#they are on the brink of only their second riders title like they will not ‘sabotage’ anyone y’all are badly delusional
Enea will be sabotaged next year if he will be better than Pecco. They will not let a “rookie” outshine the fraud.
literally why would they do that
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Let’s try this again...
So for those of you who can’t currently see asks, I was informed in an ask about this statement by Ian Flynn in regards to why IDW Eggman acted the opposite of a respectable, well-characterized Eggman during the zombot arc:
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Needless to say, this Steamed my Hams. Here’s why. (Credit to @beevean​ and @colony-drop-program​ for several additional points.)
In SA1, Eggman was constantly one step ahead of the heroes by swiping their emeralds, had both Chaos and the Egg Carrier operating at the same time, resorted to a missile when both were seemingly dealt with (which only turned out to be a dud cause of bad luck), and revealed a second Egg Carrier in the event that Chaos would betray him. And in the case of the missile - he was clearly at his wit’s end by that point, and suicide attacks on the brink of a villainous breakdown are common among many villains, including clever schemers... like Eggman.
In SA2, Eggman suspected there was a fake emerald in the mist that the heroes wanted to use to trick him, so he set up a situation perfectly in a way that would reveal which one it is.
In Battle, he was able to drive Emerl insane with energy in case the robot defeated him in battle.
In Unleashed, the game starts with Eggman setting up a trap based on the expectation that he would know exactly how Sonic (or rather, Super Sonic) would react, and it worked flawlessly. And upon learning that Dark Gaia woke up too early and his spawn were scattered all across the planet, Eggman managed to lure Dark Gaia spawn to him, and he still able to create Eggmanland and did his best to prevent Sonic from reaching the final temple.
Even in ‘06, he had that trap where he sent Sonic and Co to the future. It may have relied on the heroes being stupid, but it still counts as Eggman preparing for something.
Even in Heroes, arguably his most pathetic role in the game canon due to being locked in a room by his own creation for the whole game, he still had the initiative to hire the Chaotix into getting him out. And Metal Sonic’s flaws with his own plan... are Metal Sonic’s. Not Eggman’s. Metal Sonic didn’t take control of Eggman’s plan, he came up with his own plan to begin with. Metal’s failings in Heroes are not in any way, shape or form the fault of Ivo’s, and I don’t know why this example was even mentioned.
And keep in mind, these are just the games where Eggman was still upstaged. We’re not even going into the games that KEPT him as the top dog from start to finish, like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles where he’s constantly doing everything he can to stall you from reaching the Death Egg (which implies planning at least some of it in advance), Rush Adventure where he created the pirates as a proxy to search out the Jeweled Scepter, Colours where he kept his mind control cannon a secret, Generations where he teamed up with his past self in order to tame the Time Eater, Lost World where he brought a Cacophonic Conch with him to subjugate the Deadly Six, then bounced his way back up even after they stole his tech, and everything in Forces (storing Phantom Ruby copies, the artificial sun plot in case the Death Egg was destroyed, being able to dispose of Infinite in case he acted up, keeping the real Phantom Ruby for himself, even having a second mech inside the first mech in case the latter was destroyed).
Hell, the entire reason he set up a racing tournament in the original Sonic Riders was so that he could uncover the Babylon Garden.
And didn’t Flynn himself write that Mega Drive comic from a while back? The one where Eggman made a similar SA2-style bargain ploy for the last Ancient Gear, only to then reveal he had the other Gears already once he got it?
Eggman may be careless at times, with occasional details, but he’s not a Mephiles-tier moron who doesn’t understand the concept of a plan or strategy. He’s a mastermind, with many elaborate plots over the years to live up to that title, and when he’s not planning things out in advance, he’s just as quick to improvise or take advantage of the situation as best as he can.
He knew what would happen with Chaos upon feeding him Chaos Emeralds, because...
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He knew something would happen with Dark Gaia, because...
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(He also proceeded to kidnap Professor Pickle for the specific purpose of obtaining even more information on the subject.)
And while he may not have known exactly what Project Shadow was at the time, he still knew its existence in the first place (and by proxy, the ARK’s existence), because...
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...And he brought a Chaos Emerald along with him. And knew the password, “Maria”.
There is no excuse for the doctor to just shrug and do absolutely nothing upon being informed about a potential error in his plan. The fact that Ian Flynn - a man who has worked with this character for over a decade, and thus by all means should know this character by the back of his hand - completely disregards this official, canonical element of the main villain of a 30 year old franchise, only makes me less willing to trust any of the characters’ handling under his pen. And that’s putting aside how questionably handled everyone else has been in IDW.
And you might say “But it’s IDW, it’s a different interpretation”. But here’s the thing: it’s following off of Forces, a game where Eggman was at his brilliant best. There’s no way you can go from his backup-plan-after-backup-plan strategy from that game, to his DarkSydePhil-tier “nothing I could do dood” showing in this comic, and chalk it up to anything other than, at best, an extreme display of inconsistency. And as far as we know, this isn’t even the cause of those mandates that everyone loves to point to... this was all Flynn.
So yes. If I wasn’t certain that Flynn’s widespread fandom status as the Best Sonic Writer of all time, every time, was just a teensy, tiny bit exaggerated... I am now. I may be an Eggman fan, so naturally that does fuel my annoyance with his statement on the doc, but I’d be just as annoyed if it were any other character who was blatantly misinterpreted to this degree, even if it were a character I was apathetic to or even flat out disliked.
Best Writers™ do not selectively choose how characters from long lasting IPs act. You can experiment with a character. You can play around with a character’s traits. But you can’t turn a character completely inside out and expect it to work just like that.
It doesn’t work.
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
Wings in the Dark Chapter 2: Suspicions
AN:  Yeeaaahhh this one’s pretty much all from Levi’s POV.  Get ready for some cat and mouse, guys.
Also I’m working on a playlist.  hehehe. I love my playlists.  Some songs just fit SO WELLLLL!!!!
Characters:  Levi, Vampire!Reader, Erwin, Various BG Characters
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  Language
Word Count:  5102
<----Previous Chapter    Masterlist    Next Chapter---->
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*Levi’s POV*
Levi leaned against the stone wall beside him, arms crossed over his chest and the shade of the roof mostly hiding him from view as he stared pensively out at the open field.  The horse training was finished for the days, and the horses were being allowed time to roam in the open field for the time being.  One individual, however, was spending some one on one time with a mare, walking through some common techniques to get a horse to trust you.
At first, he’d wondered why she was using such a long rope, since he was fairly certain the distance between a horse and a potential rider during this exercise wasn’t supposed to be that far.  Quickly Levi realized that if she got much closer, the horse was not having it.  It was truly afraid of her, though she appeared to be making some headway, if she was able to lead the horse around on the long rope while the other horses stayed clear.
Horses that had been trained and bred to retain nerves of steel and ignore their fears, especially in the presence of Titans and the chaos of a battle, and apparently all of them were at least skittish around her.  That’s what he’d heard from the stablemaster, anyway.
Not a minor detail to be overlooked.  And a problem, if she couldn’t get around it.  Clearly, though, she was putting in the effort and time to fix it, and she didn’t mind going at the proper pace instead of trying to rush it.  From what he’d been able to observe, she was also approaching the situation with an admirable amount of patience, no outward signs of frustration or anger when she reached a setback and had to back up a foot or so on the rope instead of shortening it a little more.  Her approach changed slightly each time, too, attempting to adjust to fix whatever she’d done wrong the previous try.
Well, at least she had some positive character traits to be discovered alongside the worrisome fact about the horses he wasn’t going to ignore.  So he could give her some merit while his suspicion raised a little more.
Levi turned at the sound of his title, noticing the individual approaching him from the main building, a file in hand.  He snapped a salute when he reached Levi, then held out the file for him to take.  “You asked for the file on Cadet Y/N L/N.”
Levi nodded and took the file from him.  “Thanks.  You can go,” he said in a distracted tone, already opening the file as the soldier walked away.
His eyes scanned the information in the file, which was surprisingly scarce.  Her place of residence was formerly Wall Rose, there was no living family, no record as he thought there might be after their spar.  She ranked sixth in her class--which didn’t at all match the spar they’d had, and gave further credit to his belief she was purposely holding herself back even when it mattered for placement.  Maybe she wanted to avoid the spotlight?  She wanted her talents to be recognized, but she didn’t want them front and center since she was still trying to scrape by without her full potential being noticed.  She excelled in individual evaluations, especially the physical and instinctual, but seemed to have some problem with others.  It was noted in her file that she was a loner and outcast during training, suggesting teamwork might be a point of issue with her.  The opinion of her classmates might shed some light on that matter--it could have easily been the other party and not necessarily her that was the issue.  Some of her classmates had joined the Scouts as well, if he remembered correctly, so there were some around that could be asked.
Levi reached the end of the file far sooner than he expected.
There weren’t any official documents giving age or place of birth, just an inked in note marking that she was in her early twenties--older than most new recruits, strangely enough--and the name of the town she was born in.  There weren’t any legal documents, and no visible records of her existence before she started leaving a trail behind in Wall Rose two years ago, with a rented space in her name and her official application to join the Cadet Corps the only real official documents here.
That shouldn’t have been possible.  Of course, if she lived in the Underground beforehand, it would make perfect sense for her to have no trail until she surfaced, but it was right here in ink that she was born within Wall Rose.
Had she lied?  Had she somehow managed to get topside without official immigration and slipped right through the fingers of the authorities?  The Underground would have fit a little comfortably in his working picture of her--loner, exceptionally skilled in combat and other physical areas, not having a record before two years ago, the street fighting skills…
He wasn’t going to write off the Underground yet, but how she might have gotten topside needed some fleshing out before he could consider it more seriously.
Appearing out of the blue and an unknown past only made Levi’s unease grow.  Maybe if there was more, he could have deduced what her reason for joining the military--hell, joining the Scouts--was.
More questions, and not much in the way of answers.
Dissatisfied, Levi returned to his position resting against the wall with the file now tucked under an arm, watching as the speckled grey horse with the black to white mane gradually came closer to her as the rope slowly shortened, but it’s caution and unexplained fear still kept it out of her arm's reach.
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The new recruit in front of him was so nervous he was trembling.  He might have thought he was hiding it well, but it was plain as day to Levi, who was leaning against the wall sipping on his cup of tea with eyes fixed forward on the recruit sitting on the other side of his desk.  He’d called the young man in as a sort of character reference for L/N, asking him to state his opinion on the young woman’s abilities and if they were an asset to the Scouts.
His final question, however, had caused the recruit’s suddenly shifty demeanor, and Levi’s gaze narrowed slightly at him when he hesitated.
“Are there any qualities you feel she possesses that would be harmful to the Scouts?”
The recruit across from him couldn’t look Levi in the eyes, on the brink of saying something, but for some reason holding himself back.  Levi waited for several moments before there was a spark of impatience starting to grow in him.
“Spit it out.”
The recruit’s shoulders hunched slightly, and he started to haltingly speak.  “She doesn’t exactly get along with other people.”
Well, that could mean a lot of things.  Levi wasn’t the friendliest person in the world, but that didn’t stop him from doing his damn job.  Antisocial didn’t necessarily count as something that negated her ability to perform in the field.  This kid needed to be more specific.
“Does she start fights with her comrades?” Levi asked bluntly.
“No, but she has been in a few--”
“Does she fail to communicate in the field?”
“Never, though--”
“Is she incapable of working as part of a group?”
“Not really--”
“Does she take actions that could cause harm to other members of the team in the field?”
“I haven’t--”
Levi let out a slow sigh.  He kept interrupting the recruit because he didn’t need long winded answers that spun the narrative a certain way.  He already knew he couldn’t entirely trust the feedback this kid was going to give him, because either he would downplay her abilities and up-play her flaws to make himself look better, or vice versa to make her look better, all based off the assumption Levi was asking because Levi was looking to have her join his squad.
It wasn’t too far off the mark, but Levi was considering adding her less and less the farther he dug into her background.  And while he knew he couldn’t trust much of what the kid was going to say to his face, that wasn’t the point.  It was what came after this that mattered the most, and it still gave him something to work with to get a little further in his investigation.
She communicated and worked just fine in a group, and while she had been in fights before, she hadn’t been the one to start them.  It was starting to look more like harassment of some degree on the other side that kept her from interacting much with her peers.  Aside from the pretty much confirmed antisocial behavior outside of the field, of course.
“You have to be more specific than ‘she doesn’t play well with others.’  I don’t always get along with other people--that doesn’t keep me from doing my job,” Levi deadpanned.
The recruit was really struggling to get it out now, his face all twisted up as he tried to rework his words.  “While her skills are undeniable, socially, her relationship with her peers is...poor.”
Is that really what this amounted to?  No one liked her because she wasn’t friendly enough with them?  “Your complaint is that she’s not a social butterfly?”
“It’s more than that, sir, she’s not…”
Levi waited another five seconds before he decided this wasn’t being productive anymore.  Time to kick him out of the office and go on to the next part, then.  “Either come up with a solid answer, or I’ll take your silence as a no so you can leave to take care of that constipated look on your face.”
The recruit looked put out and frustrated, but he ended up standing from the chair and leaving, Levi watching him silently from over the rim of his cup and eyes lingering on the door after it had closed.
This sneaking around behind the scenes getting dirt on people was usually more Erwin’s speed, but Levi had been around Erwin long enough to pick up a few tricks of his own to use when necessary, like in moments like this.  Levi could be subtle when he wanted to.
A few moments after the recruit walked out his door, Levi finished his tea, set down the empty cup on his desk, and followed after him, keeping far enough back that he wouldn’t be noticed.  Just as he’d suspected, the recruit found his way back to another pair of recruits and proceeded to go about cathartically bitching about the situation.
Levi missed the part where the other two asked why Levi wanted to talk to him in his office, but since that wasn’t the important part, Levi wasn’t too concerned, stopping just around the corner and pressing his shoulder against the wall to listen in to what they really had to say about L/N when it wasn’t being filtered by the intimidation of speaking with a superior.
“Of course miss ice princess is being considered for Captain Levi’s squad.  Why wouldn’t she?” the recruit who had been in Levi’s office was fuming.
“I don’t get why you two are so upset--if Captain Levi’s already asking about her, surely that’s because she has the potential, right?” asked the young woman in their group.
“You didn’t train with her--you didn’t see how downright infuriating she was!  If it wasn’t for the occasional lost spar round or missed question on a test, or a margin behind someone else in an endurance test, whatever it was, she still somehow managed to look perfect.  Even if you were ahead of her, it was like she was right there behind you!”
“Not to mention she didn’t even seem to try,” the third one muttered.
“Exactly!  We’d work our asses off, and then she would waltz in and do whatever they asked her to as if it was as natural as breathing!  It was so--so--so infuriating!”
“Sounds like you’re jealous,” the woman surmised.
“Wouldn’t you be upset?  She didn’t even try!  Then to make matters worse, she always acted like she was above us.  Yeah she usually beat us all in everything, but she didn’t even try to be nice about it.”
“Yeah--I know this girl who tried to be friends with her part way through training.  But she was always treating her like a plague--she’d move further away from her, or she’d ignore her attempts to talk to her or actively dodge her.  She made it pretty damn clear she wasn’t in the Corps to make friends.  And she was like that with everyone--she never let anyone get closer than necessary to her.  Sure, she’d give you some tips in the middle of training, but it was always just what was necessary, and she never let the conversation move to anything personal.  She’s a bitch,” the friend added.
“I figured all that time spent by herself, she was just focused on her training.  It got me certain that she was going to be top of the class--some say she should have.  Hell, I thought she’d be pissed when she got sixth, but I swear she looked pleased.  Pleased!  And I thought she wanted to at least make the top five with how fucking perfect she seemed.”
“Okay, so she was antisocial in training and she’s good enough at what she did that it made you all jealous.  I still don’t see anything that would make you hate her so much.  I’ve seen her around a few times and she doesn’t seem nearly as frigid as you all say.  Distant, yeah, but she seems...warm, if a bit melancholy,” the woman said thoughtfully.
“Don’t let it fool you.  She’s probably just trying to make a better impression now that she’s where she wants to be and is about to get placed--possibly in the best squad, now, too, apparently.”  There was the sound of a boot scuffing the stone, then a thwack of a broom handle being thumped against the offender’s head.  “Ow!  And she’s not warm and she’s not innocent.  I don’t know what she was doing, but she was up to something during training, even if we couldn’t prove it.”
“Oh?  And what was it?  She managed to get an extra loaf of bread on her plate?” the woman asked almost mockingly.  Clearly she wasn’t convinced by their ranting.
“One of the most infuriating things about her was how she could break the rules and still get away with it!  She used to sneak out all the time at night while we were in the Cadets, but no one could ever catch her.  Even when we gave the instructors a warning that she would be sneaking out again soon, she still wouldn’t get caught, and we’d get in trouble for lying about a classmate.  Not once was she caught, and we had classmates that could attest to her not being in bed at some point in the night, so we knew it was happening!  But we could never prove it.  It still drives me nuts to this day!”
“If you kick this floor again, I’ll hit you even harder--you are not messing up the cleaning job I’ve been working so hard on!” the woman fumed suddenly, and there was a bit of a scuffle before things calmed down again.
“I swear, if Captain Levi puts her on his squad I’m going to be so fucking--”
“Look at the bright side, you probably won’t have to deal with her anymore if that happens, because you’re nowhere near that league,” the friend teased.  It sounded like there was going to be another scuffle breaking out, so Levi finally stepped around the corner to make himself known.
The two boys immediately panicked, while the woman snapped to attention, eyes flickering to a fresh scuff mark on the stone with a clearly upset face to see the two were already back to mucking up her hard work.  Levi ignored the two who were scrambling to their feet and trying to snap to a salute, walking past all three without even glancing at them.
“Get back to cleaning.  And find another place to bitch about superiors,” he added before he continued down the hall and out of earshot once more.
There was nothing wrong with a little bitching to get it out of your system, but at least have the decency to do it somewhere less public where anyone could find and hear you.
However, Levi officially had some honest first hand accounts of her relationship to her peers, and a lead he could follow further into this mystery.
She snuck out a lot at night when she was in the cadets, huh?  He wondered if she was still doing that now…
It seemed he had something to do now in the hours insomnia kept him from sleeping.  He could keep an eye out to see if she was sneaking out, and try to figure out where she was going on these little escapades if they were, in fact, continuing after leaving the Cadets.
The more he looked into her, the more uneasy he became.  He was already at the point where he knew he was going to have to bring up his concerns to Erwin, but he was going to make sure he’d gone as far as he could with this investigation of his before he went to Erwin.
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For the first few nights after hearing about L/N’s nightly escapades in the cadets, Levi didn’t catch anything amiss.  He was well aware of the best spots in this building to sneak out at this point, and had several points he liked to retreat to for some alone time that just happened to give him a good view of the surrounding area.  He was fairly confident that if she tried to sneak out, he would be able to spot her as long as he was looking--which he was.
By the fifth night, he seriously considered the possibility that if she was doing something shady such as meeting a co-conspirator in the the night, the wise thing would be to cut all communication once she was inside the Scouts.  If her nightly actions were something dastardly like that, then it was entirely possible that he wouldn’t see her sneak out because she wouldn’t make the attempts now in such a high risk area.
Still, Levi kept an eye out, always near a window at night so he could peer out into the darkness and see anyone trying to slip away if it did happen.
At long last, almost three weeks after the recruits had first arrived, he managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of a hooded figure moving in the darkness away from the building.  Believing it to be L/N, he got up from his seat immediately, taking the less forgiving but more direct route of climbing out the window and down to the ground so he could close the distance before she left his sight entirely and he lost track of her.  Going through the building down to the ground floor and to a proper exit would have taken him too long, so his unconventional route was one he didn’t second guess.
Landing quietly on the paved stones, Levi crept forward at a walk that was barely restrained from becoming a jog for the first few moments, keeping to the shadows like his quarry as he attempted to follow after her.  He wasn’t armed in case there was trouble, mostly because he didn’t get the luxury of enough time to grab a weapon--he’d only caught a fleeting glimpse, so he’d had to act instantly.
Levi managed to catch up to where he would want to be on a tail after two streets, feeling himself settle down internally once he was the desired distance away.  She didn’t slow down, plowing forwards with a purpose that told him she knew exactly where she was going and she was going to waste no time getting there--he just had to keep up.
Yes, she.  He didn’t have confirmation that it was her, but he was operating off the assumption it was between the story he’d heard and the fact he’d been waiting for something like this to happen and her to be the culprit.
He continued to follow her street after street, taking several corners, occasionally losing sight of her before he caught movement again and continued on the path.  After a few minutes, however, he realized these direction changes weren’t exactly pointed and purposeful, but random.  They happened too suddenly and without warning for them to be planned.
She knew he was following her, and she was trying to shake him.
Hoping to make her think that she lost him, Levi slowed down his pace, allowing her to pull a little further ahead, far enough away it would be more difficult for him to follow, but at the same time it would give her the impression that he was too far away and that she lost him.
Levi managed to make it a few more streets this way, catching the edge of a cape or a flash of movement as she turned a corner to give him a direction, until suddenly, he realized he couldn’t hear footsteps or any other sound in the night, and he no longer had even a fleeting visual on her in order to give him a sense of direction.
That wasn’t possible.  Pulling back had been risky, yes, but he’d been sure he could still keep track of her.  And he should have at least been able to hear footsteps in the distance, because she would have had to speed up to lose him so suddenly.
Did she have ODM gear hidden under her cape?  Had she taken for the skies to get out of visible range of the streets?
Wanting to test the theory before she could get too far, Levi used window sills, boxes by stalls, wooden awnings, whatever he could to climb up to the roof of one of the buildings, turning around swiftly with his head on a swivel as he tried to catch a glimpse of movement, a figure moving through the night either on ODM gear or on the streets down below.
Nothing.  It was just him standing alone on this roof in the night’s silence.
Where the hell had she gone?
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“Levi...why didn’t you bring this to my attention sooner?”
Levi scowled, meeting Erwin’s serious expression head on before he turned to move again, occasionally crossing the floor at an extremely slow pace, stopping for a while before he would turn around and move again.  Considering Levi usually remained stationary, it counted as a sign of unease.
He had just come to Erwin with what he knew about L/N, which admittedly wasn’t much.  For the most part, he was simply telling Erwin about his concerns and a bad feeling that he’d been harboring since meeting her.  He did have some legitimate red flags, like her apparent trips out into the night that were continuing here at the Scouts and her lack of a record from before two years ago with nothing to show she might have been from the Underground.
“Because it was just basic curiosity at first, but the more I heard, the more I had to be concerned about,” Levi said pointedly, lips pulled down in a prominent frown as he mulled over everything in his mind.
“Well, based off what you’ve been able to find out, if she is a threat, how much of a threat would she be,” Erwin asked patiently, his eyes continuing to track Levi as he moved about the room.  Levi stopped, turning his head slightly in Erwin’s direction.
“Erwin...she had me.  In that spar on the training grounds.  But at the last second, she shifted and threw the match,” Levi explained quietly.
“...I see.”
Levi turned around all the way to see Erwin sitting forward in his chair, hands laced together in front of him and pressed against his lips, eyebrows furrowed together in contemplation.
“Don’t mark her as an enemy in your mind, yet, Levi.  Let this play out a while longer, first.  This may be a situation where we need to spring the trap after it’s set to truly know the situation.  So far, she hasn’t done anything to hurt humanity’s mission regarding the Titans.  I don’t like how many unknowns there are with her, either, which is precisely why we have to approach this correctly.  There’s as much a chance we could be wrong as there is that we can be right about her intentions.”  Erwin’s hands carefully folded back over one another on top of the table, Erwin turning his gaze on Levi with that expression of his that usually appeared when he was mentally calculating a gamble.  “Continue your investigation as you see fit, so long as you don’t outright antagonize her.  We don’t want to risk driving her off, if these skills your glimpsing are as strong as your intuition tells you they are.  She could still be a great asset if she’s truly on our side.  Keep an eye on her, try to figure out at least if her intentions align with our own or run against them.”
“And you?” Levi asked suspiciously, looking to see if that gambling air about Erwin was tipping over into the dangerous side of things.
Erwin hummed.  “I’ll do some digging of my own, see what I can find.  Of course, if you can’t find anything concrete by the next expedition, going beyond the walls will allow you to get not only a stronger grasp on the skills she’s bringing to the table, but will help with figuring out her general intentions.”
“I don’t like the thought of having to babysit while we’re out there,” Levi returned flatly.  Expeditions were far too unpredictable as they were without adding a mysterious woman of unknown capabilities and intentions along for the ride with the task to keep a sharp eye on her and evaluate her every move.
“Then perhaps you’ll want to find out if you can trust her out there or not, first.  I know you can’t guarantee finding the answers to all of your questions in such a short amount of time, but you could at least find out if she will have the back of her fellow scouts on the first expedition,” Erwin said with a pointed look.  Levi could already tell this mess might get a little ugly, but at the very least, knowing he could trust her not to turn and kill someone on the expedition would go a long way in making his job digging into her background a lot easier.
After Levi gave a nod of confirmation, Erwin continued.  “In the meantime, I’ll make sure she’s placed in the formation so that she’s within your sight at all times.  Considering the rumors you’ve stirred up that you might be looking to recruit her to your squad, it would only make sense for you to be watching her out in the field to see how she does.  It’s also a nice excuse for you to make a few more direct inquiries to L/N, herself.  You’ve done plenty of work in the background, I think it’s safe to say you can start approaching her as well.  Subtly, of course.”
“After she shook me last night, she might already be on edge,” Levi pointed out.  She had to have known someone followed her.  There were no guarantees that she knew it was Levi, and he didn’t think she’d had the chance to confirm who was following her any more than he’d had a chance to confirm if he was following her.
“Then be careful about it.  But whenever you come to a decision about whether she’s a danger or not, I want to know.  This will go a lot smoother and faster if we’re sharing information.”
“I’m not stupid, Erwin,” Levi said with a long-suffering sigh, straightening up.  “Anything else?”
Erwin’s lips twitched upwards towards a smile, his hands moving to a drawer to pull out some paper and ink.  “Have fun making a new friend.”
Levi scowled again, turning to leave after it was clear Erwin was ready to move on to the next thing.  He was a little worried about this task to test L/N’s intentions to help the scouts before going out into the field, especially because he knew that look of Erwin’s meant he would set it up and Levi would simply have to observe.
But, he did have his own ways of testing her out as a person, and some people he could get to help without having to inform them of everything behind it.  He was already observing her from a distance and could safely continue to do so.  With the rumors going around he was looking to take her in under his wing, he could use that to his advantage to ask a few questions and approach her at the right times.
Yet, despite the fact he knew he would have help in prodding at her to see a bit more of what she was made of, he couldn’t help but notice that his sense of unease that had been tickling in the back of his mind was not shrinking.  If anything, it only seemed more prevalent.  As long as he continued to have this feeling of unease about her, he wasn’t going to let the matter rest.  He was going to figure out what she was hiding, if only so he could assuage or confirm his suspicions before they grew wildly out of control.
At least it seemed Erwin shared his concern, confirming it wasn’t all in his head, and there was cause to worry.  He only hoped they could figure out what was going on here before they had to spring the trap, as Erwin had suggested.
Levi shook his head.  He could worry about that, later.  First, he had a recruit to get a feel of before they went outside the walls, and he had to make sure he didn’t spook her while learning what made her tick.
Thankfully, he already had a pretty good idea where to find her in her down time, with all the work she’d been putting in to fix the one glaring flaw in her ability to go outside the walls.
The stables.
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Next Chapter---->
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo
Wings in the Dark Tags:  @regalillegal @animeluver23 @theshylittleelfgirl @queenthorin1 @dilucs-thighs
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub Retrobricking: 1.7.3, “A Tempest in a Skull” and 1.7.4, “Forms That Suffering Takes in Sleep”
Between con planning and fic writing, I fell way off the brickclub wagon. Hoping to get back on it day-to-day with Waterloo, starting next week; meanwhile, this is the start of an extremely scattershot writeup of my margin notes from the last 70-odd pages, organized more thematically than anything else.
(All quotes from Donougher, except for a bunch of the chapter titles because the FMA ones are just engraved in my brain. Also, can I say how excited I am to look ahead and see just how many notes Donougher has for Waterloo? SO MANY NOTES. SO EXCITE. Also excited for CONVENT NOTES.)
Firstly—the entire sequence of the Tempest in a Skull, the trip to Arras, and the trial is just so *good*. Every time through I forget just how good, but it’s some of the most suspenseful writing I’ve ever read, even knowing what’s going to happen next—almost by heart at this point.
Ecce Homo: The chapter starts out by finally telling us, “The reader has no doubt guessed that Monsieur Madeleine is none other than Jean Valjean.” And then, having given him that name, it doesn’t use it for him again until he uses it himself, in the courtroom. For the next 50 pages, he’s just going to be called “the man.” (Or occasionally “the traveller,” which comes to the same thing.) And partly this is a nice piece of identity porn, withholding a name from the protagonist until he decides who he is going to be. But it’s also underscoring from the start the decision he’s going to make—to be *The* Man, Behold The Man, Voila Jean.
He’ll finally shed his name on his tombstone, in another parallel to Napoleon, whose monument has no name because of a protocol disagreement over whether to use his last name. Valjean tries to shed it here—to just be *a* man—and he can’t; he can still be Madeleine, but the moment he drops that specific alias, anonymity just makes him Voila Jean again.
It feels appropriate to that—as well as very believable as a character note—that he keeps making his preparations to go to Arras, to drop his life as Madeleine, automatically, in a sort of fugue state. When he does stop and think, we get the recurring insistence to himself that Champmathieu was probably guilty, that he probably deserved to go to the galleys for something. It’s awful, though believable.
—In the opening paragraphs, there are two Dante references which mostly don’t seem to be followed up on, but which do make me look twice at his remembering, in the courtroom, that his previous trial was 27 years ago. Valjean is 54; his first descent into hell came exactly in the middle of his life to that point, which does call back to Dante’s *media vita.*
—We also get an aside about how noble it would have been had Valjean not hesitated in walking “toward that yawning precipice at the bottom of which lay heaven.” Hugo really, really likes that inverted abyss image; it keeps coming up over and over.
And wow Hugo’s just stopped being subtle at all about the Christ thing. (Okay, the brief mention of his burning the credit notes for money owed to him by small shopkeepers—literally forgiving his debtors—is a little subtle.) But early on, we get the explicit comparison to “another condemned man 2000 years ago,” on the off chance that we hadn’t picked it up yet, and the chapter ends with a longer and quite lovely Gethsemane comparison that also picks up on that inverted abyss image:
“Thus did this poor soul struggle in its anguish. Eighteen hundred years before this ill-fated man, the mysterious being in whom are concentrated all the saintliness and all the sufferings of humanity had also refused for a long time the terrible chalice, streaming with darkness and brimming with shadows, that appeared to him in the star-filled depths, while the olive trees shook in the fierce blast of the infinite.”
Petit-Gervais: The shade of Petit-Gervais is all over these chapters—reasonably so, since that is the second offense that has been on Valjean’s record all this time, and that would still send him to the galleys or the guillotine without even needing to consider, say, all the fraud he’s been doing as a matter of course to maintain his identity as Madeleine. (Including the passport he used TO VOTE IN THE ELECTIONS. Because Madeleine is that wealthy.)
And that made me stop and think about how weird it seems, honestly, that an itinerant child chimney sweep would have reported the theft—would have trusted authorities enough not just to think it was worth reporting, but to trust that he wouldn’t draw any hostility, or risk arrest for vagrancy or be accused of any local petty crimes.
And then I wondered whether he reported it because he knew you could trust the authorities in Digne to take it seriously, because the bishop would hear about it. And then I had a sad.
The Dream: The beginning of the dream in 1.7.4 recalls the Petit-Gervais incident, of course, with its empty dust-colored plain and lone rider. But I was also reminded of it by the brief waking dream in 1.7.3: “He felt as if he had just woken from some sort of dream and had found himself sliding down a slope in the middle of the night, standing, shivering, backing away in vain, on the very brink of an abyss. He distinctly perceived in the gloom a man he did not know, a stranger that destiny mistook for him and was pushing into the chasm in his place.” It feels like the missing piece that ties all those abysses and inverted abysses into the P-G scene, with its terrible open space under the sky.
The brother has them take a sunken road, where nothing grows and everything is the color of earth. It’s clearly the grave, and now we know to be afraid when we first read about the sunken road in Waterloo.
Beyond that—I just always love how realistically weird this dream is. It feels like an actual dream—in some places transparent, in some just random (“Why Romainville?”), but mostly very clearly significant in ways that don’t obviously map onto any single reading. Why does Valjean keep walking into empty houses, rooms, streets, and only finding a man in the second one he enters? I would say it’s because the first place is Madeleine, where he is now, and he doesn’t have a self there, but honestly hell if I know. It’s a dream.
Fursona Watch: Valjean himself thinks of Javert as a hunting-dog, possibly for the first time. (Also, I really want to come back to the voice, of God or conscience, that tells Valjean to burn the candlesticks when we get to Derailed; their diction is so similar.)
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jellybeanbeing · 5 years
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare
WARNING: It’s gon’ be long.
What if damnation is the price of true love?
Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks.
Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
Queen of Air and Darkness was INTENSE. My goodness... There was so much stuff that happened and were packed into this book. It was amazing and so well done with some exceptions but I’ll get into it later on. Overall, it was so emotional, dynamic, and great! And since this book was so big, I’m gonna try to go over every storyline(?) or significant character.
Starting off with Ty/Kit/Dru. I knew that some necromancy was gonna happen and I was prepared for it, BUT I thought that Livvy’s ghost was gonna pop up and say “stop it” and then everything would go back. Apparently, that’s not what happens. Ty now has to face his consequences which I’m pretty sure we’re going to see in The Wicked Powers. I wasn’t so invested in their story line, mostly because it didn’t have a big relation with the bigger story line. I felt like it was all set up for Kit and Ty’s story. I did really enjoy it though. We get to see more layers of Kit and Ty, and even Dru. I really loved getting to know Dru more. She has such a great voice and seeing things from her perspective was so interesting. I’m really excited to get more from her because what we did get from her in QOAAD, I really liked. She’s so smart, strong, and has a lot of potential to grown and be an even more amazing character.
I am loving Kit even more as we get to know him and the complexity of his character. I can understand his decision at the end when he wants to leave with Tessa and Jem without saying goodbye to the Blackthorns (especially Ty). Since Livvy’s death, all Kit did was be there for Ty even if what he was doing was really wrong. But when they both were at Lake Lyn and Livvy’s ghost came up, Ty was saying how there was nothing for him if Livvy wasn’t there, and that hurt Kit. So I can understand Kit’s decision. On another note though, KIT IS THE DESCENDANT OF THE FIRST HEIR? And that scene where he and Emma are with the Riders and magic just bursts out of him? How did that even happen? I need to know what is up with that. Again, on another note, I am always loving how Kit is accepting the fact that he’s a Shadowhunter. I love a good character development, and Kit’s development is so good. When he has that conversation with Jace, Kit wants his own weapon of choice and it was such a precious scene. We can really see Kit’s growing love of being a Shadowhunter.
We didn’t get a Ty perspective AT ALL in QOAAD so I’m really thinking Cassandra Clare is saving his voice for TWP which I’m all for. We’ll get to hear his voice and it’ll be so great. Ty was really something in this book though. I was lowkey kind of getting Julian-ish vibes from him. Ty was so determined to fix himself and his family that he completely forgot the logistics of everything and tried to do the almost impossible. We saw that Blackthorn stubbornness in him and I wasn’t all about it. I JUST NEED HIS PERSPECTIVE because when he got that letter from Thule Livvy, it seemed like he didn’t care. Not even a tiny bit. I just... I need TWP now. On a side note, holy mole. What if the Thule Jace coming to the normal Shadowhunter world is the consequence for Ty trying to raise Livvy? The necromancy could’ve opened a portal and let them pass through. Oh shit. DAMN IT. That means Ty will have to face this consequence and there’s gonna be another war. Are you kidding me?
I want to explore the Scholomance more. With just the small scenes we get of it, it seems so interesting. They weren’t happy or jolly scenes but something about it makes me want to delve in the Centurions lives more. I’m hoping that in The Wicked Powers, we will get to see more of the Scholomance. Especially since Ty is going to become a Centurion which WOW. I can’t wait for it. 
Moving onto Diana/Jia. Seeing things from their perspectives was pretty interesting considering that they are really the only adults here besides the TMI gang. We really saw the politics during their parts and it was unsettling because of the parallels it had with our real world politics. That was one thing that scared me. We know how things have gone in the real world when hateful people and extremists have power and influence. With those parallels, we can kind of grasp at how high the stakes are within the Shadowhunter government. There was that scene where Diego, Divya, and Rayan are brought upon the council and have the runes of Quietude put on them so they can’t speak. This hit me hard and made me tear up because it was so real. They, who are still basically children, aren’t given the chance to speak for themselves and are imprisoned. It was so heartbreaking to read that scene. But overall, I didn’t really care for Diana/Jia’s story line because nothing really happened.
There was that one badass scene where Diana was talking to Horace and he’s trying to convince her to side with him. I was so nervous that Diana wouldn’t have a way out of it and when she agreed to it, I was like, WE ARE FUCKED. But no. Diana grabs Horace’s sword, chops his arm off, and busts out the window like a BADASS. I was livid. 
And then the hot faerie threesome aka Cristina/Mark/Kieran. This was a pretty wild one. I absolutely loved the character development with every one of them. Not really Cristina because her character arc wasn’t that big or different. Mark and Kieran have come so far from being these broken faerie warriors to these strong and amazing people. It makes my heart ache and feel so happy. Oh my gosh, that last scene with the three of them at Magnus and Alec’s wedding, killed me. There’s that recurring line “Remember that none of it is real.” and at the end, Mark says, “Remember that all of this is real.” RIGHT IN THE FEELS.
I need to know more about the relationship between the Rosales family and faeries. There are so many unanswered questions with this. Why does Cristina have that time medallion thingy and the Rosales have the Eternidad? And I’m pretty sure there’s something sketchy about all of that. I need answers...
Speaking of the Rosales, Diego and Jaime? I actually really liked them in this book. I was pissed at Diego for lying to Cristina but he kind of redeemed his character. He showed his compassion and kindness which I really liked, and he apologized to Cristina. He confronted the situation and knew what he did was really shitty. Side note: I really ship him with Divya and I’m hoping to see them both in TWP at the Scholomance with Ty. ALSO, Diego was asked to take the spot as Inquisitor????? Would’ve never thought of Diego as the Inquisitor but I’m not mad. Yay, Diego. Jaime literally didn’t have a huge role in here and I felt like he was just there to set up TWP story line. For a second when Diego and Jaime were in the cell together, I thought that Jaime was going to die. I think it would’ve added so much more drama if he did die and given them something to hold against the Cohort but it’s okay. Jaime lived so yay.
Really quick before we get into Emma and Julian’s part, Aline was probably one of my top favorite characters in QOAAD. She was so sassy and always stood up for Helen. She was also so understanding and logical. Aline is quick to catch onto things and I’m hoping we get to see more or Helen and Aline and their POSSIBLE BABY.
Now let’s get to Emma and Julian. I was kind of disappointed in their characters, not gonna lie. I was really liking them in the beginning but towards the end, I was beginning to not really care if they lived or not. It just makes me sad because they’re the main characters. But if I’m gonna be REAL HONEST here, I didn’t really care for anyone’s story line. This pains me to say SO MUCH because this is my favorite series in the entire Shadowhunter Chronicles. 
Anyways, back to Emma and Julian. I was really liking borderline evil Julian. He was really living up to his ruthless title and it was so interesting. I seriously thought that his character would just continue to go downhill and no one was going to or could save him from it. That scene where Emma and Julian find out that Dane Larkspear was following them and then Julian MURDERS HIM sent chills down my spine. Julian was so cold and heartless in that moment and I kind of liked it. Also, call me heartless too but Dane deserved it. When he decided to go fetch the Black Volume by himself, he was asking to be killed. Back to Julian, though I liked borderline evil and emotionless Julian, he was such an asshole. Not only did he lie to and hurt Emma, he also did the same thing to his siblings. What the fudge nuggets, Julian? I was so glad that Magnus took that spell off of him because I was low key getting irritated. BUT that spell should have never been put on him in the first place, just saying.
I still think Emma is such a great strong female lead character. As I said in my Lady Midnight review, she is strong both mentally and physically but she has emotions. She expresses those emotions and shows her vulnerabilities. She ain’t no stone cold badass who welds a sword around, threatening people all the time. She’s a cool badass and I love it. One thing I really liked was how when Emma and Julian are in Thule and Julian tells Emma that he can feel again, she doesn’t just jump at the chance to be with Julian. He hurt her and lied to her, and she ain’t about that. Even when they returned from Thule, Emma knew Julian wasn’t himself and restrained herself from getting hurt by him again. 
That battle scene in the Unseelie Court was probably one of the most epic scenes in this book for me. We get Jace and Clary back, Mark and Kieran are there in chains, about to die, and there’s also Adaon, Julian, Emma, and Cristina there. I almost forgot that ASH, ANNABEL, AND THE SEELIE QUEEN WERE THERE TOO! Everything just went to shit but Kieran killed the Unseelie King, the Seelie Queen stole Adaon, Ash and Annabel jump through that portal, and soon after when the building is in flames, Julian and Emma jump through the portal too. It was absolute chaos and I loved it. And you know what scene I lived for during this whole thing? It’s when Julian is stabbing the shit out of Ethna with Simon’s D&D figurine. Amazing.
This book made me realize how crucial or very helpful it is to have read The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I feel like if you’ve only really read TID and TDA, you won’t be able to grasp the how high the stakes are in Queen of Air and Darkness. Especially the whole deal with the Mortal sword and the Dark War.
Speaking of the Dark War.. when Emma and Julian went to Thule, I didn’t know what to expect but I was not expecting what we got. It was so different from what we know of the Shadowhunter world and it felt like a short novella inside QOAAD. But again, being honest here, that was the best part in this entire book. I was so captivated and entertained by this alternate dimension. Seeing Livia grown up and being a leader was just so nice to see, but it was also heartbreaking. 
Y’all, Cameron deserved so much more. I don’t know about you guys but I didn’t really care or like Cameron because we got the bare minimum of him. I also don’t know if it was mentioned in the other books about how he was as a person but the way Emma described him in QOAAD, he seemed like a sweet and goofy guy. I mean, this boy sent Emma llama pictures when he was sad. How precious is that? He was done dirty in this book. He was locked in the city of bones while fighting for his life by his girlfriend Livvy, got stabbed by his own cousin, and was ridiculed by his entire family. Cameron needs a hug.
I am so loving how the writing and characters in this book are getting so (dare i say) “rebellious”. Cassandra Clare isn’t sugar coating ANYTHING OR ANYONE anymore. I just want to appreciate the appearance of curse words whether its in English or another language. My rebellious heart loves it. I think this also ties into the fact that a lot of these characters are so done with the bullshit that’s been thrown at them that they just don’t care about censoring themselves anymore.
Zara and the entire Cohort can go choke. That’s all I’m gonna say about them.
That last battle scene was just intense. And the build up for this scene was equally as intense. I just absolutely loved how Julian got his shit together and remembered who he was. He is a motherforking genius. He contacted everyone he knew and set up that meeting. This seventeen year old boy did that. He was also smart enough to know that there was obviously going to be spies at the meeting so he had a secluded one after the majority of people left. I knew the Cohort was screwed from there on out, even when it was revealed that “Oskar” was Annabel. I was shocked but I knew they were gonna be in deep shit. But back to that last battle scene. What the fork? Everything was going pretty smoothly until someone just had to throw the knife and kill someone. I was living for that scene with the Mortal Sword. Everything was coming out and it was so amazing. But shit happened, so there’s that. 
The ending for this battle scene was a different kind of battle scene that I’m used to reading. Usually the perspective stays within the battle but Cassandra Clare included ALL perspectives of this battle, on field and out. I seriously thought that after Emma and Julian became giants, they were going to die or have all of their marks stripped. I really didn’t think they were have a happy ending. I mean, I’m happy they did but, it just doesn’t make sense. Also, I was not expecting Emma and Julian to become giants. Was it only me who imagined them as the Green Giant from the frozen vegetables thingy? Haha, yeah, just me.
I did really like how we saw so many perspectives of the battle. It made for a really good battle scene, but I guess I was a bit underwhelmed by the entire ending of this book.
THAT EPILOGUE? I was kind of expecting to get an epilogue similar to the one in Clockwork Princess. In Clockwork Princess, we get closure and I felt satisfied with the entire story but THE QOAAD EPILOGUE? I’m unsettled and I have to wait until around 2022 FOR ANSWERS. My heart will be unsettled for about 4 years. Okay. Cool.
Just the fact that this whole situation is coming full circle back to TMI but with it being more complex, is making me so tired of these assholes coming back to fuck shit up. Let these children be, goddamn it. 
I seriously thought I would feel at ease when I finished QOAAD but I don’t. That’s the one thing that bothers me. This book is so big yet we have SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS AND LOOSE ENDS. Please fucking yell at me if this was also the situation for COHF because it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read it.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed some aspect of this even if it’s complete shit.
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pizzamaximoff · 7 years
Motorbikes and Medical Care  (Jason Todd x Reader)
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(lmao of course I used Matthew Daddario for a Jason Gif)
The beginning was inspired by this prompt. Yes I know the title is shit.
Warnings: Slight Gore (only a lil) and Violence, cringey fluff, a lil moody Jason. Italics are a flashback thingy. Also not beta’d lol Word count: 3,100
Lungs burning, legs aching; every step they cried out in protest. They begged for you to stop but the adrenaline rushing through your veins from crown to toe was fuelling your every movement.  The loud and gruff shouts of the gang of brutes chasing you pierced through the night sky. Bullets flew incredibly close to you, narrowly missing and clanging loudly on the air ducts and various other parts of the rooftops. Ah, the lovely sounds of Gotham’s nights. Maybe you should move to Blüdhaven, possibly Star City? You skidded the corner of the building taking a sharp turn before not-so-gracefully jumping over the ledge to the next rooftop. The men yelled, promising to skin you alive or cut off your slippery fingers once they got hold of you. Some still raining bullets down as you made your way down the fire escape. You moved quickly: it was only a matter of time before they managed to find another way down and continue to hunt you. By now the adrenaline was wearing off, heavy pants left you as you doubled over in exhaustion and pain. You walked forward and winced, a sharp pain in your side. Gently brushing a hand over your side you recoiled, the blood on your fingertips clearly indicating a bullet had more than grazed you. “Shit.” you whispered out through clenched teeth. Suddenly, this little job didn't seem as fun as you first thought.
Vaulting yourself over the back of the couch, you popped down onto the cushioned leather surface. You had climbed in through the apartment window, silently and carefully, the sudden noise startled the short black haired woman facing away from you. She spun around, instantly moving to a fighting stance, teeth bared. Her snarl disappeared within a moment as she looked over you. She stood up straight, a bright smile on her face and open her arms for a hug. You grinned back, quick to stand and join the embrace. “Hey Auntie Selina! It's good to see you!” In truth she wasn't really your Aunt, just a close family friend, looking after you as a teenager after your parents passed. You followed in her rather bad footsteps, stealing and causing trouble. She didn’t approve at first but as you got older she learnt to let you go ahead. After all even if she tried to stop you, you’d still find a way to sneak out and wreck havoc. She taught you how to fight, how to be even more sneaky and many other of her tricks and trades. She smiled into your hair, mumbling something about how she missed you. It had been a few months since you’d last seen her: as an young adult you wanted to try things by yourself, you moved out of her apartment and found yourself a nice little place. You felt it was time to visit again. You talked for hours, eventually ordering a takeout and chatting into the night. In all honesty you came yo ask her something, you placed down your utensil, setting the empty plate on the coffee table in front of you. She sensed your change in attitude and followed suit, looking expectedly up at you. “Selina, can I ask you something?” You looked her in the eyes, her bright green ones glowing in curiosity like a cat. “Sure, (Y/N) , you know you can ask me anything” her voice as sincere as ever as she reached over to place a hand on your knee. “Do you think I could rob some of Falcone’s men?” You asked. She burst out laughing, causing your eyes to widen. “God (Y/N), I thought you were going to ask me something deep. Of course you can dear, I have the upmost belief in you. Just be careful with the guns though, and promise me you’ll call me when you’re done.” She smiled brightly at you, yet there was something hidden beneath those green eyes. “Sure thing Auntie!”
The heavy footsteps could be heard again, echoing throughout the twists and turns of the alley way. With a groan of both pain and annoyance you began to run again, albeit much slower than before. You reached the end of the alley and the voices were getting louder, closer. Quickly looking left and right you noticed a motorbike at the end of the dark street. As you reached the sleek vehicle you noticed it came with a rider. Broad shoulders covered by a thick brown leather jacket. A head of slightly wavy black hair, a streak of white only just visible in the low light. His eyes were tired and heavy, but the blue was still piercing and strong. He hadn't seemed to notice you yet but that was soon over as you jumped on the back of the robust bike, jolting him in the process. He turned to face you, those baby blue eyes narrowing at you, “What the fuck are you doing on my motorbike?” His scowl intensified, as you wrapped your arms around his middle. The group of Falcone’s goons burst out of the alley, guns in hand ready to shoot. You whipped your head back forward before shouting at him,”JusT DRIVE!” His eyes widened at the gang ready to riddle the pair of you with bullet holes. At a tremendous speed he pulled on a red helmet, completely concealing his handsome face and gorgeous hair. You took no notice of it at first, too eager to get out of the situation at hand. He sped off in an instant, the engine roaring with power like a panther. As the bike moved faster, weaving in and out of the traffic of Gotham, your grip on his waist tightened: you really did not want to fall off any time soon. What felt like seconds was actually 20 minutes and he came to a final stop in some sort of underground bunker. How you got in, well you weren’t paying attention to that. With shaky arms you pulled away from him and tentatively stepped off the bike ( causing you to wince in pain), him following soon after. You were getting fainter, all the running around had brought you to the brink of exhaustion. He removed the helmet and shook his locks, you staring in awe at the beauty. That was shortly over as he turned to continue glaring at you. His hand resting on one of the guns in his holsters. “Who the heck are you and why shouldn't I shoot you?” His rough voice had a smoothness to it, if it weren't for the gravity of the situation you would have been in a daze. You were too weary to be scared and so you held a hand up signalling for him to wait a moment. Looking up at him it was then you realised who he was. The red helmet and the red bat on his chest, he was The Red Hood. It was blatantly obvious. You groaned again, of course you'd manage to run into the merciless ‘vigilante’. “If you really wanted to kill me, you would’ve left me back on the street, Oh and thanks for not doing that” You spoke, your voice was weak at this point. He looked at you, skepticism etched onto his handsome face. “Look if you help me, maybe I can give you some of these?” You say, reaching into your pocket to pull out a couple of bedazzled chains, covered in jewels and precious metals. Taking a few of the Falcone’s most precious jewels was easy at first but, being the over confident self you are, you cocked up the exit process finding your way into the guards game of poker. Whoops. His eyes widened at the stones clutched in your hand. It’s not like he needed the money (evident by the gadgets and state of the bunker) but a little extra cash never did any harm. “Fine. I can do that” He spoke, voice seemingly disinterested. You rolled your eyes and chucked them at him haphazardly. He caught them one handed and you rolled your eyes again. It it was at that point he realised you were bleeding. He stepped towards you, lifting you up and causing you to squeak. He smirked in return. Making his way to a couch in a more relaxed area. “So are you ever gonna tell me your name or? I’m (Y/N) by the way. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He knitted his eyebrows in confusion at your rather spritely attitude as you proceeded to bleed. Placing you down onto the sofa he left to another area, quick to return with some medical supplies. He looked down at your side, the flesh not looking so good. “I’m gonna need you to lift your shirt, babe” You flushed at the pet name, usually you would cringe but when it came from him you quite enjoyed it. You did as he said, lifting the thick black material to your ribs. He proceeded to gently clean the wound, stopping when you winced to give you a moment. No words were spoken as he did so, the two of you falling into a comfortable silence.  He required you to stand as he kneeled, wrapping the soft bandage around your middle. Once done he made you lay back again before standing. The silence was broken as he spoke, “You can rest here for the night, it’ll be safe here.” He spoke plainly, picking up all the supplies in his arms. Before he walked away you spoke up. “What about tomorrow?” You said confused on his generosity. “We’ll discuss what to do then, just rest for now” He began to leave the small area but just before rounding the corner he stopped, turning his head to you one last time. “Oh and my name’s Jason” With that he sent you a charming grin and made his exit. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the sight and you let out a soft sigh. The lights flickered off and before you closed your eyes you whispered to yourself, “What a night”.
The next morning you awoke confused and warm. A deep burgundy blanket gently wrapped around your form. It took a moment for you to understand, your brain hazy with the veil of sleep before the memories came flooding back to you. You sat up quickly before collapsing back as a sharp pain ripped through your side. You shrieked at the feeling, holding onto your wound. Moments later Jason ran in, his hair disheveled. He was dressed casually, the dark red shirt he wore complimented his muscles rather nicely. He sighed in relief. “Jesus, I thought you were dying or something.” He chuckled taking steps towards you, he perched himself on the arm of the sofa, smiling down at you. “It bloody feels like I'm dying.” You grunted, struggling to pull yourself upright. He chuckled again at that. “First time being shot I’m guessing?” He asked and you looked up at him, eyes meeting those piercing blues. You stuttered over your words, feeling yourself getting lost in the beauty. “Y-yeah, well I'm usually much better at this. I'm mean most of the time people never notice I'm there. In and out in a jiffy” You said giving him a little smile through the pain. He gave a small laugh before shifting his view to your bandages. The blanket had been pushed to the side at this point. He let out a curse causing you to look back down at yourself and gasp too. The bleeding had started up again and had passed through the gauze. “I think you may need some more medical attention.” He spoke moving from his seat to pick you up. He walked through the main area of the bunker passing a large computer system and towards a large area of sorts. You grimaced at the movement and thought of where he would be taking you. “I’m not going to a hospital, just drop me off at my Aunt Selina’s place and she’ll know what to do.” Jason froze at the mention of your Aunt’s name. You turned to him, curious to why he stopped. He looked at you, eyes wide and brows raised. “Selina, as in Selina Kyle?” He asked mouth slightly ajar. You nodded, head tilting soon after. “You know her? How?” after speaking it hit you, If he was Red Hood he must have known her as Catwoman. “Oh!” You exclaimed. He continued to stare in shock. “You’re her niece? The one Bruce mentions?” You explained to him your relationship with her and it takes him only a moment to understand, you then ask him of his with the billionaire Bruce Wayne. You had met him a few times through Selina. He’s eyes narrowed slightly at this, clearly there was some form of drama between them. “Speaking of him, he might kill me if he finds out I let Selina’s dear niece bleed out. So maybe we should get you sorted”. You hummed in agreement and he smiled before leading you to a car.
Jason had taken you to Wayne Manor, feeling it would be the best place to get help without having to explain to the hospital what happened. You were greeted by well mannered older gentleman, who introduced himself politely as Alfred Pennyworth before ushering you to one of the many glamorous bedrooms. Bruce wasn’t home at the moment, much to Jason’s pleasure (He wasn’t too keen on a scolding from the Bat for not getting you sorted soon enough). The wound had to be stitched and and dressed properly which the butler carried out. You were rather shocked at his skills, but didn’t dare question it, fearing it may seem rude. Sure the process was painful but Alfred insisted Jason stay by your side for moral support; in other words you used him to grip your nails into to distract the pain, turning him into a human pin cushion to his dismay. Soon enough it was over, you thanked Alfred only for him to assure you it was no problem. You then apologised to Jason for the rough treatment. He let a pained smile appear on his face as he rubbed his palm. Alfred had left the room to clean the blood and Jason stood but before he could step away you grabbled his wrist, causing him to turn to face you. A flush rose to your cheeks as you averted your eyes from his. Quietly mumbling more to yourself than him. “Could you stay?” He smiled at this, a bright and genuine one, and a fine dusting of red blossomed on his cheeks. “Sure thing.” He laid next to you, the grip on his wrist slipping to his hand which he welcomed by gripping your hand back. “This was my room, you know?” he spoke, his voice quiet and remorseful. Your eyes scanned the room, clearly that of a teenage boy, before turning to face him. He faced up a small almost sad smile on his lips. Noticing your stare he turned to face you and your eyes met once again, this time none of you broke away. You let yourself sink in the cerulean pools. He was gorgeous. A soft smile made its way onto your lips as his other hand cupped your cheek. “Hey, I’m glad you jumped on my bike last night, you're quite an interesting one, cute too”, you giggled softly at this. “You’re not so bad yourself, Jason” He chuckled in response before sighing. Silence fell and the sun set. Soon enough you drifted into the realm of sleep, the soft sounds of Jason’s breathing lulling you to sleep.
Selina hurried at Bruce’s side, the tall man walking up the steps of his manor. Night had fallen and Selina was beyond worried. “Bruce I need you to help me, I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to her.” She was desperate, he had never seen her like this, tears welling in her once bright eyes. He was eager to help, this emotional side of Selina having him shocked and worried. “I knew I should’ve followed her, God I was so stupid to let her do this!” She continued, voice beginning to wobble with anxiety. The grand doors of the manor were pushed open, Bruce called out for Alfred, there was no answer for the foyer was dark and silent. No sign of the Englishman. Bruce flicked the lights on, the brightness filling the manor with warmth again. However, it was short lived as Selina gasped in shock. A light trail of blood before them. She took in a deep breath and recollected herself. Bruce muttered a quiet “Stay close” and begin to follow the trail, creeping through the manor and up the stairs. As he was about to round a corner on the landing they were met with a most startled butler. “Master Bruce, Miss Kyle! You scared the living daylights out of me!” Alfred scolded quietly, holding a hand over his heart. Bruce’s eyes widened and he stood straight again. “Alfred where were you? What happened?” Bruce questioned indicating to the blood stained wood. “Ah that would be Master Todd, he’s brought home a rather injured young woman, My apologies for not being there to welcome you but I must get back to cleaning this. Oh, and try to be quiet, he’s managed to fall asleep, I wouldn't want to wake the young Master.” With that Alfred was off again. Bruce was rather confused, Jason rarely came to the manor. He walked to his old room; the door was already cracked open. Carefully he pushed the door wider and to say he was shocked would be an understatement. Selina noted his out of place expression and moved to his side, curious to see the cause. Her jaw dropped too, for there you lay curled up against Jason. One of his arms lay across your waist, the other beneath your head. Facing each other in a peaceful slumber. Selina recovered and let out a sigh at your safety, as Bruce was still in shock at the sight of a peaceful Jason. “I gotta thank you Bruce, looks like your angry kid kept her safe”. She smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek before leaving to go help Alfred. Bruce soon returned to his usual state, yet a soft smile remained, he couldn't be happier seeing Jason look so peaceful and content, something he hadn't seen in a long time, something you made him.
A/N: Aye I’m pretty proud of this, I love Jason so much I just can’t, someone help me. Rose Colored Boy is gonna be late: I got no clue were I’m going with the story at the moment as I didn't like how I planned it before. So send me some requests while I figure out what I’m doing.
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plasmamuffin-blog · 7 years
The Lord of the Rings review: Part 1
So first off, this review is mainly about the lord of the rings book, although i will be doing some things in different orders. I am partly making fun of the plot, and partly making fun of the way it's written, and additionally, this is not meant to show disrespect for LOTR or it's fans, just as a fun thing, and while i do like LOTR and think it's cool, i do have some things to complain about.
Without further ado, the review:
The Lord of the Rings. One of the most popular and respected works of fantasy fiction in the world. And yet, the most boring book to read since the unabridged Oxford English Dictionary. What makes LOTR so popular, and what makes it so boring despite such critical acclaim? Let's find out.
The story begins with a riveting 40 pages detailing a party that has little to no significance to the actual plot. During this time, we learn that this part of the story takes part in a place called the shire, a peaceful farming land with rolling green hills and inhabited by hobbits(rumor has it that tolkien originally called them "fat midgets" but changed this as it wasn't culturally sensitive enough). Soon(a mere 36 years or so) after the party, the main character, frodo, finds that bilbo's ring, which he had passed on to frodo, was in fact the most dangerous magical artifact since the stainless steel cheese grater. It also happens to be the only thing capable of bringing the antagonist to full power. Yes, this humble ring is in fact the Legendary One Ring, created by the most hated and feared enemy of the people of middle-earth, and whose name inspired the title of the book: The Dark Lord, "Of The".
Wait, no, sorry, his name was actually Sauron. Frodo's generic bearded mentor, gandalf, informs him that the only solution is to destroy The Mcguffin Ring by throwing it into the Fires Of Mount Doom in which it was forged(created). Armed with this knowledge, and his faithful minion friend and gardener, sam(and his cousins, mary merry and pippin) our humble young hobbit sets out on an epic journey to destroy the ring.
100 short pages later, something actually relevant to the plot happens, garnished throughout with important events such as the finding of mushrooms(you had to be there, these mushrooms were really good), the appearance of a disturbingly cheery weirdo freak person named tom bombadil, and a chase scene wherein four midgets hobbits used to a comfortable life of eating twice their weight in junk food and moving no more than is neccessary for using the bathroom somehow manage to outrun several dark, evil, and anciently powerful creatures riding dark, powerful horses with an apparent max speed of 7.5 MPH. This plot-worthy event occurs in the village of bree, where the four hobbits get drunk and, due to their shrewd intellect and four long seconds of consideration, decide to take on a creepy guy with a sword they just met(they just met him, not the sword) named strider as a companion on literally the most important quest in the world.
While our young hobbits are thus occupied, the old wizard gandalf gets captured by an old friend, saruman, who decided to turn to the dark side because he gets a cool plasma ball as a "Welcome to the club" gift. Gandalf escapes, with the aid of a suspiciously convenient pet bird he purchased from the "help, i'm trapped at the top of a 500 story building" store for the price of one moth(which it is suspected that he stole).
After leaving bree, thomas frodo and his friends make it to weathertop(literally, "Large Rock") where they were supposed to meet gandalf. Gandalf is, of course, absent, so strider, using his strategical skills and a dash of common sense, decides to abandon the hobbits while he goes sightseeing. It is, of course, just what the Dark Riders(known as Ringwraiths) from the last paragraph were waiting for, and they charge in and attack the hobbits using the tried-and true battle technique of Standing Around Looking Intimidating Instead Of Actually Attacking the targets who they could easily overpower armed with nothing more than a saucepan while they wait for the protagonist's backup to arrive. And arrive it does, with strider breaking in at the last second to save the group. One of the more astute ringwraiths surmises that it would likely be a good idea to actually attack the target, and so stabs frodo with a dagger so ancient and powerful it crumbles to dust as soon as it is removed from the wound. While frodo struggles to remember first aid and decides to substitute ancient elven language as a family-friendly replacement for swear words, strider bravely fends off these most Ancient and Powerful enemies using the legendary weapon that is the bane of evil creatures everywhere; that's right, the legendary Fire On A Stick.
After seeing that frodo is unlikely to survive the roughly 700km trek to rivendell(literally, "Convenient Elf City"), the group encounters a Convenient Elf named arwen, who takes frodo to the city on horseback. Arwen and the now unconscious(he spends much of the book like this) frodo are chased by the black riders to the front porch of rivendell, a river, which spontaneously floods as soon as the black riders attempt to cross it.
Frodo awakes safe in rivendell, brought back from the very brink of death through powerful elven healing magic and the fact that he's the protagonist. Gandalf greets him and explains the whole unpleasant "being captured" business, which is quickly followed by roughly 200 pages of boring and pointless exposition mixed with 7 page long songs(which, being in book form, have no set tune, causing readers to have to substitute familiar tunes such as "Yankee Doodle") after which the elves, gandalf, strider(who is fined by the elves after it was discovered he used a fake ID and his real name was in fact aragorn), and a crowd of racially diverse people such as dwarves, humans, and the other hobbits meet together to discuss the ring. The decision, voted on by the group, is that a phenomenally dangerous and evil artifact(e.g the ring) should probably be destroyed. This is agreed to, and after heated discussion of how to accomplish this(some suggest the use of acid, fire, clorox, or exposure to justin bieber CDs), it is mentioned that the ring must be destroyed by throwing it into an active volcano. Unfortunately, mount st. helens had not been invented yet, and so the only volcano on the entire continent is Mount Doom. It is henceforth unanimously agreed upon that the only thing capable of bringing the dark lord sauron back to power is to be brought to within three blocks of his house in an attempt to destroy it. The obvious choice for this mission is the most skilled, talented, and strong among them: The very likely overweight and chronically depressed hobbit whose entire experience in this field is that he's pretty sure he knows how to pronounce "Macguffin".
Before leaving, bilbo, who had moved to rivendell, gives frodo his old sword and a piece of rare "Plot Armor", which is impenetrable to all but the most fourth-wall breaking attacks.
And so, the group sets off, consisting of frodo, sam, merry, pippin, gandalf, aragorn, boromir, an elf named legolas, and a dwarf named gimli with anger issues. Shortly after leaving rivendell, the group is forced to cross a snowy mountain, upon which they realize that none of them brought any warm clothes. It is then decided that they will go through the mines of moria, a gigantic mining city that has evaded the regulations of OSHA for centuries.
After being attacked by Cthulhu outside the mines, gandalf, who forgot the password, contacts technical support and gets it reset, allowing them to enter said mines. It is then revealed that the entire population of the mines was wiped out by orcs(literally "Big Ugly Guys") with the I.Q. of warm salad. Being dwarves, the inhabitants of the mines needed plenty of ceiling room, and thus the mines are way bigger than is strictly neccessary or convenient. after wandering around lost for a while, the group encounters a large group of orcs, who, of course, being mighty and feared warriors, are easily dispatched by the group without them even breaking a sweat.
However, the orcs had broughten(broughted? broughtinated?) a cave troll with them, which managed to stab frodo before being defeated. However, frodo, who the rest of the group had presumed to be dead, is revealed to be absolutely fine due to the shirt of plot armor he is wearing. Despite being extremely important and worth more than the shire itself, this shirt is completely forgotten and never brought up again. After the attack, the group finds they are being pursued by a large and powerful creature called a balrog, which chases them into a structurally ludicrous room the size of north dakota that completely lacks guardrails. Upon being asked what a balrog is, gandalf replies that it is a foe beyond any of them in power, and subsequently decides to challenge it to a 1v1. After picking a spot(specifically, a balance beam over a bottomless pit AKA literally the worst place to fight a balrog in the entire mine), gandalf spleefs the balrog into the pit, but is thrown down into it himself after he wisely decides to stand there and watch instead of running to safety. The rest of the group, heartbroken, then decides to journey to lothlorien(literally, "Rivendell MK2") for refuge, where the elves, having a clear understanding of economics, provide food and shelter free of charge to a group of people they just met.
After receiving these gifts(including a rope for sam and a glowstick for frodo), the group sets off downriver in boats procured(read: basically stolen) from the elves and end up in amon hen, where frodo, showing wisdom beyond his 85 years, wisely decides to wander off by himself, upon which the ring corrupts boromir who subsequently attempts to take it from frodo. The rest of the group, also very skilled in the fine art of strategy, wanders off randomly by themselves as well in order to search for frodo, which causes boromir to have to sacrifice himself to save merry and pippin from the conveniently placed orcs, which end up capturing the two anyway. Upon finding boromir, who, thanks to the orc archers, now resembles a large pincushion, aragorn, legolas, and gimli get to watch him die from his wounds, after which they send him downriver in a boat in a makeshift burial at sea.
Meanwhile, frodo(who becomes wiser every page), attempts to sneak off to mordor on his own, but is caught by sam, who is determined to go with him.
This ends part 1 of the review of the lord of the rings.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
The Legend of Valentino Rossi is Still Going Strong at 39
Who is the greatest racer of all time? It’s an unwinnable argument that inevitably includes superstars such as Mario Andretti, Tazio Nuvolari, A.J. Foyt, Juan Manuel Fangio, Richard Petty, Ayrton Senna, Sébastien Loeb, and Michael Schumacher, to name just a few. But perhaps the real king is a man known best for his exploits on two wheels rather than four, a motorcycle racer named Valentino Rossi.
At 39, the Italian maestro is still fighting for the MotoGP World Championship, rubbing elbows with rivals at 220 mph. He has also won car rallies, competed in the World Rally Championship, and, perhaps most staggering of all, turned down a Ferrari Formula 1 drive.
It’s a fact lost often to the passage of time, but a dozen years ago Maranello courted Rossi to join Schumacher, who was nearing the end of his reign in the world’s most glamorous racing team. Rossi was approaching his 30th birthday and had been competing on motorcycles since he was 16, so it seemed only natural he might be ready for a new challenge. Both Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone wanted him in F1 because his rock ‘n’ roll swagger would be a huge boost for the series.
Rossi duly agreed to test for Ferrari, committing himself to a serious program expected to take him full-time into F1 in 2007 or 2008. From 2004 to 2006, he completed more than half a dozen tests with the Scuderia in between his MotoGP duties.
F1 cars are not easy machines to master. They are hugely complicated, a bit like a four-wheeled NASA rocket. At Ferrari’s Fiorano test track in April 2004, Rossi switched from a 240-horsepower Yamaha MotoGP bike, which rode around corners using only mechanical grip via two tiny tire contact patches, to a 950-hp Ferrari F2003 that rocketed around corners via four mammoth slicks and mind-boggling downforce. The change didn’t seem to bother him. To Rossi the game was just the same: an engine, some rubber, a racetrack, and a timing board.
Schumacher was present during that first test, when the Italian was so unprepared that he had to borrow the German’s F1 helmet. When Rossi returned to the pits after his first few runs, the most successful driver in F1 history could hardly believe what he saw when he checked the telemetry. He was stunned, even incredulous.
Rossi’s pace in that debut outing should have been impossible for a rookie who spent his life racing motorbikes, but the man has an almost supernatural affinity for anything involving petroleum explosions, burning rubber, and dancing on the giddy limit. Or as Rossi’s own hero Steve McQueen put it, “twisting the tiger’s tale.”
F1 car, rally car, MotoGP bike—Rossi can make them all sing. And no one else has ever done that, apart from the late John Surtees, the only man to win world championships on two wheels and four. But who else has turned down the chance to drive for racing’s most hallowed name? Rossi recalls the moment he made the decision to spurn Ferrari and four wheels.
“It was on the plane going home from a test at Valencia [in Spain],” he says. “I went there to understand my potential against the other guys. I understood that with a lot of work I had the potential to go fast. But on the plane, I decided: bikes. The main reason was that I was not ready to stop racing bikes. This was the biggest problem.”
Rossi has won seven MotoGP world championships, the most recent in 2009—a long time ago, but he finished second in the championship in three of the past four seasons. This year he sits third in the standings with four races remaining on the schedule. He holds the series’ all-time record for race wins, with 89. He took his first grand prix victory in the junior 125cc category in August 1996, and his most recent success came in the 1000cc MotoGP category in June 2017.
That’s a winning career that spans almost 21 years, a long way beyond Schumacher’s F1 record of 14 years between his first and last victories, especially considering the enhanced risks of MotoGP racing. Bikes have a habit of chewing up and spitting out even the greatest of exponents; riders have no carbon-fiber safety cell, just a leather suit and a helmet.
Rossi is a busy man during the season, contesting 19 MotoGP rounds, from Texas to Argentina to Malaysia to Australia and throughout Europe, as well as testing commitments and public relations duties. His opportunity to race cars is therefore limited to a month or two each winter. His has a soft spot for Italy’s Monza rally, which he has won a record six times. Last December he beat two professional car racers into second and third: factory Hyundai rally driver Andreas Mikkelsen and Audi LMP1 driver Marco Bonanomi. It sounds like an unlikely outcome, but it’s there in the record book, a plain fact as opposed to a myth. In the more distant past, Rossi managed to squeeze a few WRC outings into his motorcycling schedule, finishing just outside the top 10 in the 2006 New Zealand round.
Perhaps we shouldn’t consider such performances unlikely; Rossi has spent his entire life playing with engines and wheels. His father, Graziano, also a motorcycle racer of some repute, scored three grand prix wins in 1979, the year Valentino was born. He was forced to retire three years later due to a head injury, and in retirement he built a racing machine for his son. But it wasn’t a motorcycle.
“When Valentino was 6, I built him a kart,” Rossi senior recalls. “It was an evil thing—the chassis was for a 60cc engine, but I fitted a 100cc engine.”
Thus his son learned to do what he does best—battling on the brink of disaster—by thrashing this homemade device around the local gravel pits. He started racing a few years later, finishing fifth in the 1991 Italian junior karting championship, with the plan to graduate to the European championship the following year.
“Going fast is always what I wanted to do in my life; I think I inherited that from my father,” Rossi says. “I started to understand quite early that I have a special talent to do this. When I raced go-karts, I understood that I have a good feeling to understand what’s happening. But I was not the only one. There were other kids who were faster than me, so I said, ‘This is the way for me, but, f***, I have to improve.’”
There was one problem: Rossi’s father didn’t have the budget necessary to contest the European championship, so Valentino suggested he should race something cheaper: a popular type of racing minibike called Minimoto.
“My passions for cars and bikes were growing up together,” he adds. “But when Minimoto arrived, I began to think that I had a better taste from riding the bike. For sure, the money for racing karts was a problem, and because [my father] knew a lot of people in the bike world, it was more possible for him to find bikes and sponsors.”
Rossi switched full time to motorcycles in 1992, winning the local Minimoto championship at his first attempt. Three years later he was Italian 125cc champion, and in spring 1996 he made his Grand Prix debut. He won the 125cc world title the next year, then the 250cc world title in 1999. He graduated to the so-called class of kings in 2000, when the premier class featured evil 500cc two-strokes, with precipitous powerbands that had a nasty habit of overpowering the rear tire and flicking their rider into orbit.
“Racing 125s was like a game, 250s were serious, but 500s are very serious!” Rossi said during his rookie 500 season. “They’re dangerous: You open the throttle, and you’ve got almost 200 horsepower, so you have to be careful.”
Rossi conquered the 500cc class in 2001, the year before the category switched to 990cc four-stroke machines. He has won world titles on every kind of bike he has ridden, a unique achievement. Every motorcycle racer has his own technique, his own way of taming a motorcycle via throttle control, body weight, and maximizing traction. But different types of motorcycles require very different techniques to extract maximum performance from their engines and chassis. Rossi can swap seamlessly from one bike to another—the 500cc two-strokes he raced back in the day were very different machines to the MotoGP bikes he rides now.
Rossi’s style on any kind of motorcycle seems effortless—finding a tenth of a second here and a hundredth there—but it’s when he has to fight to win a race that he becomes truly spectacular. And this happens both and off the racetrack. He has always been a genius for taking apart his rivals, whether it’s with an apparently offhand remark in a press conference or an ultra-aggressive move on the final lap.
Texan Colin Edwards was Rossi’s MotoGP teammate at Yamaha for several years. “Valentino is very clever, how would you say it … he’s sly,” says Edwards, a two-time winner of the World Superbike title. “He’s very undercover, foxy, sly. He’s not real blatant about some of the mind games, but on the track he’s pretty vicious.”
For certain Rossi has won plenty of races by getting physical—barging into rivals at the last corner or suckering them into crashing out—and he is still as unforgiving as he ever was. But how long can he continue racing motorcycles at the limit? Maybe another year or two, then it will be cars even though he would probably prefer to stick to bikes forever; they hold an endless fascination for him.
“Even now in bike racing, it seems like there is something undiscovered,” he says. “When you drive a car, you are always in the same position, you are stuck in the seat, all you have to do is drive. On a motorcycle you use a lot of body movement, so the rider is more important than the driver in a car. I like driving cars, but for me riding bikes is more exciting and you can express yourself more.
“In car racing, the setup is very important. It is important for the driver to understand everything in order to modify the car to go faster. The setup is also important in bikes, but with the bike you can also modify your style to go faster; maybe you can change the way you move your body into a corner.”
Despite turning down Ferrari, he loved driving the company’s F1 cars.
“The car is f****** incredible, the acceleration is unbelievable!” he grins. “Maybe it’s about the same as a MotoGP bike, but the feeling is more exciting in the car. You feel the acceleration more because you sit lower and because the bike is light and very powerful, but the car is heavier and even more powerful, so you feel the push a lot more.
“With the Formula 1 car the driving becomes a bit unnatural, a bit different from a normal car—it is very important to understand how the aerodynamics work. A MotoGP bike is like a normal bike but lighter, more power, more everything. A Formula 1 car is not like a normal car. You have to understand all about the wings. The braking is very different. Everything is different. It is true that in MotoGP we already have a lot of technical meetings, a lot of thinking. I speak a lot about electronics with my guys, but in cars it is different. With cars, everything is already fixed, so if you do this, you make this lap time, if you add that fuel, you make that lap time. So it is like the driver doesn’t have anything to invent. It’s more like a job. Also, I don’t feel that the F1 atmosphere is close to my lifestyle. It’s a lot, lot more serious. I’m more comfortable in the bike world.”
It makes sense, then, that when Rossi does finally switch to cars, he will most likely swap asphalt for dirt, because he loves rallying so much.
“Driving rally cars is a lot of fun, a lot of sliding,” he says. “In circuit racing the most important thing is precision and perfection. In rally it is control which is most important, so it’s fun. I think it is more wild than motorcycle racing. It’s so different. You’re driving out in the country, with the mechanics working on the cars in the dirt.”
The switch is still at least a few years away: Rossi has already signed to stay with Yamaha’s MotoGP team for 2019 and 2020, so perhaps he will commence his full-time car racing career in 2021, when he will be 42. Catch his motorcycle exploits before he scrapes his elbow through one final apex, because there might never be another racer quite like him.
Photos: Rossi family archive, Ferrari S.p.A, Whit Bazemore
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jesusvasser · 6 years
The Legend of Valentino Rossi is Still Going Strong at 39
Who is the greatest racer of all time? It’s an unwinnable argument that inevitably includes superstars such as Mario Andretti, Tazio Nuvolari, A.J. Foyt, Juan Manuel Fangio, Richard Petty, Ayrton Senna, Sébastien Loeb, and Michael Schumacher, to name just a few. But perhaps the real king is a man known best for his exploits on two wheels rather than four, a motorcycle racer named Valentino Rossi.
At 39, the Italian maestro is still fighting for the MotoGP World Championship, rubbing elbows with rivals at 220 mph. He has also won car rallies, competed in the World Rally Championship, and, perhaps most staggering of all, turned down a Ferrari Formula 1 drive.
It’s a fact lost often to the passage of time, but a dozen years ago Maranello courted Rossi to join Schumacher, who was nearing the end of his reign in the world’s most glamorous racing team. Rossi was approaching his 30th birthday and had been competing on motorcycles since he was 16, so it seemed only natural he might be ready for a new challenge. Both Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone wanted him in F1 because his rock ‘n’ roll swagger would be a huge boost for the series.
Rossi duly agreed to test for Ferrari, committing himself to a serious program expected to take him full-time into F1 in 2007 or 2008. From 2004 to 2006, he completed more than half a dozen tests with the Scuderia in between his MotoGP duties.
F1 cars are not easy machines to master. They are hugely complicated, a bit like a four-wheeled NASA rocket. At Ferrari’s Fiorano test track in April 2004, Rossi switched from a 240-horsepower Yamaha MotoGP bike, which rode around corners using only mechanical grip via two tiny tire contact patches, to a 950-hp Ferrari F2003 that rocketed around corners via four mammoth slicks and mind-boggling downforce. The change didn’t seem to bother him. To Rossi the game was just the same: an engine, some rubber, a racetrack, and a timing board.
Schumacher was present during that first test, when the Italian was so unprepared that he had to borrow the German’s F1 helmet. When Rossi returned to the pits after his first few runs, the most successful driver in F1 history could hardly believe what he saw when he checked the telemetry. He was stunned, even incredulous.
Rossi’s pace in that debut outing should have been impossible for a rookie who spent his life racing motorbikes, but the man has an almost supernatural affinity for anything involving petroleum explosions, burning rubber, and dancing on the giddy limit. Or as Rossi’s own hero Steve McQueen put it, “twisting the tiger’s tale.”
F1 car, rally car, MotoGP bike—Rossi can make them all sing. And no one else has ever done that, apart from the late John Surtees, the only man to win world championships on two wheels and four. But who else has turned down the chance to drive for racing’s most hallowed name? Rossi recalls the moment he made the decision to spurn Ferrari and four wheels.
“It was on the plane going home from a test at Valencia [in Spain],” he says. “I went there to understand my potential against the other guys. I understood that with a lot of work I had the potential to go fast. But on the plane, I decided: bikes. The main reason was that I was not ready to stop racing bikes. This was the biggest problem.”
Rossi has won seven MotoGP world championships, the most recent in 2009—a long time ago, but he finished second in the championship in three of the past four seasons. This year he sits third in the standings with four races remaining on the schedule. He holds the series’ all-time record for race wins, with 89. He took his first grand prix victory in the junior 125cc category in August 1996, and his most recent success came in the 1000cc MotoGP category in June 2017.
That’s a winning career that spans almost 21 years, a long way beyond Schumacher’s F1 record of 14 years between his first and last victories, especially considering the enhanced risks of MotoGP racing. Bikes have a habit of chewing up and spitting out even the greatest of exponents; riders have no carbon-fiber safety cell, just a leather suit and a helmet.
Rossi is a busy man during the season, contesting 19 MotoGP rounds, from Texas to Argentina to Malaysia to Australia and throughout Europe, as well as testing commitments and public relations duties. His opportunity to race cars is therefore limited to a month or two each winter. His has a soft spot for Italy’s Monza rally, which he has won a record six times. Last December he beat two professional car racers into second and third: factory Hyundai rally driver Andreas Mikkelsen and Audi LMP1 driver Marco Bonanomi. It sounds like an unlikely outcome, but it’s there in the record book, a plain fact as opposed to a myth. In the more distant past, Rossi managed to squeeze a few WRC outings into his motorcycling schedule, finishing just outside the top 10 in the 2006 New Zealand round.
Perhaps we shouldn’t consider such performances unlikely; Rossi has spent his entire life playing with engines and wheels. His father, Graziano, also a motorcycle racer of some repute, scored three grand prix wins in 1979, the year Valentino was born. He was forced to retire three years later due to a head injury, and in retirement he built a racing machine for his son. But it wasn’t a motorcycle.
“When Valentino was 6, I built him a kart,” Rossi senior recalls. “It was an evil thing—the chassis was for a 60cc engine, but I fitted a 100cc engine.”
Thus his son learned to do what he does best—battling on the brink of disaster—by thrashing this homemade device around the local gravel pits. He started racing a few years later, finishing fifth in the 1991 Italian junior karting championship, with the plan to graduate to the European championship the following year.
“Going fast is always what I wanted to do in my life; I think I inherited that from my father,” Rossi says. “I started to understand quite early that I have a special talent to do this. When I raced go-karts, I understood that I have a good feeling to understand what’s happening. But I was not the only one. There were other kids who were faster than me, so I said, ‘This is the way for me, but, f***, I have to improve.’”
There was one problem: Rossi’s father didn’t have the budget necessary to contest the European championship, so Valentino suggested he should race something cheaper: a popular type of racing minibike called Minimoto.
“My passions for cars and bikes were growing up together,” he adds. “But when Minimoto arrived, I began to think that I had a better taste from riding the bike. For sure, the money for racing karts was a problem, and because [my father] knew a lot of people in the bike world, it was more possible for him to find bikes and sponsors.”
Rossi switched full time to motorcycles in 1992, winning the local Minimoto championship at his first attempt. Three years later he was Italian 125cc champion, and in spring 1996 he made his Grand Prix debut. He won the 125cc world title the next year, then the 250cc world title in 1999. He graduated to the so-called class of kings in 2000, when the premier class featured evil 500cc two-strokes, with precipitous powerbands that had a nasty habit of overpowering the rear tire and flicking their rider into orbit.
“Racing 125s was like a game, 250s were serious, but 500s are very serious!” Rossi said during his rookie 500 season. “They’re dangerous: You open the throttle, and you’ve got almost 200 horsepower, so you have to be careful.”
Rossi conquered the 500cc class in 2001, the year before the category switched to 990cc four-stroke machines. He has won world titles on every kind of bike he has ridden, a unique achievement. Every motorcycle racer has his own technique, his own way of taming a motorcycle via throttle control, body weight, and maximizing traction. But different types of motorcycles require very different techniques to extract maximum performance from their engines and chassis. Rossi can swap seamlessly from one bike to another—the 500cc two-strokes he raced back in the day were very different machines to the MotoGP bikes he rides now.
Rossi’s style on any kind of motorcycle seems effortless—finding a tenth of a second here and a hundredth there—but it’s when he has to fight to win a race that he becomes truly spectacular. And this happens both and off the racetrack. He has always been a genius for taking apart his rivals, whether it’s with an apparently offhand remark in a press conference or an ultra-aggressive move on the final lap.
Texan Colin Edwards was Rossi’s MotoGP teammate at Yamaha for several years. “Valentino is very clever, how would you say it … he’s sly,” says Edwards, a two-time winner of the World Superbike title. “He’s very undercover, foxy, sly. He’s not real blatant about some of the mind games, but on the track he’s pretty vicious.”
For certain Rossi has won plenty of races by getting physical—barging into rivals at the last corner or suckering them into crashing out—and he is still as unforgiving as he ever was. But how long can he continue racing motorcycles at the limit? Maybe another year or two, then it will be cars even though he would probably prefer to stick to bikes forever; they hold an endless fascination for him.
“Even now in bike racing, it seems like there is something undiscovered,” he says. “When you drive a car, you are always in the same position, you are stuck in the seat, all you have to do is drive. On a motorcycle you use a lot of body movement, so the rider is more important than the driver in a car. I like driving cars, but for me riding bikes is more exciting and you can express yourself more.
“In car racing, the setup is very important. It is important for the driver to understand everything in order to modify the car to go faster. The setup is also important in bikes, but with the bike you can also modify your style to go faster; maybe you can change the way you move your body into a corner.”
Despite turning down Ferrari, he loved driving the company’s F1 cars.
“The car is f****** incredible, the acceleration is unbelievable!” he grins. “Maybe it’s about the same as a MotoGP bike, but the feeling is more exciting in the car. You feel the acceleration more because you sit lower and because the bike is light and very powerful, but the car is heavier and even more powerful, so you feel the push a lot more.
“With the Formula 1 car the driving becomes a bit unnatural, a bit different from a normal car—it is very important to understand how the aerodynamics work. A MotoGP bike is like a normal bike but lighter, more power, more everything. A Formula 1 car is not like a normal car. You have to understand all about the wings. The braking is very different. Everything is different. It is true that in MotoGP we already have a lot of technical meetings, a lot of thinking. I speak a lot about electronics with my guys, but in cars it is different. With cars, everything is already fixed, so if you do this, you make this lap time, if you add that fuel, you make that lap time. So it is like the driver doesn’t have anything to invent. It’s more like a job. Also, I don’t feel that the F1 atmosphere is close to my lifestyle. It’s a lot, lot more serious. I’m more comfortable in the bike world.”
It makes sense, then, that when Rossi does finally switch to cars, he will most likely swap asphalt for dirt, because he loves rallying so much.
“Driving rally cars is a lot of fun, a lot of sliding,” he says. “In circuit racing the most important thing is precision and perfection. In rally it is control which is most important, so it’s fun. I think it is more wild than motorcycle racing. It’s so different. You’re driving out in the country, with the mechanics working on the cars in the dirt.”
The switch is still at least a few years away: Rossi has already signed to stay with Yamaha’s MotoGP team for 2019 and 2020, so perhaps he will commence his full-time car racing career in 2021, when he will be 42. Catch his motorcycle exploits before he scrapes his elbow through one final apex, because there might never be another racer quite like him.
Photos: Rossi family archive, Ferrari S.p.A, Whit Bazemore
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
The Legend of Valentino Rossi is Still Going Strong at 39
Who is the greatest racer of all time? It’s an unwinnable argument that inevitably includes superstars such as Mario Andretti, Tazio Nuvolari, A.J. Foyt, Juan Manuel Fangio, Richard Petty, Ayrton Senna, Sébastien Loeb, and Michael Schumacher, to name just a few. But perhaps the real king is a man known best for his exploits on two wheels rather than four, a motorcycle racer named Valentino Rossi.
At 39, the Italian maestro is still fighting for the MotoGP World Championship, rubbing elbows with rivals at 220 mph. He has also won car rallies, competed in the World Rally Championship, and, perhaps most staggering of all, turned down a Ferrari Formula 1 drive.
It’s a fact lost often to the passage of time, but a dozen years ago Maranello courted Rossi to join Schumacher, who was nearing the end of his reign in the world’s most glamorous racing team. Rossi was approaching his 30th birthday and had been competing on motorcycles since he was 16, so it seemed only natural he might be ready for a new challenge. Both Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone wanted him in F1 because his rock ‘n’ roll swagger would be a huge boost for the series.
Rossi duly agreed to test for Ferrari, committing himself to a serious program expected to take him full-time into F1 in 2007 or 2008. From 2004 to 2006, he completed more than half a dozen tests with the Scuderia in between his MotoGP duties.
F1 cars are not easy machines to master. They are hugely complicated, a bit like a four-wheeled NASA rocket. At Ferrari’s Fiorano test track in April 2004, Rossi switched from a 240-horsepower Yamaha MotoGP bike, which rode around corners using only mechanical grip via two tiny tire contact patches, to a 950-hp Ferrari F2003 that rocketed around corners via four mammoth slicks and mind-boggling downforce. The change didn’t seem to bother him. To Rossi the game was just the same: an engine, some rubber, a racetrack, and a timing board.
Schumacher was present during that first test, when the Italian was so unprepared that he had to borrow the German’s F1 helmet. When Rossi returned to the pits after his first few runs, the most successful driver in F1 history could hardly believe what he saw when he checked the telemetry. He was stunned, even incredulous.
Rossi’s pace in that debut outing should have been impossible for a rookie who spent his life racing motorbikes, but the man has an almost supernatural affinity for anything involving petroleum explosions, burning rubber, and dancing on the giddy limit. Or as Rossi’s own hero Steve McQueen put it, “twisting the tiger’s tale.”
F1 car, rally car, MotoGP bike—Rossi can make them all sing. And no one else has ever done that, apart from the late John Surtees, the only man to win world championships on two wheels and four. But who else has turned down the chance to drive for racing’s most hallowed name? Rossi recalls the moment he made the decision to spurn Ferrari and four wheels.
“It was on the plane going home from a test at Valencia [in Spain],” he says. “I went there to understand my potential against the other guys. I understood that with a lot of work I had the potential to go fast. But on the plane, I decided: bikes. The main reason was that I was not ready to stop racing bikes. This was the biggest problem.”
Rossi has won seven MotoGP world championships, the most recent in 2009—a long time ago, but he finished second in the championship in three of the past four seasons. This year he sits third in the standings with four races remaining on the schedule. He holds the series’ all-time record for race wins, with 89. He took his first grand prix victory in the junior 125cc category in August 1996, and his most recent success came in the 1000cc MotoGP category in June 2017.
That’s a winning career that spans almost 21 years, a long way beyond Schumacher’s F1 record of 14 years between his first and last victories, especially considering the enhanced risks of MotoGP racing. Bikes have a habit of chewing up and spitting out even the greatest of exponents; riders have no carbon-fiber safety cell, just a leather suit and a helmet.
Rossi is a busy man during the season, contesting 19 MotoGP rounds, from Texas to Argentina to Malaysia to Australia and throughout Europe, as well as testing commitments and public relations duties. His opportunity to race cars is therefore limited to a month or two each winter. His has a soft spot for Italy’s Monza rally, which he has won a record six times. Last December he beat two professional car racers into second and third: factory Hyundai rally driver Andreas Mikkelsen and Audi LMP1 driver Marco Bonanomi. It sounds like an unlikely outcome, but it’s there in the record book, a plain fact as opposed to a myth. In the more distant past, Rossi managed to squeeze a few WRC outings into his motorcycling schedule, finishing just outside the top 10 in the 2006 New Zealand round.
Perhaps we shouldn’t consider such performances unlikely; Rossi has spent his entire life playing with engines and wheels. His father, Graziano, also a motorcycle racer of some repute, scored three grand prix wins in 1979, the year Valentino was born. He was forced to retire three years later due to a head injury, and in retirement he built a racing machine for his son. But it wasn’t a motorcycle.
“When Valentino was 6, I built him a kart,” Rossi senior recalls. “It was an evil thing—the chassis was for a 60cc engine, but I fitted a 100cc engine.”
Thus his son learned to do what he does best—battling on the brink of disaster—by thrashing this homemade device around the local gravel pits. He started racing a few years later, finishing fifth in the 1991 Italian junior karting championship, with the plan to graduate to the European championship the following year.
“Going fast is always what I wanted to do in my life; I think I inherited that from my father,” Rossi says. “I started to understand quite early that I have a special talent to do this. When I raced go-karts, I understood that I have a good feeling to understand what’s happening. But I was not the only one. There were other kids who were faster than me, so I said, ‘This is the way for me, but, f***, I have to improve.’”
There was one problem: Rossi’s father didn’t have the budget necessary to contest the European championship, so Valentino suggested he should race something cheaper: a popular type of racing minibike called Minimoto.
“My passions for cars and bikes were growing up together,” he adds. “But when Minimoto arrived, I began to think that I had a better taste from riding the bike. For sure, the money for racing karts was a problem, and because [my father] knew a lot of people in the bike world, it was more possible for him to find bikes and sponsors.”
Rossi switched full time to motorcycles in 1992, winning the local Minimoto championship at his first attempt. Three years later he was Italian 125cc champion, and in spring 1996 he made his Grand Prix debut. He won the 125cc world title the next year, then the 250cc world title in 1999. He graduated to the so-called class of kings in 2000, when the premier class featured evil 500cc two-strokes, with precipitous powerbands that had a nasty habit of overpowering the rear tire and flicking their rider into orbit.
“Racing 125s was like a game, 250s were serious, but 500s are very serious!” Rossi said during his rookie 500 season. “They’re dangerous: You open the throttle, and you’ve got almost 200 horsepower, so you have to be careful.”
Rossi conquered the 500cc class in 2001, the year before the category switched to 990cc four-stroke machines. He has won world titles on every kind of bike he has ridden, a unique achievement. Every motorcycle racer has his own technique, his own way of taming a motorcycle via throttle control, body weight, and maximizing traction. But different types of motorcycles require very different techniques to extract maximum performance from their engines and chassis. Rossi can swap seamlessly from one bike to another—the 500cc two-strokes he raced back in the day were very different machines to the MotoGP bikes he rides now.
Rossi’s style on any kind of motorcycle seems effortless—finding a tenth of a second here and a hundredth there—but it’s when he has to fight to win a race that he becomes truly spectacular. And this happens both and off the racetrack. He has always been a genius for taking apart his rivals, whether it’s with an apparently offhand remark in a press conference or an ultra-aggressive move on the final lap.
Texan Colin Edwards was Rossi’s MotoGP teammate at Yamaha for several years. “Valentino is very clever, how would you say it … he’s sly,” says Edwards, a two-time winner of the World Superbike title. “He’s very undercover, foxy, sly. He’s not real blatant about some of the mind games, but on the track he’s pretty vicious.”
For certain Rossi has won plenty of races by getting physical—barging into rivals at the last corner or suckering them into crashing out—and he is still as unforgiving as he ever was. But how long can he continue racing motorcycles at the limit? Maybe another year or two, then it will be cars even though he would probably prefer to stick to bikes forever; they hold an endless fascination for him.
“Even now in bike racing, it seems like there is something undiscovered,” he says. “When you drive a car, you are always in the same position, you are stuck in the seat, all you have to do is drive. On a motorcycle you use a lot of body movement, so the rider is more important than the driver in a car. I like driving cars, but for me riding bikes is more exciting and you can express yourself more.
“In car racing, the setup is very important. It is important for the driver to understand everything in order to modify the car to go faster. The setup is also important in bikes, but with the bike you can also modify your style to go faster; maybe you can change the way you move your body into a corner.”
Despite turning down Ferrari, he loved driving the company’s F1 cars.
“The car is f****** incredible, the acceleration is unbelievable!” he grins. “Maybe it’s about the same as a MotoGP bike, but the feeling is more exciting in the car. You feel the acceleration more because you sit lower and because the bike is light and very powerful, but the car is heavier and even more powerful, so you feel the push a lot more.
“With the Formula 1 car the driving becomes a bit unnatural, a bit different from a normal car—it is very important to understand how the aerodynamics work. A MotoGP bike is like a normal bike but lighter, more power, more everything. A Formula 1 car is not like a normal car. You have to understand all about the wings. The braking is very different. Everything is different. It is true that in MotoGP we already have a lot of technical meetings, a lot of thinking. I speak a lot about electronics with my guys, but in cars it is different. With cars, everything is already fixed, so if you do this, you make this lap time, if you add that fuel, you make that lap time. So it is like the driver doesn’t have anything to invent. It’s more like a job. Also, I don’t feel that the F1 atmosphere is close to my lifestyle. It’s a lot, lot more serious. I’m more comfortable in the bike world.”
It makes sense, then, that when Rossi does finally switch to cars, he will most likely swap asphalt for dirt, because he loves rallying so much.
“Driving rally cars is a lot of fun, a lot of sliding,” he says. “In circuit racing the most important thing is precision and perfection. In rally it is control which is most important, so it’s fun. I think it is more wild than motorcycle racing. It’s so different. You’re driving out in the country, with the mechanics working on the cars in the dirt.”
The switch is still at least a few years away: Rossi has already signed to stay with Yamaha’s MotoGP team for 2019 and 2020, so perhaps he will commence his full-time car racing career in 2021, when he will be 42. Catch his motorcycle exploits before he scrapes his elbow through one final apex, because there might never be another racer quite like him.
Photos: Rossi family archive, Ferrari S.p.A, Whit Bazemore
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/leon-haslam-signs-off-with-victory-as-cooper-becomes-seventh-winner-of-2018/
Leon Haslam signs off with victory as Cooper becomes seventh winner of 2018
Leon Haslam signed off his title-winning 2018 Bennetts British Superbike Championship campaign with a victory on the final day of action at Brands Hatch, winning the second action-packed race of the weekend before Richard Cooper became the seventh different race winner of the year in the finale.
Haslam claimed 15 race wins on his way to lifting his first British title crown in a season where 15 different riders finished on the podium, representing all six manufacturers.
The opening race of the day saw the ‘Pocket Rocket’ claim his first Kawasaki victory on the Grand Prix circuit, holding off Tommy Bridewell and Jason O’Halloran after an incredible race-long dog fight for the win with the lead changing over 20 times!
At the start of the race Andrew Irwin launched into the lead ahead of O’Halloran and Haslam, as Danny Buchan crashed out unhurt on the opening lap.
The Honda Racing contender had fired into the lead at Stirlings and despite Haslam getting alongside he couldn’t make it stick. As the pack streamed across the line for the first time Haslam went for a move into Paddock Hill Bend on Andrew Irwin, pushing the Be Wiser Ducati back into second, but as they reached Druids for the first time he was back ahead.
On the third lap Andrew Irwin slid out of contention at Graham Hill Bend and at the front O’Halloran was coming under pressure from Haslam, who grabbed the lead into Paddock Hill Bend on lap five.
Meanwhile Bridewell and O’Halloran then traded blows for second, switching positions three times within as many corners.
By the sixth lap Bridewell was at the front; forcing his way ahead of Haslam with O’Halloran in third and Jake Dixon and a still injured Christian Iddon giving chase. Haslam made several attempts to make a move back ahead of the Moto Rapido Ducati, but he couldn’t make it stick until he made a slick move at Dingle Dell on lap eight.
Haslam was then trying to make a break but Bridewell and O’Halloran were desperately trying to get back to the front; the Australian moved into second with a move on the ninth lap before grabbing the lead at Druids. A lap later and it was Haslam back out in the lead of the race and on lap 11 the pair diced with the lead changing three times.
O’Halloran was then holding the advantage as James Ellison had joined the leading pack, but he later crashed the Anvil Hire TAG Yamaha on the exit of Paddock Hill Bend. Meanwhile Dixon had gone for a big pass to take the lead but the RAF Regular & Reserves Kawasaki rider crashed a lap later with a high-speed off at Clearways.
That put O’Halloran back in the lead, but on lap 16 Haslam made another move into Paddock Hill Bend to take the advantage, but as the pair hit Stirlings the Honda rider was back ahead. The JG Speedfit Kawasaki contender waited for another lap before he was back in charge, before he managed to edge a minor advantage to the chequered flag over the final three laps.
The battle was then between O’Halloran and Bridewell for the final podium places and the pair scrapped until the finish line with the Moto Rapido Ducati rider eventually getting the better of his Australian rival to score his best finish of the season.
Richard Cooper claimed his strongest result of the season in fourth as he overhauled Iddon with three laps to go with Peter Hickman completing the top six. Glenn Irwin, Bradley Ray and Josh Brookes held on to finish inside the top ten with Josh Elliot rewarding OMG Suzuki with tenth place in only his second round with the team in the Superbike class.
Then in the final race of the season Richard Cooper became the seventh and final race winner of the season, dominating the final race of the year, winning by 7.493s Cooper led the race from start to finish and controlled the race from the front to score Buildbase Suzuki their third victory of the season.
On the opening lap Cooper led O’Halloran, Haslam in a special edition livery and Bridewell. Haslam was fighting but he had some huge moments to save, including an incredible moment on the exit of Graham Hill Bend and Clearways, but despite dropping him to fifth, he regained his composure to fight back.
Haslam had Iddon ahead of him and after getting back into a rhythm he made a pass at Paddock Hill Bend on the ninth lap, followed by Dixon a few corners later. Cooper and Bridewell were heading the field but by lap ten Haslam was into third as he dived down the inside of O’Halloran.
Dixon was then hunting O’Halloran and he moved into fourth with a move at Graham Hill Bend, with Iddon also pushing the Australian back a further place. Haslam was gaining momentum but on lap 12 he was on the brink of disaster with a massive moment on the run to Graham Hill Bend, which he only just managed to save.
As Cooper held the position at the front Bridewell was still leading Dixon, Haslam and Iddon, but Josh Brookes was closing and he moved ahead of Haslam on the final lap to claim fifth. Gino Rea equalled his season best result to finish in seventh ahead of O’Halloran, Peter Hickman and team-mate Sylvain Barrier.
Bennetts British Superbike Championship, Brands Hatch, Race two result:
Leon Haslam (JG Speedfit Kawasaki)
Tommy Bridewell (Moto Rapido Ducati) +2.027s
Jason O’Halloran (Honda Racing) +3.287s
Richard Cooper (Buildbase Suzuki) +8.784s
Christian Iddon (Tyco BMW) +11.976s
Peter Hickman (Smiths Racing BMW) +22.473s
Glenn Irwin (Be Wiser Ducati) +32.279s
Bradley Ray (Buildbase Suzuki) +43.454s
Josh Brookes (McAMS Yamaha) +44.435s
Josh Elliot (OMG Suzuki) +45.322s
Bennetts British Superbike Championship, Brands Hatch, Race three result:
Richard Cooper (Buildbase Suzuki)
Tommy Bridewell (Moto Rapido Ducati) +7.493s
Jake Dixon (RAF Regular & Reserves Kawasaki) +12.112s
Christian Iddon (Tyco BMW) +19.009s
Josh Brookes (McAMS Yamaha) +19.602s
Leon Haslam (JG Speedfit Kawasaki) +20.937s
Gino Rea (OMG Suzuki) +24.906s
Jason O’Halloran (Honda Racing) +38.703s
Peter Hickman (Smiths Racing BMW) +52.282s
Sylvain Barrier (Smiths Racing BMW) +1:01.070s
2018 Bennetts British Superbike Championship standings:
Leon Haslam (JG Speedfit Kawasaki) 699
Jake Dixon RAF Regular & Reserves Kawasaki) 629
Glenn Irwin (Be Wiser Ducati) 588
Josh Brookes (McAMS Yamaha) 584
Peter Hickman (Smiths Racing BMW) 577
Bradley Ray (Buildbase Suzuki) 551
For more information visit www.britishsuperbike.com
Leon Haslam (JG Speedfit Kawasaki) 2018 Bennetts BSB champion “I’m just happy to have stopped on the bike in that last race, I had so many big moments! It’s been an awesome year, to finish every single race, 15 wins, such amazing battles with Jake [Dixon], with Glenn [Irwin], with Jason [O’Halloran], so many people in the mix on any given weekend, and that is BSB.
“We have had some great races and there are always good last-lap battles. For me it’s big thanks to the team.
“My second year with the same team has really shown credit, getting the most out of the bike, understanding the bike and just really, really enjoying it. Like I say, it’s a credit to them to get the results that we got.”
British Superbike
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I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?
Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you
Need help selecting my individual medical/health insurance?
Now let me start by saying that I am a single man at the age of 18. I am starting therapy soon and I need individual medical insurance to pay for the sessions and any possible prescriptions that might be prescribed. But when I try and search online I just don't understand all the info provided. Where can I find affordable insurance (im hoping about $50-$80 a month) that covers me for everything therapy and prescriptions, quick to get, and are easily understandable(if there is). If there are no simple stated insurance company's can someone tell me what I must make sure to have on the plan and what they mean?""
Why are white cars cheaper than other colours?
im trying to find a more of an economic based answer.... thanks
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?""
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Pregnant and scared...?
I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.""
What sensible action can be taken to overrule discriminate car insurance rates based on age and gender?
It is and should be well known that all, or almost all, car insurance companies have outrageously higher rates for male drivers and elderly drivers. Naturally these are based upon statistics that are likely agreeable enough, but it is still highly unjust to charge more simply because a driver is a certain gender or age. Alone this is not inherently a problem, however, the government now mandates the acquirement of insurance, which changes (or should change) the business's status from that of being privately owned. Point being, if you MUST have it, then the rate must be based on the sole individual owenership of the insurance, e.g. driving experience, amount of accidents, car safety rating, etc. The same bias would be exacted in saying that African American people are more likely to have an accident than Caucasion people, but that would have a 0% chance of standing in any public eye or court of law. This action might be legal, but it is inarguably injust and should not be legal under any circumstance. Discrimination is rampant enough throughout society, and certainly should not be introduced into the corporate or political world. Unfortunately this question is leaning on the brink of a rant, which is prohibited by the guidelines, so it shall be continued only for a short while. The basic question is simple. When will something be done about it, who will do it, and how will they do it. I would undoubtedly challenge its legality myself, and still might in days to come, but unfortunately my age does not coexist well with my ambition, aptitude, or will. So it would be preferable for some other courageous folk to challenge it themselves, which raises the obvious question: How?""
""What's Cheaper to Insure, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen ?""
I'm 21, Here are my options. 2008 Audi A4 2009 BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI or Golf. How much do you think rates will be.""
Do I need insurance to drive my own car with a permit in Arizona?
Can I use my own car or do I have to use my parents car with a permit?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Ok im 20 years old ands i expect to get my full licence soon. i think a Ford KA is my best option for price when thinking about purchase price, Insurance bands, TAX bands and repair costs. The problem is all the insurance company's i have looked at will charge me around 2500. Can anyone recommend any good insurance company's for young drivers. I have tried some price comparison websites none seem to come up with anything new.""
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
The cheapest i have found to be is Nationwide
Can I get refunded 7 years of premiums on a Life insurance policy with a Total Disability Rider?
I need to know if I can get reimbursed for the premiums I paid. I own the policy and didnt know it had a waiver of premiums rider due to total disability. The insured has been totally disabled due to a stroke since 2001 and has been on social security disability since that time.. Please help because I think American General is trying to give me the runaround. This is a term life insurance policy
Insurance and car accident.?
I was involved in an accident in which I struck a vehicle in the rear on 11/15/2004. It was not a bad collision and I was starting to walk-up to ask the driver of the other vehicle if he was okay, when a car rear-ended me and then two more cars hit that vehicle pushing my jeep under the vehicle which I had hit causing severe damage in excess of $3500. My insurnce payed the driver I hit, but I have not received a dime from farmers insurance. I placed a call to the insured vehicle that strcuk me and they told me to use my insurance company to hash-out all the details and to collect funds for repair my vehicle. I told this to my insurance agent (Progressive) and they said they would do that but I didn't have full coverage so that will not happen, I need to deal with the other partie's insurance companies. I have no Idea where to go from here. If I had the money, I would get a lawyer and I am sure that I would have this resolved right now. Does anyone have an idea for me? peace""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
Classic car insurance loophole?
I've been wanting to get classic insurance on my '71 F250 for a while but the one requirement I don't meet is the fact that I don't own a suitable primary vehicle/daily driver. My primary vehicle is a motorcycle which is feasible in Arizona but doesn't qualify according to insurance providers regardless. My question is, is there a way around that? My brother and I share a place and I'm wondering if I can add his vehicle to my policy in order to meet the primary vehicle/daily driver qualification. Does the vehicle have to be under my name or can I insure it as if it's a loner? Thanks in advance for any input.""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Need help selecting my individual medical/health insurance?
Now let me start by saying that I am a single man at the age of 18. I am starting therapy soon and I need individual medical insurance to pay for the sessions and any possible prescriptions that might be prescribed. But when I try and search online I just don't understand all the info provided. Where can I find affordable insurance (im hoping about $50-$80 a month) that covers me for everything therapy and prescriptions, quick to get, and are easily understandable(if there is). If there are no simple stated insurance company's can someone tell me what I must make sure to have on the plan and what they mean?""
When renting a car are you expected to provide your own insurance or is it included in the rental price?
I am thinking about renting a car for a few days. I no longer maintain car insurance since i got rid of my car 6 months ago. When renting a car do they provide your insurance for the time your renting it or are you expected to provide your own? it been a long time since i ever had to rent a car.
Where can I go for affordable prescription glasses being that I do not have any insurance?
I've noticed my vision is a bit blurry and i'm always getting headaches these days. On Thanksgiving my Uncle let me try on his prescription glasses. It wasn't blurry at all. In fact, I've never seen better so I KNOW FOR SURE I need glasses. Do you think Walmart would be affordable?""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
High cost of insurance for retirees which is using up pensions.?
I worked 33 yrs at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft Corporation and retired in 1996. I received a fair pension and insurance that I had to pay, which was affordable. What started out to be affordable in 1996 has now reached unaffordable in 2007. My pension is being quickly absorbed by the cost of my insurance, which is now $933 a month for just me. Needless to say my insurance costs outweigh my monthly pension allowance now. I am a cancer survivor since 1992 yet I am unable to choose another insurance provider because I am considered, like many other survivors and patients, high risk and uninsureable. I didn't ask to be dianosed with cancer. In fact, I have always taken care of myself. Why should I/we be discriminated against after 10 or more years of being cancer free.""
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
How much will my car insurance cost monthly?
I'm 20 years old, female, college student, never been in an accident, 0 tickets, i've had my license since i was 18, my occupation: customer service. i'm self supporting, my insurance will not be under parents. it will be under my name. i'm looking to just get basic liability coverage. the car i'm considering to get is a white 2003 toyota celica gt coupe. with about 95kmiles. what insurance do you recommend and how much do you think it will cost for me monthly?""
Health Insurance for Employees?
Can anyone tell me, is there a law for NEW YORK STATE, that states that if an employer has so many workers in any job (I'm looking specifically at Carpentry/Construction) they are required to supply health insurance for the workers? My family doesn't qualify for any health insurance offered by NYS and we're trying to find one that is affordable. We don't qualify for Medicaid, Healthy NY, or Family Health Plus in NY. We're not rich, in fact, we're struggling, so I don't understand how people can make below the maximum requirements and still survive.""
Need help with my car insurance?
I will be driving for a year this august and i'm currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i'm already paying but i'm sure it will go down once i've been driving exactly 1 year. Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?
""Which has high auto insurance rates, santa barbara or vacaville CA?
10 points
How would you fix health care in the US?
I feel good and bad about this law. I'm conservative. I don't entirely agree with the law. But it's good that people are able to get on an affordable insurance plan if they have a pre-existing condition rather than being left out to die. But what about the people who are getting kicked off insurance plans and now have to pay even higher rates than they already were? I get a subsidy for my plan. I don't feel like I deserve it. I saw a lady on the news who had cancer and couldn't get insurance. I feel like she is the one who deserves a subsidy so she can get a plan. How do you feel about this law? And what happens if a Republican gets into office or they control the legislative branch in 2014 and repeal the law? Then what?
Anyone please help !!?
im 16 and i want to klnow how much car insurance is going to be. i dont want an exACT FIGURE BUT A ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR statefarm with all the discounts taken out for being a good stundent and taking the drvers ed my car is already paid off and its a sante fe
How much will having a body kit on a car raise your car insurance for a 17year old?
automotive, insurance""
Car insurance involving my best friend?
recently my dad got me a car, the car's in my name, the car insurance is in my name and everything to do with the car is in my name but my dad's on the insurance as an additional driver which on my insurance additional drivers are free on my insurance, does that mean I would be able to add my best friend to the insurance enabling her to drive my car and my dad to teach her aswell under my insurance?""
Healthcare Insurance: True or False?
1. The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees. 2. No employer, in any state, is required to provide health insurance to any employee, full time or part time. 3. Employers do not have to report the cost of insurance on employee W-2s in 2011. This reporting is optional in 2011. The reporting requirement is intended to be informational and provide employees with greater transparency into health care costs. The amounts reported are not taxable.""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Would your name show up on car insurance papers if their were to be two people on the insurance?
My dad is the main person on the car insurance and if he was to put me on it, would my name show on the car insurance papers?""
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
Best california car insurance?
Best california car insurance?
A 1994 bmw i518 for an 18 year old car insurance?
How much do you think the insurance will be? thank u!
How much is car insurance monthly in Oregon with a Dealer License?
A buddy of mine who lives in Washington registers their cars with their dealer license. My buddy claims that his car insurance is only about $20.00 a month because of his dealer license. My family and I are beginning to pick cars up on craigslist and flipping them and are getting a dealer license so I'm wondering if in the state of Oregon, if the car insurance will be cheap like that or is that a Washington only thing? Thanks for your answers- Paul""
""I am looking for a good,affordable place to rent out to throw a party.In sacramento and surrounding areas?""
Does anybody know a good place.I just want to have fun and make sure people are safe ,but at an affordable price ?""
How much money insurance can offer my car severely damage in accident 1999 Mitsubishi diamante 132000 mileage?
some one hit in front while i was waiting to traffic pass , i have aaa and they have state farm insurance.""
How long before insurance premiums start to drop?
My family health insurance premiums are about to go up to $800 per month. I don't think we can afford that kind of premium on a $65K household income. Will it get better once the insurance exchanges kick in? Talking to friends, they're also seeing their premiums double in some cases.""
How much will my insurance inflate?
Okay so this is my first year driving and my insurance was about $1100-1200. I was backing out and someone was in my blind spot so I hit the side of his car. My car had no damages but unfortunately I caused a slight dent in his, it wasn't that serious but it was still noticable. How much will insurance go up now that I've had my first accident that was completely my fault?""
Where can I find info about Landa Insurance?
I know that Landa Insurance is a fraudulent insurance company, and I've received a few messages from others about it too and see where others have posted that the company is under investigation in several states. Does anyone know where I can find info about them being under investigation or can anyone share experiences with them? I personally was considering getting insurance with them once but I did some research on who the claim to underwrite for and that company's attorney told me that they dont even sell car insurance and the quote I recieved matched the policy number of a medicare supliment policy, and that Landa Insuarnce and the alleged agent are a fake. Any thoughts or ideas?""
Window tint affect insurance? Insurance is through a transport company?
I am insured via a transport company so im on the insurance of the business. Will window tinting affect my insurance if its legal tints? Does it normally affect insurance?
Why does California suck so much?!?!?
UGH! I'm a teenager, who drives a 2001 Honda Accord, right? I've been driving for almost two years (this November) and I had my insurance set up that I pay it every 6 months and it would accumulate to $720.90. I've always paid my insurance a week or two ahead of time and my driving record is perfect thus far. But then, I get my insurance this time and now it's $777.90 dollars!!! It increased $57 out of nowhere. I called and it's because of North Carolina doing a business deal with California and California increased everything or something. I know that sounds sketchy. I have Progressive, by the way. And no, they don't offer any student discounts (I got straight A's when I was in high school and now I'm in college and I still get them) but they don't acknowledge that because California or whatever took the rights away to lend out such discounts. My question is: why does California suck so much? It isn't fair whatsoever... $1600 (almost) a year for insurance on a 2001 Honda Acoord is ridiculous. Is there any cheaper insurances out there besides Progressive?""
What is pay and go car insurance?
I'd like to drive my dads car for a couple of months through the summer until i go to university, it would be pointless getting a whole years policy as ill be gone in 3 months, i understand pay & go car insurance is one-monthly deals. Am i right? could anyone give me some more information ? Thank you""
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
Car insurance quotes?
im just snooping around through car insurance websites figuring out which 1 is the cheapest for my ride...so imade a quote or did a quote at a car insurance website which it said how much ima pay each month but ididnt want car insurance yet..so my question is when imade that quote do ihave to each month which the website said NOW? or is it just telling when isign up for that company thats how much ima pay?...(iwant car insurance but looking for the cheapest so imade that quote in accident)
What is the best affordable car insurance for young adults?
I just got a car and wanted to get insurance on my car but dont want to pay a lot of money for it. what do you recommend?
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Car Insurance?
right can anyone tell me off there head (with out telling me to go to a insurance website) how much it would cost for a 17yh old to insure a: VW Golf Mk1 GTI and a Williams Clio
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
""If I open a bank account with USAA, will I pay less for USAA car insurance?""
I'm a college student who inherited USAA car insurance through my mom. I'm transferring to a 4-year Uni and looking for all the simplicities and money saving options available ie; overdraft protection, quick debit records, free atm anywhere, no monthly charge, online features........ pretty much everything USAA has standard. As of now I still bank with BOA, but it may be simpler and cheaper to bank with USAA... especially if they offer a price cut in monthly car insurance. Much thanks to those(asside from insurance salesmen or banking officials) with information. =)""
Provisional license insurance quote is cheaper then full license quote?
I done an insurance quote to find out how much it will cost to insure my car so i can drive with my mum in the car and L plates on it, the quote was cheaper then when i done a quote on the same car with a full license which is brilliant but i was wondering when i pass my test and need to re new the insurance can i just pay the extra or will i have to pay the full amount? any help would be brilliant thank you""
I hit a fence with my car will my insurance rates go up if I make a calim?
The other day I was driving my 2000 honda accord and out of no place came a deer that ran out in the street from the woods.I turned my wheel hard to the right not to hit the deer and I hit a woodin fence at an abandoned house.My car is dented up pretty bad .I have full coverage I know the car is 12 years old but it was in excelllent shape before this.if I file a claim will my insurince rates go up?
How much does insurance generally cost?
-Health insurance -Car insurance (for a mustang GT, a newer model) -House insurance The house is 2.5 baths, 3 bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. This is for a school project. Seperate answers, please.""
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
How to get cheap insurance for bike?
I'm 24 and trying to find cheap insurance for bike 125cc in Ireland. Can somebody help me please. I'm girl and having provisional driving licence. Thank you.
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
What kind of motorcycle could I get?
I want a vehicle and I think a motorcycle would be kickass. If anybody has any experience, please help me out. Is there a good bike I could get used under $3000 that I could ride on the highway (75 mph). Does your car insurance go up when you get the license? What would insurance cost for a 17 y/o male with no collisions or infractions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Car Insurance Question?
First, I recently passed my road test and I am allowed to drive by myself. The problem is that the pink card (car insurance) has my parent's names on it and not mine. But, my parents recall putting me in a car insurance plan with them. So technically without my name on the card, I would be driving without insurance? And that's illegal right? (At least in Canada, Alberta) Would I be able to drive or no?""
Car Insurance HELP......?
Well Im 19 yo. and I want to buy a car in England. But insurance is the main problem!!! I have International Driver License and Im looking cars like Crossfire, BMW M1 etc. but secondhand ones. Which insurance company will be the best for me??? Btw Im university student.""
Insurance for first car?
Im thinking about buying a 00-04 S2000 or and 99-04 Mustang GT. I live in georgia..17 almost 18 with a flawless driving record. My parents and i use geico insurance. I am a car enthusiast and i love performance.
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
About how much will insurance cost on a 2011 Aprilia RSV 1000 factory?
Have a squeaky clean driving record
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
What insurance companies cover home that have had multiple claims?
We have have 3 claims since 2008 and have been dropped. We cannot find homeowners insurance, and our mortgage company is going to force insurance, with no liability or personal property included, at 2 to 3 times higher premium. Anyone have ideas of insurance companies that would cover us?""
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
Can my parents insure my car without me on the insurance policy?
Ok, there's a little bit to the story. I want my mom to sign my car (which is in her name at the moment) over to me. She said that she would. The DMV people said that to change the car over into my name, I have to bring in my I.D. and proof of insurance. I'm wondering if they will switch the car into my name without me being listed on my mom's policy (the ins. car has her name on it.) Will the people at the DMV switch the car into my name, or do I have to have my own insurance, or be put on her policy?""
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
""If Obamacare is so bad, why is reducing health insurance premiums by 50%?""
New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today. http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to prior claims by conservatives, Obamacare lowers health insurance premiums in California http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In fact, in the 9 states that published their 2014 rates, EVERY benchmark plan came in cheaper under Obamacare. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/306515-obamacare-premiums-lower-than-expected#ixzz2ZQPqwUMT""
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
""My insurance is not responding to my calls, but the other party insurance does after the accident. What to do?""
I reported about an accident to my insurance. Waiting for the police report, weeks came by. Now, I have the police report but my insurance is not responding my calls, but the insurance of the responsible party is. Who is in charge of fixing my car?""
How much auto insurance must I have?
I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you!
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
Health insurance?
Dear friends, I was an international student in the past spring semester and my health insurance is still valid until the end of this summer. Thankfully I have not used my insurance at all and I was wondering if you my friends could give me any smart ideas on how I may be able to get the most out of my health insurance before it expires? I assume there would be no refund to me from the insurance company even if I have not had a single claim on it. I paid almost 500$ for it and that kinda hurts to see it is going to expire soon and you have not benefited from it at all! Hope you understand and thank you very much in advance for your smart ideas and any advice or information you could give, warm regards, Rojin""
If you get scissor doors installed on your car does the insurance go up much?
The car is a honda civic 1.6 vtech sport, and im 17...If it does go up, how much roughly.""
Car Insurance? (New Driver)?
Hey, I plan on getting a 2007 Subaru WRX STi when I turn 17. By then, I will of course have my full license. Anyways, what do you think (approximately) I will have to pay in insurance. (I live in Sudbury, Ontario Canada.) Thanks in advance.""
Insurance or personal?
I had a brush with a car i n the parking lot and the bumper of the other car came off. its a new car and the bumper needs to be replaced. The guy is claming $700 for repairs. Just wondering if i shuld pay it from my pocket or shuld go thru insurance. In case i claim insurance do points get added to my insurance which will impact my insurance cost in the coming years? whcih is more sensible...
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
How can I buy car insurance?
Sorry, my real question is as follows: My mom owns a car, and I want to drive the car and get it insured. I do not know if I can find an auto insurance agent and tell her or him that I want to insurance the car for myself alone, without paying insurance fees for my mom. I just want to insurance my mother's car and drive it by myself without paying any premium fees of insuring both mom and I. Any one has experience about that? Is it possible?""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
HELP!!!! Do I need car insurance if I don't own a car and don't drive much in the state of Florida?
I am 16 years old and State Farm is calling me and it is getting annoying. I don't own a car and I don't drive much. When I do drive I borrow the car that is under my sister's name. My parent's don't drive. My dad's license is expired and he doesn't drive anymore, and my mom doesn't know how to drive at all. I keep hearing conflicting things, some say that it is a law in the state of Florida (where I live) that anyone with a license needs to have insurance, while others say that it is not necessary to have insurance if you don't own a vehicle and don't drive much. My question is: Do I need car insurance in the state of Florida if I do not own a car and don't drive much? Thanks!""
Car Insurance help?!?!?!?
Im 16, im gonna take the 5 hour pre-licensing course this week and i was wondering if it lowers your car insurance like drivers ed does. thank you""
Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?
Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.""
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Car insurance questions?
I was parked in front of my house and a lady came along and hit my car totalling it by the looks. I think I just signed up for basic insurance. Because she hit my parked car, is the towing and cost for keeping my car covered on my insurance or hers? And also don't know if I can get a car rental at all? And I was also wondering if the car is totalled will they pay me to get a new car? Or just pay me some money back for the car? It says under collision actual cash value. Thanks for any answers because I can not figure out what I have on this paper or if it goes on hers!""
How much is one day car insurance?
My friends and I are going to be taking a trip to a place about 3 hours away, and returning the same day. We're borrowing a car and the owner is asking us to cover one-day insurance. I've had some trouble getting some quotes and I was wondering what a ballpark range is? Less than $50?""
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
0 notes
officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/section23-has-announced-its-october-slate/
Section23 Has Announced It's October Slate
Section23 has revealed the licensor’s anime releases for October 2017:
HOUSTON, June 21, 2017 – Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its October slate of releases; including Sentai Filmworks’ Limited Edition Premium Box Set for the supernatural coming-of-age tale, Flying Witch!
      Product details follow, in order of release
  Coming October 2017
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         600 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Banri Tada has seen his share of trouble, but now he’s leaving that behind him and entering law school.  Or that was the plan, but on the first day of class, he finds himself lost and wandering.  Fortunately, while trying to resolve his predicament, he meets Mitsuo, a fellow law student, and together they head to class.  Only to be suddenly confronted with a beautiful woman who, much to Banri’s surprise, slaps Mitsuo in the face with a bouquet of roses.  She’s Koko Kaga, Mitsuo’s self-appointed future bride.  He may have new friends, but if Banri thought his problems were over, he’ll have to cross-examine his conclusion.  Together they’ll juggle life, love and more than a little drama in Golden Time the Complete Collection.
      Title:                 HINAKO COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Maiden Japan
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         105 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $29.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Hinako used to be a normal human. Then she was magically changed into an anime character! Now, she mostly does things like play the heroine’s best friend, but, in between anime, she’s got a lot of time on her hands. One of the strange things about Hinako is that, unlike most anime characters, she’s completely aware that she’s being watched! That doesn’t bother her, though. She likes the fact that the viewers are out there, and she considers them her friends. If she’s doing something and thinks of something to say, she’ll just say it to the people she can’t see. Or CAN she see them? The fourth wall is shattered as the most self-aware anime character ever invites you to peek behind the screen and experience the intimate interactive life of Training, Bathing, and even Sleeping with HINAKO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         975 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It’s rare to get a second chance at love, but Junichi Tachibana is about to get a half dozen of them! Junichi gave up hope of finding his special someone when a date stood him up on Christmas Eve, but fate is about to give him the romantic equivalent of a multiple choice quiz! It seems that there are a lot of girls Junichi knows who are “interested”, and if he picks the right one, and does the right things, he may just find his soul mate. And better yet, if he messes up on the first six or seven tries, he even gets do-overs! It’s the classic story of boy meets girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, and girl again as one guy’s luck with the ladies goes from bad to multi-verse in this complete collection: AMAGAMI SS and AMAGAMI SS+!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         670 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $89.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When Yu Narukami moves to Inaba to stay with his police detective uncle, he’s hoping that his new life in this small town will be more peaceful than the city. Instead, strange events begin occurring that somehow link Yu to a series of murders that have been happening across town! As a mysterious TV show world attempts to get Yu and his new friends to enter a dark virtual world, they find themselves plunged into a bizarre alternate reality where they gain incredible powers and abilities. Will the skills bestowed on them solve the mysteries behind the killer? Or will their powers lead them to their ultimate doom? Discover the shocking secrets of the Velvet Room and beyond in PERSONA 4: The Complete Collection.
      Title:                 SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA BLU-RAY
Published by:    SoftCel Pictures
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         50 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $19.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Using black magic and armies of monsters, the Dark Elf Empire of Keltula conquered and enslaved all the other nations of Midgard, then set its designs on the lands of Mithras. Only the Kingdom of Lindengard stood in their way, but taking courage from the heroics of their warrior princess Oliva, the soldiers of Supreme Ruler Ashbel managed to halt the Keltulan advance. Then, Keltula sent its most ruthless warrior, Cecil, to take command and, using treachery and deceit, he captured 5000 Lindengard troops. To save them, Lindengard’s ruler was forced to accept a horrific bargain: give Oliva to Cecil in exchange for the lives of captured men! Now, stripped of her armor, rank, and freedom, Lindengard’s greatest heroine has become Cecil’s slave and sexual toy, and the nightmare is only beginning for SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA!
        Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 1 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, mankind has been under attack by an ancient race of demons: nightmarish creatures that feed off the darkness in men’s souls and enter our world seeking bodies to possess. Against these Horrors, the human race has just one hope: the enchanted weapons and armor of the Makai Knights, a secret legion of warriors, priests, and magic users who stand as humanity’s last line of defense. Get ready for an epic experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as famed designer/director Keita Amemiya (Zeram, Kamen Rider Black) and a pantheon of Japan’s top action and horror directors, including Makoto Yokoyama (Power Rangers), Kengo Kaji (Tokyo Gore Police), and Ryu Kaneda (Video Girl Ai), unleash the amazing battle sequences and stunning special effects that revolutionized the world of Japanese horror in GARO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         96 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It’s just so not fair! Sure, Rikka may be a “chunibyo” afflicted with a state where she’s convinced that she has hidden powers. Maybe she DOES think she has an evil eye that always has to be covered with a patch. But that doesn’t mean that what she believes isn’t real to her, and Rikka knows in her twisted little heart that Yuta Togashi is much more than just another boy. So why is he always pulling away? At long last, here’s the chance to see the world through Rikka’s eyes (or eye, technically, since the evil one is usually covered). Armed with your trusted parasol, you’ll deal with evil high priestess sisters, enchanted animals, and the scariest thing of all, going literally boy crazy in LOVE, CHUNIBYO AND OTHER DELUSIONS!: RIKKA VERSION!
      Title:                 FLYING WITCH COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD, DVD, COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98, $59.98, $159.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Traditionally, when a witch turns 15, she’s supposed to go out into the world alone to study magic. Makoto’s parents, however, believe that their directionally-challenged daughter should get a high school degree. Instead of being sent out on her own, Makoto and her cat Chito find themselves traveling from the bustling city of Yokohama to Aomori Prefecture, where they’ll stay with relatives until Makoto finishes school. It’s going to be a big adjustment, and it only gets more complicated since “normal” people aren’t supposed to know that witches exist… something that she tends to forget. In the meantime, Makoto, her cousins, and her new friends will have to work just a little harder to adapt to a whole new way of life when the new girl in town is a FLYING WITCH!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The online fantasy game Elder Tales is a worldwide phenomenon, immersing millions of players in its intricately conceived virtual world. However, the release of the game’s twelfth expansion pack makes that immersion all too literal, as players from around the world are suddenly pulled into the game’s no-longer-fictional universe! Now, eight-year ET veteran Shiroe, his friend Naotsugu, the beautiful assassin Akatsuki, and 30,000 other players are faced with the daunting task of learning how to deal with an entirely new reality, one where the Non-Player Characters are actually alive, and the tips and tricks learned while playing with a keyboard no longer apply. Flesh and blood replace avatars and stat lists, and an entire world stands on the brink of Apocalypse in the ultimate LOG HORIZON SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 complete collection!
      Title:                 THE DRAGON DENTIST
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         90 min.
Street Date:      10/31/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Going into war against a dragon takes incredible courage, but even that danger pales in comparison to the hazards of young Nonoko’s job. As a Dragon Dentist, she’s charged with venturing into the jaws of the country’s dragon protector to keep its pearly canines free of plaque, decay, and other debris. One day, Nonoko discovers an unconscious soldier between her dragon’s teeth instead of a cavity, and she finds herself caught up in a series of events that have been foretold to bring disaster to her people! Get ready for an incredible brush with destiny that leads two young people through the mouth of hell and towards certain doom as the creators of the new EVANGELION feature films unleash an epic unlike anything you’ve seen before in THE DRAGON DENTIST!
0 notes
recentanimenews · 7 years
Section23 Announces October Release Slate
Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its October slate of releases, including Sentai Filmworks’ Limited Edition Premium Box Set Flying Witch as well as mature tokusatsu series Garo.
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         600 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Banri Tada has seen his share of trouble, but now he's leaving that behind him and entering law school.  Or that was the plan, but on the first day of class, he finds himself lost and wandering.  Fortunately, while trying to resolve his predicament, he meets Mitsuo, a fellow law student, and together they head to class.  Only to be suddenly confronted with a beautiful woman who, much to Banri's surprise, slaps Mitsuo in the face with a bouquet of roses.  She's Koko Kaga, Mitsuo's self-appointed future bride.  He may have new friends, but if Banri thought his problems were over, he'll have to cross-examine his conclusion.  Together they'll juggle life, love and more than a little drama in Golden Time the Complete Collection.
      Title:                 HINAKO COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Maiden Japan
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         105 min.
Street Date:      10/3/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $29.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Hinako used to be a normal human. Then she was magically changed into an anime character! Now, she mostly does things like play the heroine's best friend, but, in between anime, she's got a lot of time on her hands. One of the strange things about Hinako is that, unlike most anime characters, she's completely aware that she's being watched! That doesn't bother her, though. She likes the fact that the viewers are out there, and she considers them her friends. If she's doing something and thinks of something to say, she'll just say it to the people she can't see. Or CAN she see them? The fourth wall is shattered as the most self-aware anime character ever invites you to peek behind the screen and experience the intimate interactive life of Training, Bathing, and even Sleeping with HINAKO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         975 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $79.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It's rare to get a second chance at love, but Junichi Tachibana is about to get a half dozen of them! Junichi gave up hope of finding his special someone when a date stood him up on Christmas Eve, but fate is about to give him the romantic equivalent of a multiple choice quiz! It seems that there are a lot of girls Junichi knows who are "interested", and if he picks the right one, and does the right things, he may just find his soul mate. And better yet, if he messes up on the first six or seven tries, he even gets do-overs! It's the classic story of boy meets girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, and girl again as one guy's luck with the ladies goes from bad to multi-verse in this complete collection: AMAGAMI SS and AMAGAMI SS+!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         670 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $89.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When Yu Narukami moves to Inaba to stay with his police detective uncle, he's hoping that his new life in this small town will be more peaceful than the city. Instead, strange events begin occurring that somehow link Yu to a series of murders that have been happening across town! As a mysterious TV show world attempts to get Yu and his new friends to enter a dark virtual world, they find themselves plunged into a bizarre alternate reality where they gain incredible powers and abilities. Will the skills bestowed on them solve the mysteries behind the killer? Or will their powers lead them to their ultimate doom? Discover the shocking secrets of the Velvet Room and beyond in PERSONA 4: The Complete Collection.
      Title:                 SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA BLU-RAY
Published by:    SoftCel Pictures
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         50 min.
Street Date:      10/10/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $19.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Using black magic and armies of monsters, the Dark Elf Empire of Keltula conquered and enslaved all the other nations of Midgard, then set its designs on the lands of Mithras. Only the Kingdom of Lindengard stood in their way, but taking courage from the heroics of their warrior princess Oliva, the soldiers of Supreme Ruler Ashbel managed to halt the Keltulan advance. Then, Keltula sent its most ruthless warrior, Cecil, to take command and, using treachery and deceit, he captured 5000 Lindengard troops. To save them, Lindengard's ruler was forced to accept a horrific bargain: give Oliva to Cecil in exchange for the lives of captured men! Now, stripped of her armor, rank, and freedom, Lindengard's greatest heroine has become Cecil's slave and sexual toy, and the nightmare is only beginning for SLAVE PRINCESS OLIVIA!
        Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 1 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         325 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, mankind has been under attack by an ancient race of demons: nightmarish creatures that feed off the darkness in men’s souls and enter our world seeking bodies to possess. Against these Horrors, the human race has just one hope: the enchanted weapons and armor of the Makai Knights, a secret legion of warriors, priests, and magic users who stand as humanity’s last line of defense. Get ready for an epic experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before as famed designer/director Keita Amemiya (Zeram, Kamen Rider Black) and a pantheon of Japan’s top action and horror directors, including Makoto Yokoyama (Power Rangers), Kengo Kaji (Tokyo Gore Police), and Ryu Kaneda (Video Girl Ai), unleash the amazing battle sequences and stunning special effects that revolutionized the world of Japanese horror in GARO!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         96 min.
Street Date:      10/17/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It's just so not fair! Sure, Rikka may be a "chunibyo" afflicted with a state where she's convinced that she has hidden powers. Maybe she DOES think she has an evil eye that always has to be covered with a patch. But that doesn't mean that what she believes isn't real to her, and Rikka knows in her twisted little heart that Yuta Togashi is much more than just another boy. So why is he always pulling away? At long last, here's the chance to see the world through Rikka's eyes (or eye, technically, since the evil one is usually covered). Armed with your trusted parasol, you'll deal with evil high priestess sisters, enchanted animals, and the scariest thing of all, going literally boy crazy in LOVE, CHUNIBYO AND OTHER DELUSIONS!: RIKKA VERSION!
      Title:                 FLYING WITCH COMPLETE COLLECTION
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD, DVD, COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $69.98, $59.98, $159.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Traditionally, when a witch turns 15, she's supposed to go out into the world alone to study magic. Makoto's parents, however, believe that their directionally-challenged daughter should get a high school degree. Instead of being sent out on her own, Makoto and her cat Chito find themselves traveling from the bustling city of Yokohama to Aomori Prefecture, where they'll stay with relatives until Makoto finishes school. It's going to be a big adjustment, and it only gets more complicated since "normal" people aren't supposed to know that witches exist… something that she tends to forget. In the meantime, Makoto, her cousins, and her new friends will have to work just a little harder to adapt to a whole new way of life when the new girl in town is a FLYING WITCH!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1300 min.
Street Date:      10/24/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The online fantasy game Elder Tales is a worldwide phenomenon, immersing millions of players in its intricately conceived virtual world. However, the release of the game's twelfth expansion pack makes that immersion all too literal, as players from around the world are suddenly pulled into the game's no-longer-fictional universe! Now, eight-year ET veteran Shiroe, his friend Naotsugu, the beautiful assassin Akatsuki, and 30,000 other players are faced with the daunting task of learning how to deal with an entirely new reality, one where the Non-Player Characters are actually alive, and the tips and tricks learned while playing with a keyboard no longer apply. Flesh and blood replace avatars and stat lists, and an entire world stands on the brink of Apocalypse in the ultimate LOG HORIZON SEASON 1 & SEASON 2 complete collection!
      Title:                 THE DRAGON DENTIST
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         90 min.
Street Date:      10/31/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Going into war against a dragon takes incredible courage, but even that danger pales in comparison to the hazards of young Nonoko's job. As a Dragon Dentist, she's charged with venturing into the jaws of the country's dragon protector to keep its pearly canines free of plaque, decay, and other debris. One day, Nonoko discovers an unconscious soldier between her dragon's teeth instead of a cavity, and she finds herself caught up in a series of events that have been foretold to bring disaster to her people! Get ready for an incredible brush with destiny that leads two young people through the mouth of hell and towards certain doom as the creators of the new EVANGELION feature films unleash an epic unlike anything you've seen before in THE DRAGON DENTIST!
       ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime. 
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
The Legend of Valentino Rossi is Still Going Strong at 39
Who is the greatest racer of all time? It’s an unwinnable argument that inevitably includes superstars such as Mario Andretti, Tazio Nuvolari, A.J. Foyt, Juan Manuel Fangio, Richard Petty, Ayrton Senna, Sébastien Loeb, and Michael Schumacher, to name just a few. But perhaps the real king is a man known best for his exploits on two wheels rather than four, a motorcycle racer named Valentino Rossi.
At 39, the Italian maestro is still fighting for the MotoGP World Championship, rubbing elbows with rivals at 220 mph. He has also won car rallies, competed in the World Rally Championship, and, perhaps most staggering of all, turned down a Ferrari Formula 1 drive.
It’s a fact lost often to the passage of time, but a dozen years ago Maranello courted Rossi to join Schumacher, who was nearing the end of his reign in the world’s most glamorous racing team. Rossi was approaching his 30th birthday and had been competing on motorcycles since he was 16, so it seemed only natural he might be ready for a new challenge. Both Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and F1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone wanted him in F1 because his rock ‘n’ roll swagger would be a huge boost for the series.
Rossi duly agreed to test for Ferrari, committing himself to a serious program expected to take him full-time into F1 in 2007 or 2008. From 2004 to 2006, he completed more than half a dozen tests with the Scuderia in between his MotoGP duties.
F1 cars are not easy machines to master. They are hugely complicated, a bit like a four-wheeled NASA rocket. At Ferrari’s Fiorano test track in April 2004, Rossi switched from a 240-horsepower Yamaha MotoGP bike, which rode around corners using only mechanical grip via two tiny tire contact patches, to a 950-hp Ferrari F2003 that rocketed around corners via four mammoth slicks and mind-boggling downforce. The change didn’t seem to bother him. To Rossi the game was just the same: an engine, some rubber, a racetrack, and a timing board.
Schumacher was present during that first test, when the Italian was so unprepared that he had to borrow the German’s F1 helmet. When Rossi returned to the pits after his first few runs, the most successful driver in F1 history could hardly believe what he saw when he checked the telemetry. He was stunned, even incredulous.
Rossi’s pace in that debut outing should have been impossible for a rookie who spent his life racing motorbikes, but the man has an almost supernatural affinity for anything involving petroleum explosions, burning rubber, and dancing on the giddy limit. Or as Rossi’s own hero Steve McQueen put it, “twisting the tiger’s tale.”
F1 car, rally car, MotoGP bike—Rossi can make them all sing. And no one else has ever done that, apart from the late John Surtees, the only man to win world championships on two wheels and four. But who else has turned down the chance to drive for racing’s most hallowed name? Rossi recalls the moment he made the decision to spurn Ferrari and four wheels.
“It was on the plane going home from a test at Valencia [in Spain],” he says. “I went there to understand my potential against the other guys. I understood that with a lot of work I had the potential to go fast. But on the plane, I decided: bikes. The main reason was that I was not ready to stop racing bikes. This was the biggest problem.”
Rossi has won seven MotoGP world championships, the most recent in 2009—a long time ago, but he finished second in the championship in three of the past four seasons. This year he sits third in the standings with four races remaining on the schedule. He holds the series’ all-time record for race wins, with 89. He took his first grand prix victory in the junior 125cc category in August 1996, and his most recent success came in the 1000cc MotoGP category in June 2017.
That’s a winning career that spans almost 21 years, a long way beyond Schumacher’s F1 record of 14 years between his first and last victories, especially considering the enhanced risks of MotoGP racing. Bikes have a habit of chewing up and spitting out even the greatest of exponents; riders have no carbon-fiber safety cell, just a leather suit and a helmet.
Rossi is a busy man during the season, contesting 19 MotoGP rounds, from Texas to Argentina to Malaysia to Australia and throughout Europe, as well as testing commitments and public relations duties. His opportunity to race cars is therefore limited to a month or two each winter. His has a soft spot for Italy’s Monza rally, which he has won a record six times. Last December he beat two professional car racers into second and third: factory Hyundai rally driver Andreas Mikkelsen and Audi LMP1 driver Marco Bonanomi. It sounds like an unlikely outcome, but it’s there in the record book, a plain fact as opposed to a myth. In the more distant past, Rossi managed to squeeze a few WRC outings into his motorcycling schedule, finishing just outside the top 10 in the 2006 New Zealand round.
Perhaps we shouldn’t consider such performances unlikely; Rossi has spent his entire life playing with engines and wheels. His father, Graziano, also a motorcycle racer of some repute, scored three grand prix wins in 1979, the year Valentino was born. He was forced to retire three years later due to a head injury, and in retirement he built a racing machine for his son. But it wasn’t a motorcycle.
“When Valentino was 6, I built him a kart,” Rossi senior recalls. “It was an evil thing—the chassis was for a 60cc engine, but I fitted a 100cc engine.”
Thus his son learned to do what he does best—battling on the brink of disaster—by thrashing this homemade device around the local gravel pits. He started racing a few years later, finishing fifth in the 1991 Italian junior karting championship, with the plan to graduate to the European championship the following year.
“Going fast is always what I wanted to do in my life; I think I inherited that from my father,” Rossi says. “I started to understand quite early that I have a special talent to do this. When I raced go-karts, I understood that I have a good feeling to understand what’s happening. But I was not the only one. There were other kids who were faster than me, so I said, ‘This is the way for me, but, f***, I have to improve.’”
There was one problem: Rossi’s father didn’t have the budget necessary to contest the European championship, so Valentino suggested he should race something cheaper: a popular type of racing minibike called Minimoto.
“My passions for cars and bikes were growing up together,” he adds. “But when Minimoto arrived, I began to think that I had a better taste from riding the bike. For sure, the money for racing karts was a problem, and because [my father] knew a lot of people in the bike world, it was more possible for him to find bikes and sponsors.”
Rossi switched full time to motorcycles in 1992, winning the local Minimoto championship at his first attempt. Three years later he was Italian 125cc champion, and in spring 1996 he made his Grand Prix debut. He won the 125cc world title the next year, then the 250cc world title in 1999. He graduated to the so-called class of kings in 2000, when the premier class featured evil 500cc two-strokes, with precipitous powerbands that had a nasty habit of overpowering the rear tire and flicking their rider into orbit.
“Racing 125s was like a game, 250s were serious, but 500s are very serious!” Rossi said during his rookie 500 season. “They’re dangerous: You open the throttle, and you’ve got almost 200 horsepower, so you have to be careful.”
Rossi conquered the 500cc class in 2001, the year before the category switched to 990cc four-stroke machines. He has won world titles on every kind of bike he has ridden, a unique achievement. Every motorcycle racer has his own technique, his own way of taming a motorcycle via throttle control, body weight, and maximizing traction. But different types of motorcycles require very different techniques to extract maximum performance from their engines and chassis. Rossi can swap seamlessly from one bike to another—the 500cc two-strokes he raced back in the day were very different machines to the MotoGP bikes he rides now.
Rossi’s style on any kind of motorcycle seems effortless—finding a tenth of a second here and a hundredth there—but it’s when he has to fight to win a race that he becomes truly spectacular. And this happens both and off the racetrack. He has always been a genius for taking apart his rivals, whether it’s with an apparently offhand remark in a press conference or an ultra-aggressive move on the final lap.
Texan Colin Edwards was Rossi’s MotoGP teammate at Yamaha for several years. “Valentino is very clever, how would you say it … he’s sly,” says Edwards, a two-time winner of the World Superbike title. “He’s very undercover, foxy, sly. He’s not real blatant about some of the mind games, but on the track he’s pretty vicious.”
For certain Rossi has won plenty of races by getting physical—barging into rivals at the last corner or suckering them into crashing out—and he is still as unforgiving as he ever was. But how long can he continue racing motorcycles at the limit? Maybe another year or two, then it will be cars even though he would probably prefer to stick to bikes forever; they hold an endless fascination for him.
“Even now in bike racing, it seems like there is something undiscovered,” he says. “When you drive a car, you are always in the same position, you are stuck in the seat, all you have to do is drive. On a motorcycle you use a lot of body movement, so the rider is more important than the driver in a car. I like driving cars, but for me riding bikes is more exciting and you can express yourself more.
“In car racing, the setup is very important. It is important for the driver to understand everything in order to modify the car to go faster. The setup is also important in bikes, but with the bike you can also modify your style to go faster; maybe you can change the way you move your body into a corner.”
Despite turning down Ferrari, he loved driving the company’s F1 cars.
“The car is f****** incredible, the acceleration is unbelievable!” he grins. “Maybe it’s about the same as a MotoGP bike, but the feeling is more exciting in the car. You feel the acceleration more because you sit lower and because the bike is light and very powerful, but the car is heavier and even more powerful, so you feel the push a lot more.
“With the Formula 1 car the driving becomes a bit unnatural, a bit different from a normal car—it is very important to understand how the aerodynamics work. A MotoGP bike is like a normal bike but lighter, more power, more everything. A Formula 1 car is not like a normal car. You have to understand all about the wings. The braking is very different. Everything is different. It is true that in MotoGP we already have a lot of technical meetings, a lot of thinking. I speak a lot about electronics with my guys, but in cars it is different. With cars, everything is already fixed, so if you do this, you make this lap time, if you add that fuel, you make that lap time. So it is like the driver doesn’t have anything to invent. It’s more like a job. Also, I don’t feel that the F1 atmosphere is close to my lifestyle. It’s a lot, lot more serious. I’m more comfortable in the bike world.”
It makes sense, then, that when Rossi does finally switch to cars, he will most likely swap asphalt for dirt, because he loves rallying so much.
“Driving rally cars is a lot of fun, a lot of sliding,” he says. “In circuit racing the most important thing is precision and perfection. In rally it is control which is most important, so it’s fun. I think it is more wild than motorcycle racing. It’s so different. You’re driving out in the country, with the mechanics working on the cars in the dirt.”
The switch is still at least a few years away: Rossi has already signed to stay with Yamaha’s MotoGP team for 2019 and 2020, so perhaps he will commence his full-time car racing career in 2021, when he will be 42. Catch his motorcycle exploits before he scrapes his elbow through one final apex, because there might never be another racer quite like him.
Photos: Rossi family archive, Ferrari S.p.A, Whit Bazemore
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