#something abt people calling u a robot
garden-bug · 6 months
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Zane and I are an exact personality match and I love him very much.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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you wouldn't believe two separate robots got their shit rocked this chapter
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sera-wasnever · 4 months
People who latch onto ai as a buzzword thing to hate are both a) buying into the marketing of everything called 'ai' being the same magic artificial intelligence technology and b) entirely limiting their idea of what it is to how it personally affects/might affect them. You will not stick it to the exploitation of artists by loudly condemning like... Sci-fi that explores the concept of artificial nonhuman sentience just cause they refer to it as artificial intelligence.
#yes I have seen many people with this take#so strictly confined to how something affects you and your community specifically!!#as if artists are the only people to have their jobs taken by machines.#as if it was fine when it happened to farmworkers to calculators to typists to weavers to swordsmiths to... you get the idea#as if dependence on your training being the most efficient way for a profit seeking entity to make what they want to sell is sustainable#or even fucking DESIRED for the state of the artform or whatever#this economic system and art are inherently incompatable#programs marketed as ai are not the cause and blindly rallying against whatever ai means to you isn't the answer#in fact it'd probably hurt you if you succeeded in either banning the tech (ppl would lie abt using it cause u can't make ppl unknow things#(and it'd be so hard to legally define without being meaningless or also catching tech that could like. save lives.)#or if you got perfectly enforced more stringent copyright (just. look at what happened to the music world. it's a hellscape)#(non-huge music artists only avoid getting sued for every musical idea by not making enough money to be worth going after)#(and huge ones stick with what has been done enough times that no one could even claim to own it or give nonsense songwriting creds)#anyway. just an understandable but short-sighted and self-centred reactionary worldview exemplified by getting mad at 'robots good?' scifi#I have seen so many instances (irl) of people on principle refusing to learn anything new abt the scary thing#when it's my friend talking about like. building certain navigation systems. cause it's called ai.#ghost.personal#<= cause this is pure frustrated rant not My Thinkpiece
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ariicandy · 8 months
Hihi! I found you through this event that you're doing, and I wanted to contribute! Sorry for another Rui prompt, but could I get Rui from Project Sekai with the Hurt/Comfort prompt 3 please?
“You make me feel safe”
HII! Dont worry abt it being another rui prompt I do need to practice writing abt him! This is the first prompt of hurt/comfort so enjoy!
A/N: Hopefully I did rui good I haven’t been keeping up on character development && from lack of motivation 4 prompt (╥﹏╥)
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Rui has been at hard work in making new inventions to show at a school contest. He has never been this excited or amazed by his own invention he has created. He has brought the invention to school with the help of tsukasa carrying it together, rui started to feel down not because of the weight of the robot. But the people around saying things not even trying to hide it as a whisper. People in the hallways start low-like voices on his robot saying, “careful he has a robot again” “the weirdo is here.” etc etc. The usually things he hears but, it hurts. This project had give him motivation and excitement on showing people how proud he was working on this. He can’t help but make those negative comments stir in his mind.
Tsukasa has saw how his facial expression is down from hearing all the comments people are saying. “Rui don’t listen to those comments! You are the greatest inventor!!” Tsukasa shouts, it did get rui’s attention out of that dark fog in his head. He smiles a bit from tsukasa’s remark, “Thank you tsukasa.”
Even tho Rui cheered a bit, tsukasa doesn’t fully believe he’s alright. He decided to text someone close to rui ever since he was little. You, tsukasa decided to message you to atleast Check up if he’s fine from all the things people have said.
Tsukasa: “[NAME]!! CAN U PLEASE CHECK UP ON RUI (。•́︿•̀。)“
You: “Sure! But what happen (・・ ) ?”
Tsukasa: “people were saying rude comments and he’s looking very down from it(。•́︿•̀。)”
Tsukasa sent a message that they were at Kamiyama High School for the school contest. With that, you were off running to go see if your boyfriend was doing okay, it worried you on what types of comments people have made while they saw what he has made. Rui’s creation always interest and amaze you everyday from his inventions he creates. What’s one thing he has never told you about his creations is that you give him motivation to think and create what he loves to do while you are there to support him.
Mini time skip to where u found where they are at
“Rui! Tsukasa! Hi!” Walking towards them at their little stand. “[NAME]!! Just in time!!” Tsukasa exclaimed. “Oh [Name]! I didn’t expect such a lovely person to be here!” Rui said. “Rui! Anyways can we chat somewhere i wanna ask you something.” You asked Rui, to which he replied with sure and a nod. Tsukasa took over the stand while you both went somewhere private to chat. “So what did you wanted to talk about??” Rui asked once u guys finally settled on a quiet area where nobody is around to spy. “Rui are you alright from earlier? Tsukasa has told me people were saying mean things i just want to check if you’re okay, I’ll be with you the entire day if u want.” Rui was shocked a bit tsukasa calling you just to check up on him because you’re the only person he will open up to. He sighed and decided even if he told you he was fine, you’ll be keeping an eye on him the whole day so might as well give in. Rui started to open a bit on the comments made him doubt himself if his inventions were really weird and all. You hugged rui as he accepts it need the comfort from you. Ever since he met you by mizuki he has never felt so loved and accepted by someone, wanting to spend his every second with you. You made a connection with him, loving him, caring for him, and he feels safe in your arms not caring if anyone comes by and sees you both. He likes being in the comfort of your arms
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
like. i still wouldn't want someone to copy and paste my fics into a large language model like chatgpt but it's not so much bc i'm worried abt my work being stolen (seems unlikely that an LLM would spit back out my exact words considering how it works, and even if it did, i doubt any individual would be able to like. publish and profit from those words, based on the nebulous status of copyright law when it comes to LLMs like chatgpt. and having my words fed into the LLM really isn't going to make much of a difference when it comes to corporations profiting off the tool in the first place; plus in instances of corporate exploitation i think there are more effective ways to organize than like...arguing for strengthened ip laws or trying to like make ip laws for fanfiction spaces). it's more because i'm wary of what that says about how a person is like...approaching my fic specifically + fanfiction more broadly. in two main ways:
1. i think it is just. basic respect to check with a writer before u take their work off ao3(or whatever fanfic-specific place it's been shared) and put it somewhere else. and like, this applies to lots of things outside chatgpt--reposting fics to other sites, posting them on goodreads/storygraph, printing + binding fics, etc. if u are treating fanfic writers as people who u are in community with, who are generously sharing a gift with u, then it seems like basic kindness to check in and see if they're alright with u taking that fic outside the space it was posted to do something else with it.
with chatgpt and similar LLMs specifically, a lot of people are wary because there's still so much unsettled in regards to how copyright laws might shake out, and most people (myself included) are unsure of how/whether our writing/data might be stored and used by these corporations that own the LLMs. i don't think ai itself is something that should be mythologized as like ontologically evil technology, but anytime a corporation is introducing us to new tech like this we need to be wary of where it's coming from and how it could be used--people have already pointed out a lot of very serious issues with the way this technology is being developed and how it could/likely will be/already is being used exploitatively--which, again, is more a matter of organizing against corporations than railing against ai tech itself, but is still a valid reason for writers (again, myself included) to be wary of having their work fed to LLMs without permission.
and like. sure, u don't have to care abt writers' feelings + boundaries and can just take their stories and do whatever u want with them. but to me that says u aren't treating fanfic as a community space, but rather a content farm in which fics are products that u are entitled to do whatever u want with. and i just think that's shitty! and if that's how ur treating fanfic then i'd rather not have u reading my fic at all
2. i honestly think it's a strange way to engage w storytelling by treating endings this way. like. story endings are usually v important + intentional, and can completely change the entire tone, themes, messages, etc of a story. i understand going to the writer and asking them abt what they had in mind for the story ending if ur looking for closure, and i understand imagining ur own story ending or even writing ur own ending to an unfinished story. what i don't understand is plugging a story into chatgpt and having it spit an ending out for u.
and like. maybe this is bc we've all been calling these LLMs ai, which evokes an impression of like. a sentient robot creating something. but that's not what these programs do! the first article i linked explains how they actually work really well, but essentially--chatgpt and similar LLMs cannot create new ideas. they can't take a story and synthesize its themes or pick apart its tone to then come up with an original idea for an ending. at the same time, they aren't just plagiarism machines that are ripping text directly from other writers and spitting it back out.
instead (to my understanding), what they're doing is compressing vast amounts of information by running statisical analyses to just save the most common trends, patterns, recurring info, etc, and then plugging that in to fill the gaps. it looks like it's writing something new, but it's essentially just paraphrasing already-existing information pulled from the internet. so i'd imagine that if u fed an ai a fic and said "write an ending," the ai would basically compare the fic to whatever similar stories it has saved and then spit out an ending that is most commonly found on the internet for that type of story. [not an expert here tho--this is just my best guess based on the bit of research i've done].
my point is--you won't be getting a new ending inspired directly by the story u put in. you'll be getting a paraphrased version of the most commonly recurring type of ending for similar stories on the web. and i just....don't see how that would be satisfying in any way. it seems, again, like a way in which someone would be approaching fic like a product, something that needs to be finished + complete bc ur entitled to it, rather than viewing fic as a piece of art with its own unique themes, message, and story that can't just be plugged into a one-size-fits-most ending generator. and like, i'm trying to avoid mysticizing writing as some sort of ethereal art form that would be blasphemously degraded by having someone plug in a shitty ending paraphrased from a conglomeration of various similar stories--i don't think someone creating a shitty ending for a story is like. a horrible evil thing. but i can understand where the satisfaction is coming from if you're writing your own shitty ending, where you get to come up with where u think the story would go + where u get to synthesize the themes u picked up on etc. but ai isn't even doing that--so again, i don't understand where the satisfaction is coming from aside from just going "well every story i read needs to be finished," which. makes me wary bc it just feels like a completely different way to approach stories and storytelling than i would hope to find in fanfic spaces, one that treats fic less as a creative place to explore and more as a transactional space where u are entitled to products.
anyway. feel like my thoughts + feelings abt ai keep changing the more i learn abt it + i'm sure they could change again, but rn my impression of this whole situation is like. i find the fact that some people are plugging fics into LLMs less concerning re: ip + ownership rights, and i don't think it's useful to exaggerate or mythologize abt what ai actually does (i think even calling it ai has kind of misled a lot of people, myself included). what concerns me more is that plugging fics into LLMs to write endings feels symptomatic of a broader culture in which people treat fanfic as an informal profit economy in which fics are product or content that a consumer-audience is entitled to, and i think that sort of approach leads to a whole plethora of other issues + makes fandom a more hostile space.
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Hey Ryu! (I hope it's ok to call u that (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)) I've been looking at ur art and fanfics for a while and I rlly support Shroudsect! \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/ I was thinking abt this for a while and was wondering if u would like to share sum Yandere Ortho fic! U can share them with any scenario, any characters, and any place! I'm just curious what u will create out of this (ofc if u have the time.) Thanks for reading this and thank u for ur glorious artwork! Have a great day/night! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
Hi Anon! Of course you can call me Ryu <3 Thank you so much for enjoying our art and posts and for liking the way we portray Shroudcest!
Yandere Ortho is one of our favourite themes, we really like how dangerous he can get whenever he feels the need to protect Idia (so pretty much always). Despite his disposition and attitude + the fact that he likes to push Idia to live a healthier life and socialize, both of them are dependent on each other. So I’ll share a couple of OruIde headcanons with yandere!Ortho, if this is what you’d like to read!
Both regular/robot Ortho and human Ortho could easily be a yandere. Robo!Ortho has issues with empathy, since he is an AI, but human!Ortho isn’t much better. He looks much more socially adapted than Idia: he is extraverted, he has friends, he seems to be a nice guy who knows how to react when he needs to support someone, but his feeling of empathy is actually worse than Idia’s: he’s just good at mimicking it. In actuality he is so obsessed with Idia that he doesn’t actually take others’ feeling into consideration when acting.
Because of that, if someone were to mistreat Idia or say something bad about him, this person not only would stop being Ortho’s “friend” in a second, they would become an enemy to be eliminated. Obviously, we’ve seen this in canon, when Ortho wanted to shoot lasers at some random students for talking shit about Idia, so he (both in his robo!form and in his human!form) clearly isn’t opposed to harming others for Idia’s sake (even though Idia wouldn’t want him to do it…).
Depending on how dark you want to go, Ortho could’ve easily killed a guy or even a bunch of guys, despite being previously friendly with them, because he felt like they were making fun of Idia. In some extreme scenarios it’s very possible, and it makes Ortho quite scary.
That being said, he isn’t always this intense: sometimes just ruining a person socially is enough for Ortho. It’s also reflected in canon: he has a lot of dirt on others and can easily obtain blackmail material if needed, so tormenting someone and threatening them because of their sins against his precious Idia is something that Ortho does. He usually doesn’t tell Idia about it though, but not because he doesn’t want him to know what kind of horrible things he does, but because he doesn’t want Idia to get upset (mostly because of the things that these assholes are saying about him).
Despite the fact that Ortho wants Idia to make friends and even be involved with someone romantically, he is actually quite prone to jealousy, because he is so used to Idia belonging to him only. This wouldn’t be too obvious because of how supportive Ortho would be of Idia, but he would actually be upset about Idia seeing someone else. Especially if Idia is visibly happy with someone else. Ortho would obviously  be emotionally tormented, because he doesn’t want to take away Idia’s happiness, but…
… but it is for the best, isn’t it? So he would sabotage their relationship by either scaring the guy away or creating miscommunication/misunderstandings between them, to make Idia feel like the guy is avoiding him or making fun of him. It is painful to see Idia so devastated, but it’s alright, because Ortho is always there to comfort him and shower him with love. And he, unlike all the other people, would never hurt Idia!
Ortho really uses the fact that Idia would never suspect him of any wrongdoing in his advantage. Idia adores Ortho and even idealizes him a little bit, thinking that Ortho would never do anything malicious. Not only that, Idia also always expects bad things from everyone other than Ortho, so it wouldn’t be too surprising for him that a person that he liked ditched him in the weirdest way possible. He would be heartbroken about his sudden breakup with that person, but being comforted by Ortho feels nice, so…
… so Ortho is definitely going to use that to make a move on Idia and kiss him. And talk about how everything has happened for a reason and that they are destined to be together, him and Idia.
No matter how Idia replies or reacts to that statement, Ortho is never going to back down. He has decided that they’re going to be together forever, and that they don’t need anybody else, so this is how things are going to be. Ortho is really stubborn.
Ortho doesn’t categorize his adoration towards Idia as a romantic or non-romantic love: he does have romantic feelings and sexual desire towards him, but he is also super obsessed with him in general, he almost believes that this feeling is way too strong to just be considered “love”.
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coredrill · 2 months
as foretold, bang brave bang bravern was crazy good this week
it's just. gosh. for as much as i talk abt bravern being unhinged the fact of the matter is that it is actually SO restrained. ESPECIALLY for something in a medium that is already a little self-indulgent and referential. like for all of bravern himself's clear love for mecha there have been so few explicit references to other shows? and then this ep had so fucking many - ttgl (which - fucking hilarious to use it against a character KONISHI is voicing and then have that DD be fucking useless except for wanting to see some cool fights LSKDJFH) and flcl and symmetrical docking and rider kick and jeeg and gundam and the fuckin uhhhhhhhh exkaiser i think but i dont remember for sure its the same one that showed up in the earlier fight w superbia too. like w the other mecha on the roof framing. and probably about thirty more that i'm for sure missing or not recognizing or forgetting ON TOP OF all the obari posing and punching which have been sneaking into the visuals before this - but it was all for the purpose of having us watch this hype battle and get all excited to make the ending hit THAT much harder. and holding off the first gattai until episode NINE???? the thing we're all expecting to happen at any fucking moment, because there was no way that the souls of isami and bravern could've combined and actually resonated for a true gattai until that point????? like it's ALL in service of the story rather than wow cool robot even tho it IS a pretty damn cool robot. this show makes me feel like i did my homework and i'm acing the test AND I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THAT MUCH MECHA TBH. LMFAO. all the "who is this show even FOR (eyeroll emoji)" comments back in like ep2 get funnier every week bc bravern knows its audience like the back of its hand and it gets clearer and clearer every week that its execution is fucking razor sharp. this show is SO SUCKING GOOD and I LOVE IT. that was supposed to say fucking good but sucking works too
the fucking NOISE superbia makes when bravern is like "don't u want to fight me when i'm EVEN STRONGER" took me the FUCK out
[gets beer sponsorship] [makes Consumption Of Food And Drink a tether point to Humanity] [out-cooks the cooking show] i'm gonna buy more kona beer (<- fucking hates beer)
fish jumpscare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i honestly don't think i've seen any anime with a fucking ED DROP before. lmfao
lewis smith. you want so badly to be the protagonist. to be the rival. to be the one who dies to motivate the hero. to be the MECHA ITSELF. and yet you are the love interest!!! you are GOING to be saved whether you want it or not!!! you ARE rain mikamura. you ARE the heroine. Let Isami Save You. you've got a family of people who fuck with time in different and fun ways to save each other and its his turn now whether you like it or not!!!!!!!!
he rly did put that mask back on right before he died…………..subtext, cowards, so on and so forth
thanks bravern for inventing gay ppl. was surprised to get a literal love confession AND an almost-kiss here but tbh at this point i think isami could use a good old-fashioned hug more than anything else. like one of those that cracks his spine. poor baby rice cracker is goin thru it LMAO. also i keep calling isami baby rice cracker and i cannot stop myself anymore………..baby rice cracker…………
me after saying every week that this show has done something to my brain "guys i think this show has done something to my brain"
wow this post is allover the place moreso than usual. like i said earlier this ep was so fucking DENSE and GOOD that i'm gonna need some time to process All That. gosh. [bravern voice] BRAAAAAAVEEEERN!!!!!!!!!!!
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liloinkoink · 9 months
Can u plz explain the treebark yellow rose au?
Or tag me in a post that explains it? 💚💛❤️
I’m intrigued but I don’t rly understand it
sure! i can try!
hmmm. Ren and Martyn are a superhero duo, Frostburn and Rose. they’ve been doing their thing together for about a year, but recently, things have gotten a bit… strained
i’m. putting this under a cut bc it got long. there’s something wrong with us
this got referenced briefly in House Fire, but their world’s a little short of 20 years out from a poorly-understood Catastrophic Event. it wiped a lot of cities off the map and caused strange powers to develop in some survivors. with the world in chaos, a lot of ppl with newfound powers started causing problems, which lead to a rise in both villains and heroes to stop them
Ren’s got temperature control based powers (which allows him to use both fire and ice) as well as enhanced healing. Martyn has… nothing, but a lifelong interest in robotics means he’s made himself some gadgets that protect him and allow him to fight (such as his suit, which is insulated to protect him from Ren freezing/burning him)
we have a lot of backstory stuff for both of them (esp Martyn. i’m so invested in his backstory) but it doesn’t rlly matter for this question. what matters is they become friends when they’re about 9 and are afterwards inseparable. they end up living together, and during that time Ren takes up heroism. Martyn figures him out and joins him, bc Ren is his best friend and he doesn’t want Ren risking his life alone
it works out fine for a bit, at some unspecified point before House Fire, Martyn gets injured in some fight bc whoever they’re fighting figures that’ll hurt Ren even if they can’t Physically hurt Ren, and Ren sort of panics. so he starts benching Martyn. he wants to take on all the difficult stuff himself so that Martyn stays safe. if someone throws a car at Frostburn, after all, he’ll walk it off. if someone throws a car at Rose…. well, Ren doesn’t want to find out!
Martyn takes this poorly. he’s pretty mad about it. he feels pretty pathetic and kind of useless. Ren benching him is embarrassing and it scares him. he just doesn’t want Ren out there alone. but he’s Martyn, so rather than say any of this TO Ren, he just mopes and complains out loud to himself when Ren walks off.
on one such occasion, Martyn isn’t actually alone. he gets approached by a man who claims to be a civilian that Rose helped, who overheard Rose’s predicament and who thinks he can help. his name is Doc (vtuber doc, from martyn’s lore, not docm77—we’ve been calling him docv to distinguish him lmao) and and he studies powers
Docv gives Martyn a card and an address. he says if Rose is willing to help him, he’ll help Rose prove to Frostburn that Rose is strong. if Rose wants powers, Docv will give him powers—he has all these abilities in reserve, but hasn’t had a chance to test how well they work. if Rose will help Docv with his research by using these powers and reporting back, Docv will give him full access to using them
Martyn doesn’t go immediately, but w Ren repeatedly benching him whenever things seem hairy, he’s got time to decide. eventually, he goes to Docv’s lab, and Docv explains his research and his plan
Docv can give people powers temporarily. he can give some to Martyn, and then Martyn can use them to prove to Frostburn how strong he is. how? Martyn takes on a villain persona, and he takes on Frostburn. if his villain persona wins, then Frostburn will have to see how strong Martyn is, and he’ll stop benching him. Docv gives Martyn powers, an injector he can wear to administer them to himself, an alternate conscience, and even a Martyn suit to protect him and enhance his strength (also it does some other stuff don’t worry about it). (the suit, which Martyn wears under the Thorn costume, is the fourth one in cherri’s design lineup for these guys. don’t worry abt why it’s labeled “test rat” that’s probably fine)
Martyn has to keep his identity as Thorn a secret from Ren, of course, but it won’t be hard—Ren is rarely home anymore.
Docv only asks one thing in return. he’s very interested in Frostburn’s powers. when Martyn/Thorn beats Frostburn, Docv requests Martyn bring him back to the lab so Docv can take a look, as payment for Docv’s help. Frostburn’s one of the city’s strongest heroes, after all, surely bringing him in the least Martyn can do for Docv
i think that about catches up to the fic that’s published? i don’t know if this made sense lmao feel free to ask any follow up questions if needed
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candy-fae · 4 months
HELLO CARLIE I am here to get u to talk about batman stuff
What got u into batman and why is the riddler ur fav? I am hella curious and i don't remember if we talked abt it!
-Chris! (@worldtravelercv)
LET ME BEAM YOU BACK TO THE RIPE YEAR OF 2004!! I am fresh to the world, 4 years old. I know what Batman is, because I have three older brothers. But I only watched live action silly Jim carry villains, and the colors and Tim burtony city were what stuck. Cool. Neat.
Fast forward. 200000007? Probably. BOOMERANG. I grew up without cable, and the internet for a while. Didn't get a phone until I was 14. so, late at night, while I'm watching the brand new box tv, what comes across my screen?
Well at that time certainly not robot chicken. The theme song was scary. So, the 2004 Batman reruns catch my attention on boomerang, and BOY did they hold it! Feral joker. Penguin being a greedy little criminal. And the Batman. Everything was dark, and angular, and when there was color it was BRIGHT. but it was used so well it made things seem intentional and wacky.
That's actually my favorite version of Bruce. I'm not really a batfam fan at all haha. Hard to keep track of the robins for me. But he was animated like a shadow, or a vampire, and was sharp like a villains design. Kevin Conroy has the best Bman voice, but this guy was my OG and a different spin on the hero's I'd seen so far.
the best version of everything is the the version we were exposed to as kids.
And I loved it! Penguin was definitely my favorite, and I'm actually not a big fan of the Batman 2004's Riddler lol. Just not my style, but INTERESTING. story wise sorta reminds me of the fox gothams Riddler.
He's different, very much so. We get NOTHING of Fox riddlers story before we see him which. Is usually such a big part of his character haha. He doesn't have the same "I'm better than you" energy either that I'm use to. But you know who's got it down just about right?
Arkham Eddie. I played the game at a friends house once, and he explained to me how Riddler progressively learns to outsmart you through the entire series.
He's like an underdog villain, who has SO much potential, but is sparingly used, because he's hard to write, and I hate that haha
To write a good, Compelling Riddler, you have to be smart enough to make, and solve, a complicated obstruction. He's never a toll bridge for the Batman, he's ALWAYS a speed bump. At first. Then he's a boulder, then a mountain, until you can't ignore him anymore, then he's not something you can keep beating up, you actually have to outfox him, and he's aware of it.
He's a good villain because super intelligent people often see things from all angles, and to keep a guy who's called the world's greatest detective on his toes guessing, is pretty impressive for a guy we don't get to see too much. And I think it's a shame.
Personality wise, I think he's funny. Like, accidentally. Have you ever played the Arkham games? HOURS of failing that stupid race track to the sound of him taunting you makes it very full filing to finally catch him, but I WOULDN'T know. That jerk.
At current though, zero year is my favorite. Greg Capullo has such a good understanding of drawing movement and lots of Eddie pictures portray so much action in a still frame, it's crazy, but, now you've got me rambling.
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teadrop-12 · 1 year
dying to know any and all of your preferred wild kratts ships please (including qprs) (ESPECIALLY qprs actually)
AIEE I’m so happy u asked this!!!!!
Well, i really love a lot of ships, and i have a whole bunch of hcs!! like i hc most of the characters as aro/ace-spec like Aviva and Chris being aroace, and zach and Martin being ace-spec. I really REALLY love qprs. I want to gush about them 4 a bit Like my favorite would be Chrisviva, they're super sweet. like they have such a special connection 2 each other in the show also these screenshots
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they're both pretty inventive and technical, (except chris is kinda more spur of the moment creative like when he used blades of grass to fix the little worm mobile) n i think like chris is like her cheerleader when she makes inventions lolz
the runner up 4 them is chriszach as a qpr. the way you described them as a qpr is like.. PERFECT. it encapsulated everything that i was feeling about them like if u remember my snow episode idea with bby tooth that was like the start of it like when he calls them wild ratts he separates chris from it and eventually stops saying "Wild Ratts" altogether and like slowly but surely stops using animals for his robots (like almost half of them dont even use the animals) bc he keeps having adventures with Chris and the others and sees that some things/people r worth changing for or something (i have a theory that he would turn good and Paisley is supposed to be his replacement but i'll write abt that later.). I like to think that if/when zach starts to help them out with their missions n stuff him n chris form sum kind of connection thats not romantic but like they care for each other and for each other's safety differently than they do for others n i think thats rlly sweet. I guess the best way I can explain their relationship is like "platonically down bad". As well as some scenes that (may) show that Zach does actually care 4 chris n the wk team. Super sorry if this is confusing I'll work on them a bit more!! other than that I dont rlly ship zach with anyone else
I saw a ship name “daisy” 4 Donita n paisley n I thought they were super cute wk sapphics 4 the win!!!
Also like kokiviva is SO cute I don’t think they’re trying 2 hide it cause they’ve called each other pet names like “honey” and “girlfriend”
I don’t rlly think I ship Martin w/anyone rlly, but I do hc him as bi/ace. I've seen ppl ship him with donita, which i guess makes sense cause they have a BUNCH of scenes together that can be read as romantic. Same thing with Jimmy ig
thats all i have 4 now I'll work on them more soon!!!
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ficmachine · 2 years
do u maybe want to share sun/moon hcs.. i love hearing peoples hcs and i also have robot jester brainrot so >:0
Okayokayokayokay. Listen.
Sun is all wholesome and caring and loving but this fucker gets very jealous very easily and doesn't know how to handle it. It's so funny.
He will hover around you and look like he has so much to say, voice box crackling like he's abt to say something, maybe straight up HUFFING when you don't pay attention to him immediately, but ultimately he will simply just.... Deflate and go back to sulking on the other side of the room until he gets all worked up and bothered again (probably bc you talked to a Staff bot too fondly or something stupid like that)
And then it's back to him following you like a horsefly. Hovering over you, getting all huffy and demanding your attention (maybe even stomping his foot out of frustration) but the moment you ask him to explain what's got him so upset? Nope. Back to square 1. He doesn't know how to put it into words and probably calls you a meanie and then goes back to sulking.
If you do ask him if hes jealous tho? No! He's not! Absolutely not! Hes never experienced jealousy or envy in his entire life! In fact, he just learnt the meaning of that by looking it up real quick! Yup! Nobody's jealous here! Not at all! Except it's so painfully obvious that yes he wants your attention, and yes hes jealous. His pride won't let him to admit it that he wants you to pay attention to him a bit more that day.
Moon would straight up just call him out and let you know why and what got Sun so upset. Like a to-the-minute itemized list of what bothered his counterpart. Blunt, short, and to the point bc sometimes he's done Sun's shit way of handling things (even tho Moon isn't any better at it tbh).
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ichorblossoms · 8 months
(ur replies r also off tho that might be by choice idk) i picked so many so feel free to pick and choose which ones u wanna do but: grimm and yarrow with 3-9, 22-26, 30, 31, 36, 40, 43 + A-C for you about them!
THANK you for pointing that out, they're on now! and also THANK you for these i am >>>:D some of these questions have activated my infodumping bc i have a lot of Thoughts and Words ehehe
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
yarrow: he'll usually wind down beforehand with a book and a cigarette (only allows himself three a day), but the exhaustion of being the only doctor in town and not really having days off puts him to sleep pretty quickly
grimm: i don't think it actually has much of a routine, but it does have to check that wrench (robot coyote companion) is alert to watch it's back while it sleeps
How easy is it to earn their trust?/How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
both answered here!
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
yarrow: flexible, has seen firsthand how people in power can bend laws around them and get away with horrible shit other people can't
grimm: doesn't give a shit about them either way
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
yarrow: tbh i need to think more abt yarrow's past bc they don't have any Tragic Backstory like grimm does. while they don't actually miss living in the large city like they did in the very beginning of the story, occasionally they'll get lucky and find one of their old favorite snacks from when they were in school, and how it reminds them of days spent cramming for exams. the memories are fond, but they don't miss it
grimm: seeing traveling caravans of performers come through town makes them ache for the family they used to have. until the age of ~13 or so they performed in a traveling band playing the violin/fiddle, but an accident left them and a few kids as the only survivors so it's all very bittersweet. yarrow found them a violin they'll occasionally pick up
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
i haven't thought enough abt the specifics of grimm and yarrow's childhoods to have a clear answer but i can tell you they often have to tell their adopted child lucy to stop eating the bugs she finds (she's an eight-year-old ringtail humod so she has a typical child impulse control alongside an instinctual drive to eat bugs hdgklhf. she'll be fine)
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Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
they absolutely both swear, yarrow more than grimm just by sheer volume of Talking More. i don't think either would remember their first one
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?  
yarrow: being a doctor and all that, yarrow's definitely comfortable talking abt sex in the clinical sense to their patients. when it comes to personal matters it's. he has some issues. not trauma or anything so much as the mortifying ordeal of asking someone to do something for his own sake (he's got a sort of complex about doing enough to be "worthy" of things like asking) in addition to just like, having mediocre sexual experiences with other people (not fully bc of the prior point bu that doesn't help). he'd much rather just do the fucking, make his partner feel good, and call it a day without worrying about his own wants
grimm: yes and no. it's much easier to talk about things as a faceless one night stand who won't take all their clothes off than it is to talk to the only person who actually knows you, and they're very interested in you and that terrifies you because you want that too but oh my god what if you destroy things because you're nothing but an animal but oh god you also want this so bad
they both do in fact get over their respective issues with the help of the other (grimm's persistent devotion making yarrow realize "oh it wants this too" and yarrow's near-infinite tenderness and fascination making grimm realize it's not repulsive) and have fucknasty gay sex with one another but it's An Ordeal for both of them to get there bc sex involves vulnerability and they're both people who have had to close off parts of themselves for their own protection! makes me insane to think about tbh
What are their thoughts on marriage?  
yarrow: wants to get married! thought about it more in their late teens~ early 20s but by the time grimm comes back around when they're ~27 it's more of a "eh, it'll maybe happen" sort of thing. after everything he and grimm have been through in the story he's defs going to marry her there's no questions there
grimm: didn't have any thoughts really, after escaping the shitshow that was most of their teenage years (still working out the details of that) it was like "i'm never getting married, never attaching myself to any person i am wandering the world By Myself." yarrow changes the game a little bit but it's still not on their mind until years later when yarrow slugs someone bent on attacking them and shouts "don't fucking touch my WIFE" and suddenly grimm's like wife????? wife??????? 🥺👀💖😳💖👀💖💖
What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
yarrow: generally walks everywhere, will and does ride a horse for longer distances
grimm: their beloved carnivorous horse. the beast doesn't have a name yet but here's a drawing from a comic that's in the works (she's actually sweet but has an occasional attitude)
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Who do they most regret meeting?  
yarrow: actually dunno for them, but i imagine of all the of the ceo scum type people they meet in the last part of the story, a few of them are particularly nasty
grimm: again, ironing out details of their past but tbh i'm not as concerned with the details of backstory so much as how this affects who they currently are, but they basically grew up as this one girl's guard dog for several years after they lost their family. treated enough like a person to fall in love with her, treated enough like an animal to feel like a tool instead of a human being. not exactly someone they had much control over meeting, but fucked them up irreversibly nonetheless
Who are they the most glad to have met? 
yarrow: grimm ofc. they were a handsome stranger who all but rescued him from a soul-sucking job in the city and whisked him away to the middle of the desert. did grimm piss them off after leaving them for five years? absolutely. but grimm also came back, which threw yarrow through a loop bc he had all but accepted he wasn't really important in anyone's life as anything but a doctor
grimm: yarrow, naturally. he showed them kindness when they didn't think it existed and saved their life on more than a few occasions. if grimm gets hurt, yarrow will be there to patch it up
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
yarrow: doesn't quite seek it out but is inclined to pursue it if there's a mutual thing going on. actually did date a guy in the five years that grimm had fucked off
grimm: it actively avoids romance lol, but before it and yarrow were actually a thing it'd seek out the occasional one night stand
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
this question is deceptively tricky bc to me they're both nonbinary bisexuals, but honeybee's world is like, various pockets of civilization (mostly what are essentially company towns) in the desert, so i think use and knowledge of labels is prominent in more metropolitan areas and ppl in more rural/isolated settings have either their separate terms or just don't describe themselves in the same way? idk how much i'll actually like, think this out and construct in-universe description bc it's not as interesting as the characters. also any attempts to explain this further have just end up in me typing out three sentences of sociopolitical worldbuidling mush that's decreasingly relevant to the characters hdklgfhdf none of this is also to mention any complexities that come with human-animal hybrid shit ANYWAYS
yarrow: bisexual, also transmasculine nonbinary IF they're talking to someone who is familiar with those words (he grew up in one of the metropolitan areas). if talking to someone who's not he'll call himself a guy, use he/him pronouns, and say he "swings both ways". they'll maybe elaborate on being "mostly a man but not quite" and that they also use they/them pronouns if they think that person will Get It. also considers himself stone* and is some flavor of ace but never feels the need to mention it to anyone but romantic/sexual partners
*ace trans guy who's never been on the receiving end of anything other than mediocre sex with cis ppl: y'know i think this only does anything for me if i'm doing the fucking
grimm: will shrug or say "none of your business" if asked, but will say it uses they/it pronouns if pronouns specifically are asked about (otherwise will just let themself be called whatever). describes themself to yarrow as "kind of a woman but not really" and only yarrow gets to use the bonus she/her pronouns for grimm. (functionally bisexual and transfem(ish) nonbinary, but labels don't hold the same meaning to them bc social differences, so they don't rly use em yadda yadda)
OKAY now it's time for me hehehe
Why are you excited about this character?
i answered this but i want to talk about them more hehe
a basically am always a sucker for human-animal/monster hybrids, or characters who are otherwise not entirely human. it is my SO my shit and has always been my shit. i think i get some of the best of both worlds with these two: grimm gets the angst of "i'm not human" and yarrow gets the fun of "of fuck yes i'm not fully human". also with these guys (and other humods in this universe) they aren't inhuman in any supernatural sense, so i'm not considering how things like powers factor into things (which can be fun ofc), but rather like, in what ways are these characters human, in what ways do they have animal insticts/mannerisms and it's all somewhat grounded in reality and Real Animals so i get to look up animal stuff about desert animals so i'm :)
yarrow's also my first time of having any sort of bugmonster shit going on so it's been a fun divergence from my usual dragony monster tendencies. grimm's part coyote and you know me and my love for Coyote And Dog Imagery and whatnot so it's mostly an excuse to play with that more and i'm having a LOT of fun
What inspired you to create them?
okay there's actually two solid inspirations here but with what honeybee's become i feel like it's so far from either of them in my brain that it's like. those were the catalyst but honeybee's its own thing now, yknow?
anyways my public library has the first few volumes of the no. 6 manga and i picked it up on a whim in...march? bc i heard good things about it back in like, high school. anyways i was actually very pleasantly surprised by the depth of the characters? definitely like "i would have hyperfixated on this media if i had found it in high school but i'm 23 now and stories with teenage protags aren't my jam" anyways the dynamic between nezumi and shion, especially in regards to this idea of someone from a very cruel world meeting someone who is openly kind and not knowing how to deal with that was super intriguing. then the thought "what if shion got transformed into a bee monster lol" crossed my mind and within an hour i had the initial quick sketches for grimm and yarrow AND several plot ideas. legit the fastest my brain has ever connected the dots to make a semi-coherent story. insane really
the cowboy/western setting was frankly overdue for me, but i had also just finished trigun at the time so i was like "fuck it, we'll make it sci-fi ish too, that explains the human hybrids" trigun's semi-western sci-fi deal continues to be something my brain returns to for aesthetics in the story but also like, i live in the desert, i can do this myself
if you combined how much i cared about no. 6 and trigun it would be like, a fraction of the brainrot honeybee as its own thing has given me. truly magical
Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
not really, surprisingly (or not yet, i should say lol). i think bc no. 6 was such a prominent inspiration for this story in its early stages, i approached honeybee like "how would i change this story (no. 6) and the characters to be more interesting to me specifically" early on so i always had an idea for the General Arc of the plot (or plots, it's three main parts in my brain) and how grimm and yarrow responded to them? now that i've figured out where i want to take the story (for the most part) i don't have to fall back on the scaffolding of another story to decide what my characters are doing or how they fit. now it's a matter of actually writing shit and conveying the proper Vibes
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
oooo dont know anything abt pacific rim but hell yeah 👀
its just "humans use big robots to fight big monsters" basically LMAO but i realized it had some parallels to tmc so. i got a bit silly lol. putting it under a readmore bc its Long
brief pacific rim summary for those unaquainted: bascially monsters start appearing from the ocean and fucking shit up so humans make these big robots to fight them BUT its really dangerous and requires 2 people who are 'drift compatible' to pilot them (basically its the ability to control a big robot with ur mind while also being in sync). thats all u really need to know for this au i think
pacific rim au: this is based purely off of my memories of the first movie (which. i watched when it first came out in uhhh 2013!!!??!?! THIS MOVIE CAME OUT IN 2013??? 10YEAR AGO A DECADE??? WHAT THE FUCKanyways. um. i'm probably missing some stuff but whatever<3 -kaijus become a thing in like. idk 1980 or so. -by the time mark and cesar are 18 the big robots exist. what are they called. JAEGERS thats it. -mark and cesar get sort of. drafted into testing it out and find out they are drift compatible!! -i think in this au they are besties but. they could be worsties. maybe. perhaps toxic if thats what canon says. but in the origin draft of the au they are besties so im going with that -anyways they fight kaijus for a bit and they are pretty good at it!! until a kaiju attacks their hometown (or something. idk how an ocean beast would get to wisconsin. WAIT lake superior AND lake michgan flank wisconsin i can use this) -okay so. a kaiju comes out of the great lakes and the government is like"???? THEY CAN DO THAT??? fuck." and send mark and cesar to deal with it since they. live there -everything goes to shit when a kaiju (altcesar) attacks mandela, their hometown, and ALSO where sarah is!!! and shes like. 5 or smth -so mark is SUPER stressed out, his sister might be dead already, and to top it off?? the kaiju can like. idk hijack their drift link or whatever idk still working on that. im trying to incorporate alternate bs into how kaijus work -anyways mark is the one the kaiju targets and it uses cesar's voice/image to fuck him up and both cesar and mark die. and sarah watches it happen. oops. -sidenote: altcesar kaiju is based off of the crab one. bc sarah is loosely based off of the main protag girl in the movie whats her name. MAKO MORI. apparently. she watches her brother die + entire county get destroyed -another sidenote: since secar apparently DOESN'T die in canon. maybe he survives in this au?? mark is dead as hell tho :(( -anyways sarah is so so traumatized by that. however she is also VERY FUCKING ANGRY because uh. turns out mark and cesar were not the only ones patrolling winconsin!! thatcher and ruth were meant to be back up but uh. they. did NOT get there in time. and sarah thinks maybe if they had gotten there in time mark wouldn't have died. -speaking of those two. ANOTHER kaiju attacks mandela not too long after altcesar does and um. thatcher and ruth DO go out to deal with it but. ruth gets knocked unconscious during the fight. and thatcher can't wake her up. so half of their jaeger is just powered down and stationary while the kaiju rips its arms off and tears into the cockpit. eventually thatcher realizes he has to evacuate to save himself. he tries to bring ruth with him but he can't. -needless to say. thatcher is DEVASTATED. he feels like a coward, even if he DID follow protocol, and he never really forgives himself for leaving ruth behind. dave supports him through it, but. he never really recovers after that.
-…and fast foward 17 years, to the actual events of the au!! -bps is founded by sarah to um. idk actually i have NO fucking clue what they are doing in this au but it IS just. VERY ILLEGAL. and they get caught -however, the government can find literally nobody to pilot the giant murder death trap robots due to A) how rare a drift link (or. whatever its called im 99% sure its called that) is and B) nobody wants to fucking do that. so they just decided to say "hey. you guys are criminals. BUT if you go in the giant death trap robot AND you can pilot it then we'll forgive your criminal charges!! :)" because of course they would do that -anyways. bps agrees to this. and it turns out jonah and adam are drift compatible!! hooray!! they get to pilot a jaeger together -…which leaves sarah. due to testing her against adam and jonah, the government knows she CAN connect to a jaeger, and pilot one. she just needs a partner. -which is were thatcher comes in. he takes the place of the guy whos brother dies in the movie. -sarah is NOT FUCKING HAPPY about this. the moment she recognizes him she freaks OUT. immediately starts chewing him out. -however, she does have a deal to uphold, and she has to at least TRY to pilot the jaeger with thatcher. so they do a testrun and. it turns out they ARE compatible. -so with that the government goes "okay cool we're sending all of you to the faciltiy (or whatever idk)" and. sarah fights this tooth and nail until she realizes they. really don't give a shit LMAO -so she's stuck with thatcher. and her two idiot coworkers but thatcher is the real issue. -so they get shipped over to the training facility and. start training. -dave and evelin take the place of those two gay scientists. dave has so many kaiju tattoos n shit and evelin is just Normal. just kidding shes weird too shes just better at hiding it lol. evelin is officially his 'assistant' and mentor but dave treats her as an equal. they are silly scientist coworkers -dave and thatcher are also still friends. not sure if its strained or not but i dont think it is they can be silly. besties even. -i also think dave is sarahs estranged but still on good terms uncle. hes is ESTATIC to see sarah!! she hates that hes friends with thatcher but she is literall incapable of being mad at dave so she just takes it out on thatcher instead LMAO -also dave sits thatcher down and is like "y'know i think this is good for you actually. being a mentor figure really helped me w moving on i think you could really bond with my cool awesome neice :D!" "dave she tries to kill me every ten seconds" -anyways the au centers around sarah and her relationship with thatcher from one-sided enemies to eventual found family :)
other things: -adam glows in the dark and is just sort of fucked up. surely this means nothing (he is not entirely human) -oh yeah jude and lynn are killed by the same alternate that kills ruth. i think. or it was six but when thatcher and ruth are sent out altthatcher double teams them and thats why they failed. -vol 2 sort of happens (the girls are fighting) but jonah does NOT die. -dave gets hooked up to a kaiju brain like the guy in the movie and like. his brain implodes a little bit and his eyes bleed but hes (mostly) fine^^ -all of the alternates are kaijus i get to be soooooo silly with designs :3 -dave and sarah lost contact when sarah started bps so they are very happy to reunite -i am just making shit up about a movie i saw a literal decade ago so. um. im probably missing a lot of important stuff but oh well lol. -i also have a barebones alt version of this au where everyone lives and nothing bad happens and they just fight monsters. bc i got sad.
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dojae-huh · 6 months
aaah.....look who is here....huh nim ....I bet u missed a lot of ask of curious fans...haha...but seriously I was really waiting for u to ask about 2 things when they happened....but that's all resolved somehow...one was when dy proposed the no solo show on this concert....but it's ok..there is no point in asking y ppl got mad in that..coz everyone get either mad or happy for what he says...secondly it was about the ty nd some other idols controversy abt some anime or manga I guess...still I am not chilled after what happnd..
Firstly I am not ty biased...still I pitied him for having some foolish fans who hated him for nothing....I mean there are lot of dark anime nd mangas out there..nd ppl reading it..some ppl like the story nd others dont..in some story there is brutal murders, rapes nd lot worse things that happening to innocent ppl including womens nd childrens...but reading it nd recommending it doesnt mean that they enjoyed all the brutality nd like child abuse?? Does that make any sense. .....for eg..take AOT...there titan kills lot of ppl very brutally, including childrens...if recommend it does that mean I enjoyed all the killings?? My god...come on...r we living in 60s???
Fortunately Ty had the censord versions of manga so he got out of that shitty claim of enjoying child abuse...otherwise his career qould have ended before his enlistment..but he got lot of backlashes nd death threats. ..that's so unfair...
Isn't the time the best issue solver? Heh.
I'm actually thinking of reading the uncensored version of that manga even if the art style is not my cup of tea. The plot says it is about an orphaned girl who went to look for her mother and travels with a robot in a scary dangerous world called Abyss. I'd like to find out why it won awards, got animated movies and was translated into other langauges (censoring is a lot of work, the plot should be interesting and sellable for Korean editors to go through the trouble).
The antis who created the controversy in the first place and those who run with it are hypocrites. They try to destroy a person's life over a photograph and fictional story. Whatever is in the manga is fake, not real, printed in ink on paper, it is sold with a warning label. The antis act in real world, try to harm real people, bring distress to real fans of idols, they are the ones who do evil, not the readers of the manga.
Taeyong will go into the military soon. He will be taught how to fire guns and throw grenades. He will be trained for a potentional job of killing other people (in case North Korea attacks). And "fans" pretend that an adult reading gore manga in his leasure time is something to get nauseous about. No, it's just bullies bullying or narcissists thriving on making other people suffer emotionally.
Forget Japanese manga. Let's start with video games like shooters and super hero series, were the "good guys" kill left and right. Last time I checked, League of Legends had some child-looking champions that were to be maimed as everyone else. And wasn't Harry Potter a minor when he was tortured with Dark spells? This "Made in Abyss" thing is yet another case of antis and click-bait sites making a fuss over cooked up "problematic behavour" to gain some profit. Just stick some trigger words, point fingers, and the job is done. The fans will do the rest trying to "fix things", actually being the vectors of spreading the lies.
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psycheterminal · 3 months
Calliope and Roxy, possible post-canon discussion
Non-explicit discussion of intimacy and intercourse below and brief mention of alcohol addiction. Cut for length.
I haven't read any of their dialogues for quite some time, so apologies if their characterizations are a bit off!
CALLIOPE: does it ever bother yoU that well. we'll never be intimate? ROXY: what do u even mean haha ROXY: we like ROXY: cuddle every single day!! it is COMPLETELY wonderful. CALLIOPE: bUt that isn't hUman intimacy. we'll never... yoU know... do the deed? ROXY: oh, that. you mean. sex? CALLIOPE: yes, i mean that! well. we do roleplay it... ROXY: hmmmmm. so, let me make sure i understand what youre worried about: ROXY: youre worried that roleplay and cuddling ROXY: which is the most awesome thing ever ROXY: isn't enough for me? CALLIOPE: oh, i sUppose it soUnds silly now. nevermind, i'm jUst being stUpid.... U_U ROXY: u are wonderful and not even a little bit dumb at ALL ROXY: you remember how i mentioned that i grew up in another 'timezone' from jake and jane right CALLIOPE: oh yes, yoU did! yoU were raised separately from the rest of yoUr kind! ROXY: yep yep ROXY: the only other person in the WORLD was dirk and he was busy with jake stuff. ROXY: that and lots of troll robots who would have been a huge problem if they found me CALLIOPE: yoU mentioned that yoU are rather glad to not be in that sitUation anymore, many times! i am, too! ROXY: u are and always have been so so sweet ROXY: so i know that you consider yourself a girl but that gender for ur species is uh ROXY: negotiable and stuff on gender. CALLIOPE: close enoUgh! ^U^ ROXY: i find ever1 cute ROXY: *every1 ROXY: every time i see u again after being apart u take my breath away ROXY: with how much u amaze me just by being you ROXY: ur shy, ur not what my people call feminine but like ROXY: i only care about that to the extent that those things make u YOU ROXY: now prepare for this mind blowing revelation ROXY: i love cuddles. no surprise right? ROXY: but the idea of like. ROXY: being intimate with another human being makes me go like ROXY: mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh ROXY: maybe that doesn't make sense but like ROXY: i totally don't think about it 90% of the time CALLIOPE: bUt the other 10%? what about that? how does it coloUr your experiences? ROXY: i had to rely on old records of humans to understand how it worked ROXY: bcuz I'd never experienced those things and never met my mom ROXY: she died so long before we could even meet ROXY: so I couldn't ask her abt shit i was curious about ROXY: it's part of why i am such a badass hacker lol ROXY: but one thing from before the end was something called bambi lesbians ROXY: i don't think i need a label because they are LE DUMB ROXY: but they weren't interested in sex ROXY: my intimacy is my feelings! and the awesome cuddles ROXY: i think about it sometimes but like ROXY: its more that i am not opposed if i had the opportunity with a friend or partner so long as all involved were ok with it! ROXY: i am not repulsed just disinterested ROXY: you are enough calliope! CALLIOPE: i am enoUgh....? ROXY: yeah!!! we're two rad people enjoying our lives ROXY: that's all i really need ROXY: you talk to me and you treat me right ROXY: you came to me when you were feeling insecure and that is so amazing ROXY: my addiction was something i felt terrible abt sometimes and ROXY: it was HARD ROXY: not to get down on myself about it!!! ROXY: so i can understand feeling like shit about urself ROXY: so i am telling u ROXY: u are enough and i am enough ROXY: so long as we keep working at our relationship! CALLIOPE: thank you, roxy. i always appreciate yoU and what we have. i am so glad we finally got to meet. ROXY: so am i!!! let's get some more cuddling in bcuz you are the best cuddle partner a bambi bisexual lesbean can have!
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glitchydyke · 2 years
omg i just started danganronpa… i have No idea what to do or what the game is abt <3 can u summarize it or give me any hints for playing??
SO. there’s five games total: three visual novels, one third person adventure, and one that’s kind of a visual novel board game type deal?? i haven’t played that yet but it’s non-canon so it’s not vital. there’s also an anime adaptation of the first game and an anime you watch after playing the first two and the adventure game!! i’ll talk abt the visual novels here since those are the main three (+ honestly it’s been a while since i watched the shooter game)
the three visual novels all have the same plot essentially: a class of “ultimates” (kids who are designated The Best At Their Specific Talent) are trapped somewhere (school in the first game, an island in the second, then a different school for the third). for a while, everything is fine, and although they’re understandably freaked out by the prospect of not being allowed to leave, they’re relatively calm. that is, until a robotic bear named monokuma shows up, tells them they they really ARE all trapped, and that the only way to escape the place they’re being held is to kill another classmate and get away with it. there’s also a motive each chapter, to give the kids even more incentive to kill, incase being trapped forever wasn’t enough to tip them over the edge.
so each chapter, things are okay for a few days. people are stressed, but no murder happens - in these sections, you get what are called “free time events”, which is where you can go find your favourite characters and spend time with them! by spending time with them and giving them gifts that they like (gifts are gotten by exchanging coins, which you find around the game and earn from trials), you level up your relationship with them. the highest level of relationship gets you both a gift from them and a bonus you can use in the class trial (better aim, more time, etc). and it’s also just fun to hang out w the characters and talk to them!! you can also skip free time events if you’re not interested, though.
THEN there’s the murder. a death happens, and you get the monokuma file - a little document w basic info abt the body: location, method of death, time of death, etc (the specific info differentiates from case to case). you then get time to spend investigating, which is a point and click type activity, you click on evidence to get a little bit of dialogue about it and then it’s added to your “truth bullets”, which are what you use in the class trial. sometimes during investigations you’ll be forced to investigate with other characters, since each game has a designated antagonist + helper character.
THEN there’s the trials!! the living classmates are all gathered in a trial room, and based on the evidence you’ve collected, you have to solve the murder. if you find the culprit, the culprit is executed. accuse the wrong person? everybody else is executed, and the culprit gets to leave. during the trial you use your truth bullets, the pieces of evidence you’ve collected, to refute statements - i.e. a character will say something along the lines of “well, the death happened at midnight”, and you’ll have to cycle through your bullets to find the evidence that contradicts that. there’s also minigames in the trials, that differ from game to game. some of them include hangman’s gambit, where you have to spell out a word relevant to the case, and logic dive, where you’re in an astral-projection type world, and you’re asked questions about the case and have to steer towards the correct answer. there’s also ones that are in every case, like bullet time battle, a rhythm game where you break through statements, and closing argument, where you put together a manga of the events of the case.
after you’ve found the culprit, you then watch their execution - they’re dragged to an elaborate stage, and brutally killed in a way that’s usually a sick joke or irony on their ultimate talent. the executions (barring a select few), are FASCINATING to watch and analyse.. there’s a few that i think about regularly <3
through all of this, the protagonist and the surviving classmates also slowly put together information they’ve collected to discover “the mastermind” as they call it - the person who locked them up and is forcing them to kill each other.
so through each game, you’ll get to hang out with the characters and learn more about them, investigate their deaths, find the murderer in the class trials, and uncover the mystery of why you’re trapped with no hope of escape <3
for advice?? honestly just… do free time events with your favourite characters and learn more about them. don’t be afraid to look up solutions for the class trials if you need them, but try your best to stay away from spoilers about the murderers and the masterminds, it’s way more fun that way. i spoiled a lot of the games for myself and i rlly wish i could go back and watch/play them for the first time again.
also danganronpa has a lot of flaws, so be aware of that. it’s a product of it’s time and it wasn’t made by great people. it’s genuinely a wonderful game and it’s dearly important to me, but it’s important to note going in that there’s a decent amount of gross stuff. don’t let that ruin it for you though, it is a rlly fun game series !!!
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