#so in addition to the rice biting into my hands
yarnings · 1 year
So, I’m not fully able bodied. I don’t really call myself disabled (physically), because most of the time I’m fine. It’s just that every now and again, one of my joints (these days it’s my ankles) will just up and tell me “nope, not now”. It doesn’t happen often enough for me even to have gone to the doctor about it (I admit, I was kind of hoping that getting my new orthotics would address it).
The problem is that one of those days was today. When I was *almost* to the bus stop, to go do a *big* grocery shop. Like, instead of my regular backpack I grabbed a hiking backpack to carry stuff that didn’t fit into the big bundle buggy home with. So here I am, coming home from the grocery store, hobbling to the courtesy seats at the front of the bus with a GIANT hiking backpack on, a 15+kilo large bundle buggy, and a bag of rice (only 8kg though) that didn’t fit into either of those.
I ended up calling a friend when I got off the bus to help me get everything home.
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nymphany · 10 months
Fic contains: taboo / dark content please read this warning if you are triggered by any of this material
Reader info:
Referred with: she/her/girl/you
British! Pan! Short! Afab! Feminine! Reader
Coming soon: cat, bunny, mouse, deer, bear, cow, lamb and bird version
♡ callsign: cadaver!
♡ oh where to start with this little ball of energy!!!
♡ shes so dumb </3 but she's good at her job so that's all that matters
♡ it was a surprise to 141 to be presented with the least intimidating hybrid as their newest addition to the team
♡ this bubbly little thing who was practically shaking in excitement, her tail wagging so hard it looked like it was about to fly off
♡ naturally the men were disappointed that they're newest member wasnt some unbeatable tank but instead a tiny thing who was fueled by praise and treats
♡ speaking of praises and treats gaz cant help but spoil you!! Price tells him not to
"she wont listen if you give her so many treats"
"shes a good girl she always listens"
• hes right you do always listen, you're very obedient maybe too obedient
♡ despite his denial of your treats, your favourite man is obviously price <3 something about puppies and grumpy old men is a match made in heaven !!
♡ you like his ear scratches the best especially when you're in his office with your head on his lap
♡ he says he only likes you for your work but everyone knows that's a lie especially when he pays extra attention to you during lunch. Hes just making sure you eat all your food so you're big and strong
♡ you know how some dads pet their dogs my giving their back a good smack and rub? that's what hed do to you <3
♡ he has a wide selection of beef jerky in his office but you only eat it when someone feeds it to you <3 they're not allowed to hand it to you or place it infront of you they must feed it to you directly!! Makes you happy (you try your best not to nip at their fingers when they feed you but you just get so happy you cant help it)
♡ ghost can never be sarcastic around you your dumb brain cant handle it :( "go count every grain of rice in the kitchens if you're so bothered 'bout the numbers" and you do!!! he feels horrible because he knows you suck at counting :(( it must of took you ages to even get to 50
♡ its okay because it gives soap and gaz an excuse to pamper you!! You dont exactly understand why you're being pampered (must be because you're such a good girl for counting all that rice) but you accept it. It does make ghost feel so much worse for making you do things he didnt mean </3
"You're such a good puppy! You're so good at listening and you're so pretty!"
"Gaz that's enough I already said sorry"
"Aw come on Lt you made the poor thing count every grain of rice cant expect us to not rub it in can ya"
♡ ghost does make it up to you eventually, he takes you on walks around the base and points out secrets and tells you their stories
"Oi pup Do you see that dent in the wall?"
"Johnny came back after a night out and rammed himself into it thinking his shadow was an intruder"
♡ they always have atleast one of your chew toys on them at all times after they noticed you chewing the inside of your mouth, your fingers, their sleeves or just anything you could fit in your mouth
♡ your team must smell like you all the time, always, forever !!!! Whenever you get them alone youre immediately licking them!! Sometimes you bite but you're working on it <3
♡ if they come back from somewhere you have to smell them, what if they smell like another hybrid hmm?!?! >:((
♡ which is why you hate baths.
♡ they wipe away all your hard work I mean come on it's not easy to get the scent of your four favourite men nor is it easy to scent them!!! They're constantly around other people >:(((((
♡ luckily you arent the smartest so it's easy to trap and lure you in with kisses <3
♡ some one HAS to be in the bath/shower/ room with you
1. you cant be trusted not to eat the soap (smell nice ≠ taste nice)
2. Its scary in there
3. You get distracted and forget to even get in the bath/shower
♡ they treat you so well though !!! your ears and tail are always so soft when you let gaz wash them, he takes such good care of the soft fur and he never ever let's the bubbles  stay in your ears and he spends a good long time near your tail but you have no idea why <3
♡ soap likes washing your body! He loves watching you relax as he takes his time to make sure you're clean, he loves letting you lean against him as he washes your back and loves watching the suds run down your body. hes so sweet that he makes sure to pay extra attention to your sensitive areas <3
♡ price is the one tasked to dry you off, you seem to only listen to him anyway (of course you do, your dumb doggy brain has to listen to the leader of your pack)
♡ he pulls you against him using your towel as leverage, he so graciously put it in the dryer to warm up so you're all toasty and warm. You sit in his lap while he rubs your body dry whispering praises about your "bravery" to even go into the bath/shower
♡ Which leaves ghost in charge of your skin care!! This big scary man lathering your body in lotions and creams so you're all soft and smooth. He loves the moans and whimpers when he presses down on your weak spots <3
"Oi mutt stop licking the moisturiser"
"No no nooo :((( Say the thing :((("
"....Simons says stop licking the moisturiser"
♡ you never wear clothes after your bath/shower, they're lucky to get underwear on you, you need to be as open to they're scents as possible!! Maybe you'll wear their clothes but only maybe
♡ our puppy wasn't meant to meet Alejandro and Rudy until the mission was over but she said her nose could be put to good use and laswell couldnt help but agree (puppy definitely didn't bribe her or anything puppy hugs do wonders)
♡ at first alejandro didnt even see the girl behind the mountain sized men, assuming it's only ghost and soap coming along
"This is cadaver, our k9 unit she'll be coming along with us"
"Ah un perro! you'll be very useful"
♡ it was a tight squeeze in the backseat, two military men left little room but it's okay you enjoy sitting on their laps so it's not much different
"So they call you cadaver?"
"Yes sir!"
"You good at hunting corpses?"
"Uh huh! very good! The best!"
"Good because we're looking for a dead man walking"
":00?? A zombie :((("
♡ overall you got on very well with alejandro and Rudy <3 whenever they passed you they always gave a light scratch to your ear
♡ you dont understand the language but you like the attention and that's all that matters, they're so nice and help you cool off in the sun,  you just need to get naked so they can help cool you off just let them help dont even worry about it
♡ you liked graves when you met him he got so hyped up on missions the energy traveled to you
♡ although he definitely tries to make you loyal to him and him only (mmm yummy dark! Graves <3<3) hes always been a fan of hybrids especially the vulnerable ones. Hes best at love bombing you, filling you with treats, pets and roaming hands. Hes a sucker for puppy girls
♡ valeria made you cry when you met her :(( well it was actually rudy but he didnt mean to he felt awful :(((
"Perro estúpido, solo eres una perra reproductora, ¿no? no hay pensamientos en esa linda cabeza tuya"
"Thank you :D"
"Dont thank her shes insulting you"
• he gave you so many hugs, treats and kisses after he apologized profusely he forgot how sensitive you are he just didnt want you to thank her for insulting you :((
♡ mommy valeria tho so shes easily forgiven with a few fake compliments.
"You must think twice as hard with that brain of yours"
"Oh no! I dont even think once! :D"
♡ you entertain her, although she does wonder how it would feel to live in your head for a day
"Even the dogs in Las almas know not to bark at me"
"Oh no silly! We're in a shipping container"
"Yes in Las almas"
"Since when"
♡ thinking about how puppy got to keep valeria company while the big strong men go fight, guard dog duties !! Dont ask her how she got naked... and why valerias fingers are pruned... that's not important and you should mind your business
♡ cadaver has a muzzle and harness <3 !!! If you've ever been checked for harness safety you'll understand the feeling of being tugged around and how easy it is to want to jump someones bones
♡ always at odd hours too but you cant help it !! you have a lot of energy and you're too dumb to put that energy to good use :(( so it's only natural you jump on everyone and everything <3
♡ nesting with all of their clothes and belongings and they cant stop you or they'll get viciously attacked (you will cry)
♡ sticker collection (scented ones are the best) + mask decorating with ghost !!!!!
♡ konig is a scary big giant man whose just a silly guy at heart but jesus christ he needs to shrink
♡ the first time you met him you actually didnt see him, assuming the sun had exploded and the solid black mass that obscured your vision was the end of the world only to be corrected by an apology from the wall itself
"ah I'm so sorry I didnt see you there"
"Me neither :D"
♡ so big and scary but so warm and protective!! Ghost doesn't like you near konig he doesnt like sharing his toys with kortac
♡ you still hang out with him whenever you get the chance!! <3 friendship bracelets for all!! You did however underestimate how big these mens wrists were and cried when they wouldnt fit
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ NSFW ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ oral fixation all the way !!
♡ mouth cockwarming!!!! Below prices desk? Yes!! Feeling sleepy and need to suck on something?? Soap is your guy!! Want to learn about the human anatomy? Rudy is there to help
♡ sweaty balls in my mouf
♡ slobbering on them until they scrunch up like raisins, suck the man juice out of them
♡ our puppy has a leash and collar so it's only natural they use it on you, held back by the neck as one of them is pounding into you
♡ puppy likes scent and prefers sex before
and after a work out
♡ listen... piss kink
♡ I just feel like they'd be in a meeting and she tries so so sooo hard to tell someone she needs to pee but they keep telling her to hold it (graves) but she just cant price made sure to keep her hydrated during lunch :(( it's too much and her bladder isnt big enough
♡ whimpers fill the air the sound of dripping water accompanying it their heads turning to face her as sobs bubble out of her mouth along with apologise while she so desperately cover her face to avoid the embarrassment. Her thighs clenched desperately to stop the stream but her attempts were In vain
♡ the first to realise what had happened was soap the fact that he was sitting next to her and had perfect view access to her entire body
"Aw pet don' cry its jus' an accident, happens to the best of us"
♡ :(((( shes so upset but our boys dont mind shes usually so well behaved and she obviously didn't mean to do it on purpose
"Oh puppy you tried so hard to tell us and we completely ignored you didnt we?"
"Uh huh"
"Yeah? And we didnt listen when you said you couldnt hold it did we"
"No i- but I- I did try to hold I really tried hard b-but I couldnt an- and now I've made a mess"
♡ they cant ignore the arousal they get from seeing her soaked and sobbing <3 they know it's wrong, shes upset and embarrassed but they just cant help it
♡ graves is a gross man who looks like fix it felix but dont let that fool you he 100% loves the control he gets from a piss kink especially for our puppy, he likes making you hold it and then mocks you in a high pitched voice but your dumb little brain thinks hes comforting you
♡ I think simon is more one for fucking you until you pee, he usually does it in the shower so he can wash off but he doesnt mind getting dirty, he likes the feeling of your cunt squeezing and gushing around him especially if you try to tell him to stop. Youre gonna pee? Yeah? Do it
♡ gaz is someone who likes to watch you pee he loves the view <3 the fluttering of your cunt draws him in road trip side of road
♡ Johnny, similar to his L.T, is someone who teases you until you pee. Rubbing your clit until its puffy and sore and you cant hold yourself up right let alone your bladder
♡ alejandro and Rudy like watching you wiggle they'll purposefully fill you with liquid and press on your tummy just to watch you squirm, they have bets on who can make you loose it first
♡ price pees in you
♡ theres a reason hes your favourite
♡ you know how I talked about scenting??... I hate to break it to you but she has definitely peed on them/their stuff at some point
♡ you mostly pee on price
♡ "what are you doing"
"Where are you pants"
"I dont know"
"You're not gonna pee on the floor are you"
"That's right you're not because that would be bad"
"Thats right bad"
"Just a little"
♡ heats are always a pain for you :(( so horny and so wet desperate for someone to fill you with the pups you need. You drive the team crazy with your whimpers and cries but they know you cant help it, you're just achey :(((
♡ bullet vibrators are your best bet as they obviously cant fuck you 24/7 so that small buzzing of pleasure keeps you satiated until they can get their hands on you, the first time you had your heat you couldnt get the small thing out :(( your fingers were too small and it was so slippery you couldnt grasp it :((( you're so lucky your captain is kind enough to help you <3 dont think about his fingers wiggling inside you hes just trying extra hard to get it out that's why hes pumping them in and out of you
♡ sometimes they have to keep you in a cage because you wont stop begging to be stuffed, they dont want a rookie to think that they're allowed to overstep their place just because your in heat
♡ you hump everything!!!! Nothing is safe they take their shirt off for one second and it's on a pillow being jumped by no other than you!! You absolute fiend!!!
♡ you follow them around everywhere you love being around you favourite men!!!
♡ when 141 go on a mission you're left with Rudy and alejandro who always give in to you whines and begs <3 they treat you so well always stuffing you full when you need it, letting you have as much cum as you please, it makes the 141 so jealous that they have to fuck you as soon as they get back!
♡ graves probably pimps out puppy to his shadows there I said it
♡ konig isnt to slick with his touches either, he may think hes going undetected but that's only by our dumb mutt the other men are fuming with him. He let's you sit in his lap, his bear like hands inbetween your thighs rubbing along your most intimate areas you dont exactly connect what hes doing and hes completely okay with that just grind yourself back on him.
♡ he probably asks horangi to help him out, probably stretching you to prepare for the brute of the man
♡ definitely think gangbangs are a big part of your heat, vibrators, plugs, rope and muzzles are all items your familiar with. I like to think they just come and go when fucking you it's almost like a brothel
♡ they definitely finger fuck you while doing mindless tasks, brushing their teeth? You're bent over the sink pushing yourself back onto them, doing paperwork? Being cockwarmed by your snug lil cunt, lifting weights? You're bouncing on their cock weighing them down
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atinyniki · 4 months
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!bangchan x f!reader x idol!lee felix
genre: angst, fluff
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, proposals, insecurities, crying, mentions of sex but no smut, suggestive jokes, lots of kissing, y/n is neglected
authors note: omggg my first fic for the 'making @miuracha happy' event !!! i really hope you love it <3 this fic really spoke to me because i guess... its just people being people. relationships have problems, but communication is so so important in order to keep it alive ! this has a happy ending, dw... this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1771
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atelophobia - the fear of imperfection.
“baby? we’re home!”
you quickly check the time from the clock above the stove, cursing yourself for not finishing earlier and rushing to the door to greet them. “hey loves…”, you smile tiredly. they share a look before wrapping you in a hug, dirtying their clothes from the contact with your messy apron.
you relax in their warmth for a bit… its been a long day. “missed you, my baby…”, chan whispers. felix hums in agreement from your side, leaving tender kisses across your cheekbones. they finally pull away from you, and you assess the damage done to their clothes.
you don’t mean to make your frown so noticeable, but it’s inevitable. “what's wrong love?”
before you can answer, you crouch down and use your hands to dust off the rice flour from their clothes, apologizing profusely for ruining them. the truth is, recently, it’s felt like you’ve only made things worse for everyone. it’s thrown you into this bad mental state, thinking that your boyfriends deserve so much better.
“hey, it’s really not a big deal. we’re gonna wash up soon anyways, yeah?”, felix shoots you a tired smile.
you nod, standing back up and smiling sheepishly. “um… dinner will be ready soon. it should be done by the time you’re out.”
the both of them nod, making their way into the bedroom and then the bathroom. you rush back to the kitchen to check on the tteok, but you frown once you realize you must have boiled it for too long. the rice cakes look a little too mushy, but you hope that it’ll taste good in the tteokbokki.
about ten minutes later, you hear the two giggle as they walk into the living room. “gosh, i thought you’d have more stamina baby…”
he rolls his eyes playfully, placing another kiss onto chan’s lips. regularly, you’d be happy about it. it’s nice to have a loving relationship and be able to see their love progress alongside them, but the sight of them now makes your heart clench. 
it’s different now than it was a week ago. you feel undesirable, unwanted. why can’t you ever be intimate with them? why don’t they kiss you like that? the questions run through your mind at a sickening pace, and it takes everything in you not to cry.
chan turns his head to look at you, but you look away before he notices you staring. “gosh what are you making? i’m hungry as hell…”, he giggles.
“i’m sorry… it’s taking longer than i expected”, you mumble out. felix is the first to notice your uneasiness. “no y/n, i think he just meant… because it smells so good, you know? don’t apologize, there’s no need to rush, yeah?”
you nod, smiling at him and turning back to the pot of simmering tteok. only a couple minutes go by and you’ve plated all the food nicely, setting their meals down onto the kitchen table. “food’s ready!”
the boys rush to the table, smiling once they’ve seen the food. it pushes you further to your breaking point, seeing them smile so widely at the food, but never at you. you regularly don’t need constant reassurance, but right now it feels as if everything’s breaking apart in front of you.
to make things worse, they sit opposite to you around the small circular table. your body seems to be betraying you, your bottom lip slightly quivering, and you quickly bite it to hide your pain.
they each take a bite of their food, quickly eating due to their hunger. you smile at their eagerness, finding their puffy cheeks adorable, until you see their faces go red.
“oh my gosh… what did you put in this?”, chan asks incredulously. he obviously doesn’t mean it in a rude way, but it seems that way due to everything else that’s been going on.
“i- im sorry…”, you whisper.
you pour him some more water, and refill felix’s too. “it’s so fucking— augh —spicy!”, felix groans.
“i’m sorry.”, your voice gets even quieter with every apology, the tears brimming in your eyes. “i can’t even eat this…”
“i said i’m sorry!”, you yell.
and you break.
the tears brim over your lash line, now spilling over your cheeks, and the boys finally look up from their plates and at you. the way their cheeks are filled with water makes them look incredibly stupid, and yet it doesn’t make you laugh like it normally does.
instead, you cry even harder, knowing that you’ve put them in pain. you cover your face with your hands, not wanting to show how truly vulnerable you are.
“baby…”, chan gasps out. the two of them stand up, immediately rushing to your side. the burn of their tongue can’t even compare to the pain in their heart at this moment.
“my pretty girl… what’s wrong?”, felix coos at you. you shake your head, “i’m okay, i’m sorry…”
you feel chan’s breath ghost over your neck while he whispers in your ear. “can i touch you?”
you nod, and you’re immediately picked up by chan and set down onto the couch in felix’s lap. “what’s wrong, love? did we do something wrong?”
“i just… i don’t know. i guess the feelings have been there for a while now, but it’s never gotten this bad.”, you sigh out. the boys share concerned looks, only making you want to cry even more.
“i’m fine, really. i don’t need to be babie—“
“tell me what’s wrong, y/n.”
“chan i- it’s not that simple… there’s a lot.”
you hear felix sniffle from above you, and you pry your eyes open to look at him. you feel upset, yes, but nothing would prepare you for this guilt. “how long?”, he rasps out.
“how long have you felt like this? you don’t have to keep it from us… you can tell us everything…”
“i just…”, you sigh, covering your face again. chan grabs your wrist loosely, running his lips over your knuckles. “don’t hide from us, baby, please… tell us what’s going on.”, chan begs.
“i just… i don’t feel like your girlfriend anymore… i just feel like a roommate that you occasionally kiss at this point. you and lix have been out so much more than usual and you… you never bring me anywhere. i just want to be loved… i want to cook with you guys… and i want to sit next to you while we eat. i want to be intimate with you like you are with eachother… and i know that sounds crazy… but i just feel so… out of the loop.”
“y/n… that’s not—“
“felix… please… i just- just a little love is all i ask for… hold me, hug me, spend time with me… just don’t make me feel invisible.”
“i… i’m so sorry…”, he whispers. you open your eyes to stare at chan, who’s basically bowing on the floor, looking away from you so that you can’t see the pain in his eyes. 
“there’s no reason to—“, before you can finish, he pulls you up from his lap to wrap you in a hug.
“there's a reason, y/n. you don’t deserve that from anyone… and definitely not from your boyfriends. you mean the world to us, you really do… we were just… dealing with some things.”
“then tell me felix! i don’t mind that you two love eachother of course, i want you to. i want you to be in love with eachother and care for eachother but i just want to be in the picture. so tell me… am i still in the picture?”
“you will always be in the picture, my love…”, you hear chan whisper from beside you.
you turn your head towards him, and you almost jump when you see the dark red velvet box. his head is hung low in shame, and all you can hear from felix and chan are harsh sobs.
he flicks open the box, the three gorgeous trio rings glimmering in the light. “chan i- i—“, felix interrupts you before you can even get another word out.
“we wanted to make it special for you… that’s why we were out so much… so excited and happy all the time. it’s because of you.”
your voice gets caught in your throat, your tears suddenly fading away. the weight on your heart seems to be lifted, and yet it’s like these two are acting like the entire world is falling apart.
but that’s because it is. you’re their entire world, and they’ve hurt you. “we don’t need a special proposal, y/n. we just need you… so what do you say?”
felix pushes you up closer to his back so that you can feel his heartbeat against it. “will you marry us?”
you clamp a hand around your mouth, trying your best to suppress your sobs, but you can’t. you nod frantically, unable to say any words. nothing could have prepared you for this moment.
chan slides the silver band onto your finger, leaning over to kiss away your tears. “oh baby… don’t cry…”
“i- i didn’t mean to ruin it… i’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to apologize, my love. i’m sorry for putting you through so much pain.”
chan finally makes space for himself on the couch, pulling your legs over his lap. he lightly strokes them up and down, felix threads his fingers through your hair. all of a sudden, your stomach starts rumbling, eliciting giggles from the boys.
“you hungry baby? we can go back and eat”, chan smiles.
“i’ll just make something else… it won’t be too long, i—“
“baby, listen. it doesn’t taste bad i swear… it’s just… so spicy.”
he kisses over your eyelids, trying his best to soothe you. “it’s okay…”
“hey… we love you, you know that right?”
“i love you both too…”
you hum in satisfaction at the feeling of their hands on you. even when it’s not in a sexual way, there’s something so grounding about their touch. “eat later… i missed you guys”
“awh baby… you’re so cute. i guess we can wait a bit, yeah?”, felix coos. you lean up to leave a peck in his cheek. a simple gesture, and yet it’s so innocently sweet. 
chan leans over to swipe another tear away from your cheek, and that’s when you know you’re okay. they care about you. you don’t have to be perfect for them to love you. they want you for the person you are and nothing else. 
and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
I love your Demon Slayer Sanji AU! I really want to see the strawhat reaction of the demon slayer corps and how the corps react to Zoro being half demon. This crossover AU actually remind me of my own crossover AU that I like to think in my head, it's about the non devil fruit users have a vision like in the genshin impact and Sanji got the cyro ever since he escape from Germa because cyro is given to those who have been shaped by their misfortune or something like that.
Straight up I was working on that before my week went to shit(rip to my productivity) and I have NO clue what genshin impact is. I dissociate to stardew valley.
But Tanjiro!Sanji taking the strawhat crew to meet the corps and Mihawk is there as the water breathing hashira? God could you imagine if Rengoku is there? GOD, anyway.
Sanji groaning as he sees Mihawk and several other members of the corps after they all decide to meet on some island. Sanji just having his sword ripped from him and inspected by Mihawk and another corps member debating on whether or not to call a smith which makes Sanji pale. Rengoku rattling off to Sanji about his breathing techniques since they can both fire breathe. Kanroji is begging Sanji to cook and Sanji is having flashbacks to his days as a corps member watching her slam back so much food she might eat more than Luffy and he's not even sure that's possible.
Then someone says Zoro smells bad and Mihawk says it's because he doesn't bathe as he looks at Sanji and apologizes because he tried to make Zoro bathe more but then Sanji says Zoro is a half demon and a king of hell. The Demon Corps is staring at the crew with hands on their swords. Sanji is standing in front of Zoro in a "stop" pose to the members and is like "NO KILLING THE SWORDSMAN OF THE STRAWHATS OR LUFFY WILL KILL US ALL!" and the corps slowly moves their hands away from their swords.
Zoro has to explain what the fuck is going on. He has to answer questions. The demon corps is still debating on whether or not to kill him until he says he helped kill that kid Sanji was fighting. Sanji yells at him that it was an upper rank demon and he's a shitty king of hell if he doesn't know what they're talking about. Zoro yells back that he doesn't fucking reside in hell and his demon form is for fighting and he rarely uses it.
Robin has to be so interested in the history and the breathing techniques and Chopper has to be wanting to run tests on them. Rengoku and Kanroji agree easily. Their Sanji's friends and "please call me Kyojuro and this is Mitsuri!"
"Please use our first names!" So they just do a bunch of tests and demonstrations and they answer Robin's questions about the history and secrecy seeing as she is the only survivor of Ohara she can be trusted and such. Mihawk is the defacto leader and so his permission is granted for all of these and he even mentions Sanji growing his hair out since he started at Baratie and Sanji shrugs and says his eyebrows make him noticeable enough having his bright red birth mark that looks like a burn might draw more demons to him and not just pirates like he's focusing on. Mihawk agrees easily to that point and Sanji has started cooking at some point and is making the biggest pot of noodles he can as well as rice and so much food because he knows how hashira eat but Kanroji is an exception because she eats like Luffy.
"So what's the plan now?" Sanji asks as Rengoku keeps yelling tasty after each bite and Kanroji is just shoveling like Luffy.
"Well, you should come back to the corps or have another member join the crew for the forseeable future if it is him." Mihawk says. "You have your pick of these two or I can send someone else soon."
"I'll choose someone else, no offense to you both but having a hashira aboard might cause more trouble." Sanji says.
"I take offense! I feel like Mitsuri and I would be excellent additions to the crew!" Rengoku smiles at him.
"I don't, I get it, I think I've eaten more than your captain." Kanroji says eyeing the stack of bowls between her and Luffy.
"Then I will join the Strawhat crew in your stead Mitsuri!" Rengoku nods.
"What do you think about this, Captain?" Robin smiles at Luffy.
"Why not, sounds fun!" Luffy smiles. Mihawk chuckles as Sanji groans and Kanroji whines and holds onto Sanji and claims she'll miss him and threatens Rengoku into writing.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hello😁 can you write an one shot with hyunsu?
Like the reader is comforting him with the situation at home and the bullies?
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i've used this gif on every sweet home fic i've written lmao i just love it sm he's so sklnslks
pairing: hyunsu x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: hurt comfort word count: 390
warnings: implied self harm, insecure hyunsu, a poorly written jesse pinkman style breakdown lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
additional notes: i'm gonna stop writing for sweet home. idk i finished the drama and i don’t really like it (??) i love hyunsu but i don’t get a lot of feedback on these and i’m not planning on watching s2 when it comes out
requests open !! read my rules first
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“hyunsu?” you gently knock on his bedroom door, leaning against it. you can hear the clicking of his keyboard inside. the plate of food you left at the door last night has been moved to the side. a few bites of rice and chicken have been eaten. 
you sigh, slowly pushing the door open. hyunsu doesn’t react, eyes still focused on the screen. you shut his door behind you, making your way over to sit on the edge of his bed. “you ate last night,” you murmur. his fingers pause momentarily before he continues playing. “that’s good. i’m glad.” 
a heavy silence falls over the room for a few minutes. you stare down at your hands, debating whether or not to keep talking. you sigh, standing behind hyunsu. you rest a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. “i’m here if you need anything, okay?” 
he freezes completely. you swallow your regret, about to retreat from the room when he speaks. “why?” hyunsu turns to face you, tears brimming in his eyes. “why are you here? why do you keep waiting for me?” his voice gets louder with every word, tears now rolling down his cheeks. “you could do so much better. why haven’t you left? i’m nothing!”
“oh, baby,” you wrap your arms around him, pulling him into your chest. hyunsu grips the fabric of your shirt, crying into your arms. “it’s okay,” you whisper, running a hand against his back. “it’s okay. i’m here. we’ll be okay.” 
hyunsu desperately pulls you closer. his tears soak into your shirt, staining the fabric. you let him crawl into your lap, hiding away into your arms. you press a kiss against his temple, continuing to rub his back. “it’s okay. it’s all gonna be okay.” 
you sit on the floor with hyunsu leaning against your chest until your knees ache. golden hour has fallen, casting a gentle glow across the room. hyunsu pulls back a little, wiping the tears from his cheeks before he looks up at you. his eyes are red and his cheeks are flushed. 
you gently reach up to grab his wrist, stroking your thumb against the skin of his hand. “let me take care of you.” 
hyunsu hesitates for a second before nodding. “okay.” 
you press a kiss against his knuckles. “i love you. never forget that.”
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happilychaengs · 1 year
the expression of love
a/n: my third and last fic for valentine's. i'm extremely tired but i tried working through it. hopefully this makes sense.
word count: 607
yunjin x gender neutral reader
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yunjin wrote her own songs. she was a lyricist. she was good with words wasn't she? she thought she was good at coming up with stuff, so why for the life of her could she not write anything about how much love she held for you?
she's been staring at her empty journal for approximately... 3 hours just trying to come up with anything to say to you. lyrics to a song. a poem. it didn't matter to her. she just wanted to do something to show much she loved you before you came back from work but not a single word came to mind. she wrote your name a couple of times but quickly erased it, not really sure where she was taking it.
she let out a long exaggerated sigh as she set her journal down and walked around the house you two shared, hoping to get some form of inspiration to help her write. as she walked down the hallway, she sees the picture frames the two of you hung up on the wall, all capturing one of your many escapades.
"what is it?" her body turned around and she couldn't really prepare herself for what was to happen. she feels your plump lips on hers as she feels your hands pull her head closer. she smiles into it as she reciprocates your feelings fully.
the two of you disconnect and she sees nothing but stars in your eyes. "what was that for, y/n?"
"nothing. i just love you. that's all."
she loved your spontaneity. you didn't have every step planned out. you went where life took you and much to her dismay, you were a much needed addition to her very intoxicating lifestyle. you made her feel free.
"are you okay?"
"what do you mean?" was there something wrong with her today?
"you don't usually eat this little."
her brows furrowed as she tried thinking about what could possibly make you worry about her. was she really eating less? before she could respond, her stomach grumbled as she saw you stick out a spoonful of rice up to her face.
"you don't even know you're hungry?"
she laughed to herself as she took a bite, "i guess not."
she loved how observant you were of her. sometimes catching on to things that she herself didn't even realize and she has always been thankful for that. she would be in a very different situation without you.
"knock knock, yunjin!"
her ears perk up at the sound of your voice. you making a knock knock joke? was it her birthday today or something?
"who's there?"
"boo who?"
she feels a pair of arms wrap around her torso as she feels your chin on her shoulders, your playful voice ringing in her ears, "aw, don't cry!"
she's dragged out of her thoughts as she hears the door swing open, time passing by a little too fast for her liking but thankfully she's finally realized how to tell you her feelings. it was just everything about you. it wasn't one specific thing that made her love you. you were just you and that was enough for her.
there was no one thing she could tell you that would show much she loved you. no poem or song that she could've made to fully express the extent. so she tells you upright, and hopefully you'd know how much you meant to her.
you hung up your coat as you looked at yunjin, "what is it?"
"i love you." she quickly runs up to you and plants her lips on yours, "happy valentine's day."
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justmochi · 11 months
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series :: eunmin in busan 2023 💌
pairing :: eden x seokmin
word count :: 4.8k
synopsis :: eunmin’s second day in busan.
time :: february 16, 2023
warnings :: again, very long since it contains everything they did in the day. fluff so cute u might pukee. eunmin talking about kids.
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @meginthebuilding27 @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms​ @itzy-eve​ @choihaneul
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Eden had just finished taking her pictures of the tray, putting their freshly brewed coffee down. She made hers how she liked it and tried her best to match his taste. She got up extra early to shower, get ready, and plan out their day to celebrate Seokmin’s birthday.
It was their last full day in Busan together and she wanted to dedicate the day to him and celebrate his birthday that she couldn’t be with him for on the 18th.
She debated what time to wake him up so he could rest fully, but she was getting impatient and wanted to treat him to breakfast. So she put her phone in her back pocket, making sure things looked tidy on the tray before picking it up and carefully walking upstairs.
She pushed the cracked door open with her back, tiptoeing in and setting the tray on the dresser. He was sleeping peacefully, curled into a ball with the blankets draping over his head to block out the sun. 
She sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the covers off of him and kissing his elbow, all the way up to his shoulder. He budged slightly, but not enough to wake up fully.
“Minee…” She whispered his nickname, running her fingertips along his back. Nothing.
“Honey…” He shifted slightly, letting out a hum.
She tried so hard to bite her tongue, wondering whether this was an appropriate thing to say. She bent down close to his ear, kissing his neck before whispering again. “…Oppa,”
He finally opened his eyes, turning back at her with a hum. He squinted his eyes from the sun, stretching out his limbs as she giggled.
“That woke you right up.” She kissed the corners of his lip, then his forehead before pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“What’d you say just now?”
“Hmm? I said something?” She furrowed her eyebrows, playing dumb.
“The names.”
“Minee?” He shook his head. “Honey?” He smiled but shook his head again. “That’s all I said.”
“No I swear you said-“
“Oppa?” The couple said the word at the same time, Seokmin’s eyes bulging as he lay flat against the mattress. He covered his face to hide his blush.
“I’m not saying it ever again.” She patted his stomach over the blanket, standing up and approaching the dresser.
“Just once more? At least let me record it!” He pouted, kicking his legs.
“Nope.” She picked up the tray, walking over to him, and setting it on the mattress. “Happy birthday!”
She picked up the kazoo, blowing into it as he jumped right up. She laughed as he sat up, pulling the blankets up to cover his chest. He ran his hand across his eyes, smiling as he was surprised with breakfast in bed.
“But it’s not my-“ He tried to speak before Eden put her hand over his mouth.
“No, it’s not your birthday yet. But it is our last full day so we’re celebrating early.” Their banter from the previous day about her birthday made its way into the next day. She put her hand under his chin, massaging it like a cat. “Since you were so good to me yesterday, I’m spoiling you today.” She kissed him on the lips quickly,
“Your food is gonna get cold. Dig in.” She motioned to him, sitting back with her hands in her lap. He picked up the spoon, mixing the egg, rice, and seaweed and topping it with the kimchi. He took a big bite, closing his eyes with a look of satisfaction on his face. “Is it okay?”
“Very good.” He covers his mouth, filling his cheeks with the food and taking his time to chew. “Did you make all this?”
They made eye contact for several seconds before they both snorted. He knew she wasn’t big on cooking, but he still appreciated her going out of her way.
“I didn’t want to cook you something bad, so I ordered these this morning and plated it. I did make the coffee though.”
He sipped on the coffee quickly, nodding to himself as a smile crept into his face. “It’s very good, E. Thank you.”
“Go ahead and eat.” She ruffled her fingers through his messy hair with a smile. “Do you want me to run you a bath or start a shower?”
He smiled, chewing his food and swallowing before answering. “I’ll go for a shower. Are you gonna join me?”
She snickered, throwing her head down. “I showered earlier, so not today.”
He pouted, turning his head as he played with his food. “Not even for my birthday?”
She held his face in her hands, leaning forward and kissing his forehead. “But I have so much planned for you today.”
A grin slowly crept on his face, looking up into her eyes. He looked less bummed as she ran her thumb against his cheek. “We’ll definitely have to pick out a house with a bathtub when we move in together.”
She nodded her head, getting off the bed and going over to his suitcase. “Eat. I’ll warm your clothes up and start the water.”
So he finished eating his breakfast as she took some of his clothes downstairs to the laundry room. When she came back up, she started his shower, making sure he had towels laid out neatly for him.
While he showered, Eden took his tray and began doing the dishes. As she was tidying everything up, she was humming to herself with a smile on her face as the sun lit up the entire house. She was a bit bummed knowing their trip would end soon but she was looking forward to more happy days like these.
“I’m done.” She turned around, seeing him dressed in a loose shirt that exposed his arms and chest and his wet hair covering his forehead.
She turned back around, finishing drying the plates as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Eden threw her head back against his shoulder, wiping her hands dry as he kissed her neck.
“I don’t wanna go home.” He pouted, voice muffled against her skin. She smiled, putting her hands over his and sighing.
“I know how you feel.”
“I just wanna marry you already. And have so many more mornings like this. Everyday.” He blurted out, turning her around to face him in his arms. He snuck his hand behind her neck, kissing her forehead before her lips.
Her hands rested at his waist, smiling as they touched each other. “We just got promise rings, let’s slow down a bit.” She joked with a chuckle. “I want nothing more than to wake up next to you every day.”
Seokmin couldn’t hide the blush creeping onto his face, feeling his heart explode at her words. He lifted her up by the hips, setting her on the countertop before hugging her. He pressed his face against her chest, sighing contently as she brushed her fingers through his wet hair.
“Do you think our children will be vocalists or rappers?” He asked her with the straightest face ever. She laughed a bit too hard, throwing her head back and hitting it against the cabinet.
He gasped, looking up at her and putting his hand behind her head. “Oh my god, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry.” She snorted, covering her mouth as he relaxed just a little bit. He hated when things like this happened in fear of hurting her.
“I think they’ll be a vocal.” She smiled, pursing her lips. “How could they not?”
“You’re right. You do have such a beautiful voice.”
“I was talking about you, Minee.” She pressed her finger against his forehead, rolling her eyes.
“They’ll be born from good vocalists. But they’ll get their rapping skills from their mom.” She leaned back against the cabinet carefully, laughing at his comment. She broke their contact, looking off to the side as her smile faded.
He took note of her facial expressions, his soon falling too. He stroked her cheek, turning her attention back to him. “I think I got too ahead of myself. We can drop it.”
After all, he didn’t want to pressure or overwhelm her when talking about their future together. She shook her head, holding his hand.
“No, you’re fine. I’ve just always wondered if I would be a good mother.”
He frowned. “How come?”
“I don’t know, maybe it’s because of the way I grew up?” She said with uncertainty, being reminded of her childhood. “Some people, it’s just in their nature. It’s like they’re born with motherly instincts. I guess I want to be a better parent than what I got as a child.”
He was all ears, trying his best to understand how she felt and putting himself in her shoes. All he could do was hug her, placing his head against her chest and sighing. “For what it’s worth, I think you’d be an amazing mom. And it will be a long time before that happens, so just tell me if you’re not comfortable discussing it.”
Eden smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and feeling her heart ache. “You will no doubt be an amazing dad. I’m certain.” She whispered against his ear, knowing that even though he had his face snuggled into her chest, he was blushing.
“So today, I was thinking we could work on one of your Lego sets.” She pulled him back, hands resting on his cheeks. “Obviously the one with fewer pieces though.”
“Oh yeah, of course.” His eyes lit up instantly, the little passionate boy in him coming out.
“And then we head to the market.” She cocked her eyebrows up with excitement.
“The market?”
“Yeah. I wanted to have a little cookout with a bonfire and s’mores.”
His eyes widened with stars in them. “S’mores?”
“Oh, and I also want to see if I can find a present for Vernon. I don’t know what he likes though.” She stroked his hair at the base of his neck.
“I can help.” He reassured her with a smile.
She nodded, pushing him back just a bit so she could hop off the counter. “I’ll go get the lego’s.” Her hand brushed his shoulder before she skipped up the stairs and to the bedroom.
Eden came back, set the box down on the table before sitting across from him. The next two hours would be a lot of trial and error.
She kept referring back to the instructions, getting frustrated when some of the pieces wouldn’t go together. She laughed like she was going insane, Seokmin reaching over the table to reassure her. Even when she thought she broke one of the pieces, all he could do was smile and fix the pieces in her hand.
“You’re doing great.” He smiled, looking up from his big piece to see her getting the hang of things. “And now we just…” He handed her his piece, motioning for her to connect hers with his.
She was careful, making sure not to break or mess up what he had already made. With a bit of force, the pieces forged together and completed the moon part.
She let out a big sigh, slamming her head against the table a little too hard. He gasped, reaching over the table and putting his hands around her head.
“This is so intense.” She snorted, feeling her sanity fading when building legos.
“You and hard surfaces.” He giggled with her but deep down he was worried about how hard she hit her head. “You need to be more careful baby.”
“I know I know.” She used her elbows to hold her face up, reaching for the instructions. “What’s next?”
“Why don’t you let me finish it and you can start making a list of everything we need at the market?” He slid the paper over to himself with his finger, looking up at her.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to let you finish it by yourself.”
“I’ll be okay. We’ve already got the hard part over with.” He held up the moon with a smile on his face. “You’re practically a pro Lego builder now.”
“No, I am not.” She rolled her eyes, standing to her feet before walking to the other side of the table.
“But you are. For someone who hasn’t built legos before in their life, you’re great.” She walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he looked up at her. She shook her head with a smirk, leaning down to kiss him on the forehead.
She observed him from behind, resting her chin on top of his head as he continued to build the legos. She asked him what kind of meat he was craving and any sides that popped into his mind. She took the seat next to him, scooting closer as she pulled out her notes app and started typing down their grocery list. Their knees were touching, never being able to get enough physical contact.
“And done.” He used the last piece, completing the building and turning the LED light on. Eden looked up from her phone, widening her eyes when seeing the bear all put together. He looked in her direction, leaning to give her a peck on the cheek “It’s cute!”
“Where are you gonna put it?” She asked him, looking down at his lips before they shifted to his eyes.
“Should I put it on my nightstand? Or what about my shelf?”
“Wherever you’d like, but it’d be perfect as a nightlight.”
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She felt like she won the lottery when entering this one vintage shop that had almost everything she needed. They left the airbnb as soon as Seokmin finished building his Lego set. They had been to several shops already, only buying things for each other and Eden finding it extremely difficult to pick out a gift for Vernon.
“Are you sure he’s gonna like it?” She watched the cashier scan her items, turning to Seokmin.
“Yes, don’t worry. He will appreciate anything you get him. And these are completely up his alley.
She pursed her lips as the woman packaged the cat mug. She also got him cat socks and a coaster. She can’t remember the last time she had this much trouble picking out presents for someone. But when she thought of Vernon, the first thing that came to her mind was cats.
After paying, they exited the shop hand in hand. “Are you getting hungry?” She asked him with a smile, making their way back to their car.
“Starving.” He pulled her closer by wrapping his arm around her, stumbling as her bag hit his knee accidentally. She chuckled, putting all their stuff in the backseat.
“To the market?” She fastened her seatbelt, watching him start the car and getting comfy. He rubbed his hands together since it was still very cold outside.
“I’ve been craving barbecue so bad these past few weeks.” Seokmin held his palm open over the center, wasting no time in intertwining their fingers. “I just don’t want to buy more than we can eat and waste food.”
“We’ll just have to eat all night then.”
“But I have other plans for the rest of the night.” She mumbled under her breath, looking out the window and watching each sidewalk crack pass.
“What was that?” He smirked, locking eyes with her as she stuttered to speak.
She played dumb, raising her eyebrows. “Hmm?”
“I thought I heard you say something.” He returned his eyes to the road as he snickered. He knew what she said loud and clear but wasn’t going to pry any further.
They found the market closest to where they were staying, Eden pulling out her phone while entering. She noticed how he wasn’t by her side, turning around and seeing him grab a shopping cart. There was a loud noise as he pulled it from another cart, Seokmin flinching and steering it in her direction. He stopped, pursing his lips as his ears turned red.
She giggled, grabbing the end with her hand and leading him throughout the store. They collected all their vegetables and side dishes that they desired for tonight. Eden contemplated what type of meat to buy, looking over the selection.
He seemed to have fallen behind, getting distracted by all the meat and accidentally running over her ankles with the cart. “Oh- I’m so sorry!”
She reached for her sock, pulling them back up after he ran them over. She was being too quiet which worried him. Instead, she joined his side, insisting that they switch places.
“Here, you can run me over too.” He stood in front of the cart, turning his back and waiting for him to hit his ankles. All she did was push the cart past him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you when you least expect it.” She gave him a devilish grin, knowing he was in for it big time.
Almost an hour went by when they made it to the checkout. Seokmin finished putting all their things on the belt before pulling out his wallet. Just as he was about to give his card to the woman, Eden gripped the bars on the cart, pushing it forward and clashing right with his ankle. She didn’t expect it to be that rough and immediately regretted it.
She widened her eyes with a gasp, her mouth hanging open as she pulled the cart back and grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to do it that hard!”
He pouted his lips, handing his card to the lady but never breaking eye contact with Eden.
“Are you okay?” Her hand touched his shoulder, looking down at his foot. He took his opportunity to tease her.
He nodded, not speaking as the woman handed his card back. The stranger tried her best not to eavesdrop on them but she couldn’t help the smirk on her face at how cute they were.
He was still giving her the silent treatment when walking back to their car. Now she was really
growing paranoid.
“Minee, you know I didn’t mean it.” She tried patting his back, only to be ignored again.
Eden attempted to help him load the car with all their groceries, but he beat her to it and was really worried that he might actually be mad at her.
“Hey, please don’t ignore me.” She frowned, rubbing her fingers over her knuckles to hopefully ease the lump growing in her throat.
“Seokmin-“ Once he shut the car trunk, he quickly grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her lips. Her anxiety vanished as they kissed, but when she pulled away, she crossed her arms and avoided his gaze.
“You little shit.” She rolled her eyes as he started to giggle. He pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.
“You’re so cute when you're all worried like that.”
“There’s nothing cute about almost making me cry.” She turned her body, standing on the passenger side and waiting for him to unlock the door. He hurried to put their cart away.
He smiled at her from the other side of the car, making faces at her through the window.
“If you don’t open the damn door right now-“ He quickly unlocked the doors, sitting down and getting himself buckled in.
She stared straight forward as her fingers played with the straps on her purse. He leaned forward, trying to see if she would look at him.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She didn’t even have to make eye contact to know he was doing his pouty puppy dog face.
“Are you mad?” He reached over to twirl a piece of her hair around his finger. She sighed, ignoring his question and slouching in the seat.
Each time she tried to look away, he would only lean forward more. “Oh baby…”
“We’re not leaving till you at least hold my hand.” He held his hand open on the center console, flexing his fingers as he waited.
She didn’t want to give in too easily, but he started humming while tapping his fingers on the wheel. She was a sucker for his singing, and the big sigh he let out caused her to cave.
His hand felt much warmer now, smiling to himself as they made their way back to where they were staying. “I’m sorry for messing with you, E.”
“Yeah yeah.” She pursed her lips, putting her head back against the seat and looking over at him.
“I love you.” He filled his cheeks up with air, pleading with his eyes for her to say it back.
“I love you too.” She used her other hand to pat his wrist.
“Then can I get a kiss?”
She reached over to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head at the last second and pecked her on the lips. She flattened her lips, rolling her eyes with a sigh. He noticed her clenching her jaw from being so flustered. She looked away, Seokmin squeezing her hand tighter than before.
“So cute.”
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Once they got back to the airbnb, they got straight to preparing dinner. Seokmin helped prepare the side dishes, as well as grilling the meat. She was never a good cook but she still wanted to try her best for his birthday.
After filling their tummies with their first round of meat, she asked him to coach her through grilling the meat. She caught on quickly, not needing too much guidance from him. As always, he thought it was appropriate to capture the moment, snapping pictures on his camera.
He tried her cooking first, making sure to reassure her that it was really yummy. And when she tasted it herself, she was surprised.
Once they grilled all the meat they bought, the couple was shocked that there weren’t that many leftovers. It was still a bit chilly outside, but they had the heat from the grill to warm them up.
Eden and Seokmin returned inside, washing all their dishes from dinner and neatly putting them back where they belonged. Sometime during dinner, he started the bonfire where they would roast their s’mores later.
“I don’t think I’ve had s’mores since my childhood.” Eden was putting together the crackers and the chocolates, sticking the marshmallows on skewers.
“It’s gonna be so good.” He sat by the fire, holding the skewer far from the actual flame because he feared it would catch on fire. She sat down next to him, their shoulders touching as she turned her marshmallow and letting it roast perfectly.
“Minee, you gotta actually hold it close to the fire to cook.” She gently guided his hand closer, watching as the marshmallow turned into a golden color.
“You’re a pro at this.” He looked over at her, smiling as their eyes met. She blushed, turning to face the fire when she gasped. While he was admiring her profile, he held the marshmallow over the fire too long and it caught on fire.
“Your marshmallow!”
He whipped his head forward, eyes widening as he pulled the skewer out of the fire and blowing hard to put out the flame. He pouted, fake crying as he dropped his head.
“You can have mine, don’t worry.” She snorted, taking his skewer away from him and standing to her feet. She walked over to the table where she had most of their sandwiches ready, only having to put the marshmallow in the middle and top it.
She looked back at him, taking another marshmallow out of the bag and sticking a candle into the middle of it. She had secretly snuck candle toppers into the cart when they were shopping.
“Close your eyes!” She shouted, lighting the wick as he put his hands over his eyes. On his plate was his s’more and next to it was a plain marshmallow with a candle in it. She didn’t know how to make it stick to the top of the s’more without it falling over and probably creating a bigger mess than they had already made.
She sat down next to him, holding the plate in front of his face and smiling. “Open.”
He removed his hands from his eyes, jaw dropping as he gasped. She started singing happy birthday to him, his eyes shifting back and forth from the s’more to Eden. The sandwich itself looked so yummy and put together, and then he saw the candle.
When she finally finished singing, she leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, my love. Now make a wish.”
He giggled, folding his hands together and closing his eyes. She focused on his features as the candle lit up his face. He really was so handsome.
A few seconds passed and he opened his eyes, blowing the candle out and taking the plate from her. “I already have everything I want.” Her cheeks and ears flushed red, Seokmin guiding her chin towards him with his finger and kissing her on the lips.
She couldn’t help but stare at his lips when they finally pulled away. They looked so tempting. But he quickly snapped her out of her thoughts as he sat the plate down on his lap, and took a big bite of the s’more. It was messy to say the least. He had chocolate and marshmallows on the corners of his lips.
“Is it good?” She snorted, standing up to get a napkin for him.
“It’s heaven.”
She sat back down next to him, turning his head and cleaning his lips off for him. “Let me have a bite too.” He offered his sandwich up, Eden holding onto his wrist as she tried to take a bite without being too messy with it.
“Even better than when I was younger.” He took the napkin from her, patting her lips off as well.
They had at least two more sandwiches before they were done eating. She told him she would clean up and put everything away, so all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the fire. She was inside for a while before she came back out, holding one of the throw blankets from the couch and unfolding it.
“May I sit?” She smiled, rotating the blanket and wrapping it around herself as he nodded quickly.
Eden sat down on his lap, covering the both of them with the blanket as she relaxed against him. He kissed her temple, wrapping his arm around her back as his other hand held her legs up.
She smiled, letting her head rest on his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Did you have a good pre-birthday?”
He couldn’t help but chuckle, patting her thigh. “Of course. Today was perfect.”
“I’m glad.” She folded her hands at the base of his neck, eyeing his lips before finally kissing him.
They both turned their attention to the fire that crackled before them. The day was finally coming to an end.
Eden looked up towards the sky, seeing the sparks that disappeared into the night and finding all the stars that were hidden behind the passing clouds. “Do you know anything about stars or constellations?”
“Probably not any more than you.” He tilted his up too, following close behind her.
She chuckled as she searched for the north star. She even tried to connect dots in her mind to complete any shape or object, but to no avail. She sighed, closing her eyes and resting against him as they enjoyed the quiet atmosphere with the fire to calm their worries.
If it wasn’t so cold outside, she would want to spend the night under the stars with the love of her life. When she finally opened her eyes, she looked back up to the night sky, finding the moon that had finally revealed itself.
“There’s the moon.” She pointed her hand up to the sky, looking at the man in her arms. Her content expression soon fell, seeing his glassy eyes watching the moon. “Baby, why are you crying?”
It seemed he didn’t even realize the tears pooling in his eyes, being snapped out of his own thoughts and looking at her. She frowned, stroking his cheek and wiping his tears away with the back of her finger. “What’s wrong?”
He scoffed at himself, patting his eyes with the blanket. “I’m okay. I’m just happy.”
“You’re crying happy tears?”
He nodded, pressing his forehead against hers and patting her head. “I love you so much.”
She smiled, holding back her own tears. Something they had in common was that they both felt like crying when seeing each other cry. “I love you more. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I’m so happy.” He grabbed her hand, squeezing it close to his chest. “I am so happy to be here with you right now.”
Eden smiled, blinking a lot to not cry herself. “I love you. It’s okay if your head is running a little wild.” She tapped her fingers against his forehead, giggling together.
He tucked her hair behind her ear, holding her cheek as he kissed her. Her hands wrapped around his neck as she smiled against his lips.
“Your pre-birthday isn’t over yet, you know.” She whispered, brushing her fingers through his hair at his neck.
“Is that what we’re calling the time between your birthday and mine?” He snickered, his hands gripping her waist tighter.
“It’s smart once you think about it.” She chuckled, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. “We should probably put out the fire first before I give you my other present.”
He tapped her leg, signaling her to get up. She laughed loud, gripping the blanket close as she got off of him. He now had a little pep in his step.
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crzyimp · 2 months
Wander and Monkey: Dragon Boat Festival
Prompt: The duo at the dragon boat festival making Zongzi and Monkey(Wukong) missing his family
Warning: Angst, but with comfort
Author's Note: A day late, but this is for my friend @sparrow-in-boots request and birthday gift! Feel free to send an ask or prompt if you liked my story. Inbox is open!
How on earth in all their centuries of living did they end up here, here making sticky rice balls, what's the word again? Zongzi, that was the name, wrapped in bamboo leaves to eat later or to toss it into the river. Wander didn't want to linger in the village during what seems to be a festival just around the corner, honoring a beloved poet or worshiping gods and dragons alike; several scents overwhelmed their nose as children and women walked by with silk sachets or the wormwood and calamus. Something about the smell irritated them and the last time they asked someone, they got strange looks and the logic behind it all was to ward away evil spirits. Their eyes drift over to Monkey, too absorbed in noticing he's being watched.
Their once tattered clothes and furs were finally replaced after enough complaints from Monkey about ‘scaring the locals more than him’ or ‘You look more beastly than man’; now most of their wardrobe matched the locals, all but their furry cloak and their walking staff. Over the long journey since they left home, there are still some things they can't let go, at least a keepsake of their homeland; how they long to return, but know deep in their hearts they can't. Wander shift their thoughts at how they got into this mess, well the one Monkey dragged them in.
Monkey, the same stubborn fool, asked Wander to stay and observe the upcoming festival. When he heard a quick and harsh no, all hell broke loose; the tiny bastard kept pulling and yanking their hair back to the village, the colorful words he used (certainly picked that up from Wander), to biting and kicking, normally the harassment or abuse they can easily ignored or brush off, but it had more power and gruffness that Monkey never had before. Wander soon relented and agreed to stay longer, just to get him to stop, their eyes still linger on him.
“Hey Monkey, why did you want to observe this festival so badly? It's not like we never encountered this before.” Wander’s ears twitch as the melodious hum, Monkey still focus on his zongzi. They continue as they shift back to their own zongzi, “Didn't we see this five years ago? Weren't the people there worshiping a god or a dragon? I recall seeing those folks on decorated boats.” They laughed at the memory, “And I happened to remember you jumping on one boat with a family close to the river's edge.” Monkey stopped, his eyes locked on the zongzi and the edge of his lips tugs downwards. “Oh, didn't they offer to invite us for dinner after we cleared the air? That's right,...” They nod to themselves in thought, “...the entire family was visiting as a reunion, it was certainly a sight to see; some seeing each other for the first time in years, or bringing new additions to the family like a spouse or a child. Must be nice for everyone to see each other again.”
Their body jerks and the table shook, Monkey stared long and hard at his smashed zongzi splattered on the wooden table with some of the rice sticking on his callous hands. “Monkey's going to get more rice.” he said abruptly with an unrecognizable tone, Wander didn't had the chance to object that the two still had a full bowl of rice left when he marched off. Their eyes watched him head towards the direction of their camp; most people refused to lodge them due to the duo’s appearance, but neither of them minded as they were both at home beneath the stars. Still though, it concerns them that Monkey left like that, but it's also clear as day to them that he needs time to be alone. So they give him time to himself and wait for his return.
They waited for nearly two hours before their stomach twisted itself into a knot and a frown on their lips. Rolled up sleeves, sticky hands stained with fruits and nuts, and a completed batch of zongzi for the intended goal later on. And yet, Monkey hasn't arrived back with a better mood or a smile; instead Wander stands alone with knitted brows, hastily grabbing everything and marching back to camp. Normally he's back in ten minutes, thirty at most, but it's rare, too rare, that he's gone for this long.
Wander pays no mind when people move to the other side of the road or the whispered stares as they briskly walk past. Walk past the village’ outskirt and into the trees, close to the river, but just a little over at the edge of its rocky banks, and finally next to a fallen tree is where camp was set up. Their eyes wide at the sight of the only bedroll thrown half-hazardly over the ashy firepit and supplies scattered everywhere with Monkey's back towards them.
“Monkey!” everything falling from their hands, their vision blur, and the sudden burning friction on their knees as they rush to his side. Ignoring the mess, the potential culprit, the future clean up, the only thing that concerns them was their beloved friend. Their hands on him as fingers touch and feel for anything out of place, his body slumps into Wander's body before he climbs into their lap.
“Wander” his voice quiet and soft, small hands clasp tightly against their robes as Monkey buries his face and body into their chest. “I…I miss'em, I miss my family…” His body shakes and his tail curls in. The reason for his departure earlier. “I miss them so much and yet I can't remember what they sound like or their faces. It's been fifteen years and I'm scare Wander, I'm scared I'm going to die alone!”
Arms, arms bigger and stronger than his encase him, a hand nudges him to the sound of a beating heart and the other gently grooming him as he sobs. He feels his friend, his sole companion in his lonely journey, press their lips on the crown of his head, and in a warm whisper: “You have me.”
His arms, his gangly and hairy arms clasp behind their back, embracing them tightly and takes a deep breath. Taking in the comforting scent, their scent, a scent that reminisce of home and happy times. “Thank you, my beloved friend. Thank you.”
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dogtoling · 1 year
Would the culinary culture in Splatoon be different if they can only eat chunks of food? (I keep thinking of all the sensations/experiences that come from chewing food)
yes. well, clearly in splatoon it's not, but we already know the inklings are canonically just Human Lite despite not having teeth to chew food like we do, which would render a lot of foods TERRIBLE to eat even if you believe they do not have a radula. even if they JUST had their beak and a soft, flat tongue, they don't have anything in their mouth to grind food into paste... which, if you recall, is how we process like all food (unless you're REALLY excited about the meal, or lack teeth, or have a toothache. in the case of the latter, im sorry man)
Generally cephalopods are carnivorous, so stuff like rice and pasta or even bread aren't things that they would've come to eat naturally. The same goes for vegetables, which even the first game implies are a new thing in Inkopolis or squid culture (although it's unclear if this is even true or if it's a joke or exaggeration, this has never been expanded on). My headcanon is that these vegetable-based foods only recently became popular among Inklings due to influence from other cultures, namely species that are herbivorous. So as more mixed-species societies popped up, different foods that were fairly alien to other species also did, and eventually may have snaked their way into those species' diets if they were well-enough liked.
Generally I think Inklings' own culinary cultures would pretty much exclusively include meat (seafood), with the exception of fruit, which Inklings enjoy for their flavor, color and water content. But I think Inklings would be pretty simple with their cooking, meaning there's probably rarely much seasoning or even a side of any kind given those are mostly vegetable-based things - save for recent decades of course. Traditional inkfish food is probably finger food, grilled, deep-fried, or even raw. Small fried fish and fried shrimp are ever-popular, and utensils are really a fancier, newer thing. I like drawing inklings with suckers on their fingers, which also means that finger food would be the most natural way to eat something for them given that they can taste what they're about to eat before it's even in their mouth (which, among other things, is a very easy way to check if something is edible at all before it's in your body. Or if it's spicy).
Generally I think Inklings enjoy crunchy or crispy and fried food, which is typically meat or at least includes meat (usually that of crustaceans), and finger food is preferred for its simplicity and natural feel. The Crusty Seanwiches and Schwaffles are a very good example of the kind of food that is popular with Inklings, which also seek out the high calorie content because MY GOD, the energy consumption of even just one turf war has to be ridiculous. So as a whole i'd say they prefer food that is easy to eat by hand, rather than stuff that is so mushy you can't bite it at all or grab it... sauces are on thin fucking ice unless they are for dipping in.
When it comes to Octarians, I like to think their culinary culture is different from that of the surface, largely because of their wasteland surroundings unfit for farming much of anything even if they wanted to, and isolation from the rest of the world. Instead of the squids who like to fry and grill things, Octarians probably have more raw, pickled, dried and salted foods - these are foods that are easy to make and very easy to store for long periods of time, which is crucial when your society doesn't have all the food in the world to pass around as a given. They might have kelp as a side dish or an addition in soup every now and then, but most of their food is definitely some form of meat. Vegetables are mostly absent from Octarian cuisine due to not really being nutritionally helpful to octarians, like almost at all. Surprisingly, in spite of this, wasabi is a really big thing and is used as a spice similar to how we use like, salt and pepper. They'd have salt and uh... wasabi powder.
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months
*I'm not sure how it got managed, but the cake is somehow even more delicious than it it beautiful. The addition of multiple flavors to choose from was also an inclusive detail solely made by Wine. (Brilliant skeleton that he is. He really thought of everything)*
*For half a second, I see Coffee consider smooshing the cake on/into my face as we exchange the first bite, but it seems his "polite, starstruck" self is more powerful than his "gremlin" self.*
*Technically, there's once last "official" part of the ceremony before Kyra can (and will) focus on interacting with the guests and ensuring everyone had fun at the reception.... the first dance!*
Also you may have threatened him with a few things if he did smash cake in your face. That makeup took forever!! Don’t worry, he knows there’s a time and place for pranks
The cake is absolutely delicious, and slices are passed around to each guest, with the kids getting theirs first by wines direction, then guests in order of seating arrangements and “class”
During cake, meals were also passed around, a delicious teriyaki chicken and vegetable dish with rice. Simple. You’re pretty sure you saw wine sneak some gravy onto his chicken in place of the sauce provided.
As the food winds down however, (and before the dance) empress gets up and begins to stride towards you two. The guests go quiet and any guards or ex guards in attendance stand at attention as is customary. You see wine stand up straight, and at his nod, coffee does as well.
When empress stops at your table, she motions for you to rise as well
Empress: HMM…
You stay your best not to fidget as the royal inspects you critically
She motions for you to hold out your hands, you and coffee both do so, and a wrapped parcel is placed in them
She leans in to whisper to coffee
Empress: and a final payment for your service my little pet~
And with some parting formalities, empress takes her leave from the wedding, followed by Queen spring. The guards salute them as they go.
Breaking the tension once she’s entered her car and left, wine taps a wine glass
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goldenponcho · 10 months
You Can Lead a Castellan to Water…
A shorter chapter, but I think it’s cut off at the right spot, as there will probably be a time jump of a couple weeks in the next chapter.
Chapter 7: Bad Religion
If the spread at breakfast had been a feast, dinner was an absolute banquet. The two were served a Cornish hen each in addition to a hearty beef stew, which Gail found to have a quite satisfying spiciness. There was rice and a dish of roasted vegetables, and interspersed between were many of the fruits and pastries that had been served at breakefast.
And Gail indulged. It was unbelievable in hindsight just how much she was able to pack down, and Ramon took notice. He watched in…actual admiration, if he were honest, as she demolished the hen and inhaled the stew. And that was in between bites of rice and vegetables AND while carrying on conversation. Where was it all going? This woman was NOT human. He refused to believe it.
“I didn’t realize I was so hungry!” She cleaned a wing to the bone in a single bite, “I guess I never did finish my sandwich at lunch.”
Ramon gave a barely audible mumble of acknowledgement as he took a timid slurp from his stew. He picked at his meal while watching her consume hers, and, after a few moments of consideration, he narrowed his eyes with an upward twitch of his mouth, “Oh, I had nearly forgotten to ask! How is your bite. Is it healing nicely?”
He knew the answer to this. He had seen the unbandaged arm, a pink, slightly raised scar there that now looked months old in not even two days.
Gail looked at him with wide eyes, a cheek full of chicken, before swallowing to answer, “It’s heeling alright,” she fidgeted with the end of her skirt that covered the healing wound, “Definitely leaving a scar but…eh! Not a big deal.”
“Curious…” Ramon raised a brow, spoon hovering near smirking lips, “A scar after less than forty-eight hours. Unusual, do you not think?”
She attempted not to emote, but the subtle grimace was caught by her host, “Sure, I guess. I’ve always healed fast. Just lucky, I guess.” She turned to her glass of wine, taking a suspiciously long sip.
“Lucky…” Ramon nodded pensively, “GIFTED, I would say. Blessed beyond that of the average…HUMAN BEING.”
She covered her guilt with a playful smile, “What? You sayin’ I’m some kind of alien?”
Ramon shrugged, lifting his knife to cut a slice from his hen, “Perhaps YOU should tell ME.”
She shrugged, “I have an efficient immune system. What’s to tell?”
White teeth flashed from behind dark lips, “Efficient immune system? Come, now, Gail, you are more scientifically minded than I. And even I am perfectly aware how impossible it would be for someone to recover so quickly from an injury like that. UNLESS…that someone is something more than human.”
Gail’s eyes were on her nearly cleared plate, flashing quickly between it and her dinner companion for a split second, before remaining on him, pursing her lips together and holding her hands out with a shrug, “I don’t know what to tell you… I mean…I AM adopted. Maybe my parents landed themselves a changeling?”
Ramon’s bright gold gaze penetrated into her for several long seconds as he raised his wine to his lips, swirling the glass while inhaling its scent, sipping slowly, letting it sit on his tongue, and finally swallowing.
Gail shook off the awkwardness of his accusing stare by attempting to change the subject, “Oh! Speaking of my parents, did you look into getting ahold of a phone for me to talk to my mother?”
He gave her a look that told her this conversation was certainly not over before raising himself with a nod, “Arrangements have been made for you to attempt to speak with her tonight.”
She nodded, taking the response as a win for now, and exhaled slowly, relieved that she wouldn’t leave her family hanging for much longer, “Thanks. I’ll be surprised if they haven’t already got a search party looking for me…”
Ramon’s eyes did, however, remain curious. “You said you were adopted…”
She straightened in her chair and nodded, “I was. Didn’t know my biological parents for very long. They, uh…went missing. I was almost five. Only just barely remember them.”
Ramon nodded, his stern expression softening slightly, and Gail noticed his face twitch with an emotion she couldn’t quite place. She remembered what Luis had told her.
“What-um…I-I mean you don’t have to say, obviously, if you don’t wanna tell me, but, uh, what…what happened to YOUR parents?”
His expression didn’t change, as if he had anticipated the question, and he seemed to be staring pensively, “A heartbreaking story…” he glanced briefly toward her, “…but I wouldn’t want to further sadden the conversation…”
“Sometimes it’s good to talk about sad things.”
He tilted his head.
“But like I said…” she gave a light scrunch of her shoulders, “…you don’t have to if you don’t want.”
There was another long silence, and just as she thought he had decided against it, he proceeded. “My mother died when I was twelve,” he tapped a blue fingernail against his glass. “She was struck with an unknown illness…at least, that’s what my father and the doctor told me. It all happened very suddenly. She began vomiting one night at dinner and hardly stopped until three days later when she passed.”
Gail bit the inside of her jaw at the thought of such an agonizing death, “…fuckin’ sucks…” she mumbled to herself before speaking up, “…I’m sorry.”
Ramon nodded, the pensiveness remaining until there was a sudden flash in his eyes as he perked slightly, “Then at fifteen, I shot my father in the chest for poisoning my mother with powdered castor beans.”
Gail’s eyes flew wide as he openly admitted what she was certain she’d have to dig for. “Holy shit…seriously? You think your dad did it?”
His now angry eyes seamed dark save for the golden glow of his irises, “Think? I KNEW he had done it!” he hissed, his delicate jaw clenching, “I saw the grounds left in her wine glass after she had dropped it. I had known what had happened to her from the start, but my father and the doctor insisted it was an internal bacterial infection. It was Isidro and Pesanta that found a castor bean, still intact, on the duvet in my parent’s chambers.” He nearly shook with rage, the disgust seeping through his voice, “He killed my mother for saving from the brink of death the son he had ALWAYS despised!”
Gail was leaned forward, any concern for table etiquette thrown out the window as her arms rested on either side of her plate, glass, and cutlery, “…damn…I thought I’d had it rough…” she raised her eyebrows, “So…you almost died?”
Ramon nodded again, “I was sick for two years straight. Bed-ridden for almost eight months. The doctor believed it was caused by a heart deformity that had accompanied my…small stature…at birth. By age eleven, I was at death’s door…but my sainted mother saved me,” there was now a softness in his eyes, as the hint of a reminiscent smile played at his lips, “She saw Lord Saddler’s holy power, and it is because of them that I live today!”
Her brows knit as Gail took this in. A small, sick little boy, unloved by his father… Perhaps there were other sides to the story, but that didn’t change the fact that he had been a vulnerable little kid with a mother desperate to save her child.
“Wow,” she sat back in her chair with an exhale, “I mean…I guess I would’a killed my dad too, if he had done all that.”
“Well…” he looked into his glass as he swirled it again, “…sympathy for a malformed, DEMON child is not abundant in this backward village…”
“I can’t imagine…”she shook her head, “…that’s so fucked…”
“It is indeed…fucked,” he raised his glass to his lips to drain the rest of his wine. “But Lord Saddler was there to help me pick up the pieces. He was and is my salvation…of mind, body, and soul,” golden eyes sparkled as they met hers, “If only you were able to see the way that I can. To feel his grace flowing through your veins. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt in your life, Gail!”
She held his gaze with a sadness, “I guess that explains a lot,” her eyes fell for a few seconds before returning a concerned look, “But…forcing people to throw away their free will…how can that be right?”
“Las plagas purifies the soul!” His hands pressed tightly to the cravat at his chest, “Is it not to their benefit to save them as quickly as possible?”
Her brows knit slightly in thought, “But…what if you’re WRONG?”
The wrinkles in Ramon’s forehead became more defined in offense, “I have born witness to the full extent of my master’s God-given might. How could I POSSIBLY be wrong?”
Gail looked at her half full glass of wine, “I’ve known powerful people before, believe it or not. Not sure how they stack up against Lord Saddler, but it was enough to appear supernatural, too. People in power, they…they don’t tend to be on the honest side. Usually, there’s something they’re not telling you.”
“My Lord has been NOTHING but transparent with me,” a fist was now balled tightly next to his dessert fork, “He is more a father to me than my own flesh and blood has ever even ATTEMPTED to be! He has given me EVERYTHING! He has given me my LIFE!”
“I understand that!” Gail exhaled slowly, attempting to calm rapidly heating debate, “All I’m saying is…things aren’t usually that black and white. I mean …how can you possibly know FOR SURE that a parasite, even a powerful one, has anything to do with your s-“
“How can YOU know anything about it?!” He was suddenly out of his chair, hands slamming to the table as he crouched over his rattled setting, faced in her direction, “YOU cannot possibly know what I have seen! What I have FELT! Who are YOU to tell ME who is honest or not when you have LIED to me from the BEGINNING and CONTINUE to keep things from me!!”
Ramon felt much larger as Gail felt herself shrink in her chair. Clearly, this conversation could get them nowhere. Not right now. She sucked on her lip, glancing up at him from beneath dark lashes before he huffed a sigh and sat down hard in his chair, continuing his meal in irritation.
Her eyes shifted from her own leftover scraps of food to him and back, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before finally speaking, “Listen, I…I didn’t mean to upset you…I…” she paused, thinking of how to proceed as Ramon busied himself with tearing the flesh from a drumstick with his teeth.
“I don’t really believe in God…in ANY god really,” she shrugged, “It took a long time for me to come to terms with that. I mean, I did believe in my early childhood, at least, so far as a child has the capacity to understand what “god” means. Then…things happened…a lot of really confusing and complicated things. When my adoptive family came into the picture…who are EXTREMELY religious, by the way. Ya know, I love ‘em with all my heart, but they are…THE stereotypical southern bible-thumpers. By the time they adopted me, I was so screwed up and confused…I tried to believe, I just…couldn’t. I can’t.”
Ramon’s attention was on her now, as he had lowered the half-eaten drumstick back to his plate, but he didn’t interrupt.
She shook her head before raising it to him, “You’ve probably got more hard evidence than most to back you up, though, I WILL give you that…”
He sighed again, looking visibly conflicted, before finally committing to a reply, “It was…difficult for me to believe growing up as well…in the Catholic god particularly. My father especially made every attempt to drill it into my skull, though deep down, he had resided himself to the fact that I was hell-spawn directly OPPOSED to any sort of saintly teaching…WHICH he quickly became quite comfortable in reminding me of after murdering my mother.”
“God or no…” Gail softly interjected, “…no one deserves to hear that. Especially from a parent. Course, that’s completely aside from the fact that it’s complete bullshit, obviously.”
Ramon produced a laughing scoff, “Is it?”
It was said under his breath, and now he was the one to seem to shrink in his chair as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. After a few seconds of thought, Gail answered anyway.
“It is.” The statement was calm but firm, “That’s one thing I DO know for sure. And if a god would be so cruel as to create someone in a way that makes it that hard to escape an actual HELL…” her shrug this time was entirely dismissive as she raised her glass, “…then screw ‘em…”
Ramon’s eyes widened a bit at the irreverence as she chugged the rest of her wine, her nose scrunching as she slammed the glass back to the table, only barely lightly enough that it didn’t shatter.
“Now how about that phone call?” Gail smiled, attempting to lighten the mood, “I really hate leaving mom to worry, and she’s probably havin’ a coronary by now.”
The castellan nodded, “Let’s not keep her waiting any longer, then.”
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It’s The Avengers (04x01)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 4 Episode 01: The Unexpected
SEASON Premiere
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: weird happenings
Word Count: I apparently suffered from Dengue and was in recovery when I was told to complete my mandatory holidays. And the thought of holidays made me want to write some. So here we are...thanks to a fucking mosquito I guess.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
A camera moved about the lounge to show an addition of big plants in all the corners, clearly adding a splash of green to the enormous room. The clock on the kitchenette wall read nine in the morning. A very zen Scott was seen making omelette and ham toast in the pan, going generous on the cheese slices in the middle.  A tune was stuck on his lips while he moved about the space quite smoothly. "Oooh! I smell something...not burnt!" Sam entered the lounge clearly after his workout.  His hands were about to dig into one prepared french toast when Scott slid that plate aside for him to present his guest with a bowl of fruits, nuts with a side of yoghurt.  Wanda entered the lounge from the dorms, greeting Sam and Scott.  "Oh! It's Scott's day to make breakfast! I love Scott days!" "Who doesn't?" Scott flipped her imaginary hair out of his face and proceeded to give his favourite witch a tall glass of berry smoothy along with pancakes. 
Sam: This is the best feeling in the world. My bowl full of the juiciest fruits, the thickest yoghurt I can ask for, and the best sound in the world. *camera zooms in on his face* silence. 
The smartwatch on Scott's wrist chimed. "Oh! it's nine-fifteen. Little bear is up and ready to go." And just as he announced those words, you came out of your room in your straight jeans, a blue tank top covered with a blue jacket. Your bag was barely hanging on one shoulder as you jogged your way towards the kitchenette.  "Good morning!" you greeted as you skidded to a halt at the kitchen island, right as Scott pushed your french toast and freshly squeezed orange juice in front of you. "Oh! It's Scott Day!" Taking your first bite of the toast, you hummed a tone of satisfaction at the crunch and melting cheese inside.  "Don't forget your lunch, bear. I made some rice balls and potato cutlets." "You're the best, grandma!" you gave Scott a thumbs up. Scott planted a peck on your forehead and put the lunch box in your bag. "I've put in extra for America as well." Steve and Bucky entered the space all hot and flushed after their workout, greeting you.  Scott was already bringing out their post-workout protein mix from the mixer into two tall glasses as they wiped off their sweat with towels.  Murmurs of "I love Scott days," went around again. "Did you sleep well last night?" Steve asked you.  The cameras around the lounge captured the morning murmurs dying down a little as Wanda eyed Steve and everyone cautiously looked at you for something out of the ordinary. You nodded and shrugged. "I guess so, yeah."  All the tensed shoulders loosened themselves while Bucky lightly slapped Steve on the back of his head before giving him the gaze. "Although-" all the loosened shoulders tensed back up, waiting for you to finish chewing and complete the sentence -"I think I had a weird dream last night. Wanda was sitting at the edge of my bed trying to catch something in the air. And there was a weird dog sitting by my side. Weird, no?" Everyone hummed in agreement with the same air of nonchalant all at once. "I heard someone's finally taking their car to college?" Scott broke the awkward atmosphere. He picked up the car keys to the Toyota RAV4 and dangled it excitedly in front of you. The camera caught the excitement bubbling on your face as you did your own little dance. 
You: I finally learned how to drive! And I am really excited to take my new car out to college! *jump with elation in your seat* *finally settle and sigh* Though I am surprised dad didn't make me drive his Audi to college. The one that I have scratched beyond recognition while learning to parallel park. *nervous laughter*
"Do you want me to take it out of the garage for you?" Sam called from behind you. "No, I learned the hard parts last week. See ya guys!" The elevator dinged to announce your departure to the ground floor. It was also the signal for every breathing person in the lounge to give Steve Rogers the cold stare. "Are you out of your f****ng mind?" Scott gritted through his teeth while Sam raised his hands in the air. "I'm sorry-" Steve breathed out in defeat- "it was a usual question. It just came out of me!" "That usual question almost cost us a night, Steve." Wanda groaned. "We really need to get it together before the dads come home."
Wanda: *takes in a deep breath* It's been three weeks since y/n, Loki and Javier returned from their 'universal travels'. They had been tested for foreign matters and diseases but everything was fine. *nods before gulping* *whispers* till the third night of their return.
The camera cuts to a feed of the lounge at two fifteen at night. Scott and Peter are sleeping on the sofa while watching the reruns of Lulu. A figure- almost eerie- walks from the dorms towards the lounge and comes to a halt right where the boys sleep. The figure is dressed in a familiar grey tee and black shorts and has dark vapours emanating from around them. The figure bends towards the boys a little before letting out a blood-curdling scream that resonates through three dimensions at once. Scott is the first to wake up and scream back at the figure, throwing his custom-made Lulu fluffy toy at the shadow before running towards the kitchenette, grabbing a jug of water to splash the contents on the haunting presence. Scott catches his breath within the pause he takes to look closely at the figure that has not moved. "Y/N? Is that you?" His voice crackles through the recording. In response, the dark figure raises her hands to see the water drip from her head to toe, leading to another blood-curdling scream. Within seconds, Wanda was teleporting out of her room while Bucky was trying to hold you back from gnawing at Scott's skin. And Peter is drooling in his sleep throughout the scenario.
Wanda: Turns out she did contract something in space. It was a night walk terror. And she does not seem to remember about it. Tony and Bruce don't know about it. *clears throat* mostly because they are out at a conference. And Clint is on vacation with his family. So Loki and I have been trying to figure out a way to get that interdimensional being out of her before the adults come home. *nods* *pouts*  *shrugs* on the other hand...
cuts to the Avengers facility feed showing trespassers trying to find their way through the facility doors and halls only to be spooked to the point of heart attack by your figure appearing out of nowhere in the dark.
University Grounds "All I'm saying, Javier, is it's weird that no matter how much I sleep I just cannot seem to get enough of it." The camera focused on you getting out of the car. Javier let his device take in the beautiful red colour of the SUV before focusing on the big yawn breaking on your face.
Javier signed something from behind the camera while you tried to take out your bag and laptop from the backseat. “Oh. I’ve got a lecture on social psychology today followed by this one session on neuropsychology my professor has allowed me to come observe. So, we should be done in four hours." The camera caught your genuine smile right before a familiar voice called out your name and made your smile crumble within seconds. "What classes do you have today, Y/N," the very punchable face of David, the assistant professor came and gave a wink to the camera recording you.  "None of yours, David," you declared in a monotone before walking towards the campus building, taking Javier with you by his arm.
You: you guys remember David *tired expression* the bane of my existence *groan* the reason I sometimes loathe coming to school  This dude has either developed a weird obsession with my presence on campus or he just knows how annoying he can be when he breathes in my direction *camera pans out to zoom in on David in the background walking towards you* 
David: Hey Y/N’s sponsor weirdo *waves at the camera before putting his arm around your shoulders* She has had enough days for spring break. It’s time for her to take her studies seriously now. Don’t worry *finger guns* she’s in good hands here. I’ll make sure she passes all her subjects. *walks away but not before patting you on the back*
You: *simmering* *camera pans in on your deadly expression* I would rather *camera zooms further* eat coal. 
  The Lounge The camera took in the ‘Kiss the chef’ apron before Scott removed it and carefully folded it to be kept aside. “Oh! Here comes the big bear!” The camera swerved around to capture Loki walking into the room from the dorms.  His hair was a mess, his eyes had bags underneath them and his face seemed like he had not shaved in a day. There was a scruffy beard growing on his face that he apparently had no botheration scratching. Taking a seat by the kitchen island, the God gulped down a 2-litre bottle of water within ten seconds. The toaster dinged and Scott brought the freshly toasted bread along with jam and clotted cheese towards Loki.  “Any leads on Y/N’s po-“ Sam was cut short by Scott’s hand signalling him to stop as the two Avengers watched Loki inhale the toast within a single breath before gulping down on the fresh orange juice from the familiar Brooklyn Nine-Nine mug.  Scott shared a look with the camera while Loki wiped his hand with a kitchen towel and turned to Sam.  “You said something?” “He said you should take a shower and maybe shave,” Scott blurted out before Sam could get a word in. “No-“ Loki shook his head- “it was something about Y/N.”  Scott closed his eyes and sighed. Sam shrugged and looked at the camera.
Scott: *sits and stares at Sam with daggers in his eyes* Sam: *exasperated* how is it my fault if the man prioritises a girl over his hygiene?! Scott: *muted gasp* Okay, first of all, he is alive in this facility because he prioritised that girl over his hygiene for what felt like a year and *whips his index finger out into Sam's face* Secondly, you better learn about that kinda priority if you don't want to die single.  Sam: *grinds his teeth* *stares at the camera* I got rejected by a Tinder date one time Scott. ONE TIME!!!
"Loki, how about you go shave first," Scott patted him on the back and signalled him to return to the dorms for his own well-being. "Where's Y/N?" Scott shared an 'I told you so' emotion with Sam. The latter shrugged aggressively, still not believing it to be his fault. "She's gone to college," Wanda finally answered. She was sitting on the sofa with her cell phone in her hand. "I just texted Javier. She's attending her Social Psychology lecture right now." Loki nodded. "Keep me posted." He got up and went to the dorms. "Use my aftershave if you want," Sam yelled behind him before turning to the camera, "it's got a nice odour." "Why are you texting Javi?" Scott came out from behind the kitchen counter and did a few stretches. "Can't you read Y/N's brain signals or something?" Wanda raised her good brow at Scott. "Well, excuse me for trying to live a cell phone life!" Scott nodded slowly before narrowing his eyes at the strongest witch on this planet. "Riiiiiiiight." He stared at Wanda for a few more moments, making the witch shift where she sat. "Her brain's a mess, isn't it?" he finally added, earning a groan from her. "It keeps on going non-stop!" The camera recorded the weariness along with the fear reflecting in Wanda's eyes. "It just doesn't shut up!" With a sigh and a few soft pats on Wanda's head, Scott went back to the kitchenette. "Let me make you some tea."
  University Campus "For a moment I thought I would not see you again." You and the camera both turned around at the voice. Your face gave a genuine smile for the first time since landing on the campus.  "Yusuf! How are you?!" You gave Yusuf a hug while the six-foot-tall man patted your head and reciprocated that smile. "I had to...I was-I had to go on an unplanned emergency trip...abroad-" you shared a look with the camera before going back to Yusuf.  "Everything okay?" "Oh, yes. Just that a family member was in desperate need of some help." You almost bit your lip at the sentence. "How's your thesis coming along?" Yusuf's eyes lit up like fireworks. "Oh, Y/N. It is coming out freaking amazing and it is all thanks to you and your friend." Your brows crinkled but your smile didn't falter just yet. "My friend?" "Yes. Your friend, Scott Longinus, was a huge help. He shared some older theses with me and some fresh papers that were never published here in the States. I am almost on the verge of finishing the first phase and then diving into the editing part." You nodded. "Scott Longinus," you muttered to yourself, staring at an invisible void for a few seconds before a smile crept on your lips. Wrapping your arm around Yusuf's you started walking towards the observation wing of the neurology lab. "Yusuf, darling, tell me more about what all Scott Longinus has discussed with you and spare no details."
  The Facility's Library The camera sat by a table next to Wanda, Loki and Steve. The walls could be seen lit up with Friday's scans as she tried her bit to help the Avengers with whatever information they needed. "Did Strange call?" Loki hummed out of nowhere. The camera panned on his grim expression, his eyes stuck on the old pages in front of him while his right hand glimmered in rays of green and golden, his thumb, index and the second finger leading some magical scans of their own. "Hm?" Wanda broke out from a trance but did not look up. "He is on call-" she pointed half-dazed at the phone sitting in the middle of the table- "still searching his library at Kamar Taj." Sam entered, sucking on a lollipop while moving through the pages of a relatively lighter book in his hands. A questioning hum reverberated through his throat before the lollipop came out of his mouth. "Are we sure we are looking at the right angle?" "What do you mean?" both the God and the Witch asked, without looking up from the pages in front of them. "We are working through these on the lines that Y/N is being possessed by a multi-dimensional being who is using her to hop through dimensions and hence to enter the earth. Using her like a portal of sorts. But what if she is the one instigating these jumps?" Steve turned to the magic users next to him, who finally glanced up from their books and then shared a look with each other. "What did Scott feed him today?" Loki whispered to Steve, who genuinely tried to remember what was on Sam's breakfast menu. "Some goddamn edible food," Sam announced, looking up at the camera.
Sam: Ever since this Y/N possession incident, we have been avoiding calling the cooking and cleaning staff to the facility to prevent the word from getting out. So we have been taking turns making meals and doing the laundry. So, take my word when I tell you the day Scott cooks, I'm gonna eat like a fucking horse. *nods aggressively* because he is the only one who makes anything close to edible food in this place. *another voice comes from outside the camera* But you told me you loved my clam chowder Sam: *shrieks and jumps in his seat* *camera pans out to show Natasha standing by the door with a judgmental look* Sam: *clears his throat* *adjusts himself in his seat* The chowder was amazing! *looks at the camera and then back at the Black Widow* And even Scott can't make anything so delicious *laughs weakly*
Natasha: The chowder sucked. These peeps were either running to the toilet with the chowder bowls or running to the toilet to *smirks* release the bowls *giggles while showing her teeth* I just wanted to watch them squirm *camera zooms in on her face* and never ask me to make meals for them...ever again.
"So, you are saying that Y/N is...jumping to some other plane of existence and wherever she is jumping, whoever is out there is..." "Scared, probably?" Sam shrugged. "That would explain why whatever possessed her did not attack Scott," Wanda added, earning a nod from Loki. "Oh, God-" Wanda rubbed her face at the onset of certain realisation, "she's sleep-jumping. Whenever she falls asleep, her conscious guards are down. So her subconscious is repeatedly jumping to the one plane where some corner of her mind is stuck." "Alright so-" Steve kept his hands on the table- "it's not dangerous to her, right?" Loki and Wanda shared a look with each other. The latter cursed under her breath. "Hey, Friday-" Wanda called out to the room, making the walls light up- "can you show us how long Y/N has been plane-jumping from the very first time, till now?" Friday chimed, bringing up a hologram of a graph and the number of minutes to hours you had been spending in your trance travel. "Here are the results, Miss Wanda. Y/N's sleep jumping time has been increasing exponentially and the last two jumps have recorded erratic brain activity as per the readings I have taken." "How erratic?" Steve asked, zooming in on the rhythm readings Friday presented beside the graph. "There were three points in the last two incidents where there were blank readings. The first one lasted for three seconds and twenty-nine milliseconds. The latest one lasted for ten seconds and forty-six milliseconds." The camera was already recording Loki jumping from his seat to run for his phone attached to the charging platform by the nearest wall. His seat hit the floor just as he fast dialed someone on his phone. "What does she mean blank-" Wanda was already answering Sam's question. "She is disappearing." The ringing from the video call reverberated through the library while Wanda disconnected her call to Strange and dialled Wong instead. "Javi, where is Y/N right now." Loki was on the verge of heaving. The camera did not miss the veins popping in the God's neck. "Wong, I need you to bring Strange to Y/N's university. I'll explain everything just reach there right now." Wanda cut the phone and walked over to Loki. Javi signed something on the phone before directing his phone towards a figure sitting a few seats away from him, asleep.
  Observation Room, Neuropsychology Lab The room was barely lit, which the larger source of light coming from the MRI machine below in the lab. Yusuf took down notes on his laptop till the researcher in charge left the lab to bring their professor to analyse the readings from the current test subject. "Well, I am glad it's AP Anita overseeing the study with Professor Sherry. But then again, I do not expect David to understand the ABCs of this research somehow."  Yusuf looked in the seat next to him for an answer but found you nodding off. Your mouth agape, snoring while your head tried to balance itself on the head of the very uncomfortable seats. "Woah," he whispered, almost stifling a laugh, "and here I thought you could not surprise me after the whole 'dog ate my homework' stunt last week." Yusuf proceeded to take a lone notebook out of his bag before folding it and moving at the back to carefully put it between your head and the seat for support. But just as he touched your head to move it a little bit forward, Javier's camera caught a blue glow emanating from your body. So did Yusuf. "Y/N?" The glow got intense. And to add to the saplings of horror for the college friend, your hair started floating on its own right when your eyes shot open with the same cold blue glow illuminating your iris in the most rotten of hues. "Y/N! What the-" Before the lad could say anything, a strong gust of wind knocked down the photographs on the wall as the camera captured Loki and Wanda entering the room.  "Yusuf," the God declared with his natural air of authority, "might I ask you to please step away from the lady." Yusuf was already moving into the wall nearest to him when he was startled by a string of fireworks cutting a hole through the wall to let Strange and Wong in. "That's Dr Strange! A-and you're the Scarlet Witch!" the boy was near to choking on his own bewilderment. Loki looked at the camera with a hint of disdain. "So much for helping out with his thesis," he muttered as he made his way to your figure, which had got up and started floating by now.
Wanda and Wong killed the lights to the observation room before teleporting the entire room to the open grounds of Kamar Taj. Wong was already directing a brutally lost Yusuf to take cover behind him. Wanda and Strange were marking off the boundaries to keep the damage as minimal as possible while Loki stood at the dead centre with your floating figure letting out a low growl that reverberated through the barriers of the magic walls. "Wanda," Loki called out for the witch, never taking his eyes off you, "can you hold her down till I do what needs to be done?" Strange took over from Wanda with the barrier creation. "Do you know where she's been jumping to?' Javier's camera caught the God pressing his lips and clenching his jaw. There was a blink-and-you-miss eye contact between Loki and Javier before the God answered. "I think I might have an idea." Javier was already moving behind Wong, but his camera was stuck on you and Loki, who worked as a distraction for your spine-chilling scream for Wanda to grab from behind and lock your arms in. Within seconds, Loki's fingers were moving on your head, settling on the major points. A golden light was exuding from those very points in seconds, turning those screams into cries for help and your cold blue irises into burning circles of fiery gold.  "OH F***!! WHAT THE F*** IS HAPPENING!!!" Yusuf was screaming for his life from behind Wong as Javier tried to record the seven stages of horror on his face.  Even when your own cries died down and you practically slumped in Wanda's arms, Yusuf's cries for help echoed singularly through the grounds till the young man realised it and abruptly stopped, wiping his tears and clearing his throat. By now, everyone was staring at him. The deafening silence wanted to make the man curl had it not been for Wong patting him on the back. "It's okay. It's okay. It's your first time," Wong sang, not really comforting the poor lad much.
  The Facility, Evening Hours The Lounge was softly lit as almost everyone was gathered together. Scott was deciding which movie to put when the elevator dinged and Peter and Pietro walked out while in the middle of some serious discussion. Pietro immediately called out for his sister in their mother tongue, asking about you. As if to answer his question, you walked out of the dorms with a towel of your washed hair and a weak wave of your hands. "Hey, guys!" "How are you feeling?" Wanda asked for everyone in the room. One camera did catch Loki sitting by the further end of the kitchenette, pouring himself a good shot of whiskey before handing the bottle to Sam. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't realise what was happening to me. I must have been such a pain in the ass." Everyone pshaw-ed and waved their hands to show their support for you. You hugged Wanda and Natasha tight. "You have Loki to thank for saving your life," Scott was quick to add, "and our lives, of course. He apparently figured everything out just in time because Tony is landing tomorrow." You looked in Loki's direction, who swivelled in his seat to raise his glass in your direction. "Cool. Thanks, man," you stated, slowly earning confused looks from your family around you. Scott chuckled. "Thanks, man? I was half expecting you to run towards Loki and shout 'my saviour' before hugging him tight so I could half expect to have Clint walk out the elevator at that very moment." Natasha chortled at the thought and gave Scott a pat on his back. You walked over to the kitchen island and sat beside Loki. "Sorry for the trouble." Loki scoffed. "Please, woman. This was nothing compared to our space adventure." And he rose over the island to bring out a bottle of the Jagermeister, pouring a shot and presenting it to you. "I am scared someday you'll run out of patience for me." You clinked your glass to his, shared a knowing look with Javier's camera and gulped that shot in seconds. Loki laughed. "Oh, we'll see runs out of patience first." At the other end of the room, Strange eyed Loki quite closely while slowly sipping on his Old Fashion.
Strange: Loki still hasn't told me what Y/N was tethered to. *narrows his eyes to look at some invisible void in the distance* It's almost as if he does want to tell me. *looks back at the camera with the same level of suspicion*
Later That Night Scott is closing the curtains to the recording/interview room when he hears the sound of your soft laughter from the lounge. The camera person with him moves to the door to watch you greeting Loki goodnight as the God is the first to leave the lounge. The camera turns to Scott to signal him to come over. Gathering the hidden packets of snacks in his hands, he tip-toes to the door to watch you sit there and watch Loki disappear into the dorms. Javier sits opposite you on the kitchen island, shaking his head but still recording your expression turning from wistful longing to frustration as your face hangs in between your hands and lets out a groan. "Of all the people in this wide-ass universe," you grumble in a whisper to your confidant, "and I had to fall for him." The looming silence breaks with all the snacks falling down from Scott's limp arms, the camera recording the horror on your and Javier's face before curses fly out of your mouth.
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clatterbane · 4 months
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Tonight's episode of "let's overcomplicate things in the kitchen": the experimental batch of pickled herring I just put together! Vaguely Korean themed, because it seemed worth a try. And I can somewhat taste most of the ingredients.
Working off some combination of this other American import's take on the theme, this recipe for basic marinade proportions, and my own somewhat dubious inspiration.
I did consider using the 4.6% rice vinegar to stay with the theme instead of that standard 12% Swedish pickling vinegar (with the help of a calculator), but it's not like I can even taste the difference right now. So yeah, cheap wins out when it's going to take over half a cup of the rice vinegar.
I did decide to add some fish sauce to the marinade, because I do like a little extra salt in there and the touch of umami should be a good addition. Wasn't sure how much gochugaru to use, so I just decided to go with Video Lady's few tablespoons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Getting ready to drain and cut up the fish here. Also presenting Google Translate's take on the label without much comment. 🥴
Didn't get pics of that with fishy hands. Snagging a little miscut bite (it is ready to eat right out of the pack full of plain sweet-tart vinegar marinade), I was semi-impressed that I am evidently not even really tasting or smelling oily fish right now. It wasn't bad, just a strange sensation only getting a little sweet and sour from that.
Anyway, after it got layered in a jar of overestimated size, alternating with the seasoning veggies:
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Yeah, that was looking much prettier before the gochugaru juice went in.
A comparison with the lightly salted/drained (like for a salad or kimchi!) sliced cucumber that I decided was a good way to use the little bit of leftover vegetables and dressing:
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Not looking like much right at the moment, but hopefully they will taste reasonable. I'll probably test both tomorrow.
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catchabiifyoucan · 4 months
February 9, 2024
About the boarding and delay, I was not sure if the plane was boarding late and/or being delayed because of time zone. The difference was one hour. But I know the waiting was taking forever. I was very inpatient because my layover was long. But I was happy to get on the plate and sat with no one.
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This time, the leg room was more spacious however there was no screen in front of me. That means I would have to watch Netflix on my iPad. And the battery went down to like 30 percent. I lost track on how many episodes I had watched since I traveled to Africa.
I knew I needed a break from watching on screen, so I decided to read a book- a graphic novel about ADHD and other neurodivergent disorders. As much I tried to read, I lost motivation to keep reading because it’s manga- reading from right to left and it became confusing to read. My eyes were tired.
There were two seats on each side and four seats in the middle. Mine was two seats by the window. Even though I am a small person but still it was very difficult for me to lay down and sleep. How uncomfortable. I managed to sleep for an hour or so. I felt better afterward. I knew I needed some sleep because I would be seeing my two sisters, brother in law and five nieces. Hoping I will be able to have some decent sleeps during my stay in Nigeria. I often have hard time to sleep longer and end up being sleep deprived.
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My lunch/dinner meal was all right. Just one main entree, side salad, small dessert and bread with spreads (butter or cheese). Earlier, I was very hungry, I was handed out a slice of bread and it was not any good. I threw it away and ate snacks (apple
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Or is that a slice of pound cake? Have no absolutely idea what that is.
Cinnamon rice cakes and apple oatmeal crumble) that I brought with me. My stomach acted funny lately but I was able to drink a lot of water to give it a good cleansing and relief.
Let’s learn a bit more about Nigeria before my arrival in Nigeria where I was born and raised until age 5.
Did you know…?
As of 2023, there are over 220 million people living in Nigeria and 3.8 million people living in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. Lagos was the original capital city of Nigeria.
Nigeria’s motto is unity and faith, peace and progress. 53 % Muslims and 44 % Christians
Nigerians are known for being the most happiest people in the world.
Official Language: English
About 65 percent Nigerians age 15 and over can read and write.
Nigeria is the largest country in the Western Africa, the most popular country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. Go Eagle Go!
Flag colors: Green and White.
Nigeria is about twice the size of California or slightly bigger in size than Venezuela. You can’t miss Nigeria on map.
Nigeria is not only an oil-rich country, but also mainly exports petroleum, petroleum products, smaller amount of cacao, rubber products, cotton and palm oil.
Nigeria’s nuts may be the only one peanuts that I love eating and can’t stop eating them!
That’s all for fun and interesting facts about Nigeria.
What I have to prepare myself before landing in Lagos is that the weather will be very unbearable. Very hot in high 90-100 degrees with humidity. Hoping that will help me lose some weights ha!
Good thing I bring my sun hat and deodorant to maintain good hygiene. I definitely would have to drink a lot of water otherwise I would be fatigue. I also have to take malaria pills and sleep under the mosquito nets. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a lot of bug bites due to my sweet blood.
Foods here are what I look forward to the most. I am a foodie and like to eat. I have to be careful with foods because I can end up become sick due to bacterial infection from raw/uncooked food. Foods are often made fresh, from scratch and are plant-based and/or naturally processed (no/less chemical additive or artificials).
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About one hour left to land down… finally after nearly 24 hours of traveling from DC to Lagos. Hoping customs wouldn’t take a lot of my time to be allowed entering Nigeria. To enter Nigeria, you must have either visa or valid Nigeria passport.
I was not able to renew my Nigeria passport in time before my departure for Nigeria. So , I applied for a visa instead. The cost for visa and passport application and process is about the same. Visa is usually good for single or multiple visit up to 6 months. But I am granted for a five year visa because I was born in Nigeria. I hope I will take my family back to Nigeria again before my visa expires. My daughters and Harish had visited Nigeria before but not my sons. My daughters don’t remember their visit in Nigeria and would love to visit there again. Gotta save up $$$. Roughly, $8,000-$10,000 flight tickets for a family of six.
Wow I can’t believe I will be in Nigeria less than an hour. What a surreal feeling. I will be very overwhelmed and in awe for sure.
Just landed in Lagos!!!! Finally after 24 hours of waiting and traveling!
Talk later. Oxox
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myplacebarau · 25 days
Authentic African Food in Perth | My Place Bar & Restaurant
Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey that will transport your taste buds to the vibrant and diverse continent of Africa? Look no further than My Place Bar & Restaurant, the ultimate destination for authentic african food in Perth. With a commitment to delivering the true taste of Africa, My Place Bar & Restaurant is your gateway to an unforgettable dining experience.
Step into the warm and inviting ambiance of My Place Bar & Restaurant and be greeted by the tantalizing aromas of spices and herbs that fill the air. The moment you take your first bite, you'll be transported to the vibrant streets of Marrakech, the bustling markets of Lagos, or the serene landscapes of Cape Town. Each dish at My Place Bar & Restaurant is a testament to the rich culinary heritage of Africa, prepared with love and care by our talented chefs.
At My Place Bar & Restaurant, we pride ourselves on offering an extensive menu that showcases the diversity of African cuisine. Whether you're a fan of North African delicacies like Moroccan tagines and Algerian couscous, or you prefer the bold flavors of West African dishes such as jollof rice and grilled suya skewers, we have something to satiate every palate. Our menu also features South African favorites like bobotie and boerewors, as well as East African specialties like Ethiopian injera and Kenyan nyama choma.
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What sets My Place Bar & Restaurant apart is our unwavering commitment to using the finest and freshest ingredients. We source locally whenever possible, ensuring that our dishes are not only bursting with flavor but also support the local community. Our chefs skillfully combine traditional African cooking techniques with modern twists, resulting in dishes that are both authentic and innovative. Visit us for more information :- best dinner places in perth
To complement the incredible flavors of our dishes, we offer an extensive selection of African-inspired cocktails and beverages. From refreshing tamarind juice to exotic palm wine, you'll find the perfect drink to accompany your meal and enhance your dining experience. Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to provide recommendations and guide you through the diverse range of options.
At My Place Bar & Restaurant, we believe that dining is not just about the food but also about the overall experience. Our attentive and friendly staff will ensure that your visit is nothing short of exceptional. Whether you're joining us for a romantic dinner, a family celebration, or a gathering with friends, we strive to create a welcoming and memorable atmosphere that will keep you coming back for more.
In addition to our regular dining options, My Place Bar & Restaurant also offers catering services for special events and occasions. Whether you're planning a wedding, a corporate function, or a birthday party, our team will work closely with you to create a customized menu that reflects your preferences and satisfies your guests' taste buds. Let us bring the taste of Africa to your next event and leave a lasting impression on your guests.
So, if you're searching for an authentic African food experience in Perth, look no further than My Place Bar & Restaurant. With our dedication to quality, passion for African cuisine, and warm hospitality, we are proud to be the destination for anyone seeking a true taste of africa perth. Come and join us on a culinary adventure that will transportyou to the heart of Africa. Book your table at My Place Bar & Restaurant today and embark on a gastronomic journey that will leave you craving for more. Taste the flavors of Africa in Perth, and let us show you why we are the premier destination for authentic African cuisine in the city.
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heeatshere · 2 years
Florida Sun anyone?
I spent a week in Florida with family
Of course, my nephew wanted to hit the beach, swimming pool, and play some baseball and video games so my week was full. What are young 7-year olds interested in eating? More importantly, are they willing to help? My students often return from holiday breaks and weekend gatherings and share stories of what they ate. One key detail I never hear is how they contributed to the meal.
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 I know that isn’t the case for my nephew since my sister cooks and he loves experimenting with slime, erupting volcanoes, and anything messy he can get his hands on. I figured we could make ice cream to eat after being out in the heat all day. This is smart for a few reasons- 1. We can control what we are eating by preparing what we want fresh. 2. We can control the costs while enjoying the treats we like. 3. Servings can be portioned ahead of time, so we aren’t tempted by our sweet tooth and reduce what is wasted.
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What’s on the menu?
In a week, my nephew eats different combinations of these items
Turkey sausages, yogurt, waffles, fresh fruit. I wanted to make cute, bite-sized waffles to freeze for the future, and there wasn’t much else we could modify in his routine that he could help with. 
Peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, pretzels, goldfish crackers, raisins, yogurt, homemade chicken tenders. To experiment, I wanted to make a dip for the pretzels, prep some apple slices for peanut butter and raisins, and play around with a grilled PB&J sandwich.
Fish sticks (Trident only), chicken, homemade chicken strips, peas, broccoli, green beans, salmon, corn, rice, and croissant. To be helpful, I wanted to pre-marinate some meats and fill up my sister’s freezer with prepped food. I’m on my summer break and have fulfilled all of my professional obligations in addition to my personal extended learning goals so with this trip I wanted to have fun, but also be useful. 
My nephew can have the occasional cookie, ice cream, or piece of candy. The good thing is we can make all of those. I wanted to stick to simple recipes with minimal ingredients. I had the following ideas for dessert: 
 1. Peanut butter cookies, 
 2. Homemade ice cream since we’d planned on being outside A LOT, 
 3. Oatmeal raisin cookies (something healthier)
What we actually did
Check out the videos below to see how everything turned out!
Breakfast- we didn’t modify anything lol. He still ate his rotation of muffins/yogurt or waffles/sausage with bananas on the side. 
Lunch- we had toasted peanut butter and jelly which he enjoyed. We also added in Tuna wraps with mozzarella sticks.
Dinner- we had marinated thighs with roasted sweet potatoes and Brussel sprouts. He had a side of pineapple and ate quite a bit. On a different night we had chicken tenders coated with poultry seasoning and panko with potato wedges on the side all prepared in the air fryer.  
Dessert- we made strawberry ice cream, peanut butter cookies, and chocolate chip cookies because I forgot we were supposed to make oatmeal raisin cookies. The chocolate chip cookies had a combination of semi-sweet and chocolate chips, so they were not super sweet. We wanted to make rice Krispie treats for his school orientation as a gift for his teacher, but we decided on the chocolate chip cookies since they turned out perfect! Unfortunately, we left the bagged cookies on a table when we left for school. The peanut butter cookies were a lot of fun because my nephew had never heard of or tasted peanut butter cookies so that was exciting.
Click here for the videos
Strawberry ice cream
Chocolate chip cookies
Peanut Butter cookies
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