#there's also some colored pencil and white charcoal in here
lonely-dog-draws · 5 months
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i'm trying out pastels & mixing media!
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Hello, I hope you don't mind if I share a weird headcanon of mine 👉👈
I normally see people talking about Kakyoin make drawing about you but what if Jotaro does that too? The reason I have this headcanon because I remember the scene when Jotaro using Star Platinum drawing the fly he saw in the picture, and he draw it so well. It makes me think that maybe Jotaro has talent in art too. Jotaro's style will be realistic style while Kakyoin will be more like cartoon/anime style.
Imagine their sketchbook filling with so many drawing of you 💕 Jotaro will watching you from afar, sketching you with your cute smile, your beautiful eyes, he captured it all. For Kakyoin, I think he will even make up characters (oc) that look like you and him and ship them together lol (this headcanon inspried by my friend, she actually do that with her crush).
Thank you for reading my ramble, glad to talk with you :D I would love to hear your thoughts about my weird headcanon
P/s: Love you writing so muchhhh 💝
This is fun stuff, I could eat it up all day. Thanks for sending it in, so I can blabber my mouth about it
This always internally bugged me so I’m very thrilled that someone brought up how well Star Platinum drew that fly. I suppose it’s kind of easy to gloss over for a lot of people compared to Kakyoin’s scene of painting on that canvas. (Then again that fly was kind of important to identify to figure out where Dio was so then again it’s “???” for an explanation)
Anywho, I’d say signs point to Jotaro being able to draw, and I think it’s a hobby he prefers keeping to himself. Like you said of him having a sketchbook, almost no one sees what he draws in it and he doesn’t want anyone else to see it especially if it’s various sketches of you. So more than likely when he does do so, he’s somewhere where he won’t be pestered by school girls, or whatever punk tries to start a fight with him.
I’d also like to think he goes back and lingers on prior stuff, just staring at it for a little while. This applies usually when you’re out of school sick (which he’ll probably stop by later anyway with or without your knowledge). But there’s something comforting about seeing every piece of your visage in his sketchbook. Literally no one else knows about this sketchbook aside from maybe Kakyoin (Holly has her suspicions he takes a sketchbook around but she smiles not pestering her son on his hobbies as she thinks it’s adorable).
For the most part art wise I think Jotaro sticks to traditional art, maybe a dabble of charcoal but he prefers pencils. Maybe watercolor if he ever went beyond, but traditional with pencil/pen is the easiest way for him to pull something out at his leisure. Would he let you see? Maybe eventually when he gets you where he wants you, or if the cat is out of the bag early and you see it and you’re not quite with him yet. Let’s just say seeing that may speed up him taking you.
Kakyoin I could definitely see diving into the oc type of thing, he’d certainly reference an artstyle of a manga you like. (Don’t ask how he figured that out so quickly). Though he definitely loves putting some passion into his artwork and occasionally shamelessly make sultry artwork of you and himself. He loves painting the most as he spreads colors, mixing them into the wondrous hues that is your skin tone. Or splashing watercolors in a notebook, that looks something out of a fairytale. Soft and warm lighting….oops he’s getting a tad bit excited.
He definitely presents pieces that are obviously meant to be stand ins for the two of you. That no one else would ever be wiser too, yeah you might have this odd feeling something’s not quite right, but there’s nothing there you could really prove other than observe just how pretty the composition is. If you compliment it, that just fuels this man’s desire further.
Biggest takeaway here is Jotaro and Kakyoin very blatantly have their own styles whether sticking with black/white/grey, or full on color. Both would be pretty in their own right, and their style choices speak of their personalities without saying a single word.
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quibbs126 · 11 months
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Heck I don’t actually remember if Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao was a request or if it was something I just planned to do on my own. I know it started out as my own idea, but sometimes that happens and then before I get to doing it, someone requests it and I just make it a request, and I don’t remember if that happened here
But regardless, this was a drawing I made of the idea for a purecacao fankid on it’s own, and I’m posting it as such
Now you’ll notice that this isn’t my usual format. This is because this isn’t her official design, it’s just that last night, I had this idea for a design of her as a young child with Dark Cacaoian clothing, and so I just wanted to make a quick doodle to show you
It was just going to be that picture in the middle, as it’s more sketchy and rough, and clearly not how I usually do these fankid requests. However when I finished, I realized that I made her too small. See, if I may explain some things, for my poorly drawn comics and other things that use that particular brush (it’s the Narinder Pencil if you want to know), and I don’t like enlarging pictures drawn with it because the lines get all blurry and it loses its texture. Prior to the Charcoal Cheese comic, for my poorly drawn comics I tended to enlarge the sketch to fit the screen, and then I’d completely redraw the lines. But here, I had already colored the whole thing, plus it was multiple layers to redraw, so I didn’t want to. But I couldn’t just crop down the canvas to fit it because my square canvases are already 500x500 pixels, they’re very small (and also I think the small size might account for why they may not show up in the best quality, but I’ve been using this size for over 2 years and I’m set with it, and I feel like changing would be too much effort). And I feel like making it even smaller would just tank the quality even more
Though to be honest, I’m glad I made a second version with my proper sketching process, as I was better able to figure out her colors and design
Speaking of her design, yeah this is sort of what I’m thinking for her look, at least in terms of hair, dough and eye color. She’s not gonna keep the braid though, that’s just a kid thing
I feel like maybe I should give her streaks, but I’m not sure where to put them or what color
Also I realize that I forgot to put KitKats on her design. I wasn’t planning to originally since this is a little kid’s outfit, but also in some of the artbook drawings, young Dark Choco had small Oreo shoulderpads, so maybe she should have something similar. I had an idea for her wearing tiny KitKat shoulderpads, but I forgot them. Ah well
Hmm, does she look like a purecacao kid? I’m looking at her and I feel like she looks more like her own character than related to them. Maybe it’s the lack of streaks
Oh yeah, and one more thing I want to add, I’ve decided she’s a post-canon kid, as in Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao got together after the events of the Dark Flour War and canon in general. The story in my head goes that Dark Cacao developed feelings for Pure Vanilla, but was hesitant to tell him about it, maybe because he’s socially awkward and wasn’t sure how to, maybe because Pure Vanilla and White Lily had something going on and he didn’t want to stir up drama between them. But regardless, Dark Cacao felt that it wasn’t so much of a big deal since they were immortal, he could tell him when he felt it was right. But then the Dark Flour War happened and Pure Vanilla seemingly died, with Dark Cacao never telling him how he felt. But then years later, Pure Vanilla came back, and while Dark Cacao was of course overjoyed, it also caused him to realize that even being immortal, they don’t have all the time in the world, and he needed to tell Pure Vanilla how he felt, and so during the events of Odyssey, he confessed to Pure Vanilla, and then likely sometime after Dark Enchantress’s defeat, they got together, and later had this girl
Also this means she has a (probably) 30+ year older brother in Dark Choco, but it’s all good
I feel bad just keeping her unnamed, but I don’t know what to call her. *sigh*
Any suggestions?
But yeah, I just wanted to show y’all this idea. Don’t know when I’ll be finishing her, but I’ll draw her officially at some point
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Steve x artist reader
During their break day these two will be in art challenge after art challenge nat and wanda watch whist the two sketching . Sure it creates an ambiance then bucky and sam watch while bucky bets steve would run out of paper before reader dose (can steve and reader be as a couple here)(freindly competiton?)
Mastery (warning for light language)
This is the most insane thing you've ever done, and that's coming from a group that fights aliens (sometimes).
Usually, it's paper and pencils. Usually, branching out means canvas and charcoal or--gasp-- colored pencils, which for reasons unknown Steve absolutely hates. It's so bad, he's like the cat and cucumber challenge: if a colored pencil ends up near him, he scatters like the devil's on him.
You have also absolutely scared him that way dozens of times on purpose, including that one time you littered his bedroom floor with them. He was screaming at you, standing on his bed as if you'd locked him in a minefield.
You got it on video, too. Bonus that he was in only boxers.
But this isn't quite usual.
The mission was long, drawn-out, and the worst mix of profound boredom waiting for something to happen and intense fighting suddenly.
The whole team is loopy, so the regular competition is cranked up to MAX.
You were all gone so long that no one had refreshed the art supplies, and after a few minutes of bemoaning what to do, Wanda tosses out the perfect instigator.
"You know, real masters can use anything to make art."
Steve made it to the fridge first, vaulting casually over the couch you two were laying on, and he tried to bogart all the condiments until you slapped a few bottles out of his grasp. Then he simply ran to one wall and you to the other.
A ketchup and mustard sunset later, using the juice from some pickles as thinner to a strawberry jam portrait of Natasha, you beam with pride until you step back and look at your boyfriend's wall.
Son of a bitch.
Mayonaise and black olive-haired Bucky is just as good. He must have snuck back into the kitchen because slices of uncooked bacon stripe the texture of Buck's vibranium arm.
You stick out your tongue, but the cheers and jears from your watching friends continue. It's inadvertently become a boys vs girls contest.
Fine. He wants to dance. Let's dance.
Jackpot, you find a beet in the veggie drawer, slicing it quickly into various chunky sticks, and return to your wall. The bleeding red acts sorta kinda like charcoal and maybe slightly like watercolor, but damn, Wanda looks amazing in all her magical glory.
Pesto sauce Hulk isn't your best effort, but whatever.
Glancing over, Steve's stepping away with an elated grin. Dammit, he cannot win.
You march over when you see Wanda, Nat, Bucky, and Sam all staring in awe.
But...But what the hell? There's nothing there!
The tubes of white creams from the medicine cabinet scatter the floor at his feet as you approach.
"Damn, cap," Sam whistles. "That's...that's som'hin."
When you align with the onlookers behind Steve, it becomes clear. The eggshell white wall has shiny itch cream and matte toothpaste atop it in the pattern of Falcon himself, Exo-7 suit's wings outstretched in all their glory, googles on, head high and heroic.
"Awwww, what," you whine. "That's hardly fair."
"He's had a bit more practice than you, doll." Bucky is smug in his team's victory.'
Steve turns and closes the distance between you, hands covered in all sorts just like yours, and he cups your face.
"How 'bout we call this one a draw, eh?"
Nat snorts behind you. "Worst dad jokes ever."
The group groans when Steve kisses you gently, forcing you to breathe in the scent of things-that-should-not-mix through your nose. It's all the prize you hoped for, the only one you ever seem to want now.
The ding of the elevator rouses you from your hindbrain.
"What the ever-loving fuck have you done?!" Tony stands agape at the mess, tilting his head nearly over 90 degrees just to make out all the different pictures.
Wanda clears her throat. "We've been watching masters at work," she says with a smile.
[Light Masterlist; Main Masterlist]
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ormspryde · 6 months
@magicmetslogic was interested in seeing my art supply hoard, so here we go. (I have more art supplies, but they're various kinds of paints and are in a different location)
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So here's my colored pencil collection. The picture on the left has my box of cheapie pencils that I mostly just use for coloring books, a box of a few random metallic and black colored pencils, and my plastic crayons. The one on the right has my pencil case of prismacolors, a case of colored pencils that I use for more 'serious' art endeavors, a set of woodless pencils, some prismacolor art sticks, and a set of crayolas that I bought because I have no self-restraint.
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The picture on the left is of my various kinds of stick charcoal, my charcoal pencils, and my pastels. The one on the right has my prismacolor markers, sharpies, and my various paint pens.
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The picture on the left is my eraser and sharpener hoards (I get so many erasers and sharpeners with pencil sets) as well as my box of random art supplies. That includes a pad of sandpaper to put points on my pencils, some reed pens, a stone pencil, wax resist crayons, a pencil lengthener (to put pencil stubs in so you can still use them), an ink well, and eraser pencils. The one on the right is my set of oil pastels. I like oil pastels because they're like crayons only creamier.
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The picture on the left has my pencils in various hardnesses as well as my box of various pens, including brush pens and fine point pens; there's also my bottle of white ink. The one on the right has my protractors and rulers and a little drafting set I got a while back.
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And finally here's my various watercolor pencils and my singular graphite wash pencil.
I hope this was at least mildly interesting lol.
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cartoonscientist · 2 years
DISCLAIMER: I am not any kind of professional except a professional artist
So obviously the best thing to do would be to avoid picking altogether, but we all know it’s a compulsion/addiction and you can’t always control yourself. If you DO end up picking, here’s a step by step guide on how to leave the least amount of damage.
1. When you pick, wrap a t shirt around your fingers and press instead of using your nails or tweezers. Stretch the skin first, then squeeze it a maximum of two times. Don’t press so hard that you abrade the skin or make a blood blister. If you do detach a layer of skin, immediately flatten the skin back down and put a thick layer of antibiotic ointment on it after cleaning your face, being careful not to disturb the wound. Don’t pick existing wounds that don’t have a white ring of pus around them; if it does, you can press down on the scab to drain it, but don’t squeeze it horizontally.
2. After you pick, wash your face with soap/cleanser (preferable) or wipe it with a facial wipe (second best thing), preferably one that is specifically formulated for facial oils and dirt and not just a makeup remover. I find that tea tree oil and charcoal are good ingredients for reducing inflammation. My personal favorite is Epielle Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser which is a cheaper dupe for Biore charcoal cleanser.
3. Apply a medicated moisturizer for broken/distressed skin. I’ve seen amazing results from Aveeno Restorative Skin Therapy Oat Repairing Cream. It’s good to find a quick-absorbing moisturizer to avoid irritating your wounds.
4. If you want to stop the bleeding, dab your smaller wounds with a styptic pencil. Apply medicated ointment and/or hydrocolloid patches. If you don’t have a prescription, use benzoyl peroxide ointment. It’s a good idea to see a dermatologist if your insurance will cover it. Most of them are experienced with dermatillomania and will prescribe you a morning medication and a night medication (usually tretinoin, which also helps reduce scarring). Apply antibiotic ointment to any large wounds. Sometimes you can find hydrocolloid patches at the dollar store or buy a large package of hydrocolloid bandages and cut them up. They’re also selling Starface packs at some Walmarts now for about ten dollars, which are colorful star-shaped patches.
5. Try not to disturb your scabs as they heal. If you pick again, use a different spot. I like to pull ingrown hairs out of my legs with tweezers to take some of the stress off my face.; if you do it right by gripping the tiny amount of hair just above the surface, you can actually just pull the hair out from under the skin without making a wound. You could try playing a mobile game like Cocoppa Play, Shining Nikki, or Purristas Cat Cafe. I also find crocheting helpful.
Oh and just as a side note, I find that fruit acid based facial cleansers used with hot water really help with reducing the look of picking injuries before I go out in public. I use Aveeno Positively Radiant In-Shower Facial.
Stay safe guys, and remember, one relapse doesn’t throw all your progress away. You still have your learned coping mechanisms. Your face will still look better in a week if you stop now.
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mjulmjul · 2 years
hey! i am consistently in awe of your work, i genuinely adore it (I’d love to get prints of some of your pieces if that’s available anywhere 👀) but im writing to ask abt your technique and brushes! Im new to digital art, and i wanna create the sort of effect you make and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it! you have these strokes that look sort of like charcoal but also paint? also refracted light???? idk what program u use or anything and im just a noob still learning how to get the most out of the brushes that come w procreate, but even if you’re using a different program and stuff, I’d love to see if there’s anyway i can translate that effect somehow to the tools I’m using. It’s really cool stuff!! im sorry if you’ve already answered this somewhere 😅
hey! ok first off take anything i say with a grain of salt because 1. i'm self taught 2. there are many many ways to do art, there's no One Right Way. experiment and settle on what works best for you!
atm I basically only use procreate on ipad with an apple pencil.
I've compiled the brushes I use most into this post click here, I'd say download some sets and try them out! this seems to be a bit of an unpopular opinion because I regularly see advice to stick to the basic brushes however if you were making traditional art you wouldn't unnecessarily limit yourself to the cheapest brushes/paints either (assuming you could afford everything), so. go ham.
the main technique I use is a pretty common one where I use a big textured brush and then use a base color layer + clipping masks (you can google how to use these) or selection tool to get sharp edges. so I'll make a selection of the shape I want to paint and then paint within that selection. i often do this with light strokes and/or the brush on lower opacity so i'll keep texture. if you look at concept artists on instagram you'll see this technique used a lot too :) 'edge control' is a term to google to find more about hard/soft edges and how they'll improve your art!
for the light, even for digital art I would very very much recommend james gurney's book 'color and light' because it teaches you almost all you need to know about, well, color and light, and you can apply these principles to digital art too. it's well worth the price but if you can't afford it then there are perhaps some copies to be found online ;) for the actual method in procreate, I like to use layers on the add and screen blending modes, sparingly, and NOT with white highlights but with the actual color of the light e.g. yellow, blue-ish, etc. for stuff like wings, it's usually multiple layers stacked on top of each other!
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(i am not organized)
as a final note i will add that i painted traditionally for years before starting digital art, so i do think that'll have influenced my approach in a couple ways because i basically took all that knowledge and methods into digital rather than starting from scratch.
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repost-this-image · 2 years
Tips For Aspiring Artists
I'm not an expert by any means, but here are some things I've figured out that I wish someone had told me sooner. 1 - 6 are for traditional artists, but the other tips work for digital artists as well.
Get artist-quality supplies. Crayola is nice, but Crayola costs less than artist-quality supplies for the same reason that Barbie's Dream House costs less than a real house: It's for kids to play around with. By all means feel free to practice with Crayola for now, but start saving up for the real thing. You may have to buy markers one or two at a time as you have funds, or ask a friend or family member to buy you that awesome paint set for your next birthday or whatever. Trust me, once you see and feel the difference, you will never go back. It is night and day.
Buy an artists' pen set if you're using traditional media. You know why professionally-inked art looks so good? Because they use a variety of line thicknesses. You know the easiest way to make that happen consistently? A set of artist's pens in varying thicknesses. This is a good set at a reasonable price, and the ink is phenomenal (read that description--your average writing pen doesn't have those qualities). I am not sponsored by Sakura; this is just the first really good pen set I ever bought and it's served me well.
India ink dries waterproof. Let me repeat that: India ink dries waterproof. It's also not alcohol-soluble, which means it's great for working with water- or alcohol-based markers or watercolor paints/pencils. Just make sure your ink has time to dry before you add color!
Prismacolor, Copic, and Spectrum Noir markers are REFILLABLE. This is why they cost more than the store brand. You are expected to keep the marker casing and buy a bottle of ink in a color you're running out of, and a set of spare nibs for when your marker nibs wear out. This is cheaper than buying all new markers, plus you're gonna run out of one or two of your favorite colors way before the rest and you'll be happy to have that ink on hand. These markers are meant for the long haul, and by George they're gonna make sure you can keep using them for the long haul.
Use the right paper for your tools. Sketch paper is great for pencils and some paints, but horrible for everything else. Marker pads are perfect for alcohol markers, but expensive. (I use white cardstock because of how expensive actual marker paper is. Gold leaf is less expensive per square inch.) Watercolor paper has a rough surface that isn't good for charcoal work but has the perfect amount of "tooth" for watercolor paints and pencils, and is thick enough not to pucker the way regular paper does when wet.
Painters, learn about gesso, thinners, and extenders. These items can make your time painting much happier, especially if you work with acrylics on fine details (like, say, doll customization).
Don't overwork yourself. If you're gonna do a marathon art session, set a timer for one hour. At the end of the hour, STOP. Put your supplies down. Get up and stretch your legs and do some wrist exercises. Then reset your timer and start working on your art again. You do not want to end up with carpal tunnel or chronic wrist pain by the age of 25 because you pushed yourself too hard.
Warm up before you start an art session. Nothing fancy--just get out a piece of regular paper and a pencil, and make some loop-de-loops, zigzags, and doodles for 5-10 minutes to loosen your hands up so you can get them to make the shapes you want.
Learn how to practice drawing That Thing You Suck At Drawing. Let's say you suck at hands, and you want to get better. Find a lot of photos of hands in various positions, shown from various angles. Study the way the light hits them. Trace the photos to get a feel for the shapes. Then and only then does it make sense to start trying to draw them freehand. Always refer back to the original photos, NOT to your earlier drawings, so you're less likely to repeat mistakes from your drawings.
Don't be ashamed to use tools that feel like cheating. Real, professional artists use rulers (or the straight-line tool in an art program) and compasses (or the circle program) and stencils (or the stamp tool) all the time. I hear people say things like "You're so talented--I can't even draw a straight line!" You know who can draw a perfectly straight line without help? NO ONE. Tools are there to help you. Use them. There is no special reward for doing things the hard way or Suffering For Your Art. It isn't morally better or a more "pure" form of artistry; it's just harder.
Break the thing you're drawing down into lines and shapes. You know those sketch layers in Photoshop, or those rough pencil marks in traditional art, or the perspective lines in a scene? Artists are basically using sketch time to plot out the general shapes and structures of their subject before fleshing it out more and making it look all pretty and polished. Everything you look at is basically made of lines, shapes, and regions of color. With time and practice, you get better and quicker at doing the sketching part. But you never really outgrow it.
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peskypawz · 2 years
hi !!! im a big fan of your art, & sorry if this has already been asked but what sort of brushes do you tend to use? and how do you pick your colours, they are so nice!!!
hi! thank you so much and its okay dw! here is this ask (x) where i sort of explained how i color lineart but its slightly outdated so below the cut here ill try to explain with more updated examples! btw after typing this i realized how long this is aaaa oops sorry!
and i still usually just choose whatever i feel looks good to be 100% honest haha
for the brushes the main brush i use for my lineart is a bitmap brush on firealpaca the image i used is literally a solid black square, no textures or anything with these settings:
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example of the lineart:
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for the texture on my most recent drawing i used firealpaca's "charcoal pencil" brush! it should be in the firealpaca brush store (theyre all free just like the program is !)
i also like to use gradient maps to mess with the colors!
an example/sort of tutorial i suppose for what i do:
this one is unshaded and basic flat colors since its a ref :
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but if i felt like messing w/ the colors like most drawings i usually do i put a gradient map from the presets i think looks neat (usually this specific one)
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i do the gradient layer on a seperate duplicated layer in case i change my mind, then i choose whatever gradient preset i think looks good! i dont typically make my own since theres so many to choose from
then once i have that version of the drawing i set the layer's blending mode to usually multiply, darken, or hue/color (hue/color usually looking about the same for me) on 60% or lower and then bump up the saturation if i need to
i also like to put a pale yellow sometimes as a multiply layer also on 60% or lower just for fun
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anyways for some coloring stuff i usually dont use pure white or black. i tend to make the darkest colors of my art either dark brown, blue or purple
and the lighest an off white, usually lined with blue/lavender but i do sometimes just use a darker shade of the main color if i want it to look warmer :)
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and finally for the outlines of my eyeshines i tend to do a warm hot pink color but if the eyes are already a similar color to that i will do a contrasting color like blue or green!
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painting-portrait · 1 month
What is the method of classical transparent painting?
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(1) Sketch draft. Transparent painting relies heavily on clear, successful monochromatic underpainting. At this stage, you can use any sketching medium charcoal strips, colored chalk, etc., to clearly determine a frame sketch that can be filled with background color. After that, apply a coat of hairspray or polish.
(2) Pure gray painting method. Gray, which is usually painted with white and black, can also be painted with ochre or brown and white. The basic requirement is a strong contrast of light and dark levels, as far as possible with bright tones, because each time after the color will make the picture darker. According to the principle of fat and thin, as little oil as possible at this stage, ancient painters use lead white, because lead white is thinner in oil paints, and black oil paints contain more oil, so it should be used less. In the performance of a portrait with strong contrast between light and dark layers, it does not mean that the darker the better, on the basis of maintaining brightness, the deeper tone can be in the middle gray. When painting gray paintings, you should always have a fan pen or oil roller, and constantly use it to smooth out the paint, and generally only draw slightly thicker strokes where it is really needed. After the gray painting is finished, let it dry for at least two days before applying a layer of polishing oil, which will facilitate the subsequent color layer.
Custom oil portrait, Original Personalized portrait painting, History portrait, Hand Painted Oil Painting portrait From Photos
(3) Coloring. At the beginning, the color layer should be generalized, and a large area of pure diluted glazing color is the first step in the coloring process. Wait for a layer of light color to dry before covering the next layer of color, the interval is about one to two days. Of course, wet painting can be used, but it is not easy to control the color, so many artists who use transparent painting paint several paintings at the same time.
(4) Thin coating. After transparent coloring, in order to increase the body feeling and texture of the image, the highlights and details are often emphasized by thin coating, and a lot of white and a lot of toning oil are applied to the glazing color after dry, and more toning oil is to comply with the principle of fat cover thin. Note: Do not use turpentine at this stage. Turpentine is only used in the grey stage.
In transparent painting, glazing and thin coating can be alternated. Sometimes two times, maybe more than 40 times. After the work is finished, it should be dried for a few months and then applied with a glossy oil.
Some people say that there are as many techniques as there are artists who use transparent painting, and it can be seen that transparent painting is not limited to the above methods. Painters can explore their own techniques and styles according to their own needs. Here is another classical transparent painting method:
First of all, use charcoal to draft, and then use a long tip pencil dipped in latex mixed black paint or ink to accurately draw the outline, and then use a large brush pen dipped in a combination of oil (dama varnish: flax seed oil: turpentine = 1∶1∶3) to adjust the thin color of ochre color, with a loose brush to paint the picture, and then wipe with a rag to absorb excess oil. The second step: with a large dipping emulsion (methyl cellulose emulsion or casein emulsion, see the production of Tampera emulsion for details), adjust titanium dioxide to draw the light part of the object, while the white is not dry with a brush, the transition to the dark part, creating a white effect showing the middle tone, at this time the contrast between light and dark of the picture should be generalized and strong. Step 1: White dry and then use one oil toning powder glaze dyeing, the so-called glazing. If there is no toner, the oil paint can be used with high paper to absorb the oil and then use. The white lifting of the second step and the glaze dyeing of the first step are repeated until the shape and color are perfectly combined.
Because this technique uses latex whitening, it dries quickly, and the conjunctiva can be dyed in a short time after glaze, so it can be continuously operated. It should be noted that the initial glaze dyeing can not use too much oil. In addition, the canvas base should have oil absorption, the initial painting dry, gradually glossy.
Classical transparent painting requires a process of getting familiar with the material, and the painter should accumulate experience in practice.
Custom oil portrait, Original Personalized portrait painting, History portrait, Hand Painted Oil Painting portrait From Photos
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makeroftherunes · 7 months
WIP Wednesday: Politics of the Garden
Hello! Thank you to @aparticularbandit (I may have missed this ask from a few weeks ago, I'm not sure, but here we are!), @zyrafowe-sny, and @post-and-out for requesting Politics! I think I'm getting towards some sort of...something, here? Cool. Anyway. Here we go!
It was exactly the kind of house I would have imagined Alice in. It was that style of house that could have been molded by hand - almost like clay, plopped in the middle of a beautiful garden. May stopped every few feet to quickly inspect a plant, but finally we made our way to the arching wooden door. I could hear voices inside, laughing and talking. I took a deep breath, wishing Rufus were here. 
May squeezed my hand, and opened the door. 
The smell of ham, cloves, sugar, cinnamon, and an indescribable citrus-herb mixture nearly overpowered me. Alice was just walking by the end of the foyer, beyond which I saw couches and a few heads facing away. She was wearing a beautiful green blouse with frilled sleeves, and dark red corduroy pants. She was barefoot, and her curly golden hair swung free behind her.
“JANE!” She shouted, running towards us. “May! I’m so happy you made it!” She stepped back and surveyed the grey shirt/green pants combo I’d thrown together. “Excellent job, my student.” She wrapped us each in a hug, then grabbed May’s hand and pulled us into the party. 
Every room in the house was different, each a bright color and haphazardly decorated. Pictures, pictures everywhere, showed Alice and her brother through their childhood. In the living room, there was a picture of the two of them on Alice’s graduation day (I guessed high school) above the fireplace. Her brother was twirling her in a dance, and the photographer had managed to capture them in focus and the flow of movement around them. There were a couple of people in the living room, on the mismatched chairs and stools. They all looked like people I would have been too scared to say hello to in school - people who wore pencils in their hair as weapons and watercolor smudges as warpaint. 
“Everyone,” Alice announced proudly, “This is Jane and May - Jane and May, this is…well, everyone!”
“Jane!” A person with black curly hair, dark olive skin and bright eyes exclaimed. I almost laughed when I really saw a pencil in her hair. “I must meet you in person - Alice tells me you're a charcoal enthusiast! And May, was it? You two look so alike - sisters?”
May and I looked at each other. I laughed a little. “Cousins, but you’re the first to see the resemblance.”
“It’s a gift darling, a useless one but a gift anyway. I’m Viv, and this is Paul, Amelia, Alex, and Scott. Scott, darling, scootch your ass and give Jane and May somewhere to sit.”
Scott, a man in his forties or so with a shock of white-blonde hair and glasses, scootched obediently and we settled on the chaise end of the couch. 
“Refills for anyone?” Alice chimed merrily. I noticed she had silver ball-shaped earrings dangling, and when she leaned over me to gather Viv’s champagne glass I heard them tinkle softly. 
“What do you do in the area?” Scott asked May, as Alice tried to balance glasses. Having just sat down, I awkwardly immediately stood up and took some from her. 
“Oh, well-” and May was off, in a few minutes she would have the group hanging on her words, and I could quietly ensconce myself next to her. 
Alice led me through the living room to the kitchen. It was also cozy; a riot of color, herbs and flowers drying on the walls, and the counters covered in food of all sorts. The side war was stocked with anything you could ever want to drink - alcohol, soda, all manner of fancy waters, tea, even a french press. A group stood near the french doors to the back garden, listening to a story about a harrowing rafting adventure in its climax, told by who I could only assume to be Alice’s brother.
They looked identical, except that this guy was rail thin with a runner’s structure. I had no doubt he could throw me bodily, but I could only imagine him rescuing kittens. He and Alice had the same face, the same hair. He had a deep but soft voice, causing everyone to lean forward slightly. Having recounted safely returning to shore with nary a scratch, his audience satisfied and exclaiming, he heeded his sister’s signal and hurried over to me. 
“Here, let me.” With ease, he slid the glasses out of my hands and arranged them in front of Alice.
“Tate, this is Jane,” Alice said, nodding to me as she poured. “Jane, this is my little brother Tatum, my right hand host and excellent busboy.”
Tatum grinned hugely at me. “So this is Jane, I thought she made you up in her little dream worlds.” He dodged the dishrag Alice snapped at him. “It’s nice to meet you.”
I smiled back, looking to Alice. “I hope you haven’t told anyone I’m interesting, I’ll only disappoint everyone.”
Alice rolled her eyes. The heat of the room was causing her cheeks to flare red.
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karenflorence · 2 years
Types of Art Supplies You Can Use to Create Unique Works of Art
You can use many types of Art Supplies Perth to create unique works of art. From Graphite pencils and sketchbooks to Acrylic paints and Oil paints, there is something to suit every taste and style. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. In addition to the items in this article, you should also look for a local art supply store, which will likely carry all the supplies listed here. When buying your supplies, you'll also get the same benefits you'll find at a local store.
Artists often choose to use sketchbooks as art supplies as they are easy to store, affordable, and a great way to capture ideas. These versatile journals come in various designs and can be used for sketching, painting, note-taking, and more. Many have enough tooth to accommodate dry media, while water-repellent covers ensure that your art supplies stay protected and look great. Regardless of your artistic preference, you can find a sketchbook that is right for you.
Graphite pencils
There are many benefits of using graphite pencils in your artwork; the most obvious one is that they produce very dark lines. Graphite pencils come in two basic varieties, water-soluble and non-water-soluble. You can use the water-soluble version to create dark lines on dry paper or mix it with wet paper for interesting textures. If you plan to use your graphite pencils for several projects, consider wetting and drying them since this may affect the longevity of the lead.
Oil paints
When shopping for art supplies, consider oil paints. Oil paints come in different grades, ranging from student to professional. There are also various combinations of colors within each grade. While the quality of individual paints can differ considerably, all oil paints are intermixable, meaning they can be used together. If you're just starting out, you might want to start with a beginner's grade or a lower-priced paint.
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Acrylic paints
Most art supply stores can purchase acrylic paints in various brands and colors. Many types of acrylic paint exist, including heavy body, fluid, and craft-grade varieties. By following these tips, learn how to choose the right kind of acrylic paint for your needs. The most important aspect of acrylic paint is its consistency. If you need thick paint, you should opt for a heavy-bodied acrylic paint, while if you want a runny one, go for a soft-bodied one.
Model Magic
Crayola Classroom Packs Model Magic contains 75 packets of 1 oz. Air-drying modeling clay in white. This modeling clay has an easy-to-use formula and dries to a smooth finish. Recommended for children ages five and older, Crayola products are non-toxic and safe to use. In addition to its excellent texture, Model Magic is available in various colors, including neon pink and green.
Colored pencils
While colored pencils are inexpensive, the cost of a quality set can run into hundreds of dollars. Buying a group will make your art supplies far more affordable, but you'll need to invest in a drawing board and lead holder. Both are essentials for creating beautiful artwork. You'll also need paper and tape for your drawing board. Colored pencils can be used on both flat and curved surfaces.
The importance of erasers cannot be overstated. These tools are indispensable for erasing mistakes and for creating highlights in colored pencil drawings. Erasers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and consistencies. Some erasers are kneaded putty that can be molded to remove minute details. Others are made of gum, which is especially helpful for quickly cleaning pastel, charcoal, or graphite.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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Here are some close-ups of the faces from my RVB pin-ups series~
When I decided I really wanted to go for it and draw everybody, I used the same technique for each character; I sketched out a pose in pencil, and then used this one brown pen I have that is almost-dry (but not quite) to go over the lines I liked (the effect looks kinda like drawing with charcoal, but it works like a felt pen). I erase the lines I don’t need, then add more detail with other pens that match the color for the specific character. Once the lines are all good, I added more shading, blending together different pens and colored pencils, plus adding some high-lights with this one white “chalk pencil” I have.
Usually I show the digital art I make, which is done in MS Paint with a mouse… I lose a lot of my dexterity like that, but I manage. My traditional stuff is much easier to work on, but it also means I have to go get them scanned; unfortunately, the scanner I have to use is super wonky. It washes out some colors, and over-saturates others (it has something to do with how the scanner light hits different materials on the paper. I don’t know, I’m not a scientist, I just know it looks bad).
So… I saved the scanned images to a flash-drive, brought them home, and edited them in Paint. That means, I went over it with the proper colors, added shading/highlights all over again, and because there are no layers I had to re-do all my lines, and erase all the extra nonsense. The end result is actually kinda pretty, so I’m happy with how they turned out… but it was a WHOLE THING.
Anyway! Here is Church, Tucker, Caboose, and Wash~
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rumor-imbris · 2 years
Unusual Muse Associations (Tag Game)
Thank you immensely, darling @nemo-my-name-forevermore for tagging me in this game! Here is her version <3
I will go with my Mary, of course ^-^ I hope you enjoy
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SEASONING: Ginger, cinnamon and mint; her tea or any other comfort hot drink always has at least one of these, or all three together.
WEATHER: Autumn rainy day, a faint wind blowing golden, red and orange leaves around as they touch the ground and form a colourful carpet where she walks.
COLOR: Blackest black, like ravens feathering, and porcelain white, just like her hair and fair skin, inherited by her mother who was a noble woman from the Republic of Venice.
SKY: A dusky rainy sky, with some indigo, silver and violet spurts here and there.
MAGICAL POWER: Into an hypothetical fantasy AU, it would be... Entering people's dreams. I wrote a winter fairytale where she enters Connor's dreams through her moths. Also Empathy, something just like Star Trek TNG's Betazoid counselor Deanna Troi, in other words, the ability of feeling other people's emotions and feelings, which can be both a blessing and a curse!
HOUSE PLANT: She has baskets of dried flowers in her room to diffuse their scent, but she loves lilies and cactuses.
WEAPON: When her training gets more advanced, she gets a long double-sided curved blade which can be divided in two smaller blades. It was forged for her by the homestead artisan named Big Dave.
SUBJECT: Music, Singing, Art, Poetry, Literature. She is a classical trained musician; her instruments are the piano and the harp, though at the Davenport homestead she has the chance to practice on the glassharmonica, which she immediately loves! Her privileged education in England (by her severe governess, Mrs Weasley) allowed her to study many languages, sciences and literary works, as well as practicing drawing techniques, painting, embroidering and singing.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Probably Pinterest and Tumblr.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Dark eyeshadow
CANDY: She's not into candies or sweet things. Maybe liquorice, though she would rather have dried fruits, almonds or walnuts.
FEAR: She's terrorized by spiders, scolopendras and all sorts of insects, as well as worms and larvas. But she also fears water. Because of a terrible experience when she was a little girl, she panics as the water reaches her chest when immersed for the fear of drowning. Also, I should mention her hideous vivid nightmares.
ICE CUBE SHAPE: She prefers not to have ice in her drinks! Might damage her throat.
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: The Aquila, of course (◡‿◡)
ART STYLE: She loves to use the sfumato and chiaroscuro techniques in her portraits and charcoal drawings.
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: A siren, or a raven shape-shifter would suit her.
PIECE OF STATIONERY: Her charcoal pencils and origami hand-folded envelopes to fill with love letters to Connor (▰˘◡˘▰)
CELESTIAL BODY: Dwarf planet Sedna, Moon and Pulsars (neutron stars)
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I hope you enjoyed knowing better my AC3 OC >‿‿◕
Tagging: @giuliettaluce @mazikomo @wildspeciallavender @susann-noir @empireofstarsandsmoke @followyourowncreed @hidden-blades-and-tomahawks @caraverie @scuderia-auditore-ghibli @embersatdusk @anne-lida and whoever sees this and wants to join the game! Forgive me if I forgot someone, but you all are welcome to join
Can't wait to read about your muses/OCs *-*
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bubblesuga · 3 years
Turning Page - Part 1
Summary: Sometimes you find yourself in the right place at the right time and unknowingly, you fall in love. Min Yoongi certainly didn’t expect that when he met eyes with you one fateful night in late July. Nor did he expect to end up naked in your apartment while you drew his body.
w/c: 7,302 genre: struggling producer!yoongi au, new relationship, fluff, smut warnings: oral (m receiving), dom!yoongi, switch!reader, raw sex, spanking, reader has a praise kink, yoongi has a dirty mouth (but lets be honest, what else is new?), slight exhibitionism, jungkook is too nosy for his own good
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It’s not often that you find yourself at a 24 hour diner in the middle of the night with an insane amount of papers splayed out in front of you as eat your waffles while answering emails and trying your hardest to copy the manuscripts sent to you but for some god-awful reason it’s happened to you on more than one occasion this week alone. 
The manuscript, which the author unabashedly decided to hand write instead of type in this day and age, was way too long and had way too much detail. Unfortunately for you, your boss only reads typed manuscripts and insisted that you copy every word and type it for her by Monday. You know for a fact that your boss is going to get three chapters into this absolute mess of a story and toss it but you have no choice but to listen to her. 
This is definitely not how you expected being an intern to go yet here you are, wondering and waiting for the day that you can move on and start your own company like you’ve wanted to for practically your entire life. 
“Can I get you a refill on your coffee?” A voice asks, and you glance up to see the waitress, an older woman with a smile that could light up a thousand suns. 
“Yes please,” you smile, holding out your mug to her as she pours directly from the pot, “thank you.” 
“No problem, I always see you working so hard so I figured you could use the energy boost.” she grins, patting your shoulder lightly as she begins to walk away and help the other few tables which also happen to be hosting tired college students and early risers or late sleepers. 
Without even realizing it, another half hour passes by you quickly. Your eyes burn, but you count the remaining pages and try to push through. Quickly though, your ears spot the sound of dishes clanking together and you can’t help but pull your attention in that direction. 
A man with blond hair and dark eyes is cleaning the table in front of you. He adorns an apron around his waist and a white t-shirt with black pants. The busboy wipes down the table, and you admire his side profile as he does so. His features are soft, a rounded nose and down-turned lips held almost in a pout. You have never come across a man so stunningly beautiful, it nearly causes your breath to be caught in your throat. 
You’re staring for so long that the man catches on to your watchful eye, glancing over in your direction with a raised eyebrow. You smile sheepishly, “Sorry.” 
The man smirks, shaking his head before hauling the bin of empty cups and plates towards the kitchen. Your heart sinks for a moment, but you shake the feeling to the best of your ability and try to finish typing. 
A few more moments pass, and you hear someone sitting across from you. You glance up and see the man sat across from you, apron gone and a black jacket now covering his torso. 
“Can I help you?” You question softly, clasping your hands together atop the table. 
He bites his bottom lip, “I feel like I should be asking you the same thing.” 
“You were watching me earlier, just curious what was on your mind was all.” He shrugs, his hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets. 
You swallow, the way his eyes scan you causes your face to flush. Carefully, you stack up your papers and clean the table slightly while you try to think a way to dance around the answer to his question. He waits patiently, which only causes you to panic internally. 
“I was thinking that you would be nice to draw.” you finally settle on, and it’s true. He looks like a work of art, and you’d love to have had him as a model in your art class when you went to college. 
He doesn’t seem to expect that answer, his eyes widening slightly as his head tilts, “So draw me.” 
“Ah,” you immediately wave your hand dismissively, “I haven’t drawn in a couple years and I was never any good at it anyway.” 
He leans forward, mirroring your position from earlier, “But if that was your first thought then surely you still have an interest in it.” The smooth cadence of his tone intimidates you to no end, yet it entices you and pulls you in even more. How can a stranger hold so much power over you?
“I’ll tell you what,” you say after a moment, suddenly gaining a brush of confidence when you see a twinkle in his eye, “you come to my apartment tomorrow night and I’ll draw you.” 
“That sounds like a trap to murder me.” He remarks, a gummy grin stretching across his face and you have to hold back a small ‘awe’, your chest twisting at the sight. 
“You want to get drawn or not?” you bite back, just as teasingly. 
He shakes his head, a small chuckle leaving his pink lips, “Give me your phone.” 
You raise an eyebrow, reaching into your bag and pulling out your phone. You unlock it for him and he takes it immediately, keeping the screen just far enough away from you that you can’t see what he’s doing. Soon enough, he stands abruptly and sets your phone down onto the table.
He smirks, “Text me the address, I’ll be there.” 
The stranger wanders down the isle and towards the front door, and you watch in awe at his broad shoulders and shapely figure. Something about the way he carried himself made your mouth water. 
Breaking out of your trance, you quickly unlock your phone and and see a newly added contact. At the top of the screen is a simple ‘Yoongi ;)’ titling the contact. 
You blush, gnawing your bottom lip gently as he passes by the window and sends a wink your way.
He’s going to be here any moment. He’s going to walk through your door with his stupid fucking smirk and attractive eyes and he’s going to be in your living room, posing for a while so you can draw him. 
And you’re freaking out. 
After he left you immediately sent him your address, and since then the two of you have been talking non stop. It was mostly about small things, jobs, favorite foods and favorite colors... Although it may have only been a day, you feel like you know him pretty well. He’s funny and charismatic and oh so charming, no wonder you were so drawn in to his beauty because he’s gorgeous from the inside out. 
You haphazardly through your jackets and shoes into the closet by the front door, only recently becoming aware of how much clothes you leave strewn throughout your home. 
Just as you light a cinnamon scented candle in the center of the room, your doorbell rings. 
You rush over to the door and glance in the mirror to fluff your hair and wipe away any runny make up. Exhaling a deep breath, you open the door and greet Yoongi with a smile. 
“Hello.” you say simply, opening the door wider and motioning for Yoongi to come in. He’s dressed in a black button up and tight fitting black jeans, a stark contrast to his work attire. He carries with him a back pack and a bottle of whiskey. 
He notices the way you eye the bottle, and he flushes slightly, “I figured it could help with your nerves. A- and mine, because I’m a little nervous as well.” 
“Nervous?” you trudge into your living room with Yoongi following closely behind, “why are you nervous?” 
“Well, I’m not exactly sure if you expected this to be a nude drawing or not so I wore nice clothes but I’m also willing to take them off.” He scratches the bottom of his chin, watching as you set up the easel. 
You pause your movements, eyes widening, “N- nude?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, twisting open the bottle of whiskey, “isn’t that what you do in those fancy art classes? Draw nude people?” 
“I- I mean, we did,” you stutter, your throat going dry, “but they were always women because I went to an all female college.” 
“Ah, so you could use the practice,” he grins confidently, but it drops suddenly, “unless you’re uncomfortable with that. Then, fully clothed is fine with me.” 
The thought of being able to see the gorgeous man nude excited you more than you’d like to admit, and seeing as you two were in the safety and comfort of your own home, you had no problem with him doing it so long as he wanted to, and by the way his fingers are itching to undo the first button of his shirt, you figure he is. 
“Go ahead. You’re right, I can use the practice.” 
Yoongi smiles and with trembling fingers he begins to take his clothes off. As he does so, you focus on setting up the rest of your supplies. The charcoal set sits idly on the table beside you and you finally sit down with a sigh. 
As you turn your eyes back to Yoongi, you see that he is splayed across your couch with the bottle in hand. 
Holy fuck, his body is just as gorgeous as his face. He’s lean, but you can tell he definitely works out his arms and his legs are long, a pinkish tint holds itself to his skin and you’re unsure if he’s being shy or if the alcohol has already taken affect on him. Eventually you let your eyes land on his hips, his pelvis presenting itself neatly between his legs. It takes everything in you not to drop what you’re doing and let him fuck you into oblivion. 
“(Y/N)?” you hear, and you’re brought back to the current situation. Yoongi’s face holds a knowing smirk, and he leans forward to hand you the bottle of whiskey. 
You take it gratefully, your heart thudding harshly in your chest as you take a sip. 
“Is this position okay?” he questions, one leg bent at the knee and resting on the other one. His right arm rests extended on the back of the couch while his left hand plays dangerously close to his pelvis. 
“Y- yes.” you breathe, picking up your pencil and beginning the sketch. 
It doesn’t take long for you to get the basic sketch down, your love for drawing coming back in droves as Yoongi sits silently, watching your face as you continue to sketch across the paper. He smiles, your nose crinkling before you erase a line or your tongue poking out as your concentrating on a specific area. 
After a little bit of silence, you speak up, “Do you want me to draw, uhm,” you pause your sentence and gesture towards his hips, to which he responds with a little laugh. 
“My cock?” 
His use of the word shocks you a little bit, but you silently remind yourself that you are a grown woman and are completely capable of listening to a man talk about his anatomy, even when you’re immensely attracted to him and have to continually swallow the drool that threatens to fall from your mouth. 
“Yeah, your- your cock.” you nearly whisper, noticing the way his cock twitches slightly at your voice. 
Okay, he’s getting just as much enjoyment out of this as I am. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, shifting a few inches, “I want you to draw my cock.” 
You nod, turning back to your drawing and beginning the last details. 
Yoongi doesn’t take his attention away from your face, gauging your reaction to his body. He likes the way you’re so attentive, and it’s taking everything in him not to harden, though he’s unsure how much longer he can hold off. 
His mind reels with the possibility of you riding him right on this couch. After spotting you at the restaurant he knew that he wanted you. It’s been far too long since he’s had sex, and his pickiness has become more and more evident, especially to his roommates. However, the moment he saw you, he could nearly imagine the way you would feel around him and when he saw you staring he knew that he was in the clear to come over and talk to you. 
This definitely wasn’t how he expected it to turn out but he has no complaints. 
“I’m almost done,” you murmur, your brow furrowed in concentration, “you can move now. All I have to do is shade a little.” 
Yoongi lets out a small breath, his fingers dancing across his hip bone as he lays comfortably on his back, “Do you need me to get dressed now?” 
You glance up, your face mostly hidden by the sketch pad, “If you would like to.” 
Slight disappointment hits Yoongi as he realizes that he’s not going to be able to touch you today. He sits up and reaches for his boxers, but you stop him. 
“Or you could give me a minute and I’ll undress too.” you say casually, shrugging as you pick up a black pen and sign the bottom of the drawing.
Yoongi’s jaw drops, and there’s no stopping it now. He instantly feels blood rush to his cock and watches intently while you spin the easel around and show him your work of art. 
Across the page, Yoongi sees himself displayed and detail lining every area of the sketch. He notices the way his eyes twinkle even in the drawing and if there were ever a time to think of himself as attractive, it would be now that he’s been drawn by you. 
“Do you like it?” you ask nervously.
Yoongi grins, “I love it.” 
“Good,” you whisper, and you stand up. You take a careful step over to him, and Yoongi doesn’t take his eyes away from you. As you’re about to slip your shirt over your head, he stops you. 
“Let me, please.” he begs gently, and you nod. He stands up quickly and hooks his fingers around the hem of your shirt. You lift your arms and allow him to slip the material over your head. His movements are slow, tantalizing and teasing you but also drawing you into him. 
He places his hand against your side, drawing small circles before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
It lasts no more than a few seconds, but you instantly miss the contact. He smiles, his nose crinkling as he does so and your heart can be heard from inside your chest, singing as he looks you in the eyes. He unhooks your bra, tossing it to the side and suddenly his lips are back on yours. 
It’s much more feverish than before, the taste of the whiskey and his strawberry flavored lip balm mix together on your tongue. The combination is harmonious, and he tastes exactly like you thought he would. 
Suddenly, he grips your shorts and pants, slipping them down your legs and softly commanding you to step out of them. You steady yourself on his shoulders and do as he says, your legs trembling with anticipation. 
“Last chance to back out of this if you don’t want it.” Yoongi says, his hands cupping your jaw and using his thumb to swipe gently at your cheek. You smile, “I want this.” 
He nods, “On your knees.” 
You instantly listen, dropping to your knees in front of him and licking your lips hungrily at now being eye level with Yoongi’s now hard cock. He smirks, “You can touch.” 
You nod hesitantly, then reach forward and pump him up and down a few times. Instantly, Yoongi’s head falls backward and a moan falls from his lips, gloriously loud and deep. 
The sound sends tingles straight to your heat, and you tentatively stick your tongue out to lick the tip of his member. His hips flex and you open your mouth automatically to accept him into your mouth. He goes a little further than expected and you gag as you feel him hit the back of your throat. 
“’M sorry,” he moans, “fuck your throat feels so good.” 
He looked heavenly, sweat begins to line his forehead as you use your tongue on the underside of his cock, paying special attention to the pulsating vein. 
His hands gather your hair up in his hands, “There we go, wanna see your pretty face as you suck my cock.” 
You take him as deep into your mouth as you possibly can and hold him there, moaning at his dirty mouth and feeling yourself grow wetter by the second. 
“Good girl,” he feels your hands begin to roam his torso, his muscles flexing beneath his fingertips, “gonna cum.” 
With that, you pop off of him and see his eyes fall to you incredulously. “I was gonna-” 
“I know,” you grin, “but wouldn’t it feel better inside of me?” 
“You are so fucking hot.” he says, pulling you up to his level and slamming his lips to yours. You tug him down as you fall onto the couch, his cock brushing ever-so-lightly between your legs and causing both of you to gasp. 
It doesn’t take Yoongi long to line himself up at your entrance, your legs wrapped carefully around his waist and guiding him in slowly. Yoongi watches the way your eyes roll backwards as he bottoms out, a moan falling from his lips as he steadies himself.
He had never felt as much pleasure than in this moment. 
The eroticism of the entire situation made everything feel more sensual. Despite barely knowing him, you felt a connection to him stronger than anyone ever before. The way his cock seems to fit perfectly within you, stroking and massaging your velvety walls, immediately has you reeling beneath him. 
“I’m not gonna last very long,” Yoongi starts, his arms shaking as he holds himself above you, “what can I do to help you out?” 
“That’s okay, just fuck me.” You gasp.
You feel him reach a point inside you that sends waves through your body, your back arching off the couch. Yoongi catches the way your breathing has grown ragged, and reaches his hand between the two of you. 
His thumb manages to find your clit, collecting your wetness and rubbing over it gently. His thrusts stay slow and steady, but even so you’re unable to hold back. As your orgasm approaches, you bring Yoongi down to your mouth and feel the way he nibbles at your bottom lip. Suddenly, he speeds his thrusts up and his thumb swipes fast and sloppy circles across your clit. 
You feel your breath catch in your throat as your orgasm washes over you, a mewl of content leaving your mouth as Yoongi soon follows after, strings of hot cum coating your walls and adding to the sensitivity of your heat. 
He collapses on top of you, his lips peppering kisses across your exposed chest while your hand caresses his hair. 
“I would have been able to last longer if you weren’t so fucking good at giving head.” Yoongi nearly whines, his chest heaving while he attempts to catch his breath. 
“It’s okay,” you smile, pushing his hair back and exposing his forehead, “we both got there in the end.” 
Yoongi shrugs, making no effort to move off of you as he buries himself in your chest, “If you hadn’t, I would have no problem making you cum on my tongue.” His words are slightly muffled by your breasts which only causes you to giggle. 
“Hm, I’m open to experiencing that on another day,” his lips turn up against your skin at your words, “but can I give you some pointers?” 
Yoongi’s head pops up, his eyes looking at you incredulously, “you just said that we both got there in the end, what more do I need to do?” 
“Be louder,” you whisper, his tone teasing, “I like when a man is vocal.” 
His eyes glare jokingly, “Okay, you’re on. I’ll be as loud as you want.” 
You giggle, pressing a light kiss to his nose and watching the way his face scrunch up at the contact. 
His chin rests on you, his thumb stroking your cheekbone, “I like you a lot.” 
“Are you basing this solely off of the fact that I made you cum?” 
“That plays a part in it,” he chuckles, “but I want to see you again for sure. You seem cool, and I’d really like to take you out to dinner some time.” 
“Ah,” you click your tongue, “we did it backwards.” 
Yoongi laughs, a melodic sound that instantly makes your heart speed up. 
The two of you lay there for a little bit, your hand stroking his hair as you talk about the most mundane tasks. He tells you a little bit about his job, how his friend owns the diner the two of you met at and Yoongi likes to help out every once in a while for some extra cash. 
His real passion lies in music, which is why he was so hellbent to see you make art again. He loves encouraging people to create, to take charge and express themselves in the purest forms. 
After what seems like hours, Yoongi hears his phone ding. With a groan of disapproval, he climbs off of you and reaches into his jeans for his phone. 
You situate yourself on your side, watching the way Yoongi runs a hand through his messy hair and checks his phone. 
“Seokjin wants me to come serve tonight,” he says with a sigh, “I’ll text you after I get off, yeah?” 
You nod, “I need to finish up some work anyway.”
Silently, Yoongi begins to dress himself for the first time since he entered your apartment. You pout visibly as he slips his boxers back on, standing up and following suit by dressing yourself as well. 
As soon as you’re both dressed, you carefully tear Yoongi’s drawing out of the sketch pad and reach out to hand it to him.
“You’re giving it to me?” He questions, taking it with a raised eyebrow. 
You nod, “I don’t feel right in keeping it.” 
He shakes his head, “You should keep it for a rainy day.” 
Your eyes turn to slits while you inspect the drawing. You quietly slip it back into the sketchbook while Yoongi lets out another laugh. 
You lead him back to the front door, your arms crossed over your chest. Different from previous hook ups, you didn’t feel dirty after everything that you did. Instead, you felt comforted by the fact that he didn’t just leave as soon as he finished. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to take care of you and that wasn’t something you came across often. 
As he shuts the door behind him, you can’t help but touch your lips while you remember the feeling of his. 
“Hey Seokjin,” Yoongi greets as he enters the diner through the back door. 
Seokjin flips some sauteed vegetables in a pan and glances over at his younger friend, “Hey Yoon-” he pauses, setting down the pan, “you got laid didn’t you?” 
Yoongi throws his head back, muttering a small ‘damn it’ knowing that he’s going to get grilled until Seokjin is happy with the amount of details he’s received. 
“Yeah I did.” he sighs. 
“Hm, well you don’t seem too happy about it. Was she awful or something?” 
Yoongi whips his head towards Seokjin, “What? No, god no. She was fantastic.” 
“Then why the long face?” 
“Because I had to leave her to come help you.” Yoongi shrugs, chuckling when he feels Seokjin shove him lightly. 
Shaking his head, Seokjin plates up the food while he talks to Yoongi, “Was it the cute editor you were talking about last night?” 
Yoongi feels a twinge of jealousy hit his chest when he hears Seokjin saw you too, but it’s quickly replaced with triumph once he realizes that he got to you first. 
“She’s an intern, not an editor quite yet, but yeah that’s her.” 
“Good man,” he praises, “does that mean you’re back on your game?” 
Yoongi scoffs, “Just because I fuck one girl doesn’t mean I’m immediately going to try and fuck every girl I’m attracted to again.” 
Sure, Yoongi admits he went through a phase of... being well known. Especially in college, Yoongi was known to be a man of many special talents. After a while of random hook ups and making girls scream his name, he lost interest. He assumed it was because he got bored of it, but now he’s realizing that he was much more interested in having a relationship. Ever since he realized that, he had been waiting for someone to fall into his lap. 
For some reason, the moment he saw you he felt some indescribable feeling that drew him to you. Like all that waiting had finally paid off and he needed to talk to the girl with laser focus and a cute smile. 
“Oh, so you like this girl?” Seokjin says, glancing at the screen as another order comes in. 
“Yeah, a lot. She’s an artist.” He grins, calling back from the locker room connected to the kitchen. 
“Awe, did she draw you a picture?” Seokjin coos, a loud laugh following his teasing words. 
Yoongi’s cheeks blush as he suddenly flashes back to the events of today, “Yeah, you could say that.” 
Seokjin glances into the locker room, “I’ll question further later, for now you need to go to section A and help out Hwasa because she is drowning in tickets.” 
“Yes sir!” Yoongi mocks a salute, walking out to the dining area. 
From: Yoongi (received 16:34)
Be ready in 20.  Dress comfortably.
Your jaw drops as you stare at your phone, rushing upward from your position on your couch with a bag of chips and blankets surrounding you. 
You glance your at your reflection in passing and practically run to the bathroom to comb your hair. 
It’s only been two weeks since the two of you met. Your comforted by the fact that your phone always has a good morning text and a good night text from Yoongi. The two of you have yet to have a dry conversation and even if Yoongi is stuck at work or working on one of his secret projects, he makes sure to send a text that he’ll respond as soon as he has the chance. 
Previously you had never had someone so attentive, especially even in just the talking stages. At one point he called you, his voice rough and laced with sleep but the entire time he seemed lively and excited to talk to you. Your heart swelled with adoration the entire time and you’re safe in thinking that Yoongi feels the same. 
Because you haven’t seen Yoongi since the day you drew him, you find yourself regularly looking at the drawing. 
For the first time in what seems like years, you felt proud of something you had created. A constant rut that collapsed in on you like a black hole, drowning you in a state of constant despair, disappeared in half a day. Since then, you’re brain is reeling with creative thought and you couldn’t wait to show Yoongi what you’ve been drawing in your free time. He encourages you in a way that makes you feel like you can be whatever you want to be. 
One thing you were most proud of was your self-portrait. Your legs laid spread in front of a mirror for hours while you tried to perfect a drawing for Yoongi, to give back since he allowed you to keep his. 
“Why do all my cute bras disappear when I need them most?” you whine outwardly, your phone dinging again. 
From Yoongi (received 16:48) 
Oops, I’m early. 
You smile. 
To Yoongi (sent 16:49) 
You’re lucky you’re cute Be out soon
Quickly, you slip on a simple blue laced bra and t-shirt with a red skirt. Hoping that you were still cute in your comfortable clothes, you let out a nervous breath and head to the door. You grab your sketch book before you lock your door, Yoongi’s car parked at the end of the breezeway. You spot him before he spots you, a black beanie adorned on his head with his gorgeous blond hair peaking out beneath. 
You open his door and Yoongi immediately puts his phone away, “Hey.” 
“Hi.” You greet, slipping your sketchbook into the back seat. Yoongi leans over the center console and holds your face in his hand, and he kisses you. 
It’s short and sweet, not as feverish as the first one you shared but it made you realize how quickly you had fallen victim to missing his kiss. 
“I have wanted to do that for weeks now.” He states as if he read your mind, his eyes closed in bliss. 
“Why’d it take you so long then?” You tease, kissing him again. 
Yoongi smirks, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” 
“Does that mean you’re fonder of me?” 
He watches you pull the seat belt over your torso before he responds, “Definitely, I was thinking about you last night before I went to bed.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Oh?” 
“Mhm,” he hums, a hand moving over to rest on your knee while he backs out of the parking spot, “you’re very talented with your tongue, even in my dreams.” 
You don’t respond, instead you look down at his hand on your knee with a blush.
The drive consists of soft music playing of the speakers of Yoongi’s 2003 Kia. A choice of car you wouldn’t expect him to drive but it oddly fits his personality. It’s quiet and gets him just where he needs to be, a simple thing that Yoongi tells you he takes pride in. 
It isn’t a long drive, but you take the time to admire the way Yoongi looks as he drives. The windows are rolled down and soft summer air breezes throughout the car while you drive across the countryside. The evening sun shines across Yoongi’s face, those soft facial features that drew you in still prominent, his nose curling upward while he laughs at a joke you told. 
“Alright,” he says after about 15 minutes, “we’re here.” 
Yoongi parks near a beach, where you spot a group of people around a fire. You tilt your head, “Are we meeting your friends?” 
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay. It’s just a small get together to celebrate a friend’s promotion.” Yoongi scratches the back of his neck and lets out a nervous chuckle. 
You survey the crowd, cases of soju surrounding them while they laugh among each other. One of them seems to spot the car, waving at the two of you enthusiastically. 
Butterflies swarm in your stomach as you draw your bottom lip between your teeth, “Sure, I’d love to meet your friends.” 
Yoongi rushes to the other side of the car to open your door for you, wrapping his arm comfortingly around your shoulder while he leads you to the group. 
A log was left empty that had just enough room for the two of you. As you approach, Yoongi calls out, “Shut up everybody! This is (Y/N), be nice to her. I like her a lot,” instantly everyone quiets down, and Yoongi points to the tallest first man, “That’s Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin.” 
“Hyung, why’d you say my name last?” Jimin pouts, his voice already slightly slurred. You giggle, following Yoongi to the log. 
Namjoon reaches over, sticking his hand out, “It’s nice to meet the girl that Yoongi’s mentioned.” 
“Mentioned?” Jungkook scoffs, “He doesn’t shut up about you. You’re all he ever talks about and it takes a lot to get this man to stop talking about music.” 
Yoongi leans over and smacks his friend on the arm, his cheeks turning red at his admission. 
You giggle, “If it’s any consolation, I talk about Yoongi all the time too.” 
“Ah great, they’re both crazy about each other.” Seokjin jokes, a laugh unlike you had ever heard falling from his lips. His laugh causes you to laugh, and you quickly cover your mouth once you realize what you did. 
“Yah! She’s already making fun of my laugh!” Seokjin remarks, his bottom lip jutting outward cutely while Jimin shakes his head. 
“Take this and shut up.” Jimin reaches a drink out to Seokjin, who laughs and sends a wink your way to ease your mind. 
The night continues on gleefully, exchanging stories among each other and getting to know Yoongi’s friends - and Yoongi - more and more. 
At one point you could tell that Yoongi’s friends were grilling you in an attempt to see if you were a bad person. They were quite bad at it, though, seeing as Jungkook asked if you had ever killed a man and Taehyung was hellbent on trying to get you to say you liked country music. Though, you did admit that Carrie Underwood had a few good songs. Taehyung took this as a win and threw his hands up in victory while Namjoon told him to settle down. 
Now that you were more than a few drinks in, you listened intently to every story that the boys were telling. 
"Just wait until you hear about Yoongi’s parenting diary for Holly.” Hoseok spills, laughing so hard that he leans into Jimin who sits beside him. Jimin eyes disappear behind his smile, and everyone begins to chuckle. 
“No way!” you gape, turning to look at Yoongi who holds a beer tightly in his left and draws circles in your back with his right, “Min Yoongi, you never told me you were such a softy.” 
“I’m not a softy, I’m mean and scary,” Yoongi retaliates loudly, then he leans closer to your ear and whispers, “and I bite.” 
A chill runs down your spine and you immediately turn away, rubbing your hands together in an attempt to conceal your chill. Yoongi chuckles low enough for you to hear, his fingertips reaching beneath the base of your shirt and massaging gently. You didn’t realize how rough his fingertips were, callouses from hours of guitar playing evident on his hands. 
“Alright, children. I think it’s time for us to head out.” Yoongi says suddenly, interrupting a conversation between Hoseok and Namjoon. 
He stands and pulls you up with him. You smile and wave, “It was nice meeting you all.” 
“It was nice meeting you too,” Namjoon waves back to you, “excited to have you back around.” 
As you say goodbye to the rest and walk away, you hear a patter of footsteps walking behind the two of you. “Hyung! Can I get a ride?” 
Jungkook stumbles towards the two of you, and Yoongi glances at you in question. You shrug, “I don’t mind, it’s your car.” 
Yoongi waves Jungkook over, the three of you walking towards Yoongi’s small car. Yoongi opens the door for you, bowing gently and humming while he walks over to the drivers side. In the few short seconds that you and Jungkook were alone in the car, Jungkook leans forward and rests his head on the back of Yoongi’s seat. 
“I haven’t seen Yoongi this happy in a while,” he pats your shoulder, “thank you.” 
You don’t get the opportunity to respond as Yoongi opens the car door and hops in. You swallow, smiling and biting your lip. Your chest swells with the thought that Yoongi is just as affected by you as you are by him. 
The drive is quite, but suddenly Jungkook speaks up. 
“Is this yours, (Y/N)?”
You turn your head back and instantly your eyes widen, Jungkook glancing through your sketchpad. You spot the edge of your Yoongi drawing sticking out, Yoongi’s face visible but Jungkook had yet to spot it. 
“Y- yeah.” you say, praying that he stops flipping through the pages. Yoongi glances over to you, his eyes just as wide as yours. He simply shakes his head as if to say ‘stop him’. 
“These are really goo- oh! You drew Yoongi!” Jungkook’s fingers begin to pull at the piece of paper which causes you to unhook your seat belt and take the entire sketchbook out of Jungkook’s hands. 
He seems lost for a second, “Can I see the Yoongi drawing?” 
“No!” you and Yoongi respond simultaneously, panic lacing both of your voices while Yoongi pulls into an unfamiliar neighborhood. 
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, “You two doing something freaky?” 
Yoongi coughs, “I was just a model for (Y/N) to practice with.” 
“A nude model?” Jungkook asks in a sing-song voice, noticing the way you glance at Yoongi.
“Cool it with the questions, Kookie.” Yoongi scolds gently. 
“Hey, I don’t judge. I posed nude for a sculpting class once, those girls got to look at my bits for hours and I’m sure they enjoyed it as much as you enjoyed looking at Yoongi’s-” 
“Wow would you look at that, we’re home! Get the fuck out of my car.” Yoongi turns around, gesturing for Jungkook to exit. Jungkook holds a smirk on his face, “Be safe.” 
As soon as Jungkook gets out of the car, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. Yoongi rests his head on the steering wheel, laughing quietly to himself in both embarrassment and joy. 
“Why did you have that drawing in the sketchbook?” He questions as he reverses out of the driveway. 
You shrug, “I don’t know... I just wanted to show you what I’ve been working on since that day.” 
“Like what?”
“A self portrait.” you shrug, opening the sketchbook and flipping to the most recently filled in page. You hold it up so Yoongi can glance at it while he drives, but you didn’t expect his eyes to bulge out of his head while he slams on the breaks and pulls off to the side of the neighborhood road. 
Instantly, he reaches and takes the book from you, his eyes scanning over the drawing repeatedly. 
“Gorgeous,” he breathes, “you’re so fucking gorgeous.” 
You smile gently, pointing your finger to your chest, “I drew my boobs more even than they actually are so I’m not that gorgeous.” 
Yoongi’s eyes turn to slits, “Well this is tainted now. How will I ever be able to hang this up when it’s not accurate to the real thing?” 
You giggle, pushing Yoongi’s shoulder gently. His joking tone diminishes once his eyes fall back on the drawing, the smile dropping from his face while his finger traces the curve of your hips. “Gorgeous...” he whispers again, “Fuck, I love this so much. Thank you.” 
He leans across the center console and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
That’s just not enough, though. 
You slip the sketchpad out of his hands and close it, “You want to see the real thing?” 
Your lack of touch from Yoongi these past couple weeks didn’t seem to bother you but now that you have him alone, you want to jump his bones. 
Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to nod, unhooking his seat belt and leaning his chair back a little bit. You grin, slipping the t-shirt over your head and pressing a harsh kiss against Yoongi’s lips. He welcomes your lips, drinking you in while his hands begin to roam your now bare skin. He slips his grip down to your thighs, pulling you over the center console and causing you straddle his thighs. 
Not breaking the kiss, you begin to grind yourself down onto Yoongi’s quick-hardening cock. He moans into the kiss, his hands kneading your ass roughly. You gasp when you feel his hand lay a hard smack against your ass, the sound resonating throughout the car and causing Yoongi to smirk. 
“Oh, you like being spanked?” he peppers kisses across your neck, “have you been a bad girl?” 
“Mhm,” you moan, “I’m your bad girl.” 
“That’s right,” Yoongi growls, spanking you once again, “my bad girl.” 
You toss your head back when you feel Yoongi’s hips begin to twist beneath you, his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans. You reach between the two of you, unzipping his jeans and threading his cock through the hole. 
Yoongi sucks in a breath through his teeth while your small hand pumps him up and down carefully. 
“No time,” Yoongi groans, “ride me.” 
You didn’t have to be told twice. 
The feeling of the slick between your legs was enough to show that you were ready, so Yoongi’s fingers push your panties to the side while he holds his cock and lines it up with your entrance. It doesn’t take long for him to slip inside, his hands gripping your hips and lifting you up and down while you moaned above him. 
“You like my cock, don’t you baby? You’re gonna cum so good for me, aren’t you?” His voice is gruff, the encouraging tone causing your body to jolt with pleasure. You nod quickly, your mouth opening to respond but the only noise to leave your throat was a whisper of his name. 
He feels the way your walls clamp down on him, leaning forward and nibbling across your breasts. “Fuck,” he curses while you speed your hips up, “your pussy feels so good around me.” 
Yoongi’s words cause your orgasm to creep up on you, his name falling from your lips like a mantra as you pulsate around him. Yoongi bears his teeth as he cums, growling low and deep while his fingers grip your hips hard, sure to leave bruises but you didn’t mind. 
You both sit for a moment while you catch your breath, Yoongi’s tongue licking a long stripe from your collarbones to your jawbone before he kisses your lips. 
“Did so good for me,” he rubs soothing circles in your burning thighs, “was I vocal enough for you?” 
You laugh, “Yes sir. Please keep it coming.” 
You both wince as he lifts you off of him, falling into the passenger seat and sighing happily. 
Your feet rest in his lap after the two of you are cleaned up, his hands gently massaging them while he tells you about a new song that he’s working on and how he hopes that someone will be interested. 
It’s then that you realize that this is going to extend past the need for sex, because the two of you were both genuinely interested in each other’s lives. He speaks animatedly about his interests and listens intently to yours. It doesn’t take you long to begin imagining waking up beside him every morning with the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen. 
As he drops you off at your apartment for the night, Yoongi walks you to your doorstep.You unlock the door and turn to give him a goodbye kiss but he stops you, grabbing your hand and stroking across your knuckles. 
“So, do you think you’d be interested in being my girlfriend?” He asks nervously, “I- I wasn’t sure if you were just thinking of this as a friend with benefits situation so I figured I would ask before one of us gets hurt.” 
You nearly coo at the man, watching the way his eyes dance across his feet. 
You bring your arms around his neck and pull him down to your level, slamming a kiss onto his lips one more time. His hand grips the back of your shirt tightly, his tongue exploring your mouth while you lean against the wall. He pulls away with a grin, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Is that a yes?” 
You smile, “Of course.” 
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
I’ll just send it before I sleep since it’s 3 AM lol So like I said I am planning on making an amphibia tarot deck! It’s in pretty early stages right now, just assigning things/characters to cards, you can look at that here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uapwjOVSDwILl2w_QIlvSZlYv1iICMvJeEc2T72I9R4/edit?usp=sharing (Feel free to suggest changes! Like I said this is just the early stage) I have been also trying to come up with an art style for the deck since I don’t want it to just be my art style, I was thinking something a bit more realistic (still semi-cartoony since I can’t do realism + I’m not a big fan of full on realism) With a sketchy feel, either in black and white or with colored pencils. I’m probably gonna draw these physically, I could print but it’s something I’m not keen on, I really have no experience drawing things to be printed or how to size them n shit, I’m also just planning on making them for myself and not using a card making website or anything
I have a MAJOR hyperfixation on tarot and on designing decks—I’ve fully designed one of my own with my cat OCs from back in 2020, and I went through MakePlayingCards to get a physical copy of it made. It’s not perfect, but it’s my baby and I’m obsessed with it and I use it for like 90% of my tarot readings. SO. YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE.
Through trial and error i have found that the size of the canvas that works best for tarot cards on IbisPaint is 1031X1781 plus adding in margins of your own choosing for however you wanna frame it. The MakePlayingCards website is generally pretty easy to navigate and allows a mostly painless step by step process of inputting all your designs to be manufactured. They helpfully offer guidelines on where pieces of your design could get cut off during printing so you can adjust accordingly and you know I was using the shit out of that. My deck took a little over a month to get to me because of covid reasons but it’s not too bad of a wait for something so important! But this is only if you decide go digitally.
I cannot comment much on making them traditionally as I’ve never done it before, but I know blank tarot cards absolutely exist, and you can purchase those and draw your designs directly on top if you’re feeling brave. OR, if you’re feeling fancy, you could draw your designs separately and transfer them using a charcoal technique like this one
I had to learn that in art class—it’s pretty helpful if you’ve got your hands on charcoal or just any soft pencil in general, and it’ll be super helpful so you don’t have to worry about that One Little Mistake that fucks the entire drawing up.
As for the style, a sketchy semi-realism is a fun way to go! I’m actually doing something like that for my second deck (which I have not worked on in forever oops) so like. Feel free to take a peek uwu
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I will warn you that using a style you’re unfamiliar with is gonna be EXCRUCIATING to deal with for 78 cards straight. Even your own style can get tedious after a considerable amount of time—and they do take a LOT of time (mine took Five Months)—so bear that in mind when you’re choosing your style because you’re most likely gonna want to commit to that style for the entire deck. Going simple is always best (in my first deck I didn’t even DO very much complex shading until the later cards and yet I like them better than I do my bird deck thus far)
*throws some of my cards at u*
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The other thing you’re gonna wanna worry about is how deeply you wanna entrench your drawings in tarot symbolism and such… when I was making my deck I deliberately bore in mind that each of the four suits of the Minor Arcana encapsulate the four elements, Wands being Fire, Cups being Water, Pentacles being Earth, and Swords being Air. I incorporated some kind of each element into as many of the cards as I could.
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I did a lot of parallels with certain cards too (like these) so if that’s something you’re up for haha. I recommend using the Rider Waite deck as a guide for what each card tends to depict and what symbolism to put on them if you think it’ll fit. God knows I was glaring bullets at it as I made my own.
BUT ANYWAY ANYWAY im gonna go on a tangent if I keep talking about that, I wanna talk about ur SELECTIONS
Marcy as the fool is Fitting, not much to say on that. Interesting choice to put Grime as the magician, but what I particularly like about that selection is that the magician in the Reverse indicates Manipulation. Extra points for flavor ✨VALERIANA IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS *bangs fists on table* YES. I almost wish we knew what the Mother of Olms looks like because I would’ve threw her on The Empress, but Felicia works very well too. Of Course Andrias is the Emperor. I’m intrigued on why you chose Hop pop as The Hierophant—I might’ve gone with the Toad Lord Aldo to be honest, but that’s just me hehe.
Obviously the calamity trio are the lovers, and I LOVE the choice of Frobo as the chariot HOLY SHIT you could even draw him as the tiny Frobo on wheels!! Strength being Sasha is HILARIOUS not only because she has the Strength Gem but also because the Strength card is about staying strong in the face of hardship (just draw her having a mental breakdown i stg I’m wheezing). Wally as the Hermit is also hilarious love that for him 💜. And OOOOH THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE IS AN INTERESTING ONE!! You can actually draw Lysil and Angwin in a circle, conveniently enough HAHA. I adore Anne as Justice wtf. I’m curious about your decision to make cloakbot the hanged man, but holy FUCK the hERON ATTACK FOR DEATH IS GONNA BE MORBID thanks for sharing.
Temperance and The Devil are PERFECT, might I offer that in the devil, put Andrias and Marcy in chains there with the core (if u know the devil card u know what I’m talking about) The Tower and The Star are GREAT, yes. I’m VERY interested to know what you’re doing with the Sun and Moon, and I like how Marcy’s in both of them that’s really fun. Like. Two completely different tones on her role in the story sounds So Cool. Judgement and The World are *chefs kiss* too get out.
The Wands cards are super perfect actually like I’m losing it over Five of Wands and Queen of Wands—Sasha is so accurate. The Cup cards are also super perfect again but might I suggest the calamity trio for Three of Cups too? This is totally for personal reasons I just think they’d look cute dancing in a field of flowers together, and you can always put Sasha and Grime with Wartwood on the Ten of Cups—it’s another harmony card haha.
I can’t WAIT to see what you come up with—do notify me on progress when you get started 👀 i will eat.
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