#they could never make me hate you (transformers beast wars)
goomo · 18 days
oohhhh i have GOTTA rewatch beast wars
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dramioneasks · 1 month
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionForum (Part 6)
Deflower Draco 2024:
Off To The Races by anna_h_ofeliya - E, 8 chapters - Upon returning to Hogwarts for the eighth year, Hermione learns that some Slytherin students covertly slip out after dark to fly around the Whomping Willow, seeking to reignite the thrill of danger.
Where the Foxglove Grows by eggmett - E, WIP - My eyes move over each offering, passing from one face to the next. Some of them are familiar. But the last, the twenty-eighth face, causes my heart to skip. A gasp sticks in my throat as I struggle to maintain my composure. Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy is virgin number twenty-eight. [Draco x Hermione x Voldemort] [Warnings: Rape/Non-Con]
Like Warm Apple Pie by undercoverdrxco - E, 2 chapters - Draco, Theo, and Blaise are two months from leaving Hogwarts as virgins. That just won’t do. A bet is placed and targets are made… Draco is decidedly going to ‘woo’ Hermione Granger. - An ‘American Pie’ inspired story in which Hermione is swotty and talks a lot, Draco is an awkward virgin, and Theo and Blaise are rightful morons while ALSO being total virgins -
Draco, Are You Coming? by EternalOphelia - E, WIP - 8th year. Draco is a virgin and keen to not be after living 100-years-worth of adult lives during the war—he just wants to be, without expectation. While Draco has had experiences with girls, he’s behind his classmates/housemates since he had more pressing things on his mind, mainly staying alive. When his well-meaning friends (Blaise and Theo) try to help him by sicking an all too willing Pansy on him, Draco is unable and unwilling to sleep with her; humiliated, he leaves a naked Pansy on his bed. Days later, when Hermione Granger becomes involved and steps in on Draco's behalf, he begins to see her differently.
Disturbingly Capable by Zeebee3 - E, one-shot - She considers his hair again, giving him the taste of a pause, then meets his eye; holds it. “Fuck you.” It’s the first thing she’s said to him in a year that isn’t a spell, and it feels good that it’s still some form of a curse. Seeing him misunderstand it feels even better. He sighs, like he’d expected insolence. “You always were a stubborn little thing. This is your last chance, Granger. Tell me, or—” She interrupts him because she can, and even with years of war between them, he still lets her. “I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear,” she says, tone indicating she’s not sorry a bit. “For a moment, I’d forgotten how stupid you are. Let me spell it out for you: I choose option two. I’ll fuck you.” His shock freezes him for a breath, and then his brows twitch together. “What?” he says. --- Or, Draco barters with his virginity and Hermione is happy to unburden him of it for the promise of being released from Malfoy Manor.
Belong To Me by WillowingScribe - E, one-shot - On one of her rounds as prefect Hermione finds Draco Malfoy in front of the Mirror of Erised talking to none other than... her? ___ “Stop it! Stop lying! You wouldn’t want me even if none of this had happened. You wouldn’t want me even if I wasn’t Draco Malfoy.” And then he said something that shocked her enough that the Invisibility Cloak slipped from her fingers and pooled onto the floor. “As if, Granger. Find somebody else to deflower.”
Mine by Forgive_Me_Severus - E, WIP - Bitten by a werewolf while on the run, Hermione Granger has had to navigate transforming under the Moon, being Alpha to five other Wolves of Hogwarts, and every aspect in between the same way she always had before: through research. But when Draco Malfoy reappears at Hogwarts as part of his probation, nothing she's studied could prepare her for what would happen next.
Cake By The Ocean by The_Taco_Dragon - E, WIP - An arranged marriage that he hates. A Bachelor Party he never wanted. Champagne eyes that make him weak.
Breaking Draco by So_scarlett_maroon - E, WIP - "Apparently, those beasts from the other houses can't go even a month without touching themselves." Hermione heard the voices and realized she'd forgotten to cast her usual noise-blocking spell. She lifted her wand to do just that when the words she'd just heard hit her. Another voice spoke now. "Surely it's just the muggle-borns, right? Purebloods are taught from birth not to defile themselves with masturbation." "Nope," the first voice resumed. "MacMillian was there, Weasley too. They both seemed to think that going a whole month without coming was some monumental task. Weaklings. Try going 18 years, mate." Hermione was struggling not to laugh. She couldn't believe there were men at Hogwarts who were not only virgins but they'd never gotten off. "Draco, did you really join their little competition, though?" Hermione had to cover her mouth to stifle her gasp. "Of course I did, Theo. I will win easily and show them all how little control they have. Unlike all the other so-called 'men' in this school, Slytherin's know how to keep it in their pants."
The Stroke of Midnight by charingfae - E, WIP - Problem number one. He’s in love with Hermione Granger. Problem number two. He’s a twenty-four-year-old virgin. Problem number three. He can’t do anything about problems number one or two thanks to an irreversible, accidental chastity vow made during a drunken escapade in fifth year. -- Draco laughed—a real, deep, belly laugh—even as his heart twinged with longing. He wanted her to like him, to be with him, to love him. He wanted to tell her that he loved her hair, especially when it grew large enough to have its own postal code. He wanted to tell her that her laugh altered his brain chemistry, and that being the one to make her laugh made his stupid life worth living. Instead, he said— “Try the beetroot.”
Seven Minutes in Heaven by allofthelights11, AutumnWeen - M, 2 chapters - Draco's house arrest was finally over with the conclusion of his N.E.W.T.s, but the challenge he would face next was even more daunting: Hermione Granger wanted him. She had no idea he was a virgin. or The time Draco fainted at a house party.
Measure of a Flan by allofthelights11, winterwells - not rated, one-shot - In which Draco desperately wants to surprise Hermione by making her grandmother's iconic flan on a special holiday weekend away.
Malfoy Rites of Passage by allofthelights11 - E, one-shot - In which, thanks to Malfoy Manor being crammed with nosy portraits with entirely too many opinions on the prostate, Draco and Hermione retreat to the rose gardens to do a little fooling around. Deflower Draco 2024
I Love A Wedding by aCanadianMuggle - M, one-shot - Malfoy Manor has decided that the heir should be wed. Cue a line of possible suitors taken to the Manor quite against their will, an unspeakable visitor and a quite ingenious solution to all of Draco's problems.
Aeterna Amantes by SyrenGrey - E, WIP - Draco Malfoy must have been around sixteen years old when the painting was commissioned–and what a pity, too, as the young Malfoy stood holding a pale, bone-ivory mask in one hand while a black cloak dangled from his other arm. He was as thin as a skeleton, the area around his eyes gaunt and hollow, perfectly suiting the title of Death Eater which he’d accepted in his nascent, sixteenth year. This was how Hermione remembered him. Maybe not so thin, and not as pale as this portrait conveyed, but standing tall, despite the resignation buried within his silver eyes. She had very few fond memories of the spoiled bully, but it didn’t take much for Hermione to feel pity for any creature–and Draco Malfoy, heir to hatefulness and bigotry–boy who never stood a chance–was worthy of pity. It was impossible to know what exactly had happened to him. Even six years after the Battle of Hogwarts, his body was never found.
Keep Your Wand Up by malfoyesque (PearlBracelet) - E, 3 chapters - A prank looms on the horizon, one that will destroy Draco's already shredded reputation. The jokes already exist about him lowering his wand, and about whether or not he'll ever be able to get it up again. And if the entire school were to just so happen to find out he was still a virgin– Yeah. You see the problem. But he soon finds out that he's not the only one. And that might be the thing that saves him.
More Than a Mask by vannminner - E, WIP - Amidst the masquerade, masks are shed, passion blooms and Draco's cock is warmed by the one witch he's wanted to take his v card since fourth year.
Partners by EscapeInMyBookshelf - E, one-shot - Auror partners Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have had a long day in the field and come back to the Ministry to deal with paperwork. She volunteers to help him with his workload.
Heads of Seduction by MarinaJune - E, 2 chapters - A pair of knickers and a pot full of mystery tea–what do these have in common? Draco is about to find out, along with just how much the newly-appointed Head Boy and Head Girl have changed since they all last walked Hogwarts. The swottiest Gryffindor and most stoic Slytherin have more to share than just class notes with him, as long as he leaves all expectations at the door. [Draco x Hermione x Blaise]
The Countdown by westxnorthwest - E, WIP - Malfoy, D. L. Determined match: Granger, H. J. Appointment: 5 June 2003, 10:00 AM - When the Wizarding Marriage Law passes, Draco and Hermione learn they have six months to consummate their marriage, and a year to produce an heir. What could go wrong?
A Traditional Malfoy Marriage Ceremony by Storycat9 - E, WIP - Draco and Hermione thought a quick Ministry elopement would help them avoid stuffy Pureblood weddings (and Lucius's schemes to break them up.) But Malfoy magic wants something a little more traditional. Newlyweds must learn to be flexible, right?
A Long Hard Wait by Iceemist - E, one-shot - Five times Draco nearly had sex, and the one time he actually did.
Purity by Storycat9 - E, one-shot - Draco comes back to Hogwarts to take his N.E.W.T.s, but he seems to have left some things out of his study guide.
This fest is ongoing.
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prettybillycore · 17 days
FOR TOMMY | Letter #6 All my love, Thomas Shelby
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Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Universe: Peaky Blinders / Fantastic Beasts
Summary: Veela and Seer- a powerful combination of traits for one person to have. Edith Lillian Scamander falls in love with a young Thomas Shelby while working in a nurse’s ward during WWI. Will her feelings be requited, or will she be doomed to pine over the man of her dreams for eternity hopelessly?
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none
Read on AO3 or Scroll down to read it right here on Tumblr below the cut!
Dear Grace, 
Without a secretary, I write my own letters, and I write without malice. I learnt long ago to hate my enemies. But I’ve never loved one before.  The idea of New York is interesting, but I have worked so hard for this day, for this victory. I have responsibilities here. People I need to protect and people who I love. Polly tells me you fell in love for real, and Polly is never wrong about matters of the heart. Before the war, when I had an important decision to make, I used to flip a coin. That was before the war. I still flip a coin sometimes, but this is a matter I cannot leave up to fate. If this had happened before the war, I would have prayed for the coin to land so I could be with you. Since meeting you, my heart has been split in two. You have one half and an army nurse has the other. She’s coming to Birmingham for the first time under Aunt Pol’s advisement. Polly must know that your heart is not tied to me completely. I let her decide which half of my heart I should follow. For the time being, I am following the half that rests in Lilli’s hands. I know you’ve heard her name before. Arthur made sure of that. I do not know what the future will bring, but this letter is my goodbye for now. I think you are the only enemy that I will ever love. Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
All my love, 
Thomas Shelby
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momolady · 9 months
I saw your tags - Do you want to share maybe a happy story about your brother? I'd love to hear one if you do.
Awww oh my gosh this is so sweet! Thank you.
We had a five year gap between us, so we never really were close until we got to be adults. Like any big brother, he always liked harassing me. He loved to get reactions of me by telling me racist jokes (he wasn't he was just an asshole). But he also got me into a lot of things I really love today liek Star Trek, Star Wars, and Batman (his holy trifecta if you will.
My brother was this pretty sterotypical southern guy. He had a beard, big gut, and liked to put on a tough exterior. But I had seen him in some really vulnerable and sweet moments. He was a person who cared a shit ton about people, though he'd never really show it. He was the kind of guy to tell me I sucked at video games, but then go and buy me the walk through book int he same day. He left behind him a legacy of people who had a wealth of good stories about him. How he helped them build things for their home, fix cars, take care of their kids, etc. He cared so much about the people in his life, but he'd never let you think he was anything than an asshole.
It's also because of my brother I got into Predator and Aliens, also Transformers and the Ninja Turtles. When he 'had to watch me' from time to time, he'd make me watch the things he liked. I remember we had gotten this X-Men cartoon VHS from Pizza Hut (yes, I'm old. But back int he nineties we got VHS with our fast food and it was awesome!) and I remember thinking Beast was so dreamy. But apparently that was weird and he made me watch Star Wars instead. (Jokes on you, that movie also had a huge hairy creature. You can't stop seven year old me.) I also remember watching Alien for the first time. The Xenomorphs were terrifying to me as a kid, but I also could not stop looking at them. My brother had action figures from the movie, and I wanted to play with his Alien Queen so bad! I hated her, but I loved her. I hated her, but I loved her. I now have a word for that as an adult, and it's scareroused. My brother was a pretty big collector, he kept almost all of his childhood toys. So when we started going through his things, it was relly cathartic to go through memories and recall things I hadn't thought about in ages. I have a Venom figure of his that sticks his tongue out. I have a Yautja mask my brother owned on my wall. I also have his huge collection of Ninja turtle merch that I'm still trying to find a place for. I also have his Gargoyle figures! Which, yes, he also got me into as a kid but never let me play with his figures. Whose laughing now, bro?
I think his influence, along with my mom's, really helped me discover this fun little niche of monster romance.
Thank you again, I really do enjoy sharing stories about my brother.
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korpuskat · 1 year
For gunk-ice-tea’s RaMayttra prompts, Day 26: Enraged. Rating: PG/Teen WC: 777 Warnings: Fighting, hurt no comfort
It was a failure. Months of planning, of production, reviewing and updating dozens of iterations of designs, all that he had done was now scrap in the streets of France. All a waste- time, resources, his energy. Nothing came from it- nothing! He'd lost his compatriots and still he had nothing to show for it!
His faceplate is incapable of emoting, and yet you can see the tension rise in him. The squaring of his shoulders, the hum of his processes ramping up- and the soft crunching of glass as his fist closes around a data cube. Tiny shards fall from his hand, glittering in the bright display of the screens before him. He pays no attention, doesn't even realize it's shattered. On screen, an omnic talks to a reporter, describes how Overwatch saved him from a Titan. An omnic. You don't want to look to him again.
"Fool!" Ramattra spits, "A coward groveling at the feet of our oppressors, do they really think I would let my army harm our people? I'm trying to save them!"
Metal groans behind you- and if you had to guess he's crushed a dent into the table. You turn carefully, slowly. I'd never hurt you, he'd sworn to you, but you can't entirely summon that trust now. He's spent years keeping his rage carefully leashed- saving it for the personal, gratifying nature of using his fists to overcome resistance. Now it's different. Like it's humming just under the surface, itching for an ounce of satisfying destruction. His base programming is scratching at the edges of his thoughts, HUD lining up combatants.
"Ramattra," It's as much a plea in itself as a call for his attention. His head barely moves, but you can feel the burning of his optics focused on you. It is different. You resist the need to squirm under his hateful gaze. "It's one battle. There will be more."
"One battle." Ramattra repeats quietly. A calm before the storm. You picked wrong. "With every battle we lose my people are suffering, dying. Only a human could see that as an acceptable loss!"
You grit your teeth and fight the urge to rise to his bait. "I didn't say that. I meant-"
His thoughts are racing, processes running out of control. "Oh, I know what you meant," He stands slowly, "You meant to remind me that this war is ongoing, that I've managed to underestimate bunch of a bickering, clueless humans! I somehow forgot the only thing you beasts love more than destroying yourselves is destroying omnics!"
It's all you can do to stand up straight, to stare up into the black rectangles of his faceplate. Rage- you hold on to your rage, let it make you brave just long enough. Your eyes may water and your lip may wobble, but you won't break down here. "Not all of us."
It's a line Ramattra has heard before- and yet this time it's ice water to his circuits. He can see now, pulls back from the tunnel vision- his HUD is flashing red, warnings of run away processes. His optics refocus, settle on your eyes- hard and hurt- helpless to watch as the first tear rolls over your cheek.
You turn and leave him, wiping your face as you go.
He feels- he feels- sick is what his vocabulary banks produce for him, unable to define the mix of shame and grief and regret and the still-lingering rage any better. Sick. He is... unwell, no- destabilized, like core processes have frozen mid-operation. No critical alerts ping in his memory, but he runs a self-check anyway. He must've- that's the only reason he would...
No, he knows. Ramattra looks down at his desk. On the left, there's a perfect imprint of his hand. On the right, the shining, glittering shards of the data cube he'd destroyed. He touches the dust, sweeps one finger through it.
He sinks back into his chair. The self-check dings complete, no errors found. He idly toys with considering his own repair system is faulty, but he knows. His temper has always been... a problem- his need for control, even if by pushing away what he cannot control. An essentialist would say it's in his very nature, unable to escape his original purpose. Ramattra cannot bring himself to disagree.
One by one he forces his locked-up actuators to disengage, releasing the tension across his body.
Later, he will stop by your quarters and apologize. He can't bring himself to do it yet- and you need time to calm down. Instead, he looks back to the screen and watches as they pan over the absolute destruction of Paris.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
OKAY SO LIKE, if you could pitch any new series or movie to Hasbro and know they're obligated at knifepoint to approve it, what's your pitch
OHHHH that last bit means I really have to think about this, because what I'd pitch and what I'd pitch if they had to say yes is... different, for sure. HMMMMMM.
...a cartoon series that is entirely new characters and concepts. No tiebacks to G1 at all, or Beast Wars, or anything famous. I am so fucking tired of Hasbro making every goddamn show nostalgia bait! We used to have new characters! They don't even get OP or an OP lookalike. Take the concept and do it as though your audience has never heard of Transformers before. Yes, every adult nerd will hate me forever, but at least we will finally get something properly new after what feels like eternity. Every single major sub-franchise is off limits. If they really, really want to use pre-existing IP, they have to go for stuff that is obscure/has not been revisited in at least 10 years.
You would abso-fucking-lutely have to be holding them at knife point to get this, obviously. LMAO.
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mizakikimoto · 1 year
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My birthdays always suck. I can’t ever relax. There’s always something going on. The battle never ends.
Yesterday I was marked for death by the YWCA. Terrible organization with terrible people.
But…I’m not on the streets, yet. My heart hasn’t stopped, yet. I was able to get some pizza and chicken…less than some people get…right? And my Starbucks. It took like 20 minutes to get…but it happened.
I hate that I spent part of today drafting an email in my head.
But…I was planning on seeing these statues, months ago. Last night I panicked, because Navy Pier said this was ending yesterday, when it’s supposed to end on the 26th. Customer service never got back to my email, but things worked out. I was so relieved seeing these guys and girl when we turned into the area.
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My health has been bad for a long time. There aren’t a lot of pictures of me from these past few years. I refuse to be caught.
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But I put up my hood, and took my picture with an old friend. I totally neglected Prime. Maybe I’ll regret that one day. But I now have a picture with my dude Primal.
I used to dress so much better than this. Look better too. But…I just told myself I’m battle damaged.
Little did I know, I’d be seeing Buzz and Woody too. More old friends.
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Oh Primal looks so cool. I keep saying that to myself. I keep “Primal”, over and over again.
I need to get this person to meet with me. Just walking around Navy Pier left me exhausted. My body really is screwed.
I had no tact taking some of these pictures. There were too many people. I just couldn’t care.
I was telling my sibling that I wish I could have stayed longer. I would have had a picnic.
But…sometimes things work out. I’ve had so much bad luck. I thought today would keep it going. But, no. Prime, Primal, and Mirage were there. Navy Pier’s Instagram kept responding to people saying that yesterday was the last day. For once, clinical communication lost. Thank God.
Now, I need that to repeat again.
My mother was like: “No one’s taking a picture with the monkey.”
I was like: “That’s the one I want to take a picture with the most!” I purposely wore this jacket in case I decided to just let it happen; overaged face and everything else.
I’m glad I got to meet my old friend, man. Prime, I love you. Primal, we just go way back.
Let my worry be proven to be for nothing again.
And one more thing:
I hate referring to things as fiction. But…this blog is attached to my company.
Some people might think Transformers is dumb, or hate Rise of the Beast when it comes out.
But here I am, nearly homeless, my health…terrible, everything on the line more than ever. 23 years lost, still.
Years ago Beast Wars came out. Then Paramount decided to adapt it into a movie. Then they decided to make these big statues to promote the movie.
I got to get a little joy, even in this terrible state.
You never know what you create will do for someone. So make sure it gets out.
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
Headcanons of Porco dating an Artist? Maybe like his s/o painted Porco's jaw titan and he is at awe at how something deemed so terrifying can be painted to look so beautifully :)
Painting the Jaw Titan
Porco Galliard Headcanon
Authors Note: You have no idea how much I love this concept!
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with you being an artist, porco’s already amazed at your work
seriously, everything you’ll let him keep is hung up in his bedroom or in his living room, proudly on display
he’ll sing his praises about you to anyone that will listen
telling people how talented you are and always showing off your work
however, what porco doesn’t know is you’ve been working on something special
you’ve been waiting on him to get back from the war for m o n t h s
so, as a little ‘welcome home’ gift you decided to paint him in his titan form
at first, when you showed it to him excitedly porco was confused
“what’s this?”
“It’s you silly! the jaw titan — the best marley warrior there is!”
when porco didn’t say anything, you became a little worried
“pock? don’t you like it?”
“t-thanks y/n, i’ll be sure to put it up.”
only...he never did
usually, porco would hang your art up that night or the next day at least
but when you visited his apartment the painting was nowhere to be found
honestly, he always enjoyed your art
what was different this time?
you found out one day when you decided to ask
“pock, baby? can you tell me something?”
“of course baby. what is it?”
“do you not like my art anymore?”
honestly, the question would throw him off guard
“w...what? of course i love your art baby, you know that. where’s this coming from?”
you sigh. “it’s just...i noticed you haven’t hung the painting i made for you when you got back from war. the one of the jaw titan?”
at this, you can see porco noticeably shift
there’s something wrong, he can’t look you in the eye
“there’s nothing wrong with the painting baby. it’s just...”
“It’s just that, well, you shouldn’t use something so ugly as muse in something so beautiful.”
you can barely believe what you’re hearing
ugly? is that truly what porco thinks of that other part of himself?
he’s avoiding your gaze, shifting away from you
“i’m sorry y/n but the way i see it that jaw titan’s a monster. you shouldn’t idolize something like that.”
hearing this will make you so sad bc it’s...porco? you don’t understand
“baby...” you’re frowning but porco doesn’t wanna talk about it anymore, shaking his head and waving you away
he’s obviously embarrassed at being vulnerable
i mean it’s porco, he’s always been nothing but strong for you
“let’s just forget about this, yeah? let’s just go to bed.”
he stalks off but of course, you’re not going to drop it
porco’s expression absolutely killed you and you hate that he feels that way
you wanna do something about it so you hatch a plan
the next day, you gather all of you painting supplies and then lure porco out to a secluded field
he thinks he’s just there to watch you paint, but you have other ideas
“can you...can do me a favor, pock?” you asked sweetly as you set everything up
“of course baby, what is it?”
“can you turn into a titan for me?”
your voice was so casual and innocent that porco didn’t even catch on at first
but when he did—
“what the fuck? turn into a titan?! are you crazy?! what are you thinking?!”
“i wanna show you that you’re not a monster, pock! i wanna turn you into something beautiful so that you can see what i along with the rest of the world see!”
he’d be so shocked and so adamant on not turning, waving you off but you’re stubborn
“please pock, just let me do this. just this one— let me show you.”
it’d take a hell of a lot of convincing, but eventually porco would give in
his behavior of always giving you what you want comes to bite him in the ass
soon enough, there’s a flash of yellow light and then your boyfriend transforms right in front of you
you can’t contain your smile as you climb onto the large beast, dragging various mixtures of paint and supplies with you
beneath you, porco is laying completely still and barely even breathing
he’s so terrified he might hurt you and and he’s wondering why in the hell did he ever agree to this in the first place
“see there? the perfect canvas.” you grin, staring him straight in the eyes as you stroke his face
porco has to fight the urge to roll his eyes, instead watching you intently as you swirl your brush in some paint
“here goes nothing...”
the first stroke is light, delicate but despite this the paint feels cold on porco’s face
absentmindedly, he shivers back causing you to giggle and hold on tight as you shake
“hold still silly, i can’t get anything done if you keep moving!”
something that sounds like a whine escapes his throat, but you keep painting anyways
pretty soon his face is colored in an array of different paints, ranging from yellow to pink to green
you paint with a purpose, and porco thinks it’s absolutely adorable how your tongue sticks out, how your face is scrunched up in concentration, and how soothing your voice is as you hum slightly
by the time you’re finished, your clothes are covered in paint, some has gotten in the jaw titan’s mane, there’s some on the grass but you’re so proud of yourself and porco is so relaxed you both don’t even care
“tada!” you hop off of his shoulders and then giggle, shoving a small mirror in front of the titan’s eyes
at first, porco doesn’t even react
he’s too busy staring at himself, eyes wide as he takes in your masterpiece
flowers...they’re painted everywhere
every inch of white surface is covered with lily’s, roses, sunflowers, poppy’s, anything you could think of
just staring at it causes porco’s jaw to nearly drop
in all honesty, he thinks it’s absolutely amazing
he’s never seen himself like this
so...beautiful, when he’s so used to looking terrifying
“well?” you bite your lip, waiting for porco to come out and give you his opinion
“y/n...” there’s some smoke, and suddenly porco detaches himself from his titan form, looking at you in awe
“it’s...it’s...beautiful,” he says, and you grin
“isn’t it?! don’t you just look so cute, pock? oh i wish i brought a camera! pieck will absolutely love it!”
“as amazing as this is y/n, you are absolutely not allowed to show anyone else,” porco says sternly
he can imagine it now
the other warriors teasing him for letting you paint flowers 🌺 on one of the scariest titan’s in existence
“oh, okay,” you’re definitely gonna tell pieck
porco just doesn’t know it yet
but he does know that he’s absolutely and irrevocably in love with you — someone that loves every part of him even if he doesn’t love it himself
and, staring at the steaming titan, it’s face still prominent and marked up, porco finally begins to see himself through your eyes after all
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Zeke returning from the war to see his s/o with a 3 year old son. He gets angry and thinks his s/o cheated on him but theres something about those blonde locks and bluey grey eyes that just seem so familiar. Thank you so much 💞💞
C/n: I hate this man but damn. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A Blue-Eyed Angel. (Zeke x Reader)
“So you’re leaving again?” You ask as Zeke packs up his bag, moving up and down your shared bedroom from the closet to the bag. “Yes. Unfortunately. I wish I could stay, my love. But..” “Duty calls. I know.” You complete his sentence and walk up to him and place your hands on his hairy face.
“When do you have to leave?” You ask you you with his shirt buttons. “Tomorrow at 4am.” He answers and you begins to kiss his neck and his arms rest on your waist. “So let’s make tonight last.” You say and he lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Say less.” He smirks and captures your lips in his.
The next morning you helped him pack the little stuff he had left and kissed him goodbye from the door. As soon as you shut the door, you ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
“Oh no.”
When you finally confirmed that you were pregnant, you cried. Although it was amazing that you and Zeke were finally gonna have a family, he wasn’t going to be here to witness everything. Not the months that led up to it, not the cravings, not the experience of watching your baby grow in you and most importantly, the birth.
Harold “Tom” Yeager was born without his dad seeing him. It broke your heart but you knew that Zeke would adore him if he were here. Although, you weren’t totally alone. Zeke’s grandparents were there and they helped you with the delivery. Harold had Zeke’s beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair but your nose and facial structure.
The mission was prolonged to three years. Three years without your husband and three years without Harold having a father. Many people looked at you funny, having a son without your husband here made you have a bad look on society. But you didn’t care. Harold was your and Zeke’s baby. You knew that and that was all that mattered.
When the Warriors started to come back home, you were so excited. You cleaned up the house and made new clothes for Harold who mimicked your happiness, even though he had no idea why his mama was so happy. “Daddy’s coming home, munchkin. He’s finally going to see his baby boy.” You say and blow raspberries on his chubby cheek.
Zeke jumped out of the ship and greeted his grandparents. Speaking with them and looking around, he did hope to see you. “Zeke, dear. Y/n is at home with a lovely surprise for you. Go see her.” His gran says and he smiles. What could you be up to?
He took a taxi and they drove him to the little house that he called home with you. Taking his bags, he opened the little gate and walked on the path that led to the door. You did some gardening and repainted the house. It looked beautiful but he really wished he was there with you.
He opens the door and places his bags on the ground. “Y/n?” He calls for you as he looks around. Something felt off. Why did the house feel so cramped all of a sudden? Maybe it’s because when he left, both of you hardly had anything here and now three years went by so obviously you must’ve bought more stuff. So why did he feel so weird?
When he looked back at the corridor, there you stood. In all of your glory. Beautiful and ethereal. It seemed like a dream, seeing you after all these years. You were smiling as you both looked at each other.
“Hi, Zeke.”
You say and Zeke smiles broadly. “Hello, my love.” As he steps to you, you put out a hand to stop him. He did and he looked down to see a small boy peering from behind your legs. Zeke furrows his blond eyebrows as you tell the boy to look at the man in front of him.
The boy peeped from behind you and Zeke’s breath hitched. What the...
“Harold. This is your dad.” He hears you say and Zeke steps back abruptly, making the boy hide behind you. You lift your head and your features contour in confusion. “Zeke. This is our son.” You say and Zeke shakes his head. “No. I don’t believe it. How did you have a child already? I leave for war and as soon as I leave the house you find someone else to give you a child? Couldn’t you wait?” He asks, bitterly and you jaw drops in shock. “How..dare you?”
“No, Y/n. How dare you? Where is he?” Zeke asks angrily as he begins searching the house. You step away from him and hide Harold behind you. “Who?” “The man who knocked you up! I’ll transform right here and now just to find him.”
“You think I cheated? You think I would stoop so low to cheat? How dare you, you stupid man?!” You slap Zeke and his head turns from the impact of your hand. You take Harold in your arms and hide his face in your shoulder. “Get out, Zeke. And come back when you knock some sense into yourself.” You spit out and walk into your room with your child. Zeke saw you leave and he caught a glimpse of the child. It was..so familiar. But Zeke storms out of the house and sits outside on the patio.
He stayed out there the whole day. Thinking. The kid looks bigger than 3. But if he was bigger than 3, you would have had him while he was still here. So that’s crossed out. You found someone who had his exact hair and eye color and had a child with him? But that’s ridiculous. Zeke was being ridiculous. You were his Y/n, the warrior chick that almost broke a man’s arm when he tried to touch you. The girl who almost strangled another girl when she was being to flirty with Zeke. There’s no way you would’ve done this. But on the other hand, people change.
No. You never did change. Zeke wakes up and heads back inside to see the house empty. You were probably still in bed but when he looked in the lounge, he saw the boy play with his toys. A Beast Titan plushie stayed next to him and a few figures of the Jaw and Cart Titan were in his hands. Zeke leaned against the wall and eyed the boy. He had dirty blond hair that was just like Zeke’s when he was small and beautiful, ocean blue eyes that were bright like the sun shines on them.
But, it was the way his face was structured and his nose and the combination of all of his features made Zeke want Levi Ackerman show up and finally kill him. He was such an idiot. This was his son. This was his and your kid.
Zeke walked to the boy and sat in front of him. “Whatcha doing?” He asks him and the kid doesn’t answer just continues to play. His cute pout reminded him so much of you when you used to get mad at him. And he had to kiss his way back into your heart.
“You know,” he starts and picks up the Beast Titan doll, “I am this.” Harold looks up and shakes his head and takes the doll back, making Zeke tilt his head. “Mama said Papa is the Beast Titan. And he is fighting.” Harold tells him with a very subtle lisp.
You heard Zeke’s voice coming from the lounge and you saw him talking with Harold. You were so pissed off with Zeke but seeing Harold talk with him was surprising. Harold hardly spoke, apart from you and his great grandparents, he wasn’t really one to talk. So to see him talking a lot with Zeke made you melt.
Zeke turned his head and saw you with unshed tears in your eyes. He got up and wrapped you on his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for doubting you. I don’t know what came over me. Being away from you for so long made me lose my mind and to say all of those stupid things..I can’t believe I did. Please forgive me, Y/n.” Zeke spills out and he feels your arms wrap around him. “It’s okay. It’s okay, Zeke. But don’t you dare say that again.” You say and he kisses s your forehead. “Never. I will never say it again.” He promises.
When you both pull away, Zeke rests his head on yours and looks at the boy you both created. “What’s his name?” Zeke asks. You look up at him and smile. “Harold Tom Yeager.” You hear his breath hitch and he hugs you tighter than before. “What a beautiful name, Y/n.”
Harold calls as he watches you and the strange man hug. “Harry. Come here and meet your papa.” You hold out your arms and he runs into them. You pick up and Harold holds tightly onto you as he looks at Zeke. “Hi, Harold. I’m your dad.” Zeke introduces himself and holds out his hand for Harold. Harold looks at you and you nod. He goes into Zeke’s arms and Zeke almost melts. He felt so small and fragile. Man, did he have so much of catching up to do.
“Fuck you, Zeke.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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writer1 · 3 years
A Transformative Reunion
The request: Werewolf Crosshair please
A\N: this was requested by @qualityhistorygamingwinner . Thank you so much for the request, I had a lot of fun with it. @ahsokatano-thetogruta helped me out with some ideas for this one, so thanks so much.
Warnings: Transformation, talk of abandonment, fear, angst.
Crosshair lets out a low growl, as he faces Hunter, Echo, Tech and Wrecker. The kid and you are both at the ship, making him even angrier. “Stand down, Crosshair!” Hunter yells, making Crosshair growl again. “No, I am to take you traitor’s to the empire.” He growls, making Hunter get a sad look. “Crossy, this isn’t yo--” “DON’T CALL ME THAT!!!” He yells, glaring at Hunter and the rest of them. 
“You betrayed me, left me behind while you galavanted  across the galaxy. Never once did you try to save me. Never once did you come.” Crosshair feels a splitting headache starting, but he doesn’t even care. 
“You were able to save the girl from Kamino. You were able to save the Syndullas. But not me!! Never me!!” If Crosshair could see their faces, he would see looks of guilt. Looks of heartbreak and forlorn. But he can’t see any of that, so he just glares from behind his helmet. “You left me, but the Empire taught me that I could be stronger. They made me stronger.” 
“Crosshair… What are you talking about? What have they done?” Hunter asks, making Crosshair laugh. “Let’s just say the empire came up with a new serum.” Crosshair can see his brothers bristle. “What have they done, Cross?” Hunter asks again, much more forcibly. Crosshair smirks under his helmet. “You’ll find out right now.” He growls, but it’s inhuman, startling his brothers.
He concentrates, just like how the Empire had trained him. He growls when he feels the dull discomfort fill his body, and he falls to the ground. He hears Hunter’s helmet clatter to the ground. “Crossy!!? You alright, Vod’ika?” Hunter asks, but Crosshair just growls as his bones start to crack loudly, making his brothers gasp. He groans when he starts to grow bigger, his armor growing tighter and tighter.
He groans when his armor grows so tight he can hardly breathe, then he breathes a sigh of relief when it pops free, falling to the ground. He growls as his skin itches, thick grey fur growing all over him. He feels his mouth elongating into a snout, as his legs crack and bend, forming haunches. 
His ear’s move to the top of his head, growing pointed, and he grows fangs and claws. After a few more moments of him growing bigger, Crosshair stretches out and the transformation finishes with a long, fluffy tail growing from his backside. 
He looks up at his brothers, seeing Hunter’s shocked face. The rest of them still have their helmets on, but Crosshair can feel their shock and fear radiating through the air. He growls, then he pounces!!
Hunter lets out a yell as his back hits the ground, and he pushes on Crosshair’s chest as the wolf tries to bite him, letting out snarls and growls. Hunter can’t believe this. Can’t believe what the Empire has done to his baby brother. Suddenly, Crosshair is knocked off of him, and Hunter jumps up to see Wrecker wrestling with him. 
Crosshair grabs Wrecker’s leg, whipping him against the wall. It makes the gentle giant groan in pain as he stands up, ready to get back to fighting Crosshair. Hunter growls and runs, grabbing his helmet. He watches as Crosshair stalks towards Wrecker, then HUnter runs and jumps onto his back, ripping on the fur. It makes his brother growl and whip him off. 
Hunter feels pain as he hits the ground, but then his eyes widen when he gets an idea. He turns his comm on. “Guys! Turn your blasters to stun and shoot at Crosshair. Wrecker, distract him!”
Hunter hear’s affirmatives for his plan, making him smile. He watches as Wrecker jumps on Crosshair, making the wolf growl, he is then whipped off and Crosshair starts slowly walking towards him. 
Hunter has his blaster at the ready as he sees Crosshair stand on two legs, towering over Wrecker and raising his clawed hand, but before he can do anything three blaster shots hit him square in the back. It causes Crosshair to yelp and fall to the ground, completely passing out. Hunter runs over to him, kneeling down and placing a gentle hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. Wrecker pulls his helmet off, scooching closer and pulling Crosshair’s head into his lap.
“Aww, Crossy. What have they done to you.” Wrecker whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his brother's forehead, ignoring the soft fur. Hunter frowns as Tech and Echo run up. “We need to get him to the ship, then to Bracca. And Tech, try to figure out what they’ve done to him.” Hunter asks him, and Tech nods. “Already on it.”
“I’ll carry him.” Wrecker tells Hunter, carefully pulling Crosshair’s head off of his lap, he stands up and then gently scoops Crosshair into his arms. Echo and Tech both pick up his armor, blacks and rifle, as they all head back to the Marauder.
“What do we do now? And after Bracca. What if we can’t stop him from remaining like this?” Wrecker breaks the silence, making them all look around. “Then we protect him, that’s all we can do. We protect him with everything we have. Help him through it, like brothers do.” Echo tells them wisely, making everyone nod. “I believe he is a werewolf, from legends. That’s all I can come up with from research.” Hunter’s eyes widen. “The empire figured out how to turn someone into a werewolf!!? That is not good, not good at all.” He growls, looking away.
It’s silent for the rest of the journey back to the Marauder, as soon as they come near, you and Omega both run out. Your eyes widen when you see the beast that Wrecker has in his arms, and you cover your mouth, hearing Omega let out a short yelp. “What is that thing!!” You gasp out, making Hunter frown, glancing at the beast, then back at you. “It’s Cross, the Empire did something to him.”  
Your eyes widen, and you hear a gasp from Omega, but all you can think about is your boyfriend. Wrecker carries him past you and to the Marauder, making you run in after him. Hunter, Tech, Echo and Omega follow after. “Grab some blankets, we’ll make him a bed in here.” Wrecker informs you all,gesturing to the space in front of Omega’s room, making you nod as you run to grab some blankets. You and Hunter both arrange them on the floor, along with some pillows, then Wrecker lays him down.
“I’m going to get us out of here, before the empire comes. Hunter, you know where the sedatives are, make sure he has triple the regular dose. With my calculations, I’m positive that should keep him out as long as he gets that every three hours.” Hunter nods to Tech, and he runs to the cockpit. Echo closes the door of the Marauder.
You walk over to Crosshair’s head, sitting down cross legged. His right eye is towards you, showing black fur in the shape of his signature tattoo. You gently pet his head, letting out a sob when you start crying. He’s back, your boyfriend is back! You don’t care that he’s… this. Don’t care about the fur, the fang or the claws. All you care about is that you have your Crosshair back, and that’s all that matters.
“Will he be okay?” The small voice reminds everyone in the room of Omega, and you see Hunter kneel down. “Yes! We will get his chip out, and take good care of him.” He reassures her, making you tear up and lean down, pressing a soft kiss to Crosshair's forehead.
"He will be well taken care of here, and he is going to love his brand new baby sister." Echo coos, walking over and bopping Omega's nose, making the young girl giggle. "You really think so?" She asks, and everyone startles when Wrecker laughs out loudly. "Oh we know so!! He is a big softy with kids!" 
She looks to you, and you smile sadly at her. "He loved to play with the Cadets while on Kamino, helping to care for them and whatnot. He would have come for you, if he had known." Omega smiles at you, walking over and petting his furry arm, Hunter starts administering the sedatives. 
"That's how we met, I was sent in the beginning of the war to help care for the young Cadets. One day I saw Crosshair with them, and I actually never believed in love at first sight until that moment." Hunter, Echo, Wrecker and Omega all have smiles on their faces. Omega is the only one who hasn't heard the story. "That's amazing." She says, making you smile sadly, tears pricking your eyes. 
"It is, it really is." 
Crosshair lets out a groan, clutching at his head. His eyes snap open, looking around to see that he's on the floor of some kind of medical base. He blinks, his thoughts are clear, the drill that has been keeping him controlled, keeping him following orders is gone. What replaces it is sadness, guilt and hate. Hate of himself, hate of the monster that he allowed the Empire to turn him into.
With that thought he looks down at himself, letting out a whimper as he sees that he is still transformed. Why did he ever let the Empire do this?
He lets out a growl, gently feeling his head to find a bandage. He knows what it's from already. His brothers did it. They removed his chip! He knew it from the moment he woke up, but the reassurance of the wound makes him realize even more that this is not a dream.
He whimpers, knowing that what he's done is horrible. He killed civilians. Killed unarmed people for fun. And the worst thing he did, he tried to kill his brothers. His sister for crying out loud! He even shot Wrecker! His Ori'Vod.
He knows that no one will ever forgive him, especially not you. You would never love the monster he has become, even before the Empire turned him into a werewolf.
He tries to get up, but falls back down into the soft blankets, whimpering in pain. He hears a door open, looking over to see Hunter walk in. He closes the door behind him and walks towards Crosshair. "H-Hunter?" Crosshair asks, throat going dry. Hunter smiles as Crosshair sees tears fill his brother's eyes, and Hunter runs over, sitting down beside him. 
"Hey, Crossy." Crosshair whimpers, ears pressing back when he hears his old nickname. Hunter frowns, then shuffles closer. "Can I… can I hug you? Please?" Hunter's tears start to drip down his face, and Crosshair nods. He hasn't seen Hunter cry like this in years. Hunter slams him in a gentle, yet firm hug. “It’s alright, Crossy. You’re back, that’s all that matters.”
Crosshair whimpers, nuzzling into Hunter as he hugs him close. He wants to push Hunter away so badly. Knows that he doesn’t deserve hugs or forgiveness. But he just can’t push his Ori’Vod away, not this time. He can feel Hunter running his hands through his fur, making Crosshair hum softly.
Hunter pulls away and smiles up at him, gently running a hand through the fur on his chest. “Where… Where are the others?” Crosshair asks quietly, and Hunter smiles. “Most are out gathering supplies from other ships here on Bracca, but Y/N is in the other room. She wants to see you?” Crosshair whines, ears pressing back. 
“Hey, no one is mad at you. We know it was the chip. She wants to see you, and I know you want to see her.” Hunter insists, but Crosshair knows that if he says no now, Hunter won’t push it anymore. But he knows his Ori’Vod is right, he wants to see you so bad.
“Alright… she can come in.” He whispers, fear lacing his voice. Hunter nods, standing up and pressing a kiss to Crosshair’s forehead before walking out of the room. Crosshair whines and starts chewing nervously on his hand a bit., watching the door. He can hear you and Hunter whispering, but then covers his ears, he doesn’t want to snoop. He then looks up to see you walking into the room, and he uncovers his ears.
You have tears in your eyes, making Crosshair’s ears press back as he whimpers, but then you suddenly run and collapse into him, shoving your face into his chest and crying. He freezes, tensing up. But then he gently hugs you close. “I’m so sorry, Cyare. I’m sorry.” He whimpers, running a hand along your back ever so gently. 
You press a kiss to his chest, running a hand on his shoulder. “What are you saying sorry for?” You ask, sniffling a bit as you choke on a few sobs as you look up at Crosshair. He whimpers, a few tears slipping from his eyes.
“I...I've done terrible things. I've killed people, Cyare. I… I almost killed Wrecker, I let the Empire turn me into… into this!” He growls, making you flinch, but you don’t care at all, reaching up and caressing his cheek softly. It’s hard to reach, because of his height now. But you don’t care, not at all. 
“You're here with us now, that’s all that matters. The person that did those things... that wasn't you, Cross, you'd never do the things the chip was telling you to do willingly. You're a good man.” Crosshair reaches up and grabs your hand, his much larger, clawed hand completely engulfing it. He lets out a whine from his chest.
“I'm not even a man now. I'm a monster.” He whispers softly, making you tear up. You stand up and quickly pull him into a tight hug, kissing his forehead. Crosshair looks up at you with his own tear filled eyes, pulling you back down and into his lap. 
“You are not a monster, not ever. I don’t care what you are, all that matters is you are here with me.” You reassure him, looking him in his tear filled eyes with your own teary, soft ones. He whines softly, ears pressed back as he nuzzles against your face, making you smile and pulls him down a bit more, kissing his cheek.
He hums, nuzzling into your hair. “I love you so much, Cyare.” He whispers, making you smile. He then stretches back out a bit, having been hunched over to reach you. “I love you too, Love. More than anything.” You smile up at him, running a hand along the fluffy fur on his chest. “I love you fur and all, I promise. You’re brother’s think the same thing, alright?” Crosshair nods, not quite believing it, but it helps so much.
“Thank you.” He tells you, making you smile and hug him close. “No thanks necessary.” You promise, then Crosshair’s ears perk up, and you two hear-- “Crossy!!” Crosshair gives a small smile when he sees Wrecker run into the room, he gently nudges you, making you smile as you get out of his arms.
He then opens them and looks away, as if he actually doesn’t want the hug, but everyone knows otherwise. Wrecker goes running, tackling Crosshair into a hug. Crosshair smile’s hugging Wrecker back as his tail wags, but no one cares. Wrecker nuzzles into his chest, hugging him so tightly. 
“You're back!! I’m so glad you’re back, Vod’ika. We missed you so much.” Wrecker let’s out a quiet sob as he snuggles into Crosshair as much as he can, making Crosshair nuzzle him back. “I missed you guys too, even if the chip tried to stop me.” He whispers, running a large hand over Wrecker’s head.
Wrecker smiles softly, tears still filling his eyes. “You’re so soft now, Ner Vod’ika. Super fluffy, does not fit your personality.” Wrecker jokes, making Crosshair smile and nuzzle him. “Yeah, but I know  you are going to love it, Ori’Vod.” Wrecker chuckles and cuddles in again,as Crosshair looks up to see Tech and Echo standing beside Hunter and you. 
Tech immediately runs over and joins the hug, surprising Crosshair, he had thought his brother would have a bit more caution. “I missed you as well, Vod’ika. You will not be leaving our sights for a long time.” Crosshair chuckles, nuzzling and licking the top of his brothers heads, he tenses up a bit. But Wrecker just laughs, and Tech hums thoughtfully. “Looks like a few wolf instincts come with being… whatever you are, it’s alright. We don’t mind.” Crosshair nods and nuzzles into Tech again. “I’m a werewolf.” He whispers, making Tech nod.
Hunter then pulls Echo over. “Mind if we join, Vod’ika?” Echo asks, making Crosshair smile and open his free arm. Echo and Hunter both fall in, making him smile. He hugs them close, nuzzling into the top of their heads. You and Omega both wait over near the door, knowing that the boys need their moment now. After a few moments they pull away, and stand up. 
“I think it’s time you officially meet Omega, if that’s alright with you Cross?” Crosshair nods at Hunter, who smiles and walks over to Omega. “You’re going to love her, Cross. And she already loves you.” Echo reassures him, making Crosshair nod. 
He looks up to see you and Hunter walking over, Omega in between you. She looks nervous, making Crosshair frown a bit, but he makes sure not to look as intimidating, like he used to with the Cadets on Kamino. The only difference is that he’s now a werewolf, and looks even scarier.
Omega then walks closer to Crosshair, eyeing him a bit. He keeps absolutely still, watching as she looks him over, then-- “Kriff, you’re fluffy.” His eyes widen and so does everyone else’s. “Who taught you that word?” He asks incredulously, making Omega shrug. “I heard Tech say it a few times while working on the ship, and Echo has said it once or twice. Hunter may have said it once as well, Wrecker says it sometimes, but I don’t think any of them realized.” The reader is glaring at all of them except for Crosshair and Omega, as Crosshair also glares at his brothers.
“What is wrong with you!!! You don’t swear in front of kids!! Jeez, how did any of you keep this kid alive without me? Oh wait, you had Y\N, now that makes sense.” They all look at eachother, then burst out laughing. “It’s nice to have you back, Cross.” Hunter chuckles, making Crosshair smile, then he looks down at Omega. “It’s nice to meet you, Sweet. I know we met before, but I… wasn’t quite myself.”  Omega nods, then she walks over and plops herself in his lap, hugging him.
He sighs. “I see she’s been spending a lot of time with Wrecker.” He jokes, making Everyone laugh. Wrecker raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?” That makes everyone laugh harder, but Crosshair is focusing on Omega as she snuggles into him. He nuzzles her. “So you are the little sister I never knew? They said that you loved me already?” Omega nods, and Crosshair smiles, plucking her from his lap and holding her against his chest.
“Well, I love you already too.” Omega smiles brightly at that, nuzzling against him as well. “You are a good brother, I love you.” Crosshair smiles nuzzling and licking the top of her head, they have a lot to talk about, but right now, this is all Crosshair wants to do. Just be with his brothers, sister, and girlfriend.
You hum, slowly opening your eyes. Last night you all decided to have a cuddle pile with Crosshair, to welcome your boyfriend home. Omega cuddled up to him, since he’s the only one she hasn’t cuddled with yet. You open your eyes, seeing the small girl curled up next to Crosshair… next to a human Crosshair.
You smile, happy to know that this at least isn’t a full time thing. It would make poor Crosshair feel worse if he always looked like that, no matter how much you and the others don’t care. You reach over and run a hand over his short hair, the bandages having fallen off because they are too big. Omega is curled up to his bare chest, and Crosshair has an arm wrapped around her.
His eyes open suddenly, and he smiles when he sees you, then he looks down and his smile gets wider when he sees Omega, and that he’s human. “It wasn’t a dream.” He whispers, breaking your heart. You scooch over closer, gently cupping his cheek and sandwiching Omega between the two of you. “It wasn’t a dream, and you are stuck with us.” Crosshair smiles, looking down at Omega again and running a hand through her hair, then he presses a feather soft kiss to her hair. 
“I love her.  She’s definitely my sister.” You smile, nodding. “She shoots well, but you’ll have to teach her some tricks.” You joke, making a laugh rumble up from his chest, a genuine, happy laugh. “I will, I’ll teach her everything I know. She can be better than me, I know it. But don’t tell anyone that.”
You chuckle, leaning forward and kissing his lips. “I won’t, but they are hearing that you’ll be teaching her, and make sure you tell her you love her, and them.” Crosshair smiles, tears coming to his eyes.
“I will, I’m going to be telling them I love them every chance I get now. I’ll never let them go without knowing it.” He promises, kissing Omega’s head once again. You can tell that the chip changed Crosshair a bit, but you know that he’ll be okay with time, and that he’s softer now. It makes you smile. “We all love you, okay. We wish we could have found you faster, but we never stopped loving you.” Crosshair looks up from Omega, getting a genuine smile on his face.
“I know.”
Taglist: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe @captainrexisboo
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Jekyll/Hyde and his archetype of the human periodically changing into a monster ?
Jekyll & Hyde was the 2nd horror story I read following Frankenstein, I got it off the same library and it always stuck very strongly with me even before I got into horror in general. I even dressed up as Jekyll/Hyde as a kid for a school fair by shredding a lab coat on one side and asking my sister to make-up claw gashes on my exposed arm and paint half of my face, although in hindsight I think I ended up looking more like Doctor Two-Face than Jekyll/Hyde, but I was 12 and didn't have any Victorian clothing to use so I had to make do. The first film project I tried doing at film school was intended to be a modern take on Jekyll & Hyde, and I didn't get much farther than a couple of discarded scripts
Much like Frankenstein, Mr Hyde as a character and a story is something that's kind of baked into everything I do artistically. And it's not just me, as even in pop culture itself, none of us can escape Mr Hyde. I would go so far as to argue Mr Hyde may be the single most significant character created by victorian fiction, if only by the sheer impact and legacy the character's had.
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(Fan-art by guilhermefranco)
Part of what makes Mr Hyde such a powerful and lasting icon of pop culture is that the very premise of the book invites a personal reading that's gonna vary from person to person. Because everyone's familiar with the basic twist of the story, that it's a conflict of duality, of the good and evil sides, but everyone has a more personal idea of what those entail. Some people make the story more about class. A lot of readings laser-focus on sex and lust as the driving force, and there's also a lot of readings of Mr Hyde that tackle it to explore a more gendered perspective, and so forth.
I don't particularly take much notice of the Jekyll & Hyde adaptations partially because the novel's premise and themes have become baked so throughly into pop culture and explored in so many different and interesting ways, that I'm not particularly starving for good Jekyll & Hyde adaptations the way I am for Dracula and Frankenstein. The Fredric March film in particular is one that orbits my head less because of the film itself (although I do recommend it), but because of one specific scene, and that's when Jekyll first transforms into Hyde on screen.
Out of all the things they could have shown him doing right that second, they instead took the time to show him enjoying the rain.
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Just Hyde taking off his hat and letting it all cascade on his face with this sheer enthusiasm like he's never been to the rain before, never enjoyed it before, and now that he's free from being Jekyll, he gets to enjoy life like he never has before. It's such an oddly humanizing moment to put amidst a horror movie, in the scene where you're ostensibly introducing the monster to the audience, and it makes such a stark contrast to the rest of the film where Hyde is completely irredeemable, but I think it's that contrast that makes the film's take on Hyde work so well even with it's diverging from the source material, even if I don't particularly like in general interpretations of Hyde that are focused on a sexual aspect.
Because one, it understands that Jekyll was fundamentally a self-serving coward and not a paragon of goodness, and two, it also understands one of the things that makes Hyde scary: He wants what all of us want, to live and be happy. He's happy when he leaves the lab and dances around in the rain like a giddy child, he's happy when he goes to places Jekyll couldn't dream of showing up, he's happy as a showgirl-abusing sexual predator. Hyde is all wants, all the time, and there's not that much difference between his wants, his domineering possessiveness, and the likes exhibited by Muriel's father and Jekyll's own within the very same film, which also works to emphasize one of the other ideas of the original story, that Edward Hyde doesn't come from nowhere. That no monster is closer to humanity than Mr Hyde, because he is us. He is the thing that Jekyll refused to take responsability for until it was too late.
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(Art by LorenzoMastroianni)
While many of the ideas that defined Mr Hyde had already been explored in pop culture beforehand, Hyde popularized and redefined many of them in particular by modernizing the idea. He was the werewolf, the doppelganger, The Player On The Other Side, except he came from within. He was not transformed by circumstance, he made himself that way, and the elixir merely brought out something already inside his soul. To acknowledge that he's there is to acknowledge that he is you, and to not do that is to either lose to him, or perish. Hyde was there to address both the rot settling in Victorian society as well as grappling concerns over Darwinian heritage, of the realization that man has always had the beast inside of him (it's no accident that Hyde's main method of murder is by clubbing people to death with his cane like a caveman).
I've already argued on my post about Tarzan that the Wild Man archetype, beginning with Enkidu of The Epic of Gilgamesh, is the in-between man and beast, between superhero and monster, and that Mr Hyde is an essential component of the superhero's trajectory, as the creature split in between. That stories about dual personalities, doppelgangers, the duality of the soul, the hero with a day job and an after dark career, you can pinpoint Hyde as a turning point in how all of these solidified gradually in pop culture. And I've argued otherwise that The Punisher, for all that his image and narrative points otherwise, is ultimately just as much of a superhero as the rest of them, even if no one wants to admit it, drawing a parallel between The Punisher and Mr Hyde. And he's far from the only modern character that can invite this kind of parallel.
The idea of a regular person periodically or permanently transforming into, or revealing itself to be, something extraordinary and fantastic and scary, grappling with the divide it causes in their soul, and questions whether it's a new development or merely the truest parts of themselves coming to light at last, and the effects this transformation has for good and bad alike. The idea of a potent, dangerous, unpredictable enemy who ultimately is you, or at least a facet of you and what you can do. That these are bound to destroy each other if not reconciled with or overcome.
You know what are my thoughts on the archetype of "human periodically changing into a monster" are? Look around you and you're gonna see the myriad ways The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde's themes have manifested in the century and a half since the story's release. Why it shouldn't be any surprise whatsoever that Mr Hyde has become such an integral part of pop culture, in it's heroes and monsters alike. Why we can never escape Mr Hyde, just as Jekyll never could.
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It is Nixon himself who represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise. Our Barbie-doll president, with his Barbie-doll wife and his boxful of Barbie-doll children is also America's answer to the monstrous Mr. Hyde.
He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close… - Hunter S. Thompson
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There is a scene in the movie Pulp Fiction that explains almost every terrible thing happening in the news today. And it's not the scene where Ving Rhames shoots that guy's dick off. It's the part where the hit man played by John Travolta is talking about how somebody vandalized his car, and says this:
"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it, just so I could've caught him doing it."
That last sentence is something everyone should understand about mankind. After all, the statement is completely illogical -- revenge is supposed to be about righting a wrong. But he wants to be wronged, specifically so he'll have an excuse to get revenge. We all do.
Why else would we love a good revenge movie? We sit in a theater and watch Liam Neeson's daughter get kidnapped. We're not sad about it, because we know he's a badass and he finally has permission to be awesome. Not a single person in that theater was rooting for it to all be an innocent misunderstanding. We wanted Liam to be wronged, because we wanted to see him kick ass. It's why so many people walk around with vigilante fantasies in their heads.
Long, long ago, the people in charge figured out that the easiest and most reliable way to bind a society together was by controlling and channeling our hate addiction. That's the reason why seeing hurricane wreckage on the news makes us mumble "That's sad" and maybe donate a few bucks to the Red Cross hurricane fund, while 9/11 sends us into a decade-long trillion-dollar rage that leaves the Middle East in flames.
The former was caused by wind; the latter was caused by monsters. The former makes us kind of bummed out; the latter gets us high.
It's easy to blame the news media for pumping us full of stories of mass shootings and kidnapped children, but that's stopping one step short of the answer: The media just gives us what we want. And what we want is to think we're beset on all sides by monsters.
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The really popular stories will always feature monsters that are as different from us as possible. Think about Star Wars -- what real shithead has ever referred to himself as being on "the dark side"? In Harry Potter and countless fantasy universes, you have wizards working in "black magic" and the "dark arts." Can you imagine a scientist developing some technology for chemical weapons or invasive advertising openly thinking of what he does as "dark science"? Can you imagine a real world leader naming his headquarters "The Death Star" or "Mount Doom"?
Of course not. But we need to believe that evil people know they're evil, or else that would open the door to the fact that we might be evil without knowing it. I mean, sure, maybe we've bought chocolate that was made using child slaves or driven cars that poisoned the air, but we didn't do it to be evil -- we were simply doing whatever we felt like and ignoring the consequences. Not like Hitler and the bankers who ruined the economy and those people who burned the kittens -- they wake up every day intentionally dreaming up new evils to create. It's not like Hitler actually thought he was saving the world.
So no matter how many times you vote to cut food stamps and then use the money to buy a boat, you could still be way worse. You could, after all, be one of those murdering / lazy / ignorant / greedy / oppressive monsters that you know the world is full of, and that only your awesome moral code prevents you from turning into at any moment. And those monsters are out there.
They have to be. Because otherwise, we're the monsters - 5 Reasons Humanity Desperately Wants Monsters To Be Real, by Jason Pargin
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(Two-Face sequence comes from the end of Batman Annual #14: Eye of the Beholder)
For good or bad, Hyde has become omnipresent. He's a part of our superheroes, he's a part of our supervillains, he's in our monsters. He lives and prattles in our ears, sometimes we need him to survive, and sometimes we become Hyde even when we don't need to, because our survival instincts or base cruelties or desperation brings out the worst in us. Sometimes we can beat him, and sometimes he's not that bad. Sometimes we do need to appease him and listen to what he says, about us and the world around us. And sometimes we need to do so specifically to prove him wrong and beat him again.
But he never, ever goes away, as he so accurately declares in the musical
Do you really think That I would ever let you go...
Do you think I'd ever set you free?
If you do, I'm sad to say It simply isn't so
You will never get away FROM MEEEEEE
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(Art by Akreon on Artstation)
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Thought I would do a god of war Kratos X female reader since some friends have been asking!!
I sigh as I sit on the throne with my father him nagging about how I should sit and walk. I watch the door fly open as a man with red tattoos and grey eyes walk at a fast pace to my father.
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“Say your last remarks!” He yells at my father. My father is Ares, god of war. Making me the goddess of pain and destruction. Even though I hate being the goddess of pain and destruction I am. The only way I could change it is have Athena curse me. I watch the young man summon 2 swords.
“Take my daughter leave me beast.” I watch the man’s grey eyes flash in anger. I look at my father. “What?!” I stand up transforming with my fire wings. “Give me away that easily?!??” I yell in anger. “Daughter sit! Daddy is discussing things!” He yells at me. “NEVER!” I fight him quickly the young man laughing at my fool father.
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I watch as my father falls killed from my last hit. “It’s only tradition to eat his heart.” I chuckle darkly. “You are?” He asks as a grab my knife. “Y/n, goddess of pain and destruction. And you?” I ask. “Kratos.” He watches me move to my father. “What are you doing that for?” He questions. “To give you his powers and me his strength.” I cut my fathers heart out. “Oh.” He watches essence sink into himself. “I like it.” He nod. I eat my fathers heart watching Kratos turn his head. “That’s nasty.” He comments as I eat.
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I shrug as I gain his strength. “Thank you for freeing me from him.” I smile. I watch Kratos nod and walk. “Hey can I go with you?” He turns to me. “Why?” He looks puzzled. “I don’t know. Just for fun?” He nods and walks with me from their on we became top notch gods and goddess. Maybe we will have a romantically end. I never know.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
What this fic wants me to feel about Sylvain, Ingrid, and Lysithea attacking Woobiegard in her SS vision: "Poor Woobiegard! To have her dear friends become such monstrous shells of their former selves and attack her so cruelly!" What I actually feel towards Sylvain, Ingrid, and Lysithea in that scene: "You're doing great, sweeties!" Also lol at Captain forcing Dimitri and Claude along for this map but only allowing them to be competent whenever it wouldn't make them outshine poor old Woobiegard.
The SS visions that put Ingrid and Sylvain in that light kinda like... shows off how little he thinks of Dimitri's relationships with his friends, in a way.
We're supposed to genuinely see Edelgard as the victim during her SS visions - it's obvious from the framing of the scenes, from the narration, from how "breaking destiny" is a """theme""" of this fic and SS is supposedly Edelgard and Byleth's "destinies" that need breaking, that we're supposed to feel sad for Edelgard. She's beaten to shit, her sadness and guilt and loneliness is put front and center, the ones beating the shit outta her are described as these horrible twisted versions of themselves, they are the ones the narration says betray Edelgard, etc. etc.. Ingrid and Sylvain can't be mad at Edelgard for, at that point, murdering Dimitri - and likely Felix as well - no, they are the bad guys for turning their backs on Edelgard. Oh, and also Lysithea should just be chill with Edelgard working with the people who tortured her and ruined her family. She's supposed to stay the cute, eternally loyal lil' sister for Edelgard to pat on the head and call a good girl.
Sylvain and Ingrid shouldn't be that close to Dimitri. They should want to kill Dimitri for Edelgard's sake. They should turn their back on their childhood friend, not Edelgard, because Edelgard is obviously better for them. Unintentional or not, that is the subtext Cap'n is laying down when he punishes them for daring to be mad at Edelgard for killing him.
And also, her thinking that they betrayed her means that, at minimum, Edelgard doesn't think she betrays them when she actively puts them in mortal danger by starting her war. For all her talk about how she "can't imagine anyone walking by her side" and how she "knows that her path must be a lonely one," the second people. Y'know. Leave her ass for her horrific, morally reprehensible actions, they become traitors. She "dared" to put her trust in them, and they threw it away. In the end, Edelgard thinks she's morally above everyone else, with anyone who doesn't blindly follow her down her path of bloodshed being deemed as a traitor. All her guilt and all her "recognition" for her actions gets promptly flushed down the shitter.
AND I KNOW like literally he only ham-fisted Dimitri and Claude in the chapel to make them look worse. Their presence changes literally nothing - they don't save more students than if they weren't there, they don't stop Jeralt from dying (since Claude sips on that Dumb Fuck Juice and shoots behind Myson instead of just fuckin' headshotting him, and then he gets sucked into the Void and just leaves the fight scene), they don't uncover any new information. Dimitri was just there to remind everyone that he's cRaZy, and Claude was just there to remind everyone that he's eViL. Just like the visions, just like most of Edelgard's "trauma," you take them out of the chapter entirely and literally nothing changes. We already knew the author hates Dimitri and Claude and we already know the reductive caricatures he sees them as, their presence here does nothing for anything.
They're not allowed to actually shine. Dimitri can't take on the Demonic Beasts and Claude can't try to investigate the cause for the transformation - y'know, letting them show off their strengths - because doing so means that Edelgard isn't the one doing those things.
Dimitri can't be better at taking down Demonic Beasts than Edelgard, shown by him consistently felling them in one strike, which is immensely helpful in saving the students by taking care of the problem quickly; he must reduced to something that's frankly barely better than the Beasts themselves, obviously off his rocker and obviously someone who's just soOoOoOOOo CRAZY GUYS.
Claude can't be better at tracking down what the cause of the students turning into Demonic Beasts is than Edelgard, shown by him noticing the Crest Stone fragments and being forward-thinking enough to try and grab one for research, which could potentially yield extremely vital information everyone can work with; he must be reduced to a morally bankrupt monster who'd loot from dead bodies of poor innocent students.
Cap'n has to reduce them into villainous archetypes to hide the fact that frankly, Edelgard did shit all in that chapter. She didn't fight the Demonic Beasts nearly as well as Dimitri, she doesn't do shit to figure out what's going on with the Crest Stones - or, at minimum, point Byleth in the right direction (since Edelgard would know already lmao) - like Claude, so Dimitri is a raving murder machine and Claude was only out for himself. Giving them an ounce more nuance than that would make it obvious how shit Edelgard is, so he hides that shittiness by overexaggerating certain traits of the other two lords.
And in that same vein, he has to make Sylvain and Ingrid and Lysithea look like horrible traitors to hide the fact that Edelgard is ruining their lives. She killed their best friend(s, if Felix is also dead), she ruined their countries, she threw their lives into nonstop fighting for five years - but she's so sad!!! And Ingrid and Sylvain and Lysithea are bullying her!!! We should feel bad for poor wittle wonewy Edelgard!!!
It takes a baseball bat to the head to any non-Edelstan reader of this fic, because Edelgard literally does nothing to deserve forgiveness, she never earns redemption, she never works for fuckin' anything. She just Sadges at all the """""undeserved""""" hatred flung at her and we're supposed to take that as enough of an arc for her to deserve sympathy from the reader, but no! I'm fuckin' cheerin' Sylvain and Ingrid and Lysithea on when they beat her ass into the dirt! Get rid of her! She's self-centered, she's selfish, she doesn't care about people if they don't grovel at her feet, she started a continent spanning war without even thinking she'll win it, literally throwing away the lives of countless innocent people on the chance that she might hypothetically win, and after all that she still blames everyone else when she faces the consequences of her actions! She's god-awful, and a threat to damn near everyone around her! But nope, she's the author's darling, so actually she's right and everyone else is wrong.
It's very clear that Cap'n will not let Edelgard truly be seen in any kind of negative light; people who fight against her for any reason are bad, people that can't join Edelgard's side but are better than Edelgard at something are bad, people who criticize Edelgard for the awful shit she does are bad. And that's... well. Something, for sure
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elfdragon12 · 3 years
My brother-in-law put on the first Michael Bay Transformers movie for my reactions and...
Imma punch everyone in that universe. With one exception.
Ranting below
There is nothing likable about Sam Witwicky, nothing that gives him anything of substantial worth, and the only thing he does through the movie is run away.
... Mikaela Banes is the only good thing to come out of this movie. She is valid and every male around her is a disgusting pile of filth, especially the Sector 7 guy who was actively sexually harassing (what is supposed to be) a high schooler by referring to her as "training bra" and being really creepy about calling her hot while listing off her juvie record! She's smart, pro-active, and deserves better than the stale white bread that is Sam... Which seems to be the norm for human women in the Transformers franchise--smart, daring, proactive, and deserve better than the bland obligatory love interests foisted upon them (except Astoria who got a robot bf and Charlie for at least having decent chemistry with Memo).
(As an aside, I was vocally bemoaning Sam's weak lines and that Mikaela actually sat on his lap. My older sister--not the TF fan, that's baby sis--made a "if he was hot enough" line. Two problems, the kid was a lame loser with a sweet car and you severely overestimate my audacity and how willing I am to sit on the lap of someone very obviously attracted to me whom I've never gone on a date with.)
Everything about Sector 7 was dumb. Like, the instant all the weird stuff started happening, they should have been called in. But no.
The army guys were really clinging on to their thread of relevance to the plot for dear life by the end of the movie... The Defense Secretary dude was alright.
That one chick with the team and the outside hacker guy... Contributed very little. They could have been written out with very little effort.
As for the actual Transformers characters... Can I say anything that hasn't been said? Aside from the fact I wanna hunt someone for everything they did to Jazz. The only recognizable Decepticon was Barricade and that was solely due to his alt mode. Was the scorpion thing supposed to be Scorponok? I kinda figured everyone involved didn't know enough about the franchise to include Beast Wars. And the little bots??? What??? Bumblebee as a wingman needs work. The Autobots are mostly recognizable by alt mode... Except Ironhide. The only thing Ironhide about Ironhide was that he was a weapons specialist. Didn't even have a southern drawl! Or was red! Not even the barest minimum effort was spared to make him mildly recognizable. Optimus's face was hideous.
Also, for being a TRANSFORMERS movie, we did not get nearly enough time with them--especially the Autobots. Like, it's really frustrating that all these monster/alien movies take their sweet, sweet time in getting around to what any of the audience is actually there for. For a horror/thriller/suspense movie? I get it. For an action or franchise movie though? No. They don't put enough effort to make the human/"every man" characters actually likeable and then wait 40-70 minutes into the movie to get to the good stuff.
The humor is also just plain bad. Like, there was one bit that made me chuckle but it was some one-liner or something. And, like, I'm not totally above potty humor. I am not above laughing at baby farts. The piss stuff though? No. No. No thanks. Put it back. I don't want it. It's not funny. (Nor is it decent enough punishment to the Sector 7 guy sexually harassing someone who is not only a detainee but a high school student. I really hated this guy, can you tell?)
I have many questions about the Cube/Allspark and none of them were answered. Why was it called 'the Cube" at all when it was clearly the Allspark? (Did the writers not know when originally writing the script but forgot to fix every mention?) Why was every machine it turned into a bot become evil and start attacking everything in sight? The Allspark is a neutral power. The bots should be neutral.
There are other things--script things in particular--that I'd rant about, but I'll leave it here for now.
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Beast Wars/Machines Review
I finished Beast Wars a few weeks ago and then binged Beast Machines because I NEEDED to spend more time with the characters I began to love so much!
This is the first Transformers show where I liked the “Autobots” more than the “Decepticons”. Yes, I legit liked the good guys more. I still can’t believe it either.
Optimus Primal is a good leader who doesn’t lash out when one of his bots gets a little cheeky. He also has no problem with admitting when he had been wrong about a thing.
Rhinox is part Ratchet and part Ironhide. The second in command who keeps the people straight when the leader cannot. I guess they made him evil in Beast Machines because they didn’t know what to do with him anymore. 
Dinobot is the honor-obsessed, Armada Starscream-esque character who leaves the bad guys right in the beginning and joins the good guys. Forever. That makes him already better than Armada Starscream who left the Decepticons because Megatron is an ass, but then returns because what the fuck.
Cheetor is the Beast Wars Bumble Bee. Fun-loving youngster. He later gets a leading position when Optimus gets too stuck up in his spirituality. Similar to Prime -> RiD2015.
Rattrap is a rat, but a loyal and funny rat. I hated him so much in IDW, it was hard to peel that hatred off to finally enjoy this character.
Tigatron and Airazor have been a boring couple in IDW and now I know that they also started out as a boring couple. They walk on a field of flowers and suddenly hold hands and decide they love each other. Okay. I’m all in for love in a Transformers show, but that was... *yawn* I guess the creators thought so too because they both get beamed into space and out of their bodies right after.
Silverbolt. The heck is that abomination, I thought. Half wolf, half duck, half robot? Then he became my second favorite character.
Depth Charge is the Ultra Magnus of the show. Comes in late, is an unlikeable ass and nobody knows why he was even added. Unlike in Prime they have at least the balls to kill him off in the end.
Tigerhawk is the rebis of Tigatron and Airazor and yes, I watched Castlevania and that image of the man-woman-fusion scarred me for life. Thankfully this thing doesn’t live long.
Now for the Predacons. This is the silliest Megatron I have ever seen. He is also irredeemable evil, but funny in a way.
Scorponok. Pathologically loyal. Killed off unceremoniously.
Terrorsaur is the discount Starscream. He is such a cheap knock-off and probably the weakest bot overall. A butt-monkey. Killed off unceremoniously and I wasn’t sad at all.
Tarantulas is fucking evil, I started hating him so much for the things he did especially to Blackarachnia.
Waspinator is a joke. Seeing him getting ripped to shreds Looney Tunes style is funny though. In this series the bots survive like almost anything.
Blackarachnia is my favorite character. I needed a little time to warm up to her, but damn, she is amazing! She later joins the good guys and doesn’t lose her snarky, awesome personality in the process. What more could you want?
Inferno calls Megatron “his queen”. You have to love him for that.
Quickstrike is another Fuzor abomination like Silverbolt. He also flirts with Blackarachnia like Silverbolt. But he doesn’t win Blackarachnia’s dark, poisonous heart like Silverbolt. ;)
Rampage was created to mimic Starscream’s immortal mutated spark. Found that backstory quite interesting. 
Beast Machines add-ons:
Nightscream is an angsty teen who does his own thing when he feels the need to.
Botanica is the first and last plant bot we ever see. First she doesn’t want to join the fights even though she is powerful, but thankfully she later decides against that bullshit.
Jetstorm, Thrust and Tankor. The reveal who they really are is quite funny. It also shows that Megatron is cool with overriding people’s personalities in order to rule over them.
Obsidian and Strika. Oh so that’s where they come from. They can also stay there. Never liked them. Not personality-wise. And especially not design-wise.
Now then. Did I enjoy watching this? Oh hell yes. I got addicted. I was never bored. The main characters felt like family. The only thing I missed was a Starscream to pathologically latch on to. But at least he has one episode. ;) It was hard to tolerate the nightmare-inducing graphics and I will always prefer vehicles over animals, but getting over that, one is definitely in for a treat concerning TF shows.
And now to the one thing that kept me watching the most:
Silverbolt x Blackarachnia is my favorite CANON Transformers couple of ALL TIME!
Their dialogue is so frickin’ funny, I couldn’t take it. Their love is genuine and builds up slowly. They still have their own agendas without losing parts of their personality in order to fit better. IT WAS JUST SO FUNNY!
Silverbolt is a superhero personality character and also self-aware about that. First he just annoys Blackarachnia beyond belief with his chivalrous nonsense, but later she finds enjoyment in getting his attention. For example, she lets him save her even though she didn’t need his help. That’s the point when you get she starts having feelings for him, too, as she has no qualms flirting with someone in order to get them to do what she wants (like Quickstrike). And after some ups and downs (”You know, I like them big and stupid, but you are really pushing it!”), they finally find together and she joins the Maximals. And then we get into Beast Machines and Blackarachnia is like the force keeping them together as Silverbolt was turned into a Vehicon (Oh, so that’s where they came from!), but even after creating a new body for him, he turned into a RiD2015/Samura-Drift-kinda character and only at the end of the series he returned to his wonderful corny self. That was definitely a bummer.
But for fuck’s sake!! Why can’t we have more like that? D: I was squeaking on my chair, shipping them so hard...!
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iturbide · 3 years
What do you think could have been done to improve 3H? Given the budget/time, what changes would you have done? Also, what elements do you consider KEY to a good story?
fffffff I would have done so many things differently in 3H it requires a read more but to your second question: I feel that characters are a key element of a good story. Possibly the most crucial element, to me. You can have the most epic, incredible plot in the world -- but if the characters taking part in it aren't interesting or able to engage the reader, then the story loses a huge part of its impact. It's only by caring about the people taking part that a reader can get invested in the story and its outcome; if you don't care about what happens to someone (either in a good or a bad way) then you're at best apathetic to the events, at worst bored by them.
Frankly everything else in a story -- narrative structure, conflict, etc -- is so malleable that I can't consider it key. You can easily make stories that have no classic conflict if you have characters that people care about, because just watching them interact with the world and each other can be beautifully engaging. So at least to me, the key is in the characters: whether you love them and want them to succeed or love to hate them and want to see them get their just desserts, they're the ones that do the heavy lifting in a story, so making sure they're compelling is one of the most important things to me when writing.
As for 3H though I have a lot of changes I would make. Throughout the whole game.
Academy Phase
Giving each House their own unique set of missions. I feel that part of why the Azure Moon route is considered so strong is because it's the most character driven, something that starts in the Academy Phase: everything from Lonato's rebellion to Miklan's theft of the Gautier Relic are highly personal to the Blue Lions students, with Ashe being Lonato's adoptive son and Miklan being Sylvain's estranged older brother (and someone who's well-known to Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid on top of it). While these are both important events, for the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer there's not the same level of personal engagement: it's just a thing that's happening rather than a devastating blow to the students we love. While there are certainly missions that can and should stay the same (the raid on Seiros' tomb, Flayn's kidnapping, the Remire incident, etc.) having select missions be personalized by House to give that same level of engagement would have made for a far stronger narrative, since it enhances the player's connection with the students of their chosen House.
Just as an example: for the Black Eagles, rather than putting down Lonato's rebellion, maybe have their mission be aiding a small sect of the Church in the Empire that's being plagued by monsters or bandits. It gives us the chance to learn more of the history between the Church of Seiros and the Adrestian Empire, how close they were and how it fell apart a century before the game; Rhea might explain that she wants to improve these failing relations by having Imperial students go to aid this disconnected branch, and in private Edelgard could hint at her distrust of the institution and of Rhea herself even if she is following orders. Not only that, we could hear on returning that the Blue Lions students accompanied the Knights of Seiros in dealing with Lonato's rebellion, so we still get the fallout from those events and have a reason to choose the Blue Lions in another run.
Another example: for the Golden Deer, rather than going after Miklan and witnessing his transformation, maybe a report arrives that someone stole Failnaught and task the Alliance students with retrieving it. It lets us learn more about the situation in the Alliance, giving more details about Duke Oswald's situation, Claude's appointment as the heir to the Riegan House...and while he would never do it personally, have there be subtle implications but no hard proof that Duke Gloucester is behind the theft, just as he was the death of Claude's Uncle; on top of that, we could still get a battle against a Black Beast when Failnaught transforms the bandit, giving Claude a very personal look at how dangerous these Relics can be (something he likely wouldn't have had deep insight into, given his Almyran roots). And again, on returning to the monastery we could see the Blue Lions dealing with the fallout from Miklan.
More interaction between the House Leaders in general. There are only a handful of scenes where all three of them interact together, and I can only think of one instance where they're even in each other's company at the monastery (Claude and Dimitri in one of the early chapters). Having more of these moments where they're apparently interacting on the grounds or where we can see them together in cutscenes, giving us more insight into the leaders of the other Houses we didn't pick, would give us a lot more investment in them as people and make the eventual revelations at the end of the Academy Phase hit a lot harder.
Especially with Claude's ambition being what it is, it would have been a far better show of his character to have him hanging out with different students every month -- not just from his own House like Hilda, but from other Houses. Have him be talking with Petra in the dining hall one month, or with Annette at the reception hall another; if you sided with the Black Eagles or the Blue Lions, it would be very easy to suspect that he's up to tricks and trying to figure out individual weaknesses...but if you picked the Golden Deer, you'd likely realize very quickly that he's got no ulterior motives because you've been seeing him in action and getting Supports with him.
More Supports period. We were robbed of some fascinating interactions, like Ashe and Dorothea or Dedue and Petra, and some really strong Support chains stop before they reach their full potential (several Sylvain supports, including Marianne and Bernadetta). I want to see so many more of these and I would add in a ton if given half an opportunity.
Giving Byleth more agency. This bleeds over into the War Phase, too, but one of my biggest complaints about the game is how limited the response options are, especially when it comes to Edelgard and her frightening rhetoric as early as chapter 3. Give us more options with real varied outcomes, rather than it changing one immediate line of dialogue; give us real dialogue trees rather than minutely altered responses so that we have an opportunity to affect change. This runs the risk of drastically altering Byleth's relationship with the various House Leaders, but that potential is undeniably fascinating in and of itself.
War Phase
Azure Moon: Make Dimitri's turn more gradual. Show him grappling with Rodrigue's words more, have more scenes where he and Byleth talk and he tries to work through his understandably complicated feelings. It doesn't even have to take that much longer, honestly: every week for the next month, give us an extra cutscene and let there be a small change in how you can interact with him. For example, maybe he still doesn't attend the round table in the first week, but you do have the option of assigning him to a task around the monastery; in the second week if you explore, you have the option to invite him to a meal; in the third week he finally attends the roundtable and you're able to work on his skills again; and in the fourth week his supports finally unlock.
Azure Moon: Make Claude recruitable. Don't have him leave Failnaught and go waltzing back to Almyra, have him actually head up the Alliance in this time of need and volunteer to join forces with the Kingdom forces. You can have the option of turning him down, if you really want, at which point he might leave Lorenz in charge and go back home, but give us the option of bringing him on board along with any other former Deer that fought with him at Derdriu -- and furthermore, let us have some supports with Dedue and Dimitri to go with it. Ideally those Support chains would be available in the Academy phase and maybe you'd have the recruitment option only if Dimitr's Support level with Claude is at least a B (since you can get to A during the Academy Phase but not unlock it until the War Phase as I experienced many times). But still: Claude recruitment. Yes.
Verdant Wind: Make Dimitri recruitable. Having him die offscreen after Gronder is absolutely terrible, especially since we know for a fact that at least two people from the Alliance army saw what was either going to happen or directly happening. At the end of the battle, give us an option of going after Dimitri: if you choose not to, he still dies, but if you do you have the opportunity to save him and recruit any other former Lions with him. As abve, Supports between Claude and Dimitri would be great, and you could even keep Dimitri's Supports locked for a while and include scenes of Byleth and/or Claude and Dimitri talking and working with him until he starts turning around the way he does in Azure Moon. Dimitri's death in Verdant Wind is a travesty and it needs to be changed.
Verdant Wind: More character stuff in general. One of the things that makes Azure Moon such a strong route is that it's so deeply character-driven. Verdant Wind is much more plot-driven, and while it's still strong, it could have been more impactful if the characters were more directly affected and/or we got to see more of their individual actions. For instance: after securing Myrddin, have weekly missions where you actually go along and meet with the Great Lords and discuss with them before the final round table. Have Byleth and Claude go with Lorenz to talk to Count Gloucester and try to get his buy-in, and give us more dialogue trees where Byleth can contribute (for better or for worse) so that in the end you either get his full agreement or only grudging consideration because Lorenz intervenes. Get us engaged, show us more of the situation in the Alliance, and let us have a role in moving from this uneasy state of neutrality to full agreement that it's time to take action.
Silver Snow: A unique story in general. Basically everything in the route is a weaker copy of the events in Verdant Wind, and regardless of which came first, Verdant Wind handles the events in a way that makes more logical and narrative sense than Silver Snow does. So even if things could be changed in Verdant Wind to make it stronger and more unique, Silver Snow needs the most work and ideally should have a new plot made just for them that gives the Knights of Seiros a chance to really shine.
Silver Snow: More for Seteth to do period. Despite the fact that he's ostensibly our Lord stand-in for the route (since he's the one who meets you after the timeskip, where it's either Claude, Dimitri, or Edelgard who does in the other routes), he barely has a chance to do anything and doesn't make much of an impact on the route overall. Silver Snow could -- and ostensibly should -- give him a chance to showcase his talents and stand as a unique and engaging character, since his role in the Academy Phase was so minor; relegating him to the same general role in Silver Snow does him a great injustice.
Crimson Flower: Have Edelgard suffer consequences. This is one of my biggest complaints with the game on the whole: that Crimson Flower goes out of is way to glorify imperialism and Edelgard gets a rosy perfect ending with nothing ever going wrong according to her endcards. Logically the way she achieved her goal would have led to massive dissent, unrest, and civil conflict in the territories she conquered and subjugated; her route needs to show that, and make it clear that there are in fact consequences for her actions, both within the original Adrestian territry and without in the newly conquered ones.
Crimson Flower: Deal with the damn Agarthans. Given that she knows about them in detail the way neither of her fellow House Lords did, it's an absolute travesty that we never saw her go after them in her route: all she did was show her hand too early and cause hundreds of senseless deaths when the Agarthans fired on Arianrhod. Her route should have ended with a conflict against the Agarthan menace -- and likely a very hard one, harder even than the battle against Rhea, because she left them for too long and gave them time to bolster their defenses before she arrived. And given that she's killed Rhea, the end of that conflict would likely be a massive loss of life when Thales bombs Shambhala -- further consequences for her actions.
All Routes: Give Byleth agency. This is especially pertinent in CF where canon reduced Byleth to Edelgard's enabler: give them a chance to fight her, push back against things that either don't make sense or are only going to hurt people, argue and maybe force her to change her mind or see another viewpoint rather than continuing to barrel down a path of bloodshed and loss because she selfishly decided that war was the only way. But giving Byleth that same agency in other routes would be equally powerful: let them talk candidly with Dimitri, let them encourage Claude to trust his companions and reveal his Almyran heritage, just...let them have a chance to be their own person, with complicated relationships and the ability to speak freely.
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