#still one of the best kdrama leads
qkmlh · 5 months
Out of curiosity what are y’all’s go-to comfort kdramas?? Not in the sense the drama itself has comfort, but that it’s comforting to y’all~ Could be from any year and genre ♪( ´▽`)
Mine are Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, W: Two Worlds, & The K2!! ‎(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)و✧♡
#Lowkey realizing my top 3 can all be different points on a single chart hnnn#Anyways this is also my way of asking for recs cause it’s been a hot minute since I’ve properly watched a kdrama so let’s see I’m curious as#to what I’ve missed :>#Strong Woman Do Bong Soon#SWDBS#W: Two Worlds#W#The K2#Kdramas#Kdrama Recommendations#7 years later and I’m still willing to fight on my hill screaming Ahn Minhyuk best male romcom lead#HE CHANGED THE GAME FOR ME AS A MALE LEAD IN THE CLASSIC MAIN MALE/2ND MALE LEAD CONUNDRUM AND HE WILL ALWAYS BE THE BESTEST BOI#Min Min & Bong Bong I LIVE for their cutesy cheesy hecking adorable fluff#But also man oh man did it go HARD when it came to angst and horror hnnnn#W…oh W how you ducked me up so bad at some points but were also so ducking /good/#Had its flaws for sure and there was so much more I wish it had touched up on/executed but I still love what was given so much :((#The ending had me bawling knowing they /were/ able to make their peace and their happiness and their love TvT#AND THE K2 OH THE K2 MY G O D ! ! ! I’ve never been one for political dramas but I was HOOKED from beginning to end and idc what anyone says#Go Anna I love you Kim Jeha I love you all the wonderful silly and lowkey insane side characters I love you#THEIR GROWTHS AND RELATIONSHIPS MADE FROM BEGINNING TO END AAAHHHHHHH#AND MY GOOD GOD OUR LEADING ANTAGONISTIC COUPLE THEY WERE SO DUCKING MESSY AND AWFUL AND FASCINATING AS CHARACTERS#After everything their ending felt so fitting and compelling to me#Ani Rambles#Tag Bait
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suzannahnatters · 3 months
Some weirdly specific tropes that I absolutely adore but rarely see: Platonic Love Triangle Two attractive people will battle to the death over the right to be friends with you (I wrote this in A Day of Darkness and otherwise have only seen it in the kdrama Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938)
The UnChosen One In the magical fantasy world, everyone has super awesome magical powers, except the protagonist (A Dream of Fire by JR Rasmussen did this SO WELL and it made me SO HAPPY; I also plan to do it myself in an upcoming project, A Lord of Thorns and Teeth)
Dying Baby King Terminally ill teen boy should be asking out his crush and having fun, not killing himself running a country (I wrote this in The Lady of Kingdoms with my squishy darling Baldwin IV, and I've only ever seen it done otherwise in the Trevor Nunn movie My Lady Jane)
Disabled Love Interest Put your romantic male lead in a wheelchair you cowards (Stella Dorthwany's Song and Flame and @rj-anderson's Knife have two of the best disabled love interests I've seen)
Sword in the Bed You've heard of Only One Bed but this is the superior medieval variant: before they bunk down together one of them draws a naked sword and lays it in the bed between them (IIRC, it happens in the Welsh Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed, and apart from that and some other medieval legends and fairytales, I've only seen it in an unfinished work by @rj-anderson auuuugh)
Fake Divorced Exactly what it says on the tin (I've never seen this? but DV I'll be writing it into the 5th Miss Dark book)
Bad Fictional Matriarchy What if the patriarchy was a fantasy matriarchy? It'd still be bad, obviously. I see this so rarely but it is always an opportunity for fantastic, layered social criticism (Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie did it well; I'm struggling to recall the one (1) other fantasy novel I read that did it!)
Sad Wet Puppy X Righteous Female Warrior ETL Enemies-to-lovers, but he's a skinny waterlogged little weirdo and she's the righteous paladin who is going to hound him to his destruction without mercy on the strength of her own heavenly wrath (it's the one thing in common between the kdrama Flower of Evil and the cdrama Till the End of the Moon and both of them sent me absolutely feral, plus I have an untitled project on the backburner that will give me the chance to do my own version of this...)
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vernons-girl · 3 months
hi! yeah um i.. read ur newest fic 'not her' with kmg and i kind of wanted to add a continuation to that...? (only if u want to ofc!)
so basically reader got her heart broken by mingyu and her sister, soooo she goes on and vents her feelings and how heart broken she is to another one of her pals, seungcheol (without knowing seungcheol likes reader) so he comforts her and u can probably add the ending (fluff or angst or anything!)
im sorry this is too long.. i rlly tried to make it shorter lmao (btw i LUV ur fics so much)
not her | kim mingyu - choi seungcheol pt.2
PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 (final)
angst, fluff,wc:2.5k
taglist: @gaslysainz ; @graybaeismytae ; @mansaaay
a/n: did i completely put mingyu aside in this part? yes. will i make a part three where we really dive into the drama with everyone kdrama love triangle way? you guys tell me hehe
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You couldn't bear looking at the scene that was unfolding in front of your eyes so you gathered your stuff in a hurry and left, completely forgetting the idea of shopping for a new outfit.
You made it home in record time. Rushing to lock yourself in your room once you made it through the door.
Mingyu choosing someone else than you was one thing, but your sister going behind your back to betray you, after you had confided in her? That was a whole other thing.
You couldn't help but cry as soon as you found yourself alone in the comfort of your room. You were feeling too many things at the same time and couldn't quite pinpoint why you were crying. Was it the pain? The anger? The disappointment? The heartbreak? Maybe it was all of it at once.
You couldn't bare the idea of having to face any of them about the issue right now, let alone having to see your sister when she would get back home, so you did the first thing that came to mind : you packed an overnight bag, texted your most trustful friend and headed over to his place.
You reached Seungcheol's place about an hour after you had texted him. You hadn't told him much over text, actually you hadn't told him anything besides 'can i come spend the night?' to which he agreed, of course, he didn't need to know why you needed to spend the night over at his place when you had a perfectly decent bed of your own, he just agreed without any further questions.
He greeted you at the door with a worried look on his face that he couldn't conceal no matter how hard he tried. You've confided in him before, but never did it feel so worrying. Without a second thought, he pulled you inside with a hug. The action broke down all the walls you had tried to build on your way there instantly. You felt as if you were falling apart in his arms, melting in his embrace perhaps, and you let the tears stream down your face, not caring about the embarrassing whines coming out of your mouth as you did so. He didn't seem to care either. Because all he did was hold you, closely, firmly but carefully, rubbing soothing circles on your back, shushing you like one would do with a baby. But it all felt so right amongst all the chaos around you that you let yourself be in the moment, until he pulled you straight on your feet to lead you to the living room, "Come on, let's talk about this around a warm drink, yeah?" he said, trying his best to show off a reassuring smile.
You obliged and sat down on the couch as Seungcheol got some snacks ready along with something to drink. In the meantime you allowed yourself to relax, sunking down onto the couch wishing it could somehow swallow you whole.
Thankfully, Seungcheol joined you pretty quickly so you didn't have the time to get lost in your thoughts once again. You straightened up to grab the cup he was handing out to you from the tray he had placed on the coffee table in front of you.
"Sooooo..." Seungcheol started, he didn't want to push you into it but he still needed to at least have an idea of what was going on.
You took a sip of your drink followed by a deep breath.
"So... I had a crush on this guy, and I genuinely thought that he could like me, you know?" you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes once again.
"And I wasn't the only one thinking this.. my sister thought so too." Seungcheol now had a curious look and urged you to keep going.
"I was supposed to meet up with him in a few days and I really wanted to confess, I really did." this time, the tears fell from your eyes, you couldn't help it, it was so fresh, so hard, your body needed to express this unbearable inner pain it was feeling.
Seungcheol offered some comfort with his free hand coming to rub up and down your arm, "We don't have to talk about it any more if you don't feel like it," he reassured you.
"No, it's okay, you affirmed, so, you started again, I wanted to make things right, I wanted to impress him, to make him like me any more than he might already do, so I went to the mall to do some shopping, a sob escaped from your dry lips, but then I saw them, him, her" you sniffled, letting out shaky breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down.
"Them ? Him? Her?" Seungcheol asked.
"My crush and my sister" you finally said, your heart breaking a little more. The look on your friend's face changed to... confusion?
"Wait so you saw your sister with your crush at the mall? What about it?
- They were kissing, Seungcheol. Kissing."
Upon hearing this last word, his expression morphed to anger in a matter of seconds.
"What the fuck?!" he suddenly exclaimed, almost slamming his mug down onto the table.
"She kissed him knowing you liked him? This is so twisted. I can't believe it." He let out in disbelief, rubbing a hand down his face.
"And he didn't tell me either. He never told me he was seeing someone. What if she told him about my crush on him and they both fucked me over? you put your face in both on your hands, crying softly, What am I supposed to do now Seungcheol?" you questioned desperately, almost pleading him for an answer.
He leaned back in his seat, looking up in thought.
"Who is he?" he finally asked.
"Who's who?" okay maybe it wasn't the best idea to play dumb, but how could you tell him that Mingyu, your friend who also happens to be one of Seungcheol's, broke your heart ?
"The guy, he said firmly, who's the guy?" ok so now he wasn't playing. You've never seen him look this serious before, the concern and anger still obvious on his face.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the worst when you breathed out : "Mingyu."
He clenched his fists upon hearing the name leave your shaky lips. As a matter of fact, his whole body tensed.
"So you saw Mingyu kissing your sister who knew you liked Mingyu ?" he summarized.
"Yeah.." you confirmed, your gaze lingering on the floor, the carpet curiously looking much more interesting than you friend who was sitting across from you.
"Does she know ? he asked
-Your sister. Does she know you saw them ?
-No, they didn't see me and I came over before she got home, so we didn't talk about it.
-And do you think he knew?
-Knew what ?
-That you liked him ?
-I don't know.. I don't think so, you reasoned, he would never be so cruel. you affirmed
-Yeah, you're probably right.." Seungcheol agreed, even though he wanted nothing but to punch his dear friend in the face for hurting you, he also knew it wasn't his style to hurt people's feelings. I mean this guy literally apologized to his last girlfriend for breaking up with her so of course he wasn't going to hurt one of his closest friends.
Seungcheol sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "This is a messed up situation, no doubt about it," he muttered, his expression reflecting a mixture of concern and anger.
You nodded, feeling a bit of relief knowing Seungcheol was there to listen, even if he couldn't magically fix everything. It was nice knowing there was at least one person you could trust in this whole mess.
After a moment of silence, Seungcheol leaned forward, taking both of your hands in his, his eyes fixed on you. "Listen, I know it hurts like hell right now, but you're stronger than this. I'm not going to tell you to not think about it because I know it feels impossible right now but you need to focus on yourself, okay ?
- Yeah.. you replied.
- What do you need right now?"
You thought for a moment, wiping away the tears that still lingered. "I just... I need some time to figure things out. Away from all of this," you said, gesturing vaguely around you.
Seungcheol nodded in understanding. "Alright. I get it. You can stay here as long as you need. I'll be here for you, okay?"
You managed a weak smile, feeling a sliver of hope, "Thank you, Seungcheol. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He smiled back, a reassuring presence in the middle of all of this turmoil. "You don't have to figure it all out right now. Just take it one step at a time. And remember, you're not alone in this." he finally said, giving your hands a reassuring squeeze.
And as you glanced over at Seungcheol, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest, realizing just how much he truly cared for you. Perhaps, in the midst of all this chaos, there was a silver lining after all—a silver lining named Seungcheol.
"Come on, let's get you settled in bed, yeah?" he said, standing up and offering his hand out for you to take. You did so and followed him down the hallway.
As Seungcheol led you to the spare bedroom where you would be spending the night, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside him. On one hand, he was glad to be able to offer you a comfortable place to rest after everything you'd been through. But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the pang of jealousy he felt at the thought of you sleeping under the same roof in a bed that wasn't his.
As he pulled back the covers and fluffed the pillows, he tried to push aside those selfish thoughts. After all, what mattered most was that you were safe and comfortable. But as he glanced over at you, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful you looked in the soft light of the bedside lamp, your eyes heavy with exhaustion yet still so full of resilience.
"Here you go," he said, gesturing to the bed. "I hope you'll be comfortable here."
You offered him a grateful smile as you sank down onto the mattress, letting out a contented sigh. "Thank you, Seungcheol. I really appreciate it."
He returned your smile, trying to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. "Of course. Anything for you."
As he turned to leave the room, he couldn't help but linger for a moment, his gaze lingering on your sleeping form. In that moment, he realized just how much he cared about you—more than just a friend, more than just a crush. And as he quietly closed the door behind him, he made a silent promise to himself to always be there for you, no matter what.
As you settled into the comfortable bed Seungcheol had prepared for you, your mind started to buzz with thoughts of the events that had unfolded earlier. Despite your exhaustion, sleep eluded you as you thought about your sister's and Mingyu's betrayal. A notification from your phone interrupted your thoughts, a message from your sister asking where I was, seemingly worried as to what you were up to. Against you better judgment, you decided to ignore it for the moment as you let out a heavy sigh and turned your attention to Seungcheol.
He had been so kind and supportive throughout the evening, offering you a safe haven and a shoulder to lean on. His actions spoke volumes, and somehow you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more behind his gestures. The way he looked at you, the tenderness in his voice—it all hinted at a deeper connection between you. And as you drifted off into a restless sleep, you couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps Seungcheol's feelings for you ran deeper than mere friendship.
After ensuring that the spare bedroom was tidy and comfortable for you, Seungcheol made my way to the living room to clean up the mess from earlier. As he picked up discarded snack wrappers and empty mugs, his mind also ended up wandering to the events of the evening.
He couldn't shake the anger and frustration he felt towards Mingyu for hurting you, someone he cared deeply about. And yet, amidst the chaos, he couldn't deny the flutter of hope that sparked within him at the thought of being there for you, of being the one you turned to in her time of need.
As he finished cleaning up, he reached for his phone and sent a quick text to Mingyu, his fingers hesitating over the keys. Despite his anger towards him, a part of him couldn't help but wonder if this was his chance to finally confess his feelings to you. But as he stared at the blank screen, he couldn't bring myself to send the message. Instead, he pocketed his phone and made his way back to the spare bedroom, his heart heavy with uncertainty and longing.
As Seungcheol lay in bed, the weight of the evening's events heavy on his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the situation than met the eye.
As he mulled over the possibilities, a nagging thought tugged at the corners of his mind. What if Mingyu wasn't entirely clueless about your feelings? What if, somehow, he had sensed your affection for him, even if you hadn't explicitly confessed it?
The idea seemed far-fetched at first, but the more Seungcheol thought about it, the more it made sense. Mingyu was perceptive, after all, and he had always been attentive to the people around him. Perhaps he had noticed the subtle glances, the lingering touches, the way your face lit up whenever you were near him.
But if Mingyu was aware of your feelings, why would he pursue a relationship with your sister? Was it out of genuine interest, or was there something more sinister at play? Seungcheol couldn't shake the feeling that there was a piece of the puzzle missing, something lurking beneath the surface that he couldn't quite grasp.
As he drifted off to sleep, his mind buzzing with unanswered questions, Seungcheol's thoughts inevitably turned to you. Despite the troubles of the evening, one thing remained clear: his feelings for you ran deep. With each passing moment, his love for you only seemed to grow stronger, anchoring him amidst the storm of uncertainty.
As he vowed to uncover the truth about Mingyu's intentions, Seungcheol's resolve was fueled not only by a sense of justice for you but also by a burning desire to protect you from further harm. For he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he would do anything to ensure your happiness, even if it meant confronting his own heartache in the process.
With that thought in mind, Seungcheol closed his eyes, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he would face them head-on, armed with nothing but his unwavering love for you. And as sleep finally claimed him, he couldn't help but cling to the hope that, somehow, everything would turn out alright in the end.
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countesscee · 5 months
i know there’s a lot of talk about the differences between the original webtoon and the drama adaptation of marry my husband, and a lot of it pertains to people disliking it, but i.. actually kinda like how the drama is?
it’s different enough from the manhwa that i’m genuinely so into it because i get such pleasant surprises.
like, the drama’s take su-min’s obsession towards ji-won is one of my favorite things to watch— it goes beyond the usual female villain archetype of just wanting to destroy the female lead and/or achieve their man. no, su-min’s so fucking dependent on ji-won that she permanently ruins everyone’s relationship with ji-won so that ji-won relies solely on her. there was the elevator scene that perfectly describes her tactic: su-min waits to comfort her after every altercation, to remind her that it’s an us vs. them scenario (notwithstanding that su-min is the sole reason why conflict happens to ji-won).
how toxic. how interesting to watch. (edit: goes without saying that i do not condone this abuse in real life. nonetheless, it is very interesting to witness because i feel that i’ve never seen this type between female relationships depicted in kdrama. you can tell that su-min has a really twisted kind of love for ji-won, in the way that she expects ji-won to always be hers, and it reflects in her actions. it’s like. she wants to swallow ji-won whole, whether to be her or to be with her (and only her)).
also— the reveal?!?! i did not expect that but it’s still on my mind and so FUCKING funny. hands down one of the best reveals for pure comedy gold.
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noona-is-afk · 3 months
Completed Dramas, Ranked
Masterlist of all the dramas I have finished and my rankings from 1-10. Keep in mind I don't usually finish dramas that I don't like, so most of these reviews will be 6+ ratings.
Recently added: Hit the Spot, Money Heist - Korea, Alice, The Final Weapon, Lovely Runner
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Lovely Runner - 10/10
Finished 2024-05
Truly a masterpiece from start to finish. Some incredible twists at the beginning that take the plot to somewhere completely new. The fantasy is handled so well in developing the love story and tension. SML borders on second lead syndrome, but they are the only drama to handle that role properly imo. Honestly perfect. Not a single episode or plot point I didn’t like.
Favourite quote: “It will rain tomorrow. Then as you wait for the rain to stop, live another day. If you keep this up, there might a come a day when life doesn’t seem so miserable.”
Tags: time travel, love triangle, idol drama, rom com, serial killer villain, mental health and disability themes
Twenty Five Twenty One - 10/10 Finished 2023-08 I will never recover from this drama. I cried and laughed and fell so in love with the entire cast. The friendship between the two female leads is beautiful. Nam Joo-hyuk the actor that you are. That ending will be permanently etched on my heart. Another incredible display of how talented female writers are in kdramas.
Favourite line: “It’s love. I love you, Hee-do. I don’t need a rainbow.” Tags: melodrama, sports, friends to lovers
Doom At Your Service - 10/10 Finished 2023-07 Cried my eyes out. Park Bo Young is too cute. The whole premise is so good and they do such a good job pacing it and throwing in twists to keep it interesting. Also has made me a huge Seo In Guk stan, the man is crazy talented at playing a villain with a heart of gold.
Favourite line: "Love me to the point that you will want to destroy the world for me." Tags: fantasy, melodrama, enemies to lovers
Reborn Rich - 10/10 Finished 2023-09 There has never been a better revenge drama. Succession meets time travel fantasy meets enemies to lovers romcom meets 90s period piece. Song Joong Ki absolutely nails it once again.
Favourite line: "There are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. They say time is fair to everyone. However, time isn’t fair. Just like everything else in this world." Tags: revenge, enemies to lovers, time travel, 90s
My Name - 10/10 Finished 2023-07 Despite being traumatized by the ending, this is still one of my fave dramas. The acting. The fight choreography. The romance. 10000/10. Pil-do might be one of my favourite male leads ever. I love me a soft boy who would do anything to protect his strong, independent woman.
Favourite line: "Is life supposed to be fun?" Tags: revenge, action, enemies to lovers, gangs vs cops
Romance Is a Bonus Book - 10/10 Finished 2023 -07 So rewatchable. Truly the coziest kdrama out there. A great start into noona romances too. Also the line where she talks about how it was so nice to be called by her name, instead of “mom”, “honey”, “you” really stays in my heart. Also started my obsession with Jong-Suk.
Favourite line: "Instead of 'I love you,' soseki natsume said, 'the moon is beautiful." Tags: friends to lovers, noona romance, workplace romance, romcom, love triangle
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 10/10 Finished 2023-08 Absolute perfection. Jun Ho is the new standard. Deals with autism in a surprisingly modern way. Some interesting episodes on feminism in the workplace too.
Favourite line: "All my thoughts tend to center around me, so I make people close to me lonely. I don’t know when or why I do that. And I don’t know what I can do to stop it." Tags: legal drama, autism, workplace romance
Captivating the King - 10/10 Finished 2024-03-03 Incredible directing. Best acting performance of the year surely from Jo Jung Suk. Perfect if you liked Kings Affection. So much tension, little bit gay in a great way, and the palace politics are actually so interesting. All the characters are very morally grey and make for such interesting stories.
Favourite quote: “I love to win but I cannot put up with boredom.” Tags: FL disguised as man, historical drama, enemies to lovers
Nevertheless - 10/10 Finished 2023-06 Female gaze times a million. And the supporting cast is one of my faves (except for the TAs, they were boring as all hell). It’s also one of the few kdramas that tackle a relationship that’s kind of “friends with benefits” and you can very much tell it was written by a woman.
I get why some people really don’t like this one, but I’m a big believer in not needing the main characters to be good people for it to be a good piece of art. Everyone is very flawed in this (nearing on toxic), but it tells a lot of important stories that I really connected with.
Favourite line: "I know it will cause me pain again. Nevertheless..." Tags: friends with benefits, college drama, red flag ml, love triangle
Hot Stove League - 10/10 Finished 2024-03 Baseball is life. Definitely the best sports drama out there, although it’s a close race with Love All Play. This drama has no romance, so I was really surprised that it hooked me so much. But the drama is amazing. The villains are so good. And mostly I just love this goddamn sport man. Even if you don’t like sport, I think you’ll enjoy the twists and turns and found family dynamics of this one. Also Park Eun Bin never misses.
Favourite quote: "Everyone's situation is different, we all fight with the resources that are available to us. If we start listing excuses, we'll lose again in the same situation." Tags: sport drama, found family, no romance
It's Okay Not to be Okay - 10/10 Finished 2023-07 This was a slow start for me because I found the main female lead so annoying at first. But trust me she grows on you. Literally one of my fave dramas now. The emotions are SO real, I was crying constantly. Very attached to this little trio now. And the parallels of the beginning and ending are soooo good. All the characters have so much character growth, some of the best writing I’ve seen in a kdrama.
Favourite line: "Your body is honest. When you're in physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. It stays quiet even when it's hurting." Tags: enemies to lovers, autism, mental health
Alchemy of Souls - 10/10 Finished 2023-10 Absolutely binged this. Such a fun watch. The lore is really cool too. My only thing is I LOVED the female lead from S1 and it felt weird not to have her in the second season. Also second season felt a bit rushed on the ending. Otherwise perfection.
Favourite line: "If you stabe me, then I wil die as the one who released the assassin. If you withdraw your sword, I will make you another promise." Tags: fantasy, enemies to allies to lovers, magic, love triangle
Love to Hate You - 10/10 Finished 2024-04 Incredible binge watch. Only 10 episodes, and all about 40 min or less. They don't get distracted by any unnecessary side stories and really just focus on the characters. Both the ML and FL are incredible, and the secondary couple is just as cute. I will forever remember the look that he gives her when she finally says I love you back. A great mix of comedy and swoony romance.
Favourite line: "I can stand other people hating me, but I can’t live with hating myself." Tags: enemies to lovers, idol drama, fake dating, badass FL x soft boi ML
Flower of Evil - 10/10 Finished 2024-05 So good that I had to stop and take a break at ep. 14 because I didn't want it to end. The closest I've ever seen to a truly romance thriller genre. The romance between this married couple - despite one of them potentially being a psychopath murderer lol - is literally one of the most adorable and authentic in any drama I've seen. This drama has definitely given me an unhealthy bias for Lee Jong Gi soooo...
Favourite line: "He is the father of my child. He is my family. He is my person. He has a wife who will stand by his side no matter what happens." Tags: married couple, serial killer thriller, detective drama
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - 9.5/10 Finished 2023-08 Too cute for it’s own good. Male lead is adorable. Only docking points for some of the weird mentions of the female lead’s weight and her being ‘ugly’. Otherwise the perfect drama. Great for a light watch as there isn’t much drama between the couple really, they communicate well and most of the tension is in their family and career.
Favourite line: "You fool, I like you. Not as a friend, but as a woman. If I don't see you, I get curious. If you're depressed, I get upset. If you smile, it makes me happy. If you're sick, I get worried. It's driving me crazy. It means I like you, doesn't it?" Tags: friends to lovers, childhood friends, sports drama, college drama, romcom
Descendants of the Sun - 9.5/10 Finished 2023-09 Beautiful. So sad. Chemistry is insane between the main leads. I cried so much. Also the friendships between all the characters are really great. The plot too is amazing. Only docking it a half point because some of the military propaganda is a bit much for me, otherwise perfect.
Favourite line: "Regarding the kiss, what should I do? Should I apologize for that? Should I confess my feeling to you?" Tags: exes to lovers, military drama, melodrama
Vincenzo - 9/10 Very addicting, plot is crazy fun. Leads have so much chemistry. Some episodes ran on a bit though. Tags: revenge, legal drama, workplace romance
The King's Affection - 9/10 Love the premise. Essentially a gayer Mulan plotline. Rowoon is cute AND badass. Also can’t believe this is the same Park Eun Bin as Attorney Woo?? The range!!! Tags: fl disguised as a man, historical drama, kinda gay
Love All Play - 9/10 Only docking a point because Taejun’s whole family deserved the shit beat out of them instead of a stupid redemption arc. Otherwise the perfect romance angst. Taejun is THE green flag. Tags: sports drama, college drama, partners to lovers
Soundrack #1 - 9/10 Beautiful. Short. Simple. Some of my favourite leads. Great winter watch if you’re feeling like some cozy, friends to lovers vibes. Tags: friends to lovers, winter, music
Mr Queen - 9/10 Really good, really funny. Just wish the ending was more gay. Tags: body swap, time travel, historical drama, comedy
Start-up - 9/10 I can’t believe how underrated this one is. First love triangle story that actually had me questioning who I wanted to be endgame. The male leads are written so beautifully and they are both so complex and interesting. And the female lead has you rooting for her so much. I also really loved how they wrote such an insecure male lead, the character development was amazing to watch and Nam Joo Hyuk crushed it as per usual. Tags: workplace romance, paid to date you, love triangle
Happiness - 9/10 Really really good. I always thought it would be interesting to get a zombie story post pandemic. I just think some of the directing wasn’t great near the end. Some of the scenes just needed to hit a bit harder for me, considering I know how good this cast is in other dramas. Tags: zombies, friends to lovers, fake married, cohabitation
Dr Romantic 2 & 3 - 9/10 If you like Grey's Anatomy for the crazy end of season events, this is the show for you. Wil ride, amazing chemistry with the leads, loveable found family. Tags: medical drama, found family, rivals to lovers
Hospital Playlist - 9/10 If you like Grey's Anatomy for the relationships and friendship however, this is the show for you. Medical stuff is sometimes boring in this one, but the found family and ships 100% make up for it. Also there's like 100 episodes of behind the scenes to watch and the cast is too cute. Tags: friends to lovers, slow burn romance, medical drama, found family, ensemble cast, music
Hit the Spot - 9/10
Really underrated! Double the friends with benefits to lovers trope. Very risque for a kdrama, and some really mature and modern themes around feminism and sex.
Tags: mature rating, friends with benefits to lovers, sex positive
Money Heist - Korea - 9/10
I’m such a sucker for a heist narrative. Really great found family of robin hood thieves. Great action, romance, drama. It’s got it all. Seriously underrated. Also loved all the interesting political unification stuff. Hoping for another season, I need my slow burn Rio x Tokyo plssss
Tags: action thriller, bank heist, political drama, Korea unification, romance sub plots, found family
Alice, The Final Weapon - 9/10
Perfect little action thriller. Sweet teen romance on the stage of brutal violence. Both the leads are incredible in this, both in the action and drama and in the humour bits. Easy watch as its only 8 episodes, 30 min each.
Tags: mature rating, assassin’s, teen romance, first love, mental health and suicide, badass female lead
Castaway Diva - 8/10 Loved the first 10 episodes. But felt it didn't wrap up great, especially with the romance. Tags: stranded on a desert island, music, childhood friends, finding your first love
Marry My Husband - 8/10 It's good, but kind of burnt out on revenge dramas with time travel. Villains were great though and Na In Woo is adorable. Tags: time travel, revenge, ml falls first
My Dearest - 8/10 The tension between these leads is unmatched. Also just a gorgeous show. Little too dramatic for me. Like after the tenth time they just missed each other, I wanted to pull my hair out. Also desperate for a little epilogue in the last episode. Tags: romance drama, historical, fated love
Oh My Ghost - 8/10 I love Jo Jung Suk, and with Park Bo Young??? Match made in heaven. I’m desperate for them to get on screen together again. Fun fantasy elements. Both characters have so many flaws but they develop so well. Tags: enemies to lovers (ish), ghost possession, restaurant drama
Welcome to Samdal-ri - 8/10 For the Hometown Cha Cha Cha fans for sure. Definitely under utilized Ji Chang Wook (where are the epic kisses pls), but overall the leads had incredible chemistry. 2nd ML was annoying as hell though. Give all the awards to the little girl. Tags: friends to lovers, exes to lovers, love triangle, middle-aged drama
Suspicious Partner - 8/10 Super cute. SO much chemistry. Bit too melodramatic for me and the second female lead is a bit one-dimensional. Really funny though and a decent legal drama. Tags: legal drama, enemies to lovers, workplace romance, cohabitation
Wedding Impossible - 8/10 Enemies to lovers plus a fake relationship to hide your bestie is gay. It's mostly really fun and silly, the FL is one of my favourite korean actors, but it falls a part a bit in the middle of the season. Would have been saved with more scenes with Do Han and exploring what it means to be gay in Korea. Even just more scenes where he's happy. Great finale and fluff throughout for our main leads though. Tags: Enemies to lovers, fake wedding, beard for my gay best friend, idol story
Melting Me Softly - 8/10 Really great premise and the chemistry of the leads is unmatched. Don’t be fooled by the branding, this is very much more of a rom com than a melodrama. Really liked the directing too, beautiful show. Tags: time travel, shared fate, workplace romance
Revenge of Others - 8/10 You know I love a good revenge thriller. Very good series, incredibly gritty for a high school drama. Twist at the end was kind of meh though. And also wish there was more romance as the leads were so cute. Tags: little to no romance, high school drama, revenge
While You Were Sleeping - 8/10 Really great premise. The main trio are all so good. I just think some of the romance drama near the end was a bit annoying. Shoulda been like 3 episodes shorter, just got a bit tiresome. Tags: shared fate, fantasy (ish), legal drama
Fight For My Way - 8/10 Very cute friends to lovers. Great chemistry between the leads. Very similar vibe to Weighlifting Kim Bok Joo, just wish the last episode was a bit more impactful. Tags: friends to lovers, sports, college friends
King the Land - 8/10 Very cute and fluffy. Love both leads. Liked how there was no unnecessary drama between them. Really healthy relationship. Just not my favourite plot of all time, hasn’t hooked me like other shows. Tags: workplace romance, chaebol ml, hotel management
Crash Landing on You - 8/10 Definitely hooks you. Starts to drag in the last 5 episodes with too much melodrama. But I loved how they switched it up mid-way through. Really engaging. Also the chemistry with the leads is unreal, makes sense that they’re married in real life now. Tags: found family, north korea, enemies to lovers, melodrama
Moon in the Day - 8/10 Very solid fantasy romance. Found it a bit boring though in the middle. Kim Young Dae is defs underrated though. Hopefully this will kickstart him as a lead now. Tags: fantasy, loved each other in a past life, revenge, enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again
Sh**ting Stars - 8/10 Like 90% fluff. Also cool to see the behind the scenes of k actor management. Lee Song Kyung literally plays enemies to friends to lovers perfectly. Nearly same love story as Dr Romantic and Bok Joo, love to see it. Tags: enemies to friends to lovers, college friends, acting drama
Business Proposal - 8/10 It’s pretty good, but very trope-y. If you like a chaebol romance or workplace romance you’ll love it. It just didn’t surprise me that much, so very middle of the road. One of the few times that I actually was more obsessed with the secondary love story than the main. Tags: workplace romance, fl pretending to be someone else
Let's Talk About Chu - 8/10 Kind of ridiculous but surprisingly deep and heartwarming. Loved the chemistry of all the couples. Tags: sex positive, queer secondary couple, friends with benefits, taiwanese
Destined with You - 7/10 Another drama where the chemistry of the leads really carry the show. Also Rowoon is so talented. I like the premise, but the execution was kinda messy and the first few episodes kinda drag until they let Rowoon being a goofy boi. Must watch though if you love fluff and soft bois. Tags: enemies to lovers, love potion, fantasy, past life, betrayal
W: Two Worlds - 7/10 Despite wanting to rewatch this show constantly, it is kind of a hot mess. Really fun though, just the plot is like a yo-yo. Insane chemistry with the leads. Tags: fantasy, love across universes (webtoon comes to life)
Lovestruck in the City - 7/10 Great show and then the last episode is just like really a bummer. The main couple are super cute though and I like the jumping back to the beach town. Good summer watch! Not sure I really like the mockumentary style, but it’s quite cute. Tags: mockumentary, short episodes, summer romance, exes to lovers
So I Married the Anti-Fan - 7/10
The beginning and middle are really good and cute. Ending is just kind of rushed and feels a bit disjointed from the plot. Overall fun rom com though!
Tags: rom com, enemies to lovers, kpop idol
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - 7/10 It’s very cute, but just way too fluffy for me, especially near the end. It’s a good light watch if you’re looking for something like that. Highly recommend watching the behind the scenes of this series too, because Park Hung Sik is just so in love with Park Bo Young and it’s adorable. Tags: workplace romance, superpowers, comedy
Hometown Cha Cha Cha - 7/10 This was my very first drama so I really need to rewatch it as I don’t know if my review is just because it’s aged in my brain. But it’s very cute, very wholesome. Supporting cast is incredible. My only real issue with it is I don’t love the female lead as much as I like other leads, just didn’t root for her as much as I would have liked. Tags: small town, enemies to lovers, found family
Forecasting Love and Weather - 7/10 Bit boring, but the chemistry is unreal between the leads. Really good twist near the beginning that still sticks with me. Also love seeing Song Kang as little puppy dog heart of gold boi. Tags: noona romance, workplace romance
See You in My 19th Life - 7/10 Love the premise and the leads are amazing. Female lead in particular nails the role. Just a bit too melodramatic for me. Another one where the side characters really make the show, especially her sister. Tags: past lives, childhood friends, murder mystery
Vagabond - 7/10
Great action thriller, the political plot had me the whole time. Suzy never misses. But it ended on a cliffhanger and I wish I’d known that before. Especially since Season 2 hasn’t been announced 😭 Otherwise the romance is great, ML is incredible.
Tags: action romance, enemies to lovers, spy thriller
Coffee Prince - 7/10
I think this drama is a bit overhyped, but I still binged it pretty quick. I’ll be honest, though I loved the main couple, I skipped over almost every other side plot because they were so boring. But Gong Yoo is great in this and we know I love a kdrama that’s a little gay, so still definitely a drama I’d revisit in the future I think.
Tags: FL pretending to be a man, kinda gay, rom com, office romance
My Holo Love - 5/10 Kinda just meh. Like it was cute and fun but nothing special. Female lead was really good though. Also I do like the plot around face blindness, just not super memorable as a show in general. Tags: mystery, ml shut in
Love Alarm - 3/10 Too cringe and immature for me I think. Interesting premise though. Song Kang is really good in it (although he plays a massive red flag again lol), I just really didn’t like the other male lead to be honest. Tags: love triangle, fated love, fantasy (ish), red flag ml
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hi! <3
Do you know the prompt "When you call them a pretty boy"? I once read a scenario like that and I wonder how the members would react to their s/o calling them a pretty boy. Would they get a bit emotional, be a blushy mess, tease you back..
What do you think?~
Here you go, I hope that you enjoy it!
All members :]
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you calling them “pretty boy”
Warnings: grammar
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photo not mine credits to owner.
•He’s flustered, taken back a bit. Didn’t expect you to call him that.
• Will always take a compliment though.
“Whatcha doing pretty boy?” You asked as you walked over to where Gunil was currently sitting on the couch. “Oh I-I’m just… not much,” he replies stuttering, with a smile taking over his face.
“What are you doing pretty?” Gunil returns the question, causing you to laugh a bit.
“Bothering my pretty boy,” you say, repeating the nickname again.
“Ah, why do you keep saying that?” he partially whines.
“Calling it how I see it. Why? You don’t like it?” 
“It’s not- it just-.....” he stops opting to pull you in for a hug.”You’re attacking my heart!” He proclaimed. You laugh against him mumbling out a “cute”. In conclusion, please continue to call him pretty boy. It makes him feel giddy.
•Shy baby number 1
•Immediately turns red upon hearing the words leave your mouth.
“Can you grab my mug for me, pretty boy?” You asked while looking at Jungsu to see his reaction. You’re met with his very flushed face. 
“I uh- yeah. Here you go,” he answers, quickly moving to grab the mug. He hands it to you avoiding all eye contact. Face still tinted red.
“Thank you pretty boy,” you tease him.
“Stop calling me that!” He shouts while his face becomes even redder.
“Why? You are a pretty boy,” continuing on with your teasing.
“Please stop!” he begs, completely beet red. 
“Ok, ok I’ll stop,” you tell him as you rub his back soothingly. Leaving a few pats before going to fill up your mug. “Does it really affect you that bad?” This causes him to shoot a glare at you before walking away to plot his revenge. 
•Goes 1 or 2 ways
•1 nonchalant he simply knows he’s a pretty boy
•2 becomes a complete menace, makes you regret saying it.
1- “Pretty boy pass me my phone please,” you say pointing to where your phone lays not far from him.
“Here,” he states simply handing you your phone, having no reaction to the nickname at all. Leaving you to stare at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” you reply before opening your phone. Maybe you’ll try again another time.
2- “What should we watch, pretty boy?” you question Jiseok while scrolling through Netflix. 
“We could watch that new kdrama, but I don’t think the male lead is as much as a pretty boy that I am,” he responds, causing you to look at him with an unamused face. “What? You said it yourself I’m a pretty boy,” he said while resting his face in the palm of his hand. Flaunting his visuals.
“I meant annoying, pretty boy,” you grumble.
•At first he’s a little shy, but he likes it way more than he’ll admit.
“Pretty boy playing a pretty song,” you greet Seungmin as you enter his room. Where he was currently practicing. 
“What did you call me?” he asks, chuckling as a light shade of pink dusts his cheeks
“Pretty boy,” you repeated as you plopped down beside him.
“You and your nicknames,” he playfully rolls his eyes and brings up a hand to mess with your hair. 
“Aye! Stop it!” you complain. Grabbing his hand to stop its movement in your hair.
“I think this nickname is one of the best ones though it suits you,” you pause for a moment before continuing “Pretty boy,” 
“It’s alright. Wouldn’t call it the best though,” he says, returning to practice another song, but you notice the happy smile that adorns his face.
•Shy baby number 2
•Ten times more shy than Jungsu
“My pretty boy plays the guitar so well,” you express, sitting next to Hyeongjun on his bed, guitar occupying his lap.
“Why would you call me that?” He whines, a deep shade of red rushing onto his face and down his neck.
“Because you are. You’re the prettiest of pretty boys,” you declare. Making Hyeongjun cover his face with his hand, looking down at his lap. 
“No I’m not stop it,” his voice comes out muffled by his hands. You lean forward, prying his hands away from his face, keeping each one grasped in your own.
“Yes you are. You’re a pretty boy because I said so,” staring right into his eyes as you spoke. He tries to pull out of your firm grasp, but you won’t let him.
“Ok, I get it. Just stop now please,” he begged fervently. 
“Fine, I’m done…. for now”
“Yah!” he shouted, causing you to laugh.
•Another menace
“What do you want to have for dinner, pretty boy?” you ask Jooyeon. He smirks upon hearing your words. 
“Your pretty boy wants chicken,” he replies with a playful smile taking over his lips.
“What about drinks?” you follow up. Silence is the only response you get. “I asked about drinks,” you repeat. Again you’re only met with his silence as he stares at you tilting his head to the side and shrugging. You let out a sigh catching on.
“What would you like to drink, pretty boy?” 
“Cola obviously,” he says sassily. 
“You’re only gonna respond to pretty boy now aren’t you?”
“You shall call me as I am,”
“A thorn in my side,” you state with a sarcastic smile.
“How dare you call me a thorn,” he lunges at you, fingers beginning to assault your sides.
“Alright, I’m sorry pretty boy,” you surrender.
“Good,” he says with a satisfied smile, but keeps his arms wrapped around you.
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - There's so much airing even I'm struggling to keep up
That's why I'm late.
Aug 2023 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 6 of 8 - Oh no. I am totally in love with the escaped young master & his smitten bodyguard. How did that happen? (Be careful P’Thee the broken ones are the most tempting. Tin understands.) NO SINGING! Trust Thai BL to destroy any moment of sentiment I might have by picking up a damn guitar. And we finally get Charn’s Batman villain origin story. Good use of back hug! This is a GREAT show. Melodramatic as fuck, but GREAT. Gotta say this pair in NOT Thailand’s best kissers but not everyone can be Zee++. Still I think that + singing + a touch of overacting is likely to keep this out of the 10/10 club.
Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 1 of 12 - Rich /poor dynamic with characters & set up exactly as expected. Chimon is great. Perth is good too. A real rich-kid bully, Heirs level or Japanese F4 evil. All the teachers are also corrupt (that’s kinda a Thai thing, I think because they can't call out the government). I gotta say, Marc is doing a bang-up job as the jock friend, too. And the kiss twist was fun. All in all, this is good. And you know me, I love a high school BL.
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Sat YT) ep 1 of 12 - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. Adaption of y-novel by Violet Rain, from the producers of Lovely Writer. Heartbroken architect is transported to the 1930s. Nonkul (actor playing Jom) keeps reminding me of Cho Han Gyeol from Love Mate. It’s a bit slow to start but interesting when it hits its stride. The pacing feels like a Chinese historical (makes me wonder if this with be 4 or 6 act structure). Nonkul is a wonderful actor. They weren’t sharing the screen for long, but the leads seem good together. I’m in. 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 2 of 10 - Well. It’s entertaining, I'll say that for it. Addiction. Manipulation. Queer as folk & all that jazz. (No jazz for you, Thailand. Oh no! I’m giving them ideas.) I would like it to turn out that Mew is actually manipulating everything. This is his revenge con on Top. Mew is, after all, supposed to be "the smart one." Gotta say, this is darn near perfect casting. But honestly? This show could just be about Ray & Sand. Their story (and them in it) is easily the most riveting. Sand better be careful, the wildly broken ones are always the best in bed, because they don’t care ao they have no shame and that's HOT.
Hidden Agenda (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 6 of 10 - I like how soft Joke’s version of seme flirting is. It’s mellow, like his voice gets with Zo. I also liked Zo casually chatting to his friends about how he feels about being flirted with. His friends gave good advice & were supportive. Oh no! A boy in a BL went into the rain ALONE. What ON EARTH will happen next? The argument was interesting, because it gave us insight into Zo’s maturity & ability to handle a relationship. I’ve been wondering why anyone would like him, and now I know. Joke & Nita’s backstory is fun. I like the gay boy protecting the straight girl reverse beard action. On a complete aside, I really like Dunk’s makeup in this series. It’s very Kdrama.
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 7 of 8 - The house ghosts trying to help are cute. The plot is at least... a plot? I don’t know. Dias Ex Mafia is a new one on me. (COME ON THAT’S A GREAT PUN, PRAISE ME!) I’m ready for this show to be over. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 7 of 12 - Honestly, the whole time I’m watching this I’m just thinking I wish JaFirst got better scripts. Speaking of, I don’t object, but these characters sure moved into sex fast. I really don’t quite understand how Daddy & Hot Doc got together so fast either. It feels like their story was meant to be spread out into the other episodes but didn’t get cut in properly, so it ended up all in this one? Or is it just the pacing is particularly bad in this show?
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 eps - I have no idea what is going on. What are all of Dino’s friends doing? What do they want? what’s their point in the story? I’m even annoyed by Peak, and love him. Sex scene which they tried to make sexy. Operative word being tried. Although, there was some interesting after sex discussion about mechanics. And there was a cute bathtub chat about pet names. But this show is a lotta work for very little pay out. 
Wedding Plan (Wed YT & iQIYI) ep 5 of 7 - I like the sunshine sides? PUNCH LOM 2023! Trash watch here!
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 1 of 10 - Pushy older bro is Earn from Love Sick, yay! And he’s the hyung of a side couple, which is "best friend’s older brother" trope! My favorite!!!! Have we seen this in BL before? I don't think so. Anyway, DOUBLE YAY! The main couple… eh. You know I loathe stalker characters. And I viscerally HATE this one. Almost as bad as SCOY, not sure I can take it, actually. The squealing of "Tammy!" is worse on my ear than any off-key guitar strumming. I may have to DNF or fast forward through all his parts… but he’s the lead. What to do? I do like the “Chinese” businessman actor. He very cute. (On an aside, I was just reading about commercial real estate as the loophole for foreign property investors in Thailand. Cool plot point.) I’m getting a Taming of the Shrew vibes from this. Just me? For now it's living at the bottom of the list for sheer unadulterated loathing of Phumjai. Not the actor, he was my favorite and only good thing about Our Days. But this character? NO.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thur Viki) ep 5 of 8 - This is basically the gay Boys Over Flowers of my heart. Or as close as I think we’ll get from BL. I like both of the 2nd leads, even though I suspect Simon of actually being into everyone’s fav hyung. Cute to see the Mr Heart boys back on my screen, oh so briefly. Such a Taiwan trick, reusing a beloved couple like that. Nice gimmie to the fans. Meanwhile, Choi Jun - boy sure knows his angles but his motives? Please don’t let this be another arranged marriage beard situation? I can’t take 2 in the same month. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - The boyfriends ep! JC is biggest simp spoiling his baby EVER. Taiwan = the sappiest of saps. “Owning the same key” is such a cute way of putting it. Also I love the "knew all along" twist, made me happy. The angst is silly but that's normal in Taiwanese BL. 
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) eps 3-4 of 10 - Pair 1: Lee Hyun is such a wide-open, bleeding, no-shame romantic. It’s kinda great. Boy has a poet’s soul & NO artifice. J-Min is startlingly good, very nuanced. I know I keep saying that, but I’m v surprised by his skillz. And… add in creepy stalker, goody. Pair 2: The "other student couple" I’m not into, also NO SINGING. Pair 3: The underwear gift was so fucking funny. “I’m going reap the boxers I sewed” is next level script excellence. These two are brilliant at gayest-of-gay flirt-negging, I'm INTO IT. One of my housemates said, in response to my audible cackling, "You seem to be enjoying your shows extra much tonight."  
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 2 of 8 - Oh I love love love them. It’s so old school yaoi and SO JBL. No other country could produce this kind of show. I love this little feminist aspect where the weatherman treats his boy like a 1950s housewife & said boy thinks that makes him an indentured servant. Clocks. But also, the way our weatherman LOOKS at his boy. He is so in love. (It looks like we skip next week for holiday reasons?) 
Sing My Crush (Korea Wed iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - It remains enjoyable. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) ep 6 of 12 - At least we know Minato actually desires Shin, he just won’t do anything about it. Also, Minato chose the perfect person to come out to. That's nice for him. Finally, Shu & Asuka are glorious. Sides are winning these days.
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) ep 3 of 5 - A proper faen fatal has entered one of our couples. She won too, since she ended up marrying the boy. Still not sure about this show (and it should have convinced me by now). I definitely like the tattoo couple better than the reunion couple. Still, not a lot happened in this episode and this is short series, they don’t have time to waste. It remains intriguing but not... erm... good.
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In case you missed it
River Knows Fish Heart is leaving Gaga soon. It's a decent little bully romance Chinese BL (pulp) - yes, you read that right. Actual CBL. Not great, but if you're into the CBL stuff, especially the early stuff, this has some of that tenor only made in 2018 (I have a feeling it was shot in 2017 and skated through). Anygay, just staying. Catch it before it disappears because with CBL once they gone, often, they gone forever.
Friend. Boy Friend a new Thai BL pulp was supposed to start airing on Aug 19th. I can't find it. Neither can MDL.
Next Week Looks Like This:
Everything from Thailand seems to be dropping on Sat & Sun this month. It's a good thing I got quiet weekends for a while. Also the BL firehose is upon us, so much content.
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Starting this week:
8/20 (tomorrow) My Universe series (Sun iQIYI) 24 eps - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct.
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer.  
8/23 Why R U? (Korean remake iQIYI) 8 eps - I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for 8 short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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Another show reviewing itself. (Dino Love)
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Don't insult bastards, Lom. (Wedding trash)
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I would like this adorable romcom GMMTV, please and thank you.
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See what I mean? Trixy.
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Thanks boys. (All Only Friends)
(Last week) 
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
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this is us (sequel to all grown up) | completed 🔞 genre/au: romance, drama, angst, smut | established relationship, age gap| ✨ After fighting to be in a relationship with Jungkook, you begin to wonder if it’s all worth it.
all grown up | completed 🔞 genre/au: romance, drama, angst, smut | best friends little brother, age gap ✨ A family reunion brings back the young boy you grew up with. Though he wasn’t the doe-eyed boy you once knew, he stood in front of you all grown up. (Loosely inspired by the kdrama Something in the Rain.)
fool for you | completed genre/au: romance, fluff | college!au, strangers to friends to lovers ✨ When Jungkook is finally single, you shoot your shot.
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series (ongoing)
sweet tooth | (slow updates) genre/au: romance, slow burn, slow build | vampire!au, supernatural ✨ Bills and rent are piling up, so your roommate suggests you look into a gig she stumbled upon. But it’s not what you expect. OR Jungkook runs a vampire blood bank and you service clients with your blood.
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the back-up plan genre/au: romance, fluff / friends to lovers(?) ✨ One drunken night leads to an agreement that if you and Jungkook are still single by 30, you'd marry each other. the only thing is Jungkook has been doing everything he can to keep you single.
things you don't know ~ m.list genre/au: angst, pining | ex BFFs!au ✨ It’s been seven years since you last saw the boy that broke your heart. After moving back home, you try everything you can to avoid seeing him around town, but destiny has a wicked way of doing the opposite.
naked ~ m.list | 🔞 genre/au: smut, light fluff | fwb, age gap ✨ You’re selfish when it comes to him. He wants more, but you won’t let him.
busted ~ m.list | 🔞 genre/au: smut, pwp | parents!au, married!au ✨ Your husband comes home with a new gift and you're not happy with it.
the kindergarten teacher genre/au: fluff, cute | teacher!jungkook ✨ You meet your daughter’s teacher and he’s not what you expected.
sleepless nights genre/au: fluff, cute | parents!au ✨ You find Jungkook having a sweet moment with your daughter.
stay focused 🔞 genre/au: boxer!au, light light light smut ✨ Jungkook has a big match coming up but you can’t help teasing him.
unbreakable genre/au: vampire!au, 1800s era ✨ If you could choose another life, you would, but being a vampire slayer was your destiny.
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broken hearts club | teaser genre/au: romance, fluff | strangers-to-friends-??, private chef!jk x author!reader ✨ It's been a year after your public breakup, and the final installment of your romance series was meant to be released, but you've been engulfed with writer's block. Your editor suggests spending the summer at her beach house for inspiration, but when an unexpected visitor shows up on your doorstep, he offers much more than inspiration.
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iknowyuu · 2 years
study, study, mwah
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kdrama! sieun x extrovert! affectionate! reader
// reader gets a terrible grade and seeks out the smartest person they know to help them study. studying is boring though, “can we do something else?”
tags: studying leading to making out, the events of weak hero one class don’t happen AU, sieun sitting on reader’s lap, whiny & bold reader, neck kisses, hickey mentions, sieun bites reader too hard on accident, sieun has never kissed anyone, reader and sieun become physically affectionate really fast in a short period of time (i.e. they make out almost right after the first kiss lol)
note: as you can tell, i like writing about neck kisses 💀 this was meant to be like 300 words max BUT I COULDN’T STOP 😭 ENJOY LMFAO. stream funky glitter christmas by NMIXX!!!
“ah,” you whine, “love you, love you,” you bring him closer to your chest, and he re-adjusts his legs to either side of your body, his hands tightening on both your shoulders.
sieun is not the type to indulge in physical affection of any kind, really at all. so, how did he end up in this situation?
it started in the classroom. “ohhh myyy goddd,” your forehead hit the paper on the desk, disappointed at the low score you got. “how did i fail again!?” you sighed as you moved your head to the side, looking at your best friend sitting next to you. she laughed at you, “well maybe if you actually studied,” you squinted your eyes at her, “you’d get a good grade.” she held up her high score, smiling at you. “ugh. really? what do you take me for, a rocket scientist or something?” you moved your head to the side. “…how would i even start doing that anyway? i know nothing about studying.”
“just ask sieun then.” she stated matter of factly. “what? you’re joking, right?” you lifted your head and laughed at her suggestion. you didn’t have anything against him, it’s just.. he was very antisocial.. and frankly, you were kinda scared of him. “no [name], im not. he’s really smart and always gets a perfect score.” she gestured in his direction and you both looked at him from your desks in the back of the classroom.
it was lunch time and he was still studying?? who even does that?
you contemplated her words before nodding affirmatively. “okay. okay! you’re right. lets do this.” you stood up and began walking to his desk before turning around when you saw she wasn’t coming. “umm.. are you coming?” you asked.
“HA, no! that’s your grade. not mine,” she shrugged before turning around to one of your other friends to talk about.. whatever they were talking about.
you deadpanned at her and sighed. she’s right, this is on you. if you wanted to step things up, you’d need to do this yourself. taking another deep breath, you prepared yourself and walked up to his desk at the front, not realizing how quiet the classroom got when you tapped on his shoulder. “hey.. sieun?” you looked at him as he slowly turned around, taking out his earbud. “so, i know we’ve never talked, but i wanted to ask if-“
“can you hurry up? im busy.” he scrunched his eyebrows at you, waiting for your response- meanwhile, you swallowed at how blunt he was. honestly.. it was kind of hot. but mostly rude. “oh, okay.” you responded instinctively, feeling hurt by his words, but knowing you needed to ask if you wanted better grades. “is there anyway you could help me study for the next test?”
he blinked at you. “no.” he turns around and puts his earbud back in, continuing to write. you stared at him, shocked. “ooo..kay.”
that was not the first time you’d ask him. yeah, far from it.
when you walked into class the next day: “please, sieun? just until the next test!” “no.”
when he was walking to cram school: “sieun!! hi! how are you?” “if you’re asking me to help you study, the no.”
several days go by of you asking him the same question, him responding negatively each time. you were read to give up, but one evening you saw he was on his usual route home, so you caught up with him after seeing him from the convenience store window: “siiieeuuunnn!! i bought you onigiri and some matcha tea! it’s good for studying, it helps your brain calm down and focus.” you stretched your arms out, trying to hand him the bag full of goods. “oh.” he looked at you, and he blinked, seemingly confused by your gesture. “thank you.” he hesitantly takes the bag from your hands, making eye contact with you, then bowing, you following suit. he then turns on his feet and begins walking home. 
“wait! let me walk you home,” you catch up with him, waving goodbye to your friends through the store window. “so.. you just came from cram school?” he sighs and removes both air-buds from his ears, placing them in his pocket. “yes.” he answers bluntly. “oh, is it good? i really need to start.. y’know, actually caring about my schoolwork.” you glance at him. “it’s fine. it’s a nice place to study.” he slightly shrugs, not sparing a look in your direction. “that’s good!” you smile at him, happy that you’re finally breaking through his shell, even if it’s just a little bit. a silence followed you the rest of the way to his house, and you both stop at his apartment door. “are your parents home?” he looks at you as he unlocks the door knob, “no.” you beam at him, “oh, then if you’re not busy, can we study together? please?” he looks as if he’s gonna say no, but you interrupt him. “pleasepleaseplease! i’ll stop bothering you during school, i promise! and i’ll buy you whatever you want from that convenience store next time we meet!”
he stares at you for several seconds before finally speaking up, “okay. please don’t think this means we’ll be studying together often.” he lets you in, taking off his shoes and stepping into his house slippers, glancing behind him as you cheer, sarcastically remarking "wow, love you too." and step inside, closing the door behind you. 
with time, you find yourself sitting next to sieun at his dining table, your notes and previously failed test in front of you, while sieun is writing down what seems to be practice english. despite what sieun said about not making your study sessions a normal thing, you find yourself at his home at first twice a week, then three times, then four, and eventually it becomes a total of five times a week, not counting the times you convince him to go with you to random places like a park or cafe. you both become good friends, and even though you promised not to bother him during school hours, you discover that you enjoy his company whenever you want to just chill. as the weeks turn into months, you became more and more casual and as a result, affectionate with him. words of affirmation was the way you expressed your appreciation and love for the people around you, and sieun was no exception. the first time you told him "i love you," he was.. startled to say the least. you asked him if that was okay for you to say, only as friends of course, and he agreed. nonetheless, you don’t feel the need to be perfect or completely likeable or 100% positive whenever you’re with him. his lack of expectations from you is.. freeing.
it was the last day before finals, and you had prepared. oh boy, you’d prepared so hard that you believed you would get at the very least a B+ letter grade. all the stress and studying will defientely pay off, you thought, and you felt you deserved a treat and a break. so did sieun.
but it seems he didn’t feel the same. “sieunnn, pleaaasseee,” you whined as you laid completely flat on the ground in front of the table, pouting as he didn’t even glance up to look at you. “we deserve a breakkk! we’ve been working our asses off, and plus, i heard that you shouldn’t cram before a test because it stresses out your brain and makes you forget what you learned!”
he sighs and mumbles. “that’s not true, and you know it, [name].” you close your eyes and sigh “i knowww,” you mumble to yourself, sighing with discontent. “i just want... i just want us to take a break,” you sit up and move to sit as close to him as humanly possible. “you’ve always worked so hard, and you deserve a break. a good, long, and satisfying break.” you reach over and hug his waist, leaning over slightly and resting your forehead on his shoulder.
he’s used to your overly affectionate demeanor at this point; he’s seen it time and time again in the classroom, in the cram school you joined to help your grades (and to be with him), and when you both went out together, you routinely and quite casually saying "love you," or "i love you," or some variation of the sort. he never returns the words and he pretends to not care, but in reality, he likes it. just a little- he would never admit it to you, though.
he glances at you but pays your words no mind, continuing to write on the paper in front of him. “sieun!! if you don’t stop studying right now, i’ll.. i’ll do something! something shocking that you would never expect, and then you’d be forced to stop. so, you better stop now on your own will.” you remove your arms from him and sit up straight.
you don’t catch the air that he forcefully exhales from his nose, “like what?” once again not sparing you a single glance.
oh. you didn’t think that far ahead. “you didn’t think that far ahead, did you?” how did he read your mind!? trying to think fast before he makes a fool out of you, you do the first thing that comes to mind- what you’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.
you lean towards him, slightly moving forward to kiss his cheek. he stops writing, and his head slowly turns to yours, making eye contact with you. your heart, aching for more since when you first started crushing on him, take the chance to lean forward again and place a kiss on his lips. as you’re pulling away, you smile as you notice his eyes are closed. “is.. is that okay?” you smile as a timid and small grin appears on his lips. if you weren’t looking at him as intensely as you were, you would’ve missed the single nod he gave to you.
“i have an idea,” you place your hands on his knees, “you’re always teaching me things and helping me study- now it’s my turn to teach you.”
you moaned quietly into his mouth as you continued to kiss him, gently rubbing his thigh. the two of you were now in his room and on his bed, lips swollen but still hungry for more. after teaching him the basics of kissing 101 ™,  he quickly got the hang of things. turns out studying is better for more than just good grades.
you pull away, and idea popping into your head. “wait,” you giggle at the way he slightly moves forward, chasing your lips. “i wanna try something, if you don’t mind.” he looks at you with curiousity. “what is it?” “can you.. sit on my lap?” you quickly continue upon seeing the look on his face. “i mean, only if you want to of course, i don’t wanna move too fast or pressure-”
“okay,” he cuts your rambling off and stands up, gesturing for you to move back onto the frame of his bed. you beam and move to the affirmentioned spot, avoiding eye contact as he climbs onto his bed, and into your lap. he looks down at you, getting used to the elevated angle. “like this?” you nod excitedly, not wasting time before you made kissy-lips at him. he takes the hint, barely hesitating before he leans down, lips meeting yours.
now, you’d taught him about other places people would kiss during a makeout session, like their cheek and jaw, but you did not expect him to try and go for it on the first day. he breaks away from you, his kisses moving from your lips to the corner of your mouth and lower, eventually reaching your neck. on instinct, you let out a quiet “ah!” eyes shooting open before closing just as fast. you feel as he kisses and kisses your neck, and you feel like you’re in heaven. his lips are so soft, and they feel so good, you don’t ever want him to sto-
“ow!” you yelp as he immediately stops his assault on your neck. “did i hurt you?” he looks back into your eyes, concern on his features. “no, no, it’s okay, i just wasn’t expecting you to.. bite so hard.” you reach up and run your hands through his hair. “keep going, please,”
you smile and close your eyes as he leans down, this time nipping and biting much softer than before. “ah,” you whine, “love you, love you,” you bring him closer to your chest, and he re-adjusts his legs to either side of your body, his hands tightening on both your shoulders. it feels so good, he feels so good.
minutes go by as the both of you take turns kissing and giving each other hickeys, deciding to slow down when it nears time for you to go.
your phone on his bedside table buzzes once, than twice, then three times. his forehead is resting on your shoulder as you tap him. “okay, i have to go sieun.” you smile at the soft sigh he heaves as he climbs out of your lap, going over to his desk and closing his books.
time goes by as you go back out of his room, taking your time packing all your study equipment before heading towards the door to take off the (favourite color) slippers sieun got specifically for when you visit, and putting on your regular shoes. turning towards him you readjusted the bag you had, smiling at the boy in front of you. "i had so much fun, sieun," you open your arms out and pull him into a hug, enjoying the way he gently hugs you back, almost as if you were made of porcelain, not wanting to hurt or break you, ever.
he doesn't respond as you lean your head onto his shoulder, deeply sighing and closing your eyes, not ever wanting this moment to end. alas, he pulls away first, looking at you with those pretty eyes of his, "you should.. you should come back tomorrow."
the smile that appears on your face is incomparable to any smile you've ever had. the warmth that floods your body is enough to satisfy you, and for the first time with him, you become shy and look at the ground before turning back around to open the door. "i will," meeting his eyes for the last time tonight, you wave at him before two words instinctively leave your mouth; "love you!"
he smiles the tiniest smile and quietly responds, "love you too."
post story note: omg when i tell you i sat down for an hour and literally wrote half the story last night SJJSSJ I LITERALLY COULDN'T STOP. what did you guys think?? im thinking of writing a part two, but im not sure yet. i hope sieun didn't seem too ooc, i had trouble writing him during the makeout session 😭. let me know what you guys think! here is part two btw!
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kpopscatterbrain · 6 months
Kdramas i've watched this year
Some of these are older dramas but i'm a procrastinator
Black Knight (2023): Loved this one! I have watched it probably 5 times now. Kim Woobin kicking ass is all i need!
Under the Queen's Umbrella (2022): I didn't watch this when it aired (no idea why). I was worried that the plot would be overrun by romance but thankfully i was wrong. Loved Kim Hye-Soo's performance (i cried a little).
Island seasons 1 & 2 (2022-2023): Honestly i only started this one for Kim Nam-Gil. I loved the cast, but the flow of the plot was a little off (don't know how, i can't put a finger on it). Was positively suprised by Cha Eun-Woo's acting, i think he needs more roles like this! Hot villain alert no.1! Sung Joon as a bad guy is either a blessing or a curse. Cgi could have been better.
Taxi Driver season 2 (2023): Loved the first season so of course i had to watch the second one. Love Lee Je-Hoon. Love the main characters. Love the plot and the message of this drama. A masterpiece. Waiting for season 3.
Weak Hero Class 1 (2022): Only heard of this drama wayyy after it aired (thanks tiktok) and god does it deserve every award there is! I was a bit hesitant because Park Ji-Hoon was the main lead, but boy was i wrong because his talent got me speechless (weren't we all). I cried, i cheered, i shadowboxed, i cried a little more and in the end i called my therapist. Thankfully season 2 is coming.
Bloodhounds (2023): Woo Do-whan and Lee Sang-Yi in the same drama beating people up? Yes please! The plot wasn't mindblowing, but sometimes just simple ass kicking is enough. Bromance was bromancing. Park Sung-Woong with another great villain character.
Revenant (2023): After dropping Mr.Sunshine i wanted to see Kim Tae-ri in other dramas, so when this aired i gave it a go. Her range is phenomenal! I have only seen couple spookier dramas, so i made a mistake and watched this at night (slept with the lights on). The eerie vibes and plot twists were well made. Hong Kyung had great chemistry with Kim Tae-ri and his cop role was refreshing to see after his performance in Weak Hero Class (if you know you know).
Flower of Evil (2020): Okay, this is one of the dramas i procrastinated hard on. It's been sitting on my "have to watch" list since it aired and i'm the only one to blame (i hype up a drama in my mind, then don't want to watch it because now i'm afraid it doesn't go the way i think it does and then i get disappointed blaablaablaa). This year i finally got over myself and why. didn't. i. watch. it. sooner!!!! It is all i ever wanted in a kdrama. 1. serial killers 2. a psychopath (but is he really?) w/ an effed up childhood 3. mindgames 4. marriage problems (but has a lot of soft & cute scenes) 5. Lee Joon-Gi. Also as a plus (hot villain alert no.2) the bad guy is kindaa (i'm sane i swear). I would be lying if i didn't say that i found the wife slightly annoying (might be me, but she went too much back & forth and sometimes i had to take a breather while watching), but all in all this drama will be hard to top and i fell in love with Lee Joon-Gi.
Moving (2023): Honestly one of the best dramas of the year. I don't usually really go for plots that have a lot of romance in them (if you haven't noticed), but i found this one to be really well balanced and the romance scenes weren't "cringy". Although Bong-Seok and Hui-Soo were great and had great chemistry, i looooved the background stories of the parents. Park Hee-Soon also pops up as kind of a non-villain villain. I hope there is a season 2.
Song of the Bandits (2023): Kim Nam-Gil again. 1920s Korea and gunslingers... what more could i need? After Mr. Sunshine left me with a disappointment (this might be an unpopular opinion) i craved for a drama set around the same time period, but with a little less romance (i know, i am defective). I think dramas should explore this time period more, but i understand it might still be a touchy subject. The skills of the cast were obviously great, Kim Nam-Gil killed his role like always, but Lee Ho-Jung as Eon-Nyeon shined with her performance (i am now a new fan). Hot villain alert no.3! I have seen Lee Hyun-Wook in Remarriage & Desires and seeing him as a villain made me feel things. If there isn't a second season i will cry.
The Killing Vote (2023): A "serial killer" in a dog mask making the public vote on punishing criminals and everyone suspects each other? Cyber crime? Chemistry between two cops? Major hot villain (no.4)? Sign me up. I love when crime dramas make you question your people reading skills (i have the tism so i really got none) and have all kinds of theories flying around. I liked that even Kim Mu-Chan and Joo Hyun had obvious chemistry between them it didn't overshadow the main point of the plot. I liked Seo Young-Joo's delivery and i hope he gets more bigger roles. Kim Kwon.... why does the psychopath have to be hot? He also needs more bigger roles. !spoiler! Also Park Sung-Woong killing (heh) yet another morally grey character.
The Worst of Evil (2023): Okay, first of all i have to say... the wife ruined everything (some agree and some don't). We get another bromance duo of the year with Wi Ha-Joon and Ji Chang-Wook. Loved the crime organization infiltration plot, heavily despised the romance plot (sorry Bibi baby). I was constantly on the edge of my seat and the characters started to get so morally grey that in the end everyone needs group therapy. Action scenes were chefs kiss. A honorable mention goes for Lee Shin-Ki as Seo Jong-Ryul (or Chief Seo, knife guy, the man has many names) and Bibi for her performance as Lee Hae-Ryeon.
Evilive (2023): Heavily underrated. Kim Young-Kwang doing what he does best, playing a psychopath. This combined with a bromance plot with the one and only bromance master Shin Ha-Kyun? I'm sold. The dramas literal title "villain story" really sums up the plot. Sometimes you are not sure who to cheer for. Sometimes you are not really sure about your own sanity. But to be fair, so aren't the main characters.
Vigilante (2023): Love it. Currently re-watching it. Needs more attention. Needs more episodes. I'm in love with Nam Joo-Hyuk. The best crime drama of the year, the title is all i needed to hear. Beating up criminals in well made action scenes is my favorite genre. No romance. One sided bromance? Morally grey characters (am i repeating myself now?). Yoon Ji-Tae as a beefy cop and Lee Joon-Hyuk as a slightly insane admirer? If we don't get a season 2 i will start a riot.
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lurkingshan · 9 months
A Time Called You: A Great Reminder to Go Watch Someday or One Day 
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This past weekend Netflix dropped a new kdrama called A Time Called You in its entirety, and I became particularly interested in watching it as soon as I realized what it was: the Korean remake of Someday or One Day I knew had been in the works for awhile. If you’re not familiar, Someday or One Day (SOOD) is a beloved 2019 Taiwanese drama that is widely considered to be among the best dramas the country has ever produced (there is also a 2022 film version of the story, but that’s less relevant to this post). Now, I love Korean dramas, and I know that countries remaking each other’s best shit is very common in the Asian media landscape, but I couldn’t help but feel protective of the original work and a bit resentful of the choice to adapt something that was so original and unique and specific and put that generic kdrama sheen on it. Taiwan has a small film industry, and this is one of its jewels. We didn’t need Korea’s take on it.
And having watched the adaptation in full now, I am feeling pretty justified in that initial feeling. Let me just say upfront: A Time Called You (ATCY) is a perfectly good drama with a solid cast and competent storytelling. Had I seen it absent the knowledge of what it was adapting, I probably would have liked it a lot. But I have already seen and loved Someday or One Day, so I feel compelled to break down why it is the better version of this tale, both for my fellow SOOD devotees who are wondering how this adaptation stacks up and for folks who have only seen the kdrama in the hopes that you’ll decide to watch the original. As usual, I did the most, so reader be advised that this is long (tagging @troubled-mind as promised and @smittenskitten because I saw you were looking for a comparison of the two dramas). TL; DR: if you liked ATCY, or have seen neither version and are wondering which to watch: go find Someday or One Day, because it’s an overall superior and more satisfying execution of the same story.
The Vibe
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Let’s start here because it’s the most obvious and immediately striking thing as someone who has seen both versions. SOOD has a bit of a rough and unpolished feel, which makes it feel more grounded in reality (important when you are getting into fantasy elements like time travel but you still want the characters to feel like real people). We open our story in 1998 in a record shop with a young girl playing Last Dance by Wu Bai and China Blue, a 1996 mando pop rock ballad, and thus setting the tone—this will be a somewhat raw and bittersweet story about grief and hurt and longing that will invite us to wallow in our feelings. And that melancholic vibe stays throughout the drama, even in the explicitly happy scenes, because you are always aware that the joy you are seeing has already been lost. 
By contrast, ATCY feels… emotionally flat. Don’t get me wrong, it is a very faithful adaptation. The early episodes are practically a shot for shot remake of the original drama. But it’s too polished, too shiny. The filmmaking is bog standard kdrama fare; everything is soft focus and warmly lit and too beautiful and consequently nothing feels real. It feels right in line with the standard aesthetics of recent mainstream Korean dramas, and that choice undermines the emotional weight and grit of this story.
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A great example of this can be seen in the way the two dramas handle the iconic scene where our female lead runs in the rain, looking back over her shoulder to smile in delight at the male lead before continuing on her way. This is a moment of realization for him about his feelings for her—one he will later immortalize in a painting that becomes part of the mystery of the past she is trying to unravel. In Someday or One Day, this scene takes place on a regular street, in the utterly mundane surroundings of their everyday lives as they walk home, and she runs down the middle of the road as puddles gather in the uneven pavement; in A Time Called Love, they are in a picturesque park for this scene, surrounded by green and encased within a grove of giant trees, and she runs right down the middle of a tree lane that looks like it came straight out of a fairytale. One story is very much about a love grounded in a reality we can recognize; the other is pure fantasy romance.
The Music 
I already mentioned the song that anchors the Taiwanese drama above. Last Dance is hugely important to the story, both thematically and as a plot device, and in its ability to set the mood and tone of the drama. 
The Korean remake similarly uses a real 1996 ballad as its main song and time travel mechanism: With My Tears by Seo Ji Won. And, uh, the vibe is a bit different. 
Discerning listeners might recognize this as one of the many classic love ballads performed by our favorite doctors by day, rock stars by night over on Hospital Playlist. It’s a perfectly fine song. But it sets quite a different tone for our story, doesn’t it? It also is meant to be a song that a teenage boy is hankering to listen to on cassette, and listen, I wasn’t living in Korea in 1996. I have no idea how culturally accurate that may be. I’m sure there were in fact baby Lee Ik Juns running around trying to get their hands on this cheesy love song. But the edgier sound of Last Dance definitely sounds more in line with something the teenage male lead would listen to and what the music is meant to convey. And frankly, since we hear this song about 30 times in the drama, it matters that Last Dance is just an objectively better song. 
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, because beyond the classic song each version chose to use as its centerpiece, there is also a stark difference in the quality and tone of each drama’s OSTs. Here is a compilation of the Someday or One Day tracks, including the utterly gorgeous main theme by Shi Shi. The music is hugely important in the Taiwanese drama and is used to set the mood as well as emphasize its themes, and the tracks feel specific to this story.
And here is a compilation of A Time Called You OSTs.
If you’re familiar with kdrama OSTs, you will recognize most of the artists on here, as well as some new covers of old songs. And again, the vibes are quite different. Whereas SOOD was very intentional and specific in its music choices, ATCY just sounds like every other kdrama. There is nothing on this tracklist that stands out or evokes the kind of feeling that the SOOD tracks do.
The Main Couple
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The name and timeline situation in this show makes this section unnecessarily difficult, so let me just make a little reference sheet here: 
Someday or One Day
Alice Ke plays Yu Xuan (2019) and Yun Ru (1998)
Greg Hsu plays Quan Sheng (2019) and Zi Wei (1998)
A Time Called You
Jeon Yeo Been plays Jun Hee (2023) and Min Yu (1998)
Ahn Hyo Seop plays Yeun Jun (2023) and Si Heon (1998)
All of the actors here are seasoned and very good at their jobs, so I am not casting shade on any of them—they are executing their performances based on writing and directorial choices. But I cannot deny that the Taiwanese version of these characters are more compelling all around. In SOOD, the main characters have a real spark; despite the melancholic undertone of the story, there are moments of genuine joy and when they connect with each other, you feel why this bond is strong enough for them to find each other through time and despite all the trauma they endure. In ATCY, however, the characterizations are muted.
This is most evident in the difference between Quan Sheng/Zi Wei and Yeon Jun/Si Heon. Greg Hsu plays Zi Wei as magnetic, playful, mischievous, utterly lovable, and very intense about his feelings for his lady. He has a real joie de vivre about him that clearly brightens up Yu Xuan’s life considerably, and his devotion to her is not just shown, but deeply felt. Experiencing their memories, you understand immediately why Yu Xuan can’t move on from his death; he was the joyful, relaxed counterpoint to her more ambitious and serious personality. Si Heon, though? He is a nice dude and a generous partner and he is very good looking. But he doesn’t have the playfulness or the intensity that his Taiwanese counterpart does. His personality is just more moderate all around. One great example of this: upon discovering that he has traveled forward into the body of the person that would become Yu Xuan/Jun Hee’s boyfriend, Zi Wei (in Quan Sheng’s body now, are you still with me?) actively decides to find her, love her, and try to solve this time loop quagmire they are in; Si Heon (in Yeon Jun’s body) waits for a moment of fate to give him a sign, and only makes the decision to pursue Jun Hee after running into her by coincidence.
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Similarly, Jun Hee is not quite as spunky and sassy as Yu Xuan and Min Yu is not as dark and awkward as Yun Ru; when Jun Hee travels to the past and takes up residence in Min Yu’s body, the differences between the two characters she is playing are not as evident. In SOOD, I could tell at a glance who is in Yun Ru’s body; in ATCY I need more context to be sure. Where Yun Ru had more of an edge, Min Yu simply reads very shy. It’s not as compelling. One scene that really stands out as an example of this: when Yun Ru is pretending to be Yu Xuan in 1998 and looks in the mirror to practice smiling, it looks downright creepy and sinister; when Min Yu is masquerading as Jun Hee and looks at herself in the mirror, she just looks awed and happy, if a bit awkward. It’s subtle, but it changes the way you feel about the characters. 
The difference in Jun Hee and Yeon Jun’s characterization also affects the couple chemistry, which is just not nearly as strong in ATCY. The characters are more muted and thus the expected sparks are more like smoldering embers. The relationship feels cozy and warm and nurturing, but it doesn’t feel vital. It doesn’t feel like the kind of relationship you would fight through time or break the rules of the universe to return to. I recall gasping or crying or laughing out loud throughout SOOD because I was constantly taken aback by Greg Hsu’s arresting presence and the chemistry he and Alice Ke generated was just emotionally riveting. When Yu Xuan told Zi Wei (as Quan Sheng) that they were officially together, that man literally jumped for joy and shouted out his love for her; Si Heon (as Yeon Jun) reacts to the same moment with a quiet smile and a hug. When Zi Wei saw Yu Xuan in Yun Ru’s body again in the finale, he knew instantly that it was her and the smile overtook his face as he reached for her; Si Heon initially called Min Ju’s name before getting closer and taking several beats to realize it was Jun Hee (ruining this iconic moment is perhaps this remake’s greatest sin against romance, my god). 
Everything between the couple in SOOD was just more, both in happiness and in despair. I liked Jun Hee and Si Heon, and Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeo Been are very competent actors whose performances I have loved in other dramas, but they didn’t achieve that level of chemistry here, the writing and directing choices worked against them, and I didn’t feel that same desperation for them to figure this out that I did with Yu Xuan and Zi Wei. 
The Story 
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The Korean version is a very faithful adaptation overall (I haven’t mentioned Jun Jie and In Gyuk because his character and story is more consistent across the two shows), but does make some small tweaks to the story, some of which seem to be out of necessity due to a shorter run time (one episode and a couple hours total less than the Taiwanese original) and some just… because? The shorter amount of story time does lead to them having to cut corners on some aspects of the mythology and time travel lore, making it all a bit less clear for folks who don’t already understand what’s going on, and they put in a few nods to typical kdrama tropes like amusement park dates and hand of fate stuff that we really didn’t need—they are already trapped in a time loop together, we get it!
ATCY also messed with the timelines and ages for reasons I don’t really understand and that don’t really track. In SOOD, Zi Wei traveled forward from 2002 to Quan Sheng’s body in 2010, met Yu Xuan, and then died in 2018. In ATCY, Si Heon traveled forward from 2002 only to 2007 and did not die until 2022—but the relationship dynamics are all the same. It made sense for a young couple who had been together about 7 years and who were in their mid-20s to be having the kind of relationship problems they did—fighting about prioritizing careers and time abroad and whether it was time to get married. But a couple who has been together nearly 15 years? Who are in their mid-30s? They would have already been married probably and had a couple kids to boot. The choice to change the timeline like this had me scratching my head and accomplished nothing for the story. 
But neither of those things are the change to the story that is weighing on me most. That occurs in a very small and brief backstory for the real Yeon Jun, where the drama introduces an original character who has no counterpart in SOOD: Tae Ha. 
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In SOOD, the real Quan Sheng is a closeted gay teenager who meets a tragic end: he confesses to his crush, gets brutally rejected, then gets bullied when the crush tells others about his sexuality, and ultimately decides to walk into the sea in an attempt to end his life, a choice that leaves his body in a coma until Zi Wei’s consciousness takes it over. In ATCY, this backstory changes and Rowoon is brought in for a brief but impactful cameo as Tae Ha, Yeon Jun’s cram school friend. We see that the two have mutual feelings for each other but are both struggling to confess. One day as they are driving together, they finally explicitly acknowledge their feelings, holding hands and smiling at one another—and then immediately get hit by a Truck of Doom (easily one of the most tired kdrama tropes), Tae Ha dying on impact and Yeon Jun ending up in a coma with Si Heon’s consciousness eventually taking over his body like in the original story. 
Now on first glance, you might be inclined to give the show some credit for including a new gay character and giving the original Yeon Jun a happier experience with his crush. Explicit gay representation? In a mainstream kdrama? Still very rare and a big deal if done right. But if you think for a moment longer you’ll realize we can’t give the show credit for this, because this is a textbook execution of the Bury Your Gays trope and the narrative punishment that befalls gay characters who act on their attraction. Essentially, what the Korean remake did here was reveal these two characters are gay, killed them both immediately after they decided to pursue a relationship with each other, and then had the het male lead character take over the body of this gay man and use it to enter into a relationship with a woman. Some aspects of this plot were present in the original tale, but this choice to add an additional gay character only to kill him and tie it to their moment of acknowledging their mutual attraction? Made it significantly worse. It was badly done and I will not applaud the drama for representation when they did it in such a cruel way. 
The Ending
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SOOD ends on a hopeful but somewhat ambiguous note, with Yu Xuan in 2020 finding a way to go back and save Yun Ru (and Jun Jie by extension) and then breaking the time loop, sacrificing her relationship with Zi Wei in the process even as it breaks her heart (because the only way for them to meet and fall in love in 2010 was to stay in the loop). She sacrifices their romance, and all their memories together, because it’s the right thing to do—she inadvertently destroyed Yun Ru’s life with her time traveling, and she couldn’t live with that knowing there was a way to fix it. We are left with a broken time loop, original teen Zi Wei meeting child Yu Xuan again in 1998, and the hope that they will find a way to make their fates align again and be together without time travel complications. It’s just the right bittersweet touch to end the story on; their previous relationship was lost and their sacrifice was real, but there is hope for another version of a happy life together, someday.
By contrast, ATCY goes for a more explicit happy ending: Jun Hee makes the same choice to go back and save Min Ju, and to break the time loop and sacrifice her relationship with Si Heon, but in ATCY we then jump forward to 2011 to a happy epilogue to see Si Heon and Jun Hee meet as adults. And look, I love a happy ending! But what I said above about the sacrifice Yu Xuan and Zi Wei made in SOOD really resonating because of its bittersweet ending? That’s absent here, because ATCY decided they needed to put a bow on it and reassure us they would get back together. ATCY was just never willing to let us stay in the grief or commit to the darker and sadder aspects of this story, and as a result, the whole thing loses some of its impact.
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akria23 · 5 months
Sharing my Investigation charts before Ep6 comes out. (Images best seen on desktop rather than mobile)
The first page is relationship lines & the mystery arc notes for the each group. The rest are my suspect theories.
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These charts will likely drastically change as we go along.
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NUTH: Is the obvious choice because he's the character the writers are pointing all the obvious clues and behavioral tendencies at. It makes it feel too easy. Granted - I know it feels too early to reveal the killer (if there is one) at this point but it’s not unheard of for a writer to reveal the killer early if there’s another aspect they want the audience to focus on (the kdrama Beyond Evil is a great example of this). He could be a lower level lackey (secondary) in the killing or he could actually be an all out red herring.
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PROM: I look at Prom through 2 separate theories - the one where he’s on a revenge arc & this one where he’s the killer. The thing about Prom is he’s incredibly sus, there’s so much mystery around him, he’s so measured in how he speaks, what he holds back & he always feels like he’s in the know ahead of Nont.
Even if he’s not the killer it feels like he’s hiding something of great importance or has his own motives going on. The way he interacts with Nont comes off as if he knew about him before he revealed himself. Let’s take the wine for example - when he offers Nont wine in the room he says it’s cause he thought he’d changed enough for wine…but he also offered Nont wine the very first night they got together at Playboyy - and this was intention cause he himself was drinking brown liquor but gave Nont wine rather than beer (which is what Nant) likes. - he’s NEVER offered Nont beer. So it wasn’t due to a shift after Nont started acting differently than Nant around him. He inserted himself into the investigation and then started to lead the investigation from behind by pointing Nont in the direction he thinks he should go.
Where I lose confidence in this theory is in the motive. I doubt he would’ve killed Nant in a possessive rage the way Nuth might have - he’s too calculated & represses his emotions. Even with that bout of jealousy with Nont he didn’t push the issue, instead he revamped excused affection instead. Prom seems to be the type that finds a way to do what he wants no matter what others may have wanted. There’s a possible drug connection- through sell rather than through use. Again there’s the intones of the invisible force, the behind the scenes mover and I could very well see that being Prom. It seems like a lot of guys in Playboyys are on drugs but would Prom really need to push drugs if he’s the Host of the club? His need for it is what I question right now rather than his ability to push it.
There’s always a question for every answer and maybe that’s why I have two separate theories about Prom & don’t feel fully comfortable yet saying which I think is more correct.
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NOBODY: There is obviously a possibly that there is no killer, that Nant wasn’t killed by another. There’s the possibility of suicide - Nant had been under a lot of extreme pressure and lack a good support system. Mental disorder (split personality) - this one is rather popular but I have trouble wrapping my brain around the photo of the twins cause it would mean dying his hair, taking a photo and then photoshopping two pics together…just feels like there’d have to be some level consciousness for that. Or Nant could b hiding out, on the run, from a debtor - considering he was supposedly on drugs and had a previous issue (with Soong) it’s possible.
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PORSCHE: This is probably my loosest theory built mostly from the bias I have against Porsche. I don’t know what is but I don’t trust him, I don’t like him. But all his violent and brattiness could boil down to an inferiority complex rather than murder and I know that but he still makes the cut cause everything about him rubs me wrong and I wouldn’t mind him be the bad guy (def if it’s in the stead of Prom 😭)
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starillusion13 · 5 months
Hello! Can I make a request? About Baekhyun's jealousy. His wife is a kdrama fan and has been a fan of Park Bogum for some time. The reader found Baekhyun's attitude sweet and funny. She was also surprised. He was never jealous of such things. (Maybe he needs some attention)
"He is really cute, what should I do?"
"They look beautiful together"
"Bogummy did a good job"
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when the reader noticed his jokingly angry tone.
The rest is up to you!!
Please some fluff things!! ❣❣
Are you jealous?
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Pairing: Baekhyun x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, slice of life
W.C: 1.4k
Warnings: none ( but mention of actor Park Bogum)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
You were giggling and munching on the snacks that were all displayed in front of you. Not even glancing at the things that you were eating, but eyes still fixed on the T.V screen where one of the most exciting dramas from your watch-list was playing.
The way you were cooing and making faces while watching the main lead as if you were talking about your high-school crush to your best-friend.
Something blocked your way of vision and annoyingly you tried to push away the person. But the person didn’t budge and stood at the place, hands resting on his hip.
“Hey, move. I’m watching T.V. I don’t want to miss a single scene.”
 You were trying to watch the screen from the person’s side but he was again blocking the view. Getting enough of the bullshit, you somehow paused the drama and looked up to see him standing, furrowed eyes and pout on his face.
You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the sofa and he sat beside you.
“What are you watching?”
You glanced at him and at the big screen. Can’t he see himself? But you were not feeling to talk back to him as you were already annoyed with him for interrupting your drama.
“K-Drama.” You said in a tone as if it was very obvious and you offered the chips towards him. He huffed his cheeks but grabbed some from the packet. He was trying his best to look intimidating and angry but you were finding his attitude cute and funny.
“Last night, you finished a K-drama and again you are watching this. Is it the same one?”
He looked confused at the screen and back at you when you were scrolling on your phone. Before he could speak anything, you held up your phone in front of him.
“Isn’t he cute, Baek?” You titled your head to side and peeked from behind your phone to look at him. He glanced between you and the person you were showing on your screen.
“Who is he?”
You smiled and scooted closer to him, “His name is Park Bogum. He is the cutest actor to me. Last night I finished watching ‘Encounter’ and now I’m watching his other k-drama, its named ‘Record of Youth’. I can’t get enough of his acting.”
He ‘tsk’ and hugged you to pull you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder to look down at your phone, where you were typing something.
“You are literally obsessed with him, Y/n.”
"He is really cute, what should I do?" you replied and cooed to the picture displaying on your phone screen without noticing the pout on his face.
You were scrolling through some images in google and tapped open one to show your boyfriend. He pretended to look away but you gripped his cheeks, pressing your fingers lightly to make him focus on what you were trying to show.
"They look beautiful together" you smiled, but to whom. Were you smiling at the couple you were showing from your last k-drama or your smile was for your boyfriend?
You leaned back into your boyfriend’s embrace and tried to grab the remote but he was quick to take it back from you.
"What? Are you going to watch with me? Bogummy did a good job and I know you will love his acting." Your cheerful tone was not setting right with him even when you were literally speaking about this another man in front of him. But he was atleast happy that you were smiling while sitting on his lap.
“Bogummy?...You are now calling him with a nickname. How come this person suddenly replacing me?”
You ignored his childish comments and pecked his cheek, it got him taken aback and you found it the chance for sneaking the remote from his hands. Just two seconds into the drama and it got turned off. You let out a groan and turned back to him and watched him smiling down at you.
You waited for him to reply and you raised your brows.
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when you noticed his jokingly angry tone.
Licking your lips, you scanned his face and felt hurt. He was sitting in front of you, so close to your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and still here you were ignoring him for the k-drama. Maybe, you love to watch them but nothing is more important or lovable to you than him, your boyfriend, Baekhyun. You turned around, now facing him to his side.
“Don’t tell me you are jealous with this actor.” He stared at you for a while before you continued. “If you are…then I don’t think you are much older than five years old.”
You stifled a laugh and he puffed your cheeks.
“Yes I am jealous. Look I came here yesterday but you were not even speaking with me and watching this man on repeat. Why is he so important?”
Oh. Your big baby needs some attention. But it’s your fault too as he came back after 1 week of exchange student project but without greeting him properly, you were watching your new crush. Well, celebrity crush. Your real crush is always Baekhyun.
“Aww my baby missed me. Come here, give me a hug.” You spoke to him in baby language and honestly you were cringing on your own tone but you were having fun in teasing him. But he held your extended hand and pinned them down while leaning forward.
“I see you got something or someone to spend your time with when am not around. It’s definitely I have missed you for one whole week but it seems like you didn’t even think about me for once because of this Bogummy guy.” His irritated tone was not harsh but it was funny to you.
You laughed lightly at the way he pronounced the name, even the nickname you said earlier.
“Now for whom are you being so smiley-smiley?” he narrowed his eyes and stared down at you. You were almost lying on the sofa and he was hovering on top of you.
“For….him.” It's fun to tase him.
“YAH!” He started tickling you and the room filled with both of your laughs. After a while when both of you were tired from tickling each other and laughing, you laid down and he rested his head on top of your chest. Your hands automatically started playing with his hairs.
“I missed you, Baek.” You told him softly.
He hummed to you and raised his head up to look at you. His hand caressed your face and head and combed your hairs. You closed your eyes and leaned to his touch. Damn, how you missed his touch so much.
He smiled at you and before your lips could curl up, he connected his lips with you. You smiled in the kiss and there was a desperation in the kiss. From both the sides. You both have missed each other for one week and you both are childish for each other. It’s okay as in the end it’s only you both for each other. Your hands moved around his neck to keep him close to you and he held your jaw and head.
Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours. A glint of happiness flickering in his eyes.
“Did I make you forget him now?”
“Baek, you are still onto it. Come on. I love you. He is just a celebrity crush.”
He laughed and nodded.
"I love you too, Y/n." you pecked him.
“But next time, before leaving I will make sure that you don’t fall in love with another celebrity.”
“And what are you even going to do?”
“All the things you are watching and loving, I’m going to reenact them in reality.” He had that mischievous look with the teasing smirk on his face but you smirked back at him.
“I would love to see them. Afterall its you who would be doing those things to me.”
Again the room got filled with laughter.
Literally whenever I imagine Baekhyun, it feels like he is my real boyfriend. He is my first love in k-pop and no one can ever replace him.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
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maleyanderecafe · 4 months
Hi! I've been craving some yandere content that's not manga, webtoon, manwa, etc. Do you have recommendations that are movies, tv shows, maybe some kdrama too? Just not manga, anime and the sort.
Sorry this one took a kabillion years to answer. Back in October, Cherry and I basically had a yandere movie month where we would just watch a bunch of movies that were labeled as Male Yandere movies because horror month (which is unfortunate for me because I don't really like horro movies). Anyways, besides the short list here that has some TV shows, here's some stuff we watched. Some of this will be later put in as recommendations, probably on Tuesdays.
Hush Little Baby- we're going to start out with some lifetime movies because they're low calorie and turn off brain fun to watch. About a neighbor kid who comes in to babysit the main character's kid only to cause problems to the entire family.
Swim at Your Own Risk- another lifetime movie. About a swim team girl who has a fling with the swim couch after taking a break with her boyfriend. Things go wrong as the swim couch gets obsessed with her.
You Belong to Me - another lifetime movie. About a lady who finds out that someone is stalking her and tries to figure out who it is after they try to murder her boyfriend.
Addicted/Obsessed- Addicted is the korean movie and Obsessed is the English remake. About twins, one of which is married to the female lead, where they both have an accident. The husband dies, however, the other seems to have been possessed by the husband.
LadyHawke - older movie, but the yandere is the main villain. About a main character who escapes prison and finds a couple who is cursed to turn into a wolf and hawk respectively during the day and night, fated to never be together.
Well Intentioned Love- Chinese drama, though the yandere portion only really shows up in the first season. About a girl who has lukemia and has to have a contract marriage with the only person who can give her a doner bone marrow match. Driver is best character.
Disco Pigs- Pretty surreal movie in some cases. About two childhood friends, Pig and Runt who love each other as Pig becomes more and more obsessed with her as the movie goes on.
Labyrinth - I probably won't write a recommendation for this one because the yandere portion really only shows up in the song, but it's still a fun movie with David Bowie. I even read the comic for it just to check but the yandere portion seems to only show up in the song.
The Boy - I actually watched this with another friend that was obsessed with wallmen, but its a pretty fun movie overall. I think most people know this one though. About a lady who moves in and babysits a doll while trying to escape her abusive ex.
Within - also another movie I watched with my wallmen obsessed friend. About a family that moves into a house that turns out to be haunted in one way or another.
What If…Dr. Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? - Sorcerer Supreme in general in general seems like a yandere since his entire goal is to just bring back Christine at all costs. He also just generally shows up in other episodes of the What If? Series.
Heathers - I heard the movie version isn't nearly as yandere, but the musical version is for sure.
Phantom of the Opera- I'm kind of cheating with this one because it's like one of the OG male yandere stuff, but hey, if you haven't heard or watched it yet, well you know.
That's about it for now since usually Cherry and I don't watch a ton of movies. Might change after a while, but we'll see. Maybe in February we'll try to have a tv drama month to watch stuff.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Lookism and their silly lil hobbies
My headcannons of their less obvious interests!
Daniel: now he's in the fashion department and earning some money, he guesses he should take more of an interest in current trends. He's still wearing Jay's castoffs and he's happy with them but he takes a huge interest in women's fashion for his momma. She's worked hard and she deserves nice things and Daniel wants to spoil her 🥰
Jay: his hobby? Daniel. His thoughts? Daniel. His dreams? Daniel. But guns and motorbike? This boy has a thing for Hollywood action films and he has pretty good taste too. Classics-ish such as Matrix, Terminator, John Wick
Zoe: she loves watching animal rehab videos on social media, and even the videos of newtubers helping out homeless or down on their luck people. Most of it may be scripted but the act of kindness (even for selfish purposes) makes her melt
Vasco: you think this man doesn't have a Pinterest account? He doesn't spend his spare time putting boards together? His boards aren't public? He's not ashamed. He's got at least 1 for parties, 1 for golden retrievers and 1 for Hero Man pics
Jace: kdramas, the more romantic with as many tropes the better. He likes a good story filled with miscommunication, lots of crying, scenes in the rain and open eyed kisses 😳
Zack: sneaky little hobby of reading up on supernatural shit. After running into the ghost of J High, he's been absorbed with ghosts and demons - in particular how to avoid getting cursed...
Mira: meditation. Putting up with Zack all the time and the violent boys, she needs her moment of peace before she gets overwhelmed. She's also had some pretty traumatic experiences, so this helps her to centre and recollect her thoughts
Johan: unironically a sneakerhead. Started off researching expensive shoes so he can recognise them but now he's fully into the hobby. Way too tight to buy any for himself when he could be saving for his momma's operation but it's nice to window shop 🥺
Vin Jin: we all know he would be twerking to Dukes music. But apart from obviously his music (cos music is his life yknow), he would be leaving hate messages and death threats on Dukes social media and fanpages. He hate watches Dukes live streams but cant stop the twerk creeping up on him
Mary Kim: she's in the Vocal and Dance department but this girl can shred like no tomorrow. She has a band she's the lead vocalist and guitarist of that she keeps off Vins radar so he can keep the shitty rap to himself
Crystal: hiking and the outdoors. It's a way to keep her second body fit and get away from her desk and all the business bullshit. During the days that Gun acts as her bodyguard, she tells him to stay at least 50ft away so he doesn't ruin the mood
Jake: memelord. Cos at least humour is free. He collects pics and memes, and has so many shitty dad jokes up his sleeve to send to the Big Deal members and groupchats that he often gets kicked out or blocked. Hearing their exasperation at another one of his messages always brightens up his day
Samuel: lol drinking as a hobby. this man should be spending all his spare time in therapy but can't win them all 🤷‍♀️ Doesn't do much on his own time that doesn't advance his goals but enjoys sipping on some smooth expensive shit. Not the best for his health, but he needs something to block out the demons
Lua: not the queen of info for nothing. Spends a lot of her time on social media, forums and the dark web reading up on info (and gossip). Shes also kicked up a gear with her Muay Thai training so the assholes in Big Deal would stop underestimating her
Sinu: all that time being locked up with that little bit of chalk? You know what he did? HE'S A FIC WRITER. Headcannons of Big Deal, Sinu X Yeonhui. What the guys would be doing now, what sort of girlfriend Yeonhui would be (I wrote this as a joke but it's pretty depressing)
Gun: you thought that was a casual notepad and pen he had on hand for brekdaks autograph? No bitch its his actual autograph book. He lives and breathes fighting and fangirls a little internally meeting his fighting idols
Goo: anime and boardgames. Yes yes he's a nerd ok. He watched 1 too many anime shows and in his head he's the protagonist fighting his way to the top, with his sidekick Gun. But who do you think left all the boardgames in that shitty house? Gun is boring and Goo needs entertaining. It's one way to let them get competitive without beating the shit out of each other... Usually
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 days
My final thoughts on Lovely Runner!
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Things I loved about this ending:
No more time travelling. I was SO SURE we were going to go back in time one more time and had been bracing myself for it. And after seeing all these theories online, I really thought the one who was gonna go back in time was Sunjae. Beyond glad I was wrong about this. I was kinda dizzy with all these travels in time.
The way Sunjae got all of his memories from all the timelines back. I know it's technically the same person but the fact that the Sunjae we first met in the drama was fed up with everything and full of guilt always made me sad. That man needed a happy ending more than any of his "versions" lol I'm happy he got that and knew he was loved and saved, time and time again, by the girl he loved.
One hour of fluff! I'm so used to dramas pulling one last annoying twist in the final hour, that I'm pleasantly surprised it wasn't the case here. We got one hour of our leads being happy and in love. The romcom was romcom-ing till the last minute.
Taesung is officially the best second male lead in the history of kdramas. I don't accept any arguments. It's the truth. His character served a purpose and was key to ending that ill fate otp had with the psycho killer. He had the brain cells when our leads didn't lol And I love the fact that his friendship with Sol put him on the right path in life to become such a great detective and person. In a way, just like Sunjae, Sol's love for him, also saved his life.
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Having said all this, and stating that this is gonna be a hard drama to top, I stand by the fact that romcoms in kdramas should be 12 episodes. Up until last year, some had been done that way and I don't know if this is somehow a controversial take to have, but I do believe this drama wasn't the exception *hides underneath the table*
Listen, I don't think it "dragged" because a lot of things were indeed happening, but my obsession for the story peaked at ep 8. If we never got a reason or backstory for the killer (which I don't hate but still why bring him in the first place? lol) we didn't need to expand the story another 8 eps. What we got instead, was more pain and trauma inflicted on the main leads, especially on Sol. Just to... what? Get even with Sunjae's love and own regrets?
Getting even with him and showing she loved him just as much, for me, was Sol going back in time to save him. I didn't need a "sacrifice" on her part to know that.
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They were so cute this ep lol
Finally, I guess it's kind of poetic that Sol became devoted to Sunjae to the point of traveling time and space to save him, because of his songs, and once that purpose was served, he no longer had to be a singer in the new timeline. His love was why he wrote and made those songs. When he had no memories of Sol, there was no reason to longingly sing for her, but I still found it a bit sad. Like something was lost, you know? But this is me just being picky hahahah the fangirl in me will never like to lose the memories I have made thanks to the music I've loved.
And I guess in the end, it's kind of romantic only Sol and Sunjae remember those songs. Like a little souvenir between the two of how epic their love story was.
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lol always a loser till the end.
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