#this is your art for today sorry it's a shitpost
shapeshivvter · 1 year
i need to post this. hold on. this is important. (no it isnt)
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aura-can-draw · 2 years
If you think there's a kwami cuter than her no you didn't
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villetela · 11 days
POV: Sun at that one scene where he talks with moon:
(LDR animatic Shitpost.)
Characters don't belong to me! They rightfully belong to @spadillelicious I thought this audio would fit on LDR sun n' moon cuz it was too funny XD also if you get the reference at that one image then your automatically my favorite/srs.
Enjoy this Shitpost I did btw. I have no ideas for today I'm sorry but soon I'll post another art I promise!!
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bamsara · 4 months
Hey, quick question . . . Didn't you have a short comic with Narinder getting talked bad to by some of the flock and Lambert was trying to intervene but Nari says he's Lambert finance. Lambert tells him not to tell lies or confuse the flock like that but Nari just said only spoke the truth???
I remember the comic so vividly but I couldn't find in my reblogs, or when I scoured through your recent posts or when I double checked some other cotl mutals you reblog from or your patreon exclusives.
Sorry I this is such a weird question. I'm kinda half convinced I dreamt it up now since I can't find it again. Thank you for your time.
I haven't posted that yet!!! It was more of a 'what if' scene idea and idk if I'm gonna keep it but ill post the shitpost today if i can find it
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Rachel House; Happy Belated Non-Binary Parents Day!; Lesbian Visibility Week!; New Event's Calendar; Watch Parties; Fibre Arts Division; Uproar; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Slay; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Guz Khan =
Guz Khan's landed in L.A.! If you're in the Los Angelos Area, you can still get tickets to see him at The Regent for April 24!
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= Samba Schutte =
Samba sending out some love for Earth Day!
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= Nathan Foad =
More dashing photos of Nathan Foad in Love's Labours Lost
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Img Src: @saritagabony's IG
= Rachel House =
More BTS Pics of Rachel and the kids from The Mountain! Can't wait to see this come to the US! @temaungafilm Instagram Page
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== Non Binary Parents Day! ==
Happy belated Non-Binary Parents Day! Sorry luvs I missed this yesterday! You are wonderful, you are valid, you are such a beautiful part of this world. Thank you for all you do for all the kiddos out there, yours or otherwise. Whether you go by Zaza, Per, Muddy, Bibi, or any other of the number of non-binary parent names out there, we love you my dears. <3
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Img SRC: Art by Veya
== Lesbian Visibility Week! ==
Today is the first day of Lesbian Visibility Week! We see you lovelies! Each and every one if you is valid, and are a shining star that fill up the skies. Where would we be without stars? We love you dearies!
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Img Src: Trans World Of Queer Shitposting Facebook Page
== New Events Calendar ==
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The Save OFMD Crew's Even Schedule is Up! Monday and Tuesday are focused on the Fiber Arts Brigade! They're looking for artists to join/donate and or share your work!
Check out Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post for more deets!
== Watch Parties ==
Short Poppies is on the docket this week, and so are a few filler episodes of other smaller roles our favorite Captain has been in!
When: Tuesday April 23, 2024, at 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 10:30 pm GMT
What: We'll be watching A Series of Unfortunate Events Episode 7, and Short Poppies Episode 2!
Looking for where to watch?
Short Poppies - Amazon Prime
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Netflix
Don't have access? Hit me up here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill over dm, or @/AspirantAbby42 on twitter for more info.
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= Palm Royal Season 1 =
Episodes 5 & 6 this Thursday April 25: 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET, 9 pm BST
via @lcwebsxoxo on Twitter!
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
On June 14th the Save OFMD Fibre Arts Brigade will be holding an online auction to benefit SAGE (an Advocacy & Services Non Profit for LGBTQ+ Seniors)! If you'd like to donate OFMD themed textiles to the auction, hop on over to their Donation Page Src: Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post
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== Uproar ==
Uproar is finally coming out on digital & on demand tomorrow 04/23/2024!
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Img Src: @/blue_fox_entertainment's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our fabulous crewmate @melvisik has done it again, one more addition to the cast cards! Brett O' Gorman plays the captain "to whom Stede gifted the red suit (which was definitely NOT cursed...)"!
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= Our Flag Means Slay =
Only 5 days left to get tickets for the Our Drag Means Slay Livestream! All proceeds go to charity!
Get your tickets here!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More fun colouring pages by @patchworkpiratebear! Thank you so much for designing all these lovely, I've printed several off and my son and I are working on them throughout the week!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast ==
The Lore of the Ring Episode is finally here! Special context from Alex Sherman! You can listen on Spotify or Apple Music, link below!
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Img Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction's IG
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope your Monday wasn't too crazy! I'm gonna keep it short tonight because I am nodding off.
I know sometimes we do things when we're not feeling very well that we regret. I know sometimes we get so far progress wise, but then we revert a little bit because the day was just too much. Sometimes we even say or do things that hurt others, even if we don't mean to, but it happens.
Just remember lovelies that that doesn't make you a bad person.
We all make mistakes. We are all human, and none of us are infallible.
You are going through so much. You are dealing with the stressors of the day, of the week, of the year, of the country, of the global climate, hell you're dealing with the stressors of keeping you and your loved ones fed, and clothed and sheltered, or maybe you're dealing with a physical ailment.
Whatever it is, you're dealing with A LOT. We all have bad days.
Making mistakes is how we grow. Give yourself some grace lovelies, you deserve grace too.
Anyway, that's enough out of me, goodnight crew, I hope your dreams are sweet, and your rest is full.
Other People's Love Notes: @realyogibryan IG / @/michellcclark
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Idk what tonight's theme is. We watched the Guy Mann episode of X-Files and I just really wanted to add him to tonight's recap. Gifs Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @romantoy
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imreaallyasorry · 6 months
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^ sorry if I say anything weird tell me if so
Hi my name is swinging pendulum!!! This is my side blog where I post personal stuff/shitposts
This is my main blog now because I had another account for the other one but my partner hijacked it es em ache
Platonic stuff only!!! Like “cute pie alert!!!” But platonically you know
I’m super bad at reading tone/catching social cues so tell me directly if I’ve accidentally made you uncomfortable I treat everyone like my best friends so I accidentally make a lot of people uneasy with that it’s not intentional!! I love you guys!!! Anything “mean” I accidentally say is 100% intended as a joke and not meant to be mean again please tell me directly if I do anything wrong (will most likely be labelled as /j unless I forget and it’s like 3 am)
Ummm that’s about it I like marvel comics Thor and Loki but I have my own versions in my head that have differentiated so far from the actual canon that you probably won’t even recognize them maybe I’ll draw the actual canon designs one day but today is not that day
^ sorry it makes me uncomfortable
Sometimes I’ll randomly draw something from your page don’t be alarmed
I tag all my reblogs with #reblog unless it’s something important or I’m too lazy to tag it as such
I tag my art as #art (obviously)
Andddd I use the tags #marvel Loki in general to tag Loki as well as other characters!!! (Ex: marvel Thor in general) as to not be confused with actual myth characters and a actual specific canon
If I don’t that means I’m drawing a different variant of that character specifically!!!!
The tag basically means that it’s my personal view and take on the character that might differentiate from canon depending on my view of the character and it’s not one specific canon and it’s a bunch of different canons and lore tidbits all smashed into one character!!!
Sometimes I draw other stuff but don’t count on it
I have no clue on how to format posts sorry I’m learning
Bye!!! :D
(Like if you’ve seen this please)
((Also I do free art requests serious or silly just put the request in my goofy little ask box))
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yaspup9000 · 16 days
Most of my paycheck here on tumblr.com is a half-eaten potato chip and some chuck e cheese tokens, however, I will do the best i can to make High Quality shitposts and art. I don't When I'll ever start doing commission heck idk if I'll ever do it. but i will know that most of the art you see today has been made by an unhinged person who would never go to some fancy art school nor work within Hollywood or whatever. I'm just existing making things for not only myself but my friends and followers. and if you are new here, (Im so sorry if this is your first impression of me)
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ukiyo101 · 1 year
Hi, i just wanted to tell you something. Your drawings are amazing! And i feel sorry for you because you dont get any notes on your arts and drawings
Brooooooo im gonna cry. Dont even think about me im just here for the shitposts and stuff. I posted all this today so it comes with time haha
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saltymongoose · 2 years
hey there! saw your post that i got tagged in and lowkey had a heart attack/pos. sorry if im bothering you, im a bit paranoid of tumblr eating my replies and tags again.
i did wanna send the au to you, but i kinda back out because i got some terrible experiences with my past accounts on tumblr (i still haven’t gotten over it despite it being months ago), and i looked up to your madcom self aware brrr-
and also because i thought about sending it to you at 5am, yes i almost pulled an all nighter that day.
but i don’t mind if you happened to reblog one of my posts and share your thoughts! i do appreciate it, and i also understand that you might have thought i might be uncomfortable.
I’m doing fine as of now (minus the sleep deprivation of course), since the anon reached out to you about purgatory mode (im thankful to that anon honestly)
um- cant wait for you to reblog! if you want to of course. im not going to force you.
and also-
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i was going to draw smt else but i drew enough today, so i just made a shitpost from my art-
Oh, hello! It's good to see you. :) <3 Don't worry, you aren't bothering me with the ask and reply, I know how tumblr can be when it comes to this stuff lol. I also get why you were hesitant on sending me stuff even if you wanted to, so no worries there either, though I am glad that you're doing well as of right now. ❤
As for reblogs, while I probably won't be doing it to every sam:pn post you do (cause wow, there's a lot and I don't want to sound like a broken record with compliments haha), you should be expecting that to happen pretty soon. ;)
Although, I was also considering just rbing the first fic (or maybe making a post @ing you?) with my thoughts on everything I've read in the series as kind of a full review/official AU recommendation - but I'm not sure if you'd like standard reblogs more, so it's your call, I'm really fine with either. ┐( ︶ ▽ ︶ )┌ The only difference is that it would probably be lengthier this way since I'd be covering more, but I digress.
It's also really sweet of you to say that you look up to me and the original AU, I don't even know what to say, it's just really flattering so thank you so much! Knowing that I've inspired you is enough to make me want to write too haha. I hope you enjoy your time with the AU and Madcom, and I'm glad the community here has been welcoming to you. Congrats on 200 followers! 🎉💖🎊❤️🎉💝🎊
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gffa · 2 years
hey there! coming from a teenager who loves your blog, there’s something i’ve been wondering for a while: how do you have so much time? this isn’t judgemental or anything, i honestly just want to know what i’m doing. if you aren’t finding art or comics or reading books and posting a screenshot, you’re writing whole essays or replying to asks or adding onto posts with a whole number of your usual well thought out paragraphs. it’s perhaps a little enviously that i, awestruck, ask how you do it?
“what i’m doing.” doing WRONG doing wrong that’s what i meant to say. i’m sorry, the previous ask probably comes off baffling otherwise😂💛
Hi!  Honestly, a lot of it just comes down to practice and multitasking.  That and I might seem like I’m doing more than I am--almost all of my blog is run on a queue, so I may seem active throughout the day like today for instance, but I’ve really only been around for an hour or so, the rest is just posts I shoved in my queue.  It’s not that I can’t spend several hours on tumblr stuff (I do sometimes!), it’s just not as much as it might appear! I read books during my commute or listen to audiobooks while I do on-line stuff or while I’m cleaning, I’m reasonably fast at writing the kind of meta or shitposts that I want to write, I don’t do fancy gifs so I can put together a set in like 10-15 minutes if I’m just making them for a meta’s sake, etc.  I’ve got my stuff organized so I can just dive right in, like I have a folder on my computer just for book screenshots and a folder just for comic screenshots and I’ve streamlined my process of dumping the files in there for when I’m ready, then whipping through them quickly when I’m in the mood to liveblog something.  And I have my sources lined up, like I have Hoopla or my library ready to go whenever I hop over there, so I don’t have to spend a lot of time hunting content down. And a lot of that just comes with time, I’ve been at this for a few years and it used to take me so much longer to put together a post!  Now, I’ve put enough Star Wars thoughts into words that I usually know what I want to say and what words I want to say it in within, like, half an hour to an hour.  Responses or tag spirals are just a handful of minutes because I’m hip-deep in the kind of jokes or commentary I want to make.  I don’t have to delete and rewrite parts of posts as often because I have strong views of what I think and practice at putting them into words.  I don’t have to search for the quotes I want to cite as much because I’ve used them often enough that I can remember which ones I want better or I look them up in the document I put together. In contrast, it takes me two-three times as long to write a Tolkien meta piece that’s not even half as in depth because I have to look a ton of stuff up or I have to reread everything so much more carefully, and it’s a slow process! It just comes down to time and practice, for me and I’m pretty sure that it’ll come for you as well.  Even in non-SW fandoms (like Tolkien!), I’m faster than I used to be, because I’ve practiced at phrasing things the way I want them, like a writer gets better at writing the more they do it, or an artist gets better at drawing the more they do it.  It’ll always take effort and be frustrating at times, but you will get better at it and it won’t take as much time as it does now. It might seem like everything is a ton of work for you right now (if you’re like me, that is! XD) or that it just takes so long, but eventually you will find ways to make your process more efficient (like it’s nothing for me to clip out a book quote from my folder because I’ve done it a thousand times, I practically do it with my eyes closed now) and you will gain practice at how you want your post structure to sound and you won’t have to think about it so much and you’ll find yourself writing an entire essay in half the time and so you’ll do another one, as long as you have time, and you’ll like like you have all the time in the world, but really you’re just spending as much or as little time on-line as you always have!  Fandom, for all that it is a hobby, is one that’s also a skill, just like knitting or crocheting or reading or writing.  The more you do it, the more you’ll find your groove with it!
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polosat0chka · 11 months
Hewwo, welcome to my blog, I'm Mikro/Polosat0chka. I post my art here and also other stuff too (writing, my thoughts etc.) Feel free to explore ^ ^
- racism, discrimination based on nationality, homophobia, qweerphobia, sexism, etc.
- any other thing that are toxic and/or problematic
Everybody that are none of this category are welcome to this page
I do requests and asks so feel free to ask me to draw something for you
Requests: Closed
Ask: Closed
Commissions: closed
What I can do:
- fandom art (the list of my fandoms is written below)
- OCs (mine or yours)
- Ship art (if there is no stuff from my DNI)
- Little comics (in the future)
- Light NSFW (within reasonable limits; in the future)
- Brutal stuff (within reasonable limits; in the future)
What I won't do:
- any too sick stuff
- pedophilia and other stuff that is problematic
List of my fandoms:
- Hunter x Hunter
- Bleach
- Soul Eater
- Hazbin Hotel
- Death Parade
- Night in the Woods
- Spiderverse
- DreamWorks (their movies)
- Kamisama no iutoori
- Pokemon
- Coraline (but pretty much Niel Gaiman books and Laika Studios Movies)
- A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Movies, Series and the Books)
- Harry Potter
- Arcana
- [C] the money of soul and possibility control
I'm a pretty multifandom person so I have a lot more fandoms to draw for so if you haven't found your fandom here feel free to ask me if I can draw something for your fandom
P.S: english is not my native language so I'm sorry for making mistakes
Wanna check out my shitpost sideblog 👀? It's mostly shitpost, reblogs or things not about my drawing/writing.
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aura-can-draw · 2 years
If you think there's a kwami cuter than her no you didn't
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
today is your lucky day, dear, i am sending you a ferry song and of all the wonderful art pieces constructed by this genius composer i have decided to recommend her trashy russian rave shitpost song
(  ̄ω ̄)っhardbass night (is this the first yuzuki yukari song ive sent you? second? she's one of my favorites) (the rave girl yukari design speaks to me on a deep personal level)
when this song came out i looped it for Days On End it is so catchy and fun for a shitpost it goes unfaily hard(bass night) ALSO it's silly because it was made as a joke
hi sorry ems i got distracted by yugioh and d4dj and then passed out and remembered this in the morning, forgot all day, and then just remembered again. ily tho <3
i think this is the first one, yes??? i do not really keep track tho </3 the rave girl IS a vibe ngl. i dig this tbh. its fun to hear a vocaloid sing in russian too!!! i love silly shitpost songs thank u ems beloved <3
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simplysly · 9 months
Bocchi reference to undertale trailer??
So undertale. All of you must've know about this rpg pixel game that have been released since 2015 with a fandom that might be very radioactive, full of skeleton that's dating another skeleton, and skeleton or any other monster that do what they call "breeding".
This game is entirely different than any other typical rpg game I've ever played, and perhaps yours too. The thing that might be one of the element that could make this game so famous is because of its gameplay system, where you can actually solve a problem in peace and did not have to kill them.
This game also get it's popularity from big youtuber like jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and other big youtuber aswell (even tho at some point toby fox a.k.a the developer of undertale request the youtubers not to make any video about the game and even a bunch of spoiler in it because he want the player to play the game without any knowledge at all).
What make this game is even more impressive that it got more popularity than it should be, and there's only two person that actually make this game, and it's ofcourse, toby fox himself (the coder, planner, composer, etc.) aswell with temmie chang (the artist). They've been making this game for around 2 years or more (I don't know the exact date) and gotta be honest, they really do deserve the popularity they got today (but of course everyone know about that information by now).
Now the sad thing about it is the fandom itself that actually the one who's ruining the game by a bunch of nsfw arts, toxic behavior, and alot of other stuff that change the game perspective for some people because of alternate universe where it's all about fighting the player who does genocide. When in reality it's just one goofy-ahh game with humor, and jokes inspired by earthbound (toby favorite game that inspired him alot).
Now perhaps I've been talking way tooo much about undertale stuff by now (since i might be one of the fan of this game ehem ehem) and I do am sorry for that (not really), but now you all must be asking what kind of reference is exactly that came from undertale? And well it's not really coming from the game itself, but the trailer of the game.
Even though the actual official trailer have been deleted by toby, the deletion were late for bocchi to make an actual reference straight from it... kind of. It's just kind of surprising when I found out that it's actually a straight reference from undertale. And without further ado the reference aree *insert drumroll*
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YES! a one second moment from a random shitpost secene! Might be not some "big surprising reference or reveal" but hey, it's still a reference from a indie game.. so that's rare. Especially from a big company making some popular anime for the season, or for full year (maybe), or perhaps a full month atleast. I don't know.
And if it's not a reference from the trailer then I don't know where it came from. Perhaps a original idea that coincidentally the same? Who knows.
Well I don't think I have anything to say except for thank you for reading until this point and conglatz for acknowledging a new random facts about bocchi I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
c i a o ✨✨✨
(I'm so sorry for not posting for forever)
((and making a blog this short))
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sleepydrabbles · 9 months
I am irritating, and I’ve learned that the reason is this simple:
I am the kind of person who shrugs at most things.
Call it a defense mechanism, call it being boring, a basic bitch, whatever.
I have plenty strong opinons, and some of them stink like natto left upside down in a hot car, but genuinely most of them revolve around how fun it is to play with both sides and no strings attached. To me, the fun of fiction lies in the fact that it makes no sense. And for a shining half of my life, I thought this was normal.
Why is this not normal?
At first I thought it was just because I’m on the internet all the time, and like, people on the internet have some really strong opinions that are often thrown out there without justification, clarification, or context. I thought maybe once I got out, touched grass, and interacted with people who liked the same things I liked in the real world, that would change. Shocker of shockers, it hasn’t, and people are just as outspoken about all the things they hate in the real world as they are on the internet.
I have also learned that Instagram Reels comments are about 10x as toxic as the average twitter comment section, but that’s a story for another time.
If I had to think about it, I would propose that my total lack of frustration with creators and high levels of frustration with consumers stems from my total lack of energy and my personal background in art. Once you’ve had art block ten times, it’s no longer a funny ha-ha moment or a highly dramatic reason for a shitpost. It’s grating, like hearing the same kid’s song for the 100th time and knowing you’ll hear it again. Once you’ve come home from the umpteenth shift where you’ve worked an extra 15-30 minutes after six hours of classes and a shitton of homework and stared at your tablet, late updates are just one more mosquito buzzing outside the bashed-up sorry excuse for a screen door in your school dorm. Once you’ve used cold water to wrench yourself out of a dysphoria-induced depressive/derealization episode and sat through friends scolding you for being cruel to a body that won’t do what you fucking want, you look at other people in a different light. Once you find the hundredth amazing work dropped for the same reason and look at your own works that haven’t been updated in half a year, you stop checking for updates until they show up like magical little presents on your doorstep.
And like, I love what I have right now, for the most part. Parts of my life suck and parts of my life rock and parts of my life are just boring and endless transitional periods that I can’t explain to people outside of my own head. I just genuinely don’t have the energy anymore, and while I read posts about attitudes like mine and read a triumphant, vengeful mood from them, I can’t be bothered. I exist within my own body and recognize the fucking miracle that is, after not having had a connection with it for a solid decade. Things that bring about wild, angry posts from other people are just part of the deal for me. Every time I try to rise to the energy levels of other people they get intimidated, and that’s a pain. I can do some goddamn amazing things and some goddamn awful things, and today I sent my friend a meme so bad and out-of-touch she threatened (playfully) to end our friendship. I have a nasty hell of a temper (thank you, scottish and irish ancestors, you goddamn idiots). Two fellow students told me I seemed really aloof and intimidating at first but that I turned out to be adorable and a hell of a lot of fun to talk to, and that seems to be working in my favor.
I listen to cringey songs from tiktok, laugh at jokes that everyone’s laughed at a thousand times. I take on more than I should probably technically be able to handle and come out of the fire with my hair singed and a craving for chiffon cake, my grades are good, my art is good, I get sleep most nights, I’m looking into supports for my body, I have good teachers, I have good friends, I’m overall very lucky.
Lots of people can’t believe I’m not dissatisfied with life and looking for something higher. To be honest, watching them bicker in the clouds isn’t making those clouds look like a fun place to be. Seems kind of noisy up there.
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Is this a ship? That people have?
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