#then guess what's coming to AO3
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Part 1: what's lost can be found
"She won't make a sound, alone in this fight with herself and the fears whispering if she stands she'll fall down. She wants to be found, the only way out is through everything she's running from wants to give up and lie down. So stand in the rain, stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down. You stand through the pain, you won't drown. And one day, what's lost can be found."  -Stand in the Rain by Superchick
Regent Masterlist Part 2
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The decayed ghost siren echoed through the abandoned streets of Amity Park's Witching Hours. Its residents were well acquainted with what that sound meant, fear and exasperation a potent (strange) mix to keep them tucked in their homes, their beds, as the Fentonworks building seemed to come alive.  
Of course, figuratively speaking. 
(Nothing was truly alive there anymore.)
Jasmine Fenton had just arrived back from the Infinite Realms, muscles pleasantly sore from training with Pandora and very much looking forward to hugging her little brother before he begun his nightly patrol. The siren caught her attention before she’d stepped fully out of her portal, dread filling her gut like a rock dropped into a lake. 
Oh no. 
Team Phantom were young, no one could ever argue that, with some scars to show for all their battles to protect Amity from those that would claim their haunt- but no one outside the team understood just how paranoid they’d become since Pariah Dark and Dark Dan
The contingencies had begun when Jazz started to remember bits and pieces of a timeline that Danny himself had erased using the reality gauntlet. He’d never told anyone of what had happened, with Freakshow’s plan to make himself ‘ringmaster of all reality’ and all, but Jazz had somehow recalled flashes of sheer panic at watching her little brother accidentally reveal himself as Phantom on live tv, in the Fentonworks kitchen on that little box set. The white rings of light that emerged from his core to switch from half-alive to half-dead and vice versa damned him. 
The elder fentons had gone on the offense immediately, Jack’s screech of ghost! Echoing in the house and they raced down to the lab to get whatever latest weapon they’d built to capture Phantom. 
It didn’t matter that their son was dead, that he had died, that their ‘greatest work’ was Danny’s grave. That Jasmine was…well, she wasn’t entirely human anymore, not when she turned on her heel to follow her progenitors down down down into the darkness, sword tightly grasped in hand as her teal eyes glowed a sickly green.  
She hadn’t hesitated then, to protect her little brother. One slash, two, three
Danny hadn’t known she killed their parents in that timeline. She would never tell him. 
She would never tell him how they hadn’t even noticed her presence, her ever loyal weapon Faithkeeper about to take their lives, how she hadn’t even needed to summon her armor. She would never tell him how they begged for their lives, not to protect their children, but to kill the ghostly menace. 
Danny never knew she’d dumped their corpses in the landfill.
(Right where they belonged.) 
WIth the rewrite of the timeline, reset to the same day of the ill-fated Humpty Dumpty concert, Jack and Maddy Fenton’s deaths were undone, but not the blood on Jasmine’s hands. 
With Danny’s defeat of Pariah Dark, came another revelation. 
Jasmine was still mostly alive. Somehow she’d survived her childhood, but Danny hadn’t. She’d looked away for five minutes, forgotten to lock the lab after their parents left and he’d died for it. 
With the weight of being schrodinger’s hero, could her little brother withstand becoming king of the infinite realms? 
Perhaps not while he was still learning, still gaining his own grip on his strange existence. In time, he would become a great king- one of mercy and benevolence, but he still had a long ways to go. 
Jasmine had borrowed ancient ghost law books from Ghostwriter and locked herself away for three days, cycling between crying for her and Danny, reading through the complicated laws of ye olden times, and writing down her findings- just in case another reality rewrite was due. 
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Jasmine had accepted Regency on Danny’s behalf with a grace she didn’t know she possessed. 
It had been a small ceremony, with Danny and his friends present and Pandora, Jasmine’s mentor, acting as sentry as she accepted the Crown of Fire. She knew it was a long road till she could pass it down to its rightful owner, but Jasmine was prepared to shoulder the burden for her little brother. 
Pandora had simply laid one of her many hands on Jasmine’s shoulder with a solemn air, in understanding. There was work to be done before any of them could have peace. (Not even the afterlife was safe from paperwork.)
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Her favorite journal contained the scraps of her hope and dreams bound in maroon leather, soft with age and imprinted with every emotion Jazz had unwittingly (and later knowingly) poured into every word. 
Its pages were a kaleidoscope of her life. 
Sure, it began with the soft tinge of curiosity-exasperation-fondness, some sentiment of better times before her progenitors began working on that damned portal, constructing the future grave of their son without the slightest clue. 
The emotions began turning a darker turn when the work turned into an obsession. Jazz had plunged into her schoolwork and part-time jobs to afford whatever was needed for the siblings to survive, fondness becoming slowly poisoned by anger. Anger for the portal. Anger for the food other kids had, that they didn’t have to work so hard for. Anger that she knew what starving felt like. 
Anger that she was so weak. 
Then the day of Danny’s death. 
The darkest part of her history, the last embers of her hopes and dreams, of the siblings escaping smothered. Danny’s death scream forever etched into her brain. 
(It should’ve been her.) 
She hated those pages of her journal, the emotions of grief-anger on her tongue, but she couldn’t bring herself to rip them out. No more than she could destroy the confessions of protect-rage-grief, the confessions of the darker timeline she shouldn’t remember. 
On very last page was the contingency plan Jazz herself had created.
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Code Graverobber.
That siren wasn’t any ordinary ghost siren, no, it was the one Tucker had programmed himself- it was the quickest way to alert every member of Team Phantom and Tucker had made sure that none of them could mistake it for a Fenton ghost alarm. No, Code Graverobber was in effect. 
Phantom had been captured by the elder Fentons. 
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(Fate has a way of setting itself right.) (Death wants its due.) With a bleeding, sobbing and vivisected Danny cradled in her arms, Jazz left Amity Park behind for what she prayed to the Ancients was forever. The Fentons died that night, though the official records would claim they were killed in a explosion due to the highly unstable inventions they created, taking the lives of their children as well. No one really dug around in the wreckage of Fentonworks, not for the bodies of the family within, with the chance of another explosion happening should rubble be shifted the wrong way. 
Jack and Maddie Fenton died.. 
But Jasmine and Danny Nightingale lived on, in Gotham City.
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The last of those three days she spent locked in her room, Jasmine wrote a letter to a future version of herself, tucked inside one of her favorite books now lost in the destruction of Fentonworks. To my future self, Forget me in your happiness.    Love, your past
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Ahem. This is the original chapter 1 that I never finished or published. It's not my favorite or my best, but I unburied it for the 300 milestones. Thanks for reading!
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
love it when people are so slippery slope pilled that under every discourse about censorship someone will inevitably go "ok but what if someone made birth of a nation 2 and reestablished the kkk" when it could not be more obvious that the original poster's statement was just like. About a teenager's underage bakudeku fic or something
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gingiekittycat · 7 months
Ah the emotional whiplash of "posting day" whereby I am unbelievably excited to upload a new chapter right up until I click "post" at which point I feel IMMEDIATE REGRET
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0reoblanc · 1 month
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Just a fanart of Clora Clemons cuz my OC is also ravenclaw and I love @choccy-milky fanfic! Feels like Aymee wouldn’t be liked by Seb cuz she’s way too often stuck in dangerous position and “she might give idea to Clora” lmao. Her surname is Aymee Parkour or Fakeclaw cuz she’s always climbing stuff and acting impulsilvly dumb hahaha
My fanfic isn’t Hogwart Legacy tho, it’s a PercyJacksonXHarryPotter crossover. Anyway, here’s Aymee Parker!
(Second date is the edit cuz I finally decided myself to post it)
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vesperlionheart · 6 months
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My AO3 list of authored fairy tale & fantasy stories that I'm proud of. ➊ = oneshots 🅒 = Complete. ☼ = Long Read (over 30K)
↔ Uchiha Shelf • Akatsuki • Konoha • Other
Nightmare Eden: Let Me Wrap My Teeth around the World 🅒 ☼ Rated T - Sakura/Itachi, Sakura/Shisui, Sakura/Madara Summary: Sakura is slowly starving to death and a dhampir with a plane shift key to a nightmare domain is her best hope for subverting damnation. She'll hold hands with Itachi for as long as she needs to in order to get what she wants, but she might not be able to let go.
Castle Zamok ➊🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Itachi Summary: Sakura finds a castle at the end of the world in her search for answers, Itachi reluctantly opens the door.
Lindworm & the Tam Lin Love a Changling 🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Madara & Sakura/Hashirama Summary: Sakura travels as a curse breaker across the land, doing what she can to put some peace back into the world. She doesn't think much of it when she breaks the curse on a lesser dragon or a fae knight, but maybe she should have.
The Black Bull ➊🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Madara Summary: (Based on the classic Scottish fairytale The Black Bull of Norroway.) Sakura is a little girl who finds out her soulmate is a black bull and not the easiest creature to love, but she's not one to let glass mountains or demons keep her from following her heart.
Sugarplum 🅒 Rated T- Sakura/Itachi Summary: "They will use you up, and love you all the while, until there is nothing left of the girl you used to be." Sakura had been a chosen one, once upon a time, but that was years ago, and all the magic has left her. Still, the world calls her back and she has a new role in supporting the next girl savior many years her junior. ItaSakuSaso
The Choosing ➊🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Itachi Summary: Sakura is a monarch set to marry one of the Uchiha princes to unify their countries. She anticipates being told what to do, but doesn't anticipate the choice she is given. “I know it’s already been arranged, but let me do this properly…Will you marry me?”
Salt, Paper, Rage 🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Itachi Summary: Sakura is set on her journey to be the dragon slayer the Uchiha kingdom needs in order to get the recognition she so desperately desires. Along the way, she earns more than she bargained for.
RED KING ☼ Rated T -Sakura/Shisui Sakura/Madara Summary: In the wild country where it never snows but always freezes, the Red King marches his armies against the White Tsar. That is why Sakura is swept away from the lonely streets and the empty barracks into a car with a bastard prince and a promise of redemption, but if only she can face the demons that chased her in the first place and be what the king needs in his war.
Snow-Walker 🅒 ☼ Rated T - Sakura/Kagami Uchiha Summary: In the frozen north where spring never comes the white goddess Kaguya rules on high and all the eligible young girls in the city must be tested by her Rabbits to see if they are compatible with her magic. The lucky few are granted positions in her temples, as clerics to the Many Faced Moon. Sakura is a lower level cleric serving under the Hyuga matriarch, struggling to rise above in ways that seem to come so easily to those with noble blood and pearl colored eyes. It takes her twice as long to learn half as much because of her commoner blood, but what she lacks in magic she makes up for in a myriad of ways. Some said she was as keen as a devil and twice as pretty. When she is caught tampering with a Hyuga’s branch seal she is saved from death only because the law forbids executions of those with the Kaguya magic, thus she is banished to the frozen wastes to die on her own from the elements. But Sakura doesn’t plan on dying. Someone managed to share with her the secrets of Kaguya’s progeny and the source of her powers. Now Sakura has to find these grandkids and their tribe to help her bring down a tyrant in white.
Heartstrings (on my Fingers) Rated T Sakura/Madara & Sakura/Izuna Summary: All the legends say you should never kill a golden Zmey, but all Sakura has is her hunger and her debts so why not curse herself so others might live? Even if her curse lasts through multiple lifetimes, Sakura is willing to pay the price, whatever it may be.
Selkie ➊🅒 Rated E - Sakura/Itachi Summary: Once upon a time she fell in love with a creature from a fairytale. It didn't go well, and so, years later, he's desperate for another chance with the island's fairy doctor.
The Golden Bridle ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/Madara Summary: Sakura knows what it feels like to be trapped in chains, so she can't help but want to set everything free, even if it ends up being dangerous for her later on. She didn't know what the consequences would be for freeing such an old fashioned kelpie.
Jealous gods 🅒 Rated M - Sakura/Itachi & Sakura/Kakashi Summary: When a coup takes the lives of the king and the rest of the royal family, Sakura, the sole surviver, escapes to the edge of the world with Kakashi to strike a bargain with an old god. Her worship in exchange for his power. She's warned he's a dark and jealous god, but that's not enough to sway her. “Let me wear your name like a kiss on my throat, let me roam the world with the freedom of your patronage. The earth is your alter and I am the incense that beckons you here. Make me new."
Uchiha • ↔ Akatsuki Shelf • Konoha • Other
Obelisk Series Eventual Sakura/Sasori Kingdom of Man: Rated T🅒☼ Kingdom of Beasts: Rated T🅒☼ Kingdom of Monsters: Rated M🅒☼ Kingdom of Gods: Rated M🅒☼
Meiji Frankenstein ➊ 🅒 Rated M - Sakura/Sasori/Hidan Summary: “It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
The Dancing Fields ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura Deidara Summary: Sakura stepped into the wrong fairy circle and ended up trapped in the fae courts where people are compelled to dance themselves to death-if they're not keen enough to find a way around the manners of their captors that is. Deidara is a 'friendly' fae who she finds on her side more and more often. It wouldn't be wise to fall in love.
Spoken with Silver  ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/ Deidara Summary: Sakura considered her predicament unique even though she knew she was far from the first girl to be sacrificed for the sake of a parent’s foolish exaggerations. Fairytale AU spin on Rumpelstiltskin
Let the World Fall Down  ➊🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Sasori & Sakura/Itachi Summary: Naruto gets lost on the roads between worlds and Sakura has to set out to save her friend and bring him back from a land with fae kings and goblin cities. This isn't her first trip through a labyrinth, yet the echoes of her childhood adventures seek to ripple back on her in strange new ways. A broken king under her power, a shackled prince seeking her aid, and an upside-down world that continues to fall-Let it all come down.
Snowflake (A Mad Girl's Love Song)  ➊🅒 Rated T: Sakura/Sasori Summary: Sakura must brave the dreams that were left to rot into nightmares to save her friend's student after an accident with a world transfer scroll. The world she has to brave is one she's not faced in seven years, and it's grown a bit more wicked and wild in her absence. What once began as a young girl's fairytale dream, with dancing snowflakes, sugar horses, candy castles, and dashing nutcracker princes, now is so much more.
His Rose and Her Thorn ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/Sasori Summary: Sakura is dying from a curse and the only way to survive it seems to be shedding her humanity. What else could she do after earning the love of a god? “The moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be.”
Thief King Sasori ➊🅒 Rated: T Sakura/Sasori Summary: Thief King Sasori anticipates a desert mouse for a wife, but his cunning grandmother has other plans for the ambitious thief with this arranged marriage. “So you’re my future bride? You’re not what I expected at all.”
Lady of the Blackthorn Trees 🅒 Rated M - Sakura/Sasori Summary: Sasori has lost his home, his throne, and much of his will to live when he catches a good look at the sorceress he'd gladly burn for.
Seven Wonders ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/Sasori Summary: Sakura saves a cursed black cat but can't break the curse on her own. She'll need to take him back to her master for that, but it seems like this Black Cat has plans of his own
Between Jupiter and Mars  ➊🅒 Rated: M - Sakura/Kisame & Sakura/Hidan Summary: Sakura is something like a paranormal investigator caught between two haunting forces.
Urban Gods 🅒 Rated: M Sakura/Hidan Summary: Sakura, a blood witch, needs to revive a mad god in order to escape the rain god's attention. She's worked so hard for so long to put him back together, piece by piece, but will this resurrected god be worth the trouble (or the headache)?
Uchiha • Akatsuki • ↔ Konoha Shelf • Other
Stag  ➊🅒 Rated T - Sakura/Tobirama Summary: He was a wizard with a tower and a set of rules he should never break. Sakura was a girl with just a bit of budding magic he decides he can't ignore. Some things were made to be broken.
Songbird  ➊🅒 Rated: T -Sakura/Kakashi Summary: Sakura's family is in debt and she is determined to save them from the money lenders with a risky plan that involves gathering the feathers of a thunderbird to make into a wedding dress. Things did not go according to plan.
Scarecrow Dragon ➊🅒 Rated: G - Sakura/ Kakashi Summary: “We all have secrets,” Sakura breathed.
A Confluence of Stars 🅒 ☼ Rated T - Sakura/Choji & Sakura/Nii Yugito Summary: With the war over between two princedoms, Sakura, a sniper, returns home to celebrate Confluence with her grandmother, the local Story Keeper. She had expected it to be nothing more than just another celebration when the star rivers overlapped and the poor people partied. But, along with the rest of the world, Sakura soon realizes that Confluence did more than just give people a reason to celebrate. A wicked new world filled with monsters and magic straight from Baba's tales spills into theirs, and Sakura is forced to turn to her rifle and her stories to make sense of it.
Gas Station 🅒 Rated: Sakura/Sasuke, Sakura/Naruto, Sakura/Sai, Sakura/Kakashi Summary: Three stowaways make Sakura's job a little more difficult than she bargained for. They say they know it will be worth her while, but she has a hard time believing one gas station could make up for all the trouble she has to put up with as she drives three escaped harem boys across the red, red world.
Uchiha • Akatsuki • Konoha • ↔ Other Shelf
Touken Revolution 🅒☼ Rated: T - Sakura/Kisame, Sakura/Zabuza, Sakura/Haku Summary: Sakura could hear the voices in the steel long before she knew what this meant. Years later she's nearly killed for this reason and is sent running out of the Land of Fire and into the neighboring country of Water for refuge. But her life is still not safe and very well never will be considering that's she's one of the only Sages alive, a person with the power to animate the nonliving as human soldiers. In her hands blades become warriors more fantastically loyal than any human born legion. She's a dangerous player in the world of warring shoguns, but all she wants to do is dirty her hands and make beautiful blades in the forge. In order to stay alive Sakura animates several Kiri treasured blades and is a little surprised with what happens next.
The Spirit of the Oasis ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/Gaara Summary: Gaara doesn't believe in the fairytales the elders spin, but when his siblings go off into the desert chasing one, he isn't far behind. Along the way he might just meet someone who helps him believe.
The Enchanted Snake ➊🅒 Rated: T - Sakura/Orochimaru Summary: “I came for you,” she laughed when she recognized the beautiful saffron color of his eyes. “Please don’t leave me again.”
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creature-of-the-stars · 11 months
A review I recently received on FanFiction.net:
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The bio of this user:
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I was gonna laugh this off and just delete it, but I thought I’d share. I understand the need for rules, but I honestly find this hilarious. A self-appointed purity police officer that seems like just a random person who’s taken it upon themselves to cleanse the website is equally pathetic, funny, and concerning.
Unfortunately, this review on a fic I cross posted to ff.net serves as a reminder of why ff.net traffic has slowly dwindled down to a trickle, and why Ao3 needs to remain the amazing, uncensored place that it is.
God bless Ao3 and the freedom it provides.
**disclaimer: before uploading the fics I have to ff.net, I was under the impression that the content guidelines outlawed dead dove content, not anything sexual or violent at all. I underestimated just how bad it had gotten over there.
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perexcri · 1 year
best friends, ex-friends til the end (better off as lovers and not the other way around) - [byler week 2023 - day 2]
aka the byler/goncharov au i needed so badly i had to write it myself
title from: bang the doldrums by fall out boy
dedicated to: my commitment to the bit
special thanks to: @cherryisgone for providing me some much-needed poetic Italian for everyone’s favorite Scorcese film
tw: mentions of falling out of a window and blood, guns
The Naples skyline burns with light in the encroaching fog of the night. His back to the stones of the tower, Mike heaves several ragged breaths, and he tries not to think about how steep of a fall it would be down to the town square below. He imagines it’d be quick: his bones would snap, his blood would spill, and there’d be his body, an example laid out on the streets of Naples for all to know the folly that is trying to outrun who you once were.
The sting of vodka on the tips of tongues, frigid nights spent maneuvering through the streets of Leningrad in search of their next hit. Being smuggled onto a rusted plane down to the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, El nestled beneath his arm, just the clothes on their backs and the jewels on her wrists and neck and ears. Nothing makes sense–it hadn’t for a long time–and for so long, he’d been able to stay just ahead of it.
But now, the entropic forces of this chaotic life are clawing at him, gesturing him down to the street to achieve a silent and still end.
He sighs, and the glowing yellows of the skyline blur in his eyes. He can’t tell if it’s from the mist blowing off of the sea or the tears that threaten to break free from the tight hold he put on them long, long ago.
Behind him, the clock ticks and ticks and ticks–
Until its rhythm breaks: in the breaths between each tick, there’s the clicking of shoes on stones.
The gun digs into Mike’s back, right where it rests against his hip, ready to be drawn by his quick, willowy fingers.
“È questo che sono per te, ora? Soltanto qualcuno che non puoi incontrare alla luce del sole?"
“Quit the front,” Mike growls, just loud enough to be heard over the heartbeats of the clock. It had been years since he’d last spoken Russian, and despite the familiarity that will always be afforded to his native tongue, the consonants sound too harsh and aspirated in his mouth, stretched like taffy under years spent in hiding among the Italian elite.
Will scoffs from where he stands in front of the clock, its second hand ticking menacingly behind him, its gears in an endless whirl behind the clock’s face. The hand moves from behind his legs to crowning his head before he bothers to slip into that shared language of theirs that transcends words and physicality, that which fills the spaces of silence between their every pulse and breath. “And why did you want to meet me here?”
Mind spinning with the centrifuge that always comes from standing on the edge–of one’s life, of destiny, or simply the jut of a clocktower’s window–Mike looks upon Will for what feels like the first time in ages, though it had only been a mere day ago when they’d strolled down the city’s streets under the cloak of night, and he’d held an apple out to his old friend’s paint-stained hands, a silent plea for help in a quest Mike knows he’ll never complete. The pressure of years of hiding from his own desires, being on the run from his own troubled past, and being caught in the twisted web of that sickness which has poisoned all of humanity breaks all at once, and it is all too easy to pull the gun from its holster, click the safety off, and point it at the heart of the only person he’s ever truly loved.
For love is a kind of violence, after all.
“Hm,” Will hums with disinterest. He calmly reaches into his pocket, withdraws a cigarette, and sticks it between his teeth. When he pulls out his lighter, it has just enough time to make the end of the cigarette glow before being snuffed out by the ever-ticking hands of the clock.
Mike’s hand shakes in time with it, always falling into that rhythm of life he’s sought so hard to be free from, caught in an endlessly looping maze he sees no escape from.
Tick. Shake.
A thick puff of smoke falls out of Will’s mouth.
Tick. Shake.
Mike grits his teeth together.
Tick. Shake.
Will cocks an eyebrow at him. Well?
It doesn’t take much for Mike to squeeze the trigger: that indelible pressure which has filled his chest for so long has finally found release, and it presses hard against the metal, letting the gun’s ignition do the work of his anger for him. He can almost feel time stretch thin as the trigger clicks down, as the bullet flies from the gun, as it sails through the tight air between them, aiming straight and true–
Will doesn’t bother to flinch as the bullet lodges straight into the second hand of the clock. Its gears whir on, but its other hands tremble and groan with agony, time itself bleeding from the wound.
Mike swallows against what feels like sharp, jagged pieces of glass in his throat. Despite the clock’s faulty motions now, he can still hear that eternally derisive tick in his mind, a permanent reminder of the life he is chained to.
With a great intake of breath, Will pulls the cigarette away from his lips, lush with warmth from the tobacco and drizzled in moonlight. He shakes out the ashes from its end as he lets another mouthful of smoke dissipate into the night air.
“Time is something you can’t stop, Mike,” he says in a harsh, scraping whisper. He tosses the cigarette onto the ground, stubs it out with his heel, and turns away.
For a single moment, his hand clenches at his side, as if there’s something more he wants to do, reining himself in from saying anything more than the cold, empty phrases they’re now left to exchange and fill with this shared language of theirs.
When he finally leaves, Mike’s eyes drift from the cigarette stub, up to the clock and how its gears grind on, even as its hands remain still.
This time, he lets the tears fall.
- - -
Here’s what Will says in Italian (courtesy of Cherry): Is this what I am to you now? Just someone you can't meet in the sunlight?
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happyk44 · 10 months
You know what I never saw enough of in the Percicobeth heydays? And maybe it's because I was technically looking at the wrong ship, lmao, but man, fics where Percy died, or set when he was missing during TLH and SoN, and Annabeth and Nico are both mourning him and end up coming together because they both know how it feels to grieve over someone you loved romantically. Of course Grover is there and because of his empathy link, he felt it 100% when Percy finally went down for the count, and is absolutely shattered by it, probably more so than the two of them, but his relationship with Percy was deeply platonic, so the hole left in his heart is different from the hole left in theirs, and the hole left in Sally's. The ache is different.
So they all grieve together, but Annabeth and Nico slink closer because how they loved Percy was different, and that grief ends up bringing them into one another's arms and then one another's beds. And it's such a worry for the two of them. When the grief ends, will this thing between them end too?
It's even better when Percy and Nico were never a thing. Nico's love for Percy was just a painfully deep crush, and Percy's love for Nico was intensely platonic and familial but nothing more than that. So the getting together is even more spontaneous and unexpected between the two of them, especially by the two of them.
Do they end up staying together, even as the grief fades and the mourning comes to an end? Do they drift apart and never speak again? Does Annabeth feel she's taken advantage of Nico in her misery? Does he feel the same way with her? Do they use relationship as a way to avoid the grief, so it just sits there in the background looming over them, demanding to be dealt with?
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prolibytherium · 4 months
There's no Sopranos fandom on tumblr, just Sopranos fans. And I'm not complaining but I have to admit I'm like, slightly disappointed to discover no shipping culture has developed around these various homophobic Italian-American mobsters
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lvmity · 1 month
progress guys. one step closer to my byler fic debut
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braxiatel · 1 year
Tagging on AO3 - A how-to guide for new writers with a MCYT spin!
Recently, I have seen a lot of improperly tagged fics on AO3. I think it is a shame to see people posting their first fics putting so much good effort into tagging them while not knowing how to make the most of their tags. Thus I decided to write a how-to guide focusing on each of the fields on the ‘Post Work’ page on AO3, detailing what you might want to include in each of them and how certain things will likely be interpreted by your potential readers.
Disclaimer: all fandoms have slightly different tagging conventions. That means everyone, based on their own history of fandoms, will have slightly different ideas of what “proper” tagging is. I do not pretend to be an unbiased source of information, however, I have been reading and publishing fic on AO3 for the past decade, and I think I have a pretty firm grasp of tagging at this point, at least enough to help people who have no idea how to approach it get started.
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[ID: A scroll down menu titled ‘ratings’ with the options ‘not rated’, ‘general audiences’, ‘teen and up audiences’, ‘mature’, and ‘explicit’. The title is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.]
Rating tells readers what age groups you, the writer, consider your work to be appropriate for. It leans on cinema conventions (US American ones, specifically). 
Culturally what is and is not considered appropriate for certain age groups can differ, which makes rating difficult. My best advice is to do your best and be kind when informing others you believe they’ve missed the mark. By using AO3 we are all agreeing to the risk that an author did not have the skills or the perspective to tag appropriately; Tags don’t get vetted by a panel, so risking inaccurately or inaddequately tagged fic is part of the deal. That said, here are my thoughts on how best to approach rating your fic:
I wish I could give you clear-cut lines on rating, but the truth of the matter is there are overlaps and grey areas between each category. Use your best judgement, and remember that if in doubt about rating always go for the higher of the two or the Not Rated category. Historically rating has been heavily based around depictions of sexuality and violence, so those are what I will mainly be discussing in these descriptions of the different ratings.
General audiences means everyone, children and adults alike. In general, think of what level of violence and romance you expect to see in cartoons – fics rated General Audiences can contain subtle romance, non-lethal violence, and injuries discussed but not depicted. If you think your fic might be rated for general audiences I recommend asking yourself ‘would I read this story to a 7-year-old?’ If you can think of something that may not be appropriate for that 7-year-old to read, bump up the rating.
Teen and up means 13+. As with above, imagine giving the fic to a 13-year-old. Would it be appropriate for them, or does it depict things they may not be old enough to understand yet? Works rated Teen and up can contain depictions of dating, romance, kissing, and hints towards sexual activity (think of your typical ‘they retired to the bedroom followed by a fade to black’ scene). In terms of violence things rated teen can contain fight scenes and injuries depicted with some detail (think blood stained clothes or mentions of broken limbs, but no gore or detailed descriptions). You may also expect to see consumption of alcohol (but not alcoholism or drug use) or fics focusing on ‘darker’ themes such as character death or major illness. 
Mature means 18+, however I think it is worth mentioning as over the years I have seen people saying they are understanding Mature to mean anything as young as 16+. Officially AO3 lists Mature as adults only, but be aware that you will likely have people in their late teens beleiving they are part of your target audience as well. I think we all know kids can and will lie about their ages and that it is impossible to avoid them reading material not meant for them entirely, but given how typical this misconception seems to be I recommend caution with this one rating in particular. Typically you will find non-explicit sex scenes, non-graphic violence, and in general themes that require a certain level of critical thinking and mental robustness to parse in fics rated Mature. For a sex scene this may mean describing what sexual acts are being performed in what positions, without getting into details about the appearence of genitals or how specifically the acts are being performed. For violence this can mean talking about specifics of a fight and what injuries a character has sustained, talks of blood, shallow burns, loss of limbs, or how your characters plan to stich up their injuries in the field, but not detailed descriptions of injuries. You may see depictions of ‘dark’ themes such as addiction, terrorism, abuse, etc.
Explicit is also 18+. Here you will find graphic sex scenes and gore, and ‘dark’ themes pervading the work in such a way that it cannot easily be skipped. I think intent matters a great deal in determining the difference between Mature and Explicit. If you want to shock your readers with the gory kill your serial killer character just committed, if your sex scene is intended as pornographic and/or is highly descriptive, or your character is going through excruciating mental torture, that would be Explicit. The more detail you add, the closer you get to an Explicit rating. If in doubt ask a friend or beta reader, ideally one with more experience rating fics than you. 
Not rated is the default rating and could mean anything between the other four ratings. There are a number of reasons you as an author might want to use this – perhaps you are uncertain how to rate your fic, or perhaps you do not want to spoil the content at all. The important thing to note is that when it comes to filtering by rating all fics in the Not Rated tag will get filtered alongside fics rated Explicit. That does not mean that the fic is necessarily Explicit, just that it could be and you must assume only readers who are old enough to read something that could potentially be Explicit will access it. 
Archive warnings
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[ID: A list of potential archive warnings. The warnings are ‘choose not to use archive warnings’, ‘graphic depictions of violence’, ‘major character death’, ‘no archive warnings apply’, ‘rape/non-con’, and ‘underage’. The title ‘archive warnings’ is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.] 
I think some of these are self-explanatory - graphic depictions of violence and major character death - whereas others do require a little more explaning.
Rape/non-con. I am singling this one out simply to explain what non-con actually means. It is an older fandom term and is short for non-consensual, i.e. an explicit lack of consent. It is simply an older fandom-specific term that is synonymouswtih rape.
Underage. Underage refers to fic in which one or more characters who have not yet turned 18 are described as having been in or depicted in sexual situations. Please note that it does not exclusively refer to fic in which one character is a minor and one is an adult – a fic depicting two characters who are both minors in a sexual situation should also be tagged as underage. According to AO3 guidelines fics that vaguely imply sexual acts involving one or more underage characters do not need to be tagged in the Underage category.
No major archive warnings apply. None of the listed warnings are true for this work. 
Choose not to use archive warnings. One or more of the warnings could be true for the work, but the author is activelly choosing not to tag it. You may want to choose this one if you are unsure if a situation counts as graphic violence, if the character being killed off is a major character, if the character is actually underage, or if it is indeed non-con. It can also be used when you do not want to spoil the content of your fic for your readers. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘fandoms’. Underneath it says ‘if this is the first work for a fandom it may not show up in the fandoms page for a day or two’. The title is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.] 
This is where you tell your readers what fandom or fandoms your fanfiction is based on. You can enter multiple fandoms if your work is a crossover. 
All free-form tags, including fandom tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration. 
If you are looking to tag a fandom that is not already on the archive simply type its full name into the fandom field, making sure you have spelled it correctly, and it will be added to the archive by a volunteer as soon as possible. 
A note on MCYT fic specifically: given the nature of the medium it can be hard to determine where to draw the lines between which SMPs your work does and does not belong to. However, tagging every SMP a character will likely be seen as spam.
Ask yourself what canon or canons the work is leaning into. Does your Hermitcraft fic feature DSMP lore crucial to understanding the world-building or appearances by DSMP characters, or is there just a couple of throwaway lines that are only there as fun references for people who are also DSMP fans? Does a character in your Empires fic reference events from the Life series as part of a character’s backstory, or is it about one of the Empires characters ending up stuck in one of the Life games? 
It is about scale and amount, and tagging every SMP a character has been in has the chance to disappoint readers looking for depictions of a character as shown in a particular SMP and will make them less likely to read your work in the future. 
Categories refers exclusively to what types of relationships are depicted in your work.
If one relationship is the main focus of the fic this is the one you should tag for in the categories section. If multiple relationships share focus you should tag all of them. 
The archive offers the following options for tagging categories:
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[ID: A list of potential categories. They are ‘F/F’, ‘F/M’, Gen, ‘M/M’, ‘Multi’, and ‘Other’.]
F/F, F/M, and M/M. F is short for female, M is short for male. Thus, F/F is a relationship between women, F/M is a relationship between men and women, and M/M is a relationship between men. These tags include binary trans people or non-binary trans people who are depicted as aligned with one of the binary genders. Anyone who has told you that you have to misgender trans characters was either misinformed or lying. 
Multi. Multi can refer to either multiple romantic/sexual pairings being the focus of the stories OR romantic/sexual relationships between 3+ characters. Both are valid interpretations of this tag, as it has different historical use in different fandoms. 
Other. Other refers to a number of things including: romantic/sexual relationships where one or more characters are not male or female or aligned with either of these, relationships that do not fit into the traditional romantic/sexual - platonic binary, relationships involving 3+ characters, romantic/sexual relationships where one or more parties involved are too far removed from human standards of gender to be categorised this way, or anything else you do not believe fits in any of the other categories. 
Gen. Gen is short for ‘general’ and refers exclusively to fanfictions that do not focus on romantic/sexual relationships, regardless of rating. A fic rated for general audiences that focuses on romance should not be tagged as Gen.
A fic can fit into several categories (e.g. a fic focusing on two romantic relationships, one between a man and a woman and one between two men, should be tagged as F/M, M/M, and multi). 
Different fandoms have different standards for polyships - some prefer to tag ‘multi’, some ‘other’, some ‘multi’ and ‘other, and others ‘multi’ and/or ‘other’ and whatever F/F - F/M - M/M tag comes closest. It is up to the individual author to decide what is most appropriate for that particular ship/more common in their fandom. Personally, I would tag my M/M/M polyship as M/M, Multi, and Other. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘relationships’.]
Relationships in this instance refers to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic/sexual ones. 
Romantic and sexual relationships should be tagged with a / between names, e.g. ‘[person A]/[person B]’, and platonic (familial, collegial, friendship, etc.) relationships should be tagged with a ‘&’ between names, e.g. ‘[Person A]&[Person B]’. This is an important distinction as AO3 separates the two into two different tags. You should tag what is the end goal for your fic - thus a friends to lovers fic should only be tagged with the ‘/’ version of a tag and not the ‘&’ version. 
For relationships that do not fit into a neat romantic/sexual or platonic binary conventions differ from fandom to fandom. Personally, I prefer to tag both and specify in the ‘additional tags’ field that the relationship is ambiguous, queerplatonic, etc. Relationships that are written as either platonic or romantic but could theoretically be read as romantic/platonic as they do not outright state that the characters
in a realtionship should only be tagged as either ‘/’ or ‘&’, whichever is appropriate.
All free-form tags, including relationship tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration.
A note on the order of character names in relationship tags on fic containing sex scenes: historically certain fandoms have taken the order of the 2+ names of a ship to denote which character would top and which would bottom in sex scenes, with the top being written first and the bottom second. This is not widely used anymore, but be aware that some readers may interpret your tag this way.
For the most part the only tags you should be writing in this field are the relationships depicted in the fic, but there are a few common exceptions I have seen in multiple fandoms
‘No romantic relationship(s)’. No romantic relationships are depicted in this fic. It is theoritically made redundant by the existence of the Gen category, but to be honest I think enough people mistag non-Gen fic as Gen that this tag can potentially still be useful for readers trying to find fics that do not depict romance.
‘Minor or background relationship(s)’. This tag can be used to separate the tag(s) of the relationship(s) that are the focus of the fic and those that are not. e.g. ‘[Person A/Person B/Person C/Person D], Minor or background relationship(s), [Person B/Person E], [Person F & Person G].’
You may also see people list relationships as ‘background [person A]/[person B]’ or ‘[person A]/[person B]/[person C] (minor)’ or similar to denote the same. Personally, I prefer not to use this method as it can potentially create additional work for AO3’s volunteers. 
A note on tagging background relationships and background characters: Some writers prefer not to tag them to avoid cluttering tags of characters or relationships that only make minor appearences. Personally, I strongly believe that relationship tags and character tags are content warnings of equal importance to anything you might find in the ‘additional tags’ section, and if a character or relationship has any bearing on the story whatsoever they should be tagged.
A note on MCYT fic specifically: Please see note in the ‘Characters’ section explaining synonymous tags to learn why you do not need to use the content creator’s names in order for your fic to show up in searches. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘characters’.]
This is where you list the characters depicted in your story.
For the most part, the only tags you should be writing in this field are the characters in the fic, but there are a few common exceptions I have seen in multiple fandoms
‘No characters’. Used when no characters are depicted in the fic. 
‘Minor character(s)’. This tag can be added between the tags for the main character(s) of the fic and any other characters depicted. 
Some people may also write this is ‘background [person A]’ or ‘[person A] (minor)’ or similar. Personally, I prefer not to use this method as it can potentially create additional work for AO3’s volunteers.
A note on tagging background relationships and background characters: Some writers prefer not to tag them to avoid cluttering tags of characters or relationships that only make minor appearences. Personally, I strongly believe that relationship tags and character tags are content warnings of equal importance to anything you might find in the ‘additional tags’ section, and if a character or relationship has any bearing on the story whatsoever they should be tagged.
All free-form tags, including character tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration.
A note on MCYT fic specifically:
A common complaint I see is “I wish AO3 didn’t make us use the content creators’ names when talking about the characters”. I feel you, I don’t like to mention them either, but I have good news: you don’t have to! 
AO3 is coded in such a way that one tag can have multiple names, and while we can’t avoid the ‘official’ name of the tag showing up in searches, you can use one of its alternate names on your own fic. 
I will walk you through how to do this in such a way that your fic will still show up in the relationship and/or character tag when people search for it. I have picked an example tag to show this. 
First, you want to find the tag you are planning on using and click on it.
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[ID: A list of AO3 tags. A cursor is hovering over the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’].
It will take you to a page that looks like this.
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[ID: The AO3 page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’].
At this point you want to find where it says ‘[# of works] Works in [Tag you want to use]’ at the top of the page and click on that.
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[ID: The AO3 page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’. A cursor is hovering over the large font size name of the ship at the very top of the page.] 
Which will take you to a page that lists all of the details about that ship, including what type of tag it is, what tags it is linked to in other tag categories, and lastly what other tags are registered as having the same meaning as this tag. It looks like this:
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[ID: The details page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’. It lists its parent tags as the character and fandom tags it belongs to, as well as all of the possible synonyms for that relationship. Some examples include ‘MumboJumbo/Grian/GoodTimesWithScar’, ‘mumbo/scar/grian’, and ‘pre-Mumscarian’.] 
If you manually input any of the tags listed in the ‘tags with the same meaning’ section your fic will automatically show up in searches for that ship. 
Alternatively, you can manually input a tag that is not listed. This tag will not show up in searches until a volunteer has had the time to categorise your inputted tag as synonymous with the tag containing the name(s) of the content creator(s). If you do this for a relationship, try to avoid portmanteau ship names, duo names, and other ship nicknames, as the person categorising tags might not have the same familiarity with the source material or the culture of the fandom as you do. Instead write it following the ‘[person A]/[person B]’ format. 
Additional Tags
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘Additional Tags’.]
Finally we have additional tags. 
This is a catch-all category for any tags that do not fit into any of the other categories. The tags you find here will usually fit into one or more of the following categories: 
Genre. Some examples include conventional genres such as romance, fantasy, and meta critique, but also fanfiction specific genres such as fix-it, fluff, and angst. 
Tropes/Themes. Some examples include lovers-to-enemies, alternate universes, alpha/beta/omega, polyamory, canon-divergence, and found family. 
Format. Some examples include ficlet, multi-chapter, drabble, POV second person, and unreliable narrator. 
Common triggers. If there is anything in your fic you want to warn your readers about that is not included in the archive warnings, this is where you do it. Some examples include dub-con (dubious consent), loss of limbs, eating disorders, alcoholism, and references to past abuse.
Bear in mind that anything can be a trigger, even everyday situations or things typically commonly associated with positive emotions. It is impossible to tag every trigger, however, we can try our best to tag common ones. 
Comments or additions to tags from other categories. Some examples include mentioning that a ship is written as queerplatonic, that a character is depicted as having ADHD, and that a particular character is bottoming in your sex scene(s). 
This is not a comprehensive list, but should encompass most of the tags you would be looking to use in the Additional Tags category. 
Try to keep your trigger warnings together as much as possible, as readers might otherwise miss tags listed separate from the rest of the triggers. If you are unsure how to do this for multi-chapter fic, consider adding the ‘tags may change’ or  the ‘other additional tags to be added’ tags to your fic, and then continue to add tags as you publish new chapters. This will tell your readers to re-familiarise themselves with the tags on your fic with each new update. 
One tag you may see used often is ‘dead dove - do not eat’. This tag does not necessarily imply dark themes, it is simply a convenient shorthand for ‘I have told you what to expect from this fanfiction. If you choose to read it and dislike what you find you cannot claim that you were not warned’. 
A very common mistake I see is people using AO3 tags like they are tumblr tags. It isn’t bad per se, but it does make filtering harder. Volunteers called tag wranglers routinely go through uncategorised freeform fandom, character, relationship, and additional tags to sort them into the proper categories. While I cannot tell you what to do, I would urge you to bear in mind that AO3 is an organisation run entirely on voluntary work, and it is very easy for you to make their lives easier. Some examples of how to do this include using the ‘ambigious relationship’ tag instead of some variation of ‘could be read ad /p or /r’, trying to avoid typos in your tags, or keeping your notes on why you wrote this particular fic in the author’s notes. 
The one exception to this, as far as I have seen, is to add additional information to the tags you include. An example would be using the established tag for a potential trigger and then adding how it appears in another tag. This way people looking to filter that trigger can still filter it, and people who are hesitant about it can read what you have to say about it. I have included a few examples of this from real life fics I found browsing AO3 just now.
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[ID: The Watchers - Freeform, they’re not like the Watchers from Evo though]
Establishes that a particular faction of characters are depicted, but divorced from the original source material.
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[ID: Audio series 04: Gallifrey o4 (Gallifrey), set between reborn and disassembled] 
Establishes that the fic takes place during the fourth season of the source material, then specifies exactly which episodes it is set between.
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[ID: Genocide, and general wartime atrocities] 
Establishes a common trigger is present, and that you can also expect depictions of similar themes that might not be as easy to define.
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[ID: no major character death, but death all the same]
Establishes that while the archive warning for major character death has not been used, death is still depicted in this fic.
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[ID: POV first person, might switch it up though] 
Establishes what type of narrator to expect, as well as the fact that this may change over the course of the multi-chapter fic. 
One final note 
My #1 advice for anyone, regardless of what category they may be tagging in, is this: Always bear in mind that you are tagging both for the people looking for a fanfiction like yours and for the people looking to avoid a fanfiction like yours. It is a description to attract readers only as much as it is a warning for readers looking to avoid certain tropes/themes/characters/etc. 
I hope this helped. Happy writing! <3
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
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Steven Universe: Justice for Zircon.
In which some Zircons are Ace Attorneys and fortunately Steven Universe (now a proud owner of Universe's Donuts & Bagels) can heal broken gems functionally nullifying the entire DL-6 incident.
Steven Universe, who thinks that goatee is a good idea for approximately a month
Zircon Precursor AKA Gemfred von Karma
Pink Zircon AKA Gemgory Edgeworth
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velvetwyrme · 7 months
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that somebody has posted your comic sans comic on reddit in the Undertale subreddit as well as the general comic subreddit. They’ve credited you in the comments and everything, but I just wanted to give you a heads up in case they didn’t ask you first/if you’re not cool with it.
... Huh. Thank you for letting me know- I don't use Reddit, so I had no idea :')!!
They didn't ask, and I'm not a fan of reposting, but I do appreciate the credit (and the fact that they have been correcting people on That One Panel)
Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about this!! On one hand I'm flattered that it was... "cool" enough to get shared to another site, but on the other hand I'm a little miffed that it was reposted in the first place?
I... is there even anything I can do here?? What is Reddit etiquette? I know reposting is pretty common there, and I'm not really inclined to report them or ask them to take it down if that's part of the post economy/ecosystem, you know?
Thank you again for letting me know, but I uh. have no idea what to do about this!
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plugnuts · 10 days
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Where was this writing energy when I was still writing zero_one?
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camgoloud · 9 months
today. i have experienced the HORRORS (opened laptop for morning meeting while seated between boss and coworker; was greeted with ao3 page i forgot to close last night)
#it’s fine it’s fine i THINK it’s fine. both of them were looking at their own computers and i closed that shit SO fast and i have no reason#to believe that either one of them is online enough to know anything about ao3 much less enough about what it looks like to recognize it#from peripheral vision/​during the quick glance they might have had the opportunity to get#fortunately my other coworker who i know IS quite online (the two of us literally had to team up to explain a meme to the other two people#that i was sitting between later during this VERY meeting. which i was so cool and normal during by the way) was sitting over on the#opposite side of the table. and i was cool about it externally. and they had no reaction of any kind. so#nevertheless. HORRORS. it wasn’t even like a story was open which would have been just a wall of text it was like. a search result.#displaying clearly and distinctly the site’s formatting#it doesn’t help that the rest of today has also been extremely stressful and the next few days will be much the same because there are#some Things i have to do that are fairly high-stakes and that i’m extremely stressed about. fun! fantastic!#i was literally only ON ao3 last night in the first place to try to pregame/destress ahead of having to come into work this week 😭#and i already fucked up something important today that’s setting a bunch of things back for multiple people. and i feel like i’m going to#get my period in the next day or two which would make it a week early if it happens. super fun. amazing!#guess i’ll just keep riding the adrenaline-fueled train wreck that never stops all the way through friday!#caseyposting
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crimeronan · 9 months
it's always wild to me when people make callout/negative posts about darius and lilith and alador and sometimes even eda going "wow, they're complicit in child endangerment and abuse." not wild to me that this is being acknowledged, in fact it's delightful when fans of these characters do it (god i love it when we acknowledge our faves' worst qualities). but VERY wild to me that some people apparently think this... like.... hasn't occurred to me before...??? i guess???
like. maybe i'm not the target audience, i don't participate in Fandom Discourse (TM) so i don't really know what the 2023 mainstream takes on these characters are or how bad they are. i'm not even in any owl house discord servers at the moment bc they make me anxious. so i just have my insulated bubble here and the handful of ppl i follow
but. i'm also always like.
uh.... yes. yes they have done bad shit. that's...... that's WHY i like them????????
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