#the infinite dungeon
sierraveree-art · 4 months
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two sides of the same coin
featuring @lexarga's Lyr Siannodel and my Lorem Ipsum from @the-infinite-dungeon
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moreclaypigeons · 10 months
Here is a little something I've been working on for a few months, based on our time in @the-infinite-dungeon
Featuring @abstractbabble as Damien, @guthrie-odonto as Guthrie, @lexarga as Lyr, myself as Lorem, and @siriwesen as our Dungeon Master.
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sirislayer · 1 year
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Ṋ̵̢̥͎͕̞̹̩͍̳̤͉̈́́̿̈́̄O̶̧̢͇̘̠̜͆̈͋͝Ṭ̸̥̩̭̖̤͓̘̬̫͙͓͆̈́͊̅͋́̌̿̎̇ͅ ̷̰̯̱̖̼̣̝̻̱̼͚̻̝͙̎͊͐́̇͜͠͝Y̸̧͎̦̰͍̪̬̰̊͛̆͊̀̍̈́̅̾͑͑͒̕͠E̶̦̋͛̈́̃̏T̶͔̣̞͈͓̝̀̋̔̀̏͊͊
In the Whitespace The Infinite Dungeon Session 4 Damien @abstractbabble -----
I have commissions open: ko-fi and a youtube
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guthrie-odonto · 1 year
When faced with rubbing alcohol you just found in a box and a troop of skull bugs upstairs to face, the obvious solution is Molotov cocktail.
@siriwesen @moreclaypigeons @abstractbabble @lexarga
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the-infinite-dungeon · 2 months
The Infinite Dungeon Session 3
"So... the only time it resets... is... when we restart."
The group finishes their little rest, but notices that neither spells nor health feel much restored. But at least they have had some time to talk and chat. "You guys are maybe the most interesting people I've ever met", a statement which Guthrie makes in a casual manner, but it sure makes all of the group aware of the unintended bond they currently share. "What do you want to do when you get out of here?" The question somehow comes up in conversation, and each of the group's members answers them to the best of their knowledge.
Damien would just really like to take a big fat nap in his own bed. Not in a prison, not in a cell. Not surrounded by monsters and not caged in a place he does not know.
Beyond that, he has not given it much thought.
Lorem wants to keep exploring the Prime Material Plane. She hasn't spent much time in her home dimension, so she is hoping for a chill year travelling in that plane. Guthrie admits, that he kind of wants to keep in touch with the other people on the group. Despite all the hardships and the dire situation they are in, he tells them, that they all might be some of the most interesting people he has ever met. @abstractbabble (jack)"Is there like a phone for like the universe?!" on the subject on how to keep in touch with things. "I think Lorem would be able to track you guys down. That sounds like a threat... but it's not.", Sierra "It is a threat of FRIENDSHIP!", jack
The group makes their way up the stairs, once again, each of them standing on a different plattform lane. One of which is empty. They explore the plattforms carefully, and eventually they figure out, that by touch the glowing rocks close to them, they can make bridges appear for the people on other lanes. A puzzle race begins, in which each member of the group does their best to activate the bridges, so that each of them will reach the end. The empty fifth lane, at times rocks begin glowing and sparkling, causing other bridges to exist.
The group manages to make their way across the room safely, each of them decide to take the next flight of stairs. Only to be reunited in a peaceful, almost village like, space. Some shops and booths of the small market don't quite fit together. Seashells are sold next to weapons on the same stall, interior decor does not quite fit together, but it seems as if a market is supposed to take place here. Even more important! People! There are people standing around, but none of them seem to genuinely react to our adventurers. The group combats them with questions, but the strangers keep repeating the same lines, as if they are stuck on a script. A trading quest ensues, as a fish is acquired. After trading items with a variety of the odd strangers, the group is handed a key to the "inn's room". With that they are taken to the next level. A gigantic skull bug with a gnarly jaw and massive teeth awaits them. The surroundings look like an old overgrown temple. The skullbugs around the big creature take their turns to attack. Lorem fends off skullbugs from Lyr with her magic, making sure to keep a magic ward to create a circle of protection. As Guthrie observes the situation, Damien finally gets close to the enormous giant monster. It's time to get this over and done with. His patience has been running thin ever since he woke up the first time in this place. His jacket has been ruined, his nerves lie bare. He extends his right hand and casts Color Spray. Paint splatters rip into the creature with a velocity none of the other three have every seen before. They see Damien cast a spell, eventually the paint takes over the scene and neither Lyr or Lorem, nor Guthrie can see their companion anymore. The creature looks worse for wear, but before the crew can catch on to new hope, they hear a monstrous roar, that does not originate from their known enemy. Damien is gone.
Instead - a giant white wyrm-like creature with no eyes, but 6 legs and massive sharp teeth emerges next to the Skullbug Queen.
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jackdawsscrapbook · 1 year
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@sirislayer did a very cool D&D session and I decided to draw them blorbos in this outfit meme
them guys from left to right.
Damien (my guy)
Guthrie ( @guthrie-odonto )
Eladrin ( @siriwesen )
Lyr ( @lexarga )
Lorem ( @moreclaypigeons )
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siriwesen · 1 year
My players before the final infinite dungeon session: "No Story is complete without a beach episode. We want a beach episode"
Me, prepping the last map of the infinite dungeon: "Okay then. As you wish."
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tsuyoshikentsu · 11 months
if internet comments on cookbooks were like the ones on D&D books
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Source: https://www.wired.com/2008/06/alttext-0618/, which I found out about from https://twitter.com/mxdshipwreck/status/1669480866891051008
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ceaselessbasher · 3 days
I should probably just avoid fandom discourse altogether but the mischaracterization of Toshiro is really starting to get to me (and this isn't a case of "my poor precious blorbo I'm the only one who understands you" because tbh I don't think he's in the top five of my dunmeshi faves)
The main issue comes from his relationships with Falin and with Laios. "He loves Falin for everything he hates Laios for." No, wrong. Does he maybe romanticize Falin a bit as a manic pixie girl with a refreshingly original personality and interests? Sure, yeah, but the thing is, he doesn't hate Laios for his monster special interest.
One thing Laios and Falin don't have in common is their way of expressing themselves. While Laios is very outspoken and talkative, Falin tends to be more quiet and reserved. Just think about the flashback to magic school when she first met Marcille. If that had been Laios, he would've also been the kid who shows up late covered in dirt from chasing grasshoppers, but he wouldn't have kept to himself like Falin did until Marcille approached her. He would've gone around the room saying, "Hi, I'm Laios, let me tell you about my project and why it's weird."
That's why Toshiro is upset/annoyed/envious around Laios ("hate" is the wrong word to describe their relationship methinks). He finds him abrasive and insistent and blind to the hints that maybe he should shut the fuck up for a second please.
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thistle ♬
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cakeofthepan · 3 months
I’m obsessed with Larry the Science teen, please enjoy this very silly edit of everything he said
[Audio Transcript:
Anthony: What are you going to disguise yourself as?
Beth: I disguise myself as a different student from teen high Anthony: Margarita Pizza?
Beth: Larry [laughs] umm
Matt: [laughs] Larry
Anthony: Larry, okay
Beth: Yeah. And Larry is a uhhh s-science guy?
[Bill Nye the Science Guy starts playing]
Beth: Larry steps in front of Henry and is like
Larry (Scary): Don’t worry, I’ll kill this bug. I’m Larry, that’s what I do
Beth: Uh no Larry says uh
Larry (Scary): Force equals mass times acceleration.
Larry (Scary): Don’t even worry about sending it into that plane, I’m just gonna kill this bug right now
Larry (Scary): Hell yeah, honey badger waits for nobody right? [laughter] you rock man!
Anthony: So, Willy…
[music ends, laughter continues]
Anthony: Willy casts an eye towards you…
Larry (Scary): I’m gonna shut up now, I get it
End Transcript]
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sierraveree-art · 11 days
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@lexarga's Lyr from my palettes as requested by @jackdawsscrapbook
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moreclaypigeons · 1 year
Lorem Lore Masterpost (The Infinite Dungeon)
Maybe you've heard of Lorem Ipsum. Or maybe you haven't. Either way, she's heard of you. Probably. Or will at least pretend she has.
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So, what's her deal?
A while ago I was struck with the perfect character name- lorem ipsum. It's the pseudo-latin filler text everyone uses in design. How fucking funny would that be? I set the name aside for a while and decided next time I got to play DnD i'd use it.
And then that day came along. @siriwesen announced they were looking for players for a mini campaign, called The Dungeon. They said they would put our characters through hell. Yippee!! The perfect opportunity for my silly guy.
Lorem is a 22 year old human sorcerer. From afar, you wouldn't expect much from her, just your typical adventurer. But there is more to her than it seems! Up close, you could see a faint opalescent shimmer on her skin, the result of spending her formative years traveling between the outer planes. She never really had one place she called home, as she was always on the move, but the closest thing she had was Elysium. That was where she had felt safest, among celestials, phoenixes, and moon dogs alike. As she grew up, the magic of the outer planes imbued her with power, which aside from her powerful spellcasting, can be seen in the shimmer of her skin or the glow of her eyes as she wields that magic.
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[ art by @siriwesen ]
Being a messenger between planes was great and all, but she felt lonely and out of touch with her roots. In an attempt to reconnect with her past, she returned to the prime material plane with only the clothes on her back and her trusty messenger bag (which actually carries a lot, to be honest!).
However, things didn't exactly go to plan. She was only there a few days before... well... she can't quite remember what happened.
She wakes up in a cell, in a dungeon. She notices the walls are well lit, despite a lack of any light source. Fucking weird but not the worst she's been in. She takes her ring of miscellaneous keys and opens the cell door. As she walks down the hallway, she's greeted by one of these fuckers. Some bug skull thing. Ick.
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[ art by @siriwesen ]
She tried to attack it with sacred flame, no success. Then, from the hallway, she hears footsteps as a pale human man makes his way down, quite afraid. She says fuck it and casts firebolt, which fuck- did not work on that bug. Barely missed the man. He flips her off before running down the hall.
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Lorem quickly discovers they are not alone, as she takes out the bug with a spear, then discovers that the hallways lead to other cells. Altogether, there are four people in the dungeon. And the bugs remain defeated. As they try to figure out what the shit is happening, they discover another cell, which is empty, and a paper which alluded to an "author" visiting the realm for inspiration.
The group discovers a staircase, and as they climb them, a white fog clouds their vision, and they find themselves in a different room, with 4 of the bugs waiting for them. They do some badass shit and take them out, with minor hiccups. Lorem aligns with two of the bugs and shoots her firebolt through them, searing them both at one instant.
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As those bugs lie dead, the team notices a pile of bones nearby. Recognizing it from the previous floor, they decide they should figure out if it would also turn into a bug.
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[ art by @amberflatwoods ]
Which... yeah may not have been the best idea. Youch!
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Quail boy did a bit of a dumb but it ended up being alright with a heal from the half-elf. Meanwhile, blondie engages in combat and then runs away, which *dm voice* you're going to provoke an opportunity attack! And he's pretty injured. Lorem casts aura of vitality to give him a heal, and they take down the bug.
But blondie decides that he hasn't had enough yet, and investigates the pile of bricks, which, fuck. is a mimic, hungry for blood. Stabbing it kind of helps, and then the half-elf bard casts thunderwave on it, which Lorem saved for. But, fuck. The other guy is still in range. He's low on health.
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[ art by @lexarga ]
He does some more attacking, and.. well.. yet again tries to run. Some people never learn... in an opportunity attack, the mimic mauls him.
Lorem sees this stranger across from her as he bleeds out. She shouts out in protest, watching the pile of bricks descend upon him.
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[ art by @amberflatwoods ]
And then everything goes white.
And she's back in her cell again.
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Anyways, antics carry out from here. In the second cycle, they finally introduce themselves to each other.
The human(?) rogue is Damien [ played by @abstractbabble ]. The half-elf bard who healed Lorem is Lyr [ played by @lexarga ]. And the avian halfling who shot her in the arm (which healed. only physically...) is named Guthrie [ played by @amberflatwoods ].
They do some more digging, and discover: 1. a few bottles filled with liquor, 2. a rope hanging from the ceiling in the empty cell, which leads up to the second floor.
The second Lorem sees those bottles, she goes, "MOLOTOV COCKTAIL!"
Together, the gang devises a plan, where Damien will climb the rope and cast minor illusion to distract the bugs, and Guthrie will launch the bottle at them as they gather in one spot
[ animation by @amberflatwoods ]
And it's pretty successful... I mean they don't die immediately, but a little fire never hurt. Lorem immediately adds fire to fire, killing the big guy with sacred flame, and shooting another with firebolt. Which, well. Shit. Sets the table on fire. No big.
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And here is when we learned Lorem is a fan of arson. My fault, really, for giving her two fire-related spells.
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[ art by @siriwesen ]
They do some puzzle shit, get to the next floor, and discover they are on floating platforms in a void that extend repeating infinitely outward. The usual. After some investigating and physics testing (he threw a candle over the gap and it was fine!!!) Damien makes a running jump for it, but he kind of slows down in the air, like he's moving through jello, and Lorem sees as he misses the ledge and plummets downward.
And then everything goes white.
Third time's the charm?
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[ art by @amberflatwoods ]
The second floor is tougher this time around. The damn bugs keep respawning. But they have nothing on Lorem, she takes no hits.
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Meanwhile, Damien is being crushed by a cabinet and they realize the items don't restock each cycle. After defeating the enemies for realsies, the four of them sit around a table and rest with some wine.
They talk about whether they'd reunite after they escape, and Lorem assures them she'd be able to find them. One way or another. Guthrie gives her a feather just in case. She says, "my dog will find you," which sounds threatening but moon dogs are not scary.
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This time they successfully make it past the third floor, through a series of bridge-forming puzzles. There's a fifth platform set that seems to activate on its own, but uhhhh let's just ignore that for now guys.
They end up in a village, which is pretty obviously fake. There are characters all around it (!!! other people !!!!) but after approaching them all, they discover they are NPCs. WHEN WILL IT END?
Lorem tries to exploit the infinite fish glitch, which doesn't work. Whatever, lame. They head to the next floor.
They find themselves in an enclosed rundown castle, with an atrium. Floating above a tree is a GIANT monster bug skull. Holy shit. Fear for my life. Lorem finds out fire doesnt work on it (RUDE), needs a heal from Lyr, and Damien rushes up the stairs.
Where he is.. promptly killed by taking one hit after the other. Yikes dude
You know the drill.
The next time they reach that floor, they're smarter about it. They have a lot more HP, and do more heals. Guthrie hides behind the left staircase, while Damien goes up it. Lorem leads Lyr up the right staircase, as Lyr casts vicious mockery. Cornered between two skull bugs, Lorem casts spirit guardians, and a swarm of winged spirits in shifting colors swirl around her. They completely desecrate the bugs.
Lyr moves forward, and the spirits part like the curtain of a waterfall as she makes her way closer to the enemy. As Lorem follows, taking cover beside a tree, the spirits follow her in a 15 foot radius, but they're moving slower.
Through the spirits, Lorem sees as Damien approaches the giant from behind. As he casts color spray, a paint-like substance splatters everywhere in the direction of the bug, and from his balm glows a brilliant a blinding light.
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[ art by @siriwesen ]
As the light dims, in the spot where Damien once stood, is a giant white figure. It's long, and cylindrical, and has 6 legs. And it is staring down at the bug with an eyeless grin.
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[ art by @amberflatwoods ]
Aaaand that's where we last left off a few days ago. Pretty exciting!
I love this campaign so much and I love our little adventuring crew and all the Situations (tm) they get themselves into.
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sirislayer · 1 year
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The Infinite Dungeon "In combat"
[Image Description: A digital painting depicting a fight scene from a Dungeons and Dragons game. The painting shows the four characters (from front to back) Guthrie, Lorem, Lyr and Damien.
Guthrie is a halfling with feathered wings and bird-like feet. He is positioned in the top left corner and is currently in the air, firing his bow using his feet. The Bow is pointed towards the viewer, his arrow points to the bottom right, kind of as if it faces the viewer.
Lorem is right behind him, but to the bottom right on the cobblestone ground. He right arm is extended as she shoots a fire bolt, which sends some warm light into the over all dimly light dark area.
In the left bottom half of the image Lyr can be seen, who is using her spear to pierce through a skullbug creature in the right side of the image.
Just above the spear's tip, Damien can be seen sitting on a large wooden box behind the spear.
In the very distance to the left of the image, there is a corridor seen, which seems to lead further into the labyrinth. Just around the corner, there is a ded sillhouette clutching to a spear.] I take Commissions on Ko-Fi! Click here!
I also have a YouTube with Animation stuff!
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guthrie-odonto · 9 months
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Basically the group dynamic for the first session of @the-infinite-dungeon season 2
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the-infinite-dungeon · 9 months
Audio Transcript:
Jack: "Also.. Can I ask a weird question. Can Damien smell anything?"
Siri (DM): "Sea salt?"
Jack: "Sea Salt."
Siri: "Were you expecting something else? I don't know-"
Jack: "Don't worry. Don't worry!"
Siri: "The tender musk of hardworking men on a sailing ship?"
Jack: "SURE! Sure!"
Siri: "The intimate smell of people not showering in clean environments- wha- what do you want?!"
shout out to you, I was so confused, I was not prepared for Damien's eldritch sniff.
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