#tomione finds
tomionefinds · 4 months
can you reccomend any relatively low-stress fics (if such a thing even exists in tomione lol)
Hey Anon:
Low-stress could go a couple of ways, some of these might border on fluff. But these below are generally low key . Hope you enjoy them! - Haus
Youth in Retrospect by provocative_envy
E | One-Shot | 8k
She’s buying a box of condoms when she meets him. “Those are shit, you know,” he says, jerking his chin at the pale purple box in her hand. “Can’t feel anything.” She stares at him for a moment too long. The bell above the door jingles merrily as a rowdy group of schoolboys enters the store. “Excuse you,” she replies, cheeks turning pink.
(you'll find a lot of flirty and fun fics in a similar vein by clicking on the author's name)
A Naughty Niffler by bunnystealsyourcarrots
E | One-Shot | 2k
Hermione finds herself sucked into an unknown world with an old familiar face
Handling a Dark Lord Wannabe by cleighc
E | WIP | 89k
Hermione was not amused. Not. At. All. They had defeated Lord Voldemort after years of struggle. Witnessed the end. She had thought, with relief and without an ounce of charity, that she never had to deal with that pretentious, presumptuous, melodramatic, homicidal son of a bitch ever again. Apparently the castle had other ideas.
Avada Kedavra Anonymous by Speechwriter
T | Complete | 8k
No one missed Riddle's pale fist tightening around the useless wand in his lap. "I am Tom," he ground out. "I am here for the sole reason that the alternative was community service." / Hermione moderates a post-Avada Kedavra support group. Chaos ensues.
You Should Know by Phantomato
E | Complete | 74k
Hermione, born in 1934 and Minerva McGonagall’s best friend, meets Tom Riddle, the boy whose scores were always just better than hers, at a wedding in the summer of 1961. She’s comfortable with what she wants from him, but he’s about to enter the next stage of his plan to take over the Wizarding world and test the limits of her acceptance. AU where Hermione and Tom are contemporaries, but meet as adults during his rise to power. Older characters, not a darkfic, HEA.
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andrigyn · 8 months
You know the drill, go read the story by @seollem-tm so you can understand my bad jokes!
Hermione after she sees that Tom lives at the orphanage
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Tom meeting Hermione’s parents
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Tom and his terrible friend group
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Tom going to find his dad
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Tom sneaking into Hermione’s hotel room
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Tom trying to focus and win at table football so he can win the wager
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That reporter writing the sexist article about Hermione
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Hermione going away to college and not telling Tom
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Viktor still pursuing Hermione after getting hurt by Tom, and rubbing it in Toms face that she willingly chose to be with him instead even after getting kidnapped
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Hermione writing those emails to Tom
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chiocchi · 5 months
If you don't mind answering, why do you ship Tom Riddle and Harry Potter? Besides the whole issue that they are enemies, and the age difference, both characters are heterosexual. It's canonical fact. If it's the dynamic you like... Have you thought about Tomione's ship? They have a lot of potential together. And in the right direction, they would be a couple that could make it in the books.
JDKLJKLFJSDLKFJA This kinda feels like people knocking on your door and trying to get you to believe in their religion. It's pretty funny.
I don't know why are you calling issues to a part of the pairing's appeal lkajdsjfs (And Hermione is Harry's age and they are on the same side too?). And not sure about that canonical fact. Harry can be read as bisexual quite easily and Voldemort|Tom... idk he seems more obsessed with power, immortality, and Harry. But even if that's the case, I don't see why it should matter. We're in fandom after all.
I don't know if I'll be able to convey why I like this ship so much. For starters, I'm really into the unique connection they share. There was a piece of Voldemort's soul inside Harry's; they had a mental link; a whole language they're the only ones to speak (for the most part); Voldemort chose him and marked him; and there's even a prophecy that linked them together. There aren't two people more connected than them. They're soulmates, and the fact that Voldemort didn't intend it and Harry hates it adds another layer of complexity.
But not only that, they're like a broken reflection of each other, which I find fascinating. In his second year, Harry was worried about the similarities between them. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles, they both considered Hogwarts their first real home. I feel like they would have really understood each other in other circumstances. They would have been friends. Because one of their key differences is that Harry found friends and adults that loved him while Tom was probably bullied and, y'know, the whole Dumbledore thing.
Not to mention that Harry would die for everyone whereas Tom would kill everyone. They're insane in their own way. I love their similarities and differences, but more than anything else, I love when they're together. The fanfics and fanarts are awesome.
And the whole thing of being enemies feels quite gay sometimes klafjdlskfja. Harry can't help but think Tom is handsome and, despite everything Voldemort did, Harry wanted to give him one last chance to show remorse. I have no doubt Harry is crazy enough to actually forgive him.
I've thought about Tomione and I've come to the conclusion that I don't like it. pinktom has a really good post about it and I agree with it. Besides, Hermione liked Ron and had something with Krum, and they're nothing like Tom. Just because she's heterosexual doesn't mean she's attracted to any man, y'know? klajdlfkdjs I don't think they would have been a couple in the books, no matter the direction. If it's the dynamic you like, have you thought about Tomarry? More believable, more intense, and a wider range of wholesomeness to fucked up in the fics. It's really interesting. Unless you don't like men being together? Hmm? Suspicious (just kidding. To each their own. So no need to go to other people's asks to try to change their minds :kek:).
Also Harry is my favorite character and he's not replaceable. I kinda don't care about any other character tbh. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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pinktom · 6 months
What do you think pink about tomarry content creators getting abusive tomione asks suddenly? First obsidian, then I saw one more account getting and now seminar arts. Is it only one person doing all this?
Btw my jaw dropped with your no filter answer where you said that whenever harry comes the chemistry between to marry best tomione 🤣. I would love to hear more of your no filter thoughts
I have no doubt those asks were sent by trolls. I, however, am simply a hater—I see an opportunity to hate, justified or not, I pounce. x]
In ascending order, here are the reasons I think Tomione sucks.
PS: If you know this post is gonna piss you off and press "Keep Reading" anyway - that is entirely on you. Send me anon hate and I'll assume you're a masochist who wants me to spank your pert, round hinie and call you a naughty, naughty girl.
“Book nerd loves book nerd uwu” trope does not fit Tom Riddle, and I find it obnoxious.
Like I touched on when I was first sipping on that haterade, Tom Riddle values usefulness. By this logic, you could easily contrive up a scenario in which he wants to use Hermione’s skills for whatever reason. 
However, the route that is usually taken in Tomione is that Tom is … impressed … by her intellect. A woman… who is… smart? He’s intrigued. 😏 He’s never once met a smart woman in his life before. And certainly not one so independent and feisty. She doesn’t swoon over him like the other girls do (eye roll).
I never got the impression anywhere in canon that Tom Riddle cared much about intellectual pursuits beyond those which were immediately useful to his goals, so for the very basis of a relationship to be his interest in her brains – to me, it’s tedious and off-base.
And also icky honestly lkjdflkj. Hermione’s two crushes are on a couple of stinky smelly boys (Krum, Ron), where the hell do you go off acting like she wants some mysterious, twisted dark boy? I’m offended. 
Absolutely zero chemistry; once Harry steps in, it’s game over
Because these characters lack any common ground, shared values, or compelling circumstances that tether them together, there is zero chemistry. You can try to fabricate those things with a little bit of crack!cocaine, but then you’re forced to contrive a lot of additional personality traits and circumstances that diverge them from their canon selves. (Which yes, you can do, but it only works if you’re gonna do something really interesting.)
As much as people like to har har about how canon doesn’t matter, here’s the truth: yes, it does. Our communities only exist because we’re referencing shared source material. However much you can bend characters around, everyone knows each character has an essence that just “feels like them” on a deeper human level. 
As such, we all know Tom Riddle and Harry Potter are intrinsically connected to each other. In Tomione this presents a conundrum. I could cite dozens of fics, but I’ll stick to two very well-written ones I enjoyed.
In one of them, Tom was a criminal and Harry was a detective on his tail; no matter how many times Tom fingered Hermione, he was always more entangled with Harry, because the stakes and intensity between them were so much grander. Same thing with the other fic but amplified by the Horcrux bond. At their very first encounter, when Tom and Harry laid eyes on each other, they both immediately felt an arresting connection, with distrust and intrigue. Hermione instantly paled in comparison in both stories.
It’s just like the moment Harry steps into the frame, you see how transparent and superficial the “commonalities” between Tom and Hermione ever are. Books and cleverness - oh but Harry, there are more important things! Like being spiritually linked! And sharing unique and intimate traumas in common! 
Heterosexual Tom is truly disgusting to read about
Look–it’s a matter of taste. We’re all products of our environments. For me, no amount of feminism or fantasy can overrule everything I’ve seen and experienced in my life. ( ಠ_ಠ )
I don’t enjoy reading about women in relationships with men who are controlling, violent, and selfish. Even the way Voldemort treats Bellatrix in canon always makes me wince, because I see it like this … here’s this girl who grew up proud; who was beautiful, rich, extremely gifted and powerful; and she turns into this horrible sniveling creature. Say it ain't so! I wish she'd killed him when he broke her ass out of Azkaban.
But back on the topic of Tomione specifically — I think there’s another layer to it, which is the greasy self-insertion aspect which makes me uncomfortably aware of how much the author’s ginie is tingling at the idea of Tom Riddle lifting a brow and saying, “Is that so, Miss Granger?” while she scowls and tells him to fuck off !!!
It’s of course not the self-insertion in itself that’s icky. It’s more just that the type of person who wants to self-insert into that particular heterosexual scenario is, uhh, too basic for me and my big powerful fujo brain.
And I guess that's gets me to the very core of why I find Tomione basic, trifling, and underwhelming. 
Tom Riddle is allowed no faults whatsoever in Tomione
Oh, sure. He’s controlling. He’s mean. He grabs her wrist and says, “What were you doing talking to Malfoy?” 😠
But so... ? Tom Riddle is a deeply embarrassing, mentally unwell trainwreck of a person. He's so much grosser than that. Yet you do not get that feeling at all in most Tomione fics. His worst character traits are often there but they’re made to seem sexy and flattering at all times.
I’m not saying your run-of-the-mill Tomarry fic doesn’t suffer this fatal flaw too—but when it comes down to it, Tomione doesn’t allow for his unsexy fallibility, period. Because the sexiness of the ship really depends on heteronormative romantic tropes and fantasies, which tend to be quite rigid and narrow. 
And I understand and empathize with why this is; just look at Reddit, so many women in heterosexual relationships already must put up with mortifying, embarrassing, and unhygienic things (y’all know which posts I mean 🙁). 
That’s just not what I’m here for. I love Tom Riddle because he’s a superficial narcissistic lunatic with no self-awareness and emotionally stunted outlook.
I don’t want to hear how he terrified the orphans if I’m not gonna hear about how he pissed the bed and got his bare ass whipped by a mean, toothless matron for chatting in sermon. I don’t care to see him bossing around those wimps at Hogwarts if there’s not at least one student who looks at “ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE” written in blood and feels tummy-churning secondhand embarrassment.
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dgbookbindery · 1 month
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Finally posting pics of my most favourite fanfic ever:
PEREMO by Virennia @devdevlin
#Peremo is a #Tomione (Tom Riddle|Hermione Granger) fic and can be read on AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33960232
PLEASE check the trigger warnings, this is a #deaddove 💀🕊️ fic.
The story is amazing. The writing is amazing.
I was granted permission to bind this personal copy, and permission from the amazing artists to include some of their artwork within my typeset. ⚜️ @artofcrumbs ⚜️ @stinkycheesecult
I’ve been working on this typeset for what feels like a year. I completely redesigned it to the first one I printed over a year ago. Every chapter heading, border, scene break, page number motif, I designed and meshed to fit the vibe of the story. The chapter heading changes with a turn in the story in the epilogue. IYKYK. This is a draft bind and printed in black & white but the typeset is in colour for the art. Oh and as you can see the gold metal HTV fought me hard 😠
I put a lotttt of love and effort into this because I wanted it to be special as it’s my FAVOURITE.
But go read it!
You can find me on insta, #DG_BookBindery @ https://www.instagram.com/dg_bookbindery
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sodamnradd · 6 months
(tomione, cw: tom riddle is his own warning!)
She’s trying not to tremble, sitting perfectly still in her seat. One leg crossed primly over the other.
Members of the Order flank her sides. They call themselves the ‘Good Side’, but the tremor in Hermione’s jaw begs to differ. She clutches her velvet skirt and exhales deeply. You could hear a pin drop as they wait for Tom to arrive.
He has that effect on people—the ability to turn a crowded room into a noiseless vacuum. The promise of bloodshed poisons the air like smoke.
A beam of green light blinks through the darkness, and the idiot guard who made the mistake of standing between them crumples to the floor.
“Riddle,” starts Mundungus as Tom strides through the red curtains.
Tom snaps his fingers, and Mundungus’ voice gurgles, choking on his last breath.
Hermione’s heart skips a beat, watching the spectrum of emotions in Tom’s dark grey eyes, meeting her gaze through the mask they forced her to wear. The Order planned to negotiate with Tom first: convince him to forfeit Knockturn Alley in exchange for his wife, hoping he wouldn't spot the damage they'd inflicted on her until it was too late. Too daft to realize that if Tom is in the room, he always has the upper-hand.
Tom rips the mask from her face and grabs a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back to look at her mangled cheek. His irises flash red like ember. It's all the emotion he reveals before he’s cold, impenetrable Tom Riddle again.
Shame crawls over her skin. He warned her this would happen. Warned her that the moment she became Hermione Riddle, she was as good as dead to her old allegiance. She thought she could be the voice of reason in a century-long turf war. She was the first Order member to wed a Knight. The only one. She thought she could make peace.
“Where’s Dumbledore?” demands Tom, never taking his eyes off her. “Since he’s starving for my attention.”
“You thought he would come?” Moody laughs and Tom’s mouth curls.
He drags his thumb over the wound on her cheek. The sudden burst of pain makes her hiss. She shuts her eyes and Tom’s grip goes slack.
Hermione’s skin tightens, sewing itself back together.
When the pain recedes, her eyes open to a room full of green mist.
Tom hoists her up to her feet.
“Riddle.” Panic laces Moody’s voice. He’s wriggling, trying to move his arms and legs. But it’s like he’s nailed in place. The mist grows potent. Tom pushes her in front of him as the Order begins to wheeze and writhe, suffocating.
They’re outside, breathing cool air, before Hermione realizes the toxic mist did nothing to her. Her lungs are as clear as they were before.
“They’re all going to die, aren’t they?” she asks bleakly.
“You foolish woman.”
Before she can respond, he's pushed her up against the wall, hand twisted behind her neck, snapping her necklace off and tossing it away. He knows they put it on her. Dolled her up to send a message. Touched her.
And then he kisses her. Hard. Punishing.
Her mouth is throbbing by the time he pulls away.
Tom growls, eyes crimson again, placing his forehead over hers. “If you ever disobey me again—”
“Don’t.” She cuts him off sharply. “Speak to me that way.”
His grip tightens, bordering on painful, and then he lets her go. “I’m going to find Dumbledore, and mince him into a thousand fucking pieces. And then I’ll deliver him to every one of his living Order Members before I kill them too.” His gaze lingers on her cheek, right where they wounded her. “I’ll save his heart for you, my darling. Watch you bleed it dry until you learn to stop making decisions with yours.”
His eyes rake over her dress. He tucks a curl behind her ear. A whisper touch. He presses his lips to her temple as his magic curls around her possessively. The world slips from under their feet.
He carries her home.
(679 words, photo prompt from twitter)
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dracomort · 29 days
Do you have any Taco recs? Fics that can be read and reread multiple times without getting dull?
I'm ngl to you, I just reread my own fics when I want to read Taco 💀
Here are some recs I've done previously.
In addition to those, I also recommend:
A Cursed Child by @dracopetal
Draco could not imagine a world without Tom in it. It was like imagining a black sky without a moon or stars to light it, a sea without waves to pull you in, a shark without teeth to consume you.
Heritage by @duplicitywrites
When the Lestranges finally bring you Dumbledore, you ask for Lucius Malfoy to bring you his son.
A Bargain of Salt and Iron by TheCorrosivePen
Mind shattered, Hermione Granger languishes in the depths of Malfoy Manor, a forgotten prisoner of Voldemort. When reluctant Death Eater Draco Malfoy takes pity on her and gives her a collection of books, she finds unlikely assistance within their pages. What follows changes the course of the war and Hermione and Draco's lives in fundamental and irreparable ways. Draco, Hermione and a resurrected Tom Riddle plumb the depths of their humanity as they face the challenge of Voldemort and the consequences of their choices. Or the story in which I ask, can Tom Riddle overcome his own darkness?
Warning that this is a Tomione fic. While I find the Taco to be the most compelling, well-rounded and complex relationship in the fic, it's difficult reading as a Draco fan. Still a very good fic, but not everyone's cup of tea.
Transcendence by ChapterEight
Tom thought that maybe fifty years of utter isolation in a diary was a small price to pay to gain the advantages of being a living Horcrux, even if he was probably a bit mad from the experience. After all, being mad was no impediment to a Dark Lord.
This is a WIP, possibly abandoned, and is tagged for Tomcest, Taco and Tomione, though none of the relationships have occurred yet in the fic posted. I enjoyed reading it, though I don't remember it well as I read it ages ago.
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browneyesandhair · 6 months
Dark/Evil Tom Recs for Tomione
I was pulling this list for someone on discord and thought I’d share here too. Please mind the tags and be aware that these are DARK Tom stories. Yes they’re Tomione but they probably won’t have happy endings.
The Darkness Sings to Her by Ariel_Riddle (E, Mermaid AU, 6K)
She was always watching him.
From beneath the cover of the water, or from behind a rock a ways from the shore, she would find herself lurking behind the waves and sneaking surreptitious glances whenever she could.
King of Nothing by NinjaFairy (E, Cruel Prince AU, 7K)
As a child, strange creatures visited me. The left me gifts, sung me songs; they adored me. One day, an odd boy arrives and vows his revenge on me, then vanishes without a trace. Years go by, and on Samhain night, I wake up to a fey nightmare. I will do anything to survive this labyrinth. Anything. I wonder if he knows that.
[Tomione. The Cruel Prince AU.]
The Heir From District 2 by PenelopeGrace (E, Hunger Games AU, 16K)
They thought he would win.
Hunger Games AU + District 2!Tom Riddle + District 12!Hermione Granger
Murky Waters by Nekositting (E, psychological thriller, 28K)
“Do I frighten you?”
Lips pressed against her ear, an arctic wind settling over her spine. It drained her of her warmth, left her with nothing but the chill its words only could evoke in her.
Hermione’s vision swam, the constant flow of water along her back dissipating into nothing. It was as if she’d been stripped bare. Unmade in that moment. She was only consciousness, only a mind wading through the nebulous unknown.
“—Remember this fear, Hermione.”
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draqo-pctter · 10 months
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the only thing he ever loved // a tomione mini fic
Hermione Granger has always considered herself to be someone of above-average intelligence. Someone who is courageous, who thinks quickly on her feet, and who is willing to sacrifice herself for the Greater Good. All of that is challenged when she goes back in time to 1961 and meets a man, not a monster, capable of such immense power that even she finds herself on her knees.
chapters: 1/8
rated e, explicit
tags: time travel au, age gap, morally grey characters, snape is trying his best, explicit sexual content, dom/sub undertones, mild references to violence/injury, wartime au
click here to read on ao3
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saintsenara · 2 months
More ships! (I can't even find the original prompt you reblogged that's how many you must've gotten by now)
Albus Dumbledore/Nicolas Flamel
thank you very much for the ask, anon! we are now almost a full calendar year into these ship asks - and i hope they continue for a very long time to come.
albus dumbledore/nicholas flamel
ok, so we've all thought about just how bonkers it is that dumbledore straight-up tells flamel to kill himself, right?
like, he's told flamel that he will keep the philosopher's stone under impregnable protection at hogwarts, and then he turns up at his house one day and says "yeah, so the obstacle course guarding the thing which has made you immortal was low-effort for an eleven-year-old... and - btw - the stone has been destroyed for a reason i have no intention of elaborating on"... i know he tells us that flamel is unafraid of death, but:
a. we only have his word for it.
b. the very fact that flamel takes the elixir actually suggests to me that he's probably got a slightly... voldemort-ish view of the whole dying lark...
which is to say, i actually really like the idea of a pretty dark dynamic between dumbledore and flamel - especially one which is, in essence, a reversal of the dynamic between dumbledore and grindelwald, in which dumbledore becomes the bored cynic with the desire to push the boundaries of magic and flamel becomes the innocent scholar who is delighted to have met someone on the same intellectual level...
which is why i was recently delighted to stumble across alone and palely loitering by @squibstress... an absolute banger!
argus filch/severus snape
i have been very taken with the way this pairing is written by delphi - especially because of the way they play with the shared grubbiness which contributes to snape and filch's respective outsider statuses within hogwarts.
but i do, generally, think it's probably flopping. snape's vibe with filch is very "even i look down on you", and i suspect that the idea of doing it with a squib is something which makes the death eater in him jump out, even when he's on the path towards reformation...
minerva mcgonagall/pomona sprout
not only because i really like the mismatch potential of mcgonagall's rather buttoned-up vibe having to come undone as she gets into the funky way in a greenhouse, but because i really like the hints we get in canon of them being comrades-in-arms [especially against the male teachers].
i think they're falling into bed the first time while they split a bottle of firewhisky and complain about umbridge. i think it's turning into something more as they help each other endure through the horrible year in which snape's headmaster.
hermione granger/gellert grindelwald
do you know what... we're going with... yes.
my unpopular view is that - in contrast to fandom slander which portrays ron as someone who can't wait to put the mudbloods in their place - hermione is the member of the trio who'd make the best death eater, on account of her tendency towards people-pleasing and her general deference to authority.
so if she finds herself yeeted back in time to the 1940s? sorry lads, she's not fixing tom riddle through the force of her intellect [he would - with my apologies to tomione nation - think her a narrow-minded bluestocking who wouldn't recognise magical creativity if it punched her in the face]...
she's becoming a fascist.
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tomionefinds · 5 months
please please please is there any tomione fanfics where Hermione goes back in time and influences Tom to change his ways - even better if at first he is still ruthless and on his way to becoming a dark lord as opposed to her influencing him to never be evil in the first place.
Hi Anon:
Here are a few. We also have a Tom Riddle: Redeemed tag. Please feel free to scroll through to see other, similar asks and which fics were provided there. -Haus
Tempora Abducto by Flaignhan
(they have several other redeemed fics. The author name will take you straight to their page) T | Complete | 53k Inconveniently it's the things that need fixing the most which are often irreparable
Eternalism by Hogwarts_Riddle
T | Complete | 135k Dumbledore is dead and Hogwarts is on lock-down as the ever-present threat of Voldemort and his Death Eaters grows closer by the day. Hermione is trying to remain positive in the face of crisis, but tensions are running high among the Gryffindors and they're all starting to lose hope. That is, until a strange scroll left by Dumbledore opens up a new path to salvation…
Invictus by greyana
E | WIP | 421k
Voldemort intended the object to be used by his most loyal follower in the event that his horcruxes were destroyed, but it ended up in Hermione’s possession instead. It sent her back to a time when he was much less the monster that she’d always known him to be. Nothing could have prepared her for the intelligence and charm of Tom Riddle. He isn’t who she thought he was. Hermione discovers that it’s a dark descent into the madness of the man she should hate, but can’t… a descent she will never emerge from.
A Big Ball of Wibbly-Wobbly by Colubrina
M | Complete | 27k
The war is over, the good guys have won, and Hermione Granger goes to sleep in her lovely flat only to wake up in 1953 in the bed of someone she’d really much rather were dead. “I’m working on the ‘kill Lord Voldemort now, work out the temporal paradox issues later’ plan,” she tells him. He laughs. Tomione.
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andrigyn · 7 months
Tomione fic recs for hot people
As promised, this one's for you @leafsandstarlight <3 welcome to the insanity!! grab some popcorn!!
Unsphere the Stars by @cocoartistwrites (This was my gateway drug, it's got everything you could possibly want and more)
Altered State by @ginnyruin (the suspense in this story is nuts. you'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time)
Infinite Spin by @seollem-tm (I'm very not normal about this fic specifically. It just does something to me that I cannot describe.)
Gryffindor Red by @foolishlywandwaving (This one so wild you'll be hooked by chapter one, and it's beautifully written. Such a good take on a hogwarts story!!)
Peremo by virennia (I couldn't find their tumblr acct to tag them :/ )
Verso also by virennia
Limerance by @devdevlin (for all ur professor tom needs)
Tom, Just Tom by ciule (I don't believe this author is on tumblr either, but this one is SO FUNNY. Like the sheer absurdity of it is amazing)
BONUS CONTENT: In the Bleak Midwinter by TheLoud (technically tomione except it's the OTHER tom riddle lmao)
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haruspicina · 5 months
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She could not stand without a foundation to her body, but the song beckoned her, rhymes as a steering wheel, verses as pedals. She half crawled half contorted herself, leaving smears of blood behind while opening the meat of her body, yet she was finally on her way, at last ready to join the mysterious caller into blissful harmony.
Come, finger-licking Mudbloods. Hurry now, find me.
Pay the Piper: A dark fairytale Tomione told in five parts
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pinktom · 5 months
pink, why do you think trolls are giving haters to Tomary's blogs? I thought that too at first but they seem too serious and certain that their ship is so superior to Tomarry, so I don't know anymore. It's funny that I mentioned to my friends in irl this dynamic of a prophecy linking two people in a way that would ultimately be their salvation or their doom, and they were genuinely interested, I could see that, but as soon as I revealed that it was the ship of Tom and Harry as a couple, they were angry lol In other words, the dynamics are not the problem here, but the characters are😕
It's an interesting little debacle.
I am aware that there are people who find Tomarrymort jarring. I understand them.
Though they can feel like my little blorbos, reality is, at least a billion people on this earth can tell you who Harry Potter is, and maybe just as many would know Voldemort by name too. So I can get where it feels weird!
However, Tomione is literally just a stand-in ship for YA romance genre type girlies who like a specific kind of dynamic, without any commitment at all to the source material—so to me it's just flat and meaningless and warrants no strong emotions whatsoever really. Fans of Tomione can go on harassing Tomarrymort writers and artists - their homophobia is trifling and meaningless.
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tomionebingo · 7 months
Tomione Trope Bingo Winners!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Tomione Trope Fest this year. You can find the full collection, with names revealed here. We are now announcing our winners, who will receive special badges in the Mud and Blood Tomione Discord. Winner by Blackout: Every existence, Each alternative by Vofastudum 2nd Place: Born and Bred by Ciule 3rd Place: lie (can't hope) by foolishlywandwaving
The following were ranked based on public poll and criteria:
1. Born and Bred 2. lie (can't hope)
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nocturnia29 · 3 months
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After over a decade of reading fanfiction, I decided to challenge myself—why not?—and write my first Tomione work.
I won't lie when I say that I intended my initial story to be a short one. But... things spiraled, and here I am. It's also my first time using this app, but I really wanted to share some content...
After battling for hours with my computer to edit this image (which is far from perfect, but I was about to throw my laptop if I continued any longer trying to improve it), I'm happy to share the picture of a scene from my latest chapter—Paranoia.
For those who are interested : the link of the ff.
You’ll be the Death of me (21938 words) by Nocturnia27 Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle, Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hermione Granger & Tom Riddle Characters: Hermione Granger, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Abraxas Malfoy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger is Death, Manipulative Tom Riddle, Obsessive Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle Being an Asshole, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Teenage Tom Riddle, Horcruxes, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Tom Riddle, Possessive Tom Riddle, The Deathly Hallows, Pureblood Society (Harry Potter), Blood and Violence, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary: Drawn to the world of the living by Tom Riddle's creation of two Horcruxes in 1943, Death confronts the future Dark Lord in a twisted game of power and destiny. A tale where even Death may find herself ensnared. "You possess something of mine," the enigmatic girl daclared. "What the fuck are you?" he blurted, his usual control slipping. “Not what, my dear boy, but who. You know who I am, don’t you?” Her direct gaze was unyielding, demanding recognition. “Nothing ?” She sighed, her theatrical disappointment a stark contrast to her unnerving composure. “I’m Death. But you can call me Hermione.” 
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