#sorry im new here )
kurating · 5 months
how did i just learn that the greatest stunt actress of all time MICHELLE YEOH isn't just married to a random old guy but to former fia president and ferrari legend JEAN TODT like WHAT
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I’ve been watching the 2017 Legend of the Condor Heroes (with fanmade english subtitles, thank you for your hard work, various fansubers and especially youtube user Emycee Chin) and I’m really enjoying it for lots of reasons but one thing I can’t stop thinking about is how like. Technically 90% of the story wouldn’t have happened if not for Bao Xiruo saving Wanyan Honglie’s life.
And it would be so so easy for the narrative to focus on that. To turn it into this tragic tale of how Xiruo’s ‘soft, woman’s heart’ doomed her family. How her fatal flaw was mercy. But they… don’t really do that? Her kindness ultimately leading to her ruin is definitely a part of the tragedy of her story/character, but it’s never framed as weakness, as something that means she’s *to blame* when her good intentions are turned back around on her.
Instead, we see how each and every person who takes advantage of her kind heart is cruel and manipulative. She’s a tragic character by virtue of being a kind person in a cruel world, but the tragedy isn’t framed as an inevitable consequence of her kindness. There’s no implication that she ‘should have known better’ or that if she had been harder and ‘stronger’, she could have had a happier ending.
She’s not tragic for being kind in the face of cruelty, she’s tragic because the world is cruel in the face of her kindness. She’s tragic because she deserves better and she doesn’t get it.
Idk that might not seem like a big difference to some people, but it’s huge to me.
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pacmantanuki · 4 months
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well, hello, i'm pacmantanuki and im new in tumblr. i published this drawing before in my instagram with other incredibles draws.
Thank you for see this post and sorry for my bad english see ya ^^
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owchie-wowchie · 1 year
Demyx, leaning over to Xemnas: Xemnas has no idea I'm high
Xemnas: You're high?
Demyx: I'm sorry
Demyx, leaning over to Larxene: Xemnas has no idea I'm high
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lordgrimwing · 7 months
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Now, this is delving a bit into my own interpretation of displacers (though I think there is plenty of evidence for it in the books), but that might shed a bit of a new light on him not signing anything he writes. Because if he doesn't claim something as his, if it can't be tie it back to him, than should anyone ever discover that he is a displacer, they can't discard everything he's created as unimportant or lies just because he's a displacer.
And if that thought doesn't tug me toward the 'he's a displacer' camp, I'm not sure what will.
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duckyjeb · 10 months
Hello people on this planet known as Tumblr. How are you all? Im froggen exhausted :)
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lullikiish · 1 year
asdfhh, i struggled with making sense why Levi would decide for Erwin to charge to his death. or why the convo played out like that. the whole scene and story on emotional level made sense, but i couln't really describe what was going on.
but guys! Erwin is asking Levi because he is asking for permission from his boyfriend if hr can go and sacrifice himself. it's not about Erwin, it's about Levi for Erwin. Erwin wants to do it but he feels like he can't do it to Levi without his persmission because his life is not only his to give.
im sobbing.
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
Dear Tumblr,
My blog needs more furry content. Are there any furs on this platform? I've been looking but only found a couple. Have I come to the right place?
Longing Fur Trash
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clawdouobit · 1 month
i hope everyone that compliments me knows i appreciate it i just cant figure out how to say thank you through tumblr
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omaryoursisterhere · 1 month
Help, how does tumblr work?
im trying to get a hold of someone. i know they likes a video game called undertale and a skeleton boy/man called Sans, and one pieces (the anime) i think? one of his flatmates have told me he is alot on tumblr but i dont really know how it works here? any help is appreciated thx
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princeoxca · 6 months
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game night
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mingyusbinch · 1 year
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starkspi · 2 months
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Spoiler: where Alastor really has been for the last 7 years (that damn deal)
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heartorbit · 8 months
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soothedcerberus · 2 months
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Hiii I finally finished this Spyro comic... and predictably, its just another silly fluffy thing. 💜
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surreal-duck · 1 month
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Tuesday is chuu day! (x)
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