#so of course we needed a hospital level on this xD
polarisbibliotheque · 11 months
Survivor's Blood (Leon x Reader) - Chapter 5
Survivor's Blood
Pairing: Leon x Reader
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 (you are here!)
Summary: After Raccoon City, Leon became the only Government agent with that kind of expertise. With relentless training, he was now a Special Agent - again, on his first day in the job. He just didn’t expect to live Raccoon City all over again… Maybe Leon was fated to always have the worst first-days-at-work ever.
Age Restriction: 18+. It’s horror, so expect a lot of graphic violence and blood dripping from this. I mean, VERY GRAPHICAL VIOLENCE. Nothing we haven’t seen on RE, but still. Yee been warned
TRIGGER WARNING: Bloody hospital. Really. Bloody, horror movie hospital :|
Author’s notes: Took some time, but hey, we're here!! Funfact: I have this extention on my browser that changes some words of what I'm reading to a target language I'm wanting to learn, and now Magical Donuts appear in my browser as Magical Beignets. I absolutely adored it and I might re-read everything just to laugh at the random French words being thrown here.
I hope you like how it's turning out!! A lot more to come!! And thank you so much for reading and being around ^^
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Chapter 5
Hospital Arklay Hill, April 29th, 2001 – 22h03
The way to the hospital was a lot quieter than any of you could have anticipated. The rule was to save ammo and move without drawing attention, always trying to get to the hospital as fast as possible. Even though you were in Leon’s schedule, you still considered yourselves late.
You followed with Leon leading the way, as agreed. He dreaded the possibility of you getting caught by surprise if you were ahead of him – even if you said you knew your way around guns, Leon had a certain trauma of losing people in situations like the one you found yourselves in.
“Y/n. Can you talk to Valerie?” As soon as you found shelter behind an ambulance tumbled in the street, he finally talked to you. “We’re almost there.”
“Yeah, I can.” You started fumbling with the radio, its only purpose to communicate with the hospital survivors. You spoke with no answer for a while until you heard a hiss in response, fixing the frequency so you could hear it better. “Valerie? Can you hear me well?”
“Hi, y/n? Yes! Yes, I can!” The woman was clearly smiling, being washed by the happiness of knowing you didn’t abandon them. “How are you? Did you meet Leon?”
“Yeah, he’s here with me.”
“Hey, we’re almost there, Valerie.” Leon sat by your side, close enough so you touched shoulders. You kept the radio near your faces, making you both lean into it a little so you didn’t have to speak too loud.
“We need to know where you are in the hospital.” You added, glancing quickly at Leon. “And if you can go to a place where the extraction will be easier.”
“I don’t know if we can… I don’t even know where an easier place would be in here.” Valerie sighed, speaking in a lower voice tone while the other survivors argued about something else. “Almost all the patients got affected by this… I don’t know… Epidemics? I don’t even know how to call it.” She shook her head, sitting in the corner of the room so she could guarantee a little peace. “We managed to lock ourselves in one of the exam rooms; it’s not that hard to get here… After the reception, you need to turn right and then left in a long corridor. In this corridor, there’ll be a lot of doors: the third one to the right, you’ll get into a restricted area, the corridor to the exam rooms. We are in the…” And Valerie took a few seconds, mentally counting. “Fifth? Sixth door to the left? Sorry, I can’t remember for sure… But when you get here, we’ll hear you.”
“Hmmm, just a sec…” You had a good memory and Leon was trained to keep a good amount of information, especially in moments like those. But he had no idea of the hospital’s architecture and with that, you could help. “Leon, you wouldn’t happen to have a pen in one of those many magic pockets, would you…?”
Leon furrowed his brows, giving you a funny look as if asking what the hell you were thinking at the same time he scolded your comment about him taking so many things to the field. After Raccoon City, he became stupidly proficient in inventory management in the field and he had a good idea what was useful or not. A map and a pen proved to be crucial when he got stuck in the police department and roaming around the underground laboratory, trying to find everything he needed to leave those places.
So yes, even though he didn’t want to admit, he had a pen that he took off one of his many pockets almost against his will. That only made you smile.
“Thank you, Mary Poppins. You wouldn’t happen to have a piece of paper too, right…?”
Leon rolled his eyes as he took the map he folded enough to fit one of the pockets. Of every nickname he could have had in his lifetime, ‘Mary Poppins’ would be the last he would’ve imagined to be graced with.
“Ok, here we go…” You held the pen cap between your teeth while laying the map on your thighs. Leon could only hold the radio and accept his fate. “Can you repeat it, Valerie? Please?”
As the woman spoke, you drew a little map of the hospital on the back of the city’s map, trying to remember the sizes of the rooms so Leon would have a better idea of the place you were going in – as well as help you remember all the details without having to call Valerie all the time.
“It isn’t that far away from the hospital entrance.” You showed the place in the improvised map. You pointed the path with the pen. “If we clear the way from the entrance to the exam room, we won’t have to go in deeper and, with a little luck, we’ll be able to leave with no further problems.”
“Hmmm…” Leon analyzed the drawing. You were right, but… “There are other rooms along the way, right?” You just nodded in response. “There’s no way for us to know how many zombies are inside each room and if they are open or not. We can clean the way there, but it’s always possible for something to appear along the way.”
“That’s why one of us should lead the way and the other should be on the back, as we’re doing right now.”
“Ok. I’ll go ahead when we get there and, when we’re leaving, I’ll be on the back and you’ll lead.” Leon checked how many bullets he had left on his handgun – up until that moment, he didn’t see a use for the shotgun but that was about to change. He could feel it. “I think it’s worse if something we don’t know follow us from the inside of the hospital than another zombie crossing our already cleared path.”
“Fair enough.” You agreed more so you wouldn’t argue than anything else: you had lots of arguments to state you were more than capable of dealing with whatever creature that appeared from the insides of the hospital, but you could delay that argument.
“I need to warn you…” Again, Valerie lowered her voice. She was quiet for a while, considering if she would continue the warning. “I’m not sure what I saw. But I think… I think I saw… Something… Different from the people who were infected. Horrible. It looked like it was out of a horror movie…
“What was it, Valerie?” Up until that moment, Leon had reasons to believe what happened in that city was the result of a virus outbreak, but other creatures? Raccoon City was used as a laboratory, but New Setosa? Was it a field test? Whose? Umbrella’s? A lot of questions crossed his head at the same time; and none had an answer. “Can you describe it to me?”
“No. I can’t.” The woman’s answer was adamant. “I closed my eyes and remained quiet. But it looked like… An animal. That thing couldn’t be human. It wasn’t human.
“How many are there?”
“I don’t know either. I just saw one and when I realized it was far, I ran the fastest I could and didn’t leave this room anymore.” She remained in silence while you both waited patiently. “Out of everything that’s out there, that’s what I’m afraid the most.”
“We’ll find a way. If we find one of these things along the way, we’ll manage.” You had certainty in your voice, making Leon discreetly look at you. It was incredible how you remained brave, even if apparently – even when you had all the reasons to be scared.
As the conversation came to an end, you went back to your walk towards the hospital – now you could see the big, white building with green windows in the distance; the luminous sign with the letters spelling “Hospital Arklay Hill” was clearly stained with blood and some of them had a hard time shining, twinkling among the darkness of that night.
“Do you know what she was talking about, Leon?” Your question was quiet, following him as fast as you could without attracting a horde of zombies.
“I’m not sure…” He glanced quickly over his shoulders. “I saw a lot of things that couldn’t be considered human in Raccoon, that’s why I asked her to describe it to me. It’d be easier if we went in knowing what we’ll find, but the virus affects people in different ways: some become undead, others mutate into things that could easily come out of a horror movie.”
That made you think in silence – it wasn’t just Leon who had his doubts about what was going on in New Setosa. Initially, everyone thought it was a sudden epidemics of a virus attacking the nervous system: some people were quarantined in the hospital, until it started to spread – you had never seen a disease that spread so quickly. You also had never seen a pandemics, but that’s how you imagined an epicenter to be: non-stop contagion, loss of control and deaths. So many deaths.
You were scared. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were. Your feet didn’t really want to follow your will to move forward – but, if you didn’t go with Leon, he would have to go in alone.
And if you were in his shoes, you wouldn’t want to be alone – as well as if you were one of those people in the hospital, you would want someone to save you. You couldn’t turn back now.
“Are you ok?” Leon checked while taking the map from one of his pockets to make sure you were in the right path and what the objective was. Leon remembered quite well, but he wanted to have a better idea – and maybe, seeing the hospital in the distance, he could understand the proportions of the rooms better. “You’re too quiet all of a sudden.”
“We barely know each other and there you are, already saying I talk too much.” You raised one eyebrow as he just took a deep breath to tell you how wrong you were. “Relax. I know. I just needed to release some tension. We need to go to the second hall and turn in the first corridor.”
“The second hall is through that door, right?” He pointed to a passage closed by a milky glass door, blocking your view of the next room. You nodded in agreement. “Let’s go then. Time to hope we won’t find the thing that worries Valerie.”
With a gesture from his hands, you prepared your gun and, now walking by his side, you quickly followed to the door you hoped would still work. As soon as you approached, the doors glided open enough for just one of you to squeeze through, jamming midway open with a strength that made it tremble. You exchanged looks and Leon crossed to the other side before you, immediately checking the right side of the room as you followed him and checked the left side.
It smelled like death. The hall was big enough to harbor a considerable amount of undead, but you found only three. One of them didn’t seem to understand how to move around the reception desk and let itself free from wherever it was stuck, another was stationary, staring at you both. And the third was banging mercilessly at the vending machine, as if it had swallowed its coin and it didn’t spew out whatever it had bought. The rest, was the classic: dead people torn apart on the floor and chairs, the walls stained in blood.
“We’re running through them?” Your question was valid: you had noticed Leon had a tendency to save each and whatever resource you found or had along the way, so you thought it was better to check before doing anything.
“Hmmm…” Leon thought for a while. Going through was a good option, but it would be a problem if you found anything worse in the corridor. If that was the case, you would be stuck, with problems in the front and in the back. “We don’t know what’s in the corridor, we might get sandwiched between this problem and something worse.”
“I didn’t think of that.” Even if your answer was serious, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing internally at his choice of words. After all, it wasn’t everyday you heard ‘sandwiched’ in such a serious conversation. “Let’s go then.”
With those words, you pointed your gun to the stationary zombie as Leon followed to the reception. With two certain shots, you both wiped out those zombies, drawing the attention of the third one, who slowly turned around and finally reached out to you, dragging itself as you met Leon in the middle of the room once more. With coordinated shots, the vending machine zombie was exterminated.
“If I knew you’d shoot as well, I’d have saved the bullet.” Leon gave you a small smile, making you mirror his expression. “You shoot better than a lot of people I met.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” You answered in a quick laugh, walking by his side towards the long corridor you now needed to cross.
Leon would have asked what you meant with those words, but as soon as you reached the big white doors that blocked the corridor, you fell silent. You were lucky the survivors at least tried to leave and ended up close to the entrance: the place was huge and if they were in the most distant wings, you would have serious problems.
With your backs to the door, each of you on each side, you waited until he nodded in a sign for you to enter. You both pushed the heavy door quickly, pointing the guns as soon as you entered the corridor, ready to shoot the first thing that appeared in front of your eyes.
But there was nothing.
The corridor stretched into a pitch black darkness with broken light bulbs that twinkled in whatever rhythm, humming with the energy that crossed the useless filaments. A couple of bodies were thrown on the floor – at least as far as your eyes could see – chewed by something… Different. The walls had blood stains in shapes of hands, on the floor, feet that tried to flee in despair. Beds, syringes, gloves, hospital paraphernalia… It was all tossed along the way, as if the place was hit by a hurricane – and now, it laid in a heavy silence in the foul air.
In Leon’s experience, that kind of situation was worse than the chaos: when there were screams of despair, you usually knew what was attacking and where the survivors were. When there was only silence, all you could do was to pay attention to whatever noises and hope you wouldn’t be taken by surprise.
“Stay alert.” Leon murmured as low as he could, leading the way. Your steps were calmer and a lot more careful now that you didn’t know what you could find. With his eyes now getting used to the lack of light, Leon found the door Valerie told you about – a little farther than he had expected.
Your steps were quiet behind Leon: even if you knew how to shoot and you wanted to be there, you couldn’t deny he was the best person to lead the way – after all, he was trained to that kind of situation.
You carefully dodged the pools of blood on the floor. You didn’t want to run the risk of slipping and falling over all that mess – you were already sufficiently dirty and all you wanted was a good shower to feel as good as new. As you crossed a good part of the corridor, you approached the first passage to the right that connected that corridor to another hospital wing – through another equally dark corridor.
You would’ve had normally walked by it if you hadn’t heard a strange noise coming from that corridor.
It was like an animal’s hiss. You allowed Leon to keep walking as you turned around to make sure there was nothing else needing rescue.
And it was the first time you saw that.
A creature that looked like it had no skin, with long claws, roaming the corridor with its four paws on the floor; sharp teeth framing a long, menacing tongue. You froze in place, terror filling your eyes. It was the most horrible thing you had ever seen in your life and you didn’t know what to do. Had that thing seen you? Should you shoot?
Before you could make any kind of noise, though, one of Leon’s hands quickly covered your mouth, pulling you towards him. You didn’t resist: with eyes wide open, you turned to him and found Leon with one of his fingers on his own lips so you would remain silent. You nodded frantically and, as he let you go, Leon held one of your hands and started walking as silently as he could so you could reach the door Valerie told you about.
It wasn’t that far away, but it seemed enough for a marathon. You heard that thing sniffing around, paws heavily hitting the floor, chasing you: slowly, calculated, searching for something it knew it was escaping. The claws scratched the hospital floor, the animal hiss louder and louder. You held Leon’s hand with a little more strength.
If you had to choose how to die, it would be by zombie. Never by something like that thing that chased you.
You risked a look above your shoulders, finding that thing finally reaching the spot in the corridor where you were before. There was so little left for you to reach the door. Leon pulled you closer, walking a few last steps to get to the next passage.
You almost said something when you saw that thing jerking its ugly head towards you. Stopping in front of the door, Leon finally looked at it: they were about to be noticed. You were so close. It knew.
Leon looked at you and tried, as best as possible, to tell you through hand signs to run as soon as he opened the door. You nodded in affirmation and, as soon as Leon pushed one of the metal bars to open it, the thing raised its head like a dog, screeching like chalk on a board, viciously running towards you.
“Go!” Leon did his best so you entered the corridor before him, quickly following. To your terror, the thing that chased you was too fast.
Leon wouldn’t be able to get in: having crossed the door, you saw the claws of that thing already prepared to tear his back open – and that would be a huge problem.
As he tried to escape, you didn’t think twice: aiming your gun, you almost emptied it in that thing’s head. You didn’t know how many bullets you needed, nor how many of them were there, and you didn’t even care if you needed to go on in complete silence – you wouldn’t allow that thing to kill Leon in such a stupid manner.
The creature fell heavily on the floor while Leon stumbled into the corridor you found yourself in. That thing’s tongue stretched until almost hitting your feet, as if even in death it wanted to tear you apart.
“What the fuck is this?!” That was the only thing you managed to ask, still staring at that thing with widened eyes, your hands trembling on your gun. You didn’t even have to state the adrenaline shock had been strong.
“Dunno. The guys at the station called it Licker.” Leon took a few deep breaths, a little discombobulated by how you had emptied your gun on the Licker instead of running in despair or screaming for help – saving his life in the process. “The good news, they are as blind as a bat. The bad news, those things smell and hear very well, so we need to be very careful and not make any noises when we see one of them.”
“Hmmm… I remember that name, Claire mentioned it a few times…” You also took a deep breath, giving that thing a last look. “I didn’t think it would be that ugly. And scary.”
“Oh, c’mon. They could win a beauty pageant.” Albeit the seriousness, you could hear a hint of a laugh in the back of his voice as you got back on track.
At least you were lucky enough for that place to be empty.
“I’ve never seen such a funny person in an apocalypse.” You aimed your gun above Leon’s shoulders in case something appeared in front of him. You didn’t hear any menacing noises, but that was only worse, considering the situation.
“Well, not my first apocalypse.” He shrugged, thinking about his own words. Who would’ve known one day he would find himself saying something like that. He imagined where he would be in four or five years, how he would handle that kind of situation. He hoped he would be an agent who feared nothing and could deal with things objectively, and even with a certain level of humor. “Which door? Fourth or fifth?”
“Actually, fifth or sixth. She didn’t really know.” You corrected him, pointing to the nearest door. “Let’s go?”
“Yeah. You go ahead.” He pointed the door with his head, giving you cover.
“Valerie?” You lightly knocked on the door to avoid too many noises, even if you had just done a whole rock show with all those shots in the Licker’s head a while ago. You didn’t notice, but a hiss echoed from the end of the corridor, making Leon aim his gun and his flashlight into the darkness, finding anything in return. “It’s us! Y/n and Leon!”
You heard a commotion inside the room and it confirmed you were at the right door. While the click of it opening and the handle moved to greet you, the hiss repeated itself, louder – but, as soon as the door opened, the sound of claws hitting the floor added to the soundtrack.
You, Leon and Valerie looked in the direction of the origin of the sounds – with the claws taking a vicious speed – making you hold Leon by his bulletproof vest and run inside the room as fast as you could, not allowing him nor Valerie to think of something else. The nurse, though, was quick enough to lock the door as soon as you stumbled inside, making the creature lose your track – without ever leaving the corridor.
“You’re here! Alive!” Valerie immediately locked her arms around your neck, holding you as if there was no tomorrow. You widened your eyes, glancing at Leon. He just giggled: it wasn’t everyday he saw someone so uncomfortable with hugs as you seemed to be at that moment. “Thank you so much…!”
“Thank you for what, Valerie?” A grumpy man interrupted the moment, stuffing his clammy hands in the dirty lab coat pocket. “They can very well end up locked up in here with us! They haven’t done anything to save us yet!”
“But we will, sir.” Leon tried to be diplomatic, noticing not so friendly looks shot at the man from you and Valerie. Someone had to be the voice of reason in there, or the very survivors would end up killing each other. “The goal is to leave here right now so we’ll get to the school at 22h20.”
“And then we’re gonna do what? Open the books and start studyin’?” The man wiped some of the sweat that dripped from his greasy hair, his little eyes filled with anger amidst that stuffy room. “Or you’re gonna find a magic way to get us out of this damned city?”
If Leon was younger, he would’ve answered with calm and patience.
But he wasn’t that rookie cop from Raccoon City anymore. He didn’t need to have that much patience. Not after all he had been through.
“As Special Agent from the Government working under direct orders from the President, I have a special task team with the best soldiers from the army, ready for an extraction operation of the survivors in New Setosa.” Leon was probably being too harsh, but, honestly, someone would have to put that guy in his place, be it by being gentle or by brute force. And, right now, Leon wasn’t that inclined to being gentle. “I think it’s enough magic to deal with this situation.”
And that talk was over.
“Under direct orders from the President…?” You had your arms crossed, slowly approaching Leon while he organized what was left of the ammo and loaded the shotgun. He raised his eyes to you, finding you with a small smile coloring your lips. That made Leon mirror your reaction, a little embarrassed by the way he spoke before.
But that guy really pissed him off.
After his answer, the survivors gathered to listen to the instructions on how they would cross the city to the school – having that little intermission to prepare ammo, items they wanted to take with them, care for any wounds and get ready for the journey to safety. And, while Leon got ready in his own lone corner of the room, you approached to talk to him.
“Yeah… That’s what happens when you survive a disaster like Raccoon.” He sighed slightly. “I ended up as a Special Agent just because of that, I’m the only one with this expertise.”
“I doubt all Special Agents have direct orders from the President of the United States.” You leaned on the bed Leon used to keep the guns and ammo as he counted and organized them. “C’mon, Leon. You didn’t get here ‘just’ because your star twinkled in Raccoon. To have this kind of job, you need to not only be a good agent, but an intelligent one as well.”
“Oh, well…” Leon shrugged, feeling his cheeks slightly burning and trying to do his best for you not to notice it. At least he was lucky: the lights from the room were broken. “You’re gonna have to ask that to the President.”
You narrowed your eyes, smiling right after. You didn’t know if it was just something he was saying to escape that conversation and dodge a compliment or if he was trying to tease you.
And, when you noticed the ghost of a smile in the corner of his lips, you knew it was a bit of both.
“So cocky.” You muttered back, making him raise his eyebrows and stare you in shock – but clearly holding back a laugh. “After that, I’ll only leave you with the shotgun ‘cause you’re the one dealing with that monstrosity outside, Mr. super-government-agent friends with the President.”
“Ok, I’m not complainin’.” And he loaded said gun, already leaving it ready with the strap across his shoulders. “Here. More ammo for your gun. After you shot that Licker like a cowboy, you’re gonna need it.”
“And I would’ve shot it more if I could.” You answered while reloading your handgun. Two magazines were probably more than Leon could give you at the moment – but you had already learned he had a big heart. “I’ll lead the way? As we agreed before?”
“I’m the one with the shotgun, ain’t I?” He raised one eyebrow, making you flash a little smile at the answer. “At that pace, you’ll end up workin’ for the President as well.”
“Yeah, right…” You shook your head, deflecting the compliment. Even so, you winked back at him. “If you’re my partner, I’ll think about it.”
“I can make that happen, alright?” Leon pointed at you, making you giggle. “You ready? It’s time to go.”
“Yeah. I think you should ask them that.”
Indeed, the survivors didn’t look too excited – but as Leon knew quite well, you didn’t need excitement to save your own life: you just had to run and never look back.
To be continued...
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aiura-stan · 1 month
1-2, I am here for you!
Another whopping post, the very next day, you say?? How far ahead exactly did you write these?!? Well, you see. The smoke alarm in my house went off at four am on Sunday.
And so it begins! Kurumi is so sweet, making Saiki some kindergartner bento.
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Ah, Kusuo. If only you knew how things would change… alas. That’s Aiura’s power. Hehe.
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I like how Kusuo is like, yeah, I was totally the self indulgent guy I described in the beginning. In kindergarten though.
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Also, Kuniharu has a blog?? What does he post about on there… maybe his model building hobby?
I find it interesting that people kicked up a fuss about it and Kusuo’s very mature kindergartener response was NOT to simply brainwash the world into accepting psychic powers as normal. I guess his mom told him not to or something.
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Nendou is the only person who can sneak up on Saiki… and the explanation of this is changed from “his thoughts are at the same speed as his speech” to “he doesn’t have any thoughts at all” which is… interesting. I personally like the speed of speech explanation better; it makes more sense to me. But that would also mean that Saiki would in fact be able to hear his thoughts from afar. (Like Akechi, who also thinks at the same rate as he speaks and says practically everything he is thinking.) He’s a little different in that sometimes, like in the chapter where he plays against Kusuo. He doesn’t say what is on his mind immediately if he’s otherwise engaged. Whereas Nendou just says whatever whenever. He’s the kind of guy who would be really loud in a movie theater.
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XD always been one of my favorite gags. Nendou wouldn’t know what CPR is, of course.
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Love that Saiki’s response to Takahashi complaining that people will spread rumors about him that he’s gay is essentially ‘You aren’t hot enough for that’
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Here Saiki just uses body language to suggest that they check his temperature. I also notice he doesn’t directly talk to people very often. It makes me wonder if he can, in fact, telepathically talk to people, or if it’s just a function of his hypnosis, allowing people to interpret his thoughts based on the general gist of the idea + what they expect him to be saying. I always assumed it was a mix of these three things: body language first and foremost, low level hypnosis second, and direct telepathy third, for when he really needs someone to know exactly what he’s saying… but based on the amount of misunderstandings, couldn’t it be just the first two? We shall see as I continue to read the series. It’s just one of the things that I am always wondering about in the Saikiverse. I know I say this a lot... maybe by the end of this reread I'll have a more solid theory.
I do wonder how his time at the hospital went. He avoids hospitals normally, since his biometric readouts wouldn’t be normal I guess? And Kuusuke ends up being his stand-in doctor. But I’m guessing that he would simply teleport away before the ambulance arrived. How he tricked the paramedic, who knows. Maybe he used the nana-shaped object to erase his memory.
Alright, the end of 1-2💫
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diy-fire-water-pups · 2 months
//hello to the mod! just wanna give a heads up about your blog's colors since they can get pretty straining to the eyes, other than that it's really cool! marshall! im gonna quiz you a little if you dont mind heh, (holds up TEN strips of juicy bacon)
number 1! hypothetically, if a person gets cardiac arrest what are the courses of action you should take? What if you don't know how to do CPR? I'm pretty sure you're trained to do CPR, but in the hypothetical situation where you don't, do you just do nothing while waiting for help to arrive?
number 2! what are the principles of radiation exposure?
number 3! Blood and bodily fluids must always be treated as ____________.
number 4! you came upon a casualty who has hit his head badly in a strange position: his legs are rigid and extended, with pointed and turned-in toes. his arms are straight and tense; his wrists are flexed outward and his fingers are curled, making his hands look like "e"s. Where do you think is the brain injury located?
and finally: what are the components of a fire tetrahedron?
you get two pieces of bacon for each correct answer, good luck!
A quiz? Sounds like a surprise test. Scary... But okay, let's see.
1- Well, this first one is easy. If you don't know how to perform CPR- and no, "I saw it in a movie" doesn't count as knowing how to do that- what you gotta do is call your local emergency number, like, immediately. You can't move the body under any circumstances, except if it's to take it away from risky situations such as explosion, fire, drowning, and even then, the most you can do is to place them on a flat surface and pull their head back up to open their respiratory tract. Now seriously, if you're not trained to do CPR, just DON'T, because you'll probably just make things WORSE. For example, if you do it wrong and blow air into their esophagus instead of their larynx, you'll risk making them throw up right on your face! 😖 Yuck!
2- Principles of radiation exposure... Justification, if exposure is really necessary or if it will bring benefits; Dose Limitation per individual and Optimization of Protection, like using as little exposure as possible and being as quick as possible. Now if you're talking about reducing exposure, then it's Time, Distance and Shielding, I guess.
3- Uh... Infectious substance, or object? I keep forgetting this.
4- What...? Okay, hold on, this is VERY specific, let me think. I didn't go that far with my training, I just work with whatever superficial injuries, sprains and fractures or broken bones. I leave specific stuff like that for the leveled up professionals at the actual hospitals, most I do in these cases is first aid to lessen further damage or blood loss, immobilization and take the victim to the nearest hospital for proper care. That being said... Hmm... Is it somewhere in the frontal lobe area? I forgot what it's called, but as far as I remember, that's the area responsible for limbs movement, so an injury there could result in limbs paralysis...? I think I'm shooting in the dark here.
5- Ah, now that's basic firefighting knowledge! The components of a Fire Tetrahedron are fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction. You take any of these out, the fire will stop!
So... How did I go?
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(( As for the blog colors, just so other people know, we sorted things out with another ask already XD One way or another I already made a couple subtle changes in post background and text colors in this blog's theme, what I'm "unable" to change is the colors I'm using for each pup because these are the very Tumblr text editor colors, so I need to adapt everything else to make these readable enough. ))
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pilferingapples · 1 year
LM 1.1.1, LM 1.1.2
LM 1.1.1
"The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of ’93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror.."
I know I mentioned it around the Preface chapter but again it's really striking to me that Hugo was, at this point, an exile , viewing the things going on in France from a distance. I don't know off the top of my head if this line was in the '43 manuscript or new, but it sure feels relevant to '62 Hugo...
I really like how much Myriel becomes a Man of Mystery-- we know he has a big Come to The Church moment, and that's it, and does any of the rest matter?  It almost feels like a challenge--we're going to see what he *does*; should we, after all, care about what was said about him? 
Mademoiselle Baptistine was a long, pale, thin, gentle creature; she realized the ideal expressed by the word “respectable”; for it seems that a woman must needs be a mother in order to be venerable.
-- I strongly suspect that this is a joke/pun about the ranks of nuns; that is, that only a "mother" can be "venerable" , as in "Venerable Mother".  I do not however know squat enough about Catholic titles to be really sure--can anyone help out? 
Translation notes: 
Hapgood inexplicably translates Myriel being "noblesse de robe" as "nobility of the bar". "Noblesse de robe" was a real, specific thing; more usually translated as "nobles of the robe", they were aristocrats attached to an office.   "Noble of the bar" sounds like a joke about a lawyer who drinks a lot. 
LM 1.1.2 Apart from everything else about the hospital/Bishop's mansion swap,  I can't get over how without that, Magloire would have been in charge of cleaning a multi-story mansion all on her own, for, apparently,zero wages? or is the church paying her directly?  I have many questions!
--In fact that is, for me, an effect of Hugo's super-detailed style!  With a lot of authors, I never feel any need to gather more info than exactly what they give me-- everything is spare and stripped down and it feels like if it's not on the page, it's not important. But Hugo's absolute maximalist style invites questions, for me-- he mentions A-F, H , and the L-Z, so why not G, etc?  Obviously, because one has to move on at some point, but somehow the more detail I get here, the more I want!
One detail I'd LOVE to know more about for this chapter: is the Bishop setting up household expenses like this  a normal thing for the Bishop to do!  In a regular household of the time, I'd definitely expect Mlle. Baptistine to be arranging the budget--that would be part of her role as head of the household, although of course her brother would have final authority. But this is a very specific household, and while obviously  Church tradition can't count on every Bishop having a sister or female relative along, I wonder if this is something that would normally be done by a junior clerical type? 
 This holy woman regarded Monseigneur of Digne as at one and the same time her brother and her bishop, her friend according to the flesh and her superior according to the Church. She simply loved and venerated him.
-- first use of the "loved and venerated" phrasing that will repeat in various places in the text! ...I don't feel like that's actually a spoiler XD  But I love Hugo's use of phrases repeating like little leitmotifs! 
a senator of the Empire, a former member of the Council of the Five Hundred which favored the 18 Brumaire, and who was provided with a magnificent senatorial office in the vicinity of the town of Digne, wrote to M. Bigot de Préameneu, the minister of public worship, a very angry and confidential note on the subject, from which we extract these authentic lines:—
I really want to know where Our Narrator is getting these Authentic Lines! But also:  M. Bigot de Preameneu. That is a Dickens-level on -the-nose name there. 
Translation notes: 
We do not claim that the portrait herewith presented is probable; we confine ourselves to stating that it resembles the original.
Sigh. this isn't wrong but it just loses the echoing words of the original (Nous ne prétendons pas que le portrait que nous faisons ici soit vraisemblable; nous nous bornons à dire qu’il est ressemblant.)  My favorite English version of the line I've seen goes along the lines of "We do not say that this portrait is very likely; only that it is very like." , but even there, I think this is just one of those things where translation has a Struggle?  Realizing that I'm gonna start noticing more of those is a real mixed bag ><;
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a-dog-like-that · 8 months
We can official cross "getting hurt doing a stupid thing" from the owning a malinois bucket list...
We were at one of the beaches at the Rhein river and she got the zoomies because omg sand. Ran around like a maniac and then tried to jump over those big rocks they put there to reduce erosion. Unfortunately she misjudged the distance and her jumping power and crashed.
Did not let that stop her of course and just kept running, but I could see red on her leg.
She managed to get a big gash on her wrist and more shallow scratches all over the leg, so we went straight to the next emergency vet and were fast enough they could use staples.
She was so good for that, I used up all of my treats, but she didn't even flinch and just kept eating while they did whatever they needed to.
The bandage she's clearly not a fan of, but she's leaving it alone so she doesn't need a cone or muzzle.
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She's quickly mastered the art of looking very pitiful because her leg does not work with a bandage on
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Outside where she's distracted she's using it almost like normal however xD
Honestly, we got really lucky, the way she crashed it could have easily been a broken leg instead of just this.
Also gonna get on my soapbox real quick here, get pet insurance if possible! Xivu isn't eligible because of the leishmaniasis, so this visit was 470€ already and that's not including the follow up. If we would have had to go to the actual animal hospital it would likely be over 1k.
And for those like me who're curious, a picture of the leg just after it happend under the cut
The lower one is the one that had to be stapled, the upper one is just a surface level scratch
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Hey, I hope you're better from your ankle! I was watching a kdrama (Good Casting) and ofc I need u to take one of the scenes to K LOL Imagine Fushimi being shot during a mission, and the alphabet boys (and Yata) make a fuss bc they find him fainted on the floor, bleeding, unresponsive etc. Then Fushimi goes to the hospital, Yata is crying his eyes out and everybody is like "wtf is wrong with him they are enemies right?" and it turns out the bullet just brushed Fushimi and he's fine pLEASE I NEED
Somehow my immediate takeaway from this is Fushimi is a giant drama queen who pretends he’s grievously wounded when he was really just grazed XD Say there’s this Strain with like high level sniper abilities, he’s already killed a few innocent civilians and has been targeting high level government officials. Scepter 4 is on the case trying to hunt the sniper down but even they’re having difficulties due to how good the Strain is at hiding their location. Homra also ends up assisting after one of their people is targeted and there’s like this uneasy truce between the two clans. Fushimi and Yata at one point end up stuck together investigating and of course they’re arguing the whole time, Fushimi mocks Yata for being so useless and getting in his way and decides to go off on his own. Yata yells after him but doesn’t follow, like if that asshole wants to go by himself fine. That’s when he hears a shot from the direction Fushimi went off in and feels this sudden sense of dread, running towards the sound like you asshole Saruhiko you better be okay.
He runs into the alphabet squad who are also following the sound of the same gunshot, they exchange concerned looks when Yata says Fushimi went this way. They turn a corner and find Fushimi lying in an open doorway unconscious with his uniform stained with blood. Yata immediately loses his shit, trying to shake Fushimi and yelling his name and the alphabet squad have to hold him back, like don’t move him too much before we can see where he’s injured. Yata’s fighting them off to get to Saruhiko while Akiyama calls for an ambulance, when it gets there the squad all follow after and Yata’s just left standing there staring after them, his own clothes stained with Fushimi’s blood. 
With some assistance from Kusanagi and Awashima Yata’s able to get into the hospital, imagine him staggering into Fushimi’s room and just collapsing into the chair next to the bed as he calls Fushimi an idiot, like why do you always have to go off on your own why don’t you ever tell me anything, he’s just in tears and so upset because if he hadn’t let Fushimi storm off maybe this wouldn’t have happened. One of the squad tries to go in to talk to him and is tugged back, they’re all kinda clustered in the doorway watching Yata like I thought those two were enemies. Yata’s holding Fushimi’s hand and being all don’t you dare die you asshole you’re not allowed to die. That’s when he hears this hazy ‘noisy…’ as Fushimi opens his eyes, Yata all but bursts into tears as he pulls Fushimi close as he’s like you idiot I thought you were really gone. Fushimi is all hazy from painkillers but also aware that he’s being hugged by Misaki, this is the point that Munakata shoos everyone out so that those two can have some time to discuss alone (which is why he didn’t allow any of the squad to tell Yata Misaki that Fushimi is largely fine, the bullet grazed him enough to bleed but he fell backwards and hit his head and was only unconscious due to a simple concussion).
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placebogirl7 · 3 years
Kinoshita: Ren's assistant and "voice of conscience"
I decided to make an analysis about one of the most underrated character in Nana (also because he doesn't appear that much) but who I appreciate so much. Prepare yourself for a very long post to read because my beloved Kinoshita deserves it! ;) Kinoshita has been introduced as Ren assistant: his role is to drive Ren home when he's too tired, to remind him his schedule, to help him with whatever he needs. Kinoshita is also a big fan of Ren, so he's excited to have the opportunity to work with his idol. When we first see him in the manga, he's driving Ren home after a long day work. He's fashinated about Ren's expensive car and when Ren tells him that it's just a car and he doesn't matter about apprearance unlike Takumi, Kinoshita says to him that he's very talented and rich but he's not ambitious despite this. He also says that he let Takumi have control even his music and that it's when he plays punk music that he gives is best. Kinoshita is firmly convinced that Ren soul belongs to punk and that's the kind of music he should do. Probably in the old days he would have been a huge fan of former Blast! XD He sees the potential of Ren and he's aware that Takumi is "suppressing" it asking him to write songs more suitable for Reira's voice (which is definitely not punk).
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At first Ren laughs about Kinoshita's words, because they just seems the words of an excited fan, but later he realized that maybe those words werent' that stupid. In fact, during a talk with Takumi, the latter says something that immediately make Ren remind of Kinoshita. Takumi basically confirmed what Kinoshita himself said before: Ren shows his best when he act like a rebel punk and he plays punk music. Can we just spend one minute looking at Ren's face expression in the last image of the panel below? He's smiling, but there's a sad expression on his face after he realized that Kinoshita's words were right. I think in that moment Ren realized what he had left behind and the fact that he's not free as he was in the past. He has to play the role of Trapnest's guitarist and he can't be anymore just Ren Honjo. Suddenly Takumi's kingdom was not so bright anymore compared to his own one little kingdom he abandoned.
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So we can say that Kinoshita is the first one who really realized Ren's real potential and he has no fear to tell him directly.
Another thing that I appreciate about Kinoshita is exactly that he doesn't have fear to tell what he thinks and he has the courage to do it even about Takumi. Despite his evident bad attitude, nobody in Cookie staff has the courage to rebel against Takumi: they just wait for hsi orders and obey to them even if they don't agree. But one day, while talking to Ren, Kinoshita finally expresses what in my opinion is the thought of everyone: they are just little soldiers at the service of Takumi. He respects him and he recognize that he's an excellent business man, but he's not good when it comes to treat people in a decent way. He lacks of empathy and of other things on a human level. Even if Ren doesn't seem to appreciate this, I think Kinoshita was totally right and also I love how he feels at ease to confess to Ren his thoughts and opinion: he doesn't seem to simply consider Ren as an idol or a person he has to take care of but as a sort of friend to whom he can feel free to talk.
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Later in the story, Kinoshita starts to re-evaluate Takumi after he found a solution to stop the scandal between Ren and Reira. He understands that Takumi actually cares about the band and its members and he carefully thinks about everything to avoid bad situations or loss that may bring damages to Cookie Music. Also, he doesn't see himself anymore only as Ren's assistant (like he has done until that moment) but he starts to see himself as a "vassal" of Trapnest, embracing Takumi's vision that he had criticized before. Ren is very happy to know that, look at his smile.
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And now let's talk about Ren's drug addiction and how Kinoshita reacts to that. Of course Kinoshita knows about Ren's problem but he also knows he can't do a lot to be helpful. When Ren tries to get rid of all the cocaine he has but then starts to suffer from withdrawal, while they are driving to Cookie Music, Kinoshita notices that Ren doesn't feel good at all and tries to convince him to go to the hospital instead of going to work. Ren won't listen to reasons and yell at him to bring him at Cookie Music (knowing that Narita will give him drug). In the end Kinoshita obey to his order, but since he's really worried and not satisfied he later decided to call Takumi and inform him about Ren's conditions. Despite he doesn't like Takumi, he knows that he's the only one he can ask for help because Takumi has something he lack of: the power to find a solution even to the most complicated things. The binomial hate-admiration that Kinoshita has for Takumi is evident from the beginning to the end of the serie. I won't put images of the above mentioned scenes because Tumblr allows you to put only 10 images per post and I need to reserve the space for other images of more important scenes, but I'm sure you all remeber both the scenes I mentioned.
Another thing I want to point out is Kinoshita's vision about Nana and Ren's relationship. We can say that he has always been very considerate about their relationship and he never doubted even for a second that Nana wasn't sincere about Ren. He had understood from Ren that they truly loves each other and he sincerely wanted them to stay together. The little panel below is an example of this: Nana and Ren were having hard times and they rarely met each other. They had just found a new house but they couldn't spend time together in it and Kinoshita seemed to be very sorry because he saw how much Ren needed to stay with her.
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Another scene were he demonstrates he cares for Nana and Ren's relationship is when Search publish that scandalous article and all the media start to talk about this, inventing fake things. Ren doesn't say a word and Kinoshita encourages him to do what he want, telling him that if he wants to spend good words about his girlfriend in front of the reporters, he won't prevent him from doing it. He says to Ren "follow what your heart tells you to do", which is the same thing that Yasu himself had told him in the bathroom during the Trapnest Vs. Blast show, when they spoke about Ren's drug addiction and Nana's hyperventilation attacks. Again, Kinoshita is acting like a supportive friend to Ren and not only as a mere assistant. When Ren refuses to do it and defines his old band members and friends (including his girlfriend) "old thrown away partner", Kinoshita seems shocked by that reaction. I personally was shocked too when I read it, because Ren really acted like a jerk in that moment. He put his career and Trapnest above his love and realtionship and friends, acting like Takumi would have acted, and so for Kinoshita (who in that moment still didn't appreciate Takumi for this) it must have been disappointing to see him acting in that cold way towards his lover and friends who were being accused.
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Later, while Trapnest are in London, Ren realises that he acted like he didn't care and he reminds of Kinoshita's words (exactly like it happened when he told him he gave his best when he played punk music).
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When Ren and Nana separate and Ren refuses to go fetch her because he feels ashamed to meet her and tell her about his drug addiction, Kinoshita takes the initiative and decide that if Ren needs to be encouraged to go to Nana, then he will be the person who will encourage him. He knows that Ren needs Nana and he hopes that reuniting with her could help him to feel better and convince him to stop taking drugs. While they are in Ren's car driving towards Cookie Music and Ren is talking about this with Hachi on the phone, Kinoshita asks him where Nana is in that moment and when he answers "Osaka", Kinoshita immediately change direction and starts to drive towards Osaka.
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Again Kinoshita brings out his rebel side and affirms that he can't do what the staff expect him to do or follow Takumi's orders: he's convinced that he's doing the right thing (and he was definitely doing it in my opinion). He blames again Takumi and his way of handling the situation, knowing that what Ren needs is professional help and a break to recover, but Ren suddenly brings out the reality of the fact: he's not disappointed by Takumi or the staff, he's disappointed by him, his own hero, the idol he estimates so much. Kinoshita doesn't know what to answer, he doesn't want to hurt Ren and probably he doesn't want to admit to himself that Ren is right. In the last scene of the panel below, Kinoshita's expression is very sad because he realized that there's nothing he can do anymore to help Ren. He did his best but he failed. I think it must have been hard for him to realize that.
I think we can make a comparison here: Kinoshita has always idealized Ren exactly as Nobu did. They both saw Ren has an invincible hero, a perfect creature to admire and they wish to be like him, but then they realized that not all that glitters is gold and that Ren wasn't as perfect as they saw him. He was actually more fragile then them and they feel powerless because they knew they couldn't do anything to help him. When you idealize a person so much and then you discover that person isn't as you saw him/her, then you feel disappointed and that's what happened to both Kinoshita and Nobu.
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Last but not least, after Ren's death Kinoshita tries his best to complete what Ren has left incomplete. His thoughts aren't for Trapnest's future or Cookie Music or for his work: his thoughts are for Nana, just like the last thoughts of Ren were. Kinoshita's mission is to be a sort of "emissary" who has to bring to Nana the feelings Ren was going to express her, his last words, his thoughts for her. The scene below is so sad but I love it, it's one of my favorite in the manga. Looking at Kinoshita crying while saying that "Please, accept it" breaks my heart evry time. He's literally begging Nana to take that present which Ren wanted to give her but didn't manage to, he wants Ren to be happy wherever he is in that moment, knowing that his wish has been fulfilled.
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So, after all this recap of Kinoshita's moments, I think we can say that he's not only a mere assistant for Ren, but he's also a friend. His feelings for Ren are sincere, he doesn't praise him because he wants to keep his work, he praise him because he sincerely admire him. Kinoshita knows Ren needs and try to help him as much as he can, not only with his work but even more with his personal life. And if we consider all the times he has said something and Ren hasn't taken him seriously, but later realized how much he was right, we can say that Kinoshita's role in the story is to be Ren's "voice of conscience", that voice we all have inside us that says to us what is the right thing to do (but we often ignore it like Ren did). Kinoshita is a sort of mixture between Yasu and Nobu: he gives Ren the same advices as Yasu would have given him and he admire him like Nobu did. I think this is a good thing for Ren, because now that he's not a member of Blast anymore he doesn't have much time to see his old and true friends (not that Naoki and Reira aren't his friends but...well, in my opinion they can't be compared to Yasu and Nobu), so having Kinoshita near is like having a part of his friends with him all the time.
I hope this super long post hasn't annoyed you and I hope now we can all love Kinoshita together because he deserves a lot of love for what he did ♥.
Nana Week 2021 Day 1 Prompt: side character
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riversofmars · 2 years
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Finally back to my passion project! Very happy to dive back into this world where Stranded 3 and 4 don't exist XD
Chapter 10: Regrouping
Humans are driven by emotion. We are notorious for it and there are plenty of alien species out there that don’t understand it. They would often consider it a weakness and I can see why. Emotions can be overwhelming, they can weigh you down and swallow you whole. Many of our actions are merely emotional responses. We are driven by them as much as they can cripple us. Positive emotions make us strong, confident and determined, we feel invincible. Negative emotions doom us to fail before even starting. One of the greatest challenges in life is dealing with emotions, learning how to manage them and act appropriately. Everyone deals with emotions differently, there are no hard and fast rules. As you probably remember, I am the type that needs space to process and be by themselves. Only that time, there was no pub I could drop into to drown my sorrows. That time, I had to deal with them head on and it wasn’t easy.
Tania and I parted ways quickly after our break-up conversation - if that’s what you want to call it. Neither of us wanted the pain, the guilt, the discomfort to linger, so we bade each other goodnight and went our separate ways, each dealing with things in our own way. While I imagine Tania would have returned to her bunk for peace and quiet, I had no such place of safety to turn to. It wasn’t such a bad thing, I’m better on my feet anyway when I’m uncomfortable or anxious, so I just started walking.
I was wandering aimlessly for a while, trying to sort through my gloomy thoughts and eventually made my way back to the central hub. I didn’t really know what to do with myself. It was the middle of the night and I was utterly exhausted but I didn’t know where else to go. I figured I probably ought to ask someone about where I could find a bed but with most people asleep, I didn’t know where to turn and I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone. My eyes were inevitably drawn back to the hospital corridor.
“Liv?” The Doctor’s voice carried over to me and I looked around. Of course they were still awake, they never slept, and I spotted both Doctors waving at me from the ticket office at the back of the central platform. It appeared to be Kate’s office but it was only the Doctors there. The UNIT chief must have opted for sleep, same as the Osgoods. I briefly wondered how long I had been wandering the corridors of the underground station for.
“Weren’t you meant to be resting?” The future Doctor asked as I found the two of them perching on the floor. It wasn’t a huge surprise, the Doctor had never been great at sitting on chairs properly for any length of time.
“I’m not tired,” I lied.
“So what are you planning on doing?” My Doctor asked with raised eyebrows and I felt almost guilty when I answered:
“I was just going to check in on Helen again...”
“She’s sleeping, you should let her rest,” he answered and I knew he was right, of course.
“Well, then I don’t know where to go,” I huffed, fed-up, exhausted and at the end of my tether. It was a moment of weakness as my facade slipped.
“Sit with us,” the future Doctor offered as I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath to aid my composure. I was so tired of keeping my emotions under control, so tired of fighting.
“No, no, you two are probably giving off some mad levels of chronon radiation or something, being in the same place at the same time…” I tried to wrestle up an excuse, I didn’t want to interrupt their scheming and while I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted or needed, I thought the safest course of action might be to just be by myself.
“Nothing that will harm you,” the future Doctor chuckled. “Come and sit.”
“Fine…” I sighed as I didn’t really have anything better to do and my legs were weak from our late night exertion. I dropped to the floor beside my Doctor who gave me an encouraging smile.
“Now, give her a hug, Doctor,” she carried on and her past self and I exchanged confused glances.
“She needs it,” the future Doctor explained almost patiently. It seemed as though several lifetimes worth of additional experience in dealing with humans had resulted in her being slightly more perceptive than her past self.
“Right,” he looked at me surprised, as if he was wondering what she had picked up on that he hadn’t. I started shaking my head, I could do without their pity but it was too late. The Doctor pulled me - unwilling as I was - into a tight embrace.
“I don’t, I-” I started saying with an exhausted sigh but didn’t have the physical or emotional strength to fight it. As the Doctor didn’t let go, I reluctantly settled into the hug and rested my head against his shoulder. I will, of course, never admit this to the Doctor but it felt so good to be held, to be able to stop and not have to do anything. I trusted him with my life and felt far more comfortable with him than I would ever say. Looking back now, that was just what I needed and I’m glad the future Doctor realised that. I closed my eyes so the tears that threatened them wouldn’t fall.
“It’s gonna get better, it’s all gonna work out fine,” the Doctor assured me and I was inclined to believe him.
Impatiently, I drummed my fingertips against the glass of my recovery pod.
“Everything is looking as well as can be expected, we’ll be getting you out now.” The chief medical officer stepped up to the pod and gave me an encouraging smile. I had been there for days and we had gotten accustomed to each other’s presence. I wouldn’t say we had gotten friendly but I think she was curious about me, about how I had gotten to where they had found me and where our paths had differed.
“Right, good, finally…” I nodded, trying to keep my impatience at bay. It had been a long few days and I was more than eager to finally get out of the intensive care module. Physically I felt fine, no more aches and pains with the exception of the unsettling knowledge about my terminal condition in the back of my mind. When the module finally opened, I was delighted to breathe normal air again, not the super sterile environment of the pod. Spaceship air was still not the same as being on a planet but it was an improvement.
“All the physical damage has been cured,” the med-tech informed me as she ran a scan while I slowly sat up, monitoring my progress.
“I know,” I nodded and watched the glass that had engulfed me retreat to underneath the bed. I turned to the side of it, hanging my legs off the gurney, checking my movement. I seemed to have recovered well. “So what’s the prognosis?” I decided to ask. I like certainty. I like knowing what’s coming and when.
“Impossible to tell,” she gave me the same answer she had given me any other time. I’m not sure why I expected her to suddenly have a prognosis but when I was about to leave the medical bay at last, it felt like something I should have.
“So I could drop dead at any moment,” I acknowledged with a sigh.
“It could be years. But yes, full metabolic collapse can occur at any time… there will be no warning,” she confirmed what I already knew. It was funny. The medical-chief was a similar age to me by the looks of her, she presumably had similar qualifications, she appeared human, she wore the same uniform I used to have… I could have been her, had I not quit the space service in a strop. If only I had stayed, then I wouldn’t be in this mess.
“Fantastic,” I murmured sarcastically.
“I’m sorry there is nothing…” She wanted to apologise for her inability to do anything to help but I wasn’t interested since I didn’t blame her. I didn’t have a solution either.
“It’s fine. Best not to think about it, eh?” I gave a brave smile and did my best to push the thought to a back-corner in my mind. “Is there any chance of a change of clothes?” I looked down myself. I was dressed in a white jumpsuit that I recalled being standard issue for use with these kinds of intensive care modules. They were conducive to healing and didn’t get in the way of the pod’s processes as normal clothes might have. The one thing they were not was fashionable. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care about fashion but these jumpsuits come in one size and one size only. I’m a petite woman, it did nothing for my frame and I set about folding up my sleeves and the trouser-legs.
“I’ll see what I can do,” the medical chief chuckled but she didn’t move, she just looked at me like there was a question burning on her tongue, so I looked up to her when I’d finished making my clothes manageable.
“What is it?” I asked almost patiently. I appreciated everything she had done for me, I would be dead if this space craft hadn’t picked up my distress call. The medical staff pulled me back from the brink of death, the least I could do was answer her question.
“What in the heavens were you doing on that isotope carrier?” She blurted out what I presume she had been itching to ask ever since I appeared in her medical bay but good medical practice forbade the interrogation of patients until they were in a fit state. “Even without the explosion, long term exposure would have…”
“Long story,” I smiled apologetically as I interrupted her. “And not a nice one, I was… running away from something. I don’t really fancy recounting it.” I hoped she would understand. All I wanted was to forget about Nixyce VII and move on with my life, even if there wasn’t much left of it.
“I’m afraid we will need you to do just that,” a stern voice sounded from the other end of the medical bay and we both looked around. An officer had entered, judging by his uniform and rank insignia, he was clearly part of the command structure aboard.
“Commander, really, she’s only just come out of the pod,” the medical officer greeted him with cautious apprehension and I immediately felt uncomfortable with the way he was sizing me up. I had met his kind before, the ambitious, aggressive type with little patience. There were plenty of them in the space service. I tightened my grip on the edge of the bed as I watched him stride over.
“We have waited long enough, mission control is expecting an update,” he declared and fixed his eyes on me. “Also, I am keen to find out how a former space service medical officer gets herself stranded on a Dalek isotope carrier so very far from home.” He narrowed his eyes as if he was hoping to get his answers from staring me down.
“It was a Dalek vessel?” The medical officer looked surprised, almost shocked at the revelation. I should have known they would realise as much but I could only hope they didn’t draw the wrong conclusions from it. My heart sank when I looked at the med-tech who looked confused and conflicted.
“From what we could establish from the wreckage,” the commander confirmed while I remained quiet. I wasn’t sure what to say. “Also, we have not been sitting idle during your recovery, Med-tech Chenka. We have dug up your personal file and what scraps of information we could gather about Nixyce VII where you’d requested to be dropped off on your last tour… you have some explaining to do,” he carried on briskly.
“Would it be asking too much that you just drop me off somewhere along the way?” I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I was so tired of fighting. I thought things would get easier, now that I had escaped back to civilization but it seemed this would present its own challenges.
“Now, Med-tech Chenka,” the commander snapped impatiently and I obeyed, feeling thrown back into the midst of my space service training. I got off the bed, relieved to find my legs did, in fact, hold me.
“Thank you for fixing me up,” I gave the med-tech a wary smile.
“Have you done something,” she asked with disappointment in her eyes.
“Just… thank you,” I repeated and cast my eyes down as I followed the commander.
When I woke up again, my neck was stiff and my body ached. That is what happens when you don’t sleep on a bed. I groaned and as I turned I realised I had fallen asleep against the Doctor. My head had rested on his lap and I quickly pushed myself up, embarrassed.
“Morning, Liv, sleep well?” The Doctor beamed at me and I looked around confused and mortified.
“You are not telling anyone about this!” I hissed, feeling my cheeks burning. Fortunately, there was no-one else around with the exception of the Doctor’s future self who was sitting across from us still and watching with amusement. It seemed as though neither of them had moved all night.
“I think you needed that rest,” she offered kindly.
“You know, I’m really not young enough to be sleeping on the floor like that anymore…” I started complaining as I stretched out my aching muscles, then glared at both of them as they grinned sheepishly. “Don’t even say anything, either one of you,” I threatened, then deflected: “Have you come to a… plan?”
“Plan might be a strong word,” my Doctor conceded, apologetically.
“Ideas,” his future self added quickly.
“Right,” I nodded. I don’t know why I expected two of them would be better than one. It was double the brain power but also double the chaos. In my experience, for every good idea the Doctor has, he also has at least one stupid one, one with virtually zero chance of success and one that involves suicide.
“The Doctor said it was River that told you about what was going to happen?” The future Doctor cut through my thoughts and as I looked at her, I realised this was something she seemed to be quite keen to talk about. Her expression betrayed a sense of urgency, of wonder and almost yearning.
“Yes,” I nodded my confirmation.
“How is she?” She carried on asking, almost too quickly.
“Fine, as far as I could tell. We didn’t exchange much in the way of pleasantries…” Thinking back now, I almost felt bad about that. When River had filled me in, she had taken the time to address my fragile emotional state, but I had never asked what she was up to, how she was doing. River always seemed to be just fine but the expression in the future Doctor’s eyes led me to believe things were far more multifaceted than I realised.
“Right… Did she give any indication where in her timeline she was?” Her questions continued and I couldn’t blame her.
“Sorry, no… Just the usual mysterious ambiguities about not being able to see you, either one of you.” I looked back and forth between both Doctors.
“Right…” She sighed, almost defeated.
“So you don’t remember any of this?” I asked when suddenly, it occurred to me that this was someone who had - technically - lived through all of this already. I understand the whole thing about time travellers not being able to remember much from when they meet themselves and their memories blurring. In this case, however, the Doctors were only meeting then. The future Doctor should at least be aware of these events, even if they didn’t remember details. “You would have known of it, even if you don’t remember it because of the timelines crossing. You would have remembered the Daleks attacking, for sure. You’re only crossing timelines now,” I explained as best as I could manage.
“This might not always have happened like this. There is every chance this was never meant to turn out this way. You only got involved because you travelled to the future. In a way, River kick-started this whole thing…” The future Doctor retorted with a weak smile.
“What was it you said she’s doing?” I turned to my Doctor, trying to remember what he had said about River’s interference.
“She’s destabilising this whole area of space-time with her meddling. Breaking up fixed time… it’s incredibly dangerous, she surely wouldn’t be doing it if there was another way…” He ran his hands through his hair, seemingly trying to think.
“River doesn’t take fixed time all that seriously…” The future Doctor chuckled, then carried on more gently. “You probably really weren’t meant to get involved but River thought it was the only way so here you are. The Doctor mentioned she gave you a notebook of all our failed attempts… can I see it?”
“I told you what it said,” her younger set interjected but she carried on:
“I’d just like to see it for myself, I know her better than you do.” I couldn’t argue with that, she certainly had that advantage and I will admit, I was quite curious to find out more about their relationship but I knew it wasn’t the time. So I pulled the notebook from my pocket and passed it to the future Doctor who took it carefully, almost as if it was a precious relic and my heart went out to her. I could tell she was missing River very much while our Doctor didn’t know her well enough yet.
“I’ve read most of it. It’s all the ways in which we have defeated the Daleks,” I explained as I had many times before. “If you skip to the last one, that’s the one we met you in, the one we travelled to and witnessed.” The future Doctor flicked through the notebook until she got to the attempt I was referring to, and then beyond.
“What’s this?” She frowned, taking a closer look and I leaned over.
“I don’t know, she probably started on another loop but decided it was time to call it quits and deliver…” I commented. She was referring to a page where she had started writing but broken off. There were quite a few empty pages at the back, the notebook wasn’t full by any means, and this seemed like a last moment but broken-off addition.
“No, no no no no, it’s not, this is deliberate,” the future Doctor retorted with excitement as she turned the notebook, then turned it again. “That’s brilliant. River, you are brilliant!” She exclaimed and jumped to her feet.
“I’m not following,” her younger self frowned. Whatever the future Doctor had found out, he was annoyed he hadn’t done so himself.
“You’re not meant to, this message is just for me,” she explained and started pacing excitedly. “Something only I would understand, references to things you haven’t done yet.”
“Why didn’t she come to see you when the opportunity was there?” He asked a question that I had posed River as well and that she had refused to answer with any clarity.
“She said it’s more complicated than that, that she couldn’t see you…” I interjected, directing my response at both of them and the future Doctor frowned, her excitement ebbing away for a moment.
“But she- oh. She would have thought…” A sort of realisation seemed to be dawning on her.
“What?” I prompted, eager for an answer myself.
“That she couldn’t because we’ve already had… our last night together. That’s stupid, River, just plain stupid, there is always more time…” She groaned sorrowfully and I thought I understood.
“Maybe she thought seeing you would hurt too much…” The words slipped over my lips before I could contain them and they sounded about as hollow as I felt uttering them. Seeing someone you care about and knowing you can’t be with them is a painful thing, I’m speaking from experience.
“So what is the message,” my Doctor spoke into the silence that stretched around us and I was glad for the interruption.
“She’s left something for me to find… we’ll be going on a treasure hunt,” the future Doctor revealed as enthusiasm slowly returned to her voice and she put on a brave smile.
“Does it say what we are looking for?” Her past self asked and she shook her head:
“No but if I know our wife, it will be well worth our while. I’m going to talk to Kate!” And with that, she was off.
“I think I ought to get a change of clothes and freshen up… Sounds like we will be in for another adventure shortly,” I looked to the Doctor who seemed to be in a trance, the words of his future self seemed to be sinking in. I didn’t know what to say. That was not how he had been meant to find out. It had been a simple slip of the tongue but a fateful one.
“Did you know?” He asked softly and looked up to me as I got to my feet.
“Yeah, I did, I’m sorry,” I answered gently. “I didn’t think I ought to say…”
“No, I suppose not…” He sighed and gave a soft smile. I could tell the feelings for River were there already, even if they were distorted and confusing still. The time he had spent with her when she had pretended to be Sister Cantica seemed to have left an impression.
“You have all of that ahead of you, and I get the impression you’re going to be having a good time,” I tried my best to sound positive but he cut me off with bitterness:
“Until it ends.”
“Everything ends, everything has its time… your words, not mine,” I retorted and simultaneously gulped down my emotions, trying not to think about the implications, trying not to think how all this, seeing the Doctor’s future, affected the rest of us as well. In the future, Helen and I were not travelling with the Doctor anymore. She had new companions, new friends... Of course I never expected to be travelling with them forever. As far as I could tell, the Doctor was near immortal and Helen and I, well, we were human, with human life spans. There was also every chance that eventually the lifestyle would kill us, unless we had the good sense to leave first. It begged the question where we would go, and more importantly, if Helen and I would be doing it together. I couldn’t face the thought that one of us might leave before the other and we go our separate ways.
“I suppose,” the Doctor mused and his voice was laced with a similar sorrow as I was feeling.
“I’m sorry…” I took a deep breath and he nodded:
“I’m sorry too.”
I ran into Martha halfway across the main area. The whole place was buzzing with activity and excitement as the new day had started and the future Doctor was filling Kate in on what she had discovered.
“Did you manage to get any rest?” Martha asked kindly and I gave a weak smile.
“Some,” I replied, which was technically true, though I wasn’t sure whether it had done me any favours. Some sleep was better than no sleep and my emotions were not quite as raw as they had been the day before. I decided to take advantage of Martha’s presence and asked: “You wouldn’t know where I can get a change of clothes from, would you?”
“I’ll show you, I need to freshen up as well,” she answered kindly and gestured for me to follow. We stopped off in one of many stock rooms, one entirely dedicated to clothing.
“You really thought of everything, didn’t you,” I commented and searched the piles for something suitable. I’m not picky with this sort of thing, so long as it fits, I’m content. Jeans and a cotton shirt would do just fine, I decided after brief deliberation.
“Before you ask, Helen is just fine,” Martha said as I gathered together what I needed. I looked up, surprised but also grateful.
“Good,” I smiled and followed her out of the room and down the hall.
“Can I ask what…” She started as we turned into the bathroom, then seemingly seemed to think better of it: “No, never mind, it’s none of my business…”
“What?” I retorted, confused and worried by her hesitation. “You can’t start like that and then just leave it…” She didn’t respond immediately and I took a moment to look around. I know I said it before but this whole underground base thing really was ingenious, UNIT had done a lot with what was already there. What used to be a - presumably - long out-of-order public bathroom had been brought into the twenty-first century and had been made fit for purpose. I stepped up to a sink and assessed myself in the mirror. I still looked extremely tired and splashed some water on my face. I caught a glimpse of Martha in the mirror, she was watching me so I prompted more encouragingly: “You can ask whatever you like, seeing as you did such a great job with my shoulder, I owe you.” I peeled away the dressing to have a look at the cut while I waited for her to answer. The sutures had remained neat and intact, despite my precarious sleeping arrangement the previous night. I made a note to change the dressing later on when we got back to the medical corridor.
“What is going on between you and Helen?” Martha blurted out and my heart dropped. I didn’t know how to respond but fortunately, I didn’t need to, not yet, as she kept talking quickly, presumably while she held her nerve: “Please don’t take this the wrong way but… I’ve known Tania for a while now and she thinks the world of you-” She carried on and my chest tightened at the mention of Tania, as memories of our exchange from the previous night flooded my mind. “I just don’t want her getting hurt when-”
“Tania broke up with me, if you must know,” I interrupted her firmly and it felt almost liberating to say it. At least I didn’t have to feel guilty anymore.
“Oh, I see…” Martha blinked, surprised. “Because of Helen?”
“Because she deserves better than my divided attention,” I answered and turned around. I figured honesty was the best policy. The perceptive doctor seemed to have already guessed most of it anyway, I wasn’t going to insult her intelligence by lying. Also, if she was friends with Tania, there was every chance she would find out the truth in the end anyway. In a strange way, it felt good to actually acknowledge it to someone. Maybe it would help me figure out the fog of feelings. “But there is nothing going on between Helen and I. Please don’t mention it to Helen either, don’t ask her about it, it’s not fair, she’s not…” I lowered my gaze. I wanted to save Helen the embarrassment, I had put her through enough already.
“Really?” Martha seemed confused and so was I by her response.
“You sound surprised,” I observed and she shrugged.
“I am, I guess,” she admitted. “It just seemed so… obvious.” I almost laughed at that, at the irony of it.
“She’s not interested,” I answered with a sigh and turned back to the mirror, not for any reason, just to put some distance between myself and Martha’s observation that I wished were true.
“I’m sorry…” She retorted slowly as she didn’t seem to be able to think of something else to say.
“What made you even think that Helen…” I had to ask. I knew it would torment me and I would be left thinking it over and over but I had to know what had given her that impression.
“She was upset last night. When you left with Tania,” Martha explained slowly as she seemed to be considering her words carefully, unsure of what to say or not to say. In the end, it seemed like she opted for the whole truth: “I didn’t mean to pry but… she was crying.”
“What? Why?” I whirled around again, immediately feeling guilty for having walked away as quickly as I had the previous night. I had been focused on Tania which had been absolutely the right thing to do, but I hadn’t even picked up on Helen possibly being upset, not in the least. It made no sense.
“I didn’t ask, I didn’t think it was my place.” Martha gave me an apologetic smile.
“Maybe she was relieved that nothing bad happened to the Doctor and me… or maybe she was so angry that we didn’t take her, that… or maybe she was in pain from…” I was seeking explanations but none of them rang even remotely true and I couldn’t entertain the thought that she might have been upset over me going off with Tania.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be getting involved…” Martha seemed to be getting uncomfortable.
“No, it actually… it’s actually… good to talk about it, might help me get to terms with it… Helen is just not interested in me and that’s fine, I knew that from the beginning, I just… got my hopes up for no reason, hurt Tania in the process but… maybe that was for the best, she deserves someone that can properly love her and it turns out, I’m not that person for her… Anyway, it’ll be fine, we will all be fine…” I tried to sound optimistic and I wasn’t sure whether Martha was buying it.
“I know a thing or two about being in love with someone that doesn’t love you back,” she said after a moment of silence between us.
“Right...” I didn’t know what else to say and fixed my eyes to the floor.
“When I used to travel with the Doctor, I was… well, it’s not important how it was but I… once I had some distance and realised my own potential I became a much happier person and that’s when I met Mickey…” Martha said and I gave a joyless laugh as I interrupted:
“Are you telling me to stay away from Helen?”
“I just think you’re not doing yourself any favours, you’re torturing yourself,” she observed and I have to admit, she was probably right.
“She is my best friend, first and foremost…” I explained why I would never be able to keep my distance. I had hurt Helen last night by not asking her along when the Doctor and I had set off on an adventure. Maybe she was worried we would leave her behind, maybe that was what had upset her. Helen had always believed that she was the odd one out, the late addition, the one that didn’t quite fit in with us… which was of course entirely wrong and misplaced self-doubt. I couldn’t have her feeling like that. I needed to make sure things went back to normal. “I need to fix things.”
“Then maybe find out what she was so upset about?” Martha suggested and I knew she was right. It would be best to address the issue head on. If Helen really was worried for her place in the TARDIS, I had to put her mind at rest. We were a team, the three of us, no matter what.
“I will try, thanks,” I nodded and Martha smiled:
“Now, I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you can manage the next bit by yourself.” With that she left me to wash up and get changed.
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What is your opinion about Sasuke saw a shadow of his family in Team 7?
I mean, yes, he genuinely cared about everyone. He considered both of his team mates as his precious comrades. He even listened to Kakashi and calmed down a bit, after his fight with Naruto on the Hospital Rooftop. Kakashi even passed him an all important Jutsu called Chidori which he used till the very end.
No matter what, he considered everyone as his family. How come Sasuke could easily sever his ties with Sakura and Kakashi??
Hi! Thanks for the ask ♥
I think you answered your own question right there. "A shadow of his own family"
Yes, he cared somehow about all of them and we all know how this affected him, with the -logical- thought that Bonds will make him weaker.
-From here this is my interpretation about Sasuke's insight and perception towards his Family.-
How could he easily sever his ties with Sakura and Kakashi? Yet with Naruto he couldnt.
I think we should look back at how Sasuke saw his own family back then.
We know that the person Sasuke loves/ed the most is Itachi -and Naruto- and this Love, and addmiration, but also certain resentment that after the tragical events turned into a burning Hate, werent born because of one day to another. Sasuke loved his family of course he did, but the person who played a big role in his life such as Motherly-Fatherly- and Big Brother roles was just Itachi.
Itachi took in charge Sasuke's breeding, while yes Mikoto did her role as mother while providing food, comfort, adn etc; Itachi also did this, he helped him to walk, play, feed, and a big etc, and also he played the role of teaching him the limits, when wasnt the time to play, to train, when his work was first, when he did the forehead poke, putting distance, but also embraising and stoof for him when time needed.
So Itachi's figure was the most important influence for Sasuke; that's why when the massacre happens, what hurted the most for him was Itachi's betrayal, with the posterior Sharingan evolving due to the lost love that turned into Hatred. I'm not saying that he didnt suffer the death of his parents, of course he did and he longed them, them as a whole; nonetheless, the fact that his most beloved person decided to kill other persons he also loved, was the architect for the sasuke we know.
What kept him alive the most was the desire of revenge, to consolidate that Love he once felt -and stil feel- for the person he must and should hate.
As we see then , Itachi represented a lot of roles in Sasuke's life, and somehow Sasuke found certain parallelism with Itachi in Naruto, as he confessed in Vote2, he felt the urge of becoming better, to walk to this person's side, to get stronger so he can be a proper equal. This doesnt mean Sasuke saw Naruto as his brother, but he found in Naruto what he loved in Itachi, and also the warmth of the family
What does this have to do with team 7?
Sasuke couldnt sever his bond with Itachi, same as he couldnt with Naruto. Even tho we saw Sasuke remembering his family ,all of them in a family picture, in the end the most important person-of that frame was Itachi as he -in ep 478- was ready to join Itachi's side.
So, he could sever his bonds with the rest of Team 7 say Kakashi and Sakura, because Naruto had and portrayed everything about his family, in his single self as he was "similar" to Itachi. Similar yet different.
What did Sakura and Kakashi had to offer to Sasuke? Sakura never understood him, we can not say he projected and saw in her something that resembles to Mikoto because they are in not way similar-not physical not symbolical- and with Kakashi, he was just on his own tune. Some say that Sasuke saw Kakashi as a father figure and...well no. Kakashi is not like Fugaku -his real father- not like Itachi either -the symbolic figure- // Yes Kakashi was an important person for him, as he taught him one of his signature jutsus, but he just was his master. Kakashi and Sasuke relationship wasnt like Naruto and Iruka. Let's say he was like a sort of uncle? if we want to put a "tag" for him.
Team 7 gave him the warmth that any kind of group(where you feel belonging) can provide, you can have different kind of groups in your life and consider them as a family.He cared about them of course, because he didnt want to re-live the trauma he once suffered.
But Team 7 was this, a shadow of his family, a glimpse, which at that time was enough. Nonetheless, the spark and flame that ignites team 7 was always Naruto; if you take Naruto out of team 7, and let Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi to interact together...Well i really wonder if sasuke's perception about them will be the same, as a family...
Do you think Sasuke would be really glad, and relief if the team were just the 3 of them? Maybe yes, he would work with them but to feel the level of Bond as with Naruto? I really wonder.
When he was with Naruto on "the other side" he was fine with it because he was with him, simple as that, or say he could join Itachi's side in heaven/other spiritual plane. Because again, those two were and are his most precious people...One is the whole concept and role of his family as he was mother, father and big brother, and the other is his other half.
What else could he need or gain from kakashi and Sakura? And i'm not saying this in a roasting way, but kakashi and SAkura are absolutely in other frequency/tune than Sasuke.
Sasuke is so ...ethereal and his ties to the world were really easy to cut because he didnt feel such attachments. So what could Kakashi, someone who just...lives (which it's okay for kakashi himself) and Sakura, someone who is very shallow and also desires physical things such as seen his dick and being his girlfriend and just that ,I dont want to understimate this kind of personal wishes, because we all have earthly-desires naruto did too, but sakura had only this to offer for him., offer him? In any case they offered the same things as Mikoto or Fugaku, wouldnt still be enough.
"We are never so defenseless against suffering, as when we love" Freud
So I think that's why he could sever his ties with them , hope it could be understood.
I first think it in spanish and then in english xD
Maybe I forgot some things to add, if that's so then i will add them later if they come to my mind
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tracybirds · 4 years
Bad Things Happen Bingo #2 Virgil + Hearing Loss 
for @fictivekaleidoscope​ (EVIL!! EVIL THAT WAS!!) Had to get it out of the way early or my heart would have gotten all cowardly xD
What it says on the tin, so hope you enjoy it!
Edit: hi, my brain is tired, I must also shout out @gumnut-logic​ for helping me with the ending and reading things through
The door at the end of the corridor was all the mattered. John is telling him to move, his voice getting sharper and sharper, the intervals between that same instruction being issued getting shorter and shorter. As though he was simply ignoring that one simple direction.
If he had focus to spare, he’d be yelling right back at his brother. He’s running already, he can see the display in his helmet just as clearly as John can. The hydrogen level is rising. The fire is getting closer.
He doesn’t intend to be in the room when they meet.
Steam is hissing from the pipelines, and he lifts his gloved hand to wipe away the condensation. He can’t get at the sweat, dripping down his nose. He can’t escape the heat.
He’s lifted off his feet before he registers the sound, the shockwave blowing through the building.
A sharp crack and the display in front his eyes flickers and dies. His breath quickens, making the most of the oxygen spilling out between the polymer seal in his helmet.
A wave of dizziness keeps him on his knees even as he spots the fire on the ceiling above him.
The pressure is building, his ears screaming against the change in equilibrium.
Virgil has just enough time to recognise the danger and pull himself into a protective ball when the second explosion hits.
Heat seeps into his helmet, the rest of his body strangely cool in a room filled with orange and yellow flame.
He can hear all his brothers now, indistinct as the pain in his ears flares.
It’s the last thing he hears.
Yellow and orange fade to black.
Awareness returned with a ringing nausea. Virgil could just make out the strains of muffled conversation bleeding into his consciousness. Blearily, he tried to open his eyes and a deep groan escaped him. He could feel a frown forming even as he shifted to find a more comfortable position.
Something felt off. Beyond the way the ground had changed from hard concrete to soft mattress. Beyond the way his head protested at the slightest movement. His senses were too dulled by exhaustion to work out what had changed.
A hand lightly touched his arm and he flinched away, eyes flying open to see a room filled with harsh sunlight. A silhouette sat next to him and the muted words seemed to take on a more urgent tone.
He peered at the figure, and Scott swam into view, his eyes drawn together in a frown.
“Hey, Scott,” whispered Virgil, the sound getting lost on the way.
Scott made no reply, only frowned more deeply, and Virgil felt his attention start to wander. He didn’t recognise his surroundings, not warm enough for the island and not sterile enough for a hospital.
A sharp tap against his shoulder drew his eyes back to his brother. His lips were moving and Virgil stared at them, trying to blink back the fuzzy feeling in his head.
Scott shook his head, the frustration evident in his sharp actions.
Virgil closed his eyes, struggling to comprehend what he was trying to communicate.
Too soon, he thought. He was rapidly sinking under a wave of exhaustion and the persistent buzzing was starting to wrap around his head in a dizzying manner.
A gentle pat pulled his eyes open one last time and he smiled dopily at his brother’s worried face as he slipped back into unconsciousness.
His awareness slowly returned to the sight of silent moonlight spilling over the covers. Every part of him ached and he had vague memories of being thrown across a room. His breath felt tight in his lungs, but worse than that was the dial tone ring that accompanied his every waking moment thus far.
It was starting to get annoying.
“Oh, hey, Virgil,” came a slurring voice out of the dark.
A shadow leaned across the bed, and he scrambled away, unsure of who was in the room with him.
“Hey, hey,” said the voice again, slightly louder now. “It’s me, it’s Gordon.”
The light at his bed clicked on and he stared wild-eyed at his younger brother.
The motion had done little to help his cause, and the buzzy sentences were starting to overlap like two people speaking over each other, arguing and pushing against his own frustration that the world didn’t sound right.
And he still felt sick.
“Wha’ happened?” he rasped, releasing the covers from his grip.
Gordon’s response was rapid, seeming to slice right through him as he tried to untangle the start of the sentence from the end.
“Double explosion.”
Virgil closed his eyes from the effort, no longer interested in the rest of the sentence he had missed.
“I feel it,” he mumbled. He brought a hand to his face and winced as he prodded a strange, goopy substance.
“Yeah, let’s leave that,” said Gordon, pulling Virgil’s hand away. “You want that where it is.”
Virgil stared at his brother, concentrating on the sounds.
“Your voice is weird.”
Gordon’s perpetual smile dropped and his eyes grew tight.
“Yeah?” he said, slowly and clearly over that incessant buzz. “Tell me how, big guy.”
Virgil slowly rocked his head back and forth.
“You’re all muffled. And the timing’s off.” He stared at Gordon, expression pleading. “Keep talking.”
Gordon’s lips quirked, but he obliged without question. Virgil couldn’t make out the content, already his attempts to process the sounds were wearing on him, but he needed to know what had changed. There was a reason he’d mistaken his brother for a stranger. There was a reason his brother sounded like a conversation with a meaning just beyond his reach.
“I can’t hear it,” he snarled, shaking his head.
Instead of replying, Gordon grabbed a tablet and began to type.
Virgil stared at him, emotions welling up within. Gratitude that his brother had noticed his distress warred against the hateful feeling of helplessness, that things might have forever changed.
The tablet made it too real.
You ruptured both your eardrums. Grandma says they can run tests tomorrow. Your brain scan was registering some weird stuff. No need for hospital, so Lady P offered a room.
Virgil read the text in silence. The frustration that had so freely bubbled up only moments before faded away, leaving only exhaustion.
There was one more thing he needed to know before he would allow himself to rest easy.
“Why here?”
Gordon shrugged.
“In case we needed to launch.”
His brain offered up the sound he’d stopped registering, hearing it in his memory as if for the first time. He inhaled sharply, squeezing his eyes shut at the phantom pain.
“Aw crap, Virg, hang on.”
Gordon ducked into the ensuite and returned with a damp flannel. Virgil took it gratefully and cradled it around his ear, warmth chasing away the steady ache.
He could feel himself relaxing, sinking down into sleep once more.
“Yeah, go to sleep, V,” said Gordon, settling into the chair next to his brother’s bed. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
He was pretty sure it was the incessant talking that woke him next.
He rolled over, dragging the covers with him in the hopes his family would get the hint that he was still firmly asleep.
There was to be no such luck as Alan pulled the covers back with a blinding smile.
“Virgil! You’re awake!”
The response in the room was deafening, the sounds overwhelming as they all tried to grab at his attention. The ringing increased, syllables overlapped and all the while Virgil’s brain tried to sort through the mess of sound, to try snatch any kind of meaning from the burst of chatter. But no matter where he turned, only a jumble of noise was left behind.
It would be easy to lose himself, he thought, watching his brothers pile words upon words on top of each other. The world had turned into a foreign soundscape, muffled calls, sentences slurring and sliding into each other, and dissonant voices he could no longer align with his memories.
“Boys! Enough!”
Sharp and discordant in a way that tugged on his ear, Grandma Tracy cut clear through the cacophony. The buoyant white noise subsided until he was left with just one sound. He was ready to gouge out his inner ear than continue to deal with that particular annoyance.
He didn’t catch what was said, still unused to the energy required to partake in conversation, but he watched his brothers leave without protest.
Grandma’s cool hand brushed against his flushed cheeks and she smiled softly.
“Now,” she said. “Tell me how you’re feeling.”
Virgil knew that fever was setting in, knew that the ache deep in his bones told a tale of injuries more serious than ruptured eardrums, but he saw his Grandma and his defences fell to their knees as she brushed the hair away from his forehead.
“Grandma, I can’t hear right.”
“I know, hon,” she soothed. “Your left ear’s got an infection, we couldn’t keep it out. There’s a course of antibiotics waiting for you and it’ll come back, right as rain.”
“The world…” His breath caught in his chest. “The world sounds wrong.”
He wouldn’t cry, not here, not now. Not over this.
“Tell me how, sweetheart.” Her fingers ghosted over his skin. “It’s okay, just tell me.”
The tears pricked against his eyelids.
“You don’t sound like you should. Like there’s two of you talking.”
“That can happen, that’s your ear infection messing with your sound perception.”
“Everything’s making the wrong sound. I can’t hear the pitch anymore.”
Virgil sucked in a breath and bolted upright, staring at Grandma Tracy in terror.
“Grandma, I won’t be able to play.”
Her steady hands found their way back to his cheeks and she pulled him close, careful to avoid the burns across his face.
“You will when you’re better,” she said, slowly and clearly, making certain he couldn’t mistake her meaning. “There’s been no damage to your inner ear, it’s not going to be permanent.”
He relaxed against her, folding into the hug.
“You’re sure?”
She smiled softly as he sank back into the pillows, before straightening in her chair, eyes firm as she looked him over.
“Anything else to tell me?”
Virgil shook his head.
“Sore. Tired. The usual.”
“Good,” she said, patting his shoulder. “This could have been a lot worse. In a few weeks, your ears should be healed and you can go home to work through the duty checks.”
Virgil smiled weakly. He didn’t want to sit around listlessly, with sounds blurring together and two-toned. He wanted to be up and moving, impatient for health and the world vibrant again.
Grandma Tracy leaned forward, and her lips moved with a murmur that couldn’t penetrate his ears.
He’d heard it enough times that it didn’t matter. His brain conjured the sound in her place and lulled him to sleep. At least he could still hear in his dreams.
The days went by and Virgil could stay awake for longer and longer periods. The antibiotics took care of the infection and the overlapping voices that had plagued his hearing. The tinnitus faded to almost nothing following a visit to a specialist who had patched his eardrums. Even his bruises had yellowed and started to fade.
“You’re sure you’re up for this?” asked Scott, hovering anxiously. “You’re meant to be resting.”
“I’ve rested plenty,” said Virgil. “I’m fine, a short walk won’t kill me.”
“Yeah, but if your not, it’ll be my head Grandma come after.”
“Stop worrying and help me tie my damn shoes.”
“Sure,” muttered Scott. “Can’t even reach down to tie his shoelaces, but no, Virgil Tracy is fine, just peachy.”
Virgil kicked him.
“I liked you better when I couldn’t hear you.”
“Not like it matters, seeing as you ignore me either way,” shot Scott back at him. “You ready?”
Virgil nodded, grasping the offered hand and hauling himself upright.
They walked in silence for the most part, no need for words between them. With no chatter in his ears, Virgil could focus on why he’d needed to get outside – he’d needed this. Needed to feel fresh air on his skin, to feel the warmth of the sun sink into his bones. To hear the birds chirping their songs.
He stopped and grabbed at Scott’s arm.
“Do you hear that?” he whispered, hardly daring to interrupt the joyous sound.
“Hear what?” Scott jumped to attention, slipping in front of his brother and eyes roaming the garden.
“The birds, Scott. I can hear the birds.”
“Oh,” said Scott, relaxing. “Yeah, man, I can hear them too.”
Virgil closed his eyes and listened, a smile creeping up from the hope blooming in his heart.
Scott grinned as he watched, his own spirits lifting with his brother’s discovery.
“I guess you’ll be able to hear the mouse in your room now too.”
He opened one eye and glared at his brother.
Scott’s lips curled just a fraction.
Virgil shoved him off the path.
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maximit3 · 4 years
Caregiver -1
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Pairing: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
Summary: After the raid on the Yakuza compound Aizawa offers to take Eri home with him on the weekends, you are her caregiver. Lots of Dadzawa!
Warning: Perhaps childhood trauma, language, but no others beside that.
W/C: 1523
a/n: I got this idea for this when i was doing another set of headcanons and decided to turn it into a fic. Let me know what ya’ll think and hit me up if you want more!
You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere. You could have sworn you would have had the path memorized by now, having walked it every weekend for the past month, but you were definitely lost.
Sighing, you pulled out your phone and input the address, hoping that you werent too far off. It was hotter than normal today, and you really didn’t want to arrive looking sweaty and disheveled. You heard your phone ding showing that you were only a block over from where you were supposed to be. You smile with relief and put your phone away and quickly tie your hair up into a ponytail to keep it from sticking to your neck. 
“I really need to be more careful, I can’t just be wandering around.” You muttered, continuing your walk.
It wasn’t like you were any danger, but you had a job to do and being tardy was somewhat of an embarrassment, one you tried to avoid. After all, you were chosen as the head caregiver at the Hosu General Hospital to take care of a very important patient and you weren’t one to shirk duty.
Your steps slowed as you reached the front of the familiar apartment complex. As you climb the steps of the stoup and press the buzzer, you find yourself fidgeting waiting for the response.
A month ago you found yourself standing in the Administrator's office unsure of why you had been summoned to a meeting with the pro hero Eraserhead. You had been told that you would be receiving a special assignment, a new patient who would be under your care, but that was all.
In the meeting, you stood silent as Eraserhead spoke with the Administrator and soon the name, Eri, had been mentioned. You knew of the girl who had been saved during a huge raid on a Yakuza base, the girl who had great power that was uncontrollable. You listened more intently as Eraserhead explained his wish for Eri to have weekends outside of the hospital, to give her a chance for some normalcy.
“She’ll stay with me under my protection, of course, so that her quirk does not get out of control.” Eraserhead stated in a voice that was low and somewhat scratchy.
It wasn’t a hard sell, but the Administrator had one condition. “Miss (Y/N) must accompany young Eri to be sure her health stays in good standing while she is away from our care.”
There wasn’t much discussion after that, Eraserhead seemed to understand the position and agreed. Thus began your walks to his apartment every weekend and your caregiving of Eri.
A loud buzzer suddenly drew you out of your haze and you heard the door click allowing you entrance. 
Making your way up the familiar stairs you get a little excited to see Eri again. The little girl has been through so much, you read her file, but she was so strong and brave and slowly learning what it meant to be a kid. You push away the thought that you were a little excited to see Eraserhead himself, you are a professional after all, but you still can’t help being a little starstruck.
Quelling your thoughts you find the apartment you're looking for and knock lightly. Through the door you hear giggling and a low amused chuckle. Then there's movement and the door opens and an excited Eri patiently waiting for you.
You kneel down to her level and smile. “Hello Eri, may I come in?” you ask politely.
Eri nods excitedly, “I’m really happy to see you, Miss (Y/N).” She says with quiet excitement, still getting used to her own voice.
She takes your hand and leads you inside where you see the living room table covered in crayons and coloring sheets as well as some glitter that had apparently spilled out. You smile warmly and look down as Eri lets go of your hand to sit in an armchair, already rolling up her sleeves for her examination.
You look around for Eraserhead and hear the bathroom sink running and you figured he must be cleaning up before coming out. Your attention fixes back on Eri and you begin to pull out your equipment starting with monitoring her blood pressure.
“Have you been having a good time today, Eri?” You ask while you watch her numbers on the device.
“Mhm, Mr. Aizawa has been playing with me, we’ve been coloring and playing dress up!” she squeaked excitedly.
You smile as she rambles on allowing her to simply speak, an act you know is difficult for her, and move on to checking her heartbeat. 
“That sounds like a lot of fun, I’m glad you’re having a good time. Now, same thing as last week. Just a small pinch, ready?” You say, getting ready to take some of her blood. You can see the tears in her eyes, but she's being brave and grabs hold of your hand. It’s over quickly, just the way you like it. You hate causing her pain.
“Oh, Mr. Aizawa said we could go on a walk later!” She manages to get out while you study your vial.
You hear a low voice suddenly and you won't deny there is a bit of a flutter in your chest. “Actually, what I believe i said was that if Miss (Y/N) was okay with it and if we asked her nicely, maybe we can go on a walk.”
You turn and see Eraser standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall, and smiling at Eri. He was dressed in sweatpants and a short sleeve black shirt that showed off his arms. He catches you watching him and you turn back to your work a slight blush on your cheeks.
You always find yourself a little tongue tied around him and oftentimes all of your conversation revolves around Eri. Sometimes he may ask a question or two about your week and you sometimes give a polite answer and that's that. You’ve heard from others that he is fiercely private and you try not to come off as unprofessional or too starstruck. You remind yourself that it is the way it should be, you are here for Eri.
“Well, Miss (Y/N) what do you say? Would you like to join Eri and I on a walk today to the park?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
You look from him to Eri who is wearing a smile that would melt anyone's heart, and you knew that you were going to say yes. 
“I think that would be a lovely idea.” You smile back as Eri claps with excitement.
“Eri why don't you go change your clothes and we can be on our way.” Eraser says and Eri excitedly bolts out of her chair and heads down the hall. You don't miss the Pro hero giving her a loving pat on the head as she passes.
You start to pack up your equipment, you aren’t done for the day you’ll have to check her stats when you get back from the walk to, but you won’t need it for your walk. 
“I hope you are really okay with us going. I know how hard it is to tell her no, but she would understand if you did.” You watch as Eraser goes to sit on the couch as you both wait for Eri.
You look at him and politely smile. “Her vitals look good today and she seems to be in good spirits. As long as you're sure there aren't any immediate dangers, I don’t see a reason to say no. You’re doing a good job making her feel normal, Eraserhead.”
You smile and place your pack by the front door then take a seat across from Eraser who had been looking out the window with a contemplative look on his face. Almost absentmindedly, you heard him say, “you know, Miss Y/N, you don’t need to call me Eraserhead while we’re here.” 
You knew this, he had told you many times that you could call him Mr. Aizawa. It really didn’t bother you all that much to make the change, but it added just a little more of a personal connection between the two of you. You suppose though, that it had been over a month now and it was probably getting a little awkward for him. 
You smile politely and say, “Yes, of course, Mr. Aizawa.” 
For a moment you thought you saw something flash in his eyes, something that you hadn’t seen before, but the moment passed when Eri rounded the corner. She smiled at the two of you an awkward toothy smile, but bright, almost as bright as the yellow sundress she was wearing. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Are you ready to go Miss (Y/N),” she asked politely.
You heard Aizawa stand up from where he had been sitting and you mirror the action dusting off your skirt to straighten out the wrinkles.
“If you are ready Eri and- “ You hesitate for a moment, “And if Mr. Aizawa is ready then so am I.” you finish.
Big shout out to @mindninjax​ and @bullrunpicnicker​ for being my beta readers XD. Yall motivate me to be better. I’m working on the second part of this right now and would love to hear feedback from yall. This is definitely going to be a slow burn so prepare yourselfs. Love you all, Plus Ultra!
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merakiaes · 4 years
Best Friend’s Brother - John Shelby
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Pairing: John Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This is pretty shit, I’ve been distracted today so sorry for that. The title is also shit, I couldn’t come up with anything else xD Hope you like it though! (NOT PROOFREAD)
Wordcount: 3437
Summary: You’re Ada’s best friend. After meeting her family and taking care of John and his kids for so long, he finally pops the big question. 
The year was 1919 when you first met Ada Shelby.
She was twenty-two and pregnant with her first child, and you had recently turned twenty and just gotten your job as a midwife at the hospital.
The first time she came to visit you to check up on the baby, she was very grumpy and reserved. You could admit it frightened you a bit, as you were very well aware of who her family was.
But the second time she came by, she was in a better mood, and ended up opening up to you about the reasons for her foul spirits the first time around. And once you knew, you couldn’t bring yourself to blame her; you wouldn’t be happy either if you were stuck in between your one true love and your birthgiven family.
You were supposed to be strictly professional with all of your patients, but the two of you just clicked so quickly and so well once you actually got to talking that you couldn’t help but accept when she invited you out to a night out on the town the third time she came around.
You didn’t live far from Watery Lane, but still, you hadn’t ever been down that particular street. You weren’t really someone who widened your boundaries and explored. You were too careful.
And either way, you didn’t get much time to spare anyway, between work and taking care of the two boys you had taken in after the war. They were twin brothers, nine years of age and left parentless by the war.
Before the war, you had spent many days and nights babysitting them, and so you had when their mother had passed away in the influenza while their dad was away fighting.
You knew them and they were comfortable with you, which was why it was a given to take them in permanently when their dad never came back.
That night was the first one since you were eighteen that you had gone out on the town to have fun, having your neighbors – a couple in their fifties who lived with infertility and jumped at every chance they got to watch your boys – babysit for you.
Ada took you to the Garrison, really forcing you to go outside of your comfort zone. It took a while, but eventually you managed to let loose after getting a few drinks into your system.
The two of you were laughing and singing at the bar, entertaining pretty much the entire pub, when the Shelby brothers joined you after having dealt with some business.
To say they were shocked when they walked in and found their sister, who had never kept any female company in her life, singing at the top of her lungs with you at her side, was a big understatement.
You were introduced to them, and with the alcohol controlling your body, you were nowhere near your usual shyness, shaking their hands with a firm grip and enthusiastic smile.
Arthur, as the party-animal he was himself, loved you immediately, and Tommy was strangely fascinated by your kind nature. But John didn’t really care much.
Until the morning after when you came by the Shelby household with your two boys and ended up offering yourself to help his Katie clean up after she’s weed the bed so that he could head back into the betting shop.
After seeing you handle his kids, with such grace and so much kindness, having them calmer than he’d ever seen them before, he was sold.
There were countless of things he found attractive in women, but nothing could ever even compare to seeing you with his kids; that was the kind of sexy that could have any man whipped for the rest of his life.
And that’s just what happened.
You started babysitting his kids whenever he needed the extra help. He would drop them off at your house whenever Tommy had him running errands, and some mornings, you and the boys would even come by his house, where you would get his kids out of bed and feed them breakfast just so that he could get some extra sleep.
Only a few weeks after you’d met the entire family, you were adored to bits by each and every one of them.
Polly loved you for always helping John out, and for keeping her company whenever the boys were out on business. And Tommy and Arthur grew fiercely protective over you, even more so than they were Ada.
Ada was a Shelby and they knew that she could handle her own if it ever came to it, but you were just so innocent. Soft as a flower, just generally bright and bubbly with not even a smudge of darkness in your heart.
The amount of kindness you held in you often clouded your judgement. You always tried to see the good in people, which in Small Heath, could get you into a lot of trouble, hadn’t it been for the Peaky Blinders having your back.
But while Tommy and Arthur were protective over you, John was absolutely possessive. Not to your face of course; he would never, in a million years, want to give off the impression that he was trying to control you.
But if someone as much as mentioned your name with ill-meaning, his blade would be at their throat and their faces pushed into the mud in the next 0.01 seconds.    
He heard you at the Garrison when you would talk to Ada about the perfect romance and your dream man, how you wanted him to have strong morals, a kind heart, be loyal and committed to a fault and not fool around with other women behind your back.
You didn’t have high demands, but for the male population in Birmingham? It was pretty much impossible to stay faithful, and that was why you had yet to find someone right for you, as most men were sleazebags that would jump at every opportunity to get their cocks sucked.
John tried with all his might to change himself to fit your standards. He stopped visiting the whorehouse, he stopped reciprocating the women who would try to seduce him at the pub, sending them into Arthur’s lap instead.
He had already had good manners towards women, but for you, he took it to an entirely different level, excessively opening doors for you, pulling out chairs whenever you would go to sit down, and asking you if you needed anything wherever you went, whatever you did.
He did everything he could to get you to notice him, and you did. You didn’t think much of the increase of politeness, being used to the Shelby brothers’ unusually good manners, but you did notice the way he was distancing himself from women.
But you never could’ve guessed it was because of you, you just guessed it was because he missed Martha, so you stepped back and didn’t mention it.
It had been a long day. You had been working a shift at the hospital between six in the morning and three in the afternoon, and then you had gone straight to the Shelby household where Polly was watching the boys.
You helped around for a bit before you had to take the boys home to get them ready for bed. You hadn’t seen John all day, but you didn’t dwell much on it, used to him being out on business.
But you also hadn’t seen Ada all day, which was strange.
You had just put the boys to sleep when there was a knock on your front door. Your head whipped around to the doorway of the kitchen at the sound of the door opening, and you instantly knew it was either Polly, Ada or Arthur, as they were the only ones who didn’t bother waiting for you to open the door.
And you were proven correct when Arthur stomped into the kitchen only a second later, hands tucked into the pockets of his pants.
“Evening, love.” He greeted as he approached you, kissing your cheeks upon reaching you like he always did.
You kissed his cheeks back with a wide smile, drying your wet hands on your apron meanwhile.
“Arthur.” You greeted back, smiling widely. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Ah, you know.” He shrugged, the corners of his eyes crinkled with a mischievous smile. “Just here to relieve you of your housewife duties for the evening.”
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion at that, even further so when he reached around your back to undo the string of your apron.
“Is that so?” You asked, watching with careful eyes as he carelessly threw the fabric to the kitchen bench. “And why would that be?”
He took no care to your distrusting stare, grabbing you by the shoulders and starting to steer you out of the kitchen and to the front door, where he grabbed your coat from the rack.
“Because,” He began, opening your coat and holding it up for you, the suspicious smile not once leaving his aged face. “Johnny boy is expecting you.”
Your squinting eyes instantly went back to their normal size at the sound of John’s name, and you wasted no time in starting to put your arms into the coat, but you were still puzzled.
“What could he possibly need help with at this hour? Are the kids running circles around him barefoot again?” You questioned with a sigh, hoping that wasn’t the case as John already had so much on his plate.
But luckily, Arthur shook his head. “Nah, the kids are over at Polly’s tonight. It’s just the two of ya. Now, no more questions. Don’t want to keep my little brother waiting, do we?”
You gave him a long look, trying to figure out why in the world he was looking so smug. He always did, on second thought, but never this much.
But nevertheless, you didn’t put up much of a fight, ready to come running at John’s every call like you had been for the past months.
You wordlessly stepped outside after Arthur had opened the door for you, sparing his satisfied face one more look, before beginning down the stairs and onto the street, hearing the front door slam shut behind you only a second later.
Your brain was running crazy with thoughts.
You had been there for John a lot during the short period of time you had known each other, helping him get the kids up and ready in the mornings, ready to go to bed in the evenings, and many times afterwards taking care of him, talking to him and being there for him when he mourned the man he had been before the war.
But this was well past the children’s bedtime, and you had never been called over this late, especially not when the kids weren’t even there. So to say you were confused was a huge understatement, and admittedly, it made you quite anxious.
But you guessed you’d see soon what this entire thing was about, as the walk to his house wasn’t very long.
You reached your destination in only five minutes, and didn’t even bother knocking on the front door before entering John’s home, only kicking your boots free of the mud while calling out.
There was a bang from the lounge, followed by a curse, but when John didn’t come and greet you at the door, you rid yourself of your own coat and ventured into the house yourself.
Upon entering the lounge, you were surprised to find the room lit up by countless of candles, and a table full of delicious-looking food.
You were surprised, and confused, and even more so when John finally revealed himself, coming out from the kitchen with a bottle of wine in his hands.
His hair was pushed back neatly, almost looking as if it had been groomed that very same day, and the grey suit he was wearing looked a tad more expensive than the ones he usually wore, causing a lift of your eyebrow.
“What’s all this?” You smiled teasingly, walking closer to the set-up with slow steps. “What’s the occasion?”
A smile to match your own rose to his lips as he walked around the table, putting the bottle down and coming over to you.
“I wanted to do something special to show my appreciation.” He told you, gingerly grabbing your arms and starting to lead you towards the table. “For everything you’ve done for me and the kids. I just thought you deserved to be pampered too, for a change.”
Once you reached the table, he pulled out the chair for you to sit down on, making sure you were comfortable before walking around and sitting down on the opposite side.
“Well…” You chuckled, letting your eyes gaze at the food. “I know for certain you’re not the one who cooked, or else half of this would’ve been burnt.”
An effortless chuckle left his lips at that. “You know me well, don’t you?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the sweet sound, and you were incredibly lucky for the warm hue of the candles, or he would’ve for certain been able to see the blush tinting your entire face.
“Probably better than you know yourself.” You answered with a nervous laugh, looking around some more before looking up at him, only to find he was already looking at you.
And of course, that only made you blush harder.
“What are you staring at?” You asked, getting only a lovestruck smile in return.
But in all your flustered glory, you didn’t catch the feelings behind his baby blues. “Why? Is there something on my face?”
You reached your hands up to your face, starting to feel around for an eyelash or something. Your actions drew a laugh from his lips, which only resulted in you getting even more flustered.
“No.” He shook his head. “There’s nothing on your face.”
You opened your mouth to ask if something was the matter, feeling anxious with how strange he was acting, but had to cut yourself short when he suddenly stood up.
Out of instinct, thinking he had just forgotten something from the kitchen, you instantly began standing up too. “Can I help with anything?”
John quickly shot you down, gently pushing you back into your seat by your shoulders and shaking his head. “No. For once in your life, don’t help and just sit down.”
He let out a small laugh, the sound causing your lips to tug into a smile, but quickly turned serious again, forcing you to become so, as well.
You weren’t quite sure what you were expecting to happen when he cleared his throat and started digging around in the inside pocket of his suit, but it sure as hell wasn’t what happened next.
From his pocket, he fished out a small, white velvet box. Your eyes grew wide at the sight, and you couldn’t stop your hands from going to your mouth in shock when he then proceeded to go down on one knee.
“I was supposed to save this ‘til after dinner, but I just can’t wait that long.” He told you, trying his hardest to catch your eye, but your eyes were stuck on the box in his hand. “I’m sorry if this is weird for you to hear, but I am in love with you. I have been for some time now, and I would be the happiest man alive if you would do me the utmost honor of letting me take you as my wife.”
He opened the box, and your entire body froze at the sight of the ring inside.
It was a silver ring, with a twisted band with tiny diamonds all the way around, and in the middle, a big Alexandrite stone, twinkling with the perfect mixture of purple and aqua blue.
It was absolutely beautiful and looked more expensive than everything you had ever owned all together.
You could barely form words.
“No, wait. Just listen for a second, please.” He pleaded, almost desperately, scooting closer to you and taking one of your hands in his. “I know I’m older than you, and that you could get someone younger, someone more honorable and someone with a cleaner lifestyle. But I see you with my kids and I just… They see you as their mother, they love you. Seeing you in general makes my heart beat as if I was seventeen all over again, and seeing you with them makes me go crazy. I want you, need you- we need you in our lives, (Y/N). If you’ll have us.”
Finally, you were able to tear your wide eyes away from the stunning piece of jewelry to meet his.
You could feel the tears starting to build up. “John, I don’t-“
Panic instantly struck his face. “You don’t want to marry me?” He interrupted you before you could finish your sentence, and you instantly started shaking your head violently.  
“No!” You protested. “I do! I do. I just… I’m a bit shocked is all.”
His disappointed face turned into one of hope. “You do want to marry me?”
“Of course.” You nodded, your face breaking into a smile so big it actually hurt your cheeks as you finally broke free of the shock. “Of course I do!”
A loud, relieved laugh left his lips and he wasted no time in standing up, taking you with him. He dropped your hand for a brief moment to be able to remove the ring from the box, closing it and putting it down on the table before picking your hand back up and slipping the ring onto your finger.
You let out a teary laugh at the feeling of the perfect fit, your entire body trembling with excitement, and before he could even think of make the first move you grabbed his face in your hands and pulled him down to crash your lips to his.
His hands came up to cradle your jaw and pull you even closer, while yours went to the back of his head, your entire body just curving into his.
When you broke apart again you were both breathing heavily, out of breath. Your foreheads leaned together and John let out a nervous laugh as he stared into your eyes. “I think that’s the most scared I’ve ever been in my entire life.”
You laughed, closing your eyes briefly before looking back into his. “I’m sorry.” You apologized in a whisper, smiling. “I just… I really didn’t expect this.”
“Why?” He wondered with a shake of his head. “I’ve been doing everything in my power to show how much I care for you, I thought you noticed.”
You snorted. “Of course I’ve noticed. I notice everything.” Your smile fell slightly, turning into one of compassion, your thumb rubbing at his cheek gingerly. “But I thought that was because you missed Martha.”
Much like yours had, his smile also simmered down into a smaller one, his eyes growing sad. “I do, and I’ll always love her.” He confirmed quietly. “But I’m not in love with her. Not anymore.”
You looked deeply into his eyes, showing him you understood, before the thought suddenly struck you.
“Does Ada know?”
She was your best friend, and you knew she would have both yours and John’s heads for not telling her about your feelings for one another. The reaction would, however, be a bit milder if John had asked her permission beforehand.
And luckily, he had.
“She’s the one who helped me pick out the ring.” He confessed, his eyes leaving yours to focus on your hand as he brought it up between you, his fingers running over the ring lightly.
“Of course.” You smiled, shaking your head. “I should have guessed.”
How else would he have known what your favourite gemstone was and what to look for?
“God, I love you.” He said suddenly, taking you slightly by surprise.
But you quickly regained your composure, smiling widely and putting your arms back around his neck.
“I love you, too.” You said. “And even though you might not think so yourself, you really are the most honorable man I’ve ever met, and I know for a certain that I will never meet anyone who will be able to top that.”
A bright smile overtook his boyish features and only a second later, you were pulled into another kiss, no more words being spoken. But you didn’t need to say anything else, the ring resting on your fingers saying it all.
Who would’ve thought you would end up with your best friend’s brother.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
The Pregnancy, Part Two
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @fuseboxmusebox @princesslahela @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @queencarb @schnitzelbutterfingers @ramseysno1rookie @caseyvalentineramsey @ethanramseyswhore @whippedforethanfreakingramsey
Six months had passed since Casey and Ethan discovered she was pregnant, and she was now in her last trimester. She still wanted to go to work so she had something to do and so that if she went into labor she was already in the hospital. Of course, Ethan got less and less enthusiastic about her going to work, now a few more months that passed. He insisted that she stay home and look after herself, to let him work a little overtime and do the heavy grocery shopping. But Casey, being the stubborn woman she is, dug her heels in saying a firm no, continuing to go to work.
One lunch break, Casey and Ethan were sitting outside round the fountain, sharing a pizza and some fries, when Sienna came over. "Hey. Could I sit with you guys?" she squeaked out quietly, "Of course" Ethan smiled as Casey took another bite of her pizza slice, "Want a piece?" Casey asked as she held out the box to her friend. "No thank you. I'm okay. I've already eaten." She said politely, hoping her lie went undetected, as she took a seat next to Casey. "Do I still smell of blood and bile?" Ethan joked, "Honey. if you smelt of that I would not even be near you. Sienna just doesn't like getting in the middle of people" Casey explained jokingly. Sienna chuckled at the sass levels in Casey's reply, and the three spent the rest of their lunch break together. Late that afternoon, Ethan stopped by Casey's floor to collect the grocery list and her dinner order as he was finishing early, and she had to work late. "oooo someone's coming" a nurse teased Casey, as she walked away from the nurses station with her files, to give the two privacy. "Hey." Ethan smiled as he greeted her with a kiss leaning over the nurses station. "hey" Casey smiled back, as the phone rang. "one moment" she smiled and answered the phone, "Hello, Francis Ward, Dr. Casey Ramsey speaking, how may I help? ... uh-huh, okay. ... Could you hold for just one moment and I'll check that for you." she answered as she put the phone on hold "Janet!" she called out to a passing nurse, who stopped in her tracks and turned coming over to the station "yeah?" she asked, sounding tired. "I've got Dr. Rasheen on the phone calling from OR recovery 4, asking if we have any free beds on the ward for a patient that has just woken up." Casey explained. Janet checked the chart, "mmmmmmm, yep. We have room 783 free." She smiled at Casey, who picked the phone back up. "Hello, Dr. Rasheen? ... yes, we have 1 room free. Could I get the patients name please? .... Holly Barkermann. Alright, we'll have that ready for arrival in the next few minutes okay? .... okay, Thank You. B-Bye" she chimed happily as she hung up the call. After letting out a deepened sigh, Casey leant back in her chair and looked up at Ethan who smiled back at her. "Could I have the lists?" He asked sweetly. Casey sat up and pulled them out of her pocket and passed them to him. He looked at her dinner request and smiled. "I'll pick it up later on the way to get you from work sweetie" He grinned as he looked back up at her. "Thanks baby. I'll see you later okay?" she replied. Ethan nodded and gave her one last kiss before heading off the do the grocery shopping and go home.
That night Casey text Ethan.
Casey: Hey babe! Finishing up here in about 45 minutes!!
Casey: Babe???
Casey: Bubs?
Ethan: Can't a man poop in peace? xD
Casey: ... sorryyyy :/
Ethan xD. It's okay. I'll see you soon
Casey: Can you bring Bleu? or is he sleeping??
Ethan: Sleeping. Sorry honey :(
Casey: It's alright. I'll see you in a bit. Don't forget our dinner!!"
Ethan: I won't don't worry :D. Love you!! <3
Casey: Love you too bubba :* <3
After sending the text messages, Casey stuffed her phone back into her pocket and got back to work. It was nighttime so everything was slower paced. She got bored and decided to try and balance a pencil on the tip of her nose because she still hadn't been able to complete that. She was so occupied by it that she didn't hear someone approach the desk. "Ahem." the voice said as the person it belonged to clear their throat. Casey jumped, dropping the pencil then pouting at it "awww! I was so close!" she quietly exclaimed as she looked up to see who it was. "Oh, hey Esme!" she chirped, Esme smiled. "I'm here to take over. Your husband's downstairs, in the main lobby." she told her. Casey checked the clock on the wall. "Oh my gosh. Was I just trying to balance a pencil on the tip of my nose for 45 minutes?" she asked, flushing a deep red, fully embarrassed. "I guess so." Esme chuckled as she came round the desk to switch places with Casey. "Well.... see you Saturday I guess." Casey said to Esme, giving her a hug before grabbing her belongings, checking out and making her way downstairs. As she stepped out of the elevator, she let out a massive sigh and took her tag off over her head, tucking it inside her bag. "Busy shift?" Ethan asked, as he walked over to her and greeted her with a hug. She gripped onto him tightly. "ugghhhh, I missed youuuuu" she whined as she crushed Ethan with a hug. Ethan chuckled as he returned his wife's hug, "I missed you too munchkin" he mumbled, Casey pulled back and looked at him strangely, "Munchkin?" she asked with a confused frown, as she laced her fingers with his. "I was browsing words on that Urban Dictionary site you're always going on about. Munchkin can be used as a term of endearment for one's partner who is playful and mischievous" He explained as they walked to the car hand in hand. "Oh...? So you're saying I'm playful and mischievous now, are you?" Casey teased as they got into the car, Ethan just chuckled as he gave her a knowing look. As Ethan drove them home, Casey sat in the passenger seat chowing down on her fries and gulping down her drink, "Hungry? Ethan smiled. Casey nodded eagerly as she shoved more fries in her mouth, "bank oo bor biss" she grinned. Soon they pulled up on the drive and went inside, Bleu greeting them straight away by barking as soon as they opened the door, "Ugh. My feet are so sooorrrreeeee" Casey whined as she took off her shoes and jacket, she then squealed in delighted surprise as Ethan lifted her up and carried her to their room, content concentration on his face the entire time. I'll go grab us some soda, water and snacks then we can binge whatever it is you wish to watch tonight, okay?" Ethan smiled as he pressed a tender loving kiss to Casey's forehead before leaving the room and heading downstairs to the kitchen, and they spent the night cuddled up in bed doing exactly what Ethan said they would, and fell asleep happy and content, ready for the next day and what it would bring them. In the middle of the night Casey woke up feeling around for Ethan and groaned slightly when she couldn't feel him. She slowly opened her eyes and spotted him sitting at his desk across the room with a creased brow as he stared at his screen, "Ethan?" she whispered, and he snapped his head towards the bed, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked as he swiveled round in his chair. She pouted and held her hand out towards him, he sighed and walked over to their bed, sitting next to her and taking her hand in his, "Is this case keeping you up again?" she asked as she placed her head on his leg. He instinctively started stroking her hair, "mmm" he mumbled staring blankly ahead.
Casey looked up at him an noticed the bags under his eyes and looked at the clock on their bedside table, seeing it read 3:47am, "Honey. Your shift starts in an hour and 13 minutes. Come to bed and try to get some sleep. Please" she begged quietly, looking up at him. Ethan exhaled heavily through his nostrils and got up. "Just let me save this document and I'll come to bed" he said as he sat back in his office chair and spun back so he was facing his screen, sliding his glasses back on his face. "They really enhance your beauty, you know?" Casey spoke out, Ethan just smiled at her comment, gently shaking his head as he saved the document and shut his computer down. About 45 minutes later, Casey was up with Ethan as he got ready for work, she was in the kitchen making his lunch. Ethan walked in a few minutes later, smelling like his heavenly self. He stood behind Casey and wrapped his arms round her stomach and rested his chin on her shoulder, pressing delicate kisses behind her ear and down her neck. "You don't have to be up doing this for me. I can make my own lunch you know." He said, his face and voice full of concern. Casey smiled at him with a look full of love that makes him realize there's no point in making it an issue because today is her day off before her last week working. She looked up at Ethan wistfully, "What?" he softly smiled back, "Nothing.... It's just... Are you sure that you're ready to be a father? Because when we done those scans when I was an intern. You said you didn't see it in your future. You weren't sure you could give them what they would need. And if you still aren't ready. We can put them for adoption. Or into foster care. Or to a same sex couple who wants children. I want you to be ready for this Ethan. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into being a father by keeping this child." Casey rambled as she brought her hands to her stomach, cradling the child inside. Just as he opens his mouth to answer, Ethan's alarm goes off telling him it's time to leave for work.
Later in the day, around noon the doorbell rang. Casey answered it after looking through the peep hole, and greeted Tia and Bryce on the other side. "Hey! What're you guys doing here?!" she asked as she gave them both hugs and invited them inside. They walked in, Casey shut the door and they all made their way to the living room, taking various seats around the room in chairs and on couches. "Ethan caught us this morning and told us to bring you lunch." Tia said as they took their seats, "We brought both enough hot and cold food for all of us and we even brought some for Ethan to have later, he looked drained when we saw him." Bryce added. Casey smiled at her friends, "I'm not surprised. He was up half the night working on the case of Mr. Hopkins again." she informed them. They gave a knowing yet understanding look with a small nod. "Anyway. How's the hospital today?" Casey asked, as her and Tia dug into their food, Bryce walking off the get a fork. Tia swallowed her bite of food and smiled at Casey, "Busy as usual. Same old people shouting the same old things, cases that take only a few moments to solve. Although, there is this one case that's come in this morning and nobody can seem to work out what's going on with them. They have no genetic markers for anything, no test that has been run so far comes back with anything that could be used as a lead to do further tests. Bryce, as always says the simple solution is to cut them open. But I have to keep telling him, you can't randomly go cutting people open, with nothing supporting them needing and operation. You know?" She tells Casey as Bryce walks back into the room. "Your dog is seriously so adorable!" Bryce exclaims as he sits back down. Casey smiles and eats more of her food. The three talk and eat until it's time for Bryce and Tia to head back to work. Casey going back to binge watching Netflix series she needs to catch up on and drinking her herbal teas. Before she knows it, she hears Ethan's key go into the door and sits up as she hears him call out that he's home. "In here!" she calls back as she gets up so she can move to the couch and cuddle him.
He stops off at the kitchen first to get plates and cutlery for them to eat then walks into the living room placing the food, plates and cutlery onto the coffee table before sweeping Casey up into a massive bear hug, inhaling her perfume deeply. "I've missed you today." He mumbled into her neck, she smiled in response "I've missed you too." She mumbled back and they sat on the couch and talked about their days. "... and then the stupid woman tried to take off with a line in her arm and the machine still plugged into the wall. She didn't even grab the pole to wheel the machine with her as she walked. She just walked. Blood everywhere. It took about 10 minutes to get the bleeding under control. I have never witnessed something so daft in all my life." Ethan rambled, as Casey listened intently. Taking in every tone change in his voice as she ate quietly beside him. "So....... You're stressed?" Casey asked as he finished rambling. "hrm?" Ethan mumbled, Casey just chuckled and got up, heading to the bathroom.
Ethan followed and stood outside so they could continue talking. "When I say I missed you at work today. I meant it you know. I didn't have someone I could just walk up to and plop my head on their shoulder, and whine to. I don't know what you done to me rookie... but.. I feel love again now. I have friends. I can be friendly with others without feeling awkward. You're a blonde bombshell of sass. But you're my blonde bombshell of sass. My other half that I gave up searching for and accepted I was going to be a dog dad forever and die old, alone and miserable. Naveen was right. When you started at Edenbrook as an intern, I took my work way too seriously. And my ways were rubbing off on you. You were becoming a mini female version of me. But, somehow I knew you already were. You were serious about your work. You were serious about a lot. You got yourself in trouble for your patients because you care. You put everyone else's feelings before your own and you took time to get to know me, ask me how I was. I.... I'd not had anyone do that there for 10 years, because I was at the top of all the interns in my year as well. They quickly became envious, jealous, angry at me even. I couldn't understand why at the time, I was just an intern doing my best to make sure all my patients were happy, healthy and had the best care provided that they would need. I wasn't actively seeking out pissing them off. I was just being me. I thought it was my fault at first but then I realized, it's not my fault that my brain is on a different level to theirs. It wasn't my fault I worked and ticked differently. Performed my best when I worked on cases solo. When I wrote and published my book I didn't expect it to be such a huge hit. To influence the next generation of medicine and impact it in such a way. Then you walked into Edenbrook and shook everything up. Including me and my heart. You gave me the wake up call I needed, and I fell for you. I fell for you hard. In Miami all those years ago, I wanted you as much as you wanted me. Damn Casey, when I first stopped you in your tracks as you followed me to the new wing of the hospital. I wanted me taking you for coffee to be a date. But I was scared of the intricacy of it all. I was your boss. It would have been wrong. It was wrong. But somewhere along the line I stopped caring. I wanted... no, needed you. I needed to know what it was like to hold you. Kiss you. Dance and laugh with you. I needed to learn to love and open up my heart. I'd both needed and wanted to do that for years, but nobody caught my eye.. that was until I saw you. I'm here today pouring out my heart and emotions, but I want you to know I wouldn't be doing that if it wasn't for you. You went from rookie, to the owner of my heart. And now... well now you're going to be the mother of my child too. Well... children... I looked closer at your last scan, saw something that shocked me so grabbed a sonographer and they confirmed that.. we, we're having triplets Casey.... We haven't conceived just one child. We've conceived t-" He spoke, voice thick with emotion. The bathroom door opened, Casey looked up at him, a delicate smile on her face, with small tears running down her cheeks, "We're having triplets?" she asked softly, trying not to let her voice break as she reached out and rested her hand on Ethan's cheek, he leant into her touch and smiled as she gently stroked his stubble with her thumb. He nodded as his own tears fell from his eyes. "And I want to keep them. I'm ready to be a father to 3 of the most amazing kids I will ever have the pleasure of knowing. I-" He started to speak again but his voice broke. The purity and happiness if this moment shone and lit the whole house up. Some would say you could hear a chorus of angels if you listened close enough. The two stood in the hallway basking in their moment of happiness as Ethan's revelation set in. They cuddled and swayed together to the music in their heads. Neither feeling their current state of happiness ever before.
Soon, Casey spoke quietly not wanting to disturb the happy peace too much, "You mean it? You're ready for parenthood?" She asked as she looked up meeting Ethan's gaze. He nodded. "I'm ready." He answered quietly, pressing a kiss to her lips and then the two headed upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. The happiness still shining bright around them, they enjoyed the peace knowing soon, it would no longer exist for a while.
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krysyuy · 4 years
Episode 5 aka “omfg, I love this drama”. I actually didn’t think it would take the whole episode to find Hee Seong/Hyun Soo, but the writer has continued to surprise me. I didn’t even realize how much time had passed before the episode was over. I love how smart Ji Won is. The drama is letting her use her brains. She’s not being dumbed down or being mislead to drag out the reveal of HS’s involvement. The watch is what tips her off to who she had been chasing earlier and, looking back, she realizes she recognizes that face. (“No way. I can recognize you even from your shadow.”) Of course, she struggles with this even as she conceals the evidence. She knows this is Bad, and right now, no one can find out. I feel a bit sorry for her hoobae who had no idea why she’s snapping at him. ^^;; And then he was along for the ride with JW and her tunnel vision as she tried to apprehend the taxi driver. Aside from the bizarre scene at police headquarters (though it was funny xD), I like that we got to see the detectives do their jobs, tracking down and using clues to figure out where the suspect is. I take back everything I said about the sunbae. (Please don’t die!!) We even get to see the Team Leader out in the field when he informs HS’s “parents” about what happened. But no wonder HS didn’t want JW near his “mom”. She has no chill whatsoever under pressure. HS was right, JW would see right through her. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Team Leader recalls this interaction later because she was frankly being way too obvious. Any lenient feelings I may have had for the parents has shriveled up. They are absolutely going to throw Hyun Soo under the bus. I mean, they state it explicitly. Well, the father does. The mom actually didn’t seem as sure, but that might just be me giving her the benefit of the doubt after her moment of weakness during her conversation with Hyun Soo in the pharmacy. Anyways, I don’t trust either of them, and I’m sure HS is gonna have to deal with their shit (and their real son) in the back half of the drama. I didn’t get any shady vibes from the sister previously, but I sure as hell have them now, lol. “Keep it [the goldfish charm] on you at all times”??? Did she say that to ensure he would have a piece of evidence on him linking him to the serial murders if/when he was ever caught? Where is that charm now? Is JW going to find it in the basement?! (And then burn it in that bonfire from the trailer? 👀) Despite this revelation of where the goldfish charm came from, Hyun Soo remained stubbornly quiet. He was willing to die for his sister rather than reveal what he knows. If HS had told the taxi driver, he knows Hae Soo would’ve been the next target. I hope that loyalty isn’t misplaced. While I suspect her a bit, I’m still 50/50 on if she’s evil or messed up just like her brother. But god, all of Hyun Soo’s confrontation scenes with the taxi driver. *chef’s kiss* (Give LJG all the awards.) The driver clearly wasn’t listening to him. He only wanted information that Hyun Soo could not give him. I wonder if he actually believed him at the very end when HS denied it yet again. The more we learn about HS and JW in the past, the more I love them. JW mentioned possible robbers because of the blackout, and I didn’t think HS got the message from his reaction. But he stays outside the store until the electricity comes back on (╥﹏╥)♥ There was absolutely no reason for him to do that if he didn’t care on some level, and at this point, they’re just barely acquaintances too. And then their conversation in 2008… they were both honest and straightforward with each other. (Well, HS was as honest as he could be without divulging the darkest of his secrets.) HS had been trying to drive her away for her own good, and he told her point-blank about what’s wrong with him/why he isn’t suitable as a potential partner. But JW is undeterred and goes on about how he has only one problem, which she has the solution to. She sees something in him that he doesn’t, but she will love him, she will be there for him, she’ll teach him whatever he needs to know… and then things will change. And they did. Ji Won took the time to see him, and Hyun Soo works on himself, betters himself, for her. They manage to carve out a happy, peaceful life for themselves. But the drowning scene! God, it didn’t disappoint. I’m trash for when my OTPs are in life or death situations, and one half is desperate and frantic with worry over the other. JW has figuratively and now literally breathed life into HS (╥﹏╥) JW didn’t have time to fully process HS’s presence in his hometown since she got sidetracked and found out he was kidnapped. In the next episode, she’ll definitely start to put clues together. If she doesn’t figure out his identity right away, she’ll be set on that path. HS will also be in the hospital recovering, so she has time to snoop and come to her own conclusions without him running interference. It will be so interesting if JW figures it out, but she doesn’t say anything or confront him right away. So he doesn’t know that she knows, and he’ll continue acting “normal” and give his excuses about why he was at the inn, etc. Meanwhile, JW is uncovering the full truth and perhaps misunderstanding a few things along the way. The ending montage had me so confused, lol. I initially thought they were part of HS’s memories but then they dropped the future parts too. Plus we also have JW wandering around on her own, so that’s another mark against it being his memories. Instead of the normal ending credits, they decided to give us this sneak peek, probably partially as promo for the new OST. Like a mini MV clip. I think it also might be because everything will change in the next episode, but I guess we’ll see. There’s also so much going on in that montage, I don’t even know where to start. Is their relationship doomed? (╥﹏╥) That’s the vibe I was getting, especially from those angsty parts where they’re both emotional and he has dried blood on his face and she’s crying. Then it looks like he leaves her, and I’m assuming she told him to go… Don’t mess with my heart like this!1!! My Twitter liveblog for Ep5: twitter.com/krysyuy/status/1293643015672619008
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
#3 Erasermic? If you have the time and energy of course!
Time? Energy? What are these mysterious things xD Absolutely I will do this for you! (did you send me two Omegaverse requests btw, if you did, they are currently in the works!) 
Welp! Annnnywayyyy, here you go!
Shouta Aizawa constantly found himself in sticky situations. Being an underground hero had its major downsides, and on the other hand had major upsides. Being able to operate alone fell in upsides and unfortunately downsides. 
His current predicament? Possibly broken ribs and a severely twisted ankle. Well, he wanted to say it was a twisted ankle. By the looks of it alone. Probably not. The skin around his ankle being a sickly looking dark black and blue with purple mixed it around the edges. Every single time, legitimately, every single time he tried to put any type of pressure onto his foot, the pain would spark through his entire leg and he would collapse in pain. His head felt as if it was splitting into two at that point. 
How this happened? He would never admit. Stupid miscalculations and going to quickly for his own good. Nope. If anyone asked. It was a villain. He would rather admit to a defeat that never happened than admit to this. 
His phone was completely shattered and unusable. He tried, multiple times. The retched device might also be even more broken at this point from his frustration and a nearby wall. 
Now he was just sitting in dirty, damp, and smelly alleyway with absolutely no way to contact anyone. Unless he screamed. But he wasn’t Hizashi. No one would hear him. It was the middle of the night on a Friday. The only people who would be out where heroes like himself, criminals, and drunk people. He would not entrust a drunk person to his welfare. Absolutely not. He’s been down that road once and never again would he ever let that happen. 
The ground in the alleyway was soaking through his pants and shirt from the rain from earlier that day. He was wet, cold, and, in a seriously terrible mood. This night couldn’t possibly get worse but at the same time and knowing his luck, it would. For his sanity, he hoped it didn’t. 
After this year and all the shit that has happened. He would gladly just see to his death in this alleyway. Because of his own stupidity. Yup, this was the end for him. 
“Shouta?” Shouta raised his head to see Hizashi standing at the end of the alleyway with his phone up to his ear. The blonde’s face was completely pale and his emerald green eyes wide that Shouta could see the white’s of his eyes around his sunglasses. 
“Um, hi, Zashi.” Shouta muttered, putting his head back down onto the concrete. 
Footsteps echoed through the alleyway, notifying him that Hizashi indeed came down the alleyway. Of course he would though. They were married afterall. 
“What happened, Shou?!” Hizash exclaimed the second he managed to survey the injury on Shouta’s foot. The blonde kneeled next to him completely silent. 
“I plead the fifth.” Shouta stated, trying everything to make it seem like he wasn’t in pain. He had an extremely high pain tolerance and Hizashi knew it. He just didn’t want Hizashi to know exactly how much pain he was in. 
Hizashi snorted. “We live in Japan. Not America.” He replied. 
“Than I choose not to incriminate myself!” Shouta retorted. 
Hizashi rolled his eyes, unlocking his phone. “I’ll call an ambulance.” He stated, not pushing the issue any further. 
Shouta shot up, wincing loudly as he grabbed at his torso. “No!” The black haired male practically screamed, causing Hizashi to look at him with wide eyes. “I mean, just call Recovery Girl. I don’t want to go to the hospital. Recovery Girl does a better job anyway.” 
“Are you sure? She would scold you worse than any doctor would.” Hizashi questioned. 
“I would rather face the wrath of the old lady compared to telling an ER doctor what happened.” Shouta whined. 
Hizashi rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat. “Well, up you go. Lets get you home.” The man stated, grabbing both of Shouta’s wrists and pulling the man up. Shouta bit his lip to keep the pained groan from leaving him as he was now to his feet, attempting to keep the weight off of his injured ankle. He gasped as Hizashi turned and he was pulled onto the man’s back with Hizashi’s hands holding his thighs. Shouta’s arms were now over Hizashi’s shoulders and his head resting on the blonde’s shoulder. 
Hizashi huffed slightly, starting the track out of the alleyway and down the street in the direction of their home. They were a good thirty minute walk from U.A. plus the ten minute walk to the teacher’s dorms on campus. 
The first ten minutes of the walk had been in silence. Hizashi made a noise in his throat, adjusting Shouta on his back. The Erasure hero cast him a concerned look. “Zashi, am I hurting you? Put me down. I’m heavy.” 
Hizashi turned his head, looking at Shouta with a toothy smile. “You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy. I’ve got you, love.” The blonde replied. “I’m more concerned about hurting you.”
Shouta sighed, putting his chin on Hizashi’s shoulder. Hizashi was not a person that could be easily swayed. 
Shouta was sure he had fallen asleep at one point cause when he reopened his eyes, the door to his apartment was being opened and Hizashi was placing him gently on the bed. The blonde smiled softly down at him, moving some of his black hair out of his face. “You need out of those clothes before you get sick.” He whispered, reaching forward to start stripping the man out of his clothes. With his ruined costume disposed of, Hizashi grabbed a pair of sweats and a loose t-shirt. Helping Shouta get into those clothes as well. “I called Recovery Girl already, she’s on her way.” 
It was almost as if on cue when a knock at Shouta’s door alerted them that Recovery Girl had arrived. Hizashi walked over, opening the door and letting the woman in. Recovery Girl had a scowl on her face, still in her pajamas as she looked at the Erasure Hero. “Fell off the roof again?” 
“Again?” Hizashi questioned, his eyes wide as he looked at Shouta. 
Shouta shrugged. “The side was wet.” 
Recovery Girl sighed. “What have I told you about jumping from roof top to roof top on days that it had rained?” 
“Watch my step?” 
Recovery Girl rolled her eyes. “No. Do not jump on roofs, so I don’t have to do this.” She took in a deep breath, walking over to where he was laying on the bed. Quickly examining his ankle. “What else hurts?” 
“My ribs and my head.” Shouta replied. 
She nodded, leaning forward and placing a quirk activated kiss to Shouta’s ankle. Shouta wanted to cry in relief as the pain from his ankle quickly evaporated. She moved up, placing another to his side and finally one to his forehead. Recovery Girl turned to Hizashi once she had been completed. “Keep an eye on the ankle and his head. He should be perfectly fine. Make sure he stays in bed and off of that ankle for the rest of the night. That means bed rest. If he gets out, put him back by force.” 
“Chiyo!” Shouta whined. 
Recovery Girl turned, leveling a glare on him. “You heard me.” She said, the sass clear in her voice as she smiled. “Take it easy, Aizawa. I wish you would be more careful.” 
“Might want to ice the ankle to just in case of swelling.” Recovery Girl added as she turned and looked at Hizashi once more. 
The blonde nodded. “Thank you, Chiyo. Sorry for having to get you up for this.” 
“Its the usual. Aizawa was a problem child as a teen to. He’s my problem child apparently.” Recovery Girl stated with a shrug. “Rest up, Aizawa. I will check on you in the morning.” 
Shouta smiled. “Thanks, Chiyo.” He said as Recovery Girl exited the apartment, the door clicking shut behind her. 
Shouta turned his head, looking over to Hizashi who was already grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and a tea towel. The blonde walked back over to the bed, slipping on next to Shouta. He gently placed the ice on Shouta’s ankle, the other man wincing from the sudden coldness. Hizashi gave him a soft smile. “Problem child, huh?” 
Shouta snorted. “Shut up and cuddle me.” 
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shijiujun · 4 years
[ENG] History3: Trapped Novel - Epilogue One: “And After, Tang Yi & Shao Fei”
~3,700 words
Translation Masterpost can be found here
Disclaimer: Translations are entirely mine and Wei’s - these are not official translations and some phrases have been changed for better English interpretation so you’ll definitely see better/different translations elsewhere. Also keeping in mind when we translated this we aren’t exactly thinking about the style of writing and this translation is as close to the novel as we can make it XD So yes, some parts may be a little awkward to read. And yes some teeny weeny details and words may not turn up in the translation because the Chi to Eng mind acrobatics didn’t work out. If you see asterisks, scroll all the way to the bottom for notes!
Epilogue One: “And After, Tang Yi & Shao Fei”
N Years Later, Shi Hao Corporation’s Building
A secretary, wearing high heels and dressed in a sharp blazer and pencil skirt ensemble, holds onto a freshly printed contract for a construction project and walks into the meeting room. 
She bends slightly, standing next to the CEO and says softly, “Boss, this is the second version of the contract, if I could trouble you to check it over?” 
“Nnn, just leave it here and I’ll have a look at it later. And also, make an appointment with Boss Chen for tomorrow evening at 7pm later, at…”
The man, clad in a sleek suit, simultaneously gives his secretary her tasks while listening to each department manager reporting on their respective progress. Suddenly, from the man’s jacket pocket comes the sound of a phone’s vibrations, and all the subordinates seated nearer to him all gesture to the other people in the room with their gazes and mouths after realising what is going on. At that, even the department manager currently giving his presentation ceases to speak, as he points the controller at the screen projector to pause his timed presentation.
“Ex-boss, Captain Meng has gotten injured, and he’s already been sent to Dr Jiang’s private hospital.”
The man immediately stands from his seat after ending the call and straightens out the wrinkles in his shirt before walking out of the silent meeting room with an upset expression on his face. Only when the CEO has entirely disappeared from their line of vision does everyone exhale nervously, as if a ban has just been lifted with the man’s departure.
“Whew…. Let the boys know to go over to Dr Jiang’s hospital and stay there, don’t let Boss or Captain Meng run into any more problems.”
After so many years of working on reforming Xing Tian Meng, the Xing Tian Meng that existed in the underworld no longer exists, and while it is entirely unavoidable that they still have some influence there, major departments in the company have actively tried not to step into the dealings of the underworld again.
“Should we call CEO Zuo to come back and take over?” 
The department manager who was interrupted and forced to pause halfway through his presentation directs the question at the people seated nearest to him, looking at the projector.
“You fucking-”
Used to using these profanities to start any sentence, the man who just spoke automatically trails off. He glares at the department manager instead. 
Coughing awkwardly, he says, “Do you want to die? Even if CEO Zuo said yes, Brother Dao Yi will never agree to it.”
Everyone else nods fervently.
That’s right, CEO Zuo and Brother Dao Yi finally got pregnant after much difficulty three years after they got married, and seeing as she was expected to be due in a few days, who would dare to ask CEO Zuo to come back to the office to handle work at this point? The Boss getting angry was one thing, but first they would have to go through Brother Dao Yi.
Geez! Just thinking about it makes everyone shiver and break out in cold sweat.
“Forget it, let’s settle the items that do not need the Boss’ final decision first, and the rest, we’ll wait for the boss to come back.”
“You’re right.”
Everyone present in the room is at the managerial level, so they immediately come up with a replacement for today’s agenda and continue with Shi Hai Corporation’s scheduled meeting while waiting for the boss, even if they don’t know when he’ll actually come back.
“Fuck! Meng Shao Fei do you think that I’m that free every day? Didn’t I warn you not to rush to the frontlines and take on everything by yourself first every time you run into a problem? I still have two surgeries to scrub in on today, and in the end? I have to be here to wrap up your wounds for you. God, my life is so tough. This can obviously be passed on to a nurse to deal with but because of someone’s orders, I have to repeatedly revise my Year One course in basic nursing.”
Dr Jiang glares at the Captain who was personally escorted to his hospital just for a small 10cm wound, made by a perp with a knife.
“Hehe, thank you!” laughs Shao Fei breathily with his mouth wide, as he sits on the hospital bed and enjoys the special treatment that the hospital usually affords only their top VIPs.
That year, Captain Shi was thoroughly investigated by prosecutors due to his involvement with illicit drug smuggling and the double homicide case, which ended with him leaving the police force for good. And that very night that Captain Shi took the congratulatory pastries from Shao Fei from his daughter’s wedding, he left Shao Fei with one thing.
“Shao Fei, I’ll leave Team 3 in your hands.”
In the beginning, he didn’t understand what Captain Shi meant, until the new staff shuffle orders came from Human Resources, and that’s when he found out that Chief, while making his confession to his superiors, also offered a suggestion to their commanding officer.
“If you guys are looking for someone to take over my position and continue to lead Team 3, I recommend Meng Shao Fei to take on the position of Captain.”
Just like that, after a period of training and assessments, he is now sitting in Chief’s previous position. Before, the sound of Chief yelling was the thing Team 3 heard the most often; now, the responsibility of teaching the rookies has fallen on Shao Fei’s head.
“Meng. Shao. Fei!”
A cold voice echoes, and each word stabs right at Shao Fei’s ears as the door to the hospital room slides open.
The man whose name was called immediately freezes, and with wide eyes, Shao Fei looks at Tang Yi approaching him, not daring to move in the slightest.
“You’re finally here,” Dr Jiang side eyes the man who he expects would be here, and his voice dripping with sarcasm, he comments lightly, “Tang Yi, your darling baby’s wound has been given stitches and is all wrapped up properly. Hurry bring him home and discipline him, and stop wasting my gauze and antiseptic solution! He’s also taking up my VIP ward!”
Once he is done speaking, Dr Jiang pats at his robes with his hands and leaves the ward with the emergency first aid kit with him.
Tang Yi walks over to the side of the bed. Gently picking up Shao Fei’s bandaged left arm and hand, he asks with furrowed brows, “What happened this time?”
“How would I have known that the perp had a second knife on him? A moment of carelessness… and… this happened.”
Shao Fei swallows hard, and decides to omit the part where the knife came really close to his arterial vein on his neck, lest his ‘punishment’ becomes more severe.
Suddenly, Tang Yi takes out a metal pen from his chest pocket, plucking off the pen’s cover and viciously scratches himself on the arm, in the same spot as Shao Fei’s wound.
“What are you doing?!” Shao Fei yells angrily, and snatches Tang Yi’s weapon in hand away.
“Does your heart hurt?”
Shao Fei grits his teeth and reaches out for the call button to get Dr Jiang who just left the room to come back. Just as he’s about to do so, Tang Yi firmly locks his hand around Shao Fei’s wrist to stop his movements.
“How much does it hurt?”
“It hurts a lot! You better fucking let go of me, I’m going to find Dr. Jiang-”
Tang Yi suddenly moves to cradle Shao Fei’s face with his hands, and kisses Shao Fei, who is in the midst of yelling at him.
Shao Fei has gotten used to intimacy with Tang Yi and out of habit, simply returns the kiss passionately, until rationality returns to him. Only then does Shao Fei push at Tang Yi, who’s kissing him so deeply. Idly, he chides himself for letting his mind wander off to other things right at this moment.
“Have you cooled down?”
“Not possible,” Shao Fei says as he picks up some tissue from the side and presses on the wound Tang Yi made on his left arm, treating the cut in the crudest way possible.
“Meng Shao Fei, since you can’t protect yourself well and not make me worry, then on the same spot where you get injured, I will injure myself as well. If you don’t want to see me continue hurting myself, then please restrain yourself, and protect yourself well. Your body is no longer just yours, because it’s an extension of me, and likewise, our bodies now belong to each other.”
“I’m sorry…. Tang Yi, I’m sorry…,” Shao Fei says guiltily, his mouth pressed next to Tang Yi’s ear and hugging the man before him tight.
“We’re finally together after so much hardship, I really don’t want to lose you.”
“I know…”
“So tonight, forget about sleeping.”
The sudden switch in Tang Yi’s mood stuns Shao Fei, who was feeling so guilty a second ago. Now, all he can do is make weird noises, his mouth wide open.
“Alright, I’ve got to head back to the office and deal with work.”
Certain now that Shao Fei does not have any life-threatening injuries, Tang Yi kisses Shao Fei softly on the forehead and leaves the VIP-only ward with a smile.
“What a cunning strategist.”
Dr Jiang is leaning against the wall outside of the room, waiting for Tang Yi as he the man walks out of the ward.
Tang Yi looks at him out of the corners of his eyes, and laughs wryly, “Likewise. I cannot compare to Dr Jiang who took advantage of Xiao Shu Gong’s compassionate heart and conned his way into his affections by acting all innocent and pitiful.”*
“Tang Yi, are you happy right now?”
“Then that’s all good.”
With that, Dr Jiang, who still has two surgeries scheduled for the day, immediately turns around and coolly waves, his back faced towards this good friend who he has known for so many years now.
Next to a road
“Ex-boss, Captain Meng has gotten injured, and he’s already been sent to Dr Jiang’s private hospital.”
After sending ‘intel’ back to Tang Yi, Jack keeps his phone in his jacket’s pocket and continues to appreciate his little, hot-blooded police officer (boyfriend).
“You! And you! Bring him back and proceed with getting his statement, and remember to apply for an arrest warrant with the prosecutor's office.”
Zhao Zi is standing downstairs and very naturally commanding the other team members to finish their job here.
A young police officer, who was transferred over to Team 3 just half a month ago, asks with concen apparent over his face, “Will Captain be okay?”
“Don’t worry! That shady doctor is very good at his job, ah-”
Realizing what he just said, Zhao Zi quickly covers his mouth. Looking around sheepishly and only after making sure that no one within earshot would expose him to said shady doctor does Zhao Zi put down his hands.
He pats at the young officer’s shoulder and says, “Someone else will take care of anything that happens to Ah Fei. All we have to do is finish up here.”
“Okay, Zhao Zi Ge.”***
The young officer bows to Zhao Zi respectfully, then jogs over to a nearby store to request to look at their surveillance footage.
“Hehe, he called me ‘Ge’!” 
Now that he’s finally been promoted from ‘Zhao Zi’ to ‘Zhao Zi Ge’, Zhao Zi scratches at the back of his head with a really happy grin, but suddenly, he hears his stomach growl. He bends his head to look at his abdomen.
“Ah! It’s 6pm!”
His body alarm is even more precise than a clock as his stomach sounds at exactly 6pm to remind him to eat. Just as he’s looking around him to find a restaurant, he hears a familiar trumpet sound from behind him on the left, and a loud voice calling his name.
“Shorty! Here, over here!”
Zhao Zi turns on his left and immediately discovers the huge food truck parked next to the road, and on the truck’s signage, today’s menu is written - Fried beef noodles, Beef Hor Fun, Beef Mui Fan, Beef Fried Rice, and Beef Noodles.
Zhao Zi’s attention is captured by all the delicious food. He swallows and walks to the truck, and with bright eyes, he looks at Jack, who has since left his life as a mercenary behind since his days at Xing Tian Meng, with something akin to worship.
“How did you know that I wanted to eat all these?”
“I’m your personal chef, of course I know what you’re thinking.”
Jack, who has now become ‘Fang Liang Dian’, has finally returned to life as a common, normal man. Although his Swiss bank account has enough savings to let him spend over three lifetimes, he finds that a too-relaxed life is not suitable for him, and so he has now become Zhao Zi’s house-husband. Aside from being responsible for the shorty’s meals after he returns home, he also bought a food truck, and everyday all he does is chase after his little police officer across the whole of Taiwan on this truck so that he can provide Zhao Zi with piping hot delicious food at any time.
“Wow, I want a bowl of fried beef noodles, a beef hor fun, and another beef fried rice!”****
“No problem.”
A police car suddenly approaches the truck, and Lu Jun Wei pokes his head out of the window inquisitively, then orders unceremoniously.
“You’re here again? Just in time, I was getting hungry too, can I have a plate of beef mui fan please?”
“Of course, I’ll have to take 1000 NTD from the customer,” Jack says with a smile to this unwelcome guest who interrupted the conversation between him and his shorty.*****
“What?! 1000NTD? Are you fucking scamming me?”
Jack looks at him with disdain, and shakes his head at Jun Wei, “If I told you, that these dishes were made with Japan’s A5 Wagyu Beef, will you still say that I’m scamming you?”
A, A5 Wagyu beef?! Just a few small cubes would cost up to 2000 or 3000 NTD, and he’s actually using this beef so luxuriously in a dish of fried noodles? Fried rice? Fried hor fun? And even beef noodles?
“You’ll be punished by the gods,” Jun Wei says, but still takes out two 1000 NTD notes from his wallet, “I’ll still like to have a beef hor fun and a bowl of beef noodles.”
Even though he feels sorry towards his wallet which just became full with his salary being credited for the month, towards this accessible price, if he doesn’t eat, he will let himself down.
“No problem at all, I’ll help the customer prepare his order, but the shorty gets priority, always.”
“Yes… I totally understand…”
This isn’t the first day Jun Wei is meeting Jack, how could he not know that this man’s principle of putting his Zhao Zi first?
Zhao Zi touches his ear and with a bit of embarrassment, says, “Jun Wei, sorry about this. I was here a few minutes earlier than you, that’s why.”
Jun Wei rolls his eyes at his junior who’s always this slow on the uptake, and cannot be bothered to explain to Zhao Zi why exactly his turn is behind Zhao Zi’s.
In the delivery room
“Gu, Dao, Yi,” Hong Ye, who’s currently lying on the operating table getting ready to deliver, yells angrily as she holds onto Dao Yi’s hand.
“Don’t get angry, don’t get angry. Remember you have to breathe later, breathe in, and breathe out… That’s right, breathe in, breathe out… Very good. Miss, you’re doing very well.”
“Didn’t I tell you that you’re not allowed to call me ‘miss’ anymore? Damn it! Where did that doctor go?”
“I’m sorry, don’t get so worked up der. Dr Jiang has already assigned his junior from the maternity center to be in charge of your delivery, so don’t worry. After all, Dr Jiang does not specialise in this.”
“Junior?! Can that doctor’s junior be trusted? Ah…. I’m in so much pain…”
“Don’t worry dear, Dr Wu’s reputation precedes him in this field, just leave yourself and the baby in his hands!”
“Gu Dao Yi I’m telling you first, I’m definitely not having a second one!”
Damn it, if it wasn’t because of how much she loved this man, Hong Ye would never have insisted on having their own baby, destroying her figure and taking on the risks of pregnancy and then giving birth to the child. 
“Okay okay, we won’t, we won’t, our hands will be full with one child anyway.”
“Ah…. ouch-”
A few hours later, Hong Ye successfully gave birth to a cute daughter, and the new mom who has used up all her strength during delivery is wheeled into a single ward to rest.
A week later, the new baby’s uncles can finally visit at the newborn’s nursery in the hospital and are queuing up outside along the corridor, waiting for the curtains to be pulled open in five minutes. 
After the curtains are pulled back, Shao Fei is the first one rushing to the windows with Hong Ye’s ward number, and inside, a nurse swiftly finds the baby among all the other babies in the room, bringing her to the window. 
Shao Fei looks excitedly at the little baby, and says, “Wow, how adorable, Tang Yi look, next time the little princess will call you Uncle!”
“Don’t worry! I’ll teach her to first call you ‘aunt’!”
Tang Yi looks at his lover and smirks, and Shao Fei returns his remark with an eyeroll.
Jack moves over to Dao Yi’s side, smiles and nods, “Dao Yi Ge, you’ve worked hard.”
Ever since Hong Ye’s pregnancy began, her temper became worser than before, and even Tang Yi who dotes on her the most was angered so much a few times, to the point where he just walked away, simmering with fury. Shao Fei usually argues with Hong Ye every meal on a normal day, not to mention during the period when she was pregnant. Only Dao Yi, who’s so well tempered, can handle his wife’s notorious temper, facing it with a smile from day one.
“Miss- Hong Ye worked even harder,” Dao Yi smiles.
Even though they’ve been married for a few years, old habits are really hard to change and he often calls her ‘Miss’, which resulted in Hong Ye leaving the house in anger, because she really hates that.
These nine months they really troubled the gelato ice-cream store’s boss. Usually, the boss changes the flavours available rather often, but to soothe his Hong Ye, Dao Yi asked him to always have the mint chocolate and mango sorbet flavours in store, just waiting for Hong Ye to visit. It also helped Dao Yi to know exactly where he could pick up Hong Ye from whenever she left the house angry.
Jack’s lips curve as he walks towards Zhao Zi, who’s pressed against the window glass entertaining the little princess. Sliding his arm around Zhao Zi’s waist, he asks, “You like children so much?”
“Of course I do! Babies are so adorable, who wouldn’t like them?”
“I don’t. They’re noisy, a nuisance, and they don’t understand human speech.”
The most important thing is, he can’t even lock the baby up in a cage like he would a pet, because he would be charged with abusing a child.
Zhao Zi looks so wistful then, and says, “So you don’t like children? And here I was thinking during Lunar New Year we’ll spring clean and take out my childhood photos for you to see. In this case, forget it then!”
“Wait! You said… whose childhood pictures?”
“Me! If not, who else?”
The moment he hears that it’s Zhao Zi’s photos, he demands, “I want to see!”
“Didn’t you say you dislike kids? They’re noisy, a nuisance, and don’t understand human speech? I think we should just forget it, what if you see me when I was younger, and then end up disliking me now?”
“Impossible,” retorts Jack immediately.
“But what if?”
“As long as it’s you, the younger you, or the older you… I like them all.”
Zhao Zi feels his cheeks heat then, and turns to look at Shao Fei, who’s laughing at him from the side.
“You, you, be quiet! You’re going to bother the little princess.”
“I don’t care, take out all the photos and give them to me. Everything of yours, they’re mine.”
Once Jack sees Zhao Zi agree, his face all red, Jack’s expression morphs into that of a smile, and then he also bends forward to look at the fidgeting little baby on the other side of the glass.
“Hey, shorty.”
“You really like children that much?”
Zhao Zi looks at his lover, and teases, “Didn’t you just ask me that?”
“Then…” Jack deliberately trails on, looking at the shorty’s face from the side, and very naughtily continues, “Shall we give birth to one then?”
Zhao Zi stares with wide eyes, turning to glare at Jack.
“No, one is not enough, you have to give me two. They better both be daughters, and they should look like me. When they grow up they’re guaranteed to be beauties,” Jack begins to fantasize about his future daughters.
He’s very proud and confident about his own looks.
“Fang, Liang, Dian!” Zhao Zi says through gritted teeth, syllable by syllable.
“Giving birth? Fucking hell, I’m a man! Go and die!”******
Zhao Zi lifts his leg and takes aim at one of Jack’s legs, but the man easily dodges the kick. With one person kicking and the other one dodging, in the end the both of them make so much noise that the head nurse ends up kicking them both out of the floor that holds the nursery room.
*”The artefact which has just been unearthed” - This is from the last episode, where Dr Jiang basically calls Tang Yi an antique which has never seen the light - In Chinese it works as a ‘name’ to call Tang Yi, but when translated there’s no way to translate it correctly without it sounding dumb lmao! The closest would be Dr Jiang going ‘hey you antique’ but that’s not exactly what the words mean, so I went with Tang Yi instead of “the artefact”
**Xiao Shu Gong is one of the characters from History2: Right of Wrong, Shi Yi Jie’s friend who seems to be an archaeologist as well, and he’s paired with Dr Jiang canonically in Trapped.
***Ge means ‘Brother’
*****1000NTD is about 32USD
******I think I spoke to @florbexter on this when I first gave my very messy synopsis/summary on the chapter like... a gazillion months ago, and hmm yeah I ain’t too fond of this trope tbh. Read at your own risk and also this author is really NOT known for good writing. if you enjoy it great tho! if not don’t worry, and don’t think too much about it because... yeah this author and some details of the epilogue, not so great. We win some, we lose some, unfortunately.
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