#someone give it a modelo
powerison · 6 months
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king bolete by larry
0 notes
pineapplequencher · 5 months
five stars ੈ✩‧₊˚
wherein surfer portgas d. ace tries his hand at snowboarding. he fails, but he's pretty sure he's met the love of his life.
surfer!ace, snowboarder!mc, afab reader, unedited, sfw, 3.6k words
tw: blood mention
a/n: this is my entrance exam into floptropica university (i also suck and snowboarding and avoid it. im a surfing girl. sorry if i got osmething wrong)
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Should be easy enough, Ace thinks. I surf, so this’ll probably be easy. Besides, what’s the difference between snowboarding and surfing? He’s totally gonna shred regardless. 
But the gear is heavy, and the boots are clunky, and the helmet looks ridiculous. He’s used to the autonomy of having no shirt on, with sun on his back and wind through his hair. The air here is frosty and unkind, the sun is hidden behind a blanket of clouds, and the other people in the gondola line look mean.
As he approaches the gondola to take him up the mountain, a worker with green hair and goggles barks at someone else before he turns to Ace. Ace hefts the heavy board under his arm and gives the worker a cheeky grin. “Hey.”
The worker’s name tag sports chipped letters—Zoro—and the worker himself gives Ace a tight line of a smile. 
“Hey, uh, after I get on this thing”—Ace motions to the swinging carriages supported by the lines that stretch to the high, white peak—“which way do I go to get to the bunny hill?” Zoro’s lips twitch, as if in an effort to hold back a laugh. Ace, a bit insecure now, adds, “My brothers went up before me, and I’m new to the area.”
Zoro glances at the mountain, then back to Ace. He checks his clipboard and readjusts the goggles over his eyes. Ace is sure those aren’t prescription-based, but Zoro’s voice is confident. “Sounds like you’re headed for Drum Island Hill. I think you take a right, and then a left. Should be right there.”
“Thanks, man,” Ace replies coolly.
“Yeah,” Zoro says. He turns back to his busywork. “You should probably strap a boot in before you go up. Okay, stand there, and the ski lift will take you up.”
Ace does so and waddles to the area. He flops his bulky body on the bench. This is his first time doing a winter sport, and he didn’t want to pay the hefty fee of lessons. The ski lift gains traction and lifts him into the air. 
When he reaches the top, he stumbles off the bench. He’s not used to his foot directly strapped onto his board. It gives him no leeway. He balances poorly and dismisses the worker that’s about to help him.
“I got it,” Ace says. “I’m good.”
Now, what did that guy below say? Ace peeks down the mountain. This is way higher than he thought. This is where the bunny hill is, right? He looked online at the review, and it said that this place is good for beginners. He’s starting to doubt the Internet’s honesty. 
Ace traverses across the hard, thick snow. He sludges his strapped boot behind him, copying the fellow snowboarders, and takes his steps with utmost carefulness. A right and a left. Should be easy enough, Ace consoles himself again. 
Having another board strapped to his foot feels like cheating on his surfboard at home, though.
After he drags his body to the right, he makes his way past a few wooden cabins with skis perched outside. He must be headed the right direction. A few skiers chat and laugh as they leave the cabin, Modelos in hand. Ace doesn’t feel that safe here anymore, but he has to meet Luffy and Sabo. And master this craft. He paid good money to rent the snowboard and gear. Can’t let it go to waste.
Once Ace reaches a thick collective of white-tipped evergreens, Ace scratches his head. This is a good spot to turn left. He navigates through the forest until he notices a sign: Black Diamond. That doesn’t sound like Drum Hill Island, but the names of these mountains go hard. Maybe they’re synonymous.
There’s very few people here—only two besides Ace—and one measly cabin. It looks closed. One of the snowboarders nods their head at the other and tightens the goggles. Then, they disappear down the snow. Ace’s gaze follows them.
Um, Ace thinks.
The road is steep, with bumps and swirls that slither down the mountain. The skinny trail is fenced off by the forest, and rocks jut out sporadically. The snowboarder slides and turns around the rocks and flips off of a mound. They hoot.
Ace turns. There’s no Luffy. There’s no Sabo. Maybe they’ve begun to make their way down as well. The second snowboarder here pats Ace’s back. “Hey, man, you from around here? You look nervous.”
“I’m not,” Ace says. “First time.”
“First time here? Oh, dude, this path is hella fun. Mind the giant rock when you’re around thirty feet in, though. It’ll trip you up, and it’s for sure accident prone,” the snowboarder replies. Then, they flip their snow goggles over their eyes. “See you down there.”
Then, Ace’s last bit of company is gone.
Alone in the desolate snow, Ace fantasizes about his surfboard. Whatever. Everyone’s a beginner at whatever they do. Luffy and Sabo probably had so much fun without Ace already. That alone fuels Ace’s FOMO into transmission. He will surf this mountain, or whatever they say.
Ace shakes away his nerves. He fixes the goggles over his eyes and knocks on his helmet for good luck. Then, he fastens his other boot onto the board. This doesn’t feel right, but that’s just his muscle memory. Ace feebly totters to the edge of the path. The wind whistles in his ears, further emphasizing how alone he is at the top.
Before Ace could hype himself up more, his balance shifts, careening his board, and suddenly he’s plummeting down the mountain. Ace screams. 
He holds his arms out in an attempt to position himself better, but the speed at which he’s shredding this mountain makes it impossible for Ace to maintain himself. He swears the other boarders weren’t going as fast as he was. They were skidding and sliding alongside the mounds of snow. Ace is just skidding.
Ace wobbles on his board. It’s so skimpy and malleable compared to a surfboard. Every small adjustment he makes essentially carves his path down here. Somehow, Ace sees himself not making it out of here alive. He has to choose how he wants to go out. 
He sees how this could be fun to an experienced snowboarder. He’s not that guy.
A bump in the path sends Ace into the sky. Falling on his back sounds bad. Falling on his face sounds worse. With how thick the snow is, he could fall headfirst into the snow and never be seen again. Ace channels his energy into twisting his body so that he lands on his butt. A busted tailbone is an easy fix. 
He curls his body and braces for impact.
Once he hits the snow, he hits it hard. The ocean waves are much kinder when it comes to falling off. The back of his helmet slams against the harsh snow, and his ears ring in pain. His tailbone takes a direct hit against the sleet of snow and ice, and rapid throbs of pain follow. His head is dizzy, and momentarily his legs lose feeling. The weight of his snowboard tugs him further down. Ace flails his arms to hold himself in the snow. 
Ace unbuckles one of his boots, and he breathes a sigh of relief. He’s alive, that’s for sure, and it hurts. Ass planted in the snow, Ace stretches his limbs and decides to wait a few minutes before he creates an action plan. The snow did a number on him. He can’t think. He might throw up. He’s the perfect bait for a bear. He’s going to die. He can’t even push himself out of his ass-created hole in the snow.
The high altitude of the mountain allows for the wind to whip Ace’s helmeted head around. His heavy head lolls around his shoulders. He can’t breathe. Ace fumbles to undo the clip, and he sloughs his helmet off next to him. 
His black locks are damp on his forehead. Ace shakes the sweat from his head, but the rapid movement causes him to groan. His snowy, cold glove grasps his forehead. This biting pain is uncomfortable. He might have to wait for help.
Ace tosses his helmet to the side and sighs, waiting for the pain to subside. What he tripped on must have been the rock in the road the other snowboarder informed him about. Just his luck.
Then, a giant shadow crosses the sky. Ace looks up. 
It’s another snowboarder flying above him. His mouth is open. He should shout for help, right?
Their form is impeccable—it’s something you see on a YouTube video. Their hand is gripped on the edge of the board, their knees tucked, and their other arm splayed out. Ace would give a lot to see a GoPro video of this person shredding snow.
He doesn’t need to shout for help; the snowboarder notices Ace. The snowboarder is distracted long enough for them to release their hold on the board and tumble into the snow. Ace hears a crunch and winces.
Ace watches the other snowboarder tumble into the snow. So that’s how you fall, he notes. The snowboarder’s gloves grasps against the mountain snow. They’re quick to unbuckle their boots and check their limbs and ankles. After they do a windmill with their arms, they pick up their snowboard and use it to hike their way to Ace. Snow cascades down their covered shoulders.
Although the helmet and goggles conceal their expression, Ace has a feeling that this person is mad.
Since he’s stuck, he lets the angry snowboarder approach him. He gulps. The slow, steady, and experienced stomps of the snowboarder alongside the harsh pikes of their snowboard against the mountain lets Ace know that there’s more pain bound his way.
Once the snowboarder is close enough, they peel back their goggles to reveal their face and shed the helmet entirely. They tuck it under their arm and stake their snowboard into the snow.
Fuck, Ace thinks. Why’d it have to be a pretty girl?
Similar to Ace, her hair is damp against her forehead and is frizzy from the tight hold of the helmet. Her lashes fan over her cheeks when she blinks, and her nose is scrunched. The sun behind the woman infuses her with a brilliant glow, which causes Ace’s breath to hitch, and her rainbow-hued goggles glint. Her brows create a pinch in her glabella, and a sneer is plastered against her face. Forget the GoPro, Ace would give a lot to see this woman’s smile.
Then, he notices her bloody, bruised lip. 
“What—the fuck”—her voices comes out in angered pants—“is wrong—with you?” She pokes a gloved finger against Ace’s chest, and he throws his hands up in surrender. “You’re a hazard, hello? At least get out of the path.”
“Sorry,” Ace replies meekly. “Um, sorry about your lip, too.”
“You have a lot to be sorry for,” the woman hisses. “Where’s your etiquette?”
“I’m new here.”
She doesn’t let her bottom lip stop her from chastising Ace. In fact, blood drips onto the white snow, fresh and bright. “New to the area, or new to snowboarding?”
“New to snowboarding…” Ace lowers his arms. 
The woman’s hand flies up to her head. Her visible rage has yet to leave. “This is a Black Diamond path, AKA what they use to categorize the most dangerous paths, AKA where only pros go, AKA metrosexuals like you shouldn’t be here.”
He still has time to look suave in front of her. He brushes his hair back and says, “I figured. What’s your na—”
“You should be at Drum Hill Island. This is Skypiea.”
“Did you not see the experts only sign?” 
“I saw the Black Diamond sign,” Ace offers, but he must’ve added fuel to the fire since the woman plants a hand on her hip, unimpressed. “I—I didn’t know what that meant. I said I was a beginner.”
The woman sighs. “Give me a second.”
Ace watches her plod into the forest. She takes a moment to drop her helmet, unglove a hand, and check her phone in her pocket. She holds her phone close to her lip to see the damage. Then, she pockets her phone, fits her glove back onto her hand, and screams.
A flock of birds fly into the sky.
After she’s done, the woman grabs her helmet and slogs back to where Ace sits, still ass-down in the snow. Her blood begins to drip down her chin, a red trail is left behind in her wake. She’s too angry to pay attention to it, and Ace would rather not upset her more.
“You stuck?” she asks, her tone gentler than before, yet it still has an icy edge to it. 
“Yeah,” he admits.
The woman kneels down to unbuckle Ace’s foot free. She takes his snowboard and plants it into the ground next to him. She stands and dusts the snow from her knees, then she holds her hands out expectantly. Ace takes them, and she pulls him out of the snow. 
The force of it pushes her back—he’s a heavy, muscled guy, you know—and Ace trips over her. They land on the snow. Their faces are inches away from kissing, and Ace might’ve gone for it if she weren’t mad at him already, if her lip wasn’t bloody, and if he had some liquid courage. Both of their breaths come out in wispy tendrils of fog, and the woman’s face is studying Ace. He’s unsure if she’s incredulous or captured by his good looks.
He decides it’s the former when the woman says, “Can you get off.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he murmurs and pries himself away. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she says as she sits upright. “Rough landing. I’m used to it, though. Anyway, you’re lucky I know a way out of here.” She stands up, plucks her helmet from the ground, and holds the edge of her snowboard. “Just get your stuff and follow me. You’ll be fine, if you have no other injuries.”
“I’m okay,” Ace says. He might have a concussion. This woman really is pretty.
“That’s good. No need for a rescue helicopter, then.”
Ace chuckles. “Yeah, that might be too much.”
The woman’s eyes crinkle. She must be trying to smile, since her lips wobble and her brows are raised. Obviously, her new wound makes it impossible. Ace is kind of proud of himself, and then his confidence is lowered because it’s his fault she busted her lip open.
Without another word, the woman goes into the forest, leaving Ace to frantically gather his gear and stumble behind her. He jogs—and nearly slips—until he’s next to her. The woman says nothing to him as he catches glances at her. 
It isn’t until the woman stops to free her hand from her glove does Ace say, “I’m really sorry, by the way.”
The woman looks at him as she raises her careful hand to her bloody lip. She wipes some of it away and hisses at the pain. She looks at the red on her finger and wipes it on her snow pants. “It happens.”
They continue their journey. Granted, she has every right to be upset. Ace clears his throat. “Do you come here often?”
“Yeah, I do,” she says. “Whenever I’m on break, I make the trip up here.”
“From what I saw, you’re pretty good.”
The woman smiles, this time with great care, in consideration of her lip. “Thanks. Lots of practice. But I never had the audacity to try a Black Diamond on my first try.”
“I followed instructions, I swear,” Ace insists. “There was this guy down there—Zoro, or whatever—and he told me to take a right, then a left to get to the bunny hill. I literally did that and ended up here.”
“Oh, that guy’s working today. No wonder,” the woman says. “He’s shit at directions.”
“He convinced me. He sounded so confident.”
The woman’s eyes meet Ace’s. She quickly refocuses on the slow shuffle of her feet. “I wouldn’t be surprised if other beginners are at Skypiea, too, but they wouldn’t have the audacity to actually ski or board it.”
She’s back to jabbing at him. He’ll take it. Ace shrugs. “Yeah, yeah, I’m full of myself.”
“So you do get that a lot.”
“I get it more often than I should,” Ace says. “Hey, once you get to know me, you’ll find that I’m a humble guy.”
The woman snorts and shoves Ace. “Humble people don’t say that.”
“And you would know that because you’re humble, huh,” Ace retorts.
“Yeah, once you get to know me, you’ll find that I’m a humble girl.”
“Okay, calm down.” 
After that, she doesn’t respond. Ace struggles to find a conversation topic. She might not want to talk because of her lip, but it seems she’s not exactly opposed to it. 
“Do you usually come with friends? I noticed you were alone,” he points out. Yep. He’s good. That’s good. Casual and smart.
The woman sighs. “Sometimes. I came with a college friend this week, but he sprained his ankle yesterday doing Skypiea. Did you come here with anyone?”
“Yeah, my younger brothers! They should be at the kiddie hill. I was tryna look for them before this happened…”
Ace wishes they met under better circumstances. If he had his iconic orange cowboy hat, he would have taken it off, held it to his chest, and asked for her name with a smile. He’d do that cheesy thing where he bows a bit and kisses her knuckles. Then, he’d impress her with a trip to the beach and show her how well he surfs. She’d ask him to teach her, probably, and he’d get to—
“Hello?” the woman says.
“Sorry?” Ace is saying sorry a lot today. It’s fine. This woman deserves it. 
“Your name? Excuse me?” the woman asks. “I’ve been asking.”
“It’s Ace,” he replies. “Sorry, your lip must hurt a lot. Um, what’s yours—”
“Oh! We’re here!” the woman chirps, and she points to a ski lift, buried in the clearing of the forest. Around the lift is a populated area, with plenty of children and families. Settled in the valley of the mountain, there are smaller slopes and neon netting to prevent accidents. There are lessons held with snowboarders and skiers alike in blue uniforms, watching the people work their way around the snow.
Ace’s shoulders droop. “Oh. We’re here.”
“Go ahead and find your brothers.” The woman gives him a dismissive wave. “I’ll check in with the infirmary about my lip. I might need stitches.”
Here’s his chance. “Yeah, I’m really sorry. If—If it costs anything, I can give you my number, and you can let me know about the cost. I’ll pay.”
The woman hesitates. Ace crosses his fingers discreetly. Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes please say yes please say yes. She fishes a hand in her pocket and waves her phone in front of him. “Sure. Go ahead.”
Ace takes it. He remembers he has gloves on. He sheepishly sheds them off and tosses them to the side as quick as he can. “Oops. Um. Let me see…” Ace’s hands shake as he types his name in, and then his phone number. He double-checks the digits. He triple-checks it even. He makes sure it’s right. He really wants her to reach out. 
“Hey,” the woman prods.
“Here you go,” Ace says and hands her phone back. “Call me. Or text me. Do whatever you want. Do whatever’s comfortable for you.”
“Okay… I will,” she replies, and Ace takes it as a promise.
Again, he watches her maneuver through the people in the area until she reaches an information desk. She rings the bell, and a worker comes out. The woman motions to her lips, and the worker freaks. Ace watches the woman laugh, throw her head back, and wave her hands.
Damn. Ace wants to make her laugh like that. He’ll wait for the text. He’ll cook up something good. Something that’ll make her kick her feet and giggle.
Behind him, a familiar voice says, “Looks like you made it.”
Ace turns around. It’s Zoro, the freak from the bottom of the ski lift. It looks like his goggles are still for show because he has them strapped around his eyes with no helmet. Ace wants to yell at this guy for making him look like a loser in front of a pretty girl, but he finds that he’ll settle for a nasty Google review.
“I did,” Ace says through gritted teeth. He then points to the woman. “What’s her name, by the way?”
Zoro whistles. “This is a place to snowboard and ski, not pick up chicks.”
Never mind. Ace is ticked. “Yeah, well, your directions actually led me to something called a Black Diamond Skypiea thing, and she helped me out. I just wanna know her name, dude.”
Zoro laughs.
Ace waits. 
Once Zoro’s maniacal laughter is over, Zoro says, “That’s [Name]. You got lucky by meeting her. Wow. This is crazy. Sanji’s been trying to get his contact in her phone for ages. Good luck.”
Smug, Ace can’t hide the growing smile on his cheeks. That Sanji guy must be butt-ugly and not worth [Name]’s time at all. Ace’ll show her what a real man can do. Well, he would, but the ball’s in [Name]’s court. All Ace has to do is wait for the hospital bill to come in. 
Ace pats Zoro on the back. “Thanks, man. I mean it.”
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✭✭✭✭✩ decent place to ski and snowboard. personal faves are skypiea and wano. i've done alabasta too but i've heard things about it being artifical snow and you know what i can tell it's artifical... read more - [name]
✭✭✩✩✩ Gyatt damn is all i gotta say. Nami is fine as hell i want her 😍 I also broke my skull doing thriller bark they need to fix that shit asap - brookhardboner
✭✭✭✭✭ Would’ve given this place 1 star but Im pretty sure I met the love of my life today - firefistace
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chiquititaosita · 11 months
thoughts on hange w a partner who has a mexican family? LIKE I KNOOOWWWW THEY’D BE FUCKING UP THE FOOD AND LEARNING HOW TO PRESS LAS TORTILLAS BRO
Hange Zoe with a Latina (Mexicana) S/o
synopsis; hange zoe dating a latina girl good luck.
contents: fluff, sfw, hispanic culture and slang, hange is given gender neutral pronouns, insults are sometimes used as love languages.
osita note HI BABY LOVE!!! Omg I got you!!! I’m a mexicana! So this is right up my ally. I already know how most of this will go 😘🩷🌮 @backwzzds @honeybleed @euphofic @noawithlove @yourrfavzxri @loonadaworld @blkcupid @abbyslev @hangesonlyfanss @hangespublicist @mommypieck @theemrsjaeger @cottonconnielvr @killxio @hqkalon @yourrfavzxri @kenruu @chrollohearttags @roronoaswifey @sanjisblackasswife @jujuyii @hangeslovers-world @lusts1ck
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- be prepared for their funeral. no seriously someone prepare hange for their funeral
-hange is very overwhelmed at first meeting your family and they have every right to be scared.
- immediately loves when you yell at them Spanish. Or someone else. They’re gonna be like. “Yeah I love her.”
- they’re gonna say something that they didn’t even know that they embarrassed themselves on accident since they’re funny unintentionally that’s what made you fall in love with them in the first place. like. “wait what did i say?”
-“you said you’re pregnant, not embarrassed.” hange just bursted out laughing with you
- will burn their hand on the comal (the flat stove) when flipping tortillas. “FUCK!”
- uses a spatula “y/n I need my hands!! I got lab work to do!!” They’re gonna try and make up excuses
- loves tamales and eats the corn husk on accident. “Wait we’re not supposed eat the wrapper??”
-Once you show them they actually eat them by unwrapping the corn husk like a present then they start loving the tamales.
- loves your families cooking. Abuela is going to force feed them. “please corazon por favor come un poco mas” (please have some more food.)
-everyone will stare at hange to see what they’re going to. “Abuela they’re going to get sick if they over eat-“ y/n is gonna try and come and save the days.
-“como que over eat!? Ellos eres un flaquitos, por que yo tiendo un vaporub y ibuprofen.” (Meaning what do you mean over eat!? They’re so skinny that’s why I have vaporub and ibuprofen)
-they’re gonna have left overs in those containers, like lunches. And come home with so many of them.
-All of the tias and tios are going to make fun of hange, challenge them to a drinking match.
- once you tell your family about Hange being a scientist, your family automatically thinks they’re a doctor like a hospital doctor bitch no the fuck they ain’t. 💀
-like one of your cousins asked. “Hange, you’re a doctor right?”
-Hange literally looked at You and said. “It’s my title but whats up?”
-“see mi hija y/n has a novie and they have a doctorates degree.”
- dancing with hange to cumbias it’s so cute! they’re learning but if y’all are dancing, they’re gonna be grabbing your hips gently and letting your head rest on their chest or shoulder depending on your height.
-caresses your hips when dancing because I say so, and always tries to be a bit mischievous when it comes to you, you’re their La Niña Rosa.
- loved the mariachi bands whenever they play anywhere. THEY GIVE THEM TIPS ALWAYS!!! SO SWEET OF THEM!!
-This fucker starts to help your dad build fucking houses, and working around with him. Just so that your dad will approve of hange.
- Hanges fucking up the food FOR SURE FOR SURE!! DEFINITELY
-the kids love hange fs.
-when drunk on modelos they’re overly affectionate with you. You just can’t help it but love that
-“Baby calm down i gotta do my hair!!” You’re screeching and they’re grabbing your titties like who doesn’t love your titties i’ll wait . Hange doesn’t give a fuck if you got tetas or not. They act like a little kid sometimes
-is always down to eat your cooking. Even the food in deep Mexico, when they go to visit your family with you.
-They’re so precious. They even made friends with a street dog!! EVEN THOUGH THEY WERENt supposed to!! because them perros are crazy
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rai-chuuuu · 3 months
Hey can i get a nct127 headcanon
They dating a latina reader? Thanks🩷 if you want to do it in spanish or English it’s fine
╰┈➤ nct (127) dating a latina !
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dating a latina + extra facts (0.8k words)
pairing ; every member x fem latina!reader
warnings ; fluff , silly stuff , pet names (theyre from doyoung and jaehyun) ,
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Taeyong - At first, he was scared to meet your parents, but they absolutely love him. He’s a bit shy, but that doesn’t stop Taeyong from helping out with your family. Whenever you visit your family, it’s either your mom or an aunt giving you a plate full of food and saying, “Oyes, esto es para tu novio. (Hey, this is for your boyfriend.)” Taeyong makes an effort to learn Spanish to the best of his ability. Maybe it isn’t the best, but he has a good understanding of it. 
Extra: His favorite dish would be fresas con crema.
Taeil - One thing about Taeil is that he doesn’t play around when it comes to Sundays. Sometimes he’s up before you, singing his heart out to Selena or Luis Miguel. He would absolutely love the two singers. On a nice Saturday, he’ll ask your dad or an uncle to start grilling. The whole time he’s either with you or grilling with your tios, taking a few sips of a Modelo or Corona offered to him. Taeil absolutely devours carne asada with a semi-burnt tortilla. 
Extra: A nickname he would have is “Bebé” because of his baby-like skin.
Johnny - You know when you have a crush on a sibling or cousin's partner? That’s the case for one of the teenagers in the family. It’s because of how charismatic Johnny is. Other than that, your tias love him and talk about all kinds of family chisme. Whenever he’s asked to put tortillas on the comal, he always manages to miss a tortilla or grab it when it’s too hot. He calls you his “beautiful Latina queen.” 
Extra: Johnny probably loves your mom's food more than yours. You can’t even blame him for that.
Yuta - The little kids love hanging out with him! Whenever he’s over, you can always find Yuta playing soccer or messing around with the dogs. If you go to a family gathering without him, the kids ask where he is. Sometimes he’ll try to give the dog some tortilla, but he isn’t sneaky with it. Yuta’s favorite holiday is Christmas, especially with your family. Most of the time, he gets more gifts than the kids because everyone loves him. You’ll get a present or two, but he goes home with the best stuff ever!
 Extra: Yuta sleeps with a wolf blanket.
Doyoung - Everyone loves Doyoung. He’s amazing at Spanish, can get along with every age group, and has such a nice charm. He abandons you for your tias. Whenever you try to talk to Doyoung, he’s in the middle of chismeando or is helping someone cook. When you two are talking with the señoras, it’s a conversation that lasts forever. That’s why you guys leave so late. He calls you things like “mi vida” or "cariño,” and it’s so heartwarming when it happens because he really does love you. 
Extra: Your family might love him more than you.
Jaehyun - Unlike Doyoung, your family abandons their activities for him. They all swarm around Jaehyun and ask him all kinds of questions, as if they’ve never seen a man. They always ask him such weird things, like if he’s an alien or something. Also, unlike Doyoung, whenever he calls you “mi amor” or “mi reina," it’s honestly terrible because he’s not saying it in the accent, but it’s okay because it’s Jaehyun. He tries, and that’s what really matters. Honestly, he’d be a perfect vaquero boyfriend.
 Extra: He once got on a horse but got flung off not long after.
Jungwoo - He loves hanging out with the guys in the family. Once Jungwoo is with them, expect him to not leave until it's too late. He always finds a way to impress your tios, whether it’s speaking Korean, Chinese (Mandarin, I believe), or even the little bit of Spanish he’s picked up. On game days, Jungwoo’s watching the game and might’ve bet some money as well. Whenever a holiday pops up, everyone already knows to serve bigger portions for him due to his appetite. He gets spoiled. 
Extra: His grito is really good. Impressive, even.
Mark - The adults love him, but the children have a burning hatred for him. He’s getting showered with affection while not understanding what they’re saying at all, but he’s always getting stared down by the kids. The reason was because Mark took all the piñata candy. He doesn’t play around when it comes to piñatas. Mark also shows people his music and convinces them to stream it, but that doesn’t work.
 Extra: When he’s traveling with you to a Latin country, he gets scammed by street vendors.
Haechan - Sometimes you can’t tell if your family is yours or Hyucks. They adore him and spoil him rotten. You get to eat a single plate? Your moms already gave Haechan three. It’s sick and twisted. He’s a prank puller, but everyone still loves him. Other than that, he’s a real family guy. Haechan loves being with you and your family, even if there’s a slight language barrier. 
Extra: Once planted, place baby Jesus in your rosca slice to avoid making tamales himself.
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drefear · 3 months
Kitten Licks
Summary: You begin to put things in motion with KingPin, but Spider-Man turns the tables and you can't decide what to do.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
TW: decit/lying, violence, cursing
Standing by the cash drawer, you clocked out of your number and draped your apron over your shoulder. Trying to quietly slip out unnoticed, you heard someone clear his throat and winced as your eyes met with his reddish ones. 
“You owe me a talk.” 
“Well, then how bout you buy me a drink?” You bumped your hips into his as he crossed his arms, glare solid as he looked down at you and made you sweat internally at his cold gaze. You always saw that look, but it was almost never directed at you, and it sent a chill down your spine. Miguel walked ahead of you down the block to a small dive bar on the corner, and you both waved to the bartender as she smiled back. 
“Two Modelo.” Miguel spoke bluntly and handed her his card before he pulled out a stool for you. You sat down as you each got your beers and he hunched over onto the bar top, staring at his bottle pensively as you waited for him to talk. 
“What do you do on nights that you don’t work at the restaurant?” He asked and you raised a brow in confusion while you sipped your drink. 
“That’s a bit sudden.” You answered, then huffing when he wasn’t giving in and continuing this scrutiny. “I relax, sometimes I sew and design clothing. It’s a pipe dream, but I love making things.” His eyebrows furrowed as you explained this as he took a sip of his beer, “why the interest in my extracurriculars, Miguel?” You retaliated and he let his shoulders slump a bit, making you a bit nervous at the truth behind his inquiry. 
“I thought you- I thought you might-” He tries to answer, making you scoot closer. “I thought you might be doing something, and it would make me- it would break my moral code to-” 
A smile widened on your face as he tried to finish his sentences and you laughed, “Miguel O’Hara, are you scared I’m dating someone?” 
“What? No!” He shifted and shook his head fast, which made you laugh harder. 
“I’m perfectly single, so don’t worry. Our fun isn’t stopping any time soon.” You checked your watch and chugged the rest of your beer, “Although I do have something to do tonight.” 
“What’s that?” He tilted his head and took his last sip as well. 
“I’m going to see a friend.” You shrug and wink at him. “Maybe I’ll swing by your place after. I’ll call you, macho man.” You waved and walked out. 
Sitting on a rooftop, you waited to see the red and blue arachnid hero as trouble brewed below. As Sandman brought a group of cars crashing into a building, you sighed and checked your watch. It was getting late, poor Miguel was probably irritated with how you left things. You felt bad with how you’d basically teased him and ran out, but Kingpin was waiting and you didn’t have a choice anymore. A flash of red luminescent web shot across the sky and you smiled, seeing the large superhero swing to meet the trouble below. You narrowed your eyes and jumped onto a rooftop below, getting closer to the action and trying to find an opening. Watching a group of people get in the way was your perfect opportunity. You rushed to catch the falling debris  before they hit the civilians and caught the eye of spiderman. 
“What are you doing here?” He yelled and you pushed out a struggling laugh. 
“I’m a thief, not a murderer. Can’t stand by and watch people die!” You countered and he visibly questioned your motives, making you feel a bit guilty since he would be right to be wary of your reasons, but you needed that money. “Watch out!” You threw the broken pieces of the building you were holding to the ground and quickly pushed him out of the way before Sandman landed a hit on him, making the two of you roll and tumble into a mess of tangled limbs. You gasped for air as you laid on his chest in the alley, your head pounding as the sound of the world began to fade back into your ears. His heart pounded against your chest and you stared down at his mask, reaching for the edges before realizing it was holographic, then just cupping his face and leaning your forehead to his. Panting, he gripped your shoulder and part of his mask dissolved, leaning up to meet your lips. The warmth of his mouth gave you chills as the chaos in the background was drowned out by the raging waves of thoughts against the barrier that was your conscience. His hand squeezed your arm and slipped down your body to your waist, digging into the leather of your bodysuit as he deepened the kiss and licked against your bottom lip. Pulling away, you gasped and scanned the half of his mask. 
“Let me see you.” 
“I can’t.” He answered and a loud crash made you both jump back up and into action, “Let’s go.” 
“But-” You tried to pull him back, but he let go of your hand and walked forward. You’d been so close, but this was going to be harder than you thought. 
All night, you sat awake in your bed, your studio apartment seeming to be wider than usual as you tossed and turned, munched on snacks, watched TV, and no matter what, couldn’t focus on anything. 
Kingpin’s request could change the trajectory of your life, but it could also endanger you. If you found out Spider-man's true identity, you could become a main target, instead of just being a nuisance to him like you were now. 
Your alarm echoed through the open area and you sighed, then cursed for a second as you checked the time. Barely an hour of sleep and it was time to wake up. You dreamed of that kiss, it was familiar on your lips. Only one man had ever been such an amazing kisser, and that was… Miguel. 
But it couldn’t be him, he was a lame bartender with a love for science. He was a nerd! You almost laughed out loud at the idea that it could be him and sat up. Your morning shift was about to start and you’d be seeing your latin lover soon. 
Oh shit. You bailed on him. You teased him and then jumped out of his grip. He’d have you screaming for hours for that type of treatment, and you weren’t complaining. 
Walking into the restaurant, you saw a sight that left you slightly speechless. Miguel, leaned over the bar and talking with a girl obviously perking up her ass to try and be seductive. A tinge of jealousy bit your tongue, but you swallowed it down before it could be called on and made your way to the backroom. A looming presence appeared the second you were alone and when you turned around, two large arms caged you in against the wall. 
“You owe me a night, since you never did call.” 
“Get it from Pixie Cut out there, she seems eager to please.” You remarked. 
“I thought you didn’t get jealous.” He asked and you avoided his dark eyes for the moment, not wanting to show your weakness. “I’m not jealous, just encouraging you to keep your options open.”
“That didn’t sound encouraging.” He mumbled and as you tried to escape from his body prison, he grabbed your arm and yanked you back with barely any energy. Was he always this strong? “You like me.”
“I don’t, actually. I don’t even know anything about you except that you have a huge di-” 
“Shut up, you like me.” He taunted and you scrunched your nose in defiance. 
“You’re being childish.” You barked and he laughed in response. 
“You’re the one who’s jealous of some girl talking to me at the bar. Just admit it.” 
“Fine! I like you, okay? But my job is dangerous and I can’t have feelings for anyone or else you could get hurt!” You answered and sighed, pulling your body out of such close proximity and the backroom was silent. 
“You- how would waitressing and bartending be dangerous for you to have a boyfriend?” He whispered and you shook your head. 
“I… have a side job. And it’s none of your business because you’re not my boyfriend and you can’t be my boyfriend no matter how much I wish you were my boyfriend!” You gasped as you ran out of breath and stormed out, biting your lip and going out to the dinning area to see one table already seated for brunch. 
Closing time came as slow as molasses, having to stare at Miguel and his flocks of attractive women all day while dealing with the dregs of Nueva York. Your heart ached as you realized that you’d finally broken the silent agreement you two had not to discuss your feelings or get attached. But you two did it together, in fact, he did it first! So it wasn’t your fault, at all. 
So why did you feel so shitty? You practically ran out of the restaurant after closing, ignoring him call out your name as you sped out of the doors. You felt panicky. How could you let yourself get so caught up in the stupid amazing sex and get hooked on this stupid amazing guy? It had never been a problem before!
Then again, it had never been a guy like Miguel before. 
No, this was a bad idea no matter what. You couldn’t love anyone, they could get in a lot of trouble or get hurt… or worse. 
Your whole walk home, the feeling of being watch crept over your skin like a air-tight blanket, but you didn’t turn or look around. If you know anything from being Black Cat, admitting to knowing you were being watched made you an easier target because it showers weakness, paranoia. 
This feeling was so familiar, you welcomed it like an old friend and continued you dissent to your home. Closing the door behind you, your head fell against the wood frame and you sighed in relief as your big dog ran up to you, excited. You smiled and walked to your cupboard to give him food when you heard someone clear their throat. Spinning towards the sound, you threw a knife quickly but Spider-Man caught it. You relaxed for a second before panicking once more. 
Spider-Man was in your home.
He figured out your real identity. 
“Nice place. You have a dog? That’s quite the shock, since you’re… ya know.” You twirled the tiny throwing knife in his large fingers and you stayed solid, unwavering. 
“How did you find me?” 
“Followed you. For a while. Since you were doing the same to me.” His eyes narrowed and you hated how his stupid spider suit looked with a glare. 
“Now you’ve got me. What are you going to do with me?” 
“Relax, gatito, I’m not turning you in. Not today, at least.” He stood up from your couch and walked to your kitchen island. “You can pay this on a server salary?” 
“I do well.” 
“You sell stolen art and goods.” He deadpanned and you rolled your eyes. 
“Can you get to the point?” 
“My point is, you’ve been a thief for years, you’ve always been focused and good at what you do. Suddenly, now, you’ve been distracted and I want to know what’s up. Who’s got you by the collar, Gatito?” 
“I don’t know what you’re-“ 
“You asked for my identity. You’ve never even bothered calling me my real hero name. Someone has you gunning for who I am and I want to help you out of this.” 
“Maybe I’m just curious after years! Do you know how long I’ve been watching you? Talking to you? Flirting with you?” You overdramatized as your tried to find a way to manipulate this. He stayed completely still as you gave him an upset look, trying to sell how exacerbated and exhausted from pinning you were. 
“Really? You chose that as your excuse?” You were stunned into silence. He felt so… close, suddenly. You reached out and pressed a palm to his chest. “Don’t play with me, I know you’ve been having sex with someone, you’re not wanting for anything.” 
“…don’t talk about him.” You mumbled and Miguel was surprised, quiet now at your sincere tone. “He isn’t- don’t involve him, please. I don’t want him or his daughter to get hurt.” 
“You like him?” Miguel blurted out, knowing damn well you were about to bare your soul to him about him, and he was basically deceiving you. 
“I love him. Not that it’s any of your business.” You barked and folded your arms begrudgingly while he gave you a scolding look. 
“I’m leaving.” He announced, “but I’m here if you decide to come clean about who’s trying to get you to reveal my identity.” 
“…you already know who it is.” You whispered and he knew instantly, freezing where he was walking and turning back around. 
“So let’s make a plan. Get him to leave you alone.” 
“How? I think he knows about Miguel and his daughter, and I don’t want him to get hurt.” 
“Trust me. I’ll make sure he and she both stay safe.” Miguel was already working out on how to have his ex-wife take her for a weekend while he defeated KingPin in his head. You were skeptical but eventually complied and say talking with him on how to turn the tables on KingPin all night. 
You eventually fell asleep and Miguel left through your fire escape, but not before watching you sleep for a bit. 
A few days later, KingPin had organized another opportunity for you to find out who Spider-Man was, but you had a counter plan to end this reign of terror once and for all. 
You hopped from building to building as Spider-Man took a different route to seem like you came from two different places. 
A sudden attack from the Prowler made Spider-Man quite busy as you watched, feeling the bracelet KingPin gave you feel heavy on your wrist. 
Watching him sling webs and dive through the air made you slightly hot and bothered, remembering that you had a type; broad shoulders and nice asses. Biting your lip, you jumped into action to help Spider-Man defeat Prowler. What you didn’t know was that KingPin added a secondary villain for insurance and Rhino had basically come out of nowhere, ramming you into a brick wall. 
“Kitty!” Miguel yelled and caught you in his arms as you fell helplessly, limp in his grasp. 
He hopped onto a building far away to put you in a safe place, before continuing to defend the city from KingPin’s onslaught of attacks through different villains. 
Days had passed as you nursed your wound, thanks to Spider-Man coming to continuously check on you. You appreciated the concern, but the lack of phone calls from Miguel made your heart ache desperately. Finally, you swallowed your pride and called him. 
“Migs?” Your voice was small when he answered, and silence filled both ends until you spoke up. “How are you?” 
“I’m ok. Just working and taking care of Gabri. Where have you been?” 
“I got hurt at my other job, took some time off.” You took note of the distance coming from him and felt your chest concave slightly. You knew you caused this, you pushed him away, and you had to reap the consequences now. 
“Do you need me to drop anything off?” 
“No no… I just, I wanted to- uh,” you couldn’t bring yourself to speak coherently until it all came tumbling out. “I just wanted to hear your voice.” Your rambling made your face go red and you sighed as he was quiet once more. 
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He said before hanging up. 
“Wait wha-“ 
It was the shortest ten minutes of your life as you tried not to look like a victim of an extremely painful accident, and more like the girl he licked and bit until the sun came up and you were screaming. 
When you opened the door, his smell entered before he did, clean and minty with a hint of spice. You wanted to be wrapped in that scent and he knew it, so he did just that and held you tight. 
Hours went by as you both talked and kissed and talked again. Laughter bounced off of the walls and you just enjoyed his presence and took in the smile he showed you. He made you feel like the only girl in the world and you savored every second, like you were high from his attention. 
Not high enough to notice a specific word that struck you funny, that shattered your whole reality in just a few syllables. 
“Where are the cups, gatito?” 
The air felt pregnant and intense as you both stopped moving. He knew you knew at that very second. 
“What did you just call me?” You asked, eyes wide now as he turned and looked as guilty as sin. “Miguel, say it again.” 
“It’s just a nickname-“ 
“Say. It. Again.” You emphasized as you stood from your couch, becoming more and more angry with the passing seconds. 
“Son of a bitch!” You shouted and your dog started barking, making you panic and stumble backwards. Trying to hold onto something, you knocked over the vase on the table near you and heard the glass break as you refused to take your eyes from him. He didn’t waver either as you both just watched the other. “You’re… you…” 
“Please just listen to me.” 
“You lied to me!” You shouted and he scoffed.
“And you didn’t lie to me?” 
“It’s different! You’ve known my true identity for days, maybe weeks! I’ve been- I thought you hated me! I told you that I had feelings-“ you began to have an anxiety attack while he made a few steps forward, but you threw something at him to keep him from coming any closer. “I told you I liked you!” 
“I know, I know, I missed up-“ 
“Messed up?! You completely fucking betrayed me!” You shouted and picked up a shard of glass, throwing it to him again and watching him deflect it with his hand, hissing in pain at the slice it made in his palm. You reach forward to help him, but stop after remembering this new revelation. He watched you do this and his shoulders fell in disappointment. 
“Please… I just didn’t want to make this any more conflicting than it is.” 
“Well, it’s a lot less conflicting now.” You gestured to your front door before he closed his eyes in regret. “Go!” You yelled after he didn’t move, watching him then leave. 
Crouching on the ground next to all of the broken glass, you began to cry hysterically, the pain in your body searing you like a white hot iron. How could he lie to you about something like this? Even after he knew your real identity, after he knew about your feelings for him, and risking your position with KingPin for him. 
Days went by and when he attempted to speak to you at work, you asked straight past him. You didn’t interfere with his battles anymore either, and you only stole safe and easy objects, nothing that would alert him. 
The night was empty, not a single star in the sky, when you were carrying a heavy sack of gold bricks to your local ship when a loud thud behind you made you run faster. 
“Stop running!” 
“Make me!” You shouted at Miguel as you hurled the sack off of a build ledge and jumped in the opposite direction. You needed to know whether he was chasing the gold or you, and a clawed hand around your forearm gave you your answer. You came face to face with his mask as he then pulled it off. 
“Talk to me.” 
“I have nothing to say to you.” You spit at him with attitude. 
“Then listen to me. Kingpin is planning to kill you.” 
“What?” You felt cold all of a sudden. 
“The cops talked to Rhino and KingPin didn’t set up that fight last week to help you find out my identity, he did it to kill you.” 
“Why?” You yanked your arm from his grasp and felt the scratch of his claws. “Why would he do that if he needs me to find out your identity?” 
“Because he knows that you already know, and he wants me to protect you. Kingpin knows that you’re in love with me.” His words made you instinctively laugh, which only made his scowl deepen. 
“In love with you? I’m not-“ 
“I love you too.” He cut you off and made your brows furrow in confusion. “I’ve loved you for so long, and finding out that you were the one behind the mask made me love you even more.” 
You pushed your body into his arms you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, his mask disappearing and your lips colliding in a cataclysmic kiss. Your eyes filled with tears as he held the latex of your suit, pulling you as close as possible before feeling the wind rush through your hair. You realized that you two were falling through the air, kissing and holding onto each other, but you didn’t mind. You trusted him. 
And he shouldn’t have trusted you. 
“Miguel-“ you cried and scrunched your brows together. 
“It’s ok.” 
“No it’s not! He knows… who you are.” 
“What?” He whispered incredibly. “Did you-“ 
“He threatened to kill my mother… I’m sorry…” you whispered and pushed him directly into the trap you knew to be set. 
“You- you set me up? You knew I’d come tonight.” 
“I’m sorry…” you kept saying over and over as your cried, watching from the landing where you landed. He struggled against the electric chamber enclosing him now and you shook with regretful cries. 
“You betrayed me!” 
“You did first!” You shouted back and clutched your heart. 
“What’s going to-“ 
“Good job, Kitty Cat.” KingPin’s voice echoed and you hung your head. He pet your hair and you shrunk from his touch, crouching down to watch him. “You kept your promise, so I’ll keep mine.” 
You grabbed the bag of cash he held out to you and turned your back to him. 
“We’re finished now, KingPin.” You clenched your jaw as Miguel beat against the blue electricity that surrounded him. You bit the inside of your cheek as he growled. You held up both hands to signal to him and he just shook his head. 
“You’re a liar.” He spoke calmer now and you kept trying to mouth to him but he ignored you. 
“Migs…” you whispered in aggravation, to make him realize what you were trying to show him. His eyes found the remote in KingPin’s pocket and you jerked your head to the ledge where the fire hydrant sat. You did a quick, silent cartwheel over to behind KingPin, before slipping the remote from his pocket and grabbing the red hydrate before using it to knock the villain out. You hit a button on the remote to end the power of the electro-cage and Miguel stayed unmoving, looking at you as you wiped your face of the fake tears. 
“Thank you, thank you!” You took a bow, pretending to smile at an imaginary audience. 
“Are you crazy?” 
“I prefer genius.” You countered and he growled. “Don’t be mad, Spider-Babe. Your girl has your back always. You just need to trust me.” 
“You could have gotten us killed!” 
“I would never!” You tossed your hair behind your shoulder as he calmed down. “I love you too much to lose you now.” You cupped his face as he continued to stay mad, but his face slowly softened as you smiled wider. “I’m a clever cat.” 
“You’re so much more than that.” He leaned forward and pressed a passionate kiss to your lips as you laughed a bit. You both broke apart and glanced at the now unconscious KingPin laying on the ground face down. 
“I should probably turn him in, you get those gold bars and return them.” 
“You mean pay my rent? Yes, sir.” You winked and jumped backwards. “Let’s keep our work separate from us, ok, baby?” 
“I’ll make you pay for that when I see you at home. Be there in an hour?” 
“You got it, Spidey.” You blew him a kiss and trust-fell backwards as you flew through the air once more, your heart full as you felt content. 
KingPin was going to jail, Miguel was your boyfriend, and everything was finally at peace and all you could think about was how great tonight would be, your first night as a couple.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 4 months
werewolf x reader who works at Walmart - just meeting. Kind of random but i get bored at work sooo....
"Yo, yo, yo, what's poppin?" I ask as I approach a couple with a baby, probably in their late 20s. My hand is already blindly grabbing for my name badge.
"Hi!" The woman says smiling, "The machine just stopped and said something about a scale. I'm just trying to weigh my zucchini."
The man next to her nods as he plays with the baby, as to back her up. I don't necessarily care.
My shins are starting to hurt... I thought the new ortho shoes would help...
My hands go through the practiced motion of taking whatever was on the scale off, pressing the button for zucchini, and then weighing it. Aka, the only way to weigh your produce that doesn't throw the machine into a hissy-fit.
"Easy-peasy," I slap on my customer service voice like the passed on Queen of England decided to step into Wal-Mart, "Just make sure to press the button beforehand, and then weigh the produce. And it's so funky." I try to make it relatable for the woman, "Some produce needs to be weighed and others need to be counted. It gets confusing." I smile and see her smiling in relief, thankful that someone understands her.
Someone does but it aint me. This is my whole ass job.
I smile and say the unforgettable 'Have a great day!' before leaving and having to walk around the self-check.
New big boss gonna fire me if I stop walking... fucking bullshit. I see a toy that was placed on a chip shelf and mess with it as I go to put it away.
"Hey! Hey! Girl!" Someone snaps their fingers at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, smiling a smile that would put Alastor to shame.
"Hello! What seems to be the problem today?" My customer service voice is getting strained as I see it's just an old man wanting to buy alcohol.
"The machine will need you to check my age when I buy this alcohol." He gestures to the cart that has it's undercarriage filled with Modelo.
I look at his order on his screen and scroll through it. "Well, sir, it looks like you haven't scanned it yet, so I can't give you the go ahead; But once you do, I can definitely give you the go ahead to buy it." I throw it back in his face, trying to make him feel as stupid as possible. He scoffs and takes the hand scanner off the terminal and it starts beeping loudly at him.
"Stop yelling at me!" He shouts, frustrated that it won't stop beeping and won't scan his beer.
"Well, sir, it is a machine, so it can't yell at you. It doesn't have a mouth. It's just beeping because the batteries are going out, but you can definitely wait until the hand scanner flashes green, and then it should work." I patiently wait for him to put it back on the terminal. And once it flashes green, he scans the beer.
The first notification, asking if the customer looks younger than 40, pops up. I look back at the man and size him up and down before pressing 'No'.
"Have a great day, sir!" I bounce away and continue walking around. I see a group of men who are all standing around quietly, just simply waiting. Their light is flashing red and they are being silent. It's definitely a nice change.
I walk over. "Hey there. Sorry to bother you, but I gotta fix this. Sorry." I look at the screen... and it's a mis-scan. My boss is gonna hate me...
"Sorry about the wait, guys! It's been a busy day." I think back to when someone dropped a whole gallon of whole milk and it leaked into the aisle next to it. We had to use two whole things of spill clean-up... my anxiety has been high ever since. Could also just be the 5 Hour Energy and Redbull I chugged, but meh.
"No problem. I could tell." The obvious leader of their band of friends talks, as if talking for the whole group. One of the guys has a faint blush on his face and the others are laughing, talking about their plans.
I watch the little video the camera produced and determine that it was just an old bag crossing over the scanner without being scanned... cuz it is an old bag.
"Oops. Looks like it's just the bag. The machine must've just gotten confused. Sorry about that." I smile and wave before giving them the go-ahead to keep scanning.
"No worries. Thank you."
I think back to the one guy who was blushing and leaning on the cart's handle. He's kinda cute... and hot. What the fuck.
Meh whatever. Just focus on work- I did it, I did, I jumped-
"Hey! Girl! I need you to ring up my groceries for me!" I silently sigh and walk over.
"Of course, sir!"
Another day in the life of a person at Wal-Mart.
Author's Cup of Tea:
Im ngl, i thought about this while I was changing prices in the cigarette cases. It took 4 hours to do all of the price changes😭
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
The Marriage Pact Part 5 Preview
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"Come on Y/N,  you had to have seen this coming from a mile away."
"How could I have seen this coming?" You asked Urban while you sat across from him on the balcony. You know he had to have been looking for you by now, but your phone still hadn't gone off with so much as a text message or a call. It was almost as if he didn't even care and that bothered you to no end.
"You know he’s a whore and it's always been like that, you turned a blind eye before but now that you're on the receiving end, everything isn't always what it seems huh? As much as he brushes it off, he is still insecure and embraces any type of attention that women give him even though by now he should only want that attention from you." Urban told you and you couldn’t help but for your eyes to water.
This was the last thing that you wanted to hear right now.
"You thought that he would change for you? I mean that's fair seeing as how much he loves and cares about you, but is that enough to make him do it? I mean you said yes to marrying him so you are just as responsible for this as he is. He's my best friend too, but he has shown you time and time again the traits of someone who doesn't actually want to be tied down or married." Urban quietly confessed as he took a swig of his Modelo. 
"Then why in the world would he ask me to marry him in the first place? That's a serious commitment."
"Because he knows that you're the only one that is going to put up with his shit, no matter what he does and no matter how much it might affect you as horrible as that sounds. He knows that you're always going to be there. Just because his ass turned thirty doesn't mean that the maturity aspect is there. Y/N, I am in no way, shape, or form trying to hurt your feelings, like I said in the beginning, the last thing I want to see is both of you heartbroken but especially you. You don't deserve this."
"I just don't know what to do anymore. It's a continuous cycle. He does something that I don't like, I get pissed off, he apologizes, and does something else and the cycle continues. But this one takes the cake. How could he side with her when I have been there for him through everything? I have never steered him wrong and I have always had his best interest." At that point, Urban had handed you one of your favorite wine coolers knowing that this was going to be a long night.
"You know what you need to do. Put yourself first and I guarantee that will be the wake up call he needs to get his shit together."
"Does he even want to marry me anymore? That's the ultimate question."
"Now the only person that can answer that is him, but from the outside looking in…. Would you want to be married to someone who disrespected you like that yesterday?"
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teddywook · 1 month
Hey, you wanna talk and i want to be unstressed, so here I go. What love trope do you think RIIZE will fall?
It would be a spanglish combination cuz I didn't sleep well and yeah, my thoughts are kinda combine, sorry to all the non spanish speakers out there.
Me thoughts are:
Childhood friends to lovers. Creo que se enamoraría de alguien a quién dejo de ver un buen tiempo y cuando vuelven a encontrarse ven qué tanto a crecido el otro y pum, enamoraditos.
Second chance romance. I saw @nori-the-cat talked about this, i definitely see him falling in love with someone, a good relationship, but he's communication style is kinda different, you expect to hug you after receiving a gift from you, but he will pat your head and give you a smile with a 'thank you'. So he can make you feel kinda unloved when he loves you very bad (and hard)
Friends to lovers, soulmates. Anteriormente dijo que el preferiría un amor que crece con el tiempo a un amor a primera vista, entonces friends to lovers me parece una idea muy viable, sin embargo, no puedes ser solo un amigx, él NECESITA sentir una conexión contigo, y pensar que eres su alma gemela lo tendrá LOCO. También, me da una vibra de love at first sight, but it's kinda weird, the vibe is like "He would love at first sight but he wouldn't believe it, that makes him want to be your friend, and if he finds that soulmate conexion with you, there it is".
Secret Royal/Billionare. Why? Because, I think Wonbin would fall for someone who match his personality, match his vibe and also doesn't love him just for his appearance (oh maybe a soulmates too?), so I think he would like to be unkwon to his s/o.
Enemies to lovers. No comment I just think Seunghan would enjoy it hahahaha. Definitely falling for the person he teased a lot.
Omaigad, aquí no se me ocurrió ningunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Gritote.
Con Sohee no se me ocurrió y acá se me ocurrieron varios: Bestfriends to lovers, Childhood friends and love triangle.
Bestfriends to lovers porque sin importar si eres menor o mayor a él le gustaría tener esa relación de mejores amigos con su s/o.
Childhood friend because i really saw him being with someone who knows him amazingly well, so está de la mano con el anterior, no importa si te conoce de la infancia o no, sino que sienta que se conocen desde hace tiempo.
Último, love triangle, okay este está un poco triste, pero se me vino una escena en dónde eres amiga de los miembros, y te enamoras de uno de ellos, pero Anton se enamora de ti. Anton es un buen amigo así que te ayudará a que estés con el miembro que te gusta, si funciona o no, aún así él estará ahí para ti, con la esperanza de que algún día lo veas de la misma manera en la que Anton te mira.
joder sí que soy lenta te responderé en español también jsjs espero que puedas relajarte y descansar tesoro <3
so... riize as love tropes... me encanta, tengo unas cuantas ideas ajbjsak
shotaro me da vibes de un strangers to friend to lovers
visualizo a taro como un senior de tu carrera al cual conoces porque es un estudiante modelo al cual los profesores siempre toman como ejemplo. además de ser popular en el campus por su característica amabilidad, el tipo de chico que conoce a todos y todos lo conocen. imagino que un día necesitas ayuda para un proyecto de clase para el cual requieres consejos de un alumno de grados avanzados, así que tu profesor te asigna un asesor. la sopresa que te llevaste cuando notaste que dicho asesor era shotaro. obviamente estarías nerviosa porque ajá, como la gran mayoría, tienes un crush en el chico de adorable sonrisa. pero shotaro encuentra tu nerviosismo tierno, además puede notar lo lista que eres y como anotas diligentemente cada consejo que te da al respecto de tu trabajo, lo cual lo hace sonreir satisfecho cuando formulas preguntas basadas en sus correciones previas. es cuestion de tiempo para que comiencen a conversar y reir como dos amigos cercanos. y un poco menos de tiempo para que él comience a rozar tu mano sobre la mesa y pinchar tus mejillas. un día lo viste desde el otro lado del campus dejando a sus amigos con la palabra en la boca solo para correr en tu dirección a saludarte; y al otro estaría con su mano entrelazada a la tuya frente a la puerta de tu casa, preguntando nerviosamente si sería muy atrevido de su parte si te robara un beso.
eunseok queda muy bien con un second chance romance honestamente. ¿que tal mezclarlo con un amnesia/mistaken identidy?
imagina que estás en casa, con la cena caliente y lista para comer, esperando a tu novio como cada día, cuando recibes una llamada que derriba todo tu mundo. un accidente de auto, una semana inconsciente y cuando despierta, se ha olvidado de ti. todos los recuerdos, los momentos juntos, las promesas, se han ido. estás vuelta un mar de llanto suplicando que por favor te recuerde, que te acaricie el rostro y limpie tus lagrimas prometiendo que todo estará bien; pero él está simplemente sentado en esa camilla de hospital con una expresión en blanco sin tener idea de quién es la chica frente suyo. volverías los días siguientes, intentando recuperar los fragmentos de su vida que le ayuden a recordar quién es, y quién eres tú. no te voy a mentir, eunseok sabe que el proceso te está dañando más de lo que lo ayuda a él. puede notar tus ojos brillantes en lágrimas retenidas cuando le muestras las fotos de sus vacaciones el verano pasado, la vez que fueron a esquiar sobre nieve dos años antes, la primera navidad que pasaron juntos en casa de sus padres. sabe que cuando le platicas de las cosas que disfrutaban hacer juntos como cocinar o leer, la voz se te quiebra e intentas ocultarlo fingiendo un estornudo. así que quiere pararlo todo. por eso un día cuando llegas del trabajo para verlo y estás apunto de volverte loca porque descubriste que le habían dado el alta sin avisarte, el aparece totalmente vestido con una suave sonrisa en el rostro. te limpia las lagrimas con delicadeza y por un segundo sientes la esperanza creciendo en tu pecho "no puedo decirte que te amo porque recuerdo quién eres o lo que teníamos, pero quiero hacerlo por lo que conozco y tenemos ahora".
sungchan para mí es el biggest brother's best friend y me justifico precisamente con esa declaración de sentir una conexion creada por el tiempo y la convivencia
creciste en una familia pequeña, solo tus padres, tu hermano mayor y tú. ah, y el molesto mejor amigo de tu hermano. como comunmente sucede, al principio ustedes dos no se llevaban muy bien y esto se debe a que ese ruidoso niño te robaba la atención de tu amado hermano. like, how does he even dare? fue tu hermano mucho antes de ser siquiera su amigo, no podía llevarselo así porque sí. además, sungchan vivía para molestarte. escondía tus juguetes, robaba tus dulces, tiraba de tu cabello y pellizcaba tus brrazos. pero conforme ambos crecían y dejaban atrás juegos y burlas infantiles, comenzaron a verse de forma distinta. tú no habías notado lo bonitos que eran los ojos de sungchan cuando te miraba, y sungchan no había captado lo adictiva que era tu risa cuando te reías de algo que había dicho o hecho. su comportamiento cambió mucho, incluso se habían vuelto amigos y pasabas el rato con él y tu hermano cuando ambos estaban en casa. aunque las cosas se pusieron dificiles cuando en su pijamada semanal tu hermano le contó que un chico te había invitado a salir. no entendía porqué le dolía el estomago o por qué de repente estaba de mal humor, pero prefirió encerrarse en la habitación de tu hermano hasta la mañana siguiente, no queriendo ver como le sonreías a alguien más. esa misma noche de madrugada, había ido a la cocina por un vaso de agua que aliviara su malestar cuando te vio sentada recargada sobre el marco de la puerta. estaba por alejarse silenciosamente cuando te escuchó sollozar y sus cejas se fruncieron automanticamente. su corazón cayó a sus pies cuando lo volteaste a vez con los ojos rojos y el maquillaje corrido. te habías arreglado tan bonito para un estúpido adolescente que te había dejado plantada, y sungchan quería romperle la cara al pobre diablo. se sentó a tu lado y te rodeó con sus brazos, susurrando palabras dulces y diciéndote que mereces a alguien que te trate como una reina y no un imbécil que no supo valorar la increible mujer que eres. en el momento que te apretaste contra su pecho pidiendole que no te dejara, supo que él quería ser ese alguien que te pusiera el mundo a los pies.
wonbin es difícil para mí siempre ngl, pero se me ocurre una fake relationship porque siento que sería el tipo de chico con el cual quieres darle celos al perro de tu ex
estás tranquilamente en tu cafetería preferida leyendo un buen libro, cuando la campanilla de la entrada suena y vez a tu miserable exnovio de la mano de una chica nueva. ustedes no tenían ni una semana de haber roto ¿y él ya tenia una nueva novia? vaya hijo de puta. por suerte estaban muy ocupados ordenando en la caja y aún no te habían visto, así que volteas para todos lados nerviosa buscando dónde esconderte cuando un chico captó tu atención. estaba solo, una mesa atrás de la tuya, escribiendo algo en una libretita. tu cuerpo se movió antes de que incluso procesaras lo que hacías, y en un parpadeo estabas sentada frente a él con el cuerpo inclinado sobre la mesa. te miró extrañado, ¿quién eres y por qué estás aquí? dibujados en su rostro serio. "por favor, mi ex está por allá". wonbin levantó una ceja en tu dirección dejando de escribir, y luego observó hacia donde señalaste, viendo a la pareja que caminaba ahora hacia ustedes. soltó un suspiro y con su mano libre tomó la tuya con delicadeza, su dedo pulgar dibujando trazos sobre el dorso de tu mano que sostenía una malteada, llevandola hasta su boca. soltando un sonoro "ah~" satisfacción justo cuando tu ex pasaba a su lado, viendo al apuesto chico que mirabas embelezada. como núnca lo habías mirado a él. cuando wonbin se aseguró que tu ex y la chica se habían sentado a una distancia donde podían verlos a ustedes pero no escucharlos, volteó a verte, riendo un poco al ver tu rostro sonrojado y tu boca entre abierta. wonbin juntó tus quijadas juguetonamente con su dedo índice, encontrándote graciosamente cautivadora.
seunghan solía molestarte todos los días en el colegio. durante las clases que compartían se la pasaba lanzandote bolitas de papel, pinchando tus brazos cada vez que pasabas junto a él o sacando un pie para hacerte tropezar cuando era tú quien pasaba a su lado. le encantaba jalar tu cabello cuando pasaba corriendo a por tu costado y tomar lo que sea que tuvieras en la mano para hacerte ir detras de él para recuperarlo. seunghan disfruta cada vez que los profesores te pedían ser su tutora porque sabía que no rechazarías los creditos extras, amaba la idea de poder molestarte durante las sesiones. hablando de otras cosas en vez de poner atención, interrumpiendote, robando tus lentes para jugar con ellos, pichando tu estómago e incluso acercando su rostro al suyo para ponerte nerviosa. otra cosa que seunghan amaba, eran tus insultos, y lo creativa que solías ser con ellos. cada día encontraba su motivación en hacerte enojar solo para descubrir que clase de insulto poético saldría de tu bonita y vulgar boca. cada vez que te das la vuelta refunfuñando luego de practicamente insultar hasta a su bisabuela, un seunghan sonriente te observa, se relame los labios y sacude la cabeza pensando en que la proxima vez, quiere escucharte insultarlo entre besos.
seunghan es demasiado enemies to lovers, pero me atrevo a decir que más enfocado en un school bully!seunghan
sohee grita bestfriends to lover y no pienso discutirlo con nadie
ustedes dos habían sido amigos desde practicamente toda la vida. sabían todo el uno del otro, iban a todas partes juntos, tenian los mismos amigos, y practicamente no había momento del día que estuvieran separados, sin mencionar el baño claro. así que para sohee no fue extraño terminar enamorándose de tí. la chica que conocía cada faceta suya, que había estado con él en las buenas, las malas y las peores y que había sido amiga, hermana y consejera. pero sohee sabía que para tí solo era tu mejor amigo, habiendo vivido practicamente cada historia de amor y desamor a tu lado. escuchó de cada uno de tus novios y los conoció, y cuando alguno de ellos rompió tu corazón, fue él quien secó tus lagrimas y te dejó llorar en su hombro, haciendo cuanto estuviera a su alcance para hacerte sentir mejor. hasta que un día, estabas hablandole sobre este chico nuevo que estaba en tu clase y él simplemente explotó. no soportando más que hablaras maravillas sin parar de un extraño solo porque te obsequió un chocolate. él te había obsequiado chocolate, no uno, cientos de barras. te compraba tu helado favorito cada sabado por la tarde, te llevaba a todas partes, venía a tu casa a prepararte ramen a las 3 de la mañana solo porque tenías hambre. deberías amarlo como él a tí y dejar de perder el tiempo con otros chicos que no valen la pena. "pensé que jamás me sacarías de la friendzone" y el hamster en su cerebro se demayó cuando entre risas lo besaste.
ok con anton tengo de por sí una idea en borrador para un childhood friends to lovers
conoces a anton porque es el hermano menor de tu mejor amigo, así que naturalmente se hicieron amigos también. para anton no fue dificil caer enamorado de ti, eras hermosa y siempre lo tratabas con mucho cariño, lo cuidabas e incluso lo mimabas. claro, eras hija única y querías un hermano, así que proyectaste ese amor fraternal en el pequeño niño. por supuesto, anton no comprendió la profundidad de su afecto hasta unos cuantos años despúes, siendo adolescente. no quiero irme de largo con este porque no quiero hacer spoilers pero aja, en esencia eso
espero que te gusten mis ideas anon gracias por conversar conmigo 💕
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8choloko · 1 year
lalo headcanons
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he isn't a dancer guy. but with 3 or 4 Modelos in his system, Lalo likes to do anything he wants, including dancing.
he even takes you out to dance.
when he was a teenager, lalo was a Cartel de Santa fan.
he definitly doesn't know how to apology. (bc of his household) but he tries to: with gifts.
so, suddenly you get a random gift box at your door, but its just Lalo trying to get you back.
in highschool lalo learned how to kiss with a "friend" of his.
but he already practiced with his hand, the mirror and a pillow. (he’s embarrassed about that, don’t tell anybody).
lalo isn’t a fan of masturbation, he prefers to fuck you. always.
“if i have someone to fuck with, why am i jerking off?” says lalo.
besides that he is the guy to give gifts to you 24/7, he likes to show his affection by cooking.
also, he adores physical touch.
he has a little bit of trouble showing love that way, tho.
he knows you are always in danger because of his job.
so that’s why he doesn’t spend that much time with you.
he’s making sure no one is gonna get mad at him and going to kill his date.
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foreverdolly · 2 years
Do you read anyone else’s fics? Or does writing, take up all your time on here? I’m just genuinely curious if you have any favorite stories? ( you may of been asked this already) -
i will be honest- i don't read as much as i should on this site now that i'm writing daily, but i want to remedy that. if anyone has any recs or if you want me to read your writing, just message me ! i'm an absolute sucker for a well written fic. i'm not doing this in any sort of order btw ! just writing them down as they come to me. if i haven't mentioned a fic of yours- it's not because i don't like it ! it probably means that i just haven't gotten to it yet !
here are some fics that genuinely buttered my biscuit and had my one hundred and fifteen pound, tiny chihuahua-ass doing backflips down the hallway:
forbidden desire- @mamaspresley ( i read this three times within the first 48 hours of it being posted. i would suck the grease out of austin's hair in this movie like a damn rat. i'm jealous of the pitbull that got to chomp on this man's nutsack. i wish i was the doorframe where his ass got curb stomped. jackie did the damn thing on this one. if anyone knew how many times i've actually read this fic, someone might take my phone away from me. i told her that this was one of my favorite tumblr fics in the history of ever and she didn't believe me. "really?" yes, girl. yes. this had me doing the bend and snap. jackie you're so talented.)
to find a cure- @mamaspresley ( adorable. couldn't breathe the entire time. i had my inhaler in my lap and was clutching my modelo with my free hand. knuckles pale. knees quivering. mom's spaghetti. i'm nervous.)
into you - @dreamersparacosm ( this was actually one of the first austin fics i read post-elvis, which is super cool since you were one of my first mutuals as well ! ang, your writing is stellar. this shit had me doing laps around the house. i had to fight off the urge to propose to you. i told my mom about us. the way you write austin??? jesus, mary, joseph, the donkey and all the wise men.)
going method - @oh-austin (this is just so cute to read. it cured my depression and straightened out my scoliosis. i'm also no longer lactose intolerant, and i think this might also be connected to the series.)
the big shot mississippi boy - @ghxst-heart (i devoured this series in one sitting, and am anxiously awaiting part eight. the way that you are able to so accurately describe the 50's. . . it's almost as though you've lived it yourself ! not to mention the way that you write for elvis??? amazing amazing amazing. you deserve all the love.)
a whole man is hard to find- @aconflagrationofmyown (this fic is going to be my downfall, i can just feel it. marina- please don't give me a heart attack. i'm not ready to die yet. i haven't gotten to peg, and i have a few more things after that to cross off the ole' bucket list.)
familiarity- @blainesebastian (i adore this idea, and what you've done with it is absolutely out of this world. you have this fantastic way of making your reader inserts so relatable. it feels very real and i mean that in the best way possible. like any ole' person can run into austin butler while reaching for the coveted maple clusters. gorgeous.)
on a serious note: there's definitely way more than this. i'll be making a second post of more recommendations at a later date, that way everyone can get the love and appreciation that they deserve. thank you all for what you do for this fandom. just know that your hard work does not go unnoticed. i know that most of you either have school work or maybe even a full time job (like myself), and the fact that you set time aside to write for other's enjoyment is selfless, and quite amazing of you. you are seen, loved, and so so talented.
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tamaramora26 · 2 years
•[ Creek week day 6 Writer x Cartoonist. ]•
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•[ English ]•
I participated in the Creek Week but since this app hates me I upload it until now, well one of my who is a Writer x Cartoonist and who even made me a mini story, well one of my who is a Writer x Cartoonist and who even made me a mini story, here Craig Craig is going to make a painter and he is going to paint Tweek why he was looking for a kind of inspiration for one of his many paintings and needed a model to pose for, being someone with great fame, many people came but none inspired him enough, he was about to give up but then a boy will come who needs money (because he is an independent adult) and with a very beautiful appearance and Craig does not think twice and agrees and Tweek has to pose with a sad face which is not difficult for him thanks to the fact that the school received acting classes and dressed like angels, according to Tweek he does not look attractive but for Craig he will seem like an angel in flesh and bones something that will give him a lot of inspiration
•[ Español]•
Yo participe en el Creek Week pero como está app me odia lo subo hasta ahora, bueno una de mis que es Escritor x Dibujante y que hasta me hize una mini historia, aquí Craig Craig va hacer un pintor y va a pintar a Tweek por qué estaba buscando una clase de inspiración para una de sus tantas pinturas y necesitaba un modelo para que posará, al ser alguien con sienta fama vinieron muchísimas personas pero ninguno le inspiraba lo suficiente, estaba a punto de rendirse pero en eso llegará un chico que necesita dinero ( por qué es un adulto independiente ) y con una apariencia muy hermosa y Craig no lo piensa dos veces y accede y Tweek tiene que posar con una cara triste lo cuál no se le hace difícil gracias a que el la escuela recibía clases de actuación y vestido como los angeles, según Tweek el no seve atractivo pero para Craig a él le parecera un ángel en carne y huesos algo que hará que tenga mucha inspiración
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corndoggod · 1 year
Summer Storm Gumbo
“Have you heard of Meyer v Nebraska,” Charles asked. “It was a Supreme Court case from about 100 years ago….No. Ok. So shortly after World War I…”
Charles loves to talk so let me interrupt to tell you about Charles -- the best-dressed, most cosmopolitan man in all the Midwest. Whereas Cale prides himself on wearing the same shirt every day until it disintegrates, Charles is almost always immaculately dressed in a three-piece suit. The only time I didn’t see him in a suit I was horrified. Ghostly stalks emerged from his shorts as he emerged from the car, sunglasses and lotioned to replace me on a kayak trip on the Elkhorn river. (I was on deadline and panicking, and had to rush back to finish a cover story). Charles is a worldly man and has a working knowledge of many languages, has visited more countries than I could name, and has a nuanced command of world history and international politics, not to mention local politics. He has opinions, too, and loads of recommendations for wherever you might set foot, specializing in Portugal and Brazil. (he once described the Portugese diet as a drunk man let loose in a kitchen dead set on giving himself a delicious heart attack.) I never understood what he did or how he financed his lifestyle, but he was a globetrotting Cadillac of a man, reminding me of a time when writers lived in hotels for months on end.
Anyway, in Charles fashion he went on to explain how a Nebraska teacher plaintiff of German descent challenged a school policy directing teachers to teach exclusively in English. But the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional because there’s no national language and you can’t compel speech.
This anecdote capped off a conversation about language and identity in the courts. We’d been talking about pastagate, a scandal in Quebec involving an Italian restaurant that used the English word for pasta on their menu rather than the French pâtes.
Graham had invited me and half the town over for a cookout, and we congregated on the porch with dollar beers and bowls of gumbo. Graham could be president if he wasn’t so cynical and glued to the bar stool. Everybody loved him and every time I went to his place there was someone new in attendance. He was generous to a fault, inviting random people he saw on the street to come over, especially if they looked like they needed a friend. And this sometimes got him and us in trouble. Like when he invited a guy from a halfway house over and handed him a beer only to learn after he took a long gulp that he was in recovery. Graham laughed and said, “Well shit, you want another?”
The rain glittered in and out of the jaundiced street lights and lightning knifed through the night sky. Aside from gumbo, there was also cheeseburgers, though we arrived too late to taste, and perfectly crisped sweet potato fries and chicken wings my brother seasoned with his grubby fingers.  
Three summers ago I moved back home to live on the lam and get serious about the writing thing. And by serious, I mean I woke up when I wanted, read magazines for an hour, pecked at my computer for a while at the coffee shop and then biked to Love Library to peck some more before going to climb with my brother and then sit at the bar waiting for anyone I knew to show up. That never took long. But after a few weeks, I lost faith in my novel and started writing personal essays instead. It was one of the happiest, most carefree, least productive periods of my life. I biked through England, France and Spain with my brother. I met Celina. I wrote the best, most personal thing I’ve ever written.
Anyway, within the first week of moving into Max and Cat’s extra bedroom a tornado warning sounded. I ran over to the gas station to buy some Modelo’s and plopped down on the porch swing to wait for the wind and for Max and Cat to get home from work. But first came a full trash can flying down the alley, which spooked me enough to crawl down into the basement.
Back at Graham’s, we drank all the beers, like we always do. But it was Sunday and most people headed home to work the next day. I had work too and it was stressing me out, but I stayed to drink a twisted tea and talk about Graham’s cyst he got kayaking the entire length of the Missouri River last summer. “I either gotta lay flat on my belly for a couple of weeks or they’re gonna sew up my cheeks,” he said. “But how would you shit?” “I don’t know.”
He also told me he was on the chopping block at his job where he’d worked for thirteen years. The day before he was up in Omaha orchestrating a protest outside the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting to pressure Warren Buffett, “the oracle of Omaha,” and his worshipers to eliminate their investments in coal.
Then we went to the basement where I played the two best ping pong games of my life. I won’t the first against Janelle and lost the second against Josh, who won a tournament at the Hot Mess earlier that day.
Days like these I feel like everything is worth writing because I finally feel like I know something. My friends are famous and I know as much trivia as any super fan, but no one else knows about them. I also know these burnt skies, this deep thirst and the smells of clipped grass and upturned soil and manure.  
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achaoticbrazilian · 2 years
Oiii! Tu tá escrevendo?espero que sim!gostaria de pedir Mikey,Mitsuya,Chifuyu e Izana com uma namorada brasileira,de começo eles não sabiam mas na hora de pedir em namoro é revelado que a Y/N é brasileira (tipo escondendo por medo q se revelasse ia dar algo ruim entre eles) mas tudo fica de boa e como seria a relação entre eles <3 óbvio você pode ignorar esse pedido!tchau tenha um bom dia/tarde/noite
Boys from Tokyo Revengers discovering a y/n that is Brazilian (Garotos do Tokyo Revengers descobrindo um y / n que é brasileiro)
Author's Note: (Author's note: My first order✨! It's an even greater honor to be from someone from my country. Sorry for the delay in delivery, I was in the final stretch of my classes and was also trying to write in other fandons I like. Currently I only write 3 characters per post. Well, I hope you like it❤️ and have a nice day/night/afternoon/dawn.) ("Nota do autor: Meu primeiro pedido✨! É uma honra ainda maior ser de alguém do meu país. Desculpe a demora na entrega, estava na reta final das minhas aulas e também estava tentando escrever em outros fandons que gosto. Atualmente escrevo apenas 3 caracteres por post. Bom, espero que gostem❤️ e tenham um bom dia/noite/tarde/amanhecer.")
• Characters (Personagens): Takashi Mitsuya, Manjiro Sano, Izana Chifuyu matsuno.
• Temas: Fluff.
Takashi Mitsuya:
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• Okay... So what? (Ok ... E daí?)
• He just doesn't care (Ele simplesmente não liga)
• Like, you're still the person who helps him and eases his daily super schedule and stress, as well as being his personal role model (Tipo, você ainda é a pessoa que o ajuda e facilita sua super agenda diária e o estresse, além de ser seu modelo pessoal)
• For him, its origin is irrelevant (Para ele, sua origem é irrelevante)
• Of course he understands how some people can be really silly about it, but this boy is 100% respectful (Claro que ele entende como algumas pessoas podem ser realmente idiotas sobre isso, mas esse menino é 100% respeitoso)
• "Y/n, I love who you are, your birthplace is irrelevant to me. Is this something you can choose? No! I love your essence and personality, the rest is insignificant!" ("S / n, eu amo quem você é, seu local de nascimento é irrelevante para mim. Isso é algo que você pode escolher? Não! Eu amo a sua essência e personalidade, o resto é insignificante!")
• Dear Santa Claus, give me a Mitsuya as a present, amen! (Querido Papai Noel, dê-me um Mitsuya de presente, amém!)
Manjiro Sano:
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• So what? Pt.2 (E daí? Pt.2)
• Let's present a fact here, you must be too dumb to believe that he would treat you any differently for being from another country (Vamos apresentar um fato aqui, você deve ser burro demais para acreditar que ele iria tratá-lo de forma diferente por ser de outro país)
• He's definitely going to pout because you haven't said it sooner. (Ele definitivamente vai fazer beicinho porque você não disse isso antes.)
• Nothing more to say... (Nada mais a dizer...)
• This boy wouldn't treat you any differently even if you were an alien (Este menino não te trataria de forma diferente, mesmo se você fosse um alienígena)
• "Y/n-chan, are you my girlfriend or not? I don't care if you're from another country. Wait... Does that mean you can't date me?" ("S/n - chan, você é minha namorada ou não? Eu não ligo se você é de outro país. Espera... Isso significa que você não pode me namorar?")
• Please calm this boy down before he gets grumpy (Por favor, acalme esse garoto antes que ele fique mal-humorado)
Matsuno Chifuyu:
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• "Is that a yes or a no?" ("Isso é um sim ou um não?")
• Give this boy an appropriate answer (Dê a este menino uma resposta apropriada)
• He only prepared for a yes or a no, no for this (Ele só se preparou para um sim ou um não, não para isso)
• He would try to support you a lot and if someone says something against you he would end that person (Ele tentaria te apoiar muito e se alguém dissesse algo contra você ele acabaria com essa pessoa)
• Chifuyu can be a very violent person if he wants to. (Chifuyu pode ser uma pessoa muito violenta se quiser.)
• I'm a simp of that man. (Eu sou um simp desse homem)
• "Y/n, I love everything about you and your country is just your birthplace, not you!" ("S/n, eu amo tudo em você e seu país é apenas o seu local de nascimento, não você!")
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Author's Note(Nota do autor): AI am really sorry for the delay in delivering this order. I went through some very complicated moments in that time and had lost the will to write, however, I hope the person who asked for this likes it and thanks for reading. (Sinto muito pela demora na entrega deste pedido. Passei por alguns momentos bem complicados nesse tempo e tinha perdido a vontade de escrever, porém, espero que a pessoa que pediu goste e obrigado por ler.)
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progiftreview · 11 days
Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie
The Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie is a remarkable and unique clothing item that appeals to both men and women who are hunting enthusiasts. This hoodie is not just a regular piece of apparel; it is a symbol of passion, love for the outdoors, and a connection to nature. Made from high-quality materials, this hoodie not only showcases a vibrant design but also provides ultimate comfort and warmth, making it suitable for various weather conditions. The 3D design of the hoodie creates an illusion of depth and adds a touch of realism, giving wearers the feeling of being right in the middle of a duck hunting scene. This exceptional piece of clothing features the iconic Busch Beer Trophy Can, which is highly recognizable by hunting enthusiasts. The can is embellished with intricate details, making it a visually appealing focal point of the hoodie. The gold accents add a touch of elegance, making it a perfect gift for individuals who appreciate the finer things in life. The Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie is not only a functional clothing item but also a beloved collector's item. It is a representation of a community of people who share a common interest in hunting and the outdoors. Owning this hoodie is like being part of an exclusive club, where individuals can proudly display their passion for hunting and their love for Busch Beer. The hoodie's versatility ensures it is suitable for all genders, making it an ideal gift for everyone. Whether it is for a father, brother, mother, or sister, this hoodie will undoubtedly be cherished and appreciated. It is the perfect present for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion where the recipient's love for hunting can be celebrated. Additionally, the Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie is a practical choice for outdoor activities. It is designed for the rigorous demands of hunting, providing wearers with mobility and protection against the elements. The hoodie's hood not only adds an extra layer of warmth but can also shield the wearer's head from rain or wind. Overall, the Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie is an exceptional gift for every hunting enthusiast. It combines functionality, style, and an undeniable sense of community. This hoodie allows wearers to proudly display their love for hunting and their appreciation for Busch Beer, making it a truly special and unique piece of clothing. So, whether you are buying it for yourself or as a gift for someone else, this hoodie is sure to be cherished and enjoyed for years to come.
Get it here : Duck Hunting Busch Beer Trophy Can 3D Hoodie
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://progiftreview.tumblr.com/post/718629439288803328/modelo-especial-cerveceria-mexico-crocs-crocband
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nickgerlich · 8 months
Fighting Back
It’s the saga that keeps giving. While it is typical for consumer boycotts to be forgotten after six months, this one is now approaching seven months, with no signs of abating.It’s just that the victim company is fighting back, acting as if nothing happened, and basically saying to all those who left the brand, “We couldn’t care less about you anymore.”
Of course, I am talking about Bud Light, which was America’s biggest beer brand until what happened last April. The PR disaster that ensued following the one-off beer can produced for transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney sent many beer drinkers off in righteous indignation. In exchange, they adopted Modelo as their new beer brand, an import from Mexico.
Now let me try to explain a little bit about Modelo, because there’s a very unique situation at play here in the States. Globally, AB-InBev, parent company of Budweiser, also owns Grupo Modelo in Mexico, which also makes Corona, Pacifica, and other popular brands. It’s just that when this purchase went down a few years ago, to appease the US and their fears of antitrust, AB-InBev had to agree to a unique licensing and distribution agreement with someone else.
That someone else is Constellation Brands, which produces and distributes a wide variety of beers, wines, and spirits. Constellation is the sole licensee for all Modelo products in the US. Essentially, Constellation is more marketing company than manufacturer, and all that Modelo Beer we hear about crushing Bud Light these days comes from Mexico.
From a brewery owned by AB-InBev.
So while Bud Light may have been toppled from its throne here, it kind of has the last word. It’s just that Constellation gets a slice of the action and bragging rights locally.
Yeah, that’s a mess. Now back to Bud Light. In the wake of April’s incident, the brand has partnered with many college football teams for a huge promotion this fall. And now comes news of their sponsorship of mixed martial arts league UFC, or Ultimate Fighting Championship. It’s a deal worth north of $175 million.
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Interestingly, Bud Light is the more or less official beer here at WT. There are banners hanging inside our basketball arena, and at the Homecoming Tailgate, only Bud Light and Michelob Ultra were available. My son-in-law bought me a “cabottle” of Bud Light. That’s slang for one of those 16-ounce aluminum bottles frequently sold at stadiums, beaches, and anywhere else that glass is not allowed.
And that “cabottle” I drank is a commemorative one for Folds of Honor, a charity that provides educational scholarships to family members of fallen and disabled service members as well as first responders. Bud Light has directed $21 million to this organization in the last 13 years.
I do find this sponsorship to be eyebrow-raising, given what happened here last March and the cancelation of a drag queen show. Because values. I’ll let you mull over that one. Here, have a pint of irony.
Now some of you may be thinking that Bud Light is simply aloof and has turned a deaf ear to the folks who still insist on posting a snarky laughing face emoji any time they see a social media post regarding Bud Light. I truly think that AB-InBev simply no longer cares if it shed some customers. After all, it’s still getting a few ounces of profit from every one of those Modelos sold instead of a Bud Light, by virtue of owning the brewery.
More importantly, AB-InBev is huge, with $57 billion in global revenue. US operations are but a small piece of that. While 2Q revenues dropped $395 million, or about 10% overall of company sales, AB-InBev can ride out this storm for a long time. And while retail sales of Bud Light are down 30% year-over-year for the last month, that does not account for sales on tap. Those rough-and-tumble guys boycotting Bud Light may not want to bear the stigma of waltzing through the store with a 24-pack of Bud Light, but they can order one in a glass with virtual anonymity.
This year’s fiasco may take longer to iron out the wrinkles than the norm. In fact, maybe it will never come clean. But there’s one thing you can count on: Bud Light is not dead, and its well-heeled owner will continue to pump money into it because it can. While Bud Light is consumed primarily by men (60%), it also tracks highly among Gen-Zers. And as we have discussed before, Gen-Zers have a far more progressive worldview than their elders.
I suspect in the long-run that big truth will hold sway, and older folks who stormed away from the brand will do their own thing until they fall off the radar completely. AB-InBev is in this for the long game, not just 2023. Here’s to you, Gen-Z, and here’s to AB-InBev. This saga is far from over, and I think I know who the ultimate winner will be.
Dr “Have A Drink On Me” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Never ever will You push me to the side, Never ever will You tell a lie we are good and that is right, and that is how you'll live your life I am hungry from a thrist, tik tak tik tak, thristy for a little hunger, in your mind, in your mind, we are playing with your mind, in your mind, in your mind, we are playing with your mind.
Hahaha, sing with me puppet hour, puppet hour time, puppet hour, puppet hour time, puppet hour, puppet hour time.
Bueno ya xd, primero que todo aclaro que estos dos personajes les pertenecen a la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd, blue JI the bird, y Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/,
Me inspire en la canción de horror skunx para hacer a estos dos, cuando la escuché por primera vez pensé y me dije wey necesito hacer un dibujo y cuando ví los dibujos de vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ y de la_yosetrapbrokenmmd me dió demasiada motivación para hacerlo<3 ( así que les agradezco a estos dos bellas personas por darme ese ánimo porque la verdad no sabía si hacerlo de Poppy Playtime o de alguien más) también agradezco a horror skunx por la inspiración aunque no sean los personajes de Poppy Playtime, esperó les guste.
Ahí les van los créditos:
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= modelo de su oc
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: blue JI the bird versión humana
Horror skunx= The Poppy Playtime puppet hour time
blue JI= le pertenece blue JI the bird ( namás que Vionagwynvictor lo hizo en su versión humana)
Canción puppet hour time:https://youtu.be/0xXgvduLjTs
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737:https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram blue JI the bird:https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram horror skunx:https://instagram.com/horrorskunx?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Never ever will You push me to the side, Never ever will You tell a lie we are good and that is right, and that is how you'll live your life I am hungry from a thrist, tik tak tik tak, thristy for a little hunger, in your mind, in your mind, we are playing with your mind, in your mind, in your mind, we are playing with your mind.
Hahaha, sing with me puppet hour, puppet hour time, puppet hour, puppet hour time, puppet hour, puppet hour time.
Well now xd, first of all I clarify that these two characters belong to la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd, blue JI the bird, and Vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/,
I was inspired by the horror song skunx to make these two, when I heard it for the first time I thought and said to myself wow I need to do a drawing and when I saw the drawings of vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ and la_yosetrapbrokenmmd it gave me too much motivation to do it <3 (so I thank these two beautiful people for giving me that encouragement because I really didn't know whether to do it from Poppy Playtime or from someone else) I also thank horror skunx for the inspiration even though they are not the characters from Poppy Playtime, wait for them like.
Here are the credits:
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= model of your oc
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: blue JI the bird human version
Horror skunx= The Poppy Playtime puppet hour time
blue JI= blue JI the bird belongs to him (just that Vionagwynvictor did it in his human version)
Puppet hour time song: https://youtu.be/0xXgvduLjTs
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737:https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram blue JI the bird:https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram horror skunx:https://instagram.com/horrorskunx?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Bạn sẽ không bao giờ đẩy tôi sang một bên, Sẽ không bao giờ bạn nói dối chúng tôi tốt và điều đó đúng, và đó là cách bạn sẽ sống cuộc sống của mình. đói nhỏ, trong tâm trí của bạn, trong tâm trí của bạn, chúng tôi đang chơi với tâm trí của bạn, trong tâm trí của bạn, trong tâm trí của bạn, chúng tôi đang chơi với tâm trí của bạn.
Hahaha, hát với tôi giờ con rối, giờ con rối, giờ con rối, giờ con rối, giờ con rối, giờ con rối.
Bây giờ xd, trước hết tôi làm rõ rằng hai nhân vật này thuộc về la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd, chú chim JI màu xanh và Vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/,
Tôi đã lấy cảm hứng từ bài hát kinh dị skunx để tạo ra hai thứ này, khi tôi nghe nó lần đầu tiên, tôi đã nghĩ và tự nhủ rằng mình cần phải vẽ một bức tranh và khi tôi nhìn thấy các bức vẽ của vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ và la_yosetrapbrokenmmd nó đã cho mình quá nhiều động lực để làm <3 (nên mình cảm ơn 2 bạn xinh đẹp này đã động viên mình vì mình thực sự không biết nên làm từ Poppy Playtime hay từ ai khác) Mình cũng cảm ơn kinh dị skunx đã truyền cảm hứng mặc dù họ không phải là nhân vật trong Poppy Playtime, hãy đợi họ như thế nào.
Đây là các khoản tín dụng:
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= kiểu máy oc của bạn
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: chim JI xanh phiên bản người
Skunx kinh dị = Giờ chơi rối của Poppy Playtime
blue JI= blue JI con chim thuộc về anh ta (chỉ là Vionagwynvictor đã làm điều đó trong phiên bản con người của anh ta)
Bài hát giờ múa rối: https://youtu.be/0xXgvduLjTs
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737:https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Chú chim JI xanh trên Instagram:https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Skunx kinh dị trên Instagram:https://instagram.com/horrorskunx?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
เธอจะไม่มีวันผลักไสฉันไปข้าง ๆ เธอจะไม่มีวันโกหกว่าเราดีและถูกต้อง และนั่นคือวิธีที่เธอจะใช้ชีวิตของเธอ ความหิวเล็กน้อย ในใจของคุณ ในใจของคุณ เรากำลังเล่นกับความคิดของคุณ ในใจของคุณ ในใจของคุณ เรากำลังเล่นกับความคิดของคุณ
ฮ่า ฮ่า ฮ่า ร้องเพลงกับฉัน ชั่วโมงหุ่นเชิด ชั่วโมงหุ่น ชั่วโมงหุ่น ชั่วโมงหุ่น ชั่วโมงหุ่น ชั่วโมงหุ่น
ตอนนี้ xd ก่อนอื่นฉันขอชี้แจงว่าตัวละครสองตัวนี้เป็นของ la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd นก JI สีน้ำเงิน และ Vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/
ฉันได้แรงบันดาลใจจากเพลงสยองขวัญ skunx ในการทำทั้งสองสิ่งนี้ เมื่อฉันได้ยินมันเป็นครั้งแรก ฉันคิดและพูดกับตัวเองว่า ว้าว ฉันต้องวาดรูปแล้ว และเมื่อฉันเห็นภาพวาดของ ทำให้มีแรงฮึดที่จะทำ <3 (ก็เลยขอบคุณคนสวยสองคนนี้ที่ให้กำลังใจ เพราะไม่รู้จริงๆ ว่าทำจาก Poppy Playtime หรือจากใคร) แล้วก็ขอบคุณ horror skunx สำหรับแรงบันดาลใจด้วย ถึงจะไม่ใช่ตัวละครจาก Poppy Playtime ก็รอติดตามกันนะครับ
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= โมเดลของ oc ของคุณ
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: blue JI นกเวอร์ชั่นมนุษย์
Horror skunx = ชั่วโมงหุ่นเชิด Poppy Playtime
blue JI= blue JI นกเป็นของเขา (แค่ Vionagwynvictor ทำในเวอร์ชั่นมนุษย์)
เพลงชั่วโมงหุ่นกระบอก: https://youtu.be/0xXgvduLjTs
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737:https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram นก JI สีน้ำเงิน:https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
อินสตาแกรม vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram สยองขวัญ skunx:https://instagram.com/horrorskunx?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
さて、xd、まず最初に、これら 2 つのキャラクターが la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd、鳥の青い JI、および Vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ に属していることを明確にします。
ホラーソングのスカンクスにインスピレーションを受けてこの 2 つを作りました。初めてこの曲を聞いたとき、すごい絵を描かなければいけないと思ったのですが、vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ と la_yosetrapbrokenmmd の絵を見たとき、それができました。それをやる動機が多すぎた <3 (だから、私に励ましを与えてくれたこの 2 人の美しい人たちに感謝します。なぜなら、私はポピー プレイタイムからやるべきか他の人からやるべきか本当に迷っていたからです) インスピレーションを与えてくれたホラー スカンクスにも感謝します。ポピープレイタイムのキャラじゃないけど、待っててね。
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= oc のモデル
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: ブルー JI 鳥の人間バージョン
ホラー スカンクス = ポピー プレイタイムの人形の時間
青 JI = 青 JI 鳥は彼のものです (ヴィオナグウィンヴィクターが人間バージョンでそれをしただけです)
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737:https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram 鳥のブルー JI:https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Instagram vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Никогда Ты не оттолкнешь меня в сторону, Никогда Ты не солжешь, мы хорошие, и это правильно, и именно так ты проживешь свою жизнь Я голоден от жажды, тик-так-тик-так, жажду немного голода, в твоем уме, в твоем уме, мы играем с твоим разумом, в твоем уме, в твоем уме, мы играем с твоим разумом.
Ха-ха-ха, пой со мной час марионеток, час марионеток, час марионеток, час марионеток, час марионеток, час марионеток.
Ну а теперь xd, во-первых уточняю, что эти два персонажа принадлежат la_yoseptrapbrokenmmd, птичке blue JI и Vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/,
На создание этих двух меня вдохновила песня ужасов skunx, когда я впервые услышал ее, я подумал и сказал себе, вау, мне нужно сделать рисунок, и когда я увидел рисунки vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/ и la_yosetrapbrokenmmd it дал мне слишком много мотивации, чтобы сделать это <3 (поэтому я благодарю этих двух прекрасных людей за то, что они поддержали меня, потому что я действительно не знал, сделать ли это с помощью Poppy Playtime или кого-то еще) Я также благодарю ужасного скунса за вдохновение хоть они и не персонажи из Poppy Playtime, ждать их хотелось.
Вот кредиты:
La_yosetrapbrokenmmd= модель вашей ОС
Vionagwynvictor/ viona-AI/: синий JI, птица, человеческая версия
Horror skunx = The Poppy Playtime, кукольный час, время
синий JI = синий JI птица принадлежит ему (просто Вионагвинвиктор сделал это в своей человеческой версии)
Кукольная часовая песня: https://youtu.be/0xXgvduLjTs
Instagram la_yosetrapbrokenmmd737: https://instagram.com/the_beaveruwu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Инстаграм голубой птицы JI: https://instagram.com/direl_blueji?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Инстаграм vionagwynvictor/viona-AI/:https://instagram.com/vivio_ai?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Ужасный скунс в инстаграме: https://instagram.com/horrorskunx?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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