#tw applied behavioral analysis
genderdoe-sly · 1 year
If you are a parent to an autistic child, read this
hi- please avoid the account ‘ababehaviorservices.’ applied behevioral therapy (what they are advertizing) is highly traumatizing and seeks to supress your child’s personality. One of the main things they seek to eliminate in your child is ‘stimming’, which is repetive movements that autistics and some non-autistics do to calm themselves or express happiness. As a parent, I’m sure you want calmness and happiness for your child. Aba will take that away. 
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headspace-hotel · 8 months
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"New (old) perspectives on self-injurious and aggressive biting" published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis / Nine Inch Nails- The Hand that Feeds
I was troubled to see a trend of claiming that Autistic people who do not support Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are a group of "low-support-needs" autistics who are monopolizing the conversation and taking resources away from autistics with higher support needs—I think it is misunderstanding.
Individual positive or negative experiences with ABA are irrelevant here—the fundamental core of the therapy is behaviorism, the idea that an autistic person can be "treated" by rewarding "desirable" behaviors and punishing "undesirable" behaviors, and that an increase in desirable behaviors and decrease in undesirable behaviors constitutes successful treatment
In researching I found that ABA practitioners have published statements condemning conversion therapy. They refer to an unfortunate historical association between ABA and conversion therapy, but it is not association—ABA literally is conversion therapy; the creator of it used it to try to "cure" little boys that were too feminine.
ABA is considered "medically necessary" treatment for autism and the only "proven" treatment, in that it is proven to create decrease in "undesirable" behaviors and increase in "desirable" behaviors.
Undesirable behaviors for an autistic person might include things like stimming and talking about their interests, desirable behaviors might include eye contact, using verbal speech, playing with toys in the "right" way.
The BCBA behavior analyst code of ethics does not prohibit "aversive" methods (e.g. electric shock) to punish undesirable behaviors
The code of ethics only discusses the consent of the "client," not the person receiving the treatment
Many people will say "my child's ABA therapist would never make them repress harmless stims, give up their interests, use electric shocks...They understand the value of neurodiversity and emphasize the consent of the child..."
But consider...if nothing binds or requires an ABA therapist to treat stimming as important, nor restrains them from using abusive techniques, nor requires them to consider the consent of a person being treated, what protects vulnerable people other than luck? The ABA therapist still has an innately unethical level of power over a child being "treated."
Furthermore, consider: can a therapy built on the goal of controlling the behavior of a person who cannot meaningfully consent to it, especially without hard limits or protections on the kinds of behavior that can be coerced or controlled, ever be ethical?
I found many articles that discuss teaching "compliance" in autistic children, treating "compliance" as a reasonable goal to strive for without qualification...
The abstract of the above article struck me with a spark of inspiration. Biting is an undesirable behavior to be controlled, understandably so, since most would feel that violence should not be allowed. But I was suddenly reminded of the song "The Hand that Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails, which is a play on the saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you," meaning don't lash out against someone that is kind to you.
But doesn't "the hand that feeds you" implicitly have power over you through being able to give or withhold food? In this case, kindness can be a form of coercion. Thus "biting the hand that feeds" is used in the song as a metaphor for autonomy and resisting coercive power. The speaker asks the audience if they have the courage to test the benevolence of their oppressors, or if they will remain compliant and unquestioning even though they know deep down that it isn't right.
Likewise the article blunders into something unintentionally poetic when it recognizes that biting is an innately possible behavior in response to "aversive" stimuli or the "removal of reinforcers." Reinforcers and aversives in ABA are discussed as tools used by the therapist—the presentation of a preferred food would be a reinforcer, for instance (and is often used as such in ABA).
The journal article considers biting as a behavioral problem, even though the possibility that someone may bite can never be eliminated. Contrastingly, "The Hand that Feeds" highlights the coercive power behind the ability to control your behavior, even when that control appears benevolent and positive, and argues that "biting the hand that feeds you" is not only a possibility but a moral imperative.
Consider: In what circumstances would you bite someone? To defend your own body? To defend your life? Are there circumstances in which biting would be the reasonable and the right action to take?
What authority decides which behaviors are desirable or undesirable, and rewards or punishes compliance or resistance? Who is an authority—your therapist? Your teacher? Your caregiver? Any adult? Any person with the power to reward or punish?
In what circumstances might compliance be demanded of you? In what circumstances would it be justifiable not to comply? What authority decides which circumstances are justifiable?
Can you imagine a circumstance where it might be important for a child to not comply with the demands of an adult? For a citizen to not comply with the demands of a government? Which authorities demand compliance in a right and just manner, and which demand compliance to things that are evil and wrong? Which authority has the power to differentiate the two? Should you trust them? Will you bite the hand that feeds you?/Will you stay down on your knees?
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babyspacebatclone · 7 months
Fascinating article from a recommendation I got on another of my posts!
The author is Autistic, has a background in psychology, and as the link says is a professional dog trainer.
And she absolutely rips into ABA, right down to their code of ethics:
In fact, in a 24-page document detailing ethical codes of practice for [certified Behavioral Analysts] working with human beings, including children and disabled adults, the word “abuse” is used zero times.
The word “humane” is used zero times.
The word “positive” is used zero times.
[emphasis original]
To sum it up, as Millman so eloquently puts it:
[ABA] it is NOT “dog training” for children.
…I would never treat a dog that way.
[emphasis original]
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thechosenanubis · 8 months
Nina is actually a better person than people give her credit for. Like at the beginning of S1, I had the same scenario with Patricia happen to me: new girl at a new school, trying to make friends, and this other girl in my class didn't like my ~vibes~ or whatever and started saying nasty stuff and trying to isolate me. (thankfully in my case no close friends were kidnapped by secret societies in search for eternal life 💀 ) So not only i can sympathize with her situation, but even relate to it.
And what I don't see talked about enough is ( or if people did, I haven't seen those posts) calling out Patricia's behavior for what it really was: bullying. Keep in mind here, that I understand where Patricia's behavior is coming from, since she's being gaslit like crazy. But that still doesn't make her behaviour towards Nina acceptable or excusable.
And I wouldn't have blamed Nina if she refused to accept Patricia's apology, because is not a victim's responsability ( only their choice) to forgive their bully.
Still, Nina forgave Patricia because she's good like that ( and probably didn't want to break the already fragile ecosystem of the house with more hostility even if it was within her right to keep a grudge and refuse Patricia's apology. )
What i'm trying to say, Nina is a good person, flawed but good.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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clownrecess · 1 year
(TW: Talk of ABA, trauma, abuse, self offing, etc.)
ABA is abusive whether you want to admit it or not. It just is.
It doesn't "depend on the therapist", it is abusive by nature. The abuse and trauma inducing experiences are deeply rooted in it.
"Oh, well ours is basically just some OT and speech", that's not ABA, then. Whilst yes, OT and speech do very much have the ability to be abusive, ABA always is. A combination of some in home OT and speech is not ABA.
So what is ABA? ABA stands for applied behavioural analysis. It is a "therapy" that parents of autistic people are usually pushed to do. And often times, the parents agree! Whether that's because the insurance covers it, or because the school told them to, or whatever, they tend to accept it.
I was one of the people who's parents accepted it.
I was in ABA for a little over a year, I would have been in it much longer but eventually I was taken out because I threatened to off myself if I remained in it. And this didnt work immediately, I had been threatening this for months. I'm not sure why it finally worked.
ABA likes to trick you at the start. My therapists in particular referred to this tricking as the "honeymoon phase". In this phase, they would act like my friends. They made me trust them.
We would talk about our interests, and play games together.
It felt safe, and I liked it!
Until it changed, that is. About two months into ABA, they stopped being like my friends.
It went from me happily playing chess with him, to him yelling at me, a child hiding under a table, because I didn't say what he wanted me to say.
And this of course evolved too. And I was further traumatized.
I was tricked, and then abused by the hands of so called therapists.
It has been around 2, almost 3 years since this. I am still extremely frightened by anything remotely related to those experiences.
I had a panic attack in a water park because somebody looked **slightly** like one of them.
Please don't put your kid in ABA. I don't care how helpful you think it'll be.
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frankiistein · 7 months
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come on look at this drawing. this is exactly what being in aba feels like. anyway...
bien and sar as a portrayal of a "troubled teen" with autism/adhd/aspd and an aba therapist: a breadavota analysis
finally blogging about the ending of intermission 1 of @breadavota
gui on the bbs has already noticed most of the stuff from the new update so tbh not much else left to say. thank u once again for the loyal breadposting
not related but i just noticed the bbs has the homestuck colors naur
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instead of analyzing every part of the new update im just going to focus on the depiction of sar as being a (pseudo) aba therapist, along with my "bien is so autismcoded" hc
bien as an autistic character (+ adhd and conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder/aspd)
first of all altho afaik none of the characters are written intentionally to be autistic and adhd but both sc and bien have traits of it, altho i will just focus on bien here who i feel is autistic, adhd and has cd/odd (which could be aspd now bcuz hes already an adult). i think the aspd hc has more credence bcuz the author has aspd
seen as "stupid" by others, especially because he has issues with working memory and attention, altho i dont think hes particularly "stupid" but more that he has trouble w/ abstract thinking and memories, he takes things literally (like when he messes w/ sars pens after being told not to touch only his books)
inexpressive facial expressions, he usually has a neutral face no matter the situation
seems to get bored easily and needs to do extreme things to stimulate himself, particularly his violent tendencies towards animals
special interests/hyperfixations. he doesnt show an interest in anything except things related to violence (murder, weapons, wars) or sc, and to a lesser extent playing the piano
on top of that some level of social inappropriate behavior, altho its harder to say w/ so few interactions between him and other characters. the one chapter where he talks to the other soldiers he wasnt very friendly towards them, and based on how he talks to ava (hard to tell if he talks like this to everyone tho) he has the tendency to bring up his relationship to sc even in situations where its not appropriate or relevant
"awkwardness" aside he has a disregard for other ppl as a whole and seems unable to emphatize with hurting others
struggles with "basic" tasks and is anxious abt leaving sc and having to live on his own
wants to have "explanations" for everything he does before doing it, seen in how he is frustrated with avas vagueness
some sensory sensitivies since he looks to be bothered by "loud noises", altho its a bit vague bcuz the demons seem to have a synthesia like (?) way of perceiving the world. bon at least has been implied to lash out from these sensitivities which 2 me is similar to meltdowns, and sar shows concern that the brightness outside might bother bien
anyway moving on to sar, this is probably noticed by some ppl from the older updates already but the premack principle (explaining more later) is what made it noticed for me, that sar acts similar to an aba therapist, or at least uses some of the same principles in aba to manipulate bien
focus on eye contact
first of all i agree w/ gui the decision to write only in sars pov and to never directly show what biens dialogue at all is great! i think it highlights that feeling of bien not being allowed his autonomy and makes it feel rly more like some therapy session where ur not allowed to make ur own decisions, it also forces us to rely on sars narration of events even tho hes not a trustworthy person
bcuz we cant see bien we also dont know if anything in the place is distracting or bothering him. the last updates established he finds the way the house "sounds" to be rly disturbing (again poiting to sensory sensitivity), and the way the story focuses not on why he might not be looking at sar and instead only looks at his "problem behavior" reminds me of my own experiences with aba before
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sar commands eye contact from bien with the simple repetition of the phrase "look at me". this very first one stands out because of how its inserted right in the middle of his dialogue, showing sars intention to make sure bien "focuses" on what hes currently saying, like he needs bien to be looking at him to "prove" he is listening. reading it in real time the first "look at me" is almost unnoticable until the next ones
i noticed the first one is also early on in the update, and he doesnt say it again until later on where all the "look at mes" are closer together. this happens when bien reads the research paper with the "blocks". i think it implies bien is more uncomfortable or stressed out from this activity and being overwhelmed by it, he looks away more frequently, its a subtle detail that i cant help but noticed!
premack principle/first, then
this is what stood out to me the most, sar pretends to "offer" autonomy to bien sometimes by letting him decide some minor things like what to eat for the break, or to let him make minor adjustments to the overall "daily schedule" but i noticed the entire "lesson" is decided by sar, who makes bien do a "harder" task first before moving on to something bien might want to do (eat cake/listen to the piano) or to "something easier"
some standing out parts:
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reading this, especially "of course, i believe you can do it" its clear that bien doesnt necessarily want to move to the "easier" tasks and he wants to keep trying the current task even if hes not doing "well". the desire to move to "something easier" is always something sar decides because of his estimation of biens incompetence, and not out of biens own unwillingness to keep trying.
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speaking of the schedule, its interesting, sar doesnt simply say he will make time in biens daily schedule to let him play the piano, he says bien will be allowed to have piano lessons, meaning hes still planning to use even biens hobbies/interests as a opportunity to "educate" him or as "reinforcerment" for him to do "good" behaviors first. i can imagine in the future biens desire to play the piano is going to be used against him, so that hes only allowed to do it if he "studies" first
reinforcements and "safe foods"
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in the premack principle/"token economy" a reward is used to motivate the "good behavior" and here we see sar using food as that reinforcement. also sar doesnt punish bien here (also hello bien and his super literal thinking, autistic king), he tells bien to keep reading while sar cleans up.
the idea of not using punishment to be more "humane" is indeed a part of modern aba (traditional aba utilized punishments before this was dropped) but that doesnt account for all the other issues with aba, and again with the lack of autonomy he assumes bien "messing with the pens" is an "accident" (instead of explaining more literally not to touch the pens - its possible bien did it on purpose but is unaware why this is a "big deal" and wouldnt understand why sar is pointing it out to begin with), and he also doesnt ask bien if he wants to help clean up, or why he touched the pens to begin with.
for all we know bien got bored and started stimming with the pens (esp bcuz chewing or clicking pens is a common stim, we dont know what sar means with "messed with" here), sar could of at least asked first why bien did that anyway and like?? let him borrow a pen??? lmao???
anyway, back to the cake, in a previous updates its shown bien likes cake and i think this establishes cake as a sort of "safe food" for bien
this is something gui pointed out that i didnt notice at first, but notably bien asks for just a chocolate cake, and sar gives him a devils food cake that has vanilla in it. its something so "small" that bien will look bad if he complains abt it, but sar ignoring a very specific request bien had is a common autistic experience when it comes to safe foods and being told just to be "picky eater"
assumptions of biens incompetence/struggles
its no secret bien seems to struggle with "intelligent" matters but notably nobody ever stops to ask what he stuggles with, its always assumed for him. while ava is more obviously dismissive, sar also does the exact same thing and just sounds "nicer" about it
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lack of proper explanations
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despite being an expository character sar notably doesnt explain things in a way that would be useful to bien. my personal observation of bien and why i dont think hes "stupid" (not in the way the others sy he is) is that he asks a lot of logical questions! whenever ava tells him a story abt the history of angels/marginals, or asks him to do a new task, bien makes a lot of sensible observations ("if angels marginals and demons are the immortals and youre not an angel then what are you?")
the things he questions the most are information that comes out of nowhere (the recursive panopticon, sars first appearance, the margibird that came out of his radio etc), and other people treat him like an idiot for just not automatically knowing these "obvious" things that would make sense for him to know!
honestly viewing bien in this lens it suddenly makes alot more sense why the story jumps around so much and introduces "weird" lore seemingly at random, i think it rly helps simulate the feeling of confusion bien (and also bread) are meant to have
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and of course where would we be w/o sars insistence that bien always say thank you even tho he never explains what bien should even be thanking him for.
general infantilization
as a whole sars tone is very infantilizing w/ how he always gives reassurances and goes "do you understand?" "___, okay?"
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also he decides to give bien storybooks (probably for kids) and plushies to help with sleeping lmao??? we dont even know yet if hes going to have sleeping problems in anselir.
ofc nothing is inherently wrong with needing things considered "childish" with accomodations, lots of autistic people benefit from simpler talking to them or from sensory aids and similar in their daily life. but again its bad here because bien gives no indication these are the specific accomodations he even needs, sar simply assumes them for him. i think especially knowing bien seems insecure over his incompetence and his ability to "grow up" and be an independent adult living away from his father, it makes treating him like a dependent child even worse in that contexts.
disrespect for personal boundaries/touching
this is definitely the creepiest part and again the lack of biens side of things makes it vague what sar is doing
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the way its immersed in the dialogue again is a good choice, just shows sar talking and acting "normally" even when things are decidedly not normal
the comment abt the hair makes it obvious that sar is touching bien, altho to what extent the "touching" goes is obviously deliberately vague. honestly it almost looks like sa :") regardless the pressure to do "affectionate" gestures is so relatable, especially as an autistic kid where adults always pressure you to hug them or show some other form of physical affection, and the way ppl touching u w/o permission is so common.
(i did ask the author abt this, to which they said its supposed to be vague so its not sexual but its also not not sexual. but that they personally wrote it to be them sitting next to each other with sar just condescendingly petting him on the head at some point like he did the last updates, and the "try not to squirm" comment was abt sitting properly, but that this was just how they imagined it and isnt "canon" bcuz its supposed to be open-ended)
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a subtle thing i almost dont noticed but the last "what blocks" is slightly bigger as if to show a slight raise in voice, rly feels like sitting in a suffocating room with this guy. ily sar but u suck
that is the end of my breadposting thank u and goodbye. ^_^
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esperantoauthor · 14 days
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Not in a fun way. Just genuinely want to do all three when I read this ableist garbage.
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yua-nism · 10 months
An analysis of Momochi: from a student interested in psychology
The main thing I’ll be talking about here is the way he treats his s/o and the members of Veronica, though there’s more emphasis on the former. Hope you guys enjoy this wall of text I wrote at school during my free time.
TW: mentions of suicide, abuse, toxic relationships
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First up, the way he treats his s/o might be due to how his parents interacted, or how he was treated. In this scenario, the most possible situation at hand is:
Parents’ toxic relationship ---> Momochi ---> (Projection) S/O
+ Research has shown that one’s parents’ relationship will affect the child’s love life. For example, Person A’s parents squabble and fight every day, one blaming the other and the one silently accepting (no retaliation). Communication is non-existent. Growing up, Person A finds themselves in the same situation despite constantly telling themselves not to be like their parents. This has happened quite a lot.
+ I believe that Momochi’s mother was on the receiving end of the abuse, considering she was implied to have committed suicide. If we also take into consideration Awauta and Gurensinjyu, this is the most possible situation.
Now, Momochi’s growth environment caused him to project his mother onto his S/O, regardless of whether he’s aware that his actions are bad. To let everyone understand easier, here’s another example: a mother gets scolded by her superiors at work, and in turn scolds her child at home, while saying it’s “education”. This is a type of unconscious self-defense mechanism. To summarize,
a loop of “Repression” (emotions) + “Rationalize” (thoughts) + “Addiction” (behavior).
Repression: The environment he grew up in caused him to grew up neglected and unloved. He IS angry, and he should be, but he couldn’t find a way to let out those negative emotions, so he repressed them. They are still present, however.
Rationalize: His thoughts and fears, especially matters regarding his girlfriend and Veronica (fear of abandonment). He unconsciously rationalizes those fears and convinces himself that he is in the right, and he is the superior one.
Addiction: Momochi’s behavior towards his S/O. Because of the two factors above, he feels a sense of satisfaction when he sees his girlfriend in pain because of him specifically. This is especially evident whenever he chokes his S/O in his drama tracks.
Momochi’s repressed negative emotions from how he was raised, combined with his fears and thoughts, make him the person he is right now. A toxic loop, but to him, it is still love nonetheless. He does truly love his girlfriend (I used up all my strength just to write these 6 words), but because of environmental and psychological factors, his idea of love is twisted and incredibly unusual.
No one taught him how to love someone properly, and nor do I think he loves himself either. He puts on a facade of superiority to hide his insecurities. Here’s his mindset in a nutshell:
“I don’t know how to love, so I’ll show her love in my own way. This is so she’ll never leave my side. I’m scared, but I don’t know any other way to make her stay with me.”
“The members of Veronica are all rich and good-looking. I can only surpass them with my skills. I’m scared of losing my only worth because they all surpass me in terms of background and looks.”
Anyways, that’s all. I hope this Momochi guy goes to superhell. Actually, superhell is too good for him, he should be stuck in between the limbo of heaven and hell so he suffers forever. That’s it. And to everyone who read this till the end, seek help. Thank you.
How Psychology Works: Applied Psychology Visually Explained——Penguin Random House
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arctic-fox-queer · 9 months
Comparing the RQ community to the BITE model.
Clear tw for mentions of cult tactics especially in the linked website. Also this probably counts as discorse so ignore if you dont want that.
So I've seen people call the radqueer community a cult and i would like to have a open discussion about it and compare it to the BITE model. I do have a rule that if you insult me or the rq community i will point it out and wont respond unless its rephrased without insults. I encourage you to do the same I will do my best to be respectful but i do sometimes get upset. There are issues in the community and I think its important to recognize them and work on fixing them.
Here is what i am directly using please let me know if my source is incorrect or unreliable. Also feel free to add what the website doesnt list.
Also please note i am talking about the general community and not specific places like discord servers. I'm sure there are some cult like discord rq servers and that isnt okay and they need to be called out specifically by radqueers and antis. I also think this model is good to use if you do have an off vibe about a specific space so people can recognize unsafe spaces.
Ok so lets go through each letter and what applies to the community
B: Behavior control
None apply mostly because its not a organized community with a leader n stuff
I: Information control
Extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda, including
b. Misquoting statements or using them out of context from non-cult sources
-i put this here because it can happen but i argue most people have the fault of being biased and misquote stuff when being biased i admit ive done it myself if im not careful.
T: Thought control
Require members to internalize the group’s doctrine as truth
d. Organize people into us vs. them (insiders vs. outsiders)
-this is a big issue in the community and i think it being so stigmatized makes people worry about others intentions so they try to protect themselves by having a us vs. them mentality, i also argue this happens in general mogai spaces maybe not as bad but still happens. So definitely happens and needs to be worked on
Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism
-Mostly the same as before people are so used to the same arguments as to why they are bad that any disagreement sounds the same so its just ignored. It is important to listen to constructive criticism and mostly why im making this post.
E: Emotion control
Instill fear, such as fear of:
b. The outside world (assuming this can apply to outside the community)
c. Enemies (antis i guess?)
e. Leaving or being shunned by the group
f. Other’s disapproval
- while this is rarely if ever intentional or outright there is a general feeling of being excluded/shunned if you dont agree with everyone/the community especially in private rq spaces, i do my best to avoid this in the spaces i run and i hope to fix this issue because its bad for everyone involved.
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theturningsucks · 2 years
Miles Fairchild, was he groomed?
short answer, yes.
TW// this is an in depth analysis discussing grooming tactics, the psychological effects of grooming, and how they apply to Miles Fairchild and Peter Quint. With light discussion of SA.
What is grooming?: ‘Grooming is an intentional process that many offenders engage in to gain the trust of their victim and to desensitize them to physically or emotionally harmful actions. “ -Alcoholdrugcouncil.org
I mashed together CSAsurviors and rainn.org's "patterns of grooming" lists to create one that is more easily applicable to Miles and Quint situation. 
Victim selection: Abusers often observe possible victims and select them based on ease of access to them or their perceived vulnerability.
MIles is both easy to access, Quint lives with him, vulnerable from his parents death and isolated, from the house he lives in to the private schools he attends. the perfect victim for a man like Quint (disgusting and vile).
"Grooming can be done by any kind of person but the abuser having some level of pre-existing social or other kinds of power over the victim or a preexisting emotional connection like in the case of a family makes grooming easier". - CSAsurvivors 
Gaining Trust and Access: Abusers will track the behaviors of their victims and put themselves into the child’s pattern and befriend them. Often offering a child special forms of attention. They often fill holes in emotional support the child has or exploits other vulnerabilities. Grooming can also include things like giving presents, playing games, giving food or giving rides
My personal theory is while Miles' parents were alive, Quint was still at the "friendly" stage of grooming, gaining trust, getting on the child's good side.
It makes sense for MIles to get his emotional needs met by his parents, them passing and Miles looking towards Quint, who was the next best thing his "best friend''
He used Quints attention to fill the hole his parents death left him with 
Playing a Role in The Child’s Life: The abuser will ingratiate themselves fully into the lives of the victim. This often includes forming an emotional connection where the victims feel the abuser needs them and that they are the only people who understand each other. Showing up continuously and being there physically all the time
“Imagine a teen who is feeling isolated, who is struggling to name their gender or sexual identity and feels rejected by their family or peers. That teen will likely have a deep desire for connection, to feel “normal” or to be heard. Offenders will exploit this situation by being willing to listen patiently to “help them understand their sexuality” or by being the first person in their life to validate that “it’s okay to feel this way.” Offenders may increase the teens isolation by suggesting that they understand and care more than other people in the teen’s life.” -Alcoholdrugcouncil.org
Miles is bullied, We see this in the scene where he's describing to Kate how someone burned all the photos of his father,  and I think autstic. (although when you're autistic and heavily traumatized the symptoms often mold together and it's hard to see what’s from autism and what's from the trauma)
Miles feeling ostracized for his autsitic traits and taking comfort in Quint who would fulfill his desire to feel normal. Accompanied by the fact that Quint is physically there all the time, it creates the perfect environment for Quint to successfully fully integrate into Miles life. 
(Miles could also very well be gay, Quint could of used this insecuirty to his advatage)
Isolation: Abusers often isolate their victims, getting them alone like giving private rides, taking the victim for private time out, holding the victim after class, “mentoring” the victim, inviting them over, or otherwise separating the child emotionally and physically for abuse. Now depending on the relationship to the victim, this may happen on a spectrum. In some cases, abuse can happen out in the open if those around them won’t intervene.
One of the most solid pieces of canon, right there in the movie, evidence for Miles being Groomed is from Miss Jessel's journal. From that scene we find out Quint disappeared with Miles for hours and brought him to bars. This is a textbook grooming tactic.
The isolation from others (miss jessel, mrs grose, flora), made him able to further his manipulation and control. 
Although at some point this must of fallen through after the murder of miss jessel, maybe Quint overlooked Mrs Grose, didnt think she'd do anything. started bringing the behavior more obviously into the house. The power got to Quints head leading to his ultimate demise as Mrs Grose watched him die and didn't do anything because she found him "disgusting" ,
(the deleted scene "Mrs Grose's confession" also implies she new the grooming/SA was happening but didn't do anything)
Secrecy and Control of Relationships: This often combines things like trauma bonding and reinforcing how special the victim is and the victim/abuser relationship. Phrases like “no one understands” or “this is our special relationship”. Threats of suicide and self-harm are often common, so are threats of violence against the child and family. This is often where levels of trauma bonding really start to come into play. You start to get a pattern of behavior that causes extreme levels of positive emotions and extreme levels of fear, confusion and pain.
What is a trauma bond?: "Trauma bond is the connection formed between a victim and their abuser(s), often built during long-term abuse. Victims can develop a deep sense of loyalty towards their abuser, which can feel like genuine love and affection." - nfa.co.uk
Quint lived for control, after Miles parents death he immediately moved himself into the master bedroom. He secured his position of power and control over everyone. And kickstarting his process into trauma bonding, and the desensitization of touch and sexualization (more on that later).
Having a trauma bond would explain the emotions MIles displays towards Quint, The insistence that they were friends contrasted with the panic whenever Quints brought up.
“It's important to remember that children and young people may not understand they've been groomed. They may have complicated feelings, like loyalty, admiration, love, as well as fear, distress and confusion.” -nspcc.org.uk
(Speculation: threats of harm to miss Jessel and Flora, this could be a reason Miles is so protective of Flora. He puts himself, physically and emotionally, in front of Flora to protect her Whenever kate is around flora or upsets her.)
Desensitization to touch and discussion of sexual topics: Abusers will often start to touch a victim in ways that appear harmless, such as hugging, wrestling and tickling, and later escalate to increasingly more sexual contact, such as massages or showering together. Abusers may also show the victim pornography or discuss sexual topics with them, to introduce the idea of sexual contact.
While all of these things could of happened, I believe Quints main tactic was Desensitization through the sexualization of miss jessel. 
If Quint normalized sexual things, this could lead to things such as attempting to kiss Kate to apologize, inapropriate compliments. Lack of boundaries such as not closing doors when using the bathroom, walking into others rooms without knocking, etc. 
note that the lack of boundaries are DIRECTLY mirrored by Quint via Miss Jessels journal, she says "I have to sleep with my door locked, Quint tried to come in in the middle of the night" - video
(speculation:  Quint showed miles the polaroids of Miss Jessel)
Other behaviors Miles exhibits:
Being upset, withdrawn, or distressed
Sexualized behavior
Missing for periods of time
Having a best friends who are older
Having a disproportionate view of someone as amazing 
Unwillingness to accept help and support from potential rescuers (denying Kate's offer on talking about Quint,  not wanting to leave the estate at the end because of Quint)
Sudden changes in personality (Mrs grose's insistence that Miles was "such a sweet boy")
(- nspcc.org.uk)
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8bityinyang · 1 year
Annoying Head Twitch [cw/tw: rant, discussion of anti-autistic ableism, ABA, and psychological abuse, broken foot]
[cw/tw: rant, discussion of anti-autistic ableism, ABA, and psychological abuse, broken foot]
I don't know if anyone's gonna see this, but if any of you here do, it's great to have you here.
I hope you don't mind me ranting here on something that's been really bothering me recently, but I've been having this thing for a while where my head twitches uncontrollably on occasion whenever I'm distressed, which is very often due to having my psychologically abusive parents constantly trigger my autistic burnout. It's completely involuntary and it causes me a great amount of pain whenever it happens.
The uncontrollable nature of this is the worst part about it because it can happen anywhere at any time and there seems to be absolutely nothing I can do about it. It even happened in the Modern Dance class that I have this semester, and not only does this hurts me, it's really embarrassing when it happens and I'm always afraid that it, along with my already-existing shakey hand stims (which I don't have a problem with at all and don't want to have to hide if I don't have to) that came out of me since my recent college-era efforts to unmask my autistic traits, may possibly detriment my grade, but maybe I'm reaching here, though I have my doubts as my college has given me a hard time about my Autism before (I'm not comfortable disclosing specific events or details at the moment, so please do not ask about that).
The thing with my hands hasn't really been much of a problem at all so far as everyone on-campus seems to be fine with it and pretty understanding.
It's just that my distressed uncontrollable head twitches, which I remember had developed within the last year (2022) at around Fall, after my recovery from my now formerly-broken foot (I had broken it by accident at home on March 16, 2022 when I slipped down the stairs like an absolute imbecile), have become a really big problem for me and, if possible, I would really like some advice on how I can make this head twitching stop because it's really bothering me and I know that the more I force it to stop, the more it will happen.
Do not interact with this post in any way if you are only here to try to pressure me into ABA again. It is an abusive practice that has been confirmed to increase likeliness for suicidality and post-traumatic distress within autistic individuals. (Cassidy et al., 2018) (Kupferstein, 2018)
Cited Sources:
Cassidy, S., Bradley, L., Shaw, R., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2018, July 31). Risk markers for suicidality in autistic adults. Molecular autism. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30083306/  
Kupferstein, H. (2018, January 2). Evidence of increased PTSD symptoms in autistics exposed to applied behavior analysis. Advances in Autism. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/AIA-08-2017-0016/full/html 
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transinclusionary · 1 year
Detailed below are types of posts you will see on my blog, with further clarification added when needed. Let me know whether I need to tag anything more or if I can make this more accessible. Open to feedback and dms!
Couple of Notes:
Mention - this is any post that mentions or references a topic but not in depth
TW - are posts with triggering content in them, or the entire post contains discussion of triggering content.
Slurs - this is any post with spelled out slurs in it. Slurs are denoted based on which group they target. Reclaimed slurs are also tagged
Terf mention / Radfem mention / Terf TW / Radfem TW
q slur
ABA tw
Discussions of Applied Behavioral Analysis and abuse that is inherent to ABA
Racism tw / Racist Slurs / Racism Mention
Abelism TW / Abelism mention / Abelist Slurs
Sexism tw / Cissexism tw / Sexist Slurs
Cissexism is a similar word if not synonymous with transphobia. Sexism is discrimination geared toward women and femmes, but also impact many more.
SA tw / SA mention
I will always tag posts that discuss r*pe with SA tw. I use these tags instead of that word.
Transphobia TW / Transphobia Mention
this will likely accompany either a transmisoyny tag, cissexism, and terf tags
Transmisoyny mention / Transmisogyny TW
Language or posts that specifically target trans women.
Anti-Semitism TW / Anti-Semitism Mention
Intersexism TW / intersexism mention
Anti-Blackness TW / Anti-Blackness Mention
May also be tagged under racism depending on the focus on the post
ProShipping TW / Proshipping Discussion / Anti-Proshipping TW
I don't really believe in the anti versus pro ship paradigm but I fall closer to an anti ig. Just dont believe people should ship adults and minors 🤷🏾‍♀️
Gun Violence TW / Gun Violence mention
Ask Answered
Get some wild shit in there sometimes
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nevernevadahq · 2 years
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Everyone suspects ALTAN EMRE HASAD of at least one of the cardinal sins, but in Nevada, the worst sins are bound by blood and HE has yet to roll the dice. HIS fixation on the neon lights of Nevada started THIRTY YEARS ago but when the lights start to hum, they close their eyes. Under the desert sun, they claim the act of INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER for AGENT ANALYSIS. They’re often mistaken for BERK CANKAT before those crimson colored glasses slide down their nose. ALTAN better get busy living, or they’ll get busy dying by the ripe age of THIRTY-FIVE. There are no second acts in a marked life, and it’s measured out by the melody of ALL THESE THINGS THAT I'VE DONE BY THE KILLERS.
DATE OF BIRTH: June 7th, 1985
HOMETOWN: Ankara, Turkey
Always ask questions. Questions are vital. Knowledge is power. That is what Altan Hasad's father always preached to him growing up, even as a toddler in Turkey's capital, Ankara. It was a bustling, growing, industrious place and for Altan and his parents, it was home. They had a modest, middle class home and lifestyle, but Emir Hasad told his son that he should be thankful for every last thing he has - seeing as they were half Circassian origin, a group in Turkey that had been painfully prejudiced against in the past. Fight for your rights, always fight for your rights, Altan. His parents always told him to be proud of his origin, to be proud of where he comes from, and to always find for the little guy, the underdog, especially in a city where a scream gets lost in the herd. He had known nothing else besides the loud, roaring sounds of the city cars, the loud honking and animated language they spoke, a language he loved more than anything. Growing up in the Hasad household, however, knowledge was worth its weight in gold and Emir taught him English from an early age, as well as Arabic, Spanish, Latin, French and German. See, the Hasads were both incredibly intelligent parents, Emir being a professor in Istanbul and part time journalist, more so for fun, and his mother a graphic artist for the magazine his father worked for. Emir and Aiyla Hasad worked extremely hard, and Altan watched and admired his parents for their work ethic. He saw the sacrificing hours his parents worked, all for the love of the art of journalism, of photography, and while the journalism thing was more of a hobby for Emir and Aiyla, it became a full on obsession, so much so that Aiyla and Emir wanted a chance of their own, an American dream that could fulfill them and their son.
Altan and his parents moved to America, by the time Altan was five, to none other than Las Vegas, Nevada. It was another city bustling and beaming with light and it brought great excitement to the Hasads. However, with excitement and fun, there was prejudice against his being different, being Turkish and although Altan grew out of his thick accent, his parents faced prejudice, people questioning their level of intelligence. This made Altan so angry, to see his father, once a professor, now a delivery man and his mother a nanny - he knew they deserved more and their thirst for justice, for the underdog, for investigative journalism - it never would go away. As Altan got into high school, studying hard and already applying to colleges, he realized his dream was more than just his - it was his parents' dream as well. After his grandmother died, the day Altan graduated high school, there was a large sum left to the Hasads and with that, as if it were a sign, Altan realized what he wanted to do: go to school for journalism and open their own family newspaper: The Agent Analysis. Why? Because the Hasads were agents all their own, wanting to make a name for themselves and analyze the increasing crime and behavior in the shining beacon of Las Vegas.
Because of Altan's intense knowledge and thirst for achievement, he enrolled in Stanford University, while his parents set up the new investigative newspaper, all family owned. He would go back and forth some days, a few days in California, a few days in Las Vegas, to help his parents, but they were plenty capable and it became a great family effort. As time went by, a few years or so, the Agent Analysis became up and running, a pretty regular staple in the city of Las Vegas to report on the crime, the gambling that was going on, the seedy underbelly that not a lot of people realized and above all, like Emir Hasad always said, fought for the little guy, the underdog. He knew it was important that immigrants like the Hasads have voices, or those who were down on their luck and being taken advantage by the greed of Las Vegas. Of course, with being the voice of fairness and righteousness, it did serve the Hasads a few enemies, but Emir Hasad never backed away from it. He dug deep, walking into the belly of the beast on more than one occasion to expose all that he could. He developed quite the reputation too, for being a pain in the ass, but despite this, Altan was proud of him and by the time he graduated Stanford, moving on to work at his family's newspaper now, the two of them together were regular sleuths and reporters. It wasn't until two years ago, in 2019, that tragedy struck. Emir Hasad had been on the case, getting closer and closer to a gang that he could only describe as vicious and deep with Ukrainian ties. He never got any names, any definite proof, but that night, at Vicki's, he had tailed down some troubling people he had come across. At home, there Aiyala and Altan were, ready for Aiyala's birthday dinner and minutes turned into hours late and both were worried, after a while, about the fate of their hard-pressing Emir that stopped at nothing for the truth. Altan had encouraged him, had told him to go into the belly of the beast, but to be careful - to not miss his mother's birthday dinner, but it fell on deaf ears. Into the night, the police came by the Hasads house to inform Altan and his mother that Emir had been caught in the crossfires of some gang crime, that it couldn't have been helped, that it had been too late. It was a tragedy, a crime that from that day and that moment forward, fueled Altan in his bones and in his heart. Hatred, anger, frustration fueled him, as his mother was now a widow, and his amazing, strong father, the man that taught him everything, was gone - just like that. Altan blamed himself, blamed himself for telling him to follow the lead, to always follow the lead, but he knew what his father was. He knew what his father stood for and while he was proud of him, there would be an emptiness, a void that no one could ever fill and it was never ending.
With his father's death settled in, going into year two of no prospects of solving the crime, Altan decided to do what his family did best: investigate. Full time and full heartedly, Altan threw himself into his family's paper and didn't look back. His heart grew hard and blackened with disgust, anger over the gang and crime of Las Vegas, the senseless violence and if everyone else could demand it, he could too. He wanted the heads of the people who did this and what is a better way to do this than through his father's way - through exposure and through knowledge? He has an endless thirst now, through his family's paper, to bring down the gangs of Las Vegas and he will do what he has to do in order to cross enemy lines. He knows his father would want him to carry on with the newspaper, and going forward, the Agent Analysis has gotten more and more popular and Altan isn't stopping any time soon. His eye is on the prize and if you're in his way, watch out: he may not have a knife, but his pen is just as sharp.
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babyspacebatclone · 7 months
I had one of those realizations about ABA today.
This is very much a “needle onto a mountain with a camel underneath” thing, but I’m vaguely surprised I never personally made the connection before.
I dissociate. Very mildly; when I’m stressed, the part of me that’s “me” is up over there while the rest of my brain and body and pain is down there.
One of the things I have learned to do with this is to - physically do stuff, step by step, maintain the outside, keep the body moving while over here I’m trying to cycle through the trauma/rage/exhaustion/whatever and here there’s a little ambassador in the middle in case the body needs higher brain functions for a second.
And I can run this state for - well, with no additional trauma input, as long as it takes to complete that task. Whatever I have decided that task to “be,” I can complete it.
Then, hopefully, smile and politely remove myself from a public situation.
And then go have a meltdown.
Now, I ask anyone else* who has studied behavioral principles, specifically ABA…
How would you record that behavior???
(I took 3 undergraduate courses in ABA for my Community Psychology Bachelors. I do bot profess to be an expert, but I am at least competent in the subject)
TL;DR: Fuck anyone who tells you “only external behavior matters.”
Edit: I was aware of the implications of this for the victims of ABA “therapy.” This is more me internalizing my own experiences in contrast with the bullshit core philosophy of ABA.
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helloiamausacresfan · 3 years
The Problem with ABA "Therapy"
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Behold, the big problem with Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) "Therapy": So. Much. Time. spent on training kids away from perfectly innocuous behavior towards...not even common neurotypical behavior, from what I've seen both in real life and on the Internet instead of I don't know, actual social/life skills like asking for help, knowing when to ask for help, coping with stress(ful) situations, being a genuinely polite conversationalist/co-player, knowing their limits when it comes to what pushes them into overwhelm/meltdown mode, communicating those limits and dealing with them when they pose a possible issue, and not being a danger towards others.
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autisticslp · 3 years
Just a friendly reminder that the people who have once again won their fight for the right to shock children with devices stronger than tasers for literally any reason present at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International conference every year. If you’re an ABA professional, you can get your continuing education hours in ethics by listening to them speak about how torturing children is good, actually, and not torturing children is unethical.
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