#teo mattress
lowpassed · 2 months
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suugarbabe · 8 months
just friends | m.r. x reader
prompt: Can you do a Mattheo riddle friends to lovers. And Draco asks you out then Mattheo gets jealous and him and Draco have a fight and you help clean all his cuts and stuff? If you can’t that’s fine though ❤️
warnings: mentions of blood, angst, fluff
word count: ~1.5k
a/n: i forgot about the requests i had saved in my google doc so here's one sorry guys.
People thought you and Mattheo being best friends was odd at first. Upon first meeting, people assumed you were quiet and sweet and slow to anger. However when a girl tried to push you around in second year and you landed a hard right hook to her nose, people stopped questioning your friendship and started questioning when you guys were going to start dating. 
You both often played those comments off, saying you were best friends nothing more. Not knowing the other was desperate for the change in relationship status. 
So when Draco asked you to Hogsmead one weekend, you didn’t really have a reason to say no. However when Mattheo found out, he had a less than pleasant response. 
“Are you seriously going with him?” Mattheo was ripping pieces of parchment and throwing them in the fire. You laid across the couch, handing him a new sheet of parchment when he’d finish the other. 
“It’s just Hogsmead, Teo. I’m not betrothed to your cousin,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing. Mattheo was grumbling in response. 
You sat up on your elbows, “What was that?” Mattheo shook his head, standing up from the floor, “Nothing. Have fun with cousin, tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear all about it.” 
He walked off towards the hall, sounding very much like a stomping toddler and not like he was excited to hear about how your date went tomorrow afternoon. You huffed out an annoyed sigh, deciding to head back to your own dorm. Pansy was sitting atop her bed when you came in and slammed the door behind you. 
“Care to tell the doctor why you’re so peeved?” Pansy sat up at the head of her bed. You groaned, flopping yourself face first on her mattress, mumbling into her duvet. “Come again, dear?” 
You rolled over, staring at the top of her four poster, “Mattheo is being an arsehole.” Pansy couldn’t help but snort, “Tell me something new, Y/n/n.” You groaned again, “He’s never an arse to me, like never ever. Not like he just was. I don’t know what his problem is. Shouldn’t he be happy that my date is at least with someone he knows and likes? I could’ve had a date with Diggory, or even,” you faked a gag, “Potter.” 
Pansy couldn’t help the laugh that emitted from her throat, “I think you’re reaction alone let’s everyone know that the latter would never be an option.” You smiled weakly at her, “Yeah, suppose you’re right.” You sat up now, tucking your feet under you, “I just don’t get what the big deal is. He’s adamant that he and I are just friends, so why get mad when I finally get a date?” 
Pansy looked at you dumbfounded, “Y/n/n, please tell me you’re not that daft.” Your jaw dropped slightly, “What do you mean?” It was Pansy’s turn to groan, “If you can’t see it, I’m not telling you. You’re just going to have to pay more attention.”
You sighed out in annoyance, getting up from her bed and changing into your pyjamas. Pansy dropped the subject, as did you. You laid your head down on your pillow, doing your best to get Mattheo’s judgemental tone out of your mind, which only caused your dreams to be filled with him. 
Your trip to Hogsmead was actually really nice. Draco was a complete gentleman, helping you into and out of the carriage, holding the doors open for you, buying your favorite candies, even buying your lunch and butter beer. 
On the ride back in the carriage, you thanked Draco for a lovely afternoon. He smiled shyly, “Of course, Y/n/n. A beautiful girl like you deserves to be given all the attention and doted on dutifully.” You smiled bashfully, “You’re very kind, Draco.” Draco reached for your hand as you stepped out of the carriage at the doors of the castle. 
You took it, thanking him again as you stepped back to the ground. You opened your mouth to say something when suddenly Draco was ripped from in front of you. You took a shocked step back, trying to focus on the two bodies rolling around on the ground when you noticed it was Mattheo that attacked him. 
Draco and Mattheo were landing blows back and forth. While Mattheo was a few months younger, he was larger, muscular wise than Draco. You worried a bit for Draco, but when he landed an elbow in Mattheo’s ribs, causing him to roll off Draco, the blonde boy stood, walking toward you. 
You opened your mouth to apologize, but Draco cut you off, wiping the blood from his bottom lip, “You two need to sort whatever the fuck you are.” He turned back to look at Mattheo getting up from the ground before turning back to you, “I suggest you take him back to your dorm and clean him up. Have a fucking conversation.” 
You looked back toward Mattheo, who was now looking at the ground. You walked over, grabbing his wrist, “C’mon, Teo. I’ll clean you up.” The walk back to your dorm was silent sans for the sound of both your boots on the corridor floors. When you got to your dorm you led him to the edge of your bed, motioning for him to sit while you got some supplies from the ensuite bathroom. 
When you came back, you opened the first aid kit, grabbing some gauze and soaking it in healing potion. You dabbed the gauze on the bridge of his nose where a fresh cut was now open. Mattheo winced away, “Fucking Salazars dick, Y/n/n, that fucking burns!” 
You grabbed hold of his chin, turning his face toward you again, “Well I wouldn’t even have to do this if you didn’t mindlessly attack Draco. What was that, Teo?” Mattheo avoided your eyes, looking off to the side. 
Your fingers gave his cheeks a gentle squeeze before dabbing his nose again, he winced slightly before meeting your eyes, “You shouldn’t have gone to Hogsmead with him.” You watched as the potion closed the cut on his nose, a pink scar now taking its place. 
You grabbed one of his hands, holding your wand above it, “And why’s that?” Mattheo watched as you waved your wand, quietly muttering a healing spell that closed the cuts over his knuckles leading to fresh scars being formed there, “Because you should have gone with me.” 
Golden brown eyes met yours when you finally looked up, “Teo, we’ve gone to Hogsmead together a bunch of times. Why was this one any different.” Mattheo shook his head, “No, y/n/n, you’re…ugh, you’re not getting it. I don’t want to go with you as your friend. I-I kind of…fancy you.” 
You couldn’t help it when your eyes widened a bit, a small small forming on your face, “You kind of fancy me?” You saw Mattheo’s shoulders physically relax, a smile forming on his lips, “Okay, I really fancy you.” 
You set your wand down on the nightstand before taking a step closer to Mattheo, now fully nestled in between his open legs. “And how long have you really fancied me, Mr. Riddle?” You played with the collar of his t-shirt. You really did love it when Mattheo dressed more casually, you’ll have to tell him. 
Mattheo was feeling more confident now, placing his hands on the backs of your thighs, "Are you gonna hit me if I say a year?" Your eyebrows shot up, "A year? Mattheo Marvelo are you telling me we could've been dating for a year now but you were to wuss to say anything to me?"
At first he opened his mouth to apologize, but his brain quickly made the connections to what your statement alluded, "Y/n Y/m/n, are you saying that you have also fancied me for the last year?"
It was your turn to act reserved, "I mean...yes?" Mattheo's hands on your thighs gave a quick squeeze, causing your to squeal and grab his wrists.
Mattheo smiled at your giggles, now bringing his hands to either side of your face, "Well, looks like we've got lots to make up for, don't we love."
You nodded your head, closing the gap between the two of you, finally allowing your lips to connect with your best friend you've been pining over for the last year
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chrisevansonly · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈𝐭 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬, 𝐈𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: when charles needs someone to turn to it’s his mother who can help provide him with the insight he needs to try and find the solution to mend his relationship with you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: angst, mentions of arguments, some fluff
𝐚/𝐧: here we are chapter 5 and this time we are doing a little charles pov hehe and we are still in the angst phase but don’t worry i promise things will turn around soon, this is a smaller chapter again🫶🏻
𝐰𝐜: 900 something?
Twenty Four hours that was the amount of time that passed until Charles was crawling at the walls, beginning to go crazy at the unanswered calls and texts he’d been sending to you since you walked out of the door. Arthur could only help his brother so much before he deemed it an issue for Maman Leclerc to handle, and Charles was starting to see that too. Truth be told this was the last thing he wanted to happen to his family, he hated himself for getting so angry and so loud with you, his angel, his wife. 
If there was one thing Charles wasn’t it was a hateful man, he had so much love to give and share with you, seeing your face crumple and the tears that rolled down your face was enough to have him kicking himself in the ass. He almost felt stupid as he pulled into the driveway of his mothers, getting out of his car only to freeze as you walked out with Matteo.
“Papa, Papa!!!” the toddler squealed excitedly 
“Bonjour petit prince”
He watched as you let go of his hand so he could run over to hug him, Charles was quick to pick Matteo up and press a few kisses to his face 
“Papa play please?”
“No baby, I can’t play right now, maybe later okay? You go home with maman alright?”
The two year old frowned not understanding why he couldn’t play with his dad, but held his arms out for you to take him back, barely glancing at him
Your voice sounded tired, a slight edge to it which the Monégasque only had himself to blame for that 
“Not now.”
With that he watched you place Teo in his car seat, quickly getting into the driver’s side door and speeding away from the house, almost like you couldn’t get away from him fast enough, another pang of hurt spreading through him. Blinking back the tears in his eyes, he looked towards the front door where Pascale waited, a knowing look on her face, as soon as Charles reached her she was quick to kiss his cheek and pull him in for a hug.
“Mon Charlie, tu as l’air tellement bleu” 
“Parce que j’ai le blues, maman.”
Charles followed his mother into the house, taking a seat on the couch while Pascale got them both a cup of tea, just how he liked it of course. Silence filling the air as he figured out what to say, where to start, shame quick to cloud his brain as soon as he began to think too hard.
“Seems like you both had a little trouble recently?”
He was quick to look up at his mother, the worry in her eyes enough to let him know she knew everything already 
“I fucked up maman…I-I”
“Chérie you made a mistake and it can be fixed, you know Y/N, she loves you so much despite how she is feeling, and I know she feels horribly about how she reacted as well..”
“Really because she acted like she hates me outside.” 
Charles closed his eyes, letting out a breath 
“She is hurting Char, and I know you want to be there for her and help her through it, but I think right now she needs a bit more time to breath, and you do too, so youre staying here with me, you can help me make dinner tonight, your brothers will be here too.”
Pascale waved her hand 
“Pas de dispute avec moi, tu ne viens plus que rarement me voir pour dîner.”
With that Charles nodded, excusing himself to go up to his old room, letting himself fall against the mattress, he didn’t know what to do, where to go, how to feel, all he knew was he missed you and he missed Matteo. It almost tore his heart apart to see his son’s sad eyes knowing he wasn’t coming home with you like he usually did. 
He felt like a failure as a father and a failure as a husband, but deep down was he a horrible person for wanting to share his passion with his little boy? No, far from, and you knew that, you did which is what gnawed away at you, unbeknownst to Charles. What he did know is he wanted to fix things, and fix things fast because a day without you felt like a lifetime, and it was something he wished to never feel again, even as he stared at the unanswered texts.
▸Charles: can we talk tomorrow…? please
He stared at the screen, patiently, crossing her fingers and hoping to see three dots pop up at the bottom. Seconds turned into minutes, which turned into almost half an hour before his screen lit up, the background you and Matteo when he was first born
▸Amour: okay, just come to the house whenever.
Charles was quick to type back
▸Charles: okay, okay thank you baby! i love you so much..
He didn’t think it was pushing it to text his usual i love you but when you didn’t answer back, he wondered if it was, if he had pushed you already, sending you further away, he only hoped he hadn’t messed up to the point where he really was losing you forever.
It wasn’t until roughly an hour later that his phone screen lit up once more, this time an attachment was sent, a photo of Matteo cuddled up with Charles’s favourite sweater, curled onto your chest a simple ‘we love you too papa❤️’ written below it.
Maybe things would change for the better, maybe there was enough time to fix what had been broken, and to get back to being a family.
ʚlittle karter taglist
@goldenalbon @goldenmclaren @a1leexxa @treehouse-mouse @therealcap @wintfleur
english translations:
bonjour petit prince - hello little prince
mon Charlie, tu as l’air tellement bleu - my charlie, you look so blue
parce que j’ai le blues maman - because i am blue/i have the blues mom
Pas de dispute avec moi, tu ne viens plus que rarement me voir pour dîner - no arguments for me, you rarely come see me for dinner.
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soulshardarchive · 23 years
24:03:6 - well ...
24:01:05 - gr8, have you ever wondered how it all ends?
24:00:00 - The Apocalypse of the Soul ⭐
23:12:27 - I died, and spoke with living
23:12:24 - The Yule Tree
23:12:23 - well, itsjustkindofastoryaboutagirl, whose nose was stolen
23:12:21 - bye!
23:12:08 - and just falling stars..
23:12:05 - and just empty mattresses and falling stars
23:12:01 - bro... ure dead, with minus seven hundred
23:11:25 - you guys
23:11:24 - im not waiting to be adopted, ive adopted myself
23:11:02 - #?/*Đ% "+ $&@# */&&#
23:10:29 - Samhain is Coming, i feel in my bones
23:10:21 - Friends here
23:10:20 - The city of cold
23:10:02 - Krwlng, Lets begin
23:09:30 - Im lost in my words
23:09:23 - Idwannatalkabout, but its ... its cold, and its me
23:09:19 - The Anger
23:09:13 - I dont give a shit...I know how down I come from
23:09:08 - Im arrived at the sacred center ⭐
23:09:05 - I felt the hate rise up in meh
23:09:02 - You Know...
23:09:01 - Everything is happenig
23:08:28 - Drink Wine in the Cinema Before Drive, Thankyu
23:08:26 - Okay, Little Horcrux is walking around the city
23:08:24 - The Witch with that Fckin Cards
23:08:21 - Valleys of Casa Grande and Dining Pasta Hill ⭐
23:08:15 - Choking on the Bed
23:08:12 - City of Firefly Lanterns sayin Wellcome Back Again
23:08:07 - I'm curious why you're leaving me, guys...
23:07:29 - Wellcoming
23:07:15 - Oldschool Lake Flow
23:07:04 - The Place...Called Home ⭐
23:06:27 - Hey Wuk, Re U Seein Meh? Im the 17!
23:06:24 - Explodig Night of Fireflies and Arabic Coffe ⭐
23:06:01 - What is known ⭐
23:05:26 - Seagulls and The Camper Van Tales
23:05:25 - The Ultimate Wonder-Deco Shinobi Team ⭐
23:05:17 - Holden Caulfield said correctly
23:05:16 - No one, but at least the dead people talk with me
23:05:09 - Ya, it is a Brand New Day
23:04:28 - Taste the Suffering boi
23:04:08 - I remember you Ice Stack and Magic Buttons ⭐
23:03:23 - Super Team
23:03:16 - The Gods Smile ⭐
23:03:10 - And the Singing Moon, started a Quiet Song 🔒
23:03:04 - Oh Fuck, I have to go to jump out of a plane
23:03:03 - She tried to save meh from that necklace
23:03:01 - Old roads
23:02:22 - A little piece from the Goddess
23:02:11 - I'd love to die today
23:02:01 - Enter
23:01:10 - Tom the Adventurer
23:01:01 - Sky Cloud Meads ⭐
22:12:23 - The Day of Spirit
22:12:12 - Christmas Chaos
22:11:13 - Everything happened for me to be here now
22:11:01 - Celebration in Monster City Center Basement
22:10:20 - The Trick
22:10:15 - Nion
22:09:23 - Burnout
22:09:17 - The Inner Cave Dream
22:09:10 - Past, Present, Be strong for Future
22:08:30 - Lessons
22:08:19 - Atum Seshat ⭐
22:08:13 - Exist
22:08:10 - How you get here
22:08:01 - Gates of the Paradise ⭐
22:07:09 - Across the half World
22:07:05 - Teo Checked Me
22:07:03 - Seth
22:06:30 - Reb’s Gift 🔒 ⭐
22:06:03 - Black Reeds
22:06:17 - The Present
22:06:10 - These are Different Lessons
22:06:08 - Just one word remained: Reb
22:06:04 - Nice Prayers in the Oaks of the Temple
22:05:29 - Between
22:05:20 - You are my Friends!
22:05:16 - Mugwort tastes like the Moon
22:05:12 - The Job
22:05:01 - The First Summer Fires in the Woods
22:04:29 - Poets from shadows
22:04:28 - Ravens
22:04:25 - Almost Done, or not?
22:04:14 - Du you want a puff?
22:04:11 - Funny Ghosts
22:03:26 - Wuk, Mira, Everybody, What happened?
22:03:22 - Underworld Tales
22:03:22 - Annwn ⭐
22:03:16 - I’m a forgotten, empty place, from a previous world
22:02:22 - Cold Empty Matrasess and Falling Stars
22:02:17 - No-No! Students do not open random portals!
22:02:13 - Immrama Islands
22:02:12 - Egypt’s Ancient Dreams
22:01:28 - The Druids Egg
22:01:17 - The Gate to the Triple Goddess ⭐
22:01:08 - Journey in Past 🔒
21:12:16 - One Tribe
21:12:15 - The Dream of Alchemy ⭐
21:12:04 - Headphones and Black Pants
21:11:27 - The Sacred Center
21:11:11 - Land, Sea, Sky
21:10:03 - These are Cold Dawns
21:09:19 - Nightmares and Cardboard Boxes
21:09:13 - Little Ghost Girl of Amsterdam
21:09:04 - At The End Of History II. ⭐
21:08:31 - Kukulkan’s Bloody Pyramids
21:08:29 - The Emerald tables of Thoth
21:08:28 - Base Of Ancestors III.
21:08:24 - IX.
21:08:23 - You Known, Too High Level Wand…
21:08:13 - Druids From Magh Mor 🔒 ⭐
21:08:08 - Wellcome to Paradise
21:08:05 - 12 Towers of Babylon
21:07:28 - The Oak Tree
21:07:24 - Valley of Wonders ⭐
21:07:20 - The Cherry Tree Elemental and the Gnomes
21:07:10 - We Are, Together
21:07:05 - All or Nothing
21:07:01 - The Hanged Man
21:06:22 - Fuck You! 🔒
21:06:13 - The Higher Law ⭐
21:06:10 - Third
21:06:06 - Ivy on Empty houses
21:06:05 - I wouldn't kill you, Friend
21:06:04 - Never look back
21:06:02 - See You Mira
21:05:22 - The last day in This Circle
21:04:27 - Snow Mountains
21:04:11 - The Witch and The Strawberry Tree
21:04:09 - Waking up in the previous dream
21:03:15 - The Ghost of Great-Grand Mother 🔒 ⭐
21:03:09 - A Little Deer Spirit Saved Me
21:03:03 - Get Backpack, but nobody knows
21:02:21 - The Three Glyphs of the Elf Woman
21:01:16 - Underworld of Earth II .
21:01:01 - Fall down, into the Black Hole
20:12:28 - The Sad And Angry Bride Ghost
20:12:12 - Underworld of Earth?
20:12:04 - Base Of Ancestors II. ⭐
20:10:26 - The Joy of The Fireplace With Them 🔒 ⭐
20:10:19 - A Prophecy from the World’s End by a Forest Girl Spirit ⭐
20:10:13 - Again
20:09:23 - Tiramisu Mira ⭐
20:09:01 - The Song of Shepherds
20:08:22 - Shadow Hand
20:08:16 - Lost Magic
20:08:15 - Small Grey Hermit Smell
20:08:07 - The Great-GrandMother's Underworld
20:08:04 - Dancing feet on Summer Rainy Meads ⭐
20:08:03 - The World of Dreamers ⭐
20:08:01 - Ister-Gam ⭐
20:07:21 - The Magic Shop
20:07:10 - Legend of Roe Deer Creek
20:07:04 - Roe Deer’s Clan ⭐
20:07:01 - Just 7 hours Remained
20:06:28 - Star Systems
20:06:23 - We Have One Earth
20:06:10 - Reverse
20:05:27 - Jakks’s Mail
20:04:19 - Another Living Line
20:04:07 - We Are One
20:04:05 - Survive Until Dawn
20:04:03 - Spirit of the Forest
20:04:01 - VLM
20:03:15 - Where always 03:03 AM ⭐
20:03:06 - Trust in Life
20:02:24 - At The End Of History
20:01:01 - We From Earth
19:12:12 - Princess of Frozen Moon 🔒
19:12:08 - Kicked the Moon, Across the Sky 🔒
19:12:06 - Place Called Home
19:12:02 - The Biggest Smoke Clouds
19:10:15 - First in the Depth of The Underworld ⭐
19:10:13 - Zeta Reticuli 🔒
19:09:13 - The Clamp Knockdown
19:08:13 - Sunken Worlds Song ⭐
19:08:06 - Dancing Deer Spirit of the Drum
19:07:31 - Rising Sun, Setting Sun 🔒
19:06:10 - What About Forest? ⭐
19:05:22 - R. From Earth
19:04:25 - Soulshards ⭐
19:04:18 - I don’t want to hear it
19:03:10 - Icaros
19:03:08 - Sweet Bhajanas alone in Temple
19:01:27 - Ben
19:01:03 - Travel, Faith, Love, Lust
18:12:19 - The Glass Table
19:12:06 - Ann’s Magic Buttons ⭐
18:11:22 - Message From the Earth
18:11:08 - The Bird Question
18:10:13 - I want to see with my own eyes ⭐
18:10:13 - Only those who can die, Can Live
18:09:12 - Death Mirror
18:07:07 - Maha Prasadam
18:05:13 - Black & White
18:05:10 - With Me
18:04:16 - Garden of Eden
18:04:01 - Fixed Gear
18:02:23 - Cold Bus Stations
18:01:01 - Without You
17:12:07 - Home like a Temple
17:11:22 - Come Back
17:10:10 - Friends
17:09:08 - The Temple ⭐
17:08:01 - Don’t Leave Me
17:07:07 - Litte Town
17:06:24 - Raspberries Everywhere
17:05:09 - Separating in Process
17:04:18 - Hippies
17:03:11 - Lost in Travels
17:02:21 - Sex, Drugs and You
17:01:01 - Her Name is Ket 🔒
16:12:24 - Who Are You? ⭐
16:11:16 - Hearth Breakers
16:10:27 - Leave The Big Cities
16:09:06 - Forest in the Center of Concrete Jungle
16:08:05 - Keep the Flow
16:07:07 - Thanks Yall
16:06:13 - The Mead Again
16:05:19 - I lose Ang’s Hearth
16:04:04 - Punks Are Dead
16:03:27 - Trainstaions End
16:02:01 - Learn to be Free
16:01:01 - Whistle Back
15:12:16 - Cutted Rowel
15:11:20 - Red Flag
15:10:19 - Travel, Travel, and Travel
15:09:01 - Recreations
15:08:22 - Bye Ang! I’m Travel Again
15:07:23 - Back to the Home
15:06:16 - Long Ways to PK
15:06:22 - Everybody has a Brick
15:05:03 - 2 Times Homeless
15:04:23 - He is
15:04:18 - Ren
15:03:28 - The Start
14:06:02 - The Mead
14:05:22 - Pistols and Ropes🔒
14:05:01 - Child what? I’m getaway 🔒
14:04:21 - Hang-Air
14:04:18 - She has two parents and a little dog
14:02:04 - Cold Streets, Cod Hearts
13:05:11 - Dom
13:01:01 - Connectors
12:12:21 - Waiting for what?
11:05:07 - The Blue Pocket
10:04:12 - Cigarettes at the back of the Church
09:01:01 - Anyone?
08:07:07 - Visions, Lucid Dreams, Others ⭐
08:06:04 - Sky World
07:07:07 - Self Awareness
06:03:12 - Square World
05:07:07 - Just me, My Dog, and Our Meads ⭐
04:04:21 - Base Of Ancestors
04:??:?? - Bye Mom 🔒
04:??:?? - He said my lovely legs, the other broke them 🔒
03:??:?? - Something In Shadows
01:01:?? - Bye Dad 🔒
00:00:00 - XXI. Century
98:07:07 - Waking up in a Next Dream
0 notes
mcmahonfrederiksen · 2 years
<h1>Titan Gel Có Hiệu Quả Thông? Tác Hại, Cách Sử Dụng & Lựa Chọn Ở Đâu?</h1>
Gel bôi bóng Femystigue Enhance Sexual Pleasure kích thích nữ chính thương hiệu Mỹ là loại gel có thể giúp tăng kích quí khoái cảm mang đến phái nữ. Đồng thời cũng là một trong loại bôi trơn gốc nước an toàn được nhiều chị em tin mặc dùng, đem lại hạnh phúc gia đình trọn vẹn. Sản phẩm uy tín được, đạt tiêu chuẩn chỉnh của FDA - Cục tráin lý Thực phẩm và Dược phẩm Hoa Kỳ. Nếu không may chọn mua nhầm và dùng, nó thông những thông đem lại hiệu quả mà còn phải ảnh tận hưởng nghiêm trọng tới sức khỏe sinh đẻ của đấng mày râu. Bởi vậy, các bạn cần thiết cẩn trọng, lựa lựa chọn cho cơ sở buôn bán hàng chủ yếu hãng sản xuất để lựa chọn được sản phẩm có chất lượng chất lượng. còn có chứa chấp chiết xuất bạch tật lê, bạch quả,… Đây đều là những vị thuốc nổi tiếng vào đông y từ ngày xưa, được mặc dùng nhiều trong các bài xích dung dịch bổ thận tráng dương, góp kích quí cơ thể tiết testosterone bất ngờ.
Brooklyn Titan Luxe Hybrid Mattress Review - Sleepopolis
Brooklyn Titan Luxe Hybrid Mattress Review.
Posted: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Thông thông thường đối với những nhân viên trẻ tuổi thì chỉ cần thiết sử dụng 1-2 hộp Titan Gel đã có hiệu quả rõ rệt còn đối với những người lớn tuổi hơn thì thông thường muốn đến 3 vỏ hộp hoặc nhiều hơn để có hiệu quả chất lượng nhất. Để tìm hiểu thêm chi tiết rộng về sản phẩm titan gel giá bao nhiêu, quý quý khách đọc có thể truy vấn vào Chiaki.vn để chọn mua rinh và giao hàng tận nhà. Chiaki tự hào là đơn vị chọn mua sắm trực tuy rằngến chuyên cung cấp cho các sản phẩm hỗ trợ sinh lý chủ yếu thương hiệu, đạt hiệu quả đến người sử dụng.
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Titan Gel Gold Sản Phẩm Cao Cung Cấp Chủ Yếu Hãng Của Nga
Và quan lại trọng nhất là nó mang kỳ lại kết quả vĩnh viễn đến nhân viên cho dùng. Do đặc điểm là hàng nhập vào nên những quý khách cũng nên lưu ý lựa chọn chọn mua sản phẩm tại các đơn vị cung cấp cho có uy tín, đánh giá kỹ thành phầm trước khi lựa chọn và sử dụng để tránh chọn mua nên sản phẩm giả, sản phẩm nhái kém cỏi hóa học lượng nhé. Sau 1 thời gian sử dụng Titan Gel, khi cậu nhỏ đạt được độ cao thấp chờ mong thì bạn có thể ngưng dùng sản phẩm. Lúc này độ cao thấp cậu nhỏ sẽ được không thay đổi, không bị bé lại nên quý khách thông cần lo lắng ngưng dùng thành phầm thì câu nhỏ bị teo lai nhé. Titan Gel là sản phẩm hỗ trợ tăng độ cao thấp cậu nhỏ sở hữu những bộ phận phân tách xuất bất ngờ, được kiểm bệnh thông gây phản xạ phụ và thông ảnh hưởng trọn đến mức độ khỏe khoắn của nam giới. Theo thống kê hiện nay đa số đàn ông đều đến biết họ thông lý tưởng về độ dài rộng dương vật và vô cùng là lo lắng vì vấn đề này cũng ảnh hưởng trọn đến thõa mãn gia đình, thực hiện cho các bạn nam giới thông còn sự thoải mái tự tin lúc gần gũi bạn tình của mình.
A Lifechanging Review: Secretlab X World of Warcraft TITAN 2020 - InvenGlobal
A Lifechanging Review: Secretlab X World of Warcraft TITAN 2020.
Posted: Wed, 07 Apr 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Một số tin tức nói rằng Titan Gel là lường đảo, thông có thuộc tính như quảng cáo. Tuy nhiên, các thông tin này đều thông được tìm bệnh, đều là những tin đồn Viral. Hiện nay, sản phẩm giả sản phẩm nhái đang tràn ngập trên thị ngôi trường. Chỉ cần thiết sơ sẩy một chút ít hoặc ham rẻ, cực kỳ dễ dàng và đơn giản mua cần sản phẩm giả, mặt hàng xoàng hóa học lượng.
Bập Bênh Mang Đến Bé
Kiểm tra bao bì và hạn sử dụng của thành phầm, tách thành phầm thông được đóng chặt, xúc tiếp cùng với không khí quá thọ dẫn tới ảnh hưởng chất lượng bên vào. Đây thông nên là lần đầu tiên ghi nhận thức ăn chức năng chứa chấp thuốc tây điều trị rối loàn cương, thực tế đã có những sản phẩm rất nổi giờ trên thị trường có chứa chấp hoạt chất này. Có trường hợp hoạt chất được bổ sung vào thành phần vỏ nang và các cơ quan lại kiểm nghiệm không phát hiện tại sildenafil Khi chỉ kiểm nghiệm ruột thành phầm. Bên cạnh đó, chất kích dục chứa chấp gốc ankyl nitrit là dung dịch giãn mạch máu, thực hiện tăng lượng máu đến dương vật tạo cương cứng. Nếu dùng quá nhiều gây khó thở, tim đập thời gian nhanh, dần dần dần dẫn tới suy tim và suy mạch vành.
Chính vì thế, quý khách nên tuân thủ đúng theo phía dẫn sử dụng và lời khuyên răn của nhà phát triển cũng như bác sĩ thường xuyên khoa. Hãy kết hợp một chế độ ăn uống và luyện tập thiệt hợp lý, để có một sức khỏe mạnh, tích điện đầy đủ. Do đó có thể thấy rằng những quảng cáo về thành phầm này là hoàn toàn không “khoác lác”.
So sánh điện thoại Sony Xperia U ST25i và điện thoại HTC Titan Cùng có giá buôn bán cao nhưng Xpeia U ST25i và HTC Titan khó cung cấp được hưởng thụ nhân viên mặc dùng đảm bảo chất lượng cùng với cấu hình không có khá nhiều sự nổi bật. Tác dụng của gel nhanh chóng hay chậm chạp còn tùy cơ địa và đặc điểm cơ thể kể từng nhân viên. Không dùng Titan Gel đến trẻ nhỏ bên dưới 18 tuổi vì ở độ tuổi này, dùng có thể khiến rối loạn phát triển mang đến trẻ.
Bạn không thể kế tiếp ham muốn gia tăng Khi dương vật đã đạt tới giới hạn.
Vấn đễ này đang lúcến chúng tôi và một số đại lý không giống hoang đem.
Tuy nhiên, Khi đối chiếu hai nhóm phái mạnh ở độ tuổi từ 30-45, Cửa Hàng chúng tôi nhận ra rằng nồng độ testosterone của họ luôn luôn cao rộng so cùng với những người không giống, và kích thước dương vật của họ cũng dài hơn nấc trung bình ở phái mạnh (dài rộng 18cm).
Bởi vậy, có không ít nhân viên đã tìm mọi cách để tăng độ cao thấp cậu nhỏ, bao bao gồm cả can thiệp y tế.
Ngoài việc tập luyện đều đặn, quý khách hàng cần phân tích bổ sung cập nhật thêm những vi chất có lợi đến bổ dương tráng thận để cung cấp cho thêm chăm sóc hóa học nuôi mô cơ. titan gel
Trên thực thế có không ít người đàn ông mang tâm lý mặc cảm về việc chiếm hữu dương vật quá nhỏ, thông thể thỏa mãn cùng người tình khi ân ái. vì sao của việc có thể là vì thể hóa học khi sinh ra đã bẩm sinh, hoặc là vì bị các bệnh dịch lý liên quan lại đến cơ quan lại sinh dục. Nếu như bạn lo ngại thực hiện tại quy trình mas sa bằng tay, quý khách có thể dùng máy tập dương vật, nó chính là một trợ thủ siêu đắc lực hoặc có thể nhờ nhân viên vợ hoặc bạn gái thực hiện thay cho mình. Gel Titan thông khiến tác dụng phụ đến bạn tình của quý khách nhưng chú ý để gel thẩm hấp thụ không còn vào dương vật trước khi quan tiền hệ. Nên dùng sản phẩm vào khoảng tầm thời gian từ khi thức dậy đến tầm khoảng chừng 7-8 giờ sáng để có hiệu quả tối ưu. Sau Khi sử dụng, gel đơn giản cọ tinh khiết và thông lưu lại bộ phận nào vào cơ thể.
Điều này lúcến cực kỳ nhiều người hoang mang lúc sử dụng thực hiện fakem độ đáng tin tưởng của mặt hàng chính thương hiệu. Hình ảnh tuyp Titan Gel GoldTuy nhiên, dựa theo cơ địa của từng người có thể có những phản xạ không giống nhau. Nếu thông may bị dị ứng hoặc kích mến với những bộ phận của thuốc thì phải ngay lập tức đến ngagy cơ sở y tế ngay sát nhất để xử lý. Titan Gel Gold được đã được những nhà khoa học nghiên cứu và phân tích tỉ mỉ, điều chế thành phần từ các vật liệu thiên nhiên, hoàn toàn lành tính. 100% thông độc sợ hãi, thông gây ra phản ứng nếu tuân theo đúng những chỉ định và hướng dẫn Khi sử dụng thành phầm hỗ trợ.
Hoàn toàn có thể cải thiện những tình trạng để giúp nhân viên dùng tận tận hưởng được những hoan lạc một cách trọn vẹn nhất mà thông gây ảnh hưởng trọn đến sức khỏe khoắn. Trước Khi đi sâu vào cách dùng Titan Gel, các bạn muốn lưu ý hiện tại nay trên thị ngôi trường có 2 thành phầm gel tăng độ cao thấp dương vật Titan Gel và Titan Gel Gold. Trong đó Titan Gel Gold là thành phầm được cải thiện từ thành phầm Titan Gel vốn đã rất thành công trước đó, cho tác dụng và thời hạn hiệu quả tốt hơn so với Titan Gel. Nhưng cũng chủ yếu vì thế mà Titan Gel Gold sẽ có giá thành cao rộng so cùng với Titan Gel. Gel Titan là loại thành phầm cao cấp cho giúp siêng sóc sức khỏe khoắn sinh lý cho phái mạnh. Nó có thuộc tính tăng độ cao thấp dương vật một cơ hội nhanh chóng và hiệu quả chỉ với sau 4 tuần sử dụng.
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Titan Gel được bào chế bên dưới dạng gel bôi cùng với công thức được phân tích từ những thường xuyên gia về sức khỏe tình dục hàng đầu nước Nga. Tuy chỉ mới nhất ra mắt nhưng Titan Gel đã khẳng định được vị thế của mình, trở nên sản phẩm được các quý ông tin tưởng và dùng. Đây là thành phầm tăng mạnh sinh lý, tăng thể lực cho những anh.
Các dây thần kinh trung ương gần như thông truyền được tín hiệu, điều này dẫn theo sự cương cứng trở lên chậm chạp hơn, thậm chí là không có của dương vật dẫn theo thể hang suy yếu đuối. Liệu trình sử dụng Titan Gel sẽ tùy theo cơ địa và độ tuổi của bạn. Thông thường đối với những người trẻ tuổi thì chỉ muốn sử dụng 1-2 hộp đã có hiệu quả rõ rệt còn đối với những người rộng lớn tuổi rộng thì thông thường cần thiết đến 3 hộp hoặc nhiều hơn để có hiệu quả tốt. Bên cạnh đó các quý khách có thể sử dụng trước 15 đến 20 phút trước lúc quan tiền hệ để kéo dãn thời gian nhé. Massage cậu nhỏ lúc chưa cương cứng, bôi đều lên cậu nhỏ ( bao bao gồm cả đỉnh đầu dương vật) và thực hiện tại các động tác kéo dài một cơ hội nhẹ nhà cửang và tăng mạnh độ lên kể từng ngày.
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crguang · 2 years
good morning || ajak.
A/N: this is part of the found family series that i decided to add on to. the timeline might seem a bit confusing since i’m not really following it LOL but once everything is out it’ll be put in order in my masterlist! hope yall enjoy this fam as much as i do
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“MOMMY! Up, up, up!”
That was how you woke up this morning: with Mateo already barging into your room, his tiny feet hitting the floorboards as he excitedly jumped up and down from his spot beside the bed. God, that kid had energy. When you only groaned in response, sensing Ajak shift beside you on the mattress, he added a weird, rhythmic clap of his hands to his singing in hopes of making you get up faster.
“Inside voice, Teo…” you weakly replied, brows pinching together as your eyes blinked open. A look to the nightstand let you know it was only half past 6AM.
Mateo had always been an early riser. No one was more excited to start the day than your son and he often proved it by waking you up at the crack of dawn for breakfast—which is the word he just added to the made-up morning song he came up with just for you.
“Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast!”
“Ajak, please get your son.”
You heard a small chuckle from her and felt her hand push the strands of hair that was in your face, then a soft kiss on your cheek. That made you smile. You never liked the waking up part of the mornings, but she always made them better.
“My son?” Ajak questioned in amusement, lifting the covers from her body while making sure you were still cozy under them.
“Yes. He’s yours before 7AM,” you fell back face first into the pillow, ignoring the one Ajak hit the back of your head with as you did. You had work at 9 and you wanted to get all the rest you could before then.
“Did you even brush your teeth, cariño?” That question was directed at Mateo, who stopped jumping and made a show of thinking about it, index finger on his chin, knowing he didn’t.
The Eternal raised an eyebrow and he pouted. She shooed Mateo to the bathroom, and he ran there, earning a fond shake of the head from her. Ajak found his good mood in the morning adorable even if he could be quite loud at times. When she heard the faucet, she finally got up and left the bedroom to walk into Mateo’s. The tiles of the bathroom were cold in the morning, so she picked up a pair of socks for the baby to put on. He finished brushing his teeth responsibly, jumping off the small stool he used, and sat on the toilet seat to let her put on the socks without complaining.
“Mama, you have to brush teeth,” Mateo said, pointing at the sink expectantly.
“Do I?” Ajak asked, mirth dancing in her eyes. The child only nodded. He stayed there on the toilet seat, swinging his legs the whole time and occasionally babbling something Ajak only pretended to understand until she was done.
After he insisted she show him her teeth like you always ask him to, he got up and ran to the kitchen. The padding of his feet against the floor never failed to make Ajak smile. Entering your life was the best thing she’s done in millennia. To be able to share a life with you and Mateo, to be able to call herself his mother, filled her with an incredible amount of tenderness. This was her home now, her family. Mateo was so full of love and curiosity and life. Everything excited him, whether it be a crunchy colored leaf or a light-up toy. It was admirable, really, and Ajak would do anything to protect that innocence. She never thought a three-year-old would end up stirring so many emotions within her.
And that three-year-old wanted breakfast. The Eternal entered the kitchen to him trying to climb into his highchair. He was also incredibly impatient.
Breakfast was uneventful. Ajak had to remind Mateo not to play with his food a couple of times or not to be too loud, knowing you were still dozing off. Then she took him to get a bath. He wanted to stay in it, liking the feeling of the warm water and playing with his toys. When Ajak told him it was time to get out he refused a few times, ignoring her to drown the plastic duck he had in his hands under the water.
“Cariño, the water will get cold.”
“You need to get ready for daycare. You’ll see your friends, remember?”
Ajak paused. Bribery it is. “Mateo, if you get out of the bath and get dressed, when I come pick you up later…” she lowered her voice as if letting him in on a secret and he turned to her curiously. “I’ll buy you chocolate.”
The boy seemed to ponder his options, watching the toy in the water for a few seconds before he let it go to clap his hands, babbling something about chocolate and candy. He waved his fists excitedly and Ajak couldn’t help but laugh.
“Did you say chocolate?” The sound of your voice behind her would’ve surprised her if she wasn’t an Eternal. She heard you yawn earlier and knew you would be getting up soon. She lifted the baby out of the bath, securing the big towel around him as she held him. “What do I need to do to get some?”
Ajak looked at you, at your tired eyes and matching pyjamas and bare face. You had just woken up and it was a sight she still couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to witness. When you raised your eyebrows at her silence, she simply glanced to your lips. “I have a few ideas.”
The corner of your mouth lifted in a small smirk, and you approached her, leaning forward to plant a sweet kiss on her lips. “Good morning,” you murmured. She smiled, shifting Mateo so she would be holding him with the other arm. You pressed a big kiss on his cheek, making a show of eating him by pulling it gently between your lips, until he screamed and pushed your face away with a giggle. “And good morning to you, too, mister.”
Mateo got dressed without complaining. He chose the clothes himself: overalls with a blue shirt that has a teddy bear on it. He insisted to wear the jacket Makkari gifted him on his birthday and Ajak thought it was too cute to refuse. Before leaving the house, he ran up to you in your bedroom, asking for a hug. You cooed, picking him up to squeeze him until he was laughing, momentarily wrapping his arms tightly around your neck.
“Have a good day at daycare, okay?” He nodded, babbling something you didn’t quite pick up on. The second you put him down he was running away. You heard Ajak ask if he was ready to go, then the door closing. Mornings like this one have became routine to you, one you didn’t wish to replace any time soon.
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bigein · 2 years
frukus with francis and arthur teaming up to pay attention to alfred is so good... especislly when the dynamic is the teo being like total sluts and super experienced and slfred is kind of... new to this. any thoughts? 😌
thoughts are AYE, that's quite how it goes in my mind.
I'd had it that this would be a university AU. Alfred fresh off the glow of his Golden Child years, always a step ahead of Matthew and three steps higher than his peers. It all collapses beneath him with three words.
Four months later he is off with a one-way ticket and two large suitcases. Three months into a hellish experience in student halls, he finds an ad on a message board: three bedroom flatshare.
Francis is a mature student on his second Masters jaunt; independently wealthy and en route to a lucrative private practice in art restoration. Arthur is four years older than Alfred, running on a sleep deficit, and going on the second year of his PhD.
They are not together, but as far as he can tell they're the most important people in each other's lives.
Alfred is smitten with them both.
[There is a story here, well-developed and involved. But seeing as this is the explicit blog... I'll skip on to the good part.]
He walks into them a few times. Francis on his knees, in the living room. Arthur sitting on the kitchen counter, his head thrown back to let Francis press lingering kisses down the side of his throat. They're never loud enough that he couldn't drown them out with headphones but Alfred...
(They're not loud. But Arthur's voice breaks with a gasp when he cums calling out Francis' name. And Francis likes to praise him; calls him a whore and cher in the same breath and fucks him hard enough into the mattress that the bedframe scrapes across the floor.
Alfred stuffs his shirt in his mouth to muffle his voice when he cums, so dizzy with lust he almost forgets to feel guilty about how hard his cock is in his hand even after one go.)
It's the week after Arthur's birthday. Francis brings home two nice bottles of wine and wrangles them both to the living room. Alfred made cake, lopsided and slathered in frosting, and he doesn't think he imagines the way Arthur's scowl softens when he spots it on the low coffee table.
They drink, they laugh, and with the second bottle drained the conversation turns to sex. And the focus to Alfred.
Never? Francis asks with a glint in his eye.
Alfred shrugs.
Leave him be, Arthur interjects, but something in the set of his shoulders shifts.
Francis smiles, slips of the couch to join Alfred on the floor, and draws him into a kiss.
When they break for breath Francis stays close, kissing his way up Alfred's neck and holding loosely onto his thigh.
He asks Alfred what he'd like to happen. Promises that they can call it a night or stay in the living room without things going further, and that nothing will change between them. They can go on as they have, sharing a home. Or...
Alfred could have a taste of sex with Arthur and Francis by his side to guide him.
Alfred, nods almost dazed, then breaths a yes and cups Francis' jaw when he leans in to kiss him again. This much he's done before and it feels good. Francis is good. He touches Alfred's chest and then holds his waist so Alfred can relax into him, building up slowly until they are both breathing heavy, clothes mussed and muscles hitching like they could possibly draw each other nearer. Francis' hair is thick and soft, and he moans into Alfred's lips when he slips his hand into the roots and tugs.
Arthur watches them from the couch, flushed and aroused, parting his thighs unconsciously when Francis reaches between Alfred's to knead his cock.
Their eyes cross, and Alfred doesn't think he has ever been so aroused in his life.
It is a discussion as much as it isn't. Francis makes suggestions loud enough for Arthur to hear and he agrees or disagrees with low hums from the couch while Alfred squeezes his eyes shut, trying not to cum in his pants like a teenager with every. Yes, maybe, yes, yes. He wants it all, everything that they'll give him. Everything that he is ready for. Yes.
Arthur's mouth tastes like vanilla frosting and he is sweet. His weight, when he kneels astride Alfred so he can kiss him and the way he goes easily when Alfred tumbles him gently onto his back. The inside of his thighs is damp and he smells sweet. Francis whispers into his ear that he'll taste of something subtler on his tongue, musk and salt, and Alfred laughs, feeling a little faint. He wants to taste for himself. Eat out Arthur the same as Francis would, until his chin is dripping and his jaw is sore. Next time, next time. For now, Alfred watches Francis slip two fingers into Arthur, getting him ready for Alfred's cock, and almost asks to be allowed to suck them clean when he pulls his wrist away.
Arthur kisses him again, drawing his attention, and lets Alfred settle more comfortably between his thighs. Alfred should be nervous, and some part of him must be, with the way his heart is pounding. But Arthur's hand is warm and steady where it is cupping his neck, shifting to hold his shoulder when Alfred drags the head of his cock through the slick split of his cunt. He holds his breath for a moment when Alfred pushes in. Alfred holds still, worried until Arthur digs his fingers into his shoulder silently urging him on. He moans when Alfred bottoms out, throwing his head back, and Alfred grits his teeth, twitching hard inside him.
I'm going to cum, he blurts out.
It's okay. Arthur tilts his hips and bites his lower lip. His right hand reaches between them to spread his lips and play with his cock. That's fine. Fuck me a little, come on.
Alfred thrusts shallowly, once, twice, feeling the heat build up inside him until he's slapping his hips harder into Arthur, who eggs him on with his thighs belted around his waist. He feels his orgasm blaze from his groin to his gut and he's helpless against it, letting it take him with a shout. His arms go boneless but Arthur is ready for him, easing him down until he's taking most of Alfred's weight, uncharacteristically patient.
Alfred feels like he could fall asleep like this, with Arthur's fingers working his scalp gently, his body warm and still beneath him. His cock twitches, still half hard, and Arthur swallows hard, however, and Francis is still kneeling near them, keeping himself on the edge in a tight fist. Alfred picks himself up and presses one last kiss to Arthur's lips before shifting his weight off of him and leaving him free to sit up.
Francis moves in before he can feel cold, nudging Arthur into a kiss and groaning into his mouth when Arthur gets a hold of his cock. The way they move together speaks of a kind of familiarity that Alfred has only recently begun to fathom and he can't help the pang of want in his chest.
The night ends with all three of them piled onto the couch, boundaries blurred and at ease. Arthur leans comfortably on Alfred's chest, his feet on Francis' lap, and this could be any night, from now on. They'll have time to tick off every item on Alfred's list, and enjoy each one. They'll be there for Arthur when he finally bends and takes the six month leave he desperately needs, and for Francis each and every time he needs a reminder of his worth outside of what he can provide for others.
It's a funny thing, how things fall into place as easily as that.
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softbobamilktae · 3 years
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Daddy Powers
Pairing: Artist!Taehyung x OC!Viola
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: once again you’ll probably be walking away from this with major baby fever 😔
Summary: Viola hasn’t been feeling herself the whole day. Depression is setting in when she remembers she never fed her four-month-old. When she goes to get him, she finds her husband playing with the tiny baby. Can Tae and Teo brighten her day?
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“Tae. . .”
Viola sniffled as she patted the mattress next to her. He’d been right next to her when she’d fallen asleep, and now he wasn’t here anymore. She rolled over, burying her face in his pillow before letting out a loud sob. She wasn’t sure what was wrong, but she just felt down.
She was now realizing that she probably had forgotten to feed Mateo too, which wasn’t good. She rolled out of bed and headed toward the nursery. It was only when she neared the doorway of the nursery that she heard the quiet coos coming from her son.
“Hi, Teo. You feeling better now?” Tae asked softly, earning a tiny coo from his four-month-old.
“I’m sorry I didn’t feed you sooner. Mommy isn’t feeling good today, you know that?”
Viola heard another few tiny coos and a giggle.
“Oh, no no. That bottle is empty. You don’t want that. Should we go get you another one?”
Viola poked her head into the doorway then. Tae was sitting in the rocking chair with little Mateo nestled into his chest. Tae was holding the bottle slightly out of the tiny boy’s reach. Mateo giggled.
“Oh? Is that funny?”
Tae laughed and set the bottle down on the little table next to him before scooping Mateo up and kissing his chubby cheeks. It was then that Tae noticed Viola was standing in the door. He turned Mateo around.
“Look, Teo! Who’s that?”
Viola smiled.
“Can you say, ‘Mommy’?” Tae asked the tiny boy.
“Ah!” Mateo exclaimed.
“Very good, Teo.” Tae turned his attention to Viola. “You want him, Vi?” He asked softly.
Viola nodded and crossed the room, taking the tiny boy into her arms when Tae handed him to her. Mateo grabbed the top of Viola’s shirt and tried to pull it down.
“Hey, didn’t you just eat?” Viola scolded, making Mateo giggle. She looked up at Tae. “He’s very happy. What did you do to him?”
“Daddy powers,” Tae winked.
Viola laughed and shook her head. She reached down and grabbed Tae’s hand before dragging him back to their bedroom.
Once they were both laying in bed, Viola laid Mateo down on her chest. The four-month-old quickly snuggled his head into her chest before tugging on the collar of her shirt again. She laughed.
“Ok, fine.”
Once the little boy was happily nursing, Tae spoke up.
“How are you feeling? Did the nap help?”
She chewed on her lip. “It did. Somewhat.”
Tae hummed, gently brushing a tear off her face. “You sure?”
She smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “You two helped.”
He snaked his arm around her shoulder. “Really?” he asked before pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Mhm,” she hummed in response. “You two are adorable.”
“He comes by it honestly. He has an adorable mother.”
Viola felt a blush blooming in her cheeks. “No he doesn’t.”
“Teo,” Tae glanced down at his son. “Isn’t Mommy adorable?”
Mateo unlatched and grinned before letting out a few coos and babbles.
“See? Teo agrees. You’re adorable.”
“Teo doesn’t understand English, Tae.”
“Sure, but he understands me. Daddy powers, remember?”
Viola scoffed and shook her head. “You’re ridiculous.”
“But you love me.”
She looked up at him and smiled softly. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
He leaned down and kissed her gently, feeling her smile turn into a grin under his lips.
Viola giggled and pulled away from Tae when she felt Mateo tug on her shirt. Mateo grinned innocently up at his parents.
“Hey, you silly goose! That’s not funny!” Tae exclaimed before bending down and blowing raspberries into his tiny son’s tummy.
Mateo let out a loud belly laugh, grabbing onto Tae’s hair.
“Oh, no! Don’t do that!” Tae whined dramatically, reaching up to unfurl Mateo’s tiny hands from his hair.
Mateo let out another few tiny giggles before yawning.
“Ooo, is it bedtime, Teo?” Viola asked.
“Hmm, I think it is,” Tae yawned before resting his head ever so slightly on Mateo’s stomach.
Mateo took his chance to grab a handful of Tae’s hair again. Viola giggled and took his hands out of Tae’s hair.
“Lay on the bed, babe. I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Ok, ok,” Tae sat up, instantly scooping Mateo up and laying him on his chest as he laid down. “I’ve got him.”
Viola smiled and kissed Tae’s forehead before bending down to kiss Mateo’s. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
When she returned, Tae was fast asleep, little Mateo curled up on his chest while he sucked on Tae’s finger. Viola crawled into bed next to them, scooting herself close enough to Tae that she could rest her leg on top of his.
“Goodnight, my sweet boys. I love you.”
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From Best Friends to Best Lovers Masterlist
A/N: ugh this was so adorable 🥺😭
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @taehoneycheeks @jinnie-forthe-winnie
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floralbuckley · 3 years
For the drabble ask. Soft morning. David wants to get up and Matteo does everything in his power to keep the love of his love in the bed. With kisses, cuddles and a lot of pouting.
Decided to combine this ask with these two as well: 
Drabble time for Davenzi: playing with each other's hands and stroking their inner wrists with their thumb tenderly
Ok for the prompt davenzi ask? Them talking about how they are each others safe place, each others home?
I hope this is the soft morning cuteness everyone was wanting! 
Matteo groaned loudly as David struggled to get out of his grasp, fingertips pressing hard into the soft skin underneath David's shirt as he attempted to pull him back down onto the mattress and back into his arms. The warmth that his boyfriend emitted was like no other, and with the scent of his coconut shampoo covering the pillows and the taste of mint and smoke from his lips, it made Matteo feel as if he could be in heaven. And, God, he never wanted to come back down to earth.
"Teo, please," David said, his voice pleading as he, too, also was regretting having to leave the bed. "I have to go to work." His shirt - technically Matteo's shirt - had finally slipped its way passed Matteo's fingers as he managed to get out of the bed, and the blonde boy let out another groan, this time much softer. 
David chuckled at his clingy boyfriend and placed his hands on the warm mattress to lean down to give him a kiss. The second that their lips touched, Matteo took this opportunity to throw his arms around David's waist and use all his strength to pull the boy back down onto the bed. 
"I win," Matteo whispered into David's ear, letting out a small yet fully open-mouthed giggle. He gently brushed his fingers through David's hair, hearing David hum in content as he gave in and nuzzled his head into the blonde boys' shoulder. 
"Fine, you win," he murmured back, his lips pressed heavily into the side of Matteo's ribs. The sensation sent shivers down Matteo's spine, and he did his best to not let out another giggle at the feeling of his boyfriend's breath hitting his most ticklish spot. "I’ll text work and tell them I’m sick.”
With his face still mushed into the soft skin of Matteo’s bare torso, David reached behind him to feel around the empty mattress space for his phone. When he had finally secured it, he allowed one eye to open to quickly type out a message to his boss, then threw his phone across the room.
Matteo chuckled. “There, see? Home all day with me.” His smile couldn’t have been broader as he looked down at his boyfriend, his tanned skin soft and kissable, his hair messy and wild, lips plump, and nose piercing twisted from kissing. Matteo was always grateful for David, but it was times like this where he truly did thank everything in the universe that bought this gentle, kind, beautiful boy to him.
“You are my home,” David said sleepily, opening his eye’s softly to peer up at the blonde boy. His dark eyelashes were messy from sleep as they rested above his eyelids, and Matteo honestly thought his heart would explode at that moment.
“Shut the fuck up,” he said, laughing and throwing his head back against the pillow. “You’re so cheesy.”
“And you love it,” David replied with a toothy grin. He reached his hand up to quickly boop Matteo’s nose, narrowly avoiding his boyfriend biting the tip of his finger off before laying his arm across Matteo’s body and lacing their fingers together.
“Bastard,” Matteo laughed. He picked up their intertwined hands to examine them and how they perfectly fit together, then ran his thumb across the tips of David’s fingers before pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. He wouldn’t give David the satisfaction of telling him this, but this moment was everything Matteo could have ever wished for.
He continued playing with David’s fingers, running his thumb across his wrist and kissing each knuckle as the other boy launched into his own conversation about what he was meant to be doing at his film internship today and what he would be missing out on – no doubt to make Matteo feel guilty. Matteo chuckled and nodded along, listening to each word that came out of his boyfriend's mouth and interrupting him to poke at his sides when he got cheeky.
And after David had finished rambling on about his internship, Matteo squeezed his hand tightly and whispered, “You’re my home too.”
send me a prompt!
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suugarbabe · 8 months
m.r. x reader
based off this prompt: Hello could you make a either mattheo or Theo fanfic with a Hufflepuff!fem reader? With him just finger edging reader while they're blindfolded and he's also holding they're hands while doing so? I hope it's not too much trouble 😅
an: I cannot for the life of me find the ask that this prompt was sent in with but it was in my drafts for requests so i wrote it. if you requested this i hope you find it and like it !
warnings: edging, smut, 18+ MDNI
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One of your favorite things about being with Mattheo is that no one expected it. One of Mattheo’s favorite things about being with you is that no one, ever, would imagine that the seemingly shy, sweet, Hufflepuff girl had the dirtier mind in the relationship. 
If someone were to walk into Mattheo’s dorm room right now, they would assume your compromising position was all his idea. But in reality, you had proposed it to him after class, planting the seed of your desire in the back of his mind and causing him to not be able to focus on anything until he was able to have his hands on you. 
That’s how you ended up sprawled out on his bed, green and silver tie wrapped around your head like a blindfold and your hands pinned over your head in one of Mattheo’s large hands. Your back arched off the mattress and pushed your perked nipples further into Mattheo’s mouth, his tongue delicately swirling over the taut bud while two of his fingers were deep inside your soaked cunt. 
You could feel the tightening in your stomach spreading to your core and causing you to clench tight around his fingers. You were so close, and then his touch was gone. A pathetic whimper left your throat. Even though you couldn’t see him, you could practically hear the smirk plastered on his face as he teased you, “Oh, Princess, I’m sorry, were you close?”
His touch was feather light against your folds, causing you to jolt up in search for more, “Ah, ah, be a good girl for me and you’ll get what you want.” A pout painted your lips, quickly disappearing as you felt Mattheo’s teeth on your bottom lip before pressing his lips fully to yours.
He sunk two fingers back into you, curling deliciously against the spongy flesh inside. Mattheo brough you right to the edge again before pulling his fingers out once more. 
“P-please, Teo. I need it so bad, need you to make me cum all over your fingers. Wanna make a mess all over your fingers before I make a mess of your cock.”
“Such a dirty mouth on such a perfect girl,” Mattheo was nearly growling in your ear and your hips were bucking again. He didn’t tease you this time, plunging his fingers deep inside you once more, curling and pumping as your breathing became more shallow, airy whisps of his name falling from your lips as you finally tumbled over the edge. As you came down from your high, Mattheo removed his tie from your eyes, “Was I too mean, Princess?” He stroked your cheek with his thumb. You smiled at him, “No, Teo, it was good, very good.” He laughed a little before pulling you on top of him, kissing you deeply once more.
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
OK SO PROMPTS. bethistair. choice between three: "Too much?” “Not enough.”, "Why are you smiling?” “Because you’re here.”, or "You did not just compare me to a cat / mabari / nug / [Thedosian animal of your choice].”
Nonnie! I love all of these prompts!! I might still do the others, but here is the first one that came to mind. This is going to be TEOS Bethistair (ex-Circle!Bethany and King!Alistair). Rated T for very mild sexual content at the end.  @dadrunkwriting
“You did not just compare me to a mabari,” Alistair complained, springing up onto all fours on the bed and causing Bethany’s hand to fall away from his hair where she’d been massaging it for the past half hour.
“You’re right,” she replied, putting down her book and leaning toward him. “The way you were purring, you were more like a cat.”
His indignant expression melted into despondency. “That’s worse.” He collapsed onto the mattress with a dramatic huff, and Bethany bounced into the air and rolled toward him on the landing, not that he noticed with his hand draped over his eyes. “The King of Ferelden, a cat? They could have me beheaded for that. That’s sacrilege, that is. That’s practically Orlesian.” The word dripped off his tongue with disdain, but Bethany rolled her eyes.
“Show me your belly, kick your leg out a little and the balance will tilt back toward dog.”
He snatched her wrist before she could succeed in pulling up his shirt and asked, “What about a lion? Lions are nice. Strong. Roaring and regal and things like that.”
She snickered. “That’s a cat, Ali. Just a big cat with extra hair.”
“Lions are cats?” He couldn’t keep the disgust out of his voice. “No wonder we don’t have any. What about a bear? I’ve fought bears before. Good, Fereldan animals. I could stand being Alistair the Bear.”
“Yes, Zevran did refer to you as a bear once, but I don’t think that’s what he meant.”
After a moment of serious reflection, he conceded, “If Zevran said it, better not.”
“Alistair the druffalo?” she suggested.
He considered this like a man considering his own death. He began ticking characteristics off on his fingers. “Large, hairy, yes. Very strong, basically a mobile battering ram, and yes, the comparison has been made before. Most damning, though, a druffalo will follow anyone anywhere, whether or not they really want them to.”
“Do they?”
“When I was a Warden, one followed us across the bannorn. Stayed with us for three days, no matter how many times we tried to shoo it off, spending the evenings standing in camp, staring at us and chewing.  Oghren was halfway to convincing Darrian that we should carve it up for supper when the owner showed up.”
“Would you have eaten it?” she asked, “The little druffalo who just wanted to be a Warden and save the world?”  
“There were moments we considered eating Darrian’s boots we were so desperate for food. There were moments I would have considered eating Darrian.” Bethany snorted. “Luckily it didn’t come to that. We did eat some rather suspicious mushrooms, eggs that Zevran said came from a goose, and one very dodgy potato.”
Bethany grinned. There was only one animal with a diet like that. “I have it. Alistair the—”
“Don’t say nug,” he groaned.
“… horse,” she blurted out, trying to think of any animal that wasn’t a nug.
He rolled onto his side, his mouth curling into a smile. “You hate horses.” He pushed her hair out of her face. “You’re afraid of them.”
“I am not,” she lied. “In fact,” she said, pushing on his shoulder until he was flat on his back again, “I’ll prove it.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “I’ll ride one right now.”
She swung her leg over his hip, straddling him, and after he settled his laughter and cleared his throat three or four times, Alistair finally agreed, “Alistair the Horse it is.”
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
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1. What does your muse smell like?
you know the regular head & shoulders dandruff shampoo one might normally buy? yeah most times that’s what lam smells like. pretty boring, but he makes a point to shower before going to work. now outside of the classroom is a more interesting story. since he lives with raphael, it’s not unusual for him to come out with a pungent smell as the result of some weird food combo ray made him try  that he tried. the other alternative is that he smells like mulch and on a more metaphorical sense, sunlight?? dunno how that’s supposed to smell actually, but despite being a video game enthusiast, lam’s kinda like a plant in that sense. thriving in the sunlight actually.
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
warm and dry! they might seem a bit more on the bony side just because he hasn’t quite mastered the art of self-care yet, BUT they’re nice and soft to hold for the most part. i’d say that there are a healthy amount of calluses on both hands just because long periods of holding writing utensils for grading and button smashing from video games and from gardening.
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
eeeeep, so you see, lam has this terrible habit of like forgetting to nourish himself simply because he got too invested in a. grading papers, b. whatever video game/plant that had his attention, or c. just some weird tangent he got himself into. it doesn’t help that he doesn’t know how to cook either. before becoming roommates with raphael, he had a lot of takeout- fries were a must, burgers, fried rice with broccoli and chicken. he went a lot to the nearby thai restaurant to get tom yam, pad thai, son yam, curry, and more of the thai variant. after he becomes roomies with raphael, his palate unintentionally gets a lot more varied as he and ray quickly come to an agreement- if lam is willing to do both of their laundry, then raphael will cook for both him and lam. and raphael has a wide palate, one day cooking risotto to the next day making nasi lemak or hainanese chicken rice. needless to say, lam’s been eating a lot better with raphael around, as the other also makes it a point to make food smell enticing enough to grab lam’s attention.
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
i guess he does?? he doesn’t really sing much but he might hum a tune or two. he’s never really asked for anyone’s opinion...i’d say his voice is more on the higher end of scale BUT he’s usually on softer side as well. he can probably hold a decent tune but don’t expect him to be getting any applause or special attention for it.
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
lmao there’s a lot. first there’s the fact that he hasn’t quite mastered the art of self-care so there are periods of time where he might forget to eat...and sleep due to his work or whatever tangent has his mind occupied. if he hasn’t slept enough you usually tell by the number of cups of coffee he’s downed and also by the fact he’ll be able to fall asleep just about anywhere (standing up, sitting at a desk). he also get overwhelmed quite easily actually? like he might not look like it, but when he does get overwhelmed or stressed out, he’ll zone out even if he’s in convo with someone. 
not sure if this counts as a bad habit, but he also really likes enclosed spaces. if he gets especially stressed out, he might just sit in closet to calm down. might even take a nap in there too.
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
it swings between college student look and business casual. as a teacher, he makes it a point to look at least somewhat put together- think button downs, blazers, with khaki pants. he wears a lot of turtlenecks too. 
outside of work though, he’s a lot more casual. he likes his sweats and hoodies, he likes just a plain ol’ t-shirt/shirt. more athletic clothing one might say. the important part in both cases though is that he usually prefers long-sleeves to short-sleeves, largely due to the surgery scar he got from his accident. it’s not that he’s self-conscious about it, but more of that he doesn’t want it to draw attention from his students and acquaintances. that and he gets cold easily, even in the summer.
hair though, it’s pretty simple. shampoo everyday and comb it.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
with most people no. he keeps a physical distance especially with his students ( bc a teacher has to anyways ). he wasn’t raised in an especially physically affectionate household so he keeps decorum as his standby mode.
now with friends on the other hand, you wouldn’t think it of him, but he can be surprisingly very forward with it? like he has to be comfy with u which can be a process in and of itself, but once you have his trust, he’s the kind of person who will take a seat next to you and without any warning invade ur personal space ( if you tell him you’re uncomfy tho, he’ll keep that in mind ). very clingy as well- lots of tugging on shirts to stay. he doesn’t like being alone with strangers so if u take him to a party, he’s more than likely to cling to the one person he knows.
romantic ( platonic ) partners on the other hand, now he’s like super touchy and affectionate there. lots of cuddling and ‘no stay here, i need a furnace warmer pls’ if there ever comes a time where lam gets a ship, pls know he is a koala bear. 
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
definitely on his side/fetal position! to be more specific, he always sleeps on his right side so that his bad arm is resting against the mattress. that’s both for practicality reasons and safety reasons-  wouldn’t want that bad arm in the line of fire after all. i will say though, if he’s sleeping next to a romantic (or platonic) partner, he will curl in against them, fit into any space next to them. when possible he likes falling asleep in small spaces.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
good question. is he playing video games? no? then probably not. i’d say even though he’s more on the quiet side, he has no problems with speaking up especially in academic settings. volume wise, he tends to fall more on the softer side so occasionally, he’ll be asked to repeat himself. he’ll often use this to his advantage when it comes to troublesome students/people in general. now if he’s playing video games, that’s a different ball park- he can very into them...that’s when you might be able to hear him from another room :D
Tagged by:  @astralglam ( THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me an excuse to talk about my hot mess dummy son!! )
Tagging: @shamsgoddess @wraithsea @bethelbound @bloodxhound​ @phantombs​ @kwatregats ( for teo! )  @risinglegacy ( for dion! ) and uh, anyone who feels like getting into the physical deets about their muses today!!
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
but i’m trans and me and a couple of my trans friends all are actually a lot more comfortable with our chests going to bed topless than we are going to bed with like a shirt or a hoodie on (it’s weird in theory, but we all find it pretty liberating) anyway I was wondering if u could write something like that for davenzi where david brings up to matteo that he wants to go to bed topless
Matteo is just tired, all he wants is for David to come to bed already so he can kiss him for hours. They spent the whole day doing their things separately and Matteo was anxious for this moment, to meet his boyfriend and spend the night with him. He tries to ignore it, but he can see how his boyfriend walks around his bedroom as a way to not come to bed. Matteo tries to think if he did something wrong, but nothing comes to his mind this time. 
It’s hard not to overthink it, but Matteo really tries, lying on his side and closing his eyes, trying to get himself to fall asleep, but even if he can’t see or hear David, it bothers him that he’s avoiding Matteo. 
“Ok. You want me to leave?” He sits on David’s bed, pushing his blanket away from his body, looking at how David stops suddenly, leaning against the wall behind him, his eyes widening and closing afterward, taking a deep breath in. 
“No, of course not, Matteo.” 
“So what’s the problem? Why aren’t you in bed already?” David looks away and Matteo tries to use David’s feelings against him. “I miss you...” 
At least that gets David’s attention back on him and Matteo tries to smile, waiting for an explanation or for David to come to bed already, whatever comes first. 
“It’s just that...” Matteo sighs, kneeling to go to the end of the bed, able to reach for his boyfriend, holding David’s shirt to pull him closer, but David stops when there are no more steps to get to bed, putting his hand over Matteo’s, holding it carefully. “Can I take my shirt off?” 
Matteo frowns, a little too sleepy and tired to understand what the question is supposed to mean. “What? What kind of question is that? Yeah, you can take your shirt off.” He answers the obvious, still holding David’s shirt, trying to pull him even closer. If David takes too long, Matteo might even take his shirt off for him.
“No, Teo...” David finally meets his eyes before explaining. “I’m only wearing my shirt tonight, nothing underneath.” 
Matteo sits against his heels, still a little confused, but David looks hurt or worried and so Matteo tries to really listen to what he’s trying to say. 
“David. I still don’t get it. Yes, you can take your shirt off. It’s your shirt, your body. You turn me on with or without a shirt. I just miss you, can you come to bed, shirtless? Please?” 
Matteo lets go of his shirt, lying back down, hoping that will look somewhat inviting. 
David laughs softly and Matteo feels his inside tingling every time he does that. He finally takes his shirt off and crawls over Matteo, making him slip back against the mattress, pushing himself up to find their pillows. 
“Why are you so cute? And so practical?” He asks and Matteo smiles, shrugging. 
“Because I’m horny, and in love, and so fucking sleepy,” Matteo explains the obvious, trying to ignore how dumb he sounds when talking to David, putting his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, finally getting his boyfriend to collapse on top of him. 
Matteo has no strength in him to move to pull the blanket back, he can only keep one arm around David as he does it for both of them, covering their bodies, lying closer, the smile still sitting on his perfectly made lips. 
“See? Was it that hard?” Matteo wiggles his eyebrows, closing his eyes, and he smiles when David laughs, his breath making Matteo’s hair tickle his forehead.
“No, it wasn’t, but you make it easier, so...” 
He smiles, pulling his boyfriend closer, kissing his lips. “Oh, that’s sort of a compliment. I’ll take that, thank you very much.” Matteo holds the strands of David’s dark hair tighter, keeping their faces close. 
“Oh, so Matteo Florenzi knows how to say thank you, I’ll remember that for when I wash your clothes and you don’t use those magical words when I take it back to your place.” 
“Fuck you.” 
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The Australian external territory of Christmas Island is infamous for its immigrant detention center. But the island also has a history of solidarity: in the 1970s, its Chinese and Malaysian workers led a union struggle against colonialism and apartheid.
Christmas Island rises from the Indian Ocean around 1,600 kilometers from Australia. Closer to Singapore than the mainland, it is home to a population of around two thousand people, the majority of whom have Chinese ancestry, with a sizable minority of people of Malay heritage. This tropical rocky speck is unlike most of Australia — on Christmas Island, Lunar New Year, Hari Raya Haji, and Hari Raya Puasa are public holidays.
Christmas Island is well known to Australians, but not for its natural beauty or unique red crab migrations. Rather, this far-flung external territory primarily features in Australia’s consciousness as a site of human misery. It plays host to an infamous immigration detention center, a cornerstone of a draconian border protection system that has driven Australian politics to the right for years.
However, few realize that Christmas Island has a more radical, internationalist history. It was the site of a militant trade-union struggle against a form of apartheid that segregated white and Asian workers until the 1980s. The victory of those who stood up to the Christmas Island Phosphate Company demonstrated the power of collective action to overcome racism and exploitation.
British Imperial Apartheid Settlement of the uninhabited island, named Christmas Island in 1643, only began after British surveyors discovered phosphate deposits in 1886. Britain annexed the island in 1888 and gave the Christmas Island Phosphate Company a ninety-nine-year lease on the territory. Phosphate mining began in 1899, using indentured labor from Singapore, the Malay Archipelago, and China.
In 1919, Britain transferred the management of mining on Christmas Island — as well as that of Nauru and Banaba, now part of Kiribati — to the British Phosphate Commissioners (BPC). The BPC comprised government representatives from Australia, New Zealand, and Britain. In 1949, the British government sold its mining rights to Australia and New Zealand. And in 1958, the UK transferred sovereignty over Christmas Island from Singapore to Australia. All the while, the BPC continued to manage the island using extraordinary powers. The BPC paid Asians a fifth of what white workers received and could summarily dismiss workers, who had no right to appeal.
The authorities deported fired workers within twenty-four hours, stamping their passports with NTR — “Never to Return.” They forbade Asian workers from owning land on Christmas Island or settling permanently. The BPC owned everything, including the local shop.
The island’s housing, transport, swimming pools, and education system were also highly segregated. White families lived in houses built to Australian standards while Asian families lived in small flats without hot water or air conditioning. Single Asian men lived in dormitories the size of bathrooms, without mattresses.
There were also two schools, one Asian and one European. The island’s European population were almost totally opposed to proposals to integrate the two schools.
Unsurprisingly, given this setup, one resident described Christmas Island as pretty much the last outpost of the British Raj. The BPC men were all there with their white shorts and long socks and they all played golf on Friday afternoons. The European people would put on shows at the Christmas Island Club, but by virtue of the fees, it was a European stronghold.
Striking Against the BPC The catalyst for change came in 1974, when workers struck to oppose the dismissal of Teo Boon How, the chief interpreter in the administrative office. The BPC had fired him on March 26, ordering him to leave Christmas Island within twenty-four hours. The next day, more than 1,100 workers refused to report to work, instead marching in protest.
The strike forced the acting administration to rescind Teo Boon How’s deportation order and later to reinstate him. This was not the first strike on Christmas Island. However, it signaled a shift. It was the first time the island’s Asian community exercised political power.
On March 21, 1975, fifteen Asian community leaders met secretly and formed the Union of Christmas Island Workers (UCIW). On Teo Boon How’s recommendation, they elected schoolteacher Michael Grimes as the UCIW’s first general secretary on a part-time basis, in part thanks to his experience organizing teachers’ unions. They also elected as president Lim Sai Meng, a worker with a Chinese background who had come to Christmas Island from Malaysia in 1973. Within a week of its formation, more than seven hundred workers had joined the new union.
Grimes had arrived in 1975, alongside some twenty other people from the Commonwealth Teaching Service. Their salaries outstripped those of local teachers, highlighting the extent to which the BPC underpaid Asian workers.
In 1978, Grimes resigned as UCIW secretary and was replaced by Gordon Bennett, an English migrant. Bennett’s more militant style of union organizing caught the attention of mainland Australian newspapers, highlighting the plight of Christmas Islanders.
The Chinese community nicknamed Bennett “Tai Ko Seng” (Big Brother Who Delivers). Under his leadership, the UCIW immediately called for a $30-a-week raise and minimum wage parity with the mainland within a year. The workers also demanded Australian citizenship rights for Christmas Islanders and called for the Australian government to take full administrative control of the island.
In 1979, the workers met at a cinema in Poon Saan, Christmas Island’s second-largest town. Almost the entire workforce of the island voted to take strike action in support of the UCIW’s demands, bringing phosphate production to a halt. The workers self-levied to raise a war chest of $70,000 for their campaign.
The BPC fought back against the industrial action. They stood down three hundred workers in May, following a strike by ship loaders. According to their industrial agreement, the BPC didn’t have the power to sack these workers. James Taylor, the deputy president of Australia’s arbitration commission, came to the island to mediate the dispute.
At the company’s request, Taylor inserted a stand-down clause into the ship loaders’ agreement, retrospectively legitimizing the BPC’s move. Unsurprisingly, this only fanned the flames of the strike.
The workers reacted swiftly. A mass meeting of 1,500 workers voted to prevent Taylor from leaving Christmas Island. Taylor was only allowed to leave some days later, after Australian Council of Trade Unions president Bob Hawke flew to Christmas Island and intervened on his behalf.
Next, the UCIW took its campaign to the mainland, where they made use of a series of creative tactics. They took the home affairs minister to court for underpayment and established a protest tent camp outside Parliament House in July 1979. Later that year, they waged a twelve-day hunger strike, garnering media attention.
Against all odds, the union won the pay raise it had demanded immediately. And its protest actions resulted in a public inquiry into the BPC. The inquiry recommended that Christmas Island be brought under the same administrative jurisdiction and industrial legislation as mainland Australia. A former BHP executive, Wilfred Sweetland, ran the inquiry and was scathing of the BPC, describing it as “colonial” and “repugnant.”
By 1981, the UCIW had won all its industrial demands including wage parity. The publicly owned Phosphate Mining Company of Christmas Island took over the phosphate industry. This finally put an end to the BPC’s rule. Following his victory in the 1984 election, Bob Hawke’s Labor government brought Christmas Island fully under Australian administration.
Ongoing Injustices Despite these victories, Christmas Islanders are still confronted by injustices. In 1987, the Australian government closed the phosphate mine. Although union workers purchased the mine and reopened it in 1990, other attempts at economic diversification have not borne fruit.
The Australian government blocked proposals to boost tourism by revitalizing the island’s resort and casino, previously legislating to prohibit casino operations. This means that Serco, the company that runs the notorious Christmas Island Detention Centre, is the island’s largest employer.
The battle against the legacy of colonialism is also not over. Christmas Island has many of the characteristics of a non-self-governing territory, as described by UN Charter Article 73. Yet Australian governments still treat it like a distant possession. Islanders do not enjoy basic democratic rights.
Australian citizens in Christmas Island can vote in federal elections, but they must do so as part of the Northern Territory, and have no say over the Western Australian state laws that apply to them. Just as Christmas Islanders did not get to vote over the transfer of sovereignty to Australia in 1958, the Australian government has not consulted with them or allowed them a say over the island’s governance since.
Following its historic victories in the early 1980s, the UCIW has maintained its key role in the life of the island. Gordon Thomson, a UCIW leader who also serves as the president of the Christmas Island Shire Council, summed it up well: the collective power of unionism yet remains the most important and only real means of resisting those who would destroy us and the gains we have made as a union since 1975. Indeed, the story of the UCIW’s victorious battle against the colonial apartheid regime in Christmas Island should be as well known in Australia as other historic struggles, like the Wave Hill walk-off or the green bans. Christmas Island’s history shows that militant, class-struggle trade unionism is a powerful weapon against colonialism and racism.
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD Review: Itoshi no XL Saizu
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Title:  愛しのXLサイズ (Itoshi no XL Saizu)
Author: Omoimi
Release date: 2019/09/11
Cast: Nakajima Yoshiki x Saitou Souma
Synopsis: University student Aoi Yamamoto joins the Sake Research society hoping to get a girlfriend and lose his virginity, despite being unable to tolerate alcohol. At a club event, he gets wasted on liquor chocolates and is taken care of by Kobayashi-kun, a member of the same club. Despite being very handsome, Kobayashi-kun confesses that he is also a virgin… because of his enormous dick! How will the drunken Yamamoto deal with coming face to face with the ‘Anaconda’? A sweet and sexy comic romance between students, extra-large size! (Hero Scans)
Review Proper
Yo, I’m glad I put this after Konomi ja Naka to in the list. This is how you adapt a comedic BLCD! I mean, what did I expect from Fifth Avenue? Though there are certain things like the BGM and voice acting that I had some minor concerns with which I will cover in a moment, but this should be the minimum! I’m actually quite happy with the adaptation because if you’ve read the manga, Omoimi is fond of sudden stops and surprise turns in dialogues (think Masao Sangatsu), so I was curious about how they’ll execute that in audio. They were fantastic! They made the dialogues more alive! This is how you do it, Marine Ent., take notes. Also, can I just say how this reminds me of Seto Umiko’s Customer Masquerade!? But Anaconbayashi’s heaps better than Kishimoto tbh. 😂
Again, the BGM could use just a tad more improvement because I felt that they were lacking in some parts. Nothing I can’t forgive. I was more concerned with the actual voice acting because I didn’t trust Nakajima Yoshiki enough to survive acting with Saitou Souma. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I saw Saitou Souma grow up from that cutie rookie Teo in DMMD to QUEEN SAITOU SLUT AOI. 😭😭😭 My worries proved true because Nakajima Yoshiki did get swallowed up by Saitou Souma’s acting, especially in the first few tracks. 
Man, Saitou Souma was just...too good at it that Nakajima Yoshiki had a hard time matching their breaths in the first mattress mambo. It sounded like Saitou Souma was having sex with another man (Maeno maybe??? I’m sorry Furukawa) in his head while Nakajima Yoshiki was just jerking off. 🙊 Now, I admittedly am not that familiar with Nakajima Yoshiki’s voice and the only notable role I’ve heard him in is Akai Ito’s Akira-san where he did a stellar job with btw, but he really struggled here. His Akira-san was a rich but high pitched tone, if you know what I mean, and I felt that the pitch that he was going for was a little too deep that I could hear him strain it at times. I feel like he finds it difficult to drag long and spontaneous dialogues out because of this, which is weird because I listened to the cast talk and his voice was just a tad higher but was rich and smooth like Ono Yuuki’s. Idk. 🤷 It was as if he was going for Furukawa Makoto’s Shida-kun in Alternative, but ended with his Kiriya in I Hate instead. He did manage to make me ride his acting the longer the CD played, but the strain does pop up like a sore thumb at times. 
I also had an issue with the semes in the last three BLCDs I listened to before this, but rather than a miscast, I think this more of a mistone because Furukawa Makoto’s Shida-kun would have passed as Anaconbayashi—even though I find it too serious a tone for him. I honestly don’t know who we could replace him with, though. 😂 Roles like Anaconbayashi’s are hard to cast!
As for Saitou Souma, I think that this is his best BLCD yet on this list (let’s see if Yoidore can top this). Man, I’m sorry for everyone else who was vying for this crown, but Saitou Souma is 2019′s Queen of Queens. I’m sure Okitsu will be doing phenomenal in Koi ga Ochitara, but the number of BLCDs Saitou Souma’s voiced as an uke alone is enough to steal that title. But this isn’t about quantity, now is it? Unlike Furukawa Makoto who’s a hit or miss in the plethora of projects he has done this year, Saitou Souma makes it a point to always hit that mark. What an artist.  👏👏👏 I don’t understand how he can act like such a veteran when he’s only 28!
Furukawa Makoto (probably): What have I ever done to you, Cheska???
I love Furukawa Makoto, too. Don’t get me wrong. They’re both my babies. 😂 My love for him makes me include him in every BLCD review even. Pls get used to it, Furukawa, because I still have more BLCDs to review! 😂
As for loyalty, there weren’t a lot ad libs; and though there were some changes in the arrangement in the dialogue, it isn’t that hard to follow. If you’re a beginner, this shouldn’t pose a problem for you at all. Plus, it’s funny and steamy af! I highly highly recommend listening to this while reading the manga. This is undoubtedly one of 2019′s best BLCDs/adaptations, so definitely give it a try!
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theyellowcurtains · 4 years
i know you’re expecting this but HI BABE IT ME i’m going to combine both lists you reblogged and ask for a breathless kiss with “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this.” :)))) ily
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anon ur fucking the sweetest bean but wow thank you aaah also noah ur a nerd i love you ur a babe. this is gonna be a tad short sorry loves but it’s something :)
9 - “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this” + b - breathless kiss
David is glad he asked for this really. He has needed this for a while and truly it’s the perfect time. Late afternoon when they’re alone in the flat and they’ve both had a lazy day in bed so they’ve got energy. 
David’s a bit shocked when Matteo doesn’t start out teasing and slow like usual. He really just gets right into it, he spends some time down between David’s thighs, using his fingers and mouth to get him off once. Matteo’s then quick to get a condom on and push into David and doesn’t really give him much time to adjust before Matteo’s really fucking him. 
Matteo keeps his hands on his hips, holding David down into the mattress. He also keeps kissing David despite him really not being able to kiss back. David can’t seem to catch his breath but he really truly doesn’t mind at all. It’s a few minutes of David wanting to kiss back but just sort of moaning and panting into Matteo’s mouth. David notices that with ever moan he lets out Matteo will push in just a little bit harder. 
David tries to push his hips up and spreads his legs out a little bit further, just giving Matteo more space to keep it up like this. Matteo moves and he starts hitting something that just really feels too good to be real. David starts being so much louder and trying to push back more, trying to get as much of this feeling as he can. Matteo moves back and sits up, he slows down his thrusts for a second. David is annoyed but honestly should expect it. 
“You’re being so loud baby, what if someone hears?” Matteo asks, he’s clearly being a shit but David really isn’t putting up with it.
“Teo, please there’s no one home just please keep fucking me.” David says firmly. He probably sounds a bit like a brat but he doesn’t care.
Matteo smirks at David and pushes his hips forward so he’s resting balls deep against David before he speaks again, “I don’t know. I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this. See you being a mess for me.” 
David wants to take it seriously but he really can’t, he just starts laughing. He knows Matteo’s just trying to dirty talk but he really just sounds a little ridiculous and like he’s trying to be too sexy and not making it. 
“Oi! Stop laughing at me! That’s not supposed to be funny.” Matteo pouts but he’s also laughing at himself. 
They spend a few minutes just laughing together before Matteo falls back forward and it touches something inside David that makes him cut off his laughter with a loud moan. They look at each other for a second then Matteo just starts moving his hips again. David shuts his eyes and just tries to enjoy the moment more now that they’re back to this. 
send me a prompt from these lists; one, two, or three
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