#the ocean is so cool yet so terrifying
prettyb0ymishap · 7 months
i Think getting lost Out at Sea would fix anything Wrong with me… just Letting my Body sink Down to the ocean floor… calming
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
llama i must know
do you have any thoughts about siren bad sanses? 👉👈(//ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠//)
do i
Horror: Now, Skull is a cecaelia. But I think Horror would be a little different. A big frightening toothed whale - particularly, a Risso's dolphin. Risso's dolphins have a cool effect where any time they get an injury, their scars lose pigment and remain white forever. Horror is slowly turning whiter and whiter as time goes on.
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Just like usual, he used to be normal sized, but his injury kickstarted a bizarre growth spurt and he's become far larger than he ever should've. He enjoys targeting boats - since he's so big he can easily sink small ships, his favourite 'game' is ramming vessels and seeing who survives after the ship rolls over. He eats anyone who drowns.
I can imagine him falling in love with you from the water, and rocking your boat purely to get your attention. If you ignore him he slams into the hull in frustration. He'd never sink your boat, of course... not unless you were really, REALLY ignoring him, and he lost his temper.
Dust: An oceanic whitetip shark. The beautiful dark colouring. The 'dusty' white edges of the fins and tail. A solitary, wandering creature that's probably responsible for many of the open-water shark attacks attributed to other species... IMO, it's absolutely perfect.
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Before joining Nightmare, he travelled long distances in isolation, avoiding large vessels or groups but hunting down and killing anyone (or anything) he caught alone. He'll follow prey for weeks; he often waits for people on boats to go stir crazy before he attacks.
He's a distant admirer. He'll stalk from afar, but come closer at night, when it's hard to distinguish his dark shape against the moonlit sea. He thinks you'll be a very pretty siren.
Killer: @aka-indulgence suggested Killer is a bull shark and she's absolutely right. Killer is hyperactive and murderous, but incredibly loyal to those he cares about (even if he won't admit he cares). Bull sharks are fast, notoriously aggressive, yet surprisingly social.
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Killer just enjoys... well, killing. He sometimes plays with his prey, but the games are never as forgiving as Horror's, or as patient as Dust's. He likes to bite the limbs off of his targets and watch them struggle to get away.
He's extremely friendly to you. Worryingly so. He lacks any subtlety, he'll come right up to your boat and put his arms over the edge when he wants your attention, flirting like you didn't just watch him murder another siren in cold blood. A swift strike with an oar is usually enough to ward him off - but unfortunately, it never seems to chase him away permanently.
Nightmare: He isn't any one species. He's much, much older. He was something else before his corruption... but times change, don't they? If you don't know what to call him, he certainly doesn't mind the ego stroke of being called a kraken.
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Obviously it would be ridiculous of me to make Nightmare anything other than a cecaelia. He's large, scary, black as midnight sea, beautifully bioluminescent when he wants to be. He has attributes of lots of different deep-sea creatures; retractable hooks in his tentacles, a toxic bite, terrifying teeth, incredible vision. He's not the kind of thing you want to encounter underwater. Ever.
The other sirens would be very reluctant to let Nightmare know you exist. But when all three of his underlings are chasing the same prey... well. You'll catch his eye sooner or later.
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greymoonfeelings · 1 year
You and Me
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pairing: Jake Seresin x fem! reader
word count: 0.7k
note: this is a little blurb I’ve had in my drafts forever and I wanted to get it published. I firmly believe Jake says says “give me some sugar” when he wants a kiss and you will not change my mind.
You let out a huff, swirling the ice cubes in your drink around with the plastic straw. With your head in your hand, you watch as Jake celebrates his latest pool victory with his friends. He wasn’t ignoring you on purpose, but he was so wrapped up in the energy of his friends that he had yet to realize you weren’t feeling the same.
After Coyote slaps him on the back, Jake spins around to face you. He looks over to you expectantly, hoping to see you smiling at him, but instead notices the downturn of your lips as you stare down at your drink. Jake excuses himself from his friends before approaching you.
“What's wrong, darlin?” He slides into the booth beside you, throwing an arm around your slumped shoulders.
“Nothing.” You force a smile, not wanting to ruin his fun with your sour mood. Jake cocks his head to the side giving you a knowing look. There is no use lying to him. He has always been able to see right through you.
You sigh in defeat. “I thought tonight would just be us. I love your friends, but we’re with them so much and I miss spending time alone with you.”
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” His tone is soft, not accusing.
“I didn’t want to sound needy.” You peer down at your drink again, pretending to be interested in the condensation running down this side so you don’t have to look your boyfriend in the eye.
You’re terrified of Jake suddenly deciding that you’re too high maintenance. Maybe he wants a girlfriend who’s more go-with-the-flow and less clingy. Jake is a boisterous and extroverted person, why would he ever want to be with someone who was the exact opposite?
Jake recognizes that look on your face. The one you make when your order comes out wrong but you eat it anyway because you don’t want to be a bother. The one you wear when someone suddenly starts talking over you because they either didn’t realize you were speaking or they just didn’t care. Jake hates that look, hates that you feel like you’re not good enough to take up space.
“There’s no one else I would rather spend time with than you, darlin’. You can always tell me what you’re feeling, you don’t have to hide from me or feel embarrassed.”
“You’re so good to me, Jake. I’m not used to my feelings being considered.”
“Your feelings deserve to be treated with respect and I love you, I always want you to be comfortable.”
“I love you too.”
“Gimme some sugar.” Jake leans in, his lips searching for yours.
“Not here.” You duck away from him, looking around at the crowded bar.
“No one’s looking. They’re all too focused on themselves. C’mon, I missed you too, darling.” Jake whispers reassuringly as he presses kisses to the side of your face.
You take another quick look around the bar before deciding that he’s right. You lean into Jake’s side and press your glossed lips against his.
When you pull away, Jake licks his lips trying to savor the taste of you. “Mm, cherry. My favorite.”
“You’re not supposed to lick it off, weirdo.” You laugh and give your boyfriend a playful shove.
“Let’s get out of here. There’s a carton of ice cream back home with our names written all over it and I may have finally caved and subscribed to Disney Plus.”
Jake wraps his arm around your waist and tucks you against his side. After saying goodbye to his friends, he leads you out into the parking lot, his body warming you against the cool breeze from the ocean.
The two of you spend the remainder of the night curled up in bed sharing the tub of ice cream while your favorite movie plays. Jake makes sure you know just how much he cherishes his time with you. Being alone with just him refills your energy just the way you were hoping it would and you fall asleep feeling even more in love with your man.
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jackiepackiee · 2 months
Hello! Could I request a Chuuya x reader story (no AU please) where she is someone important like a princess, and they hire the best executive to protect her when she goes to Yokohama? 🩷🩷
𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶 𝓍 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓂𝒶𝒻𝒾𝒶
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎
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The royal family would do anything to protect their daughter, anything. Including hiring one of the most feared men in all of Yokohama from one of the most dangerous organizations in the world.
The port mafia, with some of the most dangerous executives.
Chuuya Nakahara, that name just yelled power.
Your family was their on business, and most of the guards needed to protect the other members. Only the most trusted, highly trained, powerful people were to be working for the family.
The meeting was set late at night. One of the high floors in the port mafias headquarters. Safe to say, you didn’t exactly expect skyscrapers. But here you were, being accompanied by a woman named Kouyou to meet your new bodyguard.
“You’ll like him, I’m sure of it. He’s a gentleman.”
You looked over, this was the first time she had spoken to you.
Looking to your feet, you didn’t respond.
“I can sense you’re nervous. About meeting him I presume?” She was calm, very easy to talked to.
“I’m afraid to say I’m a bit on edge. Never have I been protected by a stranger.”
The elevator opened, sleek floors of polished marble were to be expected of the meeting floor for a princess.
“Follow me, he should be with our boss in the main office.”
Shoes clicked as the two of you walked. Hers much more confident than yours.
Then, you met with a group of bodyguards in front of some wooden doors. They swung open, revealing a ginger man. He was facing the wide windows overlooking the port city. Adorn in a very expensive looking suit. Very well dressed was he, kinda cute too.
Next to him was a seated man, supposedly the boss. Mori. He noticed you and Kouyou first.
“Well, we have been expecting you.”
Chuuya turned around to see who he was speaking with. He waved politely to Kouyou before taking you in. So simple, yet so classy.
Even if you knew you should’ve said hi to the boss, you focused on your new bodyguard. And he was just as focused on you.
“Chuuya, this is your new assignment.”
He smiled, and tilted his head as a greeting.
“Hey princess.”
Leaving the office, he walked next to you. It was awfully quiet.
“Where are we going?”
“Eh? Oh, just your new place. It’s nice, and right next to mine.”
You looked at him from your peripheral, then back to the floor with speed when he looked at you too.
“Nervous? That’s alright, I’ll protect ya.”
“I’m… not nervous.”
He laughed, well more of a quick one.
“Why is that, princess?”
“You seem very strong…”
You didn’t mean to be so honest. Shit, what if he-
“Thank you. You know, how about we tour the city first? I’m sure it’s your first time in Japan.”
“How can you tell?”
“I have a feeling~”
You felt butterflies in your stomach, was he teasing? Why did this wanted criminal have to be so damn alluring?
“And I have a feeling you’ve never been around a princess with those manners of yours.”
He froze, and quickly stopped smirking. Until you laughed. When he realized you were teasing too, he rolled his eyes playfully.
“You’re feisty. Good thing, I thought this mission would have me walking on egg shells with everything I do.”
Soon, a group of men walked by. They stared at you, obviously not the stares you would want. And hell, was Chuuya pissed.
“The fuck you looking at? Damn underlings, move those eyes before I crush you!”
They quickly looked away, terrified. No wonder he was your bodyguard.
“Say princess, how about that tour?”
He took you through the city. It was beautiful, the port was cool and calming. The ocean smell was like a lullaby.
It was alright, until a group of thugs saw you. An enemy organization.
He grabbed your hand, and hid you in his coat. Gun shots went off, and you thought that was it. You were good at dead.
Until, no bullets hit you.
Screams from the men. You try to look, but he pulls you to his chest.
“No, I’ve got you. No need to look. Stay right here, pretty.”
You hadn’t noticed you started shaking, the guns obviously scaring you.
“Let’s go to where you’re staying. A nice, warm bed.”
Had you started, floating? What in the world?
“Shh, it’s okay. I’ll get you back.”
Soon, the cool air went away. And so did the noise of the city.
He moved your body gently away from his, and your feet met the ground.
“Where are we?”
“My plac- I mean, where you’ll be staying.”
“It’s warm.”
“Let’s get you to bed, princess.”
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z3rinn · 7 months
in which your daily walks on the beach have been becoming more eventful as time passes. But after finding a certain scale, you feel as if you’re being watched at every turn.
this was a little unedited idea I came up with for halloween!! I wrote that Azul has scales when octopi dont- so uh-. slight yandere content up ahead !! hope you guys enjoy !! also- new header !! wdyt??
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❝ rise and fall silver moon ❞
You never believed in mythical creatures.
The beach had become a safe spot for you throughout the years. It was still and serene; a place where life's problems sunk into the deep ocean before you.
The ocean had always been mysterious. It was a deep and spacious space, the beginning of life so to say. It held a sense of tranquility, yet alongside that, unpredictability.
The Sea held emotions. It could be violent and vicious, yet benevolent and peaceful. Perhaps this is what led to your fascination with the sea and its inhabitants. It's creatures.
The ocean reflected beauty, showing the world its colors and scales, it was a place creatures could thrive. However the deeper you go, the more terrifying it gets, showing what could be awaiting you in the unknown. 
The human imagination was vast, and could come up with many creatures and ideas. There were vampires and werewolves, Cryptids and Ghosts- all fantastical tales made up by the imagination.
The Sea had its own creatures as well, mermaids, yet similarly known as sirens. They were fantastical stories, usually depicted by sailors and legends. They were beings similar to humans, well, only half of them that is.
They were only half man, with long beautiful tails from the waist down. They were akin to fish, luring others with their songs and beauty. Their majestic colours aiding them.
A fishermens tale, as they say. You didnt believe in the stories, no matter how scary they could get. Scientifically it couldn’t be proven.
However, these legends didnt deter you from the ocean.
Now, on a dark night like this, where the silver moon lit up the sky, there shouldn't have been anything to worry about. It was an ideal night, peaceful and soothing.
The wind breezed across your face, brushing against skin and cloth. It was a chilly night, the cold ocean and air made a combination that was welcomed.
You walked slowly across the shore line, feeling the sand between your toes. It was soft and rocky, a texture you had frown accustomed to. The sand had significantly cooled compared to the burning heat from the morning, it felt nice against your skin.
You glanced behind you, seeing how far away you traveled from the lifeguard. You couldn't help but take notice of the tide that erased your footsteps.
It was if the world was erasing you.
Well, you wouldve thought that if it were for the black scale that washed up on shore.
And wow was it pretty.
You gently picked the scale up, rubbing off any remaining sand in the way.
You gaped in awe, cradling it in your hands. No way this could be real. Not with how beautiful it was.
The scale reminded you of an obsidian stone. Smooth and soft to the touch. It oddly resembled hard candy in your opinion.
You turned it over, noting that it was also very shiny. It looked like holographic sparkles with the way they shone against the moons silver light. Shifting it back and forth you could see bits of purple and blue reflecting in the moonlight.
It seriously looked like a jewel. Perfectly crafted and precise.
You pocketed the scale. Continuing on with your walk. It's not like anyone would miss it right? In the end it was just another scale. No one would miss it.
You had keep reminding yourself of that. As the feeling of someone watching you became more apparent.
❝ mirror covered in chalky steam ❞
Showers weren't uncommon to take when coming home from the beach. In fact they were usually welcomed and desired.
Although going to the beach almost everyday you still couldn't get used to the feeling of sand everywhere.
It was so uncomfortable.
The need to get the grimy sand off was strong. And the urge to just pour clean water all over you was overwhelming. You just had to clean yourself of this dirt.
A light sigh escaped your lips as you stepped into the bathroom, ridding yourself of your clothes while turning the water on. Luckily this time you didn't go for a swim, so just a quick rinse would suffice.
But alas with some more thought you decided, sometimes a long bath was nice once in a while.
Grabbing your phone, you put a playlist on. The one you specifically made for your long walks on the beach. It could still work good enough, right?
A smile formed on your face as you stepped into the bathtub, hot water enveloping your body. It was a nice contrast against the beaches cold air.
You sunk deeper into the tub, unknowingly letting sleep sink its claws deep into you.
The last thing you saw was an array of sharp teeth above you, a soft, yet comforting voice lulling out a song. A pair of gold and grey eyes hypnotizing you, a spell to put you at ease. To sleep.
However, you were too far gone. And while your heart lept with adrenaline and fear, the drowsy feeling wasn't going away. No matter how much you screamed at yourself to get up you couldn’t. You could only feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the water around you.
And you could've sworn you felt a hand cover your eyes.
Slimy and webbed.
❝ touch me, touch me, kiss me to sleep ❞
It was another day at the beach. Another day where the cool air brushed across you, consuming your being whole. It was a quiet day- or was one.
You glanced over at the sea from your spot under the bright blue parasol, contrasting the dark sky. Waves crashed, yelling ensued. All fun and games it seemed.
Being at the beach usually meant a time just for yourself. However this time you accompanied by your brother- and his oddly annoying friends.
Usually on days like this you relaxed, watching them play with a volleyball like they were in the big leagues. You'd only ever get up when someone hit the ball too far off- being ever so kind to help them out.
Just as you were doing now.
A groan left your lips as you stood up, watching the beach ball drift further away from you. It'd be a run to get it.
Your feet patterned against the sand, moving into a slight jog to catch up with the ball. However, every time you begun to creep closer to the ball it drifted away. It was weird.
It want long before you caught up to the ball, the wind blowing through your hair as you observed your surroundings. You'd stopped in front of the monstro cave.
The monstro cave, a place where many had gone 'missing'. Apparently a place so deep that many generations got lost in its caverns.
You'd never believe these legends of course, there was absolutely no reason to. If the cave was so dangerous, why hadnt it been blocked off yet? And with modern technology it wasn't hard to get help if ever lost.
However, it wasn't hard to get frightened by the cave. The legends and vibe of the corridor could easily freak someone out.
Almost everyone was scared of the cave at some point.
You glanced up into the cavern, noting the cold air that poured from it. Before stopping in your tracks.
And your heart sank.
A yellow eye stared up at you from the darkness. A singlular eye. Staring. Watching.
It was wide, and almost downturned, glowing in the darkness as it just watched. It gazed deeply into your form, never breaking contact with your eyes.
You could hear the ocean water crashing behind you, almost as if it was angry.
Your body screamed at you to move, your heart pounding in your chest. But you were frozen still.
The eye squinted, scrutinizing your form. A gut feeling hung over you, whoever it was took pleasure in your horror.
You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move. You had to move---
You slowly stepped back. A shaky sigh left your lips, the sense of fear washing over you, tenfold. Perhaps it was time to go.
Yes, you never believed in mythical creatures. But it was hard to forget all these encounters.
❝ im a bathtub mermaid ❞
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A detail of Fear No Mort that I think is really cool:
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Hole Jerry explicitly tells Morty that his greatest fear should be not being accepted and that he needs to fear it 'a hell of a lot more' -and it has been shown as far back as Raising Gazorpazorp that Jerry is the exact source of this fear.
"Stop filling it with your own insecurity, you're gonna turn it into Morty -- uh, mm -- more -- more -- more -- more of you," - Beth
We see something similar with Rick:
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Hole Diane tells (hole) Rick that he needs to hold onto his fear of losing her so that he doesn't kill her again because Rick has used Diane's likeness and death to torture himself and keep himself in a state of anxiety about losing his family because he thinks that this anxiety is the only way he can protect them. (credit to @hazelnut-u-out for making the point about Rick's anxiety <3)
"I think it's helped a lot of people get comfortable and stop panicking, which is a state of mind we value in the animals we eat, but not something I want for myself." - Pickle Rick
"You treat life and family as so burdensome, and yet you created an ocean of us because you're terrified of losing either!" - Decoy Beth
I just thought it was a cool detail that the characters who are 'responsible' for this fear are the ones who the Hole uses to explicitly tell Rick and Morty that they should fear these things.
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oh-shes-lit · 1 month
I've been firmly anti-citadel in my thoughts (their long-war strategy of slowly gathering information and weaponising it in every way possible, taking human lives and turning them into machines, taking human behaviour and weaponising that in every way they can)
Which also inevitably means being anti wizard because the citadel and wizardry are Very difficult to separate. Every time suvi has aligned herself with the citadel it sets alarm bells off, the way the suvi seems to disappear and the sky salutes and marches to the drum of their standing orders, it feels wrong and is frightening to see it happen.
When suvi gets mad at ame and eursulon it's because they've taken upon the graces of her house and proceeded to throw paint on the walls and set fire to the kitchen. But they also tend not to recognise that the kitchen wanted to eat eursulon and if the walls got the chance they might be the ones staining ame's clothes with citadel paint. The citadel is an institution with motives and (to us the audience) pretty clear goals.
(control it's control they want to control everything all of the time which is why it lines up with wizardry because that Requires bringing control to the chaos of umora's magic)
That being said.
I am starting to recognise how this doesn't go one way only. Suvi is justified in feeling how she feels and, more importantly, ame is also the child and product of an institution.
The institution of The Coven of Witches seems to wield unfathomable power that is divided in far, far greater pieces to its members. One (one!!!) slight from suvi and ame can ruin her life 100 years from now??? Ame (semi-unwittingly) committed some casual terrorist acts and gets off with a social reprimanding from suvi because suvi went out of her way to Make That Happen
The rules of witchery are esoteric and complex, to suvi and us the audience - much in the same way the rules of the citadel are esoteric and complex to ame and eursulon. There's certainly some commentary here about how i can recognise and call out most of the political mistakes ame makes in the citadel and yet would be lost entering the domain of a witch
I'm so glad we're getting to see more of all of the witches because it's actually highlighting how much power they wield. Seeing indri ask if ame knows the names of suvi's entourage is just as terrifying as watching the suvi be questioned at the gallothopter (ornithopter? Heli-boat.)
We The Audience know that the coven seems to have access to the power to End Wizardry which is frankly, rather insane to think about. Imagine if 7 people had the power to just turn off the internet and 6 of them were random strangers that live at the most intense extremes of nature and the 7th was Doris who makes cool clockwork watches at the summer fair - oh but she died so her adoptive granddaughter (no living relatives) that she trained for a decade gets to do it instead. 20-ish is old enough for a key to a nuclear button, right?
...maybe that was too much metaphor but you can see how insane it feels when you actually give it some context. It's heartbreaking to watch it tear them apart but if they're able to start recognising where their lines are drawn then they might actually be able to use their rocket powered institutions to fly instead of just staying afloat in the ocean.
Anyway, I think I'm getting on the -goes both ways- train for how suvi has been treated. I still think she fails to recognise why her institution causes her true friends to act the way they do but i now also think that ame fails to see the same for her own institution. In the end, they're both victims atop their own Situations which are themselves 16 situations deep, this is either gonna be a beautiful story or a beautiful tragedy and it's going to take a hell of a lot of finesse if they want to survive.
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svltzmans · 11 months
waves - r.b.
surfer!reader x lifeguard!robin
robin moves as far away from hawkins as she can - to california. to afford her rent she picks up a lifeguard gig at the local beach, and meets someone she could have only dreamed about in hawkins.
warnings: implied smut, injury, (almost) drowning, unproofread writing Lol
a/n: HI GAY PEOPLE OMG!!! i truly was not expecting so many people to see my last post and all of your likes made my day omg <3 i've been on vacation and thinking about this robin au for days so i knew i had to write it. i hope you like it <3 my request box is always open if you have any ideas of something you want to see me write!!
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robin wasn't quite sure what the breaking point was that forced her out of hawkins, but considering her trauma related to the starcourt mall (and the events that followed) and the constant homophobia, she wasn't surprised.
california seemed ideal. everyone there looked eccentric and cool. robin was hopeful that she would be able to make new friends, even though she had promised steve she would stay in touch.
she packed everything she had into the trunk of her old convertible and drove across the country, feeling terrified to be leaving everything she knew, while simultaneously feeling a sense of freedom that nothing could damper.
she had managed to afford a one-bedroom apartment off the coast that she spent all of her savings on, although it was completely worth it. she was free. like, really free.
despite her sense of freedom, robin needed a job. her savings from scoops ahoy and family video could only get her so far, leading her to start applying everywhere she could find. record shops, libraries, cafés. anywhere that had a bright "we're hiring!" sign in the window.
but no luck.
robin was feeling exasperated trying to find a job. the stress was getting to her quite a bit, and the thought of having to move back home came to mind.
she had the same coping mechanism ever since she was in middle school, and nothing had changed with her big move.
"fuck it," she thought. "i'm going on a walk."
she threw on her converse and a light hoodie (it got cool at night, she remembered), and stepped outside the apartment.
as dusk fell over california, robin's walk led her to the most beautiful beach she had ever seen, albeit one of the only ones. she was from indiana, after all.
the waves were crashing quietly yet so loudly at the same time, and robin found herself mesmerized by the sound.
she scanned the beach, realizing she was one of the few individuals left. a young couple and their dog and an older gentleman walking by himself were the only other inhabitants of the beach at that hour.
she quickly forgot about her solitude when her eyes landed on a "lifeguards wanted" sign hanging on the back of one of the many lifeguard chairs.
lifeguard training was much easier than robin had anticipated. she found out through her week long excursion that she was a much better swimmer than she'd imagined, and that it seemed like the town she was living in would hire just about anyone as a lifeguard. it was truly lucky.
admittedly, she was nervous. she didn't know if she'd actually be capable of saving someone's life in any capacity. at the same time, however, she was ready to try.
the first several days of being a lifeguard went off without a hitch, albeit a bit of boredom. it wasn't exactly the most fun job, getting nasty sunburns and staring off into the ocean while listening to screaming little kids.
that was, until, she noticed a young woman running towards the water with a surfboard, her salty waves blowing in the wind.
"holy shit," robin thought.
robin was absolutely fixated. she couldn't keep her eyes off the mysterious surfer, watching in awe as she caught countless waves and rode them back to the surface of the sand.
robin took note of the way the surfer's bodysuit hugged her curves in all the right places. she had to keep herself from drooling and focus on the fact that she had to potentially keep a beach full of people alive.
but every day, the surfer was there. the same time every afternoon with her surfboard. robin couldn't avoid her. so she stared, and stared, and stared...
robin quickly started looking forward to heading to work, knowing she would get to see the hottest girl she had ever seen, in a skin-tight body suit, no less.
although many days came and went without robin having to make any saves, she knew she would eventually have to put her training to use, and she was right.
the beach was practically completely empty, with the local news warning of the roughness of the tide and the danger of swimming in the ocean.
nonetheless, the mysterious surfer was still effortlessly catching each wave as she did every day.
robin watched closely, seeing the ways the surfer climbed up onto her board and balanced herself so perfectly.
she had never wanted to learn to surf so badly.
while robin continued to gawk, she noticed that the surfer was losing her footing as the waves got rougher. she struggled to get back onto her board and stand up without wiping out.
robin knew in her heart that this was bad. really bad.
as she continued to watch, she witnessed the wavy haired surfer get hit with a wave, knocking her below the surface of the water. her board emerged, floating without the beautiful girl on top of it.
without thinking, robin sprung into action. grabbing her gear, she dove headfirst into the ocean and swam as fast as humanly possible. she was pumped full of enough adrenaline to not feel tired, despite this being the most intense workout of her life.
reaching the spot the young woman had fallen, robin finally sees her emerge from underneath the water, struggling to catch her breath. robin instinctively grabs her and lifts her up, holding her high above the surface.
"hey, hey, it's okay. i got you. you're safe," robin coos, watching as the surfer's face starts to gain color again.
the surfer coughs, trying to regain her strength.
"well, that fuckin' hurt," the surfer mutters, letting out a dry laugh. her accent is so undoubtedly californian.
"holy shit. i'm glad you're okay. you had me scared there," robin utters, suddenly becoming very nervous with the beautiful sight in front of her.
"isn't it, like, your job to see this stuff happen?"
"well, yeah, but it never has actually happened before."
"so i'm your first save, huh?"
"i guess you could say that, although you kinda saved yourself."
the still unknown surfer laughs quietly.
"i'm y/n."
"robin. we should probably get out of this water now."
"yeah, i think so. although i can't believe it calmed down enough for us to swim after i almost died."
the pair both chuckle at that.
robin and y/n finally swim to shore, robin quickly grabbing a towel and throwing it to y/n, who is still shivering.
in a moment of bravery, robin decides to try to get closer to y/n's freezing frame.
"do you want to go back to my apartment to warm up? it's like, a block from here," she asks, taking in y/n's face up close. it's covered in freckles and a light tan from the sun.
"that would be great, actually," y/n responds. "i think i might have hypothermia."
"okay, let's not be dramatic here," robin laughs, beckoning the girl to follow her.
as the two women enter the apartment, y/n sighs with relief, feeling the warm air of robin's new home.
"it's so nice in here," she compliments.
robin simply smiles, taking in the sight in front of her. y/n's wet hair is thrown into a bun, and her cheeks are newly rosy after being blue for quite some time after being in the water.
"let's get you something warm to wear, okay? i don't want you to actually get hypothermia," robin flirts.
"yeah, that would suck a lot," y/n responds, gently chuckling at robin's jest.
robin leads y/n to her bedroom where she lends her some warm clothes to change into. she begins to leave the room, but as she does, y/n rips off her bodysuit, revealing a matching pink bra and underwear set.
robin knows she shouldn't stare, but she can't help herself. she's in a trance, staring at y/n from the doorway.
before she can leave, y/n turns around.
"like what you see, huh robbie?"
did she just... call her robbie?
completely in shock, robin just nods. she can't manage to respond verbally.
y/n doesn't feel cold anymore. her body is full of heat now that she had caught the lifeguard watching her change.
she approaches robin, her hands quickly finding her waist and pulling her closer.
before either of them know it, their lips are clashing, and they collapse on the bed.
"you saving my life today was pretty cool," y/n mutters. "but you being so fucking hot is a huge bonus."
a/n: should i do a part 2 to this this was so fun to write
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fishrights69 · 1 year
My Top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck
Here we go again. After receiving a very high ammount of notes!! (61 UwU) on the last fish list, here's another top 5 no one asked for. I've tried to use the reasoning of ''all fish are good'' but let's be honest, we'd be better off without these. 5. Monkfish🙏
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So these things are weird as hell. Their ugliness alone landed them on this list. Not only are they ugly as shit, but they're also mean motherfuckers that eat basically anything. They like to cover themselves in mud and just chill there until something crosses their path which imo is fucking lazy. Some people do eat them as a delicacy apparently(ew?). Props to them for getting over the looks. Ugly/10 5/10 for laziness 4.Hairy Frog Fish💇‍♀️
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If you wonder wtf are you looking at, this fish is the living embodiment of that feeling you get when you find hair in your food. This girlie loves to swallow as it's mouth can open to make space for fish almost twice her size so don't go sitting too close 💦 Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that she looks like a mistake. 4/10 appearance 8/10 for the deep throating skills 3. Goblin Shark 👺
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First of all, these sharks look like if someone designed a fish based on a child's drawing of a shark. Instead of going the terrifying route and choosing one of these pictures, I opted for a derpy yet still creepy photo. Besides being quite good at ambushing prey, these dudes still tend to eat man made garbage which further argues their position on ''the garbage fish top5™''. They also are basically living fossils since they're old af and most of their body is atrophied. 3/10 appearance 6/10 for still living so long despite everything.
2.Bony-Eared Assfish🍑
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This fish is for all ass obsessed fuckers. Grilling this baby and enjoying it counts as eating ass. Some cool facts about him: -The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio out of all vertebrates. -Assfish are soft and flabby with a light skeleton (so like a real ass) As for personality, they are not what I'd call assholes. They are quite sluggish as they prefer to sort of flap around with short bursts of energy instead of swim. They don't do much besides that which makes them a very underwhelming fish despite the sexy name :( Apparently they were given this name to make up for how utterly boring they are. 2/10 appearance 1/10 Interest in them or what they are good for (spoiler, nothing)
If you're a fish enthusiast, you probably know what's coming at nr.1 🥁 🥁 1. Ocean Sunfish☀️
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There are far, faar too many reasons for this fish to be on the first spot. Not only are they the dumbest fish in the whole world, but they also are not good swimmers AT ALL (wtf is with these poorly designed fish who cannot swim??). Scientists are still perplexed at how this fish continues to stay alive. If you want more shitty facts about them, here's a link to a very famous post trashing these bitches. BUT, I have my very own reason to hate the sunfish. One cursed morning, I decided to go get educated about animals and visit Naturalis, a museum in Leiden, The Netherlands. I was having a blast looking at all the beautiful animals showcased, along with the cool facts and atmosphere. I excitedly get to the aquatic creatures floor and mesmerised, I try to take in all the beauty. At the long corridor nearing the exit, I look around admiring the fish that were displayed. Thinking I had seen it all, I move further when I turn a corner and out of nowhere.. . . . . . . . BAM
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this GIANT motherfucker, hidden in a corner makes it's presence known. I'm not kidding when I say this thing is huge. Here's a picture of the replica from another angle for size reference. As you can guess, I was legit extremely spooked and actually screamed. :( 0/10 appearence 0/10 fuck this thing. useless and it gave me a heart attack
BONUS: I'm sorry but I think I've tortured myself and you enough, so to make up for it, here's a cute fishy instead: (take him)
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Alright thanks for reading and follow for more fish content. Suggest me some more top5's I could do, be it fish related, or whatever your mind decides to curse me with. Still need to cleanse yours eyes? My top 5 coolest fish
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dootznbootz · 16 days
I've read more of your stuff and found out about Penelope having some Naiad blood in her through them. Then I found out that Calypso's an Oceanid and Circe is the daughter of an Oceanid. The contrast between Odysseus being tormented by the ocean for a decade and his desire to get back to his freshwater wife got me in the heart...
This is literally one of the reasons why I have her be the Water Wife. It makes me so fucking happy to think about. As that's exactly it and I just love it so much. Water, after everything you've been through, should be terrifying but not completely so because of her. Certain types of water are terrifying and the others are comforting. You already said it but ooooghghh Ima be incoherent.
The "Joy like that of a sailor." The sailor is covered in brine and probably smells of rotten seaweed and he's cold but he can BREATHE again. He can be CLEANED.He can get better, he's kissing the sweet earth of his homeland (Penelope). It's a start.
It makes me so fucking happy. Water Wife, save me. Save me, Water Wife
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You cannot drink saltwater, you cannot truly bathe in it, the waves will toss you about.
Freshwater is integral to everyday life. in a way Penelope washes away all the salt and brine.
She's not a goddess. Heck, she's still 25% mortal. But she's Penelope. Even though they're all nymphs in a way, they could never compare to her in his eyes. The ichor that runs in their veins heats them (even more with Circe with her father as Helios) and Penelope is so cold. She's smaller, she does not loom over him like the Goddesses. Her hands are rough and calloused, the Goddesses' smooth and soft. Burning him with their touch.
He fears the ocean and yet she steps in it. It clogs her scales and she's cringing the whole time because she wants to help him.
He enjoys the rivers as that makes him think of her.
Like Water Wife is Water Wife because um, hot and cool and adorable but also because of this and sdlkjf sdlf If I think about it too long, I feel like I gotta tear apart the floorboards and I'll be foaming at the mouth.
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gumnut-logic · 4 months
John intervenes 1
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This is all @flyboytracy 's fault with their magic gif making skills prompting fic ideas.
However I have to apologise in advance cos this fic comes with a tissue warning. Also, it was supposed to be Allie-focussed and it is, but big brother Scotty plays a very big part in this, and is most of the source of the need for tissues. I'm sorry, Scotty!
Many, many thanks to @katblu42 and @onereyofstarlight for the read throughs and the listening as I wibbled about the ending (I wrote more, but cut it). Also for the tissues needed.
So a heavy angst warning on this for a very upset pair of brothers.
Canon did it, not me! Honest!
It was dark and a little scary.
Alan peered out of the elevator into the hangars. The massive caves were quiet except for the distant sounds of the ocean and the wind whistling over the Island.
He wasn’t supposed to be here.
Dad said he wasn’t to enter the hangars alone as there were too many things that could hurt him. He was too little. One day, yes, but not until he was grown up.
He had, of course, been in here with an older brother or Dad. Brains had even let him in once when Scotty had been hurt, and had shown him what had happened and how he was going to stop it from happening again.
Alan suspected Virgil had asked the engineer to do it because Alan had been scared for his big brother. But the reasoning didn’t matter right at this moment.
What mattered was that he knew how to get aboard Thunderbird One.
An unseen breeze tickled his hair.
The residential elevator opened at the top of the stairs leading down to Thunderbird One’s launch bay. As Alan moved, the gaping cavern lit up automatically, lighting up all the machinery and the stairs he was creeping down.
He needed to do this.
His brothers weren’t so he would.
They spent more time arguing than anything else. Virgil in particular. At least Scotty said he wanted to go. Virgil wouldn’t let him.
The fights were loud.
And hurt.
Alan was sick of crying.
He needed to do something.
Thunderbird One glinted ever so silver and red in the overhead lights. She was massive.
And so…wow.
Alan’s heart thudded in his chest.
International Rescue was shut down. Had been ever since…it happened. His brothers had taken out their ‘birds. Many, many times.
But not anymore.
Alan’s hand seemed small on the pilot delivery system. Brains had hit it while talking a mile a minute, explaining that this was a maintenance delivery system and not the main one Scott used. Something about safety and his brother’s death-defying feats. In any case, the wide platform that assembled at the edge of the chasm below had all the guard rails an eleven-year-old could need.
Thank goodness. Brains had demonstrated how Scotty made it to his pilot chair and it looked terrifying.
Fun but terrifying.
He wasn’t as tall as Brains…yet…he had plans in that area, but he was able to reach the controls and direct the delivery platform over to the huge rocket.
A press of a button and her doors slid open.
Because this was maintenance, the pilot’s chair did not deploy and Alan was able to step off the platform and into One’s cockpit.
He stared at the chair for a moment. The quilted red silicone leather had dips where his big brother sat.
Alan adored Scott. He was his biggest brother and so cool. He’d been in the Air Force and now he flew the fastest plane on the planet and saved lives.
Well, he did until…
Alan blinked. This is where Scotty had been sitting.
A swallow and Alan climbed up. Scott wasn’t sitting here now. Hadn’t been for days.
So now Alan was going to sit here and take One and do what needed to be done.
He thumbed the switch that closed the cockpit doors.
He jumped as Johnny flickered up blue in front of him.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going out to find Daddy.” Alan straightened in the pilot’s seat and reached for the lever to activate launch.
His older brother hovered before him with wide eyes. “Alan-“
“I’m doing this, Johnny.”
“I can’t let you, Alan.” There was no appended ‘you’re not old enough’ but it was there anyway.
“You can’t stop me!” He activated the launch procedure. He could do this. He knew enough and he was old enough.
Nothing happened.
“I’m sorry, Alan.”
His brother’s voice was calm and kind but it was the trigger point, nonetheless.
“Allie, -“
“No one is out looking for him! Not you, not Virgil, not even Scotty!”
“You’re not even down here helping!”
“Alan, we are looking!”
“Not enough! We need to do more!” He kicked his feet against the base of the chair. “Let me go!”
The pilot doors suddenly slid open. Scott was standing there, pale, hair askew, in his pyjames.
The chasm loomed below.
“No! We need to keep searching! We need to find Dad!”
Scott leapt into the cockpit, the doors sliding closed immediately behind him. “Allie!”
The Scott-the-hero warred with current Scott-the-sick standing in front of him. He was no longer recognisable. Gone was the shine of confidence, laughter, the big brother he knew and loved.
What remained was a battered mess that argued and yelled.
“I’m going out to look for Daddy.”
“No, you’re not.” Scott’s voice was parched.
“Yes, I am. Why aren’t you?”
And to his horror, there was suddenly tears in Scott’s eyes. “Because he isn’t out there, Allie.”
“He is, you said he is!” He’d heard it yelled at Virgil so many times. It had to be true.
The chair made him taller than his big brother. The partition that made up the floor Scott was standing on slid down when the rocket was in flight and became the back wall of the cabin. Alan had seen it happen when Scotty took him flying.
Old Scotty.
Not new Scotty.
His brother didn’t say anything, but a tear did run down one cheek as he climbed up the chair.
“No! We have to go out!” Alan fought off his big brother, but Scott was strong and determined.
His brother scooped him out of the chair and hugged him within an inch of his life. “I’m sorry, Allie. I’m so sorry.”
“We have to find him.” It was muffled into cotton pyjamas. Anger slipped into grief. “We have to.”
“I know.” Scott was turning, the sound of the cockpit doors opening again, the dip as his brother stepped onto the maintenance platform.
Alan was still being crushed, but found himself clinging anyway.
The cool wind of the hangars dried tears he didn’t know he was crying.
Once the platform reached the other side of the chasm, both Virgil and Grandma were there with worried words, hugs and touches.
Scott didn’t quite let him go, and it was his big brother who carried him back to his rooms and sat down with him on Alan’s bed, still holding him close.
Alan leant into his brother. “We need to find him.”
“I know.”
“We need to keep looking.”
“We-“ Scott’s voice broke. He didn’t continue.
“It’s what Daddy would do.”
Scott shook in his arms, somehow hugging him even tighter. A small, strangled sound whispered through Alan’s hair.
He tried to pull away, but Scott wouldn’t let go, holding onto Alan as if his life depended on it.
It was a long moment before his big brother spoke, his voice hoarse.
“Yes, he would, Allie. He would.”
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Okay, so I am sure you have at least one mermaid 🧜‍♂️au prompt, that I might not have seen yet, so I hope this take is novel for you 😁
Hob is a marine eco warrior, depending on who you talk to. . . he's an eco terrorist. (Hob would say the people who say that are poachers and polluters, so f them!) Hob runs a group of direct action activists who confront bad actors on the high seas - sinking boats and freeing captured animals.
Hob's group final goes after a set of Burgess cargo ships that they heard had a number of endangered animals on it. While opening the containers, Hob finds merperson Dream.
Now Hob is a friend to all the fishies and sea life, so he was going to set Dream free regardless of how cool it is that merpeople exist, but maybe one of the reasons Hob is such a fierce activist is because when he was little, he could have swore that a young mermaid saved him from drowning. That merperson kinda looked like this one in the cargo container.
This is so cute!!!
Hob’s biggest secret is that he is deadass TERRIFIED of water because he nearly drowned, but he still goes out on the ocean and does everything he can to help despite his fear. He's a pretty strong swimmer these days anyway.
But just as he's rescuing the merman from the container, the entire cargo ship shudders and lists over, and there are explosions from above. Burgess initiated some kind of self destruct mechanism and the ship is going down.
Even though he's shaking with fear Hob works harder to release Dream from his prison, and to quickly unlock the other containers too. While the other creatures scramble to get away as the ship fills with water, Hob is definitely panicking a bit... until strong, thin arms wrap around him and pull him through a series of small openings, out through a hole in the ship's hull, and then up to the surface of the water.
Hob coughs and splutters out his thanks (he wouldn't have made it out alive, he's pretty sure). His merman rescuer just shrugs and pulls Hob close in the water, protecting him from the debris around them and finally guiding them both back towards Hob’s little boat.
Hob is like "we have to stop meeting like this!" And Dream grins. He kisses Hob’s cheek in goodbye... but he doesn't exactly stray far from Hob’s boat. From that moment onwards they're pretty much inseparable. And Hob is still afraid of the water, but when Dream holds him? It's not so bad.
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Eleventh Doctor x reader fluff disguised as smut because it’s actually the reader’s first time and they’re really nervous. But the Doctor’s incredibly sweet and patient. Kind of inspired by the Daemyra scene from episode seven? I’m still not over it.
a/n: wow wow wow I cannot tell you how much I loved this!! seriously this was so much fun to write and so perfect for my first request! thank you so so much, anon, I really hope you like it!
word count: 3.2k
cw: some angst and hurt/comfort vibes in the beginning, worries of unrequited love - but it all gets resolved, so much build up, definitely gets spicy later on, I think the request pretty much sums it up
ps. if you want The Feels, the song I imagine them dancing to is The Night We Met by Lord Huron
A Thing Of Poetry
Your cheeks flush as reality begins to settle around you, adrenaline leaving your senses far more alert than you'd like. The chill of the ocean breeze does little to cool your skin, let alone soothe your ego, and it all seems a terrible joke that despite having a Time Lord by your side, you're incapable of erasing this moment from history.
You'd need only travel a few minutes into the past, just enough to create a distraction, some sort of loud noise that would send you both back to his blue box, or out exploring beyond the sands. It wouldn't be anything serious, not in the big scheme of things. Of course, there was always the chance that your past self would run into your current self and tear a hole in the fabric of space and time, which admittedly seemed rather an extreme risk for what essentially amounted to an embarrassment. It's also exactly why the Doctor would never allow it, and it isn't as if you could fly the Tardis without him. Not that you would want to. You can't imagine one without the other.
No, the only thing you truly want right now is for this unbearable, almost unbelievable silence to end. He's the Doctor, your Doctor, who not a few hours ago managed to talk for ten minutes straight without so much as taking a breath. The same man who once explained water in such a way that by the end of it, even the poor fish was confused. The Time Lord who has a clever, if not somewhat silly reply to everything and everyone in the whole of the universe, and yet, here and now, seems incapable of uttering a single word.
You've done the impossible in rendering him speechless, and you're not entirely sure how to feel about it. Unsettled seems a good word. Awkward, chastened, terrified, the list goes ever on, but you're trying not to dwell on it too much. Instead, you attempt to refocus your attentions by observing him, hoping to discern something of an understanding from his movements.
He stares at you with wide eyes, unreadable save for the obvious shock. His long lashes continue to flutter the way they always do when excited or nervous, and his fingers are trailing along his bottom lip as if examining a precious artifact.
You wonder if you've made a terrible mistake.
His gaze begins to wander, drifting from yours to the midnight sea stretched before you. At the end of a trying day and a few near misses, he'd asked to take you here, a moonlit beach at the edge of the world. A world, he said, where dragons once roamed. Your face lit up at the mere mention.
I knew you'd love it.
You'd nestled yourselves in the sand, just a little distance from the incoming tide. You hadn't any blankets or towels, only a knit jumper and his body heat to keep you warm. It had been, by all accounts, the perfect evening.
It might have stayed that way.
You never should have kissed him.
Your Doctor lets out a deep sigh, a sound so uncertain, you think your heart might break. You can't bear the silence a minute longer.
"I'm sorry," you choke as you haul yourself to your feet, all but running back to the Tardis.
"Y/n," he murmurs. His voice is soft and painfully kind, enough to make you consider turning back. You can't help but imagine the way he'd wrap his arms around you, holding you tightly as he kissed the top of your head, comforting and consoling you until the dawn. All you want is to snuggle into him, but you're already fighting back tears, and it doesn't seem fair to let the Doctor see you cry.
You force yourself to keep going. He says your name again, louder this time as he shuffles about the sand. You hear him curse (his idea of cursing, anyway) as he slips, unable to get a firm footing, but you keep your eyes fixed straight ahead as you trudge across the beach. Knowing his coordination, or lack thereof, you have a few minutes before he catches up with you.
You find yourself trembling as you fling yourself into the Tardis, propping the door shut behind you. She rumbles, seeming to sense your distress.
"I'm alright," you mumble, burying your face in your hands. "I'll be alright."
The Tardis lets out a low groan.
"I know," you heave a sigh. "I don't buy it, either."
You run your hand along the rails as you make your way towards the stairs. You plan on going straight to bed, but you've not made it two steps into the hall before you find yourself on the other side of the console.
You swear you can hear crickets chirping as you glance around. Did you take a wrong turn? You must've done.
You give your head a good shake before returning to the stairs, taking them two at a time and heading to your right. You end up exactly where you were a few seconds ago, steps away from the Tardis console, in full view of the doors.
"Oh, god, no." Your voice is little more than a whine. Even to your own ears, you sound like a child, but you can't bring yourself to care. "No, no, no, don't do this to me," you plead with the ship, panicking as you hear the Doctor's voice getting closer.
You run up the stairs again, though you don't know why you bother. The Tardis keeps putting you back in the console room, determined for you to be there when the Doctor arrives. Unfortunately for the both of you, you're too stubborn to simply give in.
"You're just like him, you know," you grumble as you head up the stairs, yet again. "Neither of you play fair."
The Tardis hums sympathetically. Where do you think he learned it from?
You snort as you keep walking. The whole thing becomes somewhat soothing - like walking in a circle without getting dizzy. That's how he finds you, arguing with his old girl while walking in a loop, disappearing up the stairs before reappearing seconds later on the other side.
You're too caught up in your own whirlwind of frustrations to notice the Doctor, who's currently leaning against one of the rails and smiling something proud.
Look at you.
Stomping around the Tardis, arguing with her as if she were your own, refusing to surrender despite knowing you can't possibly win...right now, you look a little less human and a little more Time Lord.
Though he tries to suppress it, you can't help but hear his giggle. You turn on your heel with a glare, staring him down. "What?" You flinch at the venom in your voice, but it doesn't seem to fluster him in the least. He just keeps on beaming.
"Oh, nothing, nothing at all," he chuckles as he rubs his hands together, a cheeky glint in his eye. "Just reminding me of meself."
You cross your arms. "Oh, am I?"
The Tardis gives another little rumble, which the Doctor matches in turn. "Yes," he smirks, straightening his bow tie. "Yes, you are."
You try desperately to cling to your anger, an ire so warm it's nearly burned away even the deepest of insecurities, but it doesn't stand a chance against your Doctor. His lopsided grin is already beginning to quell your irritation, leaving you more vulnerable than you'd like. Anxiety trembles in your core while shame coils itself around your heart and in an instant, you remember why you're stuck in this predicament in the first place.
You never should have kissed him.
You chew at the inside of your cheek, offering him a small smile you hope looks sincere. Of course, it doesn't help that you can barely meet his gaze.
In four long strides, he's made his way over to you, eyes alert and brows furrowed. "Something's wrong." His voice is low, a slight growl in the back of his throat the way there always is when he's serious.
You shake your head. "I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he mutters, looking you up and down as if you're something to be analyzed, searching for a crack in the surface. Your Doctor, always looking for some physical wound, some stretch of skin easily mended. You feel exposed when his cheeks flush, realization dawning on his features.
You manage a nod, gulping down a bit of tension. "Yeah."
"Oh, Y/n," he sighs as he leans in, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against yours. His breath is warm on your skin, like a campfire beneath an autumn moon. If only you could stop thinking of his lips.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
He pulls away just then, making you regret having said anything at all. "For what?"
He's looking at you with such concern, at once both gentle and steadfast. It certainly isn't a help to your poor heart, which is beating approximately five times faster than it should be. He's really going to make you say it, isn't he?
Your fingers are shaking as you run a hand through your hair, forcing yourself to look at your shoes, at the console, anywhere but his face. "I shouldn't have kissed you."
Kissed. Such a small word, a thing of poetry, and yet it feels like an awkward curse as it tumbles out of your mouth, tasting of something forbidden. You feel so tiny. So silly. You just wish you could disappear. You just wish he could say something to make it all better.
Well, that isn't what you had in mind.
You bounce on the balls of your feet, completely overwhelmed with nervous energy. "Why did I kiss you?"
"Why are you sorry?"
You perk up, daring to look at him as a little spark of hope begins to flutter in your chest. His brows are still furrowed, confusion etched on every line of his face, both endlessly ancient and unfathomably young. Such a beautiful contradiction, your Doctor. The way he's looking at you...
"I...your reaction," you stammer. "I thought you didn't like...I thought you didn't want..."
You trail off as he breaks into a grin, taking your face in both of his hands and again, you find yourself feeling tiny. This time, you don't mind it so much.
"Oh, Y/n." His voice is soft, almost a whisper. His thumb grazes your cheek, wiping away a fallen tear. "My silly, wondrous, Y/n."
You're about to say something, ask him a question, perhaps, but you never get the chance. His lips are already brushing against yours, immeasurably soft with a tender passion you had only ever dreamt of. Your breath catches itself in your throat as his long lashes tickle your skin, his grip on you tightening as he loses himself in a kiss filled with a lifetime of yearning.
You wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him close until his chest is against yours and you can feel his hearts, both beating almost as quickly as your own. You can't stop yourself from moaning into his mouth as he presses you up against the rails, no more than you can help the shiver down your spine when he echoes it back to you.
You find yourself trembling as he pulls away, admiring the slight blush that still lingers on his cheeks. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you first stumbled into my Tardis," he murmurs, offering a smile as sweet as it is mischievous. He sweeps his thumb across your lower lip, chuckling as you suppress another moan. "I never imagined you wanted the same."
"More than anything in the world," you admit, swallowing down a shaky breath.
He gives you a wink. "Which one?" God, he's sly.
You slide your hands down his chest, wrapping your fingers around his suspenders and giving them a playful snap. You could swear he growls in response. "All of them, Doctor. I want you more than all of them."
He takes one of your hands in his, eyes refusing to leave yours. He presses his lips against the soft skin of your wrist, gentle, and yet desperately possessive. "What are we waiting for?"
He slowly leads you around the console, drawing you nearer the stairs, but despite the fact that your desire is growing by the second, you can't ignore the nervousness in the pit of your stomach.
You curse your voice for wavering, wishing you could maintain any semblance of the confidence you felt a minute ago. If you're being entirely honest, part of you is terrified. Not of the Doctor, never of the Doctor, but of disappointing him. After all, you aren't as experienced as most humans, let alone a thousand year old Time Lord.
He needs only glance at your expression to see your apprehensiveness, and it doesn't take a moment for him to spring into action. The lust in his gaze is replaced with something softer as he strokes the back of your hand. "Y/n?" he asks, his voice overflowing with care.
"I...I haven't...well, you know how some people...you know, most people..."
His forehead is all scrunched up as he tries to make sense of your words. You can't blame him, of course, you can hardly make sense of them, yourself. You hadn't thought any of this out, but you're determined to get through to the end.
"I'm what you might consider," you continue, uncertainly, "well, that is to say that I'm not one to have participated in...you know, I've never..."
Mercifully, understanding flashes in the Doctor's eyes before you manage to butcher another sentence.
"I see." He runs a hand over his jaw, eyes darting about the console room as he contemplates. You start to curse yourself again, worrying you'd ruined it all. You shouldn't have said anything. Why did you always have to say something?
"Oi, you," he murmurs, kind but firm. "Stop that."
"Getting lost in that head of yours." You nod sheepishly. He's right, seeing through your anxieties as he so often does.
"Doctor?" you ask, hesitantly. "I want this. I wasn't lying, earlier. I want this more than anything, and maybe I shouldn't have told you-"
"Oi," he interrupts, wagging his finger like the silly old man that he is. "What did I just say?"
"Get out of my own head."
"Exactly." He taps the end of your nose, making you smile and squirm. "I'm glad you told me. If this is what you want-"
It's your turn to interrupt. "It is."
He smiles and squeezes your hand. "Do you trust me?"
You don't even consider your answer. You've known it all along. "Always."
He winks and snaps his fingers. The Tardis dims her lights as music starts playing from the console. A song from your world, a song he knows you love more than anything. The lyrics always made you think of him.
He brings your hand to his lips as he bows, tipping an imaginary hat and beaming when it makes you giggle. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close, his voice but a whisper in your ear as you dance in the heart of his ship.
"You're divine," he hums, kissing the base of your throat. Your hands slide into his hair as he lightly sucks the sensitive skin, cheeks flushed from the sensations as well as his words. You can feel him smiling as you shiver. "I want to show you."
"Show me, Doctor?" You're nearly breathless. "Show me what?"
He brings his lips back to yours, engulfing you in a kiss so longing, so endless, it cannot but threaten tears at the sheer romance of it all. It nearly shatters you when he breaks away, caressing your cheek as his green eyes, full of stars, pour into yours.
"I want to show you how brilliant you are," he murmurs. "I want to show you just how much I adore you."
You gaze up at him, lashes fluttering as you blush. The music seems quieter, somehow, and it's only when your eyes drift from the Doctor that you realize you're no longer in the console room.
The Tardis, it seems, transported the both of you to your bedroom. You can't help but giggle.
"Too right, old girl," he chuckles, looking up at the ceiling and giving her a salute. "Too right."
He takes off his jacket, draping it over a chair before shrugging off his suspenders. Next is his bow tie, which he slowly unravels and sets gently atop one of your shelves. He's undone two or three of his shirt buttons when you still his hands with yours.
His eyes are twinkling as you make your way down to the last, brushing aside the fabric to run your fingers along his chest. It's his breath that shakes, now, as you explore further, hands toying with the zip of his trousers.
He swallows a moan as he stops you. As much as he wants to know what your hands would feel like around him, it can wait. This night is about you.
With a kiss that leaves you trembling, he begins to undress you, an act that can only be described as reverent. He presses his lips against every inch of your bare skin, the shock of the cool air immediately soothed by the warmth of his breath.
When you're standing before him, all but bare, he sinks to his knees and asks once more if you trust him.
"Yes," you whisper.
He places loving kisses along your hip bones before moving down to your thighs, holding you steady when you begin to quiver with anticipation. Your hands tangle themselves in his hair, gripping tight as he gets closer and closer to your aching sex.
"Please," you beg, not even certain what you're begging for.
He smiles against your skin. "As you wish."
Head between your thighs, you call out for him, your voice little more than a whine as his tongue swirls around you, sucking at your most sensitive spot all but dripping with arousal.
"Doctor," you murmur breathlessly as his fingers slide inside you, unlocking secrets even you were unaware of. He hums your name, the vibrations sending intense waves of pleasure through your core. You cling to him for dear life as you clench around his fingers, your own digging into his scalp.
The orgasm feels endless. You wonder if it is. If the Tardis is somehow looping time, or if the Doctor is simply that good. Something tells you it's the latter. The thought sends a tingle down your spine.
He licks his lips, swallowing your arousal with a moan as he looks up at you with a smile. "Do you have any idea how delicious you taste?"
You giggle as you cover your face, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks yet again. He rises from his knees, kissing his way up your body until his lips are against yours, the ache between your thighs already returning. You're still shivering from his fingers, his tongue, everything he did, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
"Don't worry, my love," he purrs. "The night is just beginning."
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moonmaiden1996 · 2 years
Claiming his Queen- Part 8 Full
So I just realised I only posted half my chapter- Which was super intentional- *facepalms* So last chapter was just to tease you for this
How it happened I have no idea! I’m gonna blame it on Desire they messed  with it somehow- think they are jealous they don’t get a mate ....yet
So please enjoy and like and comment 
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You had begun to hate waking up like this, in another strange bed in another bizarre surrounding. It had become such a regular occurrence that it seized to phase you. Your body was swaddled in the softest blanket, a gentle sea breeze caressing your face as it rolled off the lulling ocean. Brow crinkled as you blinked away the thick crust that coated your eyes as pristine crystal waves crashed against the shoreline, the gentle patter of rain in the distance sending ripples across the water. On the horizon, a billowing storm swirled, sending shocks of light across the sky.
Pulling yourself up, the cool air nipped at bare skin, blanket pooling around your waist as you sat up, leaving your naked torso exposed to the elements.
‘You’re awake.’ the deep voice filtered over the soft sounds of the weather.
A terrified shriek vibrated across the little oasis as the physical form of Morpheus manifested himself in a cloud of black sand, his silver eyes trained darkly on you as you scrabbled to cover your bare chest. You didn’t fail to notice the hungry look that sank deeply onto every edge of his face.
‘Where am I?” You snapped, huddling under the pile of blankets.
‘You are in the inner sanctum of the Dreaming, my heart.” The deep voice whispered as he inched closer, his eyes never wavering from you.
Anger prickled underneath your skin as you forced your eyes away from him. ‘Why am I here?’
‘I overwhelmed you. I blame myself for this, this can….’ His eyes lingered on the mark that mocked you from your arm. ‘be…. intense for baser creatures. I see that now. Here we are away from everything, where we can be alone to become one.’ Morpheus cooed.
Scoffing up at him, you felt a growl, only rival to his, fill your chest. ‘Baser creatures… you are deluded.”
The god stood tall, smouldering eyes burning down at you. “Deluded? Is it deluded to dress you in finery, give you every comfort and luxury? Love you, unlike anyone can be loved.”
“Love me? You insulted and kidnapped me,” You scoffed.
Silver eyes invaded your vision as his face hunched over you. “Kidnap? Is that what you think? I liberated you from that sallow pit of emptiness. You were alone. Suffering in silence just like me.’’
“Was Calliope the same’’? You gritted out, forcing yourself to stay still. You saw the fire erupt in his eyes and knew you had gone too far, but you couldn’t help; you needed to hurt him just like he hurt you. ‘I am sure she was lonely just like me; that’s why you married her, and then when she hurt you, you destroyed her.’
“Listen, my love, and listen well. Those dalliances were mere bleeps, cries for affection in my dark eternity, and nothing I felt for her or any of them comes near to what I feel for you. None of them wore my mark; none of them made my heart beat fast. You are mine. As I am yours.’’ Morpheus steely spoke as he stood straight, flicking his fingers and sending a command into the air.‘’Now we are together, that emptiness is gone, and I refuse to return to it. I will make you see that. Make you see that we belong together.’’
Wide eyes took in the god as he glowered down. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as the sheets disintegrated into nothingness, leaving you bare under his gaze.
You squeaked as you attempted to cover yourself, your eyes glaring up at the untamed god; his hair was wild, features feral as they devoured your form. ‘You truly are my goddess.’ He hummed as his clothes disappeared, leaving his taunt, wiry nakedness exposed in the light of the moon, his thickness firmly pressed against his stomach, taunting you.
Screwing your eyes shut, you turned your head.‘‘Morpheus!’
‘It is okay to look, my love; I am yours’’ His voice sounded closer now, warm breath hitting your face.
‘Morpheus, please no….’ you screwed your eyes tighter shut, his cock pressed warmly against the side of your hip.
‘Shhhhhhh’, he cooed. Lips ghosted over your neck. ‘Shhhhhhh, my dream, I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.’ His lips dipped down and suckled across the base of your neck and throat.
‘I am sorry, my dream. For it all, but I will take care of you.’ He mumbled into your skin, pulling a soft whimper from you.’
‘Please, we can’t, you…we….’
‘I know you’re confused and scared, but this mark means you are mine and belong here with me in our marriage bed.’ He spoke with utter certainty, his hand beginning to trail down your arm.
Feebly you tried to wiggle from his grip, but his grip remained firm. ‘Don’t worry, my dream that is to come; now I will just show you how good I can be to you.’ His lips latched onto your shoulder as his slender digits trailed down your arm, getting closer and closer to that tender mark.
‘‘Please don’t,’’ you whimpered as his fingers found the raised skin of the brand.
Fire coursed through your veins as the soft fingers prodded down the mark. A burn bubbled beneath your skin, setting your whole body on fire.
‘You feel that, that inferno that brewed within you. That is your soul yearning for our bond, for the ritual that will connect us.’ Morpheus rumbled, a deep growl vibrating against your skin. You stared into his silver eyes and shook your head violently.
A frown tore at the corners of his face as he stared down at you. For the briefest moment, there was a small reprieve. His touch disappeared from your mark, and the ferocious want inside you disappeared, but only slightly. There was still that shameful eagerness that strummed at your core. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth and turned into a wanton wail as two fingers plunged into your pussy, curling up to hit that spot.
‘Don’t deny it; you are so desperate for me. Your soul and body are begging for me, and I won’t refuse its cries.’ Morpheus hissed as he pressed his body against you fully. A smirk stretched out across his lips as you gasped loudly as his cock skimmed across the side of your hip, nestled against your sensitive skin.
His fingers remained still in your core as shark-like eyes gazed into yours as his fingers rolled over that spot repeatedly. A string of lazy moans fell from your lips, and he pushed you closer to the edge with every massage of his fingertip, sinful lips working at your neck.
‘Morpheus!’ you wailed as your legs shook.
You hated to feel this vulnerable, but the pleasure was so much, more than you had ever managed to gain with your fingers or toys; you wanted to bath in the release of this warmth, but every time, you seemed ready to surrender to it he pulled it from your grasp.
‘Not yet, my mate.’ He rumbled into your ear, ‘you need to beg for me to take you as mine; I want to hear your plea for my cock to start our soul bond. We aren’t leaving here till I have you.’’
The last bit of your sanity kept you grounded as your whimpered no. You could refuse this; you had strength; he would soon grow bored with this game and retreat; if he didn’t, his ministration would numb you and seize to give you pleasure. No human could keep up this feeling of bliss for that long. Either way, you would not submit.
You were wrong; he neither grew bored nor complacent with his movements. Even adding a  languidly rolling thumb over your clit as he plucked your sweet spot. The pleasure you felt only gained momentum, never wavering, just building an insane intensity. You had lost count of how often he brought you close to the edge and ripped you away again.
‘Morpheus, please, I can’t.’’ You jerked against his hold, but it was unrelenting.
‘Not until you give me that plea, my mate.’
Tears of need rose in your eyes as the climax was snatched away from you. His face was deep in concentration as his fingers now pistoned in and out of you. He could sense your resolve breaking, and like a floodgate, you burst.
‘Please, Morpheus!’ you pleaded to the god above you.
A feral cry of victory drifted across the heart of the dreaming as Morpheus pulled your thighs apart and nestled himself against your core, coating himself with the mess you created.
His mouth was on yours instantly, slow and needy; the love and tenderness expressed almost made you sob. A shudder ran through your body as he nipped at your lips. Soft fingers tangled in your hair, giving him more access to your mouth. His other hand trailed down the side of your body, settling possessively on your mark, and he shifted his hips, his thick cock against your burning core with a hiss.
‘I am going to claim you.’ Morpheus purred before returning to suckle at your neck, pulling another mew from you. ‘Come so deep it you that everyone will know you are mine.’ Nip. ‘I’m not going to stop till you full of my cum….’’His voice had a low rasp as he rocked his hips against you, his cock nudging clumsily at your opening, making you jolt against him.
‘Morpheus…’ you whimpered against him, pushing against his chest.
"Shhhh, my mate’’ Morpheus pulled back to look at her. His eyes were pure windows of swirling silver. ‘’Relax as much as you can for me.’’ The head of his cock dragged sinfully down your core before lining up against your opening.
Swiftly his hips slammed into you, sending white-hot fire through your body. The feeling was too much; it overwhelmed every one of his senses as he stared down at you as he sank fully into you. The tightness of your walls fluttered around him as they struggled to adjust to his thickness.
An electric jolt travelled through you as you struggled to accommodate his hardness stretching you. The pain was searing, but there was something else, something tightening within you, branding you. Your eyes slammed shut; as he settled between your legs, body fully covering yours. Every nerve ending was alive, sending your body jolts of pleasure and pain.
"...fuck." he hissed as you ground your hips against his. The friction against your swollen clit pulled a small pleasured squeak through the pain, relishing the feel of his hot cock against your walls.
It was too much. He was too much. You wanted to run away but pull him closer at the same time. The stretch hurt almost as much as the pain vibrating through your arm to your heart.
‘Morpheus, it hurts’, you whimpered as he shifted to look at you with his mercury eyes.
‘It’s okay, let me take care of you.’’ He gritted out through clenched teeth as he pulled back an inch before pushing back into you, the god grunting as your tight pussy clenched around him.
The feeling was nothing like you had ever encountered; it was slow and steady, dragging you to the most peculiar feelings of pleasure you had ever experienced. You felt a coil tightening in the pit of your stomach as Morpheus slowly moved in and out of your core.
Morpheus bit a moan as your tight walls pulled him back in at every movement. The feeling was intense—more than he had ever felt before. Your walls quivered and shuddered beneath him as he set a slow, unforgiving pace. With each thrust, his balls trembled at the feeling and spurred him on toward his orgasm, but despite the need for release, the urge to care for you was too much. He pushed forward, ignoring his base instinct to start the claiming ceremony now. But he clenched his teeth, sliding in and out of your tightness with a renewed vow.
‘Look at us’’,, he gritted out, forcing you to follow his eyes that fell on his cock plunging in and out of you, streaked with your wetness ‘’you're going to make the perfect queen and mother; I cannot wait till your round with my children. You are going to let me, aren’t you? Be my good little queen.’’ He roared as his hips snapped harder against you, knocking your response out of your throat.
You couldn’t do anything. The feelings that swirled within you were too much. You felt it building; it was slow, too slow; but was coming; you could feel it as he piston his hips against you, his thin body grinding against the most delicate spots. You knew what would happen, yet you couldn’t prepare yourself for how violently it took hold.
The orgasm slammed into you as your screams filtered through the heart of the dreaming. Morpheus grunted as you clamped tightly around him, holding him firmly. A primitive roar pulled itself from his lips as his balls tightened and flooded your pulsing pussy, making your neediness wantonly milk him for every drop.
You were helpless against him; he was everywhere—the hand holding your mark possessively as the energy pulsed through you as he gazed down at you.
A scream ripped through your throat as your walls spasmed against Morpheus’s cock. As the connection tightened around them. His cock swelled inside you, spurt after spurt, coating your pussy as your mark sizzled against you.
A weak cry crawled up your throat and pushed past your lips as another wave rolled through you. Aftershocks rolled through your body, each one more intense than the last. Your whole body was utterly boneless, unwilling to move as Morpheus rolled you to your side, cock buried deep within you. His fingers ghosted over the mess of your joining. A deep purr of contentment rumbled from him as he pulled you to him.
So *hides behind hands* what you think?
If you do want to be tagged please comment below.
Question of the chapter- How do you think the claiming ceremony is going to go?
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Here Comes The Rain (Dazai Osamu x Reader)
Finally got around to writing this! Just Dazai handling his feelings in his own Dazai manner. Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255900 Was there anything better than a stormy night? Dazai Osamu sat facing the window in his bedroom, watching the rain lashing down from a pitch-black sky, only visible thanks to the streetlamps. The weather forecast had been promising rain for days, and now it had finally come – no doubt people would be opening their curtains or blinds tomorrow to see a world awash with it. He could hear it very well, fat droplets smacking the ground with force before bouncing back up, only to land a second time. The gutters were already overflowing with rain and the pavement shone like silver, the sound of dripping filling the street. Ordinarily in a storm like this one, Dazai may have been tempted to go out and make another suicide attempt – with the rain like this, if he flung himself into the water, he’d stand no chance of beating the current. He could swim, but he wasn’t strong enough to fight so much water. He’d be borne back ceaselessly against the flood and he’d likely drown before he even washed out to sea. …But alas for Dazai, there were too many variables for it to be his idealised, perfect suicide. For one, it was dark, and he had no way of seeing how deep or not the water was – suppose he misjudged a jump, ended up landing in shallow water and breaking his legs or his back? He’d lie there in a state of helpless paralysis before the water eventually took him, slowly, or some innocent bystander tried to wade in and rescue him. Or there was always a chance he might impale himself on a stray tree branch, leaving him being swept along in excruciating pain, unable to peacefully slip away like he envisioned. A sound caught Dazai’s attention, and he turned his head, feeling a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth automatically. And there was another variable in why he couldn’t go out into the storm. You.
Dazai didn’t know how you’d managed it. Honestly, it was clear you had no idea either, or he would have seen through your attempts and evaded them. It was like a champion chess player going up against an amateur and being utterly unable to predict their moves – there was no rhyme or reason, no recognisable strategy in motion. It was simply instinct, and your own intuition and your own intuition that drove you forward. In this way of yours, you had tethered yourself to him, your poisoned barb sank into Dazai’s heart and despite himself, he had no desire to pull it out. Pulled away from his admiration of the rain, Dazai was now admiring your adorable sleeping face instead. Your cheek was squished against the pillow and occasionally your eyelids flickered. No doubt you were deep in a REM cycle right now, lulled by the shush of water outside. He wondered if you were dreaming of him. Perhaps it was egotistical of him to think so, but wasn’t it logical when you’d spent all day together, basking in some rare but well-earned time off? Or maybe the sound of the rain and cool air caressing your cheek had invaded your subconscious and instead you were dreaming of water, maybe plunged into the depth of the ocean or walking down a stormy street. Either way, at least it was a pleasant dream, judging by your peaceful expression and the steady rise and fall of your chest. Dazai himself had found he slept better when you were with him in his futon – the nightmares never left him entirely, yet falling asleep beside your warm, soft body seemed a wonderful panacea to them. Sometimes if he woke suddenly in the middle of the night, as he had now, he’d simply wrap his arms around you and let the steady thump of your heartbeat soothe him back to sleep. Such a simple thing, the comfort of another person, yet he’d gone so long without it that now he had it, he was terrified it would soon slip from his grasp again. But apparently Dazai was feeling philosophical tonight, because now he had woken prematurely, he didn’t feel any strong urge to go back to sleep. Not yet, anyway. Instead his long, elegant fingers curved around your cheek and you made a sound in response, much like a cat when you pet it in its sleep. “Sweetheart,” Dazai said, both a greeting and an exhortation. Too impatient for you to pull yourself from the depth of slumber by yourself, he kissed you, humming at the wonderfully familiar feel of your lips against his. You stirred from beneath your cosy blanket cocoon. “Mm?” Groggily your eyes opened, holding a glazed expression, still full of sleep. Your entire state hovering in a state of dreaming and consciousness. The sight made his breath catch in his throat. “Dazai?” you murmured in adorable confusion, voice vaguely rusty from disuse. “Yes, sweetness.” he cooed, leaning down. “C’mere…” He pressed his lips to yours, enjoying your confusion, but he’d kissed you enough times by now that you responded to him readily enough, despite still being half-asleep. A clumsy arm grabbed at him and he pulled you closer in response, pressing you against his chest. He loved it when you were like this. Soft and sleepy and pliant, unguarded in your thoughts. Not to say he didn’t adore you when you were fully awake and alert too, (you were much more fun to mess with then) but these little intimate moments where he had the pleasure of seeing you in a state not many ever did were special. He savoured it, like a curl of sugar melting on his tongue, here and gone in an instant but cherished for its sweetness. He never could say that, though. Dazai was a shameless flirt and an expert at bending others to his will with words alone, but emotional intimacy was not his strong suit and he knew it. Being honest and unguarded made him as tongue-tied and awkward as a schoolboy. But he was much better at being honest with his body. Eventually he pulled back to let you breathe, a smirk on his face at your kiss-swollen lips. Now you were slightly more lucid, and the first hint of annoyance crossed your features over Dazai shaking you awake simply because he wanted some affection. "What time is it? Couldn't this have waited until the day?" you complained, looking around for some kind of clock, but your phone was out of reach. "No." Dazai said in an oddly serious tone. "It couldn't." Attuned as you were to him, something in his voice caught your attention and you turned to look at him. He could read your expressions perfectly and your brow creased in apparent worry. Dazai never woke you when he had nightmares, preferring simply to breeze past them without discussion, so what other reason had he woken you? Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance and Dazai crawled on top of you, his arms caging you in as you blinked up at him. His eyes were bright in the soft darkness. You didn’t stop him as his slowly moved down your body, caressing, hands sliding down your pajamas, before he gently tugged the bottoms down your thighs, planting kisses on your legs as he went. You bit your lip. “Dazai, right now-?” “Yes.” he breathed, like a prayer. You weren’t going to turn him down – Dazai could do some incredible things with his mouth and as far as you were concerned, he owed you for waking you up in the middle of the night seemingly apropos of nothing. So you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch him snuggled inbetween your thighs. He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties against your hip, making you yelp, before pulling those down as well. Expertly he nudged your legs wider apart and despite the many times he’d done this, it always made you blush to be so exposed to him, even alone in the darkness. Dazai didn’t let you hide anything from him, and that included when he was going down on you. “So lovely, bella.” Dazai praised you in hushed tones, tracing a finger over your core and watching you twitch at the teasing, featherlight touch. “Hold nice and still for me, now.” You nodded, bottom lip between your teeth, and Dazai plunged in with abandon. Perhaps it was because you were still sleepy, still pleasantly fuzzy in the head, because it felt like your other concerns were dulled, the only sensation that mattered Dazai’s hot tongue lapping at your clit. Heat washed over you, tingling shocks following each leisurely flick of Dazai’s tongue. A moan or a gasp or something inbetween left you in an exhalation of air. Dazai’s hands are gripping your thighs, fingers squeezing the flesh and you can only see his wavy hair as he went down on you, his mouth closing over your clit and driving a keen from your mouth. “Nnh…” Dazai couldn’t watch you come undone from his current position, but your audible sighs and whimpering was plenty for him to get himself off. He was not a man who considered oral sex some tedious chore to do before he could get down to the main action. Oh, no. The taste of you flooding his tongue, his name spoken in broken, needy fragments and the feeling of your thighs pressing against him? It was heaven. With how talented Dazai was with his tongue, you were squirming on the mattress before long, pyjamas bottoms tangling around your knees as you gasped, limbs still heavy from tiredness but your head feeling airy and light, heat building and building as he lavished attention on your cunt, pushing his tongue inside you to make you squeal. “Oh fuck! Dazai! Don’t stop!” you said, the phrases exploding from you in short, commanding, insensible bursts. You can only speak in demands, punctuated by cries. Dazai huffed in amusement as he pushed you into climaxing, catching your juices on his tongue, squeezing the flesh of your thighs. He playfully nipped the soft skin as he moved back, wiping the back of his wrist across his damp mouth. He didn’t give you any time to recover, not with his cock throbbing the way it was. He clambered beneath the covers with you, pressing himself against you. You turned your head to look at his expression, a smirk of your own tugging at your mouth. “You’re needy tonight, huh?” you said, and he didn’t deny it. "Please, bella." he breathed against your neck, pressing urgent, sloppy kisses there that made you giggle. "Need to feel you...” Fuck. Dazai didn’t beg very often but when he did, he sure knew how to do it prettily. How could you deny such a request? You nodded, too distracted to speak, and Dazai wasted no time in positioning himself, entering you in one smooth thrust that made you squeal at the abrupt feeling of being filled up. With a breathy moan, he rocked his hips forwards, bottoming out inch by inch in your wet cunt. And being the talker he was, he couldn’t just let it pass without comment. “So good…you’re so good for me, darling.” He purred, praises leaving his lips as easily as taking a breath, rutting shamelessly against you like a buck in heat. “Mm…my pretty girl…” A hiss left your mouth that mingled with the relentless pattering of rain on the rooftops outside and the cold air drifting in through the crack in the window feels good on your hot, slick skin. Your arms wrapped around Dazai, pulling him down, sinking your nails into his back and scoring thin, red marks down his skin. He liked some pain with his pleasure and he arched his back and moaned, and the noise made your walls pulse around his cock. Fuck. It seemed hard to believe he could work you up so easily after making you come once, but he knew your body so well he could have drawn a map of it. “Fuck, Dazai.” You whispered – you didn’t know why you were whispering, only that the weather gave all this a confessional air, like a secret between the two of you, cut off from the rest of the world as you were by a veil of water. “God…” Dazai snaked a hand down between your bodies, and his fingers pinched your clit hard enough to make you squeal. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger as he sank into you over and over, sighing with rapture as your convulsing, hot core sucked him in, like your body simply did not want to let him go. “Yes, princess, that’s it…make more of those sounds for me.” Dazai muttered, turning his head and nipping at your throat, mindful not to break the skin but applying enough pressure to give you a jolt – he’s not the only one who doesn’t mind a little rough stuff. You’re groaning against his ear and you pinch his earlobe between your teeth and give it a little pull. Dazai sighed with pleasure, snapping his hips in a sharp thrust that had you blinking away stars. “Nnh-! Like that! Do it again!” “So demanding,” Dazai chuckled. “And you call me needy, sweetheart.” But he obliged you, of course. Dazai had a hard time saying ‘no’ to you on a regular basis, and since he woke you from a peaceful slumber because he was too desperate to wait to be inside you, the least he can do is make your dreams pale in comparison to what he’s giving you right now. The head of his cock nudged up against that sweetspot he knew you couldn’t reach with your fingers along and you squealed, pressing your mouth against his neck to muffle the noise. Dazai chuckled. “Oh, belladonna. Do you think I can’t hear how much you love taking my cock?” he teased, enjoying your little whine of embarrassment. “Ssh. Just enjoy it, honey. You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel it. Don’t worry, just let me make you feel good…” Dazai knew that he was good at dirty talk and his voice always provoked a reaction from you – you were so easy to read, the way your spine would straighten simply by him lowering his voice an octave or the way your eyes would widen when he slipped an innuendo into a seemingly innocent conversation. Why wouldn’t he use it to his advantage now? “Fuck, Dazai…” you said, voice strained with the effort of trying to speak and contain your moans at the same time. “God…you feel so good…please…” Your speech sounded almost slurred, and your pleas weren’t as pretty as Dazai’s, but he loved it all the same. He became faster and faster, the snap of his hips against yours, flesh on flesh, loud in the quiet of the room. Your breathy cries drifted up to the ceiling, accompanied by Dazai’s own moaning until they reached a crescendo of noise, Dazai’s back arching as he came and judging by the clamping around his cock and your body shuddering beneath him, your mouth falling open and eyes glassy with pleasure, you were right along with him. “Nngh…” “Ah…” For a moment time was suspended, both of you adrift in a wave of pleasure that relentlessly pulled you under. You took a couple of minutes to get your bearings back, the ceiling wavering above you like you’re looking at it through a kaleidoscope and your body is slick with sweat. You can hear Dazai panting on top of you, his chest pressing you against the mattress. “Dazai-“ you began. He hummed in acknowledgement, pressing another lazy, affectionate kiss to your lips before he rolled off you, though he didn’t go far. You didn’t protest as he pulled you closer, resting your head against his chest and listening to the galloping of his heart. His fingers toyed with your hair, brushing it away from your damp forehead, combing his hands through it in a way he knew you loved and that always made you sleepy. “Really? You woke me up just to fuck and now you’re trying to trick me into going back to sleep?” you said, but the glare you gave him was completely ruined by the flush dampening your skin and a yawn slipping from you. “Something like that,” Dazai said vaguely, and you gave a scoff of disbelieving laughter despite yourself. Of course, the real reason wasn’t quite so cut and dried as that, but Dazai could tell any explanations from him would fall on deaf ears – even as he watched, the lure of sleep was already winning its fight with your conscience, your eyes falling shut like they were too heavy for you to hold open anymore. “Go back to sleep, baby.” Dazai told you, still stroking your hair, shamelessly using it to keep you settled against his chest – the weight of your body was comforting. “Tomorrow we’ll skip work, have breakfast and watch people try and swim to their jobs.” “Mmm…” you hummed, a smile on your face at the joke, and he watched it fade into that tranquil look as you fell back asleep, nuzzling into Dazai’s chest and making yourself comfortable. Now he wouldn’t be able to move all night until you woke again – that was the rule. Dazai settled back against the pillow, wrapping one arm around you and tugging the covers over you both. He listened to the sound of the rain outside as he felt his own eyes begin to slide shut. No, he had not woken you simply for sex, even if that seemed like the obvious answer from an outside view. Dazai’s affections for you were so large and confusing to him, a man who was sorely deprived of such things for such a long time, he often simply did not know what to do with it. Sex was simply one of the easiest – and most fun – ways of showing it. Saying it was much harder, but eventually he’d get there. For now, enjoy one another’s company and bodies was a pleasure he’d never thought would be his. Dazai Osamu did not know how to love, or be loved. But for you, he was willing to try.
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 4 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 2. Shadow
They can no longer reach him, for their enemy joined him in the battle.
chapter specific tags: hurt & comfort, healing
relationships: aesop sharp x reader
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2. Shadow (0.7k)
tw: mentions of character death (canonical), mentions of depression
It always felt like it was creeping up on him.
Not just from one side, but from all directions, enveloping him, cornering him. Preparing to eat him up entirely, consume him. There were few things that frightened the former Auror, no man ever truly put the fear of his maker in him. During the day, he was the collected, nearly stoic man, strong and steady as a mountain. During his prime, criminals fled from him. They cowered at the mention of his name, and did everything they could not to fall into the hands of the feared Auror.
They wouldn’t have done so if they had any idea what he’d become. An absolute ruin of a man. He lost everything. And what was the worst, it wasn’t anything corporeal that terrified him, but rather his own self. His self-destructing head was haunting him with the shadows of the people he lost, of the person he was. 
Every single night, they were everywhere, all around him. Invisible to the naked eye, but Aesop knew they were there. They were hiding. Waiting. Waiting for him to make a single mistake, to lose his focus for a single second, and then he was fair game to them. Then they would restrain him, bind him, blindfold him, gag him. They’d sink their sharp teeth and claws into his flesh, and feast on his soul, and on his sanity. 
They didn’t manage to get him every night, his consciousness slipping before they had a chance. Aesop would wake, and he would know he survived yet another night, already dreading the following one. During the day, he was able to almost shake their presence off entirely, but as soon as the Sun dipped below the horizon, they began creeping up on him again, slowly, nearly seductively, luring him to hand himself over voluntarily.
And while the shadows faded with time, becoming fainter and fainter, they never truly disappeared. And when he let them, they grew in power once more, more than happy to try and devour him once more.
They were death. Death, cold, abandonment, hopelessness. They were his own consciousness, his own brain, his own soul, and they wanted nothing more than to tear at his flesh, until he was nothing but a broken apart carcass.
And then, one day, there came light, and there came warmth.
He saw the hands of the monsters, the shadows of his past, attempting to reach him, to grab him, and pull him under. But a different hand, light and soft, landed on his breast instead and remained there. Its thumb stroked over the fabric of his nightshirt. The shadows screamed and cried, but there wasn’t anything they could do. The tender touch burned bright, and it consumed them like they would consume him. It wrapped around him, sharing its warmth and protection with him, and for once, Aesop wasn’t afraid.
And when it was done feasting on his horrors, all that remained behind was his bedroom.
As completely ordinary as it was during the day. Papers on his desk, potions stored in every single shelf, fire crackling in the hearth and reflecting on the stack of cauldrons next to it. For once, the room wasn’t cold, and it didn’t feel that dark either. For once, Aesop felt like he could breathe, his lungs filling with the cool air coming from the window next door.
The young woman in his arms curled further into him, her hair tickling at his collarbones, and the hotness of her breath seeping through his shirt, warming his chest directly over his loudly beating heart.
His arms closed tightly around her, and he just knew that he wouldn’t get lost in the shadows again. This young woman would be his beacon, his own little lighthouse in the ocean of darkness. And he… he’d do the same for her, as he knew she had her own shadows. And perhaps, were they to walk together, the other’s light would illuminate their way, and lead them to safety, where there were no more shadows.
He lowered his head to be able to press a kiss into her hair, getting light-headed from his own fatigue, and the gentle scent of her locks. 
He settled heavily among his pillows and sheets, closing his eyes without a drop of fear. Why should he be afraid? As long as his beautiful firefly shone bright in his arms, no shadow could get him.
[AO3] --- [Sharpuary] -- [Masterlist]
bonus!!! input to illustration by @gufu-vire
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