#sorry to make you all see old ramos art
Semana Santa/ "La novena". GN! MC (7 brothers)
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Hi! Ready for the most interesting headcanon that I´ve been keeping away from you? I hope you are indeed. I´m sorry @notapinklasagna for my way too late answer. But as an old saying would say. "Más vale tarde que nunca" which means. Better later than never. So here I go!.
WARNING This headcanon includes religious theme, both, catholic and cristian religion and it´s tradition, if you are not feeling comfortable with this topic please keep scrolling, thanks for the attention, enjoy the reading.
As always as a form of respect I made research before writting, of course my Colombian readers can help me out here if I miss out any information or tradition that you do in "La novena", I´ll be writting from my Mexican perspective as well.
" La novena" or "Semana Santa" is the "Spring break" that most countries around the world has, for us hispanics, as the name would tell is a "Saint Week" it´s the time of the year when the last week in earth of Jesus Christ is conmemorate, the dates might change according the year, but ussually we rest the week of April or May. And this break usually coincide with Jewish Easter.
Look Darling, Jesus and I, we don´t relate.
He´s still looking forward for the procession in Popayán (Colombian City), he has heard that it was indeed from XVI century, and also it´s part of the immaterial cultural patrimony of the humanity.
He is curious to see how long and how the procession will be. He gets surprised when tons of humans walks the same path that Jesus walked during his last week on earth, the performance was surely impressive.
Yes he might do nothing to do with Jesus, but he enjoyed the tradition.
Oh yes Jesus, we weren´t friends if I may add but still. Hope he´s enjoying his holly day. Two weeks of vacation?! Oh Jesus I should´ve known that in the moment you changed the water into whine that you indeed loved parties.
He goes to the river in Buga to see if the legend is true and he could receive a miracle or a wish from the river just like the woman in the legend did. (Also Lucifer kinda makes him go with so he could pay his debts.)
Low key he goes to Buga to ask for more money and to be thankful of having you in his life.
He stays at home, But for Mc´s he goes to "Miércoles de ceniza" so he could have a stamp of Jesus cross in his forhead made of ash. According to him, it burns just a little.
Sure, let´s go to Tunja for the “Semana santa”.  While Asmo tells stories of how he met Jesus thanks to Solomon, Satan just stares at the cultural tradition in front of him.
They stay at the concerts, the art galleries, they even stay for the theater on the streets, all meant to be religious art representations.
They just wanted to see the pretty and marvelous traditions that Tunja has.
Jesus was such a nice pal, he would always multiply the bread and the fish for me to eat, he was the nicest human I´ve met. It´s quite tragic what happened to him, anyways, we will go to Mompox, at Magdalena´s river so we could eat the fish.
They asked him to help carrying the big cross for the via Crucis, he just asked if there´s gonna be more fish for him to eat if he helps out. They say yes. He helps with the cross and starts to murmur some of the praying.
Both, him and Mc´s stays for  the orchestra  and the choir from Adolfo Mejía´s conservatory annual performance.  
He sleeps during the spring break, yes sure we are in Colombia, just give me the "ramos" and I´ll be making the necessary decorations for you to go to the procession.
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kitausuret · 2 years
Do you have spidervenom cuddle headcanon? (Pleasure Aftermath or just in general) Cause I’m a sucker for it
I don't have a whole lot of coherent thoughts about this so I'm just going to throw words at the wall like wet spaghetti and see what sticks! 🎉
But no in all seriousness, yes I do! Peter is a character who absolutely evolved into someone who is very touch-oriented in displaying affection. (I can't take total credit for this realization, traincat and softgrungeprophet have done some really good posts about it that made me go.. 🤔💡) This is just kind of a general headcanon for me when it comes to him but I think just as it applies for him in other relationships, so it would apply here too. It's something that just comes naturally to him.
I shamelessly nicked these from TC, please check out her Twitter or Tumblr for the literal best Peter takes ever, but the chin touch is really good:
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Now, onto Eddie, who I think is a little more complicated... I feel it would take time for him to get to a point where he's comfortable being touched a lot by another human being. Kind of like a horse, where you should make sure they see you before you put your hand on them. At first he probably has to be the one to initiate physical contact. Given his history of being touched by another human being not going uh... well for him (looking at the repeated times he's been literally experimented on) it might be a long journey for them. And it'll probably have to be small touches at first - taking his hand, maybe a hand on his arm, before gradually moving into more. Peter pressing himself up against Eddie on the couch, hugs, an arm around his shoulder or waist, all that good stuff.
But I think eventually, like everyone else who's ever fallen in love with the insufferable, endearing asshole who is Peter Parker, he'll warm up to it. He'll start to see that is part of Peter's love language. I have a lot of feelings about Eddie learning to trust other humans touching him in general so. ;w; Yeah.
Haha everybody suffer, I present to you the one and only handholding scene:
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Aaaaanyways, THAT angst fest aside, let me move onto the third part of this glorious ship!
Of course I can't leave out the symbiote, the original piece of this ship that binds them together. It feels a little obvious but the symbiote is of course very touch-oriented. In a weird way, its physical affection with Peter probably has to come gradually, the way Peter's does with Eddie. Depending on when this ship is starting out in their lives, I think will depend on how slowly they need to adjust towards each other. But similarly, Peter has hurt the symbiote! So maybe they need to learn to trust each other again (or perhaps, for the first time) before they can move forward with each other.
I have a little snippet that actually calls back to a scene where Peter was washing the "alien costume", so I'll share that with you here. For a little context, Peter is currently the symbiote's host, as part of a somewhat complicated arrangement:
Eddie continued to stroke it as Peter turned on the taps for the bathroom sink, then plugging it. It was only then that he realized Peter also had a bottle of mild soap. “What are you doing?” “Uh, laundry?” Eddie frowned a little, his grip tightening on the symbiote.  “I’m kidding, Eddie. But I figure I keep sweating, symbiote or no, and I can’t be webbing up purse snatchers and robbers in an un-laundered suit.” He paused with his hands on the taps. “Un...bathed?” He finally turned them off and added some soap to the water, sudsing it up with his hands.  “It’s not dirty, Peter,” he said, a little defensively, “it expels dirt and particulate matter naturally, and-” “It didn’t complain when I did that for weeks after Battleworld!” “You thought it was a smart-technology piece of clothing!” “Just be grateful I didn’t take it to the laundromat! And, for the record, I take very good care of my suits. Do you have any idea how much time I put into them? How much red thread I have to go through? The cost of the fabric if it gets ruined or faded?” Peter gently coaxed the symbiote into the water, working his hands into its malleable flesh, meticulous as he rubbed it into the warm water. It was maybe just a hair above room temperature, given the symbiote’s dislike of heat. It slipped away from his hands with a pleased little shiver, surrendering to Peter's tender loving care. 
So yeah, that's that! I guess I kind of focused more on the idea of touch in general vs. actually answering your question jdksal' but I think that before full-on cuddling they would have some work to do. Love that for them though. <3
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notforgottcn · 4 years
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⧼    sophia bush, cis female, she/her   / when the bell tolls by anthony ramos   +   taking a leap even though you don’t know how far the fall is, hot coffee and ballet shoes, filling out late night paperwork because you don’t want to go home yet    ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about ADELLA ROBBINS. the THIRTY SIX year old daughter of BRUCE WAYNE is a POLICE OFFICER in town, and has sometimes been referred to as THE PHOENIX. they’ve always seemed very DRIVEN & PHILANTHROPIC, though i’ve heard that they can be pretty ALOOF & UNFORGIVING, too. it’s common knowledge that they have NO ABILITY ; guess we shouldn’t get on their bad side, huh? 
tw: death, 
you’re more alike to your birthmother than you will ever know, you have her smile, her walk. that’s what bruce would tell you if you were to ever ask him. you don’t. you feel enough of her ghost on your shoulders without having more information about her. you know a name that is all you want from the woman who left you first.
you are left on the steps to wayne manor. sometimes when you’re sad you like to picture what alfred’s face looked like when he found you out there in january cold. you stay with there for two months. there are photos of you with your siblings. dick kept one for years it would seem. still even here where you’re supposed to be safe, you only last for so long before you’re sent away again.
mr and mrs robbins gave you the best childhood that they could, and for awhile the pain of your origins are tucked away neatly in a draw that you don’t open very much. instead you excel at your education, throwing yourself into dance lessons enjoying the moments you could snag with your parents (they were busy people, you learnt very quickly not to hold it against them).
still things become harder as you get older, you’re the odd one out at that fancy school  you attend. thought you’re not sure how they first found out. here is the first appearance of the fighter inside of you. it will be harder for you to ignore things now. your parents are called several times because you had lashed out at the people who had refused to leave you alone. you are told that were it not for your parents standing in the school community you would have likely been expelled. you are still incredibly proud of that black eye.
you take up martial arts as a compromise, with the understanding that you will behave in a manner more befitting your station in public. the fighting doesn’t really stop you just learn to mask your behaviour. a real sign that you are your fathers daughter.
at sixteen you’re sneaking into clubs making a name for yourself in the new york club scene. you only learn later that photos of you drunk and throwing up into a gutter are only going to undermine you later.
your parents passing in a mutant rights demonstration changes everything, throwing you into a world you’re not ready for. people want you to be an adult, but your nothing more than a child in your mother’s shoes. trying so hard but failing so fast. you easily see the bad sad of humanity, despite the fact that you come out relatively unscathed. it changes you, your angry and most importantly lonely. feelings that really wouldn’t go away.
the loneliness of being alone opens up things you had tidied away years ago. who were your birth parents? why did they give you up ? stupidly it would seem in hindsight you were trying to fill the space left by your parents with people you didn’t even know.
when the name on the test reads bruce wayne it stops everything. the first emotion you really remember is confusion. it was supposed to be someone you didn’t know, someone you could put behind you rather than someone who had been in the background for your entire life.
the first time you go to the mansion after the reveal you yell and scream as loud as your lungs could manage. how could he do this to you?? give you up to people who would manage to rip you apart. he hadn’t known, he couldn’t have, but you blame him for it anyway. him and them, the mutants that cause the accident, they’re the only ones you could, even as your brain tells you it’s stupid.
you remember telling him that you want nothing to do with him but even that doesn’t last too long. you move into the manor eventually, after digging your heels in and demanding to know everything. you find out about batman around the same time. the truth about your father, and as much as he knew about your mother.
that first year is hard, you are ripped from your life in new york and placed in a home that isn’t yours. the people in it are aching doing their best to heal from things that don’t involve you, and yet again you are unwanted by the majority a complication they don’t need.
still not everything in your life is bad, you are alive and for what it’s worth you have more family then you’ve ever had before. jason is the first to really make you feel at home. alfred assures you that the others will come around in time, you aren’t so sure.
taking up the cowl was technically dick’s idea, though you couldn’t become batgirl without permission from babs. just like everyone else in your family the bat becomes an outlet for your anger, a way to enact change and for a year you love it. you make the mantel your own and in some ways you’ve never felt more alive then you do in gotham at night.
just like everything else in life however it is possible to outgrow the hero antics and at nineteen you are more than ready to be something more than just batman’s sidekick. so you follow your heart and you leave. the next few years are a bit of lost time. you travel a lot (you parent’s money lets you) never really staying in one place for too long. still that doesn’t mean you don’t try for some form of stability. england is your favorite, grey skies and cups of tea, but somehow you always end up back in the states. especially after things there end badly. you get your heart broke and you can’t see the direction your pointing in anymore.
how predictable that you’d end up in new york again, some days feeling like you’d never even really left at all. still this time your not some wealthy girl. you’re enrolled in the police academy, you work your ass off and you’re on the streets by the time your twenty seven. it’s the perfect balance for you between the rush you used to get as batgirl but also working within the law. you can’t help but enjoy the fact you don’t need to cover your face.
still you’ve picked up a habit of moving on: new york, star city, gotham you’ve worked in each of them. paragon was an odder choice, after so long running from your family, your birth father’s legacy, but at the same time it feels like a good way of touching base for a while. besides, with everything that goes on in town, it’s probably a good idea to have a cop on hand who actually knows how the hero gig works.
addy still dances but it’s more as a stress relief than anything close to professional.
her entire life goal (when it comes to the batkids) is to be considered the cool aunt though the extent to which that actually is questionable.
she has two cats toodles (x) and watson (x) and they’re her favorite thing in her whole world.
she functions entirely on caffeine, yes she knows it’s bad but it’s not a habit that she can see herself breaking.
a massive disney nerd!! she’s not sorry for it.
family ;;
bruce wayne - father/ sperm donor. she doesn’t want this thanks.
alfred pennyworth - grandfather figure / secret keeper. they’re very close.
dick grayson - adopted brother / mentor. brings out the best in her.
jason todd - adopted brother / best friend. jason understands more than most.
tim drake - adopted brother / confidant. they go for coffee it’s cute.
cassandra cain - adopted sister / favorite batman. strong girls supporting strong girls
damian wayne - brother / terror. their dynamic is interesting at the best of times.
important ;;
adrian trevor - lost love / once in a lifetime. think luke and lorelai with extra angst.
friends ;;
andrea hill - close friend / ride or die. the person addy would call with a body.
ziva mizrahi - work friends / . someone addy trusts to have her back.
wanted connections ;;
travel buddies!! - anyone that she could have traveled with or met when travelling.
all the brotps: honestly give her friends.
anyone she could have interacted with as a cop good or bad.
league kids she’s keeping an eye on.
league kids her own age she likes to get a drink with.
any other kid she might feel protective of because lbr that’s all of them.
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ASM v5 #14/815 Thoughts
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Unfortunately this is another issue I’m not that thrilled with, just like last time and just like my problems with issue #2. However in case you didn’t recall I actually somewhat re-evaluated my thoughts on issue #2.
 My criticisms of issue #2 still stand but I’m a little more accepting in this issue when it comes to perhaps the most controversial aspect of the story, the Lizard family.
 When you really look at Spencer’s run over all thus far there is very much a through line about second chances; rather appropriate for the guy who wrote Secret Empire.
Peter and MJ have a second chance. Peter’s education is being given a second chance. Peter is giving Felicia and Jameson and Boomerang a second chance.
Peter knows Connors is not a bad person, knows his acts of evil occurred under influence of the Lizard over whom he has had little control and Peter has shown sympathy towards him and similar people (e.g. Vermin) who’ve done truly horrific things because of those animalistic personalities their possess.
So Peter giving Curt a second chance when he seems to be in control, seems to have some version of his old life back and is trying to make amends (and has actively sought to help him personally) I think is believable.
And if Peter feels that way I think MJ has enough faith in him to give it a second try too.
Problems crop up when it comes to the Martha and Billy clones though.
Remember these people were Peter and MJ’s friends! They went out together they went to Billy’s birthday. They mourned their deaths.
Seeing them alive and mutated should be a BIG deal and it’s treated with unrealistic blasé casualness.
It’d be one thing if the Connors and Parkers were not close and they merely intellectually knew these guys were clones. From that POV you could argue Peter and Mj are just trying to be polite and recognize that if Curt is healthier and happier with these clones whom he treats as the real deal then what harm is there in just leaving the topic alone and accepting them.
But...that’s not the case. MJ and Martha were friends, Peter knew Billy and found his mutilated dead body. Seeing them both alive and mutated and knowing their not the real versions of the characters should emotionally affect them both, it should make them feel uncomfortable on some level.
 If nothing else that’s a fascinating moment to explore. But instead we smash cut to them all hanging out in the sewers having dinner together as though it was nothing.
 Now sure this is more of Spencer’s comedy sensibilities coming in because that visual and that scenario is innately absurd.
 But it’s an instance where the humour and absurdity really takes you out of the story. Both for the reasons I spoke about above and also because frankly...this moment just doesn’t belong in a Spider-Man story.
 Spencer has been so much better than Slott at keeping Spider-Man grounded and although wacky things have happened they’re been much more forgivable or served a deeper point. Normally I’d lambast splitting Peter and Spider-Man into 2 separate people as too wacky for Spider-Man, but because it served the purposes of character reconstruction it wound up being great.
 Here though its just absurd and aggressively unrealistic for a Spider-Man story for no deeper purpose. Not just the visual of a family of Lizard people chowing down with the Parkers but also the fact that they’re literally in a sewer doing it and everyone is so casual about it.
 It’s just...stupid and ruins your immersion in the story. Its too absurd a thing for readers to just take on face value in a Spider-Man story, like a Ninja Turtles story, maybe an F4 story maybe, but this no.
Especially with MJ of all people casually climbing into a sewer for dinner. I’m not saying MJ is a delicate flower nor someone who can’t go low rent when she needs to but like there is accepting the low rent option and then there is this lady who is glamorous to a certain extent and likes being so willingly climbing into a friggin sewer to eat with a reforming cannibal lizard person and lizard clones of 2 dead people. Sorry, suspension of disbelief doesn’t stretch that far.
 Another reductive aspect of the story is the continual looming shadow of Parker Industries. As mentioned in older posts we need to either properly address and fix this so nobody mentions it again or else just hardcore ignore it, not bring it up as a legitimate story element but also kind of ignore it too.
 You also have the bullshit ‘mid-twenties’ line which is absolutely untrue and you should just No. Prize a reason for MJ to say that.
 But other than that I’ve got nothing bad to really say about this issue. Nothing at all. Really. Nothing. It’s all absolu-...well you know there is one teeny tiny thing.
 You know, I re-read some 1990s Generation X comics recently along with their Age of Apocalypse counterparts, Generation Next. And the art in the latter was weaker than the former for sure.
 But holy crap both of them looked sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Shed which itself looked soooooo much better than this hot garbage.
 Bachalo’s art is at least readable in this story in ways it often was not in Shed but nevertheless it looks so scruffy and sketchy and just plain ugly.
 I never thought I’d MISS Humberto Ramos but my God. There are points where people faces in the distance look like they’ve got just dots for eyes and dashes. Everyone is so off model and unattractive and the art over all is grey, dark, washed out. A gross contrast to the art by Ramos and Ottley.
 Its not even like the change is in service of a major tonal shift or anything. The tone of the story thus far isn’t grimer or darker than what we had before. We didn’t go into the sewers because we’re dealing with some grim and gross story, we went there for absurdity.
 I mean there is a REASON Ottley did the cover for this issue and why the Spider-Office pulled out some stock art by Paolo Rivera for next issue’s cover. Its because they were acutely aware that anyone looking at Bachalo on the stands would never pick up these books on impulse.
 It doesn’t help when we reuse some stock art by Ottley for one of the recap panels. That one panel is better than the rest of the art in the book.
 Although it raises another potential criticsm. Even during Spencer’s debut arc we saw art recycled a little (Black Cat from issue #1 was reused later as Peter’s phone picture for her). And the prior 2 issues reused art as well as I recall. Now those aren’t that big of a deal but here it again takes you out of the book because Ottley is at least reusing his own art who’s style therefore matches up. Here Bachalo doesn’t match us at all and it comes off as lazy.
 Now there were GOOD things in the issue too.
 Peter and Mj together, talking.
 Resolving the Rhino’s seeming return to villainy from older issues.
 Aunt May being feisty and perhaps for the first time calling out a male suitor.
 The clever safety device Peter gave her, even if it is perhaps too sci-fi.
 Furthering along the Taskmaster/Black Ant/Kraven and ESU subplots in a very organic way.
 Spencer at least addressing why Aunt May isn’t rolling in the money after her rich husband died.
 Aunt May’s kindness
 Spider-Man and Rhino’s newfound friendship/working relationship.
I don’t wanna say this is a bad issue but also...it has got genuinely bad things IN it....
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gunsandfics · 7 years
Safe Place (Anthony Ramos/Bullied!Short!Reader)
a request from @dianaftop !!!
They requested three fics: this is one of them!
dianaftop: on the Anthony Ramos x reader, the reader (me lol) meets Anthony in school while she was being bullied, because of the readers height. 
so here it is !!!!
hope you enjoy !!!
pssst I had to look up what a school day in America is like because I live in little old Wales ^^
also I used the name Annalise for a bully because I know a really horrible girl with that name so if that’s your name just replace it okay? :)
Safe Place (Anthony Ramos/Short!Bullied!Reader)
The school bell rings at 8:30, announcing yet another 7 hours of torture from your peers. You ttake a deep breath, steeling yourself up, and open the door. You groan as you see the crowd filling the hallway, all much taller than you. People are barging into you left, right and center, when all you wanted was to get to your locker!
Finally, you arrive at your locker - locker number 46 - and you freeze up as you notice something.
Scrawled across the metal door was a variety of insults.
Nobody likes you!
Just go die already, midget!
You look down at the floor, not wanting to let any of your abusers see how they had affected you. The corridor slowly empties as everyone leaves to homeroom, leaving you alone to cry silently. 
Quiet footsteps begin tapping down the hall and you involuntarily flinch, even though you know that your bullies would normally have shouted out to you by now.
The footsteps come to a halt beside you, and you turn away from the person, snivelling.
“Hey,” A hand rests on your shoulder. “Are you…okay? Is this your locker?”
The voice, a guy, was nice. Soothing. You unconsciously lean towards him, towards his hand.
“Yeah. This is my locker.” You whisper hoarsely.
“Look at me.” The guy says gently. You reluctantly tear your eyes away from the floor and-
Oh. He’s attractive, You think, and silently curse yourself in your head for noticing that when you’re upset. 
It was true though. A puff of curly brown hair, tied back in a low ponytail, sat atop a smiling, freckled face in a way that could only be described as cute. Cute in both a hot and an adorable way. He wore a deep blue polo-neck and tan trousers, and you stifled a smile when you saw a woven leather bracelet with a -was that a turtle?- charm around his wrist.
“My name is Anthony. Anthony Ramos. I’m new here.” He introduces himself, keeping one hand on your shoulder but offering his other hand to you.
“…(Name) (Last Name).” You mumble, shaking his hand. He surprises you by raising your hand to his lips to kiss. You flush bright red. Who even does that any more? You think, but you can’t say you didn’t like it.
“Now, why would anyone bully such a cute girl?” Anthony asks, cocking his head in puzzlement. You blush even brighter. Surely he was messing with you?
“…I don’t know. I guess I’m an easy target because I’m short and un-intimidating.” Your voice trembles on this. You let out a noise of shock when Anthony pulls you into a tight hug, resting his chin on your head.
“…You can cry if you want. I don’t judge.” He murmurs. The waterworks start and you bury your face into his chest as the tears start flowing freely. Anthony holds you and rocks you as you continue crying quietly. When you’re finished, he fishes a small pack of tissues out of his pocket and hands you one. You sniffle lightly.
“Why did you comfort me? I’m just a stranger.” You ask shakily. To your surprise, Anthony blushes and struggles to find the words.
“I…I don’t like seeing other people upset…but I thought you were really pretty so I really wanted to wipe away your sadness.” He stutters. He takes a deep breath and smiles at you. “Hey - I think we’ve pretty much missed Homeroom, so we may as well get to first lesson. What d'you have?”
“Um.” You pull your planner from your bag and squint at it. “Intermediate Theatre Arts with Mrs Miller.”
“Eyo! Same here!” He grins, a dimple in his cheek popping. “You’ll have to show me the ropes.”
You find it in yourself to smile at him. “I’d love to.”
Over time, Anthony became close friends with a group of people in your theatre class, Lin, Leslie, Renee, Jasmine, Phillipa, Daveed and Oak. However, you stayed his best friend all throughout the year. You were inseparable. He was always helping you, with your bullies, with your friendships, and even when you got into a fight with your mother halfway through the year, he let you stay with him and his family until you made up. He even took you to prom when nobody else would, despite Jasmine’s blatant crush on him and her hinting that she wanted to go with him. There was only one thing you didn’t confide in him with.
You know how cliche it is, but over the year, you managed to fall in love with Anthony. He was so sensitive, smart and kind that how could you not love him?
Now, on the final stretch of your final year, graduation is looming, and you still haven’t told hI’m.
Wednesday, last period. Music.
“Yo!” Your lanky, over-the-top best-friend-turned-crush sidles up behind you with his guitar on his back and wraps his arms around your neck in an affectionate, backwards hug. You smile and pat his hand.
“Hey, Ant. My freckled babe.” You tease. This was a joke between you two, in which you would call each other babe because you were so close and people thought you were dating.
“Hiya, babes.” He boops your nose. “What’s my favourite girl working on now?” He asks, reaching out to grab your music. You quickly snatch it out of his grasp.
“Uh-uh. I don’t think so.” You wiggle a finger at him. “It’s a surprise.“ 
"Aw.” Anthony pouts. “Can’t I see it? I’m your best friend.” He whines. You giggle.
“Like I said, it's a surprise, silly!" 
"Awww…okay.” He scrunches his nose up and shakes his head to get his curls out of his vision. “I’ll see you later.” He kisses your cheek, causing you to splutter unintelligibly.
He takes his guitar over to the far corner where nobody else is and begins strumming, focusing completely on the guitar. You watch him for a while. Every now and then he’ll look up, make a disgruntled expression and shake his head, muttering under his breath.
“Hey, Shortbus.” You hear, before a hand tugs on your hair and pulls your head back.
“Ah-ow!” You wince and look up. One of the school bullies, Annalise, is smirking down at you with a smug expression. 
“Aw, has the little midget got a cruuuush? Sorry, sweetie, but he’s way out of your league.” She cooes in a horrible tone. 
“Leave me alone, Annalise.” You mutter, but she scowls and yanks your hair again.
“I don’t think so. Now.” She glances at your music sheets. “What are these? Are you writing a song for lover boy?” Her eyes glitter as she swipes up your sheets and reads them. You gasp and reach out to grab them back, protesting. She glares at you, a cruel smile curling her lip. “Are you kidding? These songs are so cringy, Shortbus. Helpless?  The hell kind of song name is that?” She giggles.
“Annalise…” You beg. “Please, leave me alone.”
Annalise laughs. “Hell no. I’m going to go and show these to Anthony.”
“No-no no, please!” You plead, staring up at her. “Please!”
She smirks and sashays over to Anthony, saying something to him in a low voice and showing him your sheet music, the piece of your heart that you had poured into this song.
Anthony grabs the sheet off of her, eyes scanning every line. Annalise smiles triumphantly in your direction.
You expect an upset expression to cross Anthony’s face, for him to look disturbed, disgusted.
You do not expect his face to form into the widest smile you have ever seen. You do not expect for him to look this happy.
He looks up at you, halfway across the room, eyes alight and hopeful.
The bell rings, and you stand up quickly, trying to exit the room before anyone else. However - just your luck, some of the class gets out before you and you feel a hand grasp your wrist, keeping you behind.
Everyone leaves the room, including the teacher, and you’re stuck standing with Anthony holding onto your wrist. You sigh and turn to him.
“Anthony…” You begin.
“I love you!” He blurts out, and you freeze.
“I…what?” You look up at him in astonishment, and hope.
“I love you, so much. Please…was that song that Annalise showed me written for me?” He asks, eyes pleading. A slow, steady smile crosses your face.
“Yes.” You whisper, and Anthony lets out a loud whoop of laughter and pulls you close. “Anthony-”
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” He giggles into your hair, and you let out a short burst of laughter.
“I love you too!” You thread your fingers through his hair and laugh, burying your face into his shoulder. "I can’t believe that Annalise…was trying to bring a rift between us…but she failed and just brought us closer together!“ You say breathlessly.
Anthony pulls back from the hug and looks down at you, studying your expression. He seems to be deliberating something before he mumbles "To hell with it,” and crashes his lips onto yours. You gasp into the kiss and pull yourself closer to him, thumb caressing his cheek.
The kiss is short and sweet, and he pulls back with a laugh. “I’m your safe place.” He says.
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sabrerine911 · 7 years
Little Darksiders 3 “fandom”long rant (sorry for the shitty grammar but its 4am here)
Goddamit its so depressing and infuriating to see the comments regarding Darksiders 3 posts,you can see people cheering or getting hyped,but it looks like the majority of the comments are assholes that have nothing better than to complain and insult the devs on how they are killing the franchise  People bitching about fucking feminism(that isnt there),everyone that ACTUALLY fucking played the game and cared about the lore enough to not skip cutscenes knows she has been a horseman since the begining People bitching that they think Fury sucks and they should bring Back either War or Death cause they are cooler.(cause fuck the devs vision am i right!?) people bitching about fury’s (Ingame not cg trailer)face giving all sorts of insults on how ugly or how “too cartoony” it is(FUCKING REALLY? ). People bitching about boob armor or heels(darksiders chicks had boob armor and heels in both the previous games and nobody was bitchin about it back then,hell,war had freaking pectoral armor that made no sense whatsoever!And it was fucking FINE cause its a standard fantasy comic style game,never meant to be something progressive for political corectness or realistic armor praticality ) People bitching about the gameplay expecting it to be crazy fast like the second game and judging the pre alpha with more than just well though critics,alot of people say that the game is gonna be garbage,aparently people forgot the slower gameplay of the first one that got better and better the more upgrades we got,plus she will probably have tons of spells and secondary weapons People bitching about the devs ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THEIR VISION(doing a game for each horseman) cause they want to get to the fucking final chapter for the sake of story linearity.Do you have any idea how much lore we wouldnt have if that sitty decision was taken back in 2010?Do you have any idea how bad it would be to play a game with the 4 horsemen and have only one of them fully developed?We had fucking 20 hours to get invested in Wars character,and what the other’s best shot would be to impress us with looks and dialogue,im sorry but that would be just as bad as Wolverine was the main character in the X-men movies.And lets not get into how the mechanics wouldnt be advanced enough to give a game like that justice. People bitching that without Joe Mad the game is doomed!Labeling every artistic direction in the game “bad” and “uninspired” cause it didnt come out of Joe mad.People fucking bitched about Fury’s fucking redesign like it wasnt designed by Joe Mad himself!NOOO we dont have time to get informed,its better to complain about it,saves fucking time right? Let me be clear on this,Joe Mad is my favorite artist(along with Humberto Ramos) HE is one of the reasons I decided to become a comic book artist myself,HE is the reason I got into the Darksiders series.I litterally found it by googleing “joe madureira game” back in the day cause I heard he worked on a game.But saying that without his full involvment the game is gonna be garbage is UTTER BULLSHIT. First of all the game was made by the WHOLE team,not only him I remember a certain  Avery Coleman(look him up) that was involved in the concept arts of the second with Joe. Secondly he not only approved the continuation of the game but he also gave his full support even by redesigning Fury himself and doing some general action concept arts from her,you hear that?FULL SUPPORT. The team wanted to make this game,to finish the story,that they LOVED,this is not a fucking cash grab,and they are not rushing it without considering the old games’ quality levels.It is gonna be different sure.War was slow and took down many enemies,Death was fast as hell and he took on armies,Fury will have a speed between the two and she will take down less enemies at once but Im sure she will still be a badass and considering that she will be taking down the Sins that had to be taken down by all 4 of the horsemen she will definetly prove her power. I understand the concern of people that it may not live up to expectations,but lets give it some time,there is still plenty of development to show.I personally am just happy that they sticked with their original vision,that they finally gave a game for fury,that they are doing their best with what they have. And I will support them 100 percent,so that they can conclude the series,so we can have a Strife game and a final chapter game with all 4 of them. To all the people that support this game I want to thank you for excisiting and letting your voice be heard on this awesome franchise.Have a good one everyone.
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1232
Monday, October 15, 2018
 Jee-Riz had another successful Capital Trade Show at the Walkley Arena on Sunday. In other words we paid our expenses and each pocketed a bit of cash for our efforts. All of the credit for our success goes to my partner Chris since all I do is move stuff and watch that stuff doesn't get stolen. I even brought my own comfy chair to sit on this time. I would also like to thank Penny for the added security at the end of the day.
 One of the things that makes attending the monthly shows fun for me is seeing old Silver Snail Ottawa customers dropping by. I met two yesterday and Travis said he started shopping there when he was 10 years old. I saw another nearly forgotten face that surprised me. Arthur of the infamous Arthur's Place was also in attendance. It took a while for him to remember me, which made me wonder how many other Chinese guys wearing a headband does he know.
 Jee-Riz will be setting up at the inaugural Capital Comic Book Convention at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel on Sunday, October 28. We are hoping to see many new faces and old ones too.
 X-23 #5 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Juann Cabal & Marcio Fiorito (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Two Birthdays and Three Funerals part 5. Read this finale to find out if the Cuckoos get clocked. Evil Esme is about to get even more powerful but her psychic sisters may be having second thoughts about resurrecting her. Marcio's art isn't quite as pretty as Juann's but it's not so different that it ruined this issue for me.
 Catwoman #4 - Joelle Jones (writer) Fernando Blanco (past art) Joelle Jones (present art) John Kalisz (past colours) Laura Allred (present colours) Josh Reed (letters). Copycats part 4. One reason Selina left Gotham City is to visit her sister Magdalene. Maggie is in a catatonic state due to a catastrophic trauma that she suffered in the past at the hands of the villain Black Mask. I like these glimpses into a character's past that show us events that go into shaping them. Maggie has another unexpected visitor at the end of this issue that gives Selina cause for concern. I can't wait for the next issue to hit the racks.
 Domino #7 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Loved the cover by Gang Hyuk Lim and the Alphonse Mucha tribute pin-up page by David Baldeon to start off this new story. Domino and her posse are hired to find and retrieve a box. Who's in the box is a big surprise. I haven't seen this character in a while and I'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
 Superman #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ivan Reis (pencils) Joe Prado (inks pages 1-9) Oclair Albert (inks pages 10-22) Alex Sinclair (colours) Josh Reed (letters). The Unity Saga part 4. Yay, the Earth is saved from the Phantom Zone with a little help from The Justice League. There is also a hint to how Superman can defeat the villain Rogol Zaar (again). This is as good a time as any to bench this book. I have not been impressed with what Brian has been doing and he has other more worthy books on the racks that I can keep up with. So it's up, up and away for me.
 The Immortal Hulk #7/LGY #714 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Lots of big sound effects as the Hulk battles the Avengers. I liked how they had to use the ultimate weapon to stop the big green galoot. The last page was a real shocker which left me wondering if all the king's men can put Hulk back together again. Is Doctor Frankenstein in the house?
 Amazing Spider-Man #7/LGY #808 - Nick Spencer (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). It's a free for all as Peter and Boomerang try to survive being attacked by all the super villains in the Bar With No Name after the Kingpin of Crime sticks his big fat fingers into the festivities. If you think a crook couldn't get away with being the mayor of a major American city then you have not been following the sorry excuse for leadership happening in the US right now. We are seeing how absolute power corrupts absolutely and I keep wondering how long this fiasco is going to go on. Getting back to the fictional world of comic books, a new villain appears at the end of this issue to exert some pressure on Wilson Fisk. I don't remember who this bad guy with the big creepy crawly is but he sure has an iron fist wrapped around the fat man. I'm going to bench this book too. This story about Peter and Boomerang being room mates reminds me of the one where Peter hired the bad guy Clayton Cole/Clash to work for Parker Industries and I already know how that turned out.
 Avengers #9/LGY #699 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Get ready to meet the Defenders of the Deep. Namor has had it up to here (again) with the surface dwellers defiling the oceans. Marvel is making another good guy into a bad guy and I can foresee how long this conflict will get drawn out just by comparing this book to Jason Aaron's Thor where the War of the Realms has been going on for a while now. Here are two things that bothered me about this issue. First of all, why is Tiger Shark robbing people on a cruise ship? What does he need money for? Secondly, how come Captain Marvel and She-Hulk don't need breathing apparatuses under water? I get that Thor can get away without one because he's an Asgardian God but I don't get how the ladies don't. Namor recruits Tiger Shark to be one of the Defenders of the Deep and I see that Orka has a new costume but I don't know who the other villains are. And where is Attuma? I do dig Namor's new threads though, so I think I'll see how the Mighty Avengers deal with Atlantis rising up again.
0 notes
gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1162
Monday, May 8, 2017
 Life is full of rude awakenings. There's a skiff of snow on the ground this morning but not enough that I need to haul out my boots to go to work. The weather has been brutal recently with major flooding around Ottawa. I hope everyone affected can recover so that their lives can get back to normal.
 I want to thank all the friends and families that came into Comet Comics on FREE COMIC BOOK DAY to make the day fun and happy. Spreading the joy of comic books always makes me feel warm inside.
 I'll be making my first road trip to Killarney, Ontario to visit my old friend Ron later this week. I'll return in time for Ottawa ComicCon even though I won't be attending. Pike and pickerel season opens this coming weekend so I will be out on the lake trying my luck with my buddy Matt. I will be interested to see how high the water level is and if that affects where the fish will be.
 Black Bolt #1 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Christian Ward (art) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This is one of them artsy fartsy first issues where it took way too long to get the story started. Black Bolt waking up in a prison is repeated three times and I almost stopped reading after the third time. The nice art kept me going until the last page but even though Saladin made it so that this isn't just a comic book starring a mime dressed in black, I wasn't impressed enough to want to keep reading. I also didn't like the downward arrow attached to the tuning fork on his head. Jack's original design was just fine.
 Eternal Empire #1 - Sarah Vaughn (writer) Jonathan Luna (art, script assist, letters). This new fantasy story is about a worker who escapes from a farm. She's essentially a slave. The kingdom is ruled by an empress who is praised or is forced to be praised by all. I love Jonathan's art and the slave's quest has caught my fancy so I'm hoping she finds her happily ever after.
 Jean Grey #1 - Dennis Hopeless (writer) Victor Ibanez (art) Jay David Ramos (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I am not a fan of the bangs. So I was wishing for the young X-Men trapped in the present from the past to get their own book and this is sort of that but the focus is on Jean. Dennis impressed me with his run on Spider-Woman and he starts off here explaining how this Jean Grey isn't all those other Jean Greys that existed before. Well, that's not confusing much. Young Jean is having lunch in Kyoto, Japan and all of a sudden she has to play super hero because the Wrecking Crew is robbing an armoured truck. Ugh. I would have believed Jean fighting some evil mecha a whole lot more. Then a major distraction helps the bad guys get away. Holy smokes, there's so much contrived nonsense that I can't go on reading. Sorry Jean. I hope the big flaming bird doesn't burn you to a crisp.
 Ab Irato #1 - Thierry Labrosse (writer & artist) Jeremy Melloul (English translation) Andworld Design (letters). The title is Latin for "from anger" and it's an angry populace living in Montreal 100 years in the future. It looks like the Saint Lawrence river has risen a lot due to climate change and the city resembles Venice in Italy. A young lad from the country has arrived in Montreal to seek his fortune while a rebellion is taking place. Thierry's art is beautiful and I like the naïve Riel so I'm going to see what happens to him in this 6-issue mini from Germany.
 All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Aaron Kuder (art) Ive Svorcina (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This relaunch is part of Marvel's Galactic Realm and we're back to a team of five with Drax, Gamora, Groot, Rocket and Star-Lord. I relished every issue of the last run and this debut was fun. The team gets tangled in some one-upmanship between The Grandmaster and The Collector so the threat to life and limb is quite high. This is more comedy caper than universe saving so I might read this just for the halibut. Oh, and it explains why Groot is a baby too.
 Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy  #1 - Jim Starlin (writer) Alan Davis (pencils) Mark Farmer (inks) Matt Yackey (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The second of three Guardians of the Galaxy comic books to hit the racks just before the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theatres May 5 features the team trying to work off their debts. It was fun to see one of Jim's creations show up to complicate the Guardians' mission. This story has a universe ending threat but it's kind of silly. I can't say that I like Alan's versions of Star-Lord and Gamora. Peter Quill looks like Douglas Fairbanks and Gamora's wide features are not pretty to me. She looks more like She-hulk than the deadliest hottie in the universe.
 Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout #1 - Christopher Hastings (writer) Edgar Salazar (pencils) Allen Martinez (inks) Andrew Crossley (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The Collector's name is Taneleer Tivan. Learn something new every day. The third of three Guardians of the Galaxy comic books to hit the racks just before the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theatres May 5 features the team trying to escape from the clutches of The Collector. Y'think he's in the movie? This was a fun space romp with superb art. I liked Gamora a lot more in this comic book.
 Savage Things #3 - Justin Jordan (writer) Ibrahim Moustafa (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) Josh Reed (letters). The bad guys want to cause a black-out in New York City. That can't be good.
 Superman #22 - Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason (writers) Doug Mahnke (art) Jaime Mendoza & Ray McCarthy (inks) Wil Quintana (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). This is some good stuff right here. Lois makes a surprising discovery that leads to some scary action with creepy townsfolk. There are more surprises in store as "Black Dawn" continues. Doug's art is so good in this. I've stopped reading a lot of DC books but this issue is a good example of why I've stuck with this title.
 Paper Girls #14 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Cliff Chiang (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). I hope this isn't the "season finale" and we have to wait three months for the next issue because this issue has one heck of a cliff (Chiang) hanger.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool #17 - Joe Kelly (writer) Ed McGuinness (pencils) Mark Morales & Walden Wong (inks) Jason Keith & Matt Yackey (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The story of Spider-Man's crisis of conscience continues. Will he kill Itsy Bitsy or will Wade save Peter's soul? I am staying tuned.
 Batman #22 - Joshua Williamson & Tom King (writers) Jason Fabok (art) Brad Anderson (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). The best thing about part 3 of "The Button" is that I wasn't confused because I didn't read part 2 in Flash #21. The bad thing is that the time traveling and other dimensional paradoxes made me grind my teeth in frustration. Father Thomas Wayne meeting alternate son Bruce Wayne was touching but I did not believe for a second that what Thomas asked Bruce to do would become reality. If none of the Watchmen show up in this story I will be sorely disappointed.
 Riverdale #2 - Greg Murray & Daniel King (writers) Joe Eisma & Thomas Pitilli (art) Andre Szymanowicz (colours) John Workman (letters). Got my teen drama fix for the week. I am so glad they updated these old characters to make them more relevant and multidimensional.
 Spider-Man #16 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue starts with the opening salvo of a turf war between the Black Cat and another crime boss. Man, Oscar draws a super cute Felicia Hardy. Then we get back to the complicated life of Miles Morales. I liked how he blew off steam there.
 The Unstoppable Wasp #5 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Elsa Charretier (art) Megan M. Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The members of G.I.R.L. (Genius In action Research Labs) gathers for the first time to try and defuse the bomb in Ying's neck. It's Nadia AKA The Unstoppable Wasp, Taina Miranda (engineer), Alexis Miranda (Taina's sister), Lashayla Smith (physicist), Priya Aggarwal (biologist) and Ying (chemist and ex-Red Room roomy of Nadia's). I liked that the girls don't save the day which sets up a meeting with the villain. Hello Mother.
 Champions #8 - Mark Waid (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado & Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). How do the kids deal with the Freelancers stealing their brand? Find out in this terrific issue. I love team books that explore the interpersonal relationships of the team members and Mark does some interesting exploring here. I would find this book boring if the Champions just went from issue to issue dealing with crises and fighting bad guys. The last page will put a crimp in the team's roster.
 Jessica Jones #8 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Jess has a new case and her client is Maria Hill, ex-director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria is wants to know who is trying to kill her. My favourite Bendis books have a lot of dialogue and this issue has loads.
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