#sorry if i'm not making a whole lot of sense
annabelle--cane · 17 hours
Soooo is Celia being compelled back towards the gap in reality at hilltop road in her sleep do you think?
And if she is, why does nobody else who has gone through to another universe seem to get that happening to them?
Also -- how do you think app-Darrien relates to these Darriens? He can't be yet another alternate version, right, as presumably he and the rich Oxford Darrien with the murder basement are both originally from the tmagp universe and it was just the casement Darrien who'd crossed through?
And do you think the Daria and Darla we've seen are anything to do with the abundance of Darriens or am I massively reaching?
Sorry to offload all my questions on you but you always have such good opinions hahaha
my reading for now is definitely that celia is getting pulled back to the hilltop road rift every so often, and as for why that's happening to her but not to statement-giver-darrien or anya villette, my guess would be because she's been exposed to the supernatural before? being marked by the powers seems to alter people's metaphysical dna, and in archives celia/lynne had a couple of direct encounters. maybe the protocol universe somehow senses that she's had contact with manifestations of the desolation, stranger, and spiral, and it's going "formatting error, those aren't the right fears :)" and is trying to spit her back out. when she first brought up researching dimensions, I'd thought she was looking for a way back, but she seems to have some anchors in this universe and is actively trying to create new ones. so it might actually be the other way around, and she's searching for a way to make this world stop trying to reject her.
as for the names, I've got a few thoughts floating around. thought one is that names got reused in archives a lot, especially among one-off statement givers, and I always felt like that added a degree of realism. thought two is that they seem to be deliberately avoiding that this time around, as I remember a comment from a stream about "norris" having his name changed from neil because the name neil came up in another context. thought three is that I'm pretty sure daria's name is an allusion to dorian gray. thought four is that darrien is still an extremely specific name to reuse in two episodes, especially one where it is reused twice within the case itself. thought five is that the dorian gray parallels were most obvious in in daria's case because of the whole painting connection, but overall we've had a lot of cases that can link thematically to the idea of "selling my soul and offsetting the consequences of my wrongdoings onto something or someone else," or, indeed, "offsetting my wrongdoings onto a reflection of myself, like literally betting against myself or replacing my more successful doppelganger." it puts me in mind of all the arachne-esque names of characters connected to the web in archives.
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cuephrase · 1 day
Are there any individual issues/short sections of the Tom Taylor Nightwing run you'd say are still worth checking out as little standalone/self contained things? I've read and enjoyed the 2021 annual (blood brothers) after seeing enough about it on tumblr but don't know much about the rest, and you've mention individual issues in other rec posts so it got me curious (and it's completely fine if you don't think you can recommend any).
asking me to be nice about TT?! *sighs* turns out i can be, actually, but um. only a little.
i'll preface all of this by saying, if you're interested in reading his run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of alight drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
i could present you with people who's overall taste in comics i agree with who hate and love this run- actually, i was super hyped to read this run bc most of the people i'd talked to were like "OMG ITS SOOOO GOOD!!" and i was like "OKAY!!!" and then i was like 😗👉👈 maybe idk what good comics are?? (baby comic-reading cue felt wayyyy to new to the genre to trust their own opinions lmao. we're mostly past that now.)
but okay!! to answer your question: so post issue #91 is where my overall enjoyment of the run went like *imitates plane falling and crashing noises*. which. upon skimming from 78 to 91, i don't think i can say i was loving it that whole time, more like my tolerance threshold maxed out around there. bc uh. skimming i was like...yikes. i've also read way more Nightwing comics since, so like that could be factor.
ANYWAYS. me being nice:
#80 has some decent dick and tim!
#89 opens with a nice batman/superman/nightwing story, honestly can't remember if i liked the two-issue mini, but i'm going to guess i didn't bc even though i just looked i recall ✨nothing✨
#90-91 is a fun dick and wally adventure, if i remember correctly???? wally stans don't shoot me, i haven't read a whole lot of him idk if he's written well here i'm sorry
#111-112 is decent. it's not like. groundbreaking. but yk. maybe i just liked it more than the stupid pirate arc and maybe my standards are low and Good Dad Bruce is a weak spot, IDK
ummmm past that?
i like this page from #79
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this panel is from #83 if you want to like see it with your own eyes on page.
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the Hug is in issue #100, which is a bigger to celebrate 100 issues, and it happens later, i think it's the third story? some people love that scene, others can't stand it, i am a whore for soft batfam moments so it's very precious to me, and also nice moments make bad ones hurt more what?
if you like dickbabs you might enjoy more issues too, i was neutral about dickbabs and this run made me...not neutral. but i've heard from people that do like dickbabs that they don't like how they're written here so also, maybe you won't like it even if you like dickbabs??
but yeah!! these are my not-hated TT nightwing issues. i think there are a decent amount where i liked a line or panel here or there, but like overall most of it is just...not my fave. but you could like it!! which, i feel like it's worth saying that it's totally valid if you end up engaging with the run more and liking it. you wouldn't be the only person in the world to like it. but it's also ending in 4 issues thank god, so um don't get too attached if you end up digging it lmao
the red hood annual is also the annual i've liked for this run, i actually love that issue sm lol. the second annual is all about the Lamest Most Scariest Villain Ever, boring, and then the most recent was all about bea, dick's love interest in his ric era, which i was excited for...and hated. that one isn't even on TT, tho. travis moore your gorgeous dick is not enough to redeem you on that one. WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT-
thanks for the ask anon!! always good to practice loving your enemies i mean, i hope this helps, have fun <3
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 3 days
greatest of all time
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Pairing- Dieter Bravo x ofc!Ava (yes, her again, I'm so sorry!)
Word Count- 1,182
Warnings- none really that I'm aware of? some swearing, a couple of beers get drunk but basically this is just ridiculous banter because that's what these two do....
Author's Note- yes, I know I already have two other unfinished works with these two that I should be working on but I saw this post and joked with @wildemaven & @trulybetty that this was Dieter & Ava's next adventure and then that same day I saw the post for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May drabble challenge and here we are....3rd universe but first time meeting, totally still counts as a meet cute right? lol!
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"This can't possibly be right," Dieter mutters to himself as he turns into the campground.
He'd asked his assistant to book him a few days somewhere off the grid. Just peace and quiet and time to clear his head before he started a new project.
But this little semicircle of Airstreams baking in the desert sun can't possibly be the right place. The GPS fucked up or something.
He'll just stop and ask for directions and be on his way. Five minute detour. Max.
Ava glances out the open door of her office when she hears a car door slam before looking over at the massive merle coated Great Dane laying on his custom doggie bed on the floor next to her desk.
"Oh my God, he's here already? He's early! Do I look okay?" She asks the dog, frantically patting at her hair and straightening her clothes. She receives a couple tail wags and a cocked head in response. "Phfft, fat lot of help you are."
"Excuse me?" Dieter asks from the doorway.
"Oh, sorry, not you. I was talking to Goat."
"You have a goat?"
"No, why would I have a goat? Goats are herd animals, a single goat out here in the desert all by itself would be lonely. And that would make me sad. I have a dog. Named Goat."
The dog in question gives a woof at his name and stands to his full height, head somewhere around Dieter's belly button, and gives him a cursory sniff before padding past him to sprawl outside in the sunshine.
"Why Goat? Wouldn't Horse have been more appropriate?"
"Haha," Ava laughs dryly. "Creative. Never heard that one before. My brother named him Peyton...ya know, Manning? So Goat. Greatest of all time."
"Sure," Dieter nods like all of this makes perfect sense, thinking to himself that this woman has probably spent way too much time frying her brain in the desert heat. "Baseball, right?"
"Football," Ava says slowly, thinking what a shame it is that he's cute but apparently oh so dumb. "Anyways. Hi, welcome to Gateway Campground! Are you here for the aliens?"
"No, I'm just here for directions....the GPS must've fucked up....aliens?"
"Do you.....do you not believe in aliens?"
"Are you stupid? Of course there have to be aliens! C'mon, there are whole galaxies out there we hardly know anything about!"
"Okay, then sure? I believe in aliens."
"Aww, then you can't stay here. Sorry. Strict no communing with aliens rule."
"But you just said--"
"I know, it's quite a conundrum isn't it? But I kinda have an experiment 626 situation going on here that I'm trying to keep on the low low."
"I have no idea what that means and no intentions of communing with anyone. Alien or human."
"Probably requires some kind of radiation, like EMF or some shit," Dieter continues. "Messes with my fucking brain waves. I don’t even wear wireless earbuds. Besides, I'm not staying here. Like I said before, I just need directions."
"Oh, no, you're in the right place, Mr Bravo? Dieter? I'm not sure what to call you...you are Dieter Bravo aren't you?"
"Dieter's fine, but what do you mean I'm in the right place?"
"Your assistant booked the whole place for you? For a week?"
"This is Joshua Tree?"
"Well, no, but the park is only like 30 minutes away," Ava looks him over skeptically, gaze lingering on his well worn Crocs. "If you're into like, hiking or whatever."
"Do I look like I'm into hiking?" Dieter snaps. "Look lady, I'm sure your facilities are perfectly adequate and you can keep whatever you've already been paid, but I'm not staying in the ass end of nowhere in some shitty camper. So if you could just tell me how to get to Joshua Tree..."
"Nope, no, whatever it is, more alien shit or whatever, I don't want to hear it. Ya know what, nevermind, I'll figure it out myself."
"I was just gonna say Joshua Tree will be booked full up this time of year," Ava yells at his retreating back as he stomps back to his vehicle.
"Well. That did not go well," she sighs, leaning against the door jamb and watching Dieter's rented SUV disappear as he heads back towards the main road. "It was the alien stuff, right? Probably went a little overboard on that, huh? But we had to be sure right, Goatie?"
Goat chuffs softly and gives Ava's hand a sympathetic lick.
"He'll be back, right? I think he'll be back," she nods to herself and then sighs again, rubbing one of Goat's silky ears between her fingers. "I hope so anyway. It'll be a long ass week out here by ourselves if he doesn't come back."
Three hours later he is in fact back, metaphorical tail tucked between his legs and Ava bites her tongue to keep from telling him she could've told him so.
"One night," he tells Ava as she leads him to the Airstream closest to the office. "And then I'm out of here. Too fuckin aggravated to drive home now."
"Of course. I completely understand," Ava tells him in her frostiest professional voice as she unlocks the door and hands over the key. "Your assistant provided a list of some of your favorite toiletries and snacks and stuff, so you should find everything you need inside."
"But If you were to find anything lacking, I'm right over there," she gestures towards the lone Airstream parked a little farther away from the others. "Enjoy your stay, Mr. Bravo."
Dieter finds her stretched out on a lounger by the pool as night falls, Goat stretched out on his own lounger next to her.
"Can I sit?"
"Of course, you're the guest here. Goat and I can leave if you'd prefer."
"No, I'd like you to stay, please? And I think I owe you an apology. This place....well, it's not what I expected."
"I get that a lot," Ava grins, digging in the cooler next to her chair and offering Dieter a beer.
"It's really, really fucking nice. I mean that. Better than some resorts I've stayed at."
"I know," Ava nods. "My brother and I worked hard to get it just right."
"You did a fantastic job," Dieter tells her, twisting the top off his beer and taking a long swig. "I uh, I also googled what you said earlier-- an experiment 626 situation. Lilo and Stitch, right? So I guess like, you were trying to tell me Goat is, ah, special?"
Goat gives one short sharp bark and Ava laughs. "Yeah, he is indeed very special. You could even say he's one of a kind."
"I take it back," Dieter tells her, relaxing back in his lounger, face tilted up to the stars. More stars than he thinks he's ever seen before in his life, more possibilities than he's ever imagined. "I think I'll stay a few days."
Ava smiles, mostly to herself, and Goat's tail thumps happily against the fabric of his lounger.
"Stay as long as you want."
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youraromanticpal · 2 years
hi i have a question, i identify as aromantic, im a minor whos in middle school but i dont know how to tell people im aromantic because in my school its not really accepted even though a lot of people are allys and are fine with the LGBTQ+ community, im worried if i tell people then it makes things awkward.. anyway i should go about telling my friends. etc?? anything helps im just rlly confused, tyy!
tbh, you should come out only if you feel like you're going to be safe doing so. Unfortunately, arospec ppl aren't taken seriously by some people, so maybe try to fish out information to make sure you're going to be okay
With that said, I doubt you're going to make things awkward, especially if the people you're coming out to are knowledgeable on LGBTQ+ issues
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discjude · 12 days
Hi prequel community. If I said that I think the reason why there were only two prequels compared to the three that the other parts of the series got (3 TSY books and 3 TCY books) AND the reasons why Rhian's eye colour changes miraculously from Rise to Fall from green to blue (I think he's described as having green eyes in Rise? someone might have to correlate me on that) is because in Rise he's supposed to parallel TSY Sophie (green eyes, doubtfully good, multiple boyfriends) and then in Fall he's supposed to parallel Japeth (blue eyes, fratricidal, insane, gets cool one liners) how would you react to that
#the brackets make this unreadable im so sorry#but like you've got to hear me out on this right. right.#im cooking something I dont know what it is but its being cooked#the downsides ive spotted here is that I don't know if Rafal goes from TSY Agatha --> TCY Rhian that is a problem#but I might've just not spotted it#there's def some rhian sader in rafal cause of the whole “idc if you're evil and I'm the One (true king) we can still rule together”#and the whole Getting Murdered#I didn't pick up much of Agatha in him in Fall but the Sophie parallel was DEFINITELY there for Rhian#and “the One” being introduced as a parallel to “the One True King” makes way too much sense#this is also a convenient explanation for the wrong eye colours (though that also doesn't apply to Agatha. applies well to TCY twins though#is “cool one liners” solely a japeth trait? no. did he get the best ones? absoLUTELY. “welcome to hell then” okayyyyy go off#submitting this for peer review#there's so many little observations I have about prequels that I don't want to make full posts about#for example how the school masters' colours in the movie are the rise + fall ones#but whatever#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#fotsge#rotsge#sge prequels#japethposting#if anyone spots any more parallels that I missed pleaaaassseeee tell me I need to build a case file for this#rafal mistral#rhian mistral#oh also this was accidentally inspired by a wisteriaum post so thank you 4 that#MORE TAGS oh my god sorry I just remembered that Rhian gets described as serpentine/snakey a LOT in Fall that's def something
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commsroom · 1 year
the way pryce degenders hera as a form of control feels even worse because there are a few occasions where she doesn't. "make it so she can't say her favorite word or give her a new recurring nightmare" and "trying to be the most adorable girl at the county fair"... it's reflective of pryce's general attitude towards others (less that she doesn't recognize their autonomy and more that she enjoys taking that autonomy away), and the particularly vulnerable position hera is in with even the most fundamental aspects of her identity, but it's also. just such a trans experience of womanhood. that even the people who want most to deny her any respect or recognition as a woman will still sometimes implicitly think of her that way and deride her within that context.
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rivalsilveryuri · 3 months
how do we (pokespe yuri fans) feel about green/crys is there a general consensus about this
Heehee the name for this is lazurite ... ive seen likr. SOME posts out there, but not a lot... since yellow pairigns are more popular.. tbh i think they could actually have a very fun dynamic, but they interact likr. Under five times and its SO sad. Canonically, they seemingly have a good relationship by the time of... emerald-ish? since Crys seems to respect her a lot, and Blue's helped her with the pokedex, but theres not really a. Regular Conversation between them. (Which is kinda a bummer tbh i wish there was more on crys' dynamics with gen 1 dexholders aside from yellow, because i think theres a lot of potential but WHATEVER..)
Since Crys kind of has a very strict black n white view of the rules and authority and. What she perceives as . Wrongdoing, for a while, i think there'd probably be a bit of headbutting at first tbh. Especially since Blue would absolutely not give a shit. So i doubt Blue would take her seriously at first. But I do think their personalities clash in a way thats very fun? Beyond the whole, goodytwoshoes and a con artist thing.
I think they would get along after getting over the initial problems though. But I'm kind of ass at describing HOW.... Likr, Blue isn't the Most open person and imo i don't think she's been in a relationship before either, due to having a LOT of shit going on..... But Crys is pretty honest about her care for people close to her, and i think she'd be understanding of the act she sometimes puts on. While Blue would push her to stick up for herself more, and to take more time for herself. I DO think they could work, they'd just have a couple problems to work through........ also blue would find her loser fail nerd tendencies endearign i think.
I think it's cute! Some other people seem to think similiarly, since there's some art of it out there but it's like. Really rare
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linaxart · 1 year
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Ronin Noriko, masterless Samurai
[ID: a digital drawing of Noriko from The Old Guard comics as a Ronin inspired by Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s Isoai Juroemon Masahisa does a Naginata attack from his 47 Ronin series. She’s leaning back as she swings the Naginata, a long spear with a curved blade at the top. She has two swords strapped to her waist by a uwa-obi belt and sageo cord, a long curved katana and a shorter wakizashi. She’s wearing a long black and white kimono with a blue underside. Underneath, she has blue kyahan leg wraps with a wave pattern, black tabi sock and waraji sandals. Her hair is in a top bun.  End ID.]
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cloverpatches · 2 years
I've been reminded of this whole thing a lot lately and I kind of wanted to bring up my thoughts, just in case maybe it helps someone rethink stuff but
I keep seeing that when people go about redesigning/"redeeming" a character, one thing they often remove is like. symptoms of neurodiversity?
Such as removing a character's trauma related sensory and relation issues entirely, or having them suddenly being more socially aware without anyone actually understanding why they might not have understood a situation in the first place.
Nothing against redesigns n rewrites or trying to write redemption arcs! I just don't think traits of neurodiversity in specific are something to be fixed or treated as something to be removed just because the artist finds them unfitting.
Not every neurodivergent character is going to be pleasant. It doesn't need to be fixed.
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starrystevie · 1 year
omg purgatory purgatory purgatory purga-- [grabby hands, raccoon paws, etc etc]
anything for you lex <33333
Falling to the ground is easy, not only because his legs felt like they’d give out right from underneath him, but because he was tired. That tired laced between muscles and bone that has his shoulders slumped as he melts to the ground one vertebra at a time. The water (was it water?) or blood (it could be blood-) that covered the ground splashed up once more and hit his face, burning his oversensitive skin. There was no way to count time, no way to pass time, so he sat in the deafening silence the surrounding darkness provided. Eddie took in sharp, stuttering breaths as he thought back to the girl with a buzz cut. Who was she? What was she? Why did she have Max cradled in her arms like she was grieving and why was she calling out to Lucas and how did she get there in this same Hell he was in and why couldn’t she hear him and- -and why was Eddie stuck here in the first place?
wip weekend: accepting!
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kinnbig · 1 year
I haven't really been posting about the Build & Poi situation for my own sanity, but I do want to talk, quickly, about a couple of things.
I’m posting this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because despite having said very, very little about this whole thing, I know that I've been marked as an "anti" and added to blocklists of people who are supposedly “hostile”; not just towards Build but also towards other people on this site who they disagree with; and I wanted to clear that up a bit. Secondly, because when Poi first spoke up I made a few posts talking about it, but I’ve been relatively quiet since. I don’t want anyone to think that I’ve ‘gone silent’ on the issue now. 
I’m not a particularly big blog. I don’t have a huge number of followers. But the number of anons I’ve received about this situation and the things I’ve heard are being said about me are unprecedented and honestly really overwhelming, and so I just wanted to make sure I’d said what I wanted to say.
Firstly, regardless of my opinion on Build - I want to emphasise that I have never been hostile or aggressive towards anyone else in regards to this situation (or at all!). I haven't been involved in hate campaigns, in spreading misinformation, or in targeting or gossiping about or sending hate to "pro-Build" accounts or to Build himself.
When Poi first spoke up, I expressed disagreement with those whose initial reaction was to immediately jump to Build's defence and accuse her of lying. I posted that Poi deserved to be believed, regardless of anyone's individual dislike of her as a person. I also mentioned that I thought responses of "I told you so" from people who had always disliked Build were unhelpful.
I have never said anything about people who chose to refrain from making judgement, who wanted to wait for more information, or who didn't have anything to say at all. 
Although I had my personal views, I also had nothing but sympathy and understanding for people who couldn't or didn't want to make judgments right away. I had been a big fan of Build's, but I had never been a 'stan', and I completely recognised how much more painful and emotional it must have been for those who were bigger fans than I was.
My only “disagreement” was with those responding to a woman accusing a man they liked of abuse by attacking her, and with those who responded almost gleefully to abuse allegations because they proved them right (though again, I didn't reference or argue with or mention any individuals in either case).
But I know that this has been enough to have me considered a "hostile Build anti". I know that there are many different blocklists circulating, and multiple different accounts and group chats and servers where people are talking about and being nasty about me and the other people on these lists.
I don’t want to get into this too much (lest I actually earn my label as hostile!), but it’s frankly terrifying that all it took for me to be branded as aggressive was posting that I believed Poi and that I disagreed with people attacking her. I was horrified that people would immediately jump to defend a man accused of abuse (not just saying they were waiting for more information, but defending him and immediately insisting the accusations must be lies), and the idea that this was considered some kind of radical stance for me to take is just… disgusting, honestly. 
It really, really upset me. Even if rationally, I’m aware that of all the blocklists to be on, the "didn't immediately jump to the defence of a man accused of abuse" blocklists are probably some of the better ones - it’s really fucked with me to see so many people in this fandom, including people I cared about and considered friends, responding in this way. 
It’s also very frustrating to know that a lot of the blogs publicly purporting themselves as “neutral” are very much not neutral, and are involved in spreading this “anyone who believed Poi is a radical, aggressive Build anti” narrative. 
I’m not singling out any individual person or blocklist or anything here. I’ve heard about many. But since I know these lists and conversations exist, but not exactly what is being said and to whom, I did just want to clarify that.
Secondly, I’m seeing a lot of passive aggressive “the antis are being incredibly silent about this…” or “where are all the highly moral justice seeking kp fans now?!” posts, and so no one can accuse me of suddenly going silent about this, I also wanted to mention my actual current position on this situation.
I am still not supporting Build.
I want to be clear, though, that I am not "pro-Poi". I have never been a fan of hers, and so she has never been able to "lose" my support.
I don't know if she was also toxic, if she said or did XYZ, if this piece of this phone-call proves this or that. I don't know! Nobody outside the situation does!
But unless there is some kind of irrefutable proof that the text message screenshots Poi posted - where she sent Build photos of her bruises, Build told her he didn't regret giving her them, and that he wanted to kill her - are 100% fabricated, then I cannot and will not support him.
Regardless of whether or not Poi was also a bad person.
Additionally, even in the (incredibly unlikely, imo) event that these messages turn out to have been fabricated, I would stand by my initial response to the situation. I will not apologise for believing someone who speaks about abuse, and for disagreeing with the people that immediately accused her of lying. 
Because even if in this case it turns out to not be the truth - the next time someone comes forward about a celebrity, it will be. And the next time. And the next time. There will always be devoted stans of celebrities determined to pick apart women’s stories and insist that they’re lying - and 99% of the time, they will be attacking a victim to defend someone violent. 
Finally - I’m sad. I don’t know how else to say this. I’m really, really sad about this whole situation. This whole thing has been incredibly emotionally exhausting. Hearing about it is painful, talking about it is painful, it’s all fucking awful and I’m a mess, honestly. It’s a horrific situation in itself, and then on top of it all I’m devastated about losing friends over it, losing a community over it. 
I know that I can come across quite detached (I’m sure this post reads like an essay rather than a text post on tumblr.com) but it’s my way of coping with it and feeling in control about what I say and how I express my emotions. It doesn’t mean I’m actually clinically distant or cold or not emotional or anything. I just don’t know how else to talk about it.
And I am happy to talk about it - but I’m not going to respond to anons about this situation anymore. If you want to talk about this, please feel free to DM me or send me an ask off-anon. But this isn’t something I can talk about with people who aren’t willing to put their names to what they’re saying.
I hope that makes sense.
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regenderate · 2 years
i don't want to get into the same argument in a second discord server so i'm posting here. anyway can people maybe interrogate why they need to call thirteen small and a baby or whatever else. like. she is an average height forty-year-old woman playing a multifaceted, competent, 3000+-year-old character.
tell me what about the doctor's traits makes you think she's small or baby or anything else. and then tell me how you would respond to a man with those traits. and then tell me how those traits aren't common in autistic adults. answer quickly.
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tibby · 2 years
Does Hoffman still test Rigg in the jigsquad au? Since he’s not a one man show in the au, he wouldn’t need to recruit Rigg?
he does, partially because changing the narrative of iv that much seems impossible, but also because. well. i do think hoffman saw potential in rigg and realised that john was probably going to die soon and figured that the murder family could benefit with somebody else helping out. i’m not a hoffman guy outside of jigsquad so i don’t have a lot of thoughts on his dynamic with rigg and he wanted out of him, especially in canon, but in jigsquad at least…his reasoning imo is “either rigg joins us and we have two officers on the inside, or he’s at least more sympathetic to our cause….OR, he dies, and that’s one less cop we have to worry about.” he’s probably hoping for the former but it's not really something he can waste much time being upset about, given everything else that happens that night (john dies, strahm lives, amanda gets shot, they almost get caught).
i also think on a logical level, it does make sense for them to test rigg, given that they also tested matthews and kerry. like. from an efficient murder trap enthusiast standpoint it's understandable that they'd put all the top players on the case through tests of their own. if they win their games then they're worthy enemies and if they fail they fail. i think with rigg in particular, hoffman knows that he's not going to stop digging, especially after what happens to matthews and kerry, so setting him up to join the apprentices or die...there's still solid reasoning to it, even if he doesn't really need rigg to join the team. i guess you could say that testing rigg is more like, insurance for them. either he sees what they see and things get easier, or they have one member of law enforcement looking into them. win/win, as far as deeply broken serial killer family logic goes.
HOWEVER. whether that logic would have panned out is a whole different thing because i can't...really imagine rigg vibing with everyone and everything. MAYBE in canon (although again, i'm not a hoffman guy so i don't really think about him and rigg much), but given that amanda rigs (HA!) kerry's trap and they knowingly hold matthews hostage for six months (still not sure when the others find out about that but like. that was a thing that happened), it seems unlikely to me that he'd be okay with all of them had he passed his test.
so. yeah. rigg still gets tested, and his game and its outcome don't change, but the reasoning behind everything is slightly altered.
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kdd-works · 1 year
Fandom Doomguy. A guy who's in one fandom and is so sick of a specific subset of the fandom deemed cringe/annoying, problematic, or otherwise shameful to associate with in some aspect that, rather than just ignoring those people, they go completely off the rails and attack every person in that particular group simply for being part of said group, unaware that the wider fandom avoids them at any cost because of how irrationally hostile they are.
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eveningrainstorm · 2 years
i don’t care if the game seemingly tells us that sora showing up in melody of memory was him helping kairi from unreality until i get undeniable proof that it was actually him i will remain skeptical because the fact that kairi turned into him is So Fucking Weird
like! why! why not just have sora show up as a separate entity to help her? i guess they could make up some bs about quadratum rules or w/e but i can’t think of anything previously established in the series that would cause it. it’s not like it’s because sora doesn’t have his own physical form because it was literally in a world of memories. and we’ve had characters help other characters against threats within their heart before (ex. ddd) and it was never portrayed as one character transforming into the other?
and the idea of being your own person is so important to this series that it just seems bizarre that they’d treat kairi turning into someone else as a positive thing? like they generally treat kairi badly but surely this would be obviously against the message of kh as a whole? and if they just wanted to take away kairi’s moment and not let her do anything ever why not just have sora show up and save her? why have her turn into him?
especially given how the scene up to that point is so focused on kairi -- her past, her trauma, her self-doubt. how could kairi having to become a different person entirely in order to fight the personification of her fears and past failures possibly be a good thing?
and kh has had instances of characters turning into/taking the appearance of another character multiple times before and it’s generally 1) important and 2) not a good thing so the idea that it would just be a good thing here with no deeper meaning behind it is really weird to me. like you expect me to see kairi transform into sora and just think “oh sora’s helping her :)” and not be even a little reminded of, y’know, the scene where xion turned into sora, which was a way of showing how she was losing her identity and control over her life? like obviously this is a different situation but the fact is that the connotations of kairi turning into sora are Not Positive
but if it wasn’t the actual sora and was instead a projection created from kairi’s memories then it actually can make sense and it makes the whole scene so much more interesting because that would give us so much insight into kairi’s mental state and how she views herself, because it shows how she doesn’t believe in her own abilities and thinks she needs to be someone else, like sora, in order to be strong, and it fits so well with other moments of characterization she’s gotten and the kind of character arc we’ve been shown getting set up for her.
and it’s not like it’s really been proven that that was the actual sora? kairi and the other characters seem to think so, but our only real source on that is memory-xehanort, who i wouldn’t consider all that reliable seeing as he’s made from kairi’s memories and therefore is unlikely to know anything she doesn’t know at least subconsciously. plus it’s pretty common in kingdom hearts for characters to assume or believe things and then later be proven wrong.
in any case i firmly believe that whether that scene was actually good or not rests entirely on how sora’s appearance was meant to be interpreted. because there’s a lot of good stuff in the rest of the scene (insight into kairi’s self-doubt! kairi getting to be angry! finally getting more about kairi’s backstory!) but honestly if all it amounted to in the end was just “sora possesses kairi to fight her inner demons for her :)” then that just negates all the positives of it for me
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
So Stella and her pride weren’t hurt at all by Stolas’ infidelity? Okay, I guess so. She doesn’t ever really say that to him when it’d be the most appropriate to do so, and I mean, hiring an assassin is just something everybody does once in a while am I right?
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