks he had during toro rosso. bring them back pls. or is there not enough money in the rbr budget for bleach
yuki: 5/10 okay I love yuki soso much yeah but I just Do Not vibe with the hair cut. I will let him off gently though because he looks like he takes good care of it
fernando: 4/10 it's okay??? I've never really thought about his haircut prior to this. can't say im a fan though
este: esteban I am so sorry but it's a 3/10 from me. there's just. so. so much better haircuts you could have
this is all in good fun and also just my opinion so pls don't take this as me attacking any of the drivers :)
EDIT: I manifested blonde Alex for you all ur welcome xx
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msfbgraves · 2 years
Missing scene
The Karate Kid franchise is not about the Kid's mother, I get that. But Lucille LaRusso is quite strongly rendered, and I keep wondering, having first really watched all three films in my thirties -
Daniel blowing his whole college fund on a bonsai shop for Mr. Miyagi, that must have been a bitter pill to swallow. Especially since Cobra Kai wrote it so that business failed.
I'm sure Daniel made the best deal he could with the location, may have made it so Mr. Miyagi had something to retire on.
But think of what it would have cost Lucille to put that money by? The extra shifts, the coupons, the night school, the little luxuries gone without, because her darling boy deserved a chance. So no coffees for Lucille, no haircuts, no night out, other than maybe a work outing. The strategic thrift store finds. The packed lunches, the bill extensions, the endless bargain hunting. The paying each other in favours, the telling herself that she can do this, Lucille, it's only five years until he has his high school and college diploma. She can do this. She must do this.
And then he wants to buy a ticket to Okinawa and she understands, somehow, that this is about her boy's grief over his father, her lost love. And she couldn't stop him, and it's an experience and he says he'll earn it back, there is a whole American army base and... she lets him. Dio mio, but she does.
But the bonsai store.
All these years, away from home, everyone she knew, because she needed to give Daniel a chance, away from all the friends that might go into stuff she wanted him far away from. All that work, the aggressive optimism.
It's the first time she has to forgive him something.
Years later, and Daniel has a good job in sales, and so does Amanda. She's been babysitting Sam, who's been asleep for hours, when Daniel and Amanda return from a night out, because of course she wants them to have that. Amanda goes to check on Sam, and she doesn't want to impose on what hopefully continues to be a romantic evening.
But Daniel sits her down.
He looks like there's a burden on his shoulders, and immediately, she's worried, but he straightens up.
"Ma. I'm sorry."
She blinks. "What about?"
He swallows. "When I didn't go to college, Ma, you didn't say anything, but I knew you were mad."
She's still a little tender at the memory of her, alone, sobbing in that cheap motel just returned from Newark after Louie's funeral.
Of course Mr. Miyagi had offered her a place in his home, but she couldn't accept it. Because much as she'd hoped that they were both thriving in that store, she could see they weren't. And in her heart of hearts, she thinks Miyagi could have stopped her son, but didn't.
Daniel sighs. "Ma, I thought you couldn't be proud of me like this."
She looks at him, shocked. "I've always been proud of you!"
He licks his lips smiles. "Ma, I understand. I think I really understand. What you did. When I think of Sammy, and what I want for her. What I would do..."
She smiles, cups his cheek. "I knew you would, Tesoro." He falls into her arms, lets himself be held. He's almost never allowed her to hold him like this since he was eight, but now he does. "I'm sorry, Mama," he whispers. "I didn't know."
She holds him close. "You know, part of me was glad you felt safe enough to do something stupid," she says. "About time."
He bristles. "Little Trees was -"
"Not just Little Trees," she says. "Your car, Okinawa, whatever was going on there you still won't tell me about, and then that tournament." She kisses his forehead. "You'd been so responsible for so long. Something had to give."
He sits up. "I swear LaRusso Auto is a good idea," he says.
"I couldn't stop you." When she hears Amanda come downstairs she stands up. "I won't keep you," she says, smiling.
"Good night, you two."
One more hug, a smile, and nothing more needs to be said.
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radiocity · 23 days
why do i keep thinking dana's hair looked better b4 the makeover lol (like it lowkey framed her face better/ hid it less) am i crazy tho ,,
HI,. HELLO. no you're right, we are talking about shane cutting her hair in 1x10 right? well the problem with shane is she's shit at her job but that's another issue
this got long and turned into more of a dana analysis (1573 words...) so i put it under the cut ->
i'm the worst ever because i honestly prefer dana's sporty look with hair that can be completely tied back when she plays tennis, but generally i kinda had no clue what they were going for with her bc in the feminine women agenda the l word was held prisoner to they wanted her to not be too masculine anyway, which kind of cut her off from having more stereotypically lesbian haircuts that we associate with... lesbians who have played tennis professionally - martina navratilova, billie jean king - like this
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but yeah idk... i prefer the long hair that frames her face if only because it sort of inadvertently makes her jaw look squarer (which i like) and makes her look more intentional with her actions (which she is), so there's genuinely nothing to hide... in a more holistic sense i appreciated her original looks as a sort of reminder of how inescapable her lesbianism to her, the same way her face is more or less thrust outwards and taken in whole every single time. hiding behind the bangs pushes her back and - maybe works in line with her plotline within s2 MAYBE - hides her in a strange way i thought antithetical to her whole story being Transforming into the lesbian sports icon and taking hold of her destiny despite the pushback from her family and society at large
i think you could sorta make the argument of the middle parting no bang look being a sort of straight girl situation, but to me what read as her attempting to appear 'straight' (or, at least, not disruptively 'queer') was always always always those little stud earrings she wears like this assuredly feminine touch throughout, so no matter how many sweaty games of tennis she plays or muscle tees she wears, the jewellery on her is basically acting to say, no! reminder! i'm your straight conservative wifey. especially when jenny throughout is really characterised through her big bold thick bangs that hide her from the world (and work in the narrative), giving dana these strange feather cut bangs was always just a strange decision to me idk. one big issue throughout the show was that shane was the only one really allowed to be androgynous (hard to say she's butch when she doesn't really take up any of the roles or senses of being butch) - beyond a couple of random side characters - so that the other main ensemble had a line in the sand drawn for how far they could stray from conventional femininity, and most of them don't move far from it
the famous "do you have to dress like that" scene between her and shane always made me laugh because her hair is in this slick ponytail and she's wearing this tanktop, clearly coming or going from practice, muscles out, etc... like i would not be seen on the street with u if i was also desperately and fruitlessly trying to hide being a lesbian dana
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though as a sidenote they really couldn't decide what they wanted with her because while she sort of toed a line between masculine and feminine aesthetics, and erin daniels is obviously gorgeous, they end up pushing her towards feminine when it felt like her character... wanted the other thing,.. (this is me projecting and making shit up though)
her strange gay beard who was convincing no one at the welcoming party
when alice and shade are probing dana on her gaydar and asks "would you wear high heeled sandals with tapered jeans" and it's like the first time she's heard of either of those items of clothing
actually on clothes later in that episode look at this... like are they not aligning dana more with shane than they are alice with those dark jackets ... dana's in jean shane's in leather like
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in a way i think a lot of her attraction to lara and circling around this impressively pretty and very feminine woman brings out this awkwardness in dana where she wants the strength to reach out and/or take charge in a way she just can't, one outfit that really sticks out to me is the tight polo she's wearing trying to compliment her in the same episode here
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tbh in a way i almost get the sense they they're playing on dana as forced feminine and lara as accepted 'masculine' or rather is comfortable wearing this very blocky unflattering chef's uniform while dana is just so uncomfortably forwards with her face/body (uncomfortable in person not in sports yes it is sports uniform yes)
anyway when dana and lara are breaking up in episode...7? 8? this scene dana is like nervously looking around at all the straight couples and this shot always interested me because she is... looking at the man . the woman is in the centre but dana herself is positioned to the left side of the screen as the man is, and obviously lara is there so dolled up ( i love her entire look this episode) so - IMO - it just read like dana is trying to.. do something akin to him
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only after lara starts coming on to her does her gaze like actually and meaningfully shift to the woman which to me just read as her being concerned with, specifically, how other women are seeing her. to take on the role of the "man" for the purpose of the "woman", or to try within your limited capacity to do so
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and dana has to do this apologetic speech to lara about how she just can't be gay and "when she hides it she hides the best part of her. but you don't understand what it means to be me" and then "i'm not like you" ugh i just think the whole thing reads as her lesbianism not being as simple as 'being gay' but rather 'BEING' looking, sounding, acting gay, this total containment of herself that needs total release, this very profound lesbianism that demands to be so... brazen, idk....
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ok this is getting so insanely long for no reason so let me end on one note: THE THING I CANNOT GET OVER. IN GENERAL. IS HOW ON JENNY AND DANA'S DATE SHE... LOOKS... HELP
before this when they were in the bar together i was just thinking so endlessly about dana's move to make jenny comfortable - "i've never done this before" dana: "you've never been to a bar before?" "no, a women's bar, by myself" "oh. me neither"
then jenny says "this is something out of the 1950s its so butch and femme" and dana starts telling her about the history of it and how it "probably hasn';t changed since the fifties" and just keeps talking and talking, trying to comfort jenny on how it's no different to any other club and ETC, in a way it really reminds me of how she interacts with lara when she was giving her a compliment (trying to say she always looks nice. like not dirty. when i . see you.") in that really stilted fashion that, to me, reads as this overly anxious probing into desire but caution, always taking a step back lest you took too many forwards, a delicate tapping around her own attraction and her role in these entanglements
anyway the outfit, and this happens at the end of the haircut episode in the first place, so this is her hot off shane's awful hairdressing chair:
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like i'm sorry they are in the same outfit virtually but they dolled dana up so strangely with makeup here (and earlier in the episode) that this was so baffling, because she is in butch uniform right now with those insane leather? metal? cuffs around her wrists, i had no idea what was going on here. in the same outfit more or less but fashioned and functioning so differently, jenny's accentuating her shyness and uncertainty, arguably her hair covering up more than her vest does, sharp angles of the v pointing down, sat in the light, on the edge of becoming ephemeral . dana positioned more in the shadow, planted firm, the thick arms of her vest and the round neck keeping your attention straight across her shoulders and thus leading to her arms . ignore the godawful belt here again i think that the jeans being 'high' waisted and the strange brown belt was just another attempt by the evil costume designers to try and create some sort of 'chapstick' lesbian aesthetic, but really imo these attempts just give way to dana's own desire to lean more masculine but trapped within her almost innate inability to do so meaningfully
SIDENOTE: i realise this is supposed to be some hilarious comedy scene to be like omg hahaha lool jenny and dana? lmaooo but i kinda think they should have gotten together for real and this should have been danas true butch awakening like look at her . now imagine this without the stupid bangs and with her comfort slick back ponytail
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she even tries to awkwardly lean back to show off her muscles like...?????????????????
lol but rewatching this when she lifts her leg up she';s wearing... stiletto boots
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it's the L word you can't talk about butches and butchism because they exist so far pushed to the peripheries of the show but my god ilene chaiken i hate you forever but yeah her haircut sucked shane should be a barista or something
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