#the six tatchers
byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Burt Lancaster and Nick Cravat in The Crimson Pirate (Robert Siodmak, 1952) Cast: Burt Lancaster, Nick Cravat, Eva Bartok, Torin Thatcher, James Hayter, Leslie Bradley, Margot Grahame, Noel Purcell, Frederick Lester, Eliot Makeham, Frank Pettingell, Dana Wynter, Christopher Lee. Screenplay: Roland Kibbee. Cinematography: Otto Heller. Art direction: Paul Sheriff. Film editing: Jack Harris. Music: William Alwyn. All flashing blue eyes and white teeth, Burt Lancaster swashbuckles in The Crimson Pirate like no one since the elder Douglas Fairbanks -- some of whose acrobatic gags were borrowed by the movie. It's one of those kids'  movies for all ages, with only just enough mushy stuff between Lancaster and Eva Bartok to hold adult interests. Actually, the real romance here is between Lancaster's Captain Vallo and Nick Cravat's Ojo, the latter a mute lieutenant to the dashing pirate captain. Some of the funniest sequences involve the movements in sync of the six-foot-one Lancaster and the five-foot-four Cravat -- the two once had a circus act together. There's perhaps more plot than the movie absolutely needs, involving the pirates coming to the aid of the anti-monarchical rebels on the mythical Caribbean island of Cobra. There Vallo, aka The Crimson Pirate, meets Consuelo (Bartok), the daughter of the rebel leader El Libre (Frederick Lester). Meanwhile, mutiny brews aboard Vallo's ship, fueled by his first mate, Humble Bellows (Torin Tatcher), disgruntled by the fact that Vallo's involvement in politics has got in the way of their routine piratical pursuits of treasure. Eventually, with the aid of a scientist, Prof. Elihu Prudence (James Hayter), Vallo and Ojo vanquish both the mutineers and the forces of the king, led by Baron Gruda (Leslie Bradley), by using the professor's scientific innovations, such as a hot-air balloon and nitroglycerin, as well as the theory that a capsized boat might hold enough air to be used as a kind of submarine. (That last gag was borrowed for the 2003 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. It was later proved unfeasible on the Mythbusters TV show.) The Crimson Pirate was the kind of hit it deserved to be.
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T6T is a message for TJLCers
I was rewatching The Six Tatchers and noticed that, from the very beginning, there were subtle messages directed to us via Sherlock.
In this meta I’ll try to show you the most noticeable examples of that, so welcome to my first analysis of Sherlock. 
1.  One of the first lines we have in the episode, “that’s not what happened at all’’.
We are Sherlock and Mycroft and his super secret gang are Mofftiss.
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This may be one of the most blatant evidence, as a lot of us have already pointed out in emp theory or john’s tab theory.
Here, Mofftiss the “British Government” is showing us Sherlock fake footage. Sherlock, or rather us, immediately knows that all of that isn’t real, it’s made up. It’s a distorted version of reality.
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Despite us Sherlock knowing and saying it’s fake, Mofftiss Mycroft carries on with the lie, telling us that now, it is the only truth.
2.  Mofftiss’ plans
We are Sherlock and Moriarty is Mofftiss (how ironic, huh)
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Moriarty Mofftiss filmed the message the series/lost especial before (t)he(y) “died”, dying as of disappearing. Now they are ghosts, lurking in the dark and making our pain prologue more and more, waiting for the perfect moment to announce the fifth season.
Lady Smallwood: You also say you know what he’s going to do next. What does that mean?
We know what Mofftiss are going to do, we know tjlc is the endgame of the series, even though Moffat and Gatiss themselves refuse to explicitly tell us.
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Sr. Edwin: Perhaps that’s all there is to it. Perhaps he was just trying to frighten you.
Sherlock: No, no, he would never be that disappointing. He’s planned something, something long term.
They are trying to convince us that that’s all there is to it, that s4 is all we have, and we’ll just have to take it on the chin. But we know that they would never do that, they aren’t that disappointing, they are Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat for God’s sakes! They’d never do that to us, they’d never queerbait. 
They have planned something (johnlock) from the beginning of the series, since the gay pilot. And those plans are still on. 
3.  Our plans
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“What are we going to do in this long, exhausting hiatus?”
Well, what we’ve always done. We are the targets, targets wait, right? Mofftiss are the owners of Sherlock and we have to wait until they decide to start again.
But in the (painful) meanwhile, we’ll do what we are excellent at: we’ll rewatch the series again and again and go deep into the incredible layers of subtext.
4.  Trick? Obviously
The trick is the released season four and the surprise is our predicted season four.
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Sherlock: The trick was meant to be a surprise.
Mr. and Mrs. Welsborough: Trick?
Sherlock: Obviously.
The trick aired S4 was meant to be the foretold s4 a surprise (not to us, obviously, we knew what was going to happen, but rather to casuals and antis); but in the end, it didn’t take place. 
The surprise expected season didn’t get executed, we didn’t have the explicit Johnlock we were hoping for. But we know that, unlike Charlie’s surprise, which didn’t happen; we will get our so deserved happy ending, with TJLC finally confirmed and Sherlock and John parenting Rosie as a happy couple.
5.  Acronyms
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Sherlock: AGRA’s an acronym.
Mycroft: Oh, good. I love an acronym. All the best secret societies have them.
Well well, how do I start with this? It is clearly and blatantly about TJLC.
This scene works similar to the group of women in TAB and Chris Melas, Mofftiss are telling us they know about us, they know who we are, and they like us.
Mycroft (Mark) is not only saying he loves acronyms, but he also thinks that all the best societies have one! And even better, he is holding a pen!!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is evidently Mark Gatiss himself  telling us he knows and appreciates TJLCers, this is him saying all of that directly to us, this time not even through Sherlock.
6.  The butcher’s
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Sherlock is we are more than certain that it has to be a ploy made to confuse and mislead us.
Season four is too bizarre, too baroque, even Bond-esque and with countless plotholes. It has to be fake, IT IS FAKE. There is no other explanation to its fuckiness and nonsense.
It is also a rope to put our neck into, it’s a test we have to pass. And in a way, we like it, we have fun making theories and writing amazing metas; we enjoy it, that’s how we are. Just like Sherlock.
Well, here finishes my first meta (omg I thought I’d never be writintig that). This was all I could extract from the episode, I hope you’ve liked it!! If there is anything more you’ve noticed about T6T, please let me know. I’ll be more than glad to hear it.
I’ll leave some ‘must read’ links to emp and john’s tab theories:
John’s alibi masterposts by @/inevitably-johnlocked: link one / link two / link three
EMP huge masterpost by @/monikakrasnorada: here
EMP Tumblr blog @/emplock: here
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I knew it.
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a-gromova · 6 years
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Heeeeeeey, just wanted to make new version of my drag’n’click siege game. I added ALL new MALE operators, so it’ll be fun! Female ops version will be added in a few days  ♥ ♥ ♥ 
P.S. For better vision use the link on this post
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nowkisssmeyoufool · 7 years
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Sherlock, The Lying Detective: a summary 
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nostalgicountry · 7 years
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A truth should exist, it should not be used like this. 
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elennemigo · 7 years
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Protect this smile...
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josgalaxy · 7 years
Sherlock: It's her. John and Mary's daughter. 
Mycroft: Oh I see... she looks very... full fuctioning...? 
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empowerment-of-love · 7 years
ok but can you imagine John buying that balloon like “oh yes I’m gonna prank him real good, i’M GONNA PRANK HIM SO GOOD OMG I’m great”
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could someone please explain me what margaret tatcher has to do with sheelock's past???why did he thought o water when he saw her pictures?? I'm genuinely asking for an explanation please.
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Anyone cares to explain me how the heck Mary knew what Sherlock had told John in the tarmac?
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Like, I don't picture Mary asking John "what did he tell you?" and John answering "nothing, he just said 'Sherlock' is a girl's name" and Mary saying "oh, ok [phew]".
No. I don't. I can't. It would have been so weird.
So, guys, in conclusion, this is just one more small evidence that season four is not real.
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fandomlikeafamily · 7 years
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«It’s not okay»
«No. But it is what it is.»
If this isn’t canon tell me what this is
If this isn’t love tell me what this is.
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So I watched The Six Tatchers last night and...
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midgardiannerd · 7 years
The only legitimate reason for John to have the right to blame Sherlock for Mary’s death would be if Sherlock would have been the one to pull the trigger. But look! He wasn’t! 
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scaryorganmusic · 7 years
~* spoilers for sherlock bellow *~
I honestly didn’t love Mary, I really didn’t, but I’m weirdly offended by them just killing her off like that.I can’t explain why but it feels so wrong and I’m so mad.
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