#sound of music au
quackity-4k · 3 months
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"You and Branch should come to the party. It would make Poppy happy. It would make me happy."
"..No thanks."
the sound of music trolls au !! Basically brozone broke up a bit later on but at some point floyd lost his colors in a fight with John Dory. He ended up staying with Branch after the breakup as well.
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grapenehifics · 3 months
I have the house to myself this weekend which means I get to have musicals on in the background (I am the only one in my family who appreciates this art form) and this morning I've had The Sound of Music running and...I'm having thoughts. Fascism thoughts.
Anakin is nearing the age (early 20s) when he should be taking the Trials and he *says* he's sure he wants to continue on the Jedi path (his mom sure always really wanted him to! He doesn't want to disappoint his Master!) but he's always been a little unorthodox, a little different, and Yoda and Mace and the Council and even Qui-Gon try to (gently) tell him that it's okay if he wants to or needs to take a different path and this life isn't for everyone and there's no shame in it; there's lots of ways to serve the light.
Obi-Wan meanwhile (Force sensitive but his parents said no thank you when the Order came calling when he was a kid?) is fairly recently widowed with seven (or maybe not seven, but some number of) children who he doesn't see all that much because he's...not *the* leader of Stewjon but definitely a higher-up in their government (maybe like a House of Lords/ruling council sort of situation?). And he - like the Republic - sees the writing on the wall about the encroaching threat of the Empire and the members of the Republic who are against this idea (Padmé, Bail, etc) are very interested in keeping Obi-Wan on their side - he's maybe trying to convince the rest of his government to join the Republic? and if they do have to go to war Obi-Wan is one of the few with actual military experience (I'm picturing some sort of Admiral Yularen/Republic Navy-ish) - so when Obi-Wan asks the Order to send a Jedi as a governess for his kids (some - or all? - of them are Force sensitive too, but Obi-Wan and his wife kept them home as kids rather than sending them to Coruscant), even though the answer would *usually* be no (you can't have it both ways Obi-Wan; there are no part-time Jedi) the Republic basically begs the Jedi Council to say yes.
They (reluctantly) agree that sending Anakin to Stewjon might be okay - they wouldn't send anyone else but he's on the fence anyway and this might give him some time to decide if he really wants to be a Jedi or if a home and a family might suit him better. Anakin has to be talked into it - "you're kicking me out??" "NO, Padawan Skywalker..." - but he goes. Of course he actually bonds really well with all the kids (I love Anakin with kids!) and his new boss is surprisingly hot, especially in his Stewjoni military uniform.
Obi-Wan got (quite quickly, after his wife died) engaged to the Duchess Satine of Mandalore, which both parties (and everyone in their respective governments) know is a political marriage but they do also genuinely like and respect each other, and enjoy debating politics with each other - if war breaks out, Satine is determined Mandalore will remain neutral, and Obi-Wan argues against, and that it's their moral obligation to fight - but whatever happens, Mandalore wants Stewjon on their side and vice versa. She's busy running her own system but comes for a visit, and meets Anakin, and picks up right away on the rampant UST between Obi-Wan and his new nanny. (She finds this hilarious.)
Obi-Wan throws a Mandalore/Stewjon unification-type ball at his house (mansion, palace, w/e) and Anakin has the kids show off the more impressive of the Force "tricks" he's taught them (floating rocks, etc). The kids tell Anakin that their dad can move things with the Force, too, and he used to all the time, but doesn't anymore. Anakin is intrigued by this new knowledge.
They get word from Coruscant that Palpatine did as threatened and has staged a coup (?? haven't really worked out the finer details yet) and despite Obi-Wan's best efforts Stewjon as a collective whole looks like it's going to fall on the side of the Empire. He's not the only one determined to fight but he's definitely the most vocal/highest-ranking of the dissenters and Satine warns him that he at least needs to get his family out of harm's way, and if he can get them to Mandalore she can protect them and they can join the Rebellion from there. (Form the Rebellion? This part is still a little muddy).
(Obi-Wan checks that this offer still stands even though he's breaking up with her. She's like a) I called that and b) "oh my god Obi-Wan I'm a pacifist not a monster. I'm not going to let your family *die* just because you're marrying Anakin instead of me, what do you take me for?")
Their escape plan - like in the movie - is to perform in some sort of National Stewjon Talent Show, except swap the Force for a cappella singing. The Jedi - let's say Palpatine hasn't gotten around to Order 66 in this AU - attend this Talent Show, and *obviously* it's a cover for getting Anakin and the Kenobis out (they have to have the same conversation - "you mean you'll still help me even if I'm getting married instead of becoming a Jedi Knight?" "yeah, we're not dicks, it's the right thing to do") but no one can actually call the Jedi out on it even though while they're blinking their eyes all innocently they totally have bolt cutters and stun guns hidden under their robes.
Also there's a subplot where Obi-Wan's oldest breaks up with her boyfriend because "I DON'T DATE STORMTROOPERS."
(Someday I will be able to watch a movie without having Obikin thoughts about it. But it is not this day!)
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@sullystar I finally did the thing!!
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so i had a thought/request thing: prussia x reader sound of music au?
Oh I absolutely LOVE that thought!
I took a little creative license in this fic (which I will elaborate on in the after-notes), but ultimately I directly referenced some of my favorite scenes from the film.
Thank you for sending me the ask, and I hope you enjoy!
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The children were finally asleep.
A spring storm had rolled in- a welcome relief to the dry heat which had plagued the city for several long days- but the thunder had troubled them.
You were hardly surprised when first a timid Ludvig came to your room, followed only moments later by Monika. It took a few more claps of thunder and flickering lights for Friedrich to appear, claiming with false bravado that he had come to make sure that you were safe.
You had distracted them from their fears, though some- such as the loud protests which continued with each passing day, the strange men seen lurking outside the house, and the current absence of their guardian- Some fears couldn't be assuaged.
But children were easy enough to sway from their dark thoughts, and you always had a gift for embellishing the truth. 
This time, you chose not to rely on the ditty you had taught them several weeks prior (though you could hear Ludvig repeating 'whiskers on kittens' to himself), but instead crafted a tale of heroism about their big brother, one that soon worked its magic, all three falling asleep by the time the storm had settled into gentle rainfall, curled together atop your blankets.
Unfortunately, their restless energy had passed onto you, and after several moments of staring at the ceiling, you carefully, quietly, slipped out from beneath the covers, tugging on a nearby robe, and sliding on a pair of slippers before making your way to the library.
Time passed without your knowledge; you had found an old disc of American singers to play on the gramophone, and quickly tucked yourself into a novella that had caught your interest several days prior. It was a pleasant distraction, almost successful in keeping your frazzled thoughts from running wild. 
Had his work run late? Had there been an accident? Had one of those radicals done something that was meant to look like an accident? Had-
The distant, sudden sound of the front door closing had you glancing towards the grandfather clock, that flicker of worry sparking to life once more as you noted the lateness of the hour.
His work often brought with it long hours, but this, even by his standards, was alarming.
You were relieved to hear his footsteps, and knew you must content yourself with the knowledge that he had at least made it home safely. He had, after all, made it perfectly clear some time ago that his welfare was none of your concern.
In vain, you tried to return to your book, but to your chagrin the combination of the gramophone's crackling, the tapping of raindrops on the windowpanes, and the nearing, shuffling footsteps kept you from falling back into the story. You feigned interest however as a familiar figure entered the doorway.
For a moment, he said nothing, silently studying you. You were hyper-aware of his gaze, were certain he could hear the panicked rush of your heartbeat, could see the heat dancing on your cheeks.
Finally, he spoke, your given name tumbling out almost as a sigh, and to your embarrassment it caused you to jump, startled by its presence in your already frenzied state.
You turned to face him directly, seeing his hand hanging uselessly in the air, looking for everything like a guilty schoolboy. In another circumstance, you could have laughed, seeing the normally rigid Captain so timid and unsure of himself. "Sorry! Sorry, I..." His words trailed off, the hand falling back to his side, all emotion gone from his features once more. "May I join you?"
No, you wanted to say, I'm not sure I could trust myself if you stay.
But your voice was welcoming him in, and you straightened your posture as he took the chair opposite you.
You tried once more to feign interest in your book, but your eyes kept straying from the page, unable to stop yourself from studying his features in the warm light, taken in by the vulnerability, small as it was, he was granting you, clearly beyond weary.
Your curiosity could no longer be helped. "Are you well, Herr Beilschmidt?"
A small smile flickered to life, half-formed and fragile, those peculiar scarlet eyes finding yours, your name once more slipping past his lips. "I thought we agreed you would call me Gilbert when we were alone?"
For a moment, he was no longer a Captain, not Herr Beilschmidt, but any other man, a man who could even become-
But that could not be, and you wouldn't allow your fantasies to jeopardize your work, couldn't bear the thought of being parted from the children. "I agreed to no such thing, Herr Beilschmidt."
He released a pained sort of sound, reminiscent of a scoff, and it prompted just enough of your ire for you to press onward with your curiosity. "You were out late this evening."
You couldn't fully conceal your concern, and it was clear that he had detected it, those eyes somber once more, studious and strategic.
Fearful of what he may find, you spoke once more, hiding the inconvenient truth with another, sweeter one. "The children missed you at dinner."
His study lingered, lips parting as if he were going to speak, before he dismissed it, a sadness surrounded him in its absence. "How were they today?"
This was neutral territory, familiar ground, and you breathed a silent sigh of relief. You began a retelling of the day's adventures, embellishing your words with a whimsy that had often earned you others' disdain. But G- Herr Beilschmidt- was amused, laughing at your failed attempt to mimic Friedrich's angered voice at Monika for daring to stick a frog in his pocket.
"And Luddy?"
Your smile softened at thoughts of the youngest Beilschmidt. "A dear as always. He insisted upon baking a cake with me earlier." The words triggered another memory, a more urgent one, and you rose with a suddenness that caused him to jump. "Pardon me; I forgot that we saved a slice for you! Excuse me for a moment?"
You didn't wait for his reply, already sweeping towards the open doorway, forgetting in your rush to grab a candle, the electric having gone down several hours ago.
The corridor loomed before you, quiet and filled with the darkness of the midnight hour. In the face of that alien light, your footsteps faltered, suddenly uncertain of a path you had tread dozens of times.
A warm presence appeared at your side, a gentle hand pressing to your lower back, as he fell into step beside you, carrying one of the candles. "Allow me?"
Your skin burned beneath the weight of his hand, memories of the party several nights before now dancing to the surface at his nearness.
How you wished you could turn him away now, but fear of the ghosts still haunting these ancients halls and nameless monsters lurking in the shadows far overpowered your fears of revealing your heart.
Slowly, quietly, you charted the course to the kitchen, and you were grateful to finally be able to step away, allowing yourself a moment to breathe, reign in your traitorous thoughts.
The ghost of his touch still remained however, and you busied yourself with pulling the cake from the ice box, pleasantly surprised to discover some remaining cream as well.
He had taken a seat at the small table often used by the house staff, several more candles lit in front of him. You were surprised to see he had pulled out two forks, standing and gesturing to the empty chair beside him. "Please; join me."
You should have taken your leave.
You should have made your excuses and retired for the evening.
But there was something so hopeful in his expression, and you couldn't resist the sway he held over you.
For a time, there were no words shared between you, the only sound the symphony of the falling rain, the distant notes of the gramophone, and the irregularity of silver tines clinking against porcelain.
"We should discuss what happened at the party."
His voice was unexpected, words hanging in the air with a tension you were loathe to acknowledge.
There was nothing to discuss, not to your mind.
He was betrothed to another, and he was your employer.
It could never be anything more, even if you should so desperately wish for it.
Still, you would always have those memories, safely locked away into your heart: Monika sighing, fondly watching the sparkling couples gliding across the ballroom floor, Ludvig pestering you with questions about the musicians, and Friedrich earnestly trying to master the Allemande with you, before Gilbert was unexpectedly cutting in, offering the children a brief history lesson even as he fell perfectly into step, words soon falling away, sparkling burgundy eyes locking with your own.
With each step, you felt your fragile defenses weakening, was certain he was drawing you nearer with every turn. Each clasp of hands sent a spark through your pulse, every point of contact buzzing with restless energy. As you took your final turn in a dance meant for four, you were met with a warm smile which stole the little breath you had left, and you were drowning in a wine-dark sea.
The spell was broken with Julchen's applause, surprise to see her home from university enough to distract the others, though Gilbert was slow to release your hand, lingering, before he finally drifted over to join his younger siblings.
You couldn't fathom why he should wish to discuss the ordeal now of all times, though to say it hadn't been on your mind, replaying in your thoughts for the past several weeks, would be a lie.
"You hired me to watch over your brothers and sisters, and I care for them dearly."
Your focus remained on the chocolate crumbs remaining on the plate, dark flecks against the otherwise pristine, pastel pink petals.
Even as he spoke your name once more, you did not turn to him, unable to face him. "Only the children?"
"No," you admitted, before you recognized your slip and quickly tried to rectify it. "Yes!" Trying to redirect his thoughts, you interrupted him before he could speak. "Isn't it right that I should care for them?"
You finally turned to him, praying your mask would hold, even as you once again found yourself the subject of his scrutiny. He was bewildered, clearly not expecting this turn.
"Of course it's right."
You saw another opening, one that could perhaps save you from his suspicions. "You invited me into your home, and I am grateful to you. I'll miss them very much when you and the Baroness-"
Oh, you couldn't even speak it, for goodness sake!
But this excuse was convenient, a simple shroud, disguising your feelings behind the implication that your true worries were being parted from the children, that you only dreaded his betrothed becoming his wife because-
You could face him no longer, your attention once more drawn back to the scene in front of you, candlelight dancing in refractions on the cutlery. 
He let out a stray sound of bemusement, your given name yet again slipping from his lips in a fond murmur. "There isn't going to be a baroness."
Your attention flickered back to him almost immediately, disbelieving and concerned. "There isn't?"
"No," he hummed. There was a slant to his brow, a twist to his features which puzzled you.
"I don't understand."
His focus shifted away from you, a small smile once more flickering to life, not fading away this time but lingering, its lightness echoing in his voice. "We've called off our engagement-"
"Oh, I'm sorry," you whispered sincerely, not meaning to interrupt, but he was stunned nonetheless.
"You are?"
You nodded, unwilling to trust your voice in this moment.
His smile softened to something unreadable then, something which made your heart melt. "We both agreed that, well..." He suddenly was looking away from you, bashful in a way you didn't recognize, taking a steadying breath before he seemingly found the courage to face you once more, though his words were barely a whisper. "You can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else."
At first, you were unable to comprehend his words, desperate for confirmation. "Surely you don't mean-?"
His hand found yours, gentle and insistent. "I do. I've come to love you in a way... quite unexpected. And I," he paused, his eyes seeking your own with a tremulous yearning, one which carried in his words. "Is it foolish for me to hope that you love me, too?"
You thought back to the journey which had led you here: the arguments, the compromises, the love growing ever stronger with each passing day. This house had been a cold tomb when you had first arrived, specters haunting every square meter.
But now it was your home.
The children were your home.
Gilbert was your home.
He was still waiting for your answer, both despondent and eager, and you finally allowed your mask to fall away, smiling as you raised your free hand to gently cup his cheek, your vision hazing through tears.
It was uncertain who moved first, but the kiss was all you could hope it to be: gentle, loving, with an added sweetness from the lingering tastes of cake and cream.
He sighed as you slowly drew away, the candlelight dancing in his eyes, a bright smile creasing his features.
You had made many mistakes in this life, taken many missteps, but to be blessed with this life, to find such love and a place to call home?
Somewhere along the way, you must have done something good.
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One of the most notable changes was directly adjusting Gil's role compared to Captain von Trapp's. The Sound of Music carries an inherent antifascist message, which allowed me to explore more of my belief that Gilbert was a Prussian Social Democrat, a member of one of the most influential political parties directly challenging the rising fascist ideals of the growing Nazi Party. Several assassination attempts were made on members of the Social Democrats, before, ultimately, tragically, their work against the Nazi Party was overruled by vote.
I opted to keep Gil as a big brother instead of a father; I cherish the relationship they have already, and the thought of them not only losing a parent, but watching their beloved, bright brother fade away into someone they barely know- It was too good.
I spent quite sometime trying to finding a traditional German couple's dance, and even the Allemande, from the Baroque period, was intended for a group of four.
I wish this could have been longer, but at over 2000 words already. I am content.
Thank you again for the ask, and thank you so much to everyone for reading!
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nicole-paints · 10 months
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You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on
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mushr0om-bear · 1 year
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“Mama mia!The hills are alive!”
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kryzobi-wan · 9 months
The Sound of Mandalore
Chapter 1/20: "How do you solve a problem like Kenobi?"
Summary: Uncertain what to do with a Jedi Master who is overly attached to his former Padawan, the Jedi Council decides to send Obi-Wan Kenobi to tutor Force-sensitive Mandalorian foundlings on Mandalore in the early days of the Clone Wars.
(Essentially, I threw Obi-Wan Kenobi and friends into a blender with the entire plot of The Sound of Music, and this was the result. Quite possibly my magnum opus.)
This has been a long time coming. It has been ages since I started working on it, but I'm close to being done and ready to start posting, with Obitine Week coming up next month. To everyone who sent me a "Where's the fic, OP?" This one's for you.
Read on AO3
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Behind closed eyes, he saw it. A rolling hillside. Soft green blades of grass bowing to the wind. Wildflowers and lilies dotting the landscape, and there on the horizon, a distant storm cloud he knew would soon bring rain to feed the life here in this paradise. For thousands and thousands of generations, from the blue sky to the babbling brook, within every rock and leaf and drop of water, it was there. The Force.
It sang a song as ancient as life itself. And inside Obi-Wan Kenobi, that same song.
Sitting inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a planet whose surface was one large cityscape, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi could not be further from the verdant grasslands that he envisioned in meditation. Inside the Room of a Thousand Fountains, however, waterfalls and various imported flora recreated the majesty of nature as well as could be expected, creating a sort of greenhouse retreat for the meditative benefit of Jedi Masters and Padawans alike. Certainly, it was a large room, and no expense had been spared in its creation. It had been tended carefully for a thousand generations, allowed to grow and flourish until it was hardly distinguishable from the outdoors, serving the temple’s inhabitants well.
Here, Obi-Wan found solace, if only for a moment. With the onset of a massive galactic war several months ago, nothing had been as peaceful as it should have been. He was finding it harder and harder to meditate within his own chambers, even though he no longer had to worry about his Padawan barging in with some ridiculous request at any given moment. Anakin had grown beyond the need for a Master. With the sudden demand for more Jedi Knights out on the battlefront, he had been knighted just a few months back, to Obi-Wan’s great pride (and anxiety). He had done it, had fulfilled Qui-Gon Jinn’s dying request and trained the boy he had believed in so wholeheartedly. Along the way, he had gained a brother, filling a gap in his life he hadn’t realized was there.
The life of a Jedi could be a very lonely one. It often still was, even surrounded by hundreds of Jedi in the temple on a daily basis. Anakin frequently disappeared off to who-knows-where in the rare moments when they were planetside, leaving his old Master to his business with the Council. When that loneliness began to seep into his heart once again, when he struggled to keep it at bay, Obi-Wan came here, to this serene mindscape of his own imagination, and allowed the twittering birds and rustling bushes to keep him company.
Breathing in one last deep breath, Obi-Wan pulled himself out of meditation, floating back up to the surface level of the Force where the Jedi spent most of their time. As he brought himself to his feet, he realized he didn’t know just how long he had been sitting there, on this rock beside a small waterfall. His joints protested only for a moment before loosening up. Obi-Wan was certainly older than he had been, but the war kept him active and fit, and he was as capable as ever in battle. The Jedi Master unclipped his lightsaber from his belt and thumbed the switch, twirling the bright blue blade a couple times before settling into a training stance.
With the peace brought by the muted sound of thousands of rushing waterfalls, Obi-Wan practiced his katas, moving from one form to the next with ease. With the Force, it was as easy as breathing, his movements coordinated to perfection so that his senses could be in tune with everything around him even as his focus was on the blade in his hands. As he often did, he imagined Anakin there with him, his forms representing the opposite, the counter to those that Obi-Wan displayed. So many hours had been spent training the boy in lightsaber combat, instilling the defensive movements in his very bones, that his Padawan often knew his next move before he did. And on the battlefield? It was as if they were two parts to the same soldier, a lethal force against any enemy that dared to cross the path of Skywalker and Kenobi.
Like all Masters and Padawans, they had a training bond, a connection between their minds that helped them communicate and sense the other’s thoughts. Such a bond was immensely helpful in battle, and it had saved one or both of their necks more than once.
And that bond persisted.
No longer was Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan’s Padawan, but a bond as deep as theirs was hard to let go of. Even now, when Obi-Wan’s mind should have been empty, enveloped by the Force, his thoughts drifted to his old Padawan and the brotherhood they shared.
The Force hummed with the rightness of it all. Though the Jedi Council warned of such persistent attachments as theirs, the Force seemed to relish in it, and it puzzled Obi-Wan endlessly. So, he shook his head and—like always—elected to ignore this strand of thoughts and refocus himself on the task at hand.
That was, until said Padawan came rushing in, always a great big ball of energy that seemed intent on shattering whatever semblance of peace Obi-Wan was able to construct.
Obi-Wan sighed and clipped his saber back onto his belt, turning to look at his friend (now his equal). “What is it, Anakin?” he spoke in the usual tired monotone he adopted whenever Anakin was up to something. He may try to hide it, but the young man greatly amused him. Even when he drove him crazy, Obi-Wan had to fight to restrain the smirk that constantly pulled at his cheeks.
Leaning against his knees to catch his breath, Anakin huffed out, “I need—your help.”
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.
“My lightsaber—in the archives—restricted section—forgot it.”
Now the Master Jedi rolled his eyes. Such eloquent language from the boy he raised. Good to see that his careful training in the art of diplomacy and negotiation hadn’t gone to waste.
“You were in the restricted section of the archives and left your lightsaber, is that it?” Obi-Wan said, shaking his head at Anakin’s constant proclivity for trouble unlike anything he had ever seen. His old Padawan nodded. “And what would you like me to do about it?”
“Help me get it back?” Anakin said hopefully.
Obi-Wan sighed. “You know perfectly well that I have been temporarily banned from the restricted section because of the last time I let you in there, Anakin.”
The younger Jedi had the presence of mind to look sheepish. “Could we find another way in?”
“Oh, Anakin…” Obi-Wan considered the boy—the man—some more. “Fine, but we’d better make it quick. I’m supposed to be at the Council meeting in 15 minutes. How did you get in in the first place?”
With that, the two set off, leaving the serenity of the Room of a Thousand Fountains for the hustle and bustle of the largest Jedi temple in the galaxy.
“Master Yoda, I simply cannot find him!” Shaak Ti called as she ran inside the Jedi Council chamber. The red Togruta Master looked distinctly put out, looking to Yoda for guidance.
“Obi-Wan?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Off with young Skywalker, he probably is.”
Mace Windu scoffed. “That’s a safe bet.”
“Have you tried the Room of a Thousand Fountains?” Master Plo Koon suggested, “You know how he loves to meditate there.”
“He was seen there earlier, Master Koon, but left with Skywalker about 30 minutes ago.”
Mace Windu and the Grand Master shared a knowing look.
Shaak Ti spoke up again. “We’ve checked all the usual places, even Skywalker’s quarters, but he’s simply not there.”
“Considering that Skywalker and Kenobi it is, suggest you look in the unusual places I do,” the small green Jedi said with a level of amusement that irked some of the other Masters.
Mace Windu was one of those Masters. “I hate to say it, Master Yoda, but I’m just not sure that Obi-Wan is suited for a seat on this Council.” His statement was met with stares of varied intensity.
Obi-Wan Kenobi had been temporarily placed on the Jedi High Council as part of a trial period, a rotation of potential candidates to fill a vacant seat until the Force indicated who it should be. Although he had plenty of valuable insight to offer, too often there were moments like this where they had to be painfully reminded of just how young Obi-Wan still was.
And how attached he remained to his old Padawan, despite the boy’s elevation to the rank of Jedi Knight.
Yoda’s wise voice answered once more. “Qui-Gon’s padawan, he was. Surprised by his antics, we should not be.” A few other Masters nodded.
Adi Gallia also chimed in. “Besides, Kenobi is one of the greatest assets to the Order, even if he is easily distracted by Skywalker.”
“Those distractions could very well be a liability,” the Cerean Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke firmly. “You said it yourself, Master Yoda, he was trained by Qui-Gon Jinn, who’s thoughts many of you will remember did not exactly align with our ranks. And now Skywalker? It seems with each generation of learners they are straying further from the Code.”
“I find their hijinks quite amusing,” Master Luminara Unduli said. In Obi-Wan’s defense, it was very easy to get caught up in the charismatic force of nature that was Anakin Skywalker. Just being near him in the heat of battle left one out of focus and questioning every planned battle strategy that had ever been contrived, so easy it seemed for Skywalker to improvise his actions.
Master Yoda tapped his gimer stick on the ground. “Enough. What to do about Obi-Wan, we must decide. Too attached, he is, to his former Padawan. Perhaps split up, they should be.”
At that, a chorus of murmurs echoed through the chamber.
“With all due respect, Master, keeping Skywalker away from Kenobi and vice versa is like trying to keep a wave on the sand,” Master Windu said wearily.
“Like trying to grasp onto a moonbeam!” Depa Billaba analogized.
Master Oppo Rancicis called out above the clamor, “How do you propose we go about this?”
Just then, with only a creak and a thump as warning, two figures came crashing through the ceiling from the vent overhead, landing with a thud in the center of the Council chamber. The eyes of every Jedi Master on the Council blinked down at the two on the floor, Skywalker and Kenobi.
Laughing nervously and shaking the dust from the ceiling from his shaggy hair, Anakin broke the awkward silence. “Oops. This isn’t the archives…”
As if he hadn’t just come tumbling into one of the most high-security rooms in the Temple, Anakin stood and waltzed out of the chamber, not even bothering to acknowledge the Masters who regarded him with a range of reactions.
Obi-Wan, for his part, stood and looked around at his fellow Masters, cringing with embarrassment that painted his cheeks pink. With an apologetic bow, he followed Anakin quickly from the chamber, knowing nothing could be done to save face at the moment. His best hope was to distance himself until the incident could be forgotten. Or at least, he hoped it would be forgotten.
While still within earshot of the Council, Obi-Wan smacked Anakin in the upper arm, saying, “How did you get us that turned around up there?”
“I thought you knew where you were going,” Anakin responded accusingly.
In the uncomfortable silence left behind by the dynamic Skywalker and Kenobi duo, the Masters all shared a look, then sat down to discuss the issue further.
The door to the Jedi Council chamber opened abruptly, halting Obi-Wan’s pacing back and forth in the hallway. “You may go in now, Obi-Wan,” Master Billaba spoke gently, standing aside to allow the younger Jedi entrance. Obi-Wan’s stomach flipped nervously, and suddenly it seemed very difficult to swallow with how dry his mouth had become. Taking a shaky breath, Obi-Wan steadied himself in the Force and stepped inside, as ready as he ever would be to face whatever punishment Yoda saw fit for his stupid mistakes earlier that day.
He stood awkwardly in the center of the chamber for what felt like hours. Yoda simply looked at him with an unreadable expression and said nothing. Unable to stand the silence any longer, Obi-Wan decided a formal apology might be what the small green Grand Master was waiting for. “I’m terribly sorry I missed the meeting, Master, it won’t happen again.”
Yoda’s eyebrows—if he had them—raised, but otherwise no indication was given that he had heard him.
“And about the—the vents… Anakin—he said he needed… well, and since I couldn’t get access to the… uh… It was a stupid idea in the first place, and I shouldn’t have gone along with it…”
Yoda chuckled softly at Obi-Wan’s stammering. For a man known across the galaxy for his silver tongue, he sure did fall apart under any scrutiny from the Jedi Council. At least, when he knew he was in the wrong.
Obi-Wan’s heart was pounding, and he couldn’t believe Yoda was just laughing at him. For all he knew, he was about to be thrown out of the Jedi Order. Surely they wouldn’t do that. But he certainly wasn’t laughing.
“Attached you are to your former Padawan,” Master Yoda stated, staring intently at Obi-Wan, the ghost of a smile still on his face.
A heavy feeling sunk to the pit of Obi-Wan’s stomach. “I—no, Master. I just—”
Yoda stopped him by holding up his three-fingered hand.
“A question, it was not.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth closed tight and he bowed his head. He had to have known that this was coming sooner or later. If he had to guess, a similar scolding was in store for Anakin in the not-too-distant future.
“Difficult it is for some to transition from Master and Padawan to equals,” Yoda spoke.
Obi-Wan jumped in to explain himself, hoping Yoda’s faith in him was not lost. “His knighthood was just so sudden, Master, I am trying—”
“I know, young Kenobi.”
“I meditate daily, I focus on letting go of emotion, just as you and Master Qui-Gon taught me. I—I have nothing but respect for the Code, I do my best to remain steadfast in it…”
Even so, Yoda seemed to see beyond Obi-Wan’s explanations, to see something else entirely. Attachment had long been a struggle of Obi-Wan’s. It left him unbalanced in the Force, and Yoda—as one of the most powerful Force-users in the galaxy—could easily sense it.
But something was different about Obi-Wan’s unbalance. For most who struggled with attachment, the simple release of such connections into the Force would solve the issue, centering the Jedi as they should be to properly serve the Order. When exploring that potential solution through Kenobi’s Force signature, however, the air around him seemed to vibrate uneasily, as if there were something else he was supposed to do. Yoda couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew enough about the Force to know to listen when it tried to tell him something.
“Tell me, what lesson have you learned here, Obi-Wan, that most important you consider?”
The question caused the young Master to pause. What did Master Yoda want him to say? Was this some sort of test? If he answered wrong, would he be in more trouble than he already was? Fumbling for a response, he answered, “To find out what is the will of the Force and to do it steadfastly.” This, he knew, was the base teaching of the Jedi, one that was supposed to guide every part of their lives and help them to use their gifts for good.
Yoda seemed pleased, and Kenobi allowed himself to breathe for a moment.
“Obi-Wan,” the Grand Master said carefully, “The will of the Force, it seems to be, that you leave us.”
And now Obi-Wan’s breath left him once again. “What?” It felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. “Leave?! I—I know I missed the meeting today, but I didn’t think I would be expelled from the Order entirely for it!”
Yoda closed his eyes against the onslaught of Obi-Wan’s distress in the Force. “Leave us only for a little while you will, Obi-Wan,” he assured, reaching out to quiet the young Jedi’s concern.
“But—but, what about Anakin? I am needed here! Or in the war? I can’t leave! Where would I go?”
“Your Padawan, Skywalker is no more,” Yoda reminded. “Perhaps a special assignment you need, Master Kenobi, to discover whether your attachments you can overcome.”
A special assignment? Obi-Wan looked like he would try to protest some more, but before he could, Yoda tapped his stick on the ground and held up a hand to stop him once again.
Resigned to his fate, Obi-Wan instead bowed his head and replied, his voice quiet, “Yes, Master. It is the will of the Force.”
As Yoda silently considered him, Obi-Wan’s mind ran wild with questions. Where would he be sent? What would he be doing? Would he be sent to the AgriCorps again? What would happen to his Clone Troopers?
When could he come back?
At last, Yoda spoke again, halting his runaway train of thought. “A class of seven children on Mandalore there is. Need a tutor they do.”
Well, that sentence did nothing to stop the headache that was rapidly approaching.
“On Mandalore?!” Obi-Wan squeaked. “I don’t understand, Mandalore has an excellent school system, why do they require a tutor?” He and Mandalore had a history, one he tried not to think about if at all possible.
“Force sensitives from Mandalore and other neutral worlds, they are,” Yoda explained, “Too old they were to come to the Temple, and gracious Mandalore was to accept them. Allow them to fall into the hands of the Sith, we must not.”
Obi-Wan was at a loss for words. This day had started off perfectly normal, and now he had been thrown for a loop in the worst way possible. “I am not a teacher, Master, I am needed in the fight against the Separatists, alongside Anakin and the others!”
“Done well you have with young Skywalker. A great help you will be to the Mandalorian foundlings.” This praise was high coming from Master Yoda, but it did nothing to calm the disquiet in his heart. “Only rudimentary training will they need. Warrior Jedi, their world does not desire. Only to control their powers, you will teach them. And perhaps the ways of diplomacy,” Yoda finished with a smirk.
Obi-Wan was left well and truly speechless.
“Tell Duchess Satine Kryze to expect you tomorrow, I will,” Yoda resolved, standing from his chair and beginning to hobble to the chamber’s exit.
“The Duchess???” Obi-Wan shrieked, stopping Yoda in his tracks. The little green Jedi hummed in the affirmative.
“Familiar, I believe you are. In her care the foundlings are during their break from the Academy. Struggled, other tutors have, without knowledge of the living Force.”
Yoda again resumed his walk out the door, nodding to Master Billaba who was standing on the other side as went.
Obi-Wan sank into his seat—or the seat that he’d been temporarily given in the chamber—and fiddled with his beard as he often did when his thoughts were too much to bear inside his own head. This was all so sudden, and part of him wondered if this hadn’t been on the Council’s mind before the incident today had even happened. Emotion after emotion passed over him, despair, fear, resolve, confusion, hope, certainty, and resentment, all of which Obi-Wan allowed to pass into the Force.
There is no emotion, there is peace.
Whatever happened, it was the will of the Force, and Obi-Wan would follow it until he found where he was supposed to be.
Chapter 2 >>
This is gonna be a longer note because it's the first chapter and I want to make sure I cover everything!
I hope you enjoyed! I do have this mostly written out, so you can rest assured that the story will not be abandoned! It has, however, sat on my computer for over a year in a less-than-finished form, so if you’re reading this now, congrats! It has made it to the interwebs! I plan to release new chapters once or twice a week. I'm at about 14 chapters currently, and am in the final act of the story, so I feel pretty confident that by the time we get to posting those chapters, I'll have it completely (finally) finished.
And now I invite you all to imagine Yoda and the Council standing around singing “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kenobi,” because I find it highly amusing. Tumblr user @mandojediblogger actually wrote out parody lyrics a while back to some Sound of Music songs including this one in the thread where this entire idea was born. They also posted it on Ao3 under the name Quinn73. Idk why, but the image of Yoda as the Reverend Mother absolutely cracks me up.
Also I’ve gotta shout out some folks who engaged with my thread of absolute madness and contributed ideas for how to develop this fic: @seleneisrising and @ask-the-almighty-google, you the real ones. They helped along the way when I hit a block or just needed to ramble about Obitine/Sound of Music parallels and totally kept me going. And to everyone that showed enthusiasm in the notes and tags on my post, just know I never would have written this without your interest in the idea, so I hope you have fun with this and come along for the ride! And I'm sorry this took so long to finally get off the ground!
I've been deep in the X-Files fic sauce for the last couple months, but with Obitine Week 2023 coming up in September I figured I needed to shift gears back into Obitine brainrot, so this is my attempt at doing so.
Tagging some folks who expressed interest in this concept wayyyy over a year ago and have probably forgotten about it: @sootspritesprinkles @itscaptainsir @called-kept @kraytwriter @mathmusic8 @penguinelf @dracaspina @thirteenmyspacegirl @accidental-spice @kanerallels @hellostarlight20
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shankyspork · 8 months
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I will infect everyone with this bug if I have to.
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musing-and-music · 3 months
8 and 17 from the writer's ask thingie :)
Thank you for the ask!
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Besides the fic I would like to write for the Royai Big Bang (I still have to settle on a good outline), I have a few ideas for Royai fics, that are in a notebook and in my head:
Sound of Music AU: Ex-Colonel Roy Mustang, wounded in the war, gets custody of Edward and Alphonse Elric after their mother's death. Since he's still recovering, he asks for support to take care of them. Riza lives not far from the Mustang Mansion, and wants to do something else than keeping company to her old grandfather (retired General Grumman), so she accepts
Violet Evergarden AU: During an attack in Ishval, Roy and Riza are both severely wounded. In the heat of the moment, thinking they'll both die, Roy confesses to Riza, before they're separated and Riza saved by the Amestrian army. Roy is MIA, and Riza tries to keep on living, working in the military with Hughes. Until a letter comes to Maes' department, mentioning someone who could be Roy, working as a teacher in some slum in East City.
I also have JB ideas:
Swimmer!Brienne and fencer!Jaime meeting when Jaime goes to the swimming pool to collect his children after their swimming lesson. Sparks fly
A Fullmetal Alchemist AU, with Jaime as the Golden Alchemist (no flames for him) and Brienne as a soldier (? still to be determined)
I don't know wich one of them I'll have the courage and energy to write, but they're here in my head!
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
I usually reply to each comment, even if it can take some time before I decide to take the time to reply! For multi-chaptered fics, I reply to the comments before posting the next chapter.
I think I'll keep doing so this year!
Fanfic ask for the new year
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burningaurora · 1 year
[Podfic - TTS] For here you are, standing there, loving me (whether or not you should) by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
Multi-Chapter | Length: 5:40:09 | Rating: M
After adopting the nine children of his fallen Order of the Phoenix companions, Lord Sirius Black finds himself the head of a household full of unprocessed grief, a string of failed tutors (who all quit after one too many pranks from Fred and George), and no clue how to parent other than keeping his chaotic family safely hidden away from the rising Death Eater factions that remain. Enter Remus Lupin: a restless young academic, eager to get out into the world after growing up sheltered in a hidden werewolf sanctuary. When he accepts a position in Lord Black’s household as the new tutor, little does he know that soon he’ll learn to love this clan of rambunctious children and their handsome, grief-stricken father… who may just love him back.
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
I can't thank @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur enough for allowing me to do this Sound of Music AU. Recording her works is always a delight! I'm demanding you go check out all her stories on AO3 because they are so well written!!!
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Sound of music AU?? With dilf widow Rhett and sunshine nanny Tess teaching rhett how to love again? And helping him mend his relationship with his kids?? Sign me up!!
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(talking to myself…the writer….lol)
dilf!rhett with grey in his temples, retired famous bull rider, owner of a real nice ranch now. Tess is a few years younger and absolute spot of sunshine in the abbott household. Which hasn’t been the same since the death of Rhett’s wife (who he really did love a lot).
only slightly obsessed with this…
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forgottenvice · 1 year
Moshang Sound of Music
Another Twitter thread
🎶How do you solve a problem like Shang Qingua? How do you write a plot and pin it down!🎶
Mobei Jun has a small wealth of half siblings from his mother's side, she was very much involved in her own bride stealing and pulled a TLJ finding a human.
She gets killed shortly after MBJ meets SQH leaving the northern heir with seven half human half siblings.
MBJ isn't great at affection but he doesn't want to leave his half siblings to the mercy of other demons. They don't threaten his position and his mother specifically asked him to take care of them if anything happened to her.
So he recruits the only human he knows to help.
Why would SQH help? Well there was a specific culling of these specific kids that he used as a throwaway worldbuiling tidbit for PIDW and knowing what could happen to these ACTUAL CHILDREN he offers to help .
He abandons Cang Qiong to some secret demonic estate to help Mobei Jun raise his half siblings. How hard could it be right? they are just kids, and unlike LBH they're not heavenly demons how bad could it be?
Well not great, MBJ basically abandoned him with the kiddos while he goes to deal with his father's issues and the kids are literal demons. Even if they're only half they are well aware of their demonic side and absolute terrors.
He wishes the pranks were frogs and snakes in his bed, or as simple as the kids trying to confuse who is who.
Twice he's almost decapitated and if the toddler doesn't stop challenging to a fight he's gonna lose a finger. WHY DO THEY LISTEN TO MOBEI JUN AND NOT HIM?
He reaches his breaking point when the oldest nearly impales him while he was trying to properly ward their estate and protect the kiddos. He didn't blame the kid not really but when Mobei Jun finally returns to the house he asks the demon to help out more, or at the very least help discipline the kids.
 Mobei Jun tired from dealing with the machinations of his father's court, igored Shang Qinghua's request and the cultivator finally snaps.
He starts yelling at MBJ about how the kids deserve better. He can only help with their human side but without a demon to teach them to control their demonic powers, and if Mobei Jun refuses to do that he's out.
He grabs his sword and flies away from the estate.
He doesn't make it far before MBJ teleports him back. Shang Qinghua is about to go on another tirade but he stops.
 MBJ is just holding onto his sleeve and he isn't looking SQH in the eye. As if he's embarrassed.
"Please, there's no one else I can trust."
MBJs rough gravelly voice lowered to a whisper tugs at Shang Qinghua's heart and despite the fact their little shits the kiddos really don't have much else.
"You'll help more?"
The giant demon looks so small and lost and SQH could never say no to his favourite.
"Fine. If you bring some of your court work to me I can help with that too."
Mobei Jun's eyes widened at that, the relief plastered across his usually stoic face. It makes SQH just how young MBJ actually was.
He was a fool to think he could ever walk away.
The kiddos of course witness this whole exchange. The older ones feel a little bad about things, the younger ones are impressed by SQHs flying sword and he must be powerful because he made MBJ cave, which demons never do.
Mobei Jun had to return to the court but he promised to return more often, specifically to train his siblings.
SQH resigns himself for another few days with the hellions, unfortunately after MBJ leaves a winter storm sets in, and unlike MBJ his siblings are NOT ice demons.
This of course starts with the youngest, barely more than a baby 4 maybe 5 years old sneaking into SQHs room looking for warmth. SQH gets a surprise but after promising not to bite SQH anymore he lets the toddler stay.
The estate isn't poorly maintained but small demons cause a lot of damage and one cannot always repair cracks quickly, so the triplets (11 yo)are the next to see comfort in SQHs room. They broke their own windows and have almost no protection from the wind in their room.
SQH reluctantly agrees to let them stay in his room, MBJ was generous enough to give him the largest one, with a build in fireplace even. The kiddos are restless so he decides to tell them a story.
The first one he's every put together since entering PIDW.
This eventually draws two more of the kids who were 'patrolling the halls for threats' (SQH talismans are good, there really was no need) and eventually they're making themselves comfortable too. SQH is appreciating the shift in the little half-demons .
The eldest of the brood (15 of course) tries to sneak out, but since SQHs talismans are so good their immediately teleported to his room, and rather than berate them (because it's happened before) SQH just hands them a pillow and continues his story.
He calls it a sleepover and does his best to entertain, for some reason (fear maybe?) the kiddos are a lot more cooperative, though he doesn't expect it to last past the storm.
 MBJ returns the next day to find them all happily sprawled across his room sleeping adorably
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stargirl-judooz · 2 years
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Zutara - Sound of Music AU
I know this idea came from somewhere in the depths of discord. Thanks for the idea and I'm sorry I can't find the source.
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flowers-and-fichte · 22 days
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artistocrazy · 11 months
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Edelweiss 🎶
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So...you mentioned a drawing? 👀
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I have ideas for more, but here’s what I’ve got
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